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SWF: You Know You Want To Give It One Star a.k.a. the Ballad of Big Smack Scott

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Developmental Roster:









Amazing Fire Fly






Bear Bekowski

(He is currently one half of the RIPW Tag Team Champions the Demolishers. His tag team partner is Giant Brody.)



Cheetah Boy



Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr






Giant Brody

(He is currently one half of the RIPW Tag Team Champions the Demolishers. His tag team partner is Bear Bekowski.)



Hollywood Bret Starr



Kristen Pearce



Lassana Makutsi

(He is the current RIPW Champion.)



Marshall Dillion



Masked Patriot



Maurice Jackson






Primus Allen









American Patriot



Ash Campbell



Kirk Jameson



Lion Genji



Nicky Gilbert



Remmy Skye



Sebastian Koller








Just a couple of quick notes about the developmental rosters:


1. Some of the pictures are bigger than the others because I took them from my previous diaries and so they were already resized.


2. I probably should have put more prospects in FCW but at the time I signed most of the newer prospects FCW was not my minor league promotion.


3. I tried to bring in some international wrestlers much like the WWE is doing right now. The reason why I did this is because if this was a real company I would think that they would want to appeal to as many demographics as possible.

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3. I tried to bring in some international wrestlers much like the WWE is doing right now. The reason why I did this is because if this was a real company I would think that they would want to appeal to as many demographics as possible.


I like this, and I like the eclectic mix of workers you have in development. It makes me miss your old RIPW game, to be honest... :(


I know there is no such vote but .. I vote for the Demolishers to be called up, all that talent in one tag team they would steal the show!


I second the motion! Although I want to see like 80% of the roster get called up, based on their avatars alone :o

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I know there is no such vote but .. I vote for the Demolishers to be called up, all that talent in one tag team they would steal the show!


I like this, and I like the eclectic mix of workers you have in development. It makes me miss your old RIPW game, to be honest... :(




I second the motion! Although I want to see like 80% of the roster get called up, based on their avatars alone :o


Well I think I am about to lose some semi-major talents (One might sign with TCW and the other I am letting go because he sucks and he is horrible backstage.), so they might be getting called up sooner rather than later. I have to look at their stats to see if they are ready to be called up.


The one worker who has had vast improvements stats wise is Musashi. His stats are not good enough to crack the main roster yet but he will probably be up in the next couple of months.

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Supreme TV Episode 20




Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 6.42

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.50

Overall Show Rating: 82



[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.]




[We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. Peter Michaels welcomes us to Supreme TV which is emanating live from Baltimore, Maryland. We now see Peter Michaels, who is sitting at the announcer’s table, with the rest of the Supreme TV commentary team (Duane Fry and Anna Garcia). The three of them begin to discuss some of the matches that we shall see tonight.]




Vengeance vs. Dylan Palmer






  • This was nothing more than a squash match, the only purpose of the match was to give Vengeance a quick and dominating victory.
  • Vengeance picked up the victory after driving Dylan’s head into the mat via Vengeance’s finisher the Skull Krusher.


Time: 4:15

Match Rating: 70


[We now go to the dressing room of the SWF World Champion Eric Eisen who is having a conversation with Marat Khoklov. The two of them are oblivious to the camera which is recording their conversation.]




Eric Eisen: Look Marat, I would like to apologize for the whole trying to get you deported deal. I thought that was the best way to keep you motivated and focused on kicking the crap out of Christian Faith. I now realize that blackmailing you might not have been the best course of action to take.


Speaking of Christian, tonight you have a huge match against my former mentor and I would love it if you destroyed him tonight. I am not going to threaten you by saying if you don’t destroy him I will have you deported…no I just want you to go out there and make him bleed.


[Marat, who looks agitated by the SWF World Champion, stares down at Eric for a moment before he addresses him.]




Marat Khoklov: Eric Eisen, what you say concerns me not. I will destroy Christian Faith because I enjoy destroying Christian Faith. Nothing you say to me shall give me extra motivation.


Christian Faith, you are like Napoleon invading mother Russia. You cannot…you will not win. I must break you!




Eric Eisen: Wow… that’s just great, you know that Sylvester Stallone is probably going to sue my father over that comment…


[An SWF camera crew happens upon Floyd Goldworthy and Remo who are having a discussion somewhere in the bowels of the arena. Floyd seems overly animated when talking to Remo while Remo only seems to be showing a passing interest in what Floyd is saying to him.]




Floyd Goldworthy: Look Remo I liked what you did to Art Reed last week baby, I liked it a lot. But there are bigger fish to fry here in the SWF my brother from another mother.


Art Reed is nuttin but small potatoes, small potatoes I tell ya. Beating him up ain’t gonna get ya nowhere, nowhere I tell ya. Why would ya even bother with a nobody like Art Reed anyhow?


[Remo does not look that pleased over the mere mention of Art’s name.]




Remo: Nobody comes into Remo’s house and hypes himself. Any fool that tries that crap is gonna get to know Remo’s fists very quickly.




Floyd Goldworthy: Ya see I understand what you’re saying kid, I really do. But like I said before, ya don’t want to bother yourself with small potatoes like Art Reed. The guy might be big in Japan but over here he’s a nobody, a nobody I tell ya.


I think ya made a mistake by attacking him last week. Because if ya attack a nobody, then people are gonna think that you yourself are a nobody.


Remo baby, I wanna be perfectly clear with ya. If ya wanna get a crack at the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, ya gonna have to set your sights higher. Ya can’t be running around attacking every Tom, Dick, and Harry just because ya don’t like em. No, ya need to go out there and beat up some bigger names. Then you’ll get noticed.


Look I know ya haven’t given me an answer as to if ya want me as an advisor. So consider what I just said a freebie. Remo baby ya have all the tools in the world to become a World Champion, ya just need to focus on that goal and that goal alone. Don’t pay no attention to the likes of Art Reed.


[Floyd walks off screen and Remo shakes his head and mumbles to himself.]




Remo: Remo don’t care what Floyd says, Remo’s gonna keep on taking fools out and that’s that.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/GrouchoBling-1.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/LisaBowen.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Remo.jpg


Gregory Black with Lisa Bowen vs. Remo






  • Both men got in an equal amount of offense during the opening minutes of the match.
  • The match spilled out of the ring and the two men brawled at ringside.
  • The highlight of the brawl at ringside was when Remo threw Gregory directly into the steel guardrail and then proceeded to hit Gregory with a vicious looking clothesline.
  • Once both men reentered the ring, Remo was in full control of the match and he soon put Gregory down with a Destroyer.
  • Remo then covered Gregory for the pin and the victory.


Winner: Remo

Time: 11:03

Match Rating: 80


[it is now time to go to the backstage interview area where SWF backstage correspondent Jerry Eisen is standing by with Rich Money, the SWF World Champion Eric Eisen, and Eric’s bodyguard Enforcer Roberts.]




Jerry Eisen: Rich, Mister Eisen…


[Jerry quickly glances at Enforcer Roberts, who nods his head in approval of Jerry addressing his younger brother as mister. Jerry lets out a sigh of relief before he continues to speak.]




Jerry Eisen: Tonight the two of you take on the makeshift team of Captain Atomic and Jungle Lord. Do you think your match tonight is going to help you be prepared for your match against Jack Bruce and Christian Faith at Times of Trouble?




Eric Eisen: Who cares about that dear brother?


I am more worried about my safety here in Baltimore. After all, everyone knows that Baltimore is a city filled with thugs and gangsters. I know this for a fact because I have watched the Wire, Homicide, and the Corner…I know the types of people who are out there in the audience tonight.


I am so glad that Phillip is here to serve as my bodyguard, because if he wasn’t I just know a that a stick-up boy named Kenard or an androgynous hitwoman named Snoop would come out of the shadows and try to rob me. After all this is Baltimore and they do love to rob the rich…no wonder the Colts moved to Indianapolis all those years ago. If I had a choice I would get the hell out of here as fast as possible as well.


[Rich rolls his eyes before he begins to speak.]




Rich Money: Captain Atomic, Jungle Lord, you two troglodytes have the unenviable task of taking on us tonight. You are looking at the current SWF World Heavyweight Champion and the future SWF World Heavyweight Champion, the cream of the crop here in the SWF…


[Eric does not look at all pleased over that comment.]




Eric Eisen: Whoa, whoa, whoa, there Rich. Don’t be trying to get ahead of yourself there friendo. After all 2010 is the year of Eric Eisen and I am the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion off all-time. You can dream about being a future champion but that dream will never become a reality because papa will make sure of that and that friendo is something that you can bank on.


Come on Phillip let’s get out of here.


[Rich watches Eric and Enforcer Roberts leave the interview area. He then turns and looks at Jerry Eisen, who just shrugs his shoulders at Rich.]




Rich Money: Did he just steal my catchphrase? The hell…


Okay now I am really pissed and that is something that everyone can bank on.


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that more people watch SWF Supreme TV than watch reruns of Fantasy Island on Nick at Nite?]


[We come back from commercial break and we see Floyd Goldworthy standing at the craft services table. He is eating a sandwich of some sort when Art Reed approaches him. A nervous Floyd smiles at Art in the hopes of making this a friendly conversation and not one of confrontation; this was not meant to be as Art grabs Floyd by the collar of his sports coat.]




Art Reed: So Floyd I heard you’ve been talking some trash about me, saying that I was nothing, that I was small potatoes, that I was a nobody. Well Floyd I’m right here man, so if you got something to say to me I want you to say it to my face.




Floyd Goldworthy: I can explain…


[Floyd then smiles as he sees Remo come up from behind and waylay Art with an elbow to Art’s spine. Art releases his grip on Floyd, who quickly runs away, and tries to turnaround to face Remo but he is too slow and Remo nails him again this time with a vicious elbow to Art’s right cheek. Remo then proceeds to be the holy hell out of Art before a team of SWF backstage officials pull him away from Art. Remo yells out:]




Remo: Go back to Japan you bitch ass mark!


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AtomSmasher.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JungleJack.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RichMoney_alt1.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg


Captain Atomic & Jungle Lord vs. Rich Money & Eric Eisen with Enforcer Roberts






  • Do I even need to explain how Rich Money jumped Jungle Lord from behind as Jungle Lord was doing his customary pre-match rope shaking.
  • The heels then managed to keep Jungle Lord in their half of the ring for the next few minutes.
  • Jungle Lord would get in bursts of offense in, but nothing that he did was very effective.
  • The crowd soon got behind Jungle Lord and he was able to fight out of the heels corner.
  • It was at this point that he started no selling Eric’s offense.
  • Eric chopped Jungle Lord in the chest three times in a row and Jungle Lord just smiled at the SWF World Champion before letting out a Tarzan yell which caused Eric to run away from Jungle Lord and tag Rich into the match.
  • Jungle Lord managed to tag Captain Atomic into the match and the Captain held his own against Money for a bit until Enforcer Roberts tripped Atomic up when Atomic was running the ropes.
  • Rich then went to work on the Captain and brought him down with his finisher the Bank Roll.
  • Rich then stands over Captain and raises his hands, basking in the glory of what he had just done.
  • Eric, then slapped Rich in the shoulder and Referee Ric Young ruled it a legitimate tag which meant Eric was now the legal man in the match.
  • Eric quickly pinned Captain Atomic to pick up the victory for his team as a scornful Rich Money stared at him from the ring apron.


Winners: Rich Money & Eric Eisen

Time: 9:43

Match Rating: 79


[it is now time to once again go to the backstage area where we see Christian Faith walking down a long hallway as he makes his way to the ring. An SWF producer starts speaking to Christian as he walks.]




SWF Producer: Christian in just a few minutes you are once again going to be taking on Marat Khoklov in a match. Are you at all nervous over this prospect or has facing him become old hat to you?


[Christian looks into the camera as he keeps on walking.]




Christian Faith: Son I don’t go into any match without some nerves. Its part of what makes me, me. So no facing that big ol’ commie bastard ain’t old hat for me. Nah son I know that when I go down to the ring tonight I am gonna have to use all of my strength and intestinal fortitude to beat Marat and make no mistake about it son, I will beat him.


Cuz I have faith, faith in my ability to win and that is all I need.




Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov






  • As with all of their millions of encounters over the past year, this match was just one big brawl with both men trading punches during the majority of the match.
  • When Marat was on offense, which was for the majority of the match, he worked on Christian’s weakened left knee.
  • The fans began chanting, “Faith! Faith! Faith!”, over and over again.
  • Christian used this positive energy as fuel to mount his comeback.
  • Christian began nailing Marat with swift kicks to the legs which eventually caused the big man to fall to the mat.
  • It is at this point that Christian climbed to the top rope and jumped off it nailing Marat with a Leap of Faith and covering him for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner: Christian Faith

Time: 12:17

Match Rating: 75


[it is now time to go to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Jack Bruce.]




Jerry Eisen: Jack what are your thoughts about facing off against Angry Gilmore tonight?




Jack Bruce: Jerry each and every week you ask me what are my thoughts about facing, insert a name here. Each and every week I say the same thing, how I respect my opponent…blah, blah, blah.


Let me shake things up a bit tonight Jerry, I want to talk about Angry Gilmore the man. Gilmore, you are the self-professed best wrestler in the world. Now to be honest with you I am actually not going to argue about that, you can go there is no question about that and I have all the respect in the world for ya.


I gotta ask dude why are you so pissed off all of the time. You are doing something that you love, something that you are very good at. You are living the dream and yet you come out here week after week talking about…or as you would say aboot…the various crap that makes you angry. Seriously dude with all of the bitching and moaning you do somebody better call your ass a whambulance.


I also like to talk about is this fool hardy crusade you’ve got going on here. I mean damn dude, do you really think it is a wise choice to piss off Vengeance. Let me give you some advice man, it is not.


I’ve had multiple matches with Vengeance and the dude hits like a Mack Truck going ninety miles per hour and no just because you are Canadian I am not going to convert that into kilometers per hour because damn it I’m an American and I don’t have to use the metric system!


Anyway, tonight I am actually giving you a break Angry Gilmore. I am not going to chokeslam your ass after the lights go out and I am not going to bash your head in with a chain. I’m still going to beat you I am just not going to do it in a violent manner like Vengeance would.


Now before I head down to the ring Jerry, I just have one question for you and all of the great fans here in Baltimore. That question is, Jerry…Baltimore, are you ready to rock?


[The crowd and Jerry roar out a resounding, “Yes” in reply to the question which causes Jack to smile.]




Jack Bruce: Well then let’s rock!




Jack Bruce vs. Angry Gilmore






  • Well shock of all shock, apparently Angry Gilmore heard Jack’s earlier promo because as soon as the bell was rung he charged directly at Jack and began hitting him with very crisp looking strikes.
  • Jack was able to withstand this early offensive barrage and he soon was in control of the match.
  • Jack’s offensive run was short lived as Gilmore managed to get back into the match.
  • At this point in the match both men got in an equal amount of offensive in, both men would go on a short offensive run but there was never enough behind it to be sustainable.
  • Frustrated over this impasse in the match, Gilmore leaves the ring to collect his thoughts.
  • Jack was not about to let Gilmore take a breather, Jack left the ring and proceeded to chase Gilmore all around the ringside area.
  • Gilmore managed to get back into the ring and as Jack tried to reenter the ring, Gilmore gave him a powerful stomp on the back.
  • Gilmore then paused for a moment and tapped his finger against his head, informing the fans that he had outsmarted their hero.
  • Gilmore then went to work on Jack’s right leg, focusing all of his offensive moves on just that part of Jack’s body.
  • After Gilmore felt he had done enough damage, he covered Jack for the pin only to have Jack kick out at the last second.
  • Gilmore got up and started pacing back and forth; frantically thinking over what he could possibly do to put Jack down.
  • It was at this point that the fans in the arena began a “Let’s Rock!” chant.
  • Jack fed off the support of the crowd and he began his comeback.
  • Soon Jack was in control of the match and it was at this point he brought Gilmore down with his finisher the New York Minute.
  • Jack went to cover Gilmore for the pin but that now how Jack was meant to pick up the victory tonight.
  • Before Referee Shane Stones was able to count to three, Rich Money entered the ring and he pulled Jack off Gilmore.
  • Rich then put Jack down via his finisher the Bank Roll.
  • After this course of action, Referee Shane Stones had no other choice but to give Jack the victory by way of a disqualification.


Winner by disqualification: Jack Bruce

Time: 16:04

Match Rating: 90


[After the match is done Rich Money and a groggy Angry Gilmore continue to lay waste to Jack. Both men take turns laying the boots to Jack. Soon the cavalry arrives in the form of Christian Faith.


Christian nails the charging Angry Gilmore with a clothesline and then begins brawling with Rich Money. Christian soon has the upper hand until SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen enters the fray and nails Christian in the back of the head with the SWF World Title.


This staggers Christian but does not bring him down. What does bring him down is a Bank Roll from Rich Money. Once Christian is on the mat, Eric begins whipping him with the SWF World Championship as Gilmore and Rich continue beating on the downed Jack Bruce.


Just then the lights go off, when they come back on we see Vengeance in the center of the ring swinging the huge chain that he carries around all of the time at Rich Money. Rich quickly gets out of the ring unscathed.


Vengeance then turns his focus towards Eric and Gilmore who are standing next to each other seemingly frozen in fear. Vengeance tilts his head to one side as he sizes up both men. He then begins walking towards the duo.


In an effort to save his own hide, Eric shoves Gilmore towards Vengeance and quickly escapes the ring. Vengeance then lifts Gilmore up and chokeslams him onto the canvas. Unfortunately for the viewers, the show comes to an end at this point. As Vengeance, standing over a now unconscious Gilmore, watches Rich Money and Eric Eisen retreating up the ramp towards the locker room (Jack and Christian are both slowly getting to their feet at this point.).]



Post-Show Thoughts:


1. There is only one really, I tried to cut back on the match write-ups. The whole point of writing the match write-ups the way that I have is because I am not good at doing match write-ups and I do not really like doing them.


However, I found myself writing longer match write-ups than necessary especially for throwaway matches. The main events and the Pay-Per-View matches will be a little longer but there is no reason to have a ten bullet point write-up for a Marat/Cowboy Roy match.

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-Pretty cool that the Main Event got a 90, I'm guessing it helped pull the show's rating up?


-Also it was nice to see Greg Black on the main show, even if he lost.


-I'm enjoying the Floyd Goldworthy segments, he's reminding me a bit of Jimmy Hart :D



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-Pretty cool that the Main Event got a 90, I'm guessing it helped pull the show's rating up?


-Also it was nice to see Greg Black on the main show, even if he lost.


-I'm enjoying the Floyd Goldworthy segments, he's reminding me a bit of Jimmy Hart :D




Yeah the 90 match rating really helped out a lot. The next Supreme TV show was saved by a very good main event as well. I ended up getting a 93 rating for the main event but the rest of the show's ratings sucked.


That is one of the main reasons why I do not put him on the main show. Because he would have to lose against any of the main event or upper midcard guys. He is actually an upper midcarder himself but in terms of popularity he is the lowest of the upper midcarders.



Is Faith in decline for you?


No surprisingly he is not. When I started this game the second time (My computer died when I was in the first or second week of February game wise.), I kept on starting the game over and over again until I got a save where Christian was not on the list.


Yes it is a little cheating but hey it is a diary game and to me the direction that I want to take the game is more important than the actual game playing.


The five that are on my list are:


1. A 41 year old Indy wrestler who has not debuted on air yet and has been wrestling in dark match battle royals. I am been wanting to put him on Uprising but his popularity is stagnate and he seems to never be able to rise above being an opener on the roster. The thing is I really wanted to put him in a tag team with another worker but I wanted give them a decent push out of the gate, but neither of them are picking up popularity so I have just left them in the dark match part of the card.


2. Runaway Train is nine years past his prime and I am sort of waiting on him to retire. That is the main reason why I have yet to have him and Greg Black have a match because I have plans for the two of them but I am always iffy about going through with it because he could retire at any minute.


His contract is coming up as well and I have been mulling over if I want to re-up his contract or not. I probably will end up doing so because I like Train.


3. Vengeance is also nine years past his prime. He is only 38 so that kind of sucks because he is a valuable member of the roster.


4. Enforcer Roberts is eight years past his prime. Roberts is not a main character by any means and I have him set as Eric Eisen’s manager and he mostly wrestles in dark matches. But his stats are still very good and he can pull a decent match out of nearly anyone.


5. It has been a good five years since we saw the best out of Rich Money. Once again it sucks that he is in this position but at least he is not one of the guys in terminal decline.

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Sucks that Rich Money is in decline, he's someone i've wanted to use whenever i try to play as SWF. Everytime you put up a show i'm tempted to try one more time with them (i suck playing with big promotions even more on 13 than i did on 10 it seems). Seems weird to see Khoklov on TV confused me for a second :)
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Two SWF Superstars, possibly more, will no longer be with the SWF by months end.


We here at Totalextremewrestling.com have just learned that both Bruce the Giant and Everest are no longer employed by the SWF. Our inside sources told us that Bruce had planned on retiring at the end of the month and that the SWF front office had no plans to use him in a backstage or on-screen capacity and so the SWF granted Bruce an early release from his contract.


In the case of Everest, who has not been on SWF programing much in the past year, it was decided that his contract would not be renewed. Rumors abound that one of the main reasons for the failure to renew Everest’s contract is because he is considered a bad influence backstage. Many of the other wrestlers in the company do not like him and the front office view his time in the SWF as a total bust.


There are also rumors that Kurt Laramee may be heading to TCW. At the time this article was written we were unable to either confirm or deny this rumor.




ooc: I already covered what happened to Bruce; he decided to retire so I cut him from the roster. I might have been able to find something for him to do but he was making a lot of money and so I decided to cut my losses.


I let Everest go because he sucks and he is a cancer in the locker room. I did plan to give him the Buddy Landel gimmick that Buddy used in the WWF in the late 1980’s where he would claim to be skinny. At least I think that was Buddy’s gimmick, I might be wrong on that. Anyway, I just never got around to pushing him because to be honest I really did not want to push him and I was just waiting for his contract to run out. He still has 14 days left on his contract so his ass will be jobbing for the rest of his stay in the SWF.


Kurt, well I wanted to keep Kurt but he wanted more money then I was willing to give him. I got an in game email saying that TCW wanted to negotiate with him but they were not involved my negotiation with him so I am not sure if he will go there or not. I am just assuming that he will.



Sucks that Rich Money is in decline, he's someone i've wanted to use whenever i try to play as SWF. Everytime you put up a show i'm tempted to try one more time with them (i suck playing with big promotions even more on 13 than i did on 10 it seems). Seems weird to see Khoklov on TV confused me for a second :)


Well Rich is not in terminal decline yet so there is a positive for me. I am not sure how long it will take for terminal decline to set in, but I do not think it will be that quick.


Yeah I suck at playing as big promotions in TEW 13 as well. Every match and segment I do seems to bomb and I am at a loss as to what I am doing wrong. I actually thought of converting this Diary over to 13 but after I played as SWF in 13, I knew I would not be able to do it because I am so horrible at it.


On a positive note my CZCW game is going great not that anybody cares.


As far as Marat goes, I simply do not have anyone to fight him right now and that is the main reason why he is not on television more often. Depending on how an idea I have turns out he might be getting someone new to feud with after the Supreme Challenge.


Right now I have nobody to even fight him on the next two pay-per-views. He will be on both of them but he will be involved in throwaway matches.

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Supreme Uprising Episode 13




Location: Dover, Delaware

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.38

Overall Show Rating: 67


[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]




[We now see Jerry Eisen and Alex Braun, who are sitting at the announcer’s table; they welcome us to another episode of SWF Uprising. Tonight the show is emanating from Dover, Delaware. Jerry then says he would like to welcome the newest member to the SWF Uprising announce team Roger Maddux.


Roger comes out and sits down and tells the fans that he was brought in to class up the joint. He then goes on to say that he is also there to make the matches more interesting because most people would rather watch paint dry then listen to Jerry and Alex call a match.


By the look on Alex’s face he does not appreciate this comment at all but he does not vocalize his anger.]


Vengeance defeated Dylan Palmer with a Skull Krusher

Match Rating: 69


[We come back from the first commercial break of the evening and we see Acee L. Lou standing in the center of the ring being flanked by his team the Samoan Wildboyz. As customary since his arrival here in the SWF, the crowd boos Acee before he even opens his mouth.]




Acee L. Lou: Boo me all you want you lily white faced racists! I ain’t here to impress you; I’m here to enlighten you on the racism that is occurring here in the SWF.


Don’t boo the messenger for telling you something that you don’t want to here.


Tonight my boy Kid Toma is being forced to compete in a singles match against Zimmy Bumfhole. Why is this the case?


Why is the best damn tag team in this promotion being forced week in and week out to fight in singles matches?


Did our message not get across last week?


Do the Wildboyz need to jump another tag team?


Akima and Toma don’t want singles matches…when they are put into singles matches they get angry. When they get angry anyone who gets in their way could end up being their potential victim.


I am putting any and all members of the SWF tag team division on notice, these boys are pissed and they ain’t the type to hold back their aggression. Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.


Squeeky McClean defeated Cowboy Roy Hickok, after putting Roy down via his finisher the Stain Removal.

Match Rating: 66


Runaway Train defeated Brett Biggz, after Train crushed Brett with his finisher the Train Wreck.

Match Rating: 68


[We are now shown Gregory Black and Lisa Bowen who are talking in a hallway in the backstage of the arena. Lisa has a look of concern on her face as she starts to talk to Gregory.]




Lisa Bowen: Are you really sure this is something you want to do?




Gregory Black: Yes it is something that I want to do…it is also something that I need to do. In fact I should have done it months ago.




Lisa Bowen: Are you sure? I mean my father is a former SWF World Heavyweight Champion and you saw what he just did to Brett Biggz out there…he steamrolled through him.




Gregory Black: Look Lisa, I appreciate the concern…I really do. But this is just something I have to do and as much as I hate to say it…not even you can talk me out of doing it.


[Gregory walks off camera and Lisa stares off in the direction that he walked off to.]




Lisa Bowen: I have a bad feeling about this.


Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Kid Toma, via his finisher the Bumfhole in One.

Match Rating: 72


[We see Squeeky McClean walking down a corridor in the backstage area; he has a broad smile on his face as an unseen SWF Producer asks him a qustion.]




SWF Producer: That was a big win for you tonight Squeeky.




Squeeky McClean: Yes it was and for the kids at home, I just want to say that because I live a clean and healthy lifestyle I am a champion not only in this ring but outside of it as well. I am the perfect role model and I truly hope the kids of American will see that and embrace me as such.




SWF Producer: Are you the least bit concerned that Joe Sexy, who you attacked last week, might seek revenge against you?




Squeeky McClean: Why would I be the least bit concerned about that pathetic boozehound?


At this time of the day I highly doubt Joe is in any condition to do much of anything to me. After all he is probably three sheets to the wind right now…either that or he is busy cavorting with various loose women.


Either way I know for a fact that his aging decrepit body is in no condition to come after me. Hell he could be hospitalized for cirrhosis of the liver for all I know. Or lying half dead in a ditch somewhere. So no, I am not the least bit concerned about the whereabouts of Joe Sexy.


[squeeky stops in front of a door and grabs the door handle.]




Squeeky McClean: Now if you will excuse me I have to take a shower and then have some delicious veggie burgers.


[squeeky opens up the door and the moment he does so he is blindsided by Joe Sexy who was waiting for him inside the room. The two men briefly brawl before Joe gets the upper hand. Joe then repeatedly rams Squeeky’s head into a table, causing a cut to open up on Squeeky’s forehead.


Once Joe feels that he has caused enough damage, he lifts Squeeky’s head up one last time and tells Squeeky:]




Joe Sexy: Pay back is a bitch Squeeky and what I just did to you is only a warm-up to what I am going to do to you.


[Joe then slams Squeeky’s head into the table one last time before walking out of the room. He shoves the cameraman out of his way as well.]


[it is now time to head to the interview area where SWF Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah is standing by with Emma Chase and Kurt Laramee.]




Hannah: Emma last week you challenged Electric Law and Sergeant Barrowman to take on Brandon James and the Pain Alliance. If you team wins the match the Pain Alliance will challenge the SWF Tag Team Champions Electric Law for the tag titles at the Supreme Challenge. However, if your men lose the match…




Emma Chase: Look there is no need to continue any further with that line of questioning. After all you and I both know that that scenario is simply not going to happen.


There is no way that that rag-tag collection of misfits will beat my studs at Times of Trouble. Hannah my men are the cream of the crop here in the SWF, there is nobody in this world that can beat any of them. That is why I represent them because I do not surround myself with losers. If I wanted to associate myself with losers I would offer my services to Sergeant Barrowman or Electric Law.


Sergeant Barrowman, as I said last week you and I go way back. We have known each other for years and until you came to the SWF we have always been on friendly terms. Last week I begged you to stop this silly vendetta against Brandon.


You did not want to heed my warnings and now there is nothing I can do to stop Brandon from beating into a bloody pulp. If I am being honest with myself I am actually looking forward to Brandon beating you to a bloody pulp after the nasty name you called me last week.


Anyway that match is in a week but I think I shall talk about the man you face tonight Thom. You see…the man behind me is not called the King of the Streets because he helps old ladies cross the streets. No he is called the King of the Streets because he is a thug…a thug you pissed off last week when you called me that nasty name.


Now I have told Kurt to take it a little easy on you tonight. He might just break one of your arms instead of both of them. I did do this out of some pity for you Thom. No I told him to take it easy on you because I want Brandon to be the one that destroys you.


You see Thom, much like Icarus you flew too close to the sun and because of that the sun or shall I say Brandon…is going to burn you!


Gregory Black defeated Everest.

Match Rating: 58


[After picking up the victory, Gregory asks a ring attendant for a microphone. Lisa Bowen is frantically telling Gregory to just go back to the locker room. Gregory shakes his head no and beings to speak.]




Gregory Black: Runaway Train, for months you have been dogging me because I dared to fall in love with your beautiful daughter. For months I have gone out of my way to gain your approval.


Well that ends tonight!


You see Mister Bowen; I am sick and tired of you threating me. Sick and tired of you playing your stupid mind games.


What I want to have happen right now is I want you…no I demand you to come down to this ring because I have a question that I need to ask you.


[Moments later Runaway Train emerges from behind the backstage curtains with a microphone in his right hand. He slowly walks down to the ring with an amused look on his face. He then enters the ring and walks directly over to where Gregory Black is standing, getting right up in Gregory’s face.]




Runaway Train: What do you want son?




Gregory Black: I want a match with you at Times of Trouble. So how’s about it, are you in?




Runaway Train: Yes I am. Nothing would please me more than to ring that scrawny little neck of yours.


[Lisa looks at both of the men that she loves and pleads with them to reconsider. Neither man pays any attention to her; instead both men stare at each other as the show heads into a commercial break.]


[upon returning from commercial break we see Marc DuBois and Angry Gilmore in the backstage interview area.]




Marc DuBois: Another day, another warm-up match for us. SWF management must think we are amateurs because they are making us have tag team matches week in and week out. Neither Angry nor I need to have these tag team matches in order to prepare ourselves for our match against two freaks who like to play dress up.


We are the two best athletes in this company today. I am a future SWF World Heavyweight Champion and he is the best in the world at what he does. So why is it that we have to waste our time wrestling in tag team matches against wresters who are clearly not at our level?


I am the prodigy, the best young wrestler in this company. It makes me angry when the SWF management feels the need to have me get ready for my match against Lobster Warrior and Vengeance.


[Gilmore pats Marc on the back.]




Angry Gilmore: Clam yourself kid, anger will get you nowhere in this life. That being said I totally agree with you. I am sick of being put into matches against teams that are nowhere near our level talent wise.


SoCal Express, you two guys should have great futures here in the SWF, there is no denying your talent. However, the two of you are not ready to hang with the big boys and tonight Marc and I are going to prove it.


And Vengeance, I am not scared of you at all. You can do your little pallor trick of turning the area lights on and off. That does not scare me one bit, it only fuels my anger towards you and your cartoon brethren.




Marc DuBois: Wait a second you just told me that anger will get me nowhere in life. Shouldn’t you live by your own words?




Angry Gilmore: Nah screw that Marc! I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take in anymore!


Now let’s go, we’ve got some ass to kick.


Angry Gilmore and Marc DuBois defeated The SoCal Express.

Match Rating: 78

Sgt. Barrowman defeated Kurt Laramee.

Match Rating: 60


[After the match is done Big Smack Scott and Brandon James come down to the ring with the intent of helping Kurt beat the crap out of Sgt. Barrowman. Barrowman stands in the center of the ring and watches as Brandon and Scott slowly walk to either side of the ring. Kurt stands up against the ring ropes inside the ring just watching the man who just beat him.


Sgt. Barrowman looks at Scott, then looks over to where Brandon is at, and finally turns his attention over to Kurt. He then yells at Kurt, “Just bring it maggot!”


With that Kurt charges in at Barrowman and he is soon joined in the ring by Brandon and Scott. The three of them begin beating down Barrowman who, while fighting back a little bit, is not really able to defend himself against three men at once.


Brandon then tells Scott to hold down Barrowman’s arms and for Kurt to hold down Barrowman’s ankles. When both men comply, Brandon takes his SWF North American Championship and begins to whip Barrowman’s chest with said title.


This does not last long as the SWF World Tag Team Champions rush down to the ring to come to the aid of their friend. As soon as Emma Chase, who was standing at ringside shouting words of encouragement towards her men, sees the Tag Champions approaching the ring she orders her men out of the ring. Brandon and the Pain Alliance leave the ring just as Electric Law enter the ring. Valiant and Jack do not go after Brandon and the Pain Alliance, instead they check out the condition of their friend as the show heads into a commercial break.]


Lobster Warrior defeated Paul Huntingdon.

Match Rating: 78


[Referee Ric Young raises Lobster Warrior’s hand as Paul Huntingdon slides out of the ring after yet another disappointing loss. Lobby is soon joined in the ring by Angry Gilmore and Marc DuBois who attack Lobby from behind. Lobby quickly is taken down to the mat where Marc DuBois applies the Model Solution to Lobby’s right arm. Gilmore gleefully watches his fellow countryman bend Lobby’s arm in a way that the human arm is not supposed to be bent.


Gilmore then rolls out of the ring and grabs a microphone from a ring attendant. He then reenters the ring and begins to speak.]




Angry Gilmore: Can you feel the pain shooting through your arm Lobster Warrior? That is what you get for interfering in my business with Vengeance. You cartoon sports entertainers are all alike, you are not professional wrestlers like Marc and I. No you are just here to sell merchandise to the kids.


Well Lobster Warrior, let us see exactly how much merchandise you can sell with a broken arm. After all in order for you sports entertainers to get over you have to be on television every week. Where is your Vengeance demon buddy now Lobby?


[Like clockwork the lights in the arena go out. A few moments later there is a loud thump heard in the still darkened arena. When the lights come back on we see Marc DuBois lying on the mat out cold and Vengeance is standing over his body.


With his head tilted to the side Vengeance looks at Angry Gilmore, who is slowly trying to back his way out of the ring. Gilmore manages to find his way out of the ring, a more confident Gilmore then begins to taunt Vengeance.]




Angry Gilmore: I am not…I’m not…scared of you Vengeance!


No not at all!


In fact anytime anyplace you want to fight me I am game. Uh…just not tonight…my um…my back…yeah that’s it my back…my back is a little sore.


[As the crowd boos the cowardice of Angry Gilmore, Gilmore hops over the guardrail and leaves the ringside area. Vengeance then turns his attention back towards Marc. He then picks Marc up and chokeslams him down onto the mat and then just stares down at Marc, with his head tilted to the side naturally, as the show goes off the air.]




Post-Show Notes:


1. This was the show from hell. First off I simmed this in the game and copied all of the results over to my Word Document. Well before I was able to save said Word document my monitor decided to shut down for no apparent reason. I tried everything that I could to get the monitor to work again but no matter what I tired the monitor would not come back on.


Finally, I just unplugged the main computer wire and shut down the tower altogether. Of course I did not save said Word Document before the monitor shut off (I had started to write the show.) and so I lost the results. That is why the show looks like it does for this episode as I lost all of the match times and because of that I felt that I should not bother putting up pictures of each of the wrestlers because the match results were even less than they normally would be for an Uprising Show.


After that happened I was too annoyed to write anything on here, which is why I took so long to write this show. Then tonight when I went to post this show I got to the last batch of pictures I needed to add and my computer froze for a half an hour. So yeah this episode was cursed no doubt about it.


2. I expanded this show to two hours because I wanted to get as much undercard talent on this show as possible each week. I also added Roger Maddux (Named after Greg Maddux not Brad Maddox in the WWE) aka Roger Cage as the third announcer for this show.


The reason for adding him was because I felt that this show needed a heel in the booth and I had already hired him as a wrestler so I figured I might as well use him because he is an excellent talker and the popularity boost would help him out. Yes he will be entering the ring somewhere down the line but as of right now he is just going to be in the announcer’s booth.

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-Is Roger Maddux a former wrestler or is he strictly an announcer? It might be fun to see a Braun-Maddux feud... just like how ELECTRIFYING the classic Lawler-Cole feud was :rolleyes:


-I don't know if it was the lack of pictures but this show felt longer than usual. Not that that's a bad thing, but it seemed like there were a lot more matches than your normal Uprising episodes.


-I'm enjoying the Angry Boys tag team... they're kind of like Rhodes Scholars, if one of them was angry :D


-It's been a week since you updated! BOO! I hope your next shows weren't as hard to write as this one :p

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Supreme TV Episode 21




Location: Kansas City, Missouri

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 6.62

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.49

Overall Show Rating: 88




[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.]




[We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. Peter Michaels welcomes us to Supreme TV which is emanating live from Kansas City, Missouri. We now see Peter Michaels, who is sitting at the announcer’s table, with the rest of the Supreme TV commentary team (Duane Fry and Anna Garcia). The three of them begin to discuss some of the matches that we shall see tonight.]


[Peter then tells the viewers that the Chairman of the SWF, Richard Eisen, is not able to be in Kansas City tonight but he is going to address the fans via satellite.


We see Richard Eisen sitting down at a huge desk, looking directly into the camera Richard begins to speak.]




Richard Eisen: Hello Kansas City!


I was unable…well that is not the correct word…I was unwilling to make the trip to Kansas City tonight because quite frankly your city is a dump and I would not want any of its filth to wipe off on me. Plus, why would I want to step one foot in a city where the Chiefs and Royals play? Talk about losers...



[The fans in the arena do not appreciate that little comment and a huge chorus of boos can be heard throughout the arena. Richard smiles and continues to speak.]




Richard Eisen: As you know this Sunday at Times of Trouble I have decreed that the headline match will be the team of Rich Money and my son, your reigning and defending SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen taking on the team of Jack Bruce and Christian Faith. As all of you further know the co-main event for the evening will be the team of Marc DuBois and Angry Gilmore taking on the team of Vengeance and Lobster Warrior.


Now I have been mixing and matching these eight men in matches and tonight I have decided to put the eight of them in a super match. Tonight you will see Angry Gilmore, Marc DuBois, Rich Money and my son Eric Eisen taking on Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior, Christian Faith and Vengeance in an eight man super tag match.


And yes fans, now is the time for you fans to get on your hands and knees and thank me. Now let’s get on with the show!




Robbie Retro vs. Enforcer Roberts






  • Before the match began Robbie did some disco dancing moves that would make John Travolta proud.
  • This proved to be a mistake as Enforcer Roberts jumped Retro from behind.
  • Robbie was soon able to recover from the early beatdown.
  • Neither man had a clear advantage in this match and both men managed to get an equal amount of offense in.
  • In the end Roberts took Retro down and forced Retro to tap out due to the R.C.T.


Winner: Enforcer Roberts

Time: 11:08

Match Rating: 71


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that Christian Faith once got into a fistfight with Yanni?]


[We come back from commercial and we see that an SWF Camera Crew “happens” to catch Angry Gilmore, Rich Money, Marc DuBois, and the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen having a conversation about their main event match later on in the show. As always, Enforcer Roberts stands next to Eric watching the other men to make sure nobody tries to attack the champion.]




Angry Gilmore: Eric, I’ve got a huge bone to pick with you!


I didn’t appreciate you shoving me into Vengeance last week in order to save your own hide. That freak job chokeslammed me and my neck is still hurting from the impact.


I may have to go out on a disability because of that chokeslam. If that happens then poor Marc will not have a partner to team up with him at Times of Trouble…heck I am not sure if I should be wrestling tonight because my neck is acting up a-gain.




Eric Eisen: Frankie says relax Gilmore, why do you have to be so filled with rage all of the time?


I mean what did you expect me to do last week? Did you honestly think that I would put myself in harm’s way?


What purpose would that serve?


If you go down due to an injury nobody would care. If I go down due to an injury well that is a big deal and many fans would be sadden by such an outcome. After all, I am the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all time and I would hate to suffer an injury and have to forfeit my title.




Angry Gilmore: You might not want to risk being injured but you’re not going to have much of a choice when I am through with you…


[Gilmore gets right in Eric’s face and it looks as if the two of them are about to come to blows before Rich Money sticks his hand between the two of them.]




Rich Money: Gentlemen, this stupid infighting is not going to get us anywhere. Gilmore you hate Eric, I hate Eric, heck the only worker in this company that actually likes Eric is him…


[He points at Enforcer Roberts who is coldly staring at Angry Gilmore.]




Rich Money: And the only reason why he likes him is because he is being paid to like him. Now that we’ve addressed who we do and do not like we have to think about our match tonight.


We have to think of a game plan that will see us obtain a victory tonight. I do not plan on losing once again that is simply not an option. I am sick of having all of the troglodytes and blue collar, beer swilling scum in the audience laugh at me because I have lost yet another match to Jack Bruce and his merry band of miscreants.


The nerve those troglodytes in the audience have laughing at me. I could buy and sell each and every one of them…and if I hear one more blue collar loser call me Rich the bitch, I will not be held accountable for what I do to them and that is something that everyone can bank on!


[Gilmore, Eisen, and DuBois all look confused over Rich’s rant and the relevancy it has in regards to their match or a game plan for said match.]




Marc DuBois: I think I get what you are saying Rich, but none of us plan on letting you or each other down tonight. I know that I will do my best in the ring, as always, because I do not know any other way of doing things.


I have more to prove than anyone in this match tonight because this is only the second time that I am wrestling in the main event here on SWF Supreme TV. The fans in the crowd are in for a treat because they get to see me the Prodigy do my thing. Ten years from now they can tell everyone that they know, that they were there the night that the future SWF World Heavyweight Champion Marc DuBois headlined his second main event on Supreme TV. Think how impressive that will be to the people that they tell that to…


[Eric does not look pleased over what Marc just said.]




Eric Eisen: Okay kid I don’t even know who the hell you are let alone why my papa put you in this match. But you are the future of nothing...




Marc DuBois: May name is Marc Doo Bwah, Mister Eisen and that is a name that you should get used to hearing because you will be hearing it a lot in the future. I plan on making me and your family very rich.




Eric Eisen: Marc Doo Boys? Never heard of you…well Marc Doo Boys I want you to knock that crap off about being the future SWF World Heavyweight Champion. After all, I plan on holding this title for the next twenty years. Now if you guys will excuse me I have to have my pre-match Big Mac. Come on Phillip let’s go!


[Eric walks out of the camera shot and he is shortly followed by Enforcer Roberts. Moments later both Rich and Gilmore leave as well, this means that Marc is standing all by himself. Marc gazes off in the direction in which Eric walked off and mumbles to himself:]




Marc DuBois: It’s Doo Bwah not Doo Boys…stupid filthy American…


[it is now time to go backstage where SWF Supreme TV’s backstage correspondent Jerry Eisen is standing by with Emma Chase and the SWF North American Champion Brandon James.]




Jerry Eisen: Miss Chase, in just a few short minutes your client Brandon James will be taken on one-half of the SWF World Tag Team Champions Valiant. Is Brandon ready for such a match or is he distracted over having to fight Sergeant Barrowman and Electric Law at Times of Trouble?


[Emma rolls her eyes at such a stupid question as Brandon James gives Jerry the death stare.]




Emma Chase: Why would such a fine specimen of a man like Brandon James be at all distracted by an insignificant gnat like Sergeant Barrowman?


Look Jerry, I used to have your job until I decided to do some real work. When I had your job I asked more probing questions. Not the nonsensical fluff that you toss out there.


Brandon James is an athlete at the apex of his career, he is what each and every wrestler in the SWF locker room strives to be. He never concerns himself with who he is going to fight on any given night, he just goes out to the ring and destroys anyone that is in his way. That is exactly what is going to happen tonight, he is going to destroy Valiant.




Brandon James: Jerry is your father didn’t own this company I would have speared you right down to the floor for even suggesting that I am thinking about Thom Barrowman. About the only time I think about Thom Barrowman is when I take a crap and I look down at my deposit and notice that it looks a lot like that weekend warrior Sergeant Barrowman.


I am the big man on campus here in the SWF and I fear no man in that locker room. As Emma said, I am like a guided missile. You just point me at the target and then you watch me bring the fury down upon them!


In a Non-Title Match:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Valiant with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Brandon James with Emma Chase






  • This match started off with both men brawling, a brawl which quickly spilled out to the floor.
  • After a short period of time fighting on the outside of the ring, both men returned to the inside of the ring at which point Brandon took control of the match.
  • Valiant mounted a comeback but he was stopped dead in his tracks when Emma Chase grabbed his ankle while he was running the ropes.
  • Valiant, unable to move, ate a nasty boot to the face.
  • Emma and Dawn got into a brief catfight outside of the ring.
  • Brandon put Valiant down with a Big Money Move; he then covered Valiant for victory.


Time: 11:01

Match Rating: 72




Joe Sexy vs. Remo






  • From the opening bell it was clear that Remo and Joe have great chemistry while wrestling each other.
  • Both men managed to get in an equal amount of offense in but soon Remo’s power game seemed too much for Joe to handle.
  • Remo began toying with Joe, as he would pin Joe to the mat but before Referee Darren Smith could make the three count Remo would lift Joe’s shoulder up.
  • The fans started to chant Joe’s name over and over again and he was soon able to mount a comeback.
  • During this comeback, Joe clotheslined Remo over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
  • Referee Darren Smith, who was fully focused on counting Remo out, did not see Squeeky McClean enter the ring and nail Joe with a Stain Removal.
  • Remo, never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, reentered the ring and lifted Joe up once again.
  • Remo then dropped Joe with his finisher the Destroyer just for good measure.
  • One three count later and Remo picked up another victory.


Winner: Remo

Time: 12:53

Match Rating: 81


[Once the match was done with Squeeky reentered the ring and he and Remo began putting the boots to the downed Joe Sexy. Joe was not able to defend himself and so he was on the receiving end of a first class butt kicking.


This butt kicking lasted for about a minute but was broken up when Art Reed came running down to the ring to aid Joe. Squeeky quickly left the ring but Remo stood his ground and he and Art began brawling in the center of the ring.


This brawl was quickly broken apart by SWF Security personnel. Both men were being held back by members of the SWF Security Team as the show headed into a commercial break.]


[For the final time of the night we head to the backstage interview area where Lobster Warrior, Jack Bruce, Vengeance, and Christian Faith are standing by.]




Jack Bruce: I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord. And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord.


I truly have been waiting for this moment all of my life. Because tonight I get to team up with three of the most talented men in this company today, hell forget Bird, Magic, Sir Charles, and Jordan. This right here is the one true Dream Team.


Normally I would feel bad about anyone who had to face off against a team stacked with talent. Tonight…well tonight I don’t feel bad at all. You see, Richard Eisen might have thought he was punishing us by putting us in a match against Angry Gilmore, Rich the bitch, Marc Doo Boys, and his son. But I assure this is no punishment Mister Eisen.


Nah, if anything you punished your son and his tag team partners.




Christian Faith: Jack you are absolutely right son. I saw the meeting of the minds between the four of em earlier and it seems as if the head don’t know what’s wagging the tail. Them boys are all sorts of crossed up which means we’re gonna have some fun out there in the ring tonight. That is something that I have complete and total faith in.




Lobster Warrior: By great Poseidon’s beard it looks at no time will there be a commotion in our ocean. We are a whale of a team and there is not a guppy amongst us.


In my lifetime I have teamed with Jumbo Shrimps, Super Starfishes, and Calamari Kids. But never before have I teamed up with a rock star, a legend, and a demon. We are the sharks in the ocean tonight.


[There is a pause in the interview as Lobby, Christian, and Jack expect Vengeance to say something. Vengeance just stands there with his head titled to one side in complete silence. Jack looks at Christian and Lobby for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.]




Jack Bruce: Um…well then Kansas City I just have one question for you. Are you ready to rock?


[The vast majority of the crowd roars back with a resounding “Yes”!]




Jack Bruce: Well then let’s…




Vengeance: Tear your souls apart!


[Jack looks over at Vengeance and nervously smiles.]




Jack Bruce: Um dude you just stepped on my catchphrase…


[Vengeance turns and looks at Jack with his head tilted to the side. Jack nervously smiles at Vengeance.]




Jack Bruce: Ah…no harm or foul…let’s just…let’s rock!


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SkullDeBones_alt.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AngryGilmore.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RichMoney_alt1.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/MarcDuBois.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg


Lobster Warrior, Christian Faith, Vengeance, Jack Bruce vs. Angry Gilmore, Rich Money, Marc DuBois, Eric Eisen with Enforcer Roberts






  • This match was pure and utter chaos from the start with all eight men brawling at ringside.
  • Referee Shane Stones tried his hardest to get then men in the ring, but none of them complied.
  • Instead the first five minutes of this match was one large brawl on the outside of the ring.
  • Soon Lobster Warrior and Rich Money entered the ring which made them the legal men in the match.
  • Rich managed to poke Lobby in the eye while the Referee Shan Stones’ viewpoint was obstructed.
  • For the next few minutes of the match the heels were in firm control as they managed to keep Lobby on their side of the ring.
  • There were a couple of occasions where Lobby managed to fight his way out of the heel’s corner, only to have one of the heels prevent him from making the tag.
  • While Rich was once again in the ring with Lobby the fans began chanting, “Rich the bitch!”
  • This chant caused Rich to be distracted as he covered his ears and admonished the crowd.
  • While Rich was distracted Lobby managed to make it over to his corner and tag Jack Bruce into the match.
  • Jack tapped the still distracted Rich on the shoulder and when Rich turned around Jack began nailing him with rights and lefts.
  • Jack backed away from Rich for a moment and watched as Rich swung wildly at nothing in a punch drunk haze, Rich then promptly fell face first onto the mat and he was then quickly pulled out of the ring by Angry Gilmore who begged Referee Shane Stones for a timeout so that Rich could recoup.
  • No timeout was granted, what happened instead was all eight men began brawling at ringside to the delight of the fans.
  • Referee Shane Stones implored the wrestlers to get back into the ring but nobody was listening to him.
  • Shane Stones felt that he could no longer reign in the chaos that was going on around him and so he began to count to ten.
  • None of the wrestlers in this match bothered to reenter the ring and so Shan Stones called an end to this match due to a double count out.


Winners: None this match was ruled a draw due to double count out.

Time: 17:44

Match Rating: 93


[The eight men did not stop brawling after the match was over. Heads are being slammed into the ring steps; bodies are being flung into the guardrails, and look Vengeance chokeslammed Angry Gilmore through the announcers table!


As the show is about to go off the air for the evening, Peter Michaels does his best to sell the Times of Trouble pay-per-view, noting that this is only a little bit of the excitement that you will see if you order the pay-per-view this Sunday.]




Post-Show Thoughts:


1. This show was actually finished on Saturday night/Sunday morning and I was going to post it once I finished it. However, I knew the one year anniversary of this diary was coming up and so I looked at the first post and saw that it was a couple of days away (Today actually...well in a few minutes.). Therefore, I held off posting it until today because today was is the anniversary of the diary.


This diary was never supposed to be anything more than a side project that would get updated once a month (Which still seems to be the case, though I always try to get at least three shows up a month.). This was always going to be a secondary diary to my RIPW diary. Then my old computer died and this soon became my primary diary.


Viewership wise this diary is my most popular diary to date, as it gets more views per show than either my NYCW or RIPW diaries.


Why is that the case?


I have no clue maybe because it is based on the SWF and so more people are willing to read it. I personally think my RIPW diary was better but I guess the readers think otherwise. Whatever the reason is I am glad that people read this.


To an extent I think this diary might be a guilty pleasure diary because it does have a good view count but not many people post in it. Which fine by me, I like the fact that there are not many, if at all, posts in between shows. As long as the view count stays up, I am happy.


I would like to thank anyone who has taken the time to read and or predict in this diary. I would especially like to thank Zergon, Jingo, Harmor (Who pops up on the boards every once in a while.), michgcs (Who always manages to post something after nearly every show I post. I feel guilty because I do not do that for his dairy but I am still a huge fan of it.), and TakerNGN74 (Who has supported every diary I have ever done on the board.) for their continued support show after show. I really appreciate the fact that you take the time to predict and post in this thread.


2. Okay now let me talk about the actual show. I was disappointed over the Retro/Roberts and Valiant/James matches. I thought for sure those matches would grade out higher but they did not.


On the other hand I was shocked that the Remo match rated as high as it did. Usually Joe and Remo underperform in their matches against others. It must have something to do with the fact that they have great chemistry when wrestling each other.


3. Once again I was not very happy with how the opening segment turned out. I hate to say this, because I roll my eyes when I read others people saying ridiculous stuff like this in their diaries, but I cannot get a feel for his character. I actually hate writing for his character, same goes for Brandon James. I just feel I can do better with them and it never turns out that way.


4. The main event match rating was not a surprise to me at all. After all, I shoved nearly all of the main event workers on my roster (And Marc DuBois) into the main event so it should get a great rating.


5. The SWF Fun Fact postings might go away after this show. Simply put I struggle with trying to find something outlandish to say each time I post Supreme TV. I will freely admit that this show’s was not that witty at all and if I am being honest I am not sure if any of them but the first one were all that funny.


A very odd looking failed actor once told me that I was a humorless moron perhaps said odd looking failed actor was right.:D




-Is Roger Maddux a former wrestler or is he strictly an announcer? It might be fun to see a Braun-Maddux feud... just like how ELECTRIFYING the classic Lawler-Cole feud was :rolleyes:


-I don't know if it was the lack of pictures but this show felt longer than usual. Not that that's a bad thing, but it seemed like there were a lot more matches than your normal Uprising episodes.


-I'm enjoying the Angry Boys tag team... they're kind of like Rhodes Scholars, if one of them was angry :D


-It's been a week since you updated! BOO! I hope your next shows weren't as hard to write as this one :p


- Roger Maddux is actually an active wrestler whose name is Roger Cage (Who is on the NYCW roster at the start of the game.). I felt that I needed a heel announcer for the Uprising Show and I really had nothing for him as a worker yet so I decided to throw him in the booth. Plus sticking him in the booth is a great way to get his popularity up.


- Uprising was longer than normal because I added an extra half-hour to the show. The reason for this is because I found that with my massive roster there are a lot of workers who are not getting any television time. So that is why I added the extra half-hour to the show, so that I could feature workers that do not normally get featured because if they were on the main show they would bring the ratings down.


- Well it is been another week since I lasted posted in here. (There was a good reason for that as stated above.):p

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1. Therefore, I held off posting it until today because today was is the anniversary of the diary.


Viewership wise this diary is my most popular diary to date, as it gets more views per show than either my NYCW or RIPW diaries.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR DIARY! (well, belated happy birthday :p )


It's cool to look back and see just how long you've lasted. I couldn't sleep last night and was skimming through my old shows... oh, man-- I sucked BIG TIME :o


I would like to thank anyone who has taken the time to read and or predict in this diary.


No thanks necessary, you deserve the recognition this diary gets. One-time DOTM! Yeah! ...Wait, it was this one and not the Ballad of Henry Lee, right? :D


3. Once again I was not very happy with how the opening segment turned out. I hate to say this, because I roll my eyes when I read others people saying ridiculous stuff like this in their diaries, but I cannot get a feel for his character.


Ehh, it was okay. It did what it was supposed to. Which leads us to this...


4. The main event match rating was not a surprise to me at all. After all, I shoved nearly all of the main event workers on my roster (And Marc DuBois) into the main event so it should get a great rating.


I was just about to comment on the score! It makes sense now that you've explained it but WOW! Hopefully the PPV does just as well ;)


5. The SWF Fun Fact postings might go away after this show. Simply put I struggle with trying to find something outlandish to say each time I post Supreme TV. I will freely admit that this show’s was not that witty at all and if I am being honest I am not sure if any of them but the first one were all that funny.


A very odd looking failed actor once told me that I was a humorless moron perhaps said odd looking failed actor was right.:D


This is sad to hear. I actually knew who Yanni was and so found this Fun Fact funny :p and I'm interested to know who this odd-looking failed actor is :rolleyes:



Great show, buddy, and bring on Times of Trouble!

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Supreme Uprising Episode 14




Location: St. Joseph, Missouri

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.37

Overall Show Rating: 61




[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]




[We now see Jerry Eisen, Roger Maddux, and Alex Braun, who are sitting at the announcer’s table; they welcome us to another episode of SWF Uprising.


Roger boasts about how his mere presence in the booth has made the show more exciting. He turned a dull show into must see T.V. and that Supreme Uprising is now a water cooler show.]




Cowboy Roy Hickok vs. Marat Khoklov




Marat Khoklov defeated Cowboy Roy Hickok, after Marat put Roy down via a Russian Legend Powerbomb.


Time: 3:42

Match Rating: 63


[For the first time in the show we are taken to the backstage interview area where SWF Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah is standing by with Acee L. Lou.]




Hannah: Acee, you have requested this interview time in order to voice your disgust due to the fact that Akima Brave is scheduled to face off against Randy Bumfhole in a singles match later on tonight.




Acee L. Lou: Precisely Hannah. Once again you and the entire world shall bear witness to the racism of the SWF hierarchy!


Trust me when I say this Hannah, I do not enjoy coming on television week after week talking about this subject. I hate the fact that I sound like a broken record, but my message must be heard.


Akima and the Kid do not want to wrestle in singles competition; they want to showcase their raw talents as a tag team unit. Yet the lily white racist SWF hierarchy is too fearful to have a team of well-educated Samoans tear up their tag team division.


Just because my clients are not the stereotypical grass-skirt wearing, gibberish speaking savages that the SWF wants them to be, they are being punished.


Last week I put the SWF tag teams on notice that my clients are not happy with their current positions within this company and therefore they are willing to destroy anyone who gets in their way. Well that is still very much the case, I assure you of that. There is no team in the SWF that is safe from the wrath of the Wildboyz!




Captain Atomic vs. Runaway Train




Runaway Train defeated Captain Atomic, after Train wiped Atomic out with a Train Wreck.


Time: 11:27

Match Rating: 71


[Once again we head to the backstage interview area were The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy and Zimmy) are standing by. Randy pretends his right hand is a phone and he begins talking into it.]




Randy Bumfhole: Ring, Ring.


[Zimmy looks around for a moment and then mutters to himself.]




Zimmy Bumfhole: Man I wished I had calling waiting, I really hope this isn’t Uncle Tito calling me up because he wants to go to Taco Bell again, I’m sick of having to pay for him every time…


[Zimmy then pretends that his left phone and he answers.]




Zimmy Bumfhole: Hello.




Randy Bumfhole: Hey Zim, it me Randy.




Zimmy Bumfhole: Hey bro what’s up?




Randy Bumfhole: Well I just saw that guy Acee L. Lou go on a rant about some racist conspiracy going on here in the SWF. Apparently you and I are involved in it…




Zimmy Bumfhole: Yeah I saw the same thing…you don’t think we’re racist do you Randy?




Randy Bumfhole: No not at all. In fact I think that is one of the worst things someone can accuse another person of being bro.


[Randy then looks directly into the camera with a serious look on his face.]




Randy Bumfhole: Acee, your boys aren’t the only ones who would rather be wrestling in tag team matches. But my brother and I are not going to bitch about it, we’re not going to dream up some fake racism conspiracy theory. No, we’re going to go down to the ring and do what we do best and that is go down to the ring and win.


Because that’s what we do, we fight in the matches that we are booked in and we do not complain. There are no excuses in wrestling, you’re given a job and you do it and I plan on doing my job and doing it well tonight.


[A camera crew is following Lisa Bowen as she enters into a locker room. She looks around for a moment before she sees her target, which is her father Runaway Train who is sitting on a metal bench in the corner of said locker room.


She taps her father’s shoulder and he turns around and looks at her. By the look on his face he is clearly not pleased over the fact that his daughter is there.]




Runaway Train: What cha want now? I’ve told you before kitten you shouldn’t be here in the men’s locker room.




Lisa Bowen: Oh please daddy, it’s not 1954. Plus it’s not like anyone in here has something that I’ve never seen before.


[Train does not seem at all comfortable over the last comment his daughter made.]




Runaway Train: I did not need to hear that. Anyway what do you want with me?




Lisa Bowen: Well I want you to reconsider fighting Gregory tomorrow night.


[Train shakes his head no and laughs for a moment.]




Runaway Train: Not going to happen kitten. Your little boy toy finally grew the stones to challenge me and now I am going to enjoy separating his head from his neck.


[Lisa pouts and looks at her father with her sad puppy dog eyes, a trick that has worked for her many times in the past.]




Lisa Bowen: But daaaaaaad, you would even consider not fighting him for me?




Runaway Train: No way, no how. You little boy toy wants so badly to play with the big boys. Well I’m just granting him his wish.


[Lisa, realizing that her notoriously stubborn father is not going to change his stance on the matter, storms out of the locker room.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RandyBumfhole.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ZimmyBumfhole.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AkimaBrave.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Streetz.jpg & http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KidToma.jpg


Randy Bumfhole with Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Akima Brave with Acee L. Lou & Kid Toma




Randy Bumfhole defeated Akima Brave, after Randy took Akima down via a Bumfhole Buster.


Time: 7:18

Match Rating: 68


[After the match is through Zimmy and the Kid join their respective tag team partners in the ring. The Bumfholes and the Wildboyz get into each other’s faces and they start jawing at each other. Soon Akima slaps Zimmy in the face and within seconds all four men begin to duke it out in the ring.


A team of SWF Security members quickly comes down to the ring and separate the two teams as the show goes into a commercial break.]


[upon returning from commercial break we see Emma Chase, whose chest looks like it is going to pop out of her tight blazer, and Big Smack Scott, who is staring at Emma’s chest in the tight blazer.]




Emma Chase: Jack Giedroyc I truly have to question your intelligence or you sanity. I mean you would either have to be very stupid or insane in order to willing step inside the ring with the most Dangerous Man in sports entertainment today Big Smack Scott. You see this man right here…


[Emma stops speaking as she looks over at Scott and notices that he is staring at her chest.]




Emma Chase: Scott hun, eyes up here. Remember I am not one of your groupies; you simply cannot ogle my chest every time I am around you. That is unprofessional…


[big Smack Scott stares at Emma’s chest for a moment longer, licking his lips in the process, before looking her in the eyes with a cocky smile on his face.]




Big Smack Scott: Sorry Em, you just have a really nice rack.


[Emma uneasily smiles at Scott before she continues to speak.]




Emma Chase: As I was saying this man right here does not go out to the ring to win matches. No he goes out there to intentionally hurt people. There is a reason why nobody in the SWF locker room wants to get into the ring with him and that is because he can…and will hurt you. Isn’t that right hun?




Big Smack Scott: Damn right, it’s right! Jack bro, I am not a fan of your prissy nancy-boy accent. We don’t drink no tea and eat no crumpets over here bro, ya feel me. Tonight I’m gonna go down to the ring with three things on my mind bro.


Number one, I’m gonna be thinking about Emma’s rack bro because seriously bro how could I not think about it.


Number two, I’m gonna be thinking about Dawn the Cheerleader shaking her little booty in that short cheerleading uniform. Man the things I could do to her…


The third thing that will be on my mind when I step into the ring with you bro, is how much I’m gonna enjoy braining ya bro. Peace out mother…




Emma Chase: Um…Scott you cannot say that on television.




Big Smack Scott: Oh snap, my bad. Well then bro the smack attack is gonna brain ya bro and there ain’t nuttin ya can do about it bro.




Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Dylan Palmer




F.A. Garcia defeated Dylan Palmer, after F.A. nailed Dylan with his finisher Romeo Is Bleeding.


Time: 6:35

Match Rating: 57


[upon winning the previous match Frederique goes over to the ropes and requests a microphone from one of the ring attendants. Once he gets the microphone he begins to speak.]




F.A. Garcia: Heeeeeeey! What is up my fierce bitches?


Three weeks ago John Greed beat me up and put me in the hospital. Now normally I like it when the boys get a little rough with me but what he did was uncalled for.


Girls I am telling y’all the hospital food was not fierce at all. Y’all should just gag me with a spoon before you make me eat hospital food again. You can believe that girlfriends.


Anyway after convalescing at my home for the past two weeks I was finally able to get my doctor’s okay so that I could return to the ring tonight. And girls let me tell y’all something I am feeling fierce and I am one mad bitch.


John Greed I want you to come out here right now sister, cuz I have something I need to say to you girl!


[John Greed appears from behind the backstage curtain and he slowly walks down the aisle that leads to the ring. He stops halfway to the ring and looks at F.A. with a grin on his face.]




F.A. Garcia: Girl I don’t know why you’re smiling. My left fist could easily wipe that grin right off that face of yours. You can believe that girlfriend.




John Greed: Brother Frederique you said you had something to say to me, well if that is true say what you have to say. But do not make idle threats towards me; for I am not a man who suffers idle threats.




F.A. Garcia: Girl, my mama did raise me to make idle threats. No girlfriend I make idle promises and tomorrow night at Times of Trouble I want a match with you so I can whoop your ass.




John Greed: Are you sure this is something you want to do Brother Frederique? After all I am a mere servant of my savior and he does not want me to hurt you. My mission is to let you see the light and help you make better lifestyle choices.


However, perhaps a swift ass kicking is just the medicine you will need to point you in the direction of the light.


Sure Brother Frederique, I will engage in personal combat with you tomorrow night. It will be my honor to force you to see the light.




F.A. Garcia: Girl I didn’t say nothing about being engaged to you honey. Just the thought of it make me want to be gagged with a spoon.


But I am glad that you are willing to fight me girlfriend because come tomorrow night my claws are going to come out and I am going to work it girl!




Robbie Retro vs. American Machine




Robbie Retro defeated American Machine, after Robbie brought Am-Machine down with his finisher Murder on the Dancefloor.


Time: 10:52

Match Rating: 63


[Once the match ends Robbie helps Am-Machine to his feet and the two men shake hands and the crowd cheers. This joyous moment is soon interrupted by the Moscow Mauler Marat Khoklov who has just entered the ring.


Robbie looks over at the Marat and asks him what he wants. Marat does not reply, instead he just looks at Robbie with no emotion. Am-Machine then looks at Robbie and shrugs his shoulders, he then goes to leave the ring but he is stopped by Marat who grabs Am-Machine’s throat and chokeslams him.


It is at this point that Robbie charges Marat and Robbie is quickly taken down after he eats a boot to the face. Marat then lifts Robbie up and chokeslams him down to the canvas as well. Marat then smirks at the camera while Alex and Jerry wonder on commentary as to what Marat’s motivation was for this attack. Roger chimes in that Marat does not need any motivation, he is a pissed off Russian giant and from time to time he needs to take out his aggression on others.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrettBiggz.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg


Brett Biggz with Jessie vs. Enforcer Roberts




Enforcer Roberts defeated Brett Biggz, after Roberts forced Brett to tap out to the R.C.T.


Time: 10:45

Match Rating: 76


[Gregory Black is in the backstage area waiting for his cue to go down to the ring for his match when his girlfriend Lisa Bowen approaches him.]




Lisa Bowen: Babe, I tried to talk my father out of fighting you tomorrow night but he refused…


[Gregory does not look happy over what Lisa just said to him.]




Gregory Black: What?


Why would you go do something like that Lisa?




Lisa Bowen: I’m just worried about your safety tomorrow night. I mean you are stepping into the ring with a former SWF World Champion who is hell bent on destroying you…




Gregory Black: Don’t worry about me Lisa, I can handle myself. Plus I couldn’t back down now even if I wanted to because it would make me look weak. I need this match against your father baby girl because this match will take my career to the next level.


[Gregory’s music begins to play and Gregory gives Lisa a quick kiss on her cheek.]




Gregory Black: Now come on we gotta go to the ring for my match. We’ll talk about this later.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/GrouchoBling-1.jpgwith http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/LisaBowen.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Knuckles_alt.jpg


Gregory Black with Lisa Bowen vs. Knuckles




Gregory Black defeated Knuckles, after Gregory hit Knuckles with a Fade to Black.


Time: 7:31

Match Rating: 68


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Jack Giedroyc with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Big Smack Scott with Emma Chase




Jack Giedroyc defeated Big Smack Scott, after Jack brought Scott down via his finisher Crashing On.


Time: 11:47

Match Rating: 65





Post-Show Thoughts:



1. F.A. Garcia was supposed to comeback on the last Uprising Show but I ran out of time, so I held off his return until this show.


2. When I first started the Uprising Show I wanted to feature more tag team matches but I have yet to do that.:D



No thanks necessary, you deserve the recognition this diary gets. One-time DOTM! Yeah! ...Wait, it was this one and not the Ballad of Henry Lee, right? :D


Who knows?


As I have told you in the past I do not put much stock in the DOTM as it is nothing more than a glorified popularity contest. I mean I consider you one of the best writers on the board but because people no longer seem to be interested in Real World Diaries you are not able to win DOTM.


You can find the failed actor under a bridge.;):D

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As I have told you in the past I do not put much stock in the DOTM as it is nothing more than a glorified popularity contest. I mean I consider you one of the best writers on the board but because people no longer seem to be interested in Real World Diaries you are not able to win DOTM.


I want to point out that, Real World "things" are tied with the fortunes with actual Real World fortunes. If people don't find the Real World is not appealing, Real World Diaries will suffer because of it. :)


That being said, the fictional unverses just give more... flexibility.

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Sorry for the cheap bump, I just have no clue how long it will take me to write the next show and I did not want ampulator to think I was ignoring him. So cheap bump time :D:


I want to point out that, Real World "things" are tied with the fortunes with actual Real World fortunes. If people don't find the Real World is not appealing, Real World Diaries will suffer because of it. :)


That is very true; I mean people have likes and dislikes. For instance I will never read a diary based in Japan or Mexico. It is nothing against the writers of those diaries, it is just those regions do not appeal to me in the least bit.


People will read what they are into, but that just proves what I said. Because of the lack of interest in Real World Diaries on this board none of them have a chance to win DOTM. It does not matter if the content of said diaries are just as good or better than the diaries nominated against them because at the end of the day the more popular diaries will always win.



That being said, the fictional unverses just give more... flexibility.


I never really understood why that line of thought is treated as gospel on this site. I know that almost everyone parrots that whenever a discussion about real world diaries come up. Here is why I disagree with that line of thinking:


Say you were to go back to the early 1990’s and tell people that Stunning Steve Austin would become this redneck, anti-authority, anti-hero, do you like anyone would find that realistic?


Or if you were to tell someone from the late 70’s that Adrian Adonis, who at the time was doing a tough guy biker gimmick, would turn into an overweight effeminate guy in the mid to late 1980’s.


Who would have thought that the guy from the Skyscrapers would go on to become a legend in the WWE wrestling as an Undertaker? I remember when the character first debuted, I was in Junior High School and I was starting to get away from the “baby stuff” that the WWF was putting out and I was getting more into the more realistic approach that NWA/WCW was doing, I thought to myself that the Undertaker was a horrible character and that they were wasting Mean Mark Callous. I mean the guy could walk across the top rope, which was big to me at the time because I had never saw anyone do something like that, and they were going to waste him by having him wrestle as an Undertaker.


More recently do you think anyone from 2005 would believe you if you told them that Brian Danielson would become a successful WWE wrestler who would be one-half of a comedy tag team with Kane? Nobody could have or would have predicted that.


My point being is that there could be just as much flexibility character wise in a real world diary as there is in a C-Verse diary. It is the reader who closes their minds to what could happen because they cannot look beyond what they believe is within the realm of possibility.


Who is to say that Big Show couldn’t become a flower child hippy character if that is what creative decided to give him?


Now I personally do not think it is realistic but then again I never thought that Brian Danielson would be one of the most entertaining wrestlers in the WWE. So if one goes into reading a real world diary thinking that it has to be close to reality they are selling themselves and the writer short. Because in the real world of wrestling (That is odd to write when talking about a fake sport.) there has been tons of flexibility over the years in regards to characters.

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People will read what they are into, but that just proves what I said. Because of the lack of interest in Real World Diaries on this board none of them have a chance to win DOTM. It does not matter if the content of said diaries are just as good or better than the diaries nominated against them because at the end of the day the more popular diaries will always win.


I think you miss my main point. If the Real World was more popular (lol, that sounds so silly), the Real World Diaries will rise in popularity. Real World Diaries by the their very nature, obviously are tied the fortunes of the Real World.


So, we see another wrestling boom in the Real World, we see another boom in Real World Diaries. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

SWF Presents: Times of Trouble




Jack Bruce & Christian Faith vs. Rich Money & Eric Eisen


Lobster Warrior & Vengeance vs. Marc DuBois & Angry Gilmore


Art Reed & Joe Sexy vs. Remo & Squeeky McClean


Sgt. Barrowman & Electric Law vs. Brandon James & The Pain Alliance


(If the team of Brandon James and the Pain Alliance win the following match, then the Pain Alliance will challenge Electric Law for the SWF World Tag Team Championships at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.


If Sgt. Barrowman and Electric Law win the following match, then Sgt. Barrowman will challenge Brandon James for the SWF North American Championship at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.)



Robbie Retro & American Machine vs. Marat Khoklov


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. John Greed


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


Gregory Black vs. Runaway Train


This card will be up soon I am not going to give an exact date because I might fail to meet that deadline. I only have the tag match with Art Reed in it, the Six man match, and one interview left to do. Oddly enough I wrote the majority of the show over the last two days after having let it sit for about a week or so.

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Good to see a preview card for the show :p


Jack Bruce & Christian Faith vs. Rich Money & Eric Eisen

I don't like having the faces win but I think this sets up Faith vs Eisen


Lobster Warrior & Vengeance vs. Marc DuBois & Angry Gilmore

Angry Boys need to win!


Art Reed & Joe Sexy vs. Remo & Squeeky McClean

I don't really care for grunting Remo but I think Squeeky's right, Joe Sexy just isn't sexy :o


Sgt. Barrowman & Electric Law vs. Brandon James & The Pain Alliance

Sarge shows he's still got it


(If the team of Brandon James and the Pain Alliance win the following match, then the Pain Alliance will challenge Electric Law for the SWF World Tag Team Championships at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.


If Sgt. Barrowman and Electric Law win the following match, then Sgt. Barrowman will challenge Brandon James for the SWF North American Championship at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.)



Robbie Retro & American Machine vs. Marat Khoklov

This is just to build up Marat as a monster


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. John Greed

Freddie gets DQ-ed 'cause he can't contain herself, er, himself


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

This is a toss-up but some faces need to win :D


Gregory Black vs. Runaway Train

Train wins but Greg earns some respect


(Also, I predicted as soon as I saw this 'cause you said the card would be up soon and I didn't wanna miss it :D )

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Jack Bruce & Christian Faith vs. Rich Money & Eric Eisen

Could go either way but I would give Faith one over Eric espesially since I don´t believe that he will be the one to get the title of from Eisen.


Lobster Warrior & Vengeance vs. Marc DuBois & Angry Gilmore

since I feel that faces are bigger names at the moment I would give this one to heels as they need the win more in my opinion.


Art Reed & Joe Sexy vs. Remo & Squeeky McClean

Remo is the top guy here.


Sgt. Barrowman & Electric Law vs. Brandon James & The Pain Alliance

Those stipulations make this one interesting.. hmmm actually now that I think of it what would happen if this would be draw? Would both teams get title shots then? Anyway I would rather see Barrowman versus James than Electric Law versus Pain Alliance so I go with Barrowman continuing of being thorn on James side.


(If the team of Brandon James and the Pain Alliance win the following match, then the Pain Alliance will challenge Electric Law for the SWF World Tag Team Championships at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.


If Sgt. Barrowman and Electric Law win the following match, then Sgt. Barrowman will challenge Brandon James for the SWF North American Championship at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.)



Robbie Retro & American Machine vs. Marat Khoklov

Neither Retro or Machine haven´t really done much so far so I presume this is here to build Khoklov up.


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. John Greed

F.A.G winning would be more likely way to continue this feud further so that´s where I will go.


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

Normally I would go with Bumfholes but since I set Pain Alliance to fail getting the tag title shot there is need for another team to step in and Wildboyz are better option from these two since they are heels.


Gregory Black vs. Runaway Train

I believe that Black will eventually win this feud but I doubt it ends here so Train might get this one... I still go with Black though simply because Train losing would be easier way to continue this further.

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Jack Bruce & Christian Faith vs. Rich Money & Eric Eisen

I am a big Rich Money fan but .. You made me go back and forth here i just couldn't pick out the best winner, going for Faith because of my own personal if in doubt pick him or Jack Bruce rule .. Okay so i just made that rule up but still all good rules have to come from somewhere right!? Right!?

Lobster Warrior & Vengeance vs. Marc DuBois & Angry Gilmore

I'm going to go against the guys here, this is a good way to continue things here because i see Angry and DuBois getting singles wins in the future instead.

Art Reed & Joe Sexy vs. Remo & Squeeky McClean

Not a big Reed fan, Plus has as been pointed out Remo is a top guy!

Sgt. Barrowman & Electric Law vs. Brandon James & The Pain Alliance

I like the idea of Barrowman getting the N.A Title shot much more ...

(If the team of Brandon James and the Pain Alliance win the following match, then the Pain Alliance will challenge Electric Law for the SWF World Tag Team Championships at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.


If Sgt. Barrowman and Electric Law win the following match, then Sgt. Barrowman will challenge Brandon James for the SWF North American Championship at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.)



Robbie Retro & American Machine vs. Marat Khoklov

Khoklov is a true Russian Bear! Wait a sec a bear ... Maybe i have just discovered you a love interest for F.A.G!

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. John Greed

My fave SWF guy . Period!!!

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

I prefer the Bumfholes (even though i'm not too sure how you should pronounce their names...)

Gregory Black vs. Runaway Train

This has been one of my favorite storylines so i want it to continue, best way for that to happen is for Train to win.

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Jack Bruce & Christian Faith vs. Rich Money & Eric Eisen


Lobster Warrior & Vengeance vs. Marc DuBois & Angry Gilmore


Art Reed & Joe Sexy vs. Remo & Squeeky McClean


Sgt. Barrowman & Electric Law vs. Brandon James & The Pain Alliance


(If the team of Brandon James and the Pain Alliance win the following match, then the Pain Alliance will challenge Electric Law for the SWF World Tag Team Championships at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.


If Sgt. Barrowman and Electric Law win the following match, then Sgt. Barrowman will challenge Brandon James for the SWF North American Championship at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.)


Robbie Retro & American Machine vs. Marat Khoklov


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. John Greed


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


Gregory Black vs. Runaway Train

I'm going with an upset on this one!

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