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Road to Glory - The journey of Eric Freer

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And now for your viewing pleasure, once again the pride of Alabama, we bring you. Full Throttle Wrestling's Trick of Beat 2


Brendan Idol v Ted Brady

Not a surprise here as Ted gets the win to help build back some momentum. Ted Brady defeated Brendan Idol in 3:50 by pinfall. E (28)


Ted started celebrating in the ring when Jen Neptune stepped out and spoke. She mocked Ted's age and history of being used to put over other wrestlers saying that his victory today is just a way of helping him look a bit less helpless when he has to be in a real match. Ted charged out of the ring to attack her, but Jen slipped away into the locker room. E+ (31)


Tag Match

Paratroops v Smart & Happy

The heel team got the win, keeping the Paratroops at the bottom of the tagteam ladder. Smart and Happy defeated Paratroops in 6:52 when Happy Elwood defeated Paradox by pinfall. E- (20)


Tresanya Shandel v Mr. Lucha III

In a match that surprised a few people Tresanya and Lucha managed to put on one of the better matches the promotion has seen this year. Sadly, a reappearance by Ted Brady distracted Tresanya enough to allow Lucha to get the pin. Mr. Lucha III defeated Tresanya Shandel in 7:05 by pinfall with a Third Strike following interference from Ted Brady. D- (36)


Jen Neptune v Amazing FireFly

Sadly, the Firefly wasn't able to get any momentum in the match and even an appearing by his tag team partner Ant-man prevented Jen from catching him on the ropes and pulling him into the ring for the pin. Jen Neptune defeated Amazing Fire Fly in 5:59 by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. E- (21)


After the victory Jen looked at Ant-man and demanded to know why he got involved. He stated that the wrong tag team had the title, and he was out to prove who should have it. Soon both tagteams were arguing in the ring. Gil silenced them and the crowd by announcing that if both teams were that passionate about it they could meet at FTW Harvest Brawl in November for a title match. E+ (32)


Eric Freer w/ Jakki v KC Glenn

The performances of all the wrestlers must be getting stronger as this was not only the match of the night to this point, but a step up for Eric. Sadly, he wasn't strong enough to get the win against KC who keeps quietly building up a streak. KC Glenn defeated Eric Freer in 7:10 by pinfall with a handful of tights. D- (38)


As KC Glenn went to the back Jakki jumped into the ring in support of Eric. She noted that Eric has been rapidly improving and told the crowd that soon he'll be winning the big matches. E (24)


Panda Mask II v Jared Johnson

3 good matches in the same event! Jared and Panda managed to top all previous matches and excite the crowd once again. Jared Johnson defeated Panda Mask II in 12:20 by pinfall. D- (39)


Christy Huggins v Tracy Brendon

The two main event ladies got a chance to showcase their skills in a long match that sadly failed to build up to a perfect finish. Still the crowd loved their performances and cheered the ending. Tracy Brendon defeated Christy Higgins in 13:39 by pinfall with an Idaho Crunch. D- (38)


It was a great show for the promotion despite not managing any D or better match ratings. 4 matches got into the D- range and that pulled up the overall to a good D- (36). This without the presence of Nate Johnson who was out due to a gimmick change. Worker costs were $12,651.

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Prediction Scoring - FTW Trick or Beat 2


HydeHill 4/7

Jaded 4/7

Boltinho 4/7

Phreak 3/7



Prediction Scoreing - through 20 events


Phreak 94/113

Occasional Z 66/75

Boltinho 24/32

Jaded 40/66

Chad3590 11/14

HydeHill 15/21

Tiberious4 4/5

Eidenhoek 2/4




((Definitely not one of my more predictable cards.))

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Monday, Week 1, November 2011


October was another strong month for merchandise sales and sponsor money. The promotion made $6,491. Not bad when you realize that ticket sales now cover show costs unless I pay extra for a better set or a celebrity to show up.



Wednesday, Week 1, November 2011


Having kept the goal that I not hire anyone known to have problems with the law, Gil Thomas decided that this time around I should not hire anyone who has less than 35 in resilience. No current member of the roster has a resilience below that.



Monday, Week 3, November 2011


6 workers had their contracts come up for renewal. Amazing Firefly, Panda Mask II, Ted Brady, Sienna DeVille and Nate Johnson were all resigned. The new contracts did not include travel expenses. Ted Brady did request a title run, and the contract says he will get a midcard title run during the contract run. He's been placed into a tag team with Mr. Lucha III.


Jakki's contract will not be renewed. She was a negative locker room influence. Instead young manager Haley Buck was signed to a PPA contract and will be managing Eric Freer for the next show.



Monday, Week 4, November 2011


Jen Neptune's contract with BSC has run out. She was giving FTW priority over BSC, so this has no immediate effect. This leaves Sienna DeVille and Tresanya Shandel as the only 2 workers currently working for both promotions, however, BSC has approached Tracy Brendon about working for them.



The card for FTW Harvest Brawl has been published.


Tag Team Title Match

Not Desperate Housewives (Tresanya Shandel & Jen Neptune) v Insect Bite (Ant-man & Amazing Firefly)


Brendan Idol v Happy Elwood


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart


Tag Match

Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Ted Brady & Mr. Lucha III


Paranoia v Tracy Brendon


Paradox v KC Glenn


Nate Johnson v Jared Johnson – FTW World Title

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Not Desperate Housewives (Tresanya Shandel & Jen Neptune) v Insect Bite (Ant-man & Amazing Firefly)


Brendan Idol v Happy Elwood


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart


Tag Match

Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Ted Brady & Mr. Lucha III


Paranoia v Tracy Brendon


Paradox v KC Glenn


Nate Johnson v Jared Johnson – FTW World Title

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Not Desperate Housewives (Tresanya Shandel & Jen Neptune) v Insect Bite (Ant-man & Amazing Firefly)

The girls are featured more so I'd expect them to win


Brendan Idol v Happy Elwood

Idol is more talented


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart

I'm still shocked that Smart won a match - surely TEW crashes if you try and book a Smart win? :)


Tag Match

Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Ted Brady & Mr. Lucha III

Heels win here


Paranoia v Tracy Brendon


Paradox v KC Glenn


Both P's are jobbers


Nate Johnson v Jared Johnson – FTW World Title

A toughie, but I can't see Nate losing the title just yet

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Horrible predicting on my part. It was a tough card to call. Hopefully this one goes a little better:

Not Desperate Housewives (Tresanya Shandel & Jen Neptune) v Insect Bite (Ant-man & Amazing Firefly)

Champions retain.


Brendan Idol v Happy Elwood

Toss up. I this could go either way IMO. I give he edge to Elwood only in that your champ is a face and Happy has proven to be a good contender.


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart

Huggins gets some heat back with an easy win over Smart


Tag Match

Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Ted Brady & Mr. Lucha III

Another toss up. Brady and Lucha get the edge only because Brady was guarenteed a title, and a win over PM2 and Freer would help their claim to the tag gold.


Paranoia v Tracy Brendon

Brendon Continues her winning ways


Paradox v KC Glenn

As does KCG


Nate Johnson v Jared Johnson – FTW World Title

Johnson and Johnson go at it again. Nate retains.

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Tag Team Title Match

Not Desperate Housewives (Tresanya Shandel & Jen Neptune) v Insect Bite (Ant-man & Amazing Firefly) - Girls seem to be getting more of a push.


Brendan Idol v Happy Elwood - Not sure, guessing here.


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart


Tag Match

Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Ted Brady & Mr. Lucha III - Freer to win.


Paranoia v Tracy Brendon


Paradox v KC Glenn - Even I won't back the Paras in singles.


Nate Johnson v Jared Johnson – FTW World Title - I can see Nate getting a long reign.

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And now, the workers of FTW bring you. FTW Harvest Brawl 2


114 fans were in attendance.


As the lights come on Jared comes down leading Ant-man and Amazing Firefly. He reminds the crowd that Ant-man and Firefly are here to take the tag titles. Ant-man and Firefly openly mock the fact that two girls hold the title, laughing at the idea that they might lose to the female wrestling duo. E+ (34)


Tag Team Title Match

Not Desperate Housewives v Insect Bite

(Tresanya Shandel & Jen Neptune) v (Ant-man & Amazing Firefly)

Jared sat at the announcers table and joined in the commentary as the two tag teams battled it out. The heels put up a good fight, but fell to the champions. Not Desperate Houswives defeated Insect Bite in 5:51 when Jen Neptune defeated Ant-Man by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. E (25)


After the victory Tre and Jen put on a show for the crowd by dancing in the ring. D+ (52)


Brendan Idol v Happy Elwood

It was a first time meeting between the two former main event faces. Brendan Idol defeated Happy Elwood in 6:07 by pinfall with an Idolizer. E (28)


Christy Huggins v Mark Smart

Both wrestlers were having a bad match as the squash was on. Christy Higgins defeated Mark Smart in 4:27 by pinfall with a Florida Upswing. E (23)


Eric and Panda come out before the next match and engage in a bit of mocking towards Ted Brady and Mr. Lucha. The spend a bit of time making fun of Ted and how he's the oldest wrestler in the promotion. E (28)


Tag Match

Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Ted Brady & Mr. Lucha III

Ted Brady and Mr. Lucha III proved to be a bad combination as a tag team, however they got the win when Ted handed Mr. Lucha a chair and Panda was laid out in the center of the ring. Power and the Mask defeated We Journeyed Far in 9:30 when Mr. Lucha III defeated Panda Mask II by pinfall after using a foreign object. E+ (33)


Paranoia v Tracy Brendon

Squish. Tracy Brendon defeated Paranoia in 5:25 by pinfall with an Idaho Crunch. E+ (29)


After the match Tracy borrows the microphone. "Nate, you like to pretend you are the class of the promotion. Well, I have to tell you that you're not as good as you think. I can take you. Care to prove how strong you are by taking on a woman. Or have you decided that it's not worth it."

Nate came out of the locker room and after glaring at the ring spoke. "At Season's Beatings, be prepared to lose." D (46) Sadly Nate's new gimmick did not go over and scored a 66.


Paradox v KC Glenn

Squish again. KC Glenn defeated Paradox in 4:54 by pinfall with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band. E+ (32)


Nate Johnson v Jared Johnson – FTW World Title

It was a long slow match called in the ring. It was strong and the crowd enjoyed it, but the crowd has seen better in the past. Nate Johnson defeated Jared Johnson in 18:07 by pinfall with a Natural Order D- (40)


It was a good show, but not the best ever. D- (38) Worker costs were $13,722

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Prediction Scoring - FTW Harvest Brawl 2


HydeHill 7 /7

Occasional_Z 7/7

Phreak 6/7

Jaded 5/7



Prediction Scoreing - through 20 events


Phreak 100/119

Occasional Z 73/82

Boltinho 24/32

Jaded 45/73

HydeHill 22/28

Chad3590 11/14

Tiberious4 4/5

Eidenhoek 2/4




((thanks again everyone who is making predictions. I'd try to offer something, but my way of doing a dynasty has be simmed far ahead of where I'm posting, so I can't offer the possiblity of changing a storyline or calling for a wrestler to be pushed.


I do enjoy the comments though. I see a few of you have caught on that I tend to favor female wrestlers whenn I can get away with it. Of course, it helps that Jen and Tre can put on D+ level promos something that no other midcarder has shown much ability in.))

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Monday, Week 1, December 2011


Merchandise sales vanished, but the promotion still managed to bring in $3,796. Sadly overall popularity in the South East has not yet reached 17.1, and with less than 1 year to reach the goal of not being the #37 promotion, I'm beginning to consider holding 2 matches on some months to increase popularity growth.



Saturday, Week 2, December 2011


KC Glenn finally decided that other offers were too good and he's informed FTW that he wishes to leave the promotion. He leaves the promotion at 29 overness in the SouthEast Region.


KC stayed with the company for 15 months, participating in 16 matches and accumulating a 14-0-2 record. His best match was a D+ (48) he obtained in a match against Nate Johnson. His average match was E+ (35). He will be missed.



Wednesday, Week 3, December 2011


Signed the surprisingly unemployed Kashmir Singh as a new main event heel to replace KC Glenn. He will debut with a Machine gimmick.


Also the card for FTW Season's Beatings has been published


Tag Match

Eric Freer & Panda Mask II (We Journeyed Far) v Ant-Man & Amazing Firefly (Insect Bite)


Tag Title Match

Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel [c] v Mark Smart and Mr. Lucha III


Brendan Idol v Jared Johnson


Paradox v Ted Brady


Paranoia v Kashmir Singh


Christy Huggins v Happy Elwood


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson [c] v Tracy Brendon

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Eric Freer & Panda Mask II (We Journeyed Far) v Ant-Man & Amazing Firefly (Insect Bite)


Tag Title Match

Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel [c] v Mark Smart and Mr. Lucha III


Brendan Idol v Jared Johnson


Paradox v Ted Brady


Paranoia v Kashmir Singh


Christy Huggins v Happy Elwood


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson [c] v Tracy Brendon

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Tag Match

Eric Freer & Panda Mask II (We Journeyed Far) v Ant-Man & Amazing Firefly (Insect Bite) - Both teams could do with this. PMII seems to be the weak link.


Tag Title Match

Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel [c] v Mark Smart and Mr. Lucha III - There's a fairly obvious weak link here...


Brendan Idol v Jared Johnson - Idol needs it more.


Paradox v Ted Brady


Paranoia v Kashmir Singh - Squashes.


Christy Huggins v Happy Elwood - As you said, you lean towards the women. Which is a pretty good strategy as they're less likely to be stolen.


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson [c] v Tracy Brendon - Draw - Too close to call.


Still really enjoying this, by the way!

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Friday, Week 4, December 2011


And for the final time in 2011, the wrestlers of Full Throttle Wrestling appear for your enjoyment. In front of 143 screaming fans its.


FTW Season's Beatings 2011


At the start Haley Buck came out leading Eric and Panda. She hyped Eric and Panda saying they would make easy work of Ant-man and Firefly. D (41)


Tag Match

Eric Freer & Panda Mask II (We Journeyed Far) v Ant-Man & Amazing Firefly (Insect Bite) - Sienna DeVille continues to quietly do good work at ringside as Ant-man's valet. Sadly, the insect men weren't strong in this match. We Journeyed Far defeated Insect Bite in 7:08 when Eric Freer defeated Amazing Fire Fly by pinfall. E (26)


Jen and Tresanya came out to flirt with the crowd as Jen hyped the upcoming match. D (43) The crowd cried a bit harder for Tresanya to flirt more.


Tag Title Match

Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel [c] v Mark Smart and Mr. Lucha III

A good match for all four. In the end the champions held onto the belts. Not Desperate Houswives defeated Mark Smart and Mr. Lucha III in 6:39 when Jen Neptune defeated Mark Smart by pinfall with an Alabama Jam. E+ (34)


Ted stomps out from the locker room upset that the girls are still tag champions. He claims one man should be able to easily defeat both of them. Gil immediately tells him he can prove that at next years FTW Pedal to the Metal E+(29)


Brendan Idol v Jared Johnson

These two hadn't met in some time, but they still managed a solid performance in a squash match. Jared Johnson defeated Brendan Idol in 3:15 by pinfall. E+ (33)


Paradox v Ted Brady

Ted didn't really impress as he dominated Paradox. Ted Brady defeated Paradox in 4:28 by pinfall. E- (20)


Tracy Brendon is then shown backstage. She hypes her match tonight against Nate, saying that he's not going to stay on top forever, and she's the one who will bring him down. (sorry, I didn't note the grade here.)


Paranoia v Kashmir Singh

Kashmir came in and disposed of Paranoia easily. Kashmir Singh defeated Paranoia in 5:49 by pinfall with a Cal-Cutter. E+ (29)


Christy Huggins v Happy Elwood

Happy continues his steak of holding little momentum. Christy Higgins defeated Happy Elwood in 8:47 by pinfall with a Florida Upswing. E+ (33)


FTW World Title Match

Nate Johnson [c] v Tracy Brendon

In a bitter surprise to the current champion Tracy hid brass knuckles in one of her boots and managed to use them when the referee had his back turned. Tracy Brendon defeated Nate Johnson in 12:14 by pinfall after using a foreign object. Tracy Brendon wins the FTW World Title title. D (45)


Tracy then poses with the belt in the ring as the crowd booed her performance. E+ (32)


And with that the final show of 2011 is in the books. It didn't match the one incredible D level show, but came in with a solid D- (39). Making it the second best show ever. Worker costs were $13,698 which was less than November's costs, although the use of a slightly more elaborate setup means the show cost an extra $1,000 to put on.

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Prediction Scoring - FTW Season's Beatings 2012


HydeHill 5 /7

Jaded 4/7



Prediction Scoreing - through 20 events


Phreak 100/119

Occasional Z 73/82

Boltinho 24/32

Jaded 49/80

HydeHill 27/35

Chad3590 11/14

Tiberious4 4/5

Eidenhoek 2/4




((Only 2 people predicted yesterday. The funny thing is that while this has been extremely frustrating at times, I'm still enjoying this and plan on seeing if I can accomplish the goal of making FTW national level and getting Eric into an A+ match. RIght now it doesn't seem very likely.


I am considering starting another version of this with a much different product. But I'm also thinking of running either 21CW or Zen in a dynasty as well, since those two companies don't appear to be big for dynastys. THe problem is that I suck at booking feds that are about popularity. I have definitely improved though.))

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And it's year end so time for a huge post about the promotion. :p




Saturday, Week 4, December 2011


Good news, the Season's Beatings show raised our popularity enough to attract notice in the Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic and on Puerto Rico. We have jumped to #35 in the world, overtaking CWWF and ACPW.



Sunday, Week 4, December 2011


Another year is in the books for FTW. When the year began the company was still local sized and had $631 in the bank. Now thanks to a rise to small size and some good shows, the promotion has $58,445 in the bank before the checks for sponsor money and merchandise sales for December are counted. Popularity has also gone up from just below 12 to just below 18, helping the promotion meet the goal of not being #37 in the nation by September 2012.


5 Employees left during the year

New York Red – contract not renewed

Roger Montiero – contract not renewed

Buttercup – contract not renewed

Jakki – contract not renewed

KC Glenn – accepted offers to wrestle for CZCW, ACPW and WLW.


We also added a tag division. Currently there are 5 organized and regular tag teams.


Not Desperate Housewives (Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel) – current champions

Mark Smart & Mr. Lucha III (Excellence of Execution)

Eric Freer & Panda Mask II (We Journeyed Far)

Paranoia & Paradox (Paratroops)

Ant-man & Amazing Firefly (Insect Bite)


As for the roster there have been some major changes.


Main Eventers


Tracy Brendon – FTW World Title Holder


Diva (rated 66)

Joined in September 2011 4-0-0

Best match: D (45)

Average Match: E+ (35)

Overness: 36 (+8)


Current holder of the FTW World Title. And most popular wrestler on the roster. #3 performer in the promotion in rumble skills. Also #3 in entertainment and camera skills. A versatile performer who's done very well since she was hired.


Kashmir Singh


Machine (rated 84)

Joined in December 2011 1-0-0

Best Match: E+ (29)

Average Match: E+ (29)

Overness: 33 (+1)


Replacing the leaving KC won't be easy, but Kashmir has solid ring skills and a good level of overness already built up. He's a solid wrestler ranking #1 in rumble and #4 in technical as well as #3 in performance.


Nate Johnson


Fan Favorite (rated 66)


Best Match: D+ (48)

Average Match: D- (37)

Overness: 32 (+15)


In 2009 this man ranked #51 in the world. Now, he's been quiet in Canada while building up a solid record of work for our small promotion. He held the World title for 6 months before losing to Tracy in December. He's the best all-around wrestler ranking #2 in rumble, #3 in technical and #3 in flying as well as being #1 in performance.


Christy Huggins


Fan Favorite (rated 66)


Best Match: D- (38)

Average Match: E+ (31)

Overness: 30 (+1)


She's a rather unremarkable wrestler who's biggest claim to fame is that she's good looking.


Upper Midcard


Jared Johnson


Man on a Mission (rated 78)


Best Match: D (43)

Average Match: E+ (34)

Overness: 32 (+5)


Just barely bumped from the main event due to the hiring of Tracy and later Kashmir, he's one of the cornerstones of the company and likely to return to the main event if he can gain some momentum thanks to his youth and consistency


Ted Brady


Bitter Veteran (rated 74)


Best Match: E+ (34)

Average Match: E (26)

Overness: 25 (+0)


He's a solid if unexciting wrestler. Brought in to help add some wrestling skills to the heel side of the roster, he's been good, although he has not gained much overness. His demand for a lower card title has a planned tag title run in the works.


Brendan Idol


Surfer Dude (rated 66)


Best Match: D- (36)

Average Match: E (28)

Overness: 19 (-8)


Since falling from the main event he's been used a bit too much to help building up the main event heels and its cost him some overness. In reality he's most likely to descend to the midcard and start competing for the tag titles. There are other wrestlers heading to the main event.


Eric Freer


Adventurer (rated 92)


Best Match: D- (38)

Average Match: E+ (30)

Overness: 19 (+7)


Still working on consistency, but slowly becoming one of the better wrestlers. Right now likely to replace Christy in the main event should she prove unable to consistently achieve D- match ratings in the first part of 2012.




Happy Elwood


Band Member (rated 66)


Best Match: D- (39)

Average Match: E (26)

Overness: 15 (-2)


Another former main eventer that's been on the jobber express. He's likely settled into the midcard for now.


Mr. Lucha III


Evolution (rated 84)


Best Match: D- (38)

Average Match: E+ (35)

Overness: 18 (+1)


A great wrestler, unfortunately he's signed to 2 other promotions and if one more talks him into working for them, he'll leave the promotion. Still he deserves a strong push if I can find the right storyline to fit him into


Tresanya Shandel


Secretary (86)


Best Match: D- (36)

Average Match: E (26)

Overness: 16 (+12)


The arrival of new wrestlers with strong aerial skills dropped her to #6 in the company, but she's shown considerable improvement in her performance. She also has been signed by BSC and CWWF has also approached her. Current tag team champion with Jen Neptune.


Jen Neptune


Fan Favorite (66)


Best Match: E+ (34)

Average Match: E (23)

Overness: 14 (+11)


Pairing her with Tresanya has definitely helped both wrestlers. While not as young as Tresanya she does show up as #4 on my Hot Prospects list and she's become dependable both as a wrestler and on the microphone. Current tag team champion with Tresanya Shandel.


Panda Mask II


Comic Book Hero (rated 91)


Best Match: D- (39)

Average Match: E+ (31)

Overness: 18 (+8)


He seems to get signed for every WLW tour, which has affected how I book him slightly as he's a good enough wrestler to be worth poaching. He's been a solid performer since his hiring and likely to head up the card when or if Christy slides down.


Lower Midcard and openers.




Arrogant youth (rated 89) [incorrect name used due to filter. :p ]


Best Match: E (28)

Average Match: E- (22)

Overness: 15 (+5)


Solid, unspectacular and fairly consistent is a good way to describe Ant-man. He's in no danger of being let go, but for now he's mostly jobber fodder for the many faces working to build up overness. Despite that, he's increased his overness during the past year.


Mark Smart


That 80's Guy (rated 70)


Best Match: E+ (34)

Average Match: E- (22)

Overness: 13 (+6)


I'd like you to meet jobber bait. But I have to admit he's skilled jobber bait and has a decent record of performance, even improving his popularity despite the number of losses. I'm going to be testing to see if he can pair with Ted Brady in a tag team. A tag title might be in his future.


Amazing FireFly


Unlucky (rated 83)


Best Match: E (27)

Average Match: E (23)

Overness: 7 (+7)


When we hired him, nobody knew him. He's pretty much gotten to play "bug on the windshield" for the majority of the roster, but still has had many good matches and his average match is better than that of other midcard wrestlers. Someday, he'll get a better push, right now, there just isn't much space above him.




Blue Chipper (rated 92)


Best Match: E+ (32)

Average Match: E- (22)

Overness: 8 (+1)


Nothing new here. The Para boys were weak wrestlers when I hired them, and it doesn't look like I'm going to be pushing them to the moon anytime soon. They do make great squash fodder though.




Fun Babyface (rated 66)


Best Match: E+ (33)

Average Match: E (24)

Overness: 11 (+1)


He had it a bit better than his best friend thanks to wins against Amazing FireFly and New York Red early in the year. Much like his friend he's around mostly so the others have someone they can squash.




Haley Buck


French Maid (rated 66)


The gimmick flopped, but she's one of the best microphone people in the promotion and works well with Eric.


Sienna DeVille


High Society (rated 89)


She manages Ant-man and does a fairly good job of helping make him look good. She needs more time to cut promos for him.





Davis Ditterich



He hasn't changed much, still at 23 overness and almost no skill improvement. Still he usually gets road agent notes about how he helped improve a match, and I can't find anyone with greater skill that meets my requirements at this time.


Gil Thomas

Color Commentator and Owner


He's the most over man in the promotion at 50 (an improvement of 3 points) and he's one of the better microphone people. It's very uncommon not to hear that his work helped improve a match.


Jonathan Taylor



He continues to improve as a referee, but at 36, I'm not sure how much longer he'll continue to improve. Now at 28 overness. Fortunately, he didn't get too upset when his brother's contract was not renewed.


The Stomper

Road Agent


He costs me more than twice as much as any wrestler I have, but he's the best road agent available to me and since he owns NYCW he can't end up working for SWF or TCW on a written contract and is therefore a bit more resistant to poaching than some of the other possible road agent hires I could make.

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And as this is the Road to Glory we get a die roll.


Drum roll please.


30. “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill


Not the best possible roll, but it should help a little.


So in two years Eric has developed from this


<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=EricStartingStats.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/EricStartingStats.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


to this


<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=EricEnd2010Stats.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/EricEnd2010Stats.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


To this


<a href="http://s670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/?action=view&current=EricEnd2011Stats.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i670.photobucket.com/albums/vv68/mvargus/EricEnd2011Stats.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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Monday, Week 1, January 2012


After sponsor money and merchandise sales made $3,423 in December. Bank account is at $76,731. A new show has been scheduled for Friday, Week 2, January 2012 to try to help grow the company a bit faster.



Tuesday, Week 1, January 2012


For reasons I do not yet understand NOTBPW allowed Sally Anne Christianson to leave at the end of her last contract. I've signed her up as a heel for $250 PPA. She's currently pushing as an opener.



Thursday, Week 1, January 2012


Bleh! Just when I thought everything was going well, Gil throws a wrench into the works. He's demanding that the company have $100,000 in the bank come January 2014. This is going to limit how often I have 2 shows in a month since a double show month will likely drop my bank account by $12,000 right now.



Sunday, Week 1, January 2012


Signed Kinuye Mushashibo to a PPA contract as an opener face.



The card for the new show FTW Where the Rubber Meets the Road has been published.


Tag Match

Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Jared Johnson and Mr. Lucha III


Kinuye Mushashibo v Ted Brady


Tresanya Shandel v Happy Elwood


Jen Neptune v Mark Smart


Tag Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite


Brendan Idol v Kashmir Singh


Nate Johnson v Sally Anne Christianson


Christy Huggins v Tracy Brendon [c] – FTW World Title

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Tag Match

Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Jared Johnson and Mr. Lucha III - I seem to get Freer wrong a LOT.


Kinuye Mushashibo v Ted Brady - Can't see KM squeaking out a debut win here.


Tresanya Shandel v Happy Elwood - If in doubt, pick the girl.


Jen Neptune v Mark Smart - Squash.


Tag Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite - I can get behind my boys in tag action!


Brendan Idol v Kashmir Singh - Does Idol ever win these days?


Nate Johnson v Sally Anne Christianson - SAC's great, but no reason to put her over Nate on her debut.


Christy Huggins v Tracy Brendon [c] – FTW World Title - Christy's just about in the main event, Tracy's established there. Title change makes no sense.

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Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Jared Johnson and Mr. Lucha III


Kinuye Mushashibo v Ted Brady


Tresanya Shandel v Happy Elwood


Jen Neptune v Mark Smart


Tag Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite


Brendan Idol v Kashmir Singh


Nate Johnson v Sally Anne Christianson


Christy Huggins v Tracy Brendon [c] – FTW World Title

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And now in front of a crowd of 117 fans. We bring you.


FTW – Where the Rubber Meets the Road


Tag Match

Panda Mask II & Eric Freer v Jared Johnson and Mr. Lucha III

The opening match was a good ones as the four popular wrestlers put on a show. Jared Johnson and Mr. Lucha III defeated We Journeyed Far in 10:50 when Jared Johnson defeated Panda Mask II by pinfall. D (43)


After the match Haley jumped into the ring. She grabbed a microphone. "Lucha, you weren't a factor in this match and you'll never be a factor in Full Throttle Wrestling. And my client, the man who's been all over the world, Eric Freer will defeat you. You think that you got him thanks to Jared, but that was a fluke. Eric can and will defeat you." E (25)


Kinuye Mushashibo v Ted Brady

Squish. Ted Brady defeated Kinuye Mushashibo in 3:43 by pinfall. E (25)


After the match Ted looked over at Gil and Davis. He grabbed a microphone. "I know you are thinking that the handicap match at FTW Pedal to the Metal is going to be a quick defeat for me. It won't. I'm better than the two girls and I will definitely prove it next week. D- (36)


Tresanya Shandel v Sally Anne Christianson

This match wasn't what I originally planned, but it turns out that Happy Elwood pretty much refuses to lose to a female wrestler and complained that I had booked him against Tresanya. The match was about what you'd expect considering that Sally has no overness in the US. Tresanya Shandel defeated Sally Anne Christianson in 6:23 by pinfall. E- (20)


Jen Neptune v Mark Smart

Jen got the win, but it wasn't clean as Ted Brady came out to interfere and Jonathan Taylor called for the bell after he attacked. Jen Neptune defeated Mark Smart in 6:07 when Mark Smart was disqualified when Ted Brady ran in and attacked Jen Neptune. E (25)


Ted disappeared into the back. Jen and Tresanya took a few minutes to complain about Ted's actions and to promise to defeat him in the handicap match. E+ (33)


Sienna came out with Ant-man and Amazing Firefly to pump up the crowd before the tag match against Paratroops. F+ (14) ouch, I knew the low overness was a risk, but hoped for at least E-.


Tag Match

Paratroops v Insect Bite

A match that ended about as expected as Amazing Firefly got the pin against Paradox. Insect Bite defeated Paratroops in 6:53 when Amazing Fire Fly defeated Paradox by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly. E (28)


Nate Johnson v Happy Elwood

Nate Johnson defeated Happy Elwood in 14:05 by pinfall with a Natural Order. E+ (33) not much to be said, it ended as expected. Long match though.


After the match, Nate took the microphone to rant about his loss to Tracy and to demand a rematch. D- (40)


Brendan Idol v Kashmir Singh

The new main eventer got the win. Kashmir Singh defeated Brendan Idol in 11:37 by pinfall with a Cal-Cutter. E+ (35)


Tracy took a microphone before her match to casually refuse Nate's challenge saying that for now she has some far more important matches to win rather than a rematch against a loser. D+ (47)


Christy Huggins v Tracy Brendon [c] – FTW World Title

The crowd got into this one as Tracy completed her first title defense. Tracy Brendon defeated Christy Higgins in 12:27 by pinfall with an Idaho Crunch. D (41)


The one really bad angle was a disappointment, but overall the show was solid earning a D- (36). The D level matches were a nice sign. Just need to have them a bit more often.

Worker costs were a bit high though at $14,574 and there is still FTW Pedal to the Metal before the end of the month.

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Prediction Scoring - FTW Where the Rubber Meets the Road


HydeHill 6/7

Jaded 6/7



Prediction Scoreing - through 25 events


Phreak 100/119

Occasional Z 73/82

Boltinho 24/32

Jaded 55/87

HydeHill 33/42

Chad3590 11/14

Tiberious4 4/5

Eidenhoek 2/4




((I seem to be down to 2 regular predictors. Hopefully they are both having a lot of fun.


I do encourage the comments and questions. I don't claim to be good, but who knows, I might help someone.


And Jaded, If you read my long post about the end of 2011, I admit that I had overused Brendan as "jobber-fodder" to help build up Tracy, Jared and KC/Kashmir. He got a bit abused in 2011. That starts to change in 2012, but its slow. THere are just too many other young wrestlers who are on the "next big thing" lists when I talk to my creative team and he doesn't make it on the list..))

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And the card for FTW – Pedal to the Metal


Handicap Match

Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel v Ted Brady


Tag Match

Brendan Idol & Kinuye Mushashibo v Mr Lucha III & Sally Anne Christianson


Paranoia v Amazing FireFly


Panda Mask II v Mark Smart


Paradox v Jared Johnson


Christy Huggins v Ant-man


Eric Freer v Tracy Brendon [c] – FTW World Title


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh

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Handicap Match

Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel v Ted Brady - They're way too good for Brady to go over both of them.


Tag Match

Brendan Idol & Kinuye Mushashibo v Mr Lucha III & Sally Anne Christianson - Not thinking Idol's losing ways are set to change just yet.


Paranoia v Amazing FireFly


Panda Mask II v Mark Smart


Paradox v Jared Johnson - Three squashes


Christy Huggins v Ant-man


Eric Freer v Tracy Brendon [c] – FTW World Title - Two women.


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh - One superpush. (Hopefully - Singh rocks!)

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FTW – Pedal to the Metal


Handicap Match

Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel v Ted Brady

Logically, the girls have to win


Tag Match

Brendan Idol & Kinuye Mushashibo v Mr Lucha III & Sally Anne Christianson

Guess, though Lucha won last month so can see him winning again


Paranoia v Amazing FireFly

Paranoia is a jobber


Panda Mask II v Mark Smart

Should be an easy win for the masked man


Paradox v Jared Johnson

Paradox is also a jobber


Christy Huggins v Ant-man

I remember Ant-man being stuck in the midcard, I'll hazard a guess that he's still there

Eric Freer v Tracy Brendon [c] – FTW World Title

Booking yourself in a title match after losing the previous month? Hmmm...I don't think you'll put the title on yourself though.


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh

Sure he is more over

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Jen Neptune & Tresanya Shandel v Ted Brady


Tag Match

Brendan Idol & Kinuye Mushashibo v Mr Lucha III & Sally Anne Christianson


Paranoia v Amazing FireFly


Panda Mask II v Mark Smart


Paradox v Jared Johnson


Christy Huggins v Ant-man


Eric Freer v Tracy Brendon [c] – FTW World Title


Nate Johnson v Kashmir Singh


Lets go with a draw here, Singh is more over but a heel when there is a heel champ and just new to the company, Nate is face and the former champ.



Seriously you have multiple on your next big thing list? Or do you mean hot prospects? Also you have to be pushed to midcard or lower to qualify for both and be under 30 years of age.

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