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WWF 1994 - A New Take

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Gotta to say man, I continue to be impressed. And not just cuz you used some of my ideas lol. My fandom of wrestling in real life had only built up a year or two before this so I love the roster. Speaking of which, how about a complete roster list so we know who's out there?


I loved the Nash memorial. Def. a show I could actually see playing out in real life. I had my own ideas for an IC tourney, but this is your diary after all and I'm sure you'll bring the goods. Summerslam should be great. If you don't mind, I'll shoot a few more ideas at you in IM. Cheers

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Friday Week 4, August 1994 from the Thomas & Mack Center




Abe Schwartz def. Barry Horowitz

No one really cared about the match. Abe won with a grab of the tights.



Jacques Rougeau def. Kwang

In a pretty good match, Rougeau wins following a DDT.


Jack Tunney is shown on the screen from behind his desk. He runs through the Summerslam card and the obvious card change around. Owen Hart comes out and interupts him. Jack Tunney tells Owen he has had just about enough of Owens attitude and tells him, as he thinks he invented the Sharpshooter, his match with Bret will be a submissions match! Owen looks angry as Jack Tunney also tells him that if Owen loses he will also have to give up his "King of Harts" moniker.



Shawn Michaels vs. The British Bulldog

Razor Ramon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow IC Tournament QF

Headshrinkers vs. Smoking Gunns Tag Titles Match

Randy Savage vs. Jeff Jarrett IC Tournament QF

The Undertaker vs. Raven (Will Raven show?)

Lex Luger vs. Rick Martel

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart for WWF World Title


MATCH 3 WWF Womens Title Match

Alundra Blayze def. KAORU to retain.

It would appear the crowd had gone home from the distinct lack of interest. Alundra Blayze looks at the crowd after the match in disgust.



Crush def. Tatanka

An average match that saw Crush win with the help of Rick Martel.



An idea from infinitekillz. I will now post very basic results for the B-Shows.

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Ok so this weekend I will have Summerslam up and ready! The reason it takes me so long to do a show is noted in the first post - so for those who would like to do the predictions, the card is as follows;



1-2-3 Kid vs. Kwang



Shawn Michaels vs. The British Bulldog

Razor Ramon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow IC Tournament QF

Headshrinkers vs. Smoking Gunns Tag Titles Match

Randy Savage vs. Jeff Jarrett IC Tournament QF

The Undertaker vs. Raven (Will Raven show?)

Lex Luger vs. Rick Martel

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart for WWF World Title

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1-2-3 Kid vs. Kwang



Shawn Michaels vs. The British Bulldog

Razor Ramon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow IC Tournament QF

Headshrinkers vs. Smoking Gunns Tag Titles Match

Randy Savage vs. Jeff Jarrett IC Tournament QF

The Undertaker vs. Raven (Will Raven show?)

Lex Luger vs. Rick Martel

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart for WWF World Title

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1-2-3 Kid vs. Kwang



Shawn Michaels vs. The British Bulldog

Razor Ramon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow IC Tournament QF

Headshrinkers vs. Smoking Gunns Tag Titles Match

Randy Savage vs. Jeff Jarrett IC Tournament QF

The Undertaker vs. Raven (Will Raven show?)

Lex Luger vs. Rick Martel

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart for WWF World Title

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1-2-3 Kid vs. Kwang - Kid brings a little more to the mix.



Shawn Michaels vs. The British Bulldog - I think we're heading to a HBK vs Razor final to fill Diesel's slot.

Razor Ramon vs. Bam Bam Bigelow IC Tournament QF - See above

Headshrinkers vs. Smoking Gunns Tag Titles Match - Coin flip

Randy Savage vs. Jeff Jarrett IC Tournament QF - Shawn vs Savage one more time, although could see JJ getting the win, if it's like my 94 game, Vince is blocking the re-signing of Savage, so might be a chance to give Jarrett a big win

The Undertaker vs. Raven (Will Raven show?) - Too soon for Raven to go over Taker

Lex Luger vs. Rick Martel - The Lex Express rolls on and has more value than Martel

Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart for WWF World Title - Love Owen, but Bret is the stronger champ and can move on with Owen mixing into the IC title picture

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Sunday Week 4, August 1994 from the Rupp Arena



The usual "Free For All" with Todd Pettingill running down the card and feuds. This included the Free For All Dark Match.




1-2-3 Kid def. Kwang

A match put on as the fans were arriving to the arena saw 1-2-3 Kid pull off a victory against the "Ninja From The Orient" Kwang when Kwang attempted a crossbody and was pinned with a roll through by 1-2-3 Kid.


Vince McMahon: Welcome to the event of the summer. Welcome to Summerslam! I'm Vince McMahon alongside my broadcast colleagues, Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Jerry Lawler: I can't wait for tonight McMahon! Owen is finally going to shut the big mouth of Bret hart and in the process take his WWF Title!


Jim Ross: That's your opinion King, but I see a different outcome transpiring unless Owen keeps his mind on the prize instead of his constant crying.


Vince McMahon: And let's not forget the stipulation made by Jack Tunney last night on WWF Superstars, that this match will be a submissions only match!


Jerry Lawler: Owen will prove his Sharpshooter is superior!


Vince McMahon: Lets kick things off with our first match!




Shawn Michaels def. British Bulldog

A good match between 2 big stars had the crowd pumped up. Michaels took a huge bump when he attempted a crossbody from the top to the outside but missed, allowing Bulldog to take advantage. Bulldog went for the Powerslam, however HBK slid down out of it. As Bulldog turned around, Michaels hit sweet chin music but was unable to make the cover straight away, and once he did, Bulldog kicked out at 2. Bulldog again took full advantage of HBK and again went for the Powerslam, only to be distracted by Crush who came down to ringside! Bulldog is asking what he is doing there, and when he turns around is hit with another dose of Sweet Chin Music, this time Shawn is able to make the cover straight away for the pinfall victory. Following the match, Crush enters the ring and takes full advantage of an already beaten Bulldog.


Vince McMahon: Let's go backstage where our colleague, Todd Pettingill is with "The Real American Hero" Lex Luger!


Todd: Thanks Vince. Yes indeed I am here with the Lex Express, who is looking to take care of a loose end tonight when you face "The Canadian Model" Rick Martel.


Lex Luger: Firstly Todd let me just say that it is great being here in Lexington, Kentucky! Tonight I am going to send that ingrate Rick Martel back to the Cnadian wilderness he loves so much. You see I'm getting a little bit tired of Camp Cornette and their Anti-American agenda. If you don't like the USA, if you don't respect Old Glory then get the hell out and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out! Martel, when I'm done with you, I'm goingt ot systimatically take Camp Cornette apart!


Todd: Wow. A pumped up Lex Luger there. Back to you at ringside.


MATCH 2 (Intercontinental Title Tournament Quarter Final)


Razor Ramon def. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bam Bam Bigelow comes out flanked by Ted DiBiase and opens up on Razor as soon as he enters the ring. Razor soon gets the upper hand, but his attempts at a fall away slam prove useless as he just falls backwards with Bigelow landing on top for a 2 count. Bigelow goes to the top but misses the big Headbutt. DiBiase distracts Earl Hebner, who in turn tells him to leave the ringside area to the crowds delight! DiBiase is livid and throws a tantrum all the way up the entrance to the back. Razor hits a slam on Bigelow before signalling for the Razors Edge. manages to get Bigelow up, but Bam Bam slides down with ease, however, Razor kicks him in the stomach and this time hits it for the pinfall victory! Razor advances to the semi finals.



MATCH 3 WWF Tag Team Title Match


The Smoking Gunns def. The Headshrinkers to become the NEW WWF Tag Team Champions!

Bart Gunn and Samu started the match off, with Bart Gunn getting the better of his opponent before tagging in Billy, who continued the onslaught. Samu almost made the tag to Fatu, however Billy Gunn knocked Fatu off the apron with a forearm. The Gunns made frequent tags, pretty much taking Samu apart. Fatu had seen enough and pushed past the ref, hitting Billy with a standing side kick. This gave Samu the window of opportunity to make the tag. Fatu and Billy Gunn began exchanging right hands, before Billy headbutted Fatu, knocking himself down to the canvas! Fatu hit a splash from the 2nd rope for the 2 count, before Billy tagged out again to Bart Gunn. The finish finally came following a tag to Samu, who lost concentration and was hit with a big leg drop by Bart Gunn for the pinfall win. The Smoking Gunns celebrate in the ring with their newly won belts.


Jim Ross: I believe Camp Cornette are backstage with Ray Rougeau. Ray can you hear us?


Ray Rougeau: I hear you Jim. I'm standing backstage with Camp....


Jim Cornette: Yeah yeah Rougeau, they all know who we are. These are the greatest collection of wrestlers in the World Wrestling Federation... hell in the whole of wrestling in general! We've already seen Crush take apart The British Bulldog tonight, and Bulldog, that was just a taste of what you can expect from the big Hawaiian. He isn't called "Crush" because he's a nice guy, he's called Crush because that's what he does to people, he Crushes them! Later on tonight Rick Martel, "The Canadian Model", probably the finest specimen you have ever seen goes up against that Cookie Cut Lex Luger, the epitomy of everything that is wrong with America. Yes I am American, but I'm embarrassed to call myself that when you have freaks like Luger running wild in the WWF, doing what he pleases and by any means he sees fit. Now I'm going to pass you over to the man who tonight becomes World Heavyweight Champion... Owen Hart.


Owen Hart: You know something Jim? Tonight we take over the WWF. When I beat my brother for the WWF Championship, I'm taking that belt to Canada and I'm only going to defend it on Canadian soil! Bret, you cheated your way to victory at In Your House, but tonight I kill the legacy of Bret Hart and cement my name into the record books as the greatest Canadian... no simply the greatest Champion in WWF history. Your time brother is up because the King of Harts is coming for you. Wooooo!


Ray Rougeau: Back to you at ringside.


MATCH 4 WWF Womens Title Match


Alundra Blayze def. KAORU to retain

In a good match, the young Japanese wrestler, KAORU took it to the Womens Champion in the early going and almost scored an upset. The match was won when Alundra hit a DDT on KAORU for the pinfall victory. The crowd weren't really into the match, despite it actually being a pretty decent match. Alundra Blayze asked for the microphone;


Alundra Blayze: You know what? You people don't deserve to watch me defend this belt. I'm taking it with me, and defending it were people appreciate the hardwork we put into our matches. You people are ungrateful and disgust me to my very core.


Vince McMahon: Some harsh words for the fans there! I can tell you now though, Alundra Blayze is going nowhere with that belt!


Jerry Lawler: Who's going to stop her McMahon? You? Ha! Don't make me laugh!


Jim Ross: Well I can see the young lady is frustrated. It's a shame the fans aren't interested in her, or her matches because she is quite the talent.


MATCH 5 (Intercontinental Title Tournament Quarter Final)


Randy Savage def. Jeff Jarrett

A great match put on by these 2 superstars which the crowd were really into. Jarrett started strong, but his cocky attitude and constant showboating soon turned the match in the favour of Savage. Some fast paced offence from Savage saw him almost pick up the win with a choolboy as Jarrett argued with the referee. Jarrett got himself back into it and attempted to hok in the Figure Four, however Savage countered with another roll up for another 2 count. Double J let his frustration get the better of him and missed a double axe smash from the second rope. This allowed Savage to hit a Bulldog followed by the Elbow Drop for the victory. After the match Jarrett attacked the referee and began bad mouthing the ringside crew before leaving. Savage advances to the Semi Finals.


Raven came out to the ring. He takes a microphone from ringside and sits in the corner of the ring.


Raven: I don't know how much clearer I can make my feelings. I said I wrestle when I want, and was ignored, I said I wrestle who I want, and again I was ignored. I will not bend to your rules and I will make my own rules as I go. I am but one voice in a sea of overbearing voices - so now let me prove that the words of Raven are gospel. Undertaker tonight you don't just face me, but you face one of my flock as well. This man has been forgotten, this man has been ridiculed by society, the same way I have been. This man is The Barbarian.




The Undertaker def. Raven & The Barabarian

The Undertaker goes after Raven but is cut off by The Barbarian. Taker throws him down and stalks Raven who leaves the ring and heads back up the entranceway. Again The Barabarian attacks Undertaker, dragging him back to the ring. Barbarian slams Undertaker down, but he just sits right back up again! Barbarian has a look of terror on his face as Taker grabs him by the throat and chokeslams him. Raven runs back to the ring, but Undertaker turns and looks at him which makes Raven back off once more. Undertaker hits a tombstone piledriver on Barbarian for the pinfall victory. As his back is turned, Raven enters the ring with a steel chair and begins a savage beating with it on Undertaker. As Raven stands, arms out wid the Undertaker sits up, and Raven exits through the crowd!




Lex Luger def. Rick Martel

Luger was sporting a new look, with black wrestling tights and the red, white and blue down the leg. He took Martel out early on, however Jim Neidhart made his presence felt at ringside by pulling Lugers foot just as he had Martel pinned. Luger went out after Neidhart and threw him into the Steel steps. Jim Cornette hit Luger across the back with the tennis racket, but this only angered Luger who then grabbed Cornette. Rick Martel jumps out of the ring and saves Cornette from a beating. Both men get back in the ring, and now Martel has the better of Luger. Some more cheap shots and underhand tactics from Camp Cornette for the next several minutes seemed to put Luger off his game, and Martel hooked in the Boston Crab. Luger powered out of it, and began a fightback. The end came when Luger shot Martel off the ropes and hit the loaded forearm, knocking Martel out! Luger wasn't finished though, and instead of pinning Martel, he picked him up into the torture rack. The referee calls for the bell, awarding the match to Luger via knockout. Luger goes into the crowd and celebrates with the fans.


MAIN EVENT Submission Match for the WWF World Title


Bret Hart def. Owen Hart to retain

Both men started the match with several tie up's but neither coming out on top. Owen then offered a test of strength, but just as Bret tied up with him Owee kicked him and began his offence. Several punches and kicks from Owen had Bret rocked. Owen then attempted a piledriver, however Bret reversed it before hooking on an armbar submission. Owen made it to the ropes. Bret then went for the shrpshooter, but again Owen scurried to the ropes before Bret could lock it in. Some more back and forth from both meneventually saw Bret sinch in the Sharpshooter, Owen managed to get to the ropes again, and again the hold had to be broken. Brets frustration was evident and as he was talking to the ref, Owen went for a sleeper hold, but Bret ducked out of it and hit Owen with a neckbreaker. Bret picked Owen up, but was hit with an enziguri. Owen locked in the Sharpshooter but Bret refused to give up, and somehow managed to reverse it! Owen tried frantically to get to the ropes and just as he was about to hook his arm over it, Bret pulled him back into the center where Owen tapped out! Bret Hart retains the belt, and Owen can no longer use his "King of Harts" moniker! Lex Luger, British Bulldog, Randy Savage and Razor Ramon come down to the ring and celebrate with Bret Hart as a dejected Owen looks on from the outside, holding his lower back.



Owen Hart and Bret Hart [A] (Feud now finished)

Crush and British Bulldog [C-]

Lex Luger and Camp Cornette [C+]

Randy Savage and Shawn Michaels [b+]

The Undertaker and Raven [C+]

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Monday Week 1, September 1994 from the Kahnawake Sports Complex



Vince McMahon: Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Hot off the heels of an explosive Summerslam event, we're not turning the heat down tonight!


Jerry Lawler: We're going to be hearing from Camp Cornette who feel they were... wait here they come already!


Owen Hart: Last night my brother Bret yet again beat me in controversial circumstances. I have had just about enough of this - and Bret we'll revisit somewhere down the line, and I will beat you. That you can guarantee. There is one thing annoying me more than Bret though, and that is each and every American. Don't cheer! You Canadian fans are no better than them with your cheers for people like Randy Savage, or Lex Luger. Wrestling fans are all hypocrits and fickle. You see, now you boo because the truth hurts. You're idiots...


[The music of Lex Luger comes on as he makes his way out]


Lex Luger: Owen, are you kidding me? Now you turn on Canadian fans? What is wrong with you? These rants are evidence that your incoherent ramblings are that of a person who has lost their mind! Or maybe a child who cannot get their own way and has realised that, they are only good at running their mouth with no back-up whatsoever.


Owen Hart: Luger this is my time! Nobody invited you down here! I suggest you turn around and get the hell out of here before we remove you physically.


Lex Luger: Now that I would like to see. I tell you what Owen, if you want to get your hands on me, how about we meet in that ring tonight!?


Owen Hart: Luger I would love nothing more than to get my hands on you, but I'm not cleared to wrestle following a severe muscle pull in my back caused by my cheating, insecure, egomaniac brother last night. If you want a fight though Luger, then The Anvil will happily destroy you later tonight!


[Lex Luger smiles and nods before he leaves to the back]


Jerry Lawler: I guess we're going to see that later then McMahon! How dare Lex Luger interupt Owen Hart!


Jim Ross: Give me a break King.


MATCH 1 (Intercontinental Title Tournament Quarter Final)


Rick Martel def. Marty Jannetty

A good match with both men getting in some good offence. Jannetty looked like he hadn't missed a step after a spell on the sidelines, hitting a flying crossbody followed by a super kick for a 2 count. Martel got himself back in the match, when Jim Cornette distracted referee Tim White, allowing The Model to hit a low blow on Jannetty. The finish came when Rick Martel hit a big clothesline followed by the Boston Crab for the submission win. Martel advances to the Semi Finals to face Randy Savage.


[A highlights package is shown from last nights Summerslam pay-per-view]


Vince McMahon: We're getting word that something is going down backstage! Do we have a camera there? Yes we do... lets go backstage to find out whats ging on!


[The backstage camera shows Raven and Barbarian attacking The Undertaker in a darkened off portion of the arena. Raven repeatedly hits the Undertaker with what appeared to be a lead pipe. The Barbarian then grabs the Urn, as Paul Bearer is laid out, and hits Taker in the head with it. Raven stands above the Undertaker, arms out wide, but Taker sits up! Raven and Barbarian kick him a few more times before leaving.]


Jim Ross: I think Raven and his "acquaintance" The Barbarian have just signed their death warrants here tonight!


Jerry Lawler: From what I saw Ross, it looks like Raven and Barabarian can take care of themselves.




Bam Bam Bigelow def. 1-2-3 Kid

Despite some early offence, this match was all Bigelows. He man handled the Kid for the vast majority, eventually finishing him off with a Headbutt from the top rope. Bigelow, however wasn't finished there and attacked the Kid again after the match before grabbing a microphone as EMT's tend to the 1-2-3 Kid.


Bam Bam Bigelow: Hey Razor. Mr Machismo. Look at your little buddy now. Just my way of saying your fluke victory last night aint going unpunished!




Men on a Mission def. The Heavenly Bodies

Mo started the match against Jimmy Del Ray, but was cut off from making a tag to Mabel as the Bodies made frequent tags, keeping them fresh. Mo finally got the hot tag to Mabel, and that was it for the Heavenly Bodies momentum as Mabel squashed both men with huge leg drops. He also hit a spinning heel kick which almost decapitated Tom Pritchard before making the pin for the victory. After the match M.O.M. and Oscar done their usual rap and "dance".


Vince McMahon: Lets take you backstage where our broadcast colleague Todd Pettingill is with Randy Savage.


Todd: Thanks Vince. Yes I am indeed here with the Macho Man, and last night you advanced to the Semi Final of the Intercontinental Title tournament.


Randy Savage: The Macho Man made good on his promise last night when I took a step closer to the WWF Intercontinental title. My opponent Jeff Jarret gave all he had, he took me to the wire, but the Madness came out on top again and it will be no different when I take on Rick Martel in the Semi Final. I said I was going to become the next Intercontinental Champion, and nothing has changed - I will be...


Todd: whoa, whoa Shawn Michaels what are you doing here?!


Shawn Michaels: Did I just hear that right Savage? You're going to be the next Intercontinental Champion? I don't think so! You see Savage, you said you'd finished your business as far as HBK goes, and yet you run your mouth about my title, a title that I made famous again, a title I made desirable again. When I beat Tatanka next week, I'm going to take out Razor, nothing personal buddy, just business, and then whether it's you or Martel in the final, I'm going to do what the Heartbreak Kid does best, beat you without breaking a sweat, and looking Oh so fine as I do it.


Randy Savage: I think you had better take your leave Shawn Michaels because the Madness is getting ready to kick your teeth straight down the back of your throat!


Todd: Back to you at ringside! Guys break it up....


Vince McMahon: Thanks Todd. Well some fighting words from 2 top wrestlers.


Jerry Lawler: Savage is going to be brought down to Earth with a bump if he thinks for one second he could beat Shawn Michaels.


Jim Ross: He already has King... twice infact!




Yokozuna & Crush def. British Bulldog & Razor Ramon

Crush and Razor started the match off with some hard hitting moves. Crush gained the upper hand when he poked Razor in the eye. Razor tags in Bulldog, but Crush tags in Yokozuna! Bulldog hits some huge clotheslines but doesn't phase Yokozuna, who in turn hits a falling side slam on him! Yokozuna controls the match and finally tags Crush in, who goes straight for a cover but only gets a 2 count. A mistake by Crush allows Bulldog to tag in Razor Ramon who unleashes right hands on the Big Hawaiin. Crush is reeling but tags out once again to Yokozuna who again takes full control of the match. The finish comes when Yokozuna hits Razor Ramon with the Banzai splash following a double team that see's Crush knock Bulldog off the apron. Yokozuna & Crush win the match.




Lex Luger def. Jim Neidhart

A brutal match between two powerhouses saw some heavy hitting moves from both competitors. Lex Luger eventually took the advantage and pummeled The Anvil which prompted Jim Cornette to jump up onto the apron. The referee tells Cornette to leave the ringside area or Neidhart would be disqualified. Whilst this was happening, Owne Hart slipped into the ring from the crowd and hit Luger with a metal chain. As the referee turned back around, Anvil made the pin but Luger kicked out just before the 3 to the crowds delight! Neidhart looked frustrated and began unleashing rights and lefts, whilst Luger was down. Another pin attempt, again a kick out at 2. Neidhart let his emotions get the better of him and made a huge mistake when he missed a clothesline attempt which allowed Luger to hit the Loaded Forearm for the pinfall victory! Following the match, Martel and Owen jumped into the ring and beat down on Luger until Tatanka came out to try and save his friend - but he 2 was beaten down as the show went off the air.



Raven vs. The Undertaker [C-]

Randy Savage vs. Shawn Michaels [b+]

Crush vs. Bulldog [C+]

Lex Luger vs. Camp Cornette [C+]

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Friday Week 1, September 1994 from the Kahnawake Sports Complex




Abe Schwartz def. PJ Walker

No one really cared about the match. Abe won again with a fistful of tights.



Kwang def. Phantasio

Kwang wins against a local guy who looks like a magician in an average match.


An interview was conducted with the Native American Tatanka about his match on next weeks Raw with Shawn Michaels. Tatanka says he is ready and focussed. Pierre enters and says he beter not worry about next week, because he has him in the main event tonight to worry about first.


MATCH 3 WWF Womens Title Match

Alundra Blayze def. Malia Hosaka to retain.

The crowd seemed bored, Alundra looked annoyed and again insulted the crowd for their lack of enthusiasm in the womens division.



Tatanka def. Pierre

An average match that saw Tatanka win with the Tomahawk Drop.

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1. Crush vs. British Bulldog

2. TBC

3. The Smoking Gunns vs. Adam Bomb & I.R.S. [Tag Title Match]

4. TBC

5. TBC vs. TBC [intercontinental Final Match]

6. Lex Luger vs. Owen Hart

7. Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna [World Title Match]

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For those who want to do predictions for the next Raw, here's the matches;


Ron Simmons vs. Jacques Rougeau

Jeff Jarrett vs. Marty Jannetty

Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & I.R.S.

Tatanka vs. Shawn Michaels (IC Tournament QF Match)

Lex Luger & British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart & Crush

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Ron Simmons vs. Jacques Rougeau

Jeff Jarrett vs. Marty Jannetty

Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & I.R.S.

Tatanka vs. Shawn Michaels (IC Tournament QF Match)

Lex Luger & British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart & Crush

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Ron Simmons vs. Jacques Rougeau

Jeff Jarrett vs. Marty Jannetty

Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & I.R.S.

Tatanka vs. Shawn Michaels (IC Tournament QF Match)

Lex Luger & British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart & Crush


btw., where did the small magazine/news-style tidbit go? Really liked it!

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Ron Simmons vs. Jacques Rougeau

Jeff Jarrett vs. Marty Jannetty

Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & I.R.S.

Tatanka vs. Shawn Michaels (IC Tournament QF Match)

Lex Luger & British Bulldog vs. Owen Hart & Crush


btw., where did the small magazine/news-style tidbit go? Really liked it!


I kept changing my mind on whether or not I liked it myself. At first I thought it was good, then a waste of time, but the more I keep thinking the more I keep telling myself it adds something to the diary. I'll put it back up (one at the end of week 1 every month).



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Monday Week 2, September 1994 from the America West Arena



Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon, alongside my broadcast colleagues, Jim Ross and Jerry "The king" Lawler. Do we have a show for you tonight! In our main event we'll see Lex Luger teaming up with the British Bulldog to take on Camp Cornettes Owen Hart & Crush!


Jerry Lawler: And Owen is going to shut that big mouth of Lugers up! I hate how the guy is always speaking for our entire nation. Tonight, he gets what's coming to him!


Jim Ross: And also tonight, Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid look to get revenge on Bam Bam Bigelow, but who will be Bigelows partner? We know it'll be a member of the Corporation but which one?


Vince McMahon: Lets head to ringside where Jacques Rougeau is waiting in the ring for his opponent.




Ron Simmons def. Jacques Rougeau

Ron Simmons pretty much dominated the match from the start, hitting a huge clothesline followed by several power moves. The end comes when Simmons hits a huge Dominator slam for the 3 count. After the match, Jacques Rougeau slowlt gets up and asks for a mic.


Jacques Rougeau: That is it. I came into this business to be the best, and I've had one hell of a career, but it has become apparent that I can no longer compete at this level, so as of tonight, I am retiring from the ring.


[Ron Simmons comes back into the ring and offers his hand to Jacques, who shakes it. Simmons then kicks him and Powerbombs him before standing over his body and raising a fist in the air]


Vince McMahon: We hear there's a camera crew backstage with Raven, who has something to say.


Jim Ross: I wonder what's on his mind Vince?


Raven: We all need a haven, a sanctuary, a place to hide, a place to escape, a place to dream and hope, a place where the darkness won't seem so frightening. For some the darkness is a relentless enemy that cannot be eluded. Undertaker, I don't fear your darkness, I don't fear your cheap illusions. I will feast on your pain, I will feast on your anguish, I will feast on your hatred. You will hate me more and more. Fate is a strange mistress Undertaker, and she has sent you to me. Quote the Raven, Nevermore.


Vince McMahon: A very sinister Raven there. I honestly don't know what he's trying to achieve here with the Undertaker.


Jerry Lawler: I think he wanted Undertaker to take notice, and he has!




Jeff Jarrett def. Marty Jannetty

Jannetty was a house of fire at the start, hitting Jarrett with everything he had. Jarrett took the advantage when Jannetty missed a flying cross body. A it too much showboating on Jarretts part allowed Jannetty back into the match, getting a 2 count on Jarrett after a superkick. Jarrett hits a Russian Legsweep from out of nowhere and locks in the Figure Four for the submission win. Jarrett celebrates in the ring.




Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid def. Bam Bam Bigelow & I.R.S.

Bam bam & IRS took control, cutting Kid off from Razor for the beginning. IRS almost won it when he pinned Kid for a 2 count. Kid finally made the hot tag to Razor who opened up on both Bigelow and IRS. Bigelow and IRS took some cheap double team shots at Razor as the referee was pre-occupied with 1-2-3 Kid. Bigelow went up top but missed with his flying headbutt which allowed Razor to get a 2 count. IRS tagged in and Razor took him out with a Razors Edge for the 3 count.


[The music of Bret Hart comes on as the Hitman makes his way to the ring]


Jerry Lawler: What does this moron want? I'm getting fed up with him turning up whenever he feels like it.


Vince McMahon: Well he's the World Champion, so I guess he can come out whenever he wants King.


Bret Hart: Let me make this short and simple. Yokozuna, Jack Tunney has seen fit to name you the #1 contender to my World Title. Well I don't agree with Mr. Tunneys choice, but I have no choice but to respect it so at In Your House, I will show everyone that the old saying, the bigger you are, the harder you fall is absolutely true, and I will once again prove that I am The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!


[Yokozuna, Mr Fuji and Jim Cornette make their way out.]


Jim Cornette: Did I just hear you right? Did you just say you don't agree with Jack Tunneys decision? Let me make one thing perfectly clear, this is the first thing that idiot president has done right since being handed the job! And make no mistake Hart, Yokozuna is 600lbs of angry, motivated menace and he is going to once again become the WWF World Heavyweight Champion.


Yokozuna: BANZAI!


MATCH 4 Intercontinental Title Tournament QF Match


Shawn Michaels def. Tatanka

Tatanka opened up on Michaels at the start but was soon halted in his tracks by a big drop kick to the face. HBK pretty much controlled the match from that point and eventually picked up the pinfall win with the Sweet Chin Music. Randy Savage is shown at ringside clapping sarcastically at Shawn Michaels, as HBK jumps out of the ring and the 2 begin brawling! Referees come out to break them up.


[Ameeeeeeeeericaaaaan Dreee..... some eerie music cuts off the music of Dusty Rhodes and from the back comes Dustin!]


Dustin Rhodes: For those of you who don't know me, you've probably heard of my father, Dusty Rhodes. The big fat joke who wore the yellow polka dots and danced like an idiot. You can boo, you can cheer. I really don't give a damn. I came here for one reason, and that was to beat people up and win Championships. I'm not here to make you people like me so your booing really doesn't phase me, and the sooner you all realise that your opinions mean nothing the better. You're the ones who pay to come to the event, I get paid to come here. You people better take notice, because it's time for "The American Nightmare" Dustin Rhodes to break some skulls in the WWF!


Vince McMahon: Wow. Dustin Rhodes has arrived and he's got an attitude problem!


Jerry Lawler: I can't believe this kid is Dusty Rhodes offspring! He looks in great shape, unlike his dad!


Jim Ross: King, that's uncalled for. This Kid certainly has a chip on his shoulder.




Lex Luger & British Bulldog def. Owen Hart & Crush (Disqualification)

This match was a tag match which saw Owen tag out to Crush everytime Luger was tagged in. Eventually Luger gets Owen and opens up on him, beating him all over the ring. Luger goes for a pin but Owen breaks kicks out, as Bulldog comes in and attacks Crush. All 4 men are in the ring as the referee tries to regain control, Luger hits Owen with the loaded forearm but Jim Neidhart comes in and hits a running shoulder block! The referee calls for the bell, disqualifying Crush and Owen Hart. Bulldog and Luger look annoyed as Owen leaves the ring with the help of Crush & Neidhart.



Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Razor Ramon [C+]

Raven vs. The Undertaker [C-]

Randy Savage vs. Shawn Michaels [A]

Crush vs. Bulldog [b-]

Lex Luger vs. Camp Cornette [b-]

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Friday Week 2, September 1994 from the America West Arena




Adam Bomb def. Jeff Hardy

Adam Bomb dominated the youngster, picking up the pin following a Meltdown.



Alundra Blayze & Luna Vachon def. KAORU & Malia Hosaka

Alundra Blayze, showing a mean streak during this match, pinning the young Japanese KAORU before rolling out of the ring and heading to the back without acknowledging the crowd.


An interview was conducted with 1-2-3 Kid backstage when he is attacked by the Million dollar Corporation! They leave him lying before Bam Bam calls out Razor Ramon again.



Carl Pierre & The Barbarian def. Scott Taylor & Mike Rapada

A dominant win for Ravens followers who made an example of the 2 young wrestlers after the match by beating them with no mercy.



British Bulldog def. Jim Neidhart

An average match that saw Bulldog win with the running Powerslam. Crush came out after the match and attacked Bulldog.

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For those who like predictions, next weeks Raw line-up;


1-2-3 Kid vs. Irwin R. Schyster

Randy Savage vs. Rick Martel (IC Tournament Semi-Final)

Lex Luger & [TBA] vs. Owen, Neidhart & Martel

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (IC Tournament Semi-Final)

Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna (non title)

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1-2-3 Kid vs. Irwin R. Schyster

Randy Savage vs. Rick Martel (IC Tournament Semi-Final)

Lex Luger & [TBA] vs. Owen, Neidhart & Martel

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (IC Tournament Semi-Final)

Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna (non title)

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