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Babes of Sin City

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Babes of Sin City


Tara McFly and Candy Floss. In 2009 BSC made movements to become

a "real" wrestling promotion. In 2010 Bud Wiser took control of the promotion

and brought in Amber Allen and Eve Grunge to bring more "real" wrestling.

(also released Sister Beth Mercy and Alison Capone because of their

bad atitude)


Looking at the books i have concerns about making a profit.


I tweaked the product a little not using the editor


Traditional = Medium

Mainsteam= Heavy

Comedy= Key

Cult= very low

Rique= Key


everything else nothing. I have 0 experience with this product. What it means


will attract a vocal fan base to BSC

wrestlers are rated much more on popularity than performance

fans will expect all wrestlers to be packaged with a proper gimmick

will not like highly risky gimmicks

like their gimmicks to be simple

will not get subtle gimmicks

will expect to have storylines to follow

prevent from getting Afternoon TV time slots

prevent from getting Early Evening TV time slots

prevent from getting Prime Time TV time slots

is favourable towards getting sponsorship

will not be rocked by wrestling industry changes

young lion system will not be taken into account at any time


I look at the roster and well i am have been going over things in my

head. I have no idea how much money we are going to get in

revenue this month. I see our road agent is on a 2k a month

written contract...that hurts. We do have 100k in the bank.


Lets just try to put on the best show we can and see how much

we lose.

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BSC: January 2010 attendance 86


Dharma Gregg and Candy Floss argue 50

Candy Floss over Dharma Gregg 38

The Neptune Twins interview 33

The Neptune Twins over Sweet as Candy (title match) 29

Tamara McFly and Vampella argue 40

Tamara McFly over Vampella (title match) 41

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 59


Final Rating 40


The fans didnt want to see most of our workers wrestle.


What we learned is Dharma Gregg angles= ratings


These girls are going to have to get better in the ring and more

popular if we are going to make it big time.


Oh and just for fun we finished last in the regional battle.

Costal Zone got a 60 and Angel Athletic got a 59.


We did make a 10k profit though. I didn't use everybody though.


Candy Floss autopushed to a main eventer


It cost us around 8k to run that show.


I was kinda thrown off by 40% match 60% angle ratio

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BSC: Febuary 2010 attendance 113


Candy Floss and Dharma Gregg argue 47

Candy Floss over Dharma Gregg 37

Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 36 (title match)

Tamara McFly and Vampella argue 41

Tamara McFly over Vampella 42 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 58


Overall Rating 34


we got hit for not enought angles I wasnt paying enough attention

i was going to cut it down but it will result in a popularity loss so

i decide to rethink my show format. I rethink it again and change it.


Vampella is our #1 hot prospect if anyone was wondering why

i seem to be pushing her.


Hollywood Magic is Britney Hollywood and Sprite they have 56

tag experience


Sweet as Candy is Lindsay Sugar and Coco De La Soleil and have

45 experience


The Neptune twins are Jen and Kathy Neptune and have 54 experience


There Jane Jarrett (a gen female worker) who is an extremly positive influence

78 charisma and 81 menance 17 year old she doesn't qualify for

any brute gimmicks so we package her as a bitch.


It is going to be a long road to pass Costal Zone and Angel Athletic.


The change in product makes us fall to local no wonder i made money i forgot that we were small.

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1. Candy Floss

2. Tamara McFly

3. Amber Allen

4. Eve Grunge


1v2, 1v3, 1v4, 2v3, 2v4, 3v4.


There are your main events in a 6-month rotation. Back that up with solid angles and you should be able to hit small again, if not beat someone in the battles.



Then again, and I fully believe this in life as well as this product, always, always, always, give the chick with the best jiggle physics the most attention.

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BSC: March 2010 attendance 63


Candy Floss and Dharma Gregg argue 50

Candy Floss over Dharma Gregg 32

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 32 (title match)

Tamara McFly and Vampella argue 40

Tamara McFly over Vampella 42 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharama Gregg 59


Final Rating 41


Tamara McFly is going on Tour with 5SSW


we lost 286 dollars that month not a big deal


my first inclination is to flip flop oppents from 1st and 3rd match


Instead i decied to try out a new tag team Native Beauty.

Alexis Lee Littlefeather and Dharma Gregg. Alexis has some

popularity to work with and i got nothing for her right now.


BSC April 2010 attendance 54


Vampella and Miss American Pie argue 40

Vampella over Miss Amerian Pie 18 (featured terrible wrestling)

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 34 (title match)

Tamara McFly and Candy Floss argue 40

Candy Floss over Tamara McFly 51 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 62


Final Rating 47


would you believe after that performance Miss American Pie wanted

450 a show? I would have given her 150 to stick around. I decieded

not to make an investment in her.

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thanks for reading and the input.


We have a strong face/heel divide.


Eve Grunge is a heel

Amber Allen is a heel

Candy Floss is a heel.


That being said I will probally turn amber allen down the road I was thinking

of working Eve & Amber tag team Crimson and Clover but we need some

babyface girls to get over and neither one of them are over but getting there

Eve has gone from opener to midcarder and may feature on the main card sometime soon.

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BSC May 2010 attendance 57


Vamella and Britney Hollywood argue 44

Vampella over Britney Hollywood 28

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 34 (title match)

Candy Floss and Sprite argue 43

Candy Floss over Sprite 44 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 59


Final Rating 43


Tamara was working in Japan and was not available.

I was planning on having her hold the title for a while but

when your not always availble made it easier to give it to Candy.


We are small again yippie!


BSC June 2010 attendance 51


Vampella and Sprite argue 44

Vampella vs Sprite 25

Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 48 (title match)

Candy Floss and Tamara McFly argue 38

Candy Floss over Tamara McFly 50 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 63


Final Rating 50


BSC July 2010 attendance 63


Tamara McFly and Vampella argue 40

Tamara McFly over Vampella 39

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 41 (title match)

Dharma Gregg and Candy Floss argue 55

Candy Floss over Dharma Gregg 45 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 65


Final Rating 46

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BSC August 2010 attendance 86


Tamara McFly and Eve Grunge argue 39

Tamara McFly over Eve Grunge 39

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 43 (title match)

Candy Floss and Alexis Lee Littlefeather argue 51

Candy Floss over Alexis Lee Littlefeather 50 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 64


Final Rating 50


Tamara came back from Japan but Amber Allen took her place


BSC September 2010 attendance 107


Tamara McFly and Vampella argue 38

Tamara McFly over Vampella 38

The Neptune Twins over Sweet as Candy 30 (title match)

Candy Floss and Alexis Lee Littlefeather argue 48

Candy Floss over Alexis Lee Littlefeather 50 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 62


Final Rating 47


We decide to bring Chrissy Higgins on board. She is a natural



BSC October 2010 attendance 92


Tamara McFly and Eve Grunge argue 36

Tamara McFly over Eve Grunge 35

The Neptune Twins over Sweet as Candy 28 (title match)

Dharma Gregg and Candy Floss argue 52

Candy Floss over Dharma Gregg 39 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 65


Final Rating 38


BSC November 2010 attendance 107


Tamara McFly and Vampella argue 40

Tamara McFly over Vampella 36

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 33 (title match)

Candy Floss and Christy Higgins argue 38

Candy Floss over Christy Higgins 40 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 64


Final Rating 41


BSC December 2010 attendance 106


Christy Higgins and Vampella argue 35

Christy Higgins over Vampella 21

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 34 (title match)

Candy Floss and Sprite argue 47

Candy Floss over Sprite 40 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 58


Final Rating 39


Tamara was in Japan and the final rating is disapointing it is

still good enough to increase our popularity.


year in review coming

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Female wrestler of the year went to Fuyuko Higa average rating 68 highest match 81


That is a trophy we would like to bring home in the future.


We made 128k total thru the year.


Our Popularity is now 17 it was 16 but took a nose dive when i changed the match to angle ratio.


We have come in 3rd every regional battle.


Right now our popularity for our workers is



Alexis Lee Littlefeather 31

Amber Allen 10

Britney Hollywood 24

Candy Floss-46

Jen Neptune-40

Kathy Neptune-39

Chrissy Higgins-30

Coco de la Soleil-18

Dharma Gregg-32

Eve Grunge-20

Jane Jarret-0

Lindsay Sugar-18

Nurse Hope Day-20

Roxy Kitten-21


Tamara McFly-39



I have done a terrible job getting these workers over. I am going to focus on Tamara and Candy. Hopefully they will help get Vampella and Higgins more over. I decide to turn Amber Allen face and will try to get her and Eve more

over as they are better workers. Jane Jarret doesn't seem to be able to lose

her way to gain popularity but since she loses in bad matches she may

need a better oppenent. I really need to get these girls to 90+ overness and then see what we have.


I was pushing and depushing every show trying to get the best for that "card" and it hurt me in the long run. Now i will just focus on a few workers regardless and see how we make out at the end of the year.

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CWWF opens and signs both Candy Floss and Tamara McFly

they both make CWWF their priority.


we sign Thea Davis she is a pretty talented lady.


We also bring in two regens Alma Goodridge (April Appleseed)

and Susan Turner (Raven Nightfall)


BSC: January 2011 attendance 123


Candy Floss attacks Amber Allen 30 (Face Turn)

Alexis Lee Littlefeather over Vampella 27

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 43 (title match)

Dharma Gregg and Candy Floss argue 54

Candy Floss over Dharama Gregg 41 (tile match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 65


Final Rating 42


BSC February 2011 attendance 120


Tamara McFly and Eve Grunge argue 34

Tamara McFly over Eve Grunge 36

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 46 (title match)

Candy Floss and Amber Allen argue 42

Candy Floss over Amber Allen 42 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 66


Final Rating 45


BSC March 2011 attendance 87


Tamara McFly and Eve Grunge argue 34

Tamara McFly over Eve Grunge 37

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty 37 (title match)

Candy Floss and Amber Allen argue 46

Candy Floss over Amber Allen 45 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 63


Final Rating 45


BSC April 2011 attendance 113


Tamara McFly and Thea Davis argue 26

Tamara McFly over Thea Davis 34

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 43 (title match)

Dharma Gregg and Candy Floss argue 56

Candy Floss over Dharma Gregg 46 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 63


Final Rating 47


BSC May 2011 attendance 102


Tamara McFly and Vampella argue 42

Tamara McFly over Vampella 40

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 43 (title match)

Candy Floss and Dharma Gregg argue 57

Candy Floss over Dharma Gregg 46

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 61


Final Rating 48


BSC June 2011 attendance 118


Alexis Lee Littlefeather and Alma Goodridge argue 39

Alexis Lee Littlefeather over Alma Goodridge 31

The Neptune Twins over Sweet as Candy 31 (title match)

Dharma Gregg and Vampella argue 45

Dharma Gregg over Vampella 45


Final Rating 34


(half my girls were working in Japan or Canada for that show)


Looking over things i decide to try to add a weekly show to try to

make some headway see how much money we lose.


not going lie that show with that rating made me look things over

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After the debacle in June we have all our girls ready


I think this may be the best show we can put on right now


BSC: July attendance 154


Eve Grunge argues with Amber Allen 48

Eve Grunge over Amber Allen 53

Native Beauty over The Neptune Twins 50 (title match)

Tamara McFly and Candy Floss argue 65

Candy Floss over Tamara McFly 68 (title match)

The Neptune twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 63


Final Rating 67


We pulled out all the stops had our best 4 workers go

head to head and gave Dharma Gregg and Alexis Lee

Littlefeather a shot to run with the tag titles.

That was our best match in history although i had been

protecting that match(McFly vs Floss) up I turned Vampella to face as

i think we are a little heel heavy right now.


For the first time ever we finish #1 in the regional battle


Our Prestige is 16

Angel Athletic is 17

Candian Women's Wrestling Federation is 31

5 Star Supreme Wrestling is 60


We have alot of work to do to make BSC "the" place to work

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Eidenhoek - thanks for the comment


I am looking to continue our positive momentuem

Tamara McFly and Thea Davis are working elsewhere

at least Sprite brought a puppy


BSC August 2011 attendance 137


Eve Grunge and Vampella argue 59

Eve Grunge over Vampella 46

Native Beauty over The Neptune Twins 50 (title match)

Candy Floss argues with Amber Allen 75

Candy Floss over Amber Allen 67 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 68


Final Rating 64


We finish 2nd in the regional battle Grace Harper and J-Ro

bring Angel Athletic a 68 rated show.


We only lost 5k and we still have 271k in the bank so regional

is on its way and we will be making money soon.

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at least Sprite brought a puppy


Lawler says she has two of them >____________________>


If I recall correctly the few times I've played in that region...lower 60s should suit you alright. Second place isn't terrible, and if you can average a 60...well, you should be growing in spite of the battle, to be honest. Hell, I wish I could pull 60s in my diaries regularly (aside from WLW I guess).


Who's the most popular (and what is their popularity?)

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At this moment its Candy Floss supporting a 92 popularity


Wait WHAT? A little over 1.5 years and she's at 92?!


Holy...wow. That's a lot more angles than I was thinking. Lemme double-check...


How the hell is she at 92 popularity and your highest angle hasn't even hit a 70 yet?

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BSC September 2011 attendance 300


Eve Grunge and Vampella argue 61

Eve Grunge over Vampella 58

Native Beauty over The Neptune Twins 52 (title match)

The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 78

Candy Floss over Amber Allen 69 (title match)

Candy Floss and Amber Allen argue 77


Final Rating 66


Tamara McFly and Thea Davis were in Japan


We finished 1st this month Coastal Zone was 2nd

Angel Athletic was third. We currentyl have a 19

prestige and Angel Athletic has an 18. Coastal Zone

has 25.

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The gang is all here so lets put on a show!


BSC October 2011 attendance 300


The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 79

The Neptune Twins over Native Beauty and Hollywood Magic 59

Eve Grunge over Amber Allen 79

Eve Grunge and Amber Allen argue 76

Candy Floss over Tamara McFly 82 (title match)

Candy Floss and Tamara McFly argue 80


Final Rating 79


We have to extend some contracts here is a funny thing

Candy Floss is demanding a title run so now I will have

to have her lose the title in order for her to get it back


I go back and forth on signing Deborah Young she doesn't look

bad but wants 600 a show and a low level title run. She can be

a face(89) or a heel (95) I sign her and when looking for a gimmick

she qualifies for the biker gimmick which works for both faces

and heels. I am thinking of making her a face and getting an

upset win on Candy then having Candy win the title back

and that should cover both their contract demands. Although

Candy will probally get upset over it.

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BSC November 2011 attendance 300


The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 91

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic 58 (title match)

Eve Grunge over Amber Allen 80

Amber Allen and Eve Grunge argue 85

Tamara McFly over Candy Floss 78 (title match)

Candy Floss and Tamara McFly argue 83


Final Rating 79


Oh and add Eve Grunge to the list of girls demanding title runs


We are now a Regional sized promotion.


We are now ahead of CWWF in our workers priorities.


I think i am going to create a seperate contract title or something as i dont think i will get Debrah Allen over fast enough the fans don't like her.

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BSC December 2011 attendance 300


The Neptune Twins attack and strip Dharma Gregg 92

The Neptune Twins over Hollywood Magic and Sweet as Candy 61 (title match)

Candy Floss over Amber Allen 86

Amber Allen and Candy Floss argue 95

Eve Grunge over Tamara McFly 79 (title match)

Eve Grunge and Tamara McFly argue 84


Final Rating 81


If we could get a few more workers in here going Global may be

in the future.


Year in review coming

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