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WWE: January 2011 - Raw v. Smackdown

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<p>Damn, missed my chance on predictions! I wanted to but that day I ended up having a nap instead, lol. Good show though, I only would've had a few right anyways.</p><p> </p><p>

Austin Aries vs. <em>Daniel Bryan</em></p><p>

Comment: <em>Bryan is going to look strong on his way to Mania.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Rhino</em> vs. The Sandman</p><p>

Comment: <em>Rhino is younger and better; just put him over and move him on.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>William Regal</em> vs. Yoshi Tatsu</p><p>

Comment: <em>Because William Regal, that's why.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Kharma</em> vs. Eve</p><p>

Comment: <em>Ouch...</em></p><p> </p><p>

Winner Gets A U.S. Title Shot At WrestleMania</p><p>

Sheamus vs. <em>John Morrison</em></p><p>

Comment: <em>Could also maybe see this go triple threat, but Tyson vs JoMo seems like it'd be best for a solid, high flying match.</em></p><p> </p><p>

WWE Championship Title Match</p><p>

Special Guest Referee: Daniel Bryan</p><p>

<em>The Miz</em> defends vs. John Cena</p><p>

Comment: <em>Money is on Bryan vs Miz for Mania.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs: </p><p>

"Cena says he's a hustler?"</p><p>


"Just punch him, Regal!"</p>

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Yes, caught up to the leaders!


Austin Aries vs. Daniel Bryan

Comment: Probably by DQ, but this will be a phenomenal match.


Rhino vs. The Sandman

Comment: Rhino has looked pretty good lately, but I think Sandman hits him with the cane for the dq


William Regal vs. Yoshi Tatsu

Comment: Yoshi is more of a jobber.


Kharma vs. Eve

Comment: Dominance


Winner Gets A U.S. Title Shot At WrestleMania

Sheamus vs. John Morrison

Comment: Only because the champ is Tyson Kidd who is a heel.


WWE Championship Title Match

Special Guest Referee: Daniel Bryan

The Miz defends vs. John Cena

Comment: All I know is that Cena won't win here.

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Austin Aries vs. Daniel Bryan

Comment: Great match, I'd love to see this match on WWE TV someday.


Rhino vs. The Sandman

Comment: At least Sandman will be too drunk to feel the gore.

William Regal vs. Yoshi Tatsu

Comment: I like both wrestlers, Regal is one of my all time favorites though.


Kharma vs. Eve

Comment: Squash


Winner Gets A U.S. Title Shot At WrestleMania

Sheamus vs. John Morrison

Comment: Morrison vs. Kidd would be a good match.


WWE Championship Title Match

Special Guest Referee: Daniel Bryan

The Miz defends vs. John Cena

Comment: Perhaps Brock gets involved.


Fun Fan Signs: Cena got Brocked!

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Austin Aries vs. Daniel Bryan



Rhino vs. The Sandman



William Regal vs. Yoshi Tatsu



Kharma vs. Eve



Winner Gets A U.S. Title Shot At WrestleMania

Sheamus vs. John Morrison



WWE Championship Title Match

Special Guest Referee: Daniel Bryan

The Miz defends vs. John Cena


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Damn, missed my chance on predictions! I wanted to but that day I ended up having a nap instead, lol. Good show though, I only would've had a few right anyways.


Fun Fan Signs:

"Cena says he's a hustler?"


"Just punch him, Regal!"


Am glad that you enjoyed the pay-per-view. I am enjoying this diary, for sure.


Love the fun fan signs.


Yes, caught up to the leaders!


It is definitely a close race as we move toward the final month and WrestleMania!


Austin Aries vs. Daniel Bryan

Comment: Great match, I'd love to see this match on WWE TV someday.


Fun Fan Signs: Cena got Brocked!


I would love to see the match on tv in reality as well. It would be even more amazing than it was made out to be here in TEW.


Cracked up at the fun fan sign. :)


With all of this being said, my time is becoming somewhat more limited than in the past. Raw and the pay-per-views are going to be moved to the Smackdown format that I have written here.

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[show Poster Provided by jhd1]

WWE Monday Night RAW!

Monday Week 4 February 2011

Location: CA Save Mart Center (South West)

Attendance: 6,414

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 6.00




[The show begins with a video recap from the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. Of course the focus is on how the Raw roster interacted. Highlights include Kharma, Beth Phoenix and Natalya in a three way womens brawl, Brock Lesnar's backstage assault on John Cena, Justin Gabriel defeating Husky Harris and then being assaulted by Austin Aries and The Raw Elimination Chamber where The Miz outlasted five other superstars to retain the WWE Championship!]




['The Time Is Now' kicks things off here in the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California. The crowd rises in both boo and cheers as John Cena walks out from the back and does his normal salute before heading down to the ring. The Leader of the CeNation gets on the microphone and talks about how he came within inches the previous night of winning the WWE Championship. In fact, he says he SHOULD be standing here in front of all these fans as the WWE Champion. He adds in that he would be except for the attack by Brock Lesnar before the match. If that attack had not occured, he believes he would be proud to say that the champ is...at this point he gets interrupted.]


[The interruption comes from the man who retained the WWE Championship last night: The Miz! The Miz tells John Cena that the champ is HERE and that if Cena thinks he should have walked out of Elimination Chamber with the belt then he is absolutely crazy. The Miz says that the better man won at Elimination Chamber, outlasting all five other men to prove why he is the most must-see WWE Champion of ALL TIME. And he is going to main event WrestleMania against Daniel Bryan and that's all there is to it. But we get our second interruption of the evening.]


[This interruption is from the General Manager of Raw: Eric Bischoff. Bischoff states that both men have great points. However, it's up to him exactly what goes on tonight. And he is not interested in anything but pulling ratings. With that being said and in the interest of ratings, he tells the WWE Universe that there WILL be a WWE Championship match tonight with The Miz taking on John Cena. However, there will be a special guest referee. That guest referee is none other than the man who will face the winner at WrestleMania: Daniel Bryan! Bischoff also states that The Miz and John Cena are to keep their hands off each other tonight before the match. If The Miz attacks John Cena, then he will be stripped of the WWE Championship. If John Cena attacks The Miz, then he forfeits the title shot tonight. He wishes both gentlemen good luck.]


Match #1


Austin Aries vs. Daniel Bryan


[Daniel Bryan was definitely surprised to learn that he would be the special guest referee for the main event tonight but he has to step inside the ring and take on the 2nd in command of the Nexus: Austin Aries. Both men get in some strong shots on this open, back and forth yet very short match. Aries scores a near fall following a Pendulum Elbow Drop. Daniel Bryan gets the crowd into things and makes his comeback, gaining momentum with some sharp kicks to the chest of Aries and then one to the head that brings Aries to the mat. Bryan sets behind Aries -- LeBell Lock! Aries struggles with the hold but eventually is forced to tap out.]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 5:46)

Match Rating: B




[Scott Stanford is standing by to interview Brock Lesnar. Lesnar says that he knows that John Cena is a whiner. He proved that tonight when he complained about the little 'love tap' that Lesnar gave him in the locker room for luck. However, Lesnar says he is surprised to find out that Cena is a coward as well. Cena is doing everything that he can to avoid facing Brock Lesnar, according to Brock Lesnar. However, he is not going to get the opportunity to duck him at WrestleMania. Lesnar guarantees that John Cena is not going to win the WWE Championship tonight.]




[We head to a locker room style area where Sheamus is wating to obviously give an interview. 'King' Sheamus focuses his interview on his match tonight with John Morrison. He says that a King doesn't have to explain himself to his subjects as to why he does the things that he does. But he will give a slight explanation in that Morrison should learn to keep his hands away from other people's families. Tonight, Sheamus is going to teach John Morrison a lesson and then move on to WrestleMania where he plans to win the United States title and bring it back to Ireland.]




[Once more, we cut to a different area backstage. This different area is the office of General Manager Eric Bischoff. Surprisingly, Bischoff is not alone. Instead, he has the woman known simply as Kharma staring daggers at him. If looks could kill, Bischoff would be pushing up daisies right now. Bischoff clears his throat and then says that he has an announcement to make. Since Smackdown has a representative in the WWE Diva's title match, he thought it was only fair that Raw get a representative as well. So he is officially making the match a three way match with Natalya versus Beth Phoenix versus Kharma for the WWE Diva's title. Kharma slowly smiles and nods her head before turning and walking off. Bischoff releases a deep breath and seems to calm with Kharma walking away.]


Match #2


Rhino vs. The Sandman


[Our second match of the night is a definite hardcore style of match, though both men had to stick within the confines of the rules. The match quickly exits outside the ring and becomes a basic street fight between these two heavy hitters with neither man wanting or needing to back down. Rhino brings The Sandman down after smashing him against the guardrail in front of a fan with a sign reading: 'GOAR GOAR GOAR!' Rhino misses the Gore outside the ring, though, and The Sandman stumbles over to grab his singapore cane. The Sandman raises the cane but Rhino has gotten a chair! Rhino uses the chair to block the cane shot but things have gotten out of hand with the use of weapons and the referee has to call for the bell, ending the match.]


Winner: Draw (Via Double Disqualification @ 5:15)

Match Rating: C-




[We have another interview with Scott Stanford. This time he has the 2011 Royal Rumble winner: Daniel Bryan backstage with him. The focus of the interview is on the match later tonight with The Miz and John Cena. Daniel Bryan has the opportunity to make a determination in that match. However, Bryan says that he is going to take this opportunity to call the match right down the middle. He says that he is going to be a fair and impartial referee as he can have a great match at WrestleMania with both men. However, whether it's The Miz or whether it's John Cena, at the end of the day, everybody taps.]




[We go back to Eric Bischoff's office and this time he is sitting behind his desk with William Regal standing in front of him. Bischoff wishes Regal good luck on his match tonight with Yoshi Tatsu. Then he states that he wants to ask William Regal to be the first member of his WWE Raw team for WrestleMania. Regal speaks about the fact that he has been in the chair that Bischoff is in. He says that it will be an honor to represent Raw at WrestleMania and show those Smackdown miscreants why they are the best show in the WWE. Bischoff and Regal shake hands and we go back to the ring.]


Match #3


William Regal vs. Yoshi Tatsu


[William Regal has a little extra inspiration in this match following his meeting with Eric Bischoff and it shows in the aggressive stance he takes with Yoshi Tatsu. He uses various submission holds on Tatsu but cannot quite get the Japanese wrestler to say that he quits. As Regal remains in control, a sign is held up reading: 'Just punch him, Regal!' Nearing that five minute mark, Regal decides to get the victory another way when he catches Tatsu with a running knee lift to the skull. That knee strike brings Tatsu to the mat where he is easy pickings for Regal to score the pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: William Regal (Via Pinfall @ 4:56)

Match Rating: C+




[The crowd was unhappy to see William Regal win but were even more upset to see CM Punk come out and walk down to the ring. Punk gets on the microphone and begins by saying 'in case you don't remember, my name is CM Punk and I am Straight Edge. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. My only addiction is competition.' Then he turns the focus of the interview to Steve Austin, talking about Austin's addictive personality and that it's that personality that doesn't allow him to let go of a wrestling ring that has passed him by. Punk would have continued but he was interrupted by the Titantron lighting up and a picture of Steve Austin inside what turns out to be a monster truck. Austin tells the world that he's had a few cold ones before getting behind the wheel of this big vehicle so he's likely to do anything. Of course, CM Punk yells at Austin about promoting drinking and driving. Austin just laughs it off and then motions to the vehicle in front of him, which turns out to be CM Punk's truck. Within a few moments, CM Punk looks on in horror as Steve Austin runs over the truck, crushing it with his monster truck! Punk shoves the ropes and stomps around the ring angrily before he exits and heads to the back, while Austin laugs it off on camera..'And that's the bottom line 'cause Stone Cold said so.']


Match #4


Kharma vs. Eve


[Kharma has some extra incentive in this match against Eve as she has been named the Raw representative for the WWE Diva's match at WrestleMania earlier tonight. As everyone would expect, this was a squash match with Eve getting in no offense whatsoever as Kharma even no-sold the punches that Eve threw at her. Kharma shows her strength by lifting Eve in a press slam and dropping her behind her back! Kharma laughs and then gets that scary serious look on her face. She turns her attention back to Eve and lifts her up -- Sitout Powerbomb! Kharma hooks her legs over the shoulders of Eve: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Kharma (Via Pinfall @ 4:39)

Match Rating: D




[Our next segment is back in the office of Eric Bischoff. This time the Raw General Manager is with the WWE Champion The Miz. The Miz is complaining about having to defend his title only 24 hours after Elimination Chamber. And with Daniel Bryan as the referee? Things are completely stacked against the Awesome One, right? Bischoff shakes his head and informs The Miz that since he is the most must-see WWE Champion of all time, he needs to be on the show every single week defending that belt. Of course there is no way that he is afraid of John Cena, right? The Miz says he can beat John Cena tonight, tomorrow night, whenever because 'I'm The Miz and I'm AWESOME!']


Match #5


Winner Gets A U.S. Title Shot At WrestleMania

Sheamus vs. John Morrison


[This match is to determine who will face Tyson Kidd for the U.S. title at WrestleMania and it's a very good match from start to controversial finish. Neither man is one hundred percent tonight but they both go all out for this contest. Morrison catches Sheamus with a cross body block from the inside of the ring to the outside of the ring. Then he brings the match back inside and goes for Starship Pain but Sheamus moves out of the way! Both Tyson Kidd and Jackson Andrews come out to ringside during the match. As Sheamus prepares to strike with the Brogue Kick, Tyson Kidd and Jackson Andrews attack. Kidd goes after Morrison and Andrews goes after Sheamus! The double attack causes a no contest ending to this match.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 8:45)

Match Rating: B


[but this fight isn't over. The sneak attack catches both John Morrison and Sheamus off-guard. This allows Jackson Andrews to strike Sheamus with a double handed chokebomb and Tyson Kidd to strike John Morrison with a swinging fisherman suplex. The two moves lay Morrison and Sheamus out inside the ring. Tyson Kidd stands tall over the two larger wrestlers, raising the United States title above his head. What does this do for the WrestleMania match?]




[We move to the Titantron and another of the dark and mysterious videos that focus on the upcoming debut of 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels. Daniels is shown in a meadow, bowing and praying and talking to God. Daniels opens his eyes and says that the end is near. In fact it is coming sooner than you think. With that, the screen shows white block lettering with the words 'Coming Next Week' upon them. So Christopher Daniels will debut next week right here on Raw!]


Match #6



WWE Championship Title Match

Special Guest Referee: Daniel Bryan

The Miz defends vs. John Cena


[Daniel Bryan is the first person to come down to the ring for the match and then it's John Cena and then the WWE Champion The Miz. If the opening few minutes are any indication, it would seem that Daniel Bryan is going to keep his word as he is fair and impartial, if not a bit eager to break things up during the match. Both men score early near falls in the bout and The Miz yells at Daniel Bryan about a slow count. But Daniel Bryan disagrees and so do the fans. The Miz brings Cena outside the ring and sends him against the guardrail and then against the table. It looks like The Miz is going to try a Skull Crushing Finale through the announce table but Daniel Bryan steps in to try and break things up. The distraction is enough for Cena to roll inside the ring with The Miz eventually following him back in. A sign is held up in the crowd reading: 'Cena says he's a hustler?']


[The match continues and around fourteen/fifteen minutes in, Cena starts to get on a roll with some sharp momentum. Cena takes down The Miz with several clotheslines and then a leaping shoulderblock that sends The Miz down to the mat. Cena catches The Miz with the Throwback and makes the cover: 1 ---- 2 ---- Kickout! Daniel Bryan's pinfall count is definitely not the same as a normal referee but he's no normal referee. Cena sends The Miz to the ropes -- spin-out powerbomb! He looks down at The Miz and does the 'You Can't See Me' gesture. The crowd gets excited and on their feet as Cena bounces off the ropes -- Five Knuckle Shuffle! Could we be seeing a brand new WWE Champion? Cena looks down to The Miz and crouches, waiting and setting up for the Attitude Adjustment. But as The Miz is trying to pull to his feet, Brock Lesnar comes RUNNING out from the back! Lesnar slides in the ring and Daniel Bryan gets in his way! Bryan throws some kicks to Lesnar's chest -- Attitude Adjustment on The Miz by John Cena! Lesnar gets in close to Bryan and tosses him into a corner and then he brings Cena down with a clothesline! Lesnar puts the boots to Cena and Daniel Bryan has no choice but to call for the bell.]


Winner: John Cena (Via Disqualification @ 17:53; The Miz retains the WWE Championship title)

Match Rating: B




[John Cena wins the match but he does NOT win the WWE Championship as it cannot change hands on a disqualification! With Cena down, Lesnar turns into a flying Daniel Bryan! Bryan tried to catch Lesnar off-guard but the man formerly known as 'The Next Big Thing' just catches Bryan in mid-air! He twists him around onto his shoulders -- F5! Daniel Bryan is planted with the F5! Brock Lesnar turns back around and picks up John Cena -- F5! He drops Cena right beside Daniel Bryan. Then he looks down at The Miz. The WWE Champion is laid out from the Attitude Adjustment from John Cena. Lesnar yanks The Miz up and then lifts him on his shoulders -- F5! Brock Lesnar has laid out EVERYONE this night! Lesnar stands over the three fallen bodies as the show comes to a close. What a night for the Next Big Thing. As the credits rise, we focus on a sign that reads: 'Cena got Brocked!']

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


No perfect predictions this week. However, everyone scored the same amount with 3/6. Congratulations to Beejus, Rayelek, #HEEL and Destiny!


1. Beejus=11 Wins

Rayelek=11 Wins

3. Nathers7=10 Wins

4. Tweek It=8 Wins

#HEEL=8 Wins

6. Charasmatic Enigma=7 Wins

7. ChrisKid=3 Wins

Destiny=3 Wins

9. joehelmer=2 Wins

10. jhd1=1 Win

ya_its_me=1 Win

12. CharlieCornell=0 Wins

mistaken=0 Wins

BallerSoup=0 Wins

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Week 4 February 2011


Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly

Non Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Shark Boy

Charlie Haas vs. Booker T

Wade Barrett vs. Christian

WWE World Title Match: Edge defends vs. Alberto Del Rio

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Awesome! I'll be sure to catch up and join the party at your next event. :)


Absent losing his title match against Ziggler, it seems like Rey has been on a roll, and is now a very talented wrestler scorned. I'll take him over Chavo.


Kelly lost a tough match at the PPV, and I think she'll still be finding it tough to rebound both mentally and physically. I'll take Michelle.


I would love love love to see Shark Boy win his match, and I suppose I could see it happening through some interference or a DQ, but I think the smart money is on Dolph.


This next match seems like it could be very interesting. Given Booker's loss against Kane in what I think is his last match to date, and the fact that Drew seems to be out to get him, I have to take Haas.


Christian eliminated Barrett at Elimination Chamber -- this should be a fantastic bout. Given that Christian's got a ticket punched to Wrestlemania, he'll probably need some momentum, and so I'll take Christian.


With the Edge v. Christian hype, I can't see Edge losing here... but then again, anything could happen!

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Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

Poor Chavito. Maybe a strong showing could net him a small push? Chavo for IC champ!


Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly

I couldn't possibly begin to tell you how little I care about this match.


Non Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Shark Boy

Sharky is a jobber, albeit a fun jobber, but a jobber nonetheless.


Charlie Haas vs. Booker T

WGTT are booked kinda like they're just tag guys, so I'm guessing here that Booker is getting a small win for momentum build purposes.


Wade Barrett vs. Christian

Same reason as was given, Christian can use some sustained momentum on his way to Mania.


WWE World Title Match: Edge defends vs. Alberto Del Rio

My only question is, which one of E&C turns on the other?

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Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly

Non Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Shark Boy

Charlie Haas vs. Booker T

Wade Barrett vs. Christian

WWE World Title Match: Edge defends vs. Alberto Del Rio

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Taped Monday Week 4 February 2011

CA Save Mart Center (South West)

Attendance: 6,414

Show Rating: B-


ANGLE: Opening Show Video...B+

The Sandman defeated Alex Riley...D+

ANGLE: Raw Rebound...A

Masahiro Chono defeated Ultimo Dragon...D+

ANGLE: John Cena Hypes Match With Brock Lesnar...A

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri...C+

ANGLE: Elimination Chamber Recap Video...A

Chavo Guerrero defeated Finlay...B-

ANGLE: Chavo Guerrero Celebrates...C+



Taped Monday Week 4 February 2011

FL Arnold Hall (South East)

Attendance: 7,460

Show Rating: B-


Desmond Wolfe defeated Robbie E...C-

Stevie Richards defeated Chris Sabin, Jesse Neal and Hernandez...C-

Tara defeated Sarita...C+

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle...C+

Jeff Jarrett defeated Shannon Moore...C+

Jeff Hardy defeated Kevin Nash...B-

Mr. Anderson defeated AJ Styles...B-



Tuesday Week 4 February 2011

FL Swisher Gymnasium (South East)

Attendance: 1,500

Show Rating: D


Rob Terry defeated Gunner...E

Madison Rayne and Tara defeated The Beautiful People...C-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Velvet Sky and Mickie James...B-

London Brawling defeated Ink Inc...C-

Stevie Richards defeated Robbie E...D-



Wednesday Week 4 February 2011

MD SPW Training Center (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 97

Show Rating: D+


Donny Marlow defeated Jinder Mahal...E-

ANGLE: Skit involving Richie Steamboat and AJ...C+

Caylee Turner defeated Christina Von Eerie...F

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Stephanie McMahon, Alicia Fox and John Layfield...B

AJ defeated Alicia Fox to retain the FCW Florida Diva's title...D

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Chris Masters and Tyler Reks...C

Hunico defeated Johnny Curtis...E+

Primo defeated Roman Leakee...D+

Chris Masters defeated Tyler Reks...D+

Percy Watson defeated Skip Sheffield to retain the FCW Florida Heavyweight title...D+



Friday Week 4 February 2011

NY First Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 3,784

Show Rating: B-


Grizzly Redwood defeated Harlem Bravado...E+

Shawn Spears defeated Ernesto Osiris...D-

Kenn Doane defeated Shawn Daivari to retain the ROH World Television title...C-

Kings Of Wrestling defeated American Wolves...B

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[show Poster Provided by jhd1]

WWE Smackdown!

Friday Week 4 February 2011 (Taped On Tuesday)

Location: PA Hersheypark Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 7,286

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 4.48




[Our show opens this week with the Smackdown crowd here at the Hersheypark Arena in Hershey Pennsylvania on their feet because the man who is simply the WWE World Champion, The Rated R Superstar, The Ultimate Opportunist Edge is standing in the middle of the ring soaking in all the cheers. Edge opens things by talking about his history with Christian. These two men have won numerous tag team titles together and had numerous moments for the WWE together. But all of that is put to the side at WrestleMania this year when the two of them go one on one for the WWE World title. Edge says that earlier he said he would do anything to keep this title and he still means it. He will do ANYTHING. But Edge gets interrupted by the music of the Mexican Arisocrat. Alberto Del Rio comes out from the back and walks right down to the ring, stepping inside the ring. Edge asks Del Rio why he is here. Del Rio says that tonight his destiny is going to be fulfilled. He says that tonight he is going to challenge Edge for the WWE World title and walk into WrestleMania as the champion. Edge points out that Del Rio didn't even win to go into the Elimination Chamber so why does he think he deserves a title shot? Alberto Del Rio points out that he won his match last Sunday at Elimination Chamber and Edge didn't even wrestle.]


[The two men are interrupted by the arrival of Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long. Long says that this is his show and he will make all the decisions here tonight. He agrees with both men, saying that they both have some valid points. So he has thought about it and he has decided that the fans here in Pennsylvania deserve a title match here tonight. So Edge will defend the WWE World title against Alberto Del Rio tonight on Smackdown. The winner will go on to WrestleMania and defend the belt against the top contender Christian. Playa, playas!]


Match #1


Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio


[A fast paced match begins the in ring portion of Smackdown as Chavo Guerrero faces off with old Guerrero rival Rey Mysterio. These two men show a good chemistry inside the ring as they seem to bring out the best in each other. Guerrero gets a good pop from the crowd when he hooks Rey Mysterio in the Gory Special but Mysterio won't give it up. Guerrero slams Mysterio down and then heads to the top turnbuckle -- Frog Splash -- NO! Mysterio got the knees up and Guerrero lands chest-first on Mysterio's knee. Minutes later, Mysterio gets the crowd back into it and catches Guerrero with a flying headscissors that sends Guerrero against the ropes. Mysterio dials it up, bouncing off the ropes and catching Guerrero with the 619! Mysterio uses the ropes as a springboard -- Dropping The Dime! Mysterio makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Rey Mysterio (Via Pinfall @ 5:58)

Match Rating: B




[As the crowd cheers Rey Mysterio's victory, Teddy Long comes out from the back and walks right down to the ring. Long and Mysterio shake hands and Long asks Mysterio if he will be the first member of Team Smackdown as we head toward WrestleMania in the Team Raw versus Team Smackdown match. Mysterio agrees and promises to bring home the victory to the blue team! In exchange for being on Team Smackdown, Teddy Long promises Mysterio a WWE Intercontinental title rematch next week against Dolph Ziggler! Mysterio celebrates with the fans.]




[We move to the backstage area where we see Kaitlyn walking down a hallway alone. She says goodbye to a few staff members and the camera follows her as she moves into a darkened hallway, pushing a door open and walking into a parking garage. As soon as she enters the parking garage, she is grabbed from behind by 'The Devil's Favorite Demon' Kane! Kane's hand comes over her mouth so that she cannot scream and he yanks her body in close against his. A devilish smile slides upon his lips as he laughs that dark and evil laughter. He pulls the struggling Kaitlyn into the shadows as we move back to the ring.]


Match #2

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/MichelleMcCool.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Layla.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/KellyKelly.jpg

Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly


[Kelly Kelly comes out with a few graphics depicting her match with Beth Phoenix last Sunday at Elimination Chamber. Michelle McCool and Layla come skipping out to the ring, ignoring the crowd. Our one Divas match on the card is a back and forth contest that sees each female putting out their best. Kelly Kelly catches McCool with a Thesz Press and then bounces off the ropes, hitting her with several clotheslines. McCool comes back with a sharp belly to belly suplex, drawing a two count. There was some interference by Layla throughout the bout, stopping momentum for Kelly Kelly. The end came when Kelly went for a flying headscissors but McCool catches her. She drops her with the Faith Breaker and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Michelle McCool (Via Pinfall @ 5:20)

Match Rating: C-




[We move from the ring to a video. This video depicts the old house that was in The Undertaker's video earlier this year. We move inside the house and find The Undertaker working hard sanding a wooden casket. The Undertaker raises his eyes to the camera and talks about Alberto Del Rio and how his end is coming very soon. Because, you see, at WrestleMania, it is not going to be just any match. The streak is going to be on the line in a casket match. The Undertaker tells Del Rio that this casket will be his destiny. And it shall be his time to rest in peace.]




[We head to the backstage area where the #1 contender Christian is walking. He pauses in front of a soda machine where he gets approached by not only Wade Barrett but Tomko. Barrett tells Christian that he got lucky at Elimination Chamber when he eliminated Wade Barrett but his luck runs out quickly around here. 'Is that so?' asks Christian, acknowledging Tomko with a head nod. Christian says he taught Tomko how to fight back in the day so Tomko needs to ease back off him. Then he tells Barrett that if he wants a fight, Christian can give him a fight. Before they come to blows, Teddy Long comes on the scene and he agrees that this match should happen tonight and will happen tonight on Smackdown! Holla Holla!]


Match #3

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/DolphZiggler.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VickieGuerrero.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/SharkBoy2.jpg

Non Title

Dolph Ziggler vs. Shark Boy


[shark Boy is waiting inside the ring when we come back to the ringside area and out comes the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. Shark Boy starts out strong against Ziggler for the first minute, driving Ziggler out of the ring to regroup. Buteven ou of the ring, Ziggler is caught with a suicide dive by Shark Boy! Shark Boy raises his hand up like a fin, drawing some cheers from the crowd. Back inside the ring, Ziggler takes control with a few knees to the gut. Ziggler picks up Shark Boy and drops him with a superkick before adding in a rolling neck snap. Ziggler plays to the booing crowd before looking back to Shark Boy -- Zig Zag! Shark Boy is taken down and Ziggler moves in -- Sleeperhold! Ziggler hooks in the body scissors and Shark Boy slowly fades to unconciousness. The referee steps in and raises and drops Shark Boy's arm three times before calling for the bell.]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Submission @ 5:20)

Match Rating: B




[We move to the backstage area where Drew McIntyre is...walking! McIntyre pauses by a backstage staff member, asking him if he's seen Kaitlyn or not. The staff member shakes his head and McIntyre looks worried as he continues walking down the hallway, stepping out into the parking garage. He looks around and then looks down, seeing a necklace laying on the ground. He bends over and picks it up, eyes going wide as he recognizes it as being Kaitlyn's. He yells for her several times, running away from the camera and through the parking garage.]




[We move to another backstage area. This time it's the office of Smackdown General Manager: Teddy Long. Long is not alone in his office. He is with none other than Batista! The two men shake hands and Long thanks Batista for something. Then Long turns toward the camera and makes the announcement that Batista is the next member signed for Team Smackdown at WrestleMania! So Batista and Rey Mysterio are two members signed for the team. Two definite major superstars!]


Match #4

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/CharlieHaas.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/SheltonBenjamin.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/BookerT.jpg

Charlie Haas vs. Booker T


[Our next match is another very good match between two veterans of the ring. Charlie Haas's tag team partner, Shelton Benjamin, accompanies him to ringside. This match could easily be the match of the night as both men were sharp and crisp in their moves. The momentum swung back and forth with Benjamin cheering on his partner from ringside. Booker goes for the scissors kick but Haas stands up and catches Booker with an exploder suplex. Haas plays to the crowd for a moment, absorbing in the boos. He strikes Booker with a few punches and then swings around behind him -- German Suplex! Haas holds a perfect bridge: 1 -- 2 -- 3! A big win for Charlie Haas!]


Winner: Charlie Haas (Via Pinfall @ 7:21)

Match Rating: B




[We move from the ring to a video hyping an upcoming international superstar to the Smackdown roster. This international superstar is Sin Cara! He is shown hitting some death defying moves inside the ring, striking a random opponent from the top rope and a springboard off the ropes. This masked superstar will be showing up on WWE's Smackdown next week!]




[We are, then, taken to the backstage area where the #1 contender to the WWE Diva's title is standing by. Beth Phoenix looks in the camera and talks about WrestleMania. This is going to be one of the biggest matches in the history of the WWE Diva's division, according to Beth Phoenix. We have three of the top Divas fighting in a three way match. But Phoenix says that she is the top Diva in the WWE. She is the top womens wrestler in the world. She says that after two Glam Slams at WrestleMania, she will be the new WWE Divas Champion!]


Match #5

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/WadeBarrett.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TysonTomko.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Christian.jpg

Wade Barrett vs. Christian


[Our semi main event this evening, which was signed earlier tonight between Wade Barrett and Christian. This match was the definite match of the night as the #1 contender was taken to the limit by Wade Barrett and Tyson Tomko at ringside. The young Barrett takes early control on Christian with a big boot to the face. The next few minutes are spent with Barrett gaining near fall after near fall on the #1 contender to the WWE World Championship. It would definitely be a big feather in the cap of Barrett to get the win here tonight. During this tme, whenever Christian would start to gain some momentum, Tomko would interfere and bing Barrett back in control. Around the seven minute mark, Christian fires back against Barrett and maintains some momentum, clapping his hands and getting the crowd involved. Christian raises Barrett and drops him in a body slam when the music of 'Big Show' kicks in! Tomko looks toward the top of the ramp and then moves to meet Big Show. While Tomko is distracted in a brawl, Christian lifts Barrett in the ring -- Killswitch! Christian makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Christian (Via Pinfall @ 9:36)

Match Rating: B+




[Big Show grabs Tomko and slams him head-first into the guardrail, a move that draws cheers from the crowd! Big Show moves down to the ring and steps inside as Christian exits the ring. Big Show looks down at the fallen form of Wade Barrett and grins. He picks up Barrett and tosses him in the corner -- slap to the chest! Barrett staggers out of the corner -- goozled! Big Show raises Barrett up -- Choke Slam! The crowd cheers as Big Show stands over top of Wade Barrett.]




[Once again we head backstage to the office of WWE Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long. This time inside the office are Jack Swagger and Kofi Kingston! The crowd cheers Kingston when he comes on the screen. Long says that he invited these two men into his office to let them know that next week the two of them will be fighting to determine the top contender for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The winner will move on to face either Dolph Ziggler or Rey Mysterio for the title at WrestleMania! He wishes both men good luck and the two men stare each other down. Swagger shoves Kingston but Kingston shoves Swagger back hard enough that the All American American falls to the ground! The two men glare at each other as the segment comes to an end.]


[And now it is time to announce the very first entrant into this year's WWE Hall of Fame class of 2011. The video begins with music that will be familiar to just about every wrestling fan of the 1980's and 1990's. That music is 'Pomp and Circumstance.' This man going into the Hall of Fame is a former two time WWE Champion, a former WWE Intercontinental Champion and a former King of the Ring. He is also a former four time WCW World Champion. He could be considered at times to be one of the most beloved wrestlers and one of the most hated wrestlers in the business. Along with his manager and sometimes wife Elizabeth, he wowed the fans with his charisma and catchphrases such as 'Freak Out, Freak Out' and 'Ohhhhhh yeah, dig it!' Please welcome into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2011: 'Macho Man' Randy Savage!]




Match #6

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Edge.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AlbertoDelRio.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/RicardoRodriguez.jpg

WWE World Title Match

Edge defends vs. Alberto Del Rio


[Ricardo Rodriguez introduces the challenger for this evening, Alberto Del Rio. And what transpires in this match is actually a very good and very hotly contested wrestling match between these two top athletes. The crowd was absolutely sizzling during the match, rooting for Edge to have a successful defense. The lack of morals, though, helps Del Rio have a distinct advantage against the Rated R Superstar. Not to mention the help of Ricardo Rodriguez at ringside. The match started off slow with the feeling out period. During this time, the announcers talk about the induction of Randy Savage into the WWE Hall of Fame. Around the ten minute mark into the contest is when things really start to heat up. Del Rio had been focused on the arm of Edge and he wrapped it around a ring post, stretching it to the count of four before he was forced to release. Del Rio climbs back in the ring and sends Edge to the ropes and a double clothesline has both men down.]


[The crowd rallies behind the WWE World Champion as both men struggle to their feet. Del Rio gets to his feet first and heads to the top turnbuckle but Edge catches him there! He crotches Del Rio and then hooks him for a Superplex -- Del Rio turns in mid-air! He lands on top of Edge, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd goes wild with the kickout! Del Rio yells at the referee, wondering how Edge could possibly kick out at this point. Del Rio picks up Edge and whips him into the corner. Del Rio follows him in but Edge moves out of the way! Edge shoves Del Rio to the mat and then moves over into a corner. He waits for Del Rio to get to his feet -- Spear! Edge spears Del Rio out of his boots! Ricardo Rodriguez climbs on the apron but a punch by Edge sends him to the floor. Edge makes the cover on Del Rio: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Edge (Via Pinfall @ 15:04; Edge retains the WWE World title)

Match Rating: B




[A successful title defense by WWE World Champion Edge! Edge is given the belt by referee Mike Chioda and he raises it up high to cheers from the crowd. Then he gets attacked from behind by Ricardo Rodriguez! Rodriguez helps Alberto Del Rio to his feet and the both of them attack Edge. Del Rio hooks in the Cross Arm Breaker! The crowd boos and then the cheers come out as Christian comes running in from the back! Christian slides into the ring and looks down at the scene -- and then clotheslines Rodriguez! Christian turns and breaks the Cross Arm Breaker, tossing Del Rio out of the ring! Christian helps Edge to his feet and lets his former partner and his friend lean on him for support, yelling that they need paramedics to look at Edge's arm. The show ends with Christian holding Edge, two men that will fight for the WWE World Championship at WrestleMania. As we fade to black, we see Christian's eyes not on Edge or the ramp but focused on the WWE World title belt.]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Only one perfect prediction this week. Congratulations to MacIsaacM!


Welcome to MacIsaacM for their first predictions in this diary! Look forward to more in the future.


1. Beejus=11 Wins

Rayelek=11 Wins

3. Nathers7=10 Wins

4. Tweek It=8 Wins

#HEEL=8 Wins

6. Charasmatic Enigma=7 Wins

7. ChrisKid=3 Wins

Destiny=3 Wins

9. joehelmer=2 Wins

10. jhd1=1 Win

ya_its_me=1 Win

MacIsaacM=1 Win

13. CharlieCornell=0 Wins

mistaken=0 Wins

BallerSoup=0 Wins

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Week 1 March 2011


WWE United States Title Match

Tyson Kidd defends vs. Mark Henry



Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel



Christopher Daniels vs. Ultimo Dragon



Ted DiBiase vs. Vladimir Kozlov



Sheamus vs. Santino Marella



CM Punk vs. John Morrison



The Miz and Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena and Daniel Bryan



Fun Fan Signs:

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WWE United States Title Match

Tyson Kidd defends vs. Mark Henry



Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel



Christopher Daniels vs. Ultimo Dragon



Ted DiBiase vs. Vladimir Kozlov



Sheamus vs. Santino Marella



CM Punk vs. John Morrison



The Miz and Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena and Daniel Bryan



Fun Fan Signs:

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WWE United States Title Match

Tyson Kidd defends vs. Mark Henry

Comment: Tyson gets a big win vs. Henry


Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel

Comment: Gabriel shoud win this one.


Christopher Daniels vs. Ultimo Dragon

Comment: From memory this will be Daniels debut match in WWE, he won't lose.


Ted DiBiase vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Comment: The son of the Million dollar man wins here.


Sheamus vs. Santino Marella

Comment: Easy


CM Punk vs. John Morrison

Comment: Nexus involvement.


The Miz and Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena and Daniel Bryan

Comment: Miz and Lesnar to win.


Fun Fan Signs: The Fallen Angel takes no prisoners.

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WWE United States Title Match

Tyson Kidd defends vs. Mark Henry



Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel



Christopher Daniels vs. Ultimo Dragon



Ted DiBiase vs. Vladimir Kozlov



Sheamus vs. Santino Marella



CM Punk vs. John Morrison



The Miz and Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena and Daniel Bryan



Didn't really feel much to comment on for this one, it seems a pretty straightforward show.

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WWE United States Title Match

Tyson Kidd defends vs. Mark Henry

Comment: Can't see Tyson losing title this quick.


Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel



Christopher Daniels vs. Ultimo Dragon



Ted DiBiase vs. Vladimir Kozlov



Sheamus vs. Santino Marella



CM Punk vs. John Morrison



The Miz and Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena and Daniel Bryan



Fun Fan Signs: Bischoff Fears Heyman

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Sunday Week 4 February 2011

SC Colonial Life Arena (South East)

Attendance: 17,837

Show Rating: C+


Kiyoshi defeated Hernandez...C+

Motor City Machine Guns defeated London Brawling to retain the TNA World Tag Team titles...C+

Kazarian defeated Eric Young...C

Madison Rayne defeated Velvet Sky, Tara and Mickie James to retain the TNA Knockouts title...C

Angelina Love and Winter defeated Sarita and Daffney to retain the TNA Knockouts Tag Team titles...C-

Jay Lethal defeated Amazing Red to retain the TNA X-Division title...C+

Tommy Dreamer defeated Orlando Jordan...D+

Kurt Angle, D'Angelo Dinero and Jeff Jarrett defeated Shannon Moore, Robert Roode and Stevie Richards...B

AJ Styles defeated Samoa Joe...B-

Sting, Kevin Nash and Rob Van Dam defeated Bully Ray, Brian Kendrick and James Storm...B

Mr. Anderson defeated Brother Devon...B

Jeff Hardy defeated Matt Morgan to retain the TNA World Heavyweight title...C+

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