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The Men Made of Steel

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Local pub in the Northern UK, June 1st, 2010




It wasn't his idea. To get back in the ring is risking futher injury to his battered old body, but Jonnie has come to realize Greg McPeterson isn't best used behind the announce desk. Jonnie is an entertainer and a man that should be doing colour, not Greg. He even agreed that Jonnie should get his friend Manny Morhan to sign on and take over as the lead announcer so Jonnie can shift to colour duty. With the profits still rolling in another hire like that can be afforded. His health and being in the ring? that is another matter.


He remains focused on his scotch as he ponders. He does love to wrestle, but his age continues to climb and he isn't sure how much of his skills he has retained. At least for now it is a tag match. Something that can hide his weaknesses while being with some of the better workers in the promotion. It should be a big night. Can he have one last shot at glory? Will this help further save his promotion? Eyes close and the last of the scotch is consumed. In a few days it will be seen if he still can work his magic in the ring. Better drink up to get that courage he needs.

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Wednesday, Week 2, June 2010





Main Event


The Cockney Rebels (Danny Patterson and Harley Neill) vs Highland Warrior and Jeffery McPeterson


Also on the Card


Ultra Violence vs Tony Wright


Carl Edwards vs Axl Grease


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs Norman Gates

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The Cockney Rebels (Danny Patterson and Harley Neill) vs Highland Warrior and Jeffery McPeterson


Also on the Card


Ultra Violence vs Tony Wright


Carl Edwards vs Axl Grease


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs Norman Gates

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The Cockney Rebels (Danny Patterson and Harley Neill) vs Highland Warrior and Jeffery McPeterson


Patterson and Neill are your money makers.


Also on the Card


Ultra Violence vs Tony Wright


I don't see Ultra Violence winning unless Tony Wright is on his way out of the promotion, though that wouldn't surprise me.


Carl Edwards vs Axl Grease


Axl Grease is pretty terrible.


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs Norman Gates


Norman Gates is terrible at anything that isn't a hardcore match.

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The Cockney Rebels (Danny Patterson and Harley Neill) vs Highland Warrior and Jeffery McPeterson


Can't see the McPetersons losing


Also on the Card


Ultra Violence vs Tony Wright




Carl Edwards vs Axl Grease


Edwards is better of the two


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs Norman Gates


Morris is a decent hand

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Men of Steel Combat: Shockwave!


Phoenix Nights: 47








Jonnie Stylz: "Hello again for another night of beer, blood and brawling. Once again my friends it is Jonnie Stylz and everyone give a welcome to my new partner in crime. Manny Morhan!"


Manny Morhan: "Thank you Jonnie and I have some big shoes to fill by taking over, but I am ready to break my beer, blood and brawling cherry tonight. And what a night to do so! Highland Warrior makes his return to the ring for maybe for the last time as he teams with his son to take on Danny Patterson and Harley Neill."


Jonnie Stylz: "Does Highland Warrior still have it in him or will his knee give out? We are still awhile off from there so let us kick things off with our first match!"






It has been the first time Ultra Violence has been seen in a few months and it seems the break didn't make the fans miss him at all. They were still shitting all over most of what he did despite putting his body on the line and getting himself bloodied by taking some insane bumps from Tony. The ring was littered with weapons and other sorts of plunder in a manner of moments and the biggest bump was when Ultra Violence went to go for a flying headbutt and Tony grabbed a ball bat and took a wild swing to nail Ultra in the face and seemingly knock him out cold. Tony perhaps took too much time to gloat and flirt with one of the few female fans that when he did go for the pin Ultra had recovered enough to surprise h im with a low blow. Bouncing off the ropes he nails the stunned Tony Wright with a flying knee strike and takes the man out to get a win. The crowd does not go wild.


Winner: Ultra Violence


Rating: 22


Manny Morhan: "Ultra Violence picks up a win, but he doesn't even know where he is from t he looks of it. Referee Scott Gregory is having to help him to the back."


Jonnie Stylz: "He should just stumble away from the boos, that means he is going in the right direction!"






Danny Patterson and Harley Neill step out as the ring is being cleaned and set up for the next match. The two are looking like their usual brutish selves as they use their size to intimidate members of the crowd near them. Harley is handed a mic and he slaps Danny on the back a few times.


Harley Neill: "Oh Danny Boy. We seem to have ourselves a bit of a problem on our hands. We are supposed to be afraid of a washed up old man and his untalented son. Aren't we better than this? I am the damned champion and I have to stoop to this level? Where is the true challenge? It sure as hell isn't Highland Warrior. It isn't that goof Bruiser. Danny, who can challenge us?"


Harley grins as he holds the mic for Danny to speak into. His cohort looks about ready to just grab someone nearby and tear into him. The intensity in his eyes almost make him look like a man about to go insane and it might just be Harley that is keeping him from snapping for now.


Danny Patterson: "The Tower of London will taste blood and maybe it will soon be like father like son when it comes to knee problems."


He roars and flexes as Harley gets a good chuckle and seems to be pleased with what he heard.


Harley Neill: "Enjoy what will be your last match of seeing Highland Warrior or his son in the ring. Tonight me and Danny continue to dominate!"


The pair menace the crowd a bit more and even Manny almost gets hit by Patterson when he makes a swipe in passing. He just grins a rather evil grin as he saunters out along with Harley back into the back.


Rating: 70






Norman Gates gets some nice experience by taking on a great veteran in Geordie Jimmy Morries. Geordie can't go long matches anymore these days, but in a shorter one where the weapons and hardcore elements mask his fading skills he still can hang onto a roster spot for the forseeable future. Norman on the other hands seems to be liked by the crowd and he has plenty of time to continue to improve. He is probably one of the better prospects that MOSC has been showing as of late, but he is still awhile off from making any sort or real impact.


The pair brawl through the crowd to start things out and soon end up in the ring. Not too much in the way of weapons come into play, but at the same there isn't any real wrestling involved either. It is several heavy strikes and a few power moves mixed in. Geordie manages to get ahold of Norman after blasting him in the head with a trashcan lid and nails him with the Tyneside Neckbreaker to get the win.


Winner: Geordie Jimmy Morris


Rating: 26


Manny Morhan: "The veteran gets the win, but not without taking a few big hits himself. He is hurting and I am sure Norman has earned the man's respect."


Jonnie Stylz: "Geordie wants to still make an impact, but if he wants to play with the bigger boys he needs to step up his game. Norman almost took him down."






Emma gets her time to work the crowd as the ring is cleaned up again. The fans still seem to be more than fine with her coming out and shaking things. One has to wonder how long it will be before they start to tire, but then again these are a bunch of rowdy men that have been drinking so it is safe to assume Emma will have a job for quite some time. Manny gets a kiss from her as an official welcome to the promotion and he just grins like an idiot as she saunters off to the back.


Rating: 48






Carl is in singles action for the first time in awhile and Axl seems to still be in his rut. To be fair he does get more offense in this time than he normally would, but it doesn't seem to really get the crowd on his side. The crowd truthfully wasn't on either side. Carl got alot of boos himself and it was more noticeable when he isn't being teamed with Jeffery McPeterson. Carl is also a bit out of his element and it shows much more than it does with someone like Nigel Svensson. With Nigel he at least has a rather brutal style to where it is more fit with the product where Carl is the only cruiserweight on the roster right now. Even so he uses his speed to his advantage and once again Axl Grease finds himself on the losing side when he is caught in a schoolboy that leads to a three count. Carl ducks out quickly as a rather irate Axl Grease gives chase.


Winner: Carl Edwards


Rating: 26


Manny Morhan: "It seems the losses are finally getting to Axl. WIll this lead to him becoming more intense or will he continue to falter?"


Jonnie Stylz: "He has to do something because right now even Ultra Violence managed to score a win."






Danny and Harley are out first. They seem to have total confidence as they pose in the ring and wait for the McPeterson clan to make their way to the ring. The lights dim a bit as Jeffery steps out painted much like his father would be when he wrestled and he steps to the side. The projector screen above the ramp soon comes on as a video starts. It is a montage of Highland Warrior training himself along to the song 'No Guts, No Glory' by Iron Savior(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AS_Qbk1m24). Out comes Highland Warrior in full battle paint and the crowd goes crazy at seeing the hardcore hero step out and stalk towards the ring with his son.


The pair get into the ring and both teams stare down one another as the music fades out and the lights come back up. The bell doesn't even sound before they all throw themselves at one another. Highland Warrior may be hurting, but the man still seems to be able to put out a good match when he needs to. It may help it is a bit chaotic of a match and he has Jeffery to help him out so he isn't in the ring the entire match. Scott Gregory finally gives up trying to make it a normal tag and just lets all the men go for it. Harley and Highland Warrior brawl on the outside and Jeffery is left having to fight Danny on his own. The Tower of Londer has the upper hand as he blasts Jeffery with a fire extinguisher and busts him open. Harley is dealt with enough that he can try to make the save, but he is soon overwhelmed by Danny and the recovered Harley Neill.


All four men end up bloodied as the match stretches on. Given the length it is a surprise that they are able to keep up with the pace they are going with and as it approaches the fourteen minute mark it is Highland Warrior slumped over in the ring with Danny Patterson standing over him. Harley and Jeffery are both on the outside looking down and out for the time being when out from under the ring Bruiser slips out and gets in the ring. It makes Danny turn around and attack his rival and he manages to overpower Bruiser and throw him from the ring. It seemed Bruiser's distraction is all that Highland Warrior needed to recover and when Danny turned around he walks into a mighty fist that stuns him before Highland Warrior picks him up and nails him with the Highland Glory (Death Valley Driver). He slumps on top of the prone Danny Patterson and Scott Gregory counts to three.


Winner: McPeterson Clan


Rating: 52


Manny Morhan: "Listen to that crowd. They missed Highland Warrior and while the win is questionable I think the fans could care less the way they are cheering."


Jonnie Stylz: "I didn't expect to see Bruiser, but it seems his sites are still on Danny and he is looking to make his life hell. Can those two ever coexist?"


Manny Morhan: "We may find out soon enough. I don't think I would want to be around when Danny wakes up if I was Bruiser."






Bruiser hits the ring after the pin and helps Highland Warrior to his feet. A recovering Jeffery steps in as well and Bruiser raises both their arms as an angry and injured Harley Neill stands on the outside just seething. The crowd cheers as the three men celebrate their win and it seems the fans all get to go home happy.


Rating: 46




Final Rating: 45

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Local Pub in Northern UK: 1am, July 1st


To be in the ring. He had never really planned on doing it again, but he somehow made it out without injuring himself. That is something he can't risk to do often, but now he will do what he truely wants to do for his promotion. Now Greg McPeterson can allow Highland Warrior to act as an authority figure that can back up the laws he lays down. As much as he would want to do a long term feud in the ring with Harley most of it will have to just be build up to perhaps one last one on one match.


They managed to cover all their costs once again and the locker room continues to improve. Many were glad to see Jonnie tell Tony Wright to take a hike and it seems Nigel Svensson has really become good friends with Tyrone Hughes. To see the change of attitude over the months has been amazing to him. It just brings a smile to Greg's face as he takes a long drink from his glass of scotch. Maybe he shall just stay out a bit later than normal and keep celebrating. Jonnie seems to have things well in hand. He even seems to have an idea for the next show. Greg is sure he will hear about it soon enough.

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MOSC: Night of Champions!


Main Event for the UK Title


Harley Neill vs ???


Tag Team Title Match


Jeffery McPeterson/Carl Edwards vs Menace/???


Blood and Beer Title Match


Psycho vs Dwayne Dark


Grudge Match


Bruiser vs Danny Patterson

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