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Beyond The Mat: The Sam Keith Story

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. The Ring Generals

NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match

Sammy The Shark© vs. ???

Matthew Keith vs. Rick Sanders

Mikey James & Marc Speed vs. Eddie Howard & Steve Flash

Black Hat Bailey vs. Enygma

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Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. The Ring Generals


NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match

Sammy The Shark© vs. ???

I don't normally go with ???'s as its never a sure thing but for some reason I feel that you have something big in store.


Matthew Keith vs. Rick Sanders


Mikey James & Marc Speed vs. Eddie Howard & Steve Flash


Black Hat Bailey vs. Enygma

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Filming for Tri-State Syndication 3.

Live from Pennsylvania Park.

In front of a sell out 2000 crowd.


Dark Matches


KC Glenn & Greg Gauge defeated Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum

James Prudence defeated Kirk Jameson


Your Annoucers are :


Herb Stately and Rock Downpour.



RD: Hello and welcome New York City Wrestling Empire Wrestling. I’m Rock Downpour and he’s Herb Stately.


HS: And have we got a stacked card for you here tonight, following the Sam Keith takeover there’s a few new faces in action tonight starting with Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine…Samoan Destruction INC. as they take on the tag team champs The Ring Generals.




Solid opening match here, the more experienced Samoans dominated for the most part. But it the it’s the Ring Generals that get the win following a Russian leg sweep/Super kick combination.


Winners - The Ring Generals

Final Rating - 49


RD: Great opening match and the Samoan Destruction INC. look like they will be a solid addition to the NYCW tag team ranks for the foreseeable future, wouldn’t you agree Herb?


HS: Couldn’t agree more RD, I see some exciting times coming for NYCW, and one the fighters in the next match I see as the future of this company as Matthew Keith takes on the “Old School Principal” Rick Sanders in singles action.




Good back and forth action in the opening stages, but the youth of Matthew Keith is playing its part as Rick Sanders is starting to look tired. Keith takes advantage of Sanders energy levels and locks in a Proton Lock for the win.


Winner - Matthew Keith

Final Rating - 42


HS: Fantastic debut win for a guy I’m now fully backing to dominate in the company.


RD: Herb are you turning into a fan boy?


HS: Absolutely not RD! I just recognise talent when I see it. Coming up after the break, Sammy the Shark defends his Tri-State Regional against an unknown opponent.





Tri-State Regional Champion Sammy the Shark is walking down to the ring and he’s blindsided by two man beasts before “Double A” Aaron Andrews joins in on the beating.


RD: WHAT THE HELL!! WHO THE HELL!! Why have these three men just attacked Sammy?


HS: That RD was a straight up beat down by three men, and who are they I guess we’re about to find out.




*Aaron Andrews grabs a microphone*


AA: some of you may recognise me I’m Aaron Andrews and this two human wrecking balls are Cage Cavanagh and Primus Allen and they are the double A Security.


*Aaron Andrews picks up the Tri-State Regional Belt*


AA: This belt is now my and I’ll challenge anybody in the back to come and claim it back from me.


*Dazzling Dave Diamond runs down to the ring*


Final Rating - 43


HS: There you go RD, does that answer your question?


RD: it sure does and I hope Triple D now kicks his ass.




Dave Diamond’s back is against the wall for the entire match, as Allen and Cavanagh make their presence known at ringside. Aaron Andrews hits a Flying Body Press for the 3 count.


Winner - Aaron Andrews

Final Rating - 54


HS: You have to feel he’s gonna go far with those two beasts protecting him.


RD: He shouldn’t even be here never mind walking out of the arena with that belt in his hand, people like him make me sick. Bring on the next match as Mikey James and Marc Speed take on Eddie Howard and Steve Flash.




From a wrestling stand point this was the best match of the evening, as the all four men but on a great show, the match is called for a time limit drew around the 10 minute mark.


Winners- N/A

Final Rating - 43


RD: WOW! What a match I have to agree with the fans here I want 5 more minutes.


HS: Personally I wasn’t all that impressed by the men in the ring I’d much rather watch Aaron Andrews or Matthew Keith.


RD: If you say so Herb, up next is an exciting match as the debuting Enygma takes on Black Hat Bailey.





*Enygma comes down to the ring with a mic in one hand*


E: First of all let me say it’s great to be here in NYCW, many of you will be wondering why I’m here especially with the contract I had in USPW well let me tell you. I have just one name for you Nicky Champion, that jackass pretty much ran me out of the company we had genuine backstage heat with each other, but seeing as he was Sam Strong’s golden boy there was only one option for me and that was to leave.

* Enygma pauses for a few seconds*

E: In all honesty though it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise, after I heard that Sam Keith had take over NYCW I jumped at the chance to get on board and have one last chance of battling Sam in the ring.


Final Rating - 46


RD: We’ll be straight back to action after these short messages people don’t go anywhere.




These two legends have the ring battled it out with some great action, Enygma picks up the win after 15 minutes with an Enygma Variation.


Winner - Enygma

Final Rating - 40


HS: Who does he think he is this Enygma character, he seems like he could be trouble for us at NYCW, there obviously a reason Sam Strong didn’t want him around anymore.


RD: Herb, how can you say that? the man just put on a great show for the fans and the people at home.


HS: Yeah doesn’t mean I have to like him though does it?


RD: I guess not. Unfortunately guys that’s all we have time for we hope to see you next time on NYCW Empire Wrestling.


Final Show Rating - 41 / D-

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Well the first show was in the bag and honestly I couldn’t be more proud of the guys in the back, they worked hard and put on a fantastic show for a sell out crowd. Bring in guys like Aaron Andrews and Enygma are only going to enhance the reputation of this company in the long run. The signing of Enygma was one I was extremely happy to pull off, when he rang me and told me he was cancelling his contract with USPW because of backstage heat with Nicky Champion. Of course I was going to jump at the chance to sign him up even if its only for short time but in the long run I know fans will turn up to see him, I mean the man’s been at top of the card for USPW for the past two years and not forgetting his two year unbeaten streak in SWF before than. And as for Aaron Andrews this kid is an excellent talent I couldn’t believe it when I heard that tommy had let him go.


All in all the future is looking bright in the city that never sleeps. Coming up at the end of the month is also our first Pay-Per-View event NYCW Warfare look out for it on New York PPV TV.


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Following the fall out from the first ever episode of NYCW Empire Wrestling, the company roll into North Carolina and to the North Carolina Biker Museum.


Coming up on the card Samoan Destruction INC. take on two luchadors from Mexico, El Heroe Mexicano and Angel De Mexico collectively they are known as El Guardia Mexicano. “The son of Sam” Greg Gauge takes on one half of the tag team champions Dean Waldorf. The men who visciously beat down Dave Diamond following his loss to Aaron Andrews take on Triple D and partner of his choosing. Talking of Aaron Andrews will he be able to over come the odds as he battles the debuting “American Patriot” Brandon Smith. And the Main Event of the evening the boss Sam Keith steps into the ring to fight Enygma.


Quick Picks


Samoan Destruction INC. vs. El Guardia Mexicano

Greg Gauge vs. Dean Waldorf

Double A Security vs. Dave Diamond & a partner of his choosing

Aaron Andrews vs. Brandon Smith

Sam Keith vs. Enygma

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Samoan Destruction INC. vs. El Guardia Mexicano

Greg Gauge vs. Dean Waldorf


Double A Security vs. Dave Diamond & a partner of his choosing

My guess is that it will be his tag team partner in NYCW although I can't remember who that is as its been a while since I have played as them.


Aaron Andrews vs. Brandon Smith


Sam Keith vs. Enygma

He's in the title of the dynasty so he will probably get a mega push.

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Samoan Destruction INC. vs. El Guardia Mexicano

I love these guys they are wrestling machines and now that they aren't going against an established team I say win win win.


Greg Gauge vs. Dean Waldorf

Sorry Dean for now you suck, but you'll get better I promise.


Double A Security vs. Dave Diamond & a partner of his choosing

Dave's got two things going here for him, a mystery partner and a feud with a guy hire on the card then these security guys. But you want these two to look like heels so DQ win. Mystery partner will be Sammy who AA and his security assaulted.


Aaron Andrews vs. Brandon Smith

More over and I think a better worker. I like Smith but he's got nothing going story wise just yet and Andrews does. Maybe a dirty when when the Double A Security shows up leading to a six-man with Andrews and his guys and Smith, Dave and Dave's mystery partner.


Sam Keith vs. Enygma

Engyma showed up and had the Worst match of the night against the veteran and no in ring slouch Black Hat Bailey. I never really liked him and Sam is more over and a way better worker.

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New York City Wrestling presents Empire State Of Mind, an insight into the everything that is NYCW with interviews with the wrestlers, managers and other backstage staff, as the Sam Keith revolution at NYCW continues. The first episode will be on NYCW.com following the second episode of Empire Wrestling. We hope to see you there.

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Filming for Tri-State Syndication 3.

Live from the North Carolina Biker Museum.

In front of crowd of 1665 people.


Dark Match

Mikey James defeated Rick Sanders.


Your Announcers are:


Herb Stately and Rock Downpour.


RD: Hello and welcome New York City Wrestling, we’re live from the North Carolina Biker Museum and have we can a show for you tonight as later on two legends collide when Sam Keith takes on the mysterious Enygma.


HS: But up first is the Samoan Destruction INC. taking on the new team El Guardia Mexicano.


Samoan Destruction INC vs. El Guardia Mexicano



These two teams but on a fantastic opening match of the night going back and forth with some great wrestling. Samoan Destruction Inc. get the win following a Samoan Spike(Powerbomb/Top rope clothesline combo).


Winners - Samoan Destruction INC.

Final Rating - 57


RD: Great win for the Samoans here as they showed that they could be a possible force to be reckoned with in the tag team ranks.


HS: I have to agree with you here RD, following a short commercial break we’ll be back as Greg Gauge takes on Dean Waldorf in singles action.


Greg Gauge vs. Dean Waldorf



Good technical match here, with no one really getting an advantage offensively, Greg Gauge gets the win when his brother distracts Waldorf allowing for an easy roll up for the 3 count.


Winner - Greg Gauge

Final Rating - 41


HS: These two Keith Brothers certainly know how to wrestle and always have each other’s backs in the ring.


RD: how can you say that Gauge clearly cheated having his brother come down and distract Dean Waldorf, he knew he couldn’t beat him fairly.


HS: You have no idea what you’re on about RD.


RD: Is it out of the question that I can get a new partner for the ringside.


Aaron Andrews rants about Brandon Smith


*Aaron Andrews comes down to the ring with a microphone in hand*


AA: Can somebody tell me why I have to fight these losers in the back, I showed last week that I’m the best wrestler on the roster by dominating Dave Diamond, now they have me fighting some jackass calling himself the “American Patriot” Brandon Smith later on tonight. Well Smith can I ask who are you? Nobody’s ever heard of you just by the sound of your name I can tell you sound like a chump and I shouldn’t have to be fighting you cus you’re not worthy of “Double A” Aaron Andrews.


RD: Some very harsh words there from Aaron Andrews, well I can tell you now “Double A”, Brandon Smith is no chump this man can wrestle. He’s a two time Mid Atlantic Wrestling heavyweight champion and more recently he’s been applying his trade in Japan with Pride Glory Honor Wrestling.


HS: Still seems like a chump to me, nobody cares for some Japanese promotion or a small time promotion out in the Mid Atlantic.


RD: You really are deluded aren’t you? Up next is Double A Security taking on Dave Diamond and the partner of his choosing.


Double A Security vs. Dave Diamond & Kirk Jameson



Diamond and Jameson take the early advantage but it’s not long before Primus and Cage start to dominate singling out Kirk Jameson with double teams and quick tags in and out. Double A Security get the win following a huge double Spinebuster.


Following the match they continue the beat down on Diamond and Jameson.


Winners - Double A Security

Final Rating - 31


RD: Wow those two are some dominant men, I wouldn’t want to cross them.


HS: Finally something we agree on, when was the last time we saw tag team in NYCW dominate people like that.


RD: a good while ago. After the break it’s “ American Patriot” Brandon Smith goes to battle “Double A” Aaron Andrews


Brandon Smith vs. Aaron Andrews



Brandon Smith dominates early on putting Aaron Andrews on the back foot, Andrews pushes Smith into the referee knocking down before hitting Smith a big dropkick, Andrews goes to ring side picks up the Tri-State Regional Belt and connects with a huge hit to Brandon Smith’s skull before waking up the referee and getting the 3 count.


Following the match Double A is joined by his security but before they can beat down Brandon Smith Dave Diamond and Kirk Jameson make the save.


Winner - Aaron Andrews

Final Rating - 53


RD: these six men look like they might on be on a head on collision.


HS: You say that but I saw tonight was Andrews, Allen and Cavanagh showing they are a threat to anybody in the company and that they shouldn’t be doubted.


RD: If you say so…


Matthew Keith issues an open challenge.



*Matthew Keith stands in the middle of the ring*


MK: I here and here for one reason only, I challenge any wrestlers on the roster so any singles wrestler, any tag teams to a match against me and my brother next week. So if you think you have what it takes to beat us I have just tow words for you…BRING IT!


Final Rating - 34


RD: That there is certainly one cocky young man.


HS: You say cocky I say confident and sure whoever answers the open challenge will no doubt be on the losing end. On to more pressing matters though as up next is the main event of the evening as Sam Keith and Enygma meet in the ring next.


Sam Keith vs. Enygma



Great showing from the two legends as they put on the best show of the night. Sam Keith picks up the win making Enygma tap out following a Proton Lock around the 15 minute mark.


Winner - Sam Keith

Final Rating - 57


RD: It’s easy to see why these two are certainly classed as legends of the squared cirlce.


HS: Absolutely I personally can’t wait to see some more from them.


RD: Well that’s it for another week folks, next week NYCW returns to New York City and to a new permanent home at the Empire Arena. We hope to see you there.



Final Rating - 50/D+

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BR: Hello and welcome. I’m Brent Reginald and you’re watching the first episode of Empire State Of Mind. Tonight we talk to four legends of the ring as I’m joined by Black Hat Bailey, “The Stomper” Derek Bradford, Enygma and Sam Keith. Welcome to the show guys.


BHB: Hello.


E: Hello Brent


DB: Brent.


SK: Hi.


BR: I must ask guys since Sam Keith as taken over New York City Wrestling what’s it been like working for a man like Sam?


E: It’s been fantastic, I’ve known Sam for nearly a decade now and the man is a legend of the ring, he was the man that gave me a two year unbeaten streak in SWF back ‘02. I personally only see postive things for NYCW in the future.


BHB: All I have to say is I’m still NYCW Empire Champion so I have no complaints.


DB: Since Sam took over from me last year, he could have easily told me he didn’t want me around and that he was going to completely change everything about NYCW and that hasn’t happened so for that I’m extremely grateful.


SK: Thank you for the comments


BR: This one’s just for you Sam, obviously we know you had an highly successful stint as head booker over at SWF and there was also rumors that you were about to take over the head booker position from Robert Oxford over at TCW before you walked away from the ring for almost a year. But what we want to know is what’s it like being in charge of a company?


SK: In all honesty, I loving every minute of it at the minute, it hasn’t been with out it’s ups and downs. We had a lot of the roster walk away from the company once they found out I’d taken over. So for the guys that stayed I say thank you for staying and welcoming the new guys in the locker room.


BR: Recently NYCW Empire Wrestling debuted on Tri-State Syndication 3, what’s it been like filming for the new show?


DB: Let me just say this time last year I didn’t expect NYCW would be able to continue, so to have a TV show is something beyond me wildest dreams at this moment in time.


BHB: Amen to that. I’ve been with NYCW since ‘06 and it’s been a tough five years, but something about 2011 just seems like it’s gonna be our year. With the introduction of the TV show and also a Pay-Per-View deal in the works, it’s just going to be great.


E: The few weeks I’ve been here for the shows have been awesome, especially since I walked out of USPW and knowing I was still going to get some TV exposure was a major plus, there’s always a different sort of buzz in the locker room knowing your filming for TV.


SK: I have to agree with all three men here, getting NYCW a TV deal was always a big deal for me when I come here, and to have both a TV and Pay-Per-View deal is brilliant and the filming as just been great.


RB: Well unfortunately guys that’s all we have time for tonight, join me next week as I’m joined by some of the younger generation of NYCW including Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith. Thank you and goodbye.


BHB: Goodbye


E: See ya.


SK: Goodbye Brent.


DB: Goodbye,



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NYCW rolls in back into New York City following spending the past couple of weeks on the road.


In the first match of the evening the tandem of Brandon Smith and Kirk Jameson take on the a couple of youngsters in Davis Wayne Newton and KC Glenn. Also in a battle for the number 1 contendership for the NYCW Tag Team titles the Keith Brothers face off against the Samoan Destruction INC. 4 men meet in a fatal 4-way match as Marc Speed goes to battle against Angel De Mexico, Eddie Howard and Nelson Callum. In the semi main-event of the evening defending the NYCW Tri-state Regional Title Aaron Andrews fights “The Dragon” Mikey James. And in a huge Main-Event Sam Keith and “Platinum” James Prudence take on Enygma and “Remarkable” Steve Flash.


Quick Picks.


Brandon Smith & Kirk Jameson vs. Davis Wayne Newton & KC Glenn

1 Contender’s Matc for the NYCW Tag Team Title .

The Keith Brother vs. Samoan Destruction INC.

Marc Speed vs. Angel De Mexico vs. Eddie Howard vs. Nelson Callum

NYCW Tri-State Regional Match.

Aaron Andrews© vs. Mikey James

Sam Keith & James Prudence vs. Enygma & Steve Flash


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Brandon Smith & Kirk Jameson vs. Davis Wayne Newton & KC Glenn


1 Contender’s Match for the NYCW Tag Team Title .

The Keith Brothers vs. Samoan Destruction INC.


Marc Speed vs. Angel De Mexico vs. Eddie Howard vs. Nelson Callum


NYCW Tri-State Regional Match.

Aaron Andrews© vs. Mikey James

Okay so normally I would go with Mikey to win this match but I am going to go with Aaron simply because I think its far to early for you to consider having a champion lose his title already although there might be something that I don't know so in that case it could go either way.


Sam Keith & James Prudence vs. Enygma & Steve Flash

This match should produce a good rating for you but I am going to go with Keith and Prudence for the win here, but if they don't win I don't care either way as I like everyone that is in this match.

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Brandon Smith & Kirk Jameson vs. Davis Wayne Newton & KC Glenn

1 Contender’s Matc for the NYCW Tag Team Title .

The Keith Brother vs. Samoan Destruction INC.

Marc Speed vs. Angel De Mexico vs. Eddie Howard vs. Nelson Callum

NYCW Tri-State Regional Match.

Aaron Andrews© vs. Mikey James

Sam Keith & James Prudence vs. Enygma & Steve Flash

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Brandon Smith & Kirk Jameson vs. Davis Wayne Newton & KC Glenn

Both men took a loss already they won't take another to two new comers who are lower on the card then thy are. Although this should be a good match and even with a loss DWN and KC should get some good momentum from it.


1 Contender’s Match for the NYCW Tag Team Title .

The Keith Brother vs. Samoan Destruction INC.

The only team more talented then the Samoans are the Keiths and with their much lower overness in the US Sam's kids will go over.


Marc Speed vs. Angel De Mexico vs. Eddie Howard vs. Nelson Callum

Tough call I'm just a Marc Speed fan.


NYCW Tri-State Regional Match.

Aaron Andrews© vs. Mikey James

He just got the title not time for him to lose it and on TV at that.


Sam Keith & James Prudence vs. Enygma & Steve Flash

Another one that could really go either way for me but the heels will cheat and take the win setting up for a match at a big event.

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