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WWE: January 2011 - Raw v. Smackdown

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WWE United States Title Match

Tyson Kidd defends vs. Mark Henry



Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel



Christopher Daniels vs. Ultimo Dragon



Ted DiBiase vs. Vladimir Kozlov



Sheamus vs. Santino Marella



CM Punk vs. John Morrison



The Miz and Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena and Daniel Bryan

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[show Poster Provided by jhd1]

WWE Monday Night RAW!

Monday Week 1 March 2011

Location: TX Dallas Fair Park Coliseum (Mid South)

Attendance: 6,781

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 6.12




["We promised you a great main event tonight..."]


[The show begins as it usually does with 'Burn It To The Ground' by Nickelback playing within the background and shots of various WWE superstars in the foreground. Of course all of these Superstars are Raw exclusives.]


[Fireworks explode at the top of the ramp as the 6,781 WWE Raw fans are on their feet! The cameras pan around the arena, picking up fans of all of the WWE Raw Superstars. Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler welcome everyone to WWE Monday Night Raw. The opening cheers turn to boos when 'I Came To Play' by Downstait begins to play. The WWE Champion The Miz walks out with that arrogant look upon his face. Though he didn't look so smug last week when he was attacked by Brock Lesnar. The Miz enters the ring and climbs the turnbuckles, raising his WWE Championship title in the air.]


[The music shifts to 'Next Big Thing' by Jim Johnston and the boos continue to echo throughout the arena. The Miz drops off the turnbuckle and stares down toward the ramp as Brock Lesnar walks out from the back, hopping on his toes the way he always does. Fireworks explode behind him and the former UFC Heavyweight Champion comes walking down the ramp. He climbs the stairs and enters the ring, getting right into the face of The Miz. The Miz is forced a couple of steps back and then he turns and grabs a microphone.]


The Miz: "I know what each and every one of you is thinking. After what happened last week, you want to see Brock Lesnar and myself go right after one another. Well, that's not going to happen. Once again, just like with what is going to happen at WrestleMania, you fans are NOT going to get what you want. After WrestleMania, the ring announcer is going to say 'And STILL the WWE Champion, the most must-see WWE Champion of ALL TIME: The Miz!"


[The Miz pauses and gives that arrogant smirk, pacing around the ring. He comes face to face with the man who will be his tag team partner later on tonight: Brock Lesnar. Lesnar reaches out and grabs the microphone from The Miz.]


Brock Lesnar: "But your match still won't be the main event, Miz. Your match is not the one that everyone is looking forward to. What everyone is looking forward to is me ending the career of one John Cena. You see, I am an ass kicker by trade, by nature. I am the toughest man in the WWE and in WWE history. I can take out any wrestler here with the snap of my fingers, including you, champ."


[Lesnar smiles and reaches over, patting the WWE Championship title. The Miz recoils back away from Lesnar, holding the title closer to his chest.]


Brock Lesnar: "But tonight you and I are on the same side. We have the opportunity to take out our opponents at WrestleMania. You better hold up your end of the bargain."


['The Next Big Thing' by Jim Johnston begins to play as Lesnar smiles and exits the ring, tossing the microphone to the ground. The Miz watches Lesnar leave, shaking his head. Can these two men work together later on tonight?]




[We transition backstage where we come across the catering table and then we come across Steve Austin in what seems like a battle for his life. He is surrounded by the members of The Nexus, including CM Punk. Austin throws a right hand to David Otunga and then one to Michael McGillicutty! The crowd cheers with Austin in control but this control doesn't last too long. He is grabbed from behind by CM Punk and this grab is held for long enough for Heath Slater and Austin Aries to get in a few shots. Punk clips Austin's leg from behind, bringing him down to the ground where The Nexus take turns stomping away on the bionic redneck. CM Punk reaches down and picks up Austin, sliding him on his shoulders -- Go To Sleep! Austin is laid out on the ground as The Nexus stands over him. The crowd boos in the background as we move back to the ring.]


Match #1

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TysonKidd.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JacksonAndrews.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/MarkHenry.jpg

WWE United States Title Match

Tyson Kidd defends vs. Mark Henry


[This opening match here on WWE Raw is rather short and features a definite contrast of styles as the speedy Tyson Kidd takes on the powerful Mark Henry. Both of these men bring their A-Game for this match and it is back and forth, with both men getting in some strong offense. The momentum shifts when Henry crashes his back against the ring post. Kidd goes after Henry's back and legs, keeping the World's Strongest Man on the mat. Kidd catches Henry with a springboard legdrop and then moves in, grabbing the legs of Henry -- Sharpshooter! Henry struggles in the hold but eventually is forced to tap out.]


Winner: Tyson Kidd (Via Submission @ 4:56; Tyson Kidd retains the WWE United States title)

Match Rating: B




[Tyson Kidd only has a few moments to celebrate. As he gets to his feet and Jackson Andrews starts to move toward the stairs to get to the ring, Sheamus comes running down! Sheamus catches Andrews with the Brogue Kick and then enters the ring. Kidd bails as Sheamus looks at him from the ring.]


['Rockhouse' by Frank Shelley begins to play and the attention turns to the top of the ramp as out comes the Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff! Bischoff smiles as he usually does, seemingly in a very good mood this evening as he remains at the top of the ramp. Bischoff points and laughs at a sign in the crowd reading: 'Bischoff Fears Heyman!']


Eric Bischoff: "I know! I know! You guys love me and I LOVE you guys too! I have been following what has been going on with the United States title and I know that this has been drawing ratings. And ratings are important to me and important to Raw. But ratings are even more important to the biggest show of the year: WrestleMania! Therefore, I have made the following decision as it pertains to WrestleMania: There will be a triple threat match for the United States title at WrestleMania. It will feature Tyson Kidd defending the title against Sheamus...and John Morrison! Enjoy!"


[sheamus smiles in the ring, while Tyson Kidd looks worried outside. Bischoff simply drops the microphone as 'Rockhouse' plays again and the Raw General Manager exits and we move to the backstage area.]




[As we transition to the backstage area, we find The Bella Twins lying on the ground. Their bodies are twisted and contorted in various painful positions. Eve runs onto the scene, seeing the bodies. She screams and yells for some help but when she turns around she turns right into a smiling Kharma. Eve's eyes go wide and she takes a single step back. Kharma's smile turns to a frown and she grabs Eve, ramming her head against the wall. She picks up Eve -- Implant Buster on the floor! Kharma laughs as she looks down at the carnage that she has made and then frowns again as we transition back to the ring.]


Match #2


Heath Slater vs. Justin Gabriel


[Another in the ongoing battle between former Nexus member Justin Gabriel and the Nexus as Heath Slater takes on Justin Gabriel. Soon into the match, the other members of The Nexus come walking down to the ring and this becomes like a lumberjack match for Justin Gabriel. Gabriel catches Slater with a jumping back kick and then a hurricanrana! Gabriel lands a russian legsweep and heads to the top turnbuckle -- 450 Splash! Gabriel hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Justin Gabriel (Via Pinfall @ 5:50)

Match Rating: B-




[The bell sounds and Justin Gabriel rises to his feet but there is nowhere for him to exit from the ring. The members of The Nexus: CM Punk, Austin Aries, Husky Harris, David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty climb onto the apron surrounding the ring and surrounding Gabriel. Heath Slater moves in from behind Gabriel and catches him with a low blow. The Nexus enters the ring and takes turns stomping away on Justin Gabriel! They push Gabriel toward Austin Aries -- kick to the gut -- Brainbuster! Aries lands the Brainbuster and Gabriel is laid out in the ring.]


[but the crowd's boos turn to cheers as the sound of glass shattering brings out Steve Austin! Stone Cold comes running down to the ring and throws wild punches to all of The Nexus members! A Stone Cold Stunner for Husky Harris! A Stunner for Michael McGillicutty! CM Punk and Austin Aries dive out of the ring, leaving David Otunga and Heath Slater in the ring. Stunner for Otunga! Austin throws up the double birds to Slater and then lands a Thesz Press! Punches fire away at Slater as the rest of The Nexus remains out of the ring. Austin stands and celebrates, getting a couple of beers from ringside and pouring them on Heath Slater!]




[After the ring is cleared, the crowd rises in a mixture of boos and cheers as 'The Time Is Now' begins to play and out from the back comes John Cena. Cena pauses at the top of the ramp and gives his trademark salute before walking down to the ring, high fiving the fans along the way. Cena enters the ring and walks around as the dueling chants of 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' begins. Cena just smiles and laughs it off as he raises the microphone to his lips.]


John Cena: "Let's go Cena! Cena Sucks! Let's go Cena! Cena Sucks! I absolutely love it! In about three weeks, we are looking at the biggest event in wrestling history: WrestleMania! And on this show I am stepping inside the ring with a man that many people consider one of the toughest and most dangerous men in wrestling: Brock Lesnar. Brock, I have been through many of your beatings. You have cost me matches, including the Elimination Chamber match. But we're not going to be fighting backstage at WrestleMania. We're gonna be fighting face to face inside this ring."


[Cena might have continued except that he was interrupted by 'Next Big Thing' playing over the speaker system. Cena drops the microphone and gets his game face on as he focuses on the ramp. While he is focused on the entrance ramp, Brock Lesnar moves out from the crowd behind Cena. Lesnar enters the ring and strikes Cena in the knee from behind! Lesnar picks up Cena -- Brock Lock! The over the shoulder single leg boston crab has Cena crying out in pain! Lesnar releases after about a minute and then picks up Cena -- powerbomb! Lesnar holds on to Cena and lifts him up again -- double powerbomb! Lesnar doesn't release Cena -- TRIPLE powerbomb! Cena may very well be unconcious! Lesnar smiles in the ring and raises his arms in victory.]


Match #3


Christopher Daniels vs. Ultimo Dragon


[This match is the in-ring debut here on WWE Monday Night Raw of 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels as he faces off against the veteran Ultimo Dragon. This match, though extremely short, definitely shows off some of the talent of Daniels. The Fallen Angel catches Dragon with a series of kicks and then a death valley driver! He moves to the turnbuckles and lands the Best Moonsault Ever but he's not quite done yet. A fan holds up a sign reading: 'The Fallen Angel takes no prisoners!' That is so true as he grabs Dragon and pulls him in -- Angel's Wings! Daniels makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Christopher Daniels (Via Pinfall @ 2:50)

Match Rating: D+




[We transition backstage once again. This time we are backstage in the office of the Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff. Bischoff leans back in his chair and then focuses ahead as the camera reveals Rhino standing and growling and snarling in the office. Bischoff slowly and tentatively smiles.]


Eric Bischoff: "At WrestleMania, we are going to make history, Rhino. Raw versus Smackdown? Four versus four? I already have William Regal on my team and now I can announce to everyone that 'The War Machine' is on Team Raw. What do you think about that?"


Rhino: "GORE!"


[Rhino growls and snarls, knocking papers and items off Bischoff's desk. Bischoff looks a little more scared as Rhino bangs hard on the desk with just his fist. Rhino turns and smashes a picture that's on the wall before he turns and walks off. Bischoff releases a sigh of relief as we head back to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TedDiBiase.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Maryse.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VladimirKozlov.jpg

Ted DiBiase vs. Vladimir Kozlov


[Neither of these men have been seen very much in the last couple of months here on Raw. 'The Fortunate Son' Ted DiBiase is accompanied by Maryse. Both of these men just went right at each other, looking to impress and get more matches on Raw. The match is actually fairly short with DiBiase accounting for most of the offense in this match, impressing Maryse at ringside. DiBiase catches Kozlov with a fist drop, which brings in a two count. Then he waits for the russian to get up and hooks on the Million Dollar Dream -- Dream Street! Kozlov goes down and DiBiase makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ted DiBiase (Via Pinfall @ 4:38)

Match Rating: C+




[instead of Ted DiBiase's music playing to support his victory, 'Rockhouse' begins to play and out from the back comes the Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff. Bischoff smiles and applauds before he walks all the way down to the ring to join DiBiase and Maryse. Bischoff shakes hands with the 'Fortunate Son.']


Eric Bischoff: "Congratulations on a VERY impressive victory, Mr. DiBiase. I know that you are used to the finer things in life, a good reason for you to be on the best show in the world: Monday Night Raw. As you know, we have a match coming up at WrestleMania, four on four, against Smackdown. I would like to take this moment to publicly invite you to be the next member on Team Raw."


Maryse: "He accepts!"


[DiBiase looks a little surprised at Maryse answering for him. But he nods, signifying that he agrees with Maryse's words. Bischoff and DiBiase shake hands and we head to a pre-taped interview.]




[The pre-taped interview is one with the WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos along with their manager Tamina. The interview is focused on the fact that the WWE Tag Team Champions don't feel like there has been enough competition in the tag team ranks since they won the belts. Therefore, they are opening up an open challenge next week to any tag team that wants to face them. Though they seem confident about a victory. With that, we head back to the ring.]


Match #5


Sheamus vs. Santino Marella


[And our next contest features Sheamus going one on one with Santino Marella. This is more of a solid back and forth contest between the two of them than one might think. Both men go all out searching for a victory, though Sheamus has more momentum with the announcement that was made earlier tonight about his match at WrestleMania! Santino goes for the cobra but Sheamus manages to duck out of the way. Sheamus takes a step back -- Brogue Kick! But he's not done there! He picks up Santino -- Celtic Cross! The Crucifix Powerbomb places Santino on his back and Sheamus makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Sheamus (Via Pinfall @ 8:05)

Match Rating: B




[A big victory for Sheamus here on Raw tonight but wait a minute! It's John Morrison! Morrison comes running down to the ring and catches Sheamus with a kick off the top turnbuckle! Sheamus staggers back in a corner and Morrison catches him with a monkey flip! Morrison tosses Sheamus out of the ring and then stands, posing in the ring before making the 'belt' motion. Michael Cole cries foul on this 'unfounded' attack by Morrison but Jerry Lawler seems to love it!]




[A brief segment is shown backstage in the office with Eric Bischoff and William Regal. The focus of their brief chat is about the Raw versus Smackdown match at WrestleMania and just who will be the fourth member for Team Raw? They both seem to have some ideas, including wrestlers not currently on the Raw roster.]


Match #6


CM Punk vs. John Morrison


[An excellent semi main event match that could be a main event anywhere in the country as CM Punk faces off with John Morrison. Both men go for their finishers early on but neither is able to hit it within the few first minutes. Punk takes control and sends Morrison to the corner -- high knee -- bulldog! Punk makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Morrison comes back and brings down Punk with a body slam near the corner. Morrison goes for the Starship Pain -- Punk rolls out of the way! Punk picks up Morrison on his shoulders -- Go To Sleep! Punk makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: CM Punk (Via Pinfall @ 8:54)

Match Rating: A




[With our semi main event finished, we move to the backstage area where we catch up with Alex Riley. Riley is looking as arrogant as ever as he walks down a hallway. He dusts off his letterman's jacket and then turns a corner -- clothesline out of nowhere! The protege of The Miz goes down from a vicious clothesline. As the camera pans up, we see the man who gave the clothesline: Brock Lesnar! Lesnar picks up Riley and lifts him on his shoulders -- F5 into the wall! Riley's legs strike against the wall and the cry of anguish from him is almost something you can feel. Lesnar drops Riley and then looks down at him for a moment, smirking before walking off.]


Match #7


The Miz and Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena and Daniel Bryan


[Our main event contest and this match lived up to the hype and then some with great wrestling and a sizzling crowd! The Miz and Brock Lesnar have a difficult time working together as a team and this definitely comes back to haunt them throughout the match. Cena is a little worse for wear going into the match so it's Daniel Bryan that takes on the lion's share of responsibility for his team. This is also Brock Lesnar's first match on Raw in a very long time and the jitters show. Cena plays the face in peril in this match with The Miz and Brock Lesnar seemingly trying to show one another up. The reversal of fortunes comes around the eight minute mark when Cena avoids an avalanche in the corner by Lesnar and is able to make the tag to Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan comes in and so does The Miz! Bryan catches The Miz with kicks and chants of 'YES, YES, YES!' as he does each one. Brock Lesnar comes in and so does Cena! Cena knocks Lesnar outside the ring, both men collapsing to the mat. The Miz gains an advantage in the ring and goes for the Skull Crushing Finale -- reversed! Bryan hooks the LeBell Lock! The Miz is in the center of the ring! He struggles in the hold but is forced to tap out! The WWE Champion just tapped out to his WrestleMania opponent!]


Winners: John Cena and Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 10:09)

Match Rating: A


[What a HUGE victory for Daniel Bryan and John Cena! Bryan releases the hold from The Miz and pumps his fists, crying out 'YES, YES, YES!' What momentum as we move along the road to WrestleMania! Outside the ring, Brock Lesnar rams Cena face-first into the ring post! Cena goes down on the floor and Lesnar slides in the ring. Daniel Bryan turns and Lesnar lifts him up -- F5! The Miz tries to crawl out of the ring but Lesnar grabs him by the leg and yanks him back to the center. The Miz begs off from Lesnar but Lesnar picks him up -- F5! Daniel Bryan, John Cena and The Miz are all laid out for the second week in a row by Brock Lesnar. Lesnar picks up the WWE title and stares at it. The show comes to a close with Brock Lesnar holding the WWE title and staring down at the belt.]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


This week we only had one perfect prediction score. Congratulations to Tweek It!


1. Beejus=11 Wins

Rayelek=11 Wins

3. Nathers7=10 Wins

4. Tweek It=9 Wins

5. #HEEL=8 Wins

6. Charasmatic Enigma=7 Wins

7. ChrisKid=3 Wins

Destiny=3 Wins

9. joehelmer=2 Wins

10. jhd1=1 Win

ya_its_me=1 Win

MacIsaacM=1 Win

13. CharlieCornell=0 Wins

mistaken=0 Wins

BallerSoup=0 Wins

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Week 1 March 2011


Winner Receives A WWE Intercontinental Title Shot At WrestleMania!

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston



The FBI Returns!

The FBI vs. Cryme Tyme



Sin Cara's Debut!

Joey Mercury vs. Sin Cara



Ricardo Rodriguez vs. The Undertaker



"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Finlay



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Rey Mysterio



Mystery Man Is Next Member Of Team Smackdown

Shelton Benjamin vs. ???





Edge and Christian Contract Signing!



Fun Fan Signs:

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Winner Receives A WWE Intercontinental Title Shot At WrestleMania!

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston



The FBI Returns!

The FBI vs. Cryme Tyme



Sin Cara's Debut!

Joey Mercury vs. Sin Cara



Ricardo Rodriguez vs. The Undertaker



"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Finlay



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Rey Mysterio



Mystery Man Is Next Member Of Team Smackdown

Shelton Benjamin vs. ???


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Winner Receives A WWE Intercontinental Title Shot At WrestleMania!

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Comment: The All American American wins here.


The FBI Returns!

The FBI vs. Cryme Tyme

Comment: The returning FBI win this underworld match.


Sin Cara's Debut!

Joey Mercury vs. Sin Cara

Comment: Sin Cara via La Mistica


Ricardo Rodriguez vs. The Undertaker

Comment: Squash


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Finlay

Comment: Finlay will put a hurting on the dashing one but Cody wins.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Rey Mysterio

Comment: I like a Dolph vs. Swagger match at Mania so I'll pick accordingly.


Mystery Man Is Next Member Of Team Smackdown

Shelton Benjamin vs. ???

Comment: Team Smackdown member needs to be put over.




Edge and Christian Contract Signing!

Comment: Will somebody be going through a table? It is a contract signing after all.


Fun Fan Signs: Ziggler > All

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[And now it is time to announce the second entrant into this year's WWE Hall of Fame class of 2011. The video begins with music that will be familiar to just about every wrestling fan. 'Sexy Boy' plays in the background as the wrestler is announced to be a former three time WWE Champion and one time World Champion. He won the 1995 and 1996 Royal Rumbles and is known for his innovations within the ring. He is known by many nicknames: 'The Heartbreak Kid,' 'Mr. WrestleMania,' 'The Showstopper,' 'The Main Event,' and 'The Icon.' Please welcome into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2011:]





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Taped Monday Week 1 March 2011

TX Dallas Fair Park Coliseum (Mid South)

Attendance: 6,781

Show Rating: B-


ANGLE: Opening Show Video...B+

Shelton Benjamin defeated Nick Dinsmore...C+

ANGLE: Smackdown Recap Video...A

Goldust defeated Joey Mercury...C-

ANGLE: Undertaker versus Alberto Del Rio Video...A

ANGLE: The Miz Hypes Match Against Daniel Bryan...A

David Otunga defeated Yoshi Tatsu...C-

ANGLE: Raw Rebound...A

Austin Aries defeated Santino Marella...B-

ANGLE: Austin Aries Celebrates...C+



Taped Monday Week 1 March 2011

TN James White Civic Coliseum (South East)

Attendance: 6,866

Show Rating: C+


Generation Me defeated Okado and Rob Terry...D-

ANGLE Brawl involving Sting and Jeff Hardy...B-

Amazing Red defeated Jesse Neal...D

Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James to retain the TNA Knockouts title...D+

Shannon Moore and Hernandez defeated London Brawling...C+

ANGLE: Brawl involving Mickie James and Winter...C+

Sting defeated Brother Devon...B

Mr. Anderson defeated Timmy Dreamer...C+



Tuesday Week 1 March 2011

FL Swisher Gymnasium (South East)

Attendance: 1,500

Show Rating: C


Jesse Neal defeated Gunner...E

ANGLE: Brawl involving Mickie James, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne...C+

Winter defeated Tara...C

ANGLE: Brawl involving Matt Morgan and Robert Roode...C+

Chris Sabin defeated James Storm...C+

Shannon Moore defeated Max Buck, Matt Morgan and Robert Roode...C



Wednesday Week 1 March 2011

GA Archer Hall (South East)

Attendance: 1,000

Show Rating: D+


AJ went to a time limit draw with Aksana...D

Xavier Woods defeated Kevin Hackman...D-

Titus O'Neil and Col. Damien Sandow defeated Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman to retain the FCW Florida Tag Team titles...D-

Paul Burchill defeated Jesse White...E+

Tyler Reks defeated Michael Tarver...C-

Percy Watson defeated Eli Cottonwood to retain the FCW Florida Heavyweight title...D+



Friday Week 1 March 2011

NY Levien Gymnasium (Tri State)

Attendance: 3,408

Show Rating: B


Kenn Doane defeated Carlito Colon to retain the ROH World Television title...C

The Briscoe's defeated All Night Express...C

Roderick Strong and Claudio Castagnoli defeated Steve Lewington and Super Crazy...B

Davey Richards defeated Homicide...B

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Winner Receives A WWE Intercontinental Title Shot At WrestleMania!

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston



The FBI Returns!

The FBI vs. Cryme Tyme

Comment: Only some many debuts can be victories


Sin Cara's Debut!

Joey Mercury vs. Sin Cara



Ricardo Rodriguez vs. The Undertaker



"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Finlay



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Rey Mysterio



Mystery Man Is Next Member Of Team Smackdown

Shelton Benjamin vs. ???





Edge and Christian Contract Signing!


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Winner Receives A WWE Intercontinental Title Shot At WrestleMania!

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Comment: Can't see SD doing the triple threat route given that Raw did with the US title.


The FBI Returns!

The FBI vs. Cryme Tyme

Comment: The FBI will really spice up the division, good hire man.


Sin Cara's Debut!

Joey Mercury vs. Sin Cara

Comment: Sin Cara was to be a major prize, and I expect no less of a treatment here....maybe here, he'll live up to it. In other news, wow Joey Mercury still exists?


Ricardo Rodriguez vs. The Undertaker

Comment: Um, yeah, death.


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Finlay

Comment: Almost too bad, really.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Rey Mysterio

Comment: If Kofi gets the title shot, Ziggles keeps the belt.


Mystery Man Is Next Member Of Team Smackdown

Shelton Benjamin vs. ???

Comment: No idea who it could possibly be, though.




Edge and Christian Contract Signing!

Comment: I can imagine ad swerving us and it being a straight-up contract signing and match, no heel turns.


Fan signs:

"Five Second Pose!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Hit the BOOB DROP Kofi!"

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Good morning/afternoon/evening to everyone out there in diaryland. My name is Scott and I am the writer of this and many other diaries that have been on display freely for your enjoyment and my own enjoyment. I am writing to you this afternoon to express, first, my thanks to everyone who has ever read my diaries or commented within them. Good and bad comments have helped my writing skills and prowess for the better. I am sure that many would agree that my writing has come a long way since the beginning.


But the main reason this is being written is to let everyone know that I am going on hiatus from diary writing. I cannot say how long this hiatus is going to be. However, I have been writing almost non-stop since TEW 2010 came out. My longest diaries were formed in the beginning of TEW 2010 where I wrote diaries for just short of 6 months and just short of 7 months. This diary marks my fourth longest in TEW 2010 at somewhere near 3 and a half months.


But I am going to say that I am tired. I am tired of writing out a full diary schedule. I am burned out of writing out my own work at the moment. This is not to say that I am leaving the boards, however. I will still be around to post predictions and read the various diaries that come and go on this board. Thank you to everyone who is reading this and have a blessed day. God Bless.

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  • 3 weeks later...


[show Poster Provided by jhd1]

WWE Smackdown!

Friday Week 1 March 2011 (Taped On Tuesday)

Location: OH Wolstein Center (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 6,745

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 4.36




[The show begins inside the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, Ohio with the entrance of the one and only phenom: The Undertaker. The Undertaker soaks in cheers and chants of his name and then raises the microphone to his lips. He talks about the WrestleMania streak and about what it means not only to him but to the WWE. Just as he starts talking about his upcoming match with Alberto Del Rio he gets interrupted. Out comes Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez. The two men confront The Undertaker in the ring and a war of words begins. The words turn into punches as The Undertaker levels Del Rio with a single punch. Del Rio pops back up and shoves Rodriguez toward Undertaker, quickly exiting the ring. The Undertaker lifts Rodriguez and plants him with a choke slam! The Undertaker stares down Del Rio from the ring as the gongs sound for The Undertaker's music.]


Match #1


Winner Receives A WWE Intercontinental Title Shot At WrestleMania!

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston


[What an opening contest we have! A match that could have very easily been the main event of the evening. The crowd gives the match some great heat. The man from Ghana West Africa shows his high flying talent in this match, catching The All American American with a suicide dive when Swagger went outside the ring to catch a breather. The momentum shifts inside the ring, though, when Kingston catches Swagger with a monkey flip but Swagger lands on his feet. The former University of Oklahoma wrestler catches Kingston with a variety of suplexes, bringing the high flyer down to the mat. Swagger goes for the ankle lock but Kingston kicks him away. Kingston catches Swagger with a swift kick and then lands the Boom Drop! The camera catches a sign reading: 'Hit the BOOB DROP Kofi!' Kingston steps back and waits for Swagger to get up, pumping up the crowd. As Swagger raises to his feet, he staggers toward Kingston -- Trouble In Paradise! Kingston leaps over into a cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Kofi Kingston is going to WrestleMania!]


Winner: Kofi Kingston (Via Pinfall @ 6:58)

Match Rating: A




[Our cameras pick up backstage within the office of Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long. Long is standing side by side with one half of the World's Greatest Tag Team Shelton Benjamin. Long tells Benjamin that tonight he is going to have a match, a singles match. Who is his opponent? That will remain a mystery until bell time. Benjamin tells Long he is getting annoyed at being put in singles matches when he is part of the World's Greatest Tag Team. Long tells him to suck it up and Benjamin storms off.]


Match #2


The FBI Returns!

The FBI vs. Cryme Tyme


[speaking of tag teams, back inside the ring, we have the return of the tag team known as the Full Blooded Italians. Two underworld style tag teams in back and forth action that was slightly above average. Nunzio scores a near fall on JTG with an Italian Legsweep. JTG makes the tag out to Shad Gaspard and the larger wrestler catches both Nunzio and Tony Mamaluke with big boots. Gaspard gets the crowd into it as JTG enters the ring. They catch Nunzio with the G9! Gaspard makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Cryme Tyme (Via Pinfall @ 5:20)

Match Rating: C+


It is time to find out the next inductee into the WWE Hall Of Fame Class of 2011. This man holds the record for the second longest WWE title reign in history. He is the innovator of the crossface chicken wing, a finisher that has made many WWE Superstars submit. He is a former two time WWE Champion. Welcome to the WWE Hall Of Fame...Bob Backlund!






["EXCUSE ME!" The crowd rises in a torrent of boos for Vickie Guerrero as she leads the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler down to the ring. Guerrero gets on the microphone and tells everyone to look at this man. He is the ultimate in manhood. And later on tonight he is going to defeat Rey Mysterio and move on to WrestleMania as the WWE Intercontinental champion! Guerrero tries to continue but she keeps getting interrupted by the boos from the crowd. Eventually, she gets too frustrated and exits the ring with Dolph Ziggler, heading for the back.]




[The crowd cheers as Drew McIntyre comes storming out to the ring, stepping inside with a microphone in hand. McIntyre calls out Kane! He tells him that he watched the show from last week and saw Kane abduct Kaitlyn. So he wants her back right now! The big video screen lights up to show a backstage area and Kaitlyn tied up to a chair. Paul Bearer shows up on the screen, stroking Kaitlyn's hair. Kaitlyn shrinks away from his touch. Bearer tells McIntyre that Kaitlyn is in the building. Ohhhhh yesssss, she is. But that he will never find her because he's not going to survive the night. Bearer laughs and in the ring Kane shows up behind Drew McIntyre. He spins McIntyre around and grabs him by the throat -- Chokeslam! The Big Red Monster, The Devil's Favorite Demon stands over McIntyre for a moment before picking him up and lifting him over his shoulder -- Tombstone Piledriver! McIntyre is down and out. Kane laughs and exits the ring, heading for the back, leaving EMTs to check on Drew McIntyre.]


Match #3


Sin Cara's Debut!

Joey Mercury vs. Sin Cara


[This is not only the debut of Sin Cara here tonight but it's also the return of Joey Mercury to WWE Smackdown. The fans don't really seem to care about this debut and luckily the match was kept extremely short. It was long enough to show some chemistry between the two wrestlers, however. But it was Sin Cara in control for all nearly three minutes. The high flying Mexican shows some great fast-paced offense, keeping Mercury on his toes. He even catches Mercury outside the ring with a flying plancha. Sin Cara catches Mercury with the La Mistica into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Sin Cara (Via Pinfall @ 2:51)

Match Rating: D




[We move to the backstage locker room area where Alberto Del Rio is psyching up Ricardo Rodriguez for his match tonight with The Undertaker. Del Rio tells Ricardo that he needs him to wear down The Undertaker. WrestleMania is less than a month away now. He says that he knows that Ricardo can do it. He knows that Ricardo can beat The Undertaker tonight. Ricardo, in contrast, looks very concerned about his match. And that match is next!]


Match #4

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/RicardoRodriguez.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/AlbertoDelRio.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TheUndertaker.jpg

Ricardo Rodriguez vs. The Undertaker


[Another extremely short match but that is no surprise for this one, right? The Undertaker shows off against Rodriguez, catching him with Old School pretty early in the match. Rodriguez tries to crawl away from The Undertaker and the ring several times but The Undertaker is looking to send a message to Alberto Del Rio. The messenger boy is Ricardo Rodriguez. He looks down at Del Rio as he grabs Rodriguez by the throat -- chokeslam! Rodriguez lies almost still on the mat. The Undertaker runs his thumb across his throat. He moves down on the mat with Rodriguez -- Hell's Gate! Rodriguez taps out almost automatically!]


Winner: The Undertaker (Via Submission @ 5:28)

Match Rating: B


[As soon as the match is over, Alberto Del Rio enters the ring with a chair in hand. The Undertaker releases Ricardo Rodriguez just in time to get attacked by Del Rio with the chair! Del Rio slams the right arm of The Undertaker with the chair again and again. He slams the chair down on the mat and then he picks up the 'Taker -- Double Knee Arm Breaker with the chair! The Undertaker grabs his arm but he doesn't make a sound of pain. But the pain can be seen in his eyes! Del Rio and Ricardo exit the ring with Del Rio showing an arrogant smirk on his face. The Undertaker slowly sits up inside the ring and eyes Del Rio. The smirk from Del Rio begins to fade some as he puts Ricardo between him and the ring.]




[We move to the backstage area where we see our WWE Diva's Champion Natalya sitting in front of a makeup desk getting fixed up by one of our staff members. The staff member steps away suddenly and Natalya looks to see why -- punch by Beth Phoenix! The crowd boos in the background as Phoenix beats down Natalya in the backstage area. Phoenix slams Natalya into the wall, sending the Divas Champion to the ground. The Glamazon smiles and makes the 'belt' motion at her waist before walking off.]


Match #5


"Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Finlay


[Another match that is considered extremely short as the second generation wrestler Cody Rhodes takes on the irish fighting machine Finlay. Finlay gets in a few shots early on, causing a fan to throw up a sign reading: 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' But, within a minute, Rhodes takes control. Rhodes catches Finlay with a bulldog and then plays to the crowd as he waits for Finlay to rise. The Dashing One catches Finlay with a crisp body slam and then plays to the crowd again. Finlay uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Rhodes catches his foot on the ropes, springboarding -- Beautiful Disaster Kick! Rhodes makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes (Via Pinfall @ 4:56)

Match Rating: B-


[A big win for "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, however, it isn't his music that plays as he moves to celebrate that victory. Rhodes raises a brow at the music that begins to play and even moreso at the words that show up on the Titantron:






[Goldust is back! Goldust comes out from the back and looks toward Cody Rhodes in the ring. The two men stare each other down with Goldust staying at the top of the ramp, while Cody remains inside the ring. Goldust runs his hands up and down his body and feigns a bite before turning and walking away, leaving the fans AND Cody Rhodes confused at this return.]




[We move to the backstage area where we come across The Big Show! He draws some cheers from the fans. We follow him as he walks down a hallway. He turns a corner and comes face to face with Tomko, Wade Barrett's bodyguard. The two men go face to face for a few moments and Big Show challenges Tomko to a match next week here on Smackdown. Tomko agrees, telling Show that he's not going to make it to WrestleMania. Show scoffs at that but the altercation does not become physical. Instead, we head back to the ring.]


Match #6

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/DolphZiggler.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VickieGuerrero.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/ReyMysterio.jpg

WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dolph Ziggler defends vs. Rey Mysterio


[Definitely one of the better matches of the night as Dolph Ziggler defends his WWE Intercontinental title belt against Rey Mysterio with the winner heading to WrestleMania to defend against Kofi Kingston. The crowd got into the match early and often with chants of 'Rey, Rey, Rey!' Mysterio responded to those chants, catching Ziggler with a top rope frankensteiner, which resulted in a two count. Mysterio goes for the 619 within the first five minutes but Ziggler moves out of the way and catches Mysterio with a suplex to bring Mysterio down to the mat. Ziggler then lifts Mysterio onto the top turnbuckle -- Superplex! Ziggler floats over into a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag but Mysterio moves, slamming Ziggler down to the mat. The camera pans the cheering, screaming fans. One fan holds up a sign reading: 'Ziggler > All!']


[Mysterio gets the crowd into the match and catches Ziggler with the Dragon Sleeper but Ziggler refuses to submit. The larger Ziggler fights his way free of the hold but is caught with a bulldog by the quicker Mysterio. Mysterio waits for Ziggler to rise and then catches him with a dropkick, sending Ziggler against the ropes. Mysterio runs the ropes -- 619! The crowd rises to their feet as Mysterio heads to the top turnbuckle -- Frog Splash -- NO! Ziggler got the knees up as Mysterio came down with the Frog Splash. Ziggler hooks the Sleeperhold on Mysterio! Mysterio struggles in the hold but there is no way out and the submission is gained. Dolph Ziggler is headed to WrestleMania as the WWE Intercontinental champion!]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Submission @ 8:46; Dolph Ziggler retains the WWE Intercontinental title)

Match Rating: B+




[We transition backstage to a locker room area where Charlie Haas is psyching up his tag team partner Shelton Benjamin. Haas says that it takes two great singles wrestlers to make up the World's Greatest Tag Team. Haas says that it doesn't matter who his partner is up against because at the end of the day he's gonna have his back. And the World's Greatest Tag Team is going to remain right at the top.]


Match #7

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/SheltonBenjamin.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/CharlieHaas.jpg

Mystery Man Is Next Member Of Team Smackdown

Shelton Benjamin vs. ???


[shelton Benjamin comes down to the ring with Charlie Haas standing within his corner. He stretches against the ropes, waiting to see just who his mystery opponent is going to be. The fans are excited, waiting in anticipation..."I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD!"]




[The crowd goes absolutely wild as 'The Viper' Randy Orton walks out from the back! Shelton Benjamin looks stunned! Orton smiles as he comes down to the ring to 'Voices' by Rev Theory. Orton enters the ring, soaking in the cheers. This man was just released from his Raw contract and now he's here on Smackdown?]


[When the bell sounds, these two men put on an absolute clinic inside the ring. This is no easy win for either competitor as several near falls are registered on both sides within the first minute of the contest. Benjamin manages to toss Orton to ringside and distracts the official. Charlie Haas comes up to Orton and kicks him in the ribs, whipping him into the guardrail and then into the steps. Haas tosses Orton back into the ring and Benjamin scores a two count. Benjamin continues the control, lifting Orton in the air -- T-Bone Suplex! Benjamin hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Benjamin sends Orton into a corner and then charges -- Stinger Splash -- NO! Orton moved out of the way! Benjamin's head crashes against the ringpost from the elevation of that stinger splash!]


[Orton takes control, bringing Benjamin down with a body slam and then giving that look which means he's hearing those voices in his head. He waits for Benjamin to rise. Benjamin charges -- scoop powerslam by Orton! Orton rises to his feet and plays to the crowd before picking up Benjamin and hanging him on the ropes -- Rope Hung DDT! Orton drops down and begins pounding the mat with his fists. Charlie Haas climbs on the apron. Orton sees him and charges, catching Haas with a forearm shot, knocking him off the apron. Orton turns back to Benjamin -- ducks a roundhouse kick! Benjamin spins back around -- RKO! Orton catches Benjamin with the RKO! Orton makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Randy Orton (Via Pinfall @ 12:09)

Match Rating: A


['Voices' by Rev Theory begins to play and the crowd goes absolutely wild for the Viper. Randy Orton gets to his feet and raises his fists high in the air. He climbs the turnbuckles and plays to the crowd for a few moments. Welcome to Friday nights Mr. Orton!]




[but the show is not over. Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long walks down to the ring where a table has been set up. Long begins the introductions with the challenger at WrestleMania: Christian! Christian gets a good pop from the crowd as he comes out and heads down to the ring, stepping inside and shaking hands with Teddy Long. Then Long introduces the WWE World Champion 'The Rated R Superstar' Edge! Edge gets a louder pop from the crowd as he comes down and steps into the ring. The two wrestlers go nose to nose with each other. Edge raises his right hand and begins counting down from 5! It's a 5 second pose! One fan raises their sign: 'Five Second Pose!']


[When the five seconds are up, the two men sit across from each other with Teddy Long talking about the matchup at WrestleMania. It will be one fall to a finish. Christian is the wrestler who signs first on the dotted line. Then the WWE World Champion puts his John Hancock on the contract. As soon as the contract is signed, Edge grabs the table and tosses it to the side, causing Christian to stand up. The two men look at each other and Edge raises a microphone, saying that he knows that everyone wants the two of them to duke it out here and now. However, it will have to wait until WrestleMania. May the best man win. He extends his hand out to Christian. Christian looks at it and then takes the microphone. Christian says may the best man win. Then he shakes hands with his former tag team partner. The two men look into each other's eyes for a moment. Then Edge turns to play to the crowd. Christian crouches slightly, extending his arms out as though to grab Edge but pulls back when Edge turns to look toward him. Then Christian turns to play to the crowd. Edge crouches slightly in a spear position. Christian turns -- Edge charges -- then pulls up short and stands beside his friend. He raises the arm of Christian and the two men stand side by side as the show comes to a close.]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


For the second show in a row we have one perfect score on predictions. Congratulations to Tweek It!


1. Beejus=11 Wins

Rayelek=11 Wins

3. Nathers7=10 Wins

Tweek It=10 Wins

5. #HEEL=8 Wins

6. Charasmatic Enigma=7 Wins

7. ChrisKid=3 Wins

Destiny=3 Wins

9. joehelmer=2 Wins

10. jhd1=1 Win

ya_its_me=1 Win

MacIsaacM=1 Win

13. CharlieCornell=0 Wins

mistaken=0 Wins

BallerSoup=0 Wins

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Week 2 March 2011


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Usos defend vs. ???



Kharma vs. Eve



WrestleMania Special

Heath Slater vs. WrestleMania Legend



#1 Contender In Action

Masahiro Chono vs. Daniel Bryan



Tag Team Grudge Match

CM Punk and Austin Aries vs. Justin Gabriel and ???



Fun Fan Signs:

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Week 2 March 2011


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Usos defend vs. ???



Kharma vs. Eve



WrestleMania Special

Heath Slater vs. WrestleMania Legend



#1 Contender In Action

Masahiro Chono vs. Daniel Bryan



Tag Team Grudge Match

CM Punk and Austin Aries vs. Justin Gabriel and ???


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Week 2 March 2011


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Usos defend vs. ???



Kharma vs. Eve



WrestleMania Special

Heath Slater vs. WrestleMania Legend

Comment: Slater's going to Slate and by Slate I mean job.


#1 Contender In Action

Masahiro Chono vs. Daniel Bryan


Tag Team Grudge Match

CM Punk and Austin Aries vs. Justin Gabriel and ???

Comment: Unless the ??? is John Cena


Fun Fan Signs: Cape Town Crusader > A Double

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WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Usos defend vs. ???



Kharma vs. Eve



WrestleMania Special

Heath Slater vs. WrestleMania Legend



#1 Contender In Action

Masahiro Chono vs. Daniel Bryan



Tag Team Grudge Match

CM Punk and Austin Aries vs. Justin Gabriel and ???

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WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Usos defend vs. ???



Kharma vs. Eve



WrestleMania Special

Heath Slater vs. WrestleMania Legend

Comment: I'm a pretty big Slater fan lately, I like the guy a lot!


#1 Contender In Action

Masahiro Chono vs. Daniel Bryan



Tag Team Grudge Match

CM Punk and Austin Aries vs. Justin Gabriel and ???



Fun Fan Signs: Slaters Gonn' Slate

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Week 2 March 2011


WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Usos defend vs. ???

Comment: Can't lose this open challenge..


Kharma vs. Eve

Comment: Domination.


WrestleMania Special

Heath Slater vs. WrestleMania Legend

Comment: Yeah.. Slater will lose.


#1 Contender In Action

Masahiro Chono vIs. Daniel Bryan

Comment:I want to vote for Chono, but Bryan will win.


Tag Team Grudge Match

CM Punk and Austin Aries vs. Justin Gabriel and ???

Comment:I just see someone big teaming with Gabriel.

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WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Usos defend vs. ???



Kharma vs. Eve



WrestleMania Special

Heath Slater vs. WrestleMania Legend



#1 Contender In Action

Masahiro Chono vs. Daniel Bryan



Tag Team Grudge Match

CM Punk and Austin Aries vs. Justin Gabriel and ???


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WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

Open Challenge Match

The Usos defend vs. ???

Comment: This could be a fun story if they keep up the open challenge thing.


Kharma vs. Eve

Comment: Pain.


WrestleMania Special

Heath Slater vs. WrestleMania Legend

Comment: lawl heath slater


#1 Contender In Action

Masahiro Chono vs. Daniel Bryan

Comment: Should be a good match.


Tag Team Grudge Match

CM Punk and Austin Aries vs. Justin Gabriel and ???

Comment: Just got that sneaking suspicion it'll be Cena.

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Sunday Week 1 March 2011

KS Budig Hall (Mid South)

Attendance: 28

Show Rating: D+


Scotty Taylor defeated Chris Harris...E+

Malia Hosaka defeated Roni Jonah...E-

Ricky Banderas defeated Jay Bradley...D-

Brutus Beefcake and Daniel Puder defeated L.A. PARK and Violent J...D-

Justin LaRouche defeated Ray Gonzalez...E

Jon Heidenreich defeated Zach Gowen...D

Raven defeated Afa Anoa'i Jr....D

Slither defeated Demolition Ax...D-

Greg Valentine went to a double count out with Butterbean...C-

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[show Poster Provided by jhd1]

WWE Monday Night RAW!

Monday Week 2 March 2011

Location: MS Chaifetz Arena (Mid South)

Attendance: 6,904

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 6.17




["AWESOME!" The show begins with 'I Came To Play' playing in the background and the WWE Champion The Miz walking down to the ring. The champion draws in some boos when he enters the ring and gets on the microphone. He begins by discussing the tag team match last week on Raw. He turns on his tag team partner from last week: Brock Lesnar. He says that they might have won the match if he wasn't holding up his partner's end of the bargain. Does anyone really think that Daniel Bryan or John Cena could make him tap out? It's all a conspiracy by the so-called 'Next Big Thing.' The Miz pauses and he gets interrupted by the music of his tag team partner from last week. Shockingly this man is NOT alone.]




[The crowd is absolutely stunned as Brock Lesnar walks out from the back with Paul Heyman! Heyman and Lesnar march right down to the ring and The Miz backs up toward a corner, staring down Lesnar and then Heyman. Heyman gets on the microphone saying that he is the legal representation of Mr. Brock Lesnar and that they should sue The Miz for libel. After all, it wasn't Brock Lesnar that tapped out last week. As a matter of fact, by the end of the night, Brock Lesnar was the sole man standing in the ring holding that WWE title belt. The Miz wants to know why Paul Heyman is really here. Isn't there a bingo hall that he needs to attend to? As the two men suddenly go nose-to-nose, there is another interruption.]




[Out comes the WWE Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff! Bischoff has a microphone of his own and declares that tonight we have our main event of the evening and it should be a good one. The Miz defends the WWE Championship title against...Brock Lesnar! The Miz turns and blindsides Lesnar with the WWE title belt! Lesnar gets knocked back into a corner. Paul Heyman stands between Lesnar and The Miz. Bischoff smiles at the top of the ramp and then Heyman leads Lesnar from the ring.]


Match #1

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JimmyUso.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/JeyUso.jpg w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/Tamina.jpg

WWE World Tag Team Titles Match

The Usos defend vs. ???


[The WWE World Tag Team Champions The Usos enter the ring along with their manager Tamina. The two men stand in their corner waiting to see just who their mystery opponents will be. And one of the mystery partners has a question for all the fans: "WHAT'S UP?!?!"]




[The crowd is absolutely stunned and happy to see Evan Bourne and R-Truth enter the ring! It's a night of surprises and returns here on WWE Raw! Given the relative lack of popularity, this is a very good back and forth encounter with little interference from Tamina, who cheers on her men from ringside. Jimmy Uso draws a two count following a full nelson bomb on R-Truth. R-Truth makes a hot tag to Evan Bourne and Bourne comes in, striking down both Usos. He ducks a super kick and catches Jimmy with a flying headscissors takeover. Bourne heads to the top turnbuckle -- Air Bourne! He hooks the leg, R-Truth catches Jey with the 'What's Up': 1 -- 2 -- 3! We have brand new WWE World Tag Team Champions!]


Winners: Evan Bourne and R-Truth (Via Pinfall @ 6:45; Evan Bourne and R-Truth win the WWE World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: B-




[We move backstage where we cut into the office of Eric Bischoff. Standing in the office, also, is Justin Gabriel. Bischoff tells Gabriel that he better start getting ready because he has a match tonight. He gets the opportunity to get his hands on both CM Punk and Austin Aries because he is in a tag team match against the two of them. He can choose whoever he wants to be his partner but if he cannot find someone willing to team with him then he will have to face them in a handicap match! Gabriel nods and looks thoughtful as we move back to the ring.]


Match #2


Kharma vs. Eve


[Our divas match this evening is one that has many considering a bathroom break. It's nearly five minutes of dominance by Kharma, throwing Eve around the ring. She tosses Eve into a corner and crushes her with an avalanche. Eve stumbles away from the corner and Kharma brings her down with a short-arm lariat. She picks up Eve -- Implant Buster! Kharma makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Kharma (Via Pinfall @ 4:41)

Match Rating: D+




[As Kharma rises from her victory over Eve, the WWE Diva's Champion Natalya comes racing toward the ring. She slides inside and the two Divas begin exchanging punches! The crowd gets a little more interested in the fight between these two. Kharma takes down Natalya and the two women roll around on the mat as officials come running in from the back. Officials do their part in seperating these two but there will be no seperation at WrestleMania and there will be an addition of Beth Phoenix!]




[We move back to the office of Eric Bischoff where he is speaking to someone off-camera. He says that this person is going to be his final team member for his team at WrestleMania representing the Raw brand. He tells the wrestler to go and make an impact tonight somehow. The camera pans back to reveal the identity of this mystery man:]




[Vader! Vader is back in the WWE! Vader bangs his fist against the wall and growls, yelling out 'What time is it?' 'It's Vader TIME!' He throws a few air punches, shadow boxing for about thirty seconds. Then, Vader moves off as Bischoff smiles at this latest addition.]


Match #3


Heath Slater versus WrestleMania Legend


[One of the members of The Nexus: Heath Slater comes walking out to the ring for his match against a former WrestleMania legend. Slater gets on the microphone and says that he is the best member of The Nexus even though he hasn't gotten his due here in the WWE so far. He says that he is waiting to see what fossil he is going to be facing tonight. The crowd gets on their feet when they hear the sounds of wheels screeching.]




[stepping from the back comes the man formerly known in the WWE as Scott Hall and as Razor Ramon. He is in the Razor Ramon get-up and struts right down to the ring. He steps inside and gets in Slater's face, tossing his toothpick into the face of Heath Slater. The Bad Guy is pretty dominant in this match against Slater. Ramon hooks Slater with an abdominal stretch but Slater refuses to tap out. Razor picks up Slater and drops him backward with the fallaway slam, getting the fans excited as he points to himself and then extends his arms out on either side. One fan holds up a sign reading: 'Slaters Gonn' Slate!' Ramon continues with the advantage and finally strikes Slater with the Razor's Edge. Ramon makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Razor Ramon (Via Pinfall @ 5:37)

Match Rating: C+




[The ring announcer announces the entrance of John Cena but Cena doesn't come out. His music plays but nobody arrives to walk to the ring. The Titantron turns on to show the backstage area where Cena is being assaulted by Vader! Vader catches Cena with a short-arm clothesline and then puts the boots to him! Vader picks up Cena and then dropshim with a body avalanche. Cena struggles to get to his feet, only to have Vader strike him with more and more kicks and stomps until officials step in to pull Vader away.]


[it's time to find out the latest inductee into the WWE Hall Of Fame Class of 2011. This man wrestled in both the NWA/WCW and WWE, though he is most known for his work in the NWA. He is a charter member of the original supergroup known as the Four Horsemen. He has been known as The Enforcer of that group and Double A. He is a former WWE World Tag Team champion and a five time former NWA/WCW World Tag Team champion, proving what most people say about this man being a tag team specialist. Welcome to the WWE Hall Of Fame Class of 2011: Arn Anderson!




Match #4


Masahiro Chono vs. Daniel Bryan


[Our fourth match of the evening is an extremely short match but is one of the better matches of the evening. The short contest is a back and forth match, which sees Chono score with a Kenta Kick but only get a two count. Chono holds a short advantage, showing some of the Japanese style with a wrestler who can definitely keep up with him in the ring. The momentum shifts when Chono goes to lock in the FTS but Bryan kicks him off. Daniel Bryan fires back with a trio of German Suplexes before moving in and hooking Chono with the LeBell Lock! Chono struggles in the hold and eventually is forced to tap out.]


Winner: Daniel Bryan (Via Submission @ 5:15)

Match Rating: B+




[but as Daniel Bryan gets his arm raised in victory, The Miz enters the ring from the crowd. The Miz strikes Bryan in the back of the head with the belt! Bryan gets knocked to the mat and shakes his head, trying to recover. The Miz picks up Bryan and throws a few punches. Then he whips Bryan into the corner and then charges -- swinging corner clothesline! The Miz re-enters the ring and picks up the fallen Daniel Bryan. He hooks him from behind -- Skull Crushing Finale! The Miz picks up the WWE Championship title belt and raises it up but the question remains: will he still be WWE Champion after tonight?]




[We move backstage to the office of Eric Bischoff once again. This time he is joined by the members of Team Raw: Vader, Rhino, William Regal and Ted DiBiase. Bischoff motions to the men and one woman, Maryse, that are in the room. He says that these are the men who are going to bring the pride back to Monday Night Raw. All four of these men are dangerous and ruthless competitors that represent what Raw is all about. Smackdown will have no chance. There are two monsters on Team Raw and two technicians. After all, is there anyone better on the mat than William Regal? And Ted DiBiase is a second-generation wrestler. He learned a lot from his father. Team Raw is going to walk away with the victory, according to Eric Bischoff.]




[We move backstage to show Tyson Kidd walking down a hallway. The WWE United States champion pauses as he comes face-to-face with one of his WrestleMania competitors: Sheamus. Kidd points behind Sheamus where Jackson Andrews is standing but he tells Sheamus that he didn't come to fight. He tells Sheamus that he has word that Justin Gabriel's partner tonight is going to be John Morrison. He tells Sheamus that the two of them should work together to eliminate Morrison before WrestleMania and then it will just be the two of them for the U.S. title. Sheamus agrees and the two set to planning as we move back to the ring.]


Match #5


CM Punk and Austin Aries vs. Justin Gabriel and John Morrison


[Tyson Kidd was right about John Morrison being the tag team partner of Justin Gabriel tonight. We have a great tag team match that has great heat from the audience here in the Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis. All four men get in some offense early on with Gabriel landing on both Punk and Aries outside the ring. As they are down outside the ring, one fan holds up a sign reading: 'Cape Town Crusader > A Double!' Once things settle, Gabriel is the face-in-peril with both Punk and Aries scoring near falls on him. Five minutes in, Aries tries to strike Gabriel with a Shooting Star Press but Gabriel rolls out of the way! The crowd claps, trying to get Gabriel back into things. Gabriel rolls over and tags in his partner! Morrison catches Punk and Aries with kicks and then sends Punk into a corner. Morrison charges but Punk moves and Morrison strikes the corner. Punk bounces off the ropes -- high knee in the corner -- bulldog! Gabriel and Aries begin brawling outside the ring and Punk catches Morrison with a hard kick to the back of the head. Morrison collapses and Punk covers, sliding his feet on the ropes: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: CM Punk and Austin Aries (Via Pinfall @ 7:54)

Match Rating: B+




[CM Punk exits the ring to help Austin Aries with Justin Gabriel. Back inside the ring, John Morrison is trying to recover from the kick tothe head that Punk gave him. Out from the back comes Tyson Kidd, Sheamus and Jackson Andrews! Sheamus slides inside the ring and Kidd and Andrews pull up short, standing at ringside and watching. Sheamus turns and looks at Kidd, yelling at him and wondering what's going on. Sheamus turns back to look at John Morrison -- Superkick! Morrison climbs the turnbuckles -- Starship Pain! Sheamus is down in the ring. Tyson Kidd smiles at ringside and stares at John Morrison as we move to the back.]




[We move to the back where the #1 contender to the WWE Championship title, Daniel Bryan, is standing within the interview area. Bryan rubs the back of his head and talks about the attack that The Miz gave him earlier this evening. He mentions that he is hopeful that The Miz wins the match tonight because he wants to face The Miz at WrestleMania. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter who wins tonight because he earned a WWE Championship title match by virtue of winning the Royal Rumble. Is he going to win it? YES! YES! YES!]


Match #6

http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/TheMiz.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/VS.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/WWE%20Joint/Cards/BrockLesnar.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/WWE/PaulHeyman.jpg

WWE Championship Title Match

The Miz defends vs. Brock Lesnar


[And it's main event time and what a main event we have! Brock Lesnar enters first with his representative Paul Heyman. The Miz comes out second and enters the ring with trepidation. This match has great wrestling and a superb crowd. The Miz is smart about things and avoids Lesnar as much as he can, exiting the ring several times and using rope breaks whenever things get too tough. Several near falls throughout the bout keep the fans on their feet. Lesnar lifts The Miz and goes for the F5 but The Miz slides down behind him. The Miz goes for a Skull Crushing Finale but it's blocked by the awesome strength of Lesnar. As both men go down following a dual clothesline, out from the back comes Daniel Bryan! Bryan begins a 'YES' chant throughout the crowd as he comes down to the ring. As soon as he hits ringside, John Cena's music cues up. Cena was brutalized earlier by Vader but he comes out to a mixed ovation from the crowd. Cena and Daniel Bryan hit the ring and go after their WrestleMania opponents, leading to the referee throwing the match out.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 9:47)

Match Rating: C+




[John Cena gets the crowd pumped as he brings down Brock Lesnar in the center of the ring. He gives the 'You Can't See Me' gesture and then bounces off the ropes -- Five Knuckle Shuffle! Daniel Bryan grabs the WWE Champion The Miz and hooks on the LeBell Lock! The crowd goes wild as The Miz taps out! For the second week in a row, Daniel Bryan has The Miz tapping out to the LeBell Lock! If this happens at WrestleMania, we will see a brand new WWE Champion! Daniel Bryan releases and both he and John Cena climb opposite turnbuckles, playing to the crowd as the show comes to a close.]

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Welcome to the WWE Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


One perfect score this week in predictions! Congratulations Destiny!


1. Beejus=11 Wins

Rayelek=11 Wins

3. Nathers7=10 Wins

Tweek It=10 Wins

5. #HEEL=8 Wins

6. Charasmatic Enigma=7 Wins

7. Destiny=4 Wins

8. ChrisKid=3 Wins

9. joehelmer=2 Wins

10. jhd1=1 Win

ya_its_me=1 Win

MacIsaacM=1 Win

13. CharlieCornell=0 Wins

mistaken=0 Wins

BallerSoup=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

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Week 2 March 2011


World's Greatest Tag Team vs. Tajiri and Shark Boy



Team Smackdown Teaming Up

The FBI vs. Rey Mysterio and Batista



Special Challenge Match

Tomko vs. Big Show



Non Title

So Cal Val vs. Natalya



Team Raw Vs. Team Smackdown

William Regal vs. Randy Orton



Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger vs. Edge and Christian





A Hype Video For A Returning Superstar



Fun Fan Signs:

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