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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution

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Thanks for the reaction to the appraisals- I was starting to wonder though if I was doing a bit of a fruitless exercise, but thankfully it turned out everyone was just waiting till I got to the end.


Checking back on all the shows, to see who pinned who for the Decision records was hard work, but it was worth it in the end. Of course I put those in for the exact reasons that Miko said.


In reaction to Tiberious and Michigan Hero's comments regarding Incognito- he is indeed a great talent but certainly one I'd be wary sticking a title on, and not just because of his ego but for the fact that his personality profile also shows him to be a mercenary and extremely driven- which all points to him likely to jump ship to UPJ at some point.


Regarding Miko's comments on Kan Mitsubishi- I do get her sentiments as Mitsubishi was once a champion in DIASPORA, but the bottom line is the guy should never have been one in the first place!


Anyway for guys I see surplus to requirements, I just tend to let their contracts run out/depush them to jobberville- rather than fire them. Which is why Mitsubishi and Shimizudani will be sticking around for the next tour :p


I only fire guys who have shown themselves to be a backstage cancer and have little in the way of talent. The most likley candidate for a flat out firing in that sense would be Xtinction.

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Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine


The only time he will be number 1


;-; number one in my heart though


I don't comment enough, but I love what you've done with Wolfe. After I created him, I realized how bland he was, so the Fuku Machine character added with a personality disorder, I can dig it :D

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The Wrestler That Smells of Sunflowers (Solutions?)


The wrestler that smells of sunflowers, just who was this guy that Momo Nyan Nyan searching for? Momo Nyan Nyan be the admittedly cute but irritating High School Senior that works at a Maid Cafe in Tokyo- that has somehow barged her way into my life......


Like a nagging headache I couldn't quite get rid of, she was going to meet me after our Flowers of Hell show, then again this situation was all of my own making for some reason I invited her to the show, because somehow I felt some kind of sense of duty to help her find this so called Wrestler that Smells of Sunflowers- this mythical being Momo Nyan Nyan claims to be her father.


Momo Nyan Nyan was her usual effervescent self when I met up with her, but when I cut to the chase and asked her if she recognized anyone as her father, her tone shifted to one tinged with a slight sense of melancholy, her words seemed full of confusion and regret.


'I didn't recognise him at all.....but then again I don't remember my father's face, all I remember was that smell...the smell of sunflowers'


We really weren't going to be getting anywhere here, she doesn't remember her father's face and all she can remember is a smell, of something that doesn't even have a smell!


And then suddenly it clicked in my head, could it be that she never saw her father's face, because he never revealed it in the first place...... Could it be that her father was here all along, but over time the mask he wears, has just turned into a darkened blur in her memory.....


Could Momo Nyan Nyan's father be.........



Prime Dragon?




Now if my instincts were to be correct, Momo was clearly not Misaki's daughter....Misaki being just 29 would be far too young to be Momo's mother, but could Dragon-san have had a previous marriage- a marriage that would have fallen apart during the prime of his wrestling career. Could it be that he could not juggle the pressure of being a top wrestler, and looking after a family.


Of course the ideal scenario, would be that Momo and Dragon-san would be re-introduced and then reconcile one another, but the world is always so idealistic and would re-introducing them to one another cause more aggravation for both parties? I also didn't want to jump to conclusions, what if my instincts were wrong and Dragon-san wasn't Momo's estranged father after all.


On this occasion I would play ignorant, and sent Momo away disappointed that she had still to find the so called 'wrestler that smells of sunflowers', though that cheery front once again returned as we said our goodbyes.....


'Oh well, perhaps one day I will find him.....Please stay in touch Taka-chan, perhaps you could com and see me at the cafe nyan nyan'


And then after she skipped away from me and out of the door, it then dawned on me that I would be having this cloud hanging over my head, until I confronted Dragon-san over this matter.

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And so with that cheesy cliff hanger, DIASPORA-Takayuki of the Revolution comes to and end.........



Well at least this version of it. My intention is to carry on with this project as I still have many ideas and stories planned for it, and I would like to think that the first tour is only the beginning, but if/when it comes back depends on how well the save data converts between TEW2010 and TEW2013.

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And so with that cheesy cliff hanger, DIASPORA-Takayuki of the Revolution comes to and end.........



Well at least this version of it. My intention is to carry on with this project as I still have many ideas and stories planned for it, and I would like to think that the first tour is only the beginning, but if/when it comes back depends on how well the save data converts between TEW2010 and TEW2013.


We all know who the REAL culprit is! It is obviously HUSTLE Umiro. One look at that man and every woman falls weak at the knees! :p

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