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Paragons Of Wrestling: 21st Century Comedy Lucha Fun! (jhdVerse)

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The Secret Service vs The Throwbacks

DISCO Fox vs Meido Machine

Hombre Arana vs Xero


Discotheque vs The Outbreak

Tournament Semi-Finals:

Team DRAGON vs The Women of Destruction

Lucha International vs Terror Rising

Tournament Finals:

Team Dragon or The Women of Destruction vs Lucha International or Terror Rising

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The Secret Service vs The Throwbacks

Need to look strong after losing a member

DISCO Fox vs Meido Machine

Hombre Arana vs Xero


Discotheque vs The Outbreak

Outbreak win to become instant title challengers ...

Tournament Semi-Finals:

Team DRAGON vs The Women of Destruction

Lucha International vs Terror Rising

Big win for Lucha International over Terror Rissings premiers .. Mostly because i dont see team DRAGON making the final.

Tournament Finals:

The Women of Destruction vs Lucha International

Could Terror Rising make an appearance!? Could this be the win that gets the woman of POW over!? Could i be sooo wrong here with my picks!? ... Guess we find out soon at Torneo de los Trios Night Three!

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The Secret Service vs The Throwbacks


Despite just losing a member, Secret Service have generally been booked stronger thus far. The Throwbacks are a step up from the Frat-Pack.


DISCO Fox vs Meido Machine


This could go either way, as both have been booked as solid midcarders, without looking like world beaters. I'll actually go against my own creation here and tip Disco Fox for the win.


Hombre Arana vs Xero


Another one that could easily go either way, as both are promising young talents but far from the finished article. I reckon the numbers game may play into the result here, with Xero getting some help from his Terror Rising buddies.



Discotheque vs The Outbreak


Outbreak are part of TR's B-squad and Discotheque could do with bouncing back after the loss to Dragon Pro in the trios tournament.


Tournament Semi-Finals:

Team DRAGON vs The Women of Destruction

Lucha International vs Terror Rising

Tournament Finals:

Team Dragon or The Women of Destruction vs Lucha International or Terror Rising


I thought like most others Team Dragon would go out in the last round- for the sake of face/heel balance and to put over the current tag champs. But that wasn't to be and I can actually see the outsiders making it all the way to the finals.


The only true babyfaces Lucha International have to get through to the finals, or you'll risk tanking your main event and your show with it. I then think the heroic trio, will see off the challenge of the outsiders to win the tournament.

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The Secret Service vs The Throwbacks

DISCO Fox vs Meido Machine

Hombre Arana vs Xero


Discotheque vs The Outbreak

Tournament Semi-Finals:

Team DRAGON vs The Women of Destruction

Lucha International vs Terror Rising

Tournament Finals:

Team Dragon or The Women of Destruction vs Lucha International or Terror Rising

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The Secret Service vs The Throwbacks

Service weakened a lot after losing a member but the two guys left are still good and should be able to beat Throwbacks.


DISCO Fox vs Meido Machine

Could go either way so I just go with personal preference.


Hombre Arana vs Xero

Not sure about Arana but if I remember right Xero was rather costly addition and that would likely mean that you have big plans for him.



Discotheque vs The Outbreak

I could see this one going either way but right now there are better heel teams to challenge Discotheque and that´s why I go with champs.


Tournament Semi-Finals:

Team DRAGON vs The Women of Destruction

Could go either way but I rather give the win for a group that stays in the promotion.


Lucha International vs Terror Rising

Lucha International is the only face team left so they pretty much have to go into finals.


Tournament Finals:

The Women of Destruction vs Lucha International

I wonder if those slight communication problems that Panther and Scorcho had little while ago will come to bite them here. I think it will and anyway Women of Destruction are some of your most skilled wrestlers so might as well give the win to them.

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The Secret Service vs The Throwbacks

The Throwbacks seem like a stepping stone for The Secret Service.


DISCO Fox vs Meido Machine

Think you'll push him


Hombre Arana vs Xero

Zergon's logic seems pretty sensible



Discotheque vs The Outbreak

It's non title, so it'll give the champs a contender for next month. Whether The Outbreak actually win the title....I don't see it.


Tournament Semi-Finals:

Team DRAGON vs The Women of Destruction

I always pick against the guests


Lucha International vs Terror Rising

Only face team left, and some revenge for Sky Panther over Dread Nocturne


Tournament Finals:

The Women of Destruction vs Lucha International

Giving the faces the win might lead to title matches, and eventually a falling out between Sky Panther and El Scorcho

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<p>The next update may be delayed a bit because my computer seems to be dieing on me. I'm currently only able to get it to run reliably in safe mode which lets me access the internet, but not play TEW. I won't be able to do any updates until I get these issues resolved/get set up on a new computer, but I should still be active on the forums.</p><p> </p><p>

I also want to thank everyone who nominated and voted for me in the diary of the month awards. I didn't expect to get any nominations, so to be nominated for three categories was a pleasant surprise and I appreciate the support.</p>

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Paragons of Wrestling Presents Torneo de los Trios: Night Three!


August 12th, 2012 @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL. 300 Fans in Attendance. (Sellout)




http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheChef.jpg and http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Buccaneer.jpg

Announcer "The Chef" Chet Rio alongside "Buccaneer" Jack Robin


"Hello and welcome to the third and final night of POW's huge Torneo de los Trios!"


"Yarr! There be no bigger night in POW then this!"


"That's right, we started this tournament with thirty-two wrestlers on twelve teams and now we're down to just twelve wrestlers on four teams, but only one team can become the 2012 Pow Trios Tournament Champions!"


"Yarr, and if that isn't enough to wet your whiskers we've also got some great tag team and singles matches scheduled tonight!"


"Let's get things started!"



Singles Match:


DISCO Fox vs Meido Machine


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DISCOFox.jpg vs <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=MeidoMachine.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MeidoMachine.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The beginning of the opening match is all comedy as DISCO Fox and Meido Machine both play to the crowd trying to get them into the match. DISCO Fox seems to get more support from the crowd, so Meido changes tactics and tries to lock up DISCO Fox with his technical skills.


Meido has the definite edge in the chain wrestling and seems to have DISCO Fox until suddenly Disco music starts playing. The crowd starts clapping and DISCO Fox finds a burst of energy to reverse Meido's hold. Meido tries to cut off his opponent, but the Agile DISCO Fox is feeling it now and as the music continues to play he sends Meido to the floor and follows it up by taking him out on the outside with a flying Plancha. Referee Tiny Jackson begins the count, but both competitors manage to get back into the ring before he counts to ten.


Back inside the ring the two competitors go back and forth for a few minutes before DISCO Fox gets the advantage and looks to seal the win by going to the top rope. Fox leaps off the rope with the Disco Drop (450) splash, but Meido gets his knees up.


Meido immediately capitalizes by rolling the winded DISCO Fox into a cradle hold. The referee counts to three without seeing Meido grab hold of the ropes for leverage to get the dirty win.


Meido Machine defeats DISCO Fox in 9:06 via Pinfall.


Rating: 50 (D+)



Tag Team Match:


The Secret Service (Agent X and Oliver Owens the 7th)


The Throwbacks (Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and The Highwayman)


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AgentX.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/PaulCrowley_alt.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/GeoffreyWestminsterII.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheHighwayman.jpg


Early in the match it looks like the Throwbacks have things in hands as the secret service don't seem to be quite on the same page without the Master of Disguise around. Adding to their problems is Sir Scott Seal who's lurking around ringside and causing enough of a distraction to give the heels the edge.


Eventually the heels begin working over Owens in the corner. The Throwbacks plan to isolate the smaller of their opponents seems to be a wise one as Agent X's frustrated attempt to enter the ring only results in Sir Scott Seal getting in a cheap shot on Owens while the referees distracted.


Eventually the Highwayman looks to finish off Owens with the Stand and Deliver (Lariat), but Owens ducks and counters by moving into position for the License to Kill (Dragon Suplex)! However Owens attempts to get the bigger man up are thwarted when "The Aviator" hits Owens from behind.


The Throwbacks go for a running Double Clothesline on Owens, but he ducks the move and dives to his corner to get the hot tag on Agent X! The giant woman gets into the ring and takes down both members of the throwbacks with running shoulder blocks.


Agent X is clearing house until Sir Scott Seal grabs a hold of her foot on the outside to trip her up. Sir Scott Seal then plays his innocence as he poses for the crowd, but turning away from the angry woman proves to be a mistake as the Giant Woman reaches down and pulls Seal onto the apron by the helmet. Seal manages to get enough of his wits to pull Agent X down onto the ropes to temporarily stun the big woman. Westminster looks to use the distraction to his advantage as he goes for a big springboard dropkick, but Agent X ducks and "The Knight of the Realm" gets nailed by his own partner.


Westminster doesn't have long to worry about his mistake however as Agent X grabs him from behind and nails him with the X-Bomb (Full Nelson Slam) and covers for the one, two, three.


(W)Agent X and Oliver Owens the 7th defeat (L)Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and The Highwayman in 8:42 via Pinfall.


Rating: 39 (D-)


After the match Owens grabs a microphone from ringside before re-entering the ring with his partner.


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=PaulCrowley_alt.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/PaulCrowley_alt.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Oliver Owens the 7th


"We may have lost a friend and partner, but as far as I'm concerned the Secret Service is just as strong as ever."


<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=AgentX.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AgentX.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Agent X


"If you think we're going to give up just because we're down a man then you're dead wrong. The mission will be carried out and anyone who stands in the way of the mission will be eliminated."


Rating: 49 (D+)



Trios Tournament Semi-Final:


Lucha International (El Scorcho, Sky Panther, and El Estandar)


Terror Rising (Dread Nocturne, Frightening, and Scaremare)


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElScorcho.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/SkyPanther.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElEstandar.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DreadNocturn.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Frightening.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Scaremare.jpg


The crowd was enthusiastic and firmly behind Lucha International as the semi-finals of the Trios tournament got underway. As one might expect with a match featuring six athletic high fliers it got crazy fairly quickly with all six men flying in and outside of the ring.


After about ten minutes of back and forth action Dread Nocturne and El Estandar found themselves facing off in the ring. El Estandar looked to avenge the loss in his title match two nights ago when he reversed a Light's Out (Brainbuster) attempt by Dread Nocturne and nailed the masked menace with a Double Pumphandle Orange Crush. "The Luchador Standard" looks like he'll get the three count, but Dreamscape are in to break the cover.


El Estandar then finds himself on the wrong end of a two on one beatdown by Dreamscape who nail him with the PANIC Attack (Combination of kicks culminating in a Yakuza Kick/Enzuigiri Combo), but this brings the Slo-Mo Dojo back into the ring and the two tag teams battle back and forth. Dreamscape take control when Frightening dodges a Kung Fu Kick (Diving Thrust Kick) from Sky Panther and counters with a big Yakuza Kick.


El Scorcho fights back, but with his partners taken out the numbers of Dreamscape prove too much and the masked duo beat down El Scorcho before setting him up for the Black Out (STO/Sprigboard Dropkick Combination), but Sky Panther is back on his feet and nails an Enzuigiri on Scaremare while El Scorcho reverses Frightening's STO into a DDT. With Frightening down in the ring Sky Panther takes flight with the Panthersault (Springboard Moonsault). Sky Panther makes the cover while El Scorcho prevents the other members of Terror Rising from breaking it up before the referee counts to three.


El Scorcho, (W)Sky Panther, and El Estandar defeat Dread Nocturne, (L)Frightening, and Scaremare in 13:42 via Pinfall


Rating: 51 (D+)



Trios Tournament Semi-Final:


Team DRAGON (Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, and "Lethal Dragon" Toson Soseki)


The Women of Destruction (Alexia Dynamite, Mio Nawabe, and WMD)


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AkitoNakada.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/HarukoYamada.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TosonSoseki.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AlexiaDynamite.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MioNawabe.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/WMD.jpg


The second semi-final of the tournament was a bit unusual in that neither team was a real fan favorite. The two teams wisely turned it into an all out wrestling contest rather than trying to out heel one another.


Despite the odd match-up the crowd got into the action as the six talented and experienced competitors went at it in the ring. The Women of Destruction showed that without a doubt the women of POW are tough and are more than capable of going toe to toe with any opponents. Team DRAGON however were just as tough with great teamwork and worked a fast paced style that combines elements of Japanese Junior wrestling with an American Cruiser-weight style.


Toson Soseki ended up alone in the ring with WMD and managed to drop her to her knees with a series of kicks. "Lethal Dragon" then signaled that he was going to put away WMD with the Trauma Driver (Vertebreaker), but as he struggled to lift WMD he got absolutely nailed with a Fist Full of Dynamite (Rolling Punch) from Alexia Dynamite.


However as soon as Dynamite gets up she finds The Rising Dragons waiting with a pair of kicks that double her over before the team lifts Dynamite up and drops her headfirst onto the mat with a Double Brainbuster. Nakada goes for the cover, but WMD is in to break it up at the last second.


The monstrous WMD begins unloading on the Rising Dragons with a series of stiff forearms, but the teamwork of the DRAGON representatives proves too much as the duo hit stereo Enzuigiris that drop WMD to the mat. The rising Dragons signal they are going to put WMD away with their double team Superkick and Nakada Driver (Michinoku Driver II) combination, but Mio Nawabe grabs Yamada's foot and pulls him out of the ring.


Nawabe goes for a clothesline on Yamada on the outside, but Yamada ducks the clothesline and delivers a Superkick to Yamada. Inside the ring Nakada tries to get WMD up for the Nakada Driver, but WMD counters with a kick to the gut of Nakada before lifting him above her head. In a impressive display of strength WMD tosses Nakada out of the ring and onto his partner on the outside.


Toson Soseki has gotten back to his feet and has climbed the turnbuckle by the time WMD turns back around. "Lethal Dragon" takes flight with a cross body, but the monstrous woman catches him in mid-air and reverses it into a Powerbomb. WMD makes the cover on Soseki to send her team to the finals of the trios tournament.


Alexia Dynamite, Mio Nawabe, and [W]WMD defeat Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, and [L]Toson Soseki in 14:21 via Pinfall.


Rating: 55 (C-)



Tag Team Non-Title Match:


Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC "Superfly" Summers)


The Outbreak (Biohazard and Ferocious CHI)


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DonnyChic.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/KCSummer.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AdamManchester_alt.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TonyChi_alt2.jpg


The non-title match between Discotheque and the Outbreak had a tough task in trying to match up to the previous two semi-final matches of the trios tournament.


Discotheque were looking to avenge yesterday's trios loss in a match against the Outbreak, who had likewise been eliminated from the trios tournament one night ago. The tag team champions were the more experienced team and worked well together throughout the match, but The Outbreak were able to keep in the fight with the aid of cheap tactics.


Eventually Discotheque dumped both members of the outbreak from the ring and suddenly disco music began playing. The crowd started clapping along as Discotheque began busting some moves in the ring.


Ferocious CHI was in no mood to dance as he got back into the ring and grabbed both of the tag champions by the neck and went for a Double Chokeslam, but the Disco dancers battled out of it. Biohazard however had snuck back into the ring and as Discotheque turned sprayed the Chemicle Mist at the duo, but the Disco Dancers ducked and he ended up blinding his own partner instead. Discotheque responded by nailing Biohazard with The Parties Over (Doublesuperkick) and making the cover on him for the one, two, three.


Donny Chic and [W]KC Summers defeat [L]Biohazard and Ferocious CHI in 9:03 via Pinfall.


Rating: 44 (D)



Lucha Challenge Match:


"The Amazing" Hombre Arana vs Xero


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/HombreArana.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Xero.jpg


This was the first meeting between the two young luchadors and there was a lot of pride on the line as both competitors looked focused on winning the match. The match got off to a slower start then one might expect as the two started off with a feeling out process and some chain wrestling.


The pace of the match got quicker and quicker as the match wore on and the crowd seemed to be getting more into the match with every nearfall. The match repeatedly seemed like it was over until a last second kick out and by the fifteen minute mark the crowd were on their feet every time one of the men went for a cover.


"The Amazing" Hombre Arana looked to finish off Xero by going up to the top for the Super Splash, but Xero was playing possum and sprung to his feet and nailed the superhero on the turnbuckle with an jump kick. Xero then grabbed Hombre Arana while both were perched on the turnbuckle and went for the Xero Chance (Cyclorama), but Hombre Arana grabbed onto the ropes. In a display of Agility Xero managed to land feet first on the mat, but Hombre Arana immediately leapt from the turnbuckle and hit the Spiderana (Dragonrana) on Xero!


One...Two...Thre- Xero kicked out at the last second to the shock of Hombre Arana who thought he had the match won. Hombre Arana however wasted little time as he pulled Xero to his feet and signaled he was going to put him away with the Spider's Web (Lightning Spiral), but the incredibly Agile Xero reversed it into a jawbreaker and followed it up with a Tilt-a-Whirl DDT.


With Hombre Arana down on the mat Xero climbed up to the top rope and hit the Xero Hour (Double Rotation Moonsault) before making the cover to secure a hard-fought win.


After the match the crowd cheered both men for what had been a tremendous match.


Xero defeats Hombre Arana in 18:12 via Pinfall.


Rating: 60 ©


The camera switches over to a video package highlighting the Trios Tournament. The video hypes that 36 men and women had been fighting for the right to become the first trios champions and shows clips focusing on all six of the competitors in the Final of the tournament.


Rating: 49 (D+)



Trios Tournament Finals:


Lucha International (El Scorcho, Sky Panther, and El Estandar)


The Women of Destruction (Alexia Dynamite, Mio Nawabe, and WMD)


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElScorcho.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/SkyPanther.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElEstandar.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AlexiaDynamite.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MioNawabe.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/WMD.jpg


The crowd are excited as the main event of the night between both The Women of Doom and Lucha International gets underway. The match starts off fairly slow with a feeling out process between the teams, but if any of the six men and women are tired from their previous matches they don't show it as the match heats up.


The match is a very back and forth match with all of the competitors getting the chance to show off their skills. The biggest spot of the night comes when the participants begin hitting a series of dives to the outside culminating in WMD hitting a huge Moonsault to all five of the other men and women on the outside.


The action eventually spills back into the ring with Mio Nawabe and El Estandar facing off in the ring. "The Luchador Standard" has a wide array of creative moves at his disposal, but the Joshi Legend has years of experience and technique at her side and eventually nails El Estandar with the Fisherwoman's Suplex.


Sky Panther is into break up the pin, but WMD follows him into the ring as well and absolutely clobbers him with a lariat. WMD drags Sky Panther to his feet and puts him up on her shoulders as Mio Nawabe leaps off the top to hit the Doomsday Dropkick.


WMD makes the cover on Sky Panther, but El Scorcho breaks it up with a Kung Fu Kick (Diving Thrust Kick) on WMD that floors the big woman. Mio Nawabe grabs El Scorcho from behind and goes for the Fisherwoman's Suplex, but El Scorcho lands on his feel and hits the Joshi legend with a step up frankensteiner.


Alexia Dynamite sneaks back in the ring and rolls El Scorcho up from behind and grabs on to the tights going for a cheap win. One...Two..Thr- El Scorcho manages to kick out and pushes Alexia Dynamite right into El Estandar who kicks the former Grand Champion in the gut before hitting a Double Pumphandle Orange Crush.


El Estandar goes for the cover. One...Two...Thr- WMD is in to break up the cover with a boot to the head of El Estandar. El Scorcho looks to help his teamate, but WMD cuts him off with a short arm lariat. Seeing her opportunity WMD picks up El Estandar and hits a Powerbomb directly onto El Scorcho. El Estandar rolls out of the ring as WMD goes for the pin on El Scorcho.


One...Two...Thre- El Scorcho kicks out! WMD looks furious as she shouts at the referee to do his job properly. WMD yanks El Scorcho to his feet and lifts him up for a second Powerbomb, but El Scorcho slips out of the move. WMD turns around only to be met by a Scorcho Kick! (Superkick)


El Scorcho collapses on top of WMD and the referee begins the count. One...Two....Three!


[W]El Scorcho, Sky Panther, and El Estandar defeat Alexia Dynamite, Mio Nawabe, and [L]WMD in 20:12 via Pinfall to win the Torneo de los Trios.


Rating: 54 (C-)


The show comes to a close as Lucha International celebrates their victory with the fans in attendance.


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Show Rating: 54 (C-)

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Fortunately I was able to get my computer working enough to run the show. There still might be delays in the future due to my computer being old and probably dieing, but I think I should be able to keep this going.




The Secret Service vs The Throwbacks

DISCO Fox vs Meido Machine

Hombre Arana vs Xero

Discotheque vs The Outbreak

Tournament Semi-Finals:

Team DRAGON vs The Women of Destruction

Lucha International vs Terror Rising

Tournament Finals:

The Women of Destruction vs Lucha International


There were no perfect scores this round, but congratulations are in order for Midnightnick and Occasional Z who got 6/7 predictions right this show.


Scores this Round:


MJStark: 4/7

Jingo: 4/7

Tigerkinney: 5/7

Midnightnick: 6/7

Zergon: 5/7

Occasional Z: 6/7


Create a Wrestler Contest Totals:


Midnightnick: 12/13

Occasional Z: 11/13

Tigerkinney: 10/13

Zergon: 10/13

Jingo: 9/13

MJStark: 8/13

Smurphy1014: 5/6

1PWfan: 5/6

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The Journal of POW Head Booker, Bill Allison


- August 13th, 2012

We finished off the Torneo de los Trios Tournament last night. I think our final night was pretty good.


The opener between DISCO Fox and Meido Machine was pretty good. Neither is exactly a top guy, but they had a good match and got the crowd into it by the end.


The tag match between The Secret Service and the Throwbacks was a bit of a disappointment, but there's not much that can be done about it with the Ebi Kadivar/The Master of Disguise working full time for UPJ now; he was always the more talented of the two. that's not to say that Crowley/Owens is a bad worker, but his offense is a bit boring when compared to the flashy aerial style of his partner. I'm hoping pairing Agent X with with Owens will make her into a better worker, because as great as she looks and talks she's green as grass in the ring.


The Semi-Final matches of the trios tournament were both very solid matches. I was a bit worried about putting two heel teams together in the semis, but they delivered an excellent match that the crowd got into despite the unusual pairing.


The Non-title match between Discotheque and the Outbreak was alright, but not particularly memorable. It was mostly there to give more of a break between the semi-finals and the finals.


The match between Xero and Hombre Arana was awesome. It really stole the show. Hombre Arana is a great all rounder with impressive aerial and chain wrestling moves. Xero isn't quite as well rounded as Arana, but is unbelievably athletic and can do some amazing aerial maneuvers. I'm glad I gave these two extra time, because they delivered one hell of a match. I gave Xero the win because POW is the first American Promotion the Hombre Arana has ever worked for while Xero is well known from his work in DRAGON, but based on the quality of the match I could see a real feud between these two in the future.


The Main Event wasn't bad by any means, but asking six men and women who had already wrestled previously to follow up the awesome lucha action we saw in the Semi-main event was a tough task. El Scorcho and Sky Panther are title contenders and with a heel champion it made sense to give them the title win. El Estandar was only here on loan from PWI, but he's a good wrestler who was more than happy to put over Dread Nocturne in a singles match so having him win the tournament wasn't a problem for me. I wouldn't mind having El Estandar come back to POW again in the future, but we'll see how things go.


- August 17th, 2012

Tiny Jackson was as upset as I'd ever heard him when he called me earlier today. We had lost 80,000$ in one month. I knew we were going to lose money by bringing in visiting wrestlers and running three shows in a row, but I hadn't been entirely forthcoming about just how much it would cost us when I pitched the idea for the event to Jackson in the first place.


I was worried that Jackson was going to fire me on the spot when I heard just how angry he was, but eventually I was able to calm him down somewhat by pointing out that the shows were some of the best we'd ever put out and that we'd make enough money in the long term from getting our name out there.


I ended up promising that I'd be more prudent with the money and that we'd have no more "big" events for the rest of the year. This wasn't exactly a concession since I had planned to do this anyway, but I figured I was better off if Jackson came away thinking he had won the argument.


- August 21st, 2012

There have been a couple of interesting stories in the world of wrestling this week.


The first is that there's been a war of words between Seattle Wrestling Alliance owner Les Gotch and PWSUX owner Derrick Morre. This all came to a head last night when on the PWSUX show they brought out a Pinata dressed up like Les Gotch and proceeded to beat it with barbed wire bats and then set fire to it. It's not surprising an old school wrestling Icon like Les Gotch would be against a seedy hardcore promotion like PWSUX, but this rivalry seems a bit over the top given the two promotions are on opposite sites of the country.


The second bit of news is there have been rumors Pro Wrestling Diaspora is in trouble with mounting debt. The economy and wrestling industry as a whole have been hurting in Japan for the last year or so and the recent release of several Diaspora wrestlers seems to be a sign that they are indeed in trouble. It would be a shame if the organization died given the lack of interest in the Junior Division elsewhere in Japan, but unfortunate circumstances may end their attempt to revolution Japanese wrestling before it really gets off the ground.



- August 24th, 2012

Most of the wrestlers who were brought in for the tournament are off our roster, but we've still got a fairly large one for a company our size. I'd prefer to think of it as planning for the future, but I suspect Jackson would use a different term.


Anyway, we haven't quite dropped all our guests. Team DRAGON will be around for at least one more show due to their good performance in the trios tournament.



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http://s1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/?action=view&current=POW_Banner.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/POW_Banner.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>




Paragons of Wrestling presents: From The Ashes

9.15.2012 @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL

Show starts at 4:00 PM, Doors Open at 3:30



POW is in Chicago once more for From the Ashes! We've got a great night planned with plenty of action and comedy that only POW can provide. Why not come see what POW is all about?




http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/POW_Sidekick.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DonnyChic.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/KCSummer.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AkitoNakada.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/HarukoYamada.jpg

Sidekicks Title Match

Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC "Superfly" Summers) ©


The Rising Dragons (Akito Nakada and Haruko Yamada)

Discotheque have taken on all comers and have held onto the tag team belts for nearly a year now, but they face a tough challenge at From the Ashes in the form of Akito Nakada and Haruko Yamada. The Rising Dragons are a no nonsense team that has been teaming together for seven years and have held gold in both Japan and the United States.


The Rising Dragons earned their title shot by eliminating Discotheque's team in the trios tournament. Will Discotheque avenge their loss, or will the Rising Dragons score gold in yet another promotion and become the new tag team champions?



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/POW_Grand.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DreadNocturn.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AlexiaDynamite.jpg

Grand Title Match

Dread Nocturne © vs Alexia Dynamite

Alexia Dynamite has "earned" this title shot when she pointed out that in the fine print of her contract it said she was entitles to a rematch against not just the person who defeated her, but against any subsequent titles as well. The legal team here in POW is currently investigating how exactly this got into the contract, but as a result Alexia Dynamite will get a title shot against Dread Nocturne.


Will Alexia Dynamite's mastery of bending the rules lead her to become a two time champion or will Dread Nocturne continue his reign of darkness?



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElScorcho.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/SkyPanther.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/WMD.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Xero.jpg

Number One Contender Match

El Scorcho vs Sky Panther vs WMD vs Xero

In addition to the Grand Title match we will be having a match that will determine the new number one contender to the grand title. Four men and women who have proved themselves to be some of the best in POW have been given a chance to earn a shot at the Grand Champion.


Sky Panther is a former Grand Champion and just last month was on the winning team of the huge Torneo de los Trios. His partner El Scorcho hasn't held the title before, but is eager to get a shot at the Grand Title. WMD may not have won the Trios tournament, but she was the Chaos Tournament Champion and she's promised no one will stand in the way of her and champion ship gold. Xero may be an ally of current champion Dread Nocturne, but after a big win over fellow luchador Hombre Arana he's riding high on momentum and would love nothing more than to get a shot at the Grand Title. Only one of these competitors will walk away the number one contender. Find out who it will be at From the Ashes!



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Frightening.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Scaremare.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/FreshmanPatel.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ScottBingington.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/HombreArana.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/LaylaFyre.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AdamManchester_alt.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TonyChi_alt2.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/GeoffreyWestminsterII.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheHighwayman.jpg

Tag Team Gauntlet Match

Dreamscape vs The Frat Pack vs Heroes United vs The Outbreak vs The Throwbacks

POW is holding a special Gauntlet Tag Team Match featuring five of POWs most colorful tag teams. Entry Order will be decided by random drawing and each time a team is defeated a new team will immediately be sent to the ring until only one team remains.



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/PaulCrowley_alt.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MeidoMachine.jpg

Singles Match

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Meido Machine

We will be having a special one on one match between two young and talented technicians when Oliver Owens the 7th and Meido Machine face off one on one. These two have never met in the ring before, but both will be hoping for a victory. Will the suave secret agent come out on top or will the bizzare Meido Machine claim victory? Find out on From the Ashes!



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AgentX.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MioNawabe.jpg

Singles Match

Agent X vs Mio Nawabe

Agent X is the tallest woman to ever step foot inside a wrestling ring and tonight the Giant Woman will face off against Joshi Star Mio Nawabe. What Nawabe lacks in stature she makes up for in experience and cunning as the fifteen year veteran has wrestled for promotions across the world. Will Agent X's raw power lead to victory or will Mio Nawabe's experience be the factor. Find out at From the Ashes!



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DISCOFox.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TosonSoseki.jpg

Singles Match

DISCO Fox vs "Lethal Dragon" Toson Soseki

Toson Soseki has been invited back for one more match after his impressive performance in the trios tournament. At the trios tournament Disco Fever was eliminated by Team DRAGON, but tonight DISCO Fox can avenge the loss by going one on one with Tosen Soseki. "Lethal Dragon" however is a veteran whose proved his skill and toughness in Japan and the United States. Will the talented DISCO Fox claim victory or will Toson Soseki be too much for the young wrestler? Find out at From the Ashes!






Tag Title Match:

Discotheque vs The Rising Dragons

Grand Title Match

Dread Nocturne vs Alexia Dynamite

Number One Contenders Match

El Scorcho vs Sky Panther vs WMD vs Xero

Tag Team Gauntlet

Dreamscape vs The Frat Pack vs Heroes United vs The Outbreak vs the Throwbacks

Singles Matches

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Meido Machine

Agent X vs Mio Nawabe

DISCO Fox vs Toson Soseki



Bonus: Which team will score the most eliminations in the tag team gauntlet match?

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Tag Title Match:

Discotheque vs The Rising Dragons

Dragons are just for loan so no way the get the titles on their last night.


Grand Title Match

Dread Nocturne vs Alexia Dynamite

Nocturne retains.


Number One Contenders Match

El Scorcho vs Sky Panther vs WMD vs Xero

Heel champ so face winning this one is more likely. I go with Scorcho because Panther is the last champ so Scorcho has more to prove from those two.


Tag Team Gauntlet

Dreamscape vs The Frat Pack vs Heroes United vs The Outbreak vs the Throwbacks

That random order makes this one hard to predict but I´d say it´s between Dreamscape and Heroes United. I go with Dreamscape getting late entry and thus getting the win.


Singles Matches

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Meido Machine

Could go either way and I´m not completely sure where Owens stands in terms of push so I just go with personal preference.


Agent X vs Mio Nawabe

Agent X is still green so I go with more established star.

DISCO Fox vs Toson Soseki

Soseki is on loan so he might as well but Fox over.


Bonus: Which team will score the most eliminations in the tag team gauntlet match?

Heroes United

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Tag Title Match:

Discotheque vs The Rising Dragons

Grand Title Match

Dread Nocturne vs Alexia Dynamite

Would love Alexia to win this but i dont think she will ..

Number One Contenders Match

El Scorcho vs Sky Panther vs WMD vs Xero

Tough one but i like Zergons logic here

Tag Team Gauntlet

Dreamscape vs The Frat Pack vs Heroes United vs The Outbreak vs the Throwbacks

I fancy the Heroes for the win

Singles Matches

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Meido Machine

A close one but i'm going personal preference

Agent X vs Mio Nawabe

Like both these ...

DISCO Fox vs Toson Soseki



Bonus: Which team will score the most eliminations in the tag team gauntlet match? Dreamscape dominate until the heroes clear them out!

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Tag Title Match:

Discotheque vs The Rising Dragons


Unless you've pulled a shocker and actually signed Rising Dragons to a full time contract- the titles are staying with Discotheque.


Grand Title Match

Dread Nocturne vs Alexia Dynamite


I guess this being heel vs heel, is why it's not the main event and with that in mind I can't see you switching the belt from one heel to another.


Number One Contenders Match

El Scorcho vs Sky Panther vs WMD vs Xero


For me this is between Scorcho and Panther, as you really need a face challenger. Scorcho to win, but to win in a manner that would help to revisit the tensions between the Slo-Mo Dojo.


Tag Team Gauntlet

Dreamscape vs The Frat Pack vs Heroes United vs The Outbreak vs the Throwbacks


I'll piggyback on Zergon's logic here, with Heroes United making the most eliminations but then thwarted by Dreamscape at the end.


Singles Matches

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Meido Machine


Could go either way, so I'm going for personal preference.


Agent X vs Mio Nawabe


As Zergon said Agent X is still green as an in ring worker.


DISCO Fox vs Toson Soseki


Soseki's on loan, so like his Dragon Pro friends- he gets to put someone over on his way out.


Bonus: Which team will score the most eliminations in the tag team gauntlet match?- Heroes United

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Tag Title Match:

Discotheque vs The Rising Dragons

Grand Title Match

Dread Nocturne vs Alexia Dynamite

Number One Contenders Match

El Scorcho vs Sky Panther vs WMD vs Xero

Tag Team Gauntlet

Dreamscape vs The Frat Pack vs Heroes United vs The Outbreak vs the Throwbacks

Singles Matches

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Meido Machine

Agent X vs Mio Nawabe

DISCO Fox vs Toson Soseki



Bonus: Which team will score the most eliminations in the tag team gauntlet match? Heroes United

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Tag Title Match:

Discotheque vs The Rising Dragons

Dragons are on loan, so champs retain


Grand Title Match

Dread Nocturne vs Alexia Dynamite

Can't see Dread losing to another heel


Number One Contenders Match

El Scorcho vs Sky Panther vs WMD vs Xero

El Scorcho vs Dread Nocturne is a fresh title match and will increase the friction between Sky Panther and El Scorcho


Tag Team Gauntlet

Dreamscape vs The Frat Pack vs Heroes United vs The Outbreak vs the Throwbacks

I'm going to go against the grain here; the tag champs are faces so you need heel challengers. Dreamscape have bad tag chemistry and The Outbreak had a match with the champs recently (I think?)


Singles Matches

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Meido Machine

Meido is moving up the card


Agent X vs Mio Nawabe

X is pretty green, this will be a training match and a win for Nawabe

DISCO Fox vs Toson Soseki

Soseki is on loan so Fox wins here


Bonus: Which team will score the most eliminations in the tag team gauntlet match? The Outbreak

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Paragons of Wrestling Presents From the Ashes!


September 15th, 2012 @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL. 300 Fans in Attendance. (Sellout)




http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheChef.jpg and http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Buccaneer.jpg

Announcer "The Chef" Chet Rio alongside "Buccaneer" Jack Robin


"Hello and Welcome to From the Ashes! Paragons of Wrestling have another great event lined up tonight!"


"Yarr! Ye be right about that, tonight we got two championship matches and a whole lot more."


"That's right, and it looks like it's time to start the show right now!"


Singles Match:


"Special Agent" Oliver Owens the 7th vs Meido Machine


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/PaulCrowley_alt.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MeidoMachine.jpg

Meido spends most of the early match doing his typical posturing and playing to the crowd, but his strange antics and outfit don't seem to phase the "Special Agent" and soon the match turns into a more or less straight wrestling contest.


Meido and Owens are both skilled technical wrestlers and for most of the match the two we're mainly exchanging holds and counter holds in an attempt to prove who the superior technician was, but neither was able to establish a clear advantage.


Meido Machine appeared to be growing ever more frustrated over not being able to establish technical superiority over his opponent, but his frustration only made matters worse as Owens remained focused and seemed to be gaining the edge.


Owens was in control and had Meido in a waistlock, but suddenly Meido Machine low blowed him using a back heel kick outside of the referee's sight. Owens fell to the ground and Meido wasted no time in locking in the Nyan-Lock (Keylock) and forcing the submission from Owens.


Meido Machine defeats Oliver Owens the 7th via Submission in 10:12


Rating: 47 (D)



A pre-taped segment is played, but unlike previous segments this one appears to have been recorded outside. The camera slowly pans across a dark and foggy cemetery and slowly a low chanting is heard in the background. The camera continues panning to reveal the members of Terror Rising standing in the graveyard: Frightening, Scaremare, Biohazard, Ferocious CHI, Xero, and finally Dread Nocturne.



Dread Nocturne


"'Paragons' of Wrestling, You see standing before you the greatest force ever assembled. My followers see the truth; that my powers are greater than any mere mortal, but some misguided members of the roster still doubt my abilities. What I ask is simple; give in to the might of Terror Rising, or be destroyed."


Result: 53 (D+)



Tag Team Gauntlet Match:


Dreamscape vs The Frat Pack vs Heroes United vs The Outbreak vs The Throwbacks


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Frightening.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Scaremare.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/FreshmanPatel.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ScottBingington.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/HombreArana.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/LaylaFyre.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AdamManchester_alt.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TonyChi_alt2.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/GeoffreyWestminsterII.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheHighwayman.jpg

The Frat Pack and The Throwbacks are the first two entrants into the gauntlet.


Darius King and Sir Scott Seal are at ringside to support their teams. Sir Scott Seal gets in a few cheap shots from the outside, but this seems a bit unnecessary as The Throwbacks are in total control of the match.


Patel and Bingington try a few times to mount comebacks, but the Throwbacks just appear to be too much for them and the match is ended after only six minutes by a Stand and Deliver (Lariat) from the Highwayman on Patel and a Bombing Run (Tornado DDT) from Westminster on Bingington.


The Throwbacks eliminate the Frat Pack


Rating: 30 (E+)


The Outbreak are the next team in and they give the Throwbacks no chance for a break as they rush down to the ring.


The Outbreak tried to put an early end to the match when Ferocious CHI wenr for the Nature's Fury (Spinning Powerbomb) on Westminster, but "The Aviator" countered into a hurricanrana.


The match went back and forth with the Outbreak in control for most of it, but the Throwbacks put up a good fight against the duo. Sir Scott Seal attempts to help his team out, but gets blinded by the Chemical Mist from Biohazard. Westminster tries to take advantage of the momentary distraction with the Bombing Run, but Biohazard avoided it and nailed him with the Lethal Dosage (Front Flip Piledriver) to get the three count.


The Outbreak eliminate the Throwbacks


Rating: 42 (D)


Heroes United are the next team to enter the match.


Heroes United get a good reaction from the crowd as they enter the match and start taking it to the Outbreak with their fast paced offense. The Heroes are flying around the ring for the early portion of the match, but eventually the Outbreak are able to fight back into the match using some old fashion cheating.


The Outbreak managed to isolate Hombre Arana and worked him over in their corner for a few minutes. Fericious CHI looked to put Hombre Arana away with the Nature's Wrath (Running Powerbomb), but Hombre Arana countered it into a Dragonrana!


The referee started counting, but Biohazard broke up the pin by clubbing Hombre Arana in the back of the head. Biohazard grabbed the groggy luchador and set him up for the Lethal Dosage (Front Flip Piledriver), but Layla Fyre absolutely nailed him with the Raging Fyre (Discus Clothesline) and then covered him for the three count.


Heroes United Eliminate The Outbreak


Rating: 52 (D+)


Dreamscape make their way down to the ring, but don't immediately enter the ring. Heroes United stare them down and signal for them to enter, but instead it's Ferocious CHI who jumps the duo from behind while they're staring at Dreamscape.


The referee gets CHI out of the ring, but Dreamscape have a clear advantage as they jump the downed Heroes. For the early portion of the match the menacing masked duo have full control as they isolate Layla Fyre in their corner.


Dreamscape double team Layla Fyre and hit her with the Black Out (STO/Springboard dropkick combination). Frightening makes the cover, but Hombre Arana is in to break up the pin. Hombre Arana sends Frigtening out of the ring with a running dropkick, but Scaremare catches him with a high knee from behind.


Scaremare waits for Hombre Arana to get to his knees and goes for an Enzuigiri, but the luchador ducks the kick, nails him with the Spiders Web (Lightning Spiral), and pins him for the one, two, three.


Heroes United eliminate Dreamscape and win the Gauntlet.


Rating: 46 (D)


After the match Heroes United get a microphone from ringside and cut a promo in the ring



"The Amazing" Hombre Arana


"We are Heroes United, and as long as injustice remains in POW we'll be there to protect the innocent from evil doers."



"Super" Layla Fyre


"As far as we're concerned when we're together there isn't any team we can't defeat. That's why we want a shot at the tag team titles!"


This last comment brings out the current Tag Team Champions, Discotheque, from the back.



Donny Chic


"Now don't get me wrong, you cats have some moves, but me and my partner are the finest team around."



KC "Superfly" Summers


"Now I agree with my brother, but I think after your performance you deserve a shot at the titles. I think the fans will agree with me there."


The crowd cheered in response, but before he could continue the Rising Dragons came out of the back looking unhappy.



Haruko Yamada


"I should have expected such Disrespect from the likes of you."


"Disrespect? What are you talking about."



Akito Nakada


"We're the Rising Dragons. We have won more titles then the rest of this promotions roster combined, and you arrogantly disregard us and promise title shots to other teams!?"


"Now hold on cats we know we have a match, can't you just chill and-"


"I have had enough of your disrespect. In my homeland there is one thing that wrestlers have, honor. We consider it an honor to be wrestlers, and you make fools out of real wrestlers with your dancing and comedy. That has no place in the wrestling ring."


"Now hold on one minute, we respect your accomplishments, but that doesn't mean we have to listen to us. Wrestling is about giving the fans what they want, now why-"


Summers was blindsided by a hard slap across the face from Nakada. It looked like it might turn into an all and out brawl, but the Rising Dragons got out of the ring before things got physical. Discotheque stared down the number one contenders as they walked back up the ramp.


Rating: 49 (D+)



Singles Match:


Agent X vs Mio Nawabe


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AgentX.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MioNawabe.jpg

This match was a clash of styles as the small and speedy veteran Mio Nawabe took on the huge and powerful Agent X.


Nawabe clearly couldn't match the strength of Agent X head on, but the crafty veteran was able to keep up in the match using her experience and a healthy dose of cheating to take control.


The match was fairly back and forth with Nawabe in control for most of the match, but Agent X using her strength to hit a few big moves. Eventually Agent X caught Nawabe from behind and went for the X-Bomb (Full Nelson Slam), but Nawabe wriggled out and countered with a victory roll that caught Agent X by surprise to get a three count.


Mio Nawabe defeats Agent X via pinfall in 8:58


Rating: 41 (D-)



Singles Match:


DISCO Fox vs "Lethal Dragon" Toson Soseki


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DISCOFox.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TosonSoseki.jpg


This is the second meeting between DISCO Fox and Toson Soseki as Team DRAGON defeated Disco Fever in the trios tournament.


Toson Soseki had thirteen years of wrestling experience on DISCO Fox and used his experience and talents to his advantage, but the young DISCO Fox used his agility and his high flying offense to keep up with the veteran.


The match went back and forth with both both wrestlers coming close to victory on several occasions. "Lethal Dragon" tried to finish off DISCO Fox with a Trauma Driver (Vertebreaker), but DISCO Fox slipped out. A couple minutes later DISCO Fox too tried to put away Soseki with the DISCO Drop (450 Splash), but the veteran was able to get out of the way to save the match.


Eventually Toson Soseki had enough and reached into his trademark hat and pulled out a hidden pair of brass knuckles. "Lethal Dragon" nailed DISCO Fox, but it was in full view of the referee who had no choice but to disqualify Soseki.


DISCO Fox defeats Toson Soseki in 9:15 via Disqualification.


Rating: 48 (D+)


Toson Soseki doesn't seem to be bothered by being disqualified and instead grins as he climbs the turnbuckle and hits the Lethal Drop (Diving Fist Drop w/Brass Knuckles) on DISCO Fox.


Grand Title Match:


Dread Nocturne vs Alexia Dynamite


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/POW_Grand.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DreadNocturn.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AlexiaDynamite.jpg

This match up is a little odd from the get go given it's a championship match between two heels, neither of which the crowd particularly wants to cheer. Still it is a match between two of the top wrestlers in POW and both workers are more than capable of delivering in the ring.


The match is back and forth with both wrestlers getting in their signature moves, but the crowd doesn't really get into it until near the end of the match. The end of the match happens with Alexia Dynamite going for the Dynamite Lock (Twisting Armbar) only to be countered into the Grip of Nightmare (Koji Clutch) from Dread Nocturne. Alexia Dynamite escapes the hold and goes for the Fist Full of Dynamite (Rolling Punch), but dread Nocturne counters with a kick to the stomach and follows up with the Light's Out (Brainbuster) to get the clean win.


Dread Nocturne defeats Alexia Dynamite via pinfall in 14:23


Rating: 50 (D+)


A pre-taped backstage interview with WMD is played.





"Earlier this year I won the Chaos Tournament. I beat eleven men and women to prove I was the best and get a title shot. But you see I didn't get a real title shot, my shot was in a triple threat match where I wasn't even pinned. Tonight I'm going to become the new #1 contender and get the title shot I deserve. So you better get out of the way of the Woman of Mass Destruction or you're going to get wrecked!"


Rating: 62 ©



Number One Contender Match:


El Scorcho vs Sky Panther vs Xero vs WMD


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElScorcho.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/SkyPanther.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Xero.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/WMD.jpg

Strangely the crowd were more excited for the number one contenders match than the earlier championship match, but it was not particularly surprising given the match was more sensibly balanced with two top faces and two top heels in the match.


The match was fairly chaotic as you might expect of a four way of this nature. The tension between the Slo-Mo Dojo was teased throughout, but for most of the match it was the usual heel vs face matchups.


After a good fifteen minutes of action WMD hit El Scorcho with the Powerbomb. WMD went for the pin, but somehow the luchador found the will to kick out at the last moment. WMD looked annoyed, but vowed to finish the Luchador with a Moonsault.


As WMD reached the top however, Xero ran up the turnbuckle and teased hitting the big woman with the Xero Chance (Cyclorama), but the big woman fought back with a series of forearms before throwing Xero off the turnbuckle to the outside.


WMD then went for the Moonsault, but Sky Panther pulled El Scorcho out of the way and the big woman crashed and burned on the mat! Sky Panther saw his opportunity and hit the Panthersault! One, Two, Thre- Scorch Kick (Superkick) from El Scorcho onto his own partner! El Scorcho covers Sky Panther for the one, two, three.


El Scorcho defeats [L]Sky Panther, Xero, and WMD via Pinfall in 17:12.


Rating: 53 (D+)


After the match El Scorcho celebrates for a few moments before going to Sky Panther and helping him onto his feet. Sky Panther however pushes El Scorcho away and looks upset at his partner. Sky Panther turns to leave the ring, but hesitates and after a few moments turns back to face his partner. Sky Panther still looks somewhat upset, but he walks up to El Scorcho and raises his partner's arm in victory.


Rating: 57 (C-)



Sidekicks Title Match:


Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC "Superfly Summers)


The Rising Dragons (Akito Nakada and Haruko Yamada)


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/POW_Sidekick.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DonnyChic.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/KCSummer.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AkitoNakada.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/HarukoYamada.jpg

The Main event of the evening sees Discotheque put their tag team titles on the line against the Rising Dragons. The crowd are pretty hot for the match and are mostly behind Discotheque, though the Rising Dragons get some cheers early on due to their body of work in DRAGON and elsewhere.


It doesn't take long for the Rising Dragons to get the crowd to turn on them as they once again cut off Discotheque's dance party. The match itself is a very fast paced physically intense style. Both teams work as well oiled machines with the Rising Dragons having been teaming for seven years and Discotheque being no slouches to tag competition as well. The match itself very back and forth with both teams hitting plenty of double team maneuvers and getting lots of near falls.


By the end of the match the crowd are on their feet as both teams attempt to put away their opponents to secure the tag championships. A Superkick from Yamada on Donny Chic gets a two and a half count. A Superfly Slam (Inverted Bulldog) from Summers on Yamada gets a near three count that is broken up at the last second by Nakada!


Finally Nakada goes for the Nakada Driver (Michinoku Driver II) on Summers, but the Disco dancer slips out and with his partner ready the duo nail The Parties Over (Double Superkick). One, Two- No! Yamada blasts Summers with a Superkick that knocks him onto his partner and breaks the pin.


Yamada goes for the Buzzsaw Kick on the kneeling Donny Chic, but Chic rolls out of the way and blasts him with a standing dropkick. Chic sees his chance and climbs to the top rope. Chic Signals to the crowd before leaping off with the Listen to the Music (Sommersault Legdrop), but nobodies home as Yamada rolls out of the way! Donny Chic struggles to his feet, but he gets drilled by the Superkick before being dragged up by Nakada and hit with the Nakada Driver! Summers tries to get up and over to break up the pin, but Yamada cuts him off and Summers can only watch as Nakada gets the three count on his partner.


Haruko Yamada and [W]Akito Nakada defeat Donny Chic and [L]KC Summers via Pinfall in 21:10 to become the new Tag Team Champions.


Rating: 61 ©


Both Discotheque and the fans look shocked as the Rising Dragons celebrate their win in the ring with the Sidekicks Titles.




Show Rating: 58 (C-)

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Tag Title Match:

Discotheque vs The Rising Dragons

Grand Title Match:

Dread Nocturne vs Alexia Dynamite

Number One Contenders Match:

El Scorcho vs Sky Panther vs WMD vs Xero

Tag Team Gauntlet:

Dreamscape vs The Frat Pack vs Heroes United vs The Outbreak vs the Throwbacks

Singles Matches:

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Meido Machine

Agent X vs Mio Nawabe

DISCO Fox vs Toson Soseki


Bonus: Which team will score the most eliminations in the tag team gauntlet match? Heroes United


No one guessed the main event right, but that's sort of to be expected since I had never stated I had actually signed the Rising Dragons to actual contracts. To be fair I never specifically said they were here on a talent trade agreement, and this was actually their fourth appearance where as in talent trades you can only get three appearances max. The reason I signed the Dragons is because I consider the Tag Titles about on par with the singles titles in POW and while the Dragons are a bit expensive they're a 93 Experience team and a very strong addition to the tag scene.


The rest of the matchups were fairly straightforward. Most people picked Dreamscape to win the tag gauntlet, but with The Dragons winning the tag titles it made sense to put over Heroes United. The Grand Championship match was honestly a bit of a filler match to make sure all my top guys had matches. My upper card is a bit heel heavy at the moment which is really a problem I should solve.


Congratulations to Tigerkinney who scored the most correct predictions this round.


Scores this Round:


Zergon: 5/8

Jingo: 3/8

Tigerkinney: 6/8

Midnightnick: 5/8

Occasional Z: 5/8


Create a Wrestler Contest Totals:


Midnightnick: 17/21

Occasional Z: 16/21

Tigerkinney: 16/21

Zergon: 15/21

Jingo: 12/21

MJStark: 8/13

Smurphy1014: 5/6

1PWfan: 5/6







Paragons of Wrestling presents: Trouble with a Capital T

10.13.2012 @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL

Show starts at 3:00 PM, Doors Open at 2:30


POW is proud to present Trouble with a Capital T! We have a huge night planned with a Grand Title defense, the new tag team champions in actions, and much, much, more. Why not come down and see what POW is all about?




http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/POW_Grand.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DreadNocturn.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElScorcho.jpg

Grand Title Match


Dread Nocturne © vs El Scorcho

Dread Nocturne has held the Grand Championship for six months now after he defeated Sky Panther for the title on Night Two of the Chaos Tournament. Last month El Scorcho defeated his partner and former grand champion along with Xero and WMD to earn a shot at the title.


Can El Scorcho win the Grand Championship after spending the better part of a year trying to earn a shot at the title? Or will Dread Nocturne's reign of darkness continue? Find out at Trouble with a Capital T!






Eight Man Tag Team Match


DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and Sky Panther


Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and ???

The semi-main event of Trouble with a Capital T will feature a big eight man tag team match. Sky Panther is joining Disco Fever to take on team DRAGON, a group that they seem to be delevoping quite the rivalry with!


DISCO Fox wants revenge on Toson Soseki after the "Lethal Dragon" attacked him with brass knuckles last month. Discotheque lost their titles last month, but a win over the Rising Dragons here would be a good first step to winning them back. Sky Panther came up short in the number one contenders match, but he'll have a good chance to bounce back by teaming with Disco Fever.


For their part Team Dragon have some reasons to be confidant as they won their match up against Disco Fever at the trios tournament and last month the Dragons defeated Discotheque for the tag titles. This time however they'll be facing the talented Luchador Sky Panther, but team Dragon will have a forth member of their own. Who will the mystery person be? Who will win the eight man tag match? Find out at Trouble with a Capital T!



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/PaulCrowley_alt.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/QuestionMark.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/GeoffreyWestminsterII.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheHighwayman.jpg

Tag Team Match


Oliver Owens the 7th and ????? vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster and The Highwayman

It seems mystery is the name of the game at Trouble with a Capital T as Oliver Owens the 7th will be joined by a mystery partner to take on the throwbacks. Will Owens be able to gel with the mystery man or will the Throwbacks steal a win?



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/HombreArana.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/LaylaFyre.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AdamManchester_alt.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TonyChi_alt2.jpg

Tag Team Match


Heroes United vs The Outbreak

Last month Heroes United eliminated the Outbreak in the Gauntlet and went on to win the match. The Outbreak are none to happy at their defeat and have challenged them to a re-match vowing to avenge their "fluke" victory. Will the Outbreak get their revenge or will Heroes United score a second victory over the Terror Rising team? Find out at Trouble with a Capital T!



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/FreshmanPatel.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ScottBingington.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Frightening.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Scaremare.jpg

Tag Team Match


The Frat Pack vs Dreamscape

Both Frat Pack and the Dreamscape came up short in the gauntler match last week and neither team was able to score any eliminations. Neither team has been on much of a roll lately, but both teams will have a good chance to get some momentum behind them with a win here tonight.



http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AgentX.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MeidoMachine.jpg

Singles Match


Agent X vs Meido Machine

Last month Meido Machine was able to score a victory in singles competition against Oliver Owens the 7th, but he has a huge task in front of him this month in going up against the giant Agent X! Can the bizarre Meido Machine find a way to cut the giant down to size or will he face the giants wrath? Find out at Trouble with a Capital T!






Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho

Four Man Tag Match-

DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and Sky Panther vs Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and ???

Tag Team Matches:

Oliver Owens the 7th and ??? vs The Throwbacks

Heroes United vs the Outbreak

The Frat Pack vs Dreamscape

Single Match:

Meido Machine vs Agent X



OOC: I used a bit of a different format in my match writeups in the hopes it would make it easier to read/look better. I'd be happy to get some feedback if you find this new style better/worse.

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Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho

El Scorcho will end up falling out with Sky Panther and challenging him. Won't be for the title though.

DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and Sky Panther vs Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and ???

I know I'm going against the Mystery Man rule, but I'm not betting against Sky Panther.


Oliver Owens the 7th and ??? vs The Throwbacks

Back to the Mystery Man rule


Heroes United vs the Outbreak

Heroes seem to be on a roll


The Frat Pack vs Dreamscape

Despite the negative chemistry, they are the better team


Meido Machine vs Agent X

Another training match

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Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho

You wanted to get the title off from Sky Panther because you felt he´s still too green to carry the main title so I´d assume that Scorcho is on similar spot than he´s tag partner.


Four Man Tag Match-

DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and Sky Panther vs Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and ???

Disco Fever guys haven´t had much success against Team Dragon so far so I believe that they need to get the win this time.


Tag Team Matches:

Oliver Owens the 7th and ??? vs The Throwbacks

Throwbacks just look like jobbers to me so I go with mystery man rule here.


Heroes United vs the Outbreak

Heroes are number one contender for tag titles so they should stay strong.


The Frat Pack vs Dreamscape

Frat Pack are jobbers so Dreamscape should have little trouble to get a win here.


Single Match:

Meido Machine vs Agent X

Meido beat Owens so I assume he should go over Agent X too.

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Grand Title Match-


Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho


With Scorcho and Panther's issues of late, this match has accidental inteference written all over it.


Four Man Tag Match-

DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and Sky Panther vs Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and ???


So the DRAGON contingent are here to stay- I like the way they have been portrayed as these uber serious heels, kicking the butts of the POW! regulars- and in order to continue looking badass they need to be booked strongly- that means them going over a relatively strong team here in Disco Fever and Sky Panther.


Tag Team Matches:

Oliver Owens the 7th and ??? vs The Throwbacks


So we get the new member of the Secret Service, and you would expect it to be a winning debut- especially with the opponents being the jobber tandem then Throwbacks.


Heroes United vs the Outbreak


Heroes United have a tag title shot in their pockets, they're not going to lose to Terror Rising's designated job squad.


The Frat Pack vs Dreamscape


The only roster member I could ever feel confident that the Frat Pack could beat is El Hot Dog.


Single Match:

Meido Machine vs Agent X


How could I possibly go against Meido Machine here :?! :p

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Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho

Four Man Tag Match-

DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and Sky Panther vs Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and ???

Tag Team Matches:

Oliver Owens the 7th and ??? vs The Throwbacks

Heroes United vs the Outbreak

The Frat Pack vs Dreamscape

Single Match:

Meido Machine vs Agent X

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Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho

Four Man Tag Match-

DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and Sky Panther vs Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and ???

Tag Team Matches:

Oliver Owens the 7th and ??? vs The Throwbacks

Heroes United vs the Outbreak

The Frat Pack vs Dreamscape

Single Match:

Meido Machine vs Agent X

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Paragons of Wrestling Presents Trouble with a Capital T!


October 13th, 2012 @ Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, IL. 878 Fans in Attendance.




http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheChef.jpg and http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Buccaneer.jpg

Announcer "The Chef" Chet Rio alongside "Buccaneer" Jack Robin


The Chef: "Hello and Welcome to Trouble with a Capital T! Last month at From the Ashes we saw El Scorcho win a four way match to become the new number one contender and tonight we'll see him take on Dread Nocturne for the Grand Championship.


Buccaneer: "Yarr, and thats not all. Last month the Rising Dragons shocked everyone when they defeated Discotheque to become the new tag team champions. Tonight they'll meet up again, but this time in a four man tag match."


The Chef: "They've brought some impressive backup with them in the form of the high flying young DISCO Fox and former Grand Champion Sky Panther. The Rising Dragons are teaming up with 'Lethal Dragon' Tosons Soseki who showed a violent streak last month when he got himself disqualified fighting DISCO Fox, but they've yet to reveal their fourth member."


Buccaneer: "Arr, this looks to be a great night for POW and it's fans. we've got our biggest crowd ever here in Chicago."


The Chef: "And it looks like it's time to start the show!"



Tag Team Match:


Heroes United ("The Amazing" Hombre Arana and "Super" Layla Fyre)


The Outbreak (Biohazard and Ferocious CHI)


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/HombreArana.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/LaylaFyre.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AdamManchester_alt.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TonyChi_alt2.jpg

The night's opening match between Heroes United and The Outbreak was a rematch from their meeting in last month's Gauntlet. The Outbreak were keen to prove that when both teams were fresh they were the better team, but Heroes United are no team to take lightly.


The match went back and forth with both teams showing some good teamwork, each wrestler getting a chance to shine, and each team getting several near falls.


Eventually the end of the match came after Biohazard went for the Chemical Mist on Layla Fyre, but missed and got hit with the Raging Fyre (Discus Lariat) instead.


Ferocious CHI was in just in time to break up the pin on Biohazard, but Hombre Arana nailed him with a Dropkick to send him out of the ring. Hombre Arana singled to the crowd, before launching himself over the top rope onto CHI as he was getting on his feet on the outside. In an impressive display of Strength the big Ferocious CHI caught Hombre Arana and looked like he was going to hit the Nature's Wrath (Running Powerbomb), but Hombre Arana countered into a hurricanrana that sent the big man crashing into the barricades!


Back in the ring Layla Fyre was back on her feet first, but was stunned by a kick to the hit as she tried to pull Biohazard up. "The Chemical Weapon" then signaled he was going to put away the Super Hero with the Lethal Dosage (Front Flip Pile Driver), but suddenly Hombre Arana was back in the ring and freed his partner before countering with the Spider's Web (Lighting Spiral) on Biohazard to put him down for the three count.


[W]Hombre Arana and Layla Fyre defeat [L]Biohazard and Ferocious CHI via Pinfall in 11:16


Rating: 50 (D+)



Debbie Monroe, Meido Machine, and ???


The Camera goes to the back stage area where interviewer Debbie Monroe is talking briefly to Meido Machine before she notices another man enter and turns her attention to him.


Debbie Monroe: "Excuse me sir, fans aren't allowed back here. I need you to leave.


?????: "I'm a wrestler, not a fan."


Debbie Monroe: "Look I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this area is for POW employees only."


?????: "I am a POW employee. My name's Tony Pearce. Look just ask Meido I was on his team in the trios tournament!"


Debbie Monroe turns to Meido, but Meido Machine just looks up and shrugs his shoulders before going back to staring at himself in the mirror.


"Look you are going to have to buy a ticket just like everyone else. If you don't get out of here this instant I'm going to have to call the police."


Debbie Monro proceeded to usher the man out a door while ignoring the man's insistence that he was an actual wrestler. Debbie Monroe closed the door and locked it shut after the man.


The Camera pulls back to see a sign above the door reading "DANGER. DO NOT ENTER. KEEP LOCKED AT ALL TIMES." Suddenly there's a scream from the other side of the door followed by a flash of blue light appearing under the door before the camera shifts back to the arena.


Rating: 33 (E+)



Tag Team Match:


The Frat Pack (Freshman Patel and Scott Bingington)


Dreamscape (Frightening and Scaremare)


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/FreshmanPatel.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ScottBingington.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Frightening.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/Scaremare.jpg


The second match of the night between The Frat Pack and Dreamscape was basically a squash as the Menacing Masked duo destroyed the Frat Boys. The crowd were for the most part on their hands for the match as they didn't care enough about the Frat Pack to root them into a comeback and they didn't hate Dreamscape enough to really care about their heelish tactics.


The match was finished off when Dreamscape hit Scott Bingington with the Black Out (STO/Springboard Dropkick Combo) that got them the three count.


Frightening and [W]Scaremare defeat Freshman Patel and [L]Scott Bingington via Pinfall in 5:45


Rating: 34 (E+)




El Scorcho comes down to the ring with a microphone in hand and gets a good reaction from the crowd before he begins speaking.


El Scorcho: "Last month at From the Ashes I defeated three other competitors to become the number one contender for the Grand Title and tonight I'm in the main event Grand Title match!"


The ever popular Luchador pauses as the crowd cheers.


El Scorcho: "I've been with Paragons of Wrestling since it's first show almost two years ago. In all that time I have never once got a shot at the title before now. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't come out here to complain about a lack of opportunities. I know title shots are earned and not given, but know this; I've given my blood, sweat, and tears for the last two years to get that shot at the title. Dread Nocturne, I hope you're ready to give it your all tonight, because I'm coming at you with everything I've got!"


The crowd cheered El Scorcho, but the cheers turned to Boos as the grand champion Dread Nocturne walked out from the back and made his way into the ring.




Dread Nocturne: "El Scorcho, you may be the number one contender, but it matters not if this is your first title shot or your hundredth as you have no chance of defeating me. I possess powers far beyond your comprehension. The Nightmares are real, and if you knew just how real they were you'd bow to me as my followers in Terror Rising do."


El Scorcho: "I don't know what powers you keep on going about, all I see is a freak whose managed to cheat his way into a title and convince some weak minded wrestler into being his lackeys. And we'll just see who's powers are greater tonight, as I've got a black belt in beating up egomaniacs like you."



Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and ?????


Suddenly Team DRAGON emerged from the back followed by a hooded man. The four men walked down to ringside, but the Dragons gave way and waited at rignside as the hooded man entered the ring with a microphone. The man entered the ring, but instead of speaking immediately he just began clapping slowly.


?????: "I just came out here to congratulate you El Scorcho. Come on give it up for the number one contender."


Some of the crowd clapped along, but most of the fans simply booed as the hooded man sarcastically applauded El Scorcho.


El Scorcho: "I don't know who you are or what your problem is, but if you've got something to say then say it."


?????: "How rude of me, I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Seven Brandt, and I'm a wrestler. Not an actor, not a comedian, not a musician, a Wrestler."


El Scorcho: "Well that's great to know, but what does this have to do with coming out and interrupting me?"


Seven Brandt: "El Scorcho, my problem isn't with you. It's with Paragons of Wrestling. I look at the roster and I see lots of talented men and women, but instead of showing their talent their content to put on silly masks and go around putting on bad comedy routines passing for wrestling. And then I look at all these foolish people around ringside who have been deluded into cheering for this!"


The crowd heavily booed Seven Brandt in response to his comments


Seven Brandt: "You see I take pride in being a wrestler. I eat, breath, and sleep wrestling and it sickens me that there are people out there making a mockery of it. And nowhere is that more the case than right here in Paragons of Wrestling. That's why I'm here at ground zero of this disease that's killing wrestling. I'm here to show each and ever one of you what Wrestling is all about."


Dread Nocturne: "You would be wise to leave at once, because Paragons of Wrestling is my domain and Terror Rising is the dominant force in all of POW."


El Scorcho: "I don't usually agree with what he says, but I think we've all had enough of your talking unless your prepared to back up your words one on one."


Seven Brandt stared down El Scorcho for a moment looking like he might accept the challenge, but turned and left the ring. The crowd booed Seven Brandt as he walked to the back alongside Team Dragon.



Rating: 50 (D+)



Tag Team Match:


The Secret Service ("Special Agent" Oliver Owens the 7th and "Codename" Red Falcon)


The Throwbacks ("Aviator" Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and The Highwayman)


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/PaulCrowley_alt.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/PierreLejosne_Alt1.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/GeoffreyWestminsterII.jpghttp://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/TheHighwayman.jpg


Sir Scott Seal and Agent X were both at ringside for their respective teams. Red Falcon was announced as Oliver Owens Mystery Partner. The crowd had no idea who the young wrestler was, but he showed great technical wrestling skill as he out-wrestled both members of the Throwbacks.


The Throwbacks however were able to get back into the match when a cheap shot from Seal on the outside let them isolate Red Falcon in their corner and work him over. The heels worked over Red Falcon in the corner and looked to put him away with the Stand and Deliver (Lariat), but the young wrestler showed his toughness by kicking out of the pin.


Westminster tried to put away Red Falcon with the Bombing Run (Tornado DDT), but Falcon slipped out of the hold and nailed Westminster with a dropkick. Westminster crawled over to tag in the Highwayman, but Red Falcon got the hot tag on Owens and the Suave Special Agent was all over both members of the Throwbacks as he unloaded on them with a barrage of kicks and punches.


Owens looked like he had the win after he hit Westminster with the License to Kill (Dragon Suplex Hold), but The Highwayman broke it up at the last second with a Sliding Lariat that nailed the Brit.


The Highwayman taunted the crowd, but he ended up paying for it as Red Falcon caught him with a series of forearms before hitting him with a Falcon Arrow. Red Falcon then grabbed The bigger man's arm and locked in a cross face chickenwing before flipping over into a bridge into a hold the commentators refer to as the Falcon's Wing (Bridging Cross Face Chickenwing). The Highwayman has no choice but to quickly tap out to the painful submission hold.


Oliver Owens the 7th and [W]Red Falcon defeat Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II and The Highwayman via Pinfall in 9:12.


Rating: 40 (D-)




The Secret Service stay in the ring and grab microphones to cut a live promo.


Oliver Owens the 7th: "The Secret Service may have lost a member a few months ago, but with "Codename" Red Falcon joining our ranks we are back and stronger than ever.


Red Falcon: "Paragons of Wrestling, beware the Secret Service for little escapes the eyes of the Falcon."


Agent X: "Let our enemies beware, stay out of our way or face the wrath of the Secret Service!"


Rating: 36 (D-)


Singles Match:


Agent X vs Meido Machine


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/AgentX.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MeidoMachine.jpg

Agent X remains at ringside awaiting her match with Meido Machine as her partners head to the back. Meido is slow to enter the ring and seems to be much more interested in playing to the crowd then actually wrestling with his gigantic opponent.


Eventually Agent X gets tired of waiting on Meido and chases after her opponent, but the more agile Meido Machine uses this to his advantage as he enters the ring and hits her with a dropkick as she follows him inside. Meido presses his advantage as he tries to use his technical knowledge to keep his bigger opponent grounded, but Agent X surprises Meido with some surprising technical skills of her own.


Meido almost gets caught in a full nelson to set up the X-Bomb (Full Nelson Slam), but Meido manages to escape and take down the big woman with a chop block. Meido goes up to the top rope and plays to the crowd as he prepares to hit the Kawaii Beam (Missile Dropkick), but this costs him as the big woman swats him out of the air with a huge open handed slap to the chest.


Agent X drags the reeling Meido Machine, to his feet and locks in the Full Nelson in preperation for the X-Bomb, but suddenly she's distracted as Tony Pearce comes from the back.



Pearce Bot


Meido Machine takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Agent X up for a three count.


Meido Machine defeats Agent X in 10:12 via Pinfall.


Rating: 47 (D)




Meido quickly exits the ring, but bumps into Pearce Bot and looks shocked when he turns and gets a good sight of him. Pearce Bot looks at him unemotionally, but then extends his hand.


Pearce-Bot: "Initiating Friendship Offering"


Meido hesitates at first as the unblinking Pearce Bot stands in front of him with his arm outstretched, but Meido eventually reaches out and accepts the handshake.


Pearce Bot: "Initializing Proclamation: The Age of the Machines has begun."


Meido looks a little nervous about the whole thing, but nevertheless follows Pearce Bot to the back.


Rating: 40 (D-)



Four Man Tag Match:


DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and Sky Panther


Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Tosen Soseki, and Seven Brandt





The four man tag match was, as one might expect, quite fast paced and chaotic. Team DISCO Fever and Team Dragon have met several times in the past few months, but the addition of Sky Panther and Seven Brandt added some fresh faces to their feud.


The match goes back and forth for a good fifteen minutes with each of their competitors getting plenty of chances to show off their talents. There are many nearfalls, but each time the pinned would either get a last second kick out or save from one of their partners.


The finish of the match comes after Discotheque and the Rising Dragons find themselves brawling on the outside. Inside the ring Toson Soseki goes for the Trauma Driver (Vertebreaker) on DISCO Fox, only for the agile youngster to slip out of the hold and toss him over the ropes. DISCO Fox then hit a big suicide dive leaving only Sky Panther and Seven Brandt inside the ring.


Sky Panther and Seven Brandt exchange kicks on the inside with Seven Brandt proving to be the better brawler as he takes control with some stiff kicks. Seven Brandt signals he's going to put his opponent away as he lifts Sky Panther onto his shoulders, but the Luchador reverses into a roll up!


One, Two, Thre- Kickout! Seven Brandt manages to escape just in time, but Sky Panther hits a beautiful Pele Kick that drops Brandt to the mat. Sky Panther sees his opportunity and runs to the ropes for the Panthersault (Springboard Moonsault), but he faceplants onto the canvas as Seven Brandt rolls out of the way.


Seven wastes no time as he grabs the groggy Sky Panther and wraps his arm around his neck before lifting him and hitting the Seventh Sign (Cut-Throat Driver). Seven Brandt covers the former grand champion for a three count as Team Dragon hold off Disco Fever on the outside.


Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Tosen Soseki, and [W]Seven Brandt defeat DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and [L]Sky Panther via Pinfall in 18:12.


Rating: 52 (D+)


Grand Title Match:




Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho


http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/DreadNocturn.jpg vs http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/ElScorcho.jpg


The crowd was firmly behind El Scorcho as the Charasmatic Luchador took the fight to the menacing masked man. However the Grand Champion was no pushover and he battled back after an early flurry by El Scorcho to get back in the match.


The back and forth match seesawed between the two men as the match wore on. The match looked to be over on several times, but both competitors knew the importance of the match and wouldn't give in easily.


A Kung Fu Kick (Diving Thrust Kick) at the 14 minute almost lead to a title change, but Dread Nocturne got a foot on the rope before the referee got to three.


El Scorcho looked to be finished after Dread Nocturne hit the Light's Out (Brainbuster), but the champion took to long to make the cover and El Scorcho hot a shoulder up at the last second.


Finally at nearly twenty minutes into the match Dread Nocturne was in control. The Champion hit a series of kicks to the groggy El Scorcho and then pulled him up to his feet and went for the Light's Out (Brainbuster), but El Scorcho slips out!


Dread Nocturne and El Scorcho goes for the Scorch Kick (Superkick), but the champion ducks the kick at the last second. The two competitors slug it out in the middle of the ring, but suddenly out from the back comes Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and Seven Brandt.




Dread Nocturne rolls up El Scorcho as hes momentarily distracted! One, Two, Th- El Scorcho rolls through! One, Two, Thre- Suddenly Team Dragon enter the ring and start attacking both competitors! The referee has no choice but to throw the match out.


Dread Nocturne draws with El Scorcho due to outside interference in 20:16.


Rating: 62 ©




Seven Brandt enters the ring, but only watches as team Dragon beats down both competitors. Suddenly he orders his allies to stop before approaching the downed El Scorcho. Seven Brandt smiled creepily before he looked at the crowd.


Seven Brandt: "Let's see what your hero really looks like!"


Seven Brandt then reached down and started trying to rip off El Scorcho's mask. This got a huge number of boos from the crowd; beating someone up was one thing, but removing someone's mask was something even the most dastardly villain wouldn't dare do in POW.









Suddenly the locker room emptied and most of the roster, hero and villain alike, ran down to the ring to stop the unmasking. Seven Brandt and team Dragon quickly abandon the ring to escape through the crowd as the show comes to a close in the chaotic scene.


Rating: 52 (D+)




Show Rating: 56 (C-)

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Just want to say Pearce-Bot is awesome and my new favorite wrestler! :) .. That is all.


Thanks! I've been messing around with GIMP for the past couple days and I actually made his alt myself using some modified and recolored parts from other jhdVerse portraits.

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