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The Sammy Heizenger Story: TCW Calls

Guest codey

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Nice first show, Codey. I was disappointed to see Rick lose, but you established everything pretty well and I like how you presented it all.



The Freedom Fighters vs. American Buffalo & Genghis Rahn


There is no way Minnesota and RDJ could conceivably ever lose this match.


Clark Alexander vs. Sammy Bach [Non-title]


Bach's the champion, and too good to lose to Clark.


The LA Connection vs. The Canadian Animals


To put their names on All Action contention.


The Dragons & “Flying” Jimmy Foxx vs. Rick Law & The Machines


The guys on the left are pretty much jobbers.


Bryan Vessey vs. Acid


Should be a good match, but Vessey is far higher on the totem pole.


Sam Keith & Benny Benson vs. Troy Tornado & Wolf Hawkins


Difficult call, really... but I don't feel Benny should be going over Troy/Wolf, even with the world champion in the mix. Maybe they cheat.

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The Freedom Fighters vs. American Buffalo & Genghis Rahn

Buffalo and Rahn are the lesser members on their group so I don´t see them going over a pair who just killed Synticate.


Clark Alexander vs. Sammy Bach [Non-title]

I could see this one going either way in case yiu want to give Clark a title shot but I still think that Bach is safer bet.


The LA Connection vs. The Canadian Animals

Personal preference.


The Dragons & “Flying” Jimmy Foxx vs. Rick Law & The Machines

Bigger names.


Bryan Vessey vs. Acid

I do like Acid but Vessey is too much too soon for him.


Sam Keith & Benny Benson vs. Troy Tornado & Wolf Hawkins

My first reaction would be that Benson shouldn´t go over Tornado or Hawkins but it´s pretty clear that Benson will be feuding with Wolf and already feuded with Troy so guess that would be wrong. I go with small upset (on my mind) as I think that our from these four Benson needs the big win most.

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Side Note To Codey:

Reading about Cena and his whole "embrace the hate" feud thing with Kane.

It reminds me of your whole Steve Flash & Citizen X feud in "The Johnny Heizenger Story".

Also Cena apparently has embraced the hate because he's frowning which means he is evil?

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The Freedom Fighters vs. American Buffalo & Genghis Rahn

Clark Alexander vs. Sammy Bach [Non-title]

The LA Connection vs. The Canadian Animals

The Dragons & “Flying” Jimmy Foxx vs. Rick Law & The Machines

Bryan Vessey vs. Acid

Sam Keith & Benny Benson vs. Troy Tornado & Wolf Hawkins

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Side Note To Codey:

Reading about Cena and his whole "embrace the hate" feud thing with Kane.

It reminds me of your whole Steve Flash & Citizen X feud in "The Johnny Heizenger Story".

Also Cena apparently has embraced the hate because he's frowning which means he is evil?


Even if Kane loses the match (which he will) he'll still win the feud in my eyes, because he accomplished what he set out to and got Cena all angry and whatnot. Pretty good angle, actually, because it took the boring Cena and has injected some interesting aspects back into him.

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Tuesday Week 2, February 2010

Attendance: 9,609 in the Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)







Jason Azaria - Kyle Rhodes - Sara Silver


Good evening everyone, and welcome to Total Wrestling!


And we have a great main event planned for this evening. World Champion Sam Keith will be teaming alongside Benny Benson to take on the pair of Troy Tornado and Wolf Hawkins.


But to kick off the show, we have RDJ and Joey Minnesota teaming up once again to take on American Buffalo and Genghis Rahn, and The Freedom Fighters are already in the ring.







The pairing of Joey Minnesota and RDJ looked comfortable in the ring, though Joey still had that somewhat stuffy manner about him that he’s always had. RDJ looked considerably looser and he leaned on the ropes and spoke into a microphone.


Ya know, for about the past two years, I feel like the only people me and Joey have fought were Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell.


Boos erupt at the mention of the men formerly known as The Syndicate.


Sure, there we took on The Machines, Sam Keith, and Rick Law every now and then, and sometimes we had some other guys fighting alongside us, but it always boiled down to me, Joey, Hawkins and Cornell. Just us four. Now, that’s some tough competition, and you gotta be damn good to beat em, but after all the time, I’m doubting myself a little. I just don’t know if I even remember how to fight anyone else.


RDJ laughs and even gets a chuckle out of Joey.


Enter Eddie Peak and his band of merry men. Now Eddie, Eddie fought on our side every once and while. But the thing about Eddie is that he didn’t give a damn about and stable wars or that bullshit. Eddie just wants to fight, and he wants to fight the best. He don’t care about winning or losing. That crazy bastard just wants blood. Eddie just wants to run through the roster like a bat out of hell.


Now over time, we started to get called the Freedom Fighters, Joey and me. And it seems to me that trying to liberate the rest of TCW from that psycho sum buck fits that bill just right. So Eddie, send your boys down, you got your fight.






Buffalo’s a complete animal, Rahn’s a complete psycho, and both presented huge problems to Minnesota and RDJ. The massive brawlers were just running through Minnesota as the match started, but, as it always does in the end, talent and skill won out as RDJ and Minnesota fought back from the brink multiple times until RDJ finally rocked Rahn with a Southern Justice (Uranage).


The Freedom Fighters win, 75






And the Freedom Fighters strike the first blow to the Hellfire Club.


Eddie Peak can’t be happy about that.


Peak might actually like it. It just means he's picked a good fight, I think.







The high flying Bach has never been known as a fantastic technician, but he was certainly given the chance to show off his blossoming ground game against the talented Clark Alexander. The man formerly known as Ice went straight after the new International champ, cranking down on his neck to set up for the Hawaiian Breaker (Spike DDT). It was all Bach, who came into this one looking a bit too relaxed, could do to fend off the wily Alexander and get this match into his comfort zone with a break neck pace.


After kicking a few athletic ground exchanges, Bach was able to kick his way out of a tie up and took off running. A few high velocity forearms and spinning kicks later, and Bach was able to get out on the apron, springboard off the ropes and nail a beautiful missile dropkick on Alexander, who took the shot like a champ, folding backwards over himself. A moment later Bach was on him, the Bach on Your Back submission (Body lock sleeper) cinched in. As Alexander tapped out, the life draining out of his body, Bach could be seen with a look of absolute pleasure on his face, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.


Bach wins, 79.






God, even in matches Bach creeps me out.


He may be creepy, but that was a solid victory for him.


That’s right. Alexander may not have ever one a title here in TCW, but he’s always been a feared competitor.







The camera cuts now to TCW’s interview area, where Jasmine Saunders is standing by, her lustrous hair shining in the camera’s light. It’s clear why the woman’s become a Head and Shoulders spokesperson.


Next to her, of course, is Wolf Hawkins. But gone is the suit and tie and the sunglasses that he’s worn for the past two years. Instead, he’s sporting a t-shirt and jeans with a leather jacket and some freshly grown facial hair.


Ladies and gentleman, the man standing beside me needs no introduction. He is, of course, Wolf Hawkins.


Saunders turns to Wolf, who regards her with a nod.


Wolf, last week, your first without Tommy Cornell by your side, you came out of the crowd and laid a vicious beating on Benny Benson. What made you do that, unprovoked?


Wolf took a moment before speaking.


Sam Strong. Rip Chord. Crippler Kingman. Those are guys that I grew up watching. Those are guys that did whatever possible to win. But even more, those were guys that did whatever possible to make a name for themselves.


For Strong, it was all about riling up the crowd. For Chord, it was all about doing literally anything to get ahead. For Kingman, it was simply being the best in that ring.


But they all have one more thing in common: Their time is gone. All of them quit wrestling a long time ago, and they left a void.


That’s all well and good, Wolf, but what does that have to do with your attack last week?


Jasmine, I’m the guy that’s gonna fill that void. I was fine playing second fiddle to Tommy all those years, I love the guy, but I see this as a blessing. I am the most charismatic and talented wrestler in this company, and it’s my time to strike out on my on.


Benny Benson is a talented guy, too. That’s why I targeted him. I want my coming out party to mean something. Unfortunately for Benny, that means that all he’s going to amount to is being a stepping stone in my great career, the first step in me showing that I will do whatever I can, and I will do it on my own.







Wolf doesn’t seem to broken up about his break up with Tommy.


Wolf’s a tough kid.


He’s a cocky son of a bitch, if you ask me.


He is a wrestler, after all.







After the last segment, we cut back to the ringside area. After a short moment, a well dressed man in a fedora steps out onto the stage smoking a cigar. He takes it out of his mouth and replaces it with a microphone.


Ladies and gentleman, hustlers and pimps, it is I, in the flesh, the kingpin, Carl Batch! Now I’ve been down in a tropical paradise for a few years, taking a well earned vacation from the trilly tri state, and I have been enjoying myself! The beaches, the weather, the water, the
…Mmmm, mmm! Delicious.


But after a time, I started to miss all this. The craziness, ya dig? So I made a couple of phone calls, used my contacts to my advantage, and I got a hold of one Thomas P. Cornell Esquire. I told him that I want in this game, and he said why the hell not, so here I am! And I got the pick of the litter, baby! I looked this roster up and down, down and up, and I finally came to a conclusion. So ladies and gentleman, let me introduce you to my newest clients, The L…A…CO-NNECTION!






Talk about a fast paced match. These four combined to put on a nonstop tag battle with virtually no outside interference. It wasn’t for lack of trying, though. Each time Laura Huggins or Charlie Thatcher tried to get involved or distract the referee, Carl Batch was right there, ensuring that the referee turned his attention right back toward the action in the ring.


These two teams fought evenly right up until the end. Freddy Huggins and Chance Fortune had just tagged out to their partners, sending Edd Stone and Aaron Andrews flying into the ring. Stone came in a smidgeon faster, and was able to land a springboard knee on Andrews, ran the ropes, and hit a shining hurricanrana on Andrews as he rose to his feet. Immediately after, he popped to his feet, hopped up to the top rope, and, with his back to the ring, began to gyrate his hips, pointing to a hot blonde in the third row.


Yes, she was disgusted.


But the momentary concentration lapse allowed Chance Fortune to sneak in unseen and crotch Stone on the top rope, sending him flopping back down to the mat. As Huggins tried to slide back in the ring, Fortune had the wherewithal to sprint over and hit him with a flying baseball slide, taking him out.


With Stone down and Huggins out, Andrews took the opportunity to ascend the turnbuckles himself, and came down on Stone as he stood with a cross body block that earned his team the win!


The LA Connection win, 77






Batch is already doing a good job with them.


A good manager will help elevate a team, and I think the LA Connection just learned that.


I’d just like to draw attention to something you guys seem to be glossing over: Andrews just pinned the All Action Champion! That’s gotta do something to get him back on the road to a title shot.


You’re right, but it’s not us who makes that decision.








Backstage, we cut to Sam Keith, warming up for his match with a young man that looked suspiciously like him. As they rolled on the mat, Keith constantly countering into the Proton Lock, Rocky Golden opened the door and entered the room.


Hey, Sam.


Keith released his grip on the youngster and got to his feet, helping him up.




Sam regarded Rocky with a nod, which the former champ returned.


Sorry about seeing ya lose last week. Would’ve been nice to wrestle you again.


Yeah, same for you. But Troy caught me, I’m not going to cry about it. I’ll be back in the mix soon enough.


Wouldn’t surprise me a damn bit. Oh! Have you met my boy yet? Matt, shake the man’s hand.


Almost sheepishly, the youngster reached out and accepted Golden’s meaty paw.


Nice meeting you, kid.


Yeah, you too…


Quiet, isn’t he?


Yeah, he’s always been that way. He’ll be a hell of a wrestler, though. Inherited all my killer instinct and all his mama's humility,
this one
did. I’m trying to get him a shot, but Tommy wants him trained up a little bit more.


Makes sense that he'd want a see him train up a bit. The boss doesn't let just anyone in.


Hey, I wanted to wish you luck tonight, man. Troy isn’t a pushover, and I know you had a hand in teaching Wolf a thing or two. Watch out for both of them.


Keith smiled, though it could almost pass for a grimace.


Kid, I’ve been in this thing for around 30 years. I learned that little ditty back in the early eighties. But don’t worry. If those two want a fight, I’m more than willing to give it to them. I’m sure Benson ain’t gonna have much of a problem there either, what with what Hawkins did to him.







Sam Keith's got a kid?




Looks just like him, too.










Law and The Machines showed unprecedented teamwork in this effort, absolutely dismantling Jimmy Foxx and The Dragons. That’s not to say The Dragons didn’t get any opportunities to dazzle with their awesome martial arts kicks, but they were just shut down quickly every time they started to get rolling. In the end, Rick Law finished Foxx with a Long Arm of the Law Lariat, placing just one emphatic arm down on his chest during the ensuing pin.


Law & The Machines win, 71






Now THAT’S a lariat! Shades of Pistol Pete right there!


I’m pretty sure Foxx just did a shooting star press, a phoenix splash, and finished off with a moonsault before he even hit the ground.








The camera cuts to the backstage area, where Jasmine Saunders is now standing by with Koshiro Ino and The New Wave.


Guys, the three men you’ve all got problems with just teamed up, and they looked
dangerous doing it. I mean, I don’t think Jimmy Foxx is going to find his way home for a while. What are your thoughts?


She moved the microphone in front of Ino, who just glared.




This time, she moved it in front of Scout, who did reply.


Our thoughts, Jasmine, are that they’re a bunch of bullies. They think they can get together and scare us, that they can walk over us, but that isn’t going to happen. Nah, what’s going to happen is that they’re going to find that we they’re facing a united front. They’re facing what looks like even odds, only they’re not. They’re not, because The New Wave understands tactics, and we understand how to fight and overcome, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.






Well, I guess they weren’t all that impressed by the last match.


They might have been, but it’s certainly not making them back down.


And why should they? Ino beat Law at Malice, and The New Wave are the tag champs! They’ve got all the talent in the world.









Acid and Vessey have some history and more than their fair share of bad blood, and because of that this match was hard hitting and violent to the core. Acid didn’t hold back despite taking a step up in competition here, and his speed made him a hard target for Vessey to contain. Vessey’s more of a traditional wrestler, and the majority of his offense is based on getting a hold of his opponent and pounding the absolute shit out of them. Acid, wisely, didn’t want that to happen, and so the bug eyed demon came darting in and out with quick, stinging attacks like ranas, flying knees and the like.


But whenever he made a mistake, of which there were a few, Vessey was there to capitalize. With some crazy suplexes and mounted forearm attacks, Vessey managed to slowly wear Acid down en route to a victory via Vessey Driver. Following the win, Vessey called for a microphone.


Vessey wins with something to say, 88


Breathing heavily, Vessey began to speak.


Yeah, yeah, I know, “Vessey’s got a mic, everyone can flip the channel.” But I ain’t gonna take much time. Nah, I’m getting’ straight to the damn point. I’m a wrestler. A damn good one, to. And that means one thing: I wrestle. I know, it’s obvious. But I don’t care who or what I wrestle, I just do it, win or lose. But I’m 38 damn years old, and I earned the right to be a little damn picky. I don’t wanna no fight no damn scrubs. I want t ofight the best of the damned best, and last I checked, he ain’t got any matches lined up right now. So Tommy, boss, why don’t you get out here and give me an answer?


A pause, and then
Paint It Black
hit’s the speakers, eliciting a thunderous chorus of boos from the audience.




Cornell sneered as he looked at out the sea of hecklers in front of him. Finally, he turned his attention to Vessey.


You want me Vessey?


Cornell pauses, considering the request.


Alright then, you got it. It’s me and you at The War. Been a few years since we last locked up, so why the hell not? It’s not like I got a chance of losing, anyway.


Vessey smiled and shook his head.


And as for all you--


Cornell pointed out to the crowd.


--I had a big announcement for all you wankers tonight. But listening to this tepid-at-best response I just got, you don’t deserve it. No, I’m gonna put this one on the backburner. Maybe the good people of Virginia will be good enough to deserve it next week. Maybe. We'll just have to see. All I do know is that you surely don't.


And with that, Cornell dropped his mic and turned and left, leaving the crowd quite upset.







What a match announcement!


But what was the


Who knows? It’s Tommy Cornell, there might not even be one!


Are you suggesting that the owner of this company is just screwing with the fans?


I am.


She is.








Benson had quite the fire lit under him, showing an intensity that the fun loving newcomer has yet to display in his TCW tenure. Doubtlessly the gutless attack by Hawkins last week was the cause, but maybe teaming with a legend and future hall of famer like Sam Keith had something to do with it too.


Despite this new ferocity, he was still the weak link on his team, and Troy Tornado, just like at Malice, continually one upped him. But his fight was incredible against Wolf Hawkins, and the two combined to produce some very exciting sequences, such as when they stood in the center of the ring exchanging roundhouse kicks to the mid section, ending spectacularly when Benson feinted and landed a brutal head kick that nearly ended the match.


Even with the impressive exchanges those two put on, Sam Keith and Troy Tornado were still the stars of the match. Time and time again, they outclassed the other two when they were in the ring together and put on dazzling displays with one another. Keith, in his old age, is primarily a technician, but he was able to pull out the old luchador skills that made him a world champion in Mexico during the early eighties to match up with the speed of Tornado.


When the match slowed down, the two showed off their ability to adapt to the slower pace as well, still showing some highlights with some stiff shots aimed at one another. As the clock wound down, Keith finally found the opening he was looking for, hitting the Neutron Plex on Wolf Hawkins. The only mistake he made, though, was tossing Hawkins a bit too close toward Tornado’s corner, allowing his rival to slap Wolf on the chest, tagging himself in.


Keith, uncharacteristically unprepared, was unable to do anything as Tornado spring boarded up onto the ropes and launched himself off, nailing the champion with a Star Maker (springboard flying forearm)! But just as Tornado approached to make the cover and take the win, the bell sounded, sending Tornado into a fit as he realized the twenty minute tv time limit had expired.


The match is a time limit draw, 79






Total: 77







This has been a presentation of…


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This week’s edition of Total kicks off with a bang, seeing the enigmatic Sammy Bach taking on the fun-loving Danny Fonzarelli. Last week saw Fonzarelli’s partner, Clark Alexander, fall to Bach’s dreaded Bach on Your Back submission hold, but Fonzarelli might just be big enough to counter Bach’s speed and technique with his pure size.


Also in action are Chance Fortune and Wolf Hawkins. A few years ago, this match would not have been out of place at all in the All Action division, but today, this is a big step up in competition for Fortune. With Carl Batch at his side, will Fortune be able to topple the always dangerous Wolf Hawkins?


Carl Batch shouldn’t leave ringside after the last match, because next up his other client, Aaron Andrews, attempts to tackle Freddy Huggins. Huggins is All Action champion Edd Stone’s best friend, and with the rivalry that’s been brewing between Andrews and Stone, this match only makes sense. Huggins has been a little down on his luck lately, but that’s no reason for Andrews to take him lightly. The man is a record four time All Action title holder, after all.


Last week saw Rick Law team with The Machines to dissect The Dragons and Jimmy Foxx. This week, we get to see their rivals Koshiro Ino and The New Wave team up to take on The Tag Team Specialists and their friend, newcomer JD Morgan. It looks like they’ll be aiming to prove that they’re just as good as their rivals, but will their opposition allow that?


The semi main event of the evening should be a doozy. In action for the first time since his loss to Bryan Vessey at Malice in Wonderland, Eddie Peak will collide with one of his newfound rivals, Joey Minnesota. Expect massive amounts of violence, and don’t be surprised should the rest of The Hellfire Club or RDJ get involved in any capacity.


And finally, in the main event, we have a rematch half a year in the making. Tommy Cornell, my boss and future hall of famer, will be taking on the young, powerful, and always dangerous Rocky Golden. With no world title on the line this time around, the stakes aren’t as high as the last time these two met, but this is TCW, baby, where competition thrives! No one wants to lose here, especially not to someone they dislike as much as these two hate one another.




Quick Picks:

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

Chance Fortune vs. Wolf Hawkins

Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins

The Face Paint Brigade (Ino & The Wave) vs. The Grumpy Old Men (Oxford, Bryant & Morgan)

Joey Minnesota vs. Eddie Peak

Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell
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Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

I assume this is non-title like Bach last month´s match and in that case I see Fonzarelli getting a win in order to provoke a title match on next PPV.


Chance Fortune vs. Wolf Hawkins

Pretty much a squash.


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins

If Andrews are challenging Stone for the title then he is pretty likely to go over Freddy in order to build him up a little bit.


The Face Paint Brigade (Ino & The Wave) vs. The Grumpy Old Men (Oxford, Bryant & Morgan)

Face Paint trio are doing more and their rivals won their match last week too.


Joey Minnesota vs. Eddie Peak

Minnesota would probably be safer bet but bad guys need to get some wins in this feud and this looks like the match where it could happen.


Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell

Golden aren´t in a feud at the moment so Cornell picks up the win.

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Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

Chance Fortune vs. Wolf Hawkins

Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins

The Face Paint Brigade (Ino & The Wave) vs. The Grumpy Old Men (Oxford, Bryant & Morgan)

Joey Minnesota vs. Eddie Peak

Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell


Those I didn't pick, or put as a draw, I despise. :p

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Danny Fonzarelli vs. Sammy Bach

Non-Title means Danny gets a break, also the Bach character is just to creepy.


Chance Fortune vs. Wolf Hawkins

Sorry Chance but your Fortune has changed


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins

This will give Aaron an all-action title shot


The Face Paint Brigade (Ino & The Wave) vs. The Grumpy Old Men (Oxford, Bryant & Morgan)

Just job away the talented old people like a smart person why don't you.


Joey Minnesota vs. Eddie Peak

Minnesota's ego can't inflate any more or he would be a cancer. Peak is the safer bet right now.


Rocky Golden vs. Tommy Cornell

Rocky you suck and are going to be jobbed. Once this gig is done you can join Valentine in USPro


Sorry if I sound a bit harsh

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Tuesday Week 3, February 2010

6,241 fans in Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic)







Jason Azaria - Kyle Rhodes - Sara Silver


Welcome, everyone, to Total Wrestling! We’ve got a stacked show for you this evening, complete with--


Yeah, yeah, Jason, it’s going be a great show, but it’s already starting!









Last week, Bach overcame Clark Alexander. This week, his partner, Danny Fonzarelli, gets his chance to take a crack at the champion.


Again, Bach was working out of his element. Against Fonzarelli, he was giving up considerable size, and had to battle an experienced brawler. What all that meant, though, was what seemed like a blazing speed advantage. With a sadistic grin on his face, Bach almost toyed Fonzarelli throughout the entire match up, flying all over the ring, much to Clark Alexander’s un-amusement. Karen Killer seemed to like it, though, licking her lips whenever Bach came near.


Despite clearly winning the match up until the end, Bach took the dirty path of delivering a low blow to Fonzarelli, causing him to collapse to his stomach. As he lay there, Bach leapt upon him, snaking his legs around and locking in the Bach on Your Back choke hold, yanking backward viciously, a look of immense pleasure on his face. Eventually, Fonzarelli had no choice but to tap.


Bach wins, 82


After the match, Bach lazily slipped out of the ring, neglecting to return an overtly sexual embrace from Karen Killer. As the couple strolled up the ramp, Clark Alexander rolled into the ring, pissed off.


No, Bach, just no. You don’t get off this easy. You’re going to learn your lesson, and me and Danny are going to be the ones to teach it to you. You, me, and Danny, triple threat, The War to Settle the Score. Do you accept!?


Throughout his entire outburst, Bach never turned around and regarded him. It wasn’t until several seconds afterward that he slowly spun around, accepting a microphone from a TCW staffer that rushed on screen. Smirking, Bach raised the microphone to his lips.


People say I’m all about the pleasure…


At this point Karen Killer began to rub his shoulders, massaging them.


But I’m not…It’s so much more than that. It’s about the pain…The pain that I feel, but mostly…the pain that I cause. When I choke the life out of someone, it’s not because I want to win. It’s because I love the feeling of their life slowly…slowly…slipping out of them. You know the feeling, Clark. And now you know, too, Danny.


It’s the same reason I hospitalized Josh Taylor. I don’t have anything against him. I don’t dislike him. But I just…couldn’t resist. Once I grabbed that chair…the thrill…I couldn’t stop!


You’re obsessed with getting me back for that, Clark. I can’t deny you that. After all, I’ve been known to…indulge in my obsessions. The question is...what will happen when our two obsessions meet?





What. A. Creep.


That’s a creep that just choked Danny Fonzarelli nearly unconscious, Sara.


This triple threat sounds like it’s going to be more of a handicap match to me.


Yeah, and I’ll enjoy watching Bach get beaten down, too.


What happened to impartial journalism?









Under Carl Batch’s guidance, Chance Fortune seems to have really upped his game. It really is amazing what a good gameplan can do for someone, since Fortune would have struggled to get any offense in against Wolf Hawkins prior to joining up with Batch. As it stands, he was able to get in some very nice kicks and a head scissors take down or two. In the end, though, he was still in the ring with Wolf Hawkins, and he took the beating that everyone expected. After Hawkins hit him with his now patented Full Nelson Suplex he stalked him like a, well, like a wolf, and charged forward to nail him with Full Moon Rising (running enzigiri) to score the win.


Hawkins wins, 78




Hawkins celebration didn’t consist of him raising his hands in victory or howling out an adrenaline-fueled call. Instead, he simply stepped up onto the second turnbuckle and stared out into the crowd, snarling. Still, even that was cut short as Benny Benson hopped the barrier, snatched up a steel chair and nailed Hawkins from behind, crumpling him to the canvas. As he wound up for another strike, Hawkins wisely rolled from the ring, avoiding any further damage.


Still hyped up, Benson grabbed a mic.


You wanted a fight, Wolf? You got one! But if you were expecting an easy one, you’re out of luck. I think I showed you last week that I don’t go down easy.


You’ve got about two weeks to lick your wounds, because at The War, it’s gonna be me and you, mano a mano!





I’m telling you, I love this! Two of TCW’s top young talents just going at it. These two are going to be some top wrestlers someday.


Someday? I’d argue that at least Wolf already is.


Benson’s certainly no slouch, either.







Backstage, Sam Keith, Rocky Golden, and Keith’s son Matt were discussing some technique to prepare Golden for his match with Tommy Cornell later tonight. Golden won his first World Championship from Cornell, but he was extremely willing to soak up the lessons from the legend and World Champ Sam Keith.


Just as they were about to go over counters to the Rough Ride, the door to their locker room burst open and a familiar face strolled in.




Knock knock, assholes.


Tornado’s interruption caused a stir in the room as the trio stood on their guard, Rocky and Sam in the forefront with Matt standing back a bit.


You’re not welcome in here, Tornado. I’d suggest you turn around and walk out that door.


Whoah, whoah, whoah. I’m not here for hostilities, Sammy-boy. I’m a rock star, after all. I’m all about the show, the adulation, the ratings!...and this--


Tornado gestured around the locker room.


--This doesn’t make for a good show. As TCW’s resident ROCK STAR, I’m here to fix that.


Keith and Golden continued to eye Tornado.


Not tonight, of course. I’ve got big plans tonight, and they involve a couple of blondes and a brunette, not getting in the ring. But I do have a proposition for you. Next week, me and you, Sam, we dance. But not against each other. Oh no, that’s for the BIG show. That’s the fireworks. No, next week, we provide the opener. I’ll jam against anyone you pick, and you jam against anyone I pick. Let’s give the people a little warm up. It’ll be just another chance for me to prove that while my career’s busy bein’ born, your’s is just like Metallica’s: going down in flames.


With that, Tornado spun on his heel and left the room before anyone could say a word in response.


…So, are you going to accept?


Speaking through gritted teeth, Sam answered.


I’ve been in this business for 31 years, and I ain’t never backed down from a fight. Tornado wants to yank on my chain a little? Then this dog’s gonna bite back.


You’re damn right I accept.





I can’t wait to find out who they pick!


These two do NOT like each other, so I’d imagine they’re going to be some TOUGH matches.


This is TCW buddy, that’s a given.


You’re damn right it is.









Freddy Huggins is much more of a high flyer than Aaron Andrews (who’s no slouch), but Aaron Andrews is a much more well-rounded competitor. Looking at these stats, it was no surprise that the story of the match was Aaron Andrews doing all he could to keep the four time All Action champ on the ground.


Naturally, he wasn’t entirely successful.


Huggins was able to get up in the air a couple of times, and when he did, damage was done. One particular instance saw him hit an absolutely beautiful springboard moonsault that very nearly ended the match, as Andrews just barely got his shoulder up at the last possible moment. Huggins got up with a little pep in his step and walked to the corner of the ring, just begging Andrews to stand up. When he did, Huggins took aim and launched the super kick he calls the Huggins Kiss, but Andrews countered perfectly, ducking under the boot, hitting Huggins with his trademark hot shot, and finally finishing him off with a beautiful DDT, spiking Freddy on his head and taking the victory!


Andrews wins, 68




No sooner had Andrews raised his arms in victory did Edd Stone and Charlie Thatcher hit the ring. Thatcher came in thunderously with a massive boot to the back of Andrews head, leveling him. Stone was close behind, hopping easily up to the top rope. Barking orders at his bodyguard, Stone called for Thatcher to bring Andrews to his feet, which he did obediently. With a high, shrill cry (a war call?) Edd leapt from the top rope, landed deftly on his feet, and…kicked Andrews right in the crotch.




As Edd took a moment to point and laugh at his writhing foe, Chance Fortune came sprinting down toward the ring with a steel chair, sending Edd and his whole group scattering.





A low blow? Really?


Don’t tell me you’re holding Edd Stone to any sort of standards.


The guy doesn’t know what a book is, never mind a RULE book.







The scene cuts now to Tommy Cornell, sitting backstage enjoying a cup of tea as he looks over some paperwork. As he does so, Bryan Vessey walks up, grinning.


Tommy! I’ve been meaning to talk with you a bit.


Tommy looked up at him, regarding him coldly.


Yeah, yeah, go on sunshine. Make it quick, though, I’ve got business on my mind.


That’s exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. I think this match of ours is gonna be big business.


Oh yeah?


Yeah. It’s been a few years since we met up, I figure it’s been one the fans have been wanting since I came back here.


Tommy stood up now.


I think you’re right. And ya know, I just wanted to thank you. It’s good business sense ya got there, Bryan.


Tommy extended his hand, and Vessey accepted the gesture.


Well, I’ll be seeing you later.


See you at War.


With that, Vessey turned on his heels and began to walk away. He didn’t get far, though, before Tommy Cornell picked up his cup of tea and smashed it on the back of Vessey’s head, crumpling him!


You don’t just get a match when you challenge me, ya wanker. You get the biggest villain in the game, and everything that comes with it.





That’s just a cheap shot, there’s nothing else to say about.


Really, what did Vessey expect was going to happen? Tommy Cornell wouldn’t kiss his mother without trying to pick her purse clean!


You joke, but I’ve actually seen it happening.


And this man is our boss?


Disturbing, huh?











To be fair, Joel Bryant isn’t an old man since he’s under still under 40, but he IS one of the grumpiest, nastiest men this business has to offer, and a devastating technician on top of that. Actually, all three of The Grumpy Old Men are, and that’s precisely why they presented such a problem to Ino and The Wave. Whereas Rick Law and The Machines took on a few rookies last week, they decided to battle a bunch of battle hardened veterans.


Out of all of them, it was Guide that took the most punishment, at one point becoming isolated by Oxford, Morgan, and Bryant. Despite that, the tough brawler was still able to run through Morgan with his Guided Missile (Spear), setting up both to get hot tags to Ino and Oxford.


Ino was the one that really stormed the ring, though, takins out all three opponents before finally hitting Oxford with a Kobra’s Bite (Rolling inverted DDT) to score the win as Guide and Scout ran interference, keeping Morgan and Bryant from stopping the pin.


Ino & The Wave win, 73




I feel bad for Oxford, Morgan, and Bryant. That team name is downright offensive!


Well, they’re not exactly old, but they are extremely temperamental.


That they are.







The camera shot cuts to the backstage area, where Rick Law and The Machines are standing by with Jasmine Saunders.


Rick, Koshiro Ino just finished that match off with authority. Are you at all worried about him?


Rick scoffed at that.


Worried? Hell no! I got a pair of wrestling MACHINES on my side!


Hill and Anderson smiled and shook their heads.


They want to make a little team, try and prove something to us? It didn’t work. No ma’am! We ain’t impressed. They want to prove something, they’ll prove it at War, against the three baddest men in TCW, in a six man tag match! And darling, when it all comes down to it, they’re going to find out what happens when they fight the law…


Law paused, waiting for the fans to chant his catch phrase. When they didn’t, he scowled.


…The Law wins.


As Law stomped off, clearly upset, John Anderson stepped up.


And if that doesn’t work, then we’ll give them three choices: Tap, nap, or snap!





Honestly, they don’t seem all that worried.


You don’t reach the heights they have without at least a little bit of confidence.


No you don’t. And I like it. Confidence means that they will not back down, and that just means that their match will be all the better!









No allies were on deck for this one, it was just two men brawling in the ring. Joey’s always been more of a traditional wrestler, but against a shark like Eddie Peak, any sort of gameplan just sort of goes out of the window and the match tends to break down into a brawl, and that’s exactly what happened here.


The two put on an extremely spirited brawl, finished off when Minnesota charged forward and launched a terrific-looking dropkick at Peak, catching him flush in the face and sending him tumbling backwards over the ropes. When Peak stood, he revealed himself to be grinning wickedly through a waterfall of crimson pouring from his nose, but he made no move to step back into the ring with Minnesota. Instead, he turned on his heels and stalked up the ramp, that wide smile still worn wide on his face as the referee counted him out and awarded the match to Joey Minnesota.


Minnesota wins via countout, 85.





As soon as Peak disappeared into the back, the screen crackled to life, revealing Acid, American Buffalo, and Genghis Rahn leaving a locker room. When the door swung shut, the camera focused on the nameplate screwed into the hardwood, revealing it to say none other than Ricky Dale Johnson. After a second, the camera man reached out and pushed the door forward, letting it creak open. Peeking inside, the camera caught a slight glimpse of RDJ laying motionless, blood pouring from his head, but it was only fleeting. Before he could investigate further, the camera wrenched around, catching sight of Eddie Peak, still bloody and laughing as he knocked the camera man to the floor. Peak then stepped over him, and slammed the door behind him.


Minnesota didn’t wait long to watch this unfold before sprinting to the back, but before the results of his revenge were shown, the show cut to commercial.







That’s a scary group that could do that to RDJ.


Do? I’m pretty sure Peak just locked himself in that room with Johnson to keep the assault going!






Breaking the Law hit, and out stepped Tommy Cornell onto the ramp. The fans greeted him with nothing but disdain. Sneering, Cornell began to speak.


Last week, I said the bunch of losers in in Wisconsin didn’t deserve my big announcement. I said that maybe the good people of Virginia would. But to tell you the truth, I didn’t hold out much hope. You…hillbillies…don’t deserve to be the ones to hear my announcement! No, no, no, you wankers just ruined your chances with that response.


I’ve already made an impact tonight, you can just ask Bryan Vessey. He can’t answer you, but you can certainly see the results.


Tommy smirked.


So I think I can put my announcement off for another week.


The crowd just continued to boo.


I think the fans in Texas will be much more appreciative. In fact, I think the fans in that GREAT STATE will pay amazing amounts of money to hear my announcement. They’ll surely do better than sixty five hundred fans.


The smirk was gone, replaced by a sneer.


You want to hear what I have to say, then you pay for it.


With that, Cornell spiked the mic and made his way to the ring, where he awaited the arrival of Rocky Golden.





Cornell never received his rematch for his World Championship, so embroiled was he in batting RDJ and Joey Minnesota. Unfortunately for him, Golden no longer holds that belt, but there has to be some measure of satisfaction in taking a win over a man who previously bested you in an extremely close match.


Golden’s focus for this one was to wear down Cornell’s midsection to set up for that most deadly of submissions, The Rack. With backbreakers, belly to belly suplexes, a particularly tight bear hug, and his trademark machine gun forearms to the back of a cornered opponent, Golden did just that.


Tommy’s strategy was even simpler: be Tommy Cornell. Honestly, when you’re one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, there’s not much need to vary your strategy. Cornell simply got in the ring and wrestled, adjusting his focus from Golden’s arm to his knee and finally to his neck.


But Golden did beat him in a very similar match before, and as he lifted Tommy into The Rack, it looked like that would happen once more. But after a short struggle, Tommy slipped out and behind Golden, where he dropped him with a neck breaker before calling for the end. At this point, Cornell made his way up to the top rope, and as Golden made his way to his feet, leapt off. Hitting Golden with a Three Inch Shrink (diving karate chop to the head)! Tommy covered and got a 1 count…2 count…Golden kicked out!


Furious, Tommy violently yanked Rocky up, grabbed him around the neck and nailed him with the Rough Ride (slingshot face crusher). This time, when Tommy covered him Golden failed to even attempt to get his shoulder up. He was out, and Tommy won.


Cornell wins, 90






Total: 77






This has been a presentation of…


4.91 Rating

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Stanley Hall, home of Mid Atlantic wrestling. For now, at least.


In January, we inked a deal with former two time TCW champ and wrestling legend Rip Chord to turn his baby into TCW’s development promotion. Honestly, it wasn’t even hard to convince him. Me and Tommy flew down one day, talked to him a little, drank a few root beers (Rip’s eleven years sober), and the next day pen was put to paper and we were already deciding who to send Rip’s way. And not just guys on our roster, either, because this finally gave us an excuse to splurge on some indy talent as well.


Turning MAW into a development league is pretty much in line with Rip’s original vision for the company. His goal was always to create young stars and send them on to bigger things as better wrestlers, and he was only too happy to take our resources to help him out.


Up to this point, it was just him and Jean Cattley doing all the training. Thanks to this deal, he’s now working with Steve Flash, Fumihiro Ota, and that scary son of a bitch Larry Wood. Together, they make up one of the most formidable training teams I’ve ever seen. And that was only the beginning. We had feelers out all over the place looking for new trainers.



MAW's esteemed training squad


The guys we sent down from the active roster are all guys we have big plans for. Texas Pete’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met and deserves a chance to get better. Giant Tana is a monster that actually has an ounce of charisma, which is a rarity. And then there’s Josh Taylor, who can outwrestle tons of guys but bores the crap out of me on the mic. That’s why he’s down there; to learn from the best, Rip Chord.


Most of the guys down in development aren’t all that great, though. They just have good potential. But guys like Oleg Dorosklov, Cameron Vessey, Remmy Skye, Dagger and Mimic, and finally Mainstream Hernandez are all just about good enough to make it on tv already.


With the talent they already have and all the guys we’ve sent down there, they shouldn’t be in Stanley Hall for very long. I see big things in the future for TCW and MAW. My family, too, but that’s a story for another time…
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What’s going on party people? I’m the Doctor of Love Danny Fonzarelli, and I’m here to give you all the low down on this week’s Total Wrestling!


Kicking off this killer show we got a PPV worthy tag match, as those military cats The New Wave take on those cold blooded dudes The Machines. Now, this is just TV, so the titles aren’t on the line, but you can bet your sweet asses this one’s gonna be killer.


Following that, yours truly will be tearing it up, right alongside my best bro, the iciest of the icy Clark Alexander. Against us? None other than that creepy dude Sammy Bach and Acid, for whatever reason. The dude’s nearly as creepy with his bugged out eyes, so I guess they fit. Either way, me and my dude come out on top!


And the tag action continues! This time is big Wolfy Hawk and The Canadian Animals taking on Benny Benson and The LA Connection. Carl Batch is one composed cat and he’s taking The LA Connection places, but Eduardo Stone is All Action champ and Wolfy is just one plain old bad dude. Kid’s got a serious complex, but that’s beside the point, because he can back up all the talk he makes.


Is tag team action a theme tonight? Because it keeps on going here. This time, it’s a three way featuring The Tag Team Specialists taking on The Dragons and the aptly named Mystery Men. No one knows who these dudes are, but if they made it to TCW, that means they got something! Still, they’ve got some serious challenges in store for them in their debut. The Dragons are apparently martial arts experts, and The Tag Team Specialists are not only mean dudes, but they’ve added some killer backup in JD Morgan.


And the theme of the evening comes to a close, as now just get some boring old singles action. Well, I guess boring is an understatement. Sam Keith accepted Troy Tornado’s challenge last week, and now TCW’s self-proclaimed ROCK STAR BABY! finds himself in the ring with Bryan Vessey himself. Damn, Sam Keith knows how to pick em.


That’s not to say Troy Tornado don’t. Instead of giving the World Champion a tough match, Troy decided to put him in the ring with someone that doesn’t even care if he wins. Dudes gets to wrestle Eddie Peak, who only really cares about putting a hurting on cats. All I can say is Sam Keith better consider himself Peak’s brother ain’t hanging around TCW, too.


In addition to all these cool ass matches we got the boss, the game planner, the biggest villain in the game, Tommy Cornell himself, who may or may not decide to finally reveal his big announcement to the fans in the Texas. Will he, or will he just be a bigger dick than usual? Only time can tell, baby!




Quick Picks:

The New Wave vs. The Machines

Party Down vs. Sammy Bach & Acid

Benny Benson & The LA Connection vs. Wolf Hawkins & The Canadian Animals

The Dragons vs. Mystery Men vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Bryan Vessey vs. Troy Tornado

Sam Keith vs. Eddie Peak
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The New Wave vs. The Machines

Party Down vs. Sammy Bach & Acid

Benny Benson & The LA Connection vs. Wolf Hawkins & The Canadian Animals

The Dragons vs. Mystery Men vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Bryan Vessey vs. Troy Tornado

Sam Keith vs. Eddie Peak

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The New Wave vs. The Machines

To me there is two possibilities here. First is somekind of draw in order to build up for the PPV match. The second option is that the team who is going to lose in PPV gets a feel good win here in order to make it look like that team has an upper hand before the PPV. I go with option number 1 so draw it is.


Party Down vs. Sammy Bach & Acid

Hard one. Party Down needs to get a win over Bach if this feud is going to stay alive but I still go with Bach winning this one and losing the PPV match that he will likely have with either or both of the Party Down guys as winning PPV match would mean more for Party Down than winning a tag match in TV espesially since Acid doesn´t have any connection to Bach.


Benny Benson & The LA Connection vs. Wolf Hawkins & The Canadian Animals

Hard one but on my eyes Benson needs to get a win over Hawkins before I take his as serious treath to Wolf and this might be good spot to get that win.


The Dragons vs. Mystery Men vs. The Tag Team Specialists

Neither of the other teams look like winners with Dragons being still new (and likely not so over) and Specialists being old so my guess is that new team make an impressive debut here.


Bryan Vessey vs. Troy Tornado

Troy is new number one contenter so he has to stay strong. My guess is that Cornell interferes here giving Vessey a reason to lose.


Sam Keith vs. Eddie Peak

Champ is kept strong too via win but this might not be clean either. In fact I predict DQ win when Peak decides to forgot the rules.

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The New Wave vs. The Machines

Non-title gives the machines the win

Party Down vs. Sammy Bach & Acid

They seem more on the same page

Benny Benson & The LA Connection vs. Wolf Hawkins & The Canadian Animals

Wolf and Edd just seem stronger than the other side.

The Dragons vs. Mystery Men vs. The Tag Team Specialists

This is the same thing as a ?

Bryan Vessey vs. Troy Tornado

He's the number one contender and an all around wrestling god.

Sam Keith vs. Eddie Peak

Keep the champ at the top even if it's by a very bloody DQ.

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Tuesday Week 4, February 2010

7,511 fans in The Friedman Building (Mid South)







Jason Azaria - Kyle Rhodes - Sara Silver


Welcome to Total Wrestling! It’s a chilly Texas evening-


-Which means a little bit of rain and a slight wind chill.


-and we’ve got a hot show planned for you.


So hot, in fact, that we couldn’t delay the show start in the first place. The Machines and The New Wave are already in the ring!









This was a non-title match, but these teams didn’t treat it as such. The entire match was spent trying to brutalize one another just like if the titles were on the line.


The Machines used their trademark technique, but Scout was there to match them hold for hold, and the wild style of Guide proved extremely difficult for them to contain. In fact, Guide very nearly ended it late in the match with his Guided Missile (spear) on Brent Hill, but John Anderson was there to break up the pin at the very last second.


But that was the last chance either team had to end the match. The match creeped closer and closer to the twenty minute mark, and eventually it hit it, causing the referee to declare the match a draw.


The match is a time limit draw, 79






I still can’t tell which team is better than the other.


After the match, I can answer that.











The camera cuts to the backstage area, where Koshiro Ino is seen watching the finish of the previous match intently on a monitor. Suddenly, without provocation, he was blindsided by Rick Law, who blasted him from behind with a Long Arm of the Law lariat, sending him crashing into the table holding the monitor. The small television set flipped off to the ground as Law began to lay stomp after stomp into the skull of Ino. Finally, he dragged him up into a seated position, whipped out his trademark nightstick, and blasted him square in the face with it before walking off without another word.







What an attack!


That’s just dirty. Folks, this is NOT what TCW is about.


I just got word from the powers to be, guys.




And they say that at The War to Settle the Score, it’s going to be Ino and The New Wave taking on Rick Law and The Machines in a six man tag match!







w/ Karen Killer


While Bach doesn’t have any official affiliation with The Hellfire Club, teaming up with Acid does make some semblance of sense. Bach and Acid both come from the volatile environment of DaVE, and they’re both very…sinister individuals. All in all, that creates a tough team. But the thing is, they’ve just been created. Party Down have been teaming for some time, and have their teamwork down pat. So while individually two might not be able to match up with Acid or Bach, as a team, they were more than a match.


In fact, Party Down nearly had both Bach and Acid put away multiple times during the match, but they were able to escape by just the hair on their chins each times.


The final result marred an otherwise entertaining match, as Bach hit Fonzarelli with a low blow out of eye shot of the referee and proceeded to take his back and drag him down into a Bach on Your Back. Acid used his speed to get in the ring, sprint across and hit a flying knee flush on the chin of Alexander, and the time he bought was enough to allow Fonzarelli to tap.


Sammy Bach & Acid win, 81






Cheaters. That’s what this match came down to. Pathetic, in my professional opinion.


I agree completely. The ref should have seen that low blow.


The fact is he didn’t, though. This is going down as a win on both of their records. If Party Down want revenge, they can take Sammy Bach’s International title in a few days.







w/ Carl Batch vs.
w/ Laura Huggins


Controlled chaos.


Okay, just chaos.


With this many fast, high flying, and, most of all, talented competitors in the ring at once, that’s all this was ever going to be. Eventually, the ref told everyone to halt, informed them that he was now contesting the contest under lucha tag rules, and restarted the match. Now, with as many dives and all the action going on outside the ring, the match was running much smoother, and got everyone involved equal ring time. Benny Benson in particular shined, hitting his trademark Shockwave From Next Year (Spinning Reverse STO) on both Stone and Huggins.


The finish came as Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins found themselves in the ring. They had a close contest that Hawkins slowly began to come out on top of when Edd Stone’s bodyguard Charlie Thatcher made his way to the ring. Andrews saw this, and as Hawkins whipped him across the ring, he sent himself up and over the ropes, coming down on Thatcher with a big cross body block!


The move left Andrews tagged out, which Hawkins immediately realized, since he rushed over to the faces corner, grabbed Chance Fortune, who was looking back at his partner and Thatcher, and dragged him over the ropes with a Full Nelson Suplex to score the win!


Hawkins & The Canadian Animals win, 72






What a move!


Fortune’s going to be feeling that one for a while.


Benson can’t be happy about giving up a match to Hawkins ahead of their PPV match.





From the last match, the camera cuts now to the locker room of Sam Keith. Alongside him are Rocky Golden and his son, Matt Keith.


…and I’ve fought Peak before. I’m not worried about the bastard.


I’ve fought him, too, and I am worried Keith. Not that you’ll lose tonight, I know you won’t. I’m worried about what he’ll do to you heading into your defense Sunday. Peak is a big challenge, and if he hadn’t lost to Vessey, it would probably be HIM challenging for your belt.


Hmmph. You think so?


I know so. I looked at the contender lists when I had the belt, Sam. Peak was right up there at the top. But that’s not all. Peak doesn’t want to win this match. Peak wants to hurt you. He doesn’t care about wins or gold, all he wants is blood. Your’s.


Keith pondered this for a moment before finally speaking.


You think I don’t know that? Boy, I’ve been doing this since before you were born. I know what Peak’s about. Matt, tell him what I’ve been saying all week.


Matt looked almost surprised when his dad asked him to speak, and his words stuck in his throat.


Out with it!


…You, uh, you said you were going to stick him in the Proton Lock and…and not let go until he passes out.


Keith smiled.


You’re damn right.






It’s hard to bet against Keith.


I have no doubt in my mind that he’ll be in the Hall of Immortals the minute he retires.


I can’t say the same about his son, though. Does he have any sort of confidence?


He’s still a boy, Sara. He’s what, 20? 21?


20, Kyle.









The final tag match of the evening is a triple threat, featuring the debut of the aptly named Mystery Men. As they made their entrance, the duo were revealed to be a pair of luchadors known as El Leon and Electrico.


All three teams looked dangerous here. The Dragons utilized their stiff martial arts attacks to deal damage, with #1 utilizing a hook kick with deadly efficiency. Leon and Electrico added in the high flying, looking amazing as they took to the air throughout the match.


And finally there were The Specialists, with their years of experience and technical ability. While the other teams looked good, Oxford and Bryant were excellent. They picked their spots with an ease born from years of experience and following a Bryant Brainbuster on Dragon #2, Oxford came soaring in for the finish with his trademark top rope knee drop.


The Specialists win, 67.






The Specialists look to be back on track.


And they faced some stiff competition.


We haven’t seen much of The Dragons and even less of Mystery Men, but I think it’s safe to say that they’ll be feared teams someday.


I’d say that’s a fair assessment of them, Sara.







Jeers erupted throughout the crowd as Breaking the Law began to play and Tommy Cornell stepped out onto the stage. The owner of TCW scowled as he looked out at the fans in the arena.


After seeing that you lot failed to sell out the arena just like all the others, I was just about ready to skip out on my announcement once again. Lucky for you, the board of directors have convinced me that that wasn’t the best course of action. They want me to give you a chance to get excited for it. I said bugger that, but they insisted.


The scowl on Cornell’s face worsened.


So, without further ado, here you are.


He made a grand gesture toward the big screen behind him, and a video crackled to life.



Sam Strong.


Rip Chord.


Ricky Dale Johnson.


The Vessey Brothers.


BLZ Bubb.


Tommy Cornell.


Images of the biggest stars in TCW history flashed across the screen, competing in a ring not seen for years. As the montage played, the following words appeared over them:


Before they made Total Wrestling, before they made Tuesday nights exciting again, before they rocketed TCW to new heights.


Before all of that, they waged war on Saturday nights, showcasing their talents for all of the world to see.


In March of 2010, Saturday night will make its triumphant return to the forefront of the wrestling world.


This is…




Cornell smiled as the fans cheered.


Changed your tune, didn’t it? I was a big fan of the shot of me pinning Bryan Vessey. Oh, and his has-been brother, too. Both of those were top notch shots.







Wow! What an announcement!


Saturday Night Showcase is back!


Two nights of TCW a week? The fans have got to love that!


Hell. I love it!







As Cornell walked to the back, Busy Bein Born hit and Troy Tornado danced out onto the stage, taunting the fans the entire.


Welcome, ladies and gents, to the TROY TORNADO SHOW! Now I’m sure you’re all excited for the return of Saturday Night Showcase, but let’s face it, this is the main attraction. And I’m not talking about Total Wrestling. Oh no, no, no! I’m talking about this, MY match in particular! Oh, sure, I know it’s not the real main event, but putting old man Keith in that spot is just a formality we unfortunately abide by. Does anyone really think another Eddie Peak massacre deserves that spot? I thought not.


Right now, you get to see the greatest, most charismatic, talented, smartest, and, most of all, BEST LOOKING wrestler put on a clinic against that
, Bryan Vessey. Enjoy the show, ladies and gents!






The opening tie up resulted in Tornado being forced into the corner. When the ref forced them apart, Tornado quickly spun out and forced Vessey into the turnbuckles and rocketed off a forearm. Vessey, unfazed, stormed forward and took control with a series of punches, a boot to the gut, and a huge suplex that earned him a one fall.


Tornado barely had time to massage his jaw before Vessey was on him again, this time hitting a knee drop followed up with a side slam. But as he approached Tornado to follow up, he found himself rolled up for a quick one count. When he shot to his feet, he realized a split second to late that Tornado was already on his feet, and he fell victim to a whip-like dropkick that sent him tumbling to the floor.


Tornado, not wanting to capitalize immediately, chose instead to take time taunting, executing a backflip in the ring, before taking a running start and hitting a beautiful on Vessey to the outside. From here, Tornado took over, taking apart Vessey and making a show of it the entire time. As he did so, Tommy Cornell made his way back down to the ring, keeping an eye on the proceedings.


Vessey was able to get in minimal offense against Tornado, who had pretty much negated him. But as Tornado took to the air to attempt his Star Maker (Springboard forearm), Vessey dived out of the way at the last second, causing Tornado to crash and burn! As the two staggered to their feet, Tornado threw a weak punch that Vessey easily blocked, allowing him to fire off a series of his own and really take control.


With a forearm blow, a kneeling jaw breaker, and, finally, a spinning back suplex bomb, Vessey was firmly in control. But as he called for the Vessey Driver, Tommy Cornell made his presence known by hopping up on the apron and taunting Vessey.


Not one to be taunted like that, Vessey delivered a massive pie face that sent Cornell sprawling. He wasted crucial seconds in doing so, though, and all owed Troy Tornado to recover, spin him around, and deliver the Rock of Ages (Fisherman driver) to score the win!


Troy Tornado wins, 86






And Troy Tornado takes the win in Sam Keith’s challenge.


But not without some controversy. If Cornell hadn’t have interfered, Bryan Vessey might have pulled off the win.


Might being the key word. And Tommy Cornell didn’t interfere. It’s not illegal to get on the apron, it’s Vessey’s mistake for letting it get to him that much.









Peak came rushing in to start, and quickly overwhelmed the champion with his strength and power. For the next several minutes all this match had to offer was Eddie Peak beating on Sam Keith, and doing it with a wicked grin on his face. But like Sam Keith said earlier in the night, this wasn’t his first radio, and as soon as he saw an opening, he took it.


Peak, relishing the opportunity to beat on the World Champion, took his eyes off of the woozy Keith to undo a bit of turnbuckle padding. But when he turned around, Sam Keith was on him, rushing in and raining down punches to his forehead. Peak forced him off of him with a push, rolling Sam Keith backwards and sprinting toward him. As he did so, though, Keith wisely tripped him with a drop toe hold and slapped on a tight arm bar, transitioning straight into a crossface chickenwing as soon as Peak began to power out.


The hold was clearly draining Peak, but he was still a massive, massive beast, and it was not going to conquer him. Keith realized this, as he released the hold and switched his attack up, deciding instead to use his lucha background to push the pace with a quick, pick and run type offense.


Despite not always hitting his attacks, and taking a fair share of punishment himself as he did so, Keith was clearly wearing Peak down. This became evident as Peak’s constant grin began to fade away, and he began to breathe, hard. Finally choosing to push forward with a little more force, Keith began to use a series of momentum-throws like arm drags and such to force Peak closer and closer to the turnbuckle he had removed the padding from earlier. When he achieved his goal, he came sprinting in with a front dropkick, forcing Peak to slam into the exposed steel with his upper back. As Peak slumped in the corner, Keith hoisted him up, struggling, but eventually set him up on the top.


Not even deeming it necessary to climb up with him, Keith remained on the ground as he grabbed hold off his head and arm, and flipped him over with a Neutron Plex! Smelling blood, Keith descended on him quickly, locking in the Proton Lock, targeting the back of Peak which he damaged earlier. Peak thrashed violently as he attempted to break free, but eventually, just like everyone else, he was forced to tap to survive.


Keith wins, 80






Keith wins in the exact manner he said would.


Not entirely, Jason. He said He wouldn’t let go until Peak passed out. That didn’t happen.


Still, it’s an impressive win heading into The War.


I’ve got to agree with that.


Wait a minute, what’s that? Is that…is that Acid?







Acid it was indeed. The masked mad man came sprinting down to the ring, hitting a springboard wheel kick on Sam Keith, leveling him. Not far behind him were Genghis Rahn and American Buffalo, ready to avenge their leader’s loss. The gang descended on the World Champion, doing their best to stomp a hole through his chest. Buffalo hoisted him to his feet and shoved him easily into the corner, aiming to squash him with a Stampede, but his attention quickly turned to--




Joey Minnesota, RDJ, and Rocky Golden, who hit the ring for the rescue. Minnesota got there first, ducking under a dual clothesline from Rahn and Buffalo to hit them with a double dropkick, sending them toppling through the ropes. Next up was Rocky Golden, who easily caught a charging Acid and sent him flying over his head to the floor below. And finally, there was RDJ lagging a little behind, the stitches in his forehead looking nearly fresh. He was a little slow, maybe even woozy, but so was Eddie Peak, who was just now struggling to his feet. Out of it, he nearly found himself bumping into his rival, who was aiming to nail him with a Southern Justice. Luckily for him, American Buffalo had the presence of mind to grab him by the feet and rip him from the ring.


With The Hellfire Club backing up the ramp, the show closed with the image of Sam Keith, Rocky Golden, and The Freedom Fighters standing tall in the ring.






Total: 77







This has been a presentation of…


4.43 Rating

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Aaaaannnndddd we've reached the first PPV! I know this one's been moving a bit slower than my last one, but hopefully it's just as good. One of the reasons for that is I'm still getting a grip on the booking. I'll lay out an entire show only to realize that I've left one of my major players off and I'll have to go back and rebook a bit. The major company booking is a bit new to me. In diary form, that is. I've run SWF and had no problem juggling my stars, but that's because my narratives are a lot less structured and I book a crap tons of matches.


Prediction card to be up soon! Maybe tonight, probably tomorrow!

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