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Paragons Of Wrestling: 21st Century Comedy Lucha Fun! (jhdVerse)

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Thanks! I've been messing around with GIMP for the past couple days and I actually made his alt myself using some modified and recolored parts from other jhdVerse portraits.


Not only does he look awesome, but i like the way you have him speaking ... Soo gutted i didn't come up with this for a character ;) nice work.

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Thanks, he came out a lot better than I expected given my inexperience with anything artistic. And hey, maybe he'll fall through a dimensional rift and end up in your diary :p





Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho

Four Man Tag Match-

DISCO Fox, Donny Chic, KC Summers, and Sky Panther vs Akito Nakada, Haruko Yamada, Toson Soseki, and ???

Tag Team Matches:

Oliver Owens the 7th and Red Falcon vs The Throwbacks

Heroes United vs the Outbreak

The Frat Pack vs Dreamscape

Single Match:

Meido Machine vs Agent X


The Undercard was fairly predictable with the exception of the four man tag match. No one predicted the main event draw, but I don't do draws very often so I kind of expected that and everyone guessed correctly that Dread Nocturne would retain the belt.


Tigerkinney and Midnightnick got the most correct predictions this round, so congratulations are in order.


Scores this Round:


Occasional Z: 4/6

Zergon: 4/6

Tigerkinney: 5/6 (I'm assuming you didn't mean to pick Frat Pack based on your comments)

Jingo: 4/6

Midnightnick: 5/6


Create A Wrestler Contest Totals:



Midnightnick: 22/27

Tigerkinney: 21/27

Occasional Z: 20/27

Zergon: 19/27

Jingo: 16/27

MJStark: 8/13

Smurphy1014: 5/6

1PWfan: 5/6


Just for note I wanted to quickly mention the new wrestlers I signed:

-Red Falcon's actual name is Pierre Lejosne. He's the son of the Magnificent Mountie and just recently started wrestling professionally. He's a good technical worker like his father, but also has a good look and good charisma. He's got potential to go really far, but is still relatively unknown to the wrestling audience.


-Seven Brandt is another new signing. He's a former member of PWSUX, but got released a few months ago. He's very talented and in many ways a complete package in terms of wrestling ability, microphone work, and look. His main downside is that he's well aware of how talented he is and isn't afraid to let you know it; this is the only reason I can think of to explain his release from PWSUX.


-Tony Pearce has actually been working dark matches since his appearance at the trios tournament. He's a good wrestler, but rather bland. Hopefully this new gimmick and look will help him out in that department.



I'm probably going to post a roster overview before I do the next show preview. I've debuted everyone I was keeping a secret, so now's as good a time as any to do that.

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Pearce-Bot could totally be rewired to be in the Secret Service. Just saying.


I'll keep that in mind, but for now I think him and Meido would make a fun team.






Roster Overview


Keep in mind that the information here is solely based on autopush, and doesn't necessarily reflect my personal feelings of where they should be on the ladder.



Franchise Players


1. Xero

2. Dread Nocturne

3. Alexia Dynamite

4. El Scorcho

5. Akito Nakada


Hot Prospects


1. DISCO Fox

2. Freshman Patel

3. Red Falcon

4. Hombre Arana

5. Agent X

Messing around with pushes tells me that over 20 members of our roster would be considered Hot Prospects


Talk the Talk


1. Agent X

2. El Scorcho

3. Seven Brandt

4. Red Falcon

5. Debbie Monroe


Show Stoppers


1. Hombre Arana

2. Mio Nawabe

3. Red Falcon

4. Dread Nocturne

5. Seven Brandt


Ring Generals


1. Mio Nawabe

2. Hombre Arana

3. Seven Brandt

4. Red Falcon

5. Dread Nocturne


Time Decline


1. Akito Nakada - Age 31



Roster Auto-Push:


Main Eventer:


Akito Nakada

Alexia Dynamite

Dread Nocturne

El Scorcho

Haruko Yamada




Upper Mid-Carder:


KC Summers

Layla Fyre

Mio Nawabe

Seven Brandt

Sir Scott Seal

Sky Panther

Toson Soseki




Agent X


Donny Chic

Ferocious CHI

Hombre Arana

Meido Machine

Oliver Owens the 7th


The Highwayman


Lower Mid-Card:


Darius King

Freshman Patel


Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster

Pearce Bot

Red Falcon

Scott Bingington





El Hot Dog

Earl Ray Travis

Faction Overview:






The Slo-Mo Dojo


El Scorcho:


El Scorcho is currently the number one face in the promotion and I don't think that's likely to change soon. He's got great microphone skills and while his in ring skills aren't quite as impressive he's improved quite a bit over the last year.


Sky Panther:


Sky Panther is someone who's fallen a bit in the rankings; partially due to the influx of new wrestlers and partially due to losing the title to Dread Nocturne. To be honest upper mid-card isn't a bad spot for him; he doesn't have the outstanding microphone skills of his partner and isn't really any better in the ring. That being said he and his partner are both very young at only 22 and will have plenty of time to improve themselves.




Disco Fever


Donny Chic and KC Summer:
I like Discotheque as a team, but they've fallen quite a bit in the rankings since the beginning of the year. Their popularity loss is harder to explain then Sky Panthers as they were losing popularity while they were on a winning streak holding the belts. Either way they're a solid team and one of the pillars of the tag division.


is one of the roster members who has been on the cusp of breaking into the upper card, but hasn't quite made it. This is of course partially due to new wrestlers being brought in, and partially due to him still being fairly new. Still he's number one on the hot prospects list and has a good shot at moving up in the ranks especially with such a heel heavy main event scene.





Heroes United


Layla Fyre: I'm not quite sure why Layla Fyre is an upper carder and Hombre Hombre isn't given they have the same popularity, but nevertheless I really like the heroes team. While she's solid in the ring she's not as good as her partner, but to her credit she is more charismatic (and better looking.)


Hombre Arana: Hombre Arana is a great talent. He's the best high flier on the roster aside from perhaps Xero, and aside from the veteran Mio Nawabe he's the most reliable in ring performer on the roster. Not bad at all considering he's 23, 13 years the junior of Nawabe. I'm pretty high on Heroes United as a team, but given his talent and how heel heavy the main event scene is I could also see pushing him as a singles guy.





The Secret Service


Agent X:
Agent X has great microphone skills and a great look, but unfortunately she's still very much a rookie and hasn't mastered the fundamentals of wrestling. I'm thinking of perhaps having her be more a manager for Owens and Red Falcon while wrestling in less important matches, but the fact that she's on the hot prospect list gives me hope she might eventually improve enough to be a solid in ring worker.


Oliver Owens the 7th:
Owens is actually #6 on the hot prospects list behind Agent X. He's someone with a lot of potential; his fundamentals are very solid, but his offense is a little bland. His team with Red Falcon however looks like it has promise; they have similar styles and he could definitely learn a thing or two from his partner.


Red Falcon
aka Pierre Lejosne may just be a rookie, but the son of the Magnificent Mountie looks like he could well surpass his fathers legacy. He's a complete package in terms of wrestling ability, entertainment, and looks; the only thing he's lacking right now is name recognition. Still I don't want to push him too hard; that's how Seven and Xero got to be such pains. For now teaming with his faction mates seems like a good plan for the young Canadian.





The Frat Pack


The Frat Pack may officially be lower midcarders, but I don't see them moving up in the card. That doesn't mean I plan to get rid of them; jobbers are important tools for putting over your more talented roster members. In addition they are all quite young, and Patel especially seems to have potential; though he's got work to do if he wants to improve enough to warrant a push.




Create a Wrestler
is the worker who's the subject of the current prediction contest. He's a young technical wrestler from Canada. He was a random gen and started with no popularity in the United States, so he's been more or less jobbing in Dark Matches to get some exposure. He's actually a very talented Technician and in purely technical work may be even better then Meido or Seven. That being said he has no idea how to tell a story in a match and can be a bit sloppy at times, but he's got plenty of time to improve and should get somewhat of a push after the contest is over.


El Hot Dog
is a fun character and very closely identified with POW, but he clearly has a drug problem and I can't see pushing him unless he cleans himself up. It's a bit of a shame because he's actually a decent high flier, but I don't really see his losing streak ending in the near future.










The Rising Dragons
are an extremely experienced team and the current tag team champions. Nakada seems to be the slightly more talented of the two, but he also unfortunately is the sole member of the roster on the time decline list at the ripe old age of 31. Still it's unlikely to really start effecting his performance for a few years and won't effect my immediate plans.


Tosen Soseki
is a decent wrestler, but more or less a career midcarder in a bigger organizations like DRAGON. He's got decent all round skills, but at 33 it's unlikely he'll improve to the point where he'll warrant a main event push here in POW. He's probably the weakest member of Honor right now, but in some ways it's the hottest stable right now so that's hardly a bad thing.


Seven Brandt
is one of the newer signings. He's very talented, but for some reason PWSUX had him lose every match this year and then released him. I suspect he may have pissed off the booker, which wouldn't surprise me given his attitude. In many ways he was the perfect choice to lead Honor; he has the entertainment skills the other members lack, and the views he's espousing are more or less his own opinions. He's said some derogatory things about POW and comedy wrestling in interviews before; this probably won't make him too popular among the roster, but it gives a certain realness to the character.






Terror Rising


Villain vs Villain feuds aren't something that's really been done in POW before and I'm not sure if the audience will go for it, but Terror Rising have been the top heel faction for a while now and aren't going to take kindly to Honor's emergence as a rival to their dominance.


Dread Nocturne
is the current champion and I would say he's had a pretty good reign so far. His last match with El Scorcho has to be among the best in POW history even with the screwy ending. I can't say how long his title reign will last, but I don't see him leaving the main event scene any time soon.


are solid midcarders. The negative chemistry is quite unfortunate, but they've just reached the experience level where they'll get a bonus to their matches and the chemistry is only poor rather than Awful so it should balance out. Their certainly more popular then they were at the beginning of the year, but I don't see them moving up or down the card much in the near future.


The Outbreak
are midcarders, but are actually a bit more over then Dreamscape at this point. They're both quite skilled technical wrestlers, with Biohazard bringing some high flying and Chi bringing some Puroresu Power. To be honest I had first put them together as a bit of a throwaway team, but they've worked well together and their recent matches with Heroes United were quite good, so I can see them tagging long term.


is a bit confusing. On one hand he's an amazingly exciting high flier who's been rapidly improving and has been called the hottest prospect in all of wrestling by many. On the other hand he's a backstage cancer and with his travel costs is the most expensive man on the roster. The main reason I'm a bit hesitant to put him at the forefront of the company is that I have no idea how long he'll be with us. He's been rising rapidly, more so then POW as a company I would admit, so I'm not sure if he'll be interested in resigning with a smaller company like POW.





The Women of Destruction


WMD and Mio Nawabe are two of the most solid wrestlers on the roster and a solid team. The main problem their facing right now is that both titles are currently held by other heels. They're a bit directionless at the moment, but that's something I intend to rectify.





The Throwbacks


The Throwbacks are a bit of a mid card comedy team. I like the team between Westminster and the Highwayman even if neither are especially great wrestlers. I'm actually surprised just how highly Sir Scott Seal rates, but I guess repeatedly squashing El Hot Dog in dark matches due to me not having anything else for him to do has worked out in his favor as he's gotten pretty over; which is just as well since he's the most talented member of the group.





The Submission Machines


Meido and Pearce are the newest team, but baring unforeseen bad chemistry I think they could do well as a team. I can see a lot of comedy coming out of the interactions between the emotionless Pearce Bot and the "World's Most Dangerous Otaku." In addition their both pretty good technical wrestlers; Meido is a bit more flashy, but Pearce is the more reliable performer.







The former Grand Champion
Alexia Dynamite
is certainly the biggest name to not be associated with a team or stable. She'd talented, but with the upper card being so heel heavy she's been lost in the shuffle a bit. Still that's a problem I should fix and given her talent it's likely she'll be near the top of the card for the foreseeable future.


Earl Ray Travis
is pretty much on the other end of the spectrum in terms of talent. It's not that he's not a nice guy, but Earl just flat out stinks in the ring. I don't think I could bring myself to fire him, but he's fortunate his contract hasn't come up for renewal as I'm not I could justify keeping him either.


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Paragons of Wrestling presents: Gamera Returns!

11.10.2012 @ The Asylum in Detroit, Michigan.

Show starts at 3:00 PM, Doors Open at 2:30


POW is having their Michigan Debut this month with Gamera Returns! POW is bringing great wrestling and entertainment for all ages, so why not come down and see what POW is all about?







Tag Team Title Match


The Rising Dragons (Akito Nakada and Haruko Yamada)


Heroes United ("The Amazing" Hombre Arana and "Super" Layla Fyre)

The Rising Dragons have taken POW by storm. After making it to the semi-finals of the Trios Tournament they went on to shock Discotheque by defeating the team for the tag team titles. However the ultra serious competitors will be put to the test when they defend their titles against Heroes United.


Heroes United have been on a roll as of late having won a tag team gauntlet and having won their last three tag matches. The duo have earned a title shot and would love nothing more than to dethrone the HONOR representatives and take back the titles for POW.


Who will leave with the Tag Team Titles? Find out at Gamera Returns!







Three Way Tag Team Action


HONOR (Seven Brandt and Toson Soseki)


The Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho and Sky Panther)


The Night Terrors (Dread Nocturne and Xero)

Last month we saw the shocking debut of Seven Brandt as he joined with Team Dragon and made clear his intention to rid POW of comedy and anything else that "made a mockery" of wrestling. The new group calling themselves HONOR made a big impact when they interfered in the main event title match, but they may have bit off more then they could chew when they angered the entire locker room by trying to de-mask El Scorcho.


Both Dread Nocturne and El Scorcho have a common enemy in Seven Brandt following his attack last month, but the two also have unfinished business with each other following the inconclusive ending to their title match.


El Scorcho and Sky Panther haven't been completely on the same page as of late, but the two will be reuniting to take on HONOR and Terror Rising. The Grand Champion Dread Nocturne will be teaming up once more with Xero "The Night Terror." Seven Brandt will team up "Lethal Dragon" Toson Soseki, the duo have a common hardcore wrestling background and will no doubt want to prove HONOR's dominance.


Who will win? Find out at Gamera Returns!




Tag Team Match


Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC "Superfly" Summers


Dreamscape (Frightening and Scaremare)

Discotheque held the tag team titles for over a year taking on all comers, but ever since the Rising Dragons showed up at the Trios Tournament they've been on a slump being unable to defeat the Dragons and losing their tag team titles.


The Menacing Masked Duo of Dreamscape are another team with title aspirations, but that won't be an easy task given their facing former Tag Team Champions in Discotheque. Can Discotheque rebound from their title loss or will Dreamscape take advantage to score a big win? Find out at Gamera Returns!




Tag Team Match


The Secret Service (Oliver Owens the 7th and Red Falcon)


The Submission Machines (Meido Machine and Pearce Bot)

We'll see two of the newest members of the POW roster in action on opposite sides of a tag team action tonight when the Secret Service takes on The Submission Machines.


Red Falcon looked good last week in his debut alongside Owens in a victorious outing against the throwbacks. Pearce Bot on the other hand made a strange debut when his distraction allowed Meido to take advantage and defeat Agent X. Will the Secret Service members be able to avenge their partner's defeat or will the new duo of the Submission Machines come out on top? Find out at Gamera returns!




Singles Match



Tonight we'll also be seeing the first ever meeting between the funky DISCO Fox and the "Chemical Weapon" Biohazard. Who will come out on top? Find out at Gamera Returns!




Singles Match


Agent X
Sir Scott Seal

Agent X and Sir Scott Seal have had their differances most notably when Sir Scott Seal snuck back into the ten man Trious Tournamant Bye-Battle Royale to eliminate Agent X. Tonight the two will meet one on one for the first time in singles action. Who will win? Find out at Gamera Returns!




Singles Match


Darius King
Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II

We will also be seeing a one on one match between the football star Darius King and "Aviator" Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster. Who will win? Find out at Gamera Returns!








Tag Team Title Match:

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United

Tag Team Matches:

HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors

Discotheque vs Dreamscape

The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines

Singles Matches:

DISCO Fox vs Biohazard

Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal

Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II

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Tag Team Title Match:

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United


HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors

The Night Terrors eat the fall, further angering Seven Brandt. Straightedge has nothing on bullet time.


Discotheque vs Dreamscape


The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines

I'm personally hoping for Pearce Bot to eventually force Meido into becoming a robot like the Lin Kuei did in MK. PEARCE BOT RULES!


DISCO Fox vs Biohazard


Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal


Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II

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Am I wrong for laughing at a hot dog being addicted to drugs?


Tag Team Title Match:

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United

Not yet.....


HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors

Need the win, plus I'm still waiting on that Sky Panther/El Scorcho fallout - maybe this will further it


Discotheque vs Dreamscape

Need rebuilding after losing the belt


The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines

Tough one this - I'll give it to the newer team


DISCO Fox vs Biohazard

Think Disco Fox will lose


Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal

More training


Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II

Lesser of two jobbers

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Tag Team Title Match:

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United

Tag Team Matches:

HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors

Discotheque vs Dreamscape

The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines

Singles Matches:

DISCO Fox vs Biohazard

Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal

Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II

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Tag Team Title Match:

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United

Too early for a title change.


Tag Team Matches:

HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors

Any of the three teams could win this one but I gove Night Terrors the edge here.


Discotheque vs Dreamscape

Discotheque are more likely to challenge current champs so I´d keep them strong espesially since your main event and upper midcard is rather light on faces.


The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines

Secret Service just looks more important right now.


Singles Matches:

DISCO Fox vs Biohazard

And I continue my keep faces strong campaing :p


Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal

Not sure about this one but Seal is actually higher on aldders and Agent is still green in ring so might be better idea to keep him away from upper midcard until he develops.


Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II

Pretty much a coin flip between two jobbers. I go with face one again.

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Thanks for the predictions El Super Mantis, it's always nice to see new people commenting in the diary.


Am I wrong for laughing at a hot dog being addicted to drugs?


If laughing at a man who wrestles in a hot dog suit for being an addict is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

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Tag Team Title Match:

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United


Can't see Rising Dragon's dropping these belts this early into their run, especially with the Invading Heel unit storyline having only just taken off.


Tag Team Matches:

HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors


Slo-Mo Dojo and Night Terrors may now have a common enemy, but there hatred of another will stop them from being able to co-operate and HONOR will take full advantage of that.


Discotheque vs Dreamscape


Whilst a heel team is holding the belts, it's better to keep a number of face teams looking strong and the former champs remain one of the strongest teams in POW!


The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines


Secret Service seem to be mired in the midcard, so why not have the Submission Machines make an immediate impact as a team.


Singles Matches:

DISCO Fox vs Biohazard


Midcard coinflip


Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal


Surprised to see Sir Scott Seal, so high up on the autopush- but I feel in a diary sense Agent X has been booked stronger and even though she does need some seasoning in the ring...this a match she can get the win in- as I don't think you'd be that worried about Seal dropping down.


Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II


Throwbacks are the more interesting jobber unit.

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Alright I am gonna give this a go simply because jhd is freakin' awesome. I LOVE this promotion he created the renders are some of the best ever. I have been following but still can't figure out how to download this mod so I have no clue who is good or not other than what has happened here in your diary so far. I admit most is who I prefer don't really care how well I do. lol

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United

HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors

Dread wins... always.

Discotheque vs Dreamscape

I will pick them everytime!

The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines

Oliver Owens the 7th is freakin' cool.

DISCO Fox vs Biohazard

Classic cool.

Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal

Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II

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Tag Team Title Match:

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United

Just won the belts ... So not losing them yet.

Tag Team Matches:

HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors

Could go either way, but i see HONOR as needing a win more.

Discotheque vs Dreamscape

Just my personal choice ...

The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines

No way am i not picking these guys :)

Singles Matches:

DISCO Fox vs Biohazard

Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal

Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II

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Alright I am gonna give this a go simply because jhd is freakin' awesome. I LOVE this promotion he created the renders are some of the best ever. I have been following but still can't figure out how to download this mod so I have no clue who is good or not other than what has happened here in your diary so far. I admit most is who I prefer don't really care how well I do. lol


Yeah jhd did a great job with the mod. I love his art style and he's been very helpful with creating alts for this diary and giving me encouragement. Sorry to hear that you can't download the mod for yourself, but to be fair I'm pretty much in the same boat for picking your diary; though I suppose if I were less lazy I could just look them up.

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Tag Team Title Match:

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United

Tag Team Matches:

HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors

Discotheque vs Dreamscape

The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines

Singles Matches:

DISCO Fox vs Biohazard

Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal

Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II

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Paragons of Wrestling
Gamera Returns!


November 10th, 2012 @ The Asylum in Detroit, MI. 802 Fans in Attendance.





"The Chef" Chet Rio
"Buccaneer" Jack Robin


The Chef:
"Hello and Welcome to Gamera Returns! We're here in Michigan for the first time ever.


"Yarr it's going to be a keelhaul of a show!"


The Chef:
"Last month we saw the debut of Seven Brandt who joined forces with Team Dragon to form a group calling themselves HONOR. The group went on to attack both the champion and challenger in the title match before their shocking attempt to demask El Scorcho.


"Y'arr. I understand trying to make an impact, but HONOR went too far when they tried to take El Scorcho's mask. They certainly aren't making many friends in POW.


The Chef:
"That's certainly true, but so far they've shown their more than capable of backing up their words with action and we'll see if that continues tonight.



Tag Team Match:


Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC "Superfly" Summers)


Dreamscape (Frightening and Scaremare)



The opening match between Discotheque and Dreamscape is actually a rematch of the semi-main event of the first show of the year; though this time it's not for the championship.


The match is a fast paced affair with both sides having plenty of tag team experience. The match is fairly even with both sides having the other well scouted after their numerous prior match ups.


The end of the match comes after Scaremare is cut off going to the top rope by both members of Discotheque. Chic and Summers look like their going for the
Disco Fly
(Spanish Fly), but Frightening gets there and instead pushes both members of Discotheque off the top turnbuckle which in turn sends Scaremare flying in a
Tower of Doom


Frightening tries for covers on both members of Discotheque, but is just shy of a three count each time. Frustrated Frightening waits for Discotheque to get their feet. As the duo rise he runs at the with a
Yakuza Kick
, but the former champions duck the kick and nail him with
The Parties Over
(Double Superkick) before pinning him for the one, two, three.


[W]Donny Chic and KC Summers defeat Frightening and [L]Scaremare via Pinfall in 10:23


Rating: 50 (D+)




The Camera shifts to backstage where Pearce Bot is standing by an open locker staring at a book that appears to have a title in Japanese and pictures of anime schoolgirls on the front. Meido Machine walks into shot and looks surprised.


Meido Machine:
"Hey that's my locker, how did you get that open?"


Pearce Bot:
"Statement: Primitive Earth Technology is no match for the unlocking capabilities of Pearce Bot."


Meido Machine:
"Wait did you cut off the lock?"


Pearce Bot:
"Response: Inferior Human technology would not respond to voice command. Stronger measures had to be taken."


Meido Machine:
"Why did you need to get into my locker in the first place?"


Pearce Bot:
"Response: You accepted my friendship offer. Therefore we are a team and therefore share all information. Your technical skills may be compatible with my programming, therefore I have analyzed your wrestling manuals."


Meido Machine:
"Look those aren't wrestling materials those are...Err...Well they're not wrestling okay."


Pearce Bot:
"Query: If the recorded information is not wrestling related what function does it have?"


Meido Machine:
"The booklets are for... recreational purposes. They are very popular in Japan."


Pearce Bot:
"Query: What is the meaning of 'Japan.'"


Meido Machine:
"You've never heard of Japan?! I have so much to teach you."


The camera cuts back to the ring.


Singles Match:


Darius King
Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II



The match early on is a game of cat and mouse with "The Aviator" doing his best to avoid going toe to toe with the much bigger Darius King. Eventually Westminster is bale to use his aerial process to take control and keep the big man on the defensive, but the football star is able to use his size and power to stage a comeback.


Darius King looks to pick up the win with the
(Powerslam), but Westminster counters into a
Bombing Run
(Tornado DDT) and that's it.


Geoffrey C. Westminster II defeats Darius King via Pinfall in 4:32.


Rating: 31 (E+)


The camera cuts backstage where Team Honor stands with Seven Brandt front and center.



Seven Brandt, Toson Soseki, Akito Nakada, and Haruko Yamada.


Seven Brandt:
"After Last month's show, Trouble With a Capital T, I was asked by several of the people in the back to issue an apology for trying to remove El Scorcho's mask.


What I want to know is why does he feel the need to hide behind a mask in the first place? You see HONOR is about pride, it's it's about not being afraid of who you are. I I don't hide behind a mask, because I'm proud of who I am. I'm proud to be a wrestler. I'm proud of the scars I carry across my body, and I'm not hiding from anyone.


So you know what, I am sorry. I'm sorry that a man who claims to be the face of the company doesn't have the guts to stand up for this sport. I'm sorry that he's making a mockery of my profession, but I'll be damned if I'm going to apologize for trying to removing his mask.


You see throughout my life I've never been afraid to speak my mind and as a result I've been despised and vilified for as long as I can remember. I've seen more than my fair share of stitches, broken bones, and trips to the emergency rooms, but that's the price you pay when you stand up for what you believe in.


You see when I look at POW I see a great injustice. It's not good versus evil, it's not hero vs villain, it's all the talented wrestlers being buried by comedy and gimmicks. You see HONOR isn't just about the four of us, it's about all the great wrestlers who have been held back because they're proud of being wrestlers and not comedians! It's about all the people who believe wrestling should be a sport, not a sideshow!


I'm not here to destroy Paragons of Wrestling, I'm here to save it."


Rating: 46 (D)



Tag Team Match:


The Secret Service ("Special Agent" Oliver Owens the 7th and "Codename" Red Falcon)


The Submission Machines (Meido Machine and Pearce Bot)



This tag team match featured four solid technical workers, but the early portion of the match was mostly comedy as Meido Machine was up to his usual antics, and the no nonsense Pearce Bot trying to convince Meido that playing to the crowd of "Organics" was illogical.


Despite the comedy the match itself was quite a good one. Both teams worked well together despite being new pairings and the match was back and forth. In one spot Meido Machine had the
(Keylock) locked in on Red Falcon while Pearce simultaneously had the
Cyber Lock
(Single Leg Boston Crab) on Owens. The Secret Service looked like they were in trouble, but somehow both managed to counter their holds with a
Falcon's Wing
(Bridging Crossface Chickenwing) on Meido and a
Dragon Sleeper
on Pearce Bot, but both members of the Submission Machines were able to get to the ropes to break the holds.


The end of the match came with Pearce Bot and Oliver Owens the 7th facing off in the ring. Owens was going for the
License to Kill
(Dragon Suplex Hold), but Pearce Bot tried to avoided it and both exchanged some chain wrestling trying to get the advantage. Owens looked like he was finally in position to hit the
License to Kill
, but suddenly Meido Machine blindsided him with the
Kawaii Beam
(Missile Dropkick) that nailed Owens in the head.


Meido quickly rolled up the stunned Owens. Red Falcon tried to make the save, but Pearce Bot cut him off allowing Meido to get the three count.


[W]Meido Machine and Pearce Bot defeat [L]Oliver Owens the 7th and Red Falcon via Pinfall in 11:13.


Rating: 50 (D+)



Singles Match:





The matchup between Biohazard and DISCO Fox was a fairly even one as both men had aerial talent, but the more experienced Biohazard quickly switched to a slower paced more technical style of offense to ground his opponent.


Biohazard's used his technical skills to control the pace of much of the match, but eventuall DISCO Fox was able to mount a comeback and hit Biohazard with some high flying offense.


The end of the match came after DISCO Fox went to the top rope to hit the
(450 Splash), but Biohazard got his knees up sending DISCO Fox rolling in pain clutching his midsection. Biohazard waited for DISCo Fox to get to his feet before unleashing the
Chemicle Mist
, but the agile Fox ducked and he ended up blinding the referee instead!


DISCO Fox countered with a jumping neckbreaker on Biohazard before seeing his chance to put him away by going up top. DISCO Fox climbed to the top rope and went for the
, this time hitting Biohazard dead center.


DISCO Fox made the cover, but the referee was still down from Biohazards mist and was unable to make the count. DISCO Fox went over to revive the referee, but by the time he got the referee to his feet Biohazard had snuck behind him and rolled him up from behind!


One, Two, Thr- No DISCO Fox rolls through pinning Biohazard! One, Two, Three! DISCO Fox gets the win as Biohazard looks furious at his loss.


DISCO Fox defeats Biohazard in 10:02 via Pinfall.


Rating: 52 (D+)


The camera cuts to a backstage interview with El Scorcho looking a bit more serious than usual.




El Scorcho:
"Last month I had my first ever shot at the title. I've spent years working hard to improve myself to get a chance to become POW champion, only for HONOR to interfere and cost me my shot at the championship and then try to take off my mask.


Seven Brandt, you say you fight for all the wrestlers who have been held back. What I"m fighting for is all the POW fans, the people who have supported me throughout the years. You see it's because of them that I've gotten where I am today.


Your wrong Seven, my mask isn't about hiding anything, it's about who I am. And wrestling isn't about hold and counter hold, it's about giving the fans what they want. Now I don't have a problem with people who disagree with me, but when you cost me the title shot I've spent years fighting and clawing to get a chance at then we do have a problem.


Seven, HONOR, you've made it clear you don't like comedy in wrestling. Well that's good, because tonight there's not going to be any laughing, because when we face off in the ring you'll see just how serious I am."


Rating: 54 (C-)



Singles Match:


Agent X
Sir Scott Seal



Sir Scott Seal faces the giant Agent X head on in a test of strength in what proves to be a rather poor decision. Agent X is able to overpower Seal and take control of the early portion of the match, but Sir Scott Seal is able to take over after a thumb to the eye out of the referee's sight.


Sir Scott Seal manages to hold onto control as he uses his technical skills to pick apart the bigger Agent X and neutralize her size and strength advantage. Agent X is eventually able to power her way out and start taking the fight to Seal, but Seal surprises by coming right back with some stiff European uppercuts of his own and go toe to toe with the bigger woman.


The two competitors exchange punches and uppercuts, before eventually Agent X takes control. Seal tries to cut her off with a clothesline, but the big woman ducks it and ends up behind Seal in position for the
(Full Nelson Slam)! Sir Scott Seal manages to hook the leg to avoid the move and break the hold with a series of elbows to the midsection.


Sir Scott Seal hits a big European Uppercut on the staggered Agent X before grabbing her from behind. It looks like Seal might not be able to lift the bigger woman, but in an impressive display of strength Seal slowly brings her up and over with a
Deadlift German Suplex
. Seal holds on with a bridge and gets a three count and an impressive win.


Sir Scott Seal defeats Agent X via Pinfall in 8:46.


Rating: 43 (D)



Three Way Tag Team Match:


The Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho and Sky Panther)


The Night Terrors (Dread Nocturne and Xero)


HONOR (Seven Brandt and Tosen Soseki)






Dread Nocturne and El Scorcho start for their respective teams both looking like they want a piece of Seven Brandt, but the HONOR leader immediately tags in "Lethal Dragon" Toson Soseki to start the match for their team.


Seven Brandt spends most of the match avoiding El Scorcho and Dread Nocturne, leaving Soseki in for the bulk of the match and only tagging himself in when he sees he has a clear advantage.


The match itself is a back and forth affair. There are no real alliances as Terror Rising and Slo Mo Dojo refuse to cooperate even with a mutual enemy in HONOR.


After more than fifteen minutes of action Soseki, Sky Panther, and Xero are all down in the ring, and it's Soseki who's able to get a tag in on Seven Brandt first. Seven takes immediate advantage going after both of the downed opponents and preventing them from getting tags. Brandt looks to finish off Sky Panther with the
Cuththroat Driver
, but Sky Panther slips out and dives out of the ring!


This counts as a tag according to lucha tradition, and it only takes a moment for Seven Brandt to realize what this means as El Scorcho leaps into the ring and starts unloading on the HONOR leader with a series of kicks and punches! El Scorcho is all over Seven, but Soseki sneaks in behind El Scorcho to hit him from behind and cut off his momentum.


Seven Brandt slips out of the ring and grabs a chair from ringside. This gets boos from the crowd, but technically by the rules of a triple threat match there can't be a disqualification and Referee Tiny Jackson can't do anything about it. Soseki meanwhile pulls out a pair of Brass Knuclkes hidden inside his trademark hat and the duo wait for El Scorcho to get to his feet.


El Scorcho slowly gets to a stand and both members of HONOR charge at him, but suddenly he claps his hands gether and shouts
Bullet Time!
causing everyone to start moving in slow motion! El Scorcho's mastery of Action Movies lets him duck and weave the chair and brass knuckle shots from team HONOR and counter with some kicks of his own.


A kick from El Scorcho sends the chair into Seven Brandt's face knocking him through the ropes and causing him to (slowly) fall to the ground. El Scorcho then signals to the crowd before running to the ropes to hit the
Slo-Mo Suicide Dive
to wipe out Seven Brandt on the outside!


However all this time Dread Nocturne has been lurking on the outside and seeing his chance he slips into the ring and unloads on Tosen Soseki with stiff knees and forearms. Soseki is worn out after spending most of the match in the ring for his team and can't fight the
Light's Out Brainbuster
from Dread Nocturne.


Dread Nocturne makes the cover. One, Two, Thre- No Sky Panther makes the save! Sky Panther takes it to the man who took his Grand championship with kicks and punches. Dread Nocturne counters with a cheap low blow to his opponent the staggers Sky Panther. Dread Nocturne taunts the fans before going for a
Light's Out Brainbuster
, but Sky Panther twists in midair and counters into the
Panther's Claw
(Mid Air Ace Cutter)!


Sky Panther hooks the leg as the referee begins his count. One, Two, Thr- Xero hits a running dropkick to the head of Sky Panther to break the cover. The "Night Terror" then follows up with a
Tilt-A-Whirl DDT that plants
Sky Panther on the mat.


Xero doesn't go for a cover, but instead looks to go high risk as he goes up top. Xero leaps into the air as he goes for the
Xeor Hour
(Double Rotation) Moonsault, but suddenly El Scorcho rushes back into the ring and nails him in mid-air with the
Scorcho Kick!


The crowd goes wild from the insane spot, and El Scorcho hooks the leg to make the cover. One, Two, Thre- No! Seven Brandt pulls El Scorcho out of the ring and rams him into the barricade. Brandt scurries into the ring and covers Xero himself. El Scorcho tries to get back into the ring, but he's a fraction of a second too late as Brandt steals the win.


[W]Seven Brandt and Tosen Soseki defeat El Scorcho, Sky Panther, Dread Nocturne, and [L]Xero via Pinfall in 21:25.


Rating: 58 (C-)


Tag Team Title Match:


Heroes United ("The Amazing" Hombre Arana and "Super" Layla Fyre)


The Rising Dragons (Akito Nakada and Haruko Yamada) ©






Seven Brandt doesn't leave after the match and instead joins The Chef and Buccaneer at the commentary booth. Seven Brandt insists that he's there to provide insight and unbiased commentary and not to interfere in the match in anyway.


The Rising Dragons reaction is much more negative this month as they have been firmly established as top heels due to their association with HONOR and interference in the main even last month.


Early in the match Heroes United are all over the Rising Dragons with their innovative fast paced offense, but eventually the ultra experienced team of the Rising Dragons is able to use their teamwork to take control of the match.


The champions have a definite advantage in experience as a team, but Heroes United are able to use some unconventional offense to keep up with the champions and both sides look good as the match goes back and forth with plenty of near falls for each side. In one impressive spot the Mexican "Spider Man" leapt onto the ropes from the apron before leaping onto adjacent ropes and then hitting a corkscrew plancha to Yamada on the outside in an amazing display of balance and agility. Even Seven Brandt at commentary had to admit it was impressive even if Hombre Arana was "misguided."


The tag team champions looked to finish the match after almost twenty minutes as they hit stereo dropkicks to Layla Fyre and then worked over Hombre Arana. Yamada went for the
Yamada Bomb
(Samoan Driver), but the talented luchador countered into a
Crucifix Bomb
that might have gotten the win if Nakada hadn't been there to break up the pin.


Nakada worked over the Superhero with kicks in the corner before draging him to the center of the ring and going for the
Nakada Driver
(Michinoku Driver II) on the masked luchador, but again the "Spider Man" was too wily and managed to slip out and hit a jawbreaker. Nakada was stunned and Arana looked to finish him off with the
Spider's Web
(Lightning Spiral)! Arana nailed the move, but Brandt had gotten up from the commentary booth to get on the apron and argue with the referee about the speed of his three counts preventing him from making a cover.


Arana took out Brandt with a springboard dropkick that sent the HONOR leader crashing to the floor. Arana looked to finish off Nakada by climbing up to the top rope, but Yamada caught him with a
Yamada went for the pin on Arana, but a last second save from Layla Fyre saved the match for the super heroes.


Layla Fyre however found herself isolated against the tag team champions and after a ducked
Raging Fyre
(Discus Lariat) was hit with a
Super Kick
followed by a
Nakada Driver
that allowed Yamada to make the cover and retain the championships.


Akito Nakada and [W]Haruko Yamada defeat Hombre Arana and [L]Layla Fyre in 22:03 via Pinfall.


Rating: 61 ©




After the match Brandt had gotten to his feet on the floor, but rather then join his allies in the ring he instead grabbed Hombre Arana and rammed the luchador into the ring apron before rolling him into the ring.




Brandt and the Rising Dragons circled the injured Luchador, but before they could do anything more El Scorcho and Sky Panther came running out from the back! The duo dived into the ring and immediately took the fight to team HONOR. The Slo-Mo Dojo seemed to be winning until suddenly Toson Soseki ran down with a pair of brass knuckles. The numbers game caught up with the luchadors as the Four members of Honor began beating down on the Slo-Mo Dojo.


Eventually Seven Brandt ordered his allies to dump everyone except El Scorcho out of the ring. Seven Brandt smiled before grabbing the downed luchador by the mask and in a repeat of last month's actions pulled at the mask seemingly trying to remove it.







This once again brought out much of the locker room who rushed down to the ring to stop the unmasking. However this time HONOR stood their ground and made no attempt to leave the ring, instead turning to fight their attackers.


It looked like HONOR had made a big mistake and had bitten off more then they could chew as they were outnumbered three to one, but suddenly the
Women of Destruction
started attack the Disco Dancers! At the same time
Sir Scott Seal
turned on the Throwbacks as he nailed both of his partners with stiff Lariats! The sudden betrayals allowed Team Honor to take control and clear the ring of the POW roster.


The crowd booed heavily as HONOR grabbed microphones from ringside before re-entering the ring.




"The Women of Destruction aren't just the best team in POW, we're one the best teams in the entire world, but for two shows straight we haven't even had a match. We're tired of being passed over by those weaker than us, we're tired of being left out. We're here to take what we want, and we're not going to be disrespected by anyone!"


Sir Scott Seal then took the microphone and looked like he was going to speak, but he then paused before reaching up and throwing off his Helmet and then pulling off his fake beard.




Scott Seal:
I've spend years honing my craft and working my ass off to become the best damn wrestler I could be, but that wasn't good enough for POW. You see POW didn't care about the eight years of blood sweat and tears. They didn't care about Scott Seal; the only way I could get a job was to put on a stupid costume and make a fool of myself to entertain you people. Well not anymore. I'm tired of games and I'm tired of gimmicks. I'm going to show all of you just how "Real" Scott Seal is.




Seven Brandt took the microphone and waited for the booing to die down before beginning to speak.


Seven Brandt:
"Paragons of Wrestling, look into your hearts and know that I only speak the truth. My followers have liberated themselves from the bonds of masks and gimmicks. You too can be saved, but only you can free the bonds that hold yourselves trapped. Do not be afraid, for even the most brainwashed among you can still be saved. All you have to do is have faith, faith in HONOR, faith in yourself, and faith in me."


Rating: 52


The show ends with the seven members of HONOR standing triumphant in the ring as the crowd boos.



Show Rating: 56 (C-)
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Pearce Bot: "Query: What is the meaning of 'Japan.'"


Not only did that make me laugh so hard, but the ending was awesome. Very good show and i am now looking forward to where you go from here with HONOR, shocking that Scott Seal turned damn him. Cant wait for the next show, keep it up.

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Pearce Bot: "Query: What is the meaning of 'Japan.'"


Not only did that make me laugh so hard, but the ending was awesome. Very good show and i am now looking forward to where you go from here with HONOR, shocking that Scott Seal turned damn him. Cant wait for the next show, keep it up.


Thanks! I appreciate the compliments.


HONOR felt like a natural group for 'Real' Scott Seal and it's something I'd been planning since I brought him in. It is a bit of a shame that I won't have much of a use for his awesome medieval alt, but you can't have your cake and eat it too.




Tag Team Title Match-

The Rising Dragons vs Heroes United

Tag Team Matches-

HONOR vs The Slo-Mo Dojo vs The Night Terrors

Discotheque vs Dreamscape

The Secret Service vs The Submission Machines

Singles Matches-

DISCO Fox vs Biohazard

Agent X vs Sir Scott Seal

Darius King vs Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II




-Mio Nawabe, WMD, and Scott Seal have joined HONOR, now tentatively known as the HONOR Seven.


-Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster and The Highwayman have begun a face turn with their partner turning on them. This was done because we needed to even the numbers of faces and heels and the Throwbacks seemed like a team that could work just as well, if not better, as faces. Still have a problem with the top of the card being heel heavy, but oh well.



So the predictions were mixed this round. The hardest prediction was the three way tag of course which could have really gone either way, but for storyline purposes I wanted HONOR to score a victory.


Seal's win over Agent X was for two reasons. The first is that Agent X needs to improve her in ring work before she can really be at the top of the card. The second is because Seal was joining the much more high profile heel group HONOR and needed to look strong.


The Create-A-Wrestler contest is almost over. Tigerkinney has taken the lead, but Midnightnick and Occasional Z are right behind him. Of course I always appreciate predictions regardless of whether you have a shot at winning the contest.


Scores this Round:


El Super Mantis: 5/7

Occasional Z: 6/7

MJStark: 1/7 (Ouch)

Zergon: 4/7

Tigerkinney: 6/7

Jack Hood: 2/7

Jingo: 5/7

Midnightnick: 4/7


Create A Wrestler Contest Totals:


Tigerkinney: 27/34

Midnightnick: 26/34

Occasional Z: 26/34

Zergon: 23/34

Jingo: 21/34

MJStark: 9/20

El Super Mantis: 5/7

Smurphy1014: 5/6

1PWfan: 5/6

Jack Hood: 2/7


Note: The Next show will be the final POW show of the year and the end of the contest.

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I better be on top of my game for the next show, to win the create a wrestler contest -and yeah I actually do want to win :D


The Meido Machine, Pearce-Bot exchange was hilarious. I see the whole Honor thing, being POW!'s BDK angle.


Thanks! The resemblance to the BDK angle in Chikara is somewhat intentional as I thought that was a great way to do an invasion angle. Seal turning on the Throwbacks and unmasking was a bit of an homage to Carpenter Ant/Pinkie Sanchaz turning on the colony and then unmasking.


I see the actual HONOR faction as different then BDK though. There's an element of Straight Edge Society with Seven Brandt being the leader and wanting to "save" POW, but I'm hoping to make it different enough that while it might resemble those stories, it won't just be an imitation of them.

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Paragons of Wrestling presents: The End of Days!

12.15.2012 @ The Westington Arena in Chicago, IL.

Show starts at 4:00 PM, Doors Open at 3:30


POW is bringing 2012 to a close with their final show of the year. We have a great card planned with both titles on the line in the co-main events. We have a night of action and entertainment for the whole family, so why not come down and see what POW is all about?







Grand Title Match


El Scorcho
Dread Nocturne
© vs
Seven Brandt

Two months ago Seven Brandt and HONOR spoiled the title match between Dread Nocturne and El Scorcho. This month we'll be having a rematch, but Seven Brandt has been added to the match as the result of his teams victory in a three way tag match last month at Gamera Returns.


Will Dread Nocturne's reign of darkness continue, will El Scorcho finally achieve his goal of becoming POW Grand Champion, or will Seven Brandt further his goals of saving POW by becoming the Grand Champion? Find out at The End of Days!"






Tag Team Title Match


The Rising Dragons (Akito Nakada and Haruko Yamada)


Discotheque (Donny Chic and KC "Superfly" Summers)

The Rising Dragons have looked dominant since they arrived at Trios Tournament months ago. The Rising Dragons defeated Discotheque to become the new tag team champions, but now the former tag team champions are getting a rematch for the titles.


Can Discotheque regain their titles or will the Rising Dragons continue their domination? Find out at The End of Days!




Tag Team Match


Heroes United ("The Amazing" Hombre Arana and "Super" Layla Fyre)


The Submission Machines (Meido Machine and Pearce Bot)

Last month Heroes United came close to unseating the Rising Dragons to become the tag team champions, but in the end they came up just short; In part due to a distraction from Seven Brandt. The Heroes would no doubt like another shot at the titles, but tonight they'll be facing the Submission Machines.


Meido Machine and Pearce Bot may be an odd combination, but the picked up a big victory last moth over the Secret Service and if they win here tonight would cement themselves as tag team title contenders.


Who will win? Find out at The End of Days!





Tag Team Match


The Throwbacks (Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster and The Highwayman)


The Women of Destruction (Mio Nawabe and WMD)

At the end of Gamera Returns we saw the shocking betrayal of the Throwbacks by Scott Seal. The team will no doubt want vengance on their former partner, but tonight they'll be facing a huge obstacle in the form of the other new members of HONOR; the Women of Destruction.


Can the Throwbacks score a huge upset by knocking off the women of destruction or will the newest members of HONOR continue their dominance? Find out at The End of Days!





Singles Match


Sky Panther
"Real" Scott Seal

Last month at Gamera Returns Scott Seal shocked everyone by turning on the Throwbacks and joining Honor. "Real" Scott Seal has said he's tired of being held back by masks and gimmicks, and tonight he'll get the chance to back up his words when he takes on former Grand Champion Sky Panther.


Will the former grand champion come out on top or will Scott Seal prove just how "Real" he is with a victory over the champion? Find out at The End of Days.




Singles Match


Red Falcon
Alexia Dynamite

Red Falcon is one of the most exciting new rookies weve seen in a while. Tonight he'll go one on one with former Grand Champion Alexia Dynamite. Will the former champion defeat Red Falcon or will the rookie pull off a huge win? Find out at The End of Days!




Singles Match


Oliver Owens the 7th
"Lethal Dragon" Toson Soseki

Tonight will also feature a first time singles meeting betwee "Special Agent" Oliver Owens the 7th and "Lethal Dragon" Toson Soseki. Who will win? Find out at the End of Days!



Singles Match



DISCO Fox was able to score a big victory over Biohazard last month at Gamera Returns, but this month he'll be facing his ally Xero. Will DISCO Fox knock off another member of Terror Rising, or the Mexican "Night Terror" come out on top? Find out at The End of Days!






Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho vs Seven Brandt

Tag Team Title Match-

The Rising Dragons vs Discotheque

Tag Team Matches-

Heroes United vs The Submission Machines

The Throwbacks vs The Women of Doom

Singles Matches-

Sky Panther vs Scott Seal

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Tosen Soseki

Red Falcon vs Alexia Dynamite

DISCO Fox vs Xero


Bonus Question: Who will Seven Brandt ask to join Honor?

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Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho vs Seven Brandt


So many interesting possibilities with this match, but at the end of the day I've got to go with the predictable bet of the leader of the dominant heel stable, surpassing the leader of the previously dominant heel stable. Which basically translates to I'm tipping Seven Brandt to become the new champ here, officially kicking of Honor's reign of dominance.


Tag Team Title Match-

The Rising Dragons vs Discotheque


Right now the whole Honor angle, is at the stage where the heels need to look dominant/almost unstoppable. It's predictable, but why mess with a formula that works.


Tag Team Matches-

Heroes United vs The Submission Machines


Submission Machines get a notable win over the recent tag title challengers to put themselves into title contention. And whilst right now they are a 'heel' team, that can be negated by having HONOR attack them post-match, because the Machines are exactly what HONOR hates- gimmicky wrestlers.


The Throwbacks vs The Women of Doom


Total destruction job, Women of Doom would look utterly useless additions to HONOR if they didn't show their dominance here.


Singles Matches-

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Tosen Soseki


HONOR need to look dominant throughout on this show.


Red Falcon vs Alexia Dynamite


Dynamite reminds everyone that she still exists...besides with so many heels near the top, I can see a face turn for her very soon.


DISCO Fox vs Xero


Whilst Xero is higher in rank, and for the most part more talented, with HONOR being so dominant, that means the fans won't have much to cheer about on this show - so this will be the token babyface feel good win.


Ok so Tiberious 4 forgot a match, when he first posted the predictions


Sky Panther vs Scott Seal


Though Panther is a former champion, I'm going to stick with my theory that all the members of HONOR win their matches in a show of total domination and that Disco Fox will still get the token face win.



Bonus Question: Who will Seven Brandt ask to join Honor?


Alexia Dynamite, but she turns him down...triggering her face turn.

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Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho vs Seven Brandt

Tag Team Title Match-

The Rising Dragons vs Discotheque

Tag Team Matches-

Heroes United vs The Submission Machines

The Throwbacks vs The Women of Doom

Singles Matches-

Sky Panther vs Scott Seal

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Tosen Soseki

Red Falcon vs Alexia Dynamite

DISCO Fox vs Xero


Bonus Question: Who will Seven Brandt ask to join Honor? Xero

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Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho vs Seven Brandt

I could see Brandt taking the title here but I go with current champ retaining this time.


Tag Team Title Match-

The Rising Dragons vs Discotheque

Discotheque aren´t getting the titles back.


Tag Team Matches-

Heroes United vs The Submission Machines

Bigger names.


The Throwbacks vs The Women of Doom

I see Throwbacks as jobber team really so I doubt you put them over Women of Doom.


Singles Matches-

Sky Panther vs Scott Seal

I like Seal but Panther is one of your top faces and I believe that Seal is still slighly behind him in pecking order.


Oliver Owens the 7th vs Tosen Soseki

Soseki is doing more.


Red Falcon vs Alexia Dynamite

Not much question here.


DISCO Fox vs Xero

Xero is the bigger name from these two.


Bonus Question: Who will Seven Brandt ask to join Honor?

I agree with Tigerkinney as Alexia Dynamite just look like logical target for Honor. I also agree that turning Alexia to face would help her as she is little bit lost into shuffle with two heel groups being at the top.

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Grand Title Match-

Dread Nocturne vs El Scorcho vs Seven Brandt

Tag Team Title Match-

The Rising Dragons vs Discotheque

Tag Team Matches-

Heroes United vs The Submission Machines

The Throwbacks vs The Women of Doom

Singles Matches-

Sky Panther vs Scott Seal

Oliver Owens the 7th vs Tosen Soseki

Red Falcon vs Alexia Dynamite

DISCO Fox vs Xero


Bonus Question: Who will Seven Brandt ask to join Honor? I'd head straight to the "bad@ss" list and ask the WMD.

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