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NWA 1989 - To Starrcade (And Possibly Beyond)

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Saturday Week 2 September 1989

Location: Alexander Memorial Coliseum (South East)

Attendance: 7,334

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.47


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/MichaelHayes7.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/jimmygarvin.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/bobbyeaton.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/stanlane.jpg

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. Midnight Express


[World Championship Wrestling begins with the entrance of the Midnight Express as they come out for this NWA World Tag Team titles match. Both teams have a lot of experience working together and it shows in this match. The match is considered to have good action and average heat from the crowd as they go back and forth. At one point, it looked like we might have new NWA World Tag Team champions when Eaton came off the top turnbuckle with an Alabama Jam legdrop on Garvin but Hayes broke up the pinfall count at two. In the end, all four wrestlers were doing battle inside the ring. Jimmy Garvin was knocked outside the ring, leaving Michael Hayes in the ring with both Midnight Express members. Bobby Eaton holds Hayes from behind and Stan Lane sets up -- savate kick! NO! Hayes ducked out of the way and the kick caught Eaton flush on the chin. Eaton goes down and Lane's eyes bulge out. Hayes kicks Lane in the gut -- Freebird DDT! Hayes makes the cover, hooking the leg and placing his own feet on the ropes for leverage: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Fabulous Freebirds (Via Pinfall @ 7:31; The Fabulous Freebirds retain the NWA World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: B-


[The bell sounds and The Fabulous Freebirds are victorious in this title defense. Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin walk off with the belts and Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton are slow to get to their feet. The two members of Midnight Express begin to argue off-microphone. Eaton shoves Lane and Lane curls his fingers into a fist by his side. The two men nearly come to blows but Eaton manages to calm down and exit the ring. Lane leaves slowly afterward. They both pass by a fan holding up a sign reading: 'Bring back the Racket!!' They pause in front of the sign and then continue going to the back.]




[As we exit the ringside area, we cut to a hype video talking about one of the newest wrestlers coming to the National Wrestling Alliance: Z-Man! Z-Man is shown driving a red corvette all around the city of Atlanta. He pulls into the parking lot of an arena and we cut inside the arena and inside the ring where Z-Man is shown wrestling a random opponent. A dropkick and then a Sleeperhold ends the video with the Z-Man coming soon!]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/sidvicious3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/danspivey2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/theadorerlong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/rangerross.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/steveaustin89.jpg

The Skyscrapers vs. Ranger Ross and Steve Austin


[An extremely short match here that saw Teddy Long lead The Skyscrapers down to the ring for this encounter with Ranger Ross and one of the newest members of the NWA: Steve Austin. Austin shows some decent moves against Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey very briefly but this match is mostly dominated by The Skyscrapers. Ranger Ross falls victim to a Sid Vicious Power Bomb. Then Sid tags in Dangerous Dan Spivey and Spivey grabs Ross -- Bear Hug! Ross is quick to submit to the power of Dangerous Dan.]


Winners: The Skyscrapers (Via Pinfall @ 2:05)

Match Rating: C-




["Man With a Harmonica" by Ennico Morricone begins to play and out comes the legendary Terry Funk. The number one contender to the NWA World Heavyweight championship ignores the catcalls of the crowd as he walks down to the ring, this time without the benefit of his manager Gary Hart. Funk enters the ring and is given a microphone, beginning to pace back and forth before he raises that microphone to his lips.]


Terry Funk

"You know that we are just a couple weeks away from my match with Ric Flair at Fall Brawl. Not only is my match with Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight title, it is also an I Quit match. There is no one in this world that has ever made Terry Funk say 'I Quit.' There is no one on the planet that can do that. But I know that I am the man that can make Ric Flair say 'I Quit.' There is no singular doubt about that. But I think that many people thought I would come out here and talk about the attack last week that I made on that coward Ole Anderson. They want me to talk..."




[Terry Funk is interrupted by the sounds of horses clomping on cobblestone streets. The music of the IV Horsemen plays and out from the back stomps Ole Anderson. Anderson is all eyes for Terry Funk and as soon as he enters the ring the two men begin to exchange blows. Anderson shoves Funk back into a corner and drives two straight shoulders to the gut. Anderson steps back and Funk charges, bringing Anderson to the mat. The two men begin to roll around in the ring, throwing wild punches until officials and wrestlers clear out the backstage area to break these two up. These two men will be going one on one later on tonight in our main event!]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/billirwin2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/alperez.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/RickSteiner3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ScottSteiner22.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/missyhyatt.jpg

Bill Irwin and Al Perez vs. The Steiners


[Our next contest is another extremely short contest as the randomly paired team of 'Wild' Bill Irwin and 'The Latin Heartthrob' Al Perez take on the #1 contenders to the NWA World Tag Team titles: The Steiners. The Steiners start things quickly with several suplex variations on both Irwin and Perez, sending them both outside the ring. The Steiners remain inside with Rick on all fours and Scott standing over top of him and the crowd joining in the 'Woof' of the Dog-Faced Gremlin. One member of the crowd raises up a sign reading: 'Rick needs to find a better Woman!' Scott Steiner looks particularly good in the ring when he brings Irwin over with a tilt-a-whirl suplex. It is shortly thereafter that he lifts Irwin on his shoulders and Rick heads to the top turnbuckle -- Steiner Bulldog! Scott makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Steiners (Via Pinfall @ 2:23)

Match Rating: C+




[The match ends in a victory for The Steiners. However, things change when the newly christened Woman walks out from the back. The former Robin Green distracts The Steiners and two masked men come out from the crowd and enter the ring. The assault is on from behind as these two men slam into The Steiners. Rick catches a flying shoulderblock from the top turnbuckle from one of the men. Woman enters the ring and Missy Hyatt makes a quick exit. Woman smiles and raises the arms of her Doom and the two men stand over the fallen bodies of the #1 contenders.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/jasonknight.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/scotthall4.jpg

Jason Knight vs. Scott Hall


[Our next contest is thankfully extremely short as the crowd doesn't seem to enjoy the match at all. The entrance of Scott Hall took a longer period of time than the entire match. Hall opens things flicking a toothpick in the face of Jason Knight. Knight reels off a series of punches but Hall avoids one and is quick to dominate. Hall lifts Knight against his chest -- Fall Away Slam. Hall plays to the silent crowd and then picks up Knight -- Hall Buster bulldog! 'Magnum' makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Scott Hall (Via Pinfall @ 1:38)

Match Rating: D-


[As soon as he stands up, Scott Hall lays in some boots to the fallen body of Jason Knight. The crowd boos a little louder than they did in the match. Hall grabs a microphone from a nearby official.]


Scott Hall

"Hey yo! For those of you who don't know, my name is 'Magnum' Scott Hall and I am the best wrestler that this company has to offer. Don't believe me? Then just try stepping into the ring with me and I'll wipe you out just like I did this chump tonight. In fact, I want a match at Fall Brawl live and on pay-per-view. If anyone in the backstage area is man enough to come and face me in the ring then I will prove that I am going to carve up the competition here in the NWA and soon I will be NWA champion."


[Hall drops the microphone and exits the ring. He shoves a fan in the audience and security has to step in to keep the fan from jumping the guardrail. Hall smiles and raises his hands, wiggling his fingers like he is 'so scared' before he disappears to the back.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/buzzsawyer.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/BradArmstrong.jpg

Buzz Sawyer vs. Brad Armstrong


[Another extremely short match that went on just long enough to show that Buzz Sawyer and Brad Armstrong have great chemistry together in the ring. 'Mad Dog' catches Armstrong with a couple of tough headbutts before he sends him to the ropes -- powerslam! Sawyer makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Buzz Sawyer (Via Pinfall @ 1:49)

Match Rating: C




[We go to another one of our hidden camera backstage segments. This time, we find the camera following the tag team known as Road Warriors as they are walking down a hallway. Suddenly, both Hawk and Animal stagger forward and onto the scene come Samoan Swat Team along with Paul E. Dangerously! Samu and Fatu both have chairs and they use those chairs on the backs of Hawk and Animal again and again. The element of surprise definitely gives an SST advantage. Paul E. quickly ushers his men away as Paul Ellering arrives with a chair of his own. Ellering yells for security as he checks on Hawk and Animal.]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/mikerotundo.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/kevinsullivan.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/eddiegilbert.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/missyhyatt.jpg

Mike Rotundo vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert


[Another extremely short match but this one was more even in tone. This match is more of a technical match than one might have thought it to be. Kevin Sullivan stands at ringside for Mike Rotundo and that proves to be a key factor within this match. Rotundo scores a near fall on Gilbert following a body slam. Gilbert manages to fight his way back into the battle and gives Rotundo a Hot Shot! Gilbert makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Broken Up By Kevin Sullivan! The referee calls for the immediate DQ!]


Winner: 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert (Via Disqualification @ 3:08)

Match Rating: C+




[Kevin Sullivan puts the boots to Eddie Gilbert and then helps Mike Rotundo to his feet. Sullivan yanks Gilbert up and hooks him to the 'tree of woe' in the corner. The smaller in stature Sullivan rushes the corner, nailing Gilbert in the ribs with his knee. This attack brings out the former member of the Varsity Club: Steve Williams. 'Dr. Death' rushes the ring and the Varsity Club quickly vacates the ring. Williams shakes the ropes and yells out at Rotundo and Sullivan, who just smile and wave from outside the ring.]




[Our next portion of the show is scheduled to feature an interview with Flyin' Brian. 'Rocket' by Def Leppard begins to play and out from the back comes the man himself. Brian high fives the crowd as he walks down the ramp. He gets about halfway down the ramp when he is assaulted from behind by Norman The Lunatic! Norman rams him head-first into the guardrail and then drags him down to the ring. Norman picks up Brian in a bear hug and rushes the ring, slamming Brian back-first into the ring apron. Brian clutches his back, grimmacing in pain as Norman stands tall. Norman might have continued but a bunch of wrestlers spill from the back to keep the attack to a minimum.]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/cactusjack3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/tommyrich.jpg

Cactus Jack vs. Tommy Rich


[Another extremely short match but this one proves that both Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich have absolutely no chemistry in the ring whatsoever. This match was never going to be a technical classic, though. It was moreso focused on brawling and may the best man survive. The match very briefly goes outside the ring and into Cactus Jack's domain. Rich suffers a ring post shot and Cactus Jack does his 'Bang Bang' as a fan holds up a sign reading: 'Attack, Jack!' The match moves back inside the ring and Rich avoids a top rope elbow drop. He sends Jack to the ropes -- Lou Thesz Press! He holds the legs of Cactus Jack: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tommy Rich (Via Pinfall @ 5:24)

Match Rating: C+




[The fans were very happy about a Tommy Rich win and the focus moves to the interview area where Jim Ross is standing by.]


Jim Ross

"Ladies and gentlemen, introducing your NWA Television champion Sting!"


[The crowd's cheers grow louder as Sting walks out from the back, heading to the interview area. He pumps his arms, drawing in even louder cheers from the crowd. He gives them an 'Owwwww' as he stands beside Jim Ross.]


Jim Ross

"Sting, it is good to have you here tonight. I know that you are getting prepared for your battle with Bam Bam Bigelow in just a few moments. I wanted to get some words from you on this matchup tonight."



"Bam Bam, everyone here knows that you're a tough competitor. You're a big guy. You're technically bigger than I am. Maybe in some certain promotions that might even give you a bigger advantage in this match. However, this is the National Wrestling Alliance. This is the NWA! This is where the big boys play. And you are looking at the top wrestler on television in the Stinger! OWWWWW! And you're going to find out why. It's showtime!"


[sting walks off and heads right toward the ring as his match is next! It's gonna be a slobberknocker right here on World Championship Wrestling!]


Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/sting4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/bambambigelow.jpg

NWA Television Title Match

Sting defends vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


[This is our semi main event right here on World Championship Wrestling as Sting defends the NWA Television title against Bam Bam Bigelow. The match itself features great action and average heat from the crowd as both men know how to wrestle. The match begins with Sting backing Bigelow into a corner. Sting releases on a clean break but Bigelow shoves Sting backward. Sting comes right back in, throwing punches and sending Bigelow backward with this barrage. Bigelow quickly exits the ring to re-group. As Bigelow is outside the ring, Sting points toward a fan holding up a sign reading: 'Stinger-Mania!' He releases an 'OWWWWW!' When Bigelow returns, the match continues in back and forth fashion, with each man hitting trademark moves but neither man able to completely finish the other one off. The finish comes when Gary Hart and The Great Muta come down to the ring and Muta climbs on the apron. Sting, who had been going for the Scorpion Deathlock, releases Bigelow and approaches Muta -- Asian Mist! The mist goes right into the eyes of the Stinger, causing an immediate disqualification!]


Winner: Sting (Via Disqualification @ 8:18; Sting retains the NWA Television title)

Match Rating: B




[Gary Hart directs the assault by The Great Muta on the blinded Sting. Sting is caught directly with a series of kicks by Muta that send him down to the mat. Muta quickly elevates to the top turnbuckle -- Moonsault! Sting is left clutching his ribs after the moonsault connected. The Great Muta stands and gives a martial arts pose beside Gary Hart as the crowd boos.]




[We move to the hidden locker room camera set up backstage where Ole Anderson is standing by with Ric Flair! Ric pats Ole on the back.]


Ric Flair

"Tonight is your night, Ole. Tonight, the J-Tex Corporation finds out why they shouldn't be messing with the Horsemen. Whoooo!"


Ole Anderson

"Tonight, The Rock begins his ascension."


[Ole throws a few shadow punches and turns to exit the locker room. Ric watches silently after him.]


Match #9

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/terryfunk2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/oleanderson.jpg

Terry Funk vs. Ole Anderson


[Our main event of the evening and this is a good one as Gary Hart escorts Terry Funk down to the ring to face off with one of the members of the Horsemen: Ole Anderson. The match is considered to have great action and only average heat from the audience. The match begins in a brawling fashion with Anderson actually gaining the advantage. Anderson goes for the arm of Funk but Funk quickly exits the ring to catch a breather. He goes around to where Gary Hart is standing and the two begin a conversation, re-adjusting their plans for this match. Gary Hart gets Ole's attention as Funk enters the ring. Funk strikes Anderson from behind and knocks him into a corner. Funk throws some hard-striking punches and within a few minutes he sends Ole Anderson outside the ring where Ole is struck by Gary Hart's foot to the ribs. The crowd boos but the referee doesn't see it as he is distracted by Terry Funk.]


[Ole makes it back inside the ring before the ten count and is immediately set upon by Funk. Funk focuses on the legs of Ole Anderson, keeping him down on the mat and stomping on the knees. He definitely seems to be setting up Ole Anderson for the Funk Spinning Toe Hold. Funk grabs the legs and goes for just that move but Anderson is able to reach the ropes before the hold can be secured. Funk argues with the official and this gives Anderson some valuable recovery time. When Funk comes back over, Anderson throws fists to the gut of the man from the Double Cross Ranch. Anderson begins his comeback, sending Funk into a corner. He charges in and bangs heads with Funk! Both men fall and out from behind Funk in the corner is referee Tommy Young, who also falls to the mat. All three men lie there as the crowd wonders just what is going to happen next. As Gary Hart tries to wake up Funk, someone comes out from underneath the ring!]




[it's Dory Funk, Jr! Funk, Jr. grabs the branding iron from a surprised Gary Hart and enters the ring. He looks down at his brother for several long moments. Ole Anderson begins pulling himself up by the ropes nearby. Dory raises the branding iron as he stands over his brother, who is up on all fours -- CRACK! Dory strikes Ole Anderson with the branding iron! The crowd boos as Dory exits the ring and shakes hands with Gary Hart! Terry Funk gets to his feet and grabs Ole Anderson. He tugs him in between his legs: Texas Piledriver! The referee is slowly recovering as Terry Funk makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Terry Funk (Via Pinfall @ 10:17)

Match Rating: B


[This match sees a victory for the #1 contender this evening in Terry Funk but it is not without controversy! Dory Funk, Jr. and Gary Hart enter the ring and the three men surround Ole Anderson. They begin taking turns putting boots to Anderson and then Funk locks on the Funk Spinning Toe Hold! The crowd boos as Dory Funk, Jr. grabs a microphone.]


Dory Funk, Jr.

"Say I Quit! Just say it, Ole!"


[Ole shakes his head.]


Ole Anderson

"Screw you!"




[but Ole Anderson is not without friends in this company. Here comes the NWA World champion Ric Flair! Flair ducks a microphone shot and fires off chops to the chest of Dory Funk, Jr.! A back elbow catches Funk. The crowd goes wild as Ric Flair battles off three men in the ring. He helps Ole Anderson to his feet and between the two of them, they knock Terry Funk, Dory Funk, Jr. and Gary Hart all outside the ring. The Horsemen stand tall inside the ring to close out the show. What an ending! We'll see you next week on the Power Hour!]

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Welcome to the NWA Prediction contest. This contest will run month to month so this one will end at the end of September in-game.


Only one perfect score this week on World Championship Wrestling. Congratulations to Emark!


1. Jaysin=3 Wins

Beejus=3 Wins

Emark=3 Wins

4. #HEEL=2 Wins

GardnerFTW=2 Wins

6. MichiganHero=1 Win

haloed=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

soxfan93=1 Win

rvdjrv2002=1 Win

11. Destiny=0 Wins

Theheel=0 Wins

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Bill Irwin vs. Steve Williams

Comment: Dr. Death wins


The Great Muta vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Although capable as a singles guy, Scott Steiner is more of a tag guy at this point in time so Muta gets the win.


Non Title

Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair

Comment: Woooo!


Fun Fan Signs: A Flair for the gold!

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Saturday Week 2 September 1989

Scottish E & C Centre (Scotland)

Attendance: 15,000

Show Rating: B-


Bushwacker Butch defeated The Brooklyn Brawler...D

ANGLE: Confrontation involving The Ultimate Warrior and Andre The Giant...A*

Tugboat defeated Jacques Rougeau...D

Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated Jake Roberts, Smash and Rick Martel...B

The Mega Maniacs defeated Colossal Connection...B



Saturday Week 2 September 1989

Scottish E & C Centre (Scotland)

Attendance: 15,000

Show Rating: B+


Shawn Michaels defeated The Barbarian...C+

Bushwacker Luke defeated Paul Roma...D-

Barry Horowitz defeated Raymond Rougeau...D+

Virgil defeated Bushwacker Butch...C-

The Brainbusters defeated Canadian Power House to retain the WWF World Tag Team titles...C-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Hulk Hogan and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts...A

Dusty Rhodes defeated Bad News Brown...C+

Rick Martel defeated Marty Jannetty...C

The Warlord defeated Koko B. Ware...D+

Haku defeated Ronnie Garvin...D+

ANGLE: Brawl involving Smash and Macho Man...B

Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated Greg Valentine...B-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Ax and Rick Rude...B

Superfly defeated Million Dollar Man...B

Hulk Hogan defeated Macho Man to retain the WWF World Heavyweight title...A



Sunday Week 2 September 1989

Fort Smith Convention Center (South East)

Attendance: 2,000

Show Rating: C


The Bushwackers defeated The Brooklyn Brawler and Boris Zhukov...C-

Power & Glory defeated Canadian Power House...C-

Mr. Perfect defeated The Red Rooster...C

Big Bossman defeated Ronnie Garvin...C



Monday Week 3 September 1989

Arrowhead Pond (South West)

Attendance: 8,679

Show Rating: C


Mike George defeated Hector Guerrero...D+

Jake Milliman defeated Curtis Hughes...E

Badd Company defeated Red Alert...D

Greg Gagne defeated Kevin Kelly to retain the AWA TV title...D

Jerry Blackwell defeated Mean Mike Enos...D+

Nikita Koloff defeated Larry Zbyszko...B-



Monday Week 3 September 1989

Arrowhead Pond (South West)

Attendance: 8,679

Show Rating: C+


Sgt. Slaughter defeated Jerry Lynn...C

Kevin Kelly and Jake Milliman defeated Mando Guerrero and Hector Guerrero...D+

ANGLE: Skit involving Jimmy Snuka and Sgt. Slaughter...C+

Wahoo McDaniel defeated Col. DeBeers...C

The Lumberjacks defeated Mike George and DJ Peterson...D-

Curtis Hughes and Jerry Blackwell defeated The Top Guns...D

Brad Rheingans defeated Baron Von Raschke...C

Greg Gagne defeated Kokina Maximus to retain the AWA TV title...D

Destruction Crew defeated Badd Company...D

Candi Devine defeated Wendi Richter to retain the AWA Womens title...D

Nikita Koloff defeated Jimmy Snuka...C

Larry Zbyszko defeated Buck Zumhofe to retain the AWA World Heavyweight title...C+



Taped Thursday Week 3 September 1989

Mayan Theater (South West)

Attendance: 766

Show Rating: C+


ANGLE: Show Opening...B+

Brad Armstrong defeated The Dragonmaster...D+

ANGLE: Flair vs. Funk Music Video...B

Rock 'N' Roll Express defeated The Royal Family...C-

ANGLE: Scott Hall is interviewed by Gordon Solie...D+

Tommy Rich defeated Al Perez...C

ANGLE: Lex Luger Post-Match Attack On Tommy Rich...D+

ANGLE: Gary Hart is interviewed by Gordon Solie...D-

Scott Steiner defeated Kevin Sullivan...B-

ANGLE: Scott Steiner Celebrates...B-

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Friday Week 3 September 1989


Bill Irwin vs. Steve Williams

Comment: Dr. Death wins, flawless victory.


The Great Muta vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Steiner can stand to take a singles loss here or there.


Non Title

Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair

Comment: Yeah Naitch isn't about to be losing to Dirty Dick.


Fun Fan Signs:

I wanna see some orange mist


I think the biggest surprise ever has to be that Brad Armstrong WON A MATCH on Worldwide! Is the Armstrong Curse broken?!?

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Bill Irwin vs. Steve Williams

Comment: There is no way Dr Death will lose this one... I smell SQUASH!


The Great Muta vs. Scott Steiner

Comment: Muta is close to the Main Event status and Steiner is a Tag wrestler at this point.


Non Title

Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair

Comment: Uhmmm... Do I need to explain?



And nice to see that you're still writing diaries Angel :)

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I think the biggest surprise ever has to be that Brad Armstrong WON A MATCH on Worldwide! Is the Armstrong Curse broken?!?


I don't believe the Armstrong curse has started just yet in 1989. Will it begin, though? That is the question.


And nice to see that you're still writing diaries Angel :)


Welcome back, Lexa90! Nice to see you back around. And you know me. I'll probably never fully stop writing diaries. lol.

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Friday Week 3 September 1989

Location: USAir Arena (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 9,328

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 1.93


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/billirwin2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/SteveWilliams2.jpg

Bill Irwin vs. Steve Williams


[NWA Power Hour kicks off with the entrance of the former Varsity Club member 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams! 'Wild' Bill Irwin is already in the ring with his whip, striking out across toward the other side of the ring. Once the bell sounds, the match itself is extremely short. Williams shows his power in this match, elevating Irwin and dropping him to the mat with a Doctor Bomb. He doesn't even go for the pinfall, however. Instead, he lifts Irwin up on his shoulder -- Oklahoma Stampede! The crowd cheers as Williams makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Steve Williams (Via Pinfall @ 1:32)

Match Rating: D+




[Following the sound of the bell, Steve Williams rises to his feet to celebrate only to turn into the path of a double clothesline from the Varsity Club team of Kevin Sullivan and Mike Rotundo! Sullivan and Rotundo trade boots all around the body and skull of Dr. Death! The former University of Oklahoma graduate tries to cover up. Sullivan and Rotundo drop a double elbow drop and then lift Williams and bring him over with a double vertical suplex. Williams is left on the mat, leaving the Varsity Club to celebrate and then exit the ring.]




[We move to another one of our hidden camera backstage segments. This one shows the Fabulous Freebirds and The Skyscrapers in the backstage locker room area. Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin talk to Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey, discussing the fact that the Skyscrapers will be taking on the Steiners this Saturday night on World Championship Wrestling. Hayes and Garvin offer The Skyscrapers a large sum of money to take out The Steiners Saturday night. The Skyscrapers accept the financial gain.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ScottSteiner22.jpg

The Great Muta vs. Scott Steiner


[Our second match of the night features great action and a good crowd as one half of the Steiners takes on The Great Muta. This is a solid back and forth encounter that sees several near falls sprinkled throughout the contest. Muta scores one following a handspring back elbow in the corner. As Muta does a martial arts stance, a sign is shown in the background: 'Shield the eyes, SHIELD THE EYES!' Scott Steiner begins a comeback late in the bout, catching Muta with several various suplexes, ending with a tilt-a-whirl suplex for a two count. Scott goes to bounce off the ropes to continue his momentum, when Gary Hart trips him to the mat. Muta seizes the opportunity by scaling the ropes -- Moonsault Press! Muta hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Great Muta (Via Pinfall @ 9:32)

Match Rating: B




[The Great Muta picks up a very big win here on the Power Hour over Scott Steiner. But things are not over inside the ring. The Fabulous Freebirds head down to the ring as Scott grabs the ropes to try and get to his feet. The man known as P.S. brings down Scott Steiner with a bulldog. Garvin catches Scott with a brainbuster and The Great Muta bows to them as they stand inside the ring. A sign is shown in the background reading: 'I wanna see some orange mist!' They look prepared to hit Scott with the Freebird Double DDT. But here come some men from the back.]




[Rick Steiner and Sting hit the ring! Rick climbs the turnbuckles and leaps -- Top Rope Bulldog on Jimmy Garvin! Rick Steiner surprised Garvin with his finisher and the crowd begins their 'Woof' 'Woof' 'Woof!' Sting clotheslines The Great Muta over the top rope to the floor. Michael Hayes turns, raising the belt, looking to strike Rick Steiner -- ducked! Rick ducks underneath the belt shot -- Steinerline! Hayes rolls out of the ring and Rick runs around, barking and then drops on all fours. The Steiners and Sting stand tall!]




[Our next segment is another hidden camera backstage segment. This one begins focused on Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane arguing in the backstage area. A shoving match begins until it is stopped by a flying tennis racket! James E. Cornette steps into view of the camera. Cornette begins yelling at the Midnight Express duo, saying that he didn't put this team together just to have them fall apart. Cornette gets in the face of both Lane and Eaton and tells them both to man up. He says he's going to see to it that that happens because he is going to be back in their corner.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/dickslater.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ricflairc.jpg

Non Title Match

Dick Slater vs. Ric Flair


[Our main event contest is one that has the crowd excited as Dick Slater faces off with the NWA World champion Ric Flair! The match itself features great action and a good crowd that is solidly in the corner of Flair. Flair starts off strong, lacing into the chest of Slater with those knife edge chops. The momentum shifts when Gary Hart serves as a distraction to Flair and Slater catches Flair with a clothesline, bringing Flair down to the mat. Slater lifts Flair and brings him down with a backbreaker, trying to force a submission. Slater releases and comes down with an elbow drop on Flair. Slater plays to the crowd, yelling at a fan who is holding up a sign reading: 'A Flair for the gold!']


[The momentum takes another shift when Slater goes for a gutwrench suplex but Flair drops back down to the mat. He clips out the knee of Slater and begins his focus on the right knee. Flair brings Slater down with a shinbreaker and then bounces off the ropes -- running jumping knee drop! Flair does a strut across the ring and then moves back to Slater's legs. He hooks him -- Figure Four Leglock! The crowd goes wild as Flair has his finisher on Dick Slater. Slater struggles in the hold but eventually has to submit even as someone comes running down to the ring.]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Submission @ 12:26)

Match Rating: A




[Ric Flair gets the win but just as he gets to his feet, he catches a branding iron to the skull courtesy of Terry Funk! Funk begins putting the boots to the NWA World champion as the crowd cries for someone to come and save him. A 'We Want Sting' chant begins echoing through the crowd. Funk hooks Flair in the Funk Spinning Toe Hold! The crowd boos and Flair is bleeding from the branding iron shot. Funk yells at Flair off-microphone to give up but Flair refuses, crying out in pain! Funk releases the hold and then looks down at the NWA World title belt. He picks it up and then lays it across the chest of the fallen Ric Flair. Funk raises his arms and we come to the end of the broadcast. We'll see you Saturday night!]

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Welcome to the NWA Prediction contest. This contest will run month to month so this one will end at the end of September in-game.


Everyone who predicted scored a perfect score this week. Congratulations to GardnerFTW, #HEEL, Beejus, MichiganHero, Emark and Lexa90!


1. Beejus=4 Wins

Emark=4 Wins

3. Jaysin=3 Wins

#HEEL=3 Wins

GardnerFTW=3 Wins

6. MichiganHero=2 Wins

7. haloed=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

soxfan93=1 Win

rvdjrv2002=1 Win

Lexa90=1 Win

12. Destiny=0 Wins

Theheel=0 Wins

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Saturday Week 3 September 1989


The Skyscrapers vs. The Steiners



Bill Irwin and Rip Rogers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Varsity Club vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert and Steve Williams



NWA Television Title Match

Sting defends vs. Buzz Sawyer



Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Ole Anderson



Non Title

Champion vs. Champion

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair



Fun Fan Signs:


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The Skyscrapers vs. The Steiners



Bill Irwin and Rip Rogers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Varsity Club vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert and Steve Williams



NWA Television Title Match

Sting defends vs. Buzz Sawyer



Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Ole Anderson



Non Title

Champion vs. Champion

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair



Fun Fan Signs

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Saturday Week 3 September 1989


The Skyscrapers vs. The Steiners



Bill Irwin and Rip Rogers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Varsity Club vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert and Steve Williams



NWA Television Title Match

Sting defends vs. Buzz Sawyer


Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Ole Anderson



Non Title

Champion vs. Champion

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair


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The Skyscrapers vs. The Steiners



Bill Irwin and Rip Rogers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Varsity Club vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert and Steve Williams



NWA Television Title Match

Sting defends vs. Buzz Sawyer



Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Ole Anderson



Non Title

Champion vs. Champion

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair


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The Skyscrapers vs. The Steiners

Comment: Steiners need to pick up this win in order to look like beasts to go for the World Tag titles.


Bill Irwin and Rip Rogers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comment: Rock 'n Roll all night!!


Varsity Club vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert and Steve Williams

Comment: Figure they'll cheat to win here and the feud rolls on til Fall Brawl.


NWA Television Title Match

Sting defends vs. Buzz Sawyer



Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Ole Anderson

Comment: Should be a cool match really, two old-timers going at it hard.


Non Title

Champion vs. Champion

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair

Comment: Unless a title change is in the cards, World champ shouldn't be losing to lower champs. It disrupts the balance. And titles aren't on the line here.


Fun Fan Signs:

Ride Horseman Ride!

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The Skyscrapers vs. The Steiners



Bill Irwin and Rip Rogers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Varsity Club vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert and Steve Williams



NWA Television Title Match

Sting defends vs. Buzz Sawyer



Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Ole Anderson



Non Title

Champion vs. Champion

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair



Fun Fan Signs: The Horseman rule!!

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The Skyscrapers vs. The Steiners



Bill Irwin and Rip Rogers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Varsity Club vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert and Steve Williams



NWA Television Title Match

Sting defends vs. Buzz Sawyer



Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Ole Anderson



Non Title

Champion vs. Champion

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair


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Friday Week 3 September 1989

Verizon Wireless Arena (New England)

Attendance: 10,000

Show Rating: A


Raymond Rougeau defeated Bushwacker Luke...C

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Hulk Hogan and Miss Elizabeth...A*

Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeated Paul Roma...C

ANGLE: Skit involving The Ultimate Warrior and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts...A

Brutus Beefcake, Shawn Michaels and Hercules went to a double count out with Warlord, Mr. Perfect and Jacques Rougeau...C+

The Ultimate Warrior defeated Akeem, Bad News Brown and The Red Rooster to retain the WWF Intercontinental title...B-

ANGLE: Skit involving Rick Rude and Bret Hart...A

Tully Blanchard defeated Macho Man...A

Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated Rick Rude...A

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Saturday Week 3 September 1989

Location: Reunion Arena (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.47




[The fans within the Reunion Arena are on their feet as we finish the opening credits and the cameras light up inside the arena. As we are taken there, the sounds of 2001: A Space Odyssey begin to play and out from the back comes none other than 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair! The crowd goes absolutely wild for the NWA World champion as he struts out to the ring wearing the light blue sequined robe. Shouts of 'Whooooooo' echo in the background as Flair enters the ring. He gives a slow strut from one side to the other and then reaches outside for a microphone, which he is handed by Jim Ross. Ric moves to the center of the ring and stands for a moment, basking in the cheers.]


Ric Flair

"I heard that there's a party going on tonight in Dallas, Texas. Whooooooooo! But there is always a party in whatever town the Nature Boy finds himself in. And the biggest party of the month comes in two weeks when we go to the first ever Fall Brawl pay-per-view. On that night, Texas's own Terry Funk is going to walk that aisle and step in the ring with the best of all time in an I Quit match. Terry, let's be honest, your credentials in this business are unlimited. But you've got to take a long, hard look at yourself before you walk that aisle against the only World champion that matters. This belt is more prestigious than the one held by the big orange goblin up in the northeast. This belt is better than the one held by the living legend Larry Zbyszko in the mid west. This is the NWA World title and I am the best wrestler alive today. Whoooooooo. So, Terry Funk, we don't have to wait until Fall Brawl. We can get this done tonight, brother. Whooooo! So come on down and walk that aisle."


[Ric begins to strut inside the ring from one side to the other. The crowd cheers, wanting to see the match tonight. Everyone stands up from their seats and looks toward the entrance ramp in anticipation. Ric moves over into a corner and leans against it as he waits to see if his challenge will be answered. His voice is heard but not by the man that he wants.]




[instead, it's the NWA United States Heavyweight champion 'The Total Package' Lex Luger that emerges from the back. Lex has a wide smile on his face and is dressed in street clothes as he walks down toward the ring. Many fans try to reach out and touch him but he ignores those fans, using the steps to climb up to the ring and he steps inside. Then he leans over and is handed a microphone. He looks at Ric and flexes, showing those rippling muscles that he is known for.]


Lex Luger

"Ric, it's been a long time. As you can tell by this belt around my waist, you and I are the top two wrestlers in the business right now. You're the World champ and I'm the United States champ. As the United States champion, however, most critics would call me the number one contender to your belt. This belt is supposed to be a stepping stone to becoming the number one man in the world today. But we both know that's not always true. How many greats have won this belt but were never given a shot at the World title? The man I won this belt from, Michael Hayes, was never a World champion. Roddy Piper was never a World champion. Nikita Koloff was never a World champion. The list goes on and on of wrestlers who have peaked as United States champions. I, however, am not one of those wrestlers, Ric. I am the Total Package and tonight it has already been approved that I am going to step inside the ring with you one on one. It's not for the belt. But it's for pride."


Ric Flair

"Lex Luger. The man with all the potential in the world but who never quite lived up to expectations. You were a Horseman once and a good one. But you couldn't quite accept the fact that I was always that much better than you. So you and I are going to walk that aisle tonight? You are going to try and style and profile with the Nature Boy? Everyone will admit that you have a million dollar body but this proves you have a ten cent brain, Lex."


Lex Luger

"That's cute, Ric. But tonight may the best man win."


[Lex offers a hand for Ric to shake. Ric looks to the crowd for a moment, who are telling him NOT to accept the handshake. Ric looks right into the eyes of the Total Package and then takes his hand in the shake. It seems like a clean handshake but then Ric cries out in pain as Lex is squeezing that hand. Ric goes down to his knees with the power of Lex Luger. Luger yanks him back up with one hand and then pulls him in -- short-arm clothesline! The crowd boos as Lex flexes his muscles over top of Ric Flair. The Total Package smiles, looking down at Ric and then exiting the ring. This should be a great main event!]


Jim Ross: "What a way to kick off World Championship Wrestling live on the Superstation TBS! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, unlike our competition, we are live every Saturday night and when you're live anything can and will happen. I'm Jim Ross alongside Gordon Solie. Gordon, it looks like our main event matchup is set for tonight."


Gordon Solie: "Indeed it does, Jim. We are going to have both of our champions going one on one at the end of the evening."


Jim Ross: "Oh and just in case you are thinking about tuning in to our competition next week, don't bother. Unlike ours, their show is in the can. Roddy Piper makes Rick Rude submit to the sleeperhold in the main event. How boring, right? Not gonna touch the slobberknocker that our main event is this evening."


Gordon Solie: "No, Jim, there is nothing like the wrestling action of the NWA. Speaking of wrestling action, let's head up to the ring for our opening contest."


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/sidvicious3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/danspivey2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/theadorerlong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/RickSteiner3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ScottSteiner22.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/missyhyatt.jpg

The Skyscrapers vs. The Steiners


[Heading into our opening matchup means tag team action as Teddy Long leads The Skyscrapers into the ring against Missy Hyatt's Steiners. The matchup is a hard-hitting contest where all four men get to show off their skills. Scott Steiner, in particular, shows some power when he sends Dan Spivey over his head with a belly-to-belly suplex. Scott was also the face-in-peril during this match when the Skyscrapers grabbed an advantage and maintained it, attacking and pummeling Scott to the mat again and again. Rick got the crowd excited and when Sid Vicious went for a Power Bomb, Scott was able to reverse it into a DDT. He went crawling toward his corner but there was no one there. Seconds before Scott would have made the tag, the members of Doom arrived and yanked Rick Steiner off the apron, slamming him back against the guardrail. The referee saw this and called for an immediate disqualification.]


Winners: The Steiners (Via Disqualification @ 8:08)

Match Rating: B




[Woman leads the members of Doom and a new mystery man outside the ring as they assault Rick Steiner. Inside the ring, Teddy Long leads The Skyscrapers in an attack on Scott Steiner! Scott is the recipient of a Spiked Power Bomb by The Skyscrapers that leaves him unmoving on the mat. Outside the ring, the two members of Doom run Rick Steiner into the boot of this large mystery man. Rick is down on the outside and Scott is down on the inside. Teddy Long calls off his men and so does Woman, exiting at different times, though they worked together to decimate The Steiners team.]




[Through the use of our backstage hidden camera, we pick up the locker room of the two man unit known as the Horsemen. Ole Anderson is stretching and Ric Flair is sitting on a bench, drinking some champagne.]


Ole Anderson

"You know, Lex may have a point about some people peaking at the United States title. Though some people may just be waiting out their opportunity."


Ric Flair

"What do you mean, Ole?"


Ole Anderson

"Nothing, Ric. Nothing at all. I'd just watch your back if I were you. But don't worry I'll help to watch it as well."


[Ole turns and exits the room, leaving Ric watching him with narrowed eyes. He shakes his head for a moment and returns to drinking the bubbly and we cut away.]




[We cut to a video where the NWA slate grey background can be seen. Standing in front of this background is Paul E. Dangerously and the Samoan Swat Team. The SST growl and bounce back and forth on their bare feet as Paul E. takes center stage.]


Paul E. Dangerously

"Road Warriors, Paul Ellering, in just two short weeks you're going to find out that you're NOT the most dominant tag team in the history of professional wrestling. You're going to find out that there is someone that's just a little bit better than you. That someone, that team is none other than the SST, the Samoan Swat Team. At Fall Brawl, Road Warriors, after we beat you fair and square in the center of the ring, we're going to pick you up and carry you out and put you in the garbage bin where you belong. You're old news and at Fall Brawl we're going to prove it."


[Paul reaches over and pats the two Samoans on the chest and they begin speaking in what can only be described as their native language. Unfortunately, there isn't a translator on the set or subtitles. Instead, after Samu speaks, we cut from the video and move back to the ring.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/billirwin2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/RipRogers.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/robertgibson2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/rickymorton.jpg

Bill Irwin and Rip Rogers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express


[We have an extremely short tag team encounter next as the unorthodox team of 'Wild' Bill Irwin and 'The Hustler' Rip Rogers encounter the NWA return of the Rock 'N' Roll Express. The crowd goes absolutely wild for the return of the Express and they are dominant in this contest from the opening bell. Robert Gibson, in particular, looks good in this match. Rip Rogers is caught with a double elbowdrop and both members of the Express jump back to their feet, showing their unity as a tag team. Rogers is hit with the double dropkick. Ricky Morton sends Bill Irwin off the apron as Robert Gibson makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Via Pinfall @ 2:45)

Match Rating: C




[We move to another interview video with the slate grey background. This one features Gary Hart surrounded by the entire J-Tex Corporation. Gary looks slightly small surrounded by all these wrestlers but he has an ever-confident look on his face as he speaks to the camera.]


Gary Hart

"Take a good hard look around me at all of this talent. There is no one else that could assemble such a wealth of talent. We have the future television champion in either Buzz Sawyer or The Great Muta. We have the future United States champion in Dick Slater. Of course, we have the future NWA World champion in Terry Funk. Sting, you blonde headed goof, you are holding a J-Tex Corporation title. The same goes for that moronic Ric Flair. But at Fall Brawl all of that changes because at Fall Brawl, the J-Tex Corporation is going to show that we are the best wrestlers in the game today."


[Gary steps back into the group of rather scary-looking wrestlers. The Great Muta takes a step toward the camera and the camera seems to back up a step. Then the mist comes out and covers the camera lens, fading things to black as we move back to the ring.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/kevinsullivan.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/mikerotundo.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/eddiegilbert.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/SteveWilliams2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/missyhyatt.jpg

The Varsity Club vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert and Steve Williams


[Our next tag team contest is one that was made after Mike Rotundo and Kevin Sullivan attacked Eddie Gilbert last week and Steve Williams made the save. Gilbert is definitely looking for some revenge in this contest and we have another back and forth match that has the crowd on their feet. The match shows some great action but only average heat from the fans. Steve Williams gets caught in the corner of the Varsity Club and Rotundo and Sullivan use quick double teams to keep the former Oklahoma Sooner down in their corner. The momentum shift comes, though, when Williams ducks a double clothesline and comes back with one of his own. He crawls over and tags in 'Hotstuff.' Eddie Gilbert comes in with punches for both Sullivan and Rotundo. The referee steps in, moving Steve Williams back to his corner. While the referee is distracted, Sullivan hits Gilbert with a low blow! The crowd boos and Mike Rotundo quickly lifts Gilbert -- Airplane Spin! The disoriented and hurt Gilbert is sent crashing to the mat and Rotundo makes the cover, sliding his feet on the ropes for extra leverage: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Varsity Club (Via Pinfall @ 8:47)

Match Rating: B




[We move to the hidden cameras backstage once again. This one is in a hallway where Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr. are walking and talking in hushed tones. They may be hushed, but the camera still picks up the words that are spoken.]


Terry Funk

"Thank you for having my back, Dory. Are you sure we can trust him?"


Dory Funk, Jr.

"Would I ever do wrong by you, brother?"


[Terry shakes his head and the two brothers turn a corner, outside the range of the hidden camera. Just who are they looking to trust?]




[We go to another interview video with the slate grey background. This one features Paul Ellering and The Road Warriors!]


Paul Ellering

"Paul E. Dangerously, huh? You really think you're dangerous? Well, you certainly live dangerously by putting your team in the path of these two monsters. Paul E., we all know that your wishbone is where your backbone ought to be. I am the brains of this group and we are on top of the world. Tell them about it, Hawk."



"Wellllll, take a good look Samoan Swat Team at what your destiny is about to become. We thrive on danger. As a matter of fact, we just might eat Dangerously in the center of the ring at Fall Brawl. We're not afraid of any team and that includes you, SST. At Fall Brawl, we're gonna prove that we're the toughest, baddest team on the planet."


Road Warriors

"Ohhhhhh, what a rush!"


[The Road Warriors feign a punch toward the camera, sending the cameraman falling backward. Hawk and Animal just laugh as Paul Ellering steps forward and the image of his foot coming down on the camera takes us back to the ring for our next bout.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/sting4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/buzzsawyer.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg

NWA Television Title Match

Sting defends vs. Buzz Sawyer


[Another solid match here on World Championship Wrestling as Sting defends the TV title against J-Tex Corporation's own Buzz Sawyer. The match had some good action and a good crowd as memories of Buzz Sawyer during the early-mid 1980's come pouring through the crowd. The Mad Dog scores a near fall following a diving headbutt off the top turnbuckle. The momentum shifts when Sawyer goes for a piledriver and Sting reverses it. Sting uses the momentum of the crowd to set up Sawyer with three straight clotheslines. Then he whips Sawyer into the corner and backs into the opposite corner before charging -- Stinger Splash! Sawyer falls to the mat and Sting grabs the legs -- Scorpion Deathlock! The crowd cheers as Sawyer struggles in the hold before submitting.]


Winner: Sting (Via Submission @ 7:28; Sting retains the NWA Television title)

Match Rating: B




[Another of our backstage hidden cameras is lit up at this point. The focus shows 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich moving down a darkened hallway. Out of a dark corner comes a man who clotheslines Rich to the ground suddenly. It's Lex Luger! The Total Package begins putting the boots to Rich and then picks him up -- Human Torture Rack! Rich struggles in the hold but Lex has it cinched in tight! The crowd boos in the background as Rich slowly goes limp. A couple of wrestlers step in to break things up and help Rich down to the floor. Lex just smirks and walks off.]




[We are taken to another pre-taped interview with the NWA background. This one has the man known as 'Magnum' Scott Hall standing in the foreground chewing on a toothpick. He has an arrogant smile as he looks to the camera.]


Scott Hall

"Hey yo. Last week on this very show I opened up an open challenge for Fall Brawl. Anyone can accept, whether they are in this company or international. It doesn't matter to me. I am going to take the top ten in this company and I am going to carve them up on my way to getting a title shot at the NWA World title. Whoever thinks that they are man enough to face me? Don't sing it, bring it."


[scott smirks and then takes the toothpick out of his mouth. He looks to walk away and then flicks the toothpick into the camera. He smirks again and we fade from the video back to the ring.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/DoryFunkJr3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/oleanderson.jpg

Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Ole Anderson


[Another solid match here live on World Championship Wrestling! The bout has great heat and great wrestling action as Ole Anderson looks for revenge against Dory Funk, Jr. The match is solid in the ring and truly back and forth, with both men starting out tenative and then moving toward more brawling in the center of the ring. Funk focuses on the leg of Anderson and Anderson focuses on the arm of Funk. Anderson scores a two count following a Hammerlock Slam. Funk comes back and scores a two count following a Russian Legsweep. Anderson has the crowd solidly in his corner and he sends Funk to the ropes -- Spinebuster! Funk is laid out in the center of the ring and Anderson makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ole Anderson (Via Pinfall @ 7:51)

Match Rating: B




[We are once again taken to the hidden cameras backstage. This time we are shown a small conference room where the NWA United States Heavyweight champion Lex Luger is shown standing and talking to someone who is off-camera.]


Lex Luger

"Tonight I am going to show why I am the best. I am going to beat the NWA World Heavyweight champion. Thanks for having my back. However, we can't reveal this until Fall Brawl, alright?"


[There is silence on the other end. Lex Luger turns and begins walking away. Some blonde hair is seen briefly, showing the hair color of the mystery person. Lex exits the room and he's headed to the ring because our main event is next!]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/luger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ricflairc.jpg

Non Title

Champion vs. Champion

Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair


[it is main event time here on World Championship Wrestling and what a truly great matchup we have here! Two of the very best in the National Wrestling Alliance in a match to determine their supremacy. The two men meet in the center of the ring and Lex flexes his muscles to boos from the crowd. Ric smirks and then says it's his turn, strutting across the ring and releasing a 'Whoooooo' that gets echoed by the crowd. Luger quickly moves over and pushes Flair back in a corner, peppering him with punches. Those punches find little effect as Flair begins chopping the chest of Luger in retaliation! Flair takes Luger down with a clothesline and Luger quickly rolls out of the ring. He slams his hands down on the mat in frustration. He paces around the ring, grabbing his belt and looking at it. Then he places it back down and re-enters the ring, facing off with Ric Flair.]


[The Total Package takes control at this point in the match. Luger takes down Flair with a sharp clothesline and flexes for the crowd, yelling at a fan who is holding up a sign reading: 'The Horseman rule!!' He takes down Flair with an inverted atomic drop and then a hip toss. He sends Flair to the ropes -- Power Slam! Luger makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Foot On The Ropes! Luger rises to his feet and flexes, signalling for the Human Torture Rack. Luger yanks up Flair by the hair and lifts him for the Rack but Flair turns things around into a sunset flip: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Flair gets up first and goes after the knee of the Total Package. He wrenches the knee and brings Luger up and then down with a shinbreaker. Flair lifts Luger back up and brings him down with a body slam. He bounces off the ropes -- running knee drop! Flair struts and releases a 'Whooooooo' as he points to a sign reading: 'Ride Horseman Ride!' He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[Flair rises to his feet and pulls Luger into a corner. He begins chopping away at the granite-like chest of the Total Package. He whips Luger across the ring -- reversed! Flair flips in the corner and lands on his feet. He runs along the apron and Luger clotheslines him down! Luger yanks Flair inside from the apron and sends him to the ropes -- Scoop Power Slam! Luger flexes, drawing boos from the crowd and then cheers come as the music for Ricky Steamboat begins to play. Luger turns his focus and attention to the entrance ramp where 'The Dragon' walks out and is headed to the ring! Flair begins to recover and he rolls up Luger from behind: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Pinfall @ 13:19)

Match Rating: A





[Ricky Steamboat hits the ring as soon as the bell sounds. The Dragon shakes hands with Ric Flair. As the two embrace, the locker room seems to spill out from the back. J-Tex Corporation enters the ring and goes on the assault against Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat! It seems to be open-season on the two wrestlers as the members of the J-Tex Corporation take their turn with attacks. Terry Funk sets up Ric Flair for a Texas Piledriver but the locker room spills forth once again.]




[Tommy Rich, Sting, 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert and Flyin' Brian all enter the ring to up the stakes, going right after the members of the J-Tex Corporation. The crowd goes absolutely wild as Flair was saved by Eddie Gilbert. It's a pier six brawl inside the ring as all the wrestlers are brawling both inside and outside the ring. The center of the ring ends up being a fight between Ric Flair and Terry Funk! Flair chops at the chest of Funk but Gary Hart strikes Flair from behind with the branding iron! Funk grabs Flair -- Texas Piledriver! Funk quickly exits the ring and walks to the back as the fight continues. More wrestlers spill forth from the back to try and break things up as the show comes to a close! We'll see you on the Power Hour!]

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Welcome to the NWA Prediction contest. This contest will run month to month so this one will end at the end of September in-game.


No perfect scores this week. However, we did have many people get 5/6 correct. Congratulations to Emark, Beejus, #HEEL and Destiny!


1. Beejus=5 Wins

Emark=5 Wins

3. #HEEL=4 Wins

4. Jaysin=3 Wins

GardnerFTW=3 Wins

6. MichiganHero=2 Wins

7. haloed=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

soxfan93=1 Win

rvdjrv2002=1 Win

Lexa90=1 Win

Destiny=1 Win

13. Theheel=0 Wins

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