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AAA: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Guest KingOfKings

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Guest KingOfKings

Before we get started, a little background information. Iv'e done a few diaries here on GDS, a few that iv'e enjoyed, but ultimately they never stuck for one reason or another.


I love womens wrestling, most of my friends know this. I love playing as AAA because they have one of my favorite C-Verse workers on the roster, JoAnne Rodriguez. I want this to work, I will make this work.


I'm leaving for the U.S. Army in exactly three months, So I hope to keep this diary going for at least these last three months i'm here. If I decide to pick it up once i'm done with training, so be it; But as of right now, my goal is to make this diary enjoyable for myself and all of you for at least three months.


I hope you all enjoy, let's get started.



Monday, Week 1, Jan. 2010

New York, New York


"Girls just wanna have fun! they just wanna, They just wanna.."




Kate looked over at her phone in disbelief. It was 6 A.M. and She hadn't heard that ringtone in two years. She knew who it was, it was family; But this particular family member she wanted nothing to do with.


She knew that if she answered it, it would only be bad news, news she didn't have the strength for right now. After her most recent match at some cheap independent show, working a match with yet another girl who could barely outwrestle a mop, she was tired, she didn't need the stress of bad news.


The phone had finally stopped, she was relieved. Kate lifted the covers back over her head, hoping to get a few more hou-


"Girls just wanna have fun! They just wanna, they just wanna.."


Kate couldn't believe it. She knew that if she didn't answer it the phone would just keep ringing.


She leaned over and answered the phone with a hesistant "Hello" When the person on the other line spoke, Kate couldn't help but cringe at the words.


"Kate? Kate it's your aunt. I have a proposition for you, well, it's more like I need you to do something for me."


It was at this moment Kate knew she was trapped. Whenever her poor old Aunt called for help, she always sprung into action to help. This time was different, though. This time, she knew she would be on for the long ride.


She told her Aunt that she would see her soon, packed a bag full of essentials and booked the next flight out to Portland, Oregon..

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Guest KingOfKings

Tuesday, Week 1, Jan. 2010

Portland, Oregon.




Portland was, quirky to be polite. I stepped off the plane and into the airport to see my Aunt there already waiting for me.


Aunt Gail was never one for wasting time, and that wouldn't change today. She promptly showed me to her car, loaded my one bag and we were off.


The entire drive was rather awkward. Her telling me she's been keeping up on all my matches, stories about how her company is thriving in the North West USA, how they have some of the best female wrestlers in the world, how they could use a girl like me.


That's when I stopped her. I wanted to know what exactly she needed me for that was so urgent.


Kate, she said. Iv'e never been one to ask for help when it comes to running my wrestling promotion, but, i'm getting older. Having to worry about finances and business decisions, i'm losing my creative juices. We've got a plethora of talent on the roster, so many storyline possibilities, new match possibilities, new girls debuting in wrestling every month. I can't handle the pressure anymore of running this promotion while booking it at the same time, this is why I need your help.


Although she hadn't looked at me the entire time she was telling me this, I could tell just by observing her face, she was a worn down, tired old woman. It took me a minute to soak in everything but finally I opened up.


So, what you're saying is, you want me to come in and help you run the company? You know I have obligations to other promotions.


O Kate don't give me that bull, you work tiny independent shows for 100 bucks a pop. Are you really going to tell me you're happy with what you're doing?

She got me there, but I didn't want to admit what she was saying was right. So I did the next best thing, I lied.


I'm very happy with what I do Aunt Gail. I studied her expression, she gave me a false smirk, that's how I knew she didn't believe me.


Well how about this, i'll pay you more than triple what you're making now to come work for me, for your family? BUT, one exception, I don't want you wrestling, not just yet.


This news FLOORED me. We both know that I was the best female worker in America, even if no one else knew it.


If you do decide to except my offer, I want you to focus primarily on booking the shows. Then, once you get in the swing of things maybe we'll think about putting you into the ring.

Wrestling was my passion. Sure, I had a mind for the business, but wrestling was what I was best at.


Aunt Gail, you know how I feel about wrestling. it can't live without it, it's the only thing I know. I haven't even seen a show of your promotion in months.


That's why I have something for you. Look in the glove box and pull out the large binder.


I opened it up, and inside was a roster list, past results, champions, tag teams, and current storylines. I didn't have time to look it over, so I decided I would keep it with me and study it at Aunt Gails house.


We finally got to her place, but apparently I was the only one going inside. She gave me the keys, told me to make myself at home, and to think over her offer.


I had no idea where aunt Gail was going, but I didn't care, I just needed some rest and relaxation...

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Guest KingOfKings

Tuesday, Week 1, Jan. 2010

Aunt Gails Apartment




Alright, first things first. Time to raid the fridge. I always knew Aunt Gail was a healthy eater, but this is ridiculous. The only thing she had in here was some salad, yogurt and water. I guess i'd be ordering out tonight.


I figured while I waited for my chinese to arrive, I would look over the binder Aunt Gail gave me. First things first, the roster.


Main Eventers


Catherine Quine




- Former head booker and multi time AAA Champion, Catherine Quine. She is the face of AAA, and even though she's getting up there in age, she's still our most popular worker. Look for her to stay round the main event scene for awhile and elevate younger talent.


Grace Harper




- Another vet who has wear on her tires. Grace has worked anywhere and everywhere over the course of her career and it's paid off in full. She's looking to add the AAA Femme Fetalle championship to her impressive resume.


JoAnne Rodriguez




- 2 Time Femme Fetalle champion, JoAnne Rodriguez AKA J-Ro. One of the most recognizable and popular names in Womens wrestling, not only in America but also in Japan. AAA hopes that she can be the cornerstone of their promotion for years to come. That is, if USPW doesn't come knocking first.


Suzue Katayama




- A former AAA Femme Fetalle champion herself, Japanese Suzue Katayama has been a cornerstone of the AAA promotion for many years after breaking in her career in Japan with 5SSW. Always a menacing heel who never backs down from a fight.




Suzanne Brazzle




- The current AAA Femme Fatalle champion. a very consistent worker who is quickly becoming a fan favorite in AAA. She's built up quite a reputation for herself within the industry and it will be interesting to see how long she can hold on to the top belt.


Demelza Wade


- One for the future, Demelza has all the tools needed to break into the main event scene. Great on the mic, technically sound, and one half of the current AAA tag team titles. She plays a great heel and has no problem with getting the crowd to hate her.


Nadia Snow




- The other half of the AAA Tag Team champions, Nadia is the future of womens wrestling at only 22 years old. The camera loves her, she has a decent skill set that will only improve with him, she's definitely one to watch.


Sara Marie York




- Another youngster who is the clear future of womens wrestling. SMY is great on the mic, has a great look, and skills to die for. If she isn't World Champion by the end of the year i'll be shocked.


Tracy Brendon




- Often overshadowed by her younger sister Michelle, it should be known that Tracy can hold her own in the ring with no problem. The fans seem to take to her more, so she hopes that she can continue to rise up the card.




Debbie Rose

Devils Daughter


Jessica Bunny

Kate Lilly

Katherine Goodlooks

Steph Blake



Lower Midcarders

Jamie Quine

Michelle Brendon

Miss Mexico

Wendy Anderson




Helen Bach

Missy Masterson

Paige Croft


Enhancement Talent


Zoe Ammis




Anne Stardust (Owner, Coulour Commentator)

Black Widow (Road Agent)

Cat Jemson (Manager)

Dwight Kumas (Referee)

Jim Lou Freebush (Announcer)

Sue Danes( Coulour commentator)


With a roster like this, and the potential for more, how in the hell could I turn down an offer like this. As soon as I looked over the roster, ideas for stories and matches just ran through my head. I had to tell Aunt Gail that I was going to accept this offer.


Although somewhere in the back of my head I knew I would regret this decision. It was one that I would have to live with, and one that I would have to make the best of.


Now that I knew what direction I was heading in, it was time to look at current storylines for our next event, Pretty Amazing.


One uppermidcarder and a main eventer are battling for the main belt, The uppermidcarder holds the title, and she seems like a more interesting choice for champion than Grace. Hopefully Suzanne can elevate herself into the main event after I decide a winner between the two. A non main eventer carrying the world title isn't always a good idea.


The tag champs, Demelza Wade and Nadia Snow are going at it with J-Ro and Sara Marie York. The A-List thinks they're hot stuff these days, assaulting anyone who gets in their way. Leave it up to the vet J-Ro to try and stand up to them, only for SMY to be the only one who was willing to get her back to rid AAA of this menace.


Interesting storylines, but we definitely need more. We have too many good workers on the roster to only have 2 main storylines. This is going to be the beginning of something good in AAA. I can feel it.

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Guest KingOfKings

Wednesday, Week 1, Jan. 2010

Aunt Gails Apartment





I woke up that next morning with a huge binder on my lap, yet blankets covering my freezing body. I guess Aunt Gail must be home.


My guess was right as I found her in the kitchen making her morning coffee.


"Well, she's finally awake. I see you were busy last night, have you thought about my offer?"


She gets right down to business; and, somehow, I knew that she knew I had already accepted her offer in the back of my mind. She just needed to hear me say it.


"Look Aunt Gail, i'll do it on one condition."

I said this half expecting her to just say no and be done with it, but I gave it a shot anyway. To my surprise she sat there silent, waiting to here my condition.


"I want full control of the book. I know it's your promotion, I know you call the shots, but, I want to be able to execute my vision with no interference. "


She stood there, just stood there and sipped her coffee. She wasn't saying a word. Finally she reached for something under her newspaper and handed it to me.


"Iv'e got a few conditions too. I knew all along that you would accept my offer, so, I put together a few rules that I need you to follow."


I was fearful to open the folded piece of paper. Aunt Gail wasn't senile, but sometimes she had unrealistic expectations of people, which is probably why she can't be bothered to book her company anymore.


AAA Cannot fall into debt at any point


The financial balance of AAA must have improved to 750,000 dollars


You can't hire any wrestler labeled as an MMA crossover


You cannot hire or extend the contract of any worker who has less than 35 in safety


You cannot hire or extend the contract of anyone who has an industry reputation less than 35


"So, you want to make money, you want safe workers, you want popular workers, and no real fighters? I think I can pull that off without a problem"


Whether I believed myself or not, I said it. I said it just to make Aunt Gail happy. I have a habit of promising things even before i'm sure I can fullfill them.


"Great; Well we have a show coming up in thirteen days. It's our first show of the year so it needs to be a good one. I know you, and I know you started planning last night. So, what do you have for me?"


How does she do this? It's getting to be kind've freaky to be honest.


"Well, all knowing Aunt Gail, you're right. I actually put together a card last night before I passed out on the couch, i'll show you."


"No, I don't want you to show me just yet. I want you to present it to me and a few other people at the same time. Go shower, get dressed, we have somewhere to go."


Alright now I was scared. Where could she be taking me? Who am I presenting this card too? All these questions were running through my head until I finally realized where we were going. O Sh** ....

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Guest KingOfKings

Wednesday, Week 1, Jan. 2010

AAA Training Facility



When we pulled into the parking lot of the small warehouse, I knew exactly where we were. The AAA training facility. Aunt Gail was putting me right into the fire. She wanted me to read off the upcomng match card to all the girls in person.


We got out of the car without saying a word. I just followed her right through the double doors, past the practice ring, and into the back locker room where it seemed like every girl on the roster was.


As soon as Aunt Gail opened the door, the room got deadly silent. All the girls turned to look at me. Some not showing any expression and some like Black Widow giving me a scowl that could kill.


They weren't sure what to expect, I didn't even know what to expect. Thankfully Aunt Gail was there to talk for me.


"Alright girls, listen up. This here is my niece, Kate. Some of you know her, most of you don't. The fact of the matter is, you've known that iv'e been looking for a head booker replacement for quite some time, and, I think I found one. Kate here has a great brain for the business and should fit in very well around here. I hope you all treat her with the same respect as you do me."


I'm a female. Females can be very bitchy, manipulative, vengeful and angry creatures. I know from experience. A lot of these girls would be hard to break, but, I could tell from the smiles on a few of their faces that I would make some friends.


"As you all know, we have a show in thirteen days. A bit of you were getting restless that I hadn't put together a card, yet. Don't you worry, though, Kate has put together a show, and, she's about to tell us all what it is for the first time. So once you all know your matches, meet with your opponents and road agents and get to work. Kate, it's all yours."


I braced myself for the onslaught, took one deep breath and began to read the card..


Wild Times Vs. The Brendon Sisters


Jamie Quine Vs. Gorgon


Lilly And Rose Vs. Good Lookin Bunny: Number one contenders for the Tag Titles


Demelza Wade Vs. Sara Marie York


Suzue Katayama Vs. Catherine Quine


Nadia Snow Vs. JoAnne Rodiguez


Grace Harper Vs. Suzanne Brazzle: AAA Femme Fetalle Title


I read off the card with a clear nervous anxiety in my voice. Most of the girls liked the matches they were in, I could tell just based on their facial expressions. Some weren't happy about being left off the card, and some didn't care one way or the other.


On their way out of the room a few of the girls shook my hand, a few told me that it was nice to meet me. Clearly Catherine Quine is the nicest woman on the planet.


"Aunt Gail, why would you do that to me?"


"Well you had to introduce yourself sometime right? I figured this would be the perfect time to do it."


She was right, better now than never was always her motto. Now that I got that out of the way, I can focus on my job. Putting on the best display womens wrestling has to offer. It's going to be a long 13 days until the show, hopefully with no incidents.



Predictions are welcome

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First and foremost, thank you for your service! :D Secondly, I know very little about the women's industry, outside of USPW's women; so, I'm somewhat in the dark who is on top of who. That said, here we go:


Wild Times Vs. The Brendon Sisters


Jamie Quine Vs. Gorgon


Lilly And Rose Vs. Good Lookin Bunny: Number one contenders for the Tag Titles


Demelza Wade Vs. Sara Marie York


Suzue Katayama Vs. Catherine Quine


Nadia Snow Vs. JoAnne Rodiguez


Grace Harper Vs. Suzanne Brazzle: AAA Femme Fetalle Title

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Wild Times Vs. The Brendon Sisters


Jamie Quine Vs. Gorgon


Lilly And Rose Vs. Good Lookin Bunny: Number one contenders for the Tag Titles

Demelza Wade Vs. Sara Marie York


Suzue Katayama Vs. Catherine Quine


Nadia Snow Vs. JoAnne Rodiguez

Grace Harper Vs. Suzanne Brazzle: AAA Femme Fetalle Title

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Wild Times Vs. The Brendon Sisters


Jamie Quine Vs. Gorgon


Lilly And Rose Vs. Good Lookin Bunny: Number one contenders for the Tag Titles


Demelza Wade Vs. Sara Marie York


Suzue Katayama Vs. Catherine Quine


Nadia Snow Vs. JoAnne Rodiguez


Grace Harper Vs. Suzanne Brazzle: AAA Femme Fetalle Title


Side Note: I have never booked for any women's company, so I have no idea who is who.

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Guest KingOfKings

AAA presents: Pretty Amazing!


Tuesday, Week 3, Jan. 2010

The Portland Center

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell Out)


AAA Pretty Amazing opens with an introduction from our announcers Jim Lou Freebush and Anne Stardust. They run down tonights line up card and then some familiar music plays over the PA system and the 1000 fans in attaendance here in Portland knows it can only be 3 certain people.






The A-List, Cat Jemson, Demelza Wade and Nadia Snow make their way to the ring, Tag Title belts slung over their shoulders to go along with a chorus of boos from the audience. They taunt the fans on their way down to the ring to really get under their skin.


They finally get in the ring and Cat Jemson is the first to grab a microphone.


Cat: "So, it's a new year, but I still see the same ugly faces in the crowd that are always here. We are sick and tired of being surrounded by you C-List fans. We deserve better, we deserve to be at the top of the mountain. We have the tag straps, we have the looks, and we have the skill. Yet, the level of competition we face isn't nearly up to par!"


The crowd is eating this up, they love to hate these girls and they're doing a pretty good job of hating. Cat hands the mic to Nadia Snow..


Nadia: "You people are pathetic. You pay your hard earned money to come here and watch the biggest stars in womens wrestling, and you have the nerve to boo us? When you know that deep down inside you want to BE us. I'll tell ya one thing though, you can NEVER be us. We are the definition of feature length film, while you people are nothing but made for TV movies".


Demelza: "So, theres a Tag Team title number 1 contenders match tonight?" Lilly and Rose Vs. Good Lookin Bunny? The mere mention of these teams names sends the crown into a cheering frenzy. Demelza greets them with a smirk. "Yes, you cheer for those weak girls, you cheer for those EXTRAS when the real stars are right here in front of you and you can't appreciate that. I could care less about either of those tag teams, because, in the end, The A-List will still be tag team champions! When you have some real competition for us, then we'll take these broads seriously."


Just then, Eye Of The Tiger comes over the speakers and the crowd goes nuts because they know fan favorite JoAnne Rodriguez is on her way out here! By her side is Sara Marie York.They both get in the ring and take the A-List by surprise. J-Ro grabs the mic from Demelza.


J-Ro: Can I believe what i'm hearing? Do my eyes deceive me right now? Are you 3 chumps really out here saying that you're the best AAA has to offer? Save me the dramatics you D-listers, i'm sick and tired of hearing you two bitch and moan that you don't have any competition. So, Sara and I have a proposition for you.


Neither of us have matches tonight, so how about a couple singles matches? I'll take on Nadia, and Sara here will have no problem disposing of you Demelza. What do ya say?"


Before Demelza or Nadia can even respond, Cat grabs the mic and screams an infectious, "YOU'RE ON!!!" J-Ro and Sara Marie York just smile and leave the ring while Nadia and Demelza just give a look of disbelief to Cat. It's clear they wanted nothing to do with J-Ro and SMY tonight.





http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/Vixxen_alt1.jpghttp://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/DevilsDaughter.jpg VS. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/AAA/Characters/ActorPicks/MichelleBrendon.jpghttp://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t112/thetramp_photos/TracyBrendon.jpg


Wild Times Vs. The Brendon Sisters


In our first match of the evening, we have the team of Vixxen and Devils Daughter taking on Michelle and Tracy Brendon.


The match was pretty back in forth towards the beginning, but once Michelle was finally able to get the tag into her sister, it was all Brendon sisters from there. Tracy cleaned house and looked like she was about to pic up the win for her team. That is until Michelle Brendon came into the ring and KICKED HER SISTER TRACY IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD and left the ring.


Everyone in the building was completely shocked, but Vixxen took advantage of the situation and pinned Tracy for the win.


Wild Times defeated The Brendon Sisters by pinfall.

Michelle Brendon turned on Tracy Brendon






http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/Gorgon.jpg VS. http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d51/J4E12/JaimeQuine.jpg


Gorgon Vs, Jamie Quine


We jump right back into action with the ever dangerous Gorgon Vs. Jamie Quine, the step sister of fellow AAA wrestler Catherine Quine.


Jamie stood absolutely no chance in this match as Gorgon dominated from beginning to end. Jamie showed a spark of fire toward the end, but she was no match for Gorgons strength.


She put Quine out of her misery with a sit out powerbomb and picked up the easy 3.


Gorgon defeated Jamie Quine by pinfall




http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/KatherineGoodlooksALT.jpghttp://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/Self/JessicaBunny_Self3.jpg Vs. http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/sockpuppet/KateLilly-1.jpghttp://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/DebbieRose.jpg


Good Lookin Bunny Vs. Lilly And Rose: #1 Contender For Tag Team Titles


All four of these girls had something to fight for, they all wanted a shot at the A-List for the tag belts. So of course, they all brought there best to the match tonight.


In the end though, the experience of Good Lookin Bunny was too much for Lilly and Rose to match and they took the loss and Good Lookin Bunny earned their shot at the tag belts.


Good Lookin Bunny defeats Lilly and Rose to become the new Number 1 Contenders






We go backstage to the locker room where J-Ro is with Sara Marie York trying to motivate her for her upcoming match with Demelza Wade.


J-Ro: "Okay Sara, I know we went out there earlier and talked a lot of junk on these two girls, but they're no joke. They are dangerous You have to go out there on your A game tonight and take nothing for granted. No pun intended."


Sara: "J, I got this sweetie. You gotta have more faith in me. I'm just as sick of these bozos as you are, and there's no way i'm letting them pull a fast one on me. "


SMY flashes a huge smile and walks out, leaving J-Ro to laugh to herself and only mutter, "I sure hope so"




http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/SaraMarieYork.jpg VS.http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/StephanieWade.jpg


Demelza Wade Vs. Sara Marie York


It was our first big match of the evening as SMY was out here to shut up one half of the A-List, and Demelza was here to prove that they were the real deal.


It was a pretty back and forth match the whole way through, and Sara looked like she had the match in the bag as she set Demelza up for her finisher, that was until Cat Jemson made her way onto the ring apron to distract the referee.


This game Nadia Snow ample time to slide one of the tag belts into the ring, and Demelza took advantage and smashed the belt right over Saras face to pick up the tainted 3 count victory.


After the match J-Ro comes out to check on SMY and sends the A-List up the ramp with their belts high, smiles on their faces.


Demelza Wade defeats Sara Marie York




http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/Enter%20the%20Dragon%20Combat%20Diary/CatherineQuine.jpg VS. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/AAA/Characters/ActorPicks/SuzueKatayama.jpg


Catherine Quine Vs. Suzue Katayama


After all the dust has settled and the drama is over, we're ready for two of AAAs biggest stars to compete.


It was a great match as Catherine used her technical skills to match up with Suzues strength and power. In the end it was Cat reversing an attempted lariat into the Quine And Dine to secure the big 3 count victory.


This win should definitely put her in contention for the Femme Fetalle title.




http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/JoanneRodriguez.jpg VS. http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/NadiaSnow.jpg


JoAnne Rodriguez Vs. Nadia Snow


After the A-Lists actions earlier in the night, J-ro came out in this match on fire. taking it to Demelza and Cat Jemson on the outside of the ring before getting in and laying into Nadia.


Once Nadia got control though, the pace slowed down. These two went back and forth for about 12 minutes until Demelza tried to get involved in the match but it completely backfired. She got up on the apron to distract the ref as Cat slid the tag belt into the ring for Nadia.


J-Ro knew it was coming though as she duckd the belt shot and sent a huge kick to the face of Nadia. Boot met belt, and belt met face. Nadia dropped to the canvas and J-Ro covered her for the easy 3 count.


The A-List left the ringside area defeated at least once for the night, as J-Ro soaked in the cheers from the crowd.






We go to the backstage area where Grace Harper is getting ready to deliver an interview on her upcoming Femme Fetalle title match against Suzanne Brazzle


Grace: "Suzy, Suzy, Suzy. You've been champ since September of last year. I sit and think to myself, how did this blonde fluke of a champion happen? How does someone so talentless, so annoying and so WEAK become the world champion of this promotion?


Well no more, it's MY time to be the top dog. I'm going to get you in the middle of that ring, and i'm gonna kick your head clear off your shoulders! "


Grace walked off, clearly motivated for this upcoming match.




http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/GraceHarperALT.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SuzanneBrazzle.jpg




Grace Harper Vs. Suzanne Brazzle: AAA Femme Fetalle Championship


This was the big one. The main event for the Femme Fetalle title. Grace Harper was all business as she came down to the ring, and Suzanne Brazzle was her usual fan favorite self.


Suzanne had been champion for about 4 months now, and she wasn't looking to lose the belt any time soon, but, Grace had other plans.


The match was ALL Grace Harper for the first 7 minutes or so, that is, until Suzanne found her spark and reversed a Harper suplex into one of her own. Suzanne then started to use her speed to her advantage and finally took control of the match.


Things looked to be going good until Brazzle decided to take her game to the top rope. She attempted a flying crossbody block but it was reversed into a beautiful mid air drop kick by Grace.


Grace got up, and she waited for Suzanne to get to her knees. Once she did, Grace delivered a HUGE roundhouse kick strait to the templed of Suzanne. She was down and out and there was no way she was kicking out. 1-2-3!!!


We had a new AAA Femme Fetalle champion, and her name was Grace Harper. She snatched the belt from the ref and raised it above her head and taunted the fans as AAA Pretty Amazing faded to black...



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Guest KingOfKings

AAA Girl On Girl Action


Steph Blake Vs. Tracy Brendon


Gorgon Vs. Fuyoko Higa


Miss Mexico Vs. Wendy Anderson


Good Lookin' Bunny Vs. The A-List: AAA Tag Team Titles


Paige Croft Vs. Jamie Quine


JoAnne Rodriguez And Sara Marie York Vs. Wild Times


Catherine Quine Vs. Suzue Katayama: Rematch From Pretty Amazing


Grace Harper Vs. Suzanne Brazzle: AAA Femme Fatalle Title Rematch


As Always, predictions are welcome

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Steph Blake Vs. Tracy Brendon


Gorgon Vs. Fuyoko Higa


Miss Mexico Vs. Wendy Anderson


Good Lookin' Bunny Vs. The A-List: AAA Tag Team Titles


Paige Croft Vs. Jamie Quine


JoAnne Rodriguez And Sara Marie York Vs. Wild Times


Catherine Quine Vs. Suzue Katayama: Rematch From Pretty Amazing


Grace Harper Vs. Suzanne Brazzle: AAA Femme Fatalle Title Rematch

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Guest KingOfKings

AAA More Than Meets The Eye


Tuesday, Week 3, February 2010

The Portland Center

Attendance: 1000(Sold Out)


AAA More Than Meets The Eye opens with a recap video of Pretty Amazing, ending with new Femme Fetalle Champion Grace Harper standing with the title high above her head, the audience obviously not happy..


Tracy Brendon Vs. Steph Blake


http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/TracyBrendon.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/StephBlake.jpg


We get right down to business this evening with our first match. After what happened last month between her and her sister, Tracy was in no mood to play.


She got right down to business and took it Blake before she even knew what hit her. After a decent match Tracy eventually picked up the 3 count.


Tracy Brendon defeated Steph Blake by pinfall



After the match, As Tracy is making her way from the ring, her sister Michelle makes her way through the crowd and into the ring blindsiding Tracy. She puts the boots to her then picks her up and plants her with an inverted DDT!


Tracy is down and out and Michelle grabs the mic.


Michelle: "So Tracy! You wanna know WHY i'm doing this!? Why iv'e turned my back on my family? It's because i'm sick and tired of YOU getting all the credit. Why is it that everyone loves you? It goes back to our days as children! Mom and dad always favored you, gave you special treatment and I never got ANYTHING!!


You were daddies little girl, and I was an afterthought. Well, not any more! At Girl On Girl Action i'm going to show you who's the better Brendon sister, and, it won't be you!"


She drops the mic and heads to the back as Tracy tries to recover in the ring.




Gorgon Vs. Fuyoko Higa


http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/Gorgon.jpg VS. http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d51/J4E12/FuyukoHiga.jpg


The ever dangerous Gorgon is here to take on the debuting, quirky Japanese import, Fuyoko Higa.


Higa did whatever she could to bring her best offense to Gorgon, but, to no avail. Gorgon just seems to be too powerful for anyone. The match ended after Higa went for a top rope move, but inadverdently landed on Gorgons shoulders, to which she capatalized into a sit out powerbomb.


It was elementary as Gorgon picked up the 3 count. Higa fought hard, but in the end Gorgons strength and experience was just too much for her to handle.


Gorgon defeated Fuyoko Higa by pinfall



Miss Mexico Vs. Wendy Anderson


http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/sockpuppet/MissMexico.jpg VS. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/AAA/Characters/ActorPicks/WendyAnderson.jpg


We jump right back into the action as fan favorite Wendy Anderson takes on Miss Mexico.


These two have a bright future in AAA, but they're not ready yet. They put on a decent match in which Miss Mexico won in the end by pinfall.


Miss Mexico defeated Wendy Anderson by pinfall



After the last match, the cameras go to a backstage area where The A-List, tag straps around their shoulders are here to give an interview about there upcoming opponents, Good Lookin Bunny.


Demelza: "Good Lookin Bunny? Someone please tell me what in the hell Good Lookin Bunny means? First of all, there's nothing good lookin about either of you, and second, bunny? Are you implying that you two are cute and fluffy like bunnies? Well then you're in luck, because rabbit stew just happens to be one of my favorite dishes."


Nadia: "How many more times do we have to be disrespected in this B-List promotion? We shouldn't even have to be defending these belts against these Grade A LOSERS tonight. We're gonna go out there and do what we do best. Look good, have our pictures taken, and put on an academy award winning performance. It's a gurantee that we walk out of here with these tag belts still around our waist.




The A-List Vs. Good Lookin Bunny: AAA Tag Team Championship


http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/NadiaSnow.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/StephanieWade.jpg VS. http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/KatherineGoodlooksALT.jpghttp://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/Self/JessicaBunny_Self3.jpg




The A-List were cocky as usual during this match, and it almost came back to bit them in the behinds.


The came into this match expecting an easy win, but Good Lookin Bunny were having none of that. They brought the fight, and they brought it hard to the A-List.


A few near falls here and there weren't enough though. The A-List used their experience to eventually pick up the win and retain their tag titles. Surprisingly without using any underhanded tactics. Good Lookin Bunny sure did earn the respect of everyone in attendance tonight though as they left the ring with a standing ovation.


The A-List defeated Good Lookin Bunny to retain the AAA Tag Team Titles




Jamie Quine Vs. Paige Croft


http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d51/J4E12/JaimeQuine.jpg VS.http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/PaigeCroft-1.jpg


Jamie Quine is looking to regain her momentum here this week against the sneaky Paige Croft.


It was an evenly paced match that eventually ended with Jamie Quine getting the win.


Jamie Quine defeated Paige Croft by pinfall.



JoAnne Rodriguez and Sara Marie York Vs. Wild Times


http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/JoanneRodriguez.jpghttp://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/SaraMarieYork.jpg VS. http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/DevilsDaughter.jpghttp://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/Vixxen_alt1.jpg


Before our next tag team match, the champions make their way down to ringside to scout their rivals. J-Ro and SMY don't look too happy to see these two down here at ringside, but they do their best to ignore them during the match.


Wild Times are always a dangerous tag team to face, so J-Ro and SMY didn't take them lightly. Even with the A-List doing their best to provide a distraction and cost them the match, J-Ro and SMY eventually picked up the big tag team victory.


After the match they pointed to the A-List and motioned that their time would come and they'd be meeting them in the ring soon.


J-Ro and SMY defeated Wild Times by pinfall



Suzue Katayama Vs. Catherine Quine


http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/AAA/Characters/ActorPicks/SuzueKatayama.jpg VS. http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/Enter%20the%20Dragon%20Combat%20Diary/CatherineQuine.jpg


Last month, Catherine Quine picked up a big win against Katayama at Pretty Amazing. Suzue requested this rematch to prove that she can be a major player here in AAA.


These two put on a great match again, and it seems that they have a natural chemistry with one another in the ring. In the end, Suzue proved what she came out here to do, and she picked up the win after a huge chokeslam to Quine.


After the match, Quines sister Jamie came out to check on her as Katayma stared both down as she left the ring.


Suzue Katayma defeated Catherine Quine by pinfall



Grace Harper Vs. Suzanne Brazzle: AAA Femme Fetalle Title Match


http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/GraceHarperALT.jpg VS. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SuzanneBrazzle.jpg




Before this match, we get another recap of Grace Harper winning the title last month with a huge kick to the head of Suzanne Brazzle.


Suzanne is all business this month though, as she runs to the ring and tackles Grace and takes the fight right to her.


She uses her technical skills to try and keep the much more powerful Harper grounded. But once again, Harper uses her veteran skill set to take control of the match. Eventually reversing a Brazzle suplex attempt into a double knee backbreaker.


Brazzle is struggling to get to her feet, but before she can, she's met with a huge kick to the back of the head! She's down and out and Grace succesfully defends her championship.


After two losses in a row, it will definitely be a while before Brazzle gets back into the World Title picture.


More Than Meets The Eye ends the same way Pretty Amazing did. Grace Harper standing tall with her championship high above her head...


Grace Harper defeated Suzzane Brazzle by pinfall


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Guest KingOfKings

"First you let Miss Mexico walk, now Vixxen is retiring. We've lost a credible midcarder and now one half of one of our only tag teams in less than a month! We have a show in 6 days, barely a card put together and no plan of action! What are you going to do about this?!"


Aunt Gail wasn't happy. Hell, I wasn't happy. Miss Mexico just wanted too much from us. 200 dollar pay raise, 15% merchandise AND travel expenses. For a midcarder like her, I was not willing to give that up. Vixxen, I had no control over, but Aunt Gail was mad anyway. I had already been planning a singles run for Devils Daughter anyway, so I don't see what the big deal is.


"Aunt Gail, things are under control. Iv'e sent out negotiations to a few girls out there on the independent circuit, two have signed, and are already included on the next card. You CANNOT be mad at me for not extending a contract to Miss Mexico, and, I can't do anything about Vixxen. It's her time to go, I couldn't stop her. Eve and Melanie are already ready to go on the next show, and iv'e put together a card you might like. Before you jump to any conclusions, check it out."

I knew I could only reason with her so much, so I just presented her the card and hoped she would calm down.


AAA Presents Girl On Girl Action!


The A-List and Grace Harper Vs. J-Ro, Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle


- All 6 of these ladies have a score to settle with one another. Only a big 6 man tag match can settle the scores. Or will it only cause more drama and tensions between them?


Catherine Quine Vs. Suzue Katayama: The Rubber Match


- It's 1-1 in this series, these two ladies have fought hard and proved they each have one anothers number. This is the big one, match number 3 to determine who is really the best.


Tracy Brendon Vs. Michelle Brendon


- Good ol' fashioned family feud here. Michelle Brendon is determined to be the best sister in the family and will do whatever it takes to get some recognition. Even if it's at the expense of her sisters well being.


Amber Allen Vs. Katherine Goodlooks


- Coming off of her tag teams recent championship match loss, Katherine Goodlooks ventures out into singles competition to face the debuting Amber Allen. Can Allen score the upset here? Or can Katherine gain back at least half of the momentum her team lost last month


Steph Blake Vs. Fuyoko Higa


- Two girls in need of a win this month. Steph Blake was beat by the vet Tracy Brendon last month, and Fuyoko put on a good showing against the dominating Gorgon. Who can pick up the much needed victory this month.


Golden Delicious Vs. Devils Daughter


- Sufergirl Extrodenaire Golden Delicious makes her AAA debut against the recently turned singles competitor Devils Daughter. With her partner Vixxens mysterious dissapearance (Most likely due to their strange practice of witchcraft) DD starts her career as a singles competitor. Can she bring down the fiesty Golden Delicious, or will she feel the power of the waves?


Zoe Ammis Vs. Eve Grunge


- Zoe Ammis' first match at an AAA show in months, and she'll be facing the debuting punk rocker chick Even Grunge. Both ladies could be elevated with a win here, who will come out on top?


Predictions are always welcome

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The A-List and Grace Harper Vs. J-Ro, Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle

Can't remember off hand who is on The A-List but regardless of that I have to go with the team that has J-Ro and Suzanne Brazzle on it.


Catherine Quine Vs. Suzue Katayama: The Rubber Match

I have never been a big fan of Suzue Katayama when I have played as AAA in the past and I have never pushed her. However since Catherine Quine is a tag team wrestler its probably a smarter move to have Suzue win.


Tracy Brendon Vs. Michelle Brendon

Interesting that you have them going at each other I can see Tracy taking the first match and then Michelle winning down the line.


Amber Allen Vs. Katherine Goodlooks

Allen is really good so she could use the win more than Goodlooks.


Steph Blake Vs. Fuyoko Higa

Got to go with Steph on this one


Golden Delicious Vs. Devils Daughter

Since this is Golden Delicious' debut a win is almost inevitable.


Zoe Ammis Vs. Eve Grunge

Really could care less about this match but I will go with Eve just for predictions sake.

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The A-List and Grace Harper Vs. J-Ro, Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle


Catherine Quine Vs. Suzue Katayama: The Rubber Match


Tracy Brendon Vs. Michelle Brendon


Amber Allen Vs. Katherine Goodlooks


Steph Blake Vs. Fuyoko Higa


Golden DeliciousVs. Devils Daughter


Zoe Ammis Vs. Eve Grunge

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The A-List and Grace Harper Vs. J-Ro, Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle


Catherine Quine Vs. Suzue Katayama: The Rubber Match


Tracy Brendon Vs. Michelle Brendon


Amber Allen Vs. Katherine Goodlooks


Steph Blake Vs. Fuyoko Higa


Golden DeliciousVs. Devils Daughter


Zoe Ammis Vs. Eve Grunge

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Just started following this. Very interesting so far.


The A-List and Grace Harper Vs. J-Ro, Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle


When in doubt go with the challengers in a match like this.


Catherine Quine Vs. Suzue Katayama: The Rubber Match


Suzue's on the downswing while I think Quine has some good matches left.


Tracy Brendon Vs. Michelle Brendon


Evil sister picks up the win thanks to underhanded tactics.


Amber Allen Vs. Katherine Goodlooks


Love Amber Allen, but she just doesn't have the pop to take the victory over the established Goodlooks.


Steph Blake Vs. Fuyoko Higa


Will never pick Higa after she walked out on me during my non-diary game where I took over 5SSW. She was my star and just ditched me because I had her lose one match. Just kidding. Blake's more popular at this point.


Golden Delicious Vs. Devils Daughter


Singles push!


Zoe Ammis Vs. Eve Grunge


No idea on this one so I'm going with the girl who's not the newbie.

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Guest KingOfKings

AAA Girl On Girl Action!


Sunday, Week 3, March 2010

The Portland Center

Attendance: 1000 (sell out)


Katherine Goodlooks Vs. Amber Allen


http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/KatherineGoodlooksALT.jpg VS. http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/AmberAllen.jpg


After last months disappointing title loss by her team, Kat Goodlooks was all business this month as she took it to the debuting, Amber Allen


Amber Allen was no match for the AAA veteran, Goodlooks. She will need a few more matches under her belt before she can compete with the cream of the crop here in AAA. While she showed some potential, it just wasn't enough.


Katherine Goodlooks eventually picked up the 3 count for the win, and only time will tell if Amber Allen has what it takes to win here in AAA.


Katherine Goodlooks defeated Amber Allen by pinfall



Golden Delicious Vs. Devils Daughter


http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g452/El_Scotcho/GoldenDelicious.jpg VS. http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/DevilsDaughter.jpg


Golden Delicious, the "Greatest Surfer In Portland Since That One Guy Who Surfed In Portland A Long Time Ago"is making her debut here against newly turned singles competitor, Devils Daughter.


While the fans loved Delicious and her personality right away, it was her wrestling skills that would carry her to the eventually win in this match. Double D looked lost out there without her partner, sad and alone. Her head clearly wasn't in the match and Golden picked up the 3 count after hitting, "Ride The Wave".


Golden Delicious defeated Devils Daughter by pinfall


Michelle Brendon Vs, Tracy Brendon


http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/AAA/Characters/ActorPicks/MichelleBrendon.jpg VS. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/TracyBrendon.jpg


Before this match, a video recap is shown displaying all the events that took place leading up to this clash of sisters. Michelle turning on Tracy, vicious attacks, and then her jealous reasoning as to why she did it.


Both girls came out looking to prove a point, both trying to show who was the better sister. For the most part it was a pretty even affair. That is until Tracy took control of the match and Michelle would have none of that.


As Tracy was about to set her up for the Finale, Michelle gave her an eyepoke that slipped the refs view. She rolled her up, put her feet on the ropes and held the tights for the underhanded 3 count and tainted victory.


After the match Michelle left the ring as quickly as possible leaving Tracy furious inside. It was clear the bad blood between these two was far from over.


Michelle Brendon defeated Tracy Brendon by pinfall using underhanded tactics





After our third match of the evening concludes, we are taken to a backstage locker room where three of the six competitors in tonights main event are talking. JoAnne Rodriguez, Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle.


Suzzane: "Look girls, I know you're not used to seeing me like this, but, I need this. I need you guys to stay out of my way and leave Grace to me. She's beaten me twice now and I need to prove that I am equal to if not better than her. She's taken my championship from me, a championship that I won't be getting back for a long time because of her. I have sleepless nights thinking about what I want to do to her, how I was to just rip every hair out of her pretty little head and make her suffer like she did me."


J-Ro: "Suzy, me and you go way back. In fact, it was ME you beat for that Femme Fetalle title last year. I know first hand what a great competitor you are, the fans now what you're about, and so does every other girl their in the back. Everyone has off nights; You just happened to have two nights in a row to another GREAT wrestler. I know how badly you want to get your hands on her tonight, but you have to stay focused to pick up this win.


Sara: "Yeah Sue just think, like, if we win, Jo and I get tag title shots, and like, you should be like right back at the top of the world title race. Like, you gotta stay smart out there ok?"


Both girls just looked at Sara, but ultimately, they knew she was right. J-Ro and SMY left, leaving Suzanne looking as furious and determined as ever.

Steph Blake Vs. Fuyoko Higa


http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/StephBlake.jpg VS. http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d51/J4E12/FuyukoHiga.jpg


It's time for the monthly Fuyoko Higa show! Although she hasn't picked up a win here in AAA yet, she can put on a good match with damn near anyone on the roster, and that's exactly what she's doing.


She's still young, so while she has all the talent in the world, she still doesnt have the veteran experience required to win matches. This was her downfall tonight as Steph Blake took full advantage of her in ring know how and picked up the hard earned victory.


Higa got ANOTHER standing ovation from the crowd though, and it's only a matter of time before the wins start racking up for this young fiery underdog.


Steph Blake defeated Fuyoko Higa by pinall





Interview time. This time we're joined by crowd favorite, Catherine Quine.

Cat: "Well, it's game 3. me and you Suzue, winner take all. I say tha in a literall sense because I just found out that whoever wins this match is the new number one contender for Grace Harper and her Femme Fetalle title. I know you'll bring your A game, the only problem with that is, i'm bringing my A+ game.


The past two months we've put on two matches that were some of the best this promotion has ever seen. let's do it one more time, and may the best girl win."


The always humble Catherine Quine flashes a confident smile and leaves the interview station to prepare for her match.

Eve Grunge Vs. Zoe Ammis


http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Gen11/EveGrunge.jpg VS. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZoeAmmis_jhd-2.jpg


The debuting punk rocker Eve Grunge makes her AAA debut. Coming down to the ring electric guitar in hand, taunting the fans. She clearly wasn't her to make friends with the audience, but, one interesting note is she came down to the ring wearing a Devils Daughter T-shirt. That could be a sign of who she looks up to here in AAA


She would be facing the youngster Zoe Ammis who was still relatively unknown here in the AAA. The fans weren't really into this match, they were waiting for bigger and better things later on in the night. Eve Grunge finally picd up the win with a submission she likes to call, The Slipknot.


Eve Grunge defeated Zoe Ammis by submission





Demelza Wade, Nadia Snow and Cat Jemson are backstage standing at a door that is labeled, "Grace Harper" arguing over which one is going to knock first.

Eventually Cat Jemson knocks on the door and runs away, leaving Nadia and Demelza to fend for themselves. The door swings open and the Femme Fetalle champion just stands there, belt over her shoulder staring a hole through the tag champs.

Nadia: "Hey there champ. We just wanted to come by and make sure we were all on the same page tonight. Just so ya know, we don't lose to those "EXTRAS" out there tonight. HAHAHA ya know what I mean?"


Grace just stands there, eyes down both of the self procalimed A-Listers, turns around and slams the door in their faces.

Demelza: "Well, that went smooth, I think she's really starting to open up to us".


Nadia just let's out and frustrated groan and walks away, leaving her partner at the door.



Catherine Quine Vs. Suzue Katayama


http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x385/darrbot/Enter%20the%20Dragon%20Combat%20Diary/CatherineQuine.jpg VS. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f212/NordVolf/TEW%202007/AAA/Characters/ActorPicks/SuzueKatayama.jpg


3 months in a row, and 3 great matches from these two. There is definite chemistry there and they didnt waste not a drop of it.


Both of these girls are two of the most talented on the roster. They brought out there entire repitoire of moves for this one. They knew what was on the line. A shot at the AAA Femme Fetalle title.


It went back and forth for about almost 15 minutes until Cat reversed an attempted powerbomb into a quick reversal that transitioned right into the Quine And Dine!!!


Catherine Quine has picked up the victory here and is the new number 1 contender for the AAA Femme Fetalle title; But, as she celebrated her victory would be short lived..


Catherine Quine defeated Suzue Katayama by pinfall





Post match, as Cat Quine was still celebrating, Gorgon made her way out to the ring. Fans were clearly upset by her precense and had no idea she was here.


She got into the ring, looked at Suzue down and out, then looked at Cat. She grabbed Quine by the hair and manhandled her to deliver a HUGE SIT OUT POWERBOMB. She then helped up Suzue and they both began laying the boots to her until Quines step sister Jamie came down to make the save!


Jamie went up to the top rope and deliverd a huge double drop kick to Katayama and Gorgon!!! Both bullies rolled out of the ring and walked up the ramp together as Jamie helped up her sister. There will no doubt be repercussions for what has transpired here tonight.




J-Ro, Sara Marie York & Suzanne Brazzle Vs. The A-List & Grace Harper


http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/J%20Silver/JoanneRodriguez.jpghttp://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/jtlant/SaraMarieYork.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SuzanneBrazzle.jpg VS. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/StephanieWade.jpghttp://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/NadiaSnow.jpghttp://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/LoNdOn/GraceHarperALT.jpg


If you want the definition of intense rivalries, you can look in the dictionary and see the pictures of all 6 of these women.


They were all fighting for something here tonight. Some for revenge, and some for title shots. Either way, something was getting resolved tonight. If J-Ro and her team won, her and Sara Marie York would get a tag title match at the next show. If the A-List and Harper one, it would just prove to everyone that they were better all along, all while knocking all of their opponents out of the respective title races.


The match was intense from start to finish, and no one could ever say these girls weren't great wrestlers. The end came when Suzanne Brazzle and Grace Harper were battling on the outside of the ring. Suzanne had eventually gained the upper hand and delivered a HUGE suplex to the AAA Champion over the guardrail and into the crowd. Both girls were down and out and the fans were eating it up.


Inside the ring, J-Ro had full control of Nadia Snow, and when Cat Jemson and Demelza tried to get involved, SMY pulled both of them down off the apron and delivered a huge double clothesline taking them out.


J-Ro hit the J-Rocker and that was all she wrote, securing her team a title match at the next show.


J-Ro, SMY & Suzanne Brazzle defeated The A-List and Grace Harper by pinfall



After the match, The champ was still down in the audience from the huge suplex, The A-List collected themselves and crawled their way to the back, and the three winners stood in the ring, exhausted but happy that they finally scored one for the good guys.


Girl On Girl Action left us with a shot of the three of them celebrating as the audience cheered them on, clearly happy with the result of the evening...



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Guest KingOfKings

AAA Not Just A Pretty Face Preview!

Golden Delicious Vs. Steph Blake


- Both women are coming off wins last month, and the Sufergirl Golden Delicious is quickly becoming a fan favorite. Can she build up more momentum and climb the ladder here in AAA, or will the vet Steph Blake bring her back down to Earth and off her wave?


Fuyoko Higa & Tracy Brendon Vs. Michelle Brendon & Helen Bach


- The Brendon sisters are starting to involve others in their bitter sibling rivalry. After Michelle cheated to beat her sister last month, she challenged her to a tag match to prove she can beat her in any sort of match. She recruited the veteran Helen Bach to get some tips in the ring, while Tracy got the firey upstart Fuyoko Higa, still looking for her first win here in AAA.


Lilly & Rose Vs. Devils Daughter & Eve Grunge


- After taking her first loss as a singles competitor last week, it seemed like Devils Daughter was lost without a tag partner. Who better to have than the person that admires you the most here in AAA. Eve Grunge made it known last month that Double D was one of her idols. Can they get the job done against the experienced tag team or will Double D's string of bad luck continue?


Gorgon Vs. Missy Masterson


- Gorgon owes us an explanation, but it's highly unlikely that we'll get one. She's looking for a dominating victory after taking last month off. Can Missy score the huge upset??


Suzue Katayama Vs. Jamie Quine


- Jamie Quine is looking to get revenge for her sister from last month. Cat Quine may have beat Suzue but the post match beatdown from her and Gorgon didn't sit well with Jamie. She's looking to score a huge upset, but you better believe Suzue will bring her A game after taking a loss last month.


The A-List Vs. J-Ro & Sara Marie York: AAA Tag Team Championship


- J-Ro and SMY are finally getting their tag title match against the pesky Demelza Wade and Nadia Snow. Can the two fan favorites shut up the cocky champs, or does the A-List have what it takes to retain their championships. Should be one hell of a match.


Catherine Quine Vs. Grace Harper: AAA Femme Fetalle Championship


- Cat Quine Earned this match last month after beating Suzue Katayama to become the number one contender. Can Grace Harper prove to be the dominate champion she's set out to be? Or will Catherine Quine become a 4 time AAA Femme Fetalle champion? Find out at Not Just Another Pretty Face!


Predictions Welcome!

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Golden Delicious Vs. Steph Blake


Fuyoko Higa & Tracy Brendon Vs. Michelle Brendon & Helen Bach


Lilly & Rose Vs. Devils Daughter & Eve Grunge


Gorgon Vs. Missy Masterson


Suzue Katayama Vs. Jamie Quine


The A-List Vs. J-Ro & Sara Marie York: AAA Tag Team Championship


Catherine Quine Vs. Grace Harper: AAA Femme Fetalle Championship

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