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USPW: Three's a Crowd

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Raven Robinson retains against Belle Bryden...whether it's by pin/submission, or Bryden gets disqualified by a surprise signing who interferes...either way, Raven retains.


Gotta get The Sneer Corp. some gold to make them a threat, so I say the Towers win.


Andre Jones retains the TV Title against The Force...The Force doesn't need that belt, and Andre Jones could use the rub. Another CO might be possible, building up to a No DQ match the next PPV (That way we can see a Force promo where he says that when anything is allowed, Andre Jones will feel the Force! -- or some such thing).


I would love to see Nicky Champion win, but it is the Peter Valentine Title. The chase will get him to where he needs to be able to go for the bigger belt down the line.


Justice over T-Rex...T-Rex is easy enough to re-build, and Justice will be hot coming off this victory, hot enough to take on the champ at either the next PPV or the following one (Liberty & Justice -- named after him? He could make that claim).


Caulfield over Bruce...The Giant can come and go as he pleases at this point, and the fans are just happy to see him. Not that the win will do him much good since...


Baine will go over Enygma...the prospect of Baine vs Caulfield and then Baine vs Justice is a lot more enticing than Enygma vs Bruce and Enygma vs T-Rex. Sure, both of Enygma's opponents could have another title reign in them, but they would need more build to make it meaningful. Besides, Enygma has PLENTY of time to regain the belt and elevate other people in the process.

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USPW Womens Championship Match: Raven Robinson © vs. Belle Bryden


USPW World Tag Team Championship Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers Of Power


USPW Television Championship Match: Andre Jones © vs. The Force


USPW National Championship Match: Peter Valentine © vs. Nicky Champion


James Justice vs. T-Rex


#1 Contender Match for USPW World Championship: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


USPW World Championship Match: Enygma © vs. Tyson Baine

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USPW Womens Championship Match: Raven Robinson © vs. Belle Bryden


USPW World Tag Team Championship Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers Of Power


USPW Television Championship Match: Andre Jones © vs. The Force


USPW National Championship Match: Peter Valentine © vs. Nicky Champion


James Justice vs. T-Rex


#1 Contender Match for USPW World Championship: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


USPW World Championship Match: Enygma © vs. Tyson Bain

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USPW Womens Championship Match: Raven Robinson © vs. Belle Bryden


USPW World Tag Team Championship Match: The People's Team © vs. The Towers Of Power


USPW Television Championship Match: Andre Jones © vs. The Force


USPW National Championship Match: Peter Valentine © vs. Nicky Champion


James Justice vs. T-Rex


#1 Contender Match for USPW World Championship: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


USPW World Championship Match: Enygma © vs. Tyson Baine

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