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Prediction Scoring for FTW Holidaze Fever


HydeHill 6/8

Astil 6/8

Portius 6/8

Jaded 6/8


Prediction Scoring - cumulative


Phreak 100/119

Jaded 114/161

HydeHill 103/135

Occasional Z 87/101

Boltinho 24/32

Astil 30/41

Chad3590 11/14

Portius 10/15

Tiberious4 4/5

Eidenhoek 2/4




((Everyone got the same number of correct answers this time.))

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The card for the final show of the year FTW – Season's Beatings is now available.



Paranoia v Ant-man


Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Sally Anne Christianson


Jen Neptune v Kashmir Singh


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart


Tresanya Shandel v Ernest Youngman


Eric Freer v Panda Mask II


Jared Johnson v Ted Brady


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson v Tracy Brendon


(Amazing FireFly will not be available tonight.)

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Paranoia v Ant-man


Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Sally Anne Christianson


Jen Neptune v Kashmir Singh


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart


Tresanya Shandel v Ernest Youngman


Eric Freer v Panda Mask II


Jared Johnson v Ted Brady


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson v Tracy Brendon

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The card for the final show of the year FTW – Season's Beatings is now available.



Paranoia v Ant-man


Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Sally Anne Christianson


Jen Neptune v Kashmir Singh


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart


Tresanya Shandel v Ernest Youngman


Eric Freer v Panda Mask II


Jared Johnson v Ted Brady


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson v Tracy Brendon

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Paranoia v Ant-man


Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Sally Anne Christianson


Jen Neptune v Kashmir Singh


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart


Tresanya Shandel v Ernest Youngman


Eric Freer v Panda Mask II


Jared Johnson v Ted Brady


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson v Tracy Brendon

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4th in the predicition league? Need to work my way back up!


Paranoia v Ant-man



Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Sally Anne Christianson

Not the most imposing of opponents eh?


Jen Neptune v Kashmir Singh

I like Singh, plus Neptune is a tag wrestler really


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart

Smart couldn't win a match on the winningest day of his life in Windsor, during winter....hasn't he won like 2 matches in three or so years?


Tresanya Shandel v Ernest Youngman

If he's not losing to Nate, then he's not losing to Shandel, surely?


Eric Freer v Panda Mask II

He's good, a loss won't hurt you.


Jared Johnson v Ted Brady

Johnson is ace


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson v Tracy Brendon

I'll go with Nate

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And on the final Friday of the year, FTW is proud to present. FTW Season's Beatings.


Right off the back I noticed that Amazing Firefly missing had an effect on the mood in the locker room. The morale was down considerably.


That lower mood didn't prevent Christy Huggins and Kinuye Mushashibo from bonding after discovering a mutual love of exotic birds.


Paranoia v Ant-man

These two have great chemistry and managed a decent opening match. Ant-Man defeated Paranoia in 3:43 by pinfall with an Antidote. E (25)


Giving a Gil a rare chance to play announcer, a contest for best Santa's Helper outfit was held. Tresanya, Jen, Sienna and Sally Anne completed with Tresanya taking the win. D (42)


Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Sally Anne Christianson

Not a great match, Young Guns defeated The Tic and Sally Anne Christianson in 6:17 when Brendan Idol defeated The Tic by pinfall with an Idolizer. E (27)


Jen Neptune v Kashmir Singh

This one turned out a lot better than I expected. Kashmir can get a good match out of almost anyone. Kashmir Singh defeated Jen Neptune in 5:26 by pinfall with a Cal-Cutter. D- (40)


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart

Average. Mark was switching to an Evil Doer gimmick which only got a 66 rating. Christy Higgins defeated Mark Smart in 3:35 by pinfall with a Florida Upswing. E (28)


Haley comes out to promote Eric E+ (29)


Eric Freer v Panda Mask II

These two have been avoiding each other, but at the end of the year had a grudge match as Eric is still upset about Panda turning on him. He got the win. Eric Freer defeated Panda Mask II in 7:50 by pinfall. D- (38)


Tresanya Shandel v Ernest Youngman

Ernest was in his final match as his contract runs out in 2 weeks, but I didn't feel right burying him. He might be useful someday. He did a great job here and pulled Tresanya into an excellent match. Ernest Youngman defeated Tresanya Shandel in 8:54 by pinfall with The Hit after a distraction from Ant-Man. D (43)


Jared Johnson v Ted Brady

A bit of a disappointment, but Ted just isn't very good although he grumbles every time I book him to lose. Jared Johnson defeated Ted Brady in 8:45 by pinfall. D- (38)


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson v Tracy Brendon

A solid match, but only manages to rank #3 on the all time list. This time I remembered to set it to be a title match and Tracy takes the title away. Tracy Brendon defeated Nate Johnson in 15:35 by pinfall with a handful of tights. D+ (50)


Arrgh! And I got punished because I didn't have quite enough angle time. The show only got an E+ (35) Worker costs were $11,358.

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Prediction Scoring for FTW Holidaze Fever


HydeHill 6/8

Astil 6/8

Portius 6/8

Occasional_Z 6/8


Prediction Scoring - cumulative


Phreak 100/119

Jaded 114/161

HydeHill 109/143

Occasional Z 93/109

Astil 36/49

Boltinho 24/32

Portius 16/23

Chad3590 11/14

Tiberious4 4/5

Eidenhoek 2/4




((Everyone got the same number of correct answers this time, although the matches people got incorrect did change.))

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Monday, Week 1, January 2013


None of my wrestlers earned an award and Hinote Dojo was most improved. Not a surprise.


Lost the regional battle again. MAW had a C+ (70) and FCW a C+ (69) I didn't have a prayer.


Lost $7,062 performing the 2 shows, leaving the promotion with $97,846 in the bank. Having over $100K when the goal runs out in January 2014 should not be a problem.



And as for the annual report.


The promotion is up to 21 popularity, which is a narrow gain of 3 from last years finishing popularity of 18. The regional battles and occasional poor show grades have had a huge impact on growth.


2 Employees left during the year

Happy Elwood – Fired for too many complaints about bookings

Mr. Lucha III – signed a written contract with OLLIE


The tag division was very busy and there were several changes to teams.


Not Desperate Housewives (Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel)

Paranoia & Paradox (Paratroops)

Ant-man & Amazing Firefly (Insect Bite) – current champions

Panda Mask II & Mark Smart (Rough Custom)

Brendan Idol & Kinuye Mushashibo (Young Guns)


As for the roster as always there are near constant changes.


Main Eventers


Tracy Brendon – FTW World Title Holder


Sexy Teacher (rated 62)


Best match: D+ (50)

Average Match: D- (39)

Overness: 43 (+7)


Current holder of the FTW World Title. She's been very consistent. And as a female wrestler she isn't as likely to be poached. She already works for CWWF and BSC, but gives FTW priority over BSC.


Kashmir Singh


Machine (rated 84)


Best Match: C- (54)

Average Match: D- (38)

Overness: 48 (+15)


I didn't realize how high his popularity was until he pulled out the C- match while losing to Nate. He's been quietly consistent and strong. His popularity is even helped a bit by the fact that FCW has hired him and sometimes he gets extra exposure in my region.


Nate Johnson


Blue Collar (rated 89)


Best Match: C- (54)

Average Match: D (44)

Overness: 41 (+9)


I was sure I was going to see him leave when FCW called him and started negotiations, but two months later he's still my top wrestler skillwise and a dominant performer.


Ernest Youngman


Bad Ass (rated 71)


Best Match D+ (52)

Average Match D (41)

Overness 44 (+18) - He's also working for USPW and getting TV exposure. He's gone from 26 to 44 in all areas of the US.


I hired him to be a upper midcard heel when he was at 26 overness across the nation. USPW picked him up a couple months later and his popularity soared. The problem was that he soon didn't want to accept any booking decisions that didn't allow him to win. His contract expires in a week and I'm already trying to negotiate with a replacement.


Upper Midcard


Christy Huggins


Fan Favorite (rated 66)


Best Match: D (45)

Average Match: E+ (34)

Overness: 30 (-)


She's a rather unremarkable wrestler who's biggest claim to fame is that she's good looking. She can usually put over the main eventers, but her overness has effectively stalled for the moment.


Jared Johnson


Man on a Mission (rated 90)


Best Match: D+ (49)

Average Match: D- (41)

Overness: 36 (+4)


He's flirted with returning to the main event until the rise of Ernest knocked him back. He will be returning there once Ernest's contract expires. His turn was a complete success and he's ridden the momentum of that ever since.


Ted Brady


Bitter Veteran (rated 74)


Best Match: D (41)

Average Match: E+ (29)

Overness: 32 (+7)


He's a solid if unexciting wrestler. Brought in to help add some wrestling skills to the heel side of the roster. To be honest, he's not all that good and has the weakest performance of the upper midcard. But he's got too much overness to want to lose to the midcarders. He's very hard to book.


The Tic


Troublemaker (rated 83)


Best Match: D+ (47)

Average Match: E+ (35)

Overness: 24 (+7)


Brought in to replace Happy Elwood he's been a definite step up on quality. He's bounced around from midcard to upper and back, but appears to be on the rise.




Brendan Idol


Rebel (rated 66)


Best Match: D- (37)

Average Match: E+ (32)

Overness: 20 (+1)


He's been one of the wrestlers used to make the main event look good, and he's surprisingly consistent at that. The discovery that he has great tag chemistry with Kinuye has opened more options and he's becoming more involved in tag matches.


Eric Freer


Patriot (rated 93)


Best Match: D (43)

Average Match: E+ (33)

Overness: 24 (+5)


I used him a bit too often to make the main eventers look good, but building up a solid record of performance. He has the best average match of the midcard.


Tresanya Shandel


Valley Girl (84)


Best Match: D (43)

Average Match: E+ (30)

Overness: 20 (+4)


In some ways she's doing better than Eric as she also works for CWWF and has 22 overness in their home territory. She's proven able to put out solid matches against good fliers. The crowd definitely responds when she's in a match. If only she had any microphone skill.


Amazing FireFly


Unlucky (rated 83)


Best Match: D- (39)

Average Match: E+ (31)

Overness: 19 (+12)


I got him to 19 overness naturally and then he shot to 17 across the nation after one of the promotions in Mexico landed a TV show. He works for MPWF and MHW. He's is co-holder of the tag titles with Ant-man


Panda Mask II


Comic Book Villain (rated 74)


Best Match: D (43)

Average Match: E+ (31)

Overness: 20 (+2)


The heel turn worked for him, but he hasn't made much progress up the card. I just can't get him to give me consistently better matches compared to the other midcarders.




Bad Ass (rated 78)


Best Match: D- (39)

Average Match: E+ (32)

Overness: 22 (+7)


Spent the first half of the year losing to the main eventers in average matches, but after Jared's turn has started winning. Now Co-holder of the tag titles with Amazing Firefly.


Lower Midcard .


Jen Neptune


Clean Cut (66)


Best Match: D- (40)

Average Match: E+ (30)

Overness: 15 (+1)


Losing the tag titles has hurt her more than it did Tresanya and she's mired in a bit of a rut. I do have some storyline plans for her, but it requires a gimmick change so it might be 2-3 months before it occurs. It's coming though.




Happy-Go-Lucky (rated 84)


Best Match: E+ (33)

Average Match: E (28)

Overness: 16 (+8)


For being squash fodder just about every event, Paradox hasn't done too badly. His overness doubled and he's starting to be a bit more consistent. I don't see his push changing much though.




Trill Seeker (rated 19)


Best Match: D- (37)

Average Match: E (28)

Overness: 18 (+7)


He continues to be ranked just a bit higher than his best friend. The bad gimmick change killed his momentum, but the bigger issue has been the fact that I can't trust him to have a good match unless I put him against a top eventer.


Kinuye Mushashibo


Fun Babyface (rated 66)


Best Match: D- (37)

Average Match: E+ (30)

Overness: 15 (+11)


She was basically unknown when I hired her. She's actually a very solid wrestler and with a bit of time to develop should become a solid midcarder. I don't see her making it to the main event, but she'll be around for some time.




Mark Smart


Evil Doer (rated 66)


Best Match: E+ (35)

Average Match: E (28)

Overness: 13 (-)


I'd like you to meet jobber bait. He's able to put on a decent match occasionally, and even held the Tag titles with Ted Brady for a short time, but otherwise he's nothing special.


Sally Anne Christianson


Old School Heel (rated 66)


Best Match: E+ (35)

Average Match: E (25)

Overness: 8 (+7)


She's actually a skilled wrestler, but no one knows her and it hurts her match ratings. She'll get a chance to job out to everyone for another year and see if the fans start to notice her.



Haley Buck


Beach Babe (rated 66)


I don't seem able to get managers to go up in overness, but she has helped Eric a few times.


Sienna DeVille


High Society (rated 89)


She manages Ant-man. Unfortunately, she's still basically completely unknown in the SouthEast and lacks any star quality. I'm not sure how I'll use her in the future, or if I'll allow her contract to expire.




Davis Ditterich



He hasn't changed much, still at 23 overness. He improved a bit as an announcer, but not enough to make a huge difference. He does his job well though.


Gil Thomas

Color Commentator and Owner


He's the most over man in the promotion at 50 (no change from 2011 though) and he's one of the better microphone people. It's very uncommon not to hear that his work helped improve a match.


Jonathan Taylor



It looks like he's hit his skill cap as a referee, as it is now bouncing between 60 and 61. Nothing special as a referee, but there are no better ones I can hire at the moment.


Stuart Ferdinand

Road Agent


He's not The Stomper, but he costs a lot less per night.

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And before I forget… the roll….


Is 28!


28. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…”You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Psychology skill


Very nice. This raises Eric's psychology skill to 67. He'll definitely have the psych to put on a good match. Now to build up the overness and other skills.



so Eric has gone from.

<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=EricStartingStats.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/EricStartingStats.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>




<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=EricEnd2012Stats.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/EricEnd2012Stats.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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New Hire has been made to replace the departing Ernest Youngman. Roger Cage has agreed to be a new upper midcard heel for $1,000 PPA.




The card for January's event FTW – Pedal to the Metal


Tag Match

Not Desperate Housewives v The Tic & Sally Anne Christianson


FTW Tag Title Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite


Brendan Idol v Mark Smart


Kinuye Mushashibo v Ted Brady


Christy Huggins v Roger Cage


Eric Freer v Panda Mask II


FTW Title Match

Jared Johnson v Tracy Brendon


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh

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Not Desperate Housewives v The Tic & Sally Anne Christianson


FTW Tag Title Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite


Brendan Idol v Mark Smart


Kinuye Mushashibo v Ted Brady


Christy Huggins v Roger Cage


Eric Freer v Panda Mask II


FTW Title Match

Jared Johnson v Tracy Brendon


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh

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And now time for FTW – Pedal to the Metal 4


The backstage kept up its high morale. Amazing Firefly and Jared Johnson bonded over a mutual love of modern musicals. I think they just thought some of the ladies in them had great bodies.



In front of a sellout crowd of 300.


Tag Match

Not Desperate Housewives v The Tic & Sally Anne Christianson

Jen didn't seem interested in the match and at one point was kneeling on the ring apron arguing with Amazing Firefly while Tresanya was desperately looking to tag her in. Tresanya rallied after a poorly timed tag by the Tic. Not Desperate Houswives defeated The Tic and Sally Anne Christianson in 6:35 when Tresanya Shandel defeated Sally Anne Christianson by pinfall. E+ (31)


After the match Tresanya grabbed Jen and started pointing at their corner for the match. It's rather clear she is not happy. Jen appears a bit apologetic, but the duo leave the ring separately. D- (37)


Tag Title Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite

Nothing surprising here as the champions defend their title. Insect Bite defeated Paratroops in 6:43 when Amazing Fire Fly defeated Paranoia by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly. E+ (29)


Afterwards a music video plays showing the recent success of Insect Bite. E- (21)


Brendan Idol v Mark Smart

Brendan gets the win here. Brendan Idol defeated Mark Smart in 4:37 by pinfall with an Idolizer. E (28)


Ted comes to the ring before his match and taunts Kinuye. Saying that she's got the nickname Baby Blue because of her outfit by will soon have that shortened to Baby after he beats her in the ring. E+ (32)


Kinuye Mushashibo v Ted Brady

Ted gets the win, but struggled mightly to pin down Kinuye who forces Ted to cheat for the victory. Ted Brady defeated Kinuye Mushashibo in 5:28 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. E (28)


Eric Freer v Panda Mask II

Eric once again defeats his former tag team partner. Eric Freer defeated Panda Mask II in 6:57 by pinfall. E+ (31)


As Panda is being helped to the back Eric uses the microphone to taunt him. Panda tries to turn back to the ring, but is kept away. E- (22)


Christy Huggins v Roger Cage

In his debut Roger nets a strong win. Roger Cage defeated Christy Higgins in 5:58 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. E+ (34)


FTW Title Match

Jared Johnson v Tracy Brendon [c]

Tracy didn't want to give up her title again, and used some brass knuckles to stun Jared and get the pin. Tracy Brendon defeated Jared Johnson in 7:27 by pinfall after using a foreign object. D (45)


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh

This duo has had a better match, but this one was solid again. Surprisingly there was no winner as the fighting left the ring and both were counted out. Nate Johnson drew with Kashmir Singh in 10:21 following a double count out. D+ (53)


Well, some of the angles were a bit low, but the final 2 matches helped the show. D (45) It was the best show ever, beating out the previous D (45) from September of last year. Worker costs were $12,273. Show costs were a bit high as a local celebrity was invited to attend.

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Prediction Scoring for FTW Pedal to the Metal 4


HydeHill 5/8


Prediction Scoring - cumulative


Phreak 100/119

HydeHill 114/151

Jaded 114/161

Occasional Z 93/109

Astil 36/49

Boltinho 24/32

Portius 16/23

Chad3590 11/14

Tiberious4 4/5

Eidenhoek 2/4




((only 1 person put in a prediction. Sad.))




Monday, Week 1, February 2013


Lost the regional battle, which was not a huge surprise. FCW managed a C+ and MAW a high C- for their shows, leaving me little chance to catch them.


Finances were good, made $6,523 for the month. The accounts are currently at $104,369. I'm tempted to hold 2 shows in February but I want to drive the accounts a bit higher first.





Made 2 new hires.


Marshall Dillon became available when SWF did not renew his contract. He's signed to be a face and autopushing as an opener


Michael Lindland came out of TCW's dojo (random generation.) He's a bit unsafe and has poor psychology, but otherwise a rather solid wrestler. He's signed to be a new heel wrestler and pushing as an opener.





The card for FTW Burning Rubber is out


Tag Match

Young guns v Sally Anne Christianson & Michael Lindland


Marshall Dillon v Roger Cage


Tresanya Shandel v Ant-man


Tag Match

Paratroops v Rough Custom


Jen Neptune v Tracy Brendon [c]


Christy Huggins v Kashmir Singh


Eric Freer v Amazing Firefly


Jared Johnson v The Tic


Nate Johnson v Ted Brady

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Young guns v Sally Anne Christianson & Michael Lindland


Marshall Dillon v Roger Cage


Tresanya Shandel v Ant-man


Tag Match

Paratroops v Rough Custom


Jen Neptune v Tracy Brendon [c]


Christy Huggins v Kashmir Singh


Eric Freer v Amazing Firefly


Jared Johnson v The Tic


Nate Johnson v Ted Brady

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Young guns v Sally Anne Christianson & Michael Lindland


Marshall Dillon v Roger Cage


Tresanya Shandel v Ant-man


Tag Match

Paratroops v Rough Custom


Jen Neptune v Tracy Brendon [c]


Christy Huggins v Kashmir Singh


Eric Freer v Amazing Firefly


Jared Johnson v The Tic


Nate Johnson v Ted Brady

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Young guns v Sally Anne Christianson & Michael Lindland


Marshall Dillon v Roger Cage


Tresanya Shandel v Ant-man


Tag Match

Paratroops v Rough Custom


Jen Neptune v Tracy Brendon [c]


Christy Huggins v Kashmir Singh


Eric Freer v Amazing Firefly


Jared Johnson v The Tic


Nate Johnson v Ted Brady

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And now for your reading pleasure. The results from FTW Burning Rubber IV


In front of 206 screaming fans.


Tag Match

Young guns v Sally Anne Christianson & Michael Lindland

The night opened with one of the tag teams facing Sally and the newest heel to join the promotion. The ending wasn't much in doubt as Brendan pulled out the victory. Young Guns defeated Sally Anne Christianson and Micheal Lindland in 5:51 when Brendan Idol defeated Micheal Lindland by pinfall with an Idolizer. E+ (30)


After the match Roger Cage is in the ring bragging about how he's going to dominate now that he's part of FTW. Marshall Dillon comes out to tell him that we don't like talk like that here. Roger demands that Marshall back up the words and a match starts. D (44)


Marshall Dillon v Roger Cage

And it was a very good match too. Better than I expected considering Marshall is just a "opener" for us. Roger Cage defeated Marshall Dillon in 5:41 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. D (45)


Tresanya comes out to throw a few t-shirts into the crowd before getting in the ring. C- (55)


Jen does not follow Tresanya out. Instead as she's finishing throwing the last t-shirt Insect Bite come down. Ant-man starts taunting Tresanya asking where her partner is. Finally he tells her that he can beat her solo and steps into the ring. D- (38)


Tresanya Shandel v Ant-man

Ant-man failed to make his boast count as Tresanya won the bout despite Amazing Firefly getting involved. Tresanya Shandel defeated Ant-Man in 4:57 by pinfall with a quick roll up. During the match we also had Amazing Fire Fly run in and attack Trey. E (23) Not a good match though.


Tag Match

Paratroops v Rough Custom

The paratroops get a rare win. Paratroops defeated Rough Custom in 5:57 when Paradox defeated Mark Smart by pinfall with a Paralyser. E+ (30)


Jen Neptune v Tracy Brendon [c]

Tracy quickly dispatched Jen. Tracy Brendon defeated Jen Neptune in 7:54 by pinfall with an Idaho Crunch. D- (40)


After winning Tracy dances in the ring. C (61)


Christy Huggins v Kashmir Singh

Kashmir takes care of Christy with ease. Kashmir Singh defeated Christy Higgins in 5:31 by pinfall with a Cal-Cutter. D (44)


Eric Freer v Amazing Firefly

Not the best match of the night, but solid as Eric picks up a win. Eric Freer defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 12:36 by pinfall. E+ (34)


After the match Haley uses the microphone to brag about how dominant Eric is going to become. E+ (33)


Nate Johnson v Ted Brady

Nate smash Ted. Nate Johnson defeated Ted Brady in 5:10 by pinfall with a Natural Order. D (41)


Jared Johnson v The Tic

One of the top 10 matches ever for the promotion. Jared gets the win once again over the Tic. Jared Johnson defeated The Tic in 18:55 by pinfall. D+ (50)


After the match, the Tic's two allies Ant-man and Amazing Firefly come out and beat Jared into the mat. E (23)


And we finish another strong night. The fans weren't too thrilled by the amount of time Marshall Dillon got, even if he was in 2 highly rated segments. Overall they rated it the #3 show the promotion has ever put on. D (45). Worker costs were only $12,924. Not bad considering we added 2 more wrestlers to the promotion.

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Prediction Scoring for FTW Pedal to the Metal 4


HydeHill 8/9

Astil 7/9

jaded 7/9


Prediction Scoring - cumulative


HydeHill 122/160

Jaded 121/170

Phreak 100/119

Occasional Z 93/109

Astil 43/58

Boltinho 24/32

Portius 16/23

Chad3590 11/14

Tiberious4 4/5

Eidenhoek 2/4




((glad to see 3 people making predictions. 2013 is a big year for FTW. We have to finish the year with $100,000 in the bank, but have to finish 2014 at regional, and currently have 21 popularity. So there is a bit more intensity and emphasis on having at least one real main event every show.))




Monday, Week 1, March 2013


The sponsor money was solid again. And the promotion made $6,697. There will definitely be 2 shows in March.


WE"RE #2. In a stunning upset FTW has managed to avoid losing a regional battle. MAW was the lowest rated promotion as their show only pulled a D (43) rating. There is still a need for quite a bit of improvement as FCW had a C+ (69) rating for the February show.




The card for the March Special FTW Mobile Madness is out


Tag Match

Not Desperate Housewives v Rough Custom


Paranoia v Ted Brady


Brendan Idol v Michael Lindland


Kinuye Mushashibo v The Tic


Handicap Match

Jared Johnson v Insect Bite


Eric Freer v Sally Anne Christianson


Paradox v Tracy Brendon


Marshall Dillon v Kashmir Singh


Nate Johnson v Roger Cage



Christy Huggins will miss all of March and April while undergoing a gimmick change

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Not Desperate Housewives v Rough Custom


Paranoia v Ted Brady


Why are you hanging on to Ted? Hasn't performed at all and complains, job his overness and dump imho.


Brendan Idol v Michael Lindland


Kinuye Mushashibo v The Tic


Handicap Match

Jared Johnson v Insect Bite


I am against single dude winning handicap matches unless its giant/bull vs total jobbers.


Eric Freer v Sally Anne Christianson


Paradox v Tracy Brendon


Marshall Dillon v Kashmir Singh


Nate Johnson v Roger Cage

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And now, in front of 217 very bored fans.


FTW presents Mobile Madness


The backstage area got a lift before the match. Amazing Firefly started to perform an impersonation of Ant-man, he soon was taking requests and had the locker room laughing.


Tag Match

Not Desperate Housewives v Rough Custom

Not a good match. Tresanya was having an off night, and they just didn't seem to click. Rough Custom defeated Not Desperate Houswives in 6:06 when Panda Mask II defeated Jen Neptune by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. E (28)


After the match while getting out of the ring, Ant-man blindsides Tresanya and quickly strips her to her underwear. D (44)


Paranoia v Ted Brady

Another rather poor match. Ted Brady defeated Paranoia in 6:21 by pinfall with a handful of tights. E (28) Paranoia has undergone another gimmick change. This one to "Dude" got a 74 rating.


Brendan Idol v Michael Lindland

A good win for Brendan in a third poor match. Brendan Idol defeated Micheal Lindland in 6:23 by pinfall with an Idolizer. E (28) Brendan also changed gimmick to "Underdog" and got a 86.


Roger Cage is then shown backstage. He's bragging about how he's so much better than the rest of the promotion that they shouldn't even bother to fight him. C- (57)


Kinuye Mushashibo v The Tic

Starting to get into the better matches. In a match called in the ring The Tic pulls out the win. The Tic defeated Kinuye Mushashibo in 5:41 by pinfall. D (41) Jared sat at the announcers table and offered color commentary during this.


After the match Jared ranted about The Tic as his enemy walked back to the locker room. D (44)


Handicap Match

Jared Johnson v Insect Bite

Jared is good, but the tag team champions kept him from dominating the match. Insect Bite defeated Jared Johnson in 9:33 when Amazing Fire Fly defeated Jared Johnson by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly. D- (37)


Haley again came out with Eric and hyped him to the crowd. E+ (32)


Eric Freer v Sally Anne Christianson

Worst match of the night, but that's not completely a surprise as Sally is one of the least over wrestlers. Eric Freer defeated Sally Anne Christianson in 4:54 by pinfall. E (26) Sally was also changing gimmick, but her "Cartoon Joker" came in at 66.


Tracy got her chance to cut a promo backstage and brag about how she's a two-time FTW world champion. D+ (51)


Paradox v Tracy Brendon

Bleh, a fight with a Paraboy. I'm not sure anyone on my roster can get a D rated match out of them right now. Tracy Brendon defeated Paradox in 4:47 by pinfall with an Idaho Crunch. E+ (35)


Marshall Dillon v Kashmir Singh

I was hoping to see a D rated match here. It was close, but didn't quite get there. Kashmir Singh defeated Marshall Dillon in 7:12 by pinfall with a Cal-Cutter. D- (40)


After the match Kashmir celebrates in the ring, going a bit overboard. D+ (49)


Nate Johnson v Roger Cage

Another match that didn't quite reach my hopes. Nate Johnson defeated Roger Cage in 22:16 by pinfall with a Natural Order. D+ (50)


Okay. I had several matches underperform to what I had hoped, and still end up with the best show ever. D (46). The improvements keep coming. I do know that FCW already put on a C+ (69) for the month, so at best I can finish #2 in the regional battle. Worker costs were $12,427.

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Prediction Scoring for FTW Mobile Madness


HydeHill 8/9


Prediction Scoring - cumulative


HydeHill 130/169

Jaded 121/170

Phreak 100/119

Occasional Z 93/109

Astil 43/58

Boltinho 24/32

Portius 16/23

Chad3590 11/14

Tiberious4 4/5

Eidenhoek 2/4




((only one person made a prediction. That's a bit sad really. Is this dynasty no longer interesting?))




Grr, just when it looks like I'm going to turn the corner, problems arise.


First, Tresanya is approached by AAA. The problem is she's already working for CWWF and a newly regional sized BSC, so if she signs, I lose a wrestler I have been building up for several storyline possibilities. It looks like I fended that off, but it was a danger


Next, USPW approaches Kashmir to sign with them. When they signed Ernest Youngman, the man went from being a usable wrestler to being a pain in the butt as his overness skyrocketed and he started to want to dominate every match he was in. There is a good chance the same will happen with Kashmir, who is currently my most over wrestler.





The card for FTW Muddy and Tired is out

Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Michael Lindland


Tag Title Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite [c]


Jared Johnson v Sally Anne Christianson


Jen Neptune v Roger Case


Tresanya Shandel v Panda Mask II


Eric Freer v Mark Smart


Marshall Dillon v Tracy Brendon


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh

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Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Michael Lindland


Tag Title Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite [c]


Jared Johnson v Sally Anne Christianson


Jen Neptune v Roger Case


Tresanya Shandel v Panda Mask II


Eric Freer v Mark Smart


Marshall Dillon v Tracy Brendon


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh

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Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Michael Lindland


Tag Title Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite [c]


Jared Johnson v Sally Anne Christianson


Jen Neptune v Roger Case


Tresanya Shandel v Panda Mask II


Eric Freer v Mark Smart


Marshall Dillon v Tracy Brendon


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh

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FTW – Muddy and Tired


In front of a small 188 fans. Much lower than expected.


Tag Match

Young Guns v The Tic & Michael Lindland

The crowd got more into this match than I expected. The Young Guns kept up their winning streak. Young Guns defeated The Tic and Micheal Lindland in 6:26 when Brendan Idol defeated Micheal Lindland by pinfall with an Idolizer. D- (38)


Sienna brought out Insect Bite and hyped them before their match. E- (22)


Tag Title Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite [c]

Well, the early matches tonight are some of the best ever by the midcard. The Paratroops even were in a D match Insect Bite defeated Paratroops in 6:46 when Ant-Man defeated Paranoia by pinfall with an Antidote. D (41)


Backstage Kashmir has been stalking Nate. The fans are shown a video as Kashmir finds his rival and lays him out. D (45)


Jared Johnson v Sally Anne Christianson

The first match that didn't get to D- grading. Jared Johnson defeated Sally Anne Christianson in 4:48 by pinfall with a MDK Powerbomb. E+ (35)


Tresanya Shandel v Panda Mask II

Darn, spoke too soon about good matches. This one disappointed a bit. Tresanya Shandel defeated Panda Mask II in 4:47 by pinfall. E (25) [note: Jen did not accompany Tresanya to the ring.]


Tresanya enjoys her victory and dances in the ring. C+ (67)


Eric Freer v Mark Smart

Not a surprise and not a great grade as Eric picks up a dominating win. Eric Freer defeated Mark Smart in 5:22 by pinfall. E (28)


Roger and Jen meet at ringside before their match. Roger immediately starts flirting with Jen as Tresanya stands by. To Tre's obvious surprise Jen flirts back with the heel wrestler. D- (40)


Jen Neptune v Roger Case

Jen's flirting didn't get Roger to go easy on her, as he quickly defeats her in the ring. Roger Cage defeated Jen Neptune in 5:30 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. E+ (33)


Marshall Dillon v Tracy Brendon

This one wasn't a surprise. Tracy gets the victory. Tracy Brendon defeated Marshall Dillon in 4:59 by pinfall with an Idaho Crunch. D (41)


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh

They've had better matches, but once again these two put on one of the best shows the promotion gets to see. Once again though Nate comes out on top. D+ (51)


Kashmir wasn't happy with the loss and once again attacks Nate, pounding him into the mat at the lights go out. D (46)

A couple of the angles were a bit weak, but the fans once again loved the show and gave it a D (46) rating. Worker costs were only $11,100

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