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MPW presents The End Of Days


Ant Man got his chance to make an impression in last month’s tag team Main Event, and certainly made his mark with that steel chair. At ‘The End Of Days’, Ant Man finds himself facing one of the men he attacked in Mr Lucha III, and the luchador will be out for revenge. The remaining two competitors in that tag match are facing off this month, with Nigel Svensson challenging for Roderick Remus’ MPW Championship. Elsewhere on the card, Velocidad faces off against Raphael in what is sure to be a keenly contested match. Make sure you are there for ‘The End Of Days’!


Prediction List:

Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

Jayson Van Pelt & Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart & Shame

Velocidad vs Raphael

Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man

Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus © - MPW Championsip

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Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

Atherton is the one with feud going.


Jayson Van Pelt & Cal Sanders vs Mark Smart & Shame

Van Pelt is the top guy in this one.


Velocidad vs Raphael

Could go either way and Velicidad is probably little stronger (espesially now with heel champ) but I go with Raphael instead as he might well be the number two heel in here (it´s between him and Ant Man).


Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man

Ant Man will evetually get his chance but that will likely happen after someone (face) takes that title off from Remus


Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus © - MPW Championsip

Svensson has solid in-ring skills but his entertainment leaves lot to be desired and because of that I don´t see him taking the belt next.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 29 people in attendance...

MPW presents End Of Days


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton

Velocidad vs Raphael

A match of contrasts here; as the lightning fast Velocidad faced off against the more technically minded Raphael. Raphael started the match well; using a series of submission holds and strikes to keep his opponent pinned to the mat to negate his speed. Raphael continued this tactic for a few minutes, before looking to be more ambitious and going for a German Suplex.


Amazingly, Velocidad was able to flip out of the suplex and land on his feet, before snapping off a leaping Enzuigiri. This signalled the luchadors opportunity to really lift the pace of the match and show off his incredible speed and aerial offense. Velocidad snapped off a series of Dropkicks, before hitting a smooth Hurricanrana to send Raphael crashing to the mat.


As Raphael slowly began to rise to his feet, Velocidad sized his opponent up before bouncing off of the ropes and... he’s tripped by Sienna DeVille! Rapahel’s manager inserted herself into the match by grabbing Velocidad’s foot as he bounced off the rope, causing the luchador to stumble. This gave Raphael just enough time to recover and take advantage of a prone Velocidad, hitting the Inheritance from nowhere. Raphael then makes the cover to get the three count, but Sienna DeVille can certainly be credited with a major assist.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Raphael defeated Velocidad in 8:14 by pinfall after Sienna DeVille interfered.


Rating: D+


Mr Lucha then arrives in the ring to address the crowd.


Lucha: “Last month I spoke to you all about my willingness to give people a second chance. That people are capable of change and self-improvement… but that wasn’t all that happened last month. Last month Ant Man attacked both myself and my tag partner Nigel Svensson from behind with an unauthorized weapon in our tag match, and then continued that assault even after the match had ended. In the weeks since his attack he hasn’t made any effort to apologise to me or to Nigel, and hasn’t shown even the slightest hint of remorse. A man like that doesn’t deserve a second chance. Tonight I have my chance to face Ant Man in the ring once again. Ant Man; you may have left me bleeding on the mat last month, but that chair caught me by surprise… and I don’t fall for the same trick twice. So tonight I will have my revenge, and I will teach you some respect.”


Rating: D-


Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

This was a fun, quick paced match between these two lightweight wrestlers. Both men took to the air in their pursuit of victory, as the advantage switched back and forth frequently between the two men. While both men put on a good account of themselves, it was Jamie Atherton who walked away with the victory after hitting the Lightning Bolt.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jamie Atherton defeated Roger Monteiro in 6:37 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.


Rating: D-


Cal Sanders & Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart & Shame

A fun tag team match here. The match was very contested at a very quick pace, with momentum shifting back and forth between the two teams continuously. The quick pace and frequent tags stopped either team from dominating proceedings, and also allowed all four men to get some ring time and show off some of their offense. The end of the match came when Jayson Van Pelt was able to snap off an Axe Kick from nowhere to get the pinfall on Mark Smart.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Cal Sanders and Jayson Van Pelt defeated Mark Smart and Shame in 6:45 when Jayson Van Pelt defeated Mark Smart by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D


Roderick Remus then makes his way to the ring, with the MPW Championship slung over his shoulder. He grabs a microphone and prepares to address the crowd.


Remus: “Earlier tonight, Mr Lucha declared that following his actions last month Ant Man wasn’t worthy of a second chance... and I absolutely agree with him. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and it’s been proven that the first impression you give will impact everything else that follows. There is no second chance to make that first impression, and there are no second chances. Nigel Svensson challenged for my MPW Championship two months ago, and failed to get the job done. Tonight he gets his ‘second chance’. The problem with that is that two months ago at ‘name’ Nigel Svensson proved that he was a loser... and you can give a loser as many chances as you like, they will always be a loser. So you can give Nigel Svensson, Mr Lucha, Velocidad and all those other wrestlers I have defeated shot after shot at my belt, and I will never be deposed. All of those men have proved they can’t get the job done, and no amount of ‘second chances’ will alter that fact.”


Rating: E+


Mr Lucha III vs Ant Man

A fiery encounter here, with both men looking to take the fight to their opponent from the first bell. In the early exchanges, Ant Man’s extra power proved effective as he used high impact moves to slow down his speedier opponent. Ant Man showed a real ruthless streak, as he focused his attack on his opponents back. Ant Man stayed on top for around 4 minutes, as he hit a series of slams and suplexes, as well as Body Slamming Mr Lucha back first into the corner turnbuckle. Things looked bad for Mr Lucha, as Ant Man set him up for a Powerbomb... but Lucha was amazingly able to shift his bodyweight and reverse the manoeuvre into a Hurricanrana.


This gave Lucha the opening he had been looking for, and the luchador immediately lifted the pace of the match. Mr Lucha was all over his opponent, with a series of kicks, arm drags and a wicked Front Suplex. This flurry of offense seemed to shake Ant Man, as he looked to bail to the outside to regroup. However, Mr Lucha didn’t give him a second as he nailed a flying Senton over the top rope to send Ant Man crashing to the ground.


Lucha kept the pressure on as he rolled Ant Man back into the ring, before climbing onto the apron and nailing a Springboard Hurricanrana to send Ant Man sprawling. From here the luchador was able to land the Third Strike to pick up a hard fought victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Ant-Man in 8:20 by pinfall with a Third Strike.


Rating: D+


Nigel Svensson vs Roderick Remus ©

MPW Championship

A real back and forth technical affair here, with both men trading holds and counter-holds in an effort to gain the advantage. While many would expect this to favour Svensson, the MPW Champion surprised a few people here by matching the Swede move for move. The two men traded moves for a good few minutes, until Roderick Remus finally gained the advantage. Nigel Svensson had been trying to lock in an Abdominal Stretch, but the champion was able to flip the Swede over his hip. From here, Remus was able to get control of his opponent and began working on Svensson’s lower back.


Svensson was eventually able to battle back into the match, and began dealing out some stiff strikes to reassert his authority into the match. Remus tried to match Svensson in a striking contest, which proved to be a mistake as the champion was quickly overwhelmed by the Swede’s clean right hands. Svenssonb then looked to go back to his original tactic, and looked to get the win by submission.


This allowed Remus a route back into the match, as Remus showed great technical skill by again matching Svensson hold for hold. The two men began trading holds at a great pace, as both men desperately searched for the win. Both men had moments where it looked they may make their opponent tap out, but, in somewhat of a surprise, it was Roderick Remus who was able to lock in his signature submission hold. Remus locked in the Remus Clutch and Svensson had no choice but to tap out, giving Remus an impressive victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Nigel Svensson in 7:31 by submission with a Remus Clutch. Roderick Remus makes defence number 6 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating D+


Final Rating: D+

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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Zergon 5-0

The Effect 4-1


Prediction Contest Standings (end of series)


Zergon 50-8

The Effect 44-14

Emark 27-6

Boltinho 10-10

Condors 15-9

Pennyone 5-5

Midnightnick 4-1

Rayelek 3-1

smwilliams 3-1

Astil 3-3

King Of Old School 2-3

That’s the end of the first in-game year, meaning the end of our first prediction contest. Congratulations to Zergon for winning this contest, I’ll PM you regarding the prize asap. Thank you to everyone who predicted on this round of predictions, and I hope to see some of you back for the next round of predictions which will start with our next show.


As we’ve reached the end of our first year, I’d be interested to hear people’s opinions on the diary so far. I have a few thoughts on how things can be improved, but I would be really interested in hearing what any readers think. Anyway thanks for reading so far. :)

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-Ricky Dale Johnson, Arnold Westberry, Joel Bryant & Sammy Bach all extend deals.

-Sign PPV deal with PPV Japan to show their PPV’s in Japan.


Big Event: TCW Psycho Circus (B+) Buy Rate: 1.60

Main Event & Match of the Night: The Syndicate bt The Freedom Fighters


Title Changes: Apron Dwellers (Koshiro Ino & Eddie Peak) won the TCW World Tag Team Titles (previous holders: The New Wave (Guide & Scout), W1 Aug 09-W4 Dec 10, 15 defences)


Bookers view: An odd way to finish a great year for TCW. They finished the year the same way they started, with the Syndicate and the Freedom Fighters facing off in the Main Event on PPV... however, this latest match made no sense at all. It saw a Face Tommy Cornell team with a Heel Wolf Hawkins, who have been feuding. They faced off against a Face RDJ and a Heel Joey Minnesota. An odd Main Event for sure, but in fairness a very good match. December also saw the 18 month reign of the New Wave ended by the new team of Koshiro Ino & Eddie Peak. TCW had a great 2010 as they surpassed the SWF at the top of the industry, and will be hoping for an even better 2011.



-Following SWF’s drop to cult in November, Richard Eisen removed Peter Michaels as Head Booker early in December.

-A week later, Jerry Eisen was given the book.

-Marshall Dillon released.

-Hollywood Brett Starr called up from development.


Big Event: SWF Christmas Clash (B) Buy Rate: 3.60

Main Event & Match of the Night: Frehley, Bruce, Train & Eisen bt Money, Vengeance, Sexy & Faith


Title Changes: Bart Biggz won the SWF North American Title (previous holder: Joe Sexy, W2 Jun 10-W2 Dec 10, 17 defences)


Bookers View: It wasn’t a surprise to see Peter Michael’s lose the book after the SWF’s surprise drop to Cult. It also shouldn’t be a surprise that Jerry Eisen ended up taking over. Jerry has long been accused of playing backstage politics, and these politics may have played a part in him getting the book. The other talking point of the month was Bart Biggz winning the North American Title. His singles push since the release of his brother continues, and it will be interesting to see where he goes from here. SWF will certainly be hoping 2011 is a much better year for them than 2010.



-Shane Sneer, Tyson Baine & Baby Jamie extend deals


Big Event: USPW Made In America! (B-) Buy Rate: 1.01

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Enygma bt T-Rex to retain the USPW World Title


Bookers view: A reasonable finish to the year for USPW. The main positive this month was securing the contract extension of key man Tyson Baine. USPW have improved over the course of the year, and can certainly be happy with the year they have had.

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As we reached the end of the first year of MPW, I feel content in what we have achieved. We hadn’t achieved the levels of growth I had hoped, but the Wrestling Industry as a whole was in the toilet... which probably contributed to the fall of the SWF to Cult. However, we had managed to make a profit of over $20,000 for our first year, and were certainly improving in terms of quality. Going into next year, I’m looking to jump up to Small and when we do bring in some new talent to help the promotion grow further. 2011 is sure to be an exciting year.


But before all of that, TEW.com had released their end of year awards. Here were the results...


End of year review

Promotion of the Year: Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods

Most Improved Promotion: World Level Wrestling


Promotional Growth: SWF rose to Global; TCW rise to International; PGHW ries to National; GCG, WLW & RAW rise to Cult; 5SSW, WEXXV & NYCW rise to Regional; DIW rise to Small

Promotional Shrinking: SWF fall to Cult

Out of Business: EX2010


Wrestler of the Year: Johnny Bloodstone

Young Wrestler of the Year: Wolf Hawkins

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Jeremy Stone

Female Wrestler of the Year: DEVIL Karube


Match of the Year: Steve DeColt bt Jeremy Stone at NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Show of the Year: BHOTWG Retaliation Tour (Tuesday)

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MPW presents Road To Redemption


MPW look to start 2011 with a bang at Road to Redemption. Roderick Remus will be defending his title against Mr Lucha III, who is coming off of an impressive victory over Ant Man at ‘End Of Days’. Speaking of Ant Man, he will be looking to bounce back from that loss against Jayson Van Pelt this month. Raphael and Nigel Svensson will also face off in what is sure to be an exciting encounter. Be sure not to miss MPW: Road To Redemption!


Prediction Key:


Velocidad vs Mark Smart

Jayson Van Pelt vs Ant Man

Jamie Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

Cal Sanders vs Shame

Nigel Svensson vs Raphael

Mr Lucha vs Roderick Remus © – MPW Championship

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Velocidad vs Mark Smart

Smart is a jobber


Jayson Van Pelt vs Ant Man

Pretty much a coin flip so I go with personal preference.


Jamie Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton

Atherton is doing more.


Cal Sanders vs Shame

Could go either way but I see Sanders as slighly better guy.


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael

Could go either way too but Raphael is slighly higher on my pecking order.


Mr Lucha vs Roderick Remus © – MPW Championship

Remus has pretty much defeated everyone who could challenge him so it might be time for a face champ in order to give guys like Raphael and Ant Man title shots.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 46 people in attendance...

MPW presents Road To Redemption


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton

Velocidad vs Mark Smart

Mark Smart has struggled so far in his MPW career, failing to pick up a victory in his first year. Things didn’t look promising for him this month as he faced off against the impressive Velocidad. The luchador put on an impressive display in this match, as he showed off his incredibly flashy high-flying offence. This high octane assault proved too much for Mark Smart, as Velocidad hit the Velocidad Tornado and pick up the victory. This was an impressive victory, as Velocidad successfully bounces back from his loss to Raphael last month.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Velocidad defeated Mark Smart in 5:42 by pinfall with a Velocidad Tornado.


Rating: D+


Jayson Van Pelt vs Ant Man

On commentary, Jamie Atherton is on Van Pelt’s back through this entire match. Atherton seems to hold a grudge against Van Pelt, as he can’t believe the arrogance of the young man. JVP thought he was as good as Raphael, but Raphael showed that JVP wasn’t in his league. Atherton says that any self-respecting individual would have admitted they were wrong and apologised, but Van Pelt still retains his misplaced sense of entitlement. It makes Atherton sick.


In the ring, Ant Man was making Atherton a happy man. Ant Man’s power game was proving too much for his smaller opponent, as Van Pelt struggle to make an impact in this match. Van Pelt did manage some flurries of offence, but in the end Ant Man was able to hit the Antidote to pick up the win... much to the delight of Jamie Atherton on commentary.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ant-Man defeated Jayson Van Pelt in 6:58 by pinfall with an Antidote.


Rating: D-


Following his victory, Ant Man grabs a microphone to address the crowd.


Ant Man: “Ever since Mr Lucha got lucky last month, people have been telling me that these luchadors are the brightest talents here in MPW. I think it’s safe to say that I just proved all of those people wrong. I am the franchise player of this promotion, and I intend to prove it. I will prove to you all that last month was a fluke, as I’m challenging either of the luchadors to a match next month. I’m not a fussy man, I’ll beat either of them. It won’t even be a challenge, as I’m the Ant Man... and I can lift anything!”


Rating: D-


Roger Monteiro vs Jamie Atherton


This is a rematch from last month, and once again these two put on an open, lively paced match up. There were points in the match where both men could have taken the victory, but just like last month Jamie Atherton was able to land the Lightning Kick to pick up the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jamie Atherton defeated Roger Monteiro in 5:44 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.


Rating: D-


Cal Sanders vs Shame

This match proved to be a technical affair, with both men trading holds and counter holds throughout the match. Although Shame did manage to hold his own for a short period, Sanders superior technical skills eventually shone through and the Canadian lumberjack gained control of the match. After coming close to ending the match with a variety of submission attempt, Sanders pulled off a smooth Inside Cradle which proved enough to keep Shame’s shoulders down for the three count.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Cal Sanders defeated Shame in 6:55 by pinfall.


Rating: D


Next up, the MPW Champion makes his way to the ring to address the crowd.


Remus: “For the past year, I have consistently been the star of this company. I am the inaugural MPW Champion, and have defended my title against everybody this promotion has to throw at me. I’ve been so dominant that they’re having to give people second chances to have a shot at my title. As I’ve said before, I don’t believe in second chances, as I’ve never needed one in my entire life. I mean why would I ask for another chance at something when the result is this perfect on the first go? So you can give losers like Mr Lucha a second chance at my title, hell give him a dozen chances... because in the end all that matters is that I am the best wrestler here in MPW. I proved it in the very first MPW Championship match, and I have proved it in every Championship match since then. Tonight is just going to be another glorious chapter in my historic reign as MPW Champion!”


Rating: D-


Nigel Svensson vs Raphael

Nigel Svensson started this match strongly, really taking the fight to his opponent and showing off his strong technical skills. Raphael was forced to employ time wasting tactics to try and get a breather from the Swede’s vicious onslaught. Svensson stayed on top, showing the skills that made him a feared MMA fighter back in his native Sweden. Around 5 minutes into the match, Svensson managed to lock in his Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Things looked bleak for Raphael, but Sienna DeVille once again proved her importance as she managed to place one of Raphael’s legs onto the bottom rope. DeVille immediately alerted referee Jonathan Taylor to the leg on the bottom rope, forcing SVensson to break the hold.


Svensson looked confused why he had to break the hold. Taylor pointed to Raphael’s leg, which was still rested on the bottom rope next to Sienna DeVille. Svensson put two and two together and tried to explain the situation to the referee. Jonathan Taylor told Svensson he didn’t see anything, and DeVille began yelling at Svensson telling him he was crazy. This caused an argument between the Swede and DeVille. In this time Raphael was able to recover and surprise Svensson, catching him from behind and hitting the Inheritance from nowhere. Following this surprise and impactful manoeuvre Raphael went for the cover, even using the ropes for leverage for added insult to injury. Following the three count, Raphael immediately bailed from the ring and swiftly made his way to the back with Sienna Deville in tow, leaving an enraged Svensson in the ring.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Raphael defeated Nigel Svensson in 6:32 by pinfall following interference from Sienna DeVille.


Rating: C-


Mr Lucha III vs Roderick Remus ©

MPW Championship

With all the problems between these two over the past few months, this was a highly charged affair. Both men contested this at a frenetic pace as both men desperately searched for the victory. This frenetic pace suited Mr Lucha early on, with the luchador used to such a high tempo from his matches match in Mexico. Remus struggled early on to keep up with his opponent, but after a few minutes the champion started to get used to the pace of the match and work his way back into it.


Both men seemed intent on getting the match over early, with both competitors attempting pinfalls at every opportunity. Mr Lucha in particular showed off a wide range of impressive roll up attempts as he looked to keep the champion for a three count. This tactic would eventually back fire for Mr Lucha however, as Remus was able to roll though a Victory Roll attempt and deliver a stiff kick to his prone opponent to swing the momentum back in the champions favour.


The pace of the match finally slowed at this point, as Remus looked to wear his opponent down by locking in a series of submission holds. Remus then dropped Lucha onto his back as he attempted to lock in a Boston Crab. However, the luchador was able to shift his weight and surprise Remus by rolling him up into a pinning predicament. Remus was able to kick out at two, but then turned straight into a Third Strike from Mr Lucha! Lucha made the cover and referee Jonathan Taylor counted the 1... 2... 3!


An ecstatic Mr Lucha III was handed the belt, and celebrated his win with the few dozen fans in attendance. Meanwhile, Roderick Remus slowly made his way to the back, staring daggers into the new MPW Champion the entire way.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Roderick Remus in 7:53 by pinfall with a Third Strike. Mr. Lucha III wins the MPW Championship title.


Rating: C-


Show Rating: D+

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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January 2011


-TCW sign PPV deal with Canada 1-Choice.

-Jack Bruce joins for TCW.

-Chance Fortune extends deal.


Big Event: TCW Malice In Wonderland (B) Buy Rate: 1.94

Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Rocky Golden to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title

Match of the Night: Bruce, Cornell & McFly bt Minnesota, Vessey & Keith


Bookers view: The wrestling world had a huge shock this month, as SWF’s top star made the jump to TCW. That’s right, Jack Bruce was now on Total Wrestling. Bruce made his debut as the mystery face that had been hyped for Malice In Wonderland. In more good news for TCW, PPV’s will now be shown in Canada. All in all a great month for Total Wrestling.



-Jack Bruce leaves SWF.

-Supreme TV was dropped by C.A.N.N

-Runaway Train, John Greed, Masked Patriot, Hollywood Bret Starr & Darren Smith all extend deals.


Big Event: SWF When Hell Freezes Over (B-) Buy Rate: 3.75

Main Event & Match Of The Night: Eric Eisen bt Joe Sexy to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship


Bookers View: A terrible month for the SWF, even by their recent standards. First they lost their biggest star in Jack Bruce to arch rivals TCW. Then perhaps even more disastrously, Supreme TC was pulled by C.A.N.N, leaving SWF with no television presence in North America. It’s almost unthinkable that only a year ago, SWF was the dominant force in wrestling. The only shred of good news for SWF this month was that they managed to extend the deal of former World Champion Runaway Train.



-Commissioner Doom extends deal with USPW.


Big Event: USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams! (C+) Buy Rate: 0.97

Main Event: Tyson Baine bt Nicky Champion for the USPW World Title

Match of the Night: James Justice bt Mick Muscles


Title Changes: Tyson Baine won the USPW World Title (previous holder: Enygma, W1 Jun 2009-W3 Jan 2011, 18 defences)


Raven Robinson won the USPW Television Title (previous holder: Alicia Strong, W1 Aug 2010-W4 Jan 2011, 13 defences)


Bookers view: A busy month for USPW. Enygma’s 18 month reign as USPW came to an end, surprisingly not on PPV but in a great match on TV. The PPV itself was a disappointment in comparison.

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Zergon 6/6

Emark 4/6

Condors 4/6


Thank you to everyone who predicted on the show, and congratulations to Zergon for once again getting all of the matches correct!


Sorry for the delay on getting this posted, the next card will hopefully be up tomorrow and from there normal service should be resumed. :)

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MPW presents The World Or Nothing

‘The World Or Nothing’ sees Mr Lucha III make his first title defence against Raphael, following his title win against Roderick Remus last month. Raphael has been on a roll recently, some would say with a little help from his manager Sienna DeVille, and will be looking to end the luchadors reign before it has even began. Ant Man is another wrestler looking to end a luchadors reign, as he takes on Velocidad. Ant Man is set on removing the luchadors from MPW, and set this challenge as the first step towards that goal. Formaer champion Roderick Remus will also be in action, and all eyes will be on the cocky former champion to see how he reacts to losing the gold. All that and more, be sure not to miss it!

Prediction List:

Nigel Svensson vs Shame

Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Cal Sanders vs Jamie Atherton

Roger Monteiro vs Roderick Remus

Velocidad vs Ant Man

Mr Lucha III vs Raphael (MPW Championship)

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Nigel Svensson vs Shame

Bigger name, has more going on etc.


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

Smart is jobber while Van Pelt has storyline going.


Cal Sanders vs Jamie Atherton

This one is slighly closer but again Atherton is the guy with storyline going.


Roger Monteiro vs Roderick Remus

Remus bounces back after title loss.


Velocidad vs Ant Man

Tough one but with Lucha as champ I assume that Ant Man gets the win since he will surely challenge Lucha for the title soon.


Mr Lucha III vs Raphael (MPW Championship)

Raphael might well be the next champ but Lucha III just won the title and isn´t going to drop it yet.

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From the Ohio Jewish Center, with 31 people in attendance...

MPW presents The World Or Nothing


Remmington Remus and Jamie Atherton


Nigel Svensson vs Shame

Shame seemed wary of Svensson’s much vaunted technical skills, as he tried to jump the Swede before the opening bell to try and gain an advantage. The tactic proved moderately successful, as Shame was able to catch Svensson off guard and build a brief period of offense at the beginning of the match. However Svensson’s MMA background soon came into play, as the Swede managed to reverse Shame’s attempted moves and swing the momentum entirely into his favour. From here, the Swede was able to become more and more dominant in the match, before locking in the Hyper Extension Arm Lock to get the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Nigel Svensson defeated Shame in 5:53 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.


Rating: D+


Jayson Van Pelt vs Mark Smart

The history between Van Pelt and Mark Smart’s master, Raphael, was played up on commentary during this match. Atherton was quick to point out that Raphael was the clear victor of their feud, with Raphael in tonight’s Main Event and Van Pelt facing Raphael’s house worker on the undercard. In the ring, Van Pelt was putting on a good showing, using his flashy offence to wear down his opponent. Smart struggled to get into the match properly, and it was almost a relief when Van Pelt nailed the Axe Kick for the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Mark Smart in 6:02 by pinfall with an Axe Kick.


Rating: D-


Next we have the new MPW Champion, Mr Lucha III, make his way down to the ring to address the crowd for the first time since winning the title. Lucha slides into the ring and takes a moment to pose for the crowd before grabbing a microphone. However before he can begin speaking, Roderick Remus appears from the back with a microphone already in hand to interrupt... much to the crowds displeasure.


Remus: “While I’m sure everyone is interested in what you have to say Mr Lucha... I know that that what I have to say is a hell of a lot more important. You see, last month a travesty of justice occurred right here in MPW... but I don’t need to tell you that do I? As you were caught up right in the middle of it weren’t you Lucha? Let’s get one thing straight here, tou got lucky last month... nothing more, nothing less. But lightning doesn’t strike twice and I’m here to take my title back right now! So I demand that I am added to tonight’s Main Event so that normality can be restored.”


Lucha seems to consider Remus’ request for a moment before replying.


Lucha: “So what you’re saying... is that you want a second chance at facing me?”


Remus: “No I’m saying I deserve one, and you know it.”


Lucha: “I wouldn’t be so sure of your mind reading abilities Remus, because you have no idea what I’m thinking. However, what I know is that last month I heard you say that second chances don’t exist... so the question is, do you still stand by that statement?”


Roderick Remus initially looks furious with Lucha’s response, but gradually his look of rage morphs into a look of amusement. This seems to unnerve the MPW Champion, who had looked calm and in control up to this point.


Remus: “So that’s how you want to play it huh? How very amusing... okay I’ll play along for now, but I promise you now that I will get my title back... no matter how many people try to stop me...”


With that Remus bails from the ring and makes his way to the back, leaving a thoroughly confused Mr Lucha in the ring.


Rating: E+


Cal Sanders vs Jamie Atherton

A surprisingly good match here; as the arrogant Jamie Atherton faced the more grounded Cal Sanders. Atherton started the match well, using his speed advantage to get in his shots and keep his opponent at arm’s length. However a mistake from Atherton allowed Sanders back into the match, as the Canadian was able to duck under an Enzuigiri attempt and fire off a German Suplex. Sanders then looked to keep his opponent on the mat, and was largely successful for a period. However, Atherton showed great agility to battle to his feet from an Ankle Lock, and this time was successful in landing the Enzuigiri. This provided Atherton with the opening he needed, and ‘the best dressed man in pro wrestling’ was able to land the Lightning Bolt to pick up the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jamie Atherton defeated Cal Sanders in 6:18 by pinfall with a Lightning Bolt.


Rating: D+


Roderick Remus vs Roger Monteiro

Roderick Remus was super aggressive in this match, seemingly feeling he had a point to prove having lost his MPW Championship last month. Monteiro struggled to get into the match at all, as the former champion dominated proceedings throughout. Remus possibly could have ended the match earlier, but decided to dish out a little more pain before locking in the Remus Clutch and forcing Monteiro to tap out. An impressive performance from Remus, and certainly a statement made that his eyes are firmly set on regaining the MPW Championship.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Roderick Remus defeated Roger Monteiro in 5:38 by submission with a Remus Clutch.


Rating: D-


Velocidad vs Ant Man

Ant Man started this match full of intent and purpose, as he looked to take the fight to his opponent. The powerful youngster really unloaded, releasing some of the pent up anger and frustration he held against Velocidad and his fellow luchador. At one point, it looked like Ant Man took Velocidad’s head clean off with a vicous looking Clothesline. Ant Man remained super aggressive and physical throughout the match, and really looked to dish out the pain to his opponent.


After being treated like a punching bag by Ant Man for the opening few minutes of this match, Velocidad finally managed to fight his way back into the match when he impressively reversed a Body Slam attempt from Ant Man into a reverse DDT. This gave the luchador the opening he needed, and shifted the momentum of the match entirely in Velocidad’s favour. Velocidad showed off his usual array of flashy, high flying offence, and dominated the match from this point.


Velocidad looked to have things firmly in hand when he headed to the top rope around the seven minute mark. However as the luchador set himself on the top rope, a member of the crowd jumped over the railings and pulled at Velocidad’s right leg. This caused the luchador to lose balance, and gave Ant Man the opening he needed. Taking advantage of his prone opponent, Ant Man was able to hit the Antidote and make the cover. The referee hesitated for a moment, but did eventually count the three and give Ant Man the victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ant-Man defeated Velocidad in 7:18 by pinfall with an Antidote following interference from KC Glenn.


Rating: D+


Following the match, the debuting worker grabs a microphone and hands it to Ant Man.


Ant Man: “Once again I have proven that I am the best damn wrestler in this company, and that these luchadors are ruining this company. They are over hyped, over pushed and overrated... and it saddens me to say that this lucha invasion isn’t just restricted to MPW! No, it’s a poison that’s infecting the whole of the American wrestling scene. The man in the ring with me tonight is called KC Glenn, and he joins me because his company has also become over run with luchadors that are stealing spots from hardworking American wrestlers. KC Glenn is here to help me put an end to this luchador invasion, and bring some dignity back to the American wrestling scene... and when better to start than the present? Next month KC Glenn and I will be facing off against the luchadors that plague this company in a tag team match... and when we beat you, not only will we make a statement that we are superior to you in every way, but yours truly will also earn an MPW Title match in April. I am going to crush this invasion before it even begins... because I’m the Ant Man, and I can lift anything!”


Ant Man puts another boot into the downed Velocidad for good measure, before leaving the ring with his new associate KC Glenn and making his way to the back amid a series of boos.


Rating: E+


Mr Lucha III © vs Raphael

MPW Championship

Mr Lucha seemed hugely motivated in his first title defence, and started this match like a house on fire. Rapahel struggled to get into the match early on, seemingly unable to deal with the champions luchador style moves and techniques. Mr Lucha showed off his luchador style, as he transitioned through a quick fire series of submission holds, suplexes and arm drags.


Raphael struggled to cope with his opponent’s quick fire and incessant attack. It took some well timed interference from Sienna DeVille to buy the challenger some time to catch his breath. From here the match was a lot more even, as Raphael used his technical skills to try and slow the pace of the match down. The action went back and forth for a number of minutes, with both men getting near falls. Sienna DeVille once again got involved as she grabbed hold of Mr Lucha’s foot as he bounced off of the ropes. This caused the champion to stumble into the middle of the ring... right into a vicious DDT from Raphael. Raphael rolled into the cover, as Sienna DeVille screamed on the outside thinking she had won the title for her man. However Lucha surprised Raphael by shifting his weight, and rolling the challenger up into a pinning predicament. This seemed to take the challenger completely by surprise, so much so that it was enough to get Lucha the three and retain his title.


Lucha grabs his title and celebrates with the crowd, as DeVille helps Raphael roll out of the ring. DeVille drags her man to the back, and Raphael screams at Lucha in the ring. Raphael cannot believe that Lucha caught him out like that, and is blowing his lid. The champion seems unconcerned having successfully retained his title and ignores Raphael’s hissy fit as he continues to celebrate with the crowd.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Mr. Lucha III defeated Raphael in 8:19 by pinfall with a Third Strike. Mr. Lucha III makes defence number 1 of his MPW Championship title.


Rating C


Final Rating: D+

There was a feeling some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions</span></strong></p><p> Condors 6/6</p><p> Zergon 6/6</p><p> Emark 5/6</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Prediction Contest (After 2 Shows)</span></strong></p><p> Zergon 12/12</p><p> Condors 10/12</p><p> Emark 9/12</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you to everyone who has predicted and read this show. Hope to see you all back next show <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> As always, any feedback or critique on the show will be gratefully received. Thanks again</p>
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<p>A very successful show this month, with the Main Event being the best match MPW has managed in our short history. Hopefully this proves a launching pad, as we look to increase our quality with some new signings and some new storylines being put into place. </p><p> </p><p> In early March, I received the news that new champion Mr Lucha III would be touring with WLW during April & May. This would reduce the amount of dates he was available to us, but it was something we would have to work around.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">February</span></strong><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW </span></strong></p><p> -Owen Love & Danny Jillefski signs with TCW</p><p> -Wolf Hawkins & Mighty Mo extend deals</p><p> </p><p> Big Event: TCW The War To Settle The Score (B+) Buy Rate: 1.95</p><p> Main Event: Troy Tornado bt Joey Minnesota to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title</p><p> Match of the Night: Wolf Hawkins bt Tommy Cornell</p><p> </p><p> Bookers view: A good month for TCW, as they put on yet another stellar PPV. They also managed to secure the contract extension of key talent Wolf Hawkins, who is currently involved in a hot feud with owner Tommy Cornell and went over the Brit in a match of the year candidate. The signing of Owen Love also has a lot of potential.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SWF</span></strong></p><p> -Shady K extends deal</p><p> -Joe Sexy leaves SWF</p><p> </p><p> Big Event: SWF Nothing To Lose (B) Buy Rate: 3.63</p><p> Main Event: Eric Eisen bt Lobster Warrior to retain the SWF World Heavyweight Championship</p><p> Match of the Night: Steve Frehley bt Gregory Black</p><p> </p><p> Title Changes: Angry Gilmore won the SWF North American Title (previous holder: Bart Biggz, W2 Dec 10-W4 Feb 11, 5 defences)</p><p> </p><p> Bookers View: More troubling signs for the SWF, as yet another top star walks out on the promotion. This month it was Joe Sexy who declared himself ‘too big’ for the promotion and walked away. The other talking point in the promotion was Angry Gilmore bringing Bart Biggz’s North American Title run to a premature end. It will be interesting to see if this indicates the end of Biggz’s singles push.</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">USPW</span></strong></p><p> -Puerto Rican Power, Mick Muscles, Miss Sara and Peter Valentine all extend deals.</p><p> -Danny Jillefski leaves USPW</p><p> </p><p> Big Event: USPW Red, White and Blue! (B-) Buy Rate: 1.11</p><p> Main Event & Match Of The Night: Tyson Baine bt Andre Jones to retain the USPW World Title</p><p> </p><p> Title Changes: Nicky Champion won the USPW National Title (previous holder: Peter Valentine, W1 Aug 09-W2 Feb 11, 12 defences)</p><p> </p><p> Bookers view: The main talking point in USPW this month was Peter Valentine losing the National Title... a title Sam Strong basically pulled out of retirement solely to give it to Valentine. However, the man who took it off Valentine was Strong’s protégé Nick Champion... so maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised? Any fans who hoped this would be the last they saw of Peter Valentine on their TV screens would be disappointed, as Valentine signed a contract extension at the end of the month.</p></div></blockquote>
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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MPW presents Welcome To The Future</strong></p></div><p></p><p> “Welcome To The Future” sees Ant Man take the first step in his quest to rid MPW of the ‘invading’ luchadors, as he teams up with KC Glenn to face two of the Mexican high flyers in our tag team Main Event. Will Ant Man be successful in his attempt to rid MPW of luchadors, or will his mission be stopped at the first hurdle? Find out, only at “Welcome To The Future”!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33130" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Prediction Key:<p> </p><p> Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs Raphael & Jamie Atherton</p><p> Jayson Van Pelt vs Shame</p><p> Nigel Svensson vs Mark Smart</p><p> ??? vs Roderick Remus</p><p> Los Luchas vs Ant Man & KC Glenn</p><p> </p><p> A bonus point is available for guessing the new signing who will be debuting this show?</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs<strong> Raphael & Jamie Atherton</strong></p><p>

<em>Doing more</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jayson Van Pelt</strong> vs Shame</p><p>

<em>Van Pelt is higher on the ladders.</em></p><p>


Nigel Svensson </strong>vs Mark Smart</p><p>

<em>Smart collects another loss.</em></p><p> </p><p>

??? vs <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

<em>Tough one as new guys usually get debut wins but Remus is your former champ and top heel... I go with Remus but this could easily go either way.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Los Luchas vs <strong>Ant Man & KC Glenn</strong></p><p>

<em>This is another tough one, not sure how over Glenn is but I´d assume that he´s over enough to get the win so I go with him and Ant-Man mainly because they aren´t going to get the title off from Lucha anytime soon.</em></p><p> </p><p>

A bonus point is available for guessing the new signing who will be debuting this show? </p><p>

<strong>El Hijo Del Zonk</strong></p>

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I don't normally do this, but with Zergon being the only predictor so far I thought I'd throw up a 24 hour warning to give anyone else who wanted to predict a chance to get their picks up. The show's written up, and I'll definitely get it posted tomorrow night. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<p>Cal Sanders & Roger Monteiro vs <strong>Raphael & Jamie Atherton</strong></p><p>

<strong>Jayson Van Pelt</strong> vs Shame</p><p>

<strong>Nigel Svensson</strong> vs Mark Smart</p><p>

<em>Ace Youngblood</em> vs <strong>Roderick Remus</strong></p><p>

<strong>Los Luchas</strong> vs Ant Man & KC Glenn</p><p> </p><p>

A bonus point is available for guessing the new signing who will be debuting this show?</p>

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