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SWF: You Know You Want To Give It One Star a.k.a. the Ballad of Big Smack Scott

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The title of this thread gave me false expectations as it's quite good and deserving of a five star vote. I considered it giving it one star for false advertisement, but then I realized the paradoxical consequences of such an action and just gave it a five.


So to summarize I like this diary. I also enjoyed your earlier RIPW diary; it was one of the first diaries I read after discovering the game/forum; though I believe the diary ended just before I signed up.

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Nice show, enjoyed the read. If I was to ask one member of your roster a question I'd do it in a ... well, non-kayfabe style as part of an interview on, let's just say totalextremewrestling.com ^^, and the question would be: Mr. Rich Money, where do you think your career is headed after the feud with Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce?
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04. I was not all that happy with some of the promos I wrote. The one that really stuck out to me was the Rich Money promo. For some reason I just cannot seem to get into character when writing for him.


I was wondering, do you the readers think that my characters are different enough?


Or do I write the same character over and over again?


It seems like it is the latter, the dialogue mightly be slightly different for each character but they all seem to come across as the same to me.


To be honest, after reading this, I only felt that way with Angry Gilmore. I felt that he was focusing more on defeating Lobby and less on ridding SWF of the cartoon characters :D


It was a great show even though I only got half of 'em right. Weird seeing the World Title match in the middle, but I guess that's the right thing to do given the wonky finish. I do think Faith is like Cena in that he doesn't need the Title, though :p

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Good show. I think that your characters are different enough so no problems there.


Question to Angry Gilmore:


Do you continue your quest against cartoon characters now that you have beaten Lobster Warrior or have you already proven your point and move to other targets?

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[The following video was posted on SWF.com. The video begins with Jerry Eisen standing in the same studio where the Supreme TV Countdown Show was filmed in the latter part of the 1990’s and the early part of the 2000’s.]




Jerry Eisen: Hello fans today we are going to try something new. As many of you know, social media has become a great way for the SWF to reach our fan base. This little segment that you are about to watch is a new segment here on SWF.com where you the fans can have your questions answered by SWF Superstars. We are going to call this segment SWF Hot Seat.


All you have to do is post a question on the fan page of your favorite SWF wrester or personality and once a month we will take the best questions and our SWF Superstar answer them.


The first question is from Harmor…


[A graphic pops up on screen with Harmor’s question, we then cut to Rich Money for his answer.]


Mr. Rich Money, where do you think your career is headed after the feud with Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce?




Rich Money: Well I see my career going out of this stratosphere. I know Jack Bruce just beat me at Awesome Impact so the first thing I have to do is eliminate him from title contention. You see Jack Bruce is my biggest competition right now in the SWF. After I eliminate him from title contention, Richard Eisen will have no choice but to name me the number one contender.


After that happens I will just have to beat either Eric Eisen for the SWF World Heavyweight Title and then I will truly have everything in this world that I have ever wanted. Man it is great to be part of the one percent! You can bank on that!


[We return to the studio.]




Jerry Eisen: It seems Mister Money is overflowing with confidence right there. Okay our next question is from Zergon who is from Finland. Just a little sidebar from me here, I personally think it is great that fans from Finland are asking questions. It just goes to show that we are truly an international company. Anyway here is the question from Zergon…


[A graphic pops up on screen with Zergon’s question, we then cut to Angry Gilmore for his answer.]



Do you continue your quest against cartoon characters now that you have beaten Lobster Warrior or have you already proven your point and move to other targets?




Angry Gilmore: My crusade against Sports Entertainers is never going to be truly over. As long as people mock me for what I do for a living because of who my co-workers are my war will not be over.


Unfortunately, my victory over Lobster Warrior did not mean much. It was merely a small battle in a much larger war. You see I did not end Lobster Warrior’s career. So I have to reload and go out there and rid the SWF of Lobster Warrior and his cartoon brethren. I am but one angry pissed off man, but I will succeed in ridding the SWF of these cartoon characters because I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore.


[Once again we return to the studio.]




Jerry Eisen: Well there you have it, I hope you enjoyed this new segment here on SWF.com and hopefully you will tune in next month to see which wrestlers will be in the hot seat.



The title of this thread gave me false expectations as it's quite good and deserving of a five star vote. I considered it giving it one star for false advertisement, but then I realized the paradoxical consequences of such an action and just gave it a five.


So to summarize I like this diary. I also enjoyed your earlier RIPW diary; it was one of the first diaries I read after discovering the game/forum; though I believe the diary ended just before I signed up.


Thank you for the five stars!:D


The reason why I have that in the title is because the one-star bandit hits every thread I start on here with one star. I personally am not offended by it, I actually think it is cool that someone thinks enough of me or hates me enough to give me a one star. I embrace what the one-star bandit does.:D


Thank you for the kind comments on both of my diaries. It is always good to know that people like what you are doing.


It was a great show even though I only got half of 'em right. Weird seeing the World Title match in the middle, but I guess that's the right thing to do given the wonky finish. I do think Faith is like Cena in that he doesn't need the Title, though :p


The main reason why the World Title match was not the main event is simply because Eric is not able to deliver good ratings. Yes I know if that is the case I should put the title on someone who can deliver those ratings.

Well the thing about that is, I actually have a plan for Eric and I am not ready to dump him as champion yet.


It is funny that you brought that up because I was going to talk about it in my post-show thoughts but I just forgot to address it. Actually, when I was booking this show and writing it, there was a debate going on in the WWE section of the Dog Pound where people were saying that John Cena should not be main eventing without holding one of the two main titles in the WWE. I thought to myself the fictional people in the C-Verse that are watching my Pay-Per-View would probably have the same debate. Then I realized it was odd to think about something like that.:o

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There's two things you can do with Eric Eisen, neither of which is an easy option, especially if Richard Eisen has an owner goal involving Eric Eisen. You can build up Eric Eisen's popularity to such heights, that it's his popularity that makes the brunt of the match. However, this will also mean he might get an even bigger ego, and will refuse to drop the belt to anyone not at his level. Bad.


Or you can have him win matches, but drive down his popularity through having him in very poor ways. If you have owner goals that prevents you from doing so, however, this might not be a viable option.


Thank you for the five stars!:D


The reason why I have that in the title is because the one-star bandit hits every thread I start on here with one star. I personally am not offended by it, I actually think it is cool that someone thinks enough of me or hates me enough to give me a one star. I embrace what the one-star bandit does.:D


One Star? You? Seriously? I would say your diaries are pretty good.

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I am but one angry pissed off man...


Y'know, Gilmore would be awesome with the gimmick of the guy from Network.


...because I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore.




Yep, realtime reaction from thought to reality. So freaking happy!


Unless Gilmore gets shot, in which case, I hate you.

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SWF Pay-Per-View Wrap-up


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/kobe%20mod/BruceGlazer.jpg by Sam Tyler


Hello folks my name is Sam Tyler and it is once again the time of month when I review the SWF’s last Pay-Per-View which was Awesome Impact. I have read a lot of mixed reviews about this show over the past couple of days. It seems like it was one of those events that you either loved or hated. There were not many people who were in the middle about it.


Before I go onto talking about the actual Pay-Per-View itself, I wanted to once again bring up the lack of respect that the tag team division is getting in the SWF. The SWF have some of the best tag teams in the world at their disposal and they never use them. It has gotten so bad that the Tag Team Champions were not even on the Pay-Per-View this month.


I know I am going to sound like a broken record but the SWF needs to feature their tag teams more. Richard Eisen has made it very clear that he is not a huge fan of tag team wrestling, which is fair enough it is his company and he can do what he wants. However, if you have the talent then why not use it?


Now let me talk about the actual Pay-Per-View itself. The first match of the evening was Brandon James defending his SWF North American Championship against Joe Sexy. Apparently there was a stipulation in this match that if Joe was unable to win the North American Championship he would not be able to challenge for the title again while Brandon held the title. Now I was not even aware of this stipulation until I heard Duane Fry talking about in on the actual Pay-Per-View.


Maybe it was a case of me not hearing about it because I often find myself only half paying attention when watching SWF programming. Or maybe the SWF did not actually think of the stipulation until the actual Pay-Per-View.


The match itself was what it was, a pretty good opener between two guys who have fought each other a lot lately. At least the stipulation made it clear that this would be their last match against each other for some time so that made me happy. I mean don’t get me wrong I enjoy watching both guys but I am just sick of watching them face each other month after month.


The next match on the card was between my personal favorite SWF Superstar Angry Gilmore and Lobster Warrior. Now it was good to see Angry picking up the victory here and I hope this puts an end to his Crusade against Sports Entertainers. That is mostly for selfish reasons on my part because I would much rather see Angry involved in a program with a main event wrestler. Rather than slumming it against a guy dressed up as a Lobster.


Awesome Impact’s third match of the evening was the definition of a bathroom break. It was a match between Robbie Retro and Vengeance. Now this match had no prior set-up and it just seems like it was a total filler match. The funny thing is the match was not that bad, I just do not see any reason for it to have been on the card in the first place.


We were then “treated” to Steve Frehley versus Remo. This match was hands down the worst match of the night. I wonder if the SWF realizes that nobody cares about Steve Frehley or why he has been acting out of sorts as of late, which oddly enough he was not acting that way for this match. Good job on storyline consistency there SWF bookers.


Anyway, this was another match that has been done a thousand times over, in the past year and a half. I am just sick of seeing Frehley versus Remo part 1,245. I wasn’t interested in seeing their first encounter, so why do I need to see it over and over again. Yes I know a lot of readers are going to say this is just me being a Steve Frehley hater. Well I am a Steve Frehley hater but that is not the reason why I do not want to ever see this match-up again. The reason why I do not want to see this match done again is because they have already done it to death.


The SWF World Heavyweight Championship match was the next match and for the life of me I can’t understand why it was booked in the Semi-Main Event spot. The SWF World Title is arguably the most important title in wrestling and yet the SWF brass feel that the match for said title is not compelling enough to main event a minor Pay-Per-View. I just do not get it, well I do get it but I do not agree with it.


The reasoning behind it is because Jack Bruce is the face of the company he gets the main event no matter who he is facing. Well if that is the case why did they not just keep the title around Jack’s waist instead of having him drop it to Eric Eisen?


Eric Eisen is clearly not good enough to headline a Pay-Per-View so why is he the champion? Look the guy was facing off against a legend in Christian Faith and the SWF brass still felt that this match was not main event material. The sad thing is the match was pretty good and Eric did not look nearly as bad as he usually does out there. Granted he was facing off against Christian, who has pretty much never had a bad match in his life, but still it does take two to tango and Eric did do good out there so I am going to cut him some slack.


I also liked the backstory involving Eric and Christian. I know a lot of wrestling fans were not happy about it because it was dealing with their personal lives but this is not 1972, so if the SWF wants to exploit a real life friendship more power to them.


The final match of the evening was between Jack Bruce and Rich Money. Okay this match was great; it was probably one the best matches that the SWF has put on this year. That being said the ending was a jumbled up mess. There was a ref bump, a manager bump, and a steel chair that was used for nothing.


To top all of that off they had Jack win the match! What the bloody hell? Why would you have Jack win here? What purpose does it serve?


If Jack did not want to eat the loss here then they should have just had it end in some type of a draw. Where does this feud possibly go from here now that Jack has picked up the win? Sometimes I wonder just who books this crap.


Well I am signing off for the month I hope you come back next month when I will be talking about the next SWF Pay-Per-View which is going to be The World is Watching. Until then, this is Sam Tyler signing off.



There's two things you can do with Eric Eisen, neither of which is an easy option, especially if Richard Eisen has an owner goal involving Eric Eisen. You can build up Eric Eisen's popularity to such heights, that it's his popularity that makes the brunt of the match. However, this will also mean he might get an even bigger ego, and will refuse to drop the belt to anyone not at his level. Bad.


Or you can have him win matches, but drive down his popularity through having him in very poor ways. If you have owner goals that prevents you from doing so, however, this might not be a viable option.




One Star? You? Seriously? I would say your diaries are pretty good.


Well I never play with owner goals on so that is not a problem. In fact the only time I will play with owner goals on is if I am starting a new promtion and I am just the booker. Of course I always end up with Larry Wood as my boss so the goals are usually the same for every game with him.


I do have the next couple of months planned out for Eric so I will not be looking to drive his popularity down. I just wish he was good enough to headline a show. Hopefully, I can get his popularity up like you said and I am not too worried about him having an ego and not wanting to drop the title as I always try to have every wrestler lose to people that are at or around their popularity level.



As for the one star, well it seems everyone gets them so it does not bother me. Pluse I know I am not the most well liked person on here but hey those are the breaks.:D


Y'know, Gilmore would be awesome with the gimmick of the guy from Network.






Yep, realtime reaction from thought to reality. So freaking happy!


Unless Gilmore gets shot, in which case, I hate you.


Nah I only lifted that quote from Peter Finch's character because I thought it would fit with Angry Gilmore's always pissed off personality.

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Supreme TV Episode 10




Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 5.78

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.40

Overall Show Rating: 83


[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.


We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. Standing in the center of the ring are the SWF World Heavyweight Eric Eisen, Enforcer Roberts, and Marat Khoklov. As soon as the main camera is on Eric, he begins to speak.]




Eric Eisen: For years everyone thought that whatever I earned in this industry was because of who my father is. Two nights ago I silenced all of those naysayers…all of my haters, when I beat Christian Faith fairly in the ring.


I have said it time and time again, 2010 is the year of Eric Eisen. Well tonight is going to be the night of Eric Eisen! Phillip, Marat, and I are going to celebrate my greatness…let me amend that Phillip and I will celebrate my greatness. Marat has no clue as to what the hell is going on, so he is just going to stand here and look imposing.


[Eric pauses for a moment and looks at Enforcer Roberts.]




Eric Eisen: Phillip, I you would be as kind as to get the champagne bucket, I feel the need to quench my thirst and I feel the need to quench it in style…


[Enforcer Roberts steps out of the ring and heads over to the announcer’s table where the bucket of champagne is. While Enforcer Roberts is doing this, Eric continues speaking.]




Eric Eisen: Nobody said I had a chance to beat Christian Faith…nobody! Yet I did just that and in a convincing fashion if I must say so myself. Because…


[Eric begins to sing off key.]




Eric Eisen: I am the champion, you stupid fannnnns. And I’ll keep on winning till the end…


[Thankfully for our eardrums and the memory of the late Freddie Mercury, the disembodied voice of Christian Faith is heard over the arena’s p.a. system.]




Christian Faith: Cut that crap out son…there ain’t nobody that wants to hear your god awful singing…


[Eric looks pissed off over this comment and he turns and looks at Enforcer Roberts, who had just reentered the ring with the bucket of champagne, and says, “Can you believe this?”


The cameras then cuts back to the stage where the wrestlers come out and Christian Faith is now standing there with a huge grin on his face.]




Eric Eisen: What the hell are you doing here old man? Have you come out here to admit that I am now your better? Last Sunday night the student surpassed the master…and I did it legitimately!


[Christian begins laughing over the fact that Eric said he won their match legitimately.]




Christian Faith: Eric, I ain’t sure if you’re delusional, or busting my balls…but you didn’t beat me legitimately at Awesome Impact. Nah son, that big ol’ Russian son of a gun is the reason why you beat me. If it weren’t for the communist piece of crap…I would’ve been the five-time SWF World Champion.




Eric Eisen: You do know that Russia is no longer a communist country…right? Well you actually probably don’t because you are a dumbass, but that is neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is I beat you at Awesome Impact last Sunday and I cemented my legacy as the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all-time!


Now if you will excuse me, we’ve got a little celebration that needs to start. So if you could do me a favor and go backstage that would be great.


[Christian starts to walk backstage before he turns around and faces the ring again.]




Christian Faith: I’m gonna let you and your friends have your little party. But if you don’t mind I think I’d like to join ya. That is if ya would allow me to bring a plus one…


[Eric looks confused as he does not understand what Christian’s motive is. Marat stands directly behind Eric with both of his fists clenched.]




Eric Eisen: Um…fine…if you want to come in the ring and celebrate with us you can. I can’t promise that you will leave our party under your own volition.


[Christian smiles and takes a few steps onto the ramp that leads down to the ring.]




Christian Faith: That’s fine son…I think my plus one will see to it that I do leave the ring in good condition. In fact…


[Christian turns around and looks at the entranceway where the wrestlers come out, Christian yells out.]




Christian Faith: Hey dude, ya ready to party with Eric and his boys?


[All of a sudden the beginning to Midnight Oil’s song Beds are Burning begins to play over the arena’s p.a. system and the crowd goes absolutely ape crap as they know exactly who is about to walk through the curtain. Moments later Bruce the Giant steps out onto the stage and stands next to Christian Faith.


The crowd in Minneapolis begins chanting, “Welcome back! Welcome back!” Bruce, who has a huge grin on his face as it seems he is truly affected over the fan’s reaction, waves his right hand in acknowledgement.


Meanwhile, Eric looks like he is going to crap his pants at the sight of Bruce. For their part, Enforcer Roberts and Marat do not seem fazed by the big man from Australia.]




Christian Faith: Ya see Eric; I got sick and tired of your big ol’ giant attacking me every week. So I reached out to an old friend of mine…who just so happens to be a big ol’ giant himself, and I asked him if he could help me deal with a little pest. Well Bruce was more than happy to come back here to the SWF and help out an old friend.


Now what do ya say Bruce…ya wanna join their party?


[bruce smiles and nods his head.]




Bruce the Giant: Sounds like a plan mate…


[As Christian and Bruce head towards the ring, Eric orders Enforcer Roberts and Marat to go after them. Roberts and Marat do as they are commanded as Eric jumps over the guardrail and into the audience. Eric wants no part of Bruce or Christian so he runs through the audience and exits the main arena through a door which leads backstage.


While Eric was fleeing, Bruce and Marat and Christian and Eric begin to brawl in the aisle way leading down to the ring. This brawl does not last long as an army of SWF backstage officials separate the two warring factions.]




[After coming back from commercial break we now head down to the commentary team of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Anna Garcia who are sitting at the announcer’s desk near ringside. The three of them discuss the matches that we shall see tonight and they also discuss the return of Bruce the Giant. It is now time to head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.]




Gregory Black vs. Remo





  • Remo thought this match was going to be a walk in the park as he dominated Gregory in the early moments of the match.
  • Remo was mistaken in that thought process as Gregory managed to fight back and took control of the match during the middle portion of the match.
  • Gregory even managed to get in a couple of near falls but he just could not seem to put Remo away.
  • In the end, Remo picked up the victory after he put Gregory down with his finisher the Destroyer.


Winner: Remo

Time: 12:49

Match Rating: 71


[We are now taken to the backstage interview area where we see Richard Eisen. Standing to Richard’s right is Christian Faith and Jack Bruce. Standing to Richard’s left is Rich Money and standing a little distance away from Rich Money is the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen and Eric’s personal bodyguard Enforcer Roberts. Richard looks at all five men with a grin on his face before he begins to talk.]




Richard Eisen: Before I tell you why you are all here, I just want to give you all a friendly warning. Think of this as a neutral zone. While I am talking to you I want all of you to be on your best behavior, which means keep your hands to yourself…I am here to talk to you and I do not want this to end in a wild brawl.


With all that being said gentlemen, I am sure you are all wondering why I asked you to join me here. Well I have to say Jack, Rich, Christian and Eric the four of you impressed me last Sunday at Awesome Impact. The four of you entertained me and as you know that is not the easiest thing to do.


After Awesome Impact was done with I started to think what would be the best main event possible for tonight. Well my first thought was to have a Fatal Four-Way match for the SWF World Championship…


[The camera shows a close-up of Eric, who looks like he is about to crap his track pants after hearing what his father just said.]




Richard Eisen: I soon changed my mind; after all if I were to have a Fatal Four-Way match with the four of you, I would not want to give that match away on free TV. So then I thought…why not have Rich and Jack face off against each other and Christian and Eric face off against each other...you know as rematches from Awesome Impact.


Then I thought better of it because I would never give matches that good away on free TV. Finally, it came to me…tonight’s main event is going to be Christian Faith and Jack Bruce taking on Rich Money and Eric Eisen in a tag team match!


[Jack and Christian turn and look at each other with grins on their respective faces and they shake hands because they know that they will be able to get along with each other and this could very well be the easiest victory either one of them have had in recent memory.


Rich just stands there counting a wad of cash, he is only somewhat paying attention to what Richard is saying but if it does not have to do with the SWF Championship, he really does not care all that much.


Eric, on the other hand, is very much paying attention to what his father is saying. He is not at all happy over the fact that he has to be involved in a match involving the three main contenders to his title.]




Eric Eisen: Papa, why are you doing this to me? Don’t you know that the three of these guys all want my SWF World Heavyweight Championship? I…I can’t get in the ring with them…my…um…back is starting to hurt me….


[As Eric clutches his back, Richard just stares at his son for a moment before he addresses what his son has just said.]




Richard Eisen: Son, if you do not compete in the match tonight I will strip you of the SWF Championship and I will make tonight’s main event a Three-Way Elimination match for the SWF World Title.


[Eric’s eyes dart back and forth for a moment before he sheepishly smiles at his father.]




Eric Eisen: Well what do you know papa…it would appear that my back pain was just a momentary flare up. I think that I should be good to go for the main event.




Richard Eisen: Good, I am glad you are healthy again son…




Joe Sexy vs. Enforcer Roberts





  • Enforcer Roberts dominated the early portion of this match but he was not able to put Joe away.
  • The fans started chanting, “Here we goooo Joooooe, here we go!” this seemed to spark something inside of Joe and he started to fight back.
  • Finally, Joe was able to pick up the victory after he hit Roberts with a One Night Stand.


Winner: Joe Sexy

Time: 8:43

Match Rating: 75


[After the match is over with, Enforcer Roberts rolls out of the ring as Joe Sexy plays to the crowd for a little bit. Unfortunately for Joe he does not see Squeeky McClean enter the ring (Yes Squeeky is wearing a surgical mask and has a pair of rubber gloves on.). Squeeky hits Joe in the back of his neck with a forearm, which causes Joe to stumble forward.


Squeeky then turns Joe around and starts nailing him with punches. Joe doesn’t do much because it seems like he is not really sure what is going on. The temporary moment of confusion on Joe’s part goes away and Joe begins to fight back. Squeeky puts an end to that after he kicks Joe in his nether region which causes Joe to fall the mat in pain. Squeeky just stands there admiring what he has done to Joe as we go to commercial.]


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that as a teenager in the late 1980’s SWF Superstar Everest was part of the boy band Paradise Town?]


[Once again we head to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Rich Money.]




Jerry Eisen: Rich tonight you will be the tag team partner of my brother and the two of you will be facing off against Christian Faith and Jack Bruce. Do you think you can coexist on the same team as my brother?


[Rich smiles for a moment before he begins to speak.]




Rich Money: Do I think I can coexist with your brother? Well the short answer is yes, I can coexist with your brother tonight and I will coexist with him tonight.


Eric and I actually have a lot in common. We are both members of the one percent; we both enjoy the finest food, women, and cars that money can buy. The only thing that makes us at odds with each other is the fact that he has something that I want and that something is the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.


I am willing to put my urge to be the next SWF World Champion behind me for this one night and I am willing to work with your brother. Eric and I are not going to be the disjointed team that Jack and Christian think we will be.


No, tonight I am going to do everything in my power to pick of the victory. The reason for this is I am hoping that I will impress your father and the SWF Championship Committee enough that when the time comes around to decide who the new number one contender is, they will choose me. If that means working with your brother so be it. That Jerry is something that you can bank on.




Lobster Warrior vs. Vengeance





  • Vengeance wasted no time in going right at Lobster Warrior (LW), as soon as LW entered the ring Vengeance went at him.
  • Both men exchanged strikes in near the ropes for a bit before Vengeance was able to get the upper hand.
  • Vengeance knocked LW to the outside of the ring and he soon joined LW on the outside.
  • LW and Vengeance began brawling at ringside as Referee Darren Smith started his ten-count.
  • The highlight of the brawl on the outside of the ring was when Vengeance threw LW into the steel ring steps.
  • I should also point out that it seems that LW and Vengeance have great chemistry and it really showed in their performance tonight.
  • Once both men got back into the ring Vengeance was in control but he could not manage to put LW away.
  • LW fought back and was able to mount a comeback.
  • That comeback was rather short lived as Vengeance was able to secure the win after he finished LW off with a Skull Krusher.


Winner: Vengeance

Time: 12:53

Match Rating: 79


[The match is done and Vengeance looks down at Lobster Warrior, who is very slowly gets up from the mat. Lobster looks cautiously at Vengeance and because he was distracted by Vengeance he did not see Angry Gilmore enter the ring and blindside him. Angry then begins raining down punches to Lobster Warrior’s face.


While this is going on Vengeance just stands near the ring ropes, with his arms folded and his head cocked to one side. Gilmore gets up and heads over to where the ring attendant is and he demands that she get him a microphone. The ring attendant complies and upon getting the microphone Gilmore gets down on his hands and keens and begins yelling in Lobster Warrior’s face.]




Angry Gilmore: Did you honestly think I was done with you? I will not rest until you give up that stupid Lobster outfit! I…


[Just then Vengeance grabs Gilmore by the back of the neck and forces Gilmore to stand up. Once on his feet Gilmore turns around and get right in Vengeance’s face and he starts yelling at Vengeance. Most of what he said was not picked up by either the microphone that Gilmore had or by the microphone on the camera. When Gilmore is done talking, Vengeance just stands there staring at Gilmore with his head cocked to the side.


Gilmore shoves Vengeance and goes tries to go back after Lobster Warrior, but Vengeance did not take too kindly to being shoved and he spins Gilmore around nails Gilmore with a right hook. Being hit by the right hook causes Gilmore to stagger backwards towards the ring ropes. Vengeance slowly walks towards Gilmore; this causes Gilmore to leave the ring because he wants no part in fighting Vengeance.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RichMoney_alt1.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg


Christian Faith & Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money & Eric Eisen with Enforcer Roberts


[Duane Fry said that Floyd Goldworthy would not be on the show tonight as he suffered a concussion when Rich Money pushed him out of the ring during the Pay-Per-View.]





  • As soon as the bell rang the match broke down as all four men started brawling with their respective rival at the start of the match.
  • Bruce and Money ended up outside of the ring and they continued brawling at ringside.
  • Christian and Eric fought in the center of the ring with both men getting some offense in on their opponent, that was until they two ended up on the outside of the ring.
  • Referee Shane Stones tried to restore order in the match as he told the wrestlers to get back into the ring.
  • They finally did with Jack and Rich becoming the legal men in the match.
  • Jack was in control of the match for about a minute and he even managed to get knock Rich down and cover him for the pin.
  • Eric entered the ring and broke-up the pin when he kicked Jack in the back.
  • Jack got up and went after Eric, punching Eric in the jaw as Eric stood on the ring apron in his corner.
  • Jack then turned around to see Rich charging at him and nailing him in the heel’s corner with a vicious clothesline.
  • For the next few minutes the heels kept Jack in their corner, making quick tags and using double team tactics on Jack.
  • Every time Jack would look like he was going to be able to tag Christian into the match either Eric or Rich would stop him from doing so and they would drag Jack back to the heel’s corner.
  • The fans began a new chant tonight in order to encourage Jack as they kept shouting, “Let’s rock! Let’s Rock!”
  • This seemed to bring Jack back to life as he managed to fight his way out of the heel’s corner and he was able to make the hot-tag.
  • Christian went nuts upon entering the ring, he first hit Eric with a dropkick (Yes even at his advanced age he can still do the occasional dropkick.) and he then clotheslined Rich over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
  • Christian then decided to do something that was even crazier than dropkicking someone.
  • As a very groggy Rich was trying to clear the cobwebs from his head, after being sent to the outside of the ring, Christian leaped over the top rope and hit Rich with a flying shoulder block!
  • The fans in the crowd could not believe that as Christian very rarely does anything even remotely like that.
  • On commentary Peter Michaels said, “Folks I cannot believe what I just saw! Christian Faith is forty-three years old and he is still willing to take risks with his body in order to secure a victory!”
  • As Referee Shane Stones began his ten-count, Christian was the legal man in the ring for the fan favorites; Enforcer Roberts entered the ring and went after Jack.
  • Roberts hit Jack with a low blow and he placed Eric on top of Jack for the pin.
  • Eric screamed at Shane Stones to count the pinfall but Shane would not as only Eric was the legal man and Jack was not.
  • An infuriated Eric leaves the ring to go get Christian and try to get him into the ring.
  • By this time Christian had recovered from his high flying move he did moments earlier and he and Eric began to brawl at ringside.
  • Neither man was able to get back into the ring before the count of ten which forced Shane Stones to throw the match out due to a double count-out.


Winners: There were no winners in this match; Referee Shane Stones has ruled this match a draw due to it ending in a double count-out.

Time: 19:10

Match Rating: 90


[The ringside brawling did not end once the match had ended instead all four combatants continued to brawl at ringside. However, with Enforcer Roberts being out there the heels had the numbers advantage.


Eric, Roberts, and Rich made quick work of Christian and Jack. That was until Bruce the Giant came down to the ring. Upon seeing Bruce the Giant the heels scattered like cockroaches when you turn on the lights. Bruce enters the ring as Rich, Eric, and Roberts scurry up the aisle to get away from the Australian giant.


As Bruce is checking on his fallen friends, Marat Khoklov comes out onto the stage. Bruce, realizing that something of importance was happening on the stage, turns around and looks at Marat. As we go off the air, Marat just stands on the stage punching is right fist against the palm of his left hand.]


Post-Show Thoughts:


1. I will freely admit that I was not happy with how I ended the Richard Eisen segment. The ending was sort of flat, I just could not think of a decent way to end it.


2. For some odd reason the picture of Bruce the Giant is showing up as its regular size on my screen. I edited it down on Photobucket, so I am not sure what it wrong with it.


3. Speaking of Bruce, I have had Bruce under contract from the restart of the diary. I had just signed him away from USPW when my old computer crashed so when I restarted this diary on my new computer I assigned him to the SWF.


My reason for hiring him was because he is Bruce the Giant. What is not to love with his worldwide popularity? I really wanted to hurt USPW by signing Nicky Champion away, but sadly he refused to sign with me and he would rather sign a PPA with USPW over a written contract with me. Nobody said Nicky was a great businessman I suppose.


4. I relied way too much on the post-match attack for this show. I tend to use that angle a lot, I am not sure if it is because I lack the imagination to do something else or what but I know I overused it on this show.


5. I think this will be my match write-up style for now, meaning for undercard matches that are on Supreme TV I might only right three or four lines of summary. For major matches on Supreme TV, I will write more lines. Pay-Per-Views will be written much like how I wrote Awesome Impact.


I know I am not the best when it comes to match write-ups but I do want to give this diary a more detailed write-up when it comes to Pay-Per-Views. So I shall stick with what I am doing for now.

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Vengeance face turn...? Interesting, he could easily be part of the "cartoon-joker-gimmick-losers" that Gilmore hates so much.


Also, I don't think your match style is too long, but if you're having trouble finishing shows, then I'm all for cutting a few lines here and there.


Bruce the Giant looks nothing like I picture (considering I picture him as sockpuppet's Andre alt :D ...at least I think it's by sockpuppet). would be interesting to see a Giant-Faith match-up down the line, I think.


Lastly, (and no, I didn't save the best for last) is it because of the hair, or does Enforcer Roberts look like Joe Sexy, plus a porn-'stache? :rolleyes:

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Vengeance face turn...? Interesting, he could easily be part of the "cartoon-joker-gimmick-losers" that Gilmore hates so much.


Also, I don't think your match style is too long, but if you're having trouble finishing shows, then I'm all for cutting a few lines here and there.


Bruce the Giant looks nothing like I picture (considering I picture him as sockpuppet's Andre alt :D ...at least I think it's by sockpuppet). would be interesting to see a Giant-Faith match-up down the line, I think.


Lastly, (and no, I didn't save the best for last) is it because of the hair, or does Enforcer Roberts look like Joe Sexy, plus a porn-'stache? :rolleyes:


Yeah I think Sockpuppet does a great job when it comes to rendering but that is one render that I am not a fan of. I am not sure why but I get annoyed when people use that render for Bruce.


Funny thing is I was toying around with the idea of putting Joe and Roberts together in a tag team called the Black Shirts. However, from a historical viewpoint I am not sure if I should take that road.

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@ michgcs: Mainly thanks to the (imo) rather abysmal original renders of the game, MANY guys look alike (not alive though >_<) ... that's no criticism for this diary though, just so you know.


Anyways, another enjoyable read - I like the style of match write ups (and might let me be 'inspired' by it down the line ^^) and ... Everest in a boyband? LMAO, good stuff there buddy.

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Supreme Uprising Episode 3:




Location: St. Paul, Minnesota

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.49

Overall Show Rating: 56


[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]




[We start the show off at the announcer’s desk where Jerry Eisen and Alex Braun are seated. The two of them give us a rundown of the matches that will take place on tonight’s show.]



The So Cal Express vs. Death Row




Death Row defeated The SoCal Express, when Shady K put James Michael down with a Death Sentence.


Time: 6:43

Match Rating: 58


[Our cameras now take us to the back where we see Runaway Train is sitting on a bench in a locker room lacing up his boots when a rather attractive blond haired woman enters the locker room. The normally stoned faced Train looks up at the young lady and smiles.]




Runaway Train: Hey kitten how are you doing? Have you come to watch your old man wrestle?


[The young woman looks a little embarrassed over the fact that her father just called her kitten once again, after all she feels that she outgrew that nickname ten years ago.]




Lisa Bowen: Um…not…not exactly dad. I mean of course I want to see you wrestle…but…ah…I actually came to see a friend tonight.


[Runaway Train’s whole demeanor changes upon hearing that his little girl is at the show tonight to see a friend. The once smiling Train is now clearly biting his lower lip in anger and he also has a bit of a scowl on his face.]




Runaway Train: What do you mean you’ve come to see a friend tonight? Who is this friend that you’ve come to see? Is he a wrestler?


[Lisa looks anxious over her father’s interrogation, she knows exactly how her father gets when he is angry and she does not want to make him even angrier.]




Lisa Bowen: Dad…I would rather not say who it is. I mean…I know how you get when I am around guys. That vein pops out of your forehead and you start biting your lower lip…I assure you that nothing is going on between my friend and I. We are friends…there is nothing more to it dad.


So please don’t go out on the warpath and try to beat up my friend. Because there is truly nothing going on between us other than friendship...and that is all. Now daddy, I’m going to go out to my seat and watch you pick up the win.


[Lisa kisses her father on the forehead and gives him a hug. Train tries to feign a smile but it is clear he is not too happy about his little girl being “friends” with a wrestler. After Lisa leaves the locker room Train begins muttering to himself.]




Runaway Train: Just friends…I’m gonna have a nice little talk with her…friend, when I find out who it is.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BartBiggz.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/MarcDuBois.jpg


Bart Biggz with Jessie vs. Marc DuBois




Marc DuBois defeated Bart Biggz, after Marc forced Bart to tap out to the Model Solution.


Time: 10:35

Match Rating: 66


[After the match is over with SWF Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah (Who is obviously not backstage right now, but she is wearing a rather tight red dress so that is a plus.) walks over to Marc.]




Hannah: Marc doo boys I would like to congratulate you on a successful victory…


[Marc stands there for a moment looking at Hannah with complete disgust over her botching his last name.]




Marc DuBois:My last name is not do boys! It is pronounced doo bwah, you stupid American bimbo. I’ll tell you what why don’t you just stand there and look pretty like you are paid to do and let me address the viewers and the SWF at large.


What you just did to me was very disrespectful. Being disrespected here in the SWF is no longer surprising to me. When I joined the SWF, my future was so bright…I was the new young lion who was going to be headlining The Supreme Challenge in a couple of years. Well those years have come and gone and I have hardly had any upward momentum in my career.


That just shows you how disrespectful the SWF has been to me, in me they have a future SWF World Champion and yet they do not want to give me to opportunity to succeed. I am being held back and I do not understand why.


I actually have a question for you Hannah. When was the last time you saw me on any SWF programing?


[Hannah just looks at Marc with a blank expression on her face; she then shrugs her shoulders because she does not know the answer to his question.]




Marc DuBois: You don’t know eh? That doesn’t surprise me because it has been such a long time. The last time I was on an SWF television show was back in November of last year.


Why is that the case? Was I hurt during that period?


No I was not…so I have to think that I have intentionally been held off the air because the older wrestlers are jealous of my obvious talent. They do not want to be beaten by a twenty-two year old prodigy. Because of that fact I have been stuck wrestling in dark matches for the past four months!


Well that is not going to happen a-gain because tonight I am putting the SWF front office and locker room on notice; I demand to be on television every week. If I am held off a-gain, I will force my way on to SWF programming because I am the future of this industry I am the Prodigy!




Robbie Retro vs. Runaway Train


[Prior to the start of the match we see Lisa Bowen sitting at ringside.]




Runaway Train took all of his rage out on Robbie Retro and secured a victory after he crushed Robbie with a Train Wreck. It should be noted that these two men did not seem to click; this made the match a little awkward.


Time: 8:50

Match Rating: 61


[it is now time to head to the backstage area, more specifically the office of SWF Owner Richard Eisen. Inside Richard’s office are Cowboy Roy Hickok and Dylan Palmer.]




Richard Eisen: Gentlemen, what can I do for the two of you tonight?




Dylan Palmer: Well two weeks ago I was in a tag match with Everest and after we lost that match he attacked me for no reason. Now I understand this is professional wrestling and dudes get attacked all of the time for no reason. But what Everest did to me two weeks ago and what he did to Roy last week…well that was just not cool.




Cowboy Roy Hickok: You’re darn tootin it wasn’t right. If this was the old west I would’ve challenged that big fella to meet me in the middle of the street at high noon. But this ain’t the old west and I ain’t Gary Cooper…so what I’ll do is ask that you put Dylan and I in a handicap match against him.


The hombre needs to be thought a lesson and I reckon we’re the two guys to teach him that lesson.




Dylan Palmer: Yeah so what do you say dude…




Richard Eisen: That is Mister Eisen to you…I am not one of your surfing buddies…




Dylan Palmer: My bad…so what do you say Mister Eisen? Will you let us take the big man down and show him that he can’t be going around attacking his tag team partners?


[Richard stands there for a moment pondering their request before he finally gives them an answer.]




Richard Eisen: Yes the two of you can face Everest in a handicap match. However, I am going to ask that the two of you sign waivers because I will not be held accountable if something happens to you in your match.




Dylan Palmer: Whatever bro, just give us the contracts and we will be good to go!




Cowboy Roy Hickok & Dylan Palmer vs. Everest




Everest defeated Cowboy Roy Hickok & Dylan Palmer, after he put Dylan down with Tidal Wave Splash.


Time: 6:30

Match Rating: 43


[it is now time to once again head to the back, more specifically to the dressing room of Death Row. We see Shady K and Knuckles sitting on metal folding chairs shooting the breeze.]




Shady K: It feels good to get a win tonight son.




Knuckles: Sure did and best of all we didn’t have to deal with the Frederique creep.


[Just then almost as if it was on cue, Frederique Antonio Garcia shows up at the door to Death Row’s dressing room. Yes he is wearing his rainbow colored bandana and yes he is holding two more rainbow colored bandanas in his right hand.]




FA Garcia: Knock, knock, may I come in boys?




Shady K: Nah son, you can’t come in here.




Knuckles: Yeah man, we ain’t got time to listen to you and your crap.


[FA, completely oblivious to what the members of Death Row have told him, enters the locker room and begins to talk.]




FA Garcia: You girls are going to want to hear what I have to say…trust that. You know how last week you two girls got all catty with me and said I cost you the match? Well I watched the match over again and…I must say I looked fierce…um…where was I…oh yes I watched the match over again and I found out that you bitches were right…


[shady does not seem at all happy about being called a bitch. He stands up and gets right in FA Garcia’s face.]




Shady K: Who you be callin a bitch son? They only bitch in this room is you son!


[FA smiles playfully at Shady and licks the lip-gloss on his lips before he continues speaking.]




FA Garcia: Now, now, there is no need to get all hostile with me. I do like it when a man gets all aggressive with me, but now is not the time to talk about that.


As I was saying I felt bad for costing the both of you ladies the match so I have decided to give you my spot in the tournament. I was told I needed to find a partner, but I was unable to do so…which is the story of my life it is so hard to find a partner…anyway I decided that I would give up my spot in the tournament as a way of saying I’m sorry. So what do you girls say are we BFF’s again? Can we all get together and kiss and make up?


[shady and Knuckles look at each other, non-verbally saying to each other, “Is this guy for real?” Shady then puts his hand out for FA to shake and says to him.]




Shady K: Yeah man we good, I ain’t kissing ya and you ain’t my boy but we be good.


[FA smiles and shakes Shady’s hand.]




Fa Garcia: This is fabulous! Now let’s go out and have some Cosmos!




Shady K: Nah I said we’re good but we ain’t that good son.




FA Garcia: Your loss hun, because after I get a few drinks in me I get frisky and I start singing Judy Garland sons. Bye bitches…


[FA leaves the room and Shady and Knuckles just stare at each other in disbelief over the conversation they just had.]




Gregory Black vs. John Greed


[During this match SWF North American Champion Brandon James joined Jerry and Alex on commentary. He told Alex and Jerry that he was there to scout future opponents. Brandon then proceeded to spend most of the match cracking on Alex.


Brandon’s most memorable comment to Alex was, “So Alex you finally decided to hang your boots up and retire. You changed your ring gear in for a cheap suit from Sears. That is very commendable of you; after all I hate it when an athlete continues to wrestle past his prime. Oh wait…you wrestled past your prime about ten years ago.”]




Gregory Black defeated John Greed, when Gregory finished Greed off with a Fade to Black.


Time: 9:43

Match Rating: 64


[After the match is over with, a victorious Gregory Black leaves the ring and walks over to where Lisa Bowen is sitting. Lisa has a huge smile on her face and she is clapping ecstatically for Gregory. Gregory says something to Lisa and she gives him a hug.


At this point the cameras cut to the back where we see Runaway Train watching his daughter hug Gregory Black on a television monitor. Train, whose fists are clenched, is fuming over the public display of affection that his daughter is showing to Gregory.


Just then, poor banged up Dylan Palmer just so happens to walk by Train. Runaway Train glares at Dylan before he pushes the already hurt Dylan to the ground. Runaway Train then mutters something to himself and walks away.]


Round One Match in the March Mayhem Tournament:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AmericanMachine_alt.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AtomSmasher.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


American Machine & Captain Atomic vs. The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase




In a match where Big Smack Scott was really off his game, The Pain Alliance defeated American Machine & Captain Atomic to advance into the second round of the March Mayhem Tournament. The victory came after Kurt Laramee Switchblade Powerslammed American Machine and then covered Machine for the victory.


Winners and advancing into the Second Round of the March Mayhem Tournament: The Pain Alliance

Time: 11:09

Match Rating: 61






Post-Show Thoughts:


1. I actually enjoy writing the B-Show more than the A-Show. With the A-Show I am always worried about match ratings and angle ratings. However, with the B-Show it does not matter. I can put on any crap and it will not hurt me. Which is why guys like Death Row and Everest are featured on here. I will probably never use them on the main show, hell they probably will not ever be on any PPV's but I still am glad I get to use them in some capacity.


2. I think this is the first Uprising Show that I have done what I set out to do with my B-Show, mainly making the workers on it to have storylines and feuds that will be on this show and this show alone.


3.When I first had the idea to do an SWF diary I wanted to have a feud between Runaway Train and someone else over the love of his daughter. I was not sure which wrestler I wanted in the role of her paramour but then it came to me that Gregory Black would be the perfect fit. He is young enough so this role would not be out of the realm of possibility.


4. Finally we get to see the beginning of the rise of Marc DuBois. I have intentionally kept him off the main show because I felt that the B-Show needed a worker that the show will be built around. I hope I can do that with Marc.


The joke about his last name came from one of my friends when I was a kid. His last name was DuBois and we used to pronounce it DooBoys just to bust his balls. He would always correct us saying it was DoBwah not DooBoys but it never mattered that poor kid was called DooBoys until he got out of High School.:D


Anyways, another enjoyable read - I like the style of match write ups (and might let me be 'inspired' by it down the line ^^) and ... Everest in a boyband? LMAO, good stuff there buddy.


Well I take no credit for the match write-up style. I lifted it from Jingo so he gets all the credit for it.


I am glad someone liked the Everest fun fact. I just thought it would be funny because it is so absurd picturing a teenaged Everest in a boy band. Who knows, maybe he is like Marlon Brando and he put on a ton of weight as he got older.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SWF1.jpg</span><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Supreme TV Episode 11</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></span></strong><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SWF.jpg</span></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Location: Orlando, Florida </span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 5.77 </span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.40 </span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;"> Overall Show Rating: 82</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> [The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.</p><p> </p><p> We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. The voice of Peter Michaels is heard welcoming us to Orlando, Florida for Supreme TV.]</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/PeterMichaels_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DuaneFry_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AnaGarcia_alt2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> [instead of having a long opening segment in the ring to start the show off, we go right to the announcer’s table were Supreme TV’s commentary team of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Anna Garcia who are sitting at the announcer’s desk near ringside. The three of them discuss the matches that we shall see tonight. It is now time to head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.]</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SteveFrehley.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Aristocrat.jpg</span><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Steve Frehley vs. Paul Huntingdon</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SWF-1.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Match:</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><ul><li>Paul and Steve have good chemistry when facing each other so that enhanced the quality of this match.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Both men got an equal amount of offense during the first few minutes of the match.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Paul soon took control of the match and it really looked like he had Steve’s number tonight and was going to walk out of the ring with a victory.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>That was not meant to be as Steve was able to mount a comeback and he put an end to Paul’s night after he nailed him with Frehley's Comet.<br /></li></ul><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Winner: Steve Frehley</strong></p><p><strong> Time: 8:57</strong></p><p><strong> Match Rating: 77</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[After the match is done, Supreme TV backstage correspondent Jerry Eisen rushes down to the ring to talk with Steve who is heading up the ramp to stage where the wrestlers come out.]<p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JerryEisen_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen: </strong> Steve…if I could have a moment of your time I would like to ask you a question.</p><p> </p><p> [steve stops and looks at Jerry, Steve is not really interested in answering questions but he feels obligated to do so.]</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JerryEisen_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen: </strong> Over the past two months you have seemed to be distracted during your matches. Would you care to tell us why this is the case?</p><p> </p><p> [steve looks at Jerry for a moment and it is clear that Steve does not want to answer this question, but once again he decides to provide an answer.]</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SteveFrehley.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steve Frehley:</strong> Jerry…I’m going to be honest with you, my gut wants me to tell you it is none of your damn business what is going on with me. But I feel that I owe the fans an explanation as to why I have not been giving it my all recently.</p><p> </p><p> After I lost to Vengeance at Nothing to Lose, I began questioning who I was and what I was fighting for. To be honest with you Jerry, I do not have an answer to those questions and that is why I have been going through the motions lately. I think after tonight I am going to take some time to figure out exactly who I am and why I am in the SWF…that is all I have to say right now Jerry.</p><p> </p><p> [As we head into the first commercial break of the evening, Steve walks through the curtain and into the backstage area as Jerry looks confused by what Steve just said.]</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[upon returning from commercial break, we see SWF Owner Richard Eisen standing in the center of the ring. He nods his head at the crew member that has just informed him that they are back from commercial break and he begins to speak.]<p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RichardEisen.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Richard Eisen: </strong> Ladies and gentlemen, last week the main event on Supreme TV ended in chaos. That did not please me as I am very much a man who wants results! Therefore, tonight I have decided to have a rematch of sorts. </p><p> </p><p> Tonight the team of Bruce the Giant, Christian Faith, and Jack Bruce will face off against Eric Eisen, Rich Money, and Enforcer Roberts! This match will have no time limit and there will also be a no disqualification. Anything goes in the main event tonight and there will be an end to the match because damn it I demand results!</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of my needs for results, at our last Pay-Per-View my son successfully defended his SWF World Heavyweight Championship. There was a result in that match but the in my opinion the result was tainted. So I have decided that at next month’s The World is Watching Pay-Per-View my son will once again defend his SWF World Heavyweight Championship against Christian Faith. This time there will be no tainted result as both Enforcer Roberts and Marat Khoklov will be banned from ringside and I have decided that I will be the special guest referee.</p><p> </p><p> Now I do not want that match to overwhelmingly favor Christian and so I have decided that if Christian is unable to beat my son at The World is Watching Pay-Per-View, he will never be allowed to wrestle for the SWF World Championship again. This seems like it is a very fair way of doing things.</p><p> </p><p> I have one more piece of business that I would like to talk about before I leave the ring. That piece of business concerns Rich Money and Jack Bruce. As you know Jack defeated Rich at last month’s Pay-Per-View but Rich claims that he lost that match due to outside interference. I am not exactly inclined to agree with that statement but Rich has been persistent in wanting to prove that he can indeed beat Jack Bruce so I am going to give him another shot at The World is Watching.</p><p> </p><p> Rich I want you to know that if you beat Jack you might just be in line for another crack at the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. If you lose…well it will be to the back of the line for you once again.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[We cut to the backstage area where we see Vengeance walking down a corridor. Soon we see Angry Gilmore walking towards Vengeance. Gilmore stands right in Vengeance’s path making sure Vengeance cannot continue his journey. Vengeance stops and tilts his head to the side and just stares at the pissed off Gilmore.]<p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AngryGilmore.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Angry Gilmore:</strong> What’s your deal? Why did you attack me last week? What I was doing was none of your concern…</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SkullDeBones_alt.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Vengeance:</strong> My deal…the only deal that I have is with my master the Dark Lord. He commands me to destroy you foolish mortals and I carry out his commands. I am merely just vessel for him to carry out his dark deeds. </p><p> </p><p> Last week when you began your conflict against the man who calls himself Lobster Warrior, I was made aware that you must meet your doom. My Dark Lord commanded me to destroy you…to tear your soul apart…</p><p> </p><p> [Gilmore glares at Vengeance for a moment before he talks. Outwardly Gilmore does not seem to be afraid of Vengeance but when he begins to talk one can tell that there is a hint of fear in his voice.]</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AngryGilmore.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Angry Gilmore: </strong> Dark Lord….tearing my soul apart…give me a break. If you are trying to make me scared…well…you are doing a piss poor job of it.</p><p> </p><p> [Just then Vengeance grabs Gilmore by the throat and begins to strangle Gilmore more. Just seconds later a whole team of SWF officials come over to where the two men are and they manage to pry Vengeance’s hand off Gilmore’s throat. Gilmore falls to the ground coughing as half dozen SWF officials keep Vengeance from getting at Gilmore and causing any further damage to him.]</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[As the competitors for our next match make their way down to the ring, the commentary team discusses one of the competitors in the next match Marc DuBois.]<p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/PeterMichaels_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Peter Michaels: </strong> Well last week on SWF Uprising Marc DuBois complained about how the SWF higher-ups have kept him off television for the past few months. I guess all that complaining he did worked, because he is taking part in his first Supreme TV match since November.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DuaneFry_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Duane Fry:</strong> That’s right Peter, but something tells me the man who has taken to calling himself the Prodigy is going to be kept on a short leash. Meaning if he does not impress the SWF brass, he will probably end up fighting in dark matches once again.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/MikeyJames.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/MarcDuBois.jpg</span><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> James Michael vs. Marc DuBois </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SWF-1.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Match:</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><ul><li>Right out of the gate Marc made it known that he was not here to play as he speared James down onto the ring mat and tried to cover him for the pin.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>For his part, James did manage to get in some offense but it was not nearly enough to secure the victory.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>In the end Marc forced James to tap out to the Model Solution.</li></ul><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Winner: Marc DuBois </strong></p><p><strong> Time: 6:07</strong></p><p><strong> Match Rating: 71</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Bruce the Giant, Jack Bruce, and Christian Faith.]<p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JerryEisen_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen: </strong> Tonight we will see the three men here with me, taking on the team of Rich Money, Enforcer Roberts and my brother Eric Eisen in the main event. Christian earlier tonight my father said that you would get your rematch for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at The World is Watching Pay-Per-View. </p><p> </p><p> How do you feel about the stipulations in that match, with Enforcer Roberts and Marat banned from ringside, my father being special guest referee and the biggest stipulation of them all if you do not win you will never be allowed to challenge for the SWF World Title again.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Christian Faith: </strong> How do I feel Jerry? Son…I feel great! </p><p> </p><p> That stipulation don’t bother me none, cuz at The World is Watching I’m gonna make history in that there building as I’m gonna walk out of there as the first ever five time SWF World Heavyweight Champion. I ain’t sayin that cuz I’m cocky, I’m sayin that cuz I have Faith. Faith in the knowledge that I’m gonna go down to that there ring and whoop your brother’s bee-hind from pillar to post.</p><p> </p><p> Just like tonight, me and my boys here are gonna kick ass and take names. And Eric if you wanna bring that big ol’ Russian Giant down to the ring tonight he will be more than welcome to join the fun. And this man right here will be his welcoming committee. Ain’t that right Bruce?</p><p> </p><p> [bruce the Giant has a huge grin on his face as he beings to talk.]</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrucetheGiant.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bruce the Giant: </strong> That’s right mate. Marat, if you’ve got the stones to come at me and prove who is the real giant here in the SWF, I will be more than happy to show you why my name struck fear in the hearts of many people here in the SWF. So mate anytime anyplace you want to go, let’s go. </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JerryEisen_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jerry Eisen: </strong> Jack I have noticed for the second week in a row your advisor Floyd Goldworthy is not with you. I have to ask, where is Floyd?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> Floyd is at his home still recuperating from the concussion he received at the hands of Rich Money. You know Rich Money, you thought I was motivated before to kick your ass…well I am even more motivated now that you have hurt one of my friends. You see Rich Money, you want to use me as a stepping stone…as a way for you to get to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.</p><p> </p><p> Well to quote Micky Dolenz, I’m not your stepping stone. I am so happy that Mister Eisen saw fit to put us on opposing teams in the main event tonight because that gives me yet another opportunity to beat your ass. Rich as long as there is breath in my lungs, I am going to do everything possible so that you don’t get a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.</p><p> </p><p> Now Christian, Bruce, and the entire city of Orlando, I have one question for you. Are you ready to rock?</p><p> </p><p> [Christian and Bruce shout yes as we also here the crowd roars back with a collective yes.]</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Bruce:</strong> Well then let’s rock!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RobbieRetro.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Remo.jpg</span><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Robbie Retro vs. Remo</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SWF-1.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Match:</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><ul><li>Remo thought that tonight was going to be an easy night for him that he would go down to the ring and make quick work of Robbie, well Remo thought wrong.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Robbie put up a fight and actually was in control of the match for a good portion of the match. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>However, when all was said and done Remo was able to secure the victory after he put Robbie down with his finisher The Destroyer.</li></ul><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Winner: Remo</strong></p><p><strong> Time: 10:53</strong></p><p><strong> Match Rating: 82</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JungleJack.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SqueekyMcClean.jpg</span><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Jungle Lord vs. Squeeky McClean</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SWF-1.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Match:</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><ul><li>Prior to the start of the match, Squeeky told Referee Shane Stones that he would not wrestle Jungle Lord until Jungle Lord agreed to have Shane squirt hand sanitizer on his hands.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Jungle Lord clearly did not understand what Shane was saying and so when Shane squirted it into his right hand, Jungle Lord licked it off his hands and smiled, much to the disgust of Squeeky.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>This was a very good match as Squeeky and Jungle Lord (JL) have great in-ring chemistry. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Both men got an equal amount of offense in during the match.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>At one point Squeeky decided it would be in his best interest to engage JL in a slugfest in the center of the ring, well that turned out to be unwise as JL got the better of him in that battle.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Squeeky looked like he was about to pick up the victory after raked the eyes of JL when Referee Shane Stones was out of position to see him do it.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Squeeky then hits JL with his finisher the Stain Removal and covers JL for the pin.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Before Referee Shane Stones could slap his hand on the mat for three times, Joe Sexy entered the ring and kicked Squeeky in his back.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>This meant that Shane Stones had to call an end to the match and award the match to Squeeky due to disqualification.</li></ul><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Winner by way of disqualification: Squeeky McClean</strong></p><p><strong> Time: 11:21</strong></p><p><strong> Match Rating: 84 </strong></p><p> </p><p> [Joe and Squeeky begin to brawl in the ring before SWF officials rush down to the ring and separate the two of them.]</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrucetheGiant.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RichMoney_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg</span><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Bruce the Giant vs. Enforcer Roberts, Rich Money, Eric Eisen</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/SWF-1.jpg</span></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Match: </strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><ul><li>The match starts out with Eric in the ring with Jack, Jack looks out to the crowd and asks them if they want to see Christian in the ring instead and the crowd shouts back yes.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Jack tags Christian into the match and Eric quickly runs over to his corner and tags Enforcer Roberts into the match. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Christian and Roberts go back and forth for a bit then Roberts makes his way over to his corner and tags Rich Money into the match.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>At this point the heels take over the match as Rich manages to bring Christian down to the mat. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>The heel team then kept Christian in their corner, working on Christian’s right leg.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Christian was soon able to muster up the strength to fight out of the heel’s corner and he was able to hot-tag Bruce the Giant into the match.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Bruce then proceeded to nail the charging Rich Money with a foot to Rich’s face.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Roberts entered the ring and Bruce nailed him with a vicious clothesline.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>While all of this was going on, Eric stood on the ring apron with a look of utter fear on his face.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>As Bruce came lumbering towards Eric, Eric jumped off the ring apron and onto the arena floor, he then pleaded with Referee Ric Young for a time-out.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>A hobbled Christian was not going to allow Eric that time-out, as he went after his former student and the two of them began to brawl at ringside.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>As Eric and Christian brawl at ringside, Jack and Bruce take turns beating on Enforcer Roberts.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Poor Roberts is basically a human pinball machine as Jack punched him and then he would stagger towards Bruce and Bruce would punch him, Roberts soon fell to the mat and Jack made the pin.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>The pin was to no avail as Rich managed to get to his feet, after lying on the mat for about a minute, and breakup the pin.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Jack and Rich began trading strikes as Bruce went over to take care of Roberts.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>This portion of the match was truly a cluster you know what as everyone was taking part in separate brawls, with this being a no count-out, no disqualification match there was not a thing that Ric Young could do to restore order to this chaos.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Soon the Bruce and Roberts brawl also spilled out onto the arena floor and both men began brawling their way up the ramp which leads to the stage where the wresters come out.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Many were shocked to see the much smaller Roberts being able to hold his own against the giant from Perth.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>As soon as Roberts and Bruce were on the stage, Marat Khoklov Pearl Harbored Bruce and he and Roberts began to double team Bruce.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Meanwhile back in the ring, Rich and Jack did a spot where they would roll-up the other guy and try to pin him but as soon as the Ric Young was about to count to three the other guy would roll his opponent over and pin him, the fans ate this up and when Jack kicked out of the final pin of this segment the fans were going nuts.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Rich and Jack soon took their fight to the outside of the ring as Eric and Christian reentered the ring.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Back on the stage, Marat nailed Bruce with a vicious Moscow Lariat which knocked the giant for Perth off his feet.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Roberts then pinned Bruce but it did not matter because this was not a falls count anywhere match, so only pinfalls in the ring counted.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>I guess that is something that should have been told to the now pissed off Enforcer Roberts.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>The cameras now return us to the action in the ring where we see Christian throwing Eric against the ropes, as Eric heads back towards Christian; Christian nails Eric with a clothesline and knocks the champ to the mat.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Christian then climbs to the top rope and proceeds to jumps off the top rope hitting Eric with a Leap of Faith.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Christian then covers Eric and he picks up the win for his team.</li></ul><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Winners: Christian Faith, Bruce the Giant, Jack Bruce</strong></p><p><strong> Time: 15:16</strong></p><p><strong> Match Rating: 83</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33373" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[After the match is over with Marat and Roberts, who were heading down to the ring as Christian was pinning Eric, make it to ringside. Jack who has managed to knock Rich down, tries to stop Marat from entering the ring, but Marat just tosses the former SWF World Champions aside like a sack of potatoes.<p> </p><p> Marat then enters the ring as Christian runs towards the Moscow Mauler. Christian beings to pepper the big man with strikes to Marat’s stomach but these hits do not seem to faze the giant at all. Instead, Marat grabs Christian by the throat and lifts him up and chokeslams him down to the mat. </p><p> </p><p> By this point Eric is on his feet again and he joins in on the beatdown of Christian, kicking his former mentor repeatedly in the ribs. Jack tries to enter the ring and help out his friend but Rich stops him from doing so as he hits Jack with his finisher Dollars From Heaven on the concrete floor. Rich then taunts Jack while Marat, Eric, and Enforcer Roberts continue to beat on Christian. </p><p> </p><p> Finally, a hobbled Bruce the Giant slowly makes his way down to the ring, he is met by Rich in the aisle. Rich promptly gets nailed with a clothesline from Bruce. As Bruce gets closer to the ring, Eric orders Marat and Roberts to retreat, which they reluctantly do. The show comes to an end with Bruce, who is now in the ring, looking down at the heels who are on the arena floor. Bruce motions for the heel group to come into the ring to face him but none of them take him up on his offer as the screen fades to black.]</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Post-Show Thought:</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> This show was a flat out pain in the ass to do. I simmed this show ten times over the course of two days in order to get the show rating that I got. By the time I was done with it, I was beyond annoyed. I constantly had to tweak it over and over again, which is why there were three matches in a row at the end of the show and three angles in a row near the start.</p><p> </p><p> What was killing me was the angles were doing so well that they were killing the match ratings. I do not think I have ever come across a problem like that before and I hope I never do again. So if the show segments look a little out of place that is why. Well I can’t really think of something else to say, so I guess this was just a post-show thought.</p>
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Supreme Uprising Episode 4:




Location: Daytona Beach, Florida

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.49

Overall Show Rating: 68


[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]




[We start the show off at the announcer’s desk where Jerry Eisen and Alex Braun are seated. The two of them give us a rundown of the matches that will take place on tonight’s show.]




American Machine vs. Dylan Palmer


[Prior to the start of our first match of the evening, Marc DuBois joined Alex and Jerry on commentary. He complained about being forced to wrestle in the dark match before the start of the show and how he was being left off the main show tonight. DuBois claimed that the SWF matchmakers were not overly impressed with his performance on Supreme TV and they were punishing him because of it.]




American Machine picked up the victory in this match via his finishing move Old Glory.


Time: 5:35

Match Rating: 50


[After the match is over with, American Machine is playing to the crowd (You would as well if you had his win/loss record.). Marc DuBois sneaks into the ring and nails Pearl Harbors American Machine from behind, hitting Machine with a vicious forearm to the back of his neck.


This hit staggers Machine a little bit as Dubois turns Machine around a kicks Machine in the gut. Machine falls to the mat and DuBois pounces on him locking Machine in the Model Solution. After about a minute or so of having Machine locked in this torturous hold, DuBois releases the old and walks over to the ropes.


He commands the ring attendant to fetch him a microphone, which she does and she hands it over to the young Canadian. DuBois looks directly into the camera and begins to speak.]




Marc DuBois: The SWF matchmakers told me last Tuesday afternoon that I would be on Supreme TV later on that night because my speech impressed them. Richard Eisen himself said he liked the fact that I decided to grab the bull by its horns and force my way back onto the main card.


I showed up to work today and I was told by SWF agent Pat Deacon that I was going to have to wrestle in dark matches once a-gain because the SWF higher-ups were not overly impressed with my match on Tuesday. Not only was I pissed off about this but I was embarrassed. I know I am the best young talent in this business today, I know that I am a future SWF World Heavyweight Champion; I know that I am the Prodigy. I busted my ass last Tuesday and yet I am once again being held back for no good reason.


Last week I put the SWF higher-ups on notice, if they held me off TV I would force my way onto TV. And look at what I just did; I forced my way onto TV. I want to be perfectly clear; if I am not booked to be on TV you can expect more of what I just did to American Machine.


I actually went easy on American Machine, I could have easily destroyed his knee but I chose not to, just because I wanted everyone to see that I am a reasonable man. If I am held off TV a-gain I cannot promise that I will be so kind…


Marc drops the microphone and leaves the ring as we go to a commercial.]




Gregory Black vs. Paul Huntingdon


[Lisa Bowen is once again at ringside, before the start of the match Gregory walks over to Lisa and gives her a hug.]




Gregory Black defeated Paul Huntingdon, when Gregory downed Paul with a Fade to Black.


Time: 5:54

Match Rating: 65


[We come back from a commercial break and we see Lobster Warrior walking down a hallway in the backstage area. Soon Remo comes out of a room further up the hallway and he starts walking towards Lobster Warrior.


Remo, who does not make any eye contact with Lobster Warrior, shoulder blocks Lobster Warrior. Lobster Warrior, not happy by what just happened, turns and looks at Remo, non-verbally asking him Remo why he did what he did.


Remo does not say a word, instead he nails Lobster Warrior with a right hook and he and Lobster Warrior begin brawling in the hallway. Security separates both men before any real damage can be done.]


Round One Match in the March Mayhem Tournament:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ShadyK.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Knuckles_alt.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AkimaBrave.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KidToma.jpg


Death Row with F.A. Garcia vs. The Samoan Wildboyz




In a match were Shady K was off his game, Death Row defeated The Samoan Wildboyz, FA Garcia distracted Akima Brave long enough for Shady K to sneak up behind Akima and nail him with his finisher the Death Sentence. Death Row advance into the second round of the March Mayhem Tournament.


Time: 6:38

Match Rating: 59


[Death Row are happy after their victory, they are soon joined in the ring by FA Garcia who has a microphone.]




FA Garcia: Congratulations girls, that victory was fierce!


[shady and Knuckles look at each other and start to laugh over what FA Garcia just said. Knuckles ask the ring attendant for a microphone so he can address FA Garcia.]




Knuckles: Ya know Freddie; you might be a little…um…different. But tonight you showed me and Shady that you’ve got our backs…


[FA Garcia takes an obviously look at Knuckles butt and smiles.]




FA Garcia: Oh you best believe I’ve got your backs…


[Knuckles and Shady shake their heads in disbelief over what FA Garcia just said.]




Knuckles: I didn’t mean it that way Freddie…but the fact remains that even though we live in a different world…hell a different universe than you, we still appreciate the fact that you’ve done us a solid. So what Shady and I want you to know is, if anybody ever gives you any crap…you just gotta call us out and we’ll be there to watch your back.


[FA Garcia seems touched by this comment, he wipes a tear from his eye and then he says with excitement in his voice.]




FA Garcia: Does this mean that you will wear the rainbow colored bandanas I made for you?


[shady, who now has the microphone that Knuckles was talking on, shakes his head.]




Shady K: Hell no son, we ain’t gonna wear no fruity bandanas but we is still cool with you.


[FA Garcia runs over to Shady with his arms stretched out and he hugs Shady. Shady looks very uncomfortable over this and when FA goes to give Shady a kiss on the cheek, Shady shoves FA away.]




Shady K: Son, we said we cool. But we ain’t that cool.


[FA, realizing that he probably over stepped his bounds just now shakes his head.]




FA Garcia: Okay girl, I totally understand. So this is a huge win for you guys so that means we should sing a celebratory song in honor of your victory! But what song should we sing…


[FA stands there for a moment before he starts to sing.]




FA Garcia: We are family, I’ve got all my sisters and me…


[shady and Knuckles seemed embarrassed over this and they leave the ring as we head to a commercial break.]


[We have returned from the commercial break and it appears that we are in the bowels of the arena, we see Gregory Black, dressed in his street clothes, talking to Cowboy Roy Hickok.]




Gregory Black: Man you got a tough one tonight man, Remo is one of the guys I least like to fight. That dude is so damn strong, getting hit by him is like getting hit by a Mack Truck...


[The two men are joined by a third man, a man who is wearing his rage on his face. With his nostrils flaring the third man turns to Roy and barks.]




Runaway Train: Leave us…


[Roy complies with Train’s request; Train then turns and looks at Gregory who looks a little nervous maybe even slightly scared. Train lets out a deep breath from his nostrils before he addresses Gregory.]




Runaway Train: How long have we worked together Gregory? How long have you shared this workspace with me?


[Gregory is clearly intimidated by the much larger and stronger Runaway Train, so he answers him with a hint of nervousness in his voice.]




Gregory Black: Six…six years sir…


[Train stands there for a moment stroking his chin, which is covered with gray and brown stubble, and sternly looking into Gregory’s eyes.]




Runaway Train: Six year…and in the six years that we’ve worked together what is the one rule that I tell all of the rooks that enter my locker room?




Gregory Black: Um…to…stay…




Runaway Train: Come on son, spit it out I ain’t got all day.




Gregory Black: To stay away from your daughter Lisa…but sir I assure you that Lisa and I are nothing more than friends. She just comes to my matches to show me some support.




Runaway Train: Son I don’t care if you are just friends, stay away from my daughter means just that…stay away from my daughter! That means no more hugs, no more talking to her, no more nothing. If I catch you around her again, you and I are going to have a very different conversation. Is that clear?


[Gregory lets out a big gulp in his throat before he answers the question.]




Gregory Black: Crystal…crystal clear sir…


[Hearing the exact answer that he wanted to hear, a smile creeps across Train’s face. He then gives Gregory a hard slap on his back.]




Runaway Train: Good that is exactly what I wanted to hear. Now you and I can go our separate ways without any problem.




Cowboy Roy Hickok vs. Remo




Remo defeated Cowboy Roy Hickok, after Remo finished Roy off with his finisher the Lumbar Puncture (In all of the games that I have played with the SWF, I have never had one game where Remo has used that finisher. In fact, I had to look it up just to make sure it was a finishing move of his and not some sort of bug.).


Time: 6:48

Match Rating: 74


[upon the ending of the match, SWF Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah (Who is well…not backstage at this time.) rushes over to Remo with a microphone in her hand.]




Hannah: Remo can I talk to you for a second?


[Remo stops walking and looks at Hannah, waiting for her to ask her question.]




Hannah: Remo why did you attack Lobster Warrior earlier on?


[A smirk crawls across Remo’s face after being asked the question.]




Remo: Remo does what Remo wants to do. Remo don’t need no reason to do what he wants to do. Remo just does it.


Remo will say this though; Remo is a shark, when Remo smells blood in the water…Remo attacks. Plus…Lobster Warrior rubs Remo the wrong way. Ain’t no reason for a grown ass man to be dressing up like a Lobster, this ain’t no Sci Fi convention and it damn sure ain’t Halloween so why he be dressing like that…


Remo’s done talking…


[With that Remo heads to the backstage area and Hannah looks directly into the camera and says.]




Hannah: Back to you Jerry.




Captain Atomic vs. Squeeky McClean




Squeeky McClean defeated Captain Atomic, when Squeeky forced the Captain to tap out to his finisher the Clean Out.


Time: 12:27

Match Rating: 75


[squeeky rolls out of the ring and walks over to the SWF Ring Announcer and asks for the microphone. He then looks at the microphone in disgust for a moment before he walks over to his bottle of hand sanitizer and squirts some hand sanitizer on his hands.]




Squeeky McClean: Joe Sexy, I am sure you our wondering why I attacked you last week. Well my reason was quite simple, quite simple indeed. You see Joe Sexy you live a filthy, amoral lifestyle.


How you can come out here and brag about how many women you have been with makes me sick. The sad thing is these stupid people in the audience cheer for you. They buy your merchandise for their children, which means they endorse you as a role model. I am not sure what twisted, messed up world we live in when someone like you is viewed as a role model and someone like me, a pillar of society, is booed.


Make no mistake about it Joe; you are a dirty, germ infested, inappropriate, individual. I see it as my duty to either make you see the errors of your lifestyle or if I am unable to accomplish that, then you will just be another stain that I have to remove from this cesspool.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/LobsterWarrior.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Lobster Warrior vs. Kurt Laramee with Emma Chase


[Prior to the start of the match Brandon James sat in on commentary, saying that he was there to morally support his friend Kurt. Throughout the match he lobbed insults at Alex Braun.]




Lobster Warrior defeated Kurt Laramee, after Lobster Warrior finished Kurt off with his finishing move the Lobster Trap.


Time: 13:04

Match Rating: 71




Post-Show Thoughts:


1. I thought the Lobster Warrior/Kurt Laramee match would have rated out higher than it did. It does not matter because this is a B-Show but still I thought for sure it would get higher ratings than it did.


2. The Death Row/FA segment was not booked in the game itself. I came up with it when I was writing the show and I thought it would be funny, so I wrote it.


I will do that from time to time; add segments that were not in the original game. Now I know some might disagree with me doing this but that is a pretty ridiculous reason to not read a diary because I might add an extra segment in there from time to time that was not in my actual game.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Supreme TV Episode 12




Location: Albany, New York

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 5.74

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.37

Overall Show Rating: 79




[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.


We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. The voice of Peter Michaels is heard welcoming us to Orlando, Florida for Supreme TV.]




[instead of having a long opening segment in the ring to start the show off, we go right to the announcer’s table were Supreme TV’s commentary team of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Anna Garcia who are sitting at the announcer’s desk near ringside. The three of them discuss the matches that we shall see tonight. It is now time to head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.]




Joe Sexy vs. Angry Gilmore





  • This battle between two SWF veterans, and former Sexual Aggression tag team partners, was a pretty good opening match.
  • Gilmore dominated the early portions of the match until Joe, who was being cheered on by the fans, mounted a comeback.
  • Joe managed to get in a couple of near falls but he was unable to put Gilmore away.
  • Joe accidently hit Referee Shane Stones, knocking the SWF’s junior official down onto the canvas.
  • At this point while Joe was checking on Shane’s condition, Squeeky McClean enters the ring (Wearing latex gloves on both his hands so that he does not “catch” anything.) he hits Joe in the back of the neck with a vicious forearm.
  • Squeeky then lifts Joe up and puts him down via the Stain Removal, he then leaves the ring.
  • Gilmore goes over to where Shane is lying and revives him.
  • Gilmore then decides to add insult to injury as he uses his finishing move (Anger Management) on Joe as well; Gilmore then covers Joe for the victory.


Winner: Angry Gilmore

Time: 13:04

Match Rating: 76


[After the match is done Supreme TV’s backstage correspondent Jerry Eisen enters the ring to talk with Angry Gilmore. Gilmore’s eyes dart back and forth nervously checking for any sign of Vengeance.]




Jerry Eisen: Angry Gilmore, last week you confronted Vengeance in order to find out why Vengeance came to the defense of Lobster Warrior two weeks ago. Where you satisfied with the answer that Vengeance gave you?


[The very visibly nervous Gilmore turns his attention towards Jerry.]




Angry Gilmore: No Jerry I was not satisfied with the answer that Vengeance gave me. Am I supposed to be frightened that his (Making air quotes with his fingers.) Dark Lord has told him to put me on a list?


Memo to you Vengeance, that Dark Lord you are talking about…well I am sorey to tell you this Vengeance, but your Dark Lord does…well he does not really exist. No he is just a figment of your crazy imagination. I know that might not be a shocker to any sane person but it is the truth.


You know Vengeance, I thought of something when you tried to kill me last week. I thought aboot just how much of a cartoon character you are. Sure your crap isn’t peddled to the kiddies like the SWF merchandise machine does with Lobster Warrior or Captain Atomic. But make no mistake aboot it; you are nothing more than an adult cartoon character.


In fact you might just be the biggest cartoon (Once again he makes air quotes with his fingers.) Sports Entertainer this company has. You fans know how I feel aboot cartoon characters…I am in the business of wrestling and it is my duty to stamp out any and all of the cartoon Sports Entertainers in the promotion and Vengeance you are the biggest one.


I guess what I am leading up to right here is, Vengeance if you are willing to do this I would like to fight you at The World is Watching. Because I want the entire world to witness when I, a real professional wrestler, beats you a cartoon joke in the center of the ring…


[Just then the lights in the arena go out; the only lights in the arena are from people’s lighters or cellphone screens. We hear a big thump in the ring and when the lights come back on we see Vengeance, whose head is tilted to the side, standing over Gilmore’s motionless body as we head into commercial break.]


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that Enforcer Roberts sings Pass the Dutchie before every match?]


[it is now time to head to the backstage area, more specifically Richard Eisen’s office. Inside Richard’s office are Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior (who are standing together on one side of the room) and Rich Money and Remo (who are standing on the opposite side of the room.). Richard looks at each man for a moment before he begins to speak.]




Richard Eisen: Gentlemen I am so glad you decided to join me…




Remo: Remo didn’t have a choice, Remo was told to come to your office and if Remo didn’t he’d be fined. Nobody messes with Remo’s money…


[Richard lets out his trademark booming laugh before he continues speaking.]




Richard Eisen: Very true and I was not my intentions to mess with your money, I just wanted the four of you to arrive in a timely fashion. You see I brought the four of you to my office tonight because I wanted to inform you that tonight Rich and Remo you will be taking on Jack and Lobster Warrior in our main event.


I mean what a main event, Rich and Jack you two have been at each other’s throats for months and Remo and Lobster Warrior you two have recently started having a beef with each other. So in a moment of pure genius I decided to put the four of you together in a tag team match.


I know it was a stroke of genius on my part putting this match together and on top of that reuniting the Almighty Dollar in the process! So gentlemen, that is all I wanted you for, now get out of my office!


[All four men look at each other and it is clear that they are happy about Richard’s match making efforts.]




Christian Faith & Bruce the Giant vs. Enforcer Roberts & Eric Eisen





  • Anyone expecting this match to be good would end up being sorely disappointed, between Bruce and Eric’s bad knees it was up to Christian and Enforcer Roberts to carry this match.
  • Which was not a bad thing but the quality of the match noticeably dropped off every time Bruce would enter the ring.
  • Most of the match was the heels keeping Christian in their corner and where they would double team him.
  • Christian made the hot-tag and Bruce cleaned house.
  • At this point Bruce was distracted by Marat Khoklov, who came down to ringside, while Bruce was distracted Roberts entered the ring and clipped him in the back of the leg forcing the big man to fall to his knees in pain.
  • Roberts and Eisen took full advantage of Bruce being down on the mat as they both began to viciously kick at him.
  • The big man from Australia looked like he was down for the count, yet somehow he managed to fight back and he then limped his way over to his corner and tagged Christian in.
  • Christian took control of the match knocking Roberts over the top rope via a clothesline; he then turned his focus onto the SWF World Champion.
  • Eric, who Christian has backed into a corner, begs Christian for a timeout.
  • Christian just smirks at the youngest Eisen and begins nailing him with punches.
  • At this point Eric is not even defending himself; instead he is trying to block the punches with his arms.
  • Finally, Referee Ric Young tells Christian to stop punching Eric and Christian complies with this request.
  • As soon as Christian backs away from Eric, Eric begins to swing his fists wildly at absolutely nothing.
  • Eric then proceeds to fall face first down onto the mat.
  • Christian rolls Eric over and then climbs to the top rope, Christian leaps off the top rope and nails Eric with his finisher the Leap of Faith.
  • Christian then covers the champ for the pinfall and the victory, which means for the second week in a row Christian has pinned the SWF World Champion to secure a victory for his team.


Winners: Christian Faith & Bruce the Giant

Time: 10:29

Match Rating: 71


[After the match was done Bruce and Christian braced for an attack as both Marat and Enforcer Roberts entered the ring. Bruce and Marat began brawling with each other and Roberts and Christian began brawling with each other. The faces were holding their own until Eric got up and joined the fray.


Once that occurred, it was just a sheer numbers game as Eric and Roberts focused on Christian. When they got Christian down they joined Marat in trying to take Bruce down. The heels did not manage to do that as a group of backstage officials and referees came down to the ring and stopped the heels from inflicting any further damage.]


For the SWF North American Championship:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JungleJack.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Jungle Lord vs. Brandon James © with Emma Chase





  • One would have to question if Jungle Lord will ever learn not to turn his back on his opponent in order to do is pre-match rope shaking ritual.
  • He did it tonight and he paid for it as Brandon attacked him from behind, allowing Brandon to mount an early offensive campaign.
  • The highlight of Brandon’s early offensive campaign was when he repeatedly rammed Jungle Lord’s head into the mat.
  • Jungle Lord was able to mount a comeback and did manage to get in a couple of near falls on the champion.
  • However, at the end of the day Jungle Lord did not have what it takes to become the new North American Champion and he lost to Brandon after succumbing to Rich’s finisher the Big Money Move.


Winner and still SWF North American Champion: Brandon James

Time: 9:21

Match Rating: 74


[After the match is over with Marc DuBois comes running down to the ring and he locks the already downed Jungle Lord into his torturous finisher the Model Solution. Jungle Lord weakly taps his hand against the match, but it does not matter as this is not a sanctioned match.


Soon a whole swarm of backstage officials come down to the ring and manage to get Marc to break the hold. Marc does not say a word, instead he just stands there and admires his work as the paramedics rush down to the ring and put Jungle Lord onto a stretcher.]




Robbie Retro vs. Squeeky McClean





  • Robbie got in most of his offense during the first few minutes of the match.
  • A well placed eye poke would allow Squeeky to begin his offensive run.
  • Squeeky picked up the victory after he put Robbie down with a Stain Removal.


Winner: Squeeky McClean

Time: 7:02

Match Rating: 78


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with Joe Sexy. Joe, who is sporting a black eye (The right one to be exact.), is holding an ice back up against the back of his neck and is clearly still in pain from when Squeeky jumped him earlier on in the show.]




Jerry Eisen: Joe tonight Squeeky McClean once again took it upon himself to jump you. I know you have heard his reasons for attacking you, how do you feel about this whole situation?


[Joe has a pained expression on his face as he begins to talk in his trademark gravely voice.]




Joe Sexy: I feel like crap right now…but that problem will be taken care of after the show by lovely ladies I met earlier…


[Jerry shakes his head in embarrassment over that comment.]




Joe Sexy: Look Squeeky, you want to jump me from behind…that’s cool, cuz I’m like Timex…I take a lickin and keep on tickin. You want to say that I am a dirty person…well that is partly true, I mean I do shower everyday but I do tend to work up a sweat due to fighting off all the women who want to be with me. You want to say I live an amoral lifestyle…well I am guilty as charged. I do like to have fun with women and I do enjoy a beer.


None of those things bother me Squeeky, what did bother me is you call me inappropriate. You can say anything you want about me, you can call me any name you want, but I draw the line when you call me inappropriate.


[Joe looks off camera for a moment and he smiles and he holds up his index and smiles.]




Joe Sexy: Now Jerry…I hate to cut this interview short but I just saw Sandy and Audra and it looks like they want to spend time with me right now. So Jerry, duty calls…




Jack Bruce & Lobster Warrior vs. Remo & Rich Money





  • There was no reason given for why Floyd Goldworthy was not there tonight, but one would assume that it was due to the concussion he suffered at the hands of Rich Money.
  • This match was hands down the match of the night and the crowd was very into it.
  • The match began with Lobster Warrior and Remo in the ring together; Remo challenged Lobster Warrior (LW) to a test of strength.
  • Both men locked their hands together in the center of the ring, LW started to really put the pressure on Remo, so the frustrated Remo kicked LW in the gut.
  • As LW doubled over in pain Remo lifted him up and powerslammed him down onto the mat.
  • Remo then dragged LW over to the heels corner and he and Rich began going to work on Lobby.
  • This continued on for a few minutes, every time LW was about to tag in Jack one of the heels would stop him from doing so and drag him back to their corner.
  • Soon the fans began chanting, “Here we go Lobby, here we go!” this seemed to be the extra motivation that he needed in order to fight out of the heel’s corner.
  • LW then hot-tagged Jack into the match and Jack went right after Rich.
  • Rich and Jack began exchanging strikes in the center of the ring and with every strike the fans seemed to get louder and louder.
  • Jack was able to get the better of that exchange and for the next few minutes he and LW were the dominate force on offense in this match.
  • Jack was able to finish Rich off with his finisher the New York Minute, he then when over to cover Rich for the pin.
  • Remo entered the ring and kicked Jack in the back to break up the pinfall before Referee Shane Stones could make the three count.
  • With this happening LW entered the ring and he and Remo began brawling, a brawl which soon spilled out of the ring.
  • By this point both Jack and Rich were back on their feet and they began brawling, Rich nailed Jack with a clothesline which sent Jack over the top rope.
  • Rich followed Jack out of the ring and he picked him up and tossed him into the metal guardrail.
  • While all four men were on the floor brawling Shane Stones was in the ring making his ten count, neither team returned to the ring in time to beat the count and so Shane had no other choice but to call an end to this match due to a double count-out.


Winners: There were no winners, the match ended due to a double count-out.

Time: 15:20

Match Rating: 90


[All four men continued to brawl with their respective rival on the outside of the ring as the show went off the air.]




Post-Show Thoughts:


Just a quick non-Post Show note, I would like to thank angeldelayette for nominating me for DOTM. I probably will not win, but I do appreciate the votes and the nomination.


1. Well this was another show where a lot of the promos/angles screwed up the matches following it. That is something that is really ticking me off. I know such a thing can happen in real life but with this show it was getting beyond ridiculous because it seemed like every match was dinged by this.


2. I really thought the tag match between Bruce, Christian, Roberts, and Eric would rate out higher than it did. It was originally slated as the main event but it only drew a 75 rating. Then I moved it to the co-main event and it ended up getting a 68. Finally, I put it where it was and was just happy to get the rating I got for it.


I am starting to think that signing Bruce the Giant was a mistake. The dude is a semi-active wrestler who, due to age and injuries, just cannot put on the type of matches I was wanting from him. I thought with this being the SWF, his popularity alone might help cancel out his shortcomings but that is clearly not the case.


3. The main reason why this show took so long to write was because I booked a lot of things that I really did not want to write. What I mean is, when I was playing the actual game I put these segments in thinking they would be good to write. However, when I actually sat to write them I wondered why I booked those segments in the first place.


The Richard Eisen segment sticks out like a sore thumb for me in this regards. As I will freely admit that I think I wrote it poorly and the segment fell flat.


4. Another thing I am having a problem with is coming up with logical or semi-logical matches for each Supreme TV show. It is getting tough, as I do not want to spam the same matches week after week but I also want to get the best grades possible in order to continue this diary. So yeah I do not envy WWE and TNA bookers in that regards because it is a tough thing to do.

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2. I really thought the tag match between Bruce, Christian, Roberts, and Eric would rate out higher than it did. It was originally slated as the main event but it only drew a 75 rating. Then I moved it to the co-main event and it ended up getting a 68. Finally, I put it where it was and was just happy to get the rating I got for it.


I knew it! LOL I was like, "HUH?!" when the match involving LOBSTER WARRIOR was the Main over a match involving the Champ and Faith. :p


Also, SWF Fun Fact: did you know that I don't know what Pass the Dutchie is? :D


I personally think you got too used to RIPW and not caring about ratings, that's why you're having some difficulty getting the scores you want. Still, it's all about the story, and while it's been slow goings, it's still one that I'm glad you're telling ;)

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I'd suggest feeding Bruce to an almost-champion. Like...Lobby, I think. Bruce can menace his way to whatever popularity you need; once Lobster's about 10 points under that, have an early dominant win for him. /yay!


In the mean-time...monster unleashed and have him dominate nobodies, I guess. ?_?


Oh, btw, totally put Bruce against Marat. Aside from the historical significance of the only giants in the world facing each other, I dare you to get above a 60.

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I knew it! LOL I was like, "HUH?!" when the match involving LOBSTER WARRIOR was the Main over a match involving the Champ and Faith. :p


Also, SWF Fun Fact: did you know that I don't know what Pass the Dutchie is? :D

I personally think you got too used to RIPW and not caring about ratings, that's why you're having some difficulty getting the scores you want. Still, it's all about the story, and while it's been slow goings, it's still one that I'm glad you're telling ;)


TRAVESTY! Everyone should know the song, it's one of the greatest of all time.


All together now, pass the dutchie on the left hand side! :p

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Supreme Uprising Episode 5:




Location: Allentown, Pennsylvania

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.49

Overall Show Rating: 62



[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]


[The show begins with Alex Braun standing alone in the center of the ring.]




Alex Braun: Brandon James, over the past couple of weeks I have had to bite my tongue as you verbally lambasted me on national television. It has taken every bit of restraint I have, not to beat the ever living crap out of you each time you come down to the announce table and lob your insults at me.


Right now I know I can’t lay a hand on you because I have an announcer’s contract. This means I am not allowed to lay a hand on you, unless I have to defend myself. The thing is Brandon; you felt the need to poke the sleeping dragon.


You and I have had our differences in the past and it looks like we are going to have them again. Brandon I have asked Mister Eisen for the chance to step back out of retirement and back into the ring. I want to prove to you Brandon that father time might have aged me and he might have slowed me down a bit, but I am still the same guy who kicked your ass ten years ago.




[before Alex can continue to speak he is interrupted by the disembodied voice of Emma Chase.]




Emma Chase: Alex…Alex…Alex…there is nothing more pathetic than when an athlete continues well past his prime. Alex do you really want step out of retirement and enter the ring to face off against a man who is clearly going to destroy you? After all with your advance age...you may break a hip…


[After that comment is made we see Emma Chase and the SWF North American Champion Brandon James step out from behind the backstage curtain.]




Emma Chase: You see Alex, I think you are speaking with a false sense of bravado. I think you are trying to save face…to look good in front of all of these troglodytes that you call fans. It is really a shame that you have to do this at this point in your career Alex.


Look I am out here as someone who used to look up to you. When I first entered the business you treated me with respect…and so I really do not want to see Brandon make a complete and utter joke out of you. Think about your legacy Alex, do you want to go out like Ted Williams did…hitting a homerun.


Or would you rather go out like Willie Mays did when he played for the Mets, fumbling around the outfield and not being able to make the simplest of plays. Because if you want to end up like Willie Mays, then by all means challenge Brandon…but don’t say I did not warn you.




Alex Braun: Emma, it is true you and I have a long history together. Heck so does Brandon and me, which is why I need this. I need to face Brandon and I need to beat Brandon…simply because this is personal. I am a proud man and I will not simply let someone take shots at me…


[At this point Brandon takes the microphone from Emma and begins to laugh for a moment before he composes himself enough to address Alex.]




Brandon James: So what does this mean exactly Alex? Are you saying you want a shot at this North American Championship?


[Alex nods his head yes, which causes Brandon to bust out laughing even more.]




Brandon James: Why is it that every geriatric in this promotion wants a crack at my title? I thought Joe Sexy was an old washed up hack, but now you want a shot at my title and you are ten years older than Joe!


Is Pat Deacon going to come out and challenge me next? Oh wait…maybe they will sign Whipper Spencer Marks to a contract and that way he can challenge me. I am sick of fighting old farts, I want some real competition.


Look Alex, you want a shot at my title well you are going to have earn it. Just because you were a jobber for this company twenty years ago, doesn’t mean you can walk back into the company and fight me for my North American Championship.


I’ll tell you want Alex, because I’m such a nice guy…I will give you a shot at me if you can beat an opponent of my choosing on next week’s Uprising. Normally I would ask Scott or Kurt to handle this, but they are still involved in that March Mayhem Tournament. So me and Emma are going to have to think of someone for you to meet next week…


[Emma motions for Brandon to bend down so she can whisper something in his ear. She proceeds to whisper in his ear and he smiles and nods his head in agreement to what she is saying.]




Brandon James: I think Emma has just thought of the perfect opponent for you, if you want to fight me you’re going to have to beat Everest next week!


[Alex smiles and nods his head.]




Alex Braun: That’s fine by me, you tell the big man that I will be ready for him next week!




Franklin Chandler vs. Runaway Train




Runaway Train defeated Franklin Chandler after Train nailed Franklin with the Train of Pain.


Time: 7:46

Match Rating: 56


[We now head to the locker room of Death Row, Shady and Knuckles are talking to each other when F.A. Garcia walks into the locker room carrying an oversized purse with him.]




F.A. Garcia: Knock, knock girls! Wud up bitches...


[shady and Knuckles each look at Garcia for a moment before continuing their conversation about their opponents tonight the Amazing Bumfholes.]




Knuckles: So you’re gonna have to watch out for that dropkick that Zimmy likes to do, cuz if he catches ya with it…it’s gonna be lights out for ya.




Shady K: True that son, true that…


[F.A. Garcia, who is a little miffed that his newfound friends are not paying any attention to him, decides to insert himself into the conversation.]




F.A. Garcia: What are weeeeeee talking about?




Knuckles: We're talking about our match which is about to start in a few minutes. We’re taking on da Amazing Bumfholes.


[The minute F.A. hears the name Bumfholes a huge grin crosses his face.]




F.A. Garcia: Oh I love the Bumfholes, they are so tight…


[shady and Knuckles look at each other as if to non-verbally ask, “Did he just say what I think he said.” F.A., picking up on what they were thinking, is quick to clarify what he meant.]




F.A. Garcia: Oh no, I meant their abs are so tight. I wish I looked as hot as them.


Anyway, I came here to share some good news with you guys. Tonight I am fighting in the main event! Due to this joyous news I went ahead and made some t-shirts for the three of us. I had them made to celebrate the fact that you two are on your way to tag team glory and tonight I start down the road to singles glory.


[F.A. Garcia rummages around in his purse for a moment before pulling out a pink t-shirt that has a picture of him and Death Row on it. Team Rainbow Warriors is written on the shirt. F.A. Garcia hands Shady K a shirt and he looks at it and busts out laughing.]




Shady K: What da hell is this? Team Rainbow Warriors…come on son we ain’t no part of your rainbow and you ain’t apart of our team. So you might as well toss this piece of crap in the garbage, cuz we ain’t ever gonna wear it son.


[F.A. Garcia puts his hands on his hips and pouts at Shady K before he smiles and says.]




F.A. Garcia: Well if you don’t like the name girl I can totally change it. How about…the Provincetown Princesses? Or we could go with the Team Fierce…or Team Fabulous…or…




Knuckles: Nah man we’re good, look dude we ain’t tryin to be rude or nothing but we’ve got a huge match in just a few minutes so good luck with your main event match, and ah…maybe we’ll talk to you later…




F.A. Garcia: Fine whatev, you girls are acting like you’re on the rag again anyway.


[F.A. Garcia then walks over to the doorway, turns around and smiles at Shady and Knuckles.]




F.A. Garcia: Bye bitches…


[F.A. Garcia then blows a kiss at both members of Death Row before skipping out of the locker room.]




Shady K: Is that dude for real son?




Knuckles: I don’t know man but he is a trip…come on let’s get focused so that we can go out there and beat Randy and Zimmy’s asses.


Semi-Final Match in the March Mayhem Tournament:




The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Death Row



The Amazing Bumfholes defeated Death Row, after Randy hit Knuckles with the Bumfhole Buster. The Amazing Bumfholes advance into the finals of the March Mayhem Tournament.


Time: 7:56

Match Rating: 64


[We are now in the dressing room of Runaway Train, who is in his street clothes. Train is putting his ring gear into a gym bag when his daughter Lisa enters the room, Lisa does not look all that pleased to see her father. Train smiles at Lisa and tries to give her a kiss on her forehead, but Lisa recoils from him making it clear that she does not want her father to kiss her.]




Runaway Train: Hey kitten what’s up?


[Lisa does not answer her father right away, instead she just stands there with her arms folded.]




Runaway Train: Okay…well…did you see your old man beat that young punk tonight?


[Lisa tersely nods her head yes.]




Runaway Train: So are you going to tell your old man why you are here…or are you going to give me the silent treatment?


[Lisa shoots her father the evil eye for a moment before she begins to speak in an agitated voice.]




Lisa Bowen: You know why I am here, don’t play dumb daddy!


[Runaway Train’s rather calm demeanor in dealing with his daughter thus far, has now given way to the mean son of a gun that we are all used to as he shoots his daughter an angry glance before he starts talking.]




Runaway Train: Look kitten, if you are going to get all pissy with me because I told your friend to back off…well don’t bother. I ain’t got time to listen to that crap and if that is the reason why you came to talk to me…well I suggest you turn around and leave my dressing room because we are not having this conversation again.


I don’t want you to go anywhere near Gregory and that is that, end of story. If you do go near him…well things are not going to be good for Mister Black.


[Lisa, who feels as if her father is treating her like a lovelorn teenager, is not at all happy with how her father is talking to her. She is also very pissed off that her father just threatened to beat up her friend.]




Lisa Bowen: Look dad, I am no longer that little girl that you can boss around and tell what to do. I am a grown woman and I will hang out with whomever I want, whenever I want. If I want to be friends with Gregory then that is that, I am friends with Gregory and no amount of intimidation from you is going to stop me from being friends with him.


And another thing, if you ever threaten one of my friends again, I will never speak to you again. Is that clear?


[Train is seething over how his daughter is talking to him. It is clear that he is trying to hold back his rage out of love for his daughter but he is not doing a great job of it.]




Runaway Train: Yeah we’re clear…




Lisa Bowen: Good…now I am going to take my ringside seat and I am going to cheer on my friend Gregory and there is nothing you can do about it. And if you try to intimidate him or harm him in anyway…well as I said I will never speak to you again. Bye daddy…


[Lisa leaves the room as Train clenches his fists and then pounds said fists into a nearby table. He then mumbles to himself in anger.]




Runaway Train: Greg Black!


Semi-Final Match in the March Mayhem Tournament:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrettBiggz.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BartBiggz.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


The Biggz Boyz with Jessie vs. The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase




The Pain Alliance defeated The Biggz Boyz, after Kurt Laramee Switchblade Powerslammed Brett and coved Brett for the pin and the victory. The Pain Alliance advanced into the finals of the March Mayhem Tournament with this victory.


Time: 8:43

Match Rating: 63


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where Hannah is standing by with the SWF World Tag Team Champions Electric Law and their manager Dawn the Cheerleader.]




Hannah: Hey guys, what’s up?


[Hannah, who used to be Valiant’s manager, hugs Valiant, Jack, and Dawn.]




Valiant: Long time no see Hannah…




Hannah: Okay now that we have gotten that out of the way, I think the fans want to know what your opinions of the March Mayhem tournament are.




Jack Giedroyc: Well love, simply put I think it is a brilliant idea. For far too long tag team wrestling has been treated like the unwanted stepchild of the SWF. Well it is my hope that this March Mayhem tournament will lead to a Renaissance in tag team wrestling here in the SWF.




Valiant: That is absolutely right brah, this concept is great because it helps showcase the tag team division. Plus my dudette, it means that whatever team survives this tournament is going to be the cream of the crop. And that my dudette is what me and Jack want, we want to face the cream of the crop, we want to face the best competition out there.




Hannah: Out of the four teams in the final four of the tournament, which team do you believe you will be facing at The World is Watching?




Valiant: Well my dudette, I think that we are going to end of facing The Amazing Bumfholes. Them boys have been looking great out there in the ring as of late, and I think they have what it takes to win the entire tournament.




Jack Giedroyc: See Hannah that is where Valiant and I disagree. I firmly believe that we will be facing off against The Pain Alliance. Kurt and Scott are two of the toughest guys on the roster and I think they will end up plowing through whatever team is put in front of them.




Valiant: At the end of the day, it don’t matter which team ends up facing us because we are just going to go out there and beat them and prove why we are the best damn team in the SWF.




Cowboy Roy Hickok vs. Paul Huntingdon




Paul Huntingdon defeated Cowboy Roy Hickok, after Paul hit Roy with his finisher High Society.


Time: 7:52

Match Rating: 51


[After the match is over, Roy is a little slow to get up. Finally, a disorientated Roy manages to make it to his feet. Roy fails to see Marc DuBois entering the ring, as Roy turns to where DuBois is; DuBois nails Roy with a clothesline knocking Roy to the canvas.


Once Roy is on the mat, DuBois then locks Roy into the Model Solution. Marc keeps Roy locked in the hold for a good minute before Jungle Lord comes running down to the ring. As soon as Marc sees Jungle Lord, Marc releases the hold and rolls out of the ring with a sadistic smile on his face. Marc asks Jungle Lord how his hospital stay was; this comment causes the feral man from Borneo to jump out of the ring and chase Marc through the backstage curtain.]


For the SWF World Tag Team Championships:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg with <a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/?action=view&current=DawnTheCheerleader.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JohnGreed.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JamieAtherton.jpg


Electric Law with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. John Greed & Dylan Palmer



Electric Law defeated John Greed & Dylan Palmer, after Jack put Dylan down with his finisher Crashing On.


Time: 6:59

Match Rating: 58




Gregory Black vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia




Gregory Black defeated F.A. Garcia, after Gregory hit F.A. with his finisher Fade to Black.


Time: 11:15

Match Rating: 71


[The match is done and Gregory slides out of the ring and begins walking back to the backstage area. Gregory walks right past Lisa without even looking at her, an annoyed Lisa calls out Gregory’s name and he turns around and looks at him. She tells him to come over to her and he complies.


When he gets to where she is sitting, he asks her what she wanted. At that point, Lisa leans over the guardrail and grabs Gregory’s face and plants a kiss on his lips. A shocked Gregory does not try to fight her off, instead he just goes with it. After Lisa is done kissing Gregory she tells him that, that was what she wanted to tell him. Gregory laughs and gives Lisa a hug and thanks her for the kiss, he then begins walking back towards the backstage area.


Before Gregory can get to the back, he is met in the aisle by an angry looking Runaway Train. Runaway Train shouts at Gregory, “I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter!” Gregory nervously nods his head in agreement, but before Gregory can say anything else Runaway Train shoves him to the floor.


Train then gets on top of Gregory and starts raining down punches and elbows to the face of the young Canadian. The cameras show Lisa screaming at her father to stop, but Train is in the zone now and he is thoroughly enjoying the chance to pound the crap out of Gregory’s face.


Finally, Lisa hops the guardrail and starts punching her father on his back, all the while screaming at her father to stop. Train finally stops his attack on Gregory and he stands up as Lisa drapes herself over Gregory’s body.


As Train looks down at his distraught daughter, a look of remorse slowly creeps across his face. The paramedics soon come out to check on Gregory’s condition as the show comes to an end.]





Post-Show Thoughts:


There were no real post-show thoughts so I thought I would address the posts that talked about the previous show:


I knew it! LOL I was like, "HUH?!" when the match involving LOBSTER WARRIOR was the Main over a match involving the Champ and Faith. :p


Also, SWF Fun Fact: did you know that I don't know what Pass the Dutchie is? :D


I personally think you got too used to RIPW and not caring about ratings, that's why you're having some difficulty getting the scores you want. Still, it's all about the story, and while it's been slow goings, it's still one that I'm glad you're telling ;)


It is true, with RIPW I knew I would get terrible ratings, I think for one angle I got a two rating which I was very proud of. I guess I suck at booking in the game because my ratings are always crap.


I'd suggest feeding Bruce to an almost-champion. Like...Lobby, I think. Bruce can menace his way to whatever popularity you need; once Lobster's about 10 points under that, have an early dominant win for him. /yay!


In the mean-time...monster unleashed and have him dominate nobodies, I guess. ?_?


Oh, btw, totally put Bruce against Marat. Aside from the historical significance of the only giants in the world facing each other, I dare you to get above a 60.


With Bruce being a fan favorite, I really cannot do the monster unleashed angle with him. In fact, I think I am going to keep him out of the ring almost all together and have him wrestle on pay-per-views. This is what I have been doing with Marat.


Funny you should mention the Bruce vs. Marat match, because it is going to happen at the next pay-per-view. The funny thing is after I put it in the advance booking I thought to myself, "Crap that match is going to really suck."


TRAVESTY! Everyone should know the song, it's one of the greatest of all time.


All together now, pass the dutchie on the left hand side! :p


It was a great song, I would post it here, but due to what people think the song is about I am sure GDS mods would not be happy with me posting it.

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You can see that you clearly enjoy writing Uprising more, and it shows :p


The storylines are more engaging and the characters are more fleshed out :D


As always, F.A. Garcia was hilariously him/herself, and I like the Runaway Train angle with his daughter (whose sunglasses look REALLY weird, by the way :rolleyes: )


So in conclusion, maybe you SHOULD let SWF fall to cult, lose Supreme TV (or cut it to an hour) and have more fun in your diary :D

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It was a great song, I would post it here, but due to what people think the song is about I am sure GDS mods would not be happy with me posting it.


According to wikipedia, the song is a cover of a song with a questionable message.


Then again, Amsterdam's totally close to the UK, so Cornell knew what he was getting into when he made the game.




Besides, it's not as bad as (El?) Pasayo Jr.'s bio.

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The following video is on SWF.com




[The video begins in the parking lot of the arena where Supreme TV is being shot tonight. A red 2010 Buick LaCrosse pulls into an empty parking spot and moments later the drive, “The Prodigy” Marc DuBois, emerges from the car.


The cameraman is heard asking Marc the following question.]




Cameraman: Marc, do you feel like your reign of terror over the past few weeks has done anything to raise your stock here in the SWF?


[Marc lowers his sunglasses and glares at the cameraman for a moment before he goes into the trunk of his car and retrieves his suitcase. He then turns and looks at the cameraman once again and it is then that he begins to talk.]




Marc DuBois: Obviously not if the end result if for me to be on Supreme TV every week. The SWF matchmakers would rather put gutter trash on television like Jungle Lord or the American Machine, instead of giving me…the prodigy the chance to shine.


At this point I am at a loss as to what I need to do in order to get their attention. All I know is tonight I will once a-gain go out to that ring and once a-gain make some stupid jobber feel the pain of my Model Solution.


[Marc arrives at the arena’s backstage entrance and a member of the SWF security team steps in front of Marc, blocking him from getting to the door.]




Security Guard: Hold on a moment Mister Doo Boys…someone wants to talk to you…


[Marc looks visibly upset because the security guard mispronounced his name.]




Marc DuBois: My last name is not pronounced Doo Boys it is pronounced Doo Bwah you stupid American!




Security Guard: Whoa now, you should calm yourself down Mister Doo Boys. I wouldn’t want to have to take you down.


[Marc laughs at this comment before offering a retort.]




Marc DuBois: Please I am a trained athlete and a future SWF World Heavyweight Champion. You are nothing more than a glorified rent-a-cop. Now I demand that you let me in or you will face the consequences.


[Just then the arena doors open and out steps SWF Road Agent Marcus McKing.]




Marcus McKing: I am afraid that is not going to happen Marc…


[A visibly upset Marc coldly stares at Marcus before speaking.]




Marc DuBois: Why not?




Marcus McKing: Well Marc it’s simple, you are not scheduled to be on the show tonight so we don’t need you here. The higher ups have made it perfectly clear to you that they do not want you to sneak attack other wrestlers. Yet you do not seem to comprehend the message, I am not sure if it is a language barrier thing or what but from this point forward you will only be allowed to enter an arena if you have a match booked on that show.


[Marc stomps his feet in anger over what Marcus just said to him. He then grabs Marcus by the shirt collar and yells at him:]




Marc DuBois: That is complete B.S.! Do the SWF higher ups not know who they are dealing with? I am the prodigy, the star of my generation!




Marcus McKing: Son I don’t care if you are the President, if you don’t get your hands off me in five seconds…I’m gonna show ya exactly what this old man can do!


[Marc cockily smiles at Marcus as he backs away from him. Marcus turns to the security guard and barks at him.]




Marcus McKing: Alvin, kindly show Mister Doo Boys to his car and make sure he leaves the premises.




Security Guard: Sure thing boss…


[Alvin the security guard grabs Marc by his right arm and begins walking him back to his car. Marc tries to get away from the security guard but soon realizes that he is unable to do so.]




Marc DuBois: Get your hands off me you filthy mall cop!


[As Marc and the security guard arrive at Marc’s car, Marc turns around and looks at Marcus and shouts:]




Marc DuBois: It’s Doo Bwah not Doo Boys you stupid American!


[The video ends as Marc enters his car.]


ooc: Two things, the first one is, no Primus Allen has not made it up to the main roster yet. I had his photo left over from my NYCW diary and so I decided to use it here. They way I look at it is the WWE and TNA do it all of the time, using developmental wrestlers as extras for their shows and that was what I was doing here.


The second thing is I will resize the photo of Marcus at a later time. For some odd reason photobucket has been really tough to deal with since I got my new computer. It constantly freezes up on me and it never lets me edit the pictures. I am not sure why that is the case because I never had that problem with my old computer.


You can see that you clearly enjoy writing Uprising more, and it shows :p


The storylines are more engaging and the characters are more fleshed out :D


As always, F.A. Garcia was hilariously him/herself, and I like the Runaway Train angle with his daughter (whose sunglasses look REALLY weird, by the way :rolleyes: )


So in conclusion, maybe you SHOULD let SWF fall to cult, lose Supreme TV (or cut it to an hour) and have more fun in your diary :D


I do enjoy writing uprising more, mostly because I cut out the match write-ups all together and that is the main reason why I do not write more shows more often is because of the match write-ups.


My main problem is trying to find time for all of the main wrestlers. For instance in the next show I really wanted to put Joe Sexy and McClean on the show. However, there was just no room for me to put their skit so it had to be left out.


According to wikipedia, the song is a cover of a song with a questionable message.


Then again, Amsterdam's totally close to the UK, so Cornell knew what he was getting into when he made the game.




Besides, it's not as bad as (El?) Pasayo Jr.'s bio.


Well I do not know anything about the Mexican C-Verse but yeah I always find that funny, some of the bios for TEW are not exactly what I would call family friendly and we could never write about them on the board or we would get yelled at. However, they are in the game...:D

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some of the bios for TEW are not exactly what I would call family friendly and we could never write about them on the board or we would get yelled at.


If you search the random screenshots thread (or it might be the funny deaths/occurances one) for posts by me, there should be a screencap of the relevant part of his bio. And I go nuts about how this makes no sense wtf @ I thought this was a family board how is this in the game etc.






It doesn't exist. /sigh




Edit: Well, apparently I slyly reference it, but since I can't search via picture, apparently I am lies .________________.

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I'm enjoying Doo Boy's Jericho-like quest for respect/ fighting the conspiracy against him :D I don't know how old he is but I can see a bright future for him if he can hack it in the ring.


I know what you mean about the match write-ups, it's a struggle sometimes to make sure every match is different... but I think you do a good enough job of conveying every wrestler's mannerisms in the ring. I like the descriptions :D

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