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WWF 1994 - A New Take

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Ok so above is the new layout along with my custom Raw logo that I will be using from this point on. I have cut the storylines down to 4 main ones, rather than 6 or 7 these will be the primary stories I focus on and hopefully pull this diary out of the gutter. :)
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(Thanks to Crayon for this image)


Welcome once again to the V.I.P. corner with me, The Wrestling Shadow. I have a lot to get through this week, and i know we're a week late - blame the editor for that one, but still lets get down to business!


Who allowed that idiot, Jeff Jarrett back into the building? I thought he'd had enough and gone off to Memphis or something. I knew it was too good to be true. Now we'll have to continue listening to his self promoting comments and hoping we don't have a seizure when he comes out in his ridiculous attire! What makes this worse is Barry Windham has now sided with him as his personal protection - please.


Breaking News: I hear a new tag team is set to debut on Superstars this week. I've gotten a look at them before Raw last night and I have to say, they don't look like future Tag Champions to me... but who knows, maybe they'll prove me wrong. Talking of "future" Tag Team Champions - who is going to stop the Allied Powers from becoming just that? They look too powerful!


Rumour has it Road Warrior Hawk just turned down the WWF stating his desire to continue wrestling in Japan as his main reason for not wanting to reunite with his long time partner, Animal. Could you have imagined the smash mouth match they could have had with the Allied Powers? I hope Hawk changes his mind somewhere down the road because that would be epic!


Dustin Rhodes is still impressing at every turn, although maybe making things personal with a family the size of the Harts isn't his finest moment. Still if getting under Brets skin was what he was hoping, i think we can safely say he's succeeded!


Now I don't normally mention other wrestling promotions - but I was at a live event just the other day (Border City Wrestling) and I just have to say - Prince Justice in WWF? I can smell the money potential! This guy is young, big and hungry!





Some interesting news from the world of NYCW - "The Destroyer" Wayne Bloom enters his SIXTH month as Champion. Duke Droesse was the latest man to fall short in his attempts to knock Bloom from the top - although The Dudley Boys did have a say in it following their attack mid match on Droesse!


AJ Copeland continues to impress with his "edgy" style. He has been refering to himself lately as "The Real Heartbreak Kid" in recent weeks... I think Shawn Michaels will have something to say about that!


A new competitor has emerged in the NYCW, a snobby type by the name Hunter Hearst Helmsley. He has taken an immediate dislike to the veteran Typhoon and has attacked the big man on several occassions. Typhoon took exception to this and beat Helmsley at last nights event in New York.


Well that's all from me.



[if you wish to see something else in the V.I.P. Corner, you can send us a message with your thoughts and ideas. We're open to suggestions!]

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Quick results




Friday Week 2, February 1995


Quarter Final - Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament

Billy Kidman def. Julio Fantastico


Well Dunn def. The Headbangers


Chris Candido def. Bob Holly


Tatanka def. Rick Martel



Show Rating: C-



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Show Introduction - Interuption!


Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince...


[The Music of Ted DiBiase plays as he makes his way down to the ring alongside Ron Simmons & Kama Mustafa!]


Ted DiBiase: When you peons shut up, I will continue with my Million Dollar promo. I've been sat at home for the past 2 months watching this 2nd rate show decline, week after week. I went to the powers that be, the WWF Board and made them an offer - one they rudely declined. Well if my money isn't good enough to take control of Raw - then I will take it by force! Starting tonight Million Dollar Inc. will be staging a hostile takeover of Raw! And we'll be here every week until the WWF realise that everybody has a price, for the Million Dollar Man!


Vince McMahon: Well I can tell you one thing. DiBiase isn't going to be getting his hands on the WWF anytime soon so he better have a damn good plan!


Jerry Lawler: Now there's a boss with Regal qualities! Unlike that so called "Perfect" guy!



MATCH #1 - WWF World Tag Team Title Match



Smoking Gunns © vs. Well Dunn


Start: Pretty even at the start before Well Dunn use cheap shots and double teaming to gain the advantage

Middle: The Smoking Gunns still on the back foot until Billy hits a suplex on Timothy Well from nowhere

End: Well Dunn look to have the match won, but a little too much showboating to the crowd allows the Gunns to retain with a Sidewinder


Winners: The Smoking Gunns (Retain)


Bret Hart Promo


Bret Hart: Last week Dustin Rhodes crossed a line! He made this personal. He didn't have to, but he chose to when he scared my mother, and when he decided to attack my brother Bruce. Well Dustin, if it was my full attention you wanted, then it's my full attention you've got. You see I don't have a match this Sunday and rumour has it, neither do you. So lets settle this Rhodes....


[The music of Owen Hart comes on as he makes his way to the ring]


Owen Hart: Bret, I'm not here to cause trouble. You see, I agree that Dustin went too far. Whatever problems exist between me and you Bret, we're still family and that piece of trash scared my mother and assaulted my brother too. So no offence, but you get him at Wrestlemania, so I want him at In Your House! Rhodes you are going to find out that when you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!


[Now the music of Mr Perfect comes on as he too makes his way out]


Mr Perfect: Let me first just start by saying, it's good to see you two in the ring without being at each others throats for a change. Secondly, you both want Dustin Rhodes at the PPV? Well being the Perfect interim President of the WWF, I am going to grant you both that opportunity in a tag team match! In one corner it will be the reunited Hart Brothers, and in the other it will be Dustin Rhodes and anyone he can get to agree to partner up with him!





Chris Candido vs. Tatanka


Start: Tatanka dominates the early goings in this match

Middle: Candido fights back (with some outside assistance from Sunny and Bam Bam Bigelow)

End: With the referee distracted by Sunny, Bigelow sneaks in and assaults Tatanka. Candido hits the Blonde Bombsell for the win.


Winner: Chris Candido


Million Dollar Inc. segment


The Smoking Gunns are about to leave the arena when they ar attacked by The Nation. Ted DiBiase is stood giving instructions for them to show no mercy. The Nation slam Billy Gunn onto the hood of their rental car before repeatedly ramming Bart Gunn into the side of the ring truck. They leave, carrying the Smoking Gunns Tag Team Belts.






Razor Ramon vs. Rick Martel


Start: Razor Ramon has control in the early going.

Middle: Rick Martel cannot seem to get any offence in at all

End: Razor hits the Razors Edge but Jim Cornette distracts the referee. With Razors attention diverted, Martel comes around and hits Razor with the racket for the 3 count!


Winner: Rick Martel


Razor Ramon hunts for Martel


Razor Ramon is seen backstage trashing the place looking for Rick Martel. Todd Pettengill comes into view...


Todd: Razor! Razor! Can I get a few words!?


Razor Ramon: I've got two for you. Get Lost!


Ramon continues shouting and looking for Martel when he is ambushed by 1-2-3 Kid! Kid gets some cheap shots in before running off.






Lex Luger vs. Jake Roberts


Start: Luger dominates Jake in the early going

Middle: Roberts gains some momentum when Pierre distracts Luger at ringside

End: Luger takes out Pierre and then applies the Torture Rack to Roberts for the win


Winner: Lex Luger


Mr. Perfect segment


Mr. Perfect: Shawn Michaels, 2 weeks ago you took it upon yourself to hit me with some of your "Sweet Chin Music". Last week I put you in a match with Steve Austin not as punishment, but as a warning. I am in charge around here whether you like it or not, and I can make things very difficult for you if I so choose. Now the contract I have with the WWF board, doesn't allow me to touch any of the Superstars, but it does allow me to fire them if they touch me. Michaels you're lucky to still be employed here - and if you successfully retain your Title this Sunday, well on Monday I'm going to have the "perfect" surprise for you!






Randy Savage vs. Yokozuna


Start: Yokozuna dominating the match.

Middle: It has been all Yokozuna to this point. Savage attempts to mount a fightback

End: Savage explodes on Yokozuna with a flurry of high impact moves. Yokozuna soon shakes it off before hitting a sideslam followed by the Banzai Drop


Winner: Yokozuna


Bret Hart & Dustin Rhodes Backstage


Vince McMahon: I'm getting word that something is happening backstage... can we get a camera... there is a camera crew on scene...


Backstage Bret Hart and dustin Rhodes are brawling! Owen Hart gets involved and the Hart Brothers team up on him. As the show goes off air, Bret Hart is seen throwing Rhodes through a door to the outside of the arena...



FINAL RATING - 73 (B-) - WWF Image Improved




Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - A

Allied Powers vs. Jarrett & Windham - C+

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - B-

Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin - B

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Quick results




Friday Week 3, February 1995


Semi Final - Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament

1-2-3 Kid def. Jeff Hardy


Bob Holly def. Yoji Anjo


Semi Final - Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament

Dean Malenko def. Billy Kidman


Crush & Jim Neidhart def. Adam Bomb & Marty Jannetty



Show Rating: D+



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  • 3 weeks later...

For those who were reading this, as you can guess this diary is pretty much dead now... but, I will leave you with this...


In Your House Plans, Wrestlemania and beyond:


Dean Malenko was to be the first Light Heavyweight Champion. Razor Ramon was going to cost 1-2-3 Kid the match. This would ignite their feud and set up a match between the 2 at Wrestlemania.


Dustin Rhodes (with mystery partner) was going to pin Bret Hart after Owen turns on him during their tag match at In Your House. Owen cuts a promo afterwards saying he didn't care about what Dustin had done because the Hart family turned their backs on him when they sided with Bret. He and Dustin would form an alliance (thanks to Jim Cornette quitting on me I no longer had Camp Cornette). Rhodes would go on to Wrestlemania and seemingly beat Bret with Owens help, only for Bret to kick out at the last minute. He would defeat Dustin and that would end that feud. Dustins next feud was to be with Randy Savage after Wrestlemania.


Undertaker would beat Bret Hart for the belt in May with the help of Raven and Jake Roberts, finally turning Taker heel. His faction would be Roberts, Raven & Crush.


Shawn Michaels would defeat Steve Austin clean to retain the IC Title. At Wrestlemania the 2 would meet again but the outcome would be very different as Austin would become the IC Champion. Austin would then feud with Shane Douglas over the belt. Michaels would turn face soon after and feud with Owen Hart.


Lex Luger & British Bulldog would defeat the Smoking Gunns for the tag titles on the Raw before Wrestlemania. They would then defend those titles against the team that beat them at In Your House, Jarrett & Windham.


I also had plans for Rick Martel & Tatanka but nothing like their real feud over Tatankas feathers! They would also both be in the hunt for the IC title but neither one could win it.


So that was pretty much my plans for the future of the diary but I'm going to now wait until 2013 is out before deciding whether to do a new one or not. For those of you who did read it, made comments or shared ideas thanks and I hope it was enjoyable. It was my first serious attempt at a real world diary.

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Well, at least there was some closure. I think you did a great job, especially for your first time. I know how frustrating it is to have all these ideas, and start booking shows, only to suddenly hit a creative wall or lose interest.


I have been off and on lately with my best TEW game EVER so far, which is the WOTW as WCW. Everything has been clicking and I have a roster overloaded with talent at every level. I have ideas for feuds now and down the road, but I just started struggling to pull the trigger on the shows. It's like I visualize certain things, but just cant put them all together. I don't wanna get completely burned out so I'm gonna wait a while and then go back and try to get in more time before I buy TEW '13.


Either way, I'll be on the lookout for anything new you do. You can even PM me and let me know if you put something out. Thanks for allowing me to input a few ideas and providing some good entertainment. From across the pond, cheers and remember...LEAVE THE MEMORIES ALONE! :D

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