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WWE: January 2011 - Raw v. Smackdown

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Zack Ryder vs. John Morrison

This is back when Ryder was a jobber (even more so than now), and Morrison was still recieving a push ( I think). Certainty :p

Melina and Alicia Fox vs. The Bella Twins

More talent

Tyson Kidd vs. Yoshi Tatsu

Tyson Kidd is awesome. That is all.

WWE United States Title Match: Daniel Bryan defends vs. Ted DiBiase


CM Punk and The Miz vs. John Cena and Randy Orton

So much overness...

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Zack Ryder vs. John Morrison

Melina and Alicia Fox vs. The Bella Twins

Tyson Kidd vs. Yoshi Tatsu

WWE United States Title Match: Daniel Bryan defends vs. Ted DiBiase

CM Punk and The Miz vs. John Cena and Randy Orton

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Zack Ryder vs. John Morrison



Melina and Alicia Fox vs. The Bella Twins

Guess why the Bellas are employed in WWE, it's a tough one :p.


Tyson Kidd vs. Yoshi Tatsu

Tatsu needs a push due to his kick-ass theme song.


WWE United States Title Match: Daniel Bryan defends vs. Ted DiBiase

Bryan wins with the Yes Lock.


CM Punk and The Miz vs. John Cena and Randy Orton

Yeah, Orton + Cena on the same team in WWE never ends well for heels.

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[show Poster Provided by jhd1]

WWE Monday Night RAW!

Monday Week 4 January 2011

Location: NY Binghamton Events Center (Tri State)

Attendance: 6,861

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 5.98




[Our show begins with a video recap from last week's Raw. Of course the focus is on the main event where CM Punk faced off with Randy Orton. Punk was victorious following a distraction by The Miz. Then Punk began talking about his feud with John Cena, ending with the phrase: 'I am better than you.']






[The in-arena portion of the show begins with Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler welcoming everyone to another edition of Monday Night RAW! Already standing within the ring are CM Punk and the members of The Nexus. Punk has a definite smile on his lips as he usually does. Heath Slater, in particular, looks dissatisfied with something, though. CM Punk has a microphone.]


CM Punk

"Yes, welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw, the show that CM Punk runs with what can only be described as an iron fist. This is the show where The Nexus are now on top and everyone else is scrambling to do just as good as we do. But I didn't come out here to talk about myself and my accomplishments, believe it or not. There's not enough airtime to list them all. I came out here tonight because I believe that running The Nexus and being the best wrestler in the world is too much even for me. So I decided that I needed a second man to help me run the show. A man who could be at my right hand when needed."


[Justin Gabriel smiles for a moment and looks to take a step forward but Punk steps directly in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. Punk looks Gabriel up and down for a few moments and then shakes his head.]


CM Punk

"Sorry Justin. I decided to go outside of the Nexus for this particular position. I decided to look to sign someone who I know is an excellent leader. I decided to sign someone who I know can almost fill in my shoes because I consider him to be the second best wrestler in the world. Heath Slater has even chosen to give up his spot in the Royal Rumble to this man to help The Nexus be successful. Thank you, Heath. Now without further adue let me introduce the man who is number two in The Nexus. He is called the 'Code Of Honor' Austin Aries!"




[The crowd is in absolute shock! Some of them seem to know who he is, while others have no clue. Austin Aries steps out from the back and plays to the booing crowd for a few moments and then walks all the way down to the ring with an arrogant smile on his lips. He steps inside the ring and shakes hands with CM Punk before looking the other Nexus wrestlers up and down one at a time. Aries is then given the microphone and he pauses, absorbing in both boos and a faint 'Austin Aries' chant from the crowd.]


Austin Aries

"The WWE. Who would have thought that I would ever be here? We all know Vince likes the big musclemen so I am definitely not his type. But that's what The Nexus is all about. We are wrestlers who don't fit the mold here in the WWE. We're not veterans. Though I would be considered a veteran, just like Punk. But at the end of the day we have the best wrestler in the world and the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived side by side in the ring together. So The Nexus just got stronger. The Nexus just got a Code Of Honor."


[Punk and Aries shake hands and do a quick hug in the ring. Aries holds the ropes open for Punk and then motions for David Otunga to do the same for him. Otunga reluctantly does so and he steps out side by side with CM Punk. The rest of The Nexus slowly follow behind.]




Match #1

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/ZackRyder.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AliciaFox.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JohnMorrison.jpg

Zack Ryder vs. John Morrison


[Zack Ryder comes out to the ring with Alicia Fox in his corner to face off with John Morrison. A very good match between these two that saw Ryder get in a few offensive moves against the former Tough Enough III Winner. The momentum shifted, though, when Ryder went for a hangman's neckbreaker but Morrison fought his way out of the hold. Morrison comes back with a corkscrew neckbreaker, bringing Ryder down on the mat. Alicia Fox just shakes her head at ringside, turning her eyes away. Morrison moves to the corner -- Starship Pain! He connects and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: John Morrison (Via Pinfall @ 4:36)

Match Rating: B-


[John Morrison celebrates the victory as we head to a commercial break. The fans in the arena are treated to Morrison's celebration in the ring. He exits by flipping over the top rope to the floor and then high fives the fans in attendance as he walks toward the back.]






[We come back to the backstage area where we see Tyson Kidd standing with an icy-faced Masahiro Chono. Kidd has several large bills in his hand that he is giving over to Chono, counting out each one. When the last bill is given, Chono nods and turns and walks off. Kidd looks over and sees the camera. His eyes go wide and he runs toward the camera, knocking over both the camera and the cameraman to the ground. He is definitely not happy about being caught here.]




Match #2


Melina and Alicia Fox vs. The Bella Twins


[Our second time seeing Alicia Fox this evening as this time she is in tag team action with Melina against the Bella Twins. The match went pretty poorly, even by the standards of the Divas division. Melina definitely stood out within this match, showing why she is the top contender to the WWE Divas title. Late in the match, the Bella Twins got caught trying to use a little twin magic, allowing for some double-teaming by Melina and Alicia. Melina catches Nikki Bella with a Sunset Flip Bomb, hooking her legs over the legs of the Bella Twin: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Melina and Alicia Fox (Via Pinfall @ 5:21)

Match Rating: D+




[As the bell sounded, that evil dark laughter that has been heard in vignettes here recently played over the P.A. system. The crowd rises to their feet as out from the back comes...Kharma! The large woman walks down toward the ring and steps inside. Melina and Alicia Fox run from the ring, while The Bella Twins seem transfixed with fear. Kharma grabs Nikki Bella around the throat -- chokeslam! Then she turns her eyes toward Brie Bella. Brie tries to escape but gets caught as she is exiting the ring. Kharma yanks her back in and hooks her -- Implant Buster! Both Bella Twins are left laying in the center of the ring! Kharma smiles, tossing her head back in dark laughter and then gets a serious look on her face as she looks into the camera. She turns and walks off, leaving the carnage in her wake.]






[We head backstage, which is right into the office of the Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff. Bischoff is not alone in this office. Instead, he is standing with the WWE Champion The Miz. Bischoff gives The Miz a pat on the shoulder.]


Eric Bischoff

"Alright, Miz, this is your big opportunity. You earned it. Now let's hear exactly what your stipulations will be for your match with Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble."


The Miz

"Thanks, Eric. It's nice to finally be with someone who can understand and appreciate my genius. As far as the Royal Rumble goes, my first stipulation is that Randy Orton is BANNED from using the RKO during that match. If he uses it, then the match is automatically over and I keep my WWE title. But I decided to make things even more interesting. You see I want to not only beat Randy Orton, I want to punish him. I want to make him think twice about ever stepping in the ring with The Miz again. Therefore, our WWE title match at Royal Rumble will be a Last Man Standing match. I am going to make sure that he never recovers. At the end of the day, I will be the last man standing because I am The Miz and I'm.....AWESOME!"


Eric Bischoff

"Well, there you heard it, ladies and gentlemen. We have our stipulations for the title match at the Royal Rumble. So everyone make sure you tune in because I am Eric Bischoff and I said so."


[bischoff and Miz shake hands and the crowd boos in the background. Randy Orton cannot be too happy about this, can he?]






[As we head to commercial break, Maryse comes out and down to the ringside area. She does a short dance for the fans in attendance, though making sure that none of them can touch her or even come close to it. The mostly male crowd, though, is very appreciative of her efforts.]




Match #3

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TysonKidd.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JacksonAndrews.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Yoshi-Tatsu.jpg

Tyson Kidd vs. Yoshi Tatsu


[Our third match of the evening as Tyson Kidd comes down with Jackson Andrews in his corner to face the Japanese sensation Yoshi Tatsu. Kidd dominates the match, getting some unneeded interference from Jackson Andrews throughout the bout. The two wrestlers exchange kicks but Kidd gets the better of it, bringing Tatsu down near the ropes. Kidd moves to the ropes -- Springboard Elbow Drop! Kidd makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Kidd (Via Pinfall @ 4:38)

Match Rating: B-






[As Tyson Kidd celebrates his victory in the ring, we are taken to the backstage interview area where Scott Stanford is standing by with the number one contender to the WWE title: Randy Orton.]


Scott Stanford

"Randy, earlier tonight we heard from The Miz just what the stipulations will be for your match with him at the Royal Rumble. One of those stipulations is removing the RKO from the equation. How do you think you will beat him without that move?"


Randy Orton

"I'll tell you what, Scott. Yes, he has taken away the RKO from me BUT that is not going to stop me from raring back and punting his head wide open. You see, Miz, at the Royal Rumble, I'm not going to be holding back. You want a Last Man Standing match? That works for me because I want to send you to the hospital. I want you thinking about just what you got yourself into when you're laying in a hospital bed in Boston. You have made the mistake of awakening a sleeping viper and at the Royal Rumble you're going to feel my venom."


[Orton looks fiercely into the camera as we cut away for a commercial break.]






[During the commercial break, Eve comes down to the ring with the t-shirt cannon. She gets the crowd warmed up and excited before she begins firing t-shirts out into the crowd. You never know what you might get when you come to a live edition of WWE Monday Night RAW!]






[As we come back from commercial, we are in the locker room area of The Nexus. The crowd boos in the background. CM Punk stretches, warming up for his tag match later on tonight.]


Austin Aries

"Alright, gentlemen, my first order of business as your new second in command is making sure that CM Punk is injury-free for the Royal Rumble. That means that tonight if we have to come out to the ring in force that's exactly what we will do. CM, we have your back."


CM Punk

"Thanks, Austin, but remember tonight you've also got to have faith."


[Punk resumes stretching as the other Nexus members focus on Austin Aries and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/DanielBryan.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TedDiBiase.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Maryse.jpg

WWE United States Title Match

Daniel Bryan defends vs. Ted DiBiase


[Our semi main event is a good one as Daniel Bryan defends the U.S. title against Ted DiBiase with Maryse in his corner. Both men put in a very good effort against each other in an open fashion. DiBiase nearly gets a countout win when he sends Daniel Bryan headfirst into the steel steps but Bryan manages to make it back in before the ten count. DiBiase goes for Dream Street but Bryan manages to reverse it. Bryan takes control at around the ten minute mark and doesn't look back. He catches DiBiase with a corner dropkick and then pulls him to the center of the ring -- LeBell Lock! DiBiase struggles in the hold. Maryse reaches in the ring to try and help him to the ropes but just as she touches his hand, he begins to tap out.]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 11:07; Daniel Bryan retains the WWE United States title)

Match Rating: B






[When the ring is cleared, 'The Time Is Now' brings out the man who the crowd both boos and cheers: John Cena. Cena does his trademark salute at the top of the ramp and then runs down to the ring, sliding inside. He asks for and receives a microphone.]


John Cena

"How are we doing here in New York? I love the energy you guys have here tonight! It's been a great show and it's going to get even better! Tonight I team with the man who beat me a few weeks ago: Randy Orton against The Miz and his partner CM Sucks. I've been wondering just what that CM stands for. It's got to mean something, right? Maybe it's Craves Mead? No, wait, he's a straight edge kind of guy so it couldn't be that, right? How about Call Me? Call Me Punk? Maybe he's been taking some lines from Moby Dick? But at the end of the day that doesn't matter because we are less than a week away from one of the biggest events of the year: The Royal Rumble. The winner of that match gets the right to challenge either the WWE Champion or the World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania. Miz, Edge, you better believe that I am coming for one of you at WrestleMania after I win the Royal Rumble match. Now, who in this building wants a t-shirt?"


[As we go to a commercial break, Cena exits the ring and grabs the t-shirt cannon from underneath the ring. He slides back in and begins firing t-shirts away to the crowd. He fires as many as he can during the commercial break time.]




Match #5

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/CMPunk.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TheMiz.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AlexRiley.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AustinAries.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JohnCena.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/RandyOrton.jpg

CM Punk and The Miz vs. John Cena and Randy Orton


[Our main event was definitely a strong finish here tonight to the show as both teams showed their individual skills inside the ring. Cena and Orton started the match out strongly against Punk and Miz but Cena was focused on in the corner of Miz and Punk when the momentum shifted. Punk and Miz took turns on the leader of the chain gang. Austin Aries and Alex Riley even got involved as Cena was tossed outside the ring at times and while the official was distracted, Aries and Riley took turns sending Cena into the ring post and the guardrail. Back inside the ring, Punk catches Cena with the high knee in the corner followed by a bulldog. Punk heads to the top turnbuckles, looking down at Cena -- Flying Elbowdrop -- MISSES! Cena moves out of the way and a hot tag is coming to Orton. Orton comes in with fists flying as Punk also tagged in The Miz. All four men get involved at this point and it's pandemonium here in the ring! The referee turns his attention to Punk and Cena, trying to get them out of the ring. This enables Alex Riley to get a low blow shot to Randy Orton. The crowd boos but The Miz takes advantage, hooking Orton -- Skull Crushing Finale! Riley turns the referee toward where The Miz has pinned Orton: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: CM Punk and The Miz (Via Pinfall @ 12:01)

Match Rating: B+





[A big momentum filled victory for The Miz here tonight! Austin Aries waves toward the back and out come the members of The Nexus! But they're not alone! Wrestler after wrestler comes running in from the back, filling up the ring, much like what will happen this Sunday at the Royal Rumble! Wrestlers get tossed out over the top rope here tonight, simulating just what might happen. The entire Nexus eliminates Mark Henry from inside the ring. WWE United States Champion Daniel Bryan is the last man left inside the ring with The Nexus. He battles against them but eventually Aries tosses him over the top rope. Left inside the ring are the members of The Nexus. Will that be the same this Sunday? We'll see you in Boston!]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


No perfect scores this week. However, almost everyone did get 4/5 correct. Congratulations to Rayelek, Beejus, Charasmatic Enigma, Tweek It, #HEEL and Nathers7!


1. Nathers7=6 Wins

2. Charasmatic Enigma=5 Wins

3. Tweek It=4 Wins

Beejus=4 Wins

5. ChrisKid=3 Wins

6. Rayelek=2 Wins

7. Destiny=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

#HEEL=1 Win

10. CharlieCornell=0 Wins

mistaken=0 Wins

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Alberto Del Rio vs. JTG

Curt Hawkins vs. Drew McIntyre

Kane vs. Finlay

Ouch. The only one I can see being slight competitive is the Kane/Finlay match. But while I could see Finlay maybe having a "one more run" resurgence, it won't happen against Kane. The other matches are all just jobber fodder.


Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Poor Kofi. He could be something, but all he ends up being is the high profile JTTS.


Non Title: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Edge

This seems like a test matchup, which isn't a bad thing. Edge to take it though, as he's the one who's reigning champion.

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Alberto Del Rio vs. JTG

-ADR beats JobberTG

Curt Hawkins vs. Drew McIntyre

-McIntyre's gonna win because he just turned, but I'd prefer seeing him get his Party Started

Kane vs. Finlay

-Kane's a big deal, Finlay is a trainer

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

-Jack Thwagger is the bigger deal

Non Title: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Edge

-Hard to not vote for Edge here, as much as I'd love seeing Cody win

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Alberto Del Rio vs. JTG

Del Rio is on a role, JTG is a jobber.


Curt Hawkins vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre push continues.


Kane vs. Finlay

Kane's just off a world title run, Finlay is approaching 50 years of age.

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Title challenger.


Non Title: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Edge



Seems like an easy card to pick but who knows.

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Taped Monday Week 4 January 2011

NY Binghamton Events Center (Tri State)

Attendance: 6,861

Show Rating: B-


ANGLE: Opening Show Video...B

Daniel Bryan defeated Alex Riley...C+

ANGLE: Raw Rebound...A

ANGLE: Smackdown Recap...A*

ANGLE: Kelly Kelly Shoots T-Shirts...C+

Kane won a battle royal...B

ANGLE: Royal Rumble Preview Video...A*



Taped Monday Week 4 January 2011

TN Skyhawk Arena (South East)

Attendance: 7,000

Show Rating: B


Kazarian defeated Gunner...D

ANGLE: Skit involving Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy...C

Angelina Love and Winter defeated Madison Rayne and Tara to retain the TNA Knockouts Tag Team titles...D+

Desmond Wolfe defeated Bobby Roode and Kiyoshi...C+

ANGLE: Skit involving Kurt Angle, Sting and Mick Foley...B

Samoa Joe, Brother Devon and D'Angelo Dinero defeated Amazing Red and The Young Bucks...C+

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Kevin Nash and Mr. Anderson...B-

Rob Van Dam defeated Kevin Nash...B

Jeff Hardy defeated Jeff Jarrett, Tommy Dreamer and Kurt Angle to retain the TNA World Heavyweight title...B



Tuesday Week 4 January 2011

FL Swisher Gymnasium (South East)

Attendance: 1,500

Show Rating: C


Jesse Neal, Amazing Red and Magnus defeated Big Rob Terry, Jeremy Buck and Douglas Williams...D

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Angelina Love, Mickie James and Tara...C+

Okada and Robbie E defeated TNA Security...E+

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair...B-

Desmond Wolfe defeated Robert Roode...C+

Kiyoshi and Max Buck defeated Alex Shelley and Eric Young...C-



Wednesday Week 4 January 2011

SC CSU Field House (South East)

Attendance: 881

Show Rating: C-


Sonia defeated Shaul Guerrero...E

ANGLE: Brawl involving Percy Watson and The Great Khali...C

AJ defeated Amy Hennig to retain the FCW Florida Diva's title...E+

Derrick Bateman defeated Mason Ryan...E+

Abraham Washington defeated Big E. Langston...E+

Titus O'Neil defeated Conor O'Brian, Eli Cottonwood and Xavier Woods...D

Percy Watson defeated The Great Khali to retain the FCW Florida Heavyweight title...C-



Thursday Week 4 January 2011

NC Carter Gymnasium (South East)

Attendance: 734

Show Rating: D


Jesse White went to a time limit draw with Wes Brisco...E-

Naomi and Caylee Turner defeated AJ and Shaul Guerrero...D-

ANGLE: Interview with Hornswoggle...B-

The Great Khali defeated Lucky Cannon...D+

Darren Young defeated Epico...D



Friday Week 4 January 2011

PA Charles L. Sewall Center (Tri State)

Attendance: 3,056

Show Rating: B-


American Wolves defeated The Briscoe's...B-

Kenny Omega and Colt Cabana defeated All Night Express...C

Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Hero to retain the ROH World Television title...B

Roderick Strong defeated Jerry Lynn to retain the ROH World Heavyweight title...B-

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[show Poster Provided by jhd1]

WWE Smackdown!

Friday Week 4 January 2011 (Taped On Tuesday)

Location: OH Battelle Hall (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 6,500

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 4.36




[We begin the show with a recap from last week's Smackdown. The focus is on the main event from last week where Edge defeated Wade Barrett in a non title match. Jack Swagger comes out after the match and attacks Edge. The show ends with Swagger having held the ankle lock on Edge.]




[The in-ring portion of the show brings out the man known as "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. Rhodes walks out to boos from the crowd. He has several paper bags and hands them out around ringside before entering the ring. Rhodes says that he is the only good-looking person in this building and that he is repulsed to even be here this evening. But he is going to prove tonight that he deserves the World Heavyweight Title and that Edge is a fraud. Speaking of the champion, Edge comes out from the back but before he gets to the ring he is assaulted from behind by Jack Swagger! Rhodes comes outside the ring to help Swagger and the two men double team the World Heavyweight Champion. They send him in the ring and Rhodes hits him with the Cross Rhodes. Rhodes stands over top of Edge, shaking hands with Swagger.]


Match #1

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AlbertoDelRio.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/RicardoRodriguez.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JTG.jpg

Alberto Del Rio vs. JTG


[Alberto Del Rio is announced by his personal ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez. JTG comes out, saying that he's selling a mexican sombrero that belongs to Rodriguez! He tosses it out to the fans before he enters the ring. The match definitely starts the show off well, drawing in some good fan reactions. JTG, though largely a tag team wrestler, gets in some good offense on Del Rio to remind fans that he can definitely be a threat. Del Rio, though, takes control around the three minute mark and doesn't look back. He focuses on the arm of JTG and finally hooks in the Cross Arm Breaker. JTG struggles but in the end he has to tap out.]


Winner: Alberto Del Rio (Via Submission @ 4:54)

Match Rating: B


[Alberto Del Rio tosses JTG out of the ring and then is handed a microphone by Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio gets on the microphone and focuses his talk on the upcoming Royal Rumble. He says that it is his destiny to win at the Royal Rumble and then go on to WrestleMania where he will main event and walk away with either the World Heavyweight title or the WWE title. But, hey, you know, you already know that. He talks about the fact that he has already proven himself by sending that Mexican Chihuahau away from Smackdown and now that same thing will happen to every single wrestler who gets in his way. Can Del Rio continue his superb streak?]




[We head to a commercial at this point and out comes Kelly Kelly. Kelly spends the commercial break dancing for the fans within the arena. She is all smiles as she looks around, leaning against the ropes and generally making the male fans within the arena very happy.]




[As we come back from the commercial break, we are shown Edge backstage getting looked at by doctors after the attack earlier. Suddenly, the doctors are tossed to the side and another person comes in and begins punching away on Edge. It's Jack Swagger, of course, looking to finish what he started earlier in the night. Swagger brings Edge down to the ground, mounting and punching him. Edge does his best to cover up, though, it's not easy from this position. Finally security steps in to pull Swagger off. Edge lies on the floor, holding his head. Swagger breaks free from security and throws in a few more kicks before he gets hauled away. These two men meet this Sunday at the Royal Rumble!]


Match #2

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/CurtHawkins-1.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/DrewMcIntyre.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Kaityln.jpg

Curt Hawkins vs. Drew McIntyre


[After what happened last week, Kaitlyn is standing in the corner of Drew McIntyre when McIntyre comes out for his match with Curt Hawkins. The match was an average match, though more than many might have expected from these two. McIntyre and Hawkins seem to bring out the best in one another as they go back and forth. Hawkins misses an elbow drop off the top turnbuckle and McIntyre takes control. McIntyre lifts Hawkins on his shoulders and then brings him down on his knees in a gutbuster! Then he picks up Hawkins -- Double Underhook DDT! McIntyre makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Drew McIntyre (Via Pinfall @ 5:09)

Match Rating: C




[Drew McIntyre might have looked to celebrate his victory but instead the flames go off on all four corners inside the ring. Kaitlyn looks scared as Kane and Paul Bearer step down the ramp toward the ring. McIntyre tells Kaitlyn to run and he moves to meet The Devil's Favorite Demon on the ramp. Kaitlyn escapes through the crowd as Kane and McIntyre exchange punches. Kane gains control, slamming McIntyre's head into the steps and then the ring post. McIntyre goes down and Kane looks in the direction that Kaitlyn ran off. He moves over the guardrail and begins chasing her with Paul Bearer at his side.]




["EXCUSE ME!" The crowd boos even louder as Vickie Guerrero walks out to the ring with the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. Guerrero waits for the crowd to quiet down a little before she begins her rant about the upcoming Royal Rumble. She says that Ziggler is involved so there is no one else that can walk away with the victory except her man. Then at WrestleMania, Dolph will be the NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion!]




[We head to a commercial but the fans in attendance get to see Kaitlyn backstage sneaking around. She is looking for anyone that might keep her away from the Big Red Monster. She suddenly pauses and then runs the opposite direction. Who knows what she is running from?]


Match #3

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Kane.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/PaulBearer.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Finlay.jpg

Kane vs. Finlay


[Coming back from commercial, we head to the ring where Kane comes out to face the tough irishman Finlay. These two definitely seem to bring out the worst in each other, though they are both rather similar. Finlay shows his toughness in taking some of Kane's worst holds, including a big boot, an uppercut to the throat and a flyin clothesline. But even he cannot survive when Kane wraps his fingers around the irishman's throat. He lifts Finlay into the air -- Choke Slam! Kane makes the cover as Paul Bearer raises the urn: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Kane (Via Pinfall @ 5:53)

Match Rating: C




[We head to another commercial break and this time out comes the unit known as LayCool! Layla and Michelle McCool come out and walk toward the ring, grabbing two t-shirt cannons. Since the cameras are off, they play to the crowd for a moment and then fire off t-shirts on all four sides. The crowd definitely seem to enjoy this little moment off-camera.]




[We come back from commercial to the backstage area. The first sight we see is Big Show staggering forward. As the camera pulls back, Wade Barrett is shown standing behind Big Show with a chair! Show takes another shot to the back and then one to the ribs when he turns around toward Barrett. Barrett brings the chair down between Big Show's legs and lifts it up in a scene that makes all men in the audience cringe. Show goes down to his knees and takes a chair shot to the skull, falling over to the ground. Wade Barrett stands over top of Big Show with a smile on his face, the job done.]


Match #4


Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston


[Two definite up and comers in this business put on an absolute clinic in this match. It's the technical know-how of Swagger against the speed and agility of Kingston. Swagger and Kingston definitely tore down the house with the match of the night that went back and forth. Kingston is definitely showing that he can hang with the main eventers. Swagger brings the action outside the ring in a momentum changing moment. Kingston tries to springboard off the guardrail but Swagger moves and Kingston catches his forehead on the ring post! Swagger brings the action back inside the ring and nearing the ten minute mark he catches Kingston with the Gutwrench Powerbomb. Swagger hooks the legs of Kingston: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A clean end to an amazing encounter.]


Winner: Jack Swagger (Via Pinfall @ 9:55)

Match Rating: A




[We head to the video screen where the image of the cabin is shown as it has been several weeks in a row. The man in a long black trenchcoat walks inside the cabin and gets to work on the casket inside. The camera pans up slowly to show the face of the Deadman, The Undertaker. The crowd cheers in the background when the face is revealed. The Undertaker rolls his eyes back in his head and the video shows words saying that The Undertaker is returning to Smackdown next week!]




[Another commercial break and another WWE Diva coming out to the ring. This time, Rosa Mendes comes down to the ring with the t-shirt cannon to entertain the fans who paid money to come out and see Smackdown live. Mendes begins firing off t-shirts, shooting as many as she can during the commercial break before she moves the cannon back under the ring and heading to the back.]


Match #5


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Edge


[Our main event of the evening features "Dashing" Cody Rhodes coming out to the ring first with an arrogant smile on his face. He has the right to be arrogant after what Edge has been through tonight. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion comes out with a bandage on his forehead, moving slowly to the ring. This back and forth match keeps fans on the edge of their seat as both men try to show off right before the Royal Rumble. Jack Swagger appears around the nine minute mark, serving as a distraction for Edge throughout this encounter. Around the eleven minute mark, Edge seems to be in full control but Swagger jumps on the apron. Edge brings down Rhodes with a DDT and then sees Swagger. Edge charges -- Spear! He spears Swagger, sending the #1 contender off the apron. Edge turns around -- SPEAR! He catches Rhodes with a spear! Edge makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Edge (Via Pinfall @ 12:02)

Match Rating: B+




[Another big win for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Edge here tonight. But as the bell sounds, Jack Swagger recovers outside the ring and enters back inside. Edge sees him, though, and the two men begin exchanging punches! Edge's bandage gets knocked off and he bleeds a small amount here but he is not one that is willing to back off. Edge and Swagger have to be pulled apart by WWE Security. Though the security is not that great at doing so. But eventually they keep the two men apart and the show comes to a close.]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Almost everyone got a perfect score this time. Congratulations to Beejus, Charasmatic Enigma, Rayelek, #HEEL, joehelmer, Nathers7 and Tweek It!


1. Nathers7=7 Wins

2. Charasmatic Enigma=6 Wins

3. Tweek It=5 Wins

Beejus=5 Wins

5. ChrisKid=3 Wins

Rayelek=3 Wins

7. #HEEL=2 Wins

8. Destiny=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

joehelmer=1 Win

11. CharlieCornell=0 Wins

mistaken=0 Wins

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Week 4 January 2011

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge defends vs. Jack Swagger

WWE Diva's Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Melina

WWE Championship Title Match, Last Man Standing Match, RKO Is Banned: The Miz defends vs. Randy Orton

Royal Rumble Match:

Raw Representatives: Austin Aries, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, ?????, Husky Harris, John Cena, John Morrison, Justin Gabriel, Mark Henry, Michael McGillicutty, ?????, Sheamus, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd


Smackdown Representatives: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, ?????, Booker T, ?????, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane, Kofi Kingston, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????, Wade Barrett

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WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge defends vs. Jack Swagger

WWE Diva's Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Melina

WWE Championship Title Match, Last Man Standing Match, RKO Is Banned: The Miz defends vs. Randy Orton


Royal Rumble Match:

Raw Representatives: Austin Aries, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, ?????, Husky Harris, John Cena, John Morrison, Justin Gabriel, Mark Henry, Michael McGillicutty, ?????, Sheamus, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd


Smackdown Representatives: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, ?????, Booker T, ?????, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane, Kofi Kingston, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????, Wade Barrett

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WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge defends vs. Jack Swagger

Swagger will be back to US/IC level soon.


WWE Diva's Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Melina

Leaving a strong face to go against an incoming Kharma.


WWE Championship Title Match, Last Man Standing Match, RKO Is Banned: The Miz defends vs. Randy Orton

Miz needs to look strong as a champ, even though the rules are in his favor anyways.


Royal Rumble Match:

I have 3 possibilities in mind: Cena, JoMo, or ADR. Unfortunately, I think Raw is already pretty set up to lead into Cena vs Miz, which leaves the winner as Del Rio. Blech.

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WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge defends vs. Jack Swagger

WWE Diva's Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Melina

WWE Championship Title Match, Last Man Standing Match, RKO Is Banned: The Miz defends vs. Randy Orton

Royal Rumble Match:

Raw Representatives: Austin Aries, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, ?????, Husky Harris, John Cena, John Morrison, Justin Gabriel, Mark Henry, Michael McGillicutty, ?????, Sheamus, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd


Smackdown Representatives: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, ?????, Booker T, ?????, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane, Kofi Kingston, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????, Wade Barrett

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Week 4 January 2011

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge defends vs. Jack Swagger

WWE Diva's Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Melina

WWE Championship Title Match, Last Man Standing Match, RKO Is Banned: The Miz defends vs. Randy Orton

Royal Rumble Match:

Raw Representatives: Austin Aries, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, ?????, Husky Harris, John Cena, John Morrison, Justin Gabriel, Mark Henry, Michael McGillicutty, ?????, Sheamus, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd


Smackdown Representatives: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, ?????, Booker T, ?????, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane, Kofi Kingston, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????, Wade Barrett

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