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WWF 1994 - A New Take

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Using Hive's Clash of the Titans Mod


This is going to be a booker diary based in 1994. I haven't done a diary like this before (as you can tell from my KOMBAT and Mexican Nightmare diaries) so bare with me, hopefully it will be fun - and hopefully it will be an enjoyable read.


I am going to try to keep this as Kayfabe as possible and <s>will post a "News" show after each of my events updating you on the big happenings in the world.</s> I have chosen WWF circa 1994 because this was the year I enjoyed most when I was younger. I'm not going to book it the way it was booked, I am intending on changing the entire landscape of the wrestling business in this with my own ideas because I see little point rebooking the shows the way they have happened.


Note: Chances are I will only be able to post 1 or 2 shows a week what with time constraints (work, social life and the likes) but on the rare occassion I do get to do more - consider it a bonus because it'll be rare. :D































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Monday Week 1, July 1994 from the Providence Civic Center




Vince McMahon: Welcome to Monday Night Raaaaaw! I'm Vince McMahon, alongside my broadcast colleague, Jim Ross!


Jim Ross: Thanks Vince, tonight is going to be a show not for the weak of heart. A slobberknocker if you will!


Vince McMahon: Lets get the show underway!


[Enough is enough! And it's time for a change....] Owen Hart makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos.


Owen Hart: That's right boo me. You people don't know what I've been through. You people don't know what it was like living in the shadow of my over rated brother, Bret. Let me tell you something Bret, at In Your House, I'm going to embarrass you by taking your title and making you tap out to MY Sharpshooter. The move you stole from me! And when I'm done Bret you're going to kneel down and bow to me! I am the King of Harts and I am better than you Bret - I am so much better than you and the World are going to see it. It starts tonight though Bret, when me and my mystery partner will beat the holy hell out of you and Razor Ramon! Woooo!




1,2,3 Kid defeats Crush by DQ

Crush physically dominates the 1,2,3 Kid in the early going, with The Kid getting in some offence towards the end. Crush sensing he is about to lose throws the Kid to the outside and begins pummelling him. He drags Kid back into the ring where he is met with a spin kick to the head. Mr Fuji distracts the referee as Crush hits 1,2,3 Kid with Fuji's basket just as the referee was turning back around. He disqualifies Crush - who then continues his beat down on Kid.


Vince McMahon: Our cameras are backstage where it would seem Owen Hart is talking with Jim Cornette.


[The camera pans backstage where Owen Hart is seen shaking Jim Cornettes hand and bowing to Yokozuna with a huge smile on his face.]


MATCH 2: WWF Tag Team Title Match


Headshrinkers defeat Well Dunn to retain the titles.

The Headshrinkers won in what can only be described as a squash match when Timothy Well was pinned by Samu following a double headbutt from the top rope. Afa and Lou Albano celebrated with the Headshrinkers after the match with cold chicken - lovely.


Vince McMahon: Lets head backstage where our colleague Todd Pettengill has Bret Hart and Razor Ramon with him.


Todd Pettengill: Thank you Vince. I'm here with The Hitman and The Bad Guy who tonight will be taking on Owen Hart and a mystery opponent. Bret, any thoughts?


Bret Hart: You know Todd, I don't care who my brother chooses because I have a man watching my back I can trust. It's no secret that Razor and myself have had our differences. We've battled many times, but we have mutual respect for one another and that's why I know I can trust him to be there when I need the tag.


Razor Ramon: Hitman... I got ya back tonight man. Let me tell you something though Owen Hart. Mr King of Harts. When the Hitman and the Bad Guy are done with you, you're gonna wish you'd stayed in Calgary with your little crown man. Tonight you're going to walk the Razors Edge!


Todd Pettengill: Thanks guys. Back to ringside!




The Undertaker defeats The Barbarian

The Undertaker disposes of The Barbarian in short time. Barbarian didn't get much offence in before the Deadman hits the Tombstone Piledriver for the pinfall victory.




Bam Bam Bigelow defeats Duke Droesse

In a surprisingly good match, Bam Bam Bigelow starts on the back foot as Droesse takes the match to him with some hard strikes. Just as it looks like Droesse has Bigelow beaten, Luna jumps up onto the apron distracting the referee. Bigelow low blows Droesse and hits a huge slam, before a huge headbutt for the pinfall victory.


Jim Ross: Vince I'm getting word through that something is going down backstage!


[backstage the camera finds Diesel and Shawn Michaels attacking Randy Savage! HBK superkicks him before Diesel Powerbombs him onto some crates. Several officials and lower card workers come rushing to the aide of Savage as Diesel and HBK look on laughing]


Vince McMahon: Well following that assault we have no idea how Savage is going to compete in his match later on against Michaels.


Jim Ross: This was a clear message to Randy that these 2 are not going to play very fair.




Lex Luger defeats I.R.S.

With the crowd chanting Irwin, IRS gets wound up which costs him the match to Luger when from out of nowhere, Luger hits the huge forearm and picks up the pinfall. IRS attacks Luger after the bell with his metal case as officials run down to try and get him off of Luger.




Shawn Michaels goes to a No Contest with Randy Savage

Savage makes his way down to the ring but is met halfway by Shawn Michaels and the 2 brawl up the ramp. Diesel attacks Savage and the match is thrown out before it even gets under way. As the beatdown continues on Savage, Tatanka comes to his rescue. As he checks on Savage, he too is attacked and beaten down!


Vince McMahon: And now it's time for our main event! I wonder who Owne has chosen as his partner...


Jim Ross: Well we're about to find out!




Bret Hart & Razor Ramon defeat Owen Hart & Yokozuna by DQ

In a thrilling match that started off with Owen and Razor going at each other before the tag to Yokozuna. Owen and Yokozuna cut off the ring not allowing Ramon to make the tag. After 5 minutes of being beaten on, Razor finally hits the hot tag to Bret! Bret puts Owen in the Sharpshooter, however Yokozuna breaks it up before Razor comes into the ring and hits Yoko with several big punches. Just as Bret puts Owen into the Sharpshooter again but Crush hits the ring and the referee calls for the bell. Crush, Yokozuna and Owen Hart beat down Razor and Bret as the show goes off air, Owen stands over Bret hoisting the World Title above his head.

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- Dean Malenko and Kuniaki Kobayashi released from NJPW as they reduce their roster.

- Ulf Herman & August Smisl win the CWA World Tag Team Titles.

- SMW TV is held with the main event seeing Chris Candido defeat Scott Stud

- MPW Tour event is held with the main event seeing Ultimo Dragon defeat Super Delfin.

- AA Fire Diamond Dallas Page in order to reduce their seemingly bloated roster.

- SMW release 11 workers, including Chris Jericho.



- AJPW holds it's Hellbound tour with the main event seeing Mitsuharu Misawa successfully defend the AJPW Triple Crown against "Dr Death" Steve Williams.

- Ultimo Drago defeats Gedo for the MPW British Commonwealth title

- Brian Pillman & Chris Jericho agree to tour with NJPW

- WCW sign Eddie Guerrero, The Sandman & 2 Cold Scorpio

- NWA: NJ sign Mick Foley



- AAA holds AAA TV with the main event seeing Love Machine, Mascara Ano & Misterio Sr. defeat Aguayo, Santo & Konnan

- ECW Hardcore TV with the main event seing Tommy Dreamer & Sandman defeat Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck

- ECW debut a new team as Hack Myers & Big Tilly become a regular team.



- WCW hold WCW Main event with the main event seeing Ricky Steamboat go to a no contest with Paul Orndorff

- WCW also hold WCW Saturday Night with the main event seeing Hulk Hogan defeat Meng



- Bestia Salvaje wins the NWA Light Heavwieght Title

- CMLL hold CMLL Super Viernes with the main event seeing Canek & Dr Wagner Jr defeat Villano III & Atlantis to retain CMLL Tag Team Championship.

- Bam Bam Bigelow signs a PPA with BCW



- WWF release 9 workers including Bastion Booger and Duane Gill

- WCW sign Road Warrior Hawk

- Vader touring with Japan

- CMLL hold CMLL Sin Limite Tiempo with the main event seeing Silver King, Vampiro & Canek defeat Pepe Casas, Hector Garza & Rayo de Jalisco Jr

- Sabu signs for NWA: NJ




To Be Continued...

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Monday Week 2, July 1994 from the Hartford Civic Center



Vince McMahon: Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon alongside Jim Ross. Tonight we will see Razor Ramon against Crush in a revenge match following last weeks interference.


Jim Ross: And lets not forget the Intercontinental title will be on the line as Big Daddy Cool Diesel takes on the Native American Tatanka!


[The music of Yokozuna begins as Camp Cornette (Yokozuna, Crush, Owen Hart & Jim Neidhart) make their way to the ring.]


Jim Cornette: Let me tell you something. You people need to shut up and listen to what I've got to say. Last week an injustice was performed when a bias referee as corrupt as Don King made a decision to disqualify Yokozuna and Owen Hart. Tonight we want that injustice rectified by the WWF, and Jack Tunney and have that result over turned. Tonight Crush can take out his frustrations on the Dizzy Arnez wannabe Razor Ramon and at In Your House, Owen Hart will get his own personal revenge when he takes the WWF title away from his less talented brother, Bret but tonight, Owen has the night off. This leaves Yokozuna without anything to do tonight so what I want right now is to issue a challenge to anyone in the back who is stupid enough to want to step in the ring with the mammoth. I know there's plenty of stupid people backstage so it shouldn't be hard, but remember this....


[The lights go out as the music of the Undertaker hits! The crowd goes nuts. The Undertakers image appears on the Titan Tron]


Undertaker: Jim Cornette. I accept the challenge. Tonight Yokozuna wil Rest... in... Peace!


Vince McMahon: Can you believe that Jim Ross! The Undertaker has accepted the challenge to face Yokozuna tonight!


Jim Ross: There's going to be no wristlocks and mat wrestling in this one! Just a good old fashion brawl between two behemoths!




Jeff Jarrett defeats Jacques Rougeau

In a typical opening match, the crowd weren't too into it but both men put on a good match. Plenty of offence from both men, Jarrett picked up the victory when Jacques missed an axe handle from the second rope which allowed Jarrett to hit a russian leg sweep and apply the Figure Four for the submission victory.


Vince McMahon: Well now lets go backstage as HBK & diesel are with Todd Pettengill.


Todd Pettengill: Thanks Vince. I'm here with "Two Dudes With Attitude" and guys let me just say, last week your assault on Randy Savage was...


Shawn Michaels: Hold it right there Peewee. Did Big Daddy cool or the Heartbreak Kid give you any hint that we care what you've got to say? Oh no daddio I do not believe we did! Randy Savage, Captain Pschizo. When you signed up for a match with HBK last week, you were signing more than you had bargained for. You claim to be "Macho" but there's only really one true Macho Man in the World Wrestling Federation, and your looking at him bub. The ladies choice, just ask Elizabeth..... I had her up screaming Oooooh yeah all night long!


Diesel: Savage! Haha. You got big problems now. Big Daddy Cool has you marked, and boy that is something you don't want to be. How about next week you get yourself a partner, if you can find anyone who likes you, and take on myself and Shawn? We'll put you out next week, guaranteed!




Razor Ramon defeats Crush

An intense hard hitting match where emotions were running high! The crowd were really into this match, as Razor finally got a measure of revenge for Crush's interference last week in his match with a Razors Edge for the pinfall win. After the match Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart ran into the ring, beating down on Razor until Bret made the save with a steel chair. He helps Razor up as Crush, Owen & Neidhart bailed from the ring - shouting back with their arms raised.


[Vince McMahon has left his place at the announce table and entered the ring]


Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time let me introduce... "The Macho Man" Randy Savage!


Randy Savage: Well ya know something, last week, yeah, the Madness was running wild, yeah, as Shawn Michaels and Diesel suckered me in with their game of spot the 2 cowards. Tonight though they have taken things too far. Bringing Elizabeth into it was a mistake the madness won't let them forget. Yeah. I accept their challenge for next week, but I also got one of my own to dish out. Yeeeeaaaah. Shawn Michaels, I want you one on one at In Your House! But I don't just want you in the ring... I want you in a cage! I have spoken to Jack Tunney... and he has agreed that in order to stop Diesel, we need some steel! Ooooooh Yeeeeeeaaaah! Dig it!


MATCH 3: Intercontinental Title Match


Diesel defeats Tatanka to retain the Intercontinental Title

In a pretty even match, with the crowd firmly behind Tatanka, The Native American looked to have the match won, but HBK pulled Tatankas leg, tripping him. This distraction allowed Diesel to hit the big boot followed by the Jack Knife Powerbomb for the pinfall victory. After the match, Randy Savage came back out and attacked Shawn Michaels on the outside, throwing him into the stairs. Diesel leaves the ring and a wild brawl erupts between the two. HBK gets back up and jumps Savage from behind making it 2 on 1. Officials come out along with the Smoking Gunns and Sparky Plugg to break it up.



Jim Ross: Vince I'm getting word that something has broken out backstage! We're getting a camera back there now!


[backstage Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart and Crush are beating down on Bret Hart! Crush throws Hart into a garage door before Neidhart hits a big clothesline. Owen puts Bret in the Sharpshooter before Razor Ramon comes in to try and help Bret out. He is blindsided by Crush, and the numbers prevail as Camp Cornette walk off leaving both Bret Hart and Razor Ramon on the floor.]


Vince McMahon: There's going to be hell to pay after that! A sickening, cowardly attack by those 3 men.




I.R.S. & Rick Martel defeat 1,2,3 Kid & Sparky Plugg

Rick Martel almost won the match with a Boston Crab on 1,2,3 Kid, but Sparky Plugg broke it up. Plenty of tags between Martel & IRS, cutting the ring in half and really putting a beating on Kid. Sparky Plugg finally gets the hot tag and opens up on both Martel & IRS as the crowd get more into the match. The finish comes when Kid attempts a spin kick on IRS but hits Sparky Plugg instead. IRS then hits 1,2,3 Kid with a flying lariat to pick up the pinfall victory. After the match, Lex Luger comes out and he and IRS brawl up the entranceway and into the backstage area!




The Undertaker defeats Yokozuna

A battle of the behemoths saw Undertaker pick up the win, despite interference and distractions from Crush, Mr Fuji and Cornette. At one point , Taker had Cornette by his tie but Yokozuna made the save for his manager/associate. Undertaker picked up the pinfall victory when Crush attempted to hit him with a chair but missed. Taker then pushed Yokozuna into Crush (and chair) on the apron, pinning the huge man when he fell backwards. After the match Owen and Neidhart came running out but were followed by Bret Hart & Razor Ramon! A brawl ensues between the 7 men as the show goes off the air.

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- Rob Van Dam signs for WCW

- Rick Martel signs for NWA: NJ

- SMW hold SMW TV with the main event seeing Jake Roberts defeat Terry Funk to retain the SMW Heavyweight Title.



- Shane Douglas signs for WCW

- Adam Copeland signs for BCW

- Dean Malenko signs to tour with WAR



- AJPW held AJPW Hellbound Tour with the main event seeing Stan Hansen defeat Mighty Inoue

- The Sandman leaves ECW (written deal comes into effect with WCW)

- Stevie Richards signs for WCW



- AAA hold AAA TV with the main event seeing Lizmark, Aguayo & Octagon defeating Eddie Guerrero, Universo & Fuerza

- ECW hold ECW Hardcore TV with the main event seeing Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck defeat Sabu & Don Harris

- Sgt Slaughter signs with ECW



- WCW hold WCW Main Event where the main event sees Ricky Steamboat go to a time limit draw with Brian Armstrong

- WCW also hold WCW Saturday Night where the main event sees Sting defeat Meng.

- Jake Roberts signs with WCW



- CMLL holds CMLL Super Virnes where the main event sees Garza, caras & Atlantis defeat Chicana, Pieroth Jr and Emilio Charles

- Rey Mysterio Jr signs to tour with IWA: Japan



- CMLL holds CMLL Sin Limite de Tiempo where the main event sees Vampiro Canadienese defeat Rayo de Jalisco Jr.

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Monday Week 3, July 1994 from the Bryce Jordan Center



Vince McMahon: Welcome to another episode of Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon, and alongside my bradcast colleague, Jim Ross, we're bringing you a huge show tonight!


Jim Ross: We're going to see Randy Savage finally get his hands on Diesel & Shawn Michaels in the ring. But Vince, who is going to be Randys partner? I've heard rumours but nothing concrete.


Vince MacMahon: I've heard those same rumours. We've also got another huge tag team match as Razor Ramon and Bret Hart are due to take on The New Foundation, Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart.


[The music of Bret hart hits as the Champ makes his way to the ring to a chorus of cheers]


Bret Hart: I'm not going to take long, I just feel I need to address something. You know, it's a shame my brother has felt the need to turn on his family, but what makes him even more of a low down coward is that he has aligned himself with the biggest idiots on the WWF roster. My ex tag team partner, Jim Neidhart who I outgrew and surpassed when everyone thought he would become the huge star, he's just using Owen to keep himself in a job! Then there's Crush, the Kona Hawaii native. I've had my battles with Crush in the past but yet again, he's a turncoat and a coward. When he attacked Randy Savage, his supposed friend he spat on the fans, he spat on the roster. And then theres Yokozuna... if aligning with Yokozuna doesn't prove what a coward my brother is, then I'm not sure what else could...


[Camp Cornette rush the ring and attack Bret Hart! They leave him down, not moving. EMT's come out and stretcher him out as the crowd is in a hushed silence. Camp Cornette look pleased with themselves.]


Jim Ross: Another cowardly attack! But what does this mean for our tag team match later tonight? I've a feeling this was planned!


Vince McMahon: I'm inclined to agree with you Jim Ross.




Rick Martel defeats 1,2,3 Kid

In a pretty solid match, 1,2,3 Kid had looked to have the match won when Harvey Whipleman jumps up on the apron. 1,2,3 Kid punches him, knocking him off the apron, however this allowed Rick Martel to hit a DDT and apply the Boston Crab for the submission victory.




Tatanka defeats Bam Bam Bigelow via DQ

Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka continue their heated rivalry with a great match. Tatanka is about to hit the Tomahawk Chop when Luna Vachon jumps into the ring and attacks Tatanka, jumping on his back and scratching his eyes! The referee calls for the bell, disqualifying Bam Bam. Bigelow hits the headbutt on Tatanka as an exclaimation point!


[The camera's pan backstage where The Undertaker is shown lying down in a pile of crates, the victim of a viscious assault.]


Jim Ross: Well someone is going to be regretting their decision attacking The Deadman!


Vince McMahon: They're either pretty brave, or pretty stupid! Undertaker won't let this lie.




Jeff Jarrett defeats Virgil

A poor match that the crowd really didn't get into it. Jarrett locks on the Figure 4 Leg Lock for the submission victory. He calls for a mic.


Jeff Jarrett: You people make me sick. When you have a star like me in the ring, you cheer! Because I am the worlds greatest wrestler, the worlds greatest singer and the worlds greatest entertainer! Aint I great!




Owen Hart & Jim Neidhart defeat Razor Ramon

Crush and Yokozuna accompany The New Foundation to the ring. Bret hart's music plays, but he doesn't come out so the match is now a handicap match! Razor gets in some early offence, but the numbers soon stack against him and as he hoists Owen up for a Razors Edge, Neidhart pulls Owen down and hits a huge clothesline on Ramon. Owen locks in the Sharpshooter as Bret Hart makes his way out! He is cut off by Crush and Yokozuna who get the upper hand on him in the entranceway. Razor taps out, giving the victory to Owen and Jim Neidhart.


Vince McMahon: Right now lets go backstage to our colleague, Todd Pettengill who has a "Royal" guest.


Todd Pettengill: Thanks Vince. With me at this time, Memphis own "The King" Jerry Lawler!


Jerry Lawler: Get away from me Pettengill. Do you not know that you are talking to wrestling royalty? First let me just say, congratulations to Owen Hart on surpassing his brother - if your parents weren't complete idiots, they'd be proud too! Now onto business. I notice that my name has been left off of In Your House and I find myself asking, what sort of show is that going to be? A show without The King? So seeing as there doesn't appear to be anyone worthy of stepping into the ring with me, I'm going to sit myself back down at the commentary table and improve the boring play by play that all those peons have endured since I went away. Now if you don't mind, the King has matters of a Royal nature to attend to so I have no more time for you Pettengill.


Vince McMahon: Now it's time for our main event!


Jim Ross: And we're about to find out who Savage has chosen as his tag team partner!




Randy Savage & Lex Luger defeats Diesel & Shawn Michaels

The crowd are into this match, clearly they want to see Savage get his hands on Michaels! Luger and Diesel start the match off. Some good back and forth, and regular tags - but still we don't see HBK in the ring at the same time as Savage. Finally Shawn tags in when Diesel has the upperhand over Randy Savage. Unfortunately for Shawn, Randy gets his second wind and the Madness kicks in! Diesel comes into the ring, but Luger hits him with the "Loaded" Forearm, knocking him to the outside! Luger leaves the ring as IRS comes to the ring and hits Luger with the steel case on the outside before escaping through the crowd! Savage goes to the top rope and hits the big elbow on HBK for the pinfall win! Savage pinning HBK clean! The show ends with Savage helping Luger up and celebrating in the ring.

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- Chris Candido signs with ECWA

- SMW hold SMW TV where the main event sees Terry & Dory Funk defeat Roberts & Morton





I actually don't like this news thing. I'm going to think of something else to do between shows and just concentrate on WWF rather than looking for "news" elsewhere.

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Who attacked The Undertaker? I definitely have some ideas going through my head, mostly involving potential signings. The Savage-Michaels feud is very intriguing, as is the potential (I hope) rise of Jeff Jarrett. I'm also very curious to see how you plan on booking the Bret-Owen feud, as that was one of the best of the "New Generation". Also wondering where Martel goes from here, as I was always a huge fan of his.


Overall, it was a good show. Looking forward to In Your House.

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Who attacked The Undertaker? I definitely have some ideas going through my head, mostly involving potential signings. The Savage-Michaels feud is very intriguing, as is the potential (I hope) rise of Jeff Jarrett. I'm also very curious to see how you plan on booking the Bret-Owen feud, as that was one of the best of the "New Generation". Also wondering where Martel goes from here, as I was always a huge fan of his.


Overall, it was a good show. Looking forward to In Your House.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. It's comments like this that gives me that little jolt to get something good written up. The Undertaker mystery will be a few weeks before the revelation. I have already decided who it will be. The Model is in limbo at the moment, but like you I was always a fan of his so I want to do something good with him eventually - at the moment though my main feuds are already set - I do have one idea for him after In Your House.





Sparky Plugg Vs. Adam Bomb


WWF Intercontinental Title Match

Diesel © Vs. Razor Ramon Vs. Crush


Rick Martel Vs. Jacques Rougeau


WWF Tag Team Title Match

The Headshrinkers © Vs. The Rock n' Roll Express


Lex Luger Vs. Irwin R. Schyster


Yokozuna Vs. Mabel



Shawn Michaels Vs. Randy Savage


WWF World Championship Match

Bret Hart © Vs. Owen Hart

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I did come in on your Mexican Nightmare diary just too late, so I know you have plenty of skill on the writing side. I like that you decided to tackle this time period. I'll sprinkle some thoughts in amongst my IYH predictions.



Sparky Plugg Vs. Adam Bomb

Bomb can be something decent, much more than Sparky anyways. Both of them need a gimmick change, but if you're doing this as time period perfect, then neither of them can really get said change, which leads to Adam dropping the Bomb on the Plugg. I made that up :)


WWF Intercontinental Title Match

Diesel © Vs. Razor Ramon Vs. Crush

Razor being involved with Bret and Camp Cornette's feud seems an x-factor here to me, as it makes him seem bigger than what's going on with the IC title. Diesel will drop the belt pretty soon I'd wager, but not here. The title really should shuttle down the card a little, unless you intend on bringing in a midcard title. Though I must say, I'm surprised there isn't a bigger deal made out of this, three way matches weren't much of a "thing" back then, so this should be treated like a major deal.


Rick Martel Vs. Jacques Rougeau

Jacques seems odd to be floating around here, and as a face to boot? But Martel is certainly good enough for one big run, so I'm excited to see if it manifests.


WWF Tag Team Title Match

The Headshrinkers © Vs. The Rock n' Roll Express

Legendary team as they are, I just can't picture the RNR with any tag titles that don't say "NWA" or "SMW" on them.


Lex Luger Vs. Irwin R. Schyster

Poor Irwin always kinda floundered after DiBiase retired.


Yokozuna Vs. Mabel

Someone better call for reinforcement of the ring after Yoko squashes Mabel.



Shawn Michaels Vs. Randy Savage

I'm looking at this and thinking almost the same thing I did about the earlier triple threat, going wow, this feud didn't really escalate far before it went to a cage. I understand why it would be there - Diesel - but given that you haven't changed much of the 1994 flavor as of yet, it seems odd to have what is a pretty random cage match. Anyways, as much as the win would help Shawn in reaching the next level, Savage isn't past it yet, so the cage keeps Diesel out and gives Macho the win.


WWF World Championship Match

Bret Hart © Vs. Owen Hart

I really do want to see you give the belt to Owen at some point, but right here and right now just doesn't seem like the time yet.


All in all, it all seems very good, given that the only thing I have negative to say about anything is that a lot of things that could get some very big hype given the year aren't getting it; triple threat matches, cage matches, even this In Your House is technically the very first one, given that it didn't really start happening until a year later. But, nagging on that aside, this is a good read thus far and I hope you keep up with it for quite a while.

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I did come in on your Mexican Nightmare diary just too late, so I know you have plenty of skill on the writing side. I like that you decided to tackle this time period. I'll sprinkle some thoughts in amongst my IYH predictions.



Sparky Plugg Vs. Adam Bomb

Bomb can be something decent, much more than Sparky anyways. Both of them need a gimmick change, but if you're doing this as time period perfect, then neither of them can really get said change, which leads to Adam dropping the Bomb on the Plugg. I made that up :)


WWF Intercontinental Title Match

Diesel © Vs. Razor Ramon Vs. Crush

Razor being involved with Bret and Camp Cornette's feud seems an x-factor here to me, as it makes him seem bigger than what's going on with the IC title. Diesel will drop the belt pretty soon I'd wager, but not here. The title really should shuttle down the card a little, unless you intend on bringing in a midcard title. Though I must say, I'm surprised there isn't a bigger deal made out of this, three way matches weren't much of a "thing" back then, so this should be treated like a major deal.


Rick Martel Vs. Jacques Rougeau

Jacques seems odd to be floating around here, and as a face to boot? But Martel is certainly good enough for one big run, so I'm excited to see if it manifests.


WWF Tag Team Title Match

The Headshrinkers © Vs. The Rock n' Roll Express

Legendary team as they are, I just can't picture the RNR with any tag titles that don't say "NWA" or "SMW" on them.


Lex Luger Vs. Irwin R. Schyster

Poor Irwin always kinda floundered after DiBiase retired.


Yokozuna Vs. Mabel

Someone better call for reinforcement of the ring after Yoko squashes Mabel.



Shawn Michaels Vs. Randy Savage

I'm looking at this and thinking almost the same thing I did about the earlier triple threat, going wow, this feud didn't really escalate far before it went to a cage. I understand why it would be there - Diesel - but given that you haven't changed much of the 1994 flavor as of yet, it seems odd to have what is a pretty random cage match. Anyways, as much as the win would help Shawn in reaching the next level, Savage isn't past it yet, so the cage keeps Diesel out and gives Macho the win.


WWF World Championship Match

Bret Hart © Vs. Owen Hart

I really do want to see you give the belt to Owen at some point, but right here and right now just doesn't seem like the time yet.


All in all, it all seems very good, given that the only thing I have negative to say about anything is that a lot of things that could get some very big hype given the year aren't getting it; triple threat matches, cage matches, even this In Your House is technically the very first one, given that it didn't really start happening until a year later. But, nagging on that aside, this is a good read thus far and I hope you keep up with it for quite a while.


Some good ideas for the show there. I know I didn't build the Cage match up as well as I probably should have and in my haste I forgot to build the Triple Threat up at all. I really just wanted to put on a great event for my first PPV. I toyed with the idea of not bringing In Your House in until 1995, but felt I needed a show each month (for money more than anything).


I have written most of the show up - just not 100% happy with it yet so probably won't have it up until tomorrow after work at the earliest. I have the next 2 months (game time) planned in my head on what is going to be happening - although like Vince McMahon I'll no doubt have a change of heart midway through and swerve it somehow. :D

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Sunday Week 3, July 1994 from the Carrier Dome



PRE SHOW - Todd Pettengill does his usual 30 minute pre-show with interviews and a run down of the card.


Free For All Match


Sparky Plugg defeats Adam Bomb

A match for the live crowd as they enter the arena. Sparky Plugg shows some good offence, Adam Bomb looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. The finish came in the 7th minute when Sparky Plugg hit a Spinning Heel Kick for the pinfall victory.


Vince McMahon: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to WWF In Your House! To my right, Jim Ross and to my left Jerry Lawler. Feuds will be dealt with, rivalries come to ahead tonight!


Jerry Lawler: Be quiet McMahon, these people are here to listen to royalty, not a bumbling dimwit like you. Haha.


Jim Ross: I can see what sort of a night this is going to be... lets get to the action, and what a match to open the show! A Triple Threat match for the Intercontinental Title.


Jerry Lawler: I can see Crush becoming the new Intercontinental Champion... that's my pick! Camp Cornette are going to clean up tonight!



MATCH 1: Intercontinental Title Match


Diesel defeats Razor Ramon and Crush to retain the Title.

A brawl to end them all! The match was physical with several hard hitting moves and high power attacks. Crush and Diesel worked as a team at the beginning however when Diesel almost retained, Crush broke up the pinfall attempt. The 2 went at each other which allowed Razor to regain his composure. The match ends when Razor Ramon who is about to attempt a Razors edge on Diesel, gets salt thrown in his eyes by Crush! Diesel then manages to kick Crush in the stomach as he is preoccupied with Razor and hits the Jack Knife for the win. Crush landed awkwardly and was stretchered out - it didn't look good for Crush.




Smoking Gunns defeat Well Dunn

Smoking Gunns were like a house on fire, disposing of Well Dunn in quick time. The finish came when Bart gunn hit a huge leg drop on Timothy Well as Steven Dunn and Billy Gunn fought on the outside.


Vince McMahon: Lets go backstage where Ray Rougeau is with Owen Hart.


Ray Rougeau: Thank you Vince. I'm here with the self proclaimed "King of Harts" Owen Hart and his brother-in-law, Jim Neidhart. Can I get your thoughts on your match tonight?


Owen Hart: Sure I can give you my thoughts. They haven't changed since the last time I was asked so let me clarify it for you. Tonight, I prove to the world that I am the greatest Hart to have lived. Bret claims he is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be, but tonight I prove that is all a lie. A myth. Tonight, I become the WWF Champion.


Ray Rougeau: Back to you at ringside.




Rick Martel defeats Jacques Rougeau

Rick Martel and Jacques put on a classic old school match, nothing spectacular but entertaining. Jacques got 2 near falls on Martel before the match turned following Rougeau missing a lariat from the second rope. Martel hits a russian leg sweep and locks in the Boston Crab for the submission win. After the match Martel takes a mic from ringside.


Rick Martel: I am getting tired of these matches. I want a challenge. If the WWF is unable to give me a challenge, then I guess I'll have to go elsewhere for competition!


MATCH 4: WWF World Tag Team Title Match


The Headshrinkers defeat Rock n' Roll Express to retain the Titles.

The Headshrinkers had the better of the experienced RnR Express for most of the match. Ricky Morton got some offence in against Samu but his eforts were futile as Samu soon regained his composure and made the tag to Fatu. The end came when Fatu hit a standing side kick on Robert Gibson to pick up the pinfall victory.




Lex Luger defeats Irwin R. Schyster

A back and forth match which saw both men get in some good offence. Ted DiBiase got involved halfway through and Earl Hebner sent him to the back, to the crowds delight. As IRS is arguing with the referee, Luger rolls him up for a 2 count. The end comes when Luger hits the Loaded Forearm for the pinfall win. The Undertaker comes out to the ring and attacks IRS and Luger after the match! The crowd looks on in silence as he looks over both men. The lights go out and when they return, he is no longer in the ring.




Yokozuna defeats Mabel

A quick match between 2 of the WWF's biggest (size) wrestlers sees Yokozuna hit Mabel with a Banzai Drop for the pinfall victory. The crowd were pretty quiet and only really stirred when Mabel hit his spinning kick.


[Video plays showing the history between Randy Savage and HBK and why this match has been put inside a cage]


MATCH 7 - Cage Match


Randy Savage defeats Shawn Michaels by Escaping the cage

In what was deemed an amazing match, Michaels gets busted open after only a few minutes. He has a chance to escape the cage but instead hits a big splash from the top on Savage instead which gets the crowd really pumped up. Both men eventually recover and there is some more back and forth. Savage throws HBK into the cage 3 times in a row before trying to leave through the door, however Diesel runs to ringside and slams the door into his head! Michaels comes to and tries to make his way out over the top, however Savage who has also recovered grabs his leg and Michaels falls crotch first onto the top rope! The end finally comes when Savage hits 3 big elbow drops from the top rope on Michaels. Savage escapes over the top, however Diesel attempts to stop him but Savage kicks him in the top of the head before dropping to the floor. The crowds chants are defening!


[A video is played tracking the history of the Hart brothers feud. The camera shows the Hart family are shown ringside]


Vince McMahon: And now it's time for our main event!


Jerry Lawler: That's right McMahon! The match that will see Owen beat his brother in front of his ingrate family! Tonight Owen is going to rub the rest of the Harts noses in it when he proves they backed the wrong son!


Jim Ross: Sometimes you are too much King!


MAIN EVENT WWF World Title Match


Bret Hart defeats Owen Hart to retain the title.

Jim Neidhart accompanies Owen Hart to the ring. A slow starting match with both brothers getting the better in tie up situations. Alot of reversing arm locks before Owen slaps the taste out of Brets mouth and throws his arms in the air. Bret returns the favour, knocking Owen down with a huge right hand. Halfway through the match, Neidhart trips Bret as he runs off the ropes, Bret turns around and shouts down at Anvil which allows Owen to again get the upperhand. Owen goes up to the top rope 1 too many times and misses a flying spinning heel kick. Bret attempts to put on a sharpshooter but Neidhart jumps up onto the apron as Bret is walking towards him, Owen gathers himself and makes a run at Bret, who moves and Owen collides with Neidhart allowing Bret to get a 2 count! Bret then puts the sharpshooter on but Neidhart pulls Owen closer to the ropes so he can escape which prompts The British Bulldog to jump the railing and clothesline The Anvil on the outside! Bret pulls Owen back to the center of the ring where he taps out! Bret celebrates with Bulldog in the ring. Anvil pulls Owen out of the ring, where he starts screaming that it wasn't fair... to the point it looked like he was about to cry!

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I find it oddly intrigueing that you for some reason seem very hot on Crush/Brian Adams.

I know he was nothing special in the ring, but for some reason I always thought he was better than most did. I doubt I'd push him to the World title but still intend to use him a lot on TV and as part of Camp Cornette. I must admit, my like for the Crush character is exactly as you say - oddly intriguing!


eek! the poster changed.

Haha. Yeah I knocked the first one up quickly but didn't really like it.

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Good show. A couple of interesting developments:


- Was that a heel turn for The Undertaker? Or were you simply having him attack a face and a heel to keep people guessing?


- Now I want to watch that Savage/Michaels Cage Match lol. Good write-up.


- As obvious as it was, good move bringing back Davey Boy Smith. Here's a tip for you: Drug Test -> Fire -> Reformed/Loyal -> Cancel Termination. You're welcome. :)


Looking forward to Monday Night Raw!

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Good show. A couple of interesting developments:


- Was that a heel turn for The Undertaker? Or were you simply having him attack a face and a heel to keep people guessing?


- Now I want to watch that Savage/Michaels Cage Match lol. Good write-up.


- As obvious as it was, good move bringing back Davey Boy Smith. Here's a tip for you: Drug Test -> Fire -> Reformed/Loyal -> Cancel Termination. You're welcome. :)


Looking forward to Monday Night Raw!


'Taker issue is purely to keep you guessing. When it's revealed who attacked him on Raw, you'll know his alignment - and that of the attacker.


Thanks for the Bulldog advice, I am going to put that to use!


Just started writing up Raw so hopefully have that up tomorrow night as about to go out in half an hour.


Raw Card

Tatanka Vs. The Model

Smoking Gunns Vs. Heavenly Bodies

Jeff Jarrett Vs. 1,2,3 Kid

Lex Luger Vs. Diesel

Razor Ramon Vs. Owen Hart

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Monday Week 4, July 1994 from the Fleet Center



Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon, alongside my broadcast colleagues, Jim Ross and "The King" Jerry Lawler.


Jim Ross: And what an action packed night we have. Plenty of action off the back of last nights first In Your House pay-per-view.


Jerry Lawler: I hope Jack Tunney does something about last night! Owen Hart was robbed when The British Bulldog stuck his nose into business that didn't concern him!


Jim Ross: Didn't concern him? He's married to Owen and Brets sister! Of course it concerned him!


Vince McMahon: Talking of Owen Hart... here comes Camp Cornette to the ring now!


Jerry Lawler: Minus Crush from the looks of things.



Jim Cornette: Before Owen has his say, I'd just like to voice my concerns with regards to how this company is being run! I am calling for the resignation and investigation of Jack Tunney! How can he still claim he's fit to run a multi million dollar company when the patients are running the asylum? You may also notice that Crush isn't with us and that's because he suffered a neck injury at the hands of Diesel last night - and Big Daddy Fool I wouldn't want to be you when he returns!


Owen Hart: Bret you only beat me because of Bulldogs interference! I had you beat Bret! I fought my way to the ropes, in pain! I was going to escape the move you stole from me, but Bulldog interfered and cost me! That belt should be mine but you knew you couldn't beat me Bret! You knew I was too talented, and you knew if I had escaped that Sharpshooter it would have been the end to your reign so you had to cheat! Last night proved nothing! Last night wasn't the end, and if you think it was Bret, you're as stupid as you are corrupt! As for you Bulldog, you can count yourself lucky I already have a match tonight. Which leads me on to why hasn't Bret been given a match? I'm expected to wrestle again tonight whilst he gets the night off? It's not fair!


[bret Harts music hits as the Hitman comes out to the entranceway alongside The British Bulldog]


Bret Hart: Owen you need to realise that when I say I'm the best there is, was and always will be, that it's not a gimmick, it's the truth. I come out here and systematically destroy people - kind of like I did to you last night. You come out here crying about how Bulldog cost you the amtch, but honestly Owen, the only thing that cost you that match was inferior skill. As for me not having a match tonight, you're going to have to take that fight up with the WWF Pwoers that be because I would love nothing more than to get in that ring tonight!




Rick Martel defeats Tatanka

A solid bout with plenty of action, saw Tatanka get 2 near falls on Martel but The Model fought back and finally put The Native American away with a DDT followed by the Boston Crab. Martel continues his assault after the match until Lex Luger comes to the ring! The Model exits quickly. He grabs a microphone from ringside.


Rick Martel: It appears I have to make my own destiny in the WWF... Opening match after opening match. Pointless match after pointless match.


[The Model re-enters the ring as Luger is trying to help Tatanka up and nails Luger in the back of the head with the mic!]


Rick Martel: You stuck your nose into my business Luger so now, we have a problem. As for the rest of the WWF, be on notice that this is the year of "The Canadian Model" Rick Martel!


Vince McMahon: The Model...


Jerry Lawler: "THe Canadian Model" McMahon, get it right!


Vince McMahon: Indeed, Rick Martel has made a statement here tonight. Now lets go backstage where Ray Rougeau is with Shawn Michaels and Diesel.


Ray Rougeau: I'm here with the man who retained his Intercontinental title last night, Diesel and the man who put up a valiant effort against Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels. Fellas how....


Diesel: Shut up Rougeau and get out of here before I break you all over this floor. I did indeed defend my Intercontinental title last night, and once and for all proved I am the most dominant Intercontinental Champion in the history of this company... hell the business. Razor Ramon and Crush, both taken out, one on a stretcher - and Big Daddy Cool stood tall, as only I can. I heard Jim Cornette earlier saying he wouldn't want to be me when Crush returns. Cornette, I don't sweat you and I sure as hell don't sweat Crush!


Shawn Michaels: Did he just say I put up a "Valiant Effort"? What the hell does that even mean Rougeau? I gave 110% like only the Heartbreak Kid can and what did I get in return? Cheated! Savage may have won the battle, but my friend the war is far from over! You see I'm calling Savage out tonight!


Ray Rougeau: Er Shawn... Randy isn't here tonight. You know that.


Shawn Michaels: Well just goes to show he's running scared of HBK and Big Daddy Cool.


Ray Rougeau: We'll agree to disagree. Back to you at ringside.


MATCH 2 #1 Contenders for the WWF World Tag Team Titles


The Smoking Gunns defeat Heavenly Bodies to become #1 Contenders

The Dr of Desire Tom Pritchard started this match off with Billy Gunn, but was no match for him - until he cheated! Billy Gunn double teamed as the referee was otherwise distracted trying to keep Bart Gunn out of the ring (standard in tag matches really). Billy finally found an opening to make the hot tag to Bart who cleaned house on the Heavenly Bodies. The end came when the Smoking Gunns hit Jimmy Del Ray with a Sidewinder and Bart covered for the pinfall victory.


Jerry Lawler: That shouldn't stand! It took both the Gunns to beat Del Ray!


Jim Ross: Of course it did... it was a tag match!


Jerry Lawler: That's not what I meant Ross and you know it!


Vince McMahon: When you 2 have finished, maybe we can call the next match?




Jeff Jarrett and 1,2,3 Kid go to a no contest

Jarrett had the upper hand throughout the beginning of the match, using his size advantage to his favour. Just as Jarrett was about to lock in the figure 4 the lights in the arena go out. When they return, The Undertaker is stood behind Jarrett! He chokeslams Jarrett before picking up 1,2,3 Kid who attempts to fight Taker off, but to no avail as he is then hit with a Tombstone Piledriver! The lights go off again, and this time when they return, Taker is no where to be seen, but his carnage remains sprawled in the ring.


[The cameras are backstage where Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart are discussing something. They notice the camera and walk off - but not before Owen pushes the cameraman down!]




Diesel defeats Lex Luger

Diesel starts the match strong, but too much showboating allows Luger to gain his composure and begin a fightback against Big Daddy Cool. The match goes back and forth with several powerful moves on display. The end comes when Rick Martel makes his way down to ringside and distracts Luger. This allows Diesel to take full advantage and hit Luger with a Jack Knife Powerbomb for the 3 count victory. After the match, "The Canadian Model" enters the ring and begins beating down on Luger as Diesel just leaves the ring. Tatanka makes his way down to the ring, but Martel spots him and exits through the crowd with a big smile.




Owen Hart defeats Razor Ramon

Razor had Owens number early on, and almost beat him following a fall away slam. Owen made a slight comeback, hitting a piledriver on Razor for a 2 count. Razor makes his own comeback but is thwarted by Neidhart at ringside who jumps onto the apron. Ramon knocks him down with a hard right hand but this was the opening Owen needed to hit a DDT before applying the sharpshooter on Razor for the submission win. Following the match Neidhart gets in the ring and The New Foundtaion double team The Bad Guy until Bulldog and Bret make there way out and attack Owen and Neidhart as the show goes off the air.

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