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TNA Wrestling 2012- - Wrestling Matters

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OOC: Hi this is my first attempt at creating a diary, along with my first go at playing TEW2010. My only other experience with the game comes from a WCW save i had on 2005.


Using a modified version of Mr Canada's decembers 2011 datebase, up dated to the start of the year. Not sure what else to say here so yeah.... my introduction.


~Monday Week Three November 2011~


04th of January 2010:- The immortal hulk Hogan arrives in TNA Wrestling in a live three hour show from the Impact Zone in Florida. Hogan promises to bring in a new era for TNA Wrestling. All the stars are told they will need to step up their game to take TNA Wrestling to the next level. The Hogan/Bischoff Era had begun. I was just a nobody at the time. A former wrestler who had to retire due to injury, who found himself as part of the TNA Creative Team, working under Vince Russo. I watched as TNA lost its identity. The X-Division the thing that made us different put on the back burner. Former WWE star after star came in to talk about how much they hated the company up north. At time in the back I thought that we were more concerned with what the WWE was doing than what was happening in our own product...


Then came the Wrestling matters campaign, I was against the idea but it was pushed though. We were promoting our show as a wrestling show but had the never to run an edition of impact that featured almost no in ring action. TNA credibility was ruined. Wrestling fans hoped that Hogan/Bischoff would see a return to the Monday night wars, when wrestling was at its best as WCW and WWF at the time went head to head. Instead the company more likes WCW during its final days... Dixie Carter TNA president deiced to take action removing Vince Russo from his position of head of the creative team. My job is left hanging in the balance.


it was after midnight when I got the call from Dixie Carter. After working in the shadows of Vince Russo for so long it was me she deciced to promote into the position of head booker. My task turning the furtune of TNA around.





#1: Bobby Roode


#1: Austin Aries


#1: Robbie E

#2: Christopher Daniels


#1: Matt Morgan and Crimson

#2: The British Invasion


#1: Gail kim

#2: Velvet Sky



#1: Gail Kim and Madison Rayne

#2: Brooke Tessmacher and Tara



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TNA Wrestling on demand brings you all our classic shows and matches right to the comfort of your own home.


TNA Impact Wrestling :- Thursday January 2012 Week 1

TNA Xplosion:- January 2012 Week 1

TNA Impact Wrestling :- Thursday January 2012 Week 2

TNA Xplosion:- January 2012 Week 2

TNA Impact Wrestling :- Thursday January 2012 Week 3

TNA Xplosion:- January 2012 Week 3

TNA Genesis 2012

TNA Impact Wrestling :- Thursday January 2012 Week 4

TNA Xplosion:- January 2012 Week 4


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Breaking News on TNA


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Phillipson is named new head booker and writer for TNA Wrestling.


In what’s come as a shock move by TNA President Dixie Carter, Form Wrestler Peter David Phillipson (PDP) has been appointed new Head Booker for Impact Wrestling and all its TV shows. TNA President Dixie Carter left the following message on her Facebook Earlier today.


“I am proud to announce that Peter Phillipson will be taking over the role of head booker with immediate effect. He knows the company after being with us for the last few years working under Vince Russo and for the past few months Bruce Prichard. I wish him the best of look in his new role with the company. “


So it seems instead of getting someone that knows the business TNA have promoted one from inside the company. Can a man who worked under Vince Russo during the Hogan and Bischoff Era really be trusted to turn around the companies’ fortune? The debate surrounding the appointment has already started with one fan stating that they are disgusted that a pretty much unknown has been given the role. One of my sources from inside the TNA locker room has disclosed. “The locker room is in shock. The feeling in the lock room is Phillipson lacks leadership ability and they are disappointed that he has been named head booker. Locker room moral has certainly taken a hit since the appointment.” With TNA Impact taping set for tonight in Orlando it seems Phillipson has allot of work to-do to convince the fans and the locker room he is the right man to take over from the Hogan/Bischoff Era.

For more reaction to the appointment of Mr. Phillipson be sure to read my weekly TNA wrestling column. The Middle Rope – Uuntil then take care – TNA NEWS REPORTER – THE MIDDLE MAN


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January week 1 TNA Impact preview



“A new era in TNA Wrestling has begun and a new number one Contender for Bobby Roode’s World Championship. An 8 Man Number one Contenders tournament will being featuring. Mr Anderson, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Bully Ray, Kurt Angle, James Storm, RVD and A unknown opponent who wins the wild card fatal foreway. Will it be Christopher Daniels, Scott Steiner, Samoa Joe or the Pope who claim the last spot in the hunt for the gold? First Round Matches on impact are James Storm V Kurt Angle and Mr Anderson V Bully Ray.


The British Invasion will take on Mexican America as both teams look to put themselves in contention for a shot at the Tag Teams Titles held by Matt Morgan and Crimson and the X-Division Championship will also be on the line as Champion Austin Aries defends the title against 5 time X-Division Champion Kazarian. Plus world champion Bobby Roode will be in attendance don’t miss this week’s TNA Impact Thursday Spike TV 9/8C”




TNA Title Wild Card Tournament Match:-

Samoa Joe V Christopher Daniels V Scott Steiner V the Pope

The British Invasion V Mexican America

X Division Championship Match:-

Austin Aries (champion) V Kazarian

TNA World Championship 1# Contenders Tournament:-

Mr Anderson V Bully Ray

TNA World Championship 1# Contenders Tournament:-

James Storm V Kurt Angle


OOC: Should be looking to have my first episode of impact done by friday evening at the lastest
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TNA Impact Week 1 TV Taping: Monday Jan Week 1

Location: Impact Zone!

Attendance: 1,800 Sell out crowed


Pre-show segment: - TNA Television Champion Robbie E V Kid Cash


In what went down as a awful match that lacked any heat from the crowed in attendance at the impact zone. TNA Television Champions Robbie E Defeated Kid Cash in 9:34 seconds using the cutter. Final segments rating E+



Impact comes on air to the music of the World Champion Bobby Roode. Bobby struts down to the ring posing with the TNA World Heavyweight championship over his shoulders.


When he gets to the ring he takes hold of one of the microphones. The camera focuses in on him in the ring as he starts to speak. “Well, Well, Well it seems like we are here at the start of the New Year and what people have dubbed a new era here in the impact zone.” Bobby Roode pauses for a second looking around the impact zone. “Well I had ever intention of coming here tonight and putting my world championship on the line. There is just one problem. There is no worthy opponent left on the roster to face.” He stops looking at a fat fan in the front row he was making inapporit signals towards him. “What? Do you want a shot at me? Do you think you can take this belt from me? You don’t have what it takes to win something like this. You see nothing else matter; I will do anything and everything to hold this world championship. My friends don’t matter, my wife doesn’t matter and sure as hell you fans don’t matter.” He stops looking back towards the main camera position. “Now I get here and see that Sting has announced a tournament to decide who my opponent at genesis is. A tournament with people like AJ Styles?” The crowed on the impact zone cheer when his name is mentioned. “It took 30 minutes plus over time and he couldn’t take the belt from me. Mr Anderson? You mean he still has a job down here. The man I pinned 1,2,3 in the middle of this ring James Storm? Hell we all know I was the one that carried beer money then Jeff Hardy, if he can even make it to the ring. No of them are contenders for this title, none of them are in my league. I refuse to defend the title against these people come genesis.”


Stings music his and he is scene on the ramp way at the impact zone. “Bobby, Bobby, Bobby. Did you just refuse to put the belt on the line?” Bobby Roode can be seen mouthing in the ring. They aren’t worth, aren’t worth. “Now Bobby may I remind you Dixie Carter put me in charge here and we play by my rules. And If you don’t defend the title against the winner of this tournament come genesis. Then bobby you’ll be stripped of the gold.”

Bobby Roode in seen in the ring looking irate with himself. “You can’t do that; you can’t make decisions like that?” he shouts back at sting from the ring. String laughs back at bobby roode, “Oh Bobby I can and will... ta...ta... for now” with that sting drops the microphone and he go to the adverts. (b-)


Advert Break:-


TNA Number one Contenders Tournament Wild Card Matchup:-Christopher Daniels V the Pope V Somoa Joe V Scott Steiner.

The four men make their way to the impact zone for the wild card match that will decide the last person to enter the wild card tournament. The match between the four of them is very competitive but lacks any real heat from the crowed. It comes to an end when D’Angelo Dinero hit the DDE on Christopher Daniels to advances into the first round proper. (C+)


Advert Break:-


The Pope D’Angelo Dinero is seen backstage celebrating his victory. “Can you feel it? Can you?” Dinero says smiling to the camera. “The time of The Pope is here, at Genesis when I win the world championship. When I fulfil my destiny everyone will know why The Pope if Pimp!” (B)


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TNA X Division Championship Match:-

Austin Aries V Kazarian


Austin Aries makes his way to the ring for his X-Division Championship match against Kazarian. The match features good in ring action by lacks heat from the crowed. It comes to a end with Austin Aries gets a flash pin-fall victory over Kazarian, by using the ring ropes for leverage. (c-)


After The match Austin Aries Attempts to beat down his opponent in the ring. Kazarian starts to fight back and gain the upper hand causing Austin Aries to jump from the ring and flee though the crowed leaving kazarian standing alone in the ring. (D-)


Advert Break:-


TNA Number one Contenders Tournament First Round Matchup:-

Bully Ray V Mr Anderson


Bully Ray and Mr Anderson take to the ring for their first round match up. The match’s featured both good in ring action and also good heat from the crowed. The contest came to an end after 14 minutes when Bully Ray hit the Bully Bomb ended the contest and advancing into the semi-finals of the world championship tournament. (B)


Advert Break:-


We return the impact zone to the sound of Velvet Skys music. She makes her way down to the ring taking one of the microphones from the ring side. “Now... now for the last few months the knock out division of TNA has been terrorised by two bitches. Now I don’t know about you guys but I am sick to death of seeing Madison Rayne and that wench partner of her’s Gail Kim matching around like they own the place.” Velvet stops posting herself in the middle of the ring looking up to the ramp way. “Now Gail I know you’re back there so get your ass out here right now.”


Gail’s Music hits and she is shown on the ramp way into the Impact Zone. “Velvet, Velvet. You come out here running your mouth well I am all ear. What do you want?” Responds Gail from the entrance way. “Gail I am sick of seeing you with that knockout Championship. I demand A match with you at Genesis!” Gail stands smiling back towards Velvet. “You want a match for the Knockout Championship. Alright you have got it, I am going to enjoy beating that pretty face of you’re to a bloody pulp.” D+


Impact cuts to Kurt Angle back stage getting ready for him Match with James Storm later on tonight. He is asked about how he feels taking on an opponent that has already beaten him twice in the last few months. “James Storm? How do I feel about taking on James Storm? James Storm isn’t a wrestler he is a thug. A Thug that got lucky. At Final Resolution I proved that I was the better man. I beat the living hell out of him. Still somehow I came up short, well that’s the past. Tonight I’ll beat him then come Genesis retine my world heavy weight championship. It’s real James Storm, it’s damn real. C+


Tag Team Action

The British Invasion V Mexican America

Mexican America and the British invasion take to the ring. In a Match that has good inring action but lacks heat from the crowed The British Invasion score the victory when Magnus hits the MDD on Hernandez after 9 minutes of action. ©


After the match Mexican America hit the ring attacking the British invasion from behind. They beat them down leaving there opponent laying in the middle of the ring. Hernandez says that the Tag Team Champions are next as they leave the impact zone. (D)


Advert Break:-


We are shown a short video recapping the story line between James Storm and Kurt Angle. We see images of James Storm winning the World Heavyweight Championship from him and again getting the victory at final resolution.


TNA Number one Contenders Tournament First Round Matchup:-

James Storm V Kurt Angle


In a Match that has good in ring action, played out in front of a hot crowed James Storm scored a third victory over the Olympic gold medallist after hitting the last Call after 19 minutes of action. The Victory sees James Storm join Bully Ray in the Semi-Finals of the Number One Contenders Tournament. (B+)


After the Match Kurt Angle is seen in the ring clearly frustrated after losing for a third time to James Storm, as he is shown celebrating on the ramp way getting one step closer to winning his World Championship back from Bobby Roode. ©


© TNA Wrestling 2012


Final Show Rating: B-

TV Ratings: 1.09

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Here is a recap from last nights Raw and Superstars TV taping:-


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WWE Superstars:-

Curt Hawkins defeated Trent Barreta

Tamina defeated Alicia Fox

Brodus Clay defeated Justin Gabriel

Heath Slater defeated Mason Ryan


WWE Raw:-

Tyson Kid defeated Evan Bourne

Santino Marella defeated Curt Hawkins

AJ defeated Kelly Kelly

Drew Mcintyre defeated Percy Watson

Christian got a time limit draw with The Big Show

John Cena defeated Mark Henry

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Xplosion TV Taping


Event: Xplosion TV Taping - Tuseday Week 1

Location: The Impact Zone

Attendance: 1,220



Pre-show:- Austin Aries VS Rob Van Dam


Austin Aries and Rob Van Dam make their way to the ring for the Pre Explosion Match-up. The match is hot featuring a lot of great action from the X-Division Champion and RVD. The reaction from the fans however was only average at best. The match ended with RVD getting the pin fall on the champion after hitting the Five Star Frog Splash.



Xplosion opens with a video package off the main event from Impact Wrestling. The video shows James Storm hitting the Last Call on Kurt Angle and getting the pin fall to advance in the number one contender’s tournament. It then features Kurt Angle showing his frustration in the ring after once again being pinned by James Storm. The Camera cuts to the commentary team as they discuss what happened on Impact Wrestling.


Zema Ion V Kid Kash V Jesse Sorensen


Zema Ion, Jesse Sorenesen and Kid Kash come out for the opening match on Explosion. Kid Kash was challenged by the two youngests who both had opportunities to pick up the win. Despite the non-existent heat coming from the crowed all three men worked a solid bout. The match came to an end after 9:28 seconds when Kid Cash pinned Zema Ion. (D)


Advert Break:-


We see the Knockout Champion Gail Kim back stage with her Tag Team Partner Madison Rayne. Gail Kim wants to talk about Velvet Sky and her up and coming knockout title defence at Genesis. “Velvet Sky, you think you can take this knockout’s championship away from me. Velvet you’re not a wrestler you’re nothing but a skank. I hope you’re watching this tonight Velvet because you’ll see what you are up against come Genesis.” (D+)



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TNA Knockout's Tag Tam Championship

Madison and Gail V Sarita and Rosita


The Knockout Team Championship is on the line as Madison and Gail defend against Sarita and Rosita. The Knockout’s put on a solid wrestling match but fail to generate much heat in front of the crowd in the impact zone. The match finished by pinfall after Gail Kim hit Rosita with the Hurricarana. (D+)


Advert Break:-


Jerry Lynn V Robbie E


Television Champion Robbie E took on Jerry Lynn in a none title match. Jerry Lynn helped carry Robbie E to a match that featured a lot of solid in-ring action between the two competitors. Despite their best efforts however the match failed to generate any heat from the crowd. The match ended with Jerry Lynn hitting Cradle Piledriver and pinning Robbie E for the Victory after 10:34 (D-)


We see Kazarian back stage warming up for his match with The Monster Abyss. He is asked about how he felt after losing to Austin Aries on Impact in the X-Division Title Match. “How Do I feel? How do you think I feel? That match was mine. I had the title won and Austin Aries. He had to cheat to beat me. Well it doesn’t matter you know why? Tonight I’ll beat The Monster Abyss and then double A. I’ll be coming to take that title belt from you.” The segment closes with Kazarian heading to the ring. (C-)


Advert Break:-


Abyss VS Kazarian


In the Evenings Main Event Kazarian took on The Monster Abyss. The match featured good offense from both competitor’s and got a good reaction from the crowd generating some nice heat. The Finish came with Abyss hitting the black hole slam on Kazarian after Austin Aries ran in to interfere. (D+)

After the match Austin Aries continues the assault on Kazarian. Austin Aries hits Kazarian with the X-Division championship belt cutting his head open. Explosion heads of the air with Aries posing over a beaten down Kazarian. (D)


© TNA Wrestling 2012


Post Show:- Kurt Angle V Samoa Joe


In the dark main event of the evening, Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe put on a solid match that got a good reaction from the crowd. The match ended with Kurt Angle getting Samoa Joe to submit to the ankle lock submission. (C-)


Final Show Rating:- D-

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Curt Hawkins defeated Trent Barreta

The Bella Twins defeated the Diva's of Doom

Jackson, Gabriel and Ryan defeated Otunga, McGuillicutty and Slater

DiBiase and JTG defeated Hunico and Clay


WWE:- Smackdown


O'Niel and Watson defeated Epico and Primo

Young, Mahal and Hawkins defeated Curtis, Barreta and Jimmy Uso

The Diva's of Doom defeated The Bella Twins

Heath Slater defeated Yoshi Tatsu

Cody Rhodes defeated CM Punk

Randy Orton defeated Alberto Del Rio


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ROH:- Ring of Honor Wrestling


Andy Ridge defeated Mike Bennett

Jay Briscoe defeated Tommaso Ciampa

Roderick Strong defeated Eddie Edwards

Davey Richards defeated Jimmy Jacobs to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Championship.



IMPACT Wrestling Preview


This week on TNA Impact the Number One Contenders Tournament continues as wild card winner The Pope takes on RVD and a massive main event as AJ Styles takes on Jeff Hardy. Who will join Bully Ray and James Storm in the Semi-finals of the tournament? The Tag Team Championship will also be on the line as Matt Morgan and Crimson take on The British Invasion and Velvet Sky prepares for her Genesis Knockout’s Championship Match by taking on one half of the Knockout Tagteam champions Madison Rayne. Christopher Daniels faces Brain Kendrick


Plus more reaction from Kurt Angle following his defeat to James Storm and Bobby Roode confronts Sting over the stipulations of his world title defence at the Genesis PPV.


Christopher Daniels V Brian Kendrick

Velvet Sky V Madison Rayne

TNA Tag Team Championship:-

The British Invasion V Matt Morgan and Crimson

#1 Contenders tournament first round matchup:-

The Pope V RVD

#1 Contenders tournament first round matchup:-

AJ Styles V Jeff Hardy


Prediction league prize:- Pick the #1 Contender for the TV Championship at Genesis... Competition ends on after the last Edition of Impact before the PPV.
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TNA Impact Week 2


Impact Wrestling Week 2 TV taping

Location: Impact Zone!

Attendance: 1,800 sell-out crowd


Pre-show:- Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash V Zema Ion and Jessee Sorensen


The dark match from this week’s edition of Impact Wrestling featured in ring veterans Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash, making their first appearance as a tag team take on the rookies of Zema Ion and Jessee Sorensen. The match was an even contest with the advantage switching between the two on numerous occasions. The finish came after 10:17 seconds when Jerry Lynn hit his cradle piledrive before covering Zema Ion to score the win. The match was a solid bout for our pre-impact match up. (C-)



Impact Wrestling comes on air as Stings music’s hits he makes his way down to the ring holding a contract in his hand. “People… People… People last week we saw Bobby Roode refuse to defend his title belt at our Genesis PPV against the winner of our Championship Tournament.” The crowd in the Impact zone react with a chorus of boos. “I know right? Well don’t worry because after last week’s show I got on a plane to TNA Head Quarters. Spoke to Dixie Carter and got this little thing.” Sting is shown holding up the clip board with the contract on the back. “Now people this is a legal contract. A contract that says Bobby Roode must defend that title at Genesis. In fact if he doesn’t defend the title belt at Genesis. Dixie has given me permission to see Bobby Roode striped of the title. Now all we need to do is make this official so Bobby, come on out her Champ.”


Bobby Roodes entrance music comes on he slowly makes his way down to the ring with his normal smug arrogant look. He gets in the ring calling for one of the microphones at ring side. “Well Sting, It looks like you got me. Congratulations well done it seems like I don’t have a choice but to defend my belt at Genesis. You know what though it really doesn’t make any difference why because I am the IT factor of this company. I am the money maker, the big draw the only reason anyone watches this show. The only reason people buy our PPV is to watch me.” The champion stops looking very smug with himself. “There is no one in the locker room than come close to me. It doesn’t matter who I have to face because I will come out on top because unlike anyone in the back. I’ll do what it takes to keep that championship belt around my waist.”


“The IT Factor, the draws hay Bobby? Well in that case I get there is just one thing left to-do sign the contract and make the title defence official.” Bobby Roode takes the contract out of Stings hand signing his name on the dotted line. Passing the contract over he poses with the title belt before turning the leave. “Hay Bobby not so fast there is something else you need to know.” Bobby Roode stops turning back to face Sting. “You see Dixie she isn’t happy with some of the tactics you have been using since become world champion. Hitting people with beer bottles, attacking them from behind it doesn’t give us good image.” Again Bobby Roode smirks at some of his past accolades. “You see Bobby there is one more thing you need to know about this championship match-up. When me and Dixie made that contract you just signed we put a little cause in there. Your title match at Genesis will first be a no disqualification match. Then second is that we will have a special guest referee.” Bobby Roode is left living in the ring. “Care to guess who Dixie appointed to the role?” Sting askes with a smile of his own “I’ll see you at Genesis Bobby” Sting finishes off.


Sting drops his microphone to the ground getting out the ring and heading up the ramp way. Sting and Bobby Roode exchange words as the Impact General Manager leaves. When he gets to the top of the entrance way however he is jumped by Ric Flair. The Nature boy beats on Sting forcing him back towards the ring and throwing him inside. Bobby Roode picks up Sting and hits him with a bridging cradle suplex knocking Sting out.


Ric Flair makes his way into the ring and continues to put the boots in on Sting as Booby Roode takes up the Microphone again. “Sting it seems you’re not the only one who forgot to mention something. I figured you might force me to defend the title so I got myself some back up. At Genesis I’ll have no other than the legend Ric Flair in my corner as my manager.” Bobby Roode then passes the Microphone over to Ric Flair. “Wooo!!!! That’s right, I have chosen to help guide Booby Roode because he is the IT factor. He is the best wrestler in this company and will be leaving Genesis still World Heavyweight Champion. Wooooo!!!!!!!” After cutting the promo Flair and Bobby leave the ring whilst Sting gets some medical attention. (B)


Advert Break:-


Christopher Daniels V Brian Kendrick


In the opening contest of Impact two former X-Divisions champions faced off against each other. The similar styles between the two competitors made for an exciting match with good action in the ring. The fast paced action managed to generate some heat as both Daniels and Kendrick exchanged blows. The match ended with Christopher Daniels getting a pin fall victory after hitting his Angel’s Wings finisher. (C+)


Christopher Daniels grabs the microphone after his victory over Brian Kendrick. “Now that I have taken care of business with Brian I have something I need to get off my chest. So right now we are having this world Championship Tournament. Now instead of getting my automatic spot like I should. Last Week on Impact I was forced to play second fiddle in the Wild Card Matchup.” Christopher Daniels stops for a second getting close to one of the camera at ring side. “Once again instead of getting the push I deserve. I was pushed aside to make way for a wrestler who couldn’t cut it up north. TNA was built on the back of the X-Division. Matches between me and AJ Styles, matches between me and Samoa Joe. What have I got for my hard work? My reward? Hell I have been fired twice? Whilst people like Jeff Hardy, RVD come down here and are handed world title shots. Brian Kendrick is just another example of a wrestler who doesn’t deserve to work her. Well you know what? If TNA Management won’t give me an opportunity I guess it’s time to start making my own. (C+)




We head back stage as the X-Division Champion Austin Aries is cutting a promo. “Kazarian last week on Impact Wrestling I pinned you for the world to see. Then on Xplosion I cost you your match with Abyss. And you know what Kazarian I enjoyed every minute of it and I would…” the promo is cut short as Kazarian appears back stage.


“What Austin? What? We all know that the only reason you were able to beat me was because you used the ropes for leverage. You want to talk about being the better man and how you proved it. Well why don’t you prove it again come Genesis?” Kazarian asks getting in the face of the X-Division Champion.


Austin Aries smiles looking a little bemused. “Alright Kazarian I’ll give you one more shot but only one more shot.” He replies to the rather happy looking Kazarian. “One shot is all I need to beat you Austin.” Kazarian replies before hitting A Double with a big right hand knocking him to the ground. (D+)


Advert Break:-


Velvet Sky V Madison Rayne


As we return from the adverts we have our knockout division matchup. Number one contender Velvet Sky faces off against one half of the Knockout Tag Team Champions Madison Rayne. As the match plays out you can see the chemistry between the two former members of the Beautiful People. Velvet Sky picks up the win after hitting Madison Rayne with a Double Knee Backbreaker scoring an important victory before her world title match at Genesis with Gail Kim. (D+)




Gail Him hits the ring as soon as the match ends jumping Velvet Sky from behind. Soon enough Madison Rayne gets involved and the knockout tag team champion’s two on one Velvet. They aren’t able to keep the advantage going however as Velvet manages to fight back sending Madison Rayne to the outside. She turns around to get a hold of Gail who quickly leaves the ring heading up the entrance way. Velvet clearly wants to get her hands on the knockout Champion. (D)




The British Invasion are backstage before there Tag Team Title Matchup against Morgan and Crimson. Magnus takes the microphone. “Last week on Impact Wrestling we proved we were the better team by taking out Mexican America. Tonight Morgan and Crimson we are coming for them Tag Team Championship Belts.” Douglas Williams takes over “January 17th 2010, two years ago was when our last Title rain came to an end. It’s time for us Brits to take back what is ours.” the challenges then walk away ending the segment. ©


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TNA Tag Team Championship Match:-

The British Invasion V Crimson and Matt Morgan


The Tag Team Championship is on the line as Crimson and Matt Morgan defend against the British Invasion. Both teams look solid during the match with Magnus looking extremely dangerous. The Tag Team Titles almost changed hands on a number of occasions with the British Invasion scored near fall after near fall. The match ended via disqualification however after Mexican America hit to ring attacking both The British Invasion and Crimson and Matt Morgan. ©


Mexican America continues to assault both the British Invasion and the Champions Crimson and Matt Morgan. After throwing Doug Williams and Magnus to the outside Hernandez takes one of the Tag Team Belt and proceeds to strike both Crimson and Morgan in the head cutting them both open. As Mexican America beat down on the Champions the British Invasion are given time to regroup. They Jump back in that causes the Mexicans to flee from the ring and up the entrance way. Doug Williams and Magnus then face off against Crimson and Morgan. The Brits hand over the title belts before leaving the ring. The segment ends with us going to adverts. (C-)


Advert Break:-


TNA Number one Contenders Tournament First Round Matchup:-

D’Angelo Dinero V Rob Van Dam


In a first round Match-up in the Number One Contenders Tournament D’Angelo Dinero takes on RVD. The crowd is instantly into the match with fans chanting for both the Pope and The Hole F’N Show. The contest is evenly matched to the finish when D’Angelo Dinero hits the Running Double High Knee so score an upset victory to advance in the Tournament. ©


D’Angelo Dinero sits in the middle of the ring looking shocked after picking up the victory over RVD. He stands up having is hand raised in victory. He then signals to the crowd that he will become the next world champion by beating Bobby Roode at Genesis. (B)


Advert Break:-


We hear the sound of the music from the Olympic gold medallists Kurt Angle he makes his way to the ring taking one of the Microphones at ring side. “Last week, once again TNA management decided to put me in a match against James Storm. Now once again he defied to odds and beat me for a third time. So now freakin James Storm is in the Semi-finals of this tournament are you for real. James Storm doesn’t wrestle. He doesn’t do wrestling moves he ju….”


James Storm music’s hits and he makes his way down to the ring. “Kurt Angle! What is your problem? I have beaten you three times, three times yet you just come out here and say the same thing. No one cared the first time Kurt and you know what no one cares now. You lost face it.” James Storm replied getting in the face of the Olympic gold medallist.


Kurt Angle uses to opportunity to take a cheap shot on James Storm kicking him in the mid-section, James Storm stumbles dropping his beer bottle to the ground. Kurt Angle follows his kick with his own version of the Last Call Superkick. The kick doesn’t knock James Storm out though. He gets to his feet as Kurt Angle smashes the bottle over James Storms head knocking him back down to the matt. He then turns Storm over applying the Ankle Lock submission hold. James Storm is in pain smashing his fist against the matt with blood dripping down his face. Kurt Angle finally releases to hold when TNA officials hit the ring. He once again takes the Microphone. “Good look next week Storm.” Kurt Angle wishes him before leaving the ring. The TNA officials are checking up on James Storms ankle. (C+)


Advert Break:-


As we come back on air we see Tazz and Mike Tenay sitting at the announce table. The two announcers put over the main event of this edition of Impact between AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy (B)


TNA Number one Contenders Tournament First Round Matchup:-

Jeff Hardy V AJ Styles


In the Evenings Main Event Jeff Hardy took on AJ Styles. The match between the two fan favourites helped get a good reaction from the crowd. Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles both showed there experience in the ring. The match had a number of high flying spots that added to the in-ring action. Eventually AJ Style picked up the victory to advance with a Springboard 450 splash. ©


© TNA Wrestling 2012


Final Show Rating: C

TV Ratings: 1.8

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WWE week 2 raw and Superstars results



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WWE Superstars:-

Johnny Curtis defeated Derrick Bateman

Kelly Kelly and Maxine went to a double DQ

David Otunga defeated Mason Ryan

Justin Gabriel defeated Heath Slater


WWE Raw:-

Brodus Clay defeated JTG

Michael McGuillicutty defeated Yoshi Tatsu

Kaitlyn defeated Tamina

Kane defeated Tyler Reks

Wade Barrett defeated Randy Orton

Maclntyre and Rhodes defeated CM Punk and The Big Show

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TNA Xplosion Week 2 TV taping

Location: Impact Zone!

Attendance: 1,317


Pre-show dark Match: - Zema Ion defeated Jessee Sorensen


Zema Ion faced off against Jessee Sorensen in the dark match of tonight’s Xpolsion taping. The two young athletes put on a strong bout as the similar styles made for an entertaining contest. Zema Ion eventually got the victory via pin fall ending the contest. (E+)


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TNA Xpolsion TV Taping:-


Gunner V Eric Young


Xpolsion comes on air with our opening contest. Eric Young and Gunner both make their way down to the ring. The match features good in ring action with Gunner looking particular dangerous. Gunners finally picked up the win in dominate fashion after nailing Eric Young with a Fireman's carry facebuster. (D+)


Gunner continues the assault after the bell has been rung. He picks up Eric Young and hits his fireman carry facebuster before throwing Eric Young to the outside. One on the outside he moves back one of the mats exposing the concrete floor here in the Impact Zone. Gunner then signals to the crowd being drilling Eric Young’s skull into the concrete. The segment comes to an end with Eric Young receiving medical attention. (D+)


Advert Break:-

Mickie James V Winter


Xpolsion returns with a match from the Knockout Division. The two former Knockout Champions face off in a good contest that has solid action but fails to generate a lot of heat from the crowd. Mickie James picks up the win after using her version of the DDT after 9 minutes of in ring action. The segments end with Mickie James leaving the Impact Zone. The announce team talk about the possibility of a future Knockout Championship Match against Gail Kim. (C-)


Advert Break:-


The next match on the card is a Television Championship Matchup. The challenger Shannon Moore makes his way down to the ring. The former member of Ink Inc gets a small pop from the crowd. Just as he is about to get into the ring Christopher Daniels comes down attacking Shannon Moore from behind. Daniels beats down Moore on the outside before throwing him into the ring. Once inside he sets up The Angels Wings knocking Shannon Moore out cold. Christopher Daniels then grabs the Microphone. “I got to the Impact Zone tonight and saw that Shannon Moore was booked in the TV Title match instead of me. I told you on impact, I am sick to death of people walking into this company and getting opportunity before me! Well Robbie, TNA Management it looks like since Shannon Moore can’t compete tonight. Robbie E is going to need a new opponent me!” (D+)


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TNA Television Championship Match:-

Christopher Daniels V Robbie E


Robbie E in introduced to the match up and starts his defence of the TNA TV Championship. Christopher Daniels is dominating from the start and his years of experience can really be seen against the young Robbie E. The match comes to an quick end when Christopher Daniels uses The Angel’s Wings to get the cover and the three count because the new TNA Television Champion. (D-)


Christopher Daniels celebrate in the ring with his newly won Television Championship. He quickly grabs the microphone from ring side as Robbie E roles out from the outside of the ring. “You see this? It looks good doesn’t it?” Daniels says to the fans holding up the TV Championship. “Time and time again people have been pushed ahead of me. You fan like management in the back over looked me. Hell I don’t need TNA management, I don’t need Sting, I don’t need head booker for TNA Mr Phillipson and I sure as hell don’t need you stinking fans chanting my name.” The speech gets a reaction of boos from the crowd in the impact zone. “Yeah you can boo all you want. This Television Championship is just the start. There is a new revolution on the horizon.” Christopher Daniels drops the microphone to ground because heading to the back with the fans still booing him. (C+)


Advert Break:-


Xpolsion comes back on the air with a video featuring the recent match on Impact between The British Invasion and Mexican America. The video highlights Mexican America beating down the British Invasion after the bout has finished and telling the world the Champions were next. The video then shows the ending of the Tag Team Championship match on Impact that saw both the British Invasion and Matt Morgan and Crimson beaten down by Mexican America. (D-)


Mexican America V Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash


Mexican America makes their way out to ring to face Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash in the nights main event match. The contest starts very evenly matched with both teams having their fair share of the offence. Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash seemed to have developed some chemistry as a tag team and showing signs of improvement. As the match wares on Mexican America start to gain the advantage in this contest. The Mexican’s pick up the win after Hernandez pins Jerry Lynn ending a solid bout between the two tag teams. (D+)


© TNA Wrestling 2012


Final Show Rating: D+

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Trent Barreta defeated Donny Marlow

The Divas of Doom defeated the Bella Twins

JTG defeated Hunico

Daniel Bryan defeated Drew Mclntyre


WWE:- Smackdown

David Otunga defeated Percy Watson

Jinder Mahal defeated Jimmy Uso

The Brothers of Destruction defeated Alicia and Kelly?.?.?.?

Beth Phoenix defeated Eve to retain the Divas Championship

Air Boom defeated Ziggler and Swagger

John Cena went to a time limit draw against The Miz


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Ridge defeated Ciampa, Coleman and Bennett

Cedric Alexander defeated Grizzly Redwood

Jay Lethal defeated Strong, Jay Briscoe and Edwards to retain the ROH World Television Title

Wrestling Greatest Tag team defeated Corino and Steen




And then there were four. With a week to go before out Genesis PPV AJ Styles, The Pope, Bully Ray and James Storm are set to battle it out to decide who will join Bobby Roode in the Main event for the World Championship. Semi-final matches include AJ Styles V The Pope and Bully Ray V James Storm with the winners meeting in our TNA impact main event. Which one of these four stars will advance to the Genesis PPV?


The X-Division returns to Impact with number one contender Kazarian taking on Zema Ion and also in a preview to the knockout championship match and Genesis Velvet Sky teams with Micky James to face to Knockout Tag Team Champions Gail Kim and Madison Rayne in a none title match.


Plus TNA Wrestling welcome a major new signing to the Impact Zone this Thursday night.


#1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final Match 1:-

AJ Styles V The Pope



Kazarian V Zema Ion



#1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final Match 2:-

Bully Ray V James Storm



Micky James & Velvet Sky V Madison Rayne and Gail Kim



#1 Contender Tournament Final Match :-

Winner of Semi-Final 1 V Winner of Semi-Final 2


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Impact TV Taping week 3


Impact Wrestling Week 3 TV taping

Location: Impact Zone!

Attendance: 1,800 sell-out crowd


Pre-show dark Match: - Sarita and Rosita V Winter and Love

The first of two Dark Matchs before Impact features a solid bout that say Sarita and Rosita defeat Winter and Angelina Love. The finish of the match came after 7:42 seconds when Rosita gained a pinfall victory after hitting Winter with a Moonsault. D+


Pre-show dark Match: - Jesse Sorensen V Robbie E

The second dark watch is what can only be describing as an awful match. Jesse Sorensen defeated Robbie E by pinfall with the spear. Nothing the two men could do worked in the ring or get the crowd going. Subpar performance that both men need to improve on if they are to make the way up the card. E+



TNA Number one Contenders Tournament semi-final Matchup:-

Bully Ray V James Storm


TNA Impact opens with the first of two semi-final matches in the #1 contender’s tournament. First up Bully Ray makes his way down to the ring followed by James Storm. James Storm can be seen to favour his right leg as he makes his way down, the commentators remind us about Kurt Angles attack last week on impact. The match starts with Bully Ray taking the upper hand almost straight away. He heads to work on the injured leg trying to stop James Storm from waking. As the match roles on Bully Ray starts to dominate James Storm. The crowd are trying to get behind and rally the Tennessee cowboy. Bully Ray is off shouting at the crowd when out of nowhere Last Call Super Kick. James Storm covers him and gets the unlikely to advance into the finals. C-


The Camera cuts to the backstage area as James Storm music plays in the impact zone. We see Kurt Angle standing in front of monitors in the locker room. He turns away after the match’s has finished shaking his head. The beatdown and injury inflicted on James Storm last week wasn’t enough to stop him advancing in the tournament. C+


-Advert Break-


We come back on air with a short video package. The video shows Kazarian and Austin Aries, and the feud they have has so far over the X-Division Championship. The commentators mention that at this Sunday we will see Kazarian challenge Austin Aries for the title belt. D


Kazarian V Zema Ion


Kazarian makes his way to the ring to face Zema Ion. Both works look impressive in the ring and the contest is pretty even. The action is full of high flying moves as Zema bring on his normal impressive offence of moves. Despite this both Kazarian and Zema Ion fall to get the crowd going inside the impact zone. The match eventually ends by pinfall after Kazarian hits his Reverse STO ending a solid X-Division style match. An Impressive win for the number one contender going into Genesis. D+




We are backstage before the second Semi-final match of the #1 Contenders tournament. The Pope is asked about how he feels about facing off against a former World Champion AJ Styles. “How does the Pope feel about facing a former World Champion? I won the wild card in this tournament. I beat Scott Steiner a multiple time World Champion that’s featured around the world. I beat Samoa Joe a former TNA World Heavyweight Champion and last week in what many people call the match of my career I put away Rob Van Dam. I’ve been facing world champions all though this tournament. No one has come close to touching the Pope. AJ Styles will be no different, James Storm will be no different and come Sunday I’ll have the biggest bling of them all around my waist. It’s my destiny” The Pope walks away as we go to adverts. B


-Advert Break-


TNA Number one Contenders Tournament semi-final Matchup:-

The Pope V AJ Styles


We return from advert as The Pope makes his way down to the ring. Then the music of AJ Styles hits as he receives a nice pop from the crowd. The two wrestlers are evenly matched in the first few minutes of the contests. The crowd is clearly behind both the Pope and AJ Styles as chants breakout in the Impact Zone for both men. The matchs features great in ring action as both men appear to be going all out to try and get the win. The contest comes to a close when AJ Styles lands the Springboard 450 Splash putting The Pope away for the three count. C


AJ Styles is celebrating after the match up as The Pope can be seen in the ring clearly frustrated after his defeat. When the Pope gets back to his feet AJ Styles extends the hand out to him after the intense match they just went though. The Pope stands in the ring looking at the hand and then the crowd. He reaches out to shake it but then stops, turning away and leaving AJ Styles standing there in the ring. B




The Camera head back stage and we see Sting with a Microphone. “Bobby Roode, do you think attacking me last week as a good idea? Or that having Ric Flair in your corner this Sunday at Genesis is going to help you keep that World Championship. I told you once Bobby every time you make a bad choice they will be consequents. Well last week you made one of the biggest. Now I’ll do the job Dixie Carter hired me to do and referee your title match down the middle, but after that Bobby your fair gain and make my words. I’ll be coming for you.” B+


-Advert Break-


Velvet Sky and Mickie James V Madison Rayne and Gail Kim


The next card on the Impact is a knockout tag team match. Velvet Sky and Mickie James teaming to face off against Madison Rayne and Gail Kim. The match features some good action with both the teams coming across as being strong. The match ends after 11:13 when Velvet Sky plants the DDT on Gail allowing her to pick up the pin on her opponent at Genesis for the Knockout Championship. C


Velvet Sky and Mickie James are celebrating after the match when Gail Kim jumps Velvet from behind. Madison Rayne joins in and soon the four woman start and all out brawl in the ring. The brawl is spilt up when TNA security jump in pulling the four women away from each other. Velvet really wants another piece Gail tonight before there World Title match on Sunday. D+




We go so a Video that shows Christopher Daniels attacking Shannon Moore on Xpolsion. He beats him down before declaring himself Robbie E opponent. The video then shows Christopher Daniels pinning Robbie E after landing the Angle’s Wings to become the new TNA Wrestling Television Champion. C-


Chaov Gerreros music hits and he makes his way down to the ring in the Impact Zone for the first time ever. He receives a massive pop from the crowd when they realise who it is making their debut on tonight’s show. The fans in the impact zone stand up chanting Chaov’s name as he takes the microphone to speak. He is so taken aback that he can’t even start to talk for a few moments. “Well it’s good to be here. My uncle said the Impact zone was exciting but wow.” The fans break out into a Thank you Hector chant. “Well it’s been quite some time since you last saw me in that promotion up north but when my dear uncle Hector got on the phone told me to come to Impact Wrestling that was an offer I couldn’t refuse. So here I am.”


Christopher Daniels music’s hits and the Television Champion appears on the entrance way. “This People is exactly what I have been talking about. I am this company Television Champion. Yet once again I have to give up my spot on this show for some second rate wrestler that doesn’t deserve to be in my ring. Chavo no one cared about you up north and no one cares now.”


Chavo stops in the middle of the ring looking up to Christopher Daniels. “Am I supposed to know you ya are? Television Champion? Well I was going to announce I was looking for a match at Genesis. But since you so rudely interrupted me and you so badly want a shot at my TV time how about you put that title on the line this Sunday against me say?”


Christopher Daniels is seen to be living. “You think you can walk into TNA and just get a title shot? You don’t deserve a shot at my TV title is itsn’t going to happen. Chavo stands there laughing at the reaction. “Daniels are you scared to face me this Sunday. Scared I’ll embarrass you?” Chaov remains laughing at the reaction of the TV champion following his challenge. “Ok Chavo you got it, you against me this Sunday for the TV title. Then come this Sunday after I beat you and prove you don’t deserve I’ll send you back packing to that company up north.” The segment ends with Christopher Daniels heading back stage after accepting the challenge. C+


-Advert Break-


We return to the music of the world heavyweight champion Bobby Roode. He stands on the stage before heading to the announce table. The TNA world title belt is put proudly on display as the Champion sits at ring side ready to commentate on the massive main event to decide his opponent this Sunday at Genesis. B


TNA Number one Contenders Tournament final Matchup:-

James Storm V AJ Styles


AJ Styles music hits first and he makes his way down to the ring. On his way down to the ring he signals to Bobby Roode that he will take that title belt come Sunday. James Storm follows who also signals that he is going to win the World Heavyweight Championship. The crowd is behind both men as the action in the ring starts off. James Storm can still be seen to be favouring that injured leg and again AJ Styles quickly gets the advantage due to it. As the match wares on the referee is accidently took out by AJ Styles. Just after AJ Styles puts James Storm into the Stylesclash. He covers Storm but there is no reefer to make the count. AJ styles gets up and see the reefer is out cold. As he is checking on him The Pope hits the ring with a steel chair. AJ Styles turns around as The Pope lays out Styles with the steel chair he then quickly exits the ring. The reefer gets back to his feet with both wrestlers down on the mat. AJ Styles and Storm both come around getting up at different side of the ring. AJ Styles still dizzy stubbles out from the corner James Storm sees his chance and his the last call Super kick. The reefer counts 1,2 and 3 James Storm is announced the winner and new Number one Contender. The Pope is seen heading back stage looking rather pleased with himself. B-


Bobby Roode gets up from the announce table after the match running down into the ring. James Storm can hardly stand after the two brutal matchs this evening. Bobby Roode gets into the face of James Storm. “You will never be champion again. Never!” he shouts before spitting in the face of his former tag partner. Sting music hits and the Icon runs down into the ring. Bobby Roode turns around and himself and the icon exchange blows. Sting gets the advantage and Roode flees up the entrance way with the title belt. Impact heads of air with the special guest reefer Sting wanting to get a hold of the world champion Bobby Roode. B


© TNA Wrestling 2012


Final Show Rating: C+

TV Ratings:

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WWE Superstars:-

Batemen, Ambrose and Hawkins defeated Barreta, Jimmy Uso and Watson

Johnny Curtis defeated Corey Graves

Mason Rayne defeated David Otunga

Michael McGuillicutty defeated Husky Harris


WWE Raw:-

Jimmy Uso went to a time limit draw with Husky Harris

Yoshi Tatsu defeated Curt Hawkins

Alicia Fox defeated Maxine

Brodus Clay against Primo ended in a no contest

Barrett defeated Orton, Santino and Kevin Nash

Cody Rhodes defeated The Big Show

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TNA Xplosion Week 3 TV taping

Location: Impact Zone!

Attendance: 1,343


TNA Knockout Tagteam Championship

Pre-show dark Match: - Gail Kim and Madison Rayne V Rosita and Sarita


The Dark Match on Xplosion see the Knockout Tag Team Champions Gail Kim and Madison Rayne take on the tag team of Rosita and Sarita. It’s a good match between the two sets of girls in the ring with the action going either way. Its eventually Gail Kim that scores the pinfall victory with the Hurricarana as the Tag Team Champions pick up the win and successfully defend the title belts. (D+)



Jesse Sorensen V Rob Terry


The opening contest see Jesse Sorensen who has been struggling as of late take on Rob Terry. Rob Terry and Jesse Sorensen try their best during the match up but the crowd are hardly interested in the action happening in the ring. At points it looks like we need an alarm clock to wake up the fans. Jesse Sorensen finally ends the dreadful match with a spear and a pin fall victory. (E+)


Jesse Sorensen celebrates in front of the crowd after picking up the victory over big Rob Terry in the opening contest. His celebration again fails to draw little or no reaction from the crowd in the Impact Zone. It’s not looking good for Jesse Sorensen future in TNA Wrestling. (E)


Advert Break:-


We are backstage with the British Invasion before there match up tonight. Douglas Williams has the microphone. “Mexican America? Matt Morgan and Crimson the two teams that we will have to face at Genesis. Mexican America we have already beaten you, already proved we were the better team. Morgan/Crimson we all but had you beat on Impact for them title belts. Come this Sunday we will be leaving as the new Tag Team Champions.” Magnus then takes the microphone. “Two years, two years to the day since we last held them title belts. People talk about Morgan and Crimson being the rebirth of the tag team division. They aren’t we are the rebirth of the take team division and come this Sunday we will prove it. Mexican America, Morgan and Crimson I hope you are watching tonight because you will see what you are up against.” (D)


The British Invasion V Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash


In the second match of the evening The British Invasion takes on the newly formed tag team of Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash. The experience factor in the match can be seen right from the start as Jerry Lynn and Doug Williams tie up together. The contest between the two tag teams is quite entertaining, with their being a lot of good action in the ring. The British invasion comes out as winners when Douglas Williams pins Jerry Lynn after using a German Suplex. (D+)


Advert Break:-


We return to Xplosion with a video package documenting the history between Kazarian and Austin Aries and the X-Division title belt. The video package is building into the X-Division title defence at Genesis. (D)


Austin Aries V Eric Young


The X-Division Champion Austin Aries takes on Eric Young. The match starts with Eric Young gaining an early advantage. Austin Aries quickly dives to the outside the try and slow down Young moment. Young make the mistake of following him to the outside and Aries uses the opportunity to find his way on top. Getting back in the ring we see an evenly balanced contest that sees Austin Aries pick up the victory after a 450 splash. (C-)


After the match Austin Aries starts putting in the boots against his opponent. Kazarians music hits and he runs down to the ring landing some blows on the X-Division Champion. Austin Aries quickly flees from the ringside, leaving his challenger from the X-Division title at Genesis alone in the ring. (D-)


-Advert Break-


We come back from Advert to a video package showing a reply from the events that happened on Impact. We see AJ Styles hit the clash on James Storm. We see him go to the referee and try and wake him up. Then The Pope come in to the ring and knocks him out with the steal chair. Its announced that The Pope will face AJ Styles in a match at the Genesis PPV following his interference in the #1 contenders Match up (B-)


Scott Steiner V Samoa Joe


The main event of the evening on Xplosion features two former world champions in Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe. The contest is pretty evenly matched between the two big men with the crowd quickly getting behind Samoa Joe. Towards the mid stages of the match Steiner starts to build up his moment but fails to dominate as Samoa Joe quickly comes back on level. Joe finally ends the match via pinfall after connecting with the Muscle Buster ©


© TNA Wrestling 2012


Final Show Rating: (C-)

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Ok firstly just a few changes to the diary. Going to stop posting the weekly results from both ROH and WWE, any PPV results we still be posted. Now original I did plan to have a weekly then changed it to monthly news topic for my company. Going to expand on that now so it covers all the major news from TNA along with WWE/FCW and ROH and the independent promotions. Kind of like Pro-wrestling Illustrated topic. It will also have this game worlds version of the power 25, so hope you all look forward to that.


I feel like the show topics have improved and are better to read now. I might upload a roster section onto the title page, that includes worker pictures and start using them on my shows. I really need to resize them all first. Still always looking for ways to improve so if you have any suggestions on what you want to see then just post back want and I’ll take it into account.


Congrats to BHK1978 for getting three out of five results on predictions for Impact. Oringally the TV title match was going to be a PPV prize page but since BHK1978 is the only player this far I have moved it back to the first edition of Impact. I do have some big plans for Daniels, Chaov and the Television championship so should hopefully make for some interesting reading.


Genesis Preview


8 men battled for the right to be #1 contender, now only one man remains. Former TNA World Heavyweight Champions James Storm gets his rematch against his former best friend and long-time Beer Money Tag Team Partner Robert Roode. Will Sting as the special guest referee even the score or will Ric Flair insure that his man leaves Genesis still World Heavyweight Champion?


The Pope will face off in a rematch from the semi-finals of the tournament against AJ Styles. AJ seemed to have James Storm all but beaten on Impact but if it wasn’t for the Pope interference. The Chair shot was the opportunity James Storm needed to deny the phenomenal one a shot at the world title. Can the Pope continue on with his destiny and close in on the world title or will AJ Style once again remain victories?


Plus another four other championships will be on the line as Austin Aries defends his X-Division Title against Kazarian. Gail Kim defends the Knockout Championship against Velvet Sky, Matt Morgan and Crimson but the tag titles on the line in a three way dance and Chavo Guerrero Jr challenges Christopher Daniels for the Television Championship. Don’t miss TNA Genesis live on PPV.


X-Division Championship:-

Austin Aries V Kazarian


Tag Team Challenge Match:-

Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash V Mystery Tag Team


Knockout Championship:-

Velvet Sky V Gail Kim


Tag Team Championship:-

Matt Morgan and Crimson V Mexican America V The British Invasion


Television Championship:-

Christopher Daniels V Chavo Guerrero JR


AJ Styles V The Pope D’Angelo Dinero


TNA World Heavyweight Championship, No DQ:-

The Cowboy James Storm V Bobby Roode with Sting as the special guest referee.

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X-Division Championship:-

Austin Aries V Kazarian


I am not a huge fan of Kaz, maybe it is because TNA never uses him right, I am just not sure. I went with AA because I am a huge fan of him.


Tag Team Challenge Match:-

Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash V Mystery Tag Team


Knockout Championship:-

Velvet Sky V Gail Kim


Tag Team Championship:-

Matt Morgan and Crimson V Mexican America V The British Invasion


I would like to go with the Brits because I dislike the other two teams, but I am sure Morgan and Crimson are more over.


Television Championship:-

Christopher Daniels V Chavo Guerrero JR


I really can't see Daniels losing the gold so early.


AJ Styles V The Pope D’Angelo Dinero


TNA World Heavyweight Championship, No DQ:-

The Cowboy James Storm V Bobby Roode with Sting as the special guest referee.

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X-Division Championship:-

Austin Aries V Kazarian


I like the work of both men, but A Double will prevail.


Tag Team Challenge Match:-

Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash V Mystery Tag Team


Lynn and Kash are the Mulkeys of this diary so far.


Knockout Championship:-

Velvet Sky V Gail Kim


There are more possible matches in the Knockout division with a fan favorite as champ.


Tag Team Championship:-

Matt Morgan and Crimson V Mexican America V The British Invasion


The only one of the teams that I can actually stand.


Television Championship:-

Christopher Daniels V Chavo Guerrero JR


Could Daniels be starting the Prophecy in TNA?


AJ Styles V The Pope D’Angelo Dinero


Possibly the most underutilized performer in TNA. Glad that you are showing him some love.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship, No DQ:-

The Cowboy James Storm V Bobby Roode with Sting as the special guest referee.


I like Storm more than Roode, but it seems that there is a confrontation that needs to happen between Roode and Sting that involves the title, so Roode has to retain.

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Location: Fed EX Forum

Attendance: 11,411


Pre-show Dark Match:- Samoa Joe V Mr Anderson

The Genesis dark match features two former world champions Samoa Joe and Mr Anderson. Samoa Joe wins the match with the Coquina Cluth after 16:31 seconds C



We kick off Genesis starts with a quick video showing Bobby Roode saying he won’t defend the title at Genesis. We then see some highlights of the number one contender’s tournament with James Storm defeating Kurt Angle and then Angle injuring him the next week on impact. The video then replays James Storm defeating AJ styles in the finally before Sting declaring himself as the special guest referee for the match. The video final ends with Bobby Roode hitting James Storm with the beer bottle promoting there rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship tonight. B-


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X-Division Championship

Austin Aries V Kazarian


The opening contest of the evening is for the X-Division Champions. Austin Aries makes his way down to the ring for his second defence of the title belt this month. Austin Aries and his opponent Kazarian both work a decent for the opening bout of the night. The crowd in Tennessee are really finding it hard to get behind either of the two men though. The title match’s last for 12:34 second ending with Aries pinning Kazarian after hitting him with a foreign object to retain the X-Division Championship. C


We are backstage with Jeremy Borash he has Sting as his side. He asks Sting to voice his opinions on the World Championship Match Tonight. “JB, went Dixie Carter got back control of TNA she made me the general manager of this company. Why because I get things done. Since winning that World Championship Bobby Roode has been out of order and when him and Ric Flair attacked me on Impact he over stepped the line. But JB tonight isn’t about me and Bobby Roode. It’s about that World Title; I’ll do my job as a referee but after tonight Bobby you’re fair gain.” After finishing his promo Sting walks off leaving Jeremy Borash to finish the segment. B-


The camera cut over to Kazarian who is backstage after he defeat to Austin Aries in the X-Division Championship matchup. The camera man catches up to him after he throws some off one of the tables back stage. Kazarian looks into the Camera. “One time Aries! One time is all it takes. Again I had you beat and once again you had to cheat to keep that title. I should have won the X-Division Championship tonight damn it!!” D+


We are getting ready for the Tag Team Challenge match that sees Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash take on a tag team that has yet to be named. We get a video promo for the match before the Motor City Machine Guns music hits to a big pop from the crowd. The guns then make their way down to the ring for their first match TNA in the last few months. C-


Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash V Motor City Machine Guns


Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash make their way to the ring and we are ready for our second matchup of the night. The action is quick and fast pace with all four men getting involved. They are lots of quick tagging in and out between the two teams. The action in the ring is hot and we easily have a contender for match of the night. The crowd can also been seen getting behind the Motor City Machine Guns. Towards the end of the Match Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash decided to both bring chairs into the ring. They try to hit the MCMG with them but both fair, Sabin gets one of the chairs while Lynn keeps the other. Lynn then hits Shelley at the same time as Sabin hits Cash over the head. The referee rings for the bell calling the match a double disqualification. B-


The referee calling for the bell doesn’t stop the match as the two teems continue to battle with each other. The brawling between the tag teams spills over to the outside. It finally comes to an end when TNA official’s hit to ring and pull The Motor City Machine Guns and Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash away from each other. D


We cut to a video Package that features Velvet Sky and Gail Kim and some of the recent actions that had happened on impact. The video is building towards the Knockout Title match that we are told is next to come on the card. D+



Match Number three on the Genesis card is the Knockout Title match. Velvet Sky and Gail Kim both make their way down to the ring. Velvet Sky is clearly more over with the fans here in Tennessee for tonight’s title match. Both the woman put on a decent performance and the match has some good action in it. Not much is going on during the match to generate any crowd heat. At the end of the match Madison Rayne enter the ring with the Knockout Title, he attempts to get Velvet with the belt but instead gets her tag team partner Gail Kim. Velvet then hits Madison Rayne with a DDT before covering Gail Kim to get the victory and win her second Knockout’s Championship. D+


We are back stage again this time with Jeremy Borash and the World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode. JB ask Bobby Roode how he feels about facing his former Tag Team Partner tonight in the main event. “How I feel about James Storm. We all know that the only reason Beer Money were as good as we were was because of me. I carried James Storm and tonight I’ll prove once again I was the better man. Now as for Sting, you want to come out here saying how I’m fair gain. Well Sting you’re just a washed up has been. A wrestler that’s pass you’re sell by date, I am current. I am the face of TNA and the best wrestler of modern time. I hope you like the look of me with this world title Sting because you better get use it because I’ll have this title belt for a long time coming.” B-


We have a video promo promoting the feud between The British Invasion, Mexican America and the World Tag Team Champions Matt Morgan and Crimson. The video shows the beat down by Mexican America on both teams in the past few weeks as we get ready for the World Tag Team Title match. D+


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TNA Tag Team Championship

The British Invasion V Mexican America V Matt Morgan and Crimson


The Tag Team titles match is next on the card. The British Invasion are introduced first before Mexican America and then Matt Morgan and Crimson. The action starts off good and that’s the theme that’s carried right the way though the match. The fan however seem to be having some trouble connecting with the teams in the match. Mexican America are the first of the teams to be eliminated after a pinfall by Magnus leaving the British Invasion and the Tag champions to battle it out for the gold. The finish comes after a pinfall victory at the 18 minute make that see Magnus pin Crimson to crown new world tag team champions. C


Doug Williams and Magnus get the title belts and Celebrate in the ring as the two giants Matt Morgan and Crimson head back stage. D+


Samoa Joe is with Jeremy Borash back stage. He is asked how he feels about not being on the card tonight. Just has he is about to answer the question Christopher Daniels walks past with the Television Championship draped across his shoulder. He stops turning to face Samoa Joe. “Oh I’m Sorry to interrupt wait Joe? You still have a job here?” Joe is clearly annoyed by Daniels appearing on screen. “Sorry I’ve just not seen you do anything meaningful for a while. Don’t worry Joe I know what it’s like always having people put ahead of you and always being over looked by TNA Management. I made myself an opportunity and I made it count. Joe you can do it to, maybe then you can be on the card and not in the dark match beforehand. Think about it bud.” Christopher Daniels slaps Samoa Joe on the check before turning away heading to the ring. “Make myself relevant?” Samoa Joe askes JB before walking away ending the Segment. C+


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TNA Television Championship

Christopher Daniels V Chavo Guerrero Jr


Christopher Daniels and Chavo Guerreo make their way to the ring for the Television Championship match. Both men start of strong and the action between the two is pretty level make for an interesting content. The fans are able to get behind both men with Fallen Angle and Chavo chants breaking out during the match up. Christopher Daniels looks epically impressive during the contest. At the end of the match Chavo has the title won after hitting the five star frog splash. The referee is down however when someone jumps the ring barrier, whilst the referee is down. Low-Ki get into the ring and attacks Chavo Guerrero. While the attack is going on Daniels gets back up from Chavo splash. The distraction is all Daniels needs to hit the Angel’s Wings. Low-ki wakes the referee up the get the three counts. Christopher Daniels retains the championship belt. C+


Low-ki gets back into the ring and continues his assault on Chavo with the aid of Christopher Daniels. Daniels can clearly be seen directing the traffic. “Chavo, you think you can walk into my company! No one in management cared about me! No one cared about Low-Ki will it’s time we take matters into our own hands.” After they have finished the assault Daniels and Low-ki leave Chavo lying beaten in the ring. C-


D’Angelo Dinereo is back backstage being asked about why he interfered in the tournament final between James Storm and AJ Styles. “That tournament was mine to win. It was my destine to be facing Bobby Roode for the title belt tonight. AJ Style took that away for me. So I took that away from him. It felt good hearing the sound of that steel chair against his skull and watching the referee end his title dreams.” AJ Styles appears on screen. “Pope what’s going on. I don’t care about the world title. We were pals, I hand respect for you. You pushed me to the limit I even offered you hand out of respect and you spat in my face. I don’t want to here your excuses pope I’ll see you in the ring.” B


The Pope V AJ Styles

AJ styles and the Pope make their way down to the ring for the impact rematch. The contest between the two is quit even and they are both getting a good reaction from the crowd inside the arena. For the majority of the match the contest between the two could go either way. The Pope finally comes out on top however after 21:29 seconds in controversial fashion after illegally using with rope for leverage while getting the pin. C+


We are show a hype video for the World Heavyweight Championship Match that features James Storm, Bobby Roode, Kurt Angle and Sting. B-


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World Heavyweight Championship

Bobby Roode V James Storm


James Storm and Bobby Roode make their way to the ring for the main event of the evening. The world heavyweight championship is proudly displayed before the opening bell. For the early stages Sting as the referee has his hands full trying to keep Ric Flair out of the match. The crowd is behind James Storm whose recent run of results seems to really be getting him over the fan in the impact zone. At the end of the match James Storm hits Bobby Roode with the Last Call Super Kick. Sting heads down and starts counting as Ric Flair pulls him from the ring. Flair and Sting get into a fight on the outside; meanwhile James Storm has Bobby Roode beaten. He stands up looking around for Sting as Kurt Angle comes through the crowd. He waits for James Storm to turn around and then smashes a beer bottle over he head busting James Storm open. He then picks up Storm hitting him with the Angle Slam as Bobby Roode makes his way back to his feet. The world Champion followed up with a fisherman’s Suplex as Angle joins the fight on the outside between Flair and Sting. Angle throws Sting back into the ring as Bobby Roode hooks the leg. A sting stalls for as long as he can before starting the count. He counts one and two…. But then stops at three. Bobby Roode, Angle and Flair are screaming at him to count. He has no choice and taps the mat for a third time ending the contest with Bobby Roode retaining. C


Ric Flair takes the title belt and hands it to Bobby Roode after the match. Angle and Flair hit the ring. “Raise his hand damn it! Do your job raise the victor hand damn it.” Flair shouts towards Sting. Reluctantly Sting takes the hand of the World Champion raising it in victory before leaving the ring and the arena shaking his head. Genesis heads of air. B


© TNA Wrestling 2012


Final Show Rating: C

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:- After failing a second drug test after the Genesis PPV. Hernandez part of Mexican America who took part in the World Tag Team Title match-up has been suspend by TNA Management. Hernandez failed to act after being warned early in the month when his drug addiction was found out, His suspension will last for 30 days. At which point he will be tested again and further disciplinary action may be taken.


OK Firstly sorry it took awhile to get the Genesis PPV results up. Normally I have Thursday and Friday off work but I was doing a shift swap to free me up next Saturday for a weekend full of Wrestling. TNA on Friday in Manchester, followed by own local promotion Future-shock Wrestling and then the Royal Rumble on Sunday.


Just calculated the result of the prediction competition. BHK1978 got 3/7 on Genesis and bkremer72 got 6/7 results right for the PPV. So that gives us final score for the month


BHK1978 = 6/12

bkremer72 = 6/12


Now due to it being a tie breaker I can't both let you pick a TV title match for Impact so we are going to have Christopher Daniels defend the TV title in a triple threat match between an opponent of BHK1978 and bkremer72. Only way I can make it fair...


Prize league starts again and I think we are going to come up with a name for Kid Kash and Jerry Lynn team since I suck at names good luck everyone XP

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With the Genesis PPV now over Bobby Roode still sits atop of the mountain. How will James Storm react to Sting counting the pinfall after the interference from Kurt Angle? Will Impact Wrestling General Manager finally get revenge on the It factor of professional wrestling and level the score following his and Ric Flair beat down on Impact. This four men will take part in the massive Tag Team main event.


Plus two other massive tag team matches are due to take place. Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash against the Motor City Machine Guns have stolen the show at Genesis. Now two teams face off against each other to decide who the better X-Division Tag Team is. The Knockout Tag Team title will also be defended; just nights after losing her Knockout Title to Velvet Sky, Gail Kim and Partner Madison Rayne are forced to put the belts on the line against Tara and Tessmacher. Can Gail hold her cool on what’s already been a bad week for her?


Plus Christopher Daniels defends his TV Title in a triple threat and Samoa Joe takes on Mr Anderson.



Television Championship

Christopher Daniels V The Pope D’Angelo Dinero V ?????? (Predication Winners competition choice)


Motor City Machine Guns V Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash


Knockout Tag Team Titles

Tara and Tessmacher V Gail Kim and Madison Rayne


Samoa Joe V Mr Anderson


Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle V James Storm and Sting


New prediction prize league starts from this show and last up until Against All Odd, Leave your comments thoughts feedback. I shall run the show when I have the two opponents from our last winners. The Winner of the next month’s prediction league gets to add a wrestler to the roster. Was going to be Jerry Lynn’s and Kid Kash team name but I came up with that one. It can either be one from the Cvers that’s imported or their own creation. Have fun and good look everyone.
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Television Championship

Christopher Daniels V ?????? V ?????? (Predication Winners competition choice)


Motor City Machine Guns V Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash


Knockout Tag Team Titles

Tara and Tessmacher V Gail Kim and Madison Rayne

Random pick!


Samoa Joe V Mr Anderson

Anderson wins by DQ as Joe goes rampant.


Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle V James Storm and Sting

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Television Championship

Christopher Daniels V ?????? V ?????? (Predication Winners competition choice)


I think Daniels will still win even if I only know who one of the ??? is.


Motor City Machine Guns V Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash


Knockout Tag Team Titles

Tara and Tessmacher V Gail Kim and Madison Rayne


Samoa Joe V Mr Anderson


Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle V James Storm and Sting

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