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American Wrestling Federation (C-verse Rock hard setting)

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this dynasty is going to have a different format than most. I have the luxary to play at work durning downtime.


The purpose will be to share my thoughts for the promotion any feedback is welcomed.


For the user character although i am normally a Jack Avatar guy I went with a behind the scenes guy as reading Jack Avatar beat Antman for the title every month may not be the best read.


The product is pure popularty over performance max level mainstream and comedy. This allows entertainers to flurish as well as guys with charisma and star quality. Also it allows alot of money from sponsers.

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I also have a strong heel/face divide.


The Faces


Rayne Man-guy is our most expensive and best worker. 23 years old will be our main event attraction for the forseeable future although money issues may make him not wrestle at every event. I packaged him with Fan Favorite gimmick.


Running Wolf-Native American gimmick and star quality of 82 22 years old. Needs to work on his basic wrestling skills but who knows how good he can become.



Regular Joe- Probally our 2nd best wrestler on paper packaged with the blue colar gimmick and 20 years old.


Ekuma the hawaiin strongman- 23 years old 81 star quality packaged with a biker gimmick. He is alot like Running Wolf.


Paradox-19 years old 72 star quality 66 charimsa and very limited skills also is a cruiserweight everyone else is entertainer/regular wrestler.




Hugh de Aske 21 years old using the Gypsy gimmick. Probally 3rd with in ring stats but how good top row ratings not sure how long he will be with us but when we can afford him he should produce ratings for us.


Antman 20 years old using power and paint gimmick I love this guy is super cheap and has been my champion of local feds for me.


Valentine- 23 years old using the slob gimmick. He is pretty average across the board his 31 basics is a worry but we will see how he devlopes he is an entertainer that currenty has 47 star quality and 36 charisma. He can be a solid beat up guy down the road though.


Stretch the Chicken Boy - 23 year old using the Evil Doer gimmick. He is alot like Valentine needs some work but may be a quality guy down the road.


other workers


Vita - her mic skills and cheap contract she will be doing play by play and interviews to help guys with their charisma.


Davis Ditterich - our announcer nothing special to see here (i would recommand remmington remus but i wanted to mix things up)


Chad Bent- our referee


I raised all ticket prices by 4 dollars.


Normally i would not recommand signing some of our better workers right away because of their price tag but i wanted a "core" group for the dynasty and these guys all could be long term guys with the company.

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We are based out of the Great Lakes area so we host our first event at the Ohio Jewish Center (cap 300) in front of 58 people.


vita has an interview with regular joe (65)

regular joe over stretch (20)

vita interviews valentine (60)

Valentine over Paradox (12)

Vita interviews Antman (63)

Antman over Running Wolf (13)


Final Rating 15


not an execting show by any means but hopefully we ended up making money

using just those 6 wrestlers we end up in the hole and get the finacal warning

at the end of the month we end up making a 2,000 profit for the month.


I know wrestlers will get mad if you don't use them so i figure our next show will be an all on with a battle royal before the card and showing our 3 top performers rayne man hugh de aske and regular joe.

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AWF:February 2010 attendance 60


10 man battle royal won by rayne man (41)


Vita interviews Regular Joe (63)

Regular Joe over El Ladron (20)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (69)

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf (24)

Vita interviews Rayne Man (68)

Rayne Man over Stretch (27)


Final Rating 27


The ratings are fine for now (love that Vita) I am worried about the cost of running a 10 man show with these guys though


Got another finacial warning but at the end of the month we are back to 4k in the black. We did lose over 200 dollars that month though.


In our creative meetings we have Valentine listed as a hot prospect and Vita listed under talk the talk ,our main eventers Regular joe, Rayne Man, Ekuma and Hugh de aske are listed under Franchise players. No other prospects and no next big things ring generals or show stoppers.

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Hey Pennyone thanks for reading


right now all my roster spots are taken up but if someone gets hurt or gets stolen i will try to bring him in.


AWF:March 2010 attenance 63


Vita interviews Stretch (64)

Stretch over El Ladron (12)

Vita interviews Antman (66)

Antman over Paradox (14)

Vita intervies Regular Joe (64)

Regular Joe over Valentine(22)


Final Rating 16


went with a cheap show to help our finaces.


we avoided any finacial notice this month and have over 6k in the bank


It costs us like 5k to run a full show so we will do that this month


AWF:April 2010 attendance 53


Rayne man wins a Battle Royal (44)

Vita intervies Regular Joe (62)

Regular Joe over Stretch (23)

Vita interivews Hugh de Aske (67)

Hugh de Aske over Paradox (26)

Vita interviews Rayne Man (71)

Rayne Man over El Ladron (29)


Final Rating 29


the lose money one month make money the next seems to be working ok so far

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AWF:May 2010 attendance 60


Vita interviews Valentine (66)

Valentine over Running Wolf (17)

Vita interviews Antman (69)

Antman over Paradox (14)

Vita interviews Regular Joe (66)

Regular Joe over El Ladron (24)


Final Rating 22

at the end of the month we have 8k in the bank


AWF:June 2010 attendance 48


Rayne Man wins battle royal (42)

Vita interviews Ekuma (66)

Ekuma over El Ladron (17)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (66)

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf (26)

Vita interviews Rayne Man (70)

Rayne Man over Stretch (31)


Final Rating 30


I will be happy when we get to a point where we can run our 10 man shows every month and still make money. I am a bit dismade so far with the lack of chemistry as i like to ride that but we can switch things up down the road.

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ack the interwebs ate my post


AWF:July 2010 attendance 50


Vita interviews Valentine (66)

Valentine over Paradox (17)

Vita interviews Antman (66)

Antman over Running Wolf (17)

Vita interviews Regular Joe (70)

Regular Joe over Stretch (25)


Final Rating 24


AWF:August 2010 attendance 58


Rayne Man wins Battle Royal (46)

Vita interviews Ekuma (70)

Ekuma over Stretch (25)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (70)

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf (28)

Vita interviews Rayne Man (68)

Rayne Man over El Ladron (32)


Final Rating 32


CGC goes National and grabs Sean McFly nice move on their part!

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Going to have to resign everyone coming up and well i thought i would share a little of my thought process here. Ok nothing groundbreaking here but if you have been following you will notice a bit of a patern to my booking . I have a list of faces and heels broken down to jobbers and guys I want to push. At first Valentine and Stretch were going to be my heel jobbers. I noticed Valentine is a hot prospect so i decieded to try giving him a push and having El Ladron assume his spot. I am pushing Ekuma Rayne Man and Regular Joe on the face side while Running Wolf and Paradox have been doing the jobbing. Hugh de Aske, Antman have been getting the push with Valentine while Stretch and El Ladron have been jobbing. In my eyes Stetch, El Ladron, Running Wolf and Paradox are my most important workers. When i go Global it will because my jobbers are good enough to have good matches with pretty much anyone.


With Paradox having a 35 performance rating and being a cruiserweight style

I decied to listen to my fan and try to bring in Nigel Svensson to replace him.

KC Glenn and Remmy Honeyman are out there but I always sign them I will continue working with what i have and see where we end up.

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AWF:September 2010 attendance 58


Vita interviews Valentine (67)

Valentine over Nigel Svensson (22)

Vita interviews Antman (69)

Antman over Running Wolf (20)

Vita interviews Regular Joe (66)

Regular Joe over Stretch (28)


Final Rating 27

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AWF:October 2010 attendance 51


Rayne Man wins battle royal (47)

Vita interviews Ekuma (67)

Ekuma over Stretch (28)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (67)

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson (32)

Vita interviews Rayne Man (73)

Rayne Man over El Ladron (33)


Final Rating 34

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we are now offically a small company


AWF:November 2010 attendance 49


Vita interviews Ekuma (70)

Ekuma over El Ladron (23)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (72)

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson (34)

Vita interviews Rayne Man (68)

Rayne Man over Stretch (35)


overall Rating - 36


AWF:December 2010 attendance 54


Vita interviews Ekuma (70)

Ekuma over El Ladron (25)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (70)

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson (35)

Vita interviews Rayne Man (69)

Rayne Man over Stretch (36)


Overall Rating 36


In a surprise to nobody we are shut out of the awards for 2010.

We now have a 15 popularity in the Great Lakes area and have 53k in cash.

Nigel Svensson is now listed under hot prospects and Rayne Man is listed for ring generals and show stealers.


All of our wrestlers have improved some but we wont know to we really start grinding if they are "capped" anywhere yet.

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Just wanted to pop in and say Im following. Its nice to have something like this thats just about growth and turnover rather than character and depth. Id love to see something like this go on until you're a serious size. That would be really useful.



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this year i have decieded to focus on our big 3 wrestlers Regular Joe, Hugh de Aske and Rayne Man going into God Push mode.


AWF:January 2011 attendance 60


Vita interviews Joe (70)

Regular Joe over El Ladron (28)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (73)

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson (33)

Vita interviews Rayne Man (73)

Rayne Man over Stretch (38)


Final Rating 38


AWF:February 2011 attendance 90


Vita interviews Regular Joe (70)

Regular Joe over El Ladron (31)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (72)

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson (37)

Vita interviews Rayne Man (74)

Rayne Man over Stretch (40)


Final Rating 41


Some of the feelers have come out ROF and PGHW have signed Nigel Svensson, NYCW has an offer for Antman and Rayne Man has signed a Developmental Deal with RIPW.


It always stinks to lose your #1 guy.


We find a generated worker named Stephen Waterman 18 years old has 80 star quality 78 charisma and 29 performance but he looks like a good locker room guy so we bring him in and give him the disco stud gimmick.


Nigel Svenssson was given the mma badass gimmick. Overall all the gimmicks are doing pretty well Valentine is the lowest rated at 79.

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thank you for following Boltinho.


Well he comes the push for Ekuma even though i don't think he is good enough in the ring.


AWF:March 2011 attendance 107


Vita interviews Ekuma (70)

Ekuma over Stretch (36)

Vita interviews Regular Joe (70)

Regular Joe over El Ladron (32)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (72)

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf (35)


Overall Rating 37


not our best show but we can solider on without Rayne Man. on the plus side our new signing overtakes Nigel Svensson as #1 hot prospect with Valentine 3rd.


USPW offered a contract to Ekuma.


AWF:April 2011 attendance 113


vita interviews Ekuma (70)

Ekuma over El Ladron (29)

Vita interviews Regular Joe (75)

Regular Joe over Stretch (35)

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske (73)

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf (38)


Final Rating 39


we still got work to do but we are definatly heading in the right direction

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AWF: May 2011 attendance 138


Vita interviews Ekuma 72

Ekuma over El Ladron 31

Vita interviews Regular Joe 73

Regular Joe over Stretch 37

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 72

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 36


Final Rating 38


AWF: June 2011 attendance 98


Vita interviews Ekuma 73

Ekuma over El Ladron 32

Vita interviews Regular Joe 77

Regular Joe over Stretch 38

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 75

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf


Final Rating 41


AWF: July 2011 attendance 106


Vita interviews Ekuma 77

Ekuma over El Ladron 34

Vita interviews Regular Joe 75

Regular Joe over Stretch 39

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 74

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson 43


Final Rating 44


AWF: August 2011 attendance 122


Vita intervies Ekuma 77

Ekuma over El Ladron 32

Vita interviews Regular Joe 74

Regular Joe over Stretch 41

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 76

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson 46


Final Rating 46


AWF: September 2011 attendance 100


Vita interviews Ekuma 76

Ekuma over El Ladron 34

Vita interviews Regular Joe 76

Regular Joe over Stretch 42

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 79

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson 49


Final Rating 49


AWF: October 2011 attendance 205


Vita interviews Valentine 76

Valentine over Running Wolf 25

Vita interivews Regular Joe 74

Regular Joe over Stretch 45

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 78

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson 47


Final Rating 47


AWF: November 2011 attendance 237


Vita interviews Ekuma 79

Ekuma over El Ladron 35

Vita interviews Regular Joe 80

Regular Joe over Stretch 46

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 79

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 46


Final Rating 47


AWF: December 2011 attendance 207


Vita interviews Ekuma 78

Ekuma over El Ladron 38

Vita interviews Regular Joe 80

Regular Joe over Stretch 46

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 77

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 48


Final Rating 49


nothing earth shattering here just building a little popularity for our wrestlers and promotion in a surprise to no one we are once again shut out not even a guy on the top 100


Ekuma missed a show working for USPW Nigel has gone on a couple tours with BHTWG and works for ROF, Antman also works for NYCW


Ekuma has been added to talk the talk list


We still do not have any ring generals or show stoppers (although hugh de aske and regular joe seem more than good enough for now)

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AWF: January 2012 attendance 210


Vita intereivews Ekuma 83

Ekuma over El Ladron 46

Vita interviews Regular Joe 81

Regular Joe over Stretch 49

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 79

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 48


Final Rating 51


We have over 200k in the warchest and 22 popularity in the

Great Lakes Region now


AWF: February 2012 attendance 212


Vita interviews Ekuma 80

Ekuma over El Ladron 44

Vita interviews Regular Joe 84

Regular Joe over Stretch 50

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 80

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 51


Final Rating 54


AWF: March 2012 attendance 200


Vita interviews Ekuma 80

Ekuma over El Ladron 44

Vita interviews Regular Joe 82

Regular Joe over Stretch 52

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 81

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 51


Final Rating 54


Nigel is going on tour with GCG. Barring injuries/signings and stuff i have my matches already laid out for the year.


It is a shame Ekuma is not better in the ring his popularity grows like a weed (it was 77).

He is improving though so time will tell if he can be a reliable main eventer big man for us.

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AWF: April 2012 attendance 233


Vita interviews Ekuma 83

Ekuma over Antman 56

Vita interviews Regular Joe 77

Regular Joe over Valentine 50

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 82

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson 56


Final Rating 58


Ouch there was a regional Battle and i finished last(i am still small)

Also Ekuma signed with NYCW


MAW had a 59 and NYCW had a 55 rating vs our 54 for march


AWF: May 2012 attendance 215


Vita interviews Ekuma 79

Ekuma over Antman 54

Vita interviews Regular Joe 80

Regular Joe over Valentine 52

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 80

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson 60


Final Rating 61


Finished 2nd in the regional battle this time with our 58

Hugh de Aske signed a deal with NYCW


Wow the 61 got me 3rd for the May battle.


AWF: June 2012 attendance 231


Vita interviews Ekuma 73

Ekuma over Antman 54

Regular Joe over Valentine 54

Vita intervies Regular Joe 84

Hugh de Aske over Nigel Svensson 59

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 86


Final Rating 61


thanks for the comment Pennyone, Ekuma makes a great jobber to the stars since he can regain popularity very easy. He is typically first match guy i usually keep him away from the last two matches.


finished 3rd out of 4 promotion in the regional battle.

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AWF: July 2012 attendance 300


Vita interviews Ekuma 86

Ekuma over El Ladron 46

Vita interviews Regular Joe 82

Regular Joe over Stretch 57

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 83

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 54


Final Rating 57


Wow CGC signed Stephen Waterman to a deal

(he is the generated wrestler i signed who i don't think is ready to even job)


I finished 4th out of 4 in the regional battle again.


since i am drawing 300 people now i am going to do some manual "house" shows

really nothing different than what i am doing now just repeating it on a weekly basis.


AWF: August 2012 attendance 603


Vita interviews Ekuma 90

Ekuma over El Ladron 61

Vita interviews Regular Joe 90

Regular Joe over Stretch 67

Vita interviews Hugh de Aske 93

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 62


Final Rating 67


We manged to finish 1st in the region battle this month

We are extending everyones contract

Nigel Svensson big times me

The Tic big times me

We bring in Duncan Kendall now that we can afford a road agent

We sign 20 year old Daniel Gray he is a naturally a heel but we give him

face with the adventurer gimmick he is not a very good worker but has 90

star quality


Added my first storyline of Regular Joe and Hugh de Aske


AWF: September 2012 attendance 767


Regular Joe and Hugh de Aske Argue 89

Valentine over Nigel Svensson 40

Regular Joe over Stretch 68

Vita interviews Valentine 94

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 80

Hugh de Aske and Regular Joe Brawl 100


Final Rating 78


at 78 rating show and a 80 rated match? wow was not expecting that

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****lots of stuff****



AWF: October 2012 attendance 932


Regular Joe and Hugh de Aske argue 88

Antman over Daniel Gray 44

Regular Joe over Stretch 69

Vita intervies Antman 94

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 66

Hugh de Aske and Regular Joe brawl 100


Final Rating 68


we are regional in size but Aske and Wolf is not 80 rated match

just got lucky last month i guess.


AWF: November attendance 1000


Hugh de Aske and Regular Joe argue 87

Ekuma over Antman 65

Regular Joe over Stretch 68

Vita intervies Ekuma 94

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 76

Hugh de Aske and Regular Joe brawl 100


Final Rating 77


AWF: December attendance 1000


Hugh de Aske and Regular Joe argue 91

Ekuma over Antman 65

Hugh de ask over Running Wolf 69

Hugh de Aske and Regular Joe have a faceoff 100

Regular Joe over Stretch 78

Hugh de Aske and Regular Joe brawl 100


Final Rating 80


Very happy with how 2012 went in the awards column still nobody in the top 100

but we did win most improved promotion. We currently have 45 popularity in the

Great Lakes region. We also have over 800k in our warchest.


SWF I guess were in the market for some new talent so Stephen Waterman and

Regular Joe are gone.Waterman was a project but Regular Joe was our #1 face.


The state of the AWF 2013


Figured I would do a yearly review


Antman- 23 years old now and 87 popularity in the Great Lakes region his stats

rumble 62

technical 59

flying 38

entertainment 69

performance 63

phyical 84

camera 82

his power and paint gimmick is rated 83


I love this guy still only makes 150 per show. While his performance stats are not

the best he is a great jobber to the stars although he may not get much better


Chad Brent 38 year old referee is up to 68 for his refereeing. He is a postive presence

in the locker room. 350 per show. Love this guy,


Daniel Gray 21 year old generated guy Adventure gimmick rated 91


he is a work in progress but has 91 star quality

he is listed #1 under hot prospects


popularity 39 in great lakes region

rumble 64

technical 40

flying 38

entertainment 46

performance 49

physical 25

camera 91


Davis Ditterich announcer 63 rating 25 years old nothing special here


Duncan Kendall road agent rating 73 he is pretty basic and standard


Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man 26 years old who can build popularity

faster than anyone else on the roster Biker gimmick rated 90


popularity 100 in great lakes region

rumble 58

technical 37

flying 30

entertainment 65

performance 54

physcial 71

camera 87


Ekuma is a good locker room guy is our highest paid worker at 1500 a show

He is a very usefull guy but he doesn't get good enough ratings for a national

company which i want to become. Not sure how much more he will improve.


El Ladron 24 year old thief gimmick rated 94


popularity 32 in the great lakes region

rumble 50

technical 48

flying 38

entertainment 27

performance 57

physcial 66

camera 62


he is basically my heel jobber makes 150 dollars a show and has 0 wins here

I dont dislike the guy but doesn't excel in angles or is an awsome worker just

a solid jobber.


Hugh de Aske 24 year old Gypsy gimmick rated 80


popularity 100 in great lakes region

rumble 70

techical 71

flyng 68

entertainment 59

performance 70

physcial 78

camera 64


this guy is our #1 heel. I am surprised he has not been taken yet. He normally

goes before Rayneman. I believe he could hang around the main event scene even

if we become a national sized company.


John Hall 21 year old face with Biker gimmick rated 94

he is mr average everything has nothing standout good or bad

he is listed #2 under hot prospects


popularity 15 in great lakes region

rumble 56

technical 51

flying 46

entertainment 62

performance 55

physcial 62

camera 68


Running Wolf 25 year old face Native American gimmick rated 91

he is kinda hugh de aske personal whipping boy was involed in

our best match ever so far. He is probally the most improved wrestler

on our roster. I think he could really become a star down the road


popularity 67 in great lakes region

rumble 60

technical 45

flying 42

entertainment 50

performance 64

physical 73

camera 87


Stretch the Chicken Boy 26 year old heel evil doer gimmick rated 87

in tew2010 i have a big soft spot for this guy. although he changed his

wrestling stye to japanese junior i still have a spot for this guy. He has

shown alot of improvement and he is only 200 dollars a show. He was

the guy to put against Regular Joe for ratings.


popularity 80 in the great lakes region

rumble 37

technical 64

flying 51

entertainment 52

performance 62

physical 59

camera 31


Valentine 26 year old heal slob gimmick rated 79


he is #3 under the hot prospects. His psychology is currently 65. it looks like

he has a pretty good destiny stat. although i am not sure he is ready to be

a main eventer in a national company he is a very usefull worker and how good

can he become down the road...


popularity 57 in great lakes region

rumble 63

technical 54

flying 46

entertainment 49

performance 57

physical 55

camera 47


Vita 36 year old face girl next door gimmick 86


popularity 100 in the great lakes region

74 microphone

75 charisma

70 acting

61 sex appeal

67 star quality


What can i say she makes 150 dollars a show and trains everyone how to work

the mic. She is also a good presence in the locker room. She does color

commentary and interviews. She may be the best bang for the buck non

wreslter in the game. Yes i totally work her for everything i can at every show.


Still have a face spot open for someone. while i was looking to bring someone in

I saw 2 wrestlers that were unemployed that i hope like crazy are willing to

come to a regional sized fed.


Argh I bring in Lenny Brown with a rapper gimmick to be a face for us. I get 1 of

the 2 guys i wanted. I wanted a feud with Vengance and Soul Taker as they were

both unemployed TCW got Vengenance and i did manage to get Soul Taker who

is a bad locker room guy he is our show stopper and ring general and best worker.

My plans for him have been foiled though. time for a plan B.


I should not have gotten wandering eyes. I now have 12 workers 10 up and comers

and 2 vets. 1 face 1 heel. both are great workers.Both can main event in any

promotion in the game imho.


American Wrestling Federation Roster




1-Steve Flash (prob my favorite wrestler in the game)


3-Running Wolf

4-Lenny Brown

5-John Hall

6-Daniel Gray





1-Soul Taker

2-Hugh de Aske




6-El Ladron


that is my current pecking order I am currently trying to figure out the best way

to move forward with these guys.

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thanks again for your comment Pennyone


Soul Taker gimmick flopped with a 52 rating. That is my fault

I didn't check it before he debuted.I know from experience I

cant touch it for a while. Normally when i hit regional I look

to bring in a couple veterans to help lead the troops from regional

to national status. Larry Wood and Steve Flash if available are

my go to guys for this.


AWF: January 2013 attendance 1518


Ekuma and Hugh de Aske argue 91

Soul Taker over Daniel Gray 48

Steve Flash over El Ladron 44

Ekuma over Antman 65

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 78

Ekuma and Hugh de Aske brawl 100


Final Rating 76


I usually will open a dojo at some point. In this game i am leaning

towards opening 3. one for general one for basic and one for Big

Fighters which i have never done before. Just thinking outloud here.


AWF: February 2013 attendance 1587


Ekuma and Hugh de Aske argue 85

Soul Taker over Daniel Gray 54

Steve Flash over El Ladron 52

Stretch over Jon Hall 69

Vita interviews Running Wolf 93

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 69

Ekuma and Hugh de Aske brawl 99


Final Rating 71


AWF: March 2013 attendance 2000


Hugh de Aske and Ekuma argue 88

Soul Taker over Daniel Gray 64

Steve Flash over El Ladron 64

Stretch over John Hall 72

Vita interviews Running Wolf 91

Hugh de Aske over Running Wolf 71

Ekuma and Hugh de Aske brawl 99


Final Rating 75


I am looking at my guys some look like they may have capped but others have not. Wherever they cap will more than likely play a big role in who is who in the pecking order espcailly when i have everybody under written deals.

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AWF: April 2013 attendance 2000


Steve Flash and Hugh de Aske argue 93

Running Wolf over Stretch 73

Soul Taker over Ekuma 88

Vita interviews Steve Flash 100

Steve Flash over Hugh de Aske 92 (AWF Championship)

Steve Flash and Hugh de Aske brawl 100


Final Rating 92


I dont know how long I will have Steve Flash and Soul Taker but as long as I do I will be able to get some serious ratings.

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A 92 show? Thats amazing. Whats your product?


Do you not get tempted to bring new jobbers in to rotate? I Imagine their momentum is in the toilet and I can never resist signing new people.


This is an interesting take on a different style of play. Keep it coming.

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