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Attitude Xtreme Entertainment (jhdverse)

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My father once owned the biggest wrestling company in America. Some of the more cynical "hardcore" fans hated it, others - like myself - loved it. The big characters, the storylines. It's when I fell in love with wrestling. Then one day everything changed.


My father ran into some trouble financially. Drug scandals and lawsuits brought him to his knees. He began to focus on his business empire more than the wrestling. The company suffered as a result. The final nail in the coffin came when it was announced that in 2001, the only thing I had loved, the only thing that brought me and my father together, would be liquidated.


After this, we moved on. I found it hard. I had gotten used to seeing the workers - and their children. Some I even considered friends, others I felt sorry for. After all, some people had only JUST gotten on to the roster.


I worked for the man who destroyed my childhood. Until I had enough in the bank.




My name is Chase Paige. And I'm bringing my family's name out of the history books. No longer will the Paige name be mocked in the professional wrestling industry.




The AXE will rise.

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Size: Lightweight

Hailing from: Mexico City

Finisher: Checkmate (Tilt-A-Whirl Armbar)



Flip Over

Size: Middleweight

Hailing From: Alberta, Canada

Finisher: Flip For Fortune (450 Splash)




Size: Lightweight

Hailing From: Tijuana, Mexico

Finisher: Halcón Dropkick (Missile Dropkick)



Joe Havanna

Size: Heavyweight

Hailing From: Cuba

Finisher: Havanna Drop (Death Valley Driver)



Johnny Cuevas

Size: Lightweight

Hailing From: Los Angeles, California

Finisher: Top Rope Dropkick



Martin McClane

Size: Heavyweight

Hailing From: Hollywood, California

Finisher: The Final Cut (Cutter)



Ricky Waylon

Size: Light Heavyweight

Hailing From: Frankfort, Kentucky

Finisher: Pull-Over Sidewalk Slam



Scott Seal

Size: Middleweight

Hailing From: San Antonio, Texas

Finishers: Reality-Plex (Half Nelson Suplex), Seal of Approval (Koji Clutch)



The Flying Vergomov

Size: Small

Hailing From: The Vergo-Cave

Finisher: Triple Tabares (Three Moonsaults from the corner)



The Visitor

Size: Heavyweight

Hailing From: From A Galaxy Far Far Away

Finisher : Alien Nerve Hold (Shoulder Hold)

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Darius King

Size: Heavyweight

Hailing From: Glendale, Arizona

Finisher: Three Point Stance



Hunter Wolfe

Size: Light Heavyweight

Hailing From: The American Wild

Finisher: Redemption Bomb (Powerbomb)



Size: Big Heavyweight

Hailing From: Las Vegas, Nevada

Finisher: Chokeslam




Size: Heavyweight

Hailing From: Hell, Michigan

Finisher: Crucifix Powerbomb


Mike Suzuki

Size: Middleweight

Hailing From: Detroit, Michigan

Finisher: Suzuki Spear



Titan Lynn

Size: Heavyweight

Hailing From: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Finisher: Clash of The Titans (Spinebuster)




Size: Heavyweight

Hailing From: The Seventh Circle

Finisher: The Vivisection (Tombstone Piledriver)



Tony Pearce

Size: Middleweight

Hailing From: Atlanta, Georgia

Finishers: Pin Attempt #7 (Small Package), Submission #184 (Cloverleaf), Suplex #91 (Fisherman's Suplex)



Size: Middleweight

Hailing From: Boise, Idaho

Finisher: Three Point Stance

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Staff & Stables


Announce Team



Ace Lomax & Marcus Mitchell






Emily Kimbrough, Joe Preston and Miles Grissom


Road Agent




Frank Kubrick




Chase Paige - Manager to The College Standouts, Tony Pearce and Mike Suzuki


Stables & Tag Teams


Los Luchadores - Ajedrez & Halcón

Joe Havanna & Johnny Cuevas

The College Standouts - Titan Lynn, Darius King and Touchdown

Total Impact - The Flying Vergomov and Ricky Waylon

Tony Pearce & Mike Suzuki

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Author's Note


AXE came about one day as I was just mucking about in game. I love the thought of Chase coming back to "sort his father's mistakes". The one thing I've done that is probably wrong is start from the ground up. AXE started at local. In my head this was because Chase wants to do this himself with no help from anyone.


AXE's product is


Key Features : Traditional and Mainstream

Medium : Comedy and Cult

Low : Hardcore, Lucha Libre and Daredevil


Match Intensity : 20%

Match Danger : 30%


Strong Face/Heel Divide

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AXE New Beginnings




http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/29deb141.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/ec5284f5.jpg


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/744dcc2b.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/24fc9ea1.jpg


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/b862e8b3.jpghttp://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/a8f0dd8e.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/9a50fb10.jpghttp://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/82050d4d.jpg


Match Card


J-Syn & Krakked vs Los Luchadores (Halcon & Ajedrez)

Mike Suzuki vs Ricky Waylon

Hunter Wolfe vs Flip Over

The College Standout (King and Touchdown) vs Havanna & Cuevas

Tony Pearce vs The Visitor

Scott Seal vs Tombstone

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Nice start and an interesting roster. I actually prefer the idea of Chase starting up a smalller promotion as its something I can definitely see happening against, rather than on behalf of his father.


J-Syn & Krakked vs Los Luchadores

Mike Suzuki vs Ricky Waylon

Hunter Wolfe vs Flip Over

The College Standout (King and Touchdown) vs Havanna & Cuevas

Tony Pearce vs The Visitor

Scott Seal vs Tombstone


Presumably Los Luchadores is Haclon & Ajedrez?

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Nice start and an interesting roster. I actually prefer the idea of Chase starting up a smalller promotion as its something I can definitely see happening against, rather than on behalf of his father.


J-Syn & Krakked vs Los Luchadores

Mike Suzuki vs Ricky Waylon

Hunter Wolfe vs Flip Over

The College Standout (King and Touchdown) vs Havanna & Cuevas

Tony Pearce vs The Visitor

Scott Seal vs Tombstone


Presumably Los Luchadores is Haclon & Ajedrez?


Thanks jhd. It's part of a challenge for me as well as I'm more used to using the bigger companies. And Los Luchadores are Halcon and Ajedrez. I'll add that to the picks list.

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AXE New Beginnings

Location: Colorado Springs Bar

Attendance: 52

http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/f76c7998.jpghttp://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/2b94be6a.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/d9f91c1f.jpghttp://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/52fc2f99.jpg


J-Syn & Krakked vs. Los Luchadores

• The match started out with Ajedrez and Krakked.

• Krakked and J-Syn dominated the smaller wrestlers.

• Towards the end of the match Halcón & Ajedrez mounted a small comeback, showing off the skills they learned from Mexico.

• This comeback ended after Halcón attempted to hit J-Syn with a springboard cross body. J-Syn simply grabbed Halcón by the throat and slammed him down with a great deal of force.

Winners : J-Syn & Krakked

Rating: 22


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/6e610ffd.jpg w/ http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/b79410a7.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/1b1fbacc.jpg


Mike Suzuki w/ Chase Paige vs. Ricky Waylon

• An even contest between the two workers.

• Waylon nearly had the match won but the presence of Paige at ringside distracted Referee Preston right after a Pull Over Sidewalk Slam.

• Paige’s presence at ringside ultimately tipped the match in Suzuki’s favour as he grabbed Waylon’s leg right before he was going for another Sidewalk Slam.

• This distraction allowed Suzuki enough time to get ready to hit Waylon with the Suzuki Spear.

Winner: Mike Suzuki

Rating: 23


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/3547b0a6.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/38af65f7.jpg


Hunter Wolfe vs. Flip Over

• A contrast in styles was evident in this match as Wolfe smothered the high-flying offence of Flip with an impactful style, similar to that of Japanese wrestling.

• Flip got some offence in but this match served as showcase of Wolfe’s skills.

• The quick match ended after Wolfe obliterated Flip with three Redemption Bombs.

Winner: Hunter Wolfe

Rating: 23




Chase Paige hypes up The College Standouts (King & Touchdown)

As Flip Over is helped to the back, the audience are treated to the sight of Chase Paige leading The College Standouts down to the ring. Paige gets in the ring and barks at a ring attendant to get him a microphone. Darius shouts at the crowd calling them nerds. Touchdown runs around the ring with a football, eventually spiking it at the bottom of the entrance way before celebrating as if he has just made the Super Bowl winning touchdown.


CP: These two men are two of the finest athletes here in AXE. They have the power, the determination and the grit needed to succeed. Havanna & Cuevas? They are just a couple of nerds. I mean one of them even likes to pretend he is an actor.




CP: Darius and Touchdown chew people like that up for breakfast. But hey, don’t take my word for it. Let them show you. They aren’t called The College Standouts for nothing.


Rating: 43


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/b862e8b3.jpghttp://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/a8f0dd8e.jpg w/ http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/b79410a7.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/9a50fb10.jpghttp://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/82050d4d.jpg


The College Standouts (King & Touchdown) w/ Chase Paige vs. Havanna & Cuevas

• King and Havanna started things off in this match up.

• King played the power game, throwing Havanna around like a rag doll.

• Havanna managed to get to Cuevas who came in and took the fight to King.

• King ended his match with a Three Point Stance whilst Touchdown flew across the ring and stopped Havanna from breaking up the pinfall.


Winners: The College Standouts

Rating: 24




Chase Paige hype for Peace/Visitor

Paige stays at ringside and once again orders for a microphone, this time to hype up Tony Pearce’s upcoming match with The Visitor.


CP: You ingrates don’t deserve to hear me once let alone twice. And you certainly don’t deserve to see a true student of the game like Tony Pearce in action. He is the only man who knows how to lock up another man in 184 ways. He is the only man who can suplex you in 91 different ways. And his talents are wasted facing some nut job who thinks he is from Outer Space. Tonight, Tony Pearce WILL show you idiots why he deserves to be the top man in AXE. And after tonight? The Visitor is going to be nothing but a footnote.


Rating: 26


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/744dcc2b.jpg w/ http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/b79410a7.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/24fc9ea1.jpg


Tony Pearce w/ Chase Paige vs. The Visitor

• The Visitor brought the comedy to the match with Pearce playing the perfect straight man.

• Pearce dominated the match in the early goings, keeping The Visitor down with various throws and holds.

• The Visitor managed to mount a comeback though and almost had the win with the Alien Nerve Hold but Pearce managed to get to the ropes.

• Pearce got the win in the end after hitting The Visitor with a perfect Fisherman’s Suplex, referred to by Paige as Suplex #91.


Winner: Tony Pearce

Rating: 30


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/29deb141.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/ec5284f5.jpg


Scott Seal vs. Tombstone

• Scott Seal and Tombstone locked up in the main event, with the winner being guaranteed a place in the AXE World title match set for next month.

• Seal went at Tombstone, attacking him with a variety of kicks and elbows in an attempt to gain an edge in the fight.

• Tombstone however had other ideas and shrugged these blows off and hitting Seal with some big power moves.

• The end came when Tombstone had Seal in the centre of the ring and ready for The Vivisection. Seal snatched the win from Tombstone’s hands after reversing The Vivisection and locking in the Seal of Approval.


Winner and advancing to the AXE World title match: Scott Seal

Rating: 35




Tombstone wasn’t too pleased with this turn of events and whilst Seal was celebrating his hard fought victory, Tombstone spun him around and began a brutal assault. This assault ended after Tombstone hit Seal with The Vivisection onto exposed concrete at ringside.


Rating: 30

Final Show Rating: 34

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Prediction Results


TheEnforcer - 6/6

jhd1 - 3/6

Midnightnick - 3/6


Cheers to everyone who predicted. TheEnforcer managed to get a clean sweep with the results this time round. Hopefully the next shows won't be as easy to predict. :p


The prediction contest shall run for eleven events (Would be twelve but I screwed up in August and missed a show). I will reveal the prize at the end of the eleventh show.

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Attitude Xtreme Entertainment returns to the Colorado Springs Bar for AXE Next Step!


Matches include...



http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/29deb141.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/3547b0a6.jpg

Scott Seal vs. Hunter Wolfe


Scott Seal qualified for the AXE World Championship match by virtue of his win over Tombstone. Hunter Wolfe is the AXE Board of Directors' pick due to his impressive outing at AXE New Beginnings. Both men are determined to become the top man in AXE and so out fans are sure to be in for an exciting bout.


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/1b1fbacc.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/d8f307ea.jpg

Ricky Waylon vs Titan Lynn


Ricky Waylon's fight against Paige Enterprises continues when he goes one-on-one with the college football star, Titan Lynn.


http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/6e610ffd.jpghttp://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/744dcc2b.jpg vs. http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/38af65f7.jpghttp://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/AXEMantis/ffcbef00.jpg


Mike Suzuki & Tony Pearce vs. Flip Over & The Flying Vergomov


Tag Team showcase with Paige Enterprises' Mike Suzuki & Tony Pearce going up against the high-flying styles of Flip Over & supreme agility of AXE's resident superhero The Flying Vergomov.


Match Card


The Visitor vs Touchdown

Ajedrez vs Tombstone

Halcón vs Darius King

Flip Over & The Flying Vergomov vs Mike Suzuki & Tony Pearce

Ricky Waylon vs Titan Lynn

AXE World Championship match

Scott Seal vs Hunter Wolfe

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