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SWF: You Know You Want To Give It One Star a.k.a. the Ballad of Big Smack Scott

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Hi all, this is my attempt at an SWF diary, I have always wanted to do one as it has some of my favorite C-Verse workers in the company, therefore I thought I would give it a go.


Now I want to put this out there please do not come in here and talk about me living up to the legacy of previous SWF writers. I have read people putting that in other SWF diaries in the past and I always think how ridiculous that comment is. I know that James and Bigpapa have written great diaries, but this is only fan fiction. It is not as if I am trying to cover a topic that say Shakespeare wrote.


There are some of you who might be wondering why I named this SWF: You Know You Want To Give It One Star aka the Ballad of Big Smack Scott. Someone always gives every diary that I start on here one star. Therefore, I thought I would beat them to the punch and one star my own diary. It does not matter what the star rating is so if you want to give me one star because you think the diary sucks or because you do not like me, well go for it. It is your right to do so and you will not be offending me.


As for the Ballad of Big Smack Scott part, well in my RIPW diary I called it the Ballad of Henry Lee with the full intention of making his backstage life just as important as the shows themselves. Somehow, I never followed through with that, heck Henry is hardly ever in the diary.


Why did I choose Big Smack Scott?


Simply put, he is one of my favorite characters in the C-Verse, so I had to put his name in the title. He was a major part of one of my previous diaries The Compound. The title is a joke, I mean yes BSS will not be fired from this diary, as I could never bring myself to do that. Heck he could kill a fan in the game and I would not fire him, but there is no way I am going to chronicle his backstage antics.


For anyone who reads my RIPW diary, that is not going anywhere. It is only a few months off from being around for two years and it is the longest running original C-Verse TEW10 diary (There are longer running diaries but they were all started in the TEW08 section.). I would not feel right axing it so close to the two-year mark and I still enjoy writing it.


There will be some differences between this diary and my RIPW diary. Mainly the match write-ups are going to be short bullet point match write-ups in the vain of what Jingo does in his great diaries. I loathe match write-ups and I am not very good at them so this will make me more invested in this diary. Now I understand that may turn off readers, which is understandable but in order for me to do two diaries at once, it is going to have to be this way. In addition, there is only so many ways one can recap a match because workers tend to do the same stuff in their matches over and over again.


I will freely admit to not knowing how long I intend to keep this dairy going. I have seven shows written up already so at the very least this will be around for seven shows. I would really like to make it to the Supreme Challenge and I hope I can get that far.


This diary does not have a back-story, simply because my avatar will never be apart of this diary. I am also going to make this strictly kayfabe, meaning you will never get any posts dealing with the backstage area. If something happens, I will present it in an article form like you would see on various internet websites. This is because I have tried to do that in the past with my RIPW and NYCW diaries and I just never really like doing it. I will probably be doing promos and angles in between shows from SWF.com as I do in my RIPW diary.


I may or may not have Prediction Contests, the reason being I usually do not get many people picking in my diaries. Also, like I said previously, I already have seven shows written out so I would not be able to give a prize away.


The rosters will go up soon, I just have to pick out music for the wreslters. I have most of the roster done so this will be updated soon.


Well I cannot think of anything else to add so I hope you enjoy this or not.:p

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  • Replies 381
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YEEEAH :D Hopefully you update this more than the RIPW one, coz IIRC SWF has TV shows... right? :p


Anyway, as for the name... I thought it was a little bit of wordplay, as in BSS was the "one star" you were going to give to SWF :D That's just me, though. :rolleyes:



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I will be reading, I know you have always said that you wanted to do an SWF dynasty in the conversations we have had in the past and I hope it works out for you. Plus if your RIPW dynasty were to die out at some point you would have this one to fall back on. Good luck on managing two at the same time thats something I could never do I was thinking about it back when I had my CGC Dynasty because that was around the time that I had my FCW/MSWA gamesave and unfortunately I never turned my FCW/MSWA save into a dynasty because I wasn't sure how I was going to do it.


Anyways I will be reading.

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SWF Roster




The Faces





Jack Bruce


Hometown: New York City, New York

Entrance Theme:




Gregory Black


Hometown: Toronto, Canada

Entrance Theme:




Jungle Lord


Hometown: The Jungles of Borneo

Entrance Theme:




Joe Sexy


Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

Entrance Theme:




American Machine


Hometown: Albany, New York

Entrance Theme: Spangled Banner by Jimi Hendrix




Rich Money


Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Entrance Theme:




Lobster Warrior


Hometown: Under the Sea

Entrance Theme: Rock Lobster by The B-52’s




Captain Atomic


Hometown: Three Mile Island

Entrance Theme:




Christian Faith


Hometown: New Braunfels, Texas

Entrance Theme:




Zimmy Bumfhole


Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida

Entrance Theme:




Randy Bumfhole


Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida

Entrance Theme:




Brett Biggz


Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska

Entrance Theme:




Bart Biggz


Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska

Entrance Theme:






Hometown: Key West, Florida

Entrance Theme:




Steve Frehley


Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

Entrance Theme:




Jack Giedroyc


Hometown: Leeds, England

Entrance Theme:




Robbie Retro


Hometown: Studio 54

Entrance Theme:


The Heels




Eric Eisen


Hometown: Sagaponack, New York

Entrance Theme: Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood by The Animals




Brandon James


Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Entrance Theme:




Angry Gilmore


Hometown: Fredericton, Canada

Entrance Theme:






Hometown: Kansas City, Missouri

Entrance Theme:




John Greed


Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Entrance Theme:




Enforcer Roberts


Hometown: Richmond, Virginia

Entrance Theme: Seek & Destroy by Metallica




Squeeky McClean


Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

Entrance Theme:




Marat Khoklov


Hometown: Moscow, Russia

Entrance Theme:






Hometown: The Seventh Circle of Hell

Entrance Theme: Spirit Crusher by Death




Marc DuBois


Hometown: Quebec City, Canada

Entrance Theme:




Big Smack Scott


Hometown: Camden, New Jersey

Entrance Theme: Bump n’ Grind by R. Kelly




Kurt Laramee


Hometown: Hell’s Kitchen, New York City, New York

Entrance Theme:






Hometown: The Bronx, New York

Entrance Theme: Run This Town by Jay Z and Kanye West featuring Rihanna




Runaway Train


Hometown: Trenton, New Jersey

Entrance Theme: Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne




Frederique Antonio Garcia


Hometown: Montreal, Canada

Entrance Theme: Supermodel (You Better Work) by RuPaul






Hometown: Fresno, California

Entrance Theme:




Shady K


Hometown: Fresno, California

Entrance Theme:




Paul Huntingdon


Hometown: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Entrance Theme:




Kid Toma


Hometown: Huntington Beach, California

Entrance Theme:




Akima Brave


Hometown: Huntington Beach, California

Entrance Theme:


The Announce Team





Peter Michaels

Lead Play-by-Play Announcer for Supreme TV and all SWF Pay-Per-Views




Duane Fry

Secondary Announcer for Supreme TV and all SWF Pay-Per-Views




Anna Garcia

Color Commentator for Supreme TV and all SWF Pay-Per-Views




Jerry Eisen

Backstage Interviewer for Supreme TV and all SWF Pay-Per-Views


The Tag Teams


The Face Tag Teams




Valiant / Jack Giedroyc




The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy Bumfhole & Zimmy)




The Biggz Boyz (Brett & Bart Biggz)


The Heel Tag Teams




The Pain Alliance (Kurt Laramee & Big Smack Scott




Death Row (Shady K & Knuckles)




The Samoan Wildboyz (Kid Toma & Akima Brave)

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BJ O'Neill has been released from her SWF Contract.


We here at Totalextremewrestling.com have just learned that BJ O’Neill has been released from her SWF contract. The SWF has not given an official reason as to why they are letting her go. However, sources for the company have said it is because creative has nothing for her to do.


BJ was the manager of the Samoan Wildboyz until they turned heels in late 2008. She was soon paired up with SWF newcomer American Machine, a move that really did not help either party. The only official comment about the situation was a short blurb on SWF.com in which the company acknowledged her firing and wished her the best of luck in her future endeavors.


ooc: I did not like her stats and felt that she added nothing as the manager of American Machine so I let her go.
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Supreme TV Episode 1




Location: Jacksonville, Florida

Rating on C.A.N.N.: 5.61

Rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary: 0.17


[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then here the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show, which has been updated for the new year to include Steve Frehley, who has actually been back for five months but I guess it is better late than never.


We now see a shot of the live arena with the pyrotechnics going off and the crowd going wild. Now it is time for the announcer‘s to introduce themselves.]




Peter Michaels: Welcome fans to the fist Supreme TV show of the New Year! We are coming to you live with a special two-hour edition of Supreme TV from Jacksonville, Florida! Hello, everyone I am Peter Michaels as always I am being joined by my broadcast colleagues Duane Fry and the lovely Ana Garcia.


Folks we have a great show for you tonight as…


[Jack Bruce‘s music begins to play before Peter can finish that thought. The crowd is going nuts as the former SWF champion walks down the ramp and enters the ring.]




Jack Bruce: Oh boy it is good to be back in Jacksonville tonight! The last few months have been tough on me I ain’t going to lie. As you all know two weeks ago I lost the SWF Championship to Eric Eisen. That loss has left a bitter taste in my mouth.


By right I should have gotten a rematch at When Hell Freezes Over, instead the faceless SWF board of directors decided that I should take part in a three-way dance for the title. That’s cool…everyone knows I’m a great dancer and the more dance partners they throw in the ring with me, the more asses I get to kick…


[A familiar voice is heard over the sound system.]




Rich Money: Hold up, hold up, hold up! Exactly whose ass do you think you’re going to kick at When Hell Freezes Over?


[soon a face is matched up to the voice as Rich Money makes his way down to the ring. He continues to speak as he enters the ring.]




Rich Money: If we are talking about the main event at When Hell Freezes Over, then I should be the one that is bitching about it being a three-way dance. Look, right now, my stock is shooting through the roof I have nothing but tremendous upside. On the other hand, you are an aging has-been who is in desperate need of a haircut. News flash the 80’s called and it wants its tacky clothes back.


I mean seriously Jack, look at you; you look like you belong in an 80’s hair band video. Now look at me, I am a well-dressed successful man both in and out of the ring. The SWF board of directors should want me as the next SWF Heavyweight Champion…


[Jack Bruce interrupts Rich Money.]




Jack Bruce: Blah, blah, blah, you spout the same old crap week in and week out. I am not sure how you managed to involve yourself in my rematch for the title, nor do I care. The fact of the matter is, in two weeks both you and Eric are going to watch me regain my SWF Heavyweight Championship!


[Rich does not reply instead he gets right up into Jack‘s face says something that the microphone does not pick up on and the just gives Jack a smug smile. This causes Jack to say something back and soon both men are jawing at each other as they stand inches away from each other. Soon some RIPW officials come and separate the two men as we head into the first commercial break of the evening.]




The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Pain Alliance





  • The Bumfholes managed to get in a little offense at the start of the match.
  • This was short lived as the Pain Alliance took control of the match and showcased just why they are called The Pain Alliance.
  • One thing that was very noticeable was the fans complete disdain for Big Smack Scott, as even the viewers at home could hear the, “You can’t wrestle!”, chants from the live crowd.
  • The match ended after Big Smack Scott finished Zimmy of with an Ego Trip.


Winners: The Pain Alliance

Time: 5:50


[After the match is done Emma, Chase comes down to the ring with a microphone in her hand. She walks over to Scott, Kurt, and smiles at them.]




Emma Chase: Well done boys, the way you handled those two twerps was very impressive. I love men who know how to handle themselves and you two clearly know how to handle yourselves. That is why I am out here, as you know I represent Brandon James the greatest North American Champion this company has ever seen.


Well anyway, you know that I am in the business of acquiring talent and I must admit your display tonight makes me think you would be perfect fits for my team. So boys what do you say…do you want to play for my team?


[scott and Kurt talk it over for a few seconds, Kurt seems hesitant at first but Scott is heard saying, “Check out her rack bro.”, that alone makes Kurt shake his head in agreement.]




Big Smack Scott: You’ve got yourself a deal Emma!




Emma Chase: Fantastic, now follow me boys so we can get those contracts signed.


[back from the commercials, we see a brief video package highlighting the feud between Angry Gilmore and Robbie Retro, which has been going on for the past month. Angry Gilmore vows that he will stop at nothing until all of the cartoon characters are out of the SWF.]




Robbie Retro vs. Angry Gilmore





  • Angry was not taking his opponent seriously in this match. In fact, he even managed to go over to the announcer’s table during the match and put on a headset. He then informed the viewers at home, “This guy is nothing but a Disco Stu rip-off and a cartoon freak like him don’t belong in the ring with a man of my talent.”
  • Robbie exited the ring and went on the offensive against Gilmore.
  • The two men made it back into the ring and Robbie managed to get a couple of near falls on Gilmore.
  • A well-timed rake to the eyes allowed Gilmore to regain control of the match.
  • A very pissed off Angry Gilmore then finished off Robbie with an Anger Management and pinned him for the victory.


Winner: Angry Gilmore

Time: 8:53


[Pissed over the fact that Robbie lasted as long as he did with him in the ring, Angry Gilmore decides to add insult to injury as he attacks Robbie. Angry is just pummeling Robbie‘s faces with punches he even pulls some hair out of Robbie‘s afro.


Finally, Lobster Warrior runs down to the ring to aid Robbie. Wanting nothing to do with the man in the lobster suit, Angry slides out of the ring and heads to the backstage area. Lobster Warrior does not follow him, instead he checks on Robbie to see if he is all right.]


[We now go to the back where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Steve Frehley.]




Jerry Eisen: Steve Frehley you have been back for just a little over two months after your recent rash of injuries. Nearly every week since your return you have been attacked by Vengeance. Why have you become the target of Vengeance’s rage?




Steve Frehley: Man, I really don’t know. You’re going to have to ask Vengeance why he feels the need to sneak attack me every week. I have to admit it is very frustrating to have to deal with him week in and week out.


I will say this though, Vengeance I know you have strayed off the path of light, but not all is lost man. You can come back to the light; you can destroy the darkness that haunts your every waking minute. I can be the one to help you conquer the darkness and bring you back to the light, you don‘t have to live this way any longer…


[Just then, the lights go off and when they come back on, we see Vengeance and Steve brawling. They are finally separated by SWF officials.]


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that last week‘s Supreme TV had 3,022 viewers named Roy watching the show. That is more Roy’s watching Supreme TV last week than all of the Roy’s that watched every NBA game last week combined!]


For the SWF North American Title:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JungleJack.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Jungle Lord vs. Brandon James © with Emma Chase





  • Jungle Lord does his normal pre-match ritual of shaking the ring ropes; Brandon uses this to his advantage as he attacks Jungle Lord from behind.
  • This match was hardly the cakewalk that Brandon expected it to be as Jungle Lord fought back and actually got in a couple of near falls on the champion.
  • However, outside interference from Emma Chase was able to turn the tide back to Brandon’s favor and Brandon was able to pick up the victory.


Winner and still North American Champion: Brandon James

Time: 9:19


[brandon decides to add insult to injury as he begins to attack Jungle Lord after the match is done. Emma Chase goes over to the announcer‘s table, puts a headset on and informs everyone that this is what Joe Sexy has to look forward to when he faces Brandon at When Hell Freezes Over.


Joe must have heard his name being mentioned as he runs down to the ring with a steel chair in his left hand. He nails the champion with the steel chair and the big man falls to the mat. Emma reenters the ring and pleads with Joe to stop. Joe looks to the crowd for advice and while he did, that Emma hit Joe with a low blow. At this point The Pain Alliance come down to the ring and beat up on Joe before SWF security comes out and clears the ring.]


[Once again, we head to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with his brother SWF Champion Eric Eisen.]




Jerry Eisen: Eric, tonight…




Eric Eisen: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute there. How many times have I told you Jerry when you address me it is Mister Eisen? I demand that you show your SWF Champion some respect.


[Jerry shakes his head in disbelief at the thought of calling his younger brother mister.]




Jerry Eisen: I am not going to call my younger brother mister. Now as I was saying, tonight you have a match against the Lobster Warrior. What are your thoughts on your opponent?


[Eric smiles for a moment before he begins to speak.]




Eric Eisen: Before I talk about my opponent tonight, I just want to say that you are very lucky that mom made me promise not to kick your ass. You need to show me some respect and if you were any other person I would have knocked your block off.


As far as Lobster Warrior goes…well there is no threat from him. The dude dresses up in a lobster costume, someone like that could never pose a serious threat to me the greatest SWF Heavyweight Champion of all time. Plus, 2010 is going to be a banner year for me.


In fact, you might as well call 2010, the year of Eric Eisen because I plan to dominate the SWF over the course of the next year. There is not one person in this promotion that can pose a serious threat to me because I am the Supreme athlete the best wrestler in the history of the SWF. When I say no one poses a threat to me I mean just that, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Lobster Warrior could only wish to bask in my greatness.


Now before you ask me anymore stupid questions, I have to go get ready from my match. Not that I really need to prepare all that much. I actually just want to get away from you brother because you must have had tuna once again for dinner. Because your breath stinks of it!




Jerry Eisen: Well…ah…back to you Peter…


[We see Jerry hold his left hand up to his face; he then breathes out, checking to see if he really does have tuna breath.]




Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean





  • Squeeky taunted the crowd before the match began.
  • Squeeky dominated during the earlier portions of the match, working on Christian’s left arm.
  • It was all moot though, as Christian, arm injured and all got momentum back in his corner and finished Squeeky off with a Leap of Faith.


Winner: Christian Faith

Time: 12:53


[Christian Faith slowly gets out of the ring when Marat Khoklov comes down the aisle. Christian, who has become all too familiar with Marat over the past couple of months, charges at the big Russian. Christian’s begins to hit Marat with a barrage of punches, but said punches did not seem to bother Marat at all.


Finally, the one armed Christian just could not fight anymore and this lead to Marat beating the crap out of him. We go to commercial as the announcers wonder exactly why Marat has been attacking Christian.]


For the SWF World Heavyweight Title:






Lobster Warrior vs. Eric Eisen ©





  • Lobster Warrior is actually in firm control of the match during the opening minutes. He even manages to get in a couple of near falls.
  • Eric is visibly upset over the fact that a wrestler he deems to be inferior to his is getting the better of him.
  • Angry Gilmore comes down to the ring in order to “scout” Lobster Warrior who is Angry’s opponent at When Hell Freezes Over.
  • Eric manages to distract the referee, allowing Angry Gilmore to come into the ring and attack Lobster Warrior from behind.
  • Eric then hits Lobster Warrior with the Supremacy and covers him for the victory.


Winner and still SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eric Eisen

Time: 14:45




Jack Bruce vs. Remo





  • The fans were very much into this match even though Jack and Remo did not seem to click very well in the ring.
  • Jack and Remo’s timing seemed off and they seemed to be stepping on each other throughout the match.
  • Rich Money came down to the ring, which distracted Jack, this helped Remo as he attempted to pin the former champion while he was distracted.
  • However, in the end Jack had enough to pick up the victory over Remo.


Winner: Jack Bruce

Time: *







[* I deleted the time by mistake when writing up the card, so we shall never know what the time was.:D]


First off, thank you to everyone who has posted in this diary thus far. I does mean a lot that you have taken the time to do so.


As you already know there was no prediction challenge for this show. Mostly because I have learned over the course of doing two diaries that not many people pick in my diaries. For the ones that do on a regular or semi-regular basis like TakerNGN, michgcs, Jingo, and others (I am sure I left someone off the list.) I appreciate your continued support of my various diaries. I guess if there is some interest in doing a contest I might run one starting with the next show but I want to make it clear there will be no prizes. Well maybe I will ask the winner to come up with a decent for the tag team champions.


This is going to be the format for this diary for now. Short match write-ups and long promos. As I have said in the past I hate doing match write-ups so the Jingo style fits me better than what I do in my RIPW Diary.


I am not going to do any post-show thoughts for this show like I do with my RIPW Diary (Though I guess that is what I am doing here...). If you have any questions or comments about the show just post in the thread and I shall answer them.

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Nice show, I hope you'll keep going with this til Supreme Challenge and beyond and oh, you gave Vengeance 'Spirit Crusher' as entrance music - not only am I a HUGE Death Metal maniac (and a former vocalist if I might add...), I'm also a mark for Death so that's an instant five star rating for your diary ;)
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Excellent show BHK! You've got the sports entertainment feel down straight away, and although we didn't get grades it seems like a very solid opening show. Writing matches is something I dislike as well, but the style you have used here is very effective, I would say.


I'll be a-readin' :D

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Nice show set up all the storylines and we get a good idea of characters from the get go ... Wouldn't mind seeing some grades though (i've been playing some SWF recently and would like a comparison ;)).


Well the grades are not all that great to be honest with you. The Remo/Bruce match got like a 73 or something like that because they did not have chemistry with each other. Which sucked because I did have plans for them to feud in the future.


I got out of the habit of posting match grades in my RIPW diary because all of those matches and segments get very low ratings. On the show I just ran in the game one segment with Hank Mudd and Jake Havok got a 12 rating. Also, I run all of my cards by numbers instead of letter ratings.


This is mainly due to the fact that when I search for talent I like to know what their exact grade is, C+ means nothing to me I like it in numbers. In my RIPW diary I floated around the idea of posting the number ratings but people did not see to warm to that idea. If you want I will post the number ratings when I put up the next show.


Nice show, I hope you'll keep going with this til Supreme Challenge and beyond and oh, you gave Vengeance 'Spirit Crusher' as entrance music - not only am I a HUGE Death Metal maniac (and a former vocalist if I might add...), I'm also a mark for Death so that's an instant five star rating for your diary ;)


Thank you for the instant five star rating, but if I am being honest with you, I know nothing about Death Metal.:o When looking for a song for Vengeance I knew I wanted something dark. I am basing him on Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies and so I thought a Death Metal song would fit well with this.


I looked up the lyrics of various Death Metal songs and the lyrics for Spirit Crusher were just great. To me it fits what I want, now I am not sure if I will be able to convey that but I am going to try.


Excellent show BHK! You've got the sports entertainment feel down straight away, and although we didn't get grades it seems like a very solid opening show. Writing matches is something I dislike as well, but the style you have used here is very effective, I would say.


I'll be a-readin' :D


That is the good thing about what I call the Jingo-style of match write-ups (See that Jingo you have started a movement.), if you do not enjoy either writing or reading match write-ups this is the style for you. When I do my RIPW diary it takes forever to write because the match write-ups take a long time for me to do. With promos I write those fast because I enjoy doing them.


With match write-ups...well not so much.:D Partly because I hate to do them and partly because I find myself being very repetitive. Which most wrestling matches are just that repetitive. If you see Jindar Mahal taking on Santino (First two names that came to my head.) in Houston one night and then you see them in say Austin the next night chances are the matches are going to be pretty much the same. I am not sure how writers like Eisen-Verse, TFC, and Tigerkinney manage to do these great match write-ups show after show but hats off to them for doing so.


Good start. I will be reading this too.


Thank you and thank you to everyone who has commented thus far. I hope this diary does not go onto suck.:D

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I liked your first show and I like the format that you are using for the results of the shows that way you won't burn yourself out by spending too much time on results which I know you have had a problem with doing in your RIPW Dynasty.


Keep up the good work I can't wait for more.

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I liked your first show and I like the format that you are using for the results of the shows that way you won't burn yourself out by spending too much time on results which I know you have had a problem with doing in your RIPW Dynasty.


Keep up the good work I can't wait for more.


Thank you I am glad you like it. I had thought about doing the match reports the way you do them but I wanted to add just a little more information. That is why I settled on this style. Because there is no way I could do both diaries at the same time if I wrote them both in the style of the RIPW diary. That would be insane.:D


The only thing I don't get is why Jack Bruce vs Remo was the Main Event. Is he SWF's Cena?


Jack Bruce is the most popular active wrestler in the USA. So...pretty much, I suppose he'd be Cena.


Yeah what Eidenhoek said, Jack Bruce is the Cena of the SWF. He is older than Cean though so that is one major difference. Normally I would like to have the main title defended in the main event. However, Eric is nowhere near as popular as Jack is and Eric does not get the match ratings that Jack gets.


Therefore, Jack gets the main event, I am sure the inhabitants of the C-Verse are bitching over this fact.:D


gave this a look, enjoyed the first show. might stop through again.


deffinatley worth 1 star rating, where the writer has redifned 1 star as the best star rating he can be given. (in that spirit, i rated it a one star as well :p)


Vote: Mistaken


Reason being he gave me a one star...oh wait...looks at the title of the diary...never mind.


Change Vote: No Vote:p

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Supreme TV Episode 2




Location: Richmond, Virginia

Rating on C.A.N.N.: 5.76

Rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary: 0.16

Overall Show Rating: 78


[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.]


There is now live shot of the arena with the pyrotechnics going off and the crowd going wild. Now it is time for the announcer‘s to introduce themselves.]




Peter Michaels: Welcome fans to Supreme TV! We are coming to you live from Richmond, Virginia! Hello, everyone I am Peter Michaels as always I am being joined by my broadcast colleagues Duane Fry and the lovely Ana Garcia.


In tonight’s main event, we will see Jack Bruce facing off against Squeeky McClean in what is sure to be a great match.




Duane Fry: You are absolutely right Peter, tonight’s match between Squeeky and Jack is going to be a barn-stormer!




Ana Garcia: Yes, it will but Jack needs to focus his entire attention on Squeeky and not look past him. I know he has a big match against Rich Money and Eric Eisen at When Hell Freezes Over. However, if he looks past Squeeky he will be making a very big mistake.




Peter Michaels: I agree, now earlier today I sat down with Christian Faith to talk about Marat Khoklov who viciously attacked Christian last week. Let us roll the footage...


[We now see Christian and Peter standing in front of the ring inside an empty arena.]




Peter Michaels: Christian you asked if I could give you some time here on the show to discuss Marat Khoklov…


[Christian does not wait for Peter to finish talking.]




Christian Faith: Sorry to interrupt you Peter but I got something on my mind and when I got something on my mind, you know I just have to put it out there. In all my years here in the SWF, I have been the guy that everybody targets. You name em, I faced em and more often than not, I was the one who came out the winner.


Now Marat I know you’re one tough son of a gun, but you and I have never met in the ring. You don’t know what exactly I’m capable of doing. I might be in the twilight of my career but that don’t mean I am washed up.


So you can come out during my matches, stand on the stage, and watch me. You can jump me and beat the crap out of me. That don’t bother me at all because I’m one tough son of a gun and there isn‘t anyway you are going to intimidate me.


I don’t know what your comprehension of the English language is but I gonna ask you one thing. Come this Sunday, At When Hell Freezes Over, I want you to face me one-on-one. I want to see the look in your eyes when you realize you can’t beat me. Yes, I might be sounding a little cocky but I have earned the right to be cocky because after all is said and done…I gotta have Faith!




American Machine vs. Marat Khoklov





  • Marat steamrolled through American Machine making quick work out of him.
  • Marat nailed American Machine with a Moscow Lariat and then covered him for the pin and the victory.


Winner: Marat Khoklov

Time: 3:08

Match Rating: 46


[After the Marat walks over to the announcer‘s table and yanks Duane Fry‘s headset off his head. He then shouts something in Russian into the headset. He then tosses the headset onto the announcer‘s desk and walks away.]




Rich Money vs. Runaway Train





  • During the opening moments of this match, Rich threw everything he could at Train but he was unable to take the big man down.
  • Train soon took control of the match and started clobbering the hell out of Rich.
  • Train manages to get a couple of near falls on Rich but he cannot put Rich away.
  • Finally, Rich is able to get back on offense and puts Train away after he hits him with a Bank Roll.


Winner: Rich Money

Time: 8:35

Match Rating: 74


We come back from commercial break and we are given the


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that last week more people watched Supreme TV then shopped at the Spencer’s Gift Store in Syracuse, New York!


[Lobster Warrior is in a locker room in the backstage area, he begins to speak as soon as he notices that the camera is filming him.]




Lobster Warrior: Angry Gilmore what you did to Robbie Retro last week was inexcusable any guppy can see that. You had already won the match and yet you had to prove a point and continue beating on him. Well I couldn’t stand to watch my friend get his bass kicked for no reason.


You see, life in this ocean that is the SWF is very tough but at the end of the day, only the strong survive. So Angry Gilmore when we face each other this Sunday, you are going to realize that you picked the wrong Lobster tank to jump into because I’m going to kick your bass.


[We head to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Brandon James. There is no sight of Emma or The Pain Alliance.]




Jerry Eisen: Brandon this Sunday night at When Hell Freezes Over you will be defending your SWF North American Championship against a man who has been a thorn in your side for the past few weeks, that man being Joe Sexy. Are you worried about this match at all?


[brandon gives Jerry the death stare for a moment before answering the question.]




Brandon James: Worried…do I look worried to you Eisen? Why would I be worried? Why should I be worried?


Joe Sexy poses no threat to me, the man is an over the hill, over-sexed clown. Joe I would love to live in the fantasy world that you live in where an old broken down fool like yourself thinks he can stand a chance against a top-notch athlete such as myself. Sadly, for you we live in reality and so you do not stand a chance against me and you are going to find that out pretty quickly.


Actually, the name of Sunday’s Pay-Per-View is quite fitting; in fact, you can say it serves as the very definition of our match. Because the only time you will ever have a chance of taking my North American Title away from me is when hell freezes over.




Jerry Eisen: Well those are some strong words for the reigning North American Champion; let’s see if he can back those words up this Sunday. Back to you Peter.


For the SWF World Heavyweight Title:






Joe Sexy vs. Eric Eisen ©





  • Peter and Duane hype the fact that we do not get to see the SWF World title defended on Supreme TV, I guess they forgot the title was defended last week, so this match is special.
  • Both Eric and Joe get in an equal amount of offense in at the start of the match.
  • Momentum soon swung towards Joe who came very close to becoming the next SWF World Champion on a number of occasions.
  • However, that was not meant to be as Referee Darren Smith was distracted by Eric who was complaining that Joe poked him in his eye.
  • While this was going on Brandon James ran down to the ring and hit Joe with his finisher the Big Money Move.
  • As soon as Brandon headed back to the backstage area, Eric stopped complaining and covered Joe for the victory.


Winner and still SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eric Eisen

Time: 12:03

Match Rating: 78




Lobster Warrior & Steve Frehley vs. Angry Gilmore & Vengeance





  • Lobster Warrior and Steve seemed to have excellent chemistry while teaming together.
  • The justification for this match was that Lobster Warrior/Angry and Vengeance/Steve were meeting each other in singles matches at When Hell Freezes Over. Might not be much justification but there you go.
  • This really was not much of a match as it was just one big brawl.
  • The match frequently broke down only to have Referee Shane Stones restore order.
  • Finally, the match ended when all four men were counted out while brawling at ringside.


Winners: None, this match was ruled a draw due to both teams being counted out.

Time: 7:59

Match Rating: 79


[We are back from the commercial break and we see Jack Bruce walking down a hallway in the backstage area. He passes Brett and Bart Biggz and he says hi to them and continues walking. He turns a corner blindly and bumps right into Rich Money. ]




Jack Bruce: Sorry man I didn’t see ya there. I am glad to run into ya because we’ve got some stuff to talk about.




Rich Money: What could you and I possibly have to talk about? Wait…don’t tell me…you want me to go to a White Snake concert with you. Sorry man the 80’s are done and I just don’t want to hear some crappy Hair Band perform. I mean, I am rich with money to spare...but not even I could not justify spending money on that crap. Thank you for the offer though…


[Jack laughs over this comment before he speaks.]




Jack Bruce: You‘re a funny guy, but no that is not what I wanted to talk to you about. I actually wanted to talk to you about our match against Eric Eisen on Sunday night. You see, I know you and I don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. But…and feel free to correct me if I am wrong…the one thing I think we can agree on is that neither of us wants Eric walking out of the arena as SWF World Champion on Sunday.


So as the old saying goes the enemy of my enemy is my friend. What I propose to do is you and I work together to eliminate Eric. Then the two of us go at it and may the best man win. We owe the fans that much…




Rich Money: No, I don’t owe the fans anything! The fans can go to hell for all I care! And no, I am not willing to work with you. What in our history makes you think I would be willing to work with you?


Come Sunday it is going to be everyman for himself and you can bank on that.


[Rich walks away as Jack stands there and thinks about what he is going to do on Sunday.]




Christian Faith vs. Remo





  • The announcer’s went on and on about Remo’s spotty win, loss record. Noting that Remo seems to be losing a lot more than he wins recently, especially when he faces off against people who are contenders for the SWF World Championship.
  • Remo actually looks very strong in this match as he dominated Christian during the opening portion of this match.
  • Much to the delight of the fans, Christian began to mount a comeback and he finished Remo off with his finisher Leap of Faith.


Winner: Christian Faith

Time: 13:22

Match Rating: 80


Angry Gilmore stands alone in an empty locker room he looks directly into the camera and begins to speak.]




Angry Gilmore: Lobster Warrior as you know I am a man that is very quick to anger. Which is why I was surprised when you decided to stick your nose in my business last week. You should have left well enough alone…you should have let me destroy Robbie Retro.


Yet you didn’t…I should have known…after all you were just sticking up for one of your own kind. Well let me make one thing perfectly clear to you Lobster Warrior…I have made it my personal mission to bring professional wrestling back to the SWF. Because I have put myself onto that path, I have decided that you must feel the full extent of my anger because you are the biggest cartoon character of them all.


Come this Sunday you are going to wish you never rescued that Disco Stu wannabe…heck I plan on beating the cartoon character out of you!


[Angry Gilmore creepily smiles at the camera as we head to commercial.]




Jack Bruce vs. Squeeky McClean





  • This match began when Squeeky attacked Jack as he was entering the ring.
  • Squeeky was on the offensive for most of the opening minutes of the match.
  • Jack began to fight back and the match spilled out of the ring.
  • Squeeky put Jack up against the ring steps and he ran towards Jack with the intention of nailing Jack in the chest with his right foot.
  • Jack moved out of the way and Squeeky ended up hitting the ring steps with his right foot.
  • They reentered the ring and Jack went on the offensive, until Eric Eisen showed up at ringside.
  • A distracted Jack began to argue with the SWF World Champion and he must have said something to upset Eric because Eric nailed Jack in the face with the SWF World Title right in front of Referee Shane Stones.
  • Referee Shane Stones had to disqualify Squeeky and award the victory to Jack.


Winner by disqualification: Jack Bruce

Time: 14:28

Match Rating: 88


[After the match was over with Eric Eisen entered the ring and he and Squeeky began beating on Jack Bruce. This lasted for a few moments before Rich Money ran down to the ring, which caused Eric and Squeeky to retreat.


Rich helped Jack up off the mat and asked him if he was all right. Jack nodded his head yes and it was at that point Rich nailed Jack with a Bank Roll. The show came to an end with Rich looking down at Jack, while the retreating Eric Eisen stood on the stage, where the wrestler‘s come out, with a huge grin on his face.]



Post Show Thoughts:


I should point out something that I changed in the data and that is the fact that I moved the SWF Pay-Per-Views to Sunday instead of Thursdays. The reason for this is that I find it odd for a company to have their Pay-Per-Views on a Thursday. Why kill your potential audience?


To me you have to have them on the weekends in order to maximize the profit you would make off them. Now I understand the game does not work this way but I just could not let it be.


Also, I am having a bigger problem booking the shows than I actually thought I would. What I mean by that is I want to keep the workers fighting on the PPV away from each other for the most part, yes, I will put them in tag matches against each other but other than that, they will not face each other if the plan is for them to face off at the PPV. However, I have a tough time trying to match up opponents on off weeks when the wrestlers are not facing each other in tag matches.


Does this make sense? When I have it in my head, it does, when I read it typed out…not so much. I guess what I am saying is I want to make the shows somewhat interesting even with the lack of match write-ups, but I don’t want people looking over the card and saying WTF is up with his bad booking of the television shows.


Well I'm not a Roy. But this sam will be reading.


Well it is great to have one Sam reading as well. :D

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