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The Triad - The Revolution of Professional Wrestling

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<table cellpadding=“6” cellspacing=“0” border=“0” width=“100%” bgcolor=#999999><tr><td class=“alt2” style=“border:1px inset”>As I settle back in my seat, I can feel the eyes burning a hole through my face. I could feel it without so much as glancing up from the paperwork in front of me. I’d spent the last 12 hours collating information about the reception Uprising had gotten from the fans. As I sift through the information I found, I heard the door open and close. I finally look up from the paperwork to find Chairman of the Board Gil Thomas taking his place at the head of the desk.


Good morning gentlemen…


Morning Gil…


Good morning Gil.


Even my response to the greeting seemed to irk the ever tetchy Tyler. He seemed to grind his teeth with frustration.


Congratulations on last nights event, I must say I was hugely impressed.


Neither of us respond to the compliments.


What was the reaction like?


Well, the boys were all happy with how the show went, and speaking to a few friends from outside TRW they seemed to be interested in where we would go next. The seeds we started to sow made sense and we showcased the talent. I had a call from Sam Keith, though, he wasn’t happy that his boys had been left off the show. He made it pretty clear that if they weren’t going to be used, he could probably find a place for them in TCW.


Thomas listened intently, rubbing his jaw as he concentrates on the reactions from within the business.


Alright; Robert?


Well, we had a 0.58 buyrate, which was very positive. Arcadia PPV analysts have called that a really strong score from our debut event. We had a number of trending topics in the United States, and therefore Worldwide on Twitter. We were also the third most searched for single entity according to Google Trends. Antonio Marquez was the single biggest searched for male in the United States. Overall, we had some really good impact in the market. We have increased our popularity all over the world.


Tyler clicked his teeth, clearly bored at my research. Thomas noticed, and his eyes fixed on Eric.


Is there a problem here Eric?


No; nothing all. I’m just not big on all this overanalyses… I figure we want to know what the fans think and that’s it.


And that’s exactly what this tells us. It tell’s us that on Saturday night, for two and half hours, we were one of the most talked about shows on all of Media. Baring in mind, this was on the same night there was a Tsunami Warning in California; we were still one of the most talked about things on ALL of the internet. The internet, these days, is where our fans go to tell the world what they want and what they like.


Don’t you dare try and tell me how to read my fans…




I’ve been in this business for over thirty years and you’re trying to tell me…




Tyler’s eyes snap in the direction of Gil.


That is


Tyler backs up into his seat again, before Thomas looks back to me.


So, how much money are we forcast to have made as a company?


It’s too soon to say, considering that Arcadia Media both foots the bill for the production but also takes the Pay Per View income and TV revenue, we’re left with ticket sales. As such, we earned just over $175,000 in ticket revenue and spent around about $84,000 on workers and other costs. In the end we made a good level of profit so that’s going to work in our benefit.


Thomas smiled at the outcome and turned to face the paperwork in front of him once more.


Alright, I think it’s time to order some coffee.



He exudes arrogance from every pour; the cocky, arrogant suit that had been hired to “produce” our shows. He tries to take all the credit for the match when his production would be nothing if it wasn’t for the boys and my script. Gil fawned over him, all this Twitter and Google trends crap. Once upon a time an owner would count how much money they made from tickets and whether there was other interest in having us in an arena to gauge how successful we’d been. I had to face facts, this was a new world, and I was going to have to adapt.


How’s the backstage atmosphere Eric?


I smiled, knowing this was my area of expertise.


Everything seems good, I think it helps that despite our harsh rules, we’re also making sure they’re well looked after. I’ll have to keep my eye on Morton and Dean; they can be a handful if they’re not happy, but all in all I think it helps that Jake and Antonio have their partners working for the company, and Sam Keith’s boys are happy to finally work together. As I said earlier though, I think I need to pull them into the shows to keep them happy.


Any attempts to steal yet?


Not yet; it’s far too early for that. I’m trying to utilize the happiness of the Keiths, Marquez and Jett to tie them into longer term contracts. It may be worth bringing Persephone in to try and persuade Steven Parker to sign long term too.


Any probelems?


Chris [insanity] wasn’t too happy with drawing with Mikey, but we needed to spark some interest in their match. We’re hoping to build upon it, hoping to start something fresh. He’ll get some wins back, but I might have to sweeten the deal to warm him up a little. Other than that I’ve nt heard anything else…


I heard him clear his throat, trying to get the reaction from Gil.


Something to add, Robert?


Um, yeah; the Twitter feed of the Johnny Martin fan club got his reaction as he left the arena. Turns out he was less than happy with losing to Teddy Powell, and I’ll be honest, it didn’t seem like an in character reaction.


What the f… More Twitter crap? Making me look like I have no idea what my own talent is thinking. I swear to god one day I’m going to stick my fist down his throat.


Alright, well all the plans from our previous meeting, I assume, are still in place? Starting to build up towards the next Pay-Per-View? We’ll meet again on Thursday morning after Total Revolution TV. Have a great few days.


Gil tidies his papers and climbs to his feet before leaving the room, leaving the two of us alone. Me and him, the suit wearing pencil neck. I could do it now, break his jaw and walk away from all of this. No; I’d worked too hard, for too long to let all of this go. Without word I collect my things and walk to the door, as I reach my hand to the handle he speaks.


Can we not even try and get along?


I slowly turn to face him, working with every fibre of my being not to punch him in the face.


Not even a snowball’s chance in hell…


I understand that you don’t like me, I understand that you don’t like what I do. I can even understand that you don’t want to be drinking buddies, but here’s the thing.


He walks towards me, standing next to the door, eye to eye with me now with him now holding on to the door handle.


One day, things won’t go well; I know it and you know it. This business or any type of show business, one day someone will make a mistake. If we’re divided then he will turn. He will turn and one of us will be left without a job. I know what you’re thinking, Eric, you bet it will be me. But what’s the difference between you and I? The suit… The suit I feel at home in, the suit you struggle to wear. So if Gil Thomas is looking for an ally, just who exactly do you think he’ll find common ground with? The TV Executive who was recommended by almost every single person he met when he created the Media Network, or the former wrestler with no experience that he took a gamble on.


I surged forward, but he didn’t move. He showed some balls I’ll give him that.


Are you threatening me Robert?


Not in the slightest, Eric, because I know one day he’ll turn on me too. What I’m suggesting is that if you and I begin to show some kind of united front, when either of us are in trouble, when one of us has our neck on the chopping block, neither of us will hang the other out to dry. I’m happy to admit, I can’t make this show a success without you, but you can’t make this show a success without me.


He turns the handle and brushes past me before finally turning half back towards me.


Think about it Eric, you’ve got my number.


Without another word he walked away, all the swagger of a real TV executive. I had to admit, he had a point. One day, the worm would turn, and I especially, needed all of the support I could get.</td></tr></table>
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Marcus Swift
Steve Flash


Following defeat at the hands of James Platinum at Uprising, Steve Flash looks to get his derailed journey back on track in our first ever Total Revolution TV match by taking on the “The Ripper” Marcus Swift. The debuting swift will be looking to make an impact himself having been overlooked for the inaugural Pay Per View event a few nights ago. As such, this match could potentially steal the show as it would appear that both have something to prove in a company that is clearly in it’s infancy.



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Danny Dean
Shawn Stream


This match was set up by Mr. Tyler in an attempt to kick start the Tag Team Division of TRW. Each of these superstars represents a tag team, however in Dean’s case, he is yet to introduce his tag team partner. Waldorf, following defeat at the hands of Stream and his partner Jake Jett at Uprising, is looking to get his team back on track. Finally, following a great win at Uprising, Shawn Stream looks to add to the momentum they started to build up with that selfsame victory. It is to be made clear that the Tag Team Title match a win will earn will NOT take place until following the Lord of the Ring pay per view.



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Steven Parker
Johnny Martin


“The Awesome” Steven Parker debuted at Uprising with a count out victory against Johnny D. His win pushed him into the forefront for an opportunity for the TRW North American Championship, and tonight he looks to prove the fact by taking on a Legend in professional wrestling in Johnny Martin. “Mr. Hardcore” had his own problems at Uprising suffering defeat at the hands of Theodore Powell who will be highly interested in this match and, as such, could well be at ringside in order to get a better view of the match.



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DM Sparrow


“The Gatekeeper” crushed his opponent at Uprising in a contest that would do little more than show his great power, strength and terrifying abilities in the ring. Total Revolution TV sees yet another debut, that of DM Sparrow, the bird man himself, who looks to take down the huge obstacle in his path. This match, in itself, could either make Sparrow or break him as Cerberus looks to continue the roll he started at Uprising.



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Johnny D


Kancho, the Ninja Warrior, and one half of Shinobi Nation, takes on The Party Animal, Johnny D. This match could well be classic as the differing styles clash. The brash, confident and out there style of Johnny D clashing with the stealth of Kancho could well cause a huge explosion in the Total Revolution Arena. Both men will be looking to push on into the North American Title race and a victory here could force that point even more thoroughly.



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James Platinum
James Michaels


“The Prodigy” James Platinum made it his job, his mission, to end the career of one of the best loved Superstars in professional wrestling in Steve Flash. It will take more than a single victory, however, and momentum will surely be required if he is to accomplish his goal and finally down the living legend perminantly. Across from him tonight is “The Artist” James Michaels, who faced Insanity at Uprising. Their match came to an abrupt end when the referee forced through a double stoppage. Michaels will have to watch his back as it’s sure that Insanity will not be letting the issue lie.



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Antonio Marquez III & Taylor Morton
Dorian Hellfire & Remmy Psyche


The four men who stole the show at Uprising, and the four men who seem most likely to be vying for the TRW World Heavyweight Championship take up the form of unlikely Tag Teams on our debut TV show in an attempt to prove just who would be the best of the best in Total Revolution Wrestling. The Last King of Mexico, Antonio Marquez teams up with Taylor Morton, a pairing of Aristocracy and Mystery take on “The Oncoming Storm” and “The Adrenaline Junky”. A vigilante and a thrill seeker side by side taking on two of the most centred and dangerous opponents. This could well go all the way in proving just who will be the first ever TRW World Heavyweight Champion.





Quick Picks

Marcus Swift Vs Steve Flash

Danny Dean Vs Waldorf Vs Shawn Stream

Steven Parker Vs Johnny Martin

Cerberus Vs DM Sparrow

Kancho Vs Johnny D

James Platinum Vs James Michaels

Antonio Marquez III & Taylor Morton Vs Dorian Hellfire & Remmy Psyche

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Hey man, this stuff looks realy solid right out of the gate. You have another reader.


Marcus Swift Vs Steve Flash

To build to the Platinum/Flash finale


Danny Dean Vs Waldorf Vs Shawn Stream

He did well in tag-action, so I guess he has a good chance here also


Steven Parker Vs Johnny Martin

Make way for the youth movement


Cerberus Vs DM Sparrow

Monster SMASH!


Kancho Vs Johnny D

Singles guy over tag guy


James Platinum Vs James Michaels

He has momentum right now


Antonio Marquez III & Taylor Morton Vs Dorian Hellfire & Remmy Psyche

Your two franchise players will pwn

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Friendly Notice


Roughly 24-32 hours until the first TRW Total Revolution TV is due to be posted.


Predictions will be totalized following each PPV which will be the fifth show of each month. Your total will be used to work out who is the winner and then finally, the winner will be given a prize as both Eisen-Verse and Midnightnick both recieved last week.


Thanks for all the support thus far.

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Marcus Swift Vs Steve Flash

Swift may be a potential up-and-comer but having Flash lose here may end up tainting him to any sort of solid run for quite some time. That said, I'm pulling for the vet!


Danny Dean Vs Waldorf Vs Shawn Stream

He's got an unknown partner and is certainly the most dangerous of the bunch. This could easily go for Shawn Stream as well, given his upside; however, I see Danny Dean making his impact known right away!


Steven Parker Vs Johnny Martin

He lost last week to Powell. I don't see him sliding that much...


Cerberus Vs DM Sparrow

Personal choice here. Larry Wood is arguably my favorite wrestler to work with (and has been in almost ALL of my dynasty's for that reason).


Kancho Vs Johnny D

Change of pace choice. I mean, Kancho is the cooler image of the two but I'd love to see Johnny D get some love for once.


James Platinum Vs James Michaels

Platinum has higher aspirations; so, a win here will help him slowly get there. Meanwhile, I could see Insanity coming down and causing a stir?


Antonio Marquez III & Taylor Morton Vs Dorian Hellfire & Remmy Psyche

I'm thinking you'll do the classic 'keep the babyfaces chasing' scenario here. My guess is, Marquez/Morton win; however, there is a sense of cheapness to their victory. With that, Dorian and Remmy are hell-bent on getting BACK at the men who took them down.

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Wednesday, Week One, March 2010

The Total Revolution Arena



Revolution by Dope hits as the Pyro explodes, the crowd go wild and the roof comes off the, now adopted, Total Revolution Arena in Orlando, Florida. As the music begins to die, we head to ringside and our Announce Team


The Sound of Total Revolution


Steven Smith & Sara Silver


Ladies and gentlemen… THIS is TRW Total Revolution TV! My name is Steven Smith, “The Voice of the Revolution” alongside “The Feminist View” Sara Silver!

Thank you Stevie! What a night we have planned for us with some great matches!

Indeedy do Silver-roo…

Don’t do that again

Ahem… We have a great night lined up with a great Tag Team Main Event… And it would appear we’re about to be joined by one of the participants right now…


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The Last King of Mexico


Antonio Marquez III & Jennifer Marquez


Antonio Marquez and his wife, Jennifer make their sauntering way to the ring. Climbing the steps, Jennifer holds open the ropes for her aristocratic husband, allowing him to enter with ease and pose for the booing fans. He takes a microphone and stands central in the ring.




He lifts the mic to his lips for a moment before dropping it to his side, he grins at the baying crowds, clearly unhappy with his stalling tactics.




Once more he drops the mic, teasing the fans, building them up to a crescendo of anger and mirth.




AGAIN he drops the mic, this time going as far as to point at the fans and turn 360 degrees laughing out loud at the fans before trying to shush them with his hands, nodding as if this time he wasn’t going to stall. He lifts the mic once more…




This time, the crowd explode, and not because Marquez spoke, this time they go wild for the entrance of another superstar.


The Adrenaline Junky


Remmy Psyche & Dharma


The Adrenaline Duo make their way to the ring in high spirits following a big victory over Taylor Morton just three days earlier. The pair climb into the ring, offering the mic to Remmy, Dharma is given the opportunity to speak first.


I’ve never like teases…


There is a rumble of laughter as Dharma looks out to the fans, a somewhat coy smile on her face.


But I like them even less when they do it without any intention of any kind of positive pay off for the people being teased. You see, Remmy and I were backstage talking about the Main Event tonight, and he saw you, out here in the ring, refusing to speak. Here’s a news flash, Antonio, these people aren’t booing because they’re desperate to hear what you have to say, they’re booing because you’re wasting their time and their money. If you have something to say, say it. Don’t stand here acting like some kind of jackass thinking he’s all that…


Antonio once more lifts the mic to speak, but Dharma lifts her hand to stop him before passing the mic to Remmy.


Seeing as we’re out here, Antonioni, before you impart whatever pearls of wisdom you feel we all need to learn from the Last King of New Mexico, I thought I’d let you know that I’m really looking forward to the Main Event tonight. Three nights ago, I took the scalp of the most well known Superstar on this roster in Taylor Morton. A good competitor, and a worthy opponent, tonight I look to beat you; I look to beat you and make sure that I cement myself as one of the very best in this company.


Marquez seems to lock his jaw for a moment, closing his eyes as if needing to compose himself, before lifting the mic to his lips.




Once more, he’s interrupted, once more another Superstar prevents him from speaking. As the music plays, Marquez stomps up and down in the ring, a tantrum clearly brewing.


The Burning


Taylor Morton & Carl Batch


Taylor Morton is lead to the ring by the jive-talking, sharp suit wearing, moon walking, ripping and tearing Carl Batch with mic in hand. Before Morton’s music has even come to an end, Batch begins talking.


Hold up, hold up… Just a second Remmy! We can’t stand by and listen to you and that two dollar hooker telling everybody about some magic victory player; at Uprising, you were lucky. No more than a flash in the pan, no more than a one hit wonder. Tonight, my man Taylor Morton sets the record straight when he embarrasses you in that ring. Tonight, you my friend, are going to feel the burn… And Antonio, with the mood Taylor here’s in tonight, I’d suggest that you stay out of my way. Otherwise, you won’t be the Last King of Mexico, you’ll be the LATE Last King of Mexico.


Once more, the now much angrier Marquez lifts the mic to his lips once more as for a third time he is abruptly interrupted. Marquez looks to surge towards the ropes, but sensing a chance in Remmy Psyche’s mood, he thinks better of it…


The Oncoming Storm


Dorian Hellfire


Dorian Hellfire makes his way out onto the ramp with his microphone already in hand. He stands for a moment with his eyes closed, allowing his music to die down before finally lifting it to his lips.


Three nights ago, I took part in what I would have to call one of the best matches of my career thus far. Whether I like it or not, I have to give the devil his due. Antonio Marquez, you are very good, and on that night you were the better man.


Marquez nods and smiles, raising his arms to signify his superiority.


But that was then and this is now. Whilst I don’t have a snooty bitch, a 95lb sex bomb or a modern day Huggy Bear at my side…


Dharma smiles, but Jennifer and Batch show a distinctive irritation.


… I can promise that I am the very best that this company has to offer. Three nights ago, Antonio, you were the better man, but tonight I prove to the world that you can’t beat me twice.


Finally, Marquez snaps, lifting the microphone to his lips.


That’s it; I’ve had enough of listening to you three piezas de basura! Tonight is my night! I was won the Main Event of Uprising, it was me these idiotas came to see tonight and it is me who is going to win the Main Event tonight. In four weeks’ time, I will walk into the Lord of the Ring Pay-Per-View and I will take what has been promised to me by fate. I will take the World Heavyweight Championship, and not one of you cretinos inútiles will be able to stop me. You will lie in my wake, no less than daños colaterales, and no-one will ever have the nerve to disrespect me like this ever again. Yo soy el último rey de México y todos y cada uno de ustedes me va a respetar y temer a mi nombre. Yo soy Antonio Márquez III y soy inmortal.


Marquez drops his mic and leaves the ring, Jennifer following close behind. Hellfire leaves the top of the ramp with Morton & Batch following close behind Marquez.</td></tr></table>

Ladies and gents, as Remmy and Dharma leave ringside, I have to say I’m impressed by the intensity of our Main Event stars here.

Definitely, and Marquez especially seems to really have something going on. Tonight he showed that he has no intention of being a walkover.

You could well be right Sara, but each of the other three put their case forward well. Up next, we have our opening contest of the evening and it’s going to be a good one…

Definitely; Steve Flash taking on Marcus Swift…


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Marcus Swift
Steve Flash


Signed with a reputation for merciless intentions to maim, “The Ripper” Marcus Swift was offered the opportunity to take in hand the task that was set aside by James Platinum for himself; to end the career of Steve Flash. It would appear that Platinum is not the only man to want to see the end of Mr. TRW as Eric Tyler made this opening contest match in an attempt to put Flash out for good.


The match started out slow with the youngster taking control trying to wear down his older, less physically intact opponent. “The Ripper” name come from his early days in professional wrestling where he had seemed to take great pleasure in removing joints from sockets taking weeks, months and sometimes years from his opponents. Whilst he realised that this would lower his work opportunities, the name stuck, and tonight he was showing just why. He twisted and locked Steve Flash up in so many holds that Mr. TRW looked sure to snap. Thankfully, the resilient veteran seized upon a moments mistake to turn the tides.


Following the use of the ropes to break a hold, Flash lured Swift to the outside where he fought back with some old fashioned fighting skills. Returning to the ring, The Ripper couldn’t retake the momentum he had lost trying to go toe to toe and instead turned dirty. Following a near fall by Flash via a roll-up, Swift did likewise using the tights. After a two, he sunk his thumb deep into Flash’s eye socket allowing him to back up and wait like a Predator to hit his prelude to ending the match
, a Belly to Belly Suplex. As Flash turned, he seemed to sense danger and ducked out of the attempt and as Swift turned he was hit by the
! Flash quickly made the cover and gained a good victory.


Winner of the match by pinfall following a Flash Bang – “Mr. TRW” Steve Flash

After that defeat at the hands of James Platinum at Uprising, that showed some heart to come back and beat “The Ripper”.

But by the same token, what a great debut performance!

Definitely; take nothing away from Marcus Swift he proved tonight that he could hang with the best in Total Revolution Wrestling.

And clearly he wasn’t the only one wanting to prove something.


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A Feigned Congratulation


James Platinum, Angelique & Steve Flash


Stood atop the ramp, a fixed sneer upon his face and Angelique by his side, stands “The Prodigy” James Platinum. His reaction to the match was that of a slow hand clap atop the ramp. As Marcus Swift leaves the ringside area, Steve Flash who until this moment had been clapping the fans, finally notices Platinum.


Ladies and gentlemen, let’s hear it for Steve Flash!


The crowd cheer, despite the clear sarcasm in Platinum’s voice.


Let’s all cheer for the old fossil, stuck in the 1990’s, trying to reclaim some former glories. I mean, it’s not like there’s a roster full of young, hungry guys whose opportunity is being stolen by a man who struggles to climb out of bed of a morning.


The cheers turn to boos as Platinum’s real meaning comes to light.


Steve Flash, when are you going to realise that despite all your efforts, you’re never going to be the superstar you wanted to be. You’ve not got the movie star looks, you’ve not got the charisma, and these days? You’re not even any good in that ring. That, Steve, I proved to you three nights ago at Uprising. That, my aging friend, is why I promised that I would end your career.


Flash smiles, before asking for a mic of his own.


You know what brought me to Total Revolution Wrestling James? Not the money, not the chance to be a superstar, not the opportunity of one last run, it was guys like you. See, when I walked into Uprising last Saturday night, I walked in knowing I was taking on one of the future stars of this business in James Platinum. I knew, that one day, I would be able to look back on that night, the last night of my career with a fondness and I was going to say I went out against one of the best. That’s right James, I planned on shaking your hand, win lose or draw, and walking out of that arena for the last time.


Platinum’s smile seemed to falter for a moment.


But do you know what kept me around, James? It was you; because you showed me what my worth was. You, James, showed me that I still had something to offer, something to teach… And that, my young arrogant punk, is respect. Your actions at Uprising did no more than cement what I already knew deep down about your generation. You want it all and want to give nothing in return. So here’s the thing, James, you want to retire me? You want to END Steve Flash? Then I’m giving you the opportunity. All you have to do, is earn it. Take me out… I dare you to try.


Flash drops his mic, a smile on his face, as his music begins to play. Platinum looks angry on the ramp, gripping Angelique by the arm and leading her out of the arena.</td></tr></table>

Did Flash just say he was going to RETIRE after Uprising!?

Indeed he did Smitty; but more importantly, did he just dare James Platinum to end his career? Bad move…

Especially if “The Prodigy” takes up the offer… Ladies and gents, stay tuned we’ll be right back with our next contest after the break.



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Danny Dean
Shawn Stream


Following up from the impressive debuts of four of our Tag Team division at Uprising, our next contest saw the opportunity at a future TRW Tag Team Title match up for grabs. Following the Lord of the Rings event, one of these contestants would team up with a partner of their choice, somewhat obvious in some cases, to take on another team for the Tag Team Championships. As simple as this seems, it is not, as rather than have a regular singles match, three teams were represented.


The match started with three very differing styles all trying to garner control with Shawn Stream trying to counter the power of Waldorf and the technical skill of Danny Dean with his sheer speed and athleticism. This worked whilst attempting to avoid harm, but when in attack, he found himself countered by Dean and simply swatted away by Waldorf. In the end, the unlikely alliance of Dean and Waldorf controlled and grounded Stream. Their calculated assaults seemed to prove the end of Stream, as they seemed to toy with their high speed foe, but in the end, their egos came into play and both men began exchanging blows.


With Dean and Waldorf interested only in one another, Stream had the chance to recuperate. As Waldorf sent Dean over the top rope with a clothesline, Stream took his opportunity and utilized a hit and run tactic that seemed to be working. Several dropkicks and a springboard elbow later and Waldorf was staggering, the big man finally went down as Stream hit a low drop kick sending him down kneeling across the middle ropes.


Stream hit the ropes and went for the
. Following the kick, Stream hit the springboard one more time, but Waldorf clearly saw it coming. Catching and turning in one fluid motion, The Destroyer hit
. He moved to make the cover when a swift boot to the side of his head, staggered Waldorf before he was tossed to the outside of the ring… Danny Dean had recovered synching in
! Within moments, Stream was slapping the mat to give up, as an angry looking Waldorf climbed back into the ring. Danny Dean high tailed it out of the ring and into the crowd. Before Waldorf could even look Stream, his partner, Jake Jett hit the ring, and Waldorf dropped out to the outside.


Winner of the match by Submission following a Dean Lock – Danny Dean

Danny Dean and his mystery partner are one of the two contenders for the Tag Team Championships!

He played the game and he won. Taking advantage of Waldorf’s mistakes!

Perhaps, but surely he should fight with more honour.

Honour? There’s no honour in winning like that! Hold on; what’s this?


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The Impressed Onlooker


Eric Tyler, Jake Jett, Shawn Stream & Cameron


The music of Eric Tyler hits as he makes his way out to the ramp way; walking slowly towards him is the figure of a dejected looking Waldorf coming off the back of a second Enforcer loss in as many appearances. Without lifting the mic to his lips, Tyler tells Waldorf to leave before a grin appears on his face and he looks to JettStream stood in the ring.


Jake! Shawn! JettStream!


His words are punctuated by the cheers of the fans in attendance as Shawn Stream is lifted to his feet by the hands of his Tag Team partner.


You boys have impressed me all through your careers. I saw you both wrestling in Canada, and I extended the hand of opportunity to you to make a name for yourselves here in the United States. Whilst opportunity in Canada has been somewhat scarce, you have managed to grasp that opportunity with both hands. Sadly, here tonight, you were unable to gain victory, and in turn, you were unable to stake a claim for the TRW Tag Team Championships, but you have managed to impress me. Obviously relying on Waldorf and Statler has been a mistake; a mistake that I will unlikely make again unless they prove some kind of worth. This means, my young friends, leads me to why I came out here tonight; I have an opportunity to afford you.


Stream and Jett look at one another, neither seemingly wanting to second guess just what this opportunity could be.


I could use a couple of impact players like yourselves at my side, and I always reward those who stand at my side. One word from me, and my considerable power will lend weight to your strides to become Tag Team Champions. In other words, boys, join me and I promise you will get the title shots that you so crave.


The two partners turn slightly as if discussing their options with Cameron joining them in the ring. They talk for a moment before Stream asks for a mic. Taking it in hand, he turns to face Tyler stood at the top of ramp.


Tyler dude, my buddy Jake and I have had a moment to consider your offer and we would like to respectfully, yet none the less emphatically invite you to shove it straight up your a…

WHAT my partner here is trying to say is that while we appreciate the fact that you’re offering us the chance at Championship gold, we are afraid that we’d ask you to shove it straight up your a …

IN other words; Mr. Tyler, boss man, JettStream are puppets for no man, it doesn’t matter who he is, what he can offer or what he can do to them for refusing. They stand on their own two feet and, with that being said; we would like to decline your offer.


She smiles, half letting the microphone drop before Tyler cuts in.


You have no idea what you’re doing, do you? You laid back, happy-go-lucky types have no idea just what I can do to your careers. You don’t want to stand by my side? Fine; if you’re not with me, you’re against me. But if you’re against me, I can promise, your life here in TRW will not be easy…


Cameron lifts the mic to his lips once more


Ahh screw it! Eric Tyler; take your offer and shove it up your ass!


She drops the mic and embraces both Jett and Stream, before their music hits. A frustrated looking Eric Tyler turns and heads backstage.</td></tr></table>

Well that was stupid.

How so?

They refused a
title shot. If you’re not here to do what it takes to win Gold, then what the hell are you here for?

There’s winning, and there’s winning in the right way. This is winning in the right way.

Winning is winning, period.

Stay where you are, everybody, we’ll be right back with our next match, Steven Parker taking on Johnny Martin!




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Steven Parker
Johnny Martin


Our next contest drew together two different ends of the TRW Spectrum; wrestling’s future and wrestlings past. It’s clear to anyone that Johnny Martin is unlikely to be headlining TRW Pay Per Views, Steven Parker, on the other hand could well be. As such, this would be a meeting of TRW’s future and wrestling’s past. Of course, this is not to mention the somewhat contrasting styles between the two men as The Awesome one’s more rounded mix of Technical ability and brawling skills taking on the rugged smash mouth style of Johnny Martin.


The match began with Parker trying to avoid capture at the hands of Martin, staying either in or out of the ring depending on where Martin was at the particular time. The hope, of course, was that Martin would get frustrated. He didn’t; he got Parker. The Wily veteran caught up with Parker and took his young opponent to the proverbial wood shed. In fact; Martin had total control of the match from start to finish, his brutal style really putting the self-proclaimed big league star to task. Martin’s domination seemed sure to end in victory; or so you would think.


As the match drew to it’s close, Martin found himself distracted by the appearance at ringside of Theodore Powell. Martin’s Uprising opponent seemed to be intending to anger him just as much as he possibley could with taunts and getting involved preventing Martin from taking advantage of moments where he could have gained victory. In the end, Martin’s attention was taken long term by the introduction at ringside of a Table. Mr. Money set up the table at ringside, and Martin took chase. Around the ring they flew and Powell slid into the ring; running past Parker. Martin, however, was not so successful, finding himself swinging a right arm at The Awesome who ducked, turned and hit the
. Quickly making the cover, Parker gained the victory.


Winner of the match by pinfall following a Big League Blitz after distraction by Theodore Powell – Steven Parker

Oh come on! Things like this just can’t keep happening!

Things like what?

Are you serious!? Powell costing Martin that match!

I don’t think you understand the concept of “winning”.

Well I don’t think Powell will be a winner here if Martin gets his hands on him.


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Celebrating and High Tailing


Theodore Powell, Steven Parker & Johnny Martin


On the outside of the ring, Theodore Powell continues to gloat over causing Martin’s loss; that is until he notices Martin getting to his feet. On cue, he skips out on the potential celebrations with Parker as the angry Martin turns his eye upon the young opportunist. Parker, himself noticing danger, slips out of the ring and backs up the ramp, tapping his temple to show his intelligence with Emily Edwards at his side…

Not Standing Idly By


Johnny D


The man defeated and taunted by Parker at Uprising, Johnny D hits the ramp way, gripping the boasting Parker from behind, running down the ramp and sliding him into the ring. The furious Parker jumps to his feet and turns, shouting down Johnny who is stood at the bottom of the ramp. Suddenly, he realises his predicament; he turns slowly to reason with Martin, but finds himself hoisted high into the air before being tossed over the top rope with
through the table at ringside. Johnny D takes a mic and crouches down by the side of the fallen Parker.


Damn Steven; that was one hell of a fall you just took. Never mind, I’m sure you can find someone to rub your back all better. In fact, if I was you I’d hope you can find someone to make you feel all better because I promise you… Big League Star, I’m coming for you. I’m coming for you and I’m coming for that North American Championship. I’ll be damned if I let you get in my way. Have a great evening, Steven, because I’m going to PARTY!


With that, the party animal drops the mic and lifts his arms in the air, pointing towards Johnny Martin in a show of respect as Martin’s music plays us out, allowing all to leave ringside and the table to be cleared from ringside.</td></tr></table>

Martin attacked Parker when his back was turned! Two against one! Is that the honour you’re talking about Stevie?!

Please; a little revenge! There’s nothing wrong with that.

You hypocritical son of a b…

Let’s head back to the ring…


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DM Sparrow


Yet another TRW debut; this time for DM Sparrow, our resident Straight Edge Superstar. His debut, however, could hardly come against a more challenging opponent in non-other than “The Gatekeeper” Cerberus. The gigantic guardian of hell comes off the back of not only a dominant victory but an all-round destruction of Wayne Davis. DM Sparrow looks to make the impact of all impacts here tonight, taking on the biggest monster in Total Revolution Wrestling.


He did indeed make an impact; not necessarily in the way he had hoped but indeed he did. Cerberus dominated the match, continually toying with his smaller opponent. Sparrow, for his part, just kept coming back. He had no interest in running and hiding, but just kept getting back to his feet only to get knocked back down. This fact, it seemed, would frustrate Cerberus, and in the end, it was this that caused Batch to make a somewhat snap decision.


He jumped to the apron, much to the chargrin of the referee, extended his hand and turned his thumb down. For the entire time Batch’s thumb pointed to the ground, Cerberus was a man possessed. Smashing Sparrow’s head back and forth against the turnbuckle until his legs were like jelly. The referee counted and counted, before trying to come between them and being tossed to the ground by the Gatekeeper. This, it seems, was the last straw. The referee called for the bell and the match was over.


Winner of the match by disqualification following the referee being thrown to the ground – DM Sparrow.</td></tr></table>




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The Assault Continues


Carl Batch, Cerberus & DM Sparrow


Batch holds his thumb still in the downward position, laughing raucously as Cerberus continues to attack Sparrow in the corner. He pulls Sparrow out of the corner and lifts him into the air crushing him to the mat with a huge powerslam. Pulling Sparrow up again, he tosses him hard against the turnbuckles; Sparrow’s legs give out and slams face first into the mat. The crowd are hushed at the attack, before finally Cerberus ends the torture. Dragging Sparrow to his feet one more time, Cerberus short arms his opponent and hits a huge
. Sparrow crumples to the mat and finally, Batch withdraws his thumb.


Instantly, Cerberus regains his control and his composure. Backing away from the destruction in the ring, Cerberus and Batch leave the ringside area as EMT’s rush to Sparrow’s aide. As Batch and Cerberus reach the top of the ramp, DM Sparrow begins to stir, pushing off the neck brace and the EMT’s in full… He pulls himself up to a vertical base slowly before staggering to the ropes at the far side of the ring facing the ramp. Cerberus, seeing this as a failure, looks to rush the ring again but this time he is detained by Batch who refuses to let him go. The crowd go wild for Sparrow, seemingly able to leave ringside under his own steam.</td></tr></table>

How in god’s name did Sparrow survive that?

Not ONLY survive, but walk away from ringside. That is some resilience.

I have to give the guy credit… That was impressive.

Let’s take a commercial break while Sparrow leaves ringside and we’ll be back with more action!




Returning from commercial we head straight to the ring for our next contest.


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Johnny D


Our next contest saw one half of Shinobi Nation, Kancho taking on the man who earlier on tonight staked a claim for the North American Championship. Following Steven Parker’s victory, he seemed to step further into the contention for the Championship, and now his new enemy seems willing and able to do the same. Despite victory last week, Kancho was not part of the triple threat tag team qualifier match earlier which seems to indicate he will be in the other part of the bracket. As a ninja warrior of old, however, he will never rest.


The contest was cagey from the get go, Kancho looking not to make any mistakes and Johnny D not wanting to let Kancho catch him out with any fancy Ninja moves. Neither, it would appear, wanted to take a chance. Although the high pace of the match leant itself to a jaw dropping turn, neither wanted to take that next step. They seemed to cancel one another out and with neither reaching out for a chance, neither seemed able to get a foothold on the match. Shinobi Nation did, it would come to pass, take the first chance. Kancho slipped to the outside following a thumb to the eye and from the far side of the ring just a second later, he slipped back inside. Many would speculate that this wasn’t Kancho but Kishu had entered.


The seemingly fresher man took control, his focus even more towards flying since the apparent switch. Whichever member of Shinobi Nation it was seemed to take more chances, however with greater risk comes greater failure, and an attempt at a springboard roundhouse was ducked, and Johnny D returned to control. As Johnny looked destined to win, the referee was again distracted with a thumb to the eye, as again The Ninjas looked to switch. Their attempt, this time, was less than stealth, with Kancho dragging Kishu to the outside. He climbed inside and turned to check that Kishu was hiding, but when he turned around he was hit with the
. Their attempts at trickery had backfired, and Johnny D made the cover.


Winner of the match by pinfall following The Fly by Night after a failed Shinobi Nation Switch – Johnny D

It looks like Shinobi Nation outsmarted themselves Sara!

It looks like Johnny D learnt his lesson… Trick me once shame on you and all that Jaz!

Indeed Sara! Ladies and gentlemen, let’s take you back to earlier in the day, a conversation that took place in the office of Eric Tyler…


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A Second Chance Offer


Eric Tyler, Remmy Psyche and Dharma


Heading backstage to the office of Eric Tyler, we find the man himself engrossed in contracts. There’s a knock on the door and he calls for whoever it is to come in. He smiles, places his pen on the desk and extends his arms.


Dharma! Remmy! Great to see you both, I’m glad you could make it.

What do you want, Eric?

Now, now; I asked you here to talk business. I know last week you refused my offer, but I just wanted to let you both know that the offer is still open. I can understand I put you both on the spot last week and that was not my intention. I want you both to join me, together we can be great. Look, look…


Tyler lifts up one of the contracts and waves it in the air.


This is a contract for next week, where you will have to take part in a Beat the Clock challenge with the rest of those men who want to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship. We have two options here, Remmy, I can sign this piece of paper and you will have your contracted opportunity at Championship gold, or I can tear it up and name you in the Main Event of Lord of the Rings and we can say no more about proving yourself worthy… What do you say?


Tyler smiles an oily smile, the arrogance and self assurance pouring from every single cell of his body. Dharma leans forward, her teeth bared in anger.


You listen tome Tyler…

Dharma, can you wait outside please?

But I was going to…


Wait, you’re not actually considering….



She reluctantly turns to leave, Tyler’s fake smile now relaxing into a more meaningful, real smile.


I knew you would see sense, Remmy, let’s get this…


Psyche advances on the desk, slamming his fists on the surface, leaning forwards clearly towards Tyler’s face.


I asked her to leave because I didn’t want to have her part of this. We were pleasant last week Eric, we let your insulting little offer pass because we’re not like you. We don’t take what we want, when we want, how we want and damn everyone else. I have no interest in joining you Eric, because I don’t believe in what you stand for. I have no interest in joining you Eric, because I think you’re corrupt and all that is wrong with this business, but most of all, and I hope to dear god you understand this when I tell you, most of all, I have no interest in joining you because I… Don’t… Like… You. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a match to prepare for.


Remmy turns and leaves the office; as the door closes the camera fades in to Tyler sat at his desk, even now still smiling. Finally, just before we fade out, he speaks.


Let the games begin…</td></tr></table>

What does it all mean, Sara?

It means, Steven, that like earlier tonight with JettStream, Remmy hasn’t realised on what side his bread is buttered, and this could well be his downfall.

We’ll have to wait and see just how this develops, and up next we have another great match up. James Platinum taking on James Michaels.


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James Platinum
James Michaels


Once more into the breach with another Pay Per View calibre contest between “The Artist” James Michaels and “The Prodigy” James Platinum. Following his earlier exchange with Steve Flash, Platinum had something to prove tonight by taking on a class of opponent that would be a worry for most opponents. The Martial Artist, James Michaels has dangerous feet and he is indeed willing and able to use them as lethal weapons.


The contest started evenly enough with a number of moves designed to wear one another down; however as both men realised the other was not likely to be worn down quickly, they both changed tact. A great display of hold and counter hold; or in Michael’s case, kick and counter kick, took place for the large part of the match with both men getting opportunities for victory that neither took. As the match reached it’s latter stages, Platinum made an unusual mistake allowing James Michaels to build up some momentum and even signal to the crowd for the Art at it’s Finest Roundhouse kick.


It was this point that many things seemed to happen at once. Angelique jumped to the apron, distracting the referee, James swung with the roundhouse which Platinum ducked, only to spin into a waist lock from The Insane one himself, Insanity! With the referee’s back turned, James found himself on the end of a huge
. The referee returned Angelique to the ground just in time to miss Insanity leaving the ring and Paltinum to hit the
. He rolled into the cover and the referee slapped the mat three times.


Winner of the match by pinfall following the Platibomb after an attack by Insanity on Michael James – James Platinum

Once AGAIN cheating prevails! Eric Tyler should be ashamed!

I think he’d be more ashamed if he got involved; these men should be able to look after themselves.

Not against multi-person attacks! I mean come on, look at this!


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The Platinum/Insane Coilition


James Platinum, Insanity & James Michaels


As soon as the match concludes and the pin is counted, Insanity and Platinum continue their assault. Boot, puches, kicks; almost any type of attack you could think of rained down upon Michael’s for a good couple of minutes. He seemed to fight back, but to little avail as the numbers game was a little too much for him. Insanity moved to the outside and returned with a steel chair; this it would seem, would be a bridge too far…


The Old Age Cavalry


Steve Flash


The crowd go wild for the veteran sprinting to the ring and sliding inside. James Platinum immediately bailed, but Insanity reeled back with the chair. Quickly, It was wrestled from him by James Michaels; he swung the chair himself but the connection was minimal. Platinum and Insanity both backed up the ramp with Flash and Michaels shouting at them to come back and fight. All in all, with the match over and Michaels protected, both men followed their opponents backstage, very much victorious.


Steve Flash Is a great man!

A great man who did nothing…

He didn’t need to! His presence was enough!

Please, just introduce the Main Event!


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Antonio Marquez III & Taylor Morton
Dorian Hellfire & Remmy Psyche


Following on from the two best matches at Uprising, the four men in the ring are all considered to be contenders for the TRW World Heavyweight Championship. This tag match does little more than prefer the apparent order of who will enter the ring and when in the Main Event of Lord of the Rings. Morton and Hellfire started in the ring, both men locking up, trying to get control of the match but neither really having much of an opportunity, to remember their abilities and put them into practice.


Back and forth the two went, slamming rights and lefts into one another’s face. It took a double clothesline to draw Psyche and Marquez into the ring. This match was more of a contrast, a low budget version of the match the fans have been asking for. Yet again, they bounce of one another their control never being taken, still, after what feels like hours, neither man nearer to victory. Quickly, Marquez and Morton are in control beating Psyche down between them exchanging tags and stopping Remmy from getting out.


Whilst fighting Marquez, Psyche got the opportunity to hit an enzaguri, when that missed he jumped in reverse, kicking away Marquez across the ring before finally making a hot tag to Hellfire. The Oncoming Storm proved his worth for the name as he was like lightening all over the ring and beating the hell out of everyone. He fought off the ring announcers, the time keepers, the ringside staff and anyone else he could get his hands on. His high paced comeback was short lived and suddenly, he was tagged again. All four competitors entered the ring and continued the brawl.


This match was suddenly on fire, the crowd were eating up this four on four action, waiting for something to happen. They didn’t have to wait long as a huge series of pinfall attempts were made in just over seven minutes. All four men looked like they had something to prove, something to offer, and when finally the mistake did happen it would come from one of the most unlikely sources, Antonio Marquez. Climbing to the top rope he looked to combats Remmy’s speed with speed of his own, and did he crash and burn.


The match remained pretty even, that was until the last moments of the match which saw Marquez regained control. They worked on his legs as to prevent him from climbing to the top rope. Their tactics were working, keeping Remmy grounded, but then Dorian Hellfire returned to the fray. He fought off both Marquez and Morton, before Morton came back and took Hellfire out to the outside. Sensing an opportunity, Remmy climbed to his knees and then to his feet, Marquez fought back, whipping Remmy to the far side of the ring, however on the reverse, Remmy Psyche synched in a Crucifix and rolled through into a pin. Much to everyones surprise, he managed to hold the bigger Marquez down for a shock pinfall.


Winners of the match by Flash Pinfall by Remmy Psyche – Remmy Psyche & Dorian Hellfire

What a finish! What a match! What a night!

I’m pumped, Stevie! I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep.

Ladies and gentlemen, what the will happen next week when we look to find out just who will be the contenders to be the first ever TRW World Heavyweight Champion. Thank you so much, for joining us for our first ever edition of Total Revolution TV! Good night everybody!



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Prediction Contest


Thank you to those who predicted for our first show, after Round 1 the scores are as follows:


Eisen-Verse - 4/7

MidnightNick - 4/7

Swagger1994 - 4/7


Please continue to predict for your chance to win a prize at the end of the Month.

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