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SWF: Supreme Family 2010

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(OOC: ) Please do not place any negative comments in this diary about how many diaries I start. They will simply be reported and (hopefully) deleted. Other than that, any and all constructive criticism, praise, comments, etc. are welcomed with open arms so long as they are focused on this diary.




With all of the controversy following Christmas Clash and what happened with Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen, another incident has occured. Veteran ring announcer Peter Michaels was taken by ambulance to a local hospital after experiencing what we here at SWF.com have learned was a mild heart attack. We await word on his condition and wish him the best in his recovery.


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[The scene opens within the mansion owned by Richard Eisen. The owner of Supreme Wrestling Federation has been a recluse for the last few years as he has allowed others to run the empire that he built into the greatest wrestling empire in the world. He is seated upon his large armchair within the library with his fingers drumming against the polished wood surface of the desk to his right.]


[seated in this room with him are two of his sons: Eric Eisen, the SWF World Champion and Jerry Eisen, one of the announcers for SWF Supreme TV. Both of these men are looking at their father with almost eager anticipation of what his next words will be. The elder Eisen lifts his hand from the desk and brings it to settle in his lap.]


Richard Eisen

"Good evening, my sons. It is good to see you both in good health. Congratulations on your victory, Eric. I know you will prove able to carry this company into the next decade. That is something that I brought the two of you here to talk about. That is, the future of this company that has carried the Eisen name for a very long time."


[both sons open their mouths to speak but Richard raises his right hand to silence both of them. His authority is absolute in this instance and their mouths close the instant his hand is raised. That hand is lowered back to the desk, drumming there for a moment before he begins to speak again.]


Richard Eisen

"As I am sure that both of you know, Peter Michaels will be unable to carry out his duty as Head Booker of this company due to the heart attack that he suffered following Christmas Clash. It is a matter of inconvenient timing as we are coming off one of the better storylines that we have seen in a long time. The loss of Peter will affect our momentum. However, this leaves open one of the top positions in the company. It is a position that must be filled immediately. That is one of the reasons that I brought both of you here."


[Richard pauses and watches as his sons nearly salivate over the opportunity to take over as Head Booker. There was the election storyline several years ago where both men had the opportunity to take over but that storyline bombed with the fans. Richard begins to speak again.]


Richard Eisen

"I have done some very careful thinking and planning since the heart attack and I have decided on who should take over the spot that Peter Michaels has vacated."


[Richard slowly raises that right hand and points over the left shoulder of Eric Eisen where I have been standing within the background, drenched in the shadows. Both Jerry and Eric slowly look over to where Richard points and I step free from the shadows and into the light. I watch in silence as the shock pours over the faces of my two brothers. Then I speak one single word into the light.]




Jack Eisen


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[i stood inside the Eisen Mansion and watched the shocked expressions on my brothers' faces and the slight look of pride in the eyes of my father. I held a stern expression, not showing any emotion for the present moment. I walked across the pool of light and moved to stand beside my father, placing my hand on top of his. The two of us looked at the slightly dropped jaws of my brothers and it was my father that broke the silence.]


Richard Eisen

"Eric, Jerry, you know this man from our past. No, he has not been a part of the Supreme Family. However, this man is my son, your brother. He has spent a lifetime growing up not tainted with this promotion, with this lifestyle. That means that he has a lot to offer. He has a fresh eye and that is what I want for this company. However, he is going to need your help. I trust that the two of you will give him everything that he needs."


[i watched as the first one to acknowledge me was Jerry. That is no surprise. He was always the more practical one. He was always the one that I could rely on if I needed any assistance in the past. He rose and offered his hand to me and I accepted it, meeting his eyes with a stern look but then a smile.]


Jerry Eisen

"Whatever you need."


[i nodded and then turned my eyes to Eric, the company's World champion. I could easily tell from his expression that Eric felt blindsided. He expected that this company would be turned over to him. But as an in-ring talent that would be a mistake. The best bookers are not in-ring talents because those tend to favor themselves. Eric gave a slight sneer and pushed to his feet.]


Eric Eisen

"Yeah, whatever."


[Richard gave an audible sigh at the words that came from Eric. His eyes turned slowly up toward me and I could see that he felt like a failure when it came to the spoiled attitude that Eric has. I gave his hand a pat.]


Jack Eisen

"I am sure that we will all work very well together. Thank you for coming this evening."


[Eric immediately turned and walked away from the room, pushing open the door and heading out to who knows where. Probably the bottle and a prostitute, right? That wouldn't surprise me from Eric. Jerry leaned down and hugged his father, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He nodded to me and we gave that man-hug that consists of a handshake pulled into a brief touch of chests. Then I watched as Jerry Eisen left the room, leaving me alone with my father.]


Jack Eisen

"Thank you for this opportunity, father."


Richard Eisen

"Do not make me disappointed."


[i looked at the authority returned to my father's eyes and I nodded. I would not let him down. I would not let this company down. I would not let myself down.]

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[There is definitely one thing that can be said about my father without a shadow of a doubt: he doesn't like to sleep. He says that he might miss something if he sleeps and he doesn't want to miss anything. Though he is reclusive right now, staying mostly within his manor, he is constantly on the phone with this sponsor or that producer. He is a man among men.]


[My brother, Eric, on the other hand? He's the epitome of a spoiled little rich kid. The character that he plays on television? Just an extension of who he is in real life. He spends a lot of money, thinking that the money can buy him friends but they will only be around until his money runs out. With the economy and wrestling industry the way it is, that money may run out faster than it should.]


[Then there is Jerry. He resembles a lot of the same traits as our father. He can be extremely ruthless and aggressive when the situation calls for it. He can also be extremely manipulative. I can remember him conning people in his lemonade stand when we were all growing up.]


[The morning sun was just rising over the city when I arrived at Supreme Headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts. I was let in immediately and went up to the third floor where my office was located. There was a pile of papers on my desk and just as I sat down the door opened to reveal my brother, Jerry. I rose and shook his hand and motioned to the chair across from me as I sat back down.]


Jack Eisen

"A lot of things for me to go over."


Jerry Eisen

"I know but that's why I'm here, brother. I assume you've been watching the show."


Jack Eisen

"Of course, Jerry. There has been a lot of good buildup to the coming 'When Hell Freezes Over' pay-per-view. Let's talk about it."


[The conversation moved forward to discuss Eric Eisen using a loophole in the contract to keep Jack Bruce from getting his title rematch, the SWF Board of Directors deciding to hold a First Chance battle royal which includes people who have never won the SWF World title (which is to be held on my first show), Rich Money making his return on my first show and who he will be going after, the on-going feuds between Brandon James and Joe Sexy, Vengeance and Steve Frehley and Marat Khoklov and Christian Faith.]


[As the conversation came to a close, Jerry rose from his seat and we shook hands again. I looked my brother in the eyes.]


Jack Eisen

"Thank you, Jerry. I am sure that I can trust you."


[He nodded and walked off, exiting my office. My eyes looked down at the papers strewn all over the desk. They had been moved several times over during the conversation we had. We have the very first show of my tenure all lined up and ready for delivery live on Tuesday night on C.A.N.N., including a battle royal beforehand for the live crowd, including Remo, Big Smack Scott, Jungle Lord and others.]

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Supreme Wrestling Federation January, 2010


Style: Sports Entertainment

Size: International

Location: New England (USA)

Shows: SWF Supreme TV, Tuesdays, Prime Time on C.A.N.N.


Promotion Pacts:

Rhode Island Pro Wrestling: Child Company

Total Championship Wrestling: At War

United States Pro Wrestling: At War


Owner: Richard Eisen

Head Booker: Jack Eisen


Road Agents:

Chief Two Eagles

Marcus McKing

Pat Deacon



Announcers: Duane Fry, Jerry Eisen, Peter Michaels

Colour Commentators: Ana Garcia



Darren Smith

Ric Young

Shane Stones


Main Event:

Christian Faith

Jack Bruce

Rich Money

Steve Frehley


Eric Eisen

Marat Khoklov




Upper Midcard:

Gregory Black

Jack Giedroyc

Joe Sexy

Lobster Warrior


Angry Gilmore

Brandon James

Runaway Train

Squeeky McClean



Jungle Lord

Randy Bumfhole

Robbie Retro


Zimmy Bumfhole


Big Smack Scott

Enforcer Roberts

Frederique Antonio Garcia

Kurt Laramee

Marc DuBois

Paul Huntingdon


Lower Midcard:

American Machine

Bart Biggz

Brett Biggz

Captain Atomic






Akima Brave

Kid Toma


Shady K


Enhancement Talent:


John Greed



BJ O'Neill

Dawn The Cheerleader




Emma Chase


Tag Teams

The Amazing Bumfholes (Randy Bumfhole and Zimmy Bumfhole)

The Biggz Boyz (Bart Biggz and Brett Biggz)


Death Row (Shady K and Knuckles)

Straight Edge Society (Angry Gilmore and Squeeky McClean)

The Aristocrats (Marc DuBois and Paul Huntingdon)

The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee)

The Samoan Wildboyz (Akima Brave and Kid Toma)


Current Champions:

SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eric Eisen

SWF North American Champion: Brandon James

SWF World Tag Team Champions: Jack Giedroyc and Valiant

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Live this Tuesday night from the Mayor Street Arena. Broadcast via C.A.N.N. on Tuesday in Prime Time...

SWF presents...

Supreme TV...


Main Event


Runaway Train v. Jack Bruce





Enforcer Roberts v. Christian Faith



First Chance Battle Royal

Winner Faces Eric Eisen At SWF When Hell Freezes Over For SWF World Heavyweight Title

Akima Brave v. American Machine w/BJ O'Neill v. Brandon James w/Emma Chase v. Everest v. Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Gregory Black v. Joe Sexy v. Kid Toma v. Lobster Warrior v. Robbie Retro



SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant w/ Dawn The Cheerleader and Hannah defend v. The Aristocrats



Vengeance and Straight Edge Society v. Steve Frehley and The Amazing Bumfholes





Rich Money returns! Who will he be gunning for?


Quick Picks:

Vengeance and Straight Edge Society v. Steve Frehley and The Amazing Bumfholes



SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defend v. The Aristocrats



First Chance Battle Royal

Akima Brave v. American Machine w/BJ O'Neill v. Brandon James w/Emma Chase v. Everest v. Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Gregory Black v. Joe Sexy v. Kid Toma v. Lobster Warrior v. Robbie Retro



Enforcer Roberts v. Christian Faith



Runaway Train v. Jack Bruce



Fun Fan Signs:


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!

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Vengeance and Straight Edge Society v. Steve Frehley and The Amazing Bumfholes



SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defend v. The Aristocrats



First Chance Battle Royal

Akima Brave v. American Machine w/BJ O'Neill v. Brandon James w/Emma Chase v. Everest v. Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Gregory Black v. Joe Sexy v. Kid Toma v. Lobster Warrior v. Robbie Retro



Enforcer Roberts v. Christian Faith



Runaway Train v. Jack Bruce



Fun Fan Signs

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[i guess you could say that I have a case of the Mondays. It is the day before my first ever SWF Supreme TV and I am looking down at my plans for the show, worried that no one will enjoy what I have to offer. I show a lot of confidence in front of my father and my brothers but I have to do that. They expect that supreme Eisen confidence.]


[My eyes look down over the plans that I have for my very first show. The First Chance battle royal is something that is very interesting, especially as it pertains to the winner. That man, of course, is ... . I am worried that people won't accept him as the first challenger to Eric Eisen and the SWF World title. But he has been a loyal member of the roster for quite awhile. He has done everything that we've asked of him throughout the years. I've seen that since I've been watching SWF programming and talking with my father.]


[Rich Money's return is another big part of my first show. Who will he approach? Who will he attack? Who will he face at When Hell Freezes Over? I have my plans for it.]

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Vengeance and Straight Edge Society v. Steve Frehley and The Amazing Bumfholes

Comments: Vengeance!!


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defend v. The Aristocrats

Comments: First show--highly doubt you'll hotshot titles.


First Chance Battle Royal

Akima Brave v. American Machine w/BJ O'Neill v. Brandon James w/Emma Chase v. Everest v. Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Gregory Black v. Joe Sexy v. Kid Toma v. Lobster Warrior v. Robbie Retro

Comments: Pure favorite pick.


Enforcer Roberts v. Christian Faith

Comments: Gotta have faith!


Runaway Train v. Jack Bruce

Comments: Jackie boy for the win.


Fun Fan Signs: Put Jared Johnson in development soon or we riot!!!

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Vengeance and Straight Edge Society v. Steve Frehley and The Amazing Bumfholes



SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defend v. The Aristocrats



First Chance Battle Royal

Akima Brave v. American Machine w/BJ O'Neill v. Brandon James w/Emma Chase v. Everest v. Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Gregory Black v. Joe Sexy v. Kid Toma v. Lobster Warrior v. Robbie Retro



Enforcer Roberts v. Christian Faith



Runaway Train v. Jack Bruce


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Quick Picks:

Vengeance and Straight Edge Society v. Steve Frehley and The Amazing Bumfholes



SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defend v. The Aristocrats



First Chance Battle Royal

Akima Brave v. American Machine w/BJ O'Neill v. Brandon James w/Emma Chase v. Everest v. Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Gregory Black v. Joe Sexy v. Kid Toma v. Lobster Warrior v. Robbie Retro



Enforcer Roberts v. Christian Faith



Runaway Train v. Jack Bruce



Fun Fan Signs:

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SWF Supreme TV!

Tuesday Week 1 January 2010

Location: Mayor Street Arena (New England)

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 7.75




[The very first show in the year 2010 opens up with Duane Fry and Ana Garcia welcoming everyone to SWF Supreme TV! Duane and Ana speak about the heart attack that Peter Michaels suffered at Christmas Clash, briefly, and then they are interrupted by the sounds of 'The Supremacist.' The SWF World Heavyweight champion Eric Eisen walks out from the back with his arrogant strut as he comes out to the ring alone. He holds a microphone up, absorbing in the boos from the crowd. Eisen states that last week he came to everyone with a contract that states that Jack Bruce will not be getting anymore SWF World title shots while he is the champion. That contract will remain valid. So we move on to tonight and the First Chance battle royal. What this means is that someone is getting their first chance to lose to the Supremacist. They are getting their first chance to get their ass kicked by Eric Eisen, the Corporate Son. Eisen might have continued talking, however, he was interrupted by something floating down from the ceiling. Actually, there a lot of somethings floating down from the ceilings. As the camera zooms in on one that has hit the ring, it is shown to be green dollar signs. Eisen asks what in the world is going on!]




[Eric Eisen and the world finds out when Rich Money steps out from the back in an expensive and expertly tailored suit. The crowd actually cheers for Rich as he makes a beeline for the ring. Rich steps inside and comes nose to nose with Eric Eisen. Eric asks Rich what he is doing here. Rich says that at Christmas Clash he took a beating for the Corporate Son. Let's be honest, he got his ass kicked because of what Eric Eisen did. Then Eric Eisen took the SWF World title. So he not only took Eric Eisen's ass kicking but he also gave him the SWF World title. Now he is back. He is one hundred percent and he is Money. Eric Eisen says that he knew Rich Money was coming back tonight and he knew that Rich would want a match at the pay-per-view When Hell Freezes Over. That is why he is giving him a one on one match...with Jack Bruce! Money smirks and nods, agreeing to the match. However, he says that when he is done with the rock star, he is coming for the kiss ass and here is a preview. Money suddenly hits Eisen with the Bank Roll -- a side belly to belly suplex! Rich Money rises up and soaks in the cheers before he exits the ring. As the camera pans the crowd, a sign is picked up on: 'Put Jared Johnson in development soon or we riot!!!']




[A graphic slowly slides up on the screen as the announcers talk about the main event match coming up later on tonight. What kind of shape will Jack Bruce be in after finding out he will be facing Rich Money at When Hell Freezes Over? He is facing the veteran Runaway Train later on this evening. He better be on his game against this veteran wrestler!]


Match #1


Vengeance and Straight Edge Society



Steve Frehley and The Amazing Bumfholes


[Our opening contest is a six man tag team match with the main focus being the feud between Vengeance and Steve Frehley. This opening match is a very good above average contest that features great action and average heat. Venngeance is dominant when he is in there, grounding both Bumfholes with his power and getting a two count following a power bomb on Randy Bumfhole. Frehley gets tagged in against Squeeky McClean and shows his power with several knees to the gut and then the Dark Destroyer Spear. Frehley makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Vengeance breaks the three count. By the end of the match, it is Vengeance and Zimmy Bumfhole left inside the ring. Vengeance catches Zimmy with the leaping clothesline known as the Reaper Leaper and then drags his thumb across his throat. He raises Zimmy on his shoulders -- Skull Krusher! The inverted piledriver sends Zimmy down permanently on the mat as Vengeance makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Vengeance and Straight Edge Society (Via Pinfall @ 7:14)

Match Rating: C+


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/AkimaBrave_JS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/AmericanMachine_JS.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/BJONeill_EW.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/BigCatBrandon_alt3_JS.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EmmaChase_jtlant.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Everest_jhd1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1_EW.jpg



[A graphic is shown hyping the wrestlers who will be in the First Chance battle royal later on tonight! Both Duane Fry and Ana Garcia are asked to pick their favorites in this contest. Duane Fry goes with Brandon James, who he says has been on a roll since winning the North American title. Ana goes with American Machine, who has not been on a roll but is a very talented and underrated wrestler, according to her.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JackGiedroyc_JSilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Valiant_JSilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/DawnTheCheerleader_JS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/HannahPotter.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/MarcDuBois.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Aristocrat_ship.jpg


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defend v. The Aristocrats


[Our second match of the evening is a tag team contest featuring a rematch for the SWF World tag team titles. Giedroyc and Valiant won the belts at Christmas Clash back in December from the team of Marc DuBois and Paul Huntingdon and now the team known as The Aristocrats try to get the gold back in their mandatory rematch. The match itself has some good action with little heat from the crowd. DuBois and Huntingdon show that they do not work very well together as a team as their timing is way off. This helps Giedroyc and Valiant in this contest as they are mostly dominant. Hannah and Dawn The Cheerleader cheer on from ringside as Giedroyc strikes Huntingdon with a neckbreaker. Giedroyc plays to the crowd and then comes back to Huntingdon, striking him with a kneeling jaw breaker, known as Crashing On! Giedroyc makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Jack Giedroyc and Valiant (Via Pinfall @ 6:06; Jack Giedroyc and Valiant retain the SWF World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C




[The show moves to the backstage area where the catering table is shown and supplies of fruits and meats are available in this area. Emma Chase appears, talking on a cellular telephone as she walks across the screen. Emma pauses when Joe Sexy steps in her path. She puts away the cell phone as Joe begins hitting on her in his usual almost disturbing way. Emma tells Joe that she warned him that hitting on her would get him hurt. She says that she has no plans to accept any of his proposals. She says that she would not even manage him. Joe asks a 'please' and Emma slowly gets an evil smile on her face.]




[Her smile is because 'Big Money' Brandon James has walked up behind Joe Sexy. The SWF North American champion grabs Joe Sexy by the back of the head and tosses him up and over the catering table. James climbs over and throws some punches to the skull of Joe. He grabs Sexy by the head and rams that head against the catering table. He takes a few steps back and then charges at Joe Sexy -- Big Money Pounce! Emma Chase finally steps forward and pats Brandon on the shoulder. Big Money nods to her and the two walk off as the cameras zoom in on Joe Sexy, who is obviously hurt.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/AkimaBrave_JS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/AmericanMachine_JS.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/BJONeill_EW.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/BigCatBrandon_alt3_JS.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EmmaChase_jtlant.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Everest_jhd1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1_EW.jpg


First Chance Battle Royal

Akima Brave v. American Machine w/BJ O'Neill v. Brandon James w/Emma Chase v. Everest v. Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Gregory Black v. Joe Sexy v. Kid Toma v. Lobster Warrior v. Robbie Retro


[before this match begins, Eric Eisen comes down to the ringside area and joins Duane Fry and Ana Garcia on commentary. All ten men stand inside the ring to begin the match except for Joe Sexy, who is receiving medical attention in the backstage area. The bell sounds and the match is on as everyone goes after everyone else. Kid Toma is tossed out early in the match. American Machine and Everest do battle and end up with the two of them going up and over the top rope together as Machine tries to slam Everest. Joe Sexy comes down to the ring as Brandon James eliminates Robbie Retro! Joe moves in at ringside, grabbing Brandon by the arm, Lobster Warrior eliminates Brandon James with the help of Joe Sexy! Joe Sexy enters the ring and he eliminates Frederique Antonio Garcia. The last four wrestlers remaining are Gregory Black, Joe Sexy, Lobster Warrior and Akima Brave. Akima Brave eliminates Gregory Black with a backdrop over the top rope to the floor. Brave and Sexy do battle with Lobster Warrior recovering in a corner. Brave works to eliminate the hurting Joe Sexy, lifting him over the top rope. Sexy holds on to the top rope! Lobster Warrior steps in and shows some absolute power when he lifts Akima Brave AND Joe Sexy! Brave hits the floor while Sexy lands on the apron. Lobster Warrior throws a punch! A second one! A third one finally sends Sexy to the floor!]


Winner: Lobster Warrior (Via Throw Out Of Ring @ 14:56)

Match Rating: C




[The crowd is slightly stunned as Lobster Warrior is the brand new number one contender! This man will face Eric Eisen at When Hell Freezes Over. Eric Eisen leaves the commentary booth and enters the ring. He comes face to face with Lobster Warrior. These are the two men that will face off for the SWF World title on pay-per-view. Eric offers a handshake to Lobster and Lobby looks to the crowd, wondering if he should accept. Of course no one in the crowd believes that Eric Eisen should be trusted. Lobby decides to go the unpopular route and shakes hands with Eric. Eric yanks Lobby and catches a low blow kick. He pulls Lobby in -- Silver Spoon Shock! The Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker brings Lobby to the mat and 'The Supremacist' holds up the SWF World title belt as the crowd boos.]




[We move backstage where Jack Bruce is walking down a hallway. The crowd cheers the sight of the former SWF World Heavyweight champion. Jack pauses in front of a soda machine and is about to put some change in when he suddenly turns around and there is his opponent at When Hell Freezes Over: Rich Money. The two men stare at each other in silence for a moment. Rich wishes "The Rock Star" good luck on his match tonight against Runaway Train. He says that he has a few words for him but he will save those words for after the match tonight.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EnforcerRoberts_EW.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/ChristianFaith.jpg

Enforcer Roberts v. Christian Faith


[Our semi main event is one that many fans have been looking forward to as Enforcer Roberts takes on Christian Faith. The match itself features great action and a good crowd as they take to backing 'The Iron Man,' which is no surprise to Duane Fry or Ana Garcia. Though these two men are SWF veterans, they show absolutely no chemistry when facing off in the ring and that takes some of the shine off the match itself, making for more of an awkward bout. Faith scores a two count on the Enforcer when he strikes him with the Faith Hammer, a bionic elbow. Enforcer Roberts fires back later in the match, dropping Faith with a twisting spinebuster. Enforcer goes for the R.C.T. but Faith manages to make the ropes before it can be fully locked on. After a little over eight minutes of action, Christian whips Enforcer into the turnbuckles and then charges in with the Leap Of Faith! Enforcer falls to the mat following the high leaping avalanche and Christian makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Christian Faith (Via Pinfall @ 8:19)

Match Rating: B-




[As Christian Faith rises to celebrate the victory, he is met in the ring by Emma Chase. The female manager slaps Christian in the mouth once. She tries for a second one but Christian grabs her arm. But this was only a distraction so that Marat Khoklov could enter the ring behind Christian. Marat grabs Christian by the shoulders and Christian releases Emma. Marat tosses Christian across the ring like a rag doll. Marat walks over to Christian -- Moscow Lariat! Christian is turned inside out with that one shot! Marat grabs Christian by the throat and lifts him to his feet. Christian tries striking Marat with kicks and forearm shots but Marat comes back with the Soviet Sledge. The forearm blow to the chest sends Christian back to the mat. Marat raises a fist to the air and Emma holds him back from doing more damage. These two men will meet at When Hell Freezes Over!]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/RunawayTrain_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JackBruce_alt15.jpg

Runaway Train v. Jack Bruce


[Our main event contest and this is one that many fans were looking forward to. The match features not only great action but a great response from the audience. Runaway Train is a man looking to get back into the title scene where Jack Bruce already is. A win here tonight by Train would definitely catapult him into the SWF World title scene. Jack tries to win the match early on against Train with moves like the flying forearm and the Jack Bruce Flurry -- two right hands, a dance and then a big left hook. Train moves the advantage back to his side following a missed clothesline by Jack and a clothesline by the big Runaway Train. Train holds the advantage, striking Jack again and again with clubbing blows. Train lifts Jack and sets him up -- Locomotion Backbreakers! That would be three backbreakers in a row without stopping. He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Train continues for several minutes until he lifts Jack up with a Bear Hug. Jack struggles in the hold, trying to catch his breath. The crowd cheers, clapping and chanting 'Jack Bruce' over and over again, trying to get Jack to recover. The referee steps in and looks about ready to call the match when Jack Bruce starts to recover! Jack throws some punches to the head of Runaway Train, trying to break the hold. A fifth punch finally does! Jack Bruce bounces off the ropes -- double clothesline sends both men to the mat.]


[both men are shown struggling to get to their feet with Jack Bruce rising first. Jack meets Train with three punches, knocking him back in a corner. Jack climbs up and begins throwing punches to the head -- he connects with ten to the skull. Jack kicks Train in the gut -- DDT! He rises and plays to the crowd for a moment before turning his attention back to the fallen Runaway Train -- elbow drop, leg drop, big splash! -- Welcome To NYC, Runaway Train! Jack makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Jack Bruce gets to his feet, a little angry and frustrated at not being able to get the three count. Jack steps back a few feet and waits as Runaway Train starts to get to his feet -- New York Minute! The Fame Dropper sends Runaway Train back down to the mat. Jack makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Jack Bruce (Via Pinfall @ 10:32)

Match Rating: B-


[The crowd bursts into cheers as Jack Bruce has scored the pinfall victory over Runaway Train. Runaway Train exits the ring while Jack Bruce remains inside. Jack asks for and is given a microphone. He looks around, waving his arms and getting the crowd on their feet. He says that Rich Money wanted to wait until after his match, well, the match is done. So he says there is no more time to wait and he wants Rich Money in this ring right now! The crowd cheers and the little green dollar signs fall from the ceiling.]




[Out comes the man known as Rich Money! He already attacked Eric Eisen earlier this evening. Now he steps into the ring with the man he faced in a brutal last man standing match at Christmas Clash. Rich gets on the microphone and reminds everyone of just what happened at Christmas Clash. He reminds everyone that he was taken out on a stretcher because of this man. This man who couldn't even believe him when he was telling the truth. He knew he wasn't behind the attacks on Jack Bruce but he took the title match anyway. Jack says that he is not going to apologize for what he did during their match. It was a title match and he would do absolutely anything to keep that title. Now he will do anything to get the title back. Rich says that's good because at When Hell Freezes Over he's going to have to kill him. Rich goes for the Bank Roll but Jack slips out -- New York Minute! Jack Bruce fells Rich Money with the New York Minute! Jack Bruce is standing tall tonight. He climbs the turnbuckles and raises his arms to some cheers from the crowd as the show comes to a close.]

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Live this Tuesday night from the Mayor Street Arena. Broadcast via C.A.N.N. on Tuesday in Prime Time...

SWF presents...

Supreme TV...


Main Event


Non Title

Brandon James w/Emma Chase v. Christian Faith





Runaway Train v. Lobster Warrior



Straight Edge Society v. The Amazing Bumfholes



Everest v. American Machine w/BJ O'Neill



Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Joe Sexy



Enforcer Roberts v. Jack Bruce





Another confrontation between Jack Bruce and Rich Money!


Quick Picks:

Enforcer Roberts v. Jack Bruce



Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Joe Sexy



Everest v. American Machine



Straight Edge Society v. The Amazing Bumfholes



Runaway Train v. Lobster Warrior



Non Title

Brandon James v. Christian Faith



Fun Fan Signs:


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!

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Enforcer Roberts v. Jack Bruce



Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Joe Sexy



Everest v. American Machine



Straight Edge Society v. The Amazing Bumfholes



Runaway Train v. Lobster Warrior



Non Title

Brandon James v. Christian Faith


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[The very first show in the Jack Eisen era I believe went off without a hitch. Of course I was running from story notes that Peter Michaels had left so technically it wasn't completely my show. Things won't really be mine until after the very first pay-per-view. We have received better ratings from the critics than TCW, which is very important. We were rated higher both in show reviews and in tv ratings, as we beat them 7.75-5.13. We are definitely the best show in town.]


[As the best show in town, though, we have to have the best athletes. That is why I have been looking on the radar for more wrestlers to become part of our programming. I have spoken with my father and he has given me permission to do both some hiring and some firing. He also gave me permission to send talent down to Rhode Island and bring talent up from there as well. So I have everything that I need to succeed. And I have to succeed, despite the wrestling industry and economy doing poorly. (F and E+ respectively)]

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Enforcer Roberts v. Jack Bruce


Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Joe Sexy


Everest v. American Machine


Straight Edge Society v. The Amazing Bumfholes


Runaway Train v. Lobster Warrior


Non Title

Brandon James v. Christian Faith


Fun Fan Signs:

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Tuesday Week 1 January 2010

Lowe Ballroom (North West)

Attendance: 5,000

Show Rating: B-


Guide defeated Robert Oxford...C

Joshua Taylor defeated Edd Stone...D+

Texas Pete defeated Giant Tana...C-

Charlie Thatcher defeated Chance Fortune...D+

Wolf Hawkins, Tommy Cornell and Genghis Rahn defeated Rocky Golden, Bryan Vessey and Joey Minnesota...B

Troy Tornado defeated Ricky Dale Johnson...B-



Wednesday Week 1 January 2010

Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Show Rating: C


Mick Muscles defeated Pete The Hillbilly...D

Alicia Strong defeated Cherry Bomb...C-

T-Rex defeated Captain USA...D

Tyson Baine defeated The Force...C+

Bruce The Giant defeated Nicky Champion...C+

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SWF Supreme TV!

Tuesday Week 2 January 2010

Location: Evanovich Riverside (Tri State)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 7.91




[Duane Fry and Ana Garcia welcome everyone to the go-home show of SWF Supreme TV! We are only two days away from When Hell Freezes Over! As Duane and Ana go over the show, they are interrupted by the music of 'The Iron Man' Christian Faith! Christian walks out from the back and walks toward the ring, drawing in loud cheers from the fans. Christian climbs the turnbuckles and raises his fists, pumping them for the crowd before he moves back to the center of the ring and gets on the microphone. He talks about the attacks that have been placed upon him by one Marat Khoklov. He says that since Marat likes to jump him from behind he is going to turn his back to the ramp and wait for the Soviet Science Experiment to come out and make himself known. Christian does exactly that, turning his back on the entrance ramp and waiting. What he does get is, rather, a surprise.]




[instead of leading out Marat Khoklov, Emma Chase brings out the SWF North American champion Brandon 'Big Money' James. Emma says that Christian will get enough of Marat this Thursday night at When Hell Freezes Over. But tonight is different. Tonight he must go one on one with the SWF North American champion and this man is Big Money and a future SWF World champion. Christian says that he has been there before. He is a former four time SWF World champion. Big Money speaks up, stating that the last time Christian held the SWF World title was back in 2005, five years ago. Tonight, Brandon states, he is going to prove why Christian deserves to go to the back of the line. The two men stare each other down to end the segment.]




[A graphic shows up on the screen, hyping one of our major matches this evening. The number one contender to the SWF World title Lobster Warrior takes on former two time SWF World champion Runaway Train in a match signed by Eric Eisen. Will the new number one contender have enough to beat the Train or will the train run away with a victory this evening?]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EnforcerRoberts_EW.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JackBruce_alt15.jpg

Enforcer Roberts vs. Jack Bruce


[Our opening match is a great one with great action and great heat from the audience. Another match that was set up by Eric Eisen this week, as reported by Duane Fry. Jack will be facing off with Rich Money in two days and that gets some focus from the announcers during the contest. Enforcer Roberts shows some skill in this match, scoring an early near fall following a double underhook suplex. Enforcer sends Jack outside the ring and joins him, running him face first into the guardrail. Back inside the ring, Jack takes control following elbowing out of an R.C.T. attempt by Enforcer. Jack throws two right hands, does a little dance in the ring and then a big left hook sends Enforcer to the mat. As the eight minute mark approaches, Jack strikes Enforcer with the New York Minute out of nowhere! He makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Jack Bruce (Via Pinfall @ 8:02)

Match Rating: B


[Following the pinfall, Enforcer Roberts rolls out of the ring, trying to collect his bearings. Jack Bruce asks for a microphone and is handed one from the announce table. Jack paces a moment and then focuses in on his match this Thursday night with Rich Money. He knows that they are only two days away so he would like to invite Rich out to the ring by the end of the night to talk. Just to talk. And this night might just end the same way last week did.]




[A graphic is shown on the screen hyping the main event match this evening. We have a non title match between the SWF North American champion Brandon 'Big Money' James and 'The Iron Man' Christian Faith. Which of these two men will have some momentum heading toward their respective matches at When Hell Freezes Over?]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/FrederiqueGarcia_alt1_EW.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JoeSexy_alt1_JS.jpg

Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Joe Sexy


[speaking of the Brandon James match at When Hell Freezes Over, his opponent is in action tonight as Joe Sexy takes on Frederique Antonio Garcia. Brandon James and Emma Chase come down to do some colour commentary as the match begins with Frederique showing his flamboyant side against Joe, fake biting at him and then rubbing his body against the man that most of the ladies love. Joe was quick to fight back and two minutes in he gained momentum that would last throughout the match. Joe sends Frederique to the mat with a backbreaker and then bounces off the ropes. He gives the Joe Sexy Strut and then drops a fist onto the head of Frederique. Joe picks up Frederique -- One Night Stand! The twisting neckbreaker has Frederique planted on the mat. Joe makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Joe Sexy (Via Pinfall @ 6:02)

Match Rating: C+




[Following the match, Joe Sexy exits the ring and walks over to Emma Chase, hitting on her. She starts to respond a little bit to the overtures but that stops when Brandon James sends Joe to the floor with a single punch. Brandon leaves the announce booth and grabs Joe, running and sending him face first into the steel steps! The crowd boos and Emma actually looks a little worried as Brandon picks up Joe and plants him with a suplex onto the mats at ringside. Brandon gets to his feet and walks over to Emma, grabbing her by the hand and tugging her to the back. Emma gives one little look back to the fallen Joe Sexy before the two disappear to the back.]




[The man known as 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley comes out to the ring and steps inside. He turns his focus on his match at When Hell Freezes Over with the man known as Vengeance. He talks about the fact that he has always forced the wrestling world to take notice. It began in 2004 when he debuted in SWF, defeating Sam Keith. It continued in 2006 when he became SWF World champion. It continues now when he defeats the man that many don't want to tangle with in the ring. Steve's comments are cut off when the lights go out in the arena. Duane Fry and Ana Garcia wonder just what is going on.]




[The lights come back on and the psychotic man known as Vengeance is standing behind Steve Frehley! Vengeance throws a punch to the back of Steve's head and then tosses him into a corner face-first. He turns Steve around and lifts him onto the second turnbuckle, grabbing him by the throat. He raises Steve in the air -- Choke Slam -- Six Feet Under! A rarely used move by Vengeance but this shows how much he wants to defeat Steve Frehley! Vengeance removes the chain from around his neck and begins choking Steve with it! The Dark Destroyer struggles, trying to fight back but he is quickly losing oxygen. Steve finally stops struggling and Vengeance releases him, standing tall with momentum toward their match on Thursday!]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Everest_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/AmericanMachine_JS.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/BJONeill_EW.jpg

Everest vs. American Machine


[Our next match is an extremely short match between Everest and American Machine. Everest scores an early two count on American Machine when he hits him with a body slam and then a Tidal Wave Splash. BJ O'Neill tries to get the crowd into the match, though, many fans are not enjoying it. Machine starts to come back but there is a distraction. Someone is walking through the crowd. Duane Fry and Ana Garcia wonder at the whole distraction and this man leaps the guard rail, slugging a security officer as he comes by. Everest and American Machine exit the ring as this man enters, effectively ending the match.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 2:34)

Match Rating: D-




[This man, dressed in a suit, has a microphone in his hand when he enters the ring. He looks around at the audience for a moment and then says that everyone here knows who he is but they don't know why he's here. He says that SWF wants a war? They've got a war. And it's a war that they cannot win. It begins right here with this first shot and it will end with the SWF Supreme Empire falling at his knees. His microphone is suddenly cut off and security team members enter the ring, escorting him out.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/AngryGilmore_alt1_Bull.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/SqueekyMcClean_ew.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/RandyBumfhole_alt2_JS.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/ZimmyBumfhole_JSilver.jpg

Straight Edge Society vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


[Tag team action this evening as number one contenders Straight Edge Society step into the ring with former three time SWF World Tag Team champions The Amazing Bumfholes. This is a solid back and forth tag team matchup that features great action but not a lot in the way of crowd support. Angry Gilmore scores with a snap suplex on Zimmy Bumfhole and then nips up to his feet, moving right to the top turnbuckle. He leaps and lands a picture perfect Sky High Elbow Drop to the heart of Zimmy Bumfhole. He only scores a two count, though, because of interference from Zimmy's brother Randy. Randy gets tagged in and nearly scores what could be considered an upset when he hits Angry with a frog splash. Squeeky comes in and strikes Randy with a pancake facebuster also known as a Stain Removal. Squeeky makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Straight Edge Society (Via Pinfall @ 6:34)

Match Rating: B-




[We are taken backstage where we see the SWF World champion Eric 'The Supremacist' Eisen standing and pacing within his office. He is seen talking on his cell phone, seemingly agitated. By the tone of the conversation, it seems he is talking to the SWF Board Of Directors. By the end of the conversation, we find out that the SWF Board is sending a representative and he will be in the building next week right here on SWF Supreme TV!]




[A video is shown to hype the upcoming SWF When Hell Freezes Over pay-per-view. There is a lot of amazing action coming on that pay-per-view, including Eric Eisen defending the SWF World Heavyweight title against Lobster Warrior, Brandon James defending the SWF North American title against Joe Sexy, Christian Faith taking on Marat Khoklov for the very first time and a rematch from Christmas Clash as Jack Bruce faces off with Rich Money!]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/RunawayTrain_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/LobsterWarrior_kamchatka.jpg

Runaway Train vs. Lobster Warrior


[Our semi main event and this is a good one. A match that has great action and a good crowd as these two SWF Veterans face off against one another. They are not alone, as Eric Eisen comes down and joins the commentary crew. Lobster Warrior starts off strong against the big heavyweight Runaway Train, bringing him down with a dropkick to the knee. Lobster uses a running clothesline to send Train out of the ring, getting the crowd pumped up. Momentum shifts when the match returns to the ring. Train sends Lobster into the corner and chokes him with his boot! The referee steps in and breaks things up but Train continues his momentum. Later in the match, Train sends Lobster to the ropes -- Full Steam Ahead! Lobster Warrior's head strikes the mat with this flapjack and Train scores a two count. Train locks Lobster in a bear hug but this proves to be Train's undoing as Lobster gets the momentum of the fans behind him and punches his way free! Lobster sends Train to the ropes and then begins spinning -- Shell Fish Shock! The hotshot actually brings Train to the mat. Lobster signals and pulls Train to his feet, hooking him as Eric Eisen leaves the commentary booth -- Lobster Trap! The fisherman's suplex has a bridge: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Lobster Warrior (Via Pinfall @ 9:51)

Match Rating: B




[Lobster Warrior picks up an amazing win here tonight against Runaway Train but Eric Eisen is standing in the ring, waiting in a corner. Lobster gets to his feet and turns -- BELT SHOT! Eric Eisen sends Lobster Warrior to the mat with that shot from the belt! Eric smiles and walks over to Lobster, yanking him up -- Silver Spoon Shock! The Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker sends Lobster Warrior back to the mat and Eric Eisen stands above him, holding his belt up high.]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/BigCatBrandon_alt3_JS.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EmmaChase_jtlant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/ChristianFaith.jpg

Brandon James vs. Christian Faith


[it is main event time here on SWF Supreme TV and what a main event we have for you this evening as Brandon James faces off with Christian Faith in non title action! The match features great action and a good crowd this evening. The crowd is firmly in the corner of Christian Faith throughout the bout. The match follows a typical back and forth formula with neither man able to hold the offense for very long without the other one seemingly having a counter for their moves. Christian scores a near fall following a Faith Hammer and Brandon James exits the ring, talking over strategy with Emma Chase. Brandon comes back in the ring and shows off some power following a big clothesline to Christian. Brandon scores a near fall himself following the Brandon Bomb Drop -- a Sit-Out Powerbomb. He picks up Christian and uses a snake eyes in the corner and then a spinebuster for another two count. The momentum shifts again following a scoop powerslam by Christian out of nowhere.]


[The match continues with Christian on the offensive, bringing Brandon back to the mat with a discus clothesline. He yanks Brandon to his knees and begins firing Machine Gun Faith Hammers to the skull of Big Money. Christian turns and moves to the turnbuckle but as he starts to climb Emma Chase climbs up on the apron. Emma uses her feminine wiles to distract Christian Faith and give Brandon James time to recover. But out comes Joe Sexy! Joe comes around the ring and grabs at Emma Chase. Emma tries to kick him away to no avail. Brandon sees what is going on with Emma and Joe and moves over, shoving Joe Sexy off the apron. Emma Chase falls off the apron following that shove and Brandon turns, lying in the corner -- Leap Of Faith! Christian Faith strikes from out of nowhere! Brandon takes a step forward and falls to the mat. Christian turns him on his back and makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Christian Faith (Via Pinfall @ 11:49)

Match Rating: A




[Joe Sexy pulls himself to his feet and looks toward the ring where Brandon James is still lying on the mat. Joe looks down at Emma Chase and then he picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder. He holds her there and then moves toward the ramp and then toward the backstage area. Brandon exits the ring, seeing what is going on. He runs to chase the two leaving. Meanwhile, someone else has joined Christian Faith inside the ring.]




[Marat Khoklov strikes with a headbutt from behind on Christian! The crowd boos as Marat tosses Christian into a corner, throwing him around the ring like a rag doll! The giant comes running in -- avalanche in the corner on Christian Faith! The crowd boos loudly as Marat Khoklov has once again successfully attacked Christian Faith. Marat hooks Christian between his legs -- Russian Legend Powerbomb! The powerbomb nearly puts Christian Faith through the mat!!! The giant stands tall over Christian Faith, leaving the announcers to wonder if Christian will even be able to make it to SWF When Hell Freezes Over.]




[After the ring is cleared, former SWF World champion Jack Bruce makes his way back out, entering the ring and grabbing a microphone. He says that he meant what he said earlier, so it's time for Rich Money to come out here tonight. The ring, once again, gets filled with the green money that can only mean one thing: the entrance of Rich Money. What seems to be almost a bucket filled with the money drops right on top of Jack Bruce, blinding him for a moment. But a moment is all that Rich Money needs as he sneaks into the ring. Rich strikes Jack with a kick to the gut and then slips in behind him -- Money In The Bank! The German Suplex has a bridge at the end but it is quickly removed from the equation. Rich Money exits the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back inside. Instead of hitting Jack with it, though, he unfolds it and sits down right in front of Jack Bruce. He grabs Jack by the hair and then smirks, asking Jack if he really wanted to see him. He tells him that at When Hell Freezes Over, he is going to have his revenge for the hospital stay and that will be money. Rich smirks and his music cues up as we come to an end for tonight. We'll see you at SWF When Hell Freezes Over live this Thursday and only on pay-per-view!]

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Enforcer Roberts v. Jack Bruce



Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Joe Sexy



Everest v. American Machine



Straight Edge Society v. The Amazing Bumfholes



Runaway Train v. Lobster Warrior



Non Title

Brandon James v. Christian Faith



Enforcer Roberts v. Jack Bruce


Frederique Antonio Garcia v. Joe Sexy


Everest v. American Machine


Straight Edge Society v. The Amazing Bumfholes


Runaway Train v. Lobster Warrior


Non Title

Brandon James v. Christian Faith


Fun Fan Signs:


Thank you both for your predictions so far in this diary. They are really appreciated. I hope that you two and all the readers have enjoyed what is going down so far in the two shows posted.

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Live this Thursday night from the New Hampshire Garden. Broadcast via Pay-Per-View on Thursday...

SWF presents...

When Hell Freezes Over...


Main Event


Grudge Match

Rematch From Christmas Clash

Jack Bruce v. Rich Money





Grudge Match

Marat Khoklov w/Emma Chase v. Christian Faith



SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Eric Eisen defends v. Lobster Warrior



Vengeance v. Steve Frehley



SWF North American Title Match

Brandon James w/Emma Chase defends v. Joe Sexy



SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant w/Dawn The Cheerleader and Hannah defend v. Straight Edge Society





Will we hear more from the man who interrupted the American Machine/Everest match last Tuesday on Supreme TV? What kind of war is he looking for?


Quick Picks:

SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant w/Dawn The Cheerleader and Hannah defend v. Straight Edge Society



SWF North American Title Match

Brandon James w/Emma Chase defends v. Joe Sexy



Vengeance v. Steve Frehley



SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Eric Eisen defends v. Lobster Warrior



Grudge Match

Marat Khoklov w/Emma Chase v. Christian Faith



Grudge Match

Rematch From Christmas Clash

Jack Bruce v. Rich Money



Fun Fan Signs:


Predictions, critiques, comments, card ratings encouraged!

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<p>SWF World Tag Team Titles Match</p><p>

<strong>Jack Giedroyc and Valiant</strong> w/Dawn The Cheerleader and Hannah defend v. Straight Edge Society</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

SWF North American Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Brandon James</strong> w/Emma Chase defends v. Joe Sexy</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vengeance</strong> v. Steve Frehley</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

SWF World Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Eric Eisen</strong> defends v. Lobster Warrior</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Grudge Match</p><p>

Marat Khoklov w/Emma Chase v. <strong>Christian Faith</strong></p><p>

Comments: <em>I think this one ends with a DQ</em> </p><p> </p><p>

Grudge Match</p><p>

Rematch From Christmas Clash</p><p>

Jack Bruce v. <strong>Rich Money</strong></p><p>

Comments: <em>Money would be more fun to write for at this point</em></p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs: <strong><em>Hey Lobby--Go Back to the Sea!!!</em></strong></p>

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<p>SWF World Tag Team Titles Match</p><p>

<strong>Jack Giedroyc and Valiant w/Dawn The Cheerleader and Hannah</strong> defend v. Straight Edge Society</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

SWF North American Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Brandon James w/Emma Chase</strong> defends v. Joe Sexy</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Vengeance v. <strong>Steve Frehley</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

SWF World Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Eric Eisen </strong>defends v. Lobster Warrior</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Grudge Match</p><p>

Marat Khoklov w/Emma Chase v. <strong>Christian Faith</strong></p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Grudge Match</p><p>

Rematch From Christmas Clash</p><p>

Jack Bruce v. <strong>Rich Money</strong></p><p>


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[There are always good moments and bad moments when it comes to being in my position at the top of a major promotion. The good moments include signing workers to contracts, which I have signed a few people to those already and have plans to sign more as the weeks and months progress. I would also include negotiating with and signing pay-per-view deals. Now our pay-per-views can be seen on televisions in Mexico and the United Kingdom, beginning with When Hell Freezes Over. Then there are the bad moments.]




[i was seated in my office at the SWF Headquarters when there came a knock on the door.]


Jack Eisen

"Come in."


[Entering the room were three men who I had contacted to meet me at my office. The 500 pound 36 year old 'Everest' was the oldest of the three men. He led the way into the office and was followed by the team known as Death Row. Both 'Knuckles' and 'Shady K' were 27 years of age. I waited for all three to be seated before I began to talk.]


Jack Eisen

"Elmer, Peter, Karl thank you for coming here this evening. It is good to see all three of you. You three are wrestlers that I see a great potential in. I think that all three of you will be forces in the industry in the future. But that future is not realized right now. So, after reviewing tapes, I have decided that the three of you will be reporting to Professor Nero and Rhode Island Pro Wrestling effective immediately."


[i watched the brief look of shock move over all of their faces. Nobody wants to be demoted in any company. Then the look of anger took over on Everest's face.]



"Do you know who I am, kid? I paid my dues over in Japan before I got this shot here in the United States."


Jack Eisen

"Then you will not want to blow this by blowing your top, Elmer. I can promise you that you won't spend forever up in Rhode Island. But you just need to learn to work the crowd."


[Everest pushes his large frame up to his feet, thinking that he might intimidate me with his weight. But I don't scare that easily. The team known as Death Row stand and move between Everest and myself. Knuckles whispers in Everest's ear and after a moment, he nods. Without a word, he exits the room.]


Jack Eisen

"I won't ask what was said there, Peter. But we are going to be rebuilding the tag team division. So you and Karl will be back sooner, rather than later."


[i watched as Death Row followed the example set by Everest and left the office. Sometimes it's not so easy being me. But some people make my decisions a lot easier.]

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Tuesday Week 2 January 2010

The V. Thompson Arena (South West)

Attendance: 9,604

Show Rating: B


Brent Hill defeated Joel Bryant...C

Edd Stone defeated Chance Fortune to retain the TCW All Action title...D+

Koshiro Ino defeated Robert Oxford...C

Aaron Andrews defeated Charlie Thatcher...C-

Tommy Cornell defeated Rocky Golden...B+

Bryan Vessey defeated Troy Tornado...B+



Wednesday Week 2 January 2010

McGaw Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 4,530

Show Rating: C+


Java defeated Anger...D

Cherry Bomb defeated Alicia Strong...C-

Raven Robinson defeated Belle Bryden to retain the USPW Womens title...C-

Enygma defeated Bruce The Giant...B-

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SWF When Hell Freezes Over!

Thursday Week 2 January 2010

Location: New Hampshire Garden (New England)

Attendance: 30,000

Overall Rating: B+

PPV Buyrate: 3.69


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JackGiedroyc_JSilver.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Valiant_JSilver.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/HannahPotter.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/DawnTheCheerleader_JS.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/AngryGilmore_alt1_Bull.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/SqueekyMcClean_ew.jpg


SWF World Tag Team Titles Match

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defend vs. Straight Edge Society


[Following the usual FBI warning and disclaimer about not trying this at home, we were brought inside the New Hampshire Garden and welcomed by Duane Fry and Ana Garcia while the music for the Straight Edge Society began to play. Tonight's SWF When Hell Freezes Over kicks off with a SWF World Tag Team titles match! The Straight Edge Society yells at the crowd on their way down and into the ring. Then they stand in their corner as the tag team champions, along with their managers come out to loud cheers from this jam-packed audience.]


[straight Edge Society go on the attack immediately when the champions enter the ring. Jack Giedroyc is matched up with Angry Gilmore in one corner and Valiant is matched up with Squeeky McClean in another corner. The action moves to opposite corners and the Straight Edge Society members whip the champs toward each other. Valiant ducks under a Jack Giedroyc clothesline and spears Angry Gilmore, while Squeeky McClean is taken out with the clothesline! The Straight Edge Society members quickly exit the ring and look to regroup.]


[The crowd here in the New Hampshire Garden are definitely behind the champs in this match, though many people are still filing in to the arena so the match does not get much in the way of heat. The match started off as a technical bout with all four men getting involved at some point. Valiant was the lone man who couldn't keep up with the other three so he was placed on the mat by an Angry Gilmore full nelson legsweep and the challengers took firm control in this bout. The challengers make quick tags in and out, keeping Valiant at bay. They also used the tactic of getting Jack Giedroyc into the ring so they could double-team Valiant. Several near falls are scored but they just can't seem to keep Valiant's shoulders on the mat. Hannah and Dawn The Cheerleader slap the mat, trying to get the crowd into it and get Valiant to make a comeback. This occurs when Valiant elbows his way out of an Anger Management attempt by Angry Gilmore. Gilmore bounces off the ropes and is struck by a dropkick by Valiant, leaving both men on the mat. Valiant bravely crawls toward his corner and Gilmore does the same. Tags are made on both ends.]


[in comes Jack Giedroyc like a house on fire. The former DaVE Brass Knuckles champion strikes the entering Squeeky McClean with a closed right fist. One connects with Angry Gilmore as well. Valiant comes back into the ring and we have another four way brawl inside. Angry Gilmore is tossed outside the ring, leaving Squeeky McClean inside with both of the champions. Jack and Valiant share a look and then hit a tag team elimination legsweep on Squeeky, with Jack going high and Valiant going low. Jack rises to his feet and prepares for Squeeky to get up as well. He is poised. Valiant goes to bounce off the ropes but he gets dragged outside the ring by Angry Gilmore. Inside the ring, Jack Giedroyc strikes Squeeky McClean with the Kneeling Jaw Breaker, known as the Crashing On. Jack knocks Angry Gilmore down with a clothesline when he enters the ring and then covers Squeeky: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Jack Giedroyc and Valiant (Via Pinfall @ 8:35; Jack Giedroyc and Valiant retain the SWF World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: B-




[The bell sounds and thus sounds the victory for Jack Giedroyc and Valiant. But the two men are not given any time to celebrate. Instead, they are assaulted inside the ring by the team known as the Pain Alliance! Big Smack Scott strikes Jack with a chair shot to the skull. Kurt Laramee has a chain and he whips Valiant with it! Scott grabs Jack -- Ego Trip! The overhead flip slam brings Jack Giedroyc down to the mat hard. Scott's partner Kurt sends Valiant to the ropes -- Switchblade Powerslam! The huge powerslam leaves Valiant laid out on the mat.]


[big Smack Scott smirks for a moment and grabs the SWF World tag team title belts. He tosses one to Kurt and then he drops down and covers Jack Giedroyc. Kurt Laramee makes the three count and the two arrogant wrestlers walk off with the belts, though in an unofficial fashion, of course. Hannah and Dawn The Cheerleader carefully enter the ring when all the carnage is finished and check on their respective wrestler, helping them from the ring toward the backstage area.]




[We go from the attack on the tag team champs to a video hyping the upcoming contest between Brandon James and Joe Sexy. This video recap focuses on Joe Sexy's attempts to flirt with Emma Chase, the manager of Brandon James. The man known as 'Big Money' is not happy about Joe Sexy's advances on Emma James and it has shown in the multiple attacks by James on Joe Sexy. Tonight, Joe Sexy gets the opportunity to turn things around by taking the SWF North American title from Brandon James. Will he do it? Stay tuned and find out!]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/BigCatBrandon_alt3_JS.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EmmaChase_jtlant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JoeSexy_alt1_JS.jpg


SWF North American Title Match

Brandon James defends vs. Joe Sexy


[We move back inside the arena where the fans are on their feet, trying to get on-camera. The fans cheer when Joe Sexy comes from the back, high fiving the fans and then entering the ring. Joe smiles and poses for a moment as the cheers turn to boos when out comes Emma Chase, leading the SWF North American champion 'Big Money' Brandon James. Brandon ignores the crowd, raising the title belt high in the air when he enters the ring. He hands the belt over and Emma Chase exits the ring as Brandon James stares across at Joe Sexy.]


[The opening bell rings and we are under way. The first minute of the bout has Joe Sexy avoiding any type of tie-ups with Brandon James. Joe dodges Brandon and then struts in front of Emma Chase, who just shakes her head. Joe is too distracted by Emma and gets grabbed by Brandon, who sends him to the ropes -- shoulderblock and Joe Sexy goes down. Brandon flexes over Joe, drawing out some boos from the crowd. Brandon yanks Joe to his feet and whips him into a corner. He charges -- boot to the skull by Joe Sexy! Joe grabs Brandon by the arm -- short-arm back elbow. The two men begin throwing punches back and forth with Joe dodging a punch and firing another. Joe kicks Brandon in the gut and brings him down with a running knee lift. Brandon exits the ring to get away but gets caught with a baseball slide kick!]


[The next few minutes of the bout are spent with the two wrestlers going back and forth, trading momentum. Emma Chase provides a major distraction to Joe Sexy, though, and this leads to longer momentum bursts for Brandon James. Brandon scores a two count on Joe following a double power bomb that leaves Sexy grabbing his back in pain. Brandon plays to the crowd and then whips Joe sharply into the corner, bringing Joe down to his knees. Brandon picks up Joe -- fallaway slam! Brandon makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd cheers that shoulder coming up at the last moment. Brandon argues with the referee and Joe slides up, rolling him up: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Almost a new champion! The two men get to their feet and Joe runs toward Brandon -- throw down spinebuster by Brandon James! Big Money looks to the turnbuckles and he climbs to the top, waiting for Joe Sexy to get to his feet. Brandon leaps -- punch to the solar plexus by Joe Sexy! Both men drop to the mat.]


[Joe is the first to get to his feet and he sends Brandon back into a corner, climbing up and raining ten punches down on the skull of Brandon James! He drops down and then hooks Brandon -- gutwrench suplex! Joe bounces off the ropes, struts -- fist drop! The Sexy Strut Drop! Sexy makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! Joe gets to his feet and calls for the One Night Stand! Emma Chase jumps on the apron. Joe Sexy looks over at her and then approaches. She slaps him across the face! Joe just smiles and grabs her by the hair -- he kisses her! He is kissing Emma Chase! Joe releases after a moment and then turns around -- Big Money Move! The flying shoulder tackle by Brandon James brings Joe Sexy down to the mat. Emma Chase falls off the apron to the floor as Brandon makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Brandon James retains the SWF North American title!]


Winner: Brandon James (Via Pinfall @ 12:09; Brandon James retains the SWF North American title)

Match Rating: B




[We move to a scene from earlier tonight. How do we know that this took place earlier tonight? Because the words are down in the lower left hand corner of the screen. The location is the parking garage of the New Hampshire Garden. A black limousine pulls up and parks. The driver gets out and walks to the back, opening it and out from the limousine comes Jack Bruce, one of the men in our main event tonight. Jack looks briefly toward the camera.]


Jack Bruce

"Tonight is another step toward re-claiming my greatness."


[Jack nods to the cameraman and then walks over, opening the door and stepping inside the building. We cut back to the ring.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/Vengeance.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/SteveFrehley_alt2_JT.jpg

Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley


[Our next match has been building for several weeks now. The man known as Vengeance makes his way to the ring first with the chain wrapped around his neck that he has been wearing for awhile now. Vengeance enters the ring, threatening the official. Referee Shane Stones ducks out of the ring and then from the back running toward the ring comes the man known as 'The Dark Destroyer.' Steve enters the ring and the brawl is on between the two as the official re-enters and calls for the bell. Steve hits Vengeance with a clubbing blow, knocking Vengeance back into a corner. He whips Vengeance across -- reversed! Steve is slammed into the corner and Vengeance takes him down with a clothesline! The next few minutes are spent with Vengeance in control, bringing Steve to the mat with moves like the Vengeance Shaker -- a powerful forearm swing that brings even the mighty Dark Destroyer to the mat. Vengeance scores with a big legdrop and then makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The momentum shifts when Vengeance goes for the Reaper Leaper and Steve ducks out of the way!]


[steve Frehley catches Vengeance with a running clothesline, knocking Vengeance backward. Steve lifts Vengeance -- Frehley Suplex Throw! What power shown by Steve Frehley! Steve picks up Vengeance -- gutbuster connects and Vengeance lies on the mat. Steve makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Vengeance sits up as Steve gets to his feet. Steve moves back into a corner and waits for Vengeance to rise to his feet -- Dark Destroyer Spear! Vengeance is nearly torn in half! Steve plays to the crowd. Steve grabs Vengeance -- Frehley's Comet! The tornado face slam sends Vengeance to the mat. Steve makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Steve Frehley (Via Pinfall @ 15:01)

Match Rating: C+


[Steve Frehley is impressive in this victory over Vengeance! Steve rises to celebrate this win when three men come into the ring and assault him from behind with black baseball bats. The three men are wearing masks so no one can see their faces or determine who they are. The baseball bats continue to be used on Steve Frehley as he is blasted down to the mat. He tries to cover up and security steps in to try to break things up. The three men exit the ring and EMTs come down to check on The Dark Destroyer. Who are these three men?]




[Once again we are taken to the parking garage earlier tonight. This time an even longer stretch black limousine shows up with a dollar sign on the side. The driver gets out and opens the door to reveal Rich Money! The crowd cheers as Rich smirks and looks toward the camera.]


Rich Money

"I know that I am usually all about the money. However, tonight, even all the money that I have cannot buy the satisfaction of my victory."


[Rich turns and walks inside the arena. Both he and Jack Bruce seem ready for their match, which takes place later on this evening.]




[We cut to a video which begins with Eric Eisen winning the SWF World Heavyweight title from Jack Bruce at Christmas Clash. Then comes Eric showing the contract which states that Jack Bruce cannot get a title rematch with him at any time while he is champion. Then we cut to the First Chance battle royal, which saw Lobster Warrior eliminating Joe Sexy to win a title match tonight against Eric Eisen for the SWF World title! That match is next!]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EricEisen_alt4_JT.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/LobsterWarrior_kamchatka.jpg


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Eric Eisen defends vs. Lobster Warrior


[The crowd is definitely primed to witness our next match as the hated Eric Eisen is defending the SWF World title against the masked Lobster Warrior. Lobster Warrior comes out first and stands in his corner, waiting the arrival of Eric Eisen. The SWF World champion walks out, stepping inside the ring and telling Lobster Warrior to lay down. Lobster refuses to do so and the two men stare each other down as the bell sounds. Lobster catches Eric with several punches and then a knee to the gut. Lobster wraps Eric into a small package: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Both men get to their feet and Lobster shows Eric how close he was to losing the SWF World title! Eric looks angry and charges Lobster Warrior -- scoop powerslam by Lobster! He is taking control and the first few minutes are spent with him in control of this contest. Lobster focuses his attacks on the left arm and shoulder of Eric Eisen with armbars, armdrags and even dropping an elbow on that left arm. Eric turns things around, though, when he manages to toss Lobster Warrior outside the ring through the top and middle ropes.]


[Eric joins Lobster outside the ring, slamming Lobster's head into the guardrail and then kicking his knee. Eric Eisen whips Lobster Warrior to the steel steps, nailing Lobster's knee on the steps. The match returns to the ring and Eric focuses on the right knee of Lobster Warrior. He slams the knee down on the mat and then brings Lobster over to the corner, wrapping the knee around the ring post. He slides outside the ring and hooks a figure four around the ring post! The crowd boos and referee Ric Young counts, working to break the hold. Eric returns inside the ring after he breaks the hold and he bounces off the ropes -- knee drop! Eric plays to the crowd and then makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Eric gets to his feet and yells at a fan in the front row. He rubs his left arm a moment, still favoring that arm. He picks up Lobster -- Russian Legsweep. Eric pops back up and then heads to the top turnbuckle. He points at Lobster Warrior -- flying elbowdrop connects! Lobster Warrior is DOWN! Eric Eisen slides around, focusing on the leg of Lobster Warrior. He picks up the legs -- Figure 4 Leglock! He has it hooked on and Lobster Warrior has nowhere to go! Lobster shakes his head, refusing to submit! Eric tells the referee to check him and then grabs the ropes while the referee is distracted. Lobster Warrior's shoulders are down: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! He got that shoulder up at the last moment! Eric reaches over and slaps Lobster but this only serves to anger the top contender! Lobster raises his body and begins to turn. Eric Eisen's eyes go wide! Lobster has the crowd behind him. He works and works -- reversed! The pressure is now on Eric Eisen! Eric grabs the ropes immediately to get the hold broken.]


[Lobster Warrior uses the ropes to get to his feet, while Eric Eisen pulls himself up. Eric walks over and Lobster throws a punch! The two men begin exchanging punches back and forth with Lobster using the ropes to keep standing. Eric starts ducking punches and firing one of his own. Lobster finally feigns a punch and Eric ducks. Eric looks up and Lobster punches away on him. He grabs Eric and lifts him up -- press slam! Lobster grabs his knee, wincing in pain from that move. Lobster moves over in a corner, waiting for Eric Eisen to rise up -- open handed slap to the chest of Eric Eisen. Lobster raises Eric in a suplex position -- Eric turns over, landing on top of Lobster Warrior: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Lobster grabs his knee after the kickout and then turns, grabbing Eric Eisen -- Lobster Pinch! He hooks the Lobster Pinch on that left arm! Eric shakes his head. He refuses to submit. The nerve hold is strong but Eric Eisen might be stronger as he works to his feet and then drops down, sending Lobster Warrior flying into the referee. The referee is knocked down and Eric Eisen rolls out of the ring. He grabs the SWF World title belt and slides back inside -- belt shot to the back of the knee of Lobster Warrior! Eisen tosses the belt out of the ring and then rolls up Lobster Warrior: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Eric Eisen (Via Pinfall @ 18:43; Eric Eisen retains the SWF World Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: B


[Eric Eisen retains the SWF World title but by rather dubious means in this matchup. He is quick to roll out of the ring and grab the title belt. He gets his arm raised as he backs up the ramp. Lobster Warrior, filled with pride, pushes himself to rise slightly and stare down Eric Eisen from inside the ring. By the look on Lobster Warrior's face, this is definitely not the last that Eric Eisen has seen from the Lobster Warrior!]




[We move from the ringside area to another video. This video recaps the current ongoing feud between Marat Khoklov and Christian Faith. Part of the recap shows Emma Chase showing up as the manager of the Soviet Science Experiment. The rest shows the attacks by Marat on Christian the last few weeks. Marat is looking to become the new name of Supreme Wrestling Federation. He is looking to make that name on the back of 'the Iron Man' Christian Faith.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/MaratKhoklov_jtlant.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/EmmaChase_jtlant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/ChristianFaith.jpg

Grudge Match

Marat Khoklov vs. Christian Faith


[Compared to many of the other matches this evening, this is definitely the shortest of them all, which is pretty good considering these two show absolutely no chemistry with each other whatsoever. Christian Faith comes running inside the ring as the second man inside the ring and leaps on Marat Khoklov, throwing forearm smashes, Faith Hammers and punches to the skull of Marat. Marat staggers back into a corner and Christian throws more punches to the surprised skull of the Russian. Christian drops down and kicks Marat in the gut. Christian bounces off the ropes to get some momentum -- Soviet Sledge! The forearm blow to the chest of Christian Faith sends him flying down to the mat. Marat moves rather slowly and sluggishly in the ring and the next few minutes he absolutely dissects Christian Faith in the ring but when he places a foot on the chest of Christian, he only gets a two count. There is definitely no quit in Christian. A 'Faith' chant breaks through the crowd as they try to get him back into this contest. Marat picks up Christian and slams him into a corner, meeting him with a corner clothesline. Marat chokes Christian in the corner and the referee steps in to try to get the hold broken but Marat refuses to let go. Christian Faith is going out by the choke hold of the giant! The referee calls for the bell because Marat refuses to break the hold.]


Winner: Christian Faith (Via Disqualification @ 8:02)

Match Rating: C+


[Emma Chase steps into the ring, trying to call off Marat Khoklov but he refuses to let go of Christian Faith. Christian Faith falls unconcious with the lack of oxygen to his brain! Marat picks up Christian and lifts him over his shoulder, exiting the ring. Marat walks to the top of the ramp and then throws Christian down on the ramp. The Soviet Science Experiment looks down off the ramp where tables are set up. Marat slowly smiles in a twisted way as he picks up Christian, tucking him between his legs. Emma Chase and referee Shane Stones try to stop Marat from trying this but Marat ignores them. Marat lifts Christian in the air -- Russian Legend Powerbomb! Good LORD! Marat Khoklov just sent Christian Faith off the ramp and through a table with the Russian Legend Powerbomb! Marat stands tall, looking down as Christian Faith's body is twisted, lying in the wreckage of a table. Marat turns and walks off, muttering in Russian and EMTs rush to the side of Christian Faith. The Iron Man is NOT moving at all. He lies there on the ground, twisted and unconcious as the stretcher is brought out. A neck brace is put on him and he is lifted onto the stretcher and taken to the back. Christian Faith just MIGHT be dead! But we're not done here tonight.]




[A video begins to play recapping the history of the feud between Jack Bruce and Rich Money. The history begins at the beginning of the year, recapping the entire 'Man Under Pressure' storyline. Rich Money accepts a Last Man Standing match with Jack Bruce for the SWF World title. That was a very dangerous match at Christmas Clash. But tonight we have the rematch between these two men.]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/JackBruce_alt15.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/SWF2/RichMoney_jt.jpg

Grudge Match

Rematch From Christmas Clash

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


[Our grudge match and rematch from Christmas Clash right here tonight. The crowd sits on the edge of their seats as the dollar signs fall from the ceiling and out comes Rich Money. Rich walks toward the ring in his own arrogant fashion. He adjusts his trunks when he enters the ring and leans against a corner. Then out from the back comes the rock star Jack Bruce. Jack walks slowly to the ring, staring at Rich Money from the outside. He climbs up and sits on the top turnbuckle, staring across at Rich. The two men look at each other from seperate corners and the bell sounds.]


[Rich Money offers a handshake to Jack Bruce to start the match. Jack is definitely more than a little wary of accepting the offer but Rich keeps his arm extended out. Jack takes the hand and pulls Rich into a kick to the gut! A punch from Jack! A second one! Jack does a little dance -- a big left hook sends Rich Money to the mat! Jack climbs to the top turnbuckle -- flying body press! Not even a one count before Rich Money kicks out. Jack rises to his feet and clothesline Rich Money to the mat before sliding out of the ring. He walks over and grabs a chair, sliding back in. The referee steps in, warning Jack Bruce that this match is NOT a No DQ match! Jack ignores the referee and sets the chair up between himself and Rich Money. He waits for Rich start getting up and then bounces off the ropes. He uses the chair as a springboard -- flying sidekick -- NO! He got caught by Rich Money -- sit-out powerbomb! Jack Bruce's shoulders are on the mat: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[Rich Money throws Jack Bruce out of the ring, sliding out with him. Rich picks up Jack -- atomic drop on the guardrail! Jack Bruce was crotched on that guardrail! Huge clothesline by Rich Money sends Jack into the first row. Rich picks up one of the dollar signs and stuffs it into Jack Bruce's mouth and then brings him back over to the floor. Rich grabs Jack by the head and sends him face-first into the ring post. Jack smacks the steel hard, dropping like a rock to the floor below. Rich pulls him to his feet and sends a couple of chops to his chest before sending him back inside the ring. Rich makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[Rich pulls Jack Bruce to his feet and sends him to the ropes -- backdrop -- NO! Jack lands on his feet! Rich turns around -- spinning crescent kick by Bruce -- ducked -- overhead belly to belly suplex by Rich Money! Jack Bruce went flying! Rich Money walks over and makes the cover: 1 -- Shoulder Up! Rich yanks him up and sends Jack into a corner. He throws a couple of punches and then backs up. He charges the corner -- Jack grabs the ropes and vaults himself up and over Rich Money. Rich slams face-first into the corner and Jack rolls him up in a schoolboy: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Both men get to their feet and Jack throws another kick but Rich catches the leg -- spinning back kick to the chest! Jack Bruce bounces off the ropes -- rolling senton splash! Jack makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Jack gets to his feet and hooks Rich Money for a vertical suplex -- connects! Jack pops his hips and gets back up, still holding Rich Money -- second vertical suplex! He finishes with the trifecta, known as the Long Island Trio!]


[Jack sets up Rich in the corner with his head against the bottom turnbuckle -- dropkick to the face! Rich Money got crushed in that corner! Jack yanks Rich in between his legs -- piledriver! Rich Money is down in the center of the ring. Jack makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! How in the world did Rich Money get that shoulder up?!?! With Rich Money down on the mat, Jack drops an elbow drop, a leg drop and a big splash! Welcome To NYC, Rich Money! Jack Bruce doesn't go for the cover. Instead, he goes to the top rope. He has his back to the ring. He leaps -- Moonsault -- NO! Rich Money moved out of the way but the referee didn't! The referee was caught with Jack Bruce's legs, dropping him down and out right now. All three men are left laying on the mat. A pulsing beat echoes through the arena, leaving the fans wondering what is going on. Someone comes out from the back, running to the ring and sliding inside.]




[it's Remo! Remo is BACK here in the land of the Supreme! The former tag team partner of Rich Money is looking to make an impact. Remo waits for someone to get to their feet. He locks eyes with Rich Money as his former partner pulls himself up. Rich motions to Jack Bruce, who is also slowly standing. Remo walks over to Rich, checking on him and then turns his eyes toward Jack Bruce. Then he turns back to Rich Money! He strikes a knee to the gut of Rich Money and then hooks him in a double underhook position -- Lumbar Puncture! The high-release double underhook Backbreaker brings Rich Money down to the mat. Remo exits the ring and Jack Bruce looks surprised. But he is not looking this gift horse in the mouth. He slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back inside. He sets the chair down, picking up Rich Money -- New York Minute on the chair! He slides the chair out of the ring as the referee begins recovering. Jack Bruce makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Jack Bruce (Via Pinfall @ 29:51)

Match Rating: A


[Jack Bruce wins! What a victory for the former SWF World champion! Jack stands up slowly and backs into a corner. Remo enters the ring and charges -- Jack leaps up and over Remo! Jack quickly exits the ring, backing up with his arms raised. Remo stares at him for a moment, while inside the ring. Remo turns back to Rich Money -- Remo Buster! Remo had Rich Money in a bear hug and then ran forward, dropping Rich Money with a spinebuster in one move! Rich Money is laid out! Jack Bruce rushes into the ring as Remo is leaving and he stands over Rich Money in a protective fashion. Jack Bruce raises his arms in the air as the show comes to a close.]

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