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WWE: January 2011 - Raw v. Smackdown

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WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge defends vs. Jack Swagger

WWE Diva's Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Melina

WWE Championship Title Match, Last Man Standing Match, RKO Is Banned: The Miz defends vs. Randy Orton

Royal Rumble Match:

Raw Representatives: Austin Aries, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, ?????, Husky Harris, John Cena, John Morrison, Justin Gabriel, Mark Henry, Michael McGillicutty, ?????, Sheamus, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd


Smackdown Representatives: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, ?????, Booker T, ?????, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane, Kofi Kingston, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????, Wade Barrett

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WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge defends vs. Jack Swagger


WWE Diva's Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Melina


WWE Championship Title Match, Last Man Standing Match, RKO Is Banned: The Miz defends vs. Randy Orton


Royal Rumble Match:

Raw Representatives: Austin Aries, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, ?????, Husky Harris, John Cena, John Morrison, Justin Gabriel, Mark Henry, Michael McGillicutty, ?????, Sheamus, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd


Smackdown Representatives: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, ?????, Booker T, ?????, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane, Kofi Kingston, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????, Wade Barrett

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WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge defends vs. Jack Swagger

Only match on the card I'm certain of.


WWE Diva's Title Match: Natalya defends vs. Melina

Guessed this one, though I prefer Natalya.


WWE Championship Title Match, Last Man Standing Match, RKO Is Banned: The Miz defends vs. Randy Orton

We had to suffer through an Orton title reign in 2010, please don't do it to us again :p.


Royal Rumble Match:

Raw Representatives: Austin Aries, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, David Otunga, ?????, Husky Harris, John Cena, John Morrison, Justin Gabriel, Mark Henry, Michael McGillicutty, ?????, Sheamus, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd

Smackdown Representatives: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show, ?????, Booker T, ?????, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kane, Kofi Kingston, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????, Wade Barrett

I'm tempted to go with Christian purely because that's what happened in the last Bragging Rights diary and it's what I wanted to happen at the time due to the lead in to a feud with Edge but I can't see it going the same way. So there's any one of 4 possible winners : Punk , Del Rio, Cena or Barrett.

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Sunday Week 4 January 2011

Location: MA TD Garden (New England)

Attendance: 17,306

Overall Rating: B+

PPV Buyrate: 5.83


Match #1


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Edge defends vs. Jack Swagger


[This year the Royal Rumble begins with the entrance of the #1 contender to the WWE World Heavyweight title: Jack Swagger. The crowd rises in boos for this entrance of the All-American American. Swagger seems to ignore the boos and enters the ring with a lot of confidence. The entrance of Edge definitely gets the crowd pumped, though. Edge has the, well, edge in this encounter due to his experience in the ring and that gives him the opening advantage but Swagger turns the bout into some solid mat wrestling and shows why he deserves to be the top contender. Swagger uses the outside of the ring as well, slamming Edge into the retaining wall right against the Royal Rumble logo. Then Edge is slingshotted against the ring post. The action comes back into the ring where Swagger gets several near falls. Swagger sets up Edge for the Gutwrench Powerbomb but Edge manages to power out, flipping Swagger over in a suplex. Edge goes on the offensive, rallying the crowd behind himself. Edge catches Swagger with the Edgecution DDT and then moves over into the cover. He's just begging Swagger to get to his feet. When Swagger stands, Edge charges -- Spear! Edge nearly breaks Swagger in half! Edge makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A successful defense of the WWE World Heavyweight title by Edge!]


Winner: Edge (Via Pinfall @ 10:12; Edge retains the WWE World Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: B+


[As the bell sounds, Edge rises to his feet and is handed the WWE World Heavyweight title belt by referee Jack Doan. Edge takes the belt and moves over to a corner, climbing to the second turnbuckle. He raises the belt to cheers from the crowd. After a moment or two, he drops down and exits the ring, high fiving some lucky fans on his way to the backstage area.]


Match #2


WWE Divas Title Match

Natalya defends vs. Melina


[Our second match is for the WWE Diva's title and is a slightly above average match, which is very good for a Diva's match. The encounter is a rather short one between these two women. Both women got in some offense, though Melina seemed to be on the defensive for most of the match. Natalya scores a near fall on Melina with a bridging German Suplex late in the bout. The WWE Diva's Champion remains on the offensive from the four minute mark on, eventually hooking Melina in the Sharpshooter. Melina stretches for the ropes but she can't quite reach them and is forced to tap out. A successful title defense by Natalya!]


Winner: Natalya (Via Submission @ 5:25; Natalya retains the WWE Divas title)

Match Rating: C+




[Natalya releases the hold from Melina and stands to celebrate her victory and title defense when she takes a double sledge to the back by Beth Phoenix! The attack from behind draws boos from the crowd as Phoenix continues an assault that includes a powerful chokebomb, bringing Natalya to the mat. Phoenix lifts Natalya from the mat and hooks her -- Glam Slam! The crowd boos as Phoenix smiles. Phoenix picks up the WWE Diva's title belt and lays it across the waist of Natalya, though it is obvious that she wants the title back.]




[We head to the backstage area where a locker room scene is the background for a conversation between the WWE Champion The Miz and his associate Alex Riley. The Miz definitely looks animated and we come in only part-way through the conversation.]


The Miz

"So, you know what to do, right? There's going to be no messing up tonight? No fooling around? You're going to get the job done?"


Alex Riley

"Of course I am. I --"


The Miz

"Good because tonight is going to be one of my biggest triumphs. Tonight I am going to prove to the world that I am so much better than that Randy Orton. Tonight I am going to prove that I am what I say I am. I'm The Miz and I'm...........AWESOME!"


[The Miz pats A-Ri on the shoulder and the two men begin walking out of the locker room and into a hallway which presumably will take them to the ring.]




[We head to another area backstage. This one has the #1 contender to the WWE Championship Randy Orton. Orton is pacing and looks ready and prepared for tonight's match against The Miz. Orton slowly raises his eyes and looks into the camera.]


Randy Orton

"Miz, I hope you have the hospital room set up and ready for you tonight. Just like I have done to countless other people I am going to kick your head in. You think you hurt me by saying I can't use my RKO? I think you just signed your death warrant."


[Orton turns and simply steps out into the hallway and is headed toward the ring.]


Match #3

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TheMiz.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AlexRiley.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/RandyOrton.jpg

WWE Championship Title Match

RKO Is Banned

Last Man Standing Match

The Miz defends vs. Randy Orton


[Of course the challenger comes out to the ring first so when 'Voices' by Rev Theory begins to play, the crowd get on their feet and cheer for the Viper. Orton comes out, looking focused as he always does but the crowd gasp when The Miz and Alex Riley come out right behind Orton and assault him from behind before he can even get into the ring. The Miz catches Orton with a belt shot from behind and A-Ri joins in on stomping the down and prone form of the #1 contender. These first few minutes of the match are spent with The Miz and Alex Riley using virtually every double team they can think of on Orton. Orton is left laid out on the ground outside the ring but he manages to make his feet before the ten count.]


[Orton has some strong offense during the middle portions of the match as The Viper strikes with punches and he even catches Alex Riley with the rope-hung DDT to take him out of the equation. The Miz charges while Orton has his back turned but Orton turns in time to catch The Miz with the scoop powerslam. Orton slams his fists on the mat and the announcers talk about him going to that place where he hears voices in his head. Orton goes for the RKO but then stops mid-move, releasing The Miz from the move but also catching The Miz with a low blow kick. The Miz drops down to all fours and Orton backs into a corner. Orton charges -- A-Ri reaches in and trips up Orton! The Miz goes back on the assault and the action flows back outside the ring for the finish. A hurt Alex Riley clears off the announcers table and helps The Miz get Randy Orton on top of the announcers table. The Miz hooks Orton from behind and lets out a primal scream -- Skull Crushing Finale through the table! Both men are down! Alex Riley steps in, helping The Miz to his feet but Orton has no one to do the same for him. So A-Ri and The Miz watch as Orton cannot answer the ten count. A successful title defense for The Miz!]


Winner: The Miz (Via Last Man Standing @ 12:17; The Miz retains the WWE Championship title)

Match Rating: B+




[We head to the backstage area as medical attention is given to Randy Orton. In this backstage area stands the man who lives for hustle, loyalty and respect: John Cena. The crowd gives both boos and cheers to this appearance. Cena just smiles and looks into the camera.]


John Cena

"In just a few moments, it's time for the WWE Royal Rumble. 29 other men in the ring with John Cena and only one man can come out with a victory. Whether I'll be facing The Miz or I'll be facing Edge at WrestleMania doesn't really matter because what matters right now is that I'm going to be walking out of the Royal Rumble as the winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble. That is where my focus is right now. Hustle, loyalty and respect? That's what I live for and that's exactly what I need to win tonight. I'm John Cena, the leader of the Cenation."


[Cena throws up a sign and then walks off as a video begins to play to hype the Royal Rumble. The video is kept rather short but it shows everyone watching at home and watching in the arena that the time has come for the Royal Rumble event!]


Match #4



Royal Rumble Match


[First Two Men

As with every Royal Rumble event, the first two men to come down to the ring have a very difficult task on their hands. This year the two men to draw #1 and #2 were Daniel Bryan and CM Punk! The crowd was a little shocked but these two first entrants put on a clinic to begin the Royal Rumble. The two minutes between picks showed a back and forth between both of these men that would rival any wrestling show.]


[The Nexus

At one point during the Royal Rumble, we have the entire group of The Nexus inside the ring. The group dominates and begins eliminating wrestlers like Dolph Ziggler, Disco Inferno and Ted DiBiase. This was only stopped when John Cena comes out. The assaults on Cena lead to the Chain Gang Leader and Daniel Bryan eliminating Husky Harris, Michael McGillicutty, Austin Aries and David Otunga.]




[Surprise Entrants

We have a lot of surprise entrants in this year's Royal Rumble. Those surprises include Charlie Haas, Disco Inferno, Marcus Cor Von, Nick Dinsmore, Rhino, Shelton Benjamin and Tomko! Disco Inferno was eliminated several seconds after his entry by the combined efforts of The Nexus. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin were back to back entries and used several double team moves, proving that they are back here together as a team. Rhino eliminates one of the veterans in the Royal Rumble: Booker T before he is eliminated by Mark Henry.]


[Mark Henry/Tyson Kidd

The feud that has raged throughout Monday Night Raw between Mark Henry and Tyson Kidd continues within the Royal Rumble match. Kidd tries to show some high flying skills to wear down Henry but the sheer power of Henry is what wins out in the end as Henry lifts Kidd into the air and eliminates him over the top rope with a press slam down to the floor. Kidd rises up quickly, though, and grabs the arm of Mark Henry, holding him half in and half out of the ring. Alberto Del Rio comes over and eliminates Mark Henry with the help of Tyson Kidd.]


[Wade Barrett/Big Show/Tomko

Another of the stories that is continued throughout the Royal Rumble is the story between Wade Barrett and Big Show. Barrett was not happy when Big Show came out as he was in the ring. But Barrett tried to attack Show as he was entering the ring and maybe eliminate him early. Show shoves Barrett backward and then strikes him with forearm smashes and sets him up for a Chokeslam when the next entry comes in and that man is Tomko. Tomko enters the ring and stops the Chokeslam attempt with a shoulder to the back of the knee. Tomko and Barrett team up to eliminate Big Show and they show a definite alliance throughout the bout.]


[Drew McIntyre/Kane

The feud between Drew McIntyre and Kane is also continued during the match as these two men go right at each other during the Royal Rumble. The two were ignoring the other wrestlers in the ring and brawling in one corner. McIntyre tries to eliminate Kane and Kane struggles, fighting back before he can be eliminated. Both of these men are eliminated by the #30 entry.]




[Entrant #30

The crowd is absolutely shocked when the music hit for the #30 entry. That man is none other than Batista! The man known as The Animal enters the ring and immediately eliminates both Drew McIntyre and Kane! He dominates everyone in the ring, including also tossing out CM Punk to bring things down to the final four men in the ring.]


[Final Four

The final four men left in the ring are Daniel Bryan, John Cena, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Batista! Batista and Cena square off with one another as Cena was the last man to come face to face with Batista on Raw. Daniel Bryan and Cody Rhodes battle in one corner and Cena and Batista battle in another corner. Cena brings Batista down with a body slam and then stands over him, giving the 'You Can't See Me' gesture. Cena bounces off the ropes -- dropkick to the knees by Daniel Bryan -- Clothesline by Cody Rhodes and Cena goes flying over the top rope to the floor! John Cena has been eliminated!


Batista pulls up to his feet and Cody Rhodes charges him -- Batista ducks a clothesline. Batista grabs Cody Rhodes -- Batista Bomb! Daniel Bryan crouches in a corner, watching what is going on. Batista slowly turns and eyes the WWE United States Champion. Bryan doesn't move, though his eyes get wide. Batista walks toward Daniel Bryan and Bryan throws kicks to Batista. Multiple kicks strike the Animal and then Cody Rhodes jumps on top of Batista's back! Batista swings around, trying to rip Rhodes off. He moves over to the ropes and leans over, working to get Rhodes off his back. Daniel Bryan gets to his feet and hits a dropkick! Rhodes goes sliding over the head of Batista and hits the floor! Cody Rhodes has been eliminated!


We are down to two! Daniel Bryan moves in quickly and tries to eliminate Batista -- Batista grabs the ropes! The Animal holds on to the ropes and throws back a few elbows to knock Daniel Bryan backward. Batista turns toward Daniel Bryan and catches him with a clothesline. He picks up Daniel Bryan and hooks him for a power bomb. He walks toward the ropes and throws -- no! Bryan hooks his legs around the throat of Batista! Batista's eyes go wide as he is being choked out by Daniel Bryan! Bryan hooks him in a triangle choke! Batista is fading. Batista tries to throw Daniel Bryan off him but Bryan has the hold locked in tight. Batista comes down to his knees and then down to the mat. Daniel Bryan slowly releases the hold and gets to his feet. He looks down at Batista and pulls the dead weight of The Animal up toward the ropes. Bryan shows some power as he lifts the large frame of Batista up and over the top rope. Batista crashes to the floor and we have our Royal Rumble winner!]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Over The Top Rope Elimination @ 67:18)

Match Rating: B


[The WWE United States Champion has done it! Daniel Bryan reserves the right to challenge either The Miz or Edge at WrestleMania! The crowd is in absolute shock! Daniel Bryan drops to his knees in the center of the ring, utterly exhausted. He drew #1 and survived the entire Royal Rumble to be the victor tonight! His eyes lift slowly to look at the WrestleMania sign hanging down and he points toward it with tears in his eyes. His cries of 'YES, YES, YES, YES, YES' can be heard in the background as we end the show. Congratulations to Daniel Bryan!]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


No perfect scores on the pay-per-view. However, several people got 3/4 correct. Congratulations to Beejus, #HEEL, Charasmatic Enigma, Rayelek and Nathers7!


Welcome to BallerSoup for their first predictions in this diary. Hope to see more in the future. :)


1. Nathers7=8 Wins

2. Charasmatic Enigma=7 Wins

3. Beejus=6 Wins

4. Tweek It=5 Wins

5. Rayelek=4 Wins

6. ChrisKid=3 Wins

#HEEL=3 Wins

8. Destiny=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

joehelmer=1 Win

11. CharlieCornell=0 Wins

mistaken=0 Wins

BallerSoup=0 Wins

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Good rumble show, Bryan winning the title shot is a good thing as he has heat with Miz from NXT.


Non Title: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

Kharma vs. Gail Kim

Austin Aries vs. ?????

William Regal vs. John Morrison

CM Punk vs. John Cena

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Non Title: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

A good roll of momentum until Mania should do Bryan well.


Kharma vs. Gail Kim

Gotta put over your big bad.


Austin Aries vs. ?????

I would almost guess it to be a frustrated Nexus member... none of them save Punk seemed to like Aries's introduction.


William Regal vs. John Morrison

You don't seem to have any plans on building Regal, so JoMo gets the win.


CM Punk vs. John Cena

Punk's feud with Cena IRL where he beat him a few times in a row was golden, feel free to copy it here for a few weeks.

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Non Title: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

-After winning the rumble, no way Bryan loses here

Kharma vs. Gail Kim

-Kharma dominates

Austin Aries vs. ?????

-The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived wins here

William Regal vs. John Morrison

-JoMo for champion

CM Punk vs. John Cena


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Non Title: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

If this was for the title I might've considered picking Sheamus.


Kharma vs. Gail Kim

Yea, she's going to be bulldozing through quite a few people over the next couple of months in game.


Austin Aries vs. ?????

"The Greatest Man That Ever Lived"


William Regal vs. John Morrison

Seems the logical choice.


CM Punk vs. John Cena

Wouldn't be surprised if Punk won but Cena's loss in the tag match on the last edition of Raw gives him the edge.

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Taped Sunday Week 4 January 2011

FL Amway Arena (South East)

Attendance: 18,039

Show Rating: B


Stevie Richards defeated Gunner...D+

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair...B-

Jay Lethal defeated Max Buck to retain the TNA X-Division title...C

Angelina Love and Winter defeated Sarita and Tara to retain the TNA Knockouts Tag Team titles...C

Velvet Sky defeated Daffney...D

ANGLE: Skit involving Mick Foley and Sting...B

James Storm defeated Shannon Moore...C+

Jeff Jarrett defeated Jeremy Buck...C+

ANGLE: Skit involving Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam...B-

Samoa Joe defeated Douglas Williams for the TNA Television title...B-

Sting defeated Brian Kendrick...B

Motor City Machine Guns defeated London Brawling to retain the TNA World Tag Team titles...B-

Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James to retain the TNA Knockouts title...C-

Kurt Angle defeated AJ Styles...A

Jeff Hardy defeated Rob Van Dam to retain the TNA World Heavyweight title...B-

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[show Poster Provided by jhd1]

WWE Monday Night RAW!

Monday Week 1 February 2011

Location: MA MassMutual Center (New England)

Attendance: 6,737

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 6.03




[The show opens with a video replay from the Royal Rumble pay-per-view the day before. Highlights shown include Edge hitting Jack Swagger with a spear, Natalya getting the submission win over Melina and then The Miz striking Randy Orton with the Skull Crushing Finale through the announcer's table. The Miz is shown standing with the WWE Championship held up high and then the focus goes to the Royal Rumble itself. Many of the new entrants are shown, including Rhino and Tomko. But then the entrance of Batista plays and the crowd goes wild. The ending of the Royal Rumble comes down to two men: Batista and Daniel Bryan. Bryan knocks Batista unconcious with a triangle choke and then heaves the larger superstar over the top rope. Daniel Bryan is heading to WrestleMania but will he challenge for the WWE title or the World title?]






["AWESOME!" 'I Came To Play' by Downstait opens up the Monday Night Raw show with the WWE Champion The Miz coming down to the ring amidst a chorus of boos. The Miz is not alone. As always Alex Riley is by his side and holds the ropes open for him so that The Miz can step inside the ring. The Miz raises the WWE Championship belt up to even more boos before Riley hands him the microphone.]


The Miz

"That's right, morons. The winner of last night's Last Man Standing match and STILL the WWE Champion and STILL the most must-see Champion in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment: I am The Miz. So many of you thought that I couldn't do it. I would be willing to wager that some of you even made a wager on whether or not I would walk away with the title in hand. But I did it. I proved each and every one of you wrong and I will do the same thing at Elimination Chamber. I will do the same thing at WrestleMania no matter who my opponent is. Because at the end of the day each and every one of you are paying to see me. Why? Because I'm The Miz and I'm..."


[The Miz looks annoyed when his catchphrase is interrupted by 'Ride Of The Valkyries' by Richard Wagner. The Miz and A-Ri look to the top of the entrance ramp where out comes the WWE United States Champion and Royal Rumble winner Daniel Bryan. Bryan begins high fiving the fans as he makes his way down to the ring. Bryan climbs the turnbuckles and elicits more cheers from the crowd before backflipping into the ring. Bryan turns and faces off with the annoyed Miz.]


The Miz

"Do you have something that is so important that you must interrupt your WWE Champion? Wait, that's a trick question because there is nothing that is that important."


Daniel Bryan

"Actually, Miz, there is. You see, not only am I the WWE United States Champion but I am now the 2011 Royal Rumble winner. That means that if I want to, I can step into the ring against you at WrestleMania and make you tap out. You call yourself the most must-see champion but if we fight at WrestleMania then the only thing that you must see is you tapping out. Sooner or later, everybody taps to Daniel Bryan."


The Miz

"Really? Really? Really? Do you really think you can make The Miz tap out? Really?"


Daniel Bryan

"In a single word, Miz? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes."


[The crowd picks up on this and begins to chant 'Yes' right alongside Daniel Bryan. The Miz and Alex Riley look a little more annoyed and ready to fight but they are interrupted yet again. This time by a voice instead of music. Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff appears on the big screen.]


Eric Bischoff

"First of all, congratulations to both of you on your success last night. I really enjoyed seeing what you did to Randy Orton, Miz. And I appreciate that someone from Raw won the Royal Rumble. Now, I know that you have not made up your mind as to which champion you are going to face at WrestleMania, Daniel, so I have decided to give you a treat. I want you to see what kind of competition you will face if you decide to stay here on Raw. In fact, your match is up next, Daniel. Miz, you can have some 'me time' back here."


[The Miz just smiles and looks to Daniel Bryan for a moment before exiting the ring with Alex Riley. As The Miz and A-Ri disappear to the back, 'Written In My Face' begins to play and out from the back comes Sheamus for the opening matchup.]




Match #1


Non Title

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan


[The opening match here on Raw is a very good one between the technical ability of Daniel Bryan and the raw power and strength of the Celtic Warrior Sheamus. The match goes back and forth throughout the contest with neither man able to sustain a lot of momentum through the bout. Sheamus catches the WWE United States Champion with the Irish Curse backbreaker and then prepares for the Brogue Kick. Daniel Bryan slowly gets to his feet but he ducks the kick. As Sheamus is briefly disoriented, Bryan takes the opportunity to bring the Celtic Warrior to the mat and lock on the LeBell Lock! Sheamus struggles in the hold but it's in the center of the ring. Sheamus is forced to tap out! A big feather in the cap of Daniel Bryan!]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 9:47)

Match Rating: B+






[As Daniel Bryan celebrates inside the ring, we are brought backstage to the office of the General Manager Eric Bischoff. Bischoff is not alone within that office. The visage of Rhino can be seen facing away from the camera but face to face with Eric Bischoff.]


Eric Bischoff

"I brought you back into this company for one reason and one reason only: to be a war machine. Can you do that? If you think you can do that then go out there and prove it to me, Rhino. Prove why you belong here and by my side."


[Rhino growls and knocks papers off the desk of Eric Bischoff. The War Machine slams his head into a wall and then punches his fist through the same wall. Bischoff looks up, slightly impressed but Rhino exits the room. Just what does Bischoff have planned?]






[For the fans watching at home, we head to a commercial break. For the fans within the arena, Mark Henry comes out from the back and walks toward the ring. The World's Strongest Man holds an arm wrestling contest with a couple of lucky fans, beating each in turn before the end of the break. He high fives some fans on his way to the back.]




Match #2


Kharma vs. Gail Kim


[Our WWE Diva's match was not impressive to say the least. These two females seemed to draw out the worst in each other. Kharma is the dominant female in this match and throws Gail Kim around several times, including some hard shots into the turnbuckle. Some hard forearm shots brings Kim down to the mat. Kharma yanks up Gail Kim and drops her with the Implant Buster in the center of the ring. Kharma covers Gail Kim in much the same way as The Undertaker does, by planting her hands on top of her opponent. But she tosses her head back with that evil laugh as the three count is made.]


Winner; Kharma (Via Pinfall @ 5:15)

Match Rating: D






[As that last match was ended, we head to the backstage area where we find veteran wrestler The Sandman sitting with the singapore cane in one hand and a beer in the other. The Sandman chugs the beer and barely has time to throw away the can before he gets assaulted by Rhino! Rhino slams The Sandman's head into the table nearby and then grabs the cane. The War Machine breaks the cane over his knee and uses both pieces to hit The Sandman over and over as The Sandman tries to cover up. Rhino drops the pieces of cane and sets up a table vertically. He places The Sandman against the table -- GORE! GORE! GORE! Rhino gores The Sandman through a table backstage! The Sandman is down and out and Rhino stands, growling and snarling as he looks down at his victim. What has Eric Bischoff done?]






[We head to our next commercial break and this time second generation wrestler David Hart Smith comes out to the ring. Smith grabs a t-shirt cannon and begins firing t-shirts into the crowd, drawing a lot of attention and happy smiling faces as people get their merchandise for free.]






[We are taken to a video as we come back from commercial. This time we are inside a limousine which is driving among an obvious rich side of town as shown by the upscale buildings that are passing through the window. One man in the limo is obviously The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, Sr.. The other man is unknown to most.]


Ted DiBiase, Sr.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this man sitting next to me is the next generation of the Million Dollar Man. He is the man who will buy foreclosed houses simply to watch them sit empty and vacant because he can. Welcome the Million Dollar Man Mike DiBiase."


Mike DiBiase

"Do I really have to waste my time talking to these poor peasant idiots? There's a lot more that I could be doing with my time, isn't there?"


Ted DiBiase, Sr.

"That is why we are going to the best jeweler in town. It's time for a brand new Million Dollar Championship belt. One that will signify the changing of the guard. But just remember these people will do whatever you want for them as long as the price is right. And everybody has a price for the Million Dollar Man."


[both Ted and Mike do the Million Dollar Man laugh as the limousine pulls up to a stop and the camera fades to black.]




Match #3


Austin Aries vs. Ultimo Dragon


[Our next encounter features the man known as 'The Code Of Honor' against a man who at one time held 9 title belts in the returning Ultimo Dragon. The announcers talk up the experience that both men have in the independents and Japan and Mexico. The fans simply were not into the match, though, it showed some dazzling moves that the fans are not used to here in America. Ultimo Dragon catches Aries with an Asai Moonsault outside the ring to the floor. Dragon pulls Aries back into the ring but Aries soon takes control once again. Aries catches Dragon with a Pendulum Elbow and then takes to the top turnbuckle -- 450 Splash! Aries connects and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Austin Aries (Via Pinfall @ 4:45)

Match Rating: D






[As soon as the ring cleared, 'The Time Is Now' begins to play and the crowd shows that they are not always unified as both boos and cheers escape into the air. John Cena walks out and does his trademark salute before running down and sliding inside the ring. Cena is handed a microphone and he stands in the center of the ring, absorbing the dueling 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants that he is used to.]


John Cena

"I have always said that you fans can choose if you want to cheer me or if you want to boo me. It's all up to you but at least I make you stand up and make some noise here. Last night, things didn't go so well for me at the Royal Rumble. I got eliminated by Daniel Bryan and American Dream Jr. But that's okay. I tend to look on the bright side of things and that is why I need to focus because in just a few weeks the Elimination Chamber is coming. I intend to step inside the chamber and either walk out as the WWE Champion or as the number one contender. That's all up to Daniel Bryan. But tonight is a whole 'nother matter. Tonight, I step inside the ring with CM Sucks. Punk, you and I have never and probably will never see eye to eye but I respect you as a competitor. You're tough. I get that. But so am I. Hustle, Loyalty and Respect is not just a motto for me. It's a way of life. It's MY way of life. So tonight no matter what happens I hope we can end things between the two of us like men. When I pin you to the mat or I make you submit I hope that maybe you can shake my hand. Whether you shake my hand or whether you don't shake my hand when I beat you tonight, it's over between us. I'm the bigger, better man and I will walk away."


[Cena's music kicks up again and the crowd continues their love/hate relationship with the leader of the CeNation. Cena slides out of the ring and shakes hands and high fives the fans as he walks toward the back.]






[At this point in the show, we are shown a short clip of the beer drinking Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin! Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler let everyone know that Steve Austin is going to be in the building next week! What will the Rattlesnake have to say? Why will he be here? Only one way to find out: Tune in to Raw next week!]






[We head to the backstage interview area where a smirking CM Punk is standing by. This time he stands alone without the Nexus at his back. He paces for a moment and then looks up into the camera.]


CM Punk

"I have to get my thoughts straight. There is a lot going on right now that I need to respond to. John-Boy, you want tonight to be the finale in our war? For now I just might be able to agree to that. The one time that you and I actually agree on something. You see I am learning that I have some bigger fish to fry. Next week, Steve Austin is going to be on Monday Night Raw. The beer drinking Steve Austin who is a negative role model to each and every WWE fan out there. He flips people the bird, uses profanity because he isn't as smart as someone like me. He left the company before I came here and now I am going to get the opportunity to go face to face with him. I am looking forward to that. You see, Steve, I am straight edge. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I don't smoke. My only addiction is competition. And I just may have something that you can't pass up."


[Punk smiles and rubs his chin for a moment, nodding his head. It definitely seems like the wheels are turning for CM Punk. Punk turns and walks off as we head to a commercial.]






[A seemingly much happier Santino Marella comes out from the back during the commercial break. He high fives the fans and grabs the t-shirt cannon. He fires off t-shirts and then does the standing trombone to the delight of kids everywhere. Santino places the t-shirt cannon back under the ring and heads to the back before the commercials end.]




Match #4


William Regal vs. John Morrison


[Our semi main event features two wrestlers who have different approaches to the sport: Regal with the slow, methodical mat game and Morrison with the speedy, high flying, aerial assault. But the two wrestlers really seem to be able to work well together. Regal got in some definite shots but was unable to lock in the Regal Stretch. Morrison, on the other hand, was able to strike Regal with a superkick and then lay him out near the ropes. Around the seven and a half minute mark, Morrison leaps up and then drops with Starship Pain on Regal! Morrison makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: John Morrison (Via Pinfall @ 7:52)

Match Rating: B+




[We are taken to another video. This one has a very black background to it with candles lit up all around the backdrop. A man can be seen kneeling in the center with a hooded robe covering his face. The man has his hands together as though he is praying.]



"Soon, the earth shall tremble in fear at the sound of the trumpets blasting. For they will know that the end of days has come. This end shall bring about the destinies of many men and women who will gather around a fallen angel. Those destinies shall be to start fresh, to begin the new earth once more. And all shall know the power of this angel. So it is written, so it shall come to pass."


[The man in the hooded robe slowly lifts to his feet and the hood is tossed back to reveal a face. That face is the last that is seen before the video fades to black.]








[An annoyed Ted DiBiase comes out during the final commercial break. DiBiase grabs the t-shirt cannon and looks at it for a moment. The expectant fans watch as DiBiase laughs at them and tosses the t-shirt cannon to the ground. He kicks it underneath the ring and then turns and walks off to the back, absorbing in some definite boos from the crowd.]




Match #5


CM Punk vs. John Cena


[Our main event of the evening is an excellent match as these two men have been feuding for awhile now. CM Punk doesn't come down to the ring alone, though. Instead, the ring is surrounded by the members of The Nexus, which leads to all sorts of interference and distractions for the Leader of the CeNation. Regardless of the interference, Cena does manage to get in some shots early on and several near falls throughout the contest. Punk, though, to his credit, uses the interference to gain some near falls of his own. Punk goes for the Anaconda Vice about seven minutes into the bout but Cena uses the ropes to get the hold broken before it can be placed in tightly.]


[The momentum shifts when Justin Gabriel climbs onto the apron as the referee has taken a bump. CM Punk looks to whip Cena into Gabriel but Cena reverses and Gabriel accidentally strikes Punk! Punk staggers after the hit and Cena knocks Gabriel off the apron. Cena hooks Punk -- Standing Spinebuster! He looks down at Punk -- 'You Can't See Me' gesture! He bounces off the ropes -- Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena looks down and crouches, poised and ready for Punk to get to his feet. The Nexus members leap on the apron but are punched down in turn by Cena. Cena turns back to Punk -- kick to the gut by Punk -- Go To -- NO! Cena drops off Punk's shoulders. Cena kicks Punk in the gut and then lifts him up -- Attitude Adjustment! Punk lands firmly in the center of the ring. Cena shakes his head and then bends over, yanking Punk back up -- Attitude Adjustment! Cena grabs the referee and tugs him over, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: John Cena (Via Pinfall @ 10:01)

Match Rating: A


[John Cena wins this excellent match after two straight AA's. The crowd roars in both approval and disapproval as Cena gets to his feet. Cena appears ready to fight with The Nexus but they pull CM Punk out of the ring and walk toward the back with him as Cena celebrates. Cena definitely looks tired and worn out after this match with CM Punk. He slowly raises his head when some very old and familiar music begins to play.]




[The crowd here in the Mass Mutual Center is absolutely in shock as the former UFC World Heavyweight Champion, former three time WWE Champion Brock Lesnar appears from the back. The last thing that anyone knew, Brock Lesnar was attempting to return to UFC. Cena's eyes are wide as Lesnar stalks down to the ring. Lesnar slides inside and comes face to face with Cena. The man once known as 'The Next Big Thing' absorbs some punches from Cena and catches him with a few hard-hitting knees to the midsection. Lesnar picks Cena up -- F5! Cena hits the mat hard and Lesnar stands over top of him. Lesnar raises his arms up in the air and the camera focuses on him as we fade to black. See you next week!]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Several perfect scores this week in a largely predictable card. Congratulations to #HEEL, Tweek It, joehelmer, ya_its_me and Nathers7!


Welcome to ya_its_me for their first predictions in this diary! Hope to see more in the future. :)


1. Nathers7=9 Wins

2. Charasmatic Enigma=7 Wins

3. Beejus=6 Wins

Tweek It=6 Wins

5. Rayelek=4 Wins

#HEEL=4 Wins

7. ChrisKid=3 Wins

8. joehelmer=2 Wins

9. Destiny=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

ya_its_me=1 Win

12. CharlieCornell=0 Wins

mistaken=0 Wins

BallerSoup=0 Wins

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Week 1 February 2011

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Wade Barrett vs. Booker T

Non Title: The Usos vs. The Dudebusters

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Jack Swagger vs. Drew McIntyre

Dolph Ziggler vs. Batista

World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Daniel Bryan and Edge

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Good rumble show, Bryan winning the title shot is a good thing as he has heat with Miz from NXT.


Glad you enjoyed my Royal Rumble. I was quite sure that most would be surprised with Daniel Bryan winning. I hope I can do him justice, though and keep everyone entertained at the same time.


Darn, I missed the Rumble event.


Make sure you catch the replay. ;) Hope it was worth it.


Austin Aries vs. ?????

I would almost guess it to be a frustrated Nexus member... none of them save Punk seemed to like Aries's introduction.


There will definitely be more about this in the coming weeks.


CM Punk vs. John Cena

Wouldn't be surprised if Punk won but Cena's loss in the tag match on the last edition of Raw gives him the edge.


I was on the fence on the outcome of this match, personally. As many may know I'm not the biggest John Cena fan in the world. But the ends justify the means, right?


Thank you to everyone who has predicted and who keeps predicting. Would love to hear some thoughts on the new debuts/returns that I have been bringing to both Raw and Smackdown. Both the positive and the negative sides of those.

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Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Wade Barrett vs. Booker T

-Barrett is pretty awesome as a heel and Booker is old, but this really could go either way.

Non Title: The Usos vs. The Dudebusters

-I don't remember who is the champ here, but I'm guessing the Usos, which is why they win

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston

-Because he's awesome.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Jack Swagger vs. Drew McIntyre

-With McIntyre getting a push as a face, I want to pick him, but Swagger just got a title shot, he wouldn't lose here

Dolph Ziggler vs. Batista

-Batista dominates

World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Daniel Bryan and Edge

-Huge Charlie Haas mark here, but they won't beat Bryan and Edge

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Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Wade Barrett vs. Booker T

Non Title: The Usos vs. The Dudebusters

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Jack Swagger vs. Drew McIntyre

Dolph Ziggler vs. Batista

World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Daniel Bryan and Edge


Potential Punk v Austin at Wrestlemania...YES! YES! YES!

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Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Wade Barrett vs. Booker T

Non Title: The Usos vs. The Dudebusters

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Jack Swagger vs. Drew McIntyre

Dolph Ziggler vs. Batista

World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Daniel Bryan and Edge

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Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Wade Barrett vs. Booker T

Non Title: The Usos vs. The Dudebusters

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Kofi Kingston

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Jack Swagger vs. Drew McIntyre

Dolph Ziggler vs. Batista

World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Daniel Bryan and Edge


Okay, so I went with Barrett just because I went for two faces in the other two qualifiers. The Usos win cause the Busters are jobbers. Kofi takes it because every gimmick match needs the insanity that he'll agree to. Drew is in the middle of a nice new face push. Batista is Batista so he's bound to be in the upper part of the card. And Edge and Bryan need to keep up their momentum.

Gotta say though, this has been A LOT of debuts.... some of them I can see, some of them I can't. I always have some faith in ad, but whoa dude.

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