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WMMA 3: The League

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Ever since the first WMMA came out I have been trying to figure out a way to create a fun WMMA sim league. I wanted it to be more than just picking fighters so I knew that if I was going to do this then having your own fighters and booking your own fights was going to be absolutely necessary if this thing is going to last. I thought of the idea a couple of months ago but I decided to wait until Adam announced his new game to tell anyone about it because I figured if WMMA4 was coming out with multiplayer before the year is over then this would be a lost cause.


The way I plan on running this league is not as complicated as you might think. The way it would work is I would take the default database (For example, this is not a permanent choice for me) and delete all of the companies except one. I am using XCC for an example. I made it so XCC has 6 weight classes for now, featherweight through heavyweight although more could be added when this actually gets going. For this example there will be 6 different regions of XCC making it a 6 man league. XCC US, XCC Canada, XCC UK, XCC South America, XCC Europe, and XCC Japan. Each region will get their own 20 fight card once every other month. We will be doing 12 or 15 rounds of drafting which would give each group either 72 or 90 fighters. Everyone has to draft a minimum of 10 fighers per weight class. The object of this league is to book exciting fights and have good commercial success so your regions popularity rises. There will be a system for firing, hiring, and trading fighters eventually I just haven't gotten that far yet.


Also, the game area's starting economy and strength will be equalized and so will the game regions. Your shows can only be held in your region. I will upload the save file after every simulation and we could even do live streams of the sims on twitch.tv. Members of the league will post the matches they book and I will put them into the game myself.


If you are interested in being a part of this league by taking over one of the regions or maybe you just want to spectate, please chime in and let me know what you think.

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Ever since the first WMMA came out I have been trying to figure out a way to create a fun WMMA sim league. I wanted it to be more than just picking fighters so I knew that if I was going to do this then having your own fighters and booking your own fights was going to be absolutely nessacery if this thing is going to last. I thought of the idea a couple of months ago but I decided to wait until Adam announced his new game to tell anyone about it because I figured if WMMA4 was coming out with multiplayer before the year is over then this would be a lost cause.


The way I plan on running this league is not as complicated as you might think. The way it would work is I would take the default database (For example, this is not a permanent choice for me) and delete all of the companies except one. I am using XCC for an example. I made it so XCC has 6 weight classes for now, featherweight through heavyweight although more could be added when this actually gets going. For this example there will be 6 different regions of XCC making it a 6 man league. XCC US, XCC Canada, XCC UK, XCC South America, XCC Europe, and XCC Japan. Each region will get their own 20 fight card once every other month. We will be doing 12 or 15 rounds of drafting which would give each group either 72 or 90 fighters. Everyone has to draft a minimum of 10 fighers per weight class. The object of this league is to book exciting fights and have good commercial success so your regions popularity rises. There will be a system for firing, hiring, and trading fighters eventually I just haven't gotten that far yet.


Also, the game area's starting economy and strength will be equalized and so will the game regions. There will be no TV shows or PPV deals.


If you are interested in being a part of this league by taking over one of the regions or maybe you just want to spectate, please chime in and let me know what you think.


Im super interested, just not entirely sure how this would work, oh yeah and if this happens I want the UK, im a sucker for that place every time i play a sim game.

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Thanks guys for the interest so far. I'd really like to get atleast 6 people before we start the draft. It doesn't matter to me who gets what region so that you'll have to sort out yourselves but I'm sure if you really want a certain region and someone already has it you can just ask them nicely and they would more than likely switch.


I tried to explain how the league would work the best I could but I'm sure I've missed something so please if you have any questions or concerns let me know.

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Sounds interesting. I've never seen anything like this done, though. Do you just run a show and then upload the save here for the next person? If so, does that mean that all of the fighters will be working for the same company, and each player will just have to keep their hands off of the fighters they didn't draft themselves? How does the schedule work?


I think I'd be interested in running one of the regions, assuming it doesn't end up being too time consuming. I'd prefer Japan or South America, if possible.

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Sounds interesting. I've never seen anything like this done, though. Do you just run a show and then upload the save here for the next person? If so, does that mean that all of the fighters will be working for the same company, and each player will just have to keep their hands off of the fighters they didn't draft themselves? How does the schedule work?


I think I'd be interested in running one of the regions, assuming it doesn't end up being too time consuming. I'd prefer Japan or South America, if possible.


I would start by uploading the save file for everyone to view so they can scout for the draft. After we draft I will sign all of the fighters to one company but you can only book the fighters you drafted for now although cross region fights are a possibility in the future. Everyone will have to post what fights they want booked so I can enter them into the game myself.


Here is a temple for what the schedule would be like if this was a 6 region league.


Saturday of Week 1, Jan 2000: XCC US

Saturday of Week 2, Jan 2000: XCC EU

Saturday of Week 3, Jan 2000: XCC SA

Saturday of Week 1, Feb 2000: XCC CA

Saturday of Week 2, Feb 2000: XCC JA

Saturday of Week 3, Feb 2000: XCC UK

Saturday of Week 1, Mar 2000: XCC US

Saturday of Week 2, Mar 2000: XCC EU

Saturday of Week 3, Mar 2000: XCC SA

Saturday of Week 1, Apr 2000: XCC CA

Saturday of Week 2, Apr 2000: XCC JA

Saturday of Week 3, Apr 2000: XCC UK


And so on and so forth. I plan on doing live streams of the results. After every sim I will upload the save file for everyone to download so they can check out the region popularity, fighter popularity, and all of the other things you need to know to book good fights.


Great questions. Please let me know if you have any more.

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Great questions. Please let me know if you have any more.


That all sounds good. I didn't think you could do more than two normal shows per month, but if you're gonna be the one booking the fights, then it's not my problem.:D


I'll definitely join in. Sign me up for Japan or South America. No one else has mentioned either yet, so whenever someone does show an interest in one, I'll take the other. Also, I'm mostly joining in because I want to see how everything plays out, so if enough people want to participate, I have no problem giving up my spot.

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That all sounds good. I didn't think you could do more than two normal shows per month, but if you're gonna be the one booking the fights, then it's not my problem.:D


I think he's planning on two PPVs and a TV show. As you said, you can only do 2 PPVs in one month.

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Ok, from what I gather, so far based on what people have said-


UK- Renegade MMA 037

Europe- The authority

Japan- *

South America- *

Canada- zackufc



*- Iceisle said that he'd take either. Zack wants Canada so I'll take whatever Iceisle doesn't want. Which just leaves USA, which I imagine that Rebby would take cause he's already expressed interest.


^ That's only what I've gathered from reading all the replies so far. It's HansLanda's rodeo so it's up to him who gets what.

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I would start by uploading the save file for everyone to view so they can scout for the draft. After we draft I will sign all of the fighters to one company but you can only book the fighters you drafted for now although cross region fights are a possibility in the future. Everyone will have to post what fights they want booked so I can enter them into the game myself.


Here is a temple for what the schedule would be like if this was a 6 region league.


Saturday of Week 1, Jan 2000: XCC US

Saturday of Week 2, Jan 2000: XCC EU

Saturday of Week 3, Jan 2000: XCC SA

Saturday of Week 1, Feb 2000: XCC CA

Saturday of Week 2, Feb 2000: XCC JA

Saturday of Week 3, Feb 2000: XCC UK

Saturday of Week 1, Mar 2000: XCC US

Saturday of Week 2, Mar 2000: XCC EU

Saturday of Week 3, Mar 2000: XCC SA

Saturday of Week 1, Apr 2000: XCC CA

Saturday of Week 2, Apr 2000: XCC JA

Saturday of Week 3, Apr 2000: XCC UK


And so on and so forth. I plan on doing live streams of the results. After every sim I will upload the save file for everyone to download so they can check out the region popularity, fighter popularity, and all of the other things you need to know to book good fights.


Great questions. Please let me know if you have any more.

This sounds so awesome i have been dying for a group game like this.

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That all sounds good. I didn't think you could do more than two normal shows per month, but if you're gonna be the one booking the fights, then it's not my problem.:D


Well for some reason my brain told me that you can run 3 PPV shows a month when really you can only run 2 so I'm going to have to change the format just a bit. What i'm going to do is create one PPV carrier that is insignificant in size and broadcast's to every region in the game. Next I will create two TV shows that are also insignificant in size and also broadcast to all of the games regions. The schedule would now look like this...


Saturday of Week 1, Jan 2000: XCC US PPV

Saturday of Week 2, Jan 2000: XCC EU TV

Saturday of Week 3, Jan 2000: XCC SA PPV

Saturday of Week 1, Feb 2000: XCC CA PPV

Saturday of Week 2, Feb 2000: XCC JA TV

Saturday of Week 3, Feb 2000: XCC UK PPV

Saturday of Week 1, Mar 2000: XCC US TV

Saturday of Week 2, Mar 2000: XCC EU PPV

Saturday of Week 3, Mar 2000: XCC SA PPV

Saturday of Week 1, Apr 2000: XCC CA TV

Saturday of Week 2, Apr 2000: XCC JA PPV

Saturday of Week 3, Apr 2000: XCC UK PPV

Saturday of Week 1, May 2000: XCC US PPV

Saturday of Week 2, May 2000: XCC EU PPV

Saturday of Week 3, May 2000: XCC SA TV

Saturday of Week 1, Jun 2000: XCC CA PPV

Saturday of Week 2, Jun 2000: XCC JA PPV

Saturday of Week 3, Jun 2000: XCC UK TV


This way each region gets 4 PPV's and 2 TV Show's every year. The only problem is I would have to look at the popularity for each region and write it down before every show and then make it so only the region that is putting on the show gets the rise or fall in popularity and everyone else's popularity stays the same. As long as I do that the league will still work like it's supposed to and it will add a little strategy to it because you are going to want to build up stars on TV shows.


Thanks Iceisle for pointing that out!

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Sign me up if there is still room :D I would take Canada as my first choice but if not South America or Europe.


Edit: If every where is taken you should do me the solid and Make an Australia or Asian League :D


Any of the regions can be chosen although 6 is the max for the league right now. I'm making 6 the max for now just to keep things simple.

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Before we draft we have to figure out which database we will be using. I'm okay with using the default data or we could get crazy and use the MMA Reboot mod. Once we decide which mod we're using I'm going to have to edit the database to make it compatible with the league concept. Once we figure that out we'll need to make sure the league is full and I will upload the save file for everyone to view. After that we'll figure out the draft order and either start drafting on the forums or if we could possibly all get online at the same time we could do a live draft which would be much quicker. After the draft I'm going to have a lot of work to do because I have to sign all of the fighters you guys drafted but by then you'll be able to start figuring out who you're going to book for your first show.
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I say we should use the default but with the expansion imported into to it because it adds more fighters but if not i am fine with just the default data base


The GDS Forums Community Fighter Share Database Expansion will be added to whichever mod we use. Although if we use the reboot mod I will have to do a little bit of editing but that's fine with me.

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The GDS Forums Community Fighter Share Database Expansion will be added to whichever mod we use. Although if we use the reboot mod I will have to do a little bit of editing but that's fine with me.


I see well that is up to you. I vote we use default just so drafting will be easy because everyone is familiar with it

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