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The Impossible Is Possible - A Story Of Determination

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Chapter 1 – The Blog

I still remember to this day, the phone call that changed my life. In January of 2012 I had decided to start my own blog, writing a weekly recap of the wrestling shows that the WWE produced and giving my thoughts on the shows, it was just a hobby really. Since a child I knew that somehow I wanted to be involved in the industry, I dreamed of becoming a wrestler but as I grew older and began Submission Wrestling classes in a local gym, I realised that my knees were just going through too much pain to fulfil my dream, admittedly I could have continued through the pain but I realised that if I was in that much pain just doing training, even if I did make it to the big time they would just be a constant issue, continuously getting injured through a career that I could have potentially had. After this, I sort of gave up on the idea of getting into the industry but my passion never faded.


When I would post my weekly reviews onto my blog, I would tweet them to wrestlers currently employed by the World Wrestling Entertainment but I never received a reply, my stats showed that some traffic was coming from Twitter so I had a feeling that at least some of the wrestlers that I was tweeting was reading my blog, then after three months of my blog.. I got a reply;


“@JohnCena good article kid, you have a good sense of the business”


Although I wasn’t the biggest Cena fan, I was instantly smiling as I seen this. I also gained over a thousand more followers within 24 hours, and my traffic on my blog increased by 124%, the power of John Cena didn’t surprise me though because even though I am not a huge fan, I respect how far he has come with so little. I continued to do my weekly recaps and thoughts, and then the WWE released their financial figures… which were appalling; they had decreased in every single area of their business. I decided to do something out of the norm, and I wrote and posted a blog on how I would turn the WWE around, and once again make it a thriving business. No, I didn’t think I was a genius, nor did I think I was Vince McMahon, but I knew that the people within the WWE circle were obviously out of the loop with today’s generations, the financial figures proved that alone.


I woke up the night after posting my blog with a voicemail, it was from Titan Towers... as soon as I heard that, all I thought to myself was that I had written something that could get me sued. The voicemail gave me a number to call back, so I did and I was put on hold, until finally.. “Hello, my name is George Barrios and I am the Chief financial officer for the WWE, I have been keeping an eye on your blog for quite some time now and me and Mr. Laurinaitis would like you to come down and have a discussion with us, let us now your address and we’ll send the plane tickets out to you” my heart sank, I didn’t respond for a couple seconds, I don’t think I quite registered what he said straight away, but I agreed and we ended the conversation. I wasn’t quite sure whether to believe it or not, was it a prank? I thought so, until two days later when the plane ticket arrived.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Titan Towers

30th of March 2012, it was time for me to fly out Stamford, Connecticut. I was in a cab on the way to the airport, when it finally hit me. I was on the way to Titan Towers, headquarters to the biggest wrestling company in the world, the World Wrestling Entertainment. It heart was bounding, it was as if it was going to explode at any second, what were they going to say to me? What was I going to say? All I had done in my blog was discussing how I would book the WWE, what if I had offended someone within the company? I was always an outgoing person, saying what I want to who I want without considering the consequences, but what if I had gone too far this time? Time would soon tell, as I boarded the plane my mind was on overdrive so I took some sleeping pills and put my headphones in.


“Ladies and gentle, we are just about to arrive. Please fasten your seatbelts as we land” I woke up to this, my heart still feeling like it was going to come right out of my chest at any moment. I left the plane and walked through the airport where I was supposed to be being picked up by the WWE, but I couldn’t see any cars around. I stood around for ten minutes or so, as my phone rang “Mr. O’Brian? Have you arrived safely? Our driver has just called to say he hasn’t picked you up yet” I recognised the on the phone straight away, it was John Laurinaitis “Hello Mr. Laurinaitis, I did but there doesn’t seem to be a car around here? I’m standing outside the airport now” I replied, it went silent for a couple of seconds before he began speaking again “Car? There is a limo waiting to pick you up” A limo? I didn’t know what to think, but I saw the limo and the driver opened the door for me, to my surprise I was greeted by Paul Levesque, known by all as Triple H. He greeted me and he made small talk, talking about how he hadn’t seen my blog but it has caught the eye of Stephanie McMahon and she seems to think I had potential. The journey to Titan Towers seem to go on forever, with Paul continuously trying to make small talk, the one thing he did say that made me even more worried was that I had pissed off quite a few of ‘the boys’ so I should try and not take things to personality.. What had I let myself in for?


We arrived, and the limo door was opened. I walked through the main entrance to Titan Towers with Paul. I will tell you something, it looks immensely bigger in person than through the photos that I had seen, my heart was going faster and faster and with every beat I honestly thought I was going to pass out. Paul told me to take a seat whilst he spoke to someone at reception. He took what seemed like a very slow walk back to me and said “Follow me Damien, were going to see my wife and Mr. McMahon” wait, what? I wasn’t expecting this, I must have really pissed someone off.

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  • 4 months later...

The Meeting

Sweat dripping from my forehead, my palms getting even moister by the second, but there I was, standing to the right of Paul Levesque, the WWE legend Triple H, and former multiple time world champion, member of Degeneration X, standing right next to me, I felt like a child that had walked into a Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. A bell went, and the elevator doors opened, we both walked out as Paul pulled me to the side “Look kid, don’t panic, you have a good opportunity here, don’t f*ck it up” as he gave me a nod and walked through the door which lead to the board room, I followed to see a huge table, Vince McMahon sitting directly on the hand, with Stephanie by his side, others at the table included Jim Connelly, Kevin Dunn, Pat Patterson, Ranjin Singh and John Laurinaitis.


“So, I have read your blog and it seems that you believe you can run the WWE better than I currently do?” That is how Vince McMahon started the meeting, I was baffled, and how do I reply to that? I went on to try and say something but Stephanie got there first “Mr. O’Brian, let me get straight to the point. John Cena brought your blog to my attention, I decided to take a look and I enjoyed reading it, I didn’t think much about it until I read your post about our recent financial figures, and you made a couple of interesting suggestions as to how you would implement certain changes” Vince interrupted “Basically, quit your current job and sit in our creative meetings and you’ll get paid for it. I don’t see what the big deal is but you seem to have caught the attention of a couple of people in this room. We’ll see how you do”.


I was just offered a job, although I wasn’t exactly sure what job, but I was offered a job by Vince McMahon in the WWE but, what if I couldn’t do it and I was quickly released? I would lose my current employment, this is where I had to put my business skills into place, my poker face went on and we talked business. I requested I have a minimum of a 12 month contract, and I had a full job profile in the contract stating what my role consists off, and what my goals are. Pat Patterson looked at me as if I had just committed murder when I put in my requests, Vince started rubbing his chin and whispered something to Stephanie, which is when Paul said “Go get yourself a coffee and come back in twenty minutes” I didn’t say a thing, I just left and went to the restroom, splashed some water over my face and went and sat outside the meeting room, wondering what was going to happen, have I just ruined my only chance of working for the World Wrestling Entertainment?

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have I just ruined my only chance of working for the World Wrestling Entertainment?


If the answer is yes, then the backstory leading up to this appears, on the surface, to be pointless.


The swerve of him joining TNA (or whoever) in an all-out war against WWE would then have a unique beginning.

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  • 10 months later...
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eidenhoek" data-cite="Eidenhoek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33558" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If the answer is yes, then the backstory leading up to this appears, on the surface, to be pointless.<p> </p><p> The swerve of him joining TNA (or whoever) in an all-out war against WWE would then have a unique beginning.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> quoted for truth!</p><p> </p><p> but we will never know, as the question remains unanswered.</p>
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