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USPW: Re-Rendering A Company

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USPW: Re-Rendering A Company


Here We Go Again

That's right, sports fans. Here we go again with another angel USPW diary. What brought this on? As stated within the title, the re-renders that I have been looking at on the re-render thread really provided me with the inspiration for this diary. So I will be using mostly re-renders for this diary. USPW has always been my favorite Cornellverse promotion and, honestly, there's not a lot of USPW diaries out there right now being regularly updated. So that also helps with the inspiration. I hope I can be an inspiration to others when it comes to USPW once again. I won't be providing much of a backstory during this one, though, as I will be focused on the cards themselves. One of the major changes that I made up-front is lengthening USPW American Wrestling to 2 hours instead of 1 and a half hours. This gives me a little more time to work with when I expand the roster, which I am apt to do all the time. So with that being said let's get to work.

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday January Week 1 2010


#1 Contenders Match: Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong



Giant Redwood vs. ACPW Local Wrestler Alistair Shufflebottom



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java



T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield



Non Title: Mick Muscles vs. Enygma





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You know, I think this once before, but it bears saying again. Before I go into, I believe you know how much I like your writing and creativity. I believe few have matched your raw ability to write for matches and characters. I have nominated you several times for Rookies and DOTM's. I would say what I am about to say becuase I dislike you, but rather it's BECAUSE I like you and your writing. If I didn't care for you or you writing, I would simply ignore you. But I do like you, and your writing.


I have said this before, and I'll say it again-one of your weaknesses is focus. Here's the problems it leads to.


Momentum: By doing more one diary at once, or even just switching to new ones, you mess up your momentum. Just when you hit a groove in a diary, you leave it and move onto something else. You are set back to zero.


Reader Fatigue: Readers become tired of your ever increasing amount of diaries. They do not understand your reasons for making new one, even if they know your reasons. Plus, if they believe you are going to just create another diary eventually, why commit to the one you have in front you? They won't commit then.


Writer (Your) Fatigue: While you are a good, even great, and prolific writer, it takes a toll on you. I don't know how much it does, it could potenially hamper the quality and quantity of your future writing because you already so burnt out.


By the way, in no way I am telling you to stop writing... it's just that, despite how great of a writer you are, the diaries you have aren't representative of what you are fully capable of doing, mainly because of your lack of focus.

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#1 Contenders Match: Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong



Giant Redwood vs. ACPW Local Wrestler Alistair Shufflebottom



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java



T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield



Non Title: Mick Muscles vs. Enygma


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You know, I think this once before, but it bears saying again. Before I go into, I believe you know how much I like your writing and creativity. I believe few have matched your raw ability to write for matches and characters. I have nominated you several times for Rookies and DOTM's. I would say what I am about to say becuase I dislike you, but rather it's BECAUSE I like you and your writing. If I didn't care for you or you writing, I would simply ignore you. But I do like you, and your writing.


I want to start by saying how much I appreciate the Rookie DOTMs and DOTMs that you and others have nominated me for. The validation for my work definitely brings a smile to my face. Your comment about my raw talent is also appreciated.


I have said this before, and I'll say it again-one of your weaknesses is focus. Here's the problems it leads to.


Momentum: By doing more one diary at once, or even just switching to new ones, you mess up your momentum. Just when you hit a groove in a diary, you leave it and move onto something else. You are set back to zero.


Reader Fatigue: Readers become tired of your ever increasing amount of diaries. They do not understand your reasons for making new one, even if they know your reasons. Plus, if they believe you are going to just create another diary eventually, why commit to the one you have in front you? They won't commit then.


Writer (Your) Fatigue: While you are a good, even great, and prolific writer, it takes a toll on you. I don't know how much it does, it could potenially hamper the quality and quantity of your future writing because you already so burnt out.


By the way, in no way I am telling you to stop writing... it's just that, despite how great of a writer you are, the diaries you have aren't representative of what you are fully capable of doing, mainly because of your lack of focus.


I can understand each of the three things that you bring up here. Of course I have no plans on ending my WWE diary now or in the near future. I already have plans on that diary until at least WrestleMania and then beyond.


I do appreciate your words, though, and understand where you are coming from. I can promise to think about what you have said. I'd ask for any future comments to this particular conversation to be sent to pm, though, if you don't mind.

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I do appreciate your words, though, and understand where you are coming from. I can promise to think about what you have said. I'd ask for any future comments to this particular conversation to be sent to pm, though, if you don't mind.

I don't mind, but there are particular reasons why I want to publicly state it. First off, your... "detractors" have the tendency to passive-aggressively "annoy" you, so to speak. Rating your diaries one-star and what-not. Speaking about this publicly means you understand the problem and means you are trying to alleviate any issues-that makes them look like "poor sport" for continuing to try to "annoy" you.


That being said, I respect this particular wish, and this will be last public comment on this, unless someone else other than me brings this up publicly again.

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I don't mind, but there are particular reasons why I want to publicly state it. First off, your... "detractors" have the tendency to passive-aggressively "annoy" you, so to speak. Rating your diaries one-star and what-not. Speaking about this publicly means you understand the problem and means you are trying to alleviate any issues-that makes them look like "poor sport" for continuing to try to "annoy" you.


That being said, I respect this particular wish, and this will be last public comment on this, unless someone else other than me brings this up publicly again.


I do expect the whole 'one star' people to come out but that's alright. And my responses right now might not be completely coherent because I am under some heavy doses of painkillers at the moment. So if I say anything that might rate as silly or (hopefully not) insulting? I apologize early on for that.


And I do publicly admit and understand the issues and will do my best to remove them within the future.

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#1 Contenders Match: Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Comment: Gotta start Strong lol.


Giant Redwood vs. ACPW Local Wrestler Alistair Shufflebottom

Comment: SMASH so he can give the building overness to others.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java



T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: let's have a USPW where the wrestlers get pushed for once lol


Non Title: Mick Muscles vs. Enygma



Signs: Make It Last!

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When your TCW diary started I thought "This won't last long" because the non USPW diaries are shorter lived than the USPW diaries. When you quit that diary I expected that you would announce a new USPW diary that same day. I was wrong however it took you what a week? So kudos to you for waiting a week before going back to a USPW diary.


I'll be honest I hear all the time how good of a writer you are but I wouldn't know. I've never read a single show of yours because just in the short time (about a year) that I've been a part of these boards you switch diaries on a bi monthly basis. I mean in one diary you basically said "I deleted my save, I think it was on accident but honestly sub consciously maybe it wasn't". Don't you think thats a bit of a strange thing to say? Then you have used the "I have strayed too far away from what I think USPW is, I hired too many people" so you quit it, and you do it again. Then you create rules for yourself you can only hire one guy a month or whatever.


Maybe you're keeping it fresh and you're not rehashing storylines you've done a hundred times but man isn't there only so many times people can read the first month of USPW? I'm not trying to insult you but you say things like you might have subconsciously deleted your game so you could end your diary, you say "I can't control myself from hiring so many guys". Now you're saying "I'm heavily medicated" and its like should you really be writing when your "heavily medicated". What happens when you're not heavily medicated and you see what you've written and you're like "wtf" is this. I guess you could say "I'm going to be heavily medicated for a while" but if thats the case then why mention it if its going to be the normal for the next year or what have you? At one point you even tally'd up all of the diaries you have started and stopped and it was a crazily high number and even you admitted that it was ridiculous.


Have fun with it its a game and don't take what I'm saying as insults I"m just saying you state all of these at times strange things in your diaries and then you just make the same mistakes over and over again. As an outsider let me ask you why should I take time out of my days to read your stories when I know that that the writer himself doesn't even know if these stories will be continued past a couple of weeks. I'm no Dr. Phil or anything and god knows everybody on here starts and stops a ton of diaries unless your name is Phantam Stranger, James Casey or TFC. However I wouldn't bat an eyelash if someone told me you had average a new diary a month over the last four years. I've never seen you take a real long break of writing.


What would be the harm in playing a months worth of game and then writing out that entire months worth of games in diary form. If you can get through writing five full shows plus a backstory and THEN posting it maybe you might work through your issues and stay with it a bit longer than just writing on the fly. Its much easier to quit that way IMO.


I'm done and I don't even really know what I was trying to say. I guess I was trying to say I feel sorry for ya, you know you got issues, you know there is a non vocal minority that doesn't like your constant changing of diaries and on top of this I hear from some that you're not a bad writer. Maybe if this diary is around in six months I might actually see for myself.

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When your TCW diary started I thought "This won't last long" because the non USPW diaries are shorter lived than the USPW diaries. When you quit that diary I expected that you would announce a new USPW diary that same day. I was wrong however it took you what a week? So kudos to you for waiting a week before going back to a USPW diary.


I'll be honest I hear all the time how good of a writer you are but I wouldn't know. I've never read a single show of yours because just in the short time (about a year) that I've been a part of these boards you switch diaries on a bi monthly basis. I mean in one diary you basically said "I deleted my save, I think it was on accident but honestly sub consciously maybe it wasn't". Don't you think thats a bit of a strange thing to say? Then you have used the "I have strayed too far away from what I think USPW is, I hired too many people" so you quit it, and you do it again. Then you create rules for yourself you can only hire one guy a month or whatever.


Maybe you're keeping it fresh and you're not rehashing storylines you've done a hundred times but man isn't there only so many times people can read the first month of USPW? I'm not trying to insult you but you say things like you might have subconsciously deleted your game so you could end your diary, you say "I can't control myself from hiring so many guys". Now you're saying "I'm heavily medicated" and its like should you really be writing when your "heavily medicated". What happens when you're not heavily medicated and you see what you've written and you're like "wtf" is this. I guess you could say "I'm going to be heavily medicated for a while" but if thats the case then why mention it if its going to be the normal for the next year or what have you? At one point you even tally'd up all of the diaries you have started and stopped and it was a crazily high number and even you admitted that it was ridiculous.


Have fun with it its a game and don't take what I'm saying as insults I"m just saying you state all of these at times strange things in your diaries and then you just make the same mistakes over and over again. As an outsider let me ask you why should I take time out of my days to read your stories when I know that that the writer himself doesn't even know if these stories will be continued past a couple of weeks. I'm no Dr. Phil or anything and god knows everybody on here starts and stops a ton of diaries unless your name is Phantam Stranger, James Casey or TFC. However I wouldn't bat an eyelash if someone told me you had average a new diary a month over the last four years. I've never seen you take a real long break of writing.


What would be the harm in playing a months worth of game and then writing out that entire months worth of games in diary form. If you can get through writing five full shows plus a backstory and THEN posting it maybe you might work through your issues and stay with it a bit longer than just writing on the fly. Its much easier to quit that way IMO.


I'm done and I don't even really know what I was trying to say. I guess I was trying to say I feel sorry for ya, you know you got issues, you know there is a non vocal minority that doesn't like your constant changing of diaries and on top of this I hear from some that you're not a bad writer. Maybe if this diary is around in six months I might actually see for myself.


I'm not exactly sure how to answer this or even what your objective was with posting the facts of my past? I can say that the heavily medicated part was intended just for the moment as I am suffering the effects of a kidney stone. Though, honestly, for having 'not read any of my shows' you seem to know an awful lot about my diary history on here. And I find it odd that you've only been around these boards for about a year when your join date was back in 2009. That being said, again, these things are posts that are meant for pm, not for public consumption. Maybe I'll see you in about six months.

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#1 Contenders Match: Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Comment: Bomb has a more interesting character than Belle


Giant Redwood vs. ACPW Local Wrestler Alistair Shufflebottom

Comment: Local wrestlers never win


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

Comment: Too early for a title hot shot, especially to a tag wrestler


T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Hard to pick here, but there's so much cool stuff to be done with T-Rex that I vote for him


Non Title: Mick Muscles vs. Enygma

Comment: Champ wins despite it being non-title



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#1 Contenders Match: Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong



Giant Redwood vs. ACPW Local Wrestler Alistair Shufflebottom



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java



T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield



Non Title: Mick Muscles vs. Enygma



Signs: Give me Liberty or Give me Death!

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#1 Contenders Match: Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Comment: Cherry Bomb is the obvious choice, so to switch things up I'll go with Belle.


Giant Redwood vs. ACPW Local Wrestler Alistair Shufflebottom

Comment: He can look menacing and then later on pass it on to someone who can do something with it.


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Java

Comment: I like Java...but not that much.


T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield

Comment: Some kind of no decision. T-Rex needs to look strong going into S,S,&S vs Justice, and Caulfield needs the same agains Bruce. I'm going to go with Bruce interferes, then Justice for the save. Even sets up a tag match leading into the event (whether it's the next week or the week before the PPV.


Non Title: Mick Muscles vs. Enygma

Comment: The non-title might suggest Muscles going over, or getting something over Enygma. But it's Muscles. Baine will get involved.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">SWF SUPREME TV RESULTS</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Tuesday Week 1 January 2010</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Mayor Street Arena (New England)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Attendance: 15,000</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Show Rating: B</span></strong></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Jungle Lord defeated Knuckles...C</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

ANGLE: Brawl involving Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen...A</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Valiant defeated John Greed...C</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Big Smack Scott defeated Zimmy Bumfhole...C-</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Remo defeated Rich Money...B</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Christian Faith defeated Vengeance...B</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

</span><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">TCW PRESENTS TOTAL WRESTLING RESULTS</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong>

Tuesday Week 1 January 2010</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong>

Utah Park Reservation (South West)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong>

Attendance: 11,253</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong>

Show Rating: B-</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Texas Pete defeated Harry Allen...D+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Robert Oxford defeated Clark Alexander...D+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Charlie Thatcher defeated Giant Tana...D</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Benny Benson defeated John Anderson...C+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Bryan Vessey defeated Wolf Hawkins...B+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Troy Tornado defeated Rocky Golden...B-</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

</span><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">AAA PRETTY AMAZING RESULTS</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong>

Tuesday Week 1 January 2010</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong>

Washington State Gymnasium (North West)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong>

Attendance: 2,000</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"><strong>

Show Rating: C-</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Michelle Brendon defeated Missy Masterson...E</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Sara Marie York and Cat Jemson...C</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Jaime Quine defeated Paige Croft...D-</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Catherine Quine and Grace Harper...B</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Good Lookin' Bunny went to a Double DQ with Wild Times...D-</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

The A-List defeated Lily & Rose to retain the AAA Tag Team titles...D</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Gorgon defeated Tracy Brendon to retain the AAA Top Contender's title...D</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Suzue Katayama defeated Sara Marie York...D+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'CENTURY GOTHIC';">

Suzanne Brazzle defeated Grace Harper to retain the AAA Femme Fatale title...C-</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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USPW is announcing formal working agreements with Angel Athletic Association, All Canada Pro Wrestling and Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation.


AAA is a female wrestling company run by Anne Stardust and has been around since 1996. It is the United States' only true womens wrestling promotion. Their base is focused in the North West of the United States.


All Canada Pro Wrestling is a very new wrestling promotion focused in The Maritimes section of Canada. It is run by Daedalus Buchinsky and features nearly entirely all smaller wrestlers.


Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation is a company that was founded in 1975 in Northern Mexico. It was formed when four of OLLIE's biggest stars walked out. The promotion is run by retired wrestler Domino. Expect to see some of lucha libre's finest here in America and United States Pro Wrestling.


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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday January Week 1 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .92




[We open our show not within the inside of the Huntsville Fairgrounds but in an 'earlier tonight' moment. This moment takes place within the office of Commissioner Doom where Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb and Alicia Strong are standing in front of the desk of the Commissioner. Doom strokes his chin for a moment and looks at the three women there.]


Commissioner Doom

"Alright, you pukes, listen up. Tonight I have scheduled a number one contenders match to the USPW Women's title. It will be you, Belle Puke, versus you, Cherry Puke versus you, Alicia Puke. Which ever one of you maggots wins the match tonight will go on to face Raven Robinson at Stars, Stripes And Slams to be the top female maggot in the company. This match will be the opening match tonight so you better be prepared to go in and give it your all. And that's an order! You're dismissed, maggots!"


[strong turns and walks out without a single word. Cherry Bomb and Belle Bryden look at each other for several long moments. A sly smile slowly curves onto Bryden's lips before she exits and Bomb grabs at her hair, tugging at it for a few moments, muttering to herself before she walks away.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/BelleBryden_jsilver.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/CherryBomb_alt3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/AliciaStrong_JS.jpg

#1 Contenders Match

Belle Bryden vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong


[We faded into the arena where the rowdy fans are on their feet and ready for the start of USPW American Wrestling action. The fans were in for a treat as out came the three women shown on the video earlier. The first few minutes were spent with the two blondes going at it while the redhead sat rocking in the corner yanking at her own hair. Strong is definitely the odd woman out in this encounter as she is constantly attacked and double-teamed by Bryden and Bomb. At one point, Bryden catches Strong with a Dish Of The Day roundhouse kick to the back of the head. Strong goes down and Bryden makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Cherry Bomb yanks Bryden off Strong! The two heel women face off and begin brawling one against the other as Strong rolls out of the ring to avoid being pinned. Bomb brings Bryden down with a gutwrench suplex. She gives a twisted smile and then picks up Bryden again -- Cherry Bomb! Bomb hooks her legs over Bryden's shoulders: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Cherry Bomb picks up the victory!]


Winner: Cherry Bomb (Via Pinfall @ 9:46)

Match Rating: C+






[As Cherry Bomb celebrates her victory this evening, we are taken to the backstage area where we come across Shane Sneer leading The Towers Of Power down a hallway. They come across the USPW World Tag Team Champions The People's Team. The four men look across from each other and then Danny Rushmore makes a 'belt' motion at his waist. This is all that is needed to turn this combustible element into an explosion as punches start getting thrown by all four men. The turning point comes with the interference of Shane Sneer into matters, leading to the Towers getting control in this backstage confrontation. Rushmore catches Datsun with an Atomic Boot. The former USPW World Champion Mick Muscles drops Des Davids with a twisting neckbreaker. Stomps come a-plenty for both members of The People's Team as The Towers Of Power stand over them. Shane Sneer finally calls them off and they walk away with Datsun and Davids on the ground.]






[The television show goes to commercials and at this point the slightly-beaten form of Alicia Strong comes out from the back. The bubbly blonde high fives the fans in the front row, making it out to the ringside area. She reaches beneath the ring and pulls out a t-shirt cannon. She enters the ring and plays to all four sides before finally firing off t-shirt after t-shirt. She gets five fired off, two to the loudest side and one to every other side. Then she slides out of the ring and places the t-shirt cannon underneath the ring. She high fives the crowd members in the front row, preening for a moment for a few pictures. Then she disappears into the backstage area.]






[As we come back from the commercial break, we are treated to the entrance of USPW National Champion Peter Valentine. The crowd boos loudly as Valentine walks his way down to the ringside area. He slides inside the ring and raises the title belt to even more boos. Valentine flexes in the center of the ring and seems able to ignore the chorus of boos that fill the arena. He is given the microphone and raises it to his lips.]


Peter Valentine

"Simply the best. I have proven time and time again that I am the best wrestler in this promotion despite what some of you fans want to think. Each and every challenger that has stepped up to face me has been knocked backward and pinned following having their heart broken. So I have made the decision that since there are no USPW wrestlers that can beat me for this belt I am opening up my open challenge to wrestlers who are not contracted to USPW. This means that if someone wants to come and face me from, say, the independent promotions, from Japan, from Europe. It doesn't matter who you are because at the end of the day I will remain what I have always been. That is simply the best."


[Valentine's music begins on cue and he drops the microphone, giving a slight amount of feedback. Valentine walks to the ropes and exits, raising the USPW National title high in the air. Next week, Peter Valentine's open challenge continues. Who will be the next person to step into the ring and face him? Tune in next week to find out!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/giantredwood2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/AlistairShufflebottom.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. Alistair Shufflebottom


[Our second match of the evening features the smallish 5'7" and 168 pound Alistair Shufflebottom facing off with a man who disappeared from the USPW ranks for several months in 2009, only to come back very late in the year and begin a winning streak, former USPW World Champion Giant Redwood. No one gave the smaller Shufflebottom a chance in this match and with good reason as Redwood was more than dominant, despite being off his game. Redwood yanks up Shufflebottom and brings him down hard with a body slam. Shufflebottom literally shakes in pain on the mat. Redwood yanks up Shufflebottom and catches him with a snake eyes to the corner. Redwood shoves Shufflebottom into that corner and chokes him with his boot until a four count. Redwood yanks Shufflebottom in -- Bear Hug -- Slam! Shufflebottom lays on the mat and Redwood cries out 'Timber!' Redwood drops on Shufflebottom with the Standing Splash, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Another victory for Giant Redwood as his undefeated streak continues.]


Winner: Giant Redwood (Via Pinfall @ 4:36)

Match Rating: E






[The tv audience transitions into a commercial break, while the fans in the arena are treated to the theme music of USPW Women's Champion Raven Robinson. The Women's Champion walks out and gives high fives to the fans in attendance. She circles around the ring and poses for pictures with several of the fans here in the front row. The girl-next-door is all smiles right now despite the fact that she will be facing Cherry Bomb at Stars, Stripes And Slams for her title. She continues around the ringside area before walking toward the back. She pauses at the top of the ramp and raises her Women's title to cheers from the crowd.]






[As we come back from the commercial break, we are taken to the backstage area. This time we focus on the presence of manager Shane Sneer along with one of the members of the Sneer Corporation Mick Muscles. The fans boo loudly upon seeing these two men who are extremely disliked. Sneer looks up toward the camera as Mick Muscles bounces on the soles of his feet, throwing a few shadow punches, looking rather menacing to the side of Sneer.]


Shane Sneer

"Tonight we are going to see the return of the Sneer Corporation to the top of the food chain here in USPW. We are going to see this man standing beside me, a former USPW World Champion, take out the fraud that is holding the USPW World title right now. That's right, all you humanoids watching at home and watching in attendance here in the Huntsville Fairgrounds are going to see not only the USPW World Champion lie broken and beaten inside the ring but you are going to get to see his face up close and personal when Mick Muscles rips the mask off the so-called Enygma. Masked man, your days are numbered as the USPW World Champion but your time is up with that mask covering your face. The Sneer Corporation always comes out on top."


[sneer pats Muscles on the shoulder and the Towers Of Power member throws a few more shadow punches and then a couple of kicks toward the camera. He growls and Sneer smiles, looking supremely confident.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/AndreJones_Trell.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/Java_ew.jpg


USPW Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. Java


[Our third match of the evening is for the USPW Television title as Andre Jones defends against Savage Fury member Java. Jones fashions himself as a legitimate athlete, though he gets the occassional 'Volleyball' chant from the crowd, reminding him that his claim to fame as an athlete before wrestling was in the world of volleyball. Both Jones and Java are brawlers and that makes for some definite meshing within this match between the two wrestlers. Java has definitely not been the same since turning good guy. He has lost some of that competitive edge and it shows during this match. Jones takes control around the seven minute mark and doesn't look back, eventually scoring on Java with the Blast From The Past. Jones makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 7:53; Andre Jones retains the USPW Television title)

Match Rating: D






[As Andre Jones celebrates inside the ring, we are taken to the backstage area where Alicia Strong is shown entering the locker room of the man known as 'Hawkeye' Nicky Champion. Champion has a few free weights and is working on his conditioning. His head turns and his eyes raise when he sees Strong standing close by, watching him lift the weights.]


Alicia Strong

"Hey Nicky. How's it going?"


Nicky Champion

"Good, Alicia. Good. It's good to see you."


Alicia Strong

"You too."


[The nerves show on both of their faces as Champion goes back to working the weights up and down and Strong remains standing nearby watching him. The obvious emotion is shown that they both like each other but neither of them has the courage to do anything about it. After several long moments of Champion lifting weights, Strong catches her bottom lip with her teeth.]


Alicia Strong

"Yeah, so, I should probably go now. I'm sure that Dad has something to keep me busy."


[Champion nods but he is definitely watching her as she walks out of the room. Champion shakes his head as she exits, looking down and then setting the weights on the floor. He runs his fingers back through his hair and the thoughts are definitely moving through his eyes. Then he shakes his head again and we are headed to a commercial break.]






[During the commercial break, the fans boo when the music of Belle Bryden begins to play. The 34 year old female walks down to the ringside area where she moves around and takes a microphone out from the hand of the ringside announcer. The crowd boos as Bryden climbs onto the apron and then enters the ring. She is definitely moving a little slower than normal after the impact of the Cherry Bomb earlier tonight. She stands in the center of the ring and raises the microphone to her lips.]


Belle Bryden

"Sam wanted me to come out here and shoot some t-shirts for you so-called fans but I don't think you deserve it. You booed me earlier and some of you actually had the nerve to cheer when I was pinned by that moronic Cherry Bomb. So the best that you are getting is that you got to see me again. But now I am leaving the building."


[bryden drops the microphone and turns, heading to the ropes and then sliding out of the ring. She shakes her hips as she walks, definitely walking to attract the eyes to her. She pauses at the top of the ramp and then after a moment she continues to the backstage area as we are coming back from a commercial break.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/T-Rex_JS.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/SheikMustafa_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/ChrisCaulfield_ew.jpg

T-Rex vs. Chris Caulfield


[Our semi main event is a contest that draws the fans to their feet with chants of 'USA,' 'USA,' 'USA!' Why is that? Because of the presence of the Hardcore American Chris Caulfield, of course. Before every single one of his matches, he draws in the fans with the 'USA' chant and then points toward his opponent, who this week happens to be the mighty Jurassic Power T-Rex along with his manager Sheik Mustafa. This is a powerhouse matchup if anyone ever saw one as both of these men simply love to fight and that comes out here tonight. Both Caulfield and T-Rex show that they have no fear of one another inside the ring and what results is a brawl for the ages. The match takes place inside the ring early on but gravitates pretty quickly outside the ring. Caulfield sends T-Rex against the guardrail but T-Rex manages to come back with a clothesline that sends Caulfield down to the red, white and blue pads around the ringside area. T-Rex picks up Caulfield and rams him into the ring post and then brings the action back inside the ring. The momentum shifts when the referee takes a tumble, catching a clothesline by T-Rex intended for Caulfield. Caulfield comes back to the Jurassic Power with several suplexes that wow the crowd and then he prepares for his Danger Drop when Bruce The Giant enters the ring. The two joint number one contenders eye each other up until Caulfield takes a blindside hit by T-Rex. The crowd boos and then begin to cheer as James Justice comes running in for the save! Justice runs right past a sign reading: 'Give me Liberty or Give me Death!' right before he enters the ring. The brawl begins between the four men as the referee recovers and he has no choice but to throw the encounter out.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 9:53)

Match Rating: C




[None of the four men seem to care about the ringing of the bell as James Justice and T-Rex battle in one corner, while Chris Caulfield and Bruce The Giant battle in the center of the ring. Justice manages to get control over the Jurassic Power despite Sheik Mustafa jumping on the apron and trying to direct traffic. Justice grabs T-Rex by the head and tosses him right into Mustafa, sending the manager off the apron to the floor and the wrestler right down on top of him on the ringside area. Justice comes over to help Caulfield gain an advantage on Bruce The Giant and between the two of them they manage to send Bruce over the top rope with a double clothesline but Bruce lands on his feet and glares up toward the ring. Caulfield moves around the ring, getting a 'USA' chant going from the crowd, while Justice stares down at Bruce and T-Rex. Justice raises a thumbs up, finally, and smiles a goofy looking smile, raising the arm of Chris Caulfield just before we head to a video.]






[The video that we move to next is one that begins in the area known as the Sahara Desert. How do we know that? Because it says so on the bottom of the screen: 'The Sahara Desert.' The winds blow the sands every which way, drawing the attention to a small figure walking in the distance through this difficult terrain. For those who have been following USPW American Wrestling the last couple of months, they will know that this is the man known as The Force that is and has been trudging through the desert. The Force is focused in on and the muscular man drops to his knees.]


The Force

"NOOOOOO! I will NOT and shall NOT be defeated! I shall learn the ways and powers of the mystics that have controlled the very ways of The Force from the beginning of time. I will not let them down. For I am the living embodiment of that which is good and not so dastardly. I...am...THE FORCE!"


[The Force rises to his feet and continues walking through the desert. A shining light can be seen about 100 yards ahead of them, gleaming within the desert sands. The Force shakes his head and releases a low snort and growl as he moves closer and closer to the object. When he approaches it, he drops to his knees in front of the shining object and the video fades off as we head to a commercial break. Perhaps he will validate the fan in the crowd that has been holding up the 'FOOOOOORCE!' sign all night long.]






[During this last commercial break, we are treated to the music of the number one contender to the USPW Women's title: Cherry Bomb. The Canadian female comes out from the back, slowly making her way down to the ringside area where she reaches underneath and yanks out a t-shirt cannon. She climbs inside the ring and sits in the corner, hitting her head back against the turnbuckle. With every hit against the turnbuckle, the cannon goes off and shoots a t-shirt into the crowd. After about four shirts land in the audience, Bomb raises to her feet and exits the ring with the t-shirt cannon in hand, stroking it slowly and heading to the back with almost an eerie smile on her face.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/MickMuscles_jt.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/ShaneSneer_ew.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/USPW4/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg

Non Title

Mick Muscles vs. Enygma


[Our main event of the evening is the definite match of the night and an excellent match in and of itself as Enygma faces off against Mick Muscles in a non title affair. Both men are definite veterans of the sport with Enygma bursting onto the wrestling scene in 2002, while Mick Muscles' first major accomplishment within the industry came in 2006 when he won the USPW World title at the age of 30. Muscles shows his power early on when he shoves Enygma back into a corner and then flexes to boos from the crowd. The former four time USPW World Tag Team Champion shows his relative skill in this match as he scores several early near falls on the masked man and almost succeeds in working off the mask as well. It's only the interference of referee Baby Jamie that prevents the mask from being worked off the USPW World Champion. Enygma is shoved outside the ring and Muscles distracts the official as Shane Sneer gets in a few shots to the ribs of the champion. Enygma makes it back inside the ring before a ten count can be administered and Muscles focuses in on the ribs of Enygma for several minutes before locking in a bear hug. The powerhouse Mick Muscles squeezes Enygma for all he is worth but Enygma doesn't make a sound. Though one could look in the eyes of Enygma and see the amount of pain he is in when the camera focuses in on the face of the USPW World Champion. Referee Baby Jamie steps in and grabs the arm of Enygma as it seems the Champion has faded away due to the bear hug. Enygma's arm raises once, twice but the third time does NOT go down all the way!]


[Enygma frees himself from the Bear Hug with repeated punches to the skull of Mick Muscles, breaking the hold. Both men bounce off the ropes and both men go for a clothesline, which both men connect. Referee Baby Jamie looks down at both fallen wrestlers and begins the mandatory ten count. As Mick Muscles moves to his knees, he grabs his ankle and releases a low howl of pain. Apparently when he fell he injured himself, perhaps twisting his ankle with a wrong step. He picks himself up, though, just as Enygma also reaches his feet. Enygma ducks a punch and throws one of his own. Enygma employs a stick and move strategy, keeping to the side of Muscles injured ankle. Enygma rocks Muscles on his feet and then catches him with the Enygmagiri Kick! Shane Sneer jumps on the apron to distract Enygma but the masked man comes over and throws a punch, sending the manager to the mat. Enygma walks back over to Muscles and grabs the injured ankle -- Enygma Variation! The Scissored Ankle Lock is locked in with Muscles screaming at the top of his lungs. Muscles reaches for the ropes but he's too far away. He tries to use some of that power to bring him closer but his hand rises and he taps out! Mick Muscles taps out to the Enygma Variation!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 17:09)

Match Rating: B-




[A very strong and competitive match for our USPW World Champion. A few moments after the opening bell, Enygma releases the hold and clutches at his ribs as he lies on the mat. He is about to get a horrible surprise as the boos from the crowd attests to. Out from the back comes top contender Tyson Baine along with his manager Sheik Mustafa shouting and leading the way. Shane Sneer helps Mick Muscles out of the ring and lets him lean on his shoulders. The two men pass Baine and Mustafa along the way without incident. Baine grabs the top rope and yanks himself up on the apron. The Demon From The Deep steps in over the top rope just as Enygma gets to his feet. Enygma turns toward Baine, raising his arm over his head in victory -- Big Boot! The boot from Tyson Baine sends Enygma smashing right back down to the mat. Baine soaks in the boos from the crowd as he stands over the USPW World Champion as he has been doing for two months now. Baine yanks Enygma up by the throat. Enygma throws punches, a throat thrust, but Baine doesn't release until he drops Enygma with the Hades Bomb. The devestating double handed choke bomb leaves Enygma lying broken on the mat. Sheik Mustafa picks up the USPW World title belt and lays it across the waist of Enygma as Baine raises his arms in victory. What a sad sight to end the show on but we are out of time. We'll see you next week! The show fades on a sign in the background that reads: 'Make It Last!']

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Welcome to the USPW Prediction contest. This contest will run through the end of March in-game time.


Thank you to everyone who predicted in the first show. It is truly appreciated.


No perfect scores but we did have several people get 4/5 this week. Congratulations to Rayelek, Emark and CQI13!


1. Rayelek=1 Win

Emark=1 Win

CQI13=1 Win

4. Midnightnick=0 Wins

Hyde Hill=0 Wins

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USPW American Wrestling

Wednesday January Week 2 2010


Cherry Bomb and Darryl Devine vs. Raven Robinson and Daniel Bolte



USPW Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash



Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. ???



Anger vs. Nicky Champion



Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice





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Cherry Bomb and Darryl Devine vs. Raven Robinson and Daniel Bolte



USPW Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash-Time Limit Draw



Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. ???



Anger vs. Nicky Champion



Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice




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Cherry Bomb and Darryl Devine vs. Raven Robinson and Daniel Bolte

Comment: Cherry Bomb needs the momentum heading into the PPV...whether she wins then or not is a different story.


USPW Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash

Comment: Andre Jones wins here. Too soon for a title change on TV.


Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA

Comment: Hard to say this, but Redwood has more in-ring upside than Captain USA.


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. ???

Comment: Two ways this storyline can go...he either gets legit competition, and weasels his way onto a win, or he picks fights with guys like Alistair Shufflebottom (no offense to Alistair) until someone who is legitimate shows up to beat him for the belt. I'll go with the second option.


Anger vs. Nicky Champion

Comment: Nicky Champion for sure. I mean, it's Anger. (Could also see Alicia consoling him after a devastating loss, but I'll stick with Nicky winning here...final answer)


Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice

Comment: Bruce wins here. Justice can get his heat back by cutting a promo on T-Rex and by just being a "Dude" in general. Bruce needs the win to look like a threat (within the storyline) to Caulfield and whomever the champion is should he win at the PPV.


Sign: "Cherry Bomb? More like STINK Bomb!"

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Cherry Bomb and Darryl Devine vs. Raven Robinson and Daniel Bolte



USPW Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash



Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. ???



Anger vs. Nicky Champion



Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice


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Cherry Bomb and Darryl Devine vs. Raven Robinson and Daniel Bolte



USPW Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash



Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. ???



Anger vs. Nicky Champion



Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice



Signs: My mom took me here! Reverse side: Where's the exit?!

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Cherry Bomb and Darryl Devine vs. Raven Robinson and Daniel Bolte



USPW Television Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Andre Jones defends vs. Steve Flash



Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA



USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. ???



Anger vs. Nicky Champion



Bruce The Giant vs. James Justice



Signs: "For Great Justice!"

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