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The Story of the Championship Wrestling Association (Real World)

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Championship Wrestling Association. In 2012, Wrestling veteran Dave 'Fit' Finlay dug deep in his pocket and began to run shows in the Tri State area of the United States. What started as a small Independent wrestling promotion would grow into one of the largest WRESTLING companies in the world. Now, the men and women who helped to build the global phenomenon that is the CWA break their silence on the beginnings, the struggles, and the rise of Championship Wrestling Association in...




In this 3-Disk DVD set, we look at the CWA's humble beginnings...


Dave Finlay: This was just my way of giving back to the business that had given me so much. I never expected it to grow the way it did.


The struggles...


Sonjay Dutt: There were times when we contemplated just shutting the show down. Most of the seats were empty. When you're promised one thing and you're handed another, it does make you wonder why so many people stuck around.


The Heartaches...


Colt Cabana: After the accident, he just wasn't the same. He tried to do the things he used to do, but he just didn't realise that he was limited in what he could do. It was sad to watch.


and the triumphs...


Drew Hankinson: I never thought in a million years we would get to that stage. To be here from the start and to see how it's grown is amazing.


Relive all the drama that lead to the rise of one of the biggest wrestling organizations in the world in "The Story of The CWA", available now on DVD and Blu Ray.


Coming up....The Roster.

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The Roster (As of January, 2012)


Main Eventers:


Colt Cabana


Drew Hankinson


Jay Lethal


Jesse Neal


Upper Midcarders:



Chris Hero


Christopher Cage


Jay Briscoe


Mark Briscoe


Paul Burchill


Paul London





Chuck Taylor


Eddie Kingston


Jimmy Jacobs


Ken Doane


Nick Dinsmore


Sonjay Dutt


Lower Midcarders:



Ace Steel


Brent Albright


Chad Collyer


Chase Stevens


Cliff Compton


Michael Elgin





Ashley Sixx


Danny Gambino


Tag Teams:


The Briscoe Brothers (Mark and Jay Briscoe)


Wreckless Future (Christopher Cage and Chuck Taylor)


Wrestling's Elite (Ashley Sixx and Michael Elgin)

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The Birth


Dave Finlay: After my contract ran out up in New York, I worked the Independent scene for a few months. And the one thing I noticed was how hungry some of the younger generation were. These kids genuinely loved this business in a way I hadn't seen before. It really opened my eyes to the fact that these kids needed a platform to really prove what they had. So I approached Vince McMahon and we struck up a deal;we we're going to be their next Developmental Territory. But as we know, that didn't quite go to plan, negotiations fell through and we were back to square one. So that's when I called Terry Taylor


Terry Taylor: Dave initially called me in to be a Road Agent for the company. When we first sat down and he told me his plans for the company, to be quite honest, I wasn't impressed. Fit had a vision that this was going to be a pure WRESTLING company; no gimmicks, no storylines, just straight up matches. And whilst that's all well and good in theory, the fact is this was 2012, the business had evolved. You were only going to attract a very small audience with that kind of product. So I convinced him to go in another direction.And so we decided this was going to be a TRUE alternative. So the next step was hiring the talent.


Chris Hero: Me and Finlay go back a long way, and I was the first guy he hired, which in itself was a huge honour for me. Fit was just one of those guys who you could trust with your life, which is hard to come by in this business. He also knew that due to my time on the Independents I had a lot of contacts. So I did what I could and eventually I helped him get the roster together.


Jesse Neal: Dave was super nervous going into the first show.This was the first real company that he had been a MAJOR part of, this was his money, his sweat. He was building this from the ground up and he didn't want any hitches. I remember Terry (Taylor) telling me after the show that at one point Dave had to step outside during the show to grab some air because he was hyperventilating. He was nervous as hell.


Dave Finlay: (Laughing) Yeah, I was a little nervous that day. I just wanted this to work so much, I just wanted to contribute and give back to a business that had allowed me to live the life I lived. So with a little help from Terry Taylor, on January 31st 2012, we presented CWA Proving Ground.


CWA Proving Ground:


Colt Cabana vs. Drew Hankinson


Jesse Neal vs. Paul Burchill


Chris Hero vs Jay Lethal


The Briscoes vs Wreckless Future (Christopher Cage & Chuck Taylor)

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Date: January 31st 2012

Event: CWA Proving Ground

Venue: Bevard Studio, New York

Attendance: 160




The Show began with the Announcers Lenny Leonard and Mauro Ranallo in the centre of the ring, running down the evenings card before introducing CWA Vice President Terry Taylor. Taylor welcomes everybody to the show and promises an exciting show. He also announces that next moth CWA will present Chase for the Gold, a two night extravaganza to crown the first ever CWA World Champion. As Taylor was wrapping up his segment, a figure wearing a long trench coat and strange face paint strode slowly to the ring. The man in question was the self professed "Tortured Soul" Sonjay Dutt, who had a few words for Taylor, although it was difficult to work out exactly what he was saying:


"A product of my environment. A window into the soul of all men, women and children who have felt the cold grip of reality wrap around their throats and squeeze the life out of them. I am a tortured soul, kicked around and passed around, used and thrown away.I have been taken in like and treated like a son, only to be buried and humiliated by anyone who takes me in. I REFUSE to allow it to happen again. Is that what you're going to do, Terry? Are you going to bury me?Are you going to humiliate me? Are you going to USE me, Terry? You call me, you ask me to work for you and yet you don't put me on the show? Are you ashamed of me, Terry? ARE YOU ASHAMED OF ME? I am sick to DEATH of people like you, people who feel that their power allows them to treat people any way they see fit, to abuse their power to line their pockets on other peoples hard work. I WON'T BE USED, TERRY!"


It was at this point that Dutt began grabbing Taylor by the shirt, screaming into his face, a crazed look in his eyes. He was luckily saved when Security rushed the ring and dragged Dutt away kicking and screaming, escorting him through the crowd and out the back door.


Segment Rating: D+




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Jay_Briscoe.jpghttp://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Mark_Briscoe.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Chris_Cage.jpghttp://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Chuck_Taylor.jpg


The Briscoes defeat Wreckless Future in a close fought contest. Wrestling's Elite (Ashley Sixx and Michael Elgin) were at ringside scouting both teams, who were very closely matched throughout. But The Briscoes were the victors after their patented Springboard Doomsday Device on Chuck Taylor, picking up the victory.


Match Rating: E+




Up on the small screen above the entrance, a short video is shown highlighting "The Last of a Dying Breed" Eddie Kingston as he took the camera around his hometown, discussing his upbringing, the struggles in his life and how professional wrestling has kept him on the straight and narrow. He then declared his intentions:


"My goal in CWA is the same goal I have in every aspect in life, and that is to survive. That's what I've done my whole life, is survive. Do I want to be CWA Champion? You better believe it. But my goal is to simply survive, to prove that I'm not just some fat kid from Yonkers who decided to pull on a pair of tights and play wrestler. I'm serious about this business, and I will do whatever I have to do to survive. You know, there was another kid from Yonkers who nobody believed in, who nobody thought could be a somebody in an industry full of nobodies. That man ended up becoming "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer. Dreams come true, and he's living proof. And I guarantee you, whther you like me or you hate me, whether you respect me or not, I will NOT quit. I WILL survive. And I will be here for a long, LONG time. Eddie Kingston, Last of a Dying Breed. Holla".

Segment Rating: C-




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Chris_Hero.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Jay_Lethal3.jpg


Chris Hero defeated Jay Lethal via pinfall after several attempts at putting Lethal down, Hero had to resort to low tactics, low blowing Lethal behind the officials back before delivering a Roaring Elbow. Hero put his feet on the ropes just to ensure his arm was raised in victory.

Match Rating: D (Match of the Night)




The next segment saw "Young Gun" Ken Doane enter the ring and thank the fans for coming out. Doane made it clear that whilst he intends on capturing gold in CWA, his main aim is to send the fans home with a smile on their face, to give them a show they wouldn't forget. But before he could go on he was interrupted by Jimmy Jacobs, a smug smirk on his face. Jacobs asked Doane who he thought he was. Jacobs claimed that there was only one show stealer in professional wrestling, and his name is Jimmy Jacobs. Doane then stated that if he was so confident of that fact, maybe he should step into the ring with Doane at next months Chase for the Gold: Night One. Jacobs laughed it off before kicking Doane square in his "young guns". Jacobs then got on his knees before uttering the words "I accept". Jacobs left the ring, a swagger in his step as Doane writhed around in pain.


Segment Rating: D-




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Jesse_Neal2.jpg vs.http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Paul_Burchill2.jpg


Jesse Neal defeated Paul Burchill via Count Out. Neal and Burchill went at it tooth and nail, neither man able to keep the other down. The ring couldn't contain the two, and it spilled to the outside. Neal was desperate for his first CWA match to be a victory, and as the referees count got to 8, Neal hit a thumb to the eye and threw Burchill into the New York crowd before rushing back into the ring just in time, the ref having no choice but to count Burchill out.

Match Segment: E


Neal was so ecstatic following the contest that he headed into the other side of the crowd and celebrated wildly, elated with picking up the victory. But his face turned to stone when he looked across to see Burchill rise to his feet, rage in his eyes as he chased Neal through the crowd and eventually to the back.


Segment Rating: D-




The small screen shows Colt Cabana talking about his upcoming contest with Drew Hankinson, saying that tonight is a special night as he gets to step foot in the ring with a good friend and tear the house down as only he knows how. Colt goes on to say that next month, he is throwing his name in the hat, and he is determined to become the first ever CWA World Champion.


Segment Rating: C




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Colt_Cabana.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Drew_Hankinson.jpg


Drew Hankinson defeats Colt Cabana via referee stoppage. As soon as the bell rang, Cabana extended his hand to his friend. And that's when the utter brutality began, with Drew delivering a big boot. From then on it was utter domination, with Hankinson beating down Cabana, laying heavy rights and lefts into the skull, busting him wide open. Cabana was out on his feet, and Hankinson had a sick look on his face as he completely laid waste to Colt, his blood covering Hankinson's fists. The official checked on Cabana, who didn't appear to be moving, and he mercifully called for the bell.


Match Rating: E+

The crowd were stunned as officials rushed to the ring and surrounded Hankinson, who was almost salivating at what he had just done. EMT's headed to the ring to check on Cabana, who hadn't moved. Terry Taylor and Dave Finlay stood at ringside to check on Colt, who was loaded onto the stretcher and rolled up the entrance. But in a barbaric moment, Hankinson broke free from the officials and pushed Cabana off the stretcher. Finlay and Taylor were going nuts, but Drew was in a zone as he lifted Cabana up and delivered a Tombstone Piledriver onto the concrete floor. Security was finally called in to hold Hankinson back as they loaded Colt back onto the stretcher. The show came to an end with Terry Taylor and Dave Finlay berating Hankinson, who didn't seem to hear a word of it, seemingly in a sick, hedonistic trance.


Segment Rating: C



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Dave Finlay: At the time, I wasn't particularly pleased with the show. I felt things could have gone a little smoother, but in hindsight it was exactly the kind of start we needed. We need to really put a stamp on who we were and what we were about. And looking back, the angle between Drew and Cabana was just what we needed.


Drew Hankinson: I was super excited when Dave and Terry told me their plans for me. This was my opportunity to really go out there and show what I was all about. They trusted me to be one of the men to carry the company. I was honoured. And to work with a close friend like Cabana was cool for me. Works always fun when you're with friends.


Colt Cabana: I'd always thought Drew was one of the better "Big Men" in wrestling, so I was happy to be working with him and helping to put him over as this super aggressive monster.


Dave Finlay: So with that show out of the way, we had to now concentrate on putting together our two day "Chase for the Gold" Events. Terry and I had an image in our heads of where we wanted to go with it, but it was difficult to convince some of the boys that this was the way to go. Believe it or not, alot of them were very down on themselves. They had been tossed around and mentally beat up by so many of the big companies that they weren't mentally prepared to be put in the position they were in.


Sonjay Dutt: My character at this point was kind of an extension of me. I was ****ed off. I knew I had talent, yet everywhere I went it was being wasted. I would be given a small push here and there and then I was almost an afterthought. So I wanted to portray that in the ring. Terry and Fit gave me that chance, I have to thank them for that.


Terry Taylor: The business moves so quickly. You can't really enjoy a show for to long before you have to prepare for the next one. It was literally the day after Proving Ground that me and Fit began booking Chase for the Gold.


Chase for the Gold: Act One


CWA World Title Tournament Night One:

Drew Hankinson vs. Paul London


CWA World Title Tournament Night One:

Jesse Neal vs. Paul Burchill


Winner of Hankinson/London vs. Winner of Neal/Burchill


Jimmy Jacobs vs. Ken Doane


Chase for the Gold: Act Two


CWA World Title Tournament Night Two:

Chris Hero vs. Eddie Kingston

CWA World Title Tournament Night Two:

Colt Cabana vs. Jay Lethal


Winner of Hero/Kingston vs. Winner of Cabana/Lethal


CWA World Championship Match:

Title Tournament Night One winner vs. Title Tournament Night Two winner


Chase Stevens vs. Sonjay Dutt

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Chase for the Gold: Act One


CWA World Title Tournament Night One:

Drew Hankinson vs. Paul London


CWA World Title Tournament Night One:

Jesse Neal vs. Paul Burchill


Winner of Hankinson/London vs. Winner of Neal/Burchill


Jimmy Jacobs vs. Ken Doane



Chase for the Gold: Act Two


CWA World Title Tournament Night Two:

Chris Hero vs. Eddie Kingston


CWA World Title Tournament Night Two:

Colt Cabana vs. Jay Lethal


Winner of Hero/Kingston vs. Winner of Cabana/Lethal


CWA World Championship Match:

Title Tournament Night One winner vs. Title Tournament Night Two winner


Chase Stevens vs. Sonjay Dutt


Really enjoying the start of this. Keep it up.

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Chase for the Gold: Act One


CWA World Title Tournament Night One:

Drew Hankinson vs. Paul London


CWA World Title Tournament Night One:

Jesse Neal vs. Paul Burchill


Winner of Hankinson/London vs. Winner of Neal/Burchill


Jimmy Jacobs vs. Ken Doane



Chase for the Gold: Act Two


CWA World Title Tournament Night Two:

Chris Hero vs. Eddie Kingston


CWA World Title Tournament Night Two:

Colt Cabana vs. Jay Lethal


Winner of Hero/Kingston vs. Winner of Cabana/Lethal


CWA World Championship Match:

Title Tournament Night One winner vs. Title Tournament Night Two winner


Chase Stevens vs. Sonjay Dutt

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Chase for the Gold: Act One


CWA World Title Tournament Night One:

Drew Hankinson vs. Paul London


CWA World Title Tournament Night One:

Jesse Neal vs. Paul Burchill


Winner of Hankinson/London vs. Winner of Neal/Burchill


Jimmy Jacobs vs. Ken Doane



Chase for the Gold: Act Two


CWA World Title Tournament Night Two:

Chris Hero vs. Eddie Kingston


CWA World Title Tournament Night Two:

Colt Cabana vs. Jay Lethal


Winner of Hero/Kingston vs. Winner of Cabana/Lethal


CWA World Championship Match:

Title Tournament Night One winner vs. Title Tournament Night Two winner


Chase Stevens vs. Sonjay Dutt



Tis seems really good. I love the whole DVD presentation theme. Always wanted to do something like that to, but now i'm more on a book presentations style. Keep up the good work, i'll definitely be reading.

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Date: February 27th 2012

Event: CWA Chase for the Gold: Act One

Venue: Bevard Studio, New York

Attendance: 96




The show opens with CWA Vice President Terry Taylor in the ring, welcoming us to night one of the "Chase for the Gold" He explains that 8 men were randomly selected to compete in the CWA World Championship Tournament, and over the next two nights they would compete to crown the very first CWA Champion. Taylor then went on to address the situation regarding Drew Hankinson and Colt Cabana. Taylor stresses that the actions of Hankinson will not be tolerated, and he has been fined heavily for what happened. He warns Drew that he is lucky to still be in the tournament, and any more outbursts like that will cost him his job. He also states that due to the attack last month, for safety reasons Colt Cabana will NOT be competing in the tournament. This immediately bought Cabana out, still looking unsteady on his feet after a month, telling Taylor that he NEEDS to be involved in the tournament, he NEEDS to get his hands on Hankinson. After several minutes of back and forth, Taylor finally agrees that if Cabana can get clearance from his doctor, he will include him in tomorrows round of matches, which pleased the fans in attendance. Cabana shook the hand of Taylor and the two headed to the back.


Segment Rating: C




On the small screen, Jay Lethal talks about Chris Hero stealing a victory over him at last months Proving Ground Event. He warns Hero that he won't forget, and sooner or later Hero will get what's coming to him. But he says he now has to concentrate on his main objective; becoming the first ever CWA World Champion. And he declares that tomorrow night, he WILL walk away as the brand new CWA Champion. Guaranteed.


Segment Rating: C




CWA World Title Tournament Match:


http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Drew_Hankinson.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Paul_London.jpg


Drew Hankinson defeated Paul London. London was warmly received by the fans in attendance, and on any other night would have been a hot favourite to pick up a win, but "The Outlaw" was too much for him, and continued to prove his dominance, putting away Paul London with the Tombstone Pile driver, a move he calls the DHD (Drew Hankinson Driver).


Match Rating: D




Out in the ring, Chris Hero is berating the audience, hyping himself and making clear that come tomorrow night, "That Young Knockout Kid" would be the ONLY man standing tall as the CWA World Champion. In reply to Jay Lethal's words earlier in the night, Hero says he has nothing to prove to Lethal, stating he beat him straight up in the centre of the ring, and if Lethal can't deal with that he should find a new place of employment. But Hero was quickly cut off when his opponent for tomorrow night appeared; Eddie Kingston. Eddie stepped through the ropes and looked Hero dead in the eye before taking him down. No words were needed as he began to lay heavy rights and lefts into Hero's skull, Hero struggling to cover up. Security rushed the ring and held Kingston back, who was clearly out to prove a point, making good on his words last month. With security holding Eddie back, Hero saw an opportunity and delivered a swift kick to the groin, sending Kingston to his knees before quickly fleeing. Eddie was writhing around in pain as Hero walked away, arms raised and a smile on his face.


Segment Rating: C-




CWA World Title Tournament Match:


http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Jesse_Neal2.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Paul_Burchill2.jpg


Paul Burchill defeats Jesse Neal. Much like last month, these two men beat the living hell out of each other, neither man backing down. And much like last month, Jesse Neal tried every underhanded tactic to gain a victory. But unlike last month, Burchill was wise to it and eventually put Neal away with a violent Curb Stomp, securing his spot in the Main Event of the evening.


Match Rating: D


Following the match, Burchill decided to get a measure of revenge for Neal's actions last month, and much like Neal did at Proving Ground, threw Neal out into the crowd to the delight of the fans.


Segment Rating: E+




On the small screen, we see trainers and EMT's surrounding Chuck Taylor, who is on the ground in obvious pain. The camera pans out to reveal his Tag Partner Christopher Cage standing above him, a smile spread across his face. Cage blamed Taylor for their loss last month at the hands of The Briscoes,and told him this was his way of cutting Taylor loose. He went on to proclaim: "NOBODY holds down Christopher Cage. I'm destined to be a superstar. So no hard feelings, Chuck. But this is where we say farewell". It's at that point that Cage stomped on the skull of Taylor before walking away, clearly thrilled with the damage caused.


Segment Rating: D-




Prior to the next contest, Jimmy Jacobs took the house mic and began to tear into the audience, saying that they were not worthy of being in the same building as "The Future Icon". Jacobs says it's downright disgusting that he wasn't entered into the CWA World Title Tournament, yet they are keeping a spot open for Colt Cabana on the off chance that he is cleared to compete. Jacobs says he's not going to let it affect what he does tonight. He promises that tonight, Ken Doane is going to find out exactly why he is The Future Icon, and why it's only a matter of time before he wears gold around his waist.


Segment Rating: C-




http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Jimmy_Jacobs.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Ken_Doane.jpg


Jimmy Jacobs defeats Ken Doane. Doane was a lot more difficult to handle than Jacobs anticipated, and Jimmy was on the ropes for much of the contest. But Jacobs was able to capitalize by grabbing the ropes during an attempted DDT by Doane. Jacobs made a quick pin, putting his feet on the ropes to ensure victory.


Match Rating: D+




As the fans were preparing for the Main Event of the evening, they were blessed with the presence of the self professed "Tortured Soul" Sonjay Dutt, he made his way down the aisle, draped in his hooded cloak. He grabbed the house mic and got down on his knees as he began to address the fans in attendance.


"Fear. He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat. Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing. Do you FEAR me, Terry Taylor? Is that what this is? Do you FEAR Sonjay Dutt? Is that why you had me removed from the building last month at Proving Ground? Is that why you wouldn't enter me into the tournament to crown a new CWA World Champion? Is that it, Terry? Is that why I haven't been booked in a match since arriving here? Is it because you FEAR me? IS IT? Trust me Terry when I tell you that you have a lot more to be fearful of if you don't give me what I want. I will not leave this ring untill CWA Vice President Terry Taylor comes down to this ring and gives me what I want. I have a lifetime, Terry. Unfortunately, you do not. Time is ticking, Mr.Taylor. Tick.....tock......tick......tock."


Dutt remained motionless in the ring until finally Terry Taylor arrived, flanked by security. Taylor asked Dutt to please leave the ring, but Sonjay didn't move a muscle. Finally Taylor caved in and announced that Dutt would get his match tomorrow night. Sonjay finally raised to his feet and removed his hood before looking Taylor in the eyes and uttering the words "Thanks You". It was at that point that Dutt spat out a Blue Mist into the eyes of Taylor before security grabbed him and escorted him out. Although not seriously blinded, Taylor was still checked on by EMT's, ensuring no permanent damage was done.


Segment Rating: D+




A quick video played on the small screen hyping the team of Ashley Sixx and Michael Elgin, Wrestling's Elite.


Segment Rating: F




CWA World Title Tournament Match:


http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Drew_Hankinson.jpg vs. http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/CWA/Paul_Burchill2.jpg


Drew Hankinson defeated Paul Burchill. A truly hard hitting affair as both men beat the tar out of each other, determined to make it into tomorrow nights final. Despite Hankinson's new found mean streak, he was still given a tough fight with the "Britain's Finest". But after over 20 minutes of carnage, Hankinson finally mustered the strength to deliver the DHD for the victory.


Match Rating: C- (Match Of The Night)


Hankinson had his hand raised in victory, and the fans in attendance were hurling abuse at him. As Hankinson taunted the fans, he was stopped when security rushed the area. It was only when he saw who was heading towards the ring he understood why, as Colt Cabana was being physically held back from entering the ring and going at it with Hankinson. The show came to an end with Hankinson DARING Cabana to step in the ring with him as he was being held back, presumably for his own safety.


Segment Rating: C-



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I actually have a question. What font and size do you use? Cause i'm pretty sure i'm going to have to use smaller size and a different font to put my show looking as fit in the space of the post as you do. So if you or anyone else had a suggestion, i would appreciate. Other than that, i'm really liking it. The DVD style is a major plus, but the shows are good in content, backing up the whole DVD stuff presentation. And that is a key factor. No matter how we present a story, we always need to back it up with good shows. Congrats on succeeding with that.
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Eddie Kingston. "The Last of a Dying Breed". If you are looking for a prima donna with flashy ring robes,awe inspiring pyrotechnics and cute catchphrases, you have come to the wrong man. For Eddie Kingston, it's all about survival, or so he claims. From day one, Kingston's goal was to be able to hold his own and prove to the brass that he was worthy of being in the shark infested waters that is CWA. Eddie's rivalry with Chris Hero has spanned across the globe, and it intensified when the two arrived in CWA. But despite Kingston's claims that he was in CWA simply to survive, he made it clear early on that he was gunning for the top spot, and he was going to do whatever it took to get there. A vicious, brutal competitor inside the ring. A brash, outspoken, take no prisoners savage outside of the ring. A true CWA Original, Eddie Kingston truly is "The Last of a Dying Breed".

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