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NWA 1989 - To Starrcade (And Possibly Beyond)

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Sunday Week 4 September 1989


NWA Television Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit

Sting defends vs. The Great Muta

Comment: Gonna be hard to take this off of him to someone not of the same league


10 Minute Time Limit

Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian

Comment: Looks like Norman gets to go home


10 Minute Time Limit

The Samoan Swat Team vs. Road Warriors

Comment:Tough call but after Saturday Night i think SST should win, but betting against the Warriors is tough but does lead to a nice rematch.....


Z-Man's In Ring Debut

10 Minute Time Limit

Scott Hall vs. Z-Man

Comment: Hall was my favorite growing up. You'll notice much like my beloved Boston Bruins i'll never vote against him


15 Minute Time Limit

The Iron Sheik vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: No build up so is this suppose to be the bathroom break match? Kinda hard when it involves Ricky


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

30 Minute Time Limit

The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners

Comment: As much as i love the Freebirds they clearly have the upper hand


Varsity Club Grudge Match

Syracuse vs. Oklahoma

15 Minute Time Limit

Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

Comment: Just like him over Williams.


NWA United States Title Match

30 Minute Time Limit

Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich

Comment: Unless his new ally turns on him to quick he is getting the victory and the win


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

I Quit Match

30 Minute Time Limit

Ric Flair defends vs. Terry Funk

Comment: I smell turncoat here with Ole but i can't see Terry being the one to take it off of him.


Fun Fan Signs: I paid for this?! (coming from a wwf fan)

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NWA Television Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit

Sting defends vs. The Great Muta


10 Minute Time Limit

Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian



10 Minute Time Limit

The Samoan Swat Team vs. Road Warriors



Z-Man's In Ring Debut

10 Minute Time Limit

Scott Hall vs. Z-Man

Comment: A hard one to pick for me, Scott Hall or a wrestler in his in ring debut.


15 Minute Time Limit

The Iron Sheik vs. Ricky Steamboat

Comment: Sheiky isn't making anyone humble here.


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

30 Minute Time Limit

The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners

Comment: Steiners may get the belts soon but not yet.


Varsity Club Grudge Match

Syracuse vs. Oklahoma

15 Minute Time Limit

Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams



NWA United States Title Match

30 Minute Time Limit

Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich



NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

I Quit Match

30 Minute Time Limit

Ric Flair defends vs. Terry Funk



Fun Fan Signs: Make him humble Sheik!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Saturday Week 4 September 1989

Doncaster Dome (North UK)

Attendance: 8,668

Show Rating: B+


The Warlord defeated Dino Bravo...C-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan...A*

Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart defeated Big Bossman...C

Rick Rude, Ted DiBiase and Bret Hart defeated Andre The Giant, The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan...B+

Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated Jake 'The Snake' Roberts...B+



Saturday Week 4 September 1989

Arcadia HS Oak Hall (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 57

Show Rating: C-


Death From Above (Ranger Ross and Jason Knight) defeated Don and Ron Harris to retain the MACW National Tag titles...D-

Rip Morgan defeated Al Snow to retain the MACW Wrestling Spirit title...D-

ANGLE: Skit involving Junkyard Dog and Nick Bockwinkel...B-

Chris Candido defeated Sam Houston...E-

Junkyard Dog defeated The Dragonmaster...C

Al Perez defeated Shane Douglas...C-

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Sunday Week 4 September 1989

Location: Charlotte Coliseum (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 28,393

Overall Rating: B+

PPV Buyrate: .98




[Our major pay-per-view for September, Fall Brawl, begins not inside the arena but in a pre-recorded segment. This one focuses in on manager Gary Hart and one of the members of the J-Tex Corporation Terry Funk. Gary is the one who speaks up in this interview.]


Gary Hart

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight you are going to see the crowning of a brand new NWA World Heavyweight champion when this man, Terry Funk, brings the title home to the J-Tex Corporation. Tonight, Ric Flair, there is no one who can protect you. There is no one who is going to stop the J-Tex Corporation from riding all the way to the top. And that is exactly where the J-Tex Corporation is going to be at the end of the night. You can take that to the bank."


[Terry rubs his hands together as he stares at the camera and we head to the ring for our opening bout here on Fall Brawl!]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/sting4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg

NWA Television Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit

Sting defends vs. The Great Muta


[The Charlotte, North Carolina crowd booed when the Great Muta came out to start the show. He was accompanied, as always, by Gary Hart and he did a backflip to enter the ring and then sprayed that mist up into the air. Then it was time for the entrance of the NWA World Television Champion and one of the most popular wrestlers here in the NWA: this is Sting! Sting came running down to the ring and slid inside. He ducked a kick by Muta and then caught him up in a press slam, dropping Muta to the mat! Sting released an 'OOOWWWWW' for his fans and took off his belt. He fired it to the official and then pulled Muta up -- inverted atomic drop! Sting winds up his fist -- big punch to the head! Muta goes down to the mat! Sting bounces off the ropes and Muta drops down -- Sting jumps over and comes back -- hip toss by Muta! Sting pops back up -- dropkick by Muta! Muta swings a roundhouse kick to the head and Sting falls to the mat again. Muta makes a cover: 1 -- Kickout! Way too early to get a pinfall here but Sting has to expend some energy to kick out.]


[Muta kept the attack on Sting for the next few minutes, maintaining control. Muta went to the top turnbuckle and brought Sting down with a big karate chop to the head. Muta took in the boos from the crowd and picked Sting up. He sent him for the ride into the turnbuckle. He did a handspring and back flip into an elbow in the corner! Sting got squashed there. Muta picked up Sting and body slammed him down to the mat and then went up the turnbuckle. He turned so his back was to Sting -- Moonsault -- Knees up! Somehow Sting got those knees up and the Moonsault connected with them! The crowd went wild and began chants of 'Sting, Sting, Sting!' Sting got to his feet and ducked another kick by Muta -- clothesline! Muta hits the mat! Sting bounces off the ropes -- high flying elbow drop! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Sting spends the next few minutes in control of Muta until Gary Hart climbs up on the apron! Sting spies him and walks over, grabbing Gary Hart and threatening to punch him! Gary's eyes go wide and Muta gets to his feet behind Sting. Muta approaches and spins Sting around -- Asian Mist! But, wait! Sting dropped down and the mist hit Gary Hart in the eyes! Hart falls off the apron and Sting gets up throwing punches and kicks to the Great Muta! He knocks Muta back in the corner and sends him across to the far side with an irish whip! Sting backs up in the corner and then comes charging -- Stinger Splash! No! The Great Muta moved out of the way! Sting's forehead connects with the ring post behind the turnbuckle! The Great Muta climbs the turnbuckles -- Moonsault Press! Muta hooks the legs: 1 -- 2 -- 3! We have a brand new NWA Television champion!]


Winner: The Great Muta (Via Pinfall @ 16:37; The Great Muta wins the NWA Television title)

Match Rating: B+




[up next is a video featuring one of the top high flying wrestlers here in the NWA: Flyin' Brian! Brian is shown hitting all kinds of aerial tactics on other NWA wrestlers, including Terry Funk. The last part of the video shows Flyin' Brian hitting Air Pillman from all four sides of the ring before gaining three counts on various wrestlers.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/mikeshaw2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/theadorerlong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/brianpillman.jpg

10 Minute Time Limit

Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian


[This was definitely a battle between Goliath and David inside the ring. Luckily, the chemistry was in their favor and these two did a decent bout, though it fell somewhat below average. Flyin' Brian tried to use all of his high flying techniques on Norman but had a hard time bringing the larger man down. That, of course, comes as no small surprise to anyone considering the size difference. Brian went for a crucifix but Norman fell backward on top of him! Norman bounced off the ropes and leaped -- Karachi Krunch! But Pillman moves! Norman's seated senton lands him on the mat and Flyin' Brian climbs the ropes -- Air Pillman! He makes a quick cover, hooking the leg as Teddy Long raises the key at ringside: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Flyin' Brian (Via Pinfall @ 7:19)

Match Rating: C-




[Following the sound of the bell, Teddy Long waves to the back. Out from the back comes The Skyscrapers! Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey enter the ring and throw Flyin' Brian to the floor before turning their attention to Norman The Lunatic! It takes both of them to life Norman up but he gets planted to the mat with a Double Power Bomb! The crowd boos as The Skyscrapers raise their arms up in victory and Teddy Long stands between them. Teddy sets the key down on top of Norman before the three of them walk off.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/fatu7.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/samu5.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/paule.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/animal3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/hawk3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/paulellering.jpg

10 Minute Time Limit

The Samoan Swat Team vs. Road Warriors


[The show went immediately into the entrances of the next bout. The Road Warriors were accompanied as always by their manager Paul Ellering. The Samoan Swat Team were accompanied by Paul E. Dangerously. This match itself lived up to the title of Fall Brawl. It wasn't so much a match as a fight. Not a lot of psychology shown in this match and at times it drifted toward just punches thrown and headbutts by the Wild Samoans. Road Warrior Hawk was kept in the corner of the Wild Samoans during the bout and they double-teamed him in the corner. Fatu nailed Hawk with a savate kick and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[The Wild Samoans tagged in and out in their corner, wearing down Hawk until he ducked a double clothesline from them and came back with a double clothesline of his own! He managed to tag out to Animal at that point and Animal came in like a house on fire! Animal press-slammed Fatu out of the ring and then pointed toward Hawk! He tagged in his partner and lifted Samu on his shoulders in a feat of strength -- Doomsday Device! Samu flipped onto his back and Hawk made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Road Warriors (Via Pinfall @ 9:47)

Match Rating: B-




[That match was dominated by the Road Warriors but they got a surprise when out from the back came The Skyscrapers! Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey are met by Animal and Hawk and the brawl continues inside the ring. Sid and Hawk do battle, while Dan and Animal battle on the other side. At the end, it takes the roster spilling forth from the backstage area to break these two teams up.]




[As things are worked on around the ring area, we are taken to the backstage interview area where Gordon Solie is standing by with the NWA World Heavyweight champion Ric Flair! Ric paces a moment as Gordon talks first.]


Gordon Solie

"Thank you everyone for tuning in to Fall Brawl. Tonight I am standing by with the NWA World Heavyweight champion Ric Flair. Ric, tonight, you do battle in your hometown against your hated rival Terry Funk. Your thoughts going into your match tonight?"


Ric Flair

"Gordon Solie! The Dean of professional wrestling. You are to announcing as I am to wrestling. It's good to be here with you. Tonight, Terry Funk, you are going to walk that aisle in an I Quit match with the master of the Figure 4 Leglock. Whoooooo! Tonight, Terry Funk, you're going to learn that to be the man, you have to beat the man. And with this belt around my waist, that makes me the man. Whooooooo!"


[And with that we head back to the ring for the debut of the Z-Man!]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/scotthall4.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/tomzenk.jpg

Z-Man's In Ring Debut

10 Minute Time Limit

Scott Hall vs. Z-Man


[Our next match features the debut of Z-Man in the ring as he faces off with Scott Hall in this 10 minute time limit bout. The match features great action but only average heat as fans don't seem to care as much about these two great athletes. Both men show off their skills in this wrestling match. Z-Man nearly scores a win following a Sleeperhold but Hall manages to get out with the jawbreaker. Hall comes back, firing off a right hand to the jaw of Z-Man and then scores with the Hall Buster bulldog! Hall makes the cover, placing his feet on the ropes: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Scott Hall steals one here on pay-per-view!]


Winner: Scott Hall (Via Pinfall @ 6:18)

Match Rating: C+




[Scott Hall rolls out of the ring with the victory and he comes face to face with the man known by NWA fans as 'The Russian Bear' Ivan Koloff! The two men go nose to nose for a moment before Hall turns and walks off as Koloff continues down to the ring. Ivan steps up the stairs and enters the ring. He grabs the Z-Man and tosses him over the top rope to the floor. Ivan asks for and receives a microphone.]


Ivan Koloff

"Americans! You all know who I am. I am best wrestler in world because I am best Russian wrestler. I am Russian Bear. And I am coming to take over this putrid American company. Very soon, we shall begin our domination from the inside out. Live in fear, Americans."


[The Russian National Anthem begins to play and Ivan Koloff exits the ring. He reaches out and grabs Z-Man, running him into the ring post. Then he turns and walks off with a smile on his face.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ironsheik.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/rickysteamboat2.jpg

15 Minute Time Limit

The Iron Sheik vs. Ricky Steamboat


[Our next match definitely does not have a whole lot of build to it. However, it features great action and a good crowd as they are solidly behind Ricky Steamboat, especially after the words by Ivan Koloff prior to this match. The Iron Sheik gains some control, sending Steamboat out of the ring and then choking him on the ring post. A fan raises a sign that reads: 'Make him humble Sheik!' The Iron Sheik grabs the sign and uses it to smash over the head of Ricky Steamboat. The action returns inside the ring where The Iron Sheik goes for the Camel Clutch but Steamboat slides out from underneath. Sheik suffers chop after chop from a fired up Steamboat. The Dragon eventually climbs the turnbuckles and comes flying off -- Flying Body Press! Steamboat hooks the legs: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ricky Steamboat (Via Pinfall @ 10:34)

Match Rating: B-




[A video begins to play featuring the #1 contenders to the NWA World Tag Team titles: The Steiners! Rick and Scott are shown defeating various tag teams on their road to tonight. The video shifts suddenly, showing the NWA World Tag Team champions The Fabulous Freebirds and their road to this evening as the champions. The four men collide at the end of the video to an explosion and this match is next!]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/MichaelHayes7.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/jimmygarvin.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/RickSteiner3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ScottSteiner22.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/missyhyatt.jpg

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

30 Minute Time Limit

The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners


[because we ARE the NWA, we spend more time on our wrestling action than our competitors. That is no more true than tonight as we head right into the NWA World Tag Team Titles match. Two very good tag teams in this bout. What the Steiners lack in experience teaming together they make up for because they are brothers and know each other in a way that no other can. There wasn't a whole lot of selling going on but both teams got in some great power and technical moves. Michael Hayes hit Rick Steiner with a Bulldog and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Pinfall broken up by Scott! The referee moved in to get Scott out of the ring and Jimmy Garvin came in and the Freebirds dropped a double elbow on Rick!]


[The match continued with the Freebirds in control, using several restholds, showing that the match was going to go on for awhile longer. Jimmy Garvin got Rick Steiner into a Sleeperhold and was slowly putting the Dog Faced Gremlin down. The crowd got behind the Steiner Brothers with Scott egging them on while on the apron. Rick managed to fight his way back to his feet and he dropped Garvin with a back drop! Both men lie on the mat and referee Randy Anderson began the mandatory ten count. Rick started crawling toward his corner. Jimmy Garvin grabbed his leg to prevent him from getting there but Garvin got a boot to the face and Rick reached out, making the tag! In came Scott with a Steinerline to Michael Hayes and then one to Jimmy Garvin! Scott got the crowd pumped and excited! He made a signal and then sent Jimmy Garvin to the ropes -- Frankensteiner! He moved over and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Pinfall broken up by Michael Hayes! Hayes pulled Scott to his feet -- Steinerline from Rick Steiner! Down goes Hayes! Scott pointed to the top turnbuckle and Rick climbed up. Scott pulled Garvin up and lifted him on his shoulders -- Top Rope Bulldog! Scott makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Steiners (Via Pinfall @ 14:46; The Steiners win the NWA World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: A




[As The Steiners celebrate in the ring their first ever NWA World Tag Team titles run, we head to the backstage area where Gordon Solie is waiting once again. This time he is with Varsity Club members Mike Rotundo and Kevin Sullivan.]


Gordon Solie

"Mike Rotundo, tonight, you are facing a former member of the Varsity Club in 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams. Your thoughts as we head into that match tonight?"


Mike Rotundo

"Steve Williams, you made the biggest mistake of your career when you decided to leave the Varsity Club. You, a stupid Oklahoma graduate, were able to ride the coattails of one of the best wrestlers in the world today: Mike Rotundo, from one of the greatest schools in the world today: Syracuse. Tonight I prove that I am better than you in every single way. Tonight I welcome you into Orange Country."


[Mike poses in an amateur wrestling stance before we head to the ring for our next bout.]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/mikerotundo.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/kevinsullivan.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/SteveWilliams2.jpg

Varsity Club Grudge Match

Syracuse vs. Oklahoma

15 Minute Time Limit

Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams


[After the ring was cleared from the celebration by the Steiner Brothers, the next match was set up. This one was clearly going to be a technical classic from the outset as both men looked to prove that heir schools: Syracuse and Oklahoma respectively have the better wrestling program. Rotundo was the one who broke from the mat wrestling first. He used a rake to the eyes to gain the advantage. But then he went right back to control on the mat where he hoped he could negate the size and power advantage of Dr. Death. The match was definitely not a short one and there were several momentum bursts from both men. As the match neared its climax, Dr. Death accidentally bumped into referee Randy Anderson, knocking him down. Williams went to check on Anderson as Rotundo rolled out of the ring. Rotundo grabbed a chair from ringside and slid back inside. He waited for Williams to turn -- CLANG! He hit Williams over the head with the chair, driving his opponent down to the mat. Rotundo tossed the chair out of the ring and revived the referee, making a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Mike Rotundo (Via Pinfall @ 10:44)

Match Rating: B




[We head to the backstage area once again with Gordon Solie. This time he is with the United States champion Lex Luger and his manager J.J. Dillon.]


Gordon Solie

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Gordon Solie here with the U.S. champion Lex Luger and..."


J.J. Dillon

"Gordon, keep your mouth shut. When speaking to the Total Package, you will speak with me. You're not worthy of talking to the United States champion. Tonight we are going to unveil one of the largest surprises in NWA history. But the one thing that won't be a surprise is that Lex Luger is going to retain his title."


[J.J. motions to Lex and the two of them walk off. We head to the ring for the entrance of our challenger.]


Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/luger.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/JJDillon.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/tommyrich.jpg

NWA United States Title Match

30 Minute Time Limit

Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich


[Our United States Heavyweight Title match was next and the crowd was really looking to see the Total Package finally get his comeuppance and maybe Wildfire Tommy Rich is the man to do just that! Rich showed that this match was not going to be some easy defense for the U.S. Champ early on, taking down Luger with an exploder suplex. He caught him with a running elbow smash and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The Wildfire really lived up to his name in the early goings of things. He was all over the United States champion to the point where J.J. Dillon started motioning toward the back. As we looked there, we saw a fan in a Hulk Hogan shirt raising a sign reading: 'I paid for this?!']




[The crowd was absolutely shocked to see the appearance of Barry Windham at ringside. Was he the blond that Lex was talking to before? The appearance of Windham was a definite distraction to Tommy Rich and Lex Luger seized control. The Total Package dropped Rich with a military press slam and then a neckbreaker. The crowd booed when Luger played to them. Which is no surprise given the intense hatred of this audience for the arrogant Total Package. Tommy Rich gave another short burst of momentum but that was stopped when J.J. Dillon distracted the official and Barry Windham took Tommy down with a lariat. Luger sent Rich to the ropes -- powerslam! Luger got up and flexed for a moment before he picked up Rich -- Human Torture Rack! Rich fought for about thirty seconds before he had no choice but to submit.]


Winner: Lex Luger (Via Pinfall @ 13:35; Lex Luger retains the NWA United States title)

Match Rating: B




[The crowd booed this major victory for J.J. Dillon, Lex Luger and Barry Windham. But things were not over. Windham grabs the referee and tosses him over the top rope to the floor. That will be a large fine. Luger holds the Human Torture Rack on Tommy Rich for about a minute more before dropping him to the mat. All three men join in giving boots to Wildfire. The crowd suddenly roars their approval as Ricky Steamboat comes running from the back! The Dragon has a chair in hand and the bad guys decide to take a powder at the lead of James J. Dillon. Steamboat swings the chair wildly but Lex flexes from the safety of ringside, staring down The Dragon as he checks on Tommy Rich.]




[We move from the ringside area to what may very well be a surprise even though it is a pre-recorded segment. This segment is located within an office building in Turner Headquarters. Seated behind a very expensive desk is none other than the boss himself: Ted Turner. Ted adjusts his tie as he is settled in to his leather seat. He slowly looks up from his desk to eye the camera.]


Ted Turner

"Good evening. For those of you who do not know who I am, my name is Ted Turner. I own Turner Broadcasting and I am the owner of the National Wrestling Alliance. Until now I have taken a hands off approach with this company, leaving it to the championship committee to determine much of what goes on here. I have made the decision to dissolve the championship committee and re-brand the National Wrestling Alliance into two seperate focuses. There will be the World Championship Wrestling brand and the NWA Power Hour/Worldwide brand. Each will have their own seperate roster of talent. This seperation will occur this week on World Championship Wrestling where we will hold a draft to determine who will be on the two seperate talent rosters. All of the roster under contract with the NWA will be available to be drafted. Though the NWA World Heavyweight champion and the NWA Tag Team champions will be available on both brands. However, once they lose their titles, they will be contracted members of whichever brand drafted them. With the two seperate brands, we need leaders for these two brands. I have contacted two men who I believe can get the job done right. Those two men are former multi-time AWA World champion Nick Bockwinkel and former wrestler turned manager Captain Lou Albano. Nick Bockwinkel will run the World Championship Wrestling brand and Captain Lou will run the NWA Power Hour/Worldwide brand. These two men will have complete control over their seperate brands. Thank you and enjoy the main event."


[Ted adjusts his tie again and sits back. Now it's time for the main event!]


Match #9

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/ricflairc.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/terryfunk2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

I Quit Match

30 Minute Time Limit

Ric Flair defends vs. Terry Funk


[The Charlotte, North Carolina crowd begins to stir slightly as the time has come for our main event. The crowd boos immediately when the music for the challenger begins to play. From the back alongside Gary Hart is the challenger for the NWA World Title. He is from the Double Cross Ranch and he is Terry Funk! Terry paces around the ring for a moment, getting some instructions from Gary Hart before entering the ring as the lights dim slightly. The opening sounds to theme from 2001 begin to play and the crowd here in Charlotte nearly blows the roof off the building. They are ready for the man from this city: Charlotte, North Carolina. The man who is known as the Nature Boy. He is the NWA World Champion. He is Ric Flair! Ric steps out alone and takes in the crowd in a blue sequined robe. He carries the NWA World Title belt with pride as he walks down the aisle. Ric's fingers brush along the apron of the ring before he enters, staring at Terry Funk, who stands at the opposite side. Ric takes off his robe and hands the belt to referee Tommy Young, a senior official here in the NWA. Tommy shows the belt to Funk and then raises it up so the crowd can get a good look at it. The belt is placed at ringside and the announcers talk briefly about the history of the NWA World title. Tommy calls for the bell and the bell sounds.]


[Ric and Terry look across at each other, two veterans who are not meeting for the first time. They know each other very well. The two men circled around each other for a moment, neither man wanting to be the first to step in and possibly make a mistake. They meet in the center of the ring and stare each other down. A collar and elbow tieup and Funk backs Flair into a corner. Flair raises his arms up and referee Tommy Young begins a count that doesn't make sense since there's no DQ here. Terry throws a punch that connects with the jaw of Flair! Funk begins peppering Flair with lefts and rights after the cheap shot and then takes him down with a snapmare. Funk with a hard kick to the back of Flair, the same back that Flair had injured in an airplane crash earlier in his career. Funk picks up Flair and hooks him -- vertical suplex sends Flair crashing back down to the mat! Funk rises to his feet and meets Flair in the corner -- rams Flair's head into the turnbuckle! Funk releases after a moment and Flair turns, dropping face-first onto the mat. Funk smiles for a moment and drops an elbow on the back of Flair's head. He rolls Flair over and makes a cover but there are no pinfalls in an I Quit match!]


[Funk picks up Flair and sends him to the ropes -- Sleeper! Funk locks on the Sleeper early in this bout! Flair tries to fight it! He twists his body around and grabs the leg of Funk -- shinbreaker! Flair ran his fingers through his hair and gave a little strut though he held his back some afterward. Flair pulled Funk to his feet and hooked him, lifting him up -- stalling -- stalling -- stalling -- vertical suplex with all that blood rushing to the brain! Flair bounced off the ropes -- running kneedrop! What a move by the Nature Boy! He made a cover but again there are no pinfalls here! Only submissions! Flair pulled Funk to his feet and Funk backed into a corner. Flair came over and laced Funk's chest with a hard chop! A second chop! A third chop! The crowd responded with 'Whooooo's' at every chop he gave! Flair grabbed Funk by the head and whipped him across the ring and into the corner! Flair followed in but Funk got the boot up! Flair took the boot right to the face and Funk grabbed the branding iron from ringside! He rams it on Flair's head and Flair fell to the mat. The cameras zoomed in, showing Flair was busted open! Ric Flair is bleeding in the center of the ring!]


[Terry Funk walked over and began biting the open wound! Funk opened that wound even more on the Nature Boy! Funk pulled Flair to his feet and sent him across the ring toward the turnbuckle. Flair flipped up and hit the mesh, bouncing back into the ring on his feet and being taken down by a Terry Funk clothesline! Funk climbed up onto the second turnbuckle -- flying forearm shot from the second turnbuckle! Funk grabs a microphone and sticks it against Flair's mouth, begging Flair to quit! Flair tells him no! How does Flair do it? How can the Nature Boy survive such punishment??? Funk doesn't understand it. He picked up Flair and he hooked him between his legs. He's going for the Texas Piledriver! Funk lifts Flair up but Flair comes back down! Flair flips Terry Funk up and over but lands on his own knees as well. Referee Tommy Young checks on Ric Flair and the bleeding but Flair pushes him out of the way. Flair moves over to Funk and then exits the ring, grabbing a metal folding chair from ringside! He slides back in and rams the chair over the head of Terry Funk! Flair busted Funk open! Flair gives him three more chair shots that finally send Funk to the mat! The crowd goes absolutely wild! Funk falls to the mat and Ric Flair gives a strut with a 'Whooooo' to the crowd.]


[Flair moves Funk's leg over to the ropes and he jumps, landing with a seated senton onto the leg! Funk grabbed that leg in pain. Flair moved Funk to the center of the ring and grabbed the legs. Funk leaned in though and hit Flair with a low blow! The crowd booed and both men were down! Gary Hart was going crazy outside the ring and decided to climb onto the apron! Gary got up on the apron when out from the back came Sting! Sting ran down toward the ring and moved around to where Gary Hart was standing! Sting grabbed Hart and Hart's eyes went wide! Hart kicked Sting back but Sting avoided a second kick and got up on the apron with Gary Hart! He threw an elbow to Gary Hart! A second one! A third one knocked Gary Hart to the floor! Sting climbed back down as Flair and Funk got to their feet in the ring. The two began exchanging blows! A punch for a chop in the center of the ring as there was no one sitting in the audience! Funk raked the eyes and grabbed the bloody crimson mask of Ric Flair and ran him toward the turnbuckls but Flair reversed it and Funk hit the corner! Funk bounced off and hit the mat! Flair quickly grabbed the legs of Terry Funk -- Figure 4! Ric Flair locked in the Figure 4 Leglock! Terry's eyes went wide and he tried to fight it! He grabbed the ropes but there is no DQ here! Flair didn't release the hold and Funk was in a tremendous amount of pain! Terry Funk -- gave up! Terry Funk submitted to the Figure 4!]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Submission @ 29:49; Ric Flair retains the NWA World Heavyweight title)

Match Rating: A




[The crowd here in Charlotte go absolutely wild as Ric Flair is announced as the winner of the I Quit match! Flair releases the hold as Gary Hart enters the ring, berating Terry Funk. Sting exits ringside to give Ric Flair his own celebration time. However, this celebration is short-lived as out from the back comes Ole Anderson. Ole climbs the stairs and then enters the ring coming face to face with his friend. The two men have a brief staredown and then Ole offers a handshake. Ric takes the handshake and Ole raises the arm of the Nature Boy. What a way to end the show. If only it were that easy.]











[Ole Anderson yanks Ric Flair toward him -- Gourdbuster! Ric Flair is laid out in the middle of the ring by Ole Anderson! Ole begins laying some boots in to the Nature Boy! He grabs the arm and hooks a hammerlock -- hammerlock slam! Flair cries out in pain! Ole drops on top of him and begins throwing punches to the already bleeding forehead of Ric Flair! Ric Flair's best friend turns on him this evening! Ole slides out of the ring as a posse of wrestlers comes running out from the back. Ole Anderson smiles at ringside as the show comes to a close. We'll see you on the Power Hour this week!]

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Welcome to the NWA Prediction contest. This contest will run month to month so this one will end at the end of September in-game.


No perfect scores on the pay-per-view. However, we did have several people get 7/9 correct! Congratulations to GardnerFTW, Emark and chopps4312!


Congratulations to Emark for winning the prediction contest!


1. Emark=7 Wins

2. GardnerFTW=6 Wins

3. Beejus=5 Wins

#HEEL=5 Wins

5. Jaysin=3 Wins

6. MichiganHero=2 Wins

7. haloed=1 Win

jhd1=1 Win

soxfan93=1 Win

rvdjrv2002=1 Win

Lexa90=1 Win

Destiny=1 Win

chopps4312=1 Win

14. Theheel=0 Wins

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Friday Week 1 October 1989


Buddy Landell and Rip Rogers vs. Midnight Express



Buzz Sawyer vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert



Ole Anderson vs. Steve Austin



NWA Television Title Match

The Great Muta defends vs. Steve Williams



Fun Fan Signs:


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Buddy Landell and Rip Rogers vs. Midnight Express



Buzz Sawyer vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert



Ole Anderson vs. Steve Austin



NWA Television Title Match

The Great Muta defends vs. Steve Williams



Fun Fan Signs:

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First, and i guess the biggest news of the night, Ted?! What have you done? I like the modern day aspect going to an oldschool diary. But Ted?! Your first time in front of a wrestling camera has left me with so many questions. The United States championship, Television, and light weights will be branded? Tag teams and stables, will they be split up? I think with Nick so old school, that as booker of WCW he'll bring back the six man tag team championships. That would be awesome.


As for Flair, i never had any doubt. I kinda felt Ole would do this, and deep down would like to see him get a run with the title. Wouldn't it be something to see him team with Barry and Luger to form his own Horsemen stable?


STING?! You let me and the thousands watching down :( I knew you had to get such a small time belt off of you but why when i picked you to win? I had my doubts but i figured the man in pink and face paint wouldn't let me down.


Mike, you made me proud. Varisty Club stands strong one more night.


Steiners, i have nothing to say to you. Enjoy your short title reign. Freebirds Unite!


Norman, i knew it was coming. I'm sure help is on the way.


Road Warriors i never had any doubt. Good brawl


Great write up

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Friday Week 1 October 1989


Buddy Landell and Rip Rogers vs. Midnight ExpressComment:


Buzz Sawyer vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert

Comment: I just started watching some Gilbert stuff online and the man was good on the mic and in the ring.


Ole Anderson vs. Steve Austin

Comment: Really tempted to go the other way with the dirtiest player getting involved but could be a DQ win for Ole if he does.


NWA Television Title Match

The Great Muta defends vs. Steve Williams

Comment: If your name is Steve, tonight isn't your night.


Fun Fan Signs:Sting how cold you? and "I came to see the other Anderson"

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Buddy Landell and Rip Rogers vs. Midnight Express



Buzz Sawyer vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert


Ole Anderson vs. Steve Austin

Comment: A good 6-8 years before Austin becomes a star so Ole wins.


NWA Television Title Match

The Great Muta defends vs. Steve Williams



Fun Fan Signs: Muta fears the Stinger!

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Friday Week 1 October 1989


Buddy Landell and Rip Rogers vs. Midnight Express



Buzz Sawyer vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert


Ole Anderson vs. Steve Austin



NWA Television Title Match

The Great Muta defends vs. Steve Williams


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Mighty fine showing for Fall Brawl, I'm really thinking Ole will end up alongside JJ, Luger, and Windham. The brand split is a solid idea, I'd noticed how stacked your roster was getting, and now it makes sense as to why. Interested to see which - if any - tag teams get split up in this.



Friday Week 1 October 1989


Buddy Landell and Rip Rogers vs. Midnight Express



Buzz Sawyer vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert



Ole Anderson vs. Steve Austin



NWA Television Title Match

The Great Muta defends vs. Steve Williams



Fun Fan Signs:

I came for the Rocket Launcher!

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First, and i guess the biggest news of the night, Ted?! What have you done? I like the modern day aspect going to an oldschool diary. But Ted?! Your first time in front of a wrestling camera has left me with so many questions. The United States championship, Television, and light weights will be branded? Tag teams and stables, will they be split up? I think with Nick so old school, that as booker of WCW he'll bring back the six man tag team championships. That would be awesome.


First of all, thanks for the great review of Fall Brawl! I really enjoy reading it. Ted Turner's first time in front of a wrestling camera was definitelymeant to be a shocker. As far as the titles go? Well, that knowledge will be coming soon in the show. :)


As for Flair, i never had any doubt. I kinda felt Ole would do this, and deep down would like to see him get a run with the title. Wouldn't it be something to see him team with Barry and Luger to form his own Horsemen stable?


The Ole turn may have been a little obvious but sometimes the obvious route is the right route to take, right? As far as him getting together with Barry and Lex? Well, stay tuned to find out!


STING?! You let me and the thousands watching down :( I knew you had to get such a small time belt off of you but why when i picked you to win? I had my doubts but i figured the man in pink and face paint wouldn't let me down.


Sting definitely let down the little Stingers in this match. However, it very well MIGHT be the start toward something bigger and better.


Mike, you made me proud. Varisty Club stands strong one more night.


The Varsity Club is definitely one of the more interesting stables to run with here in the NWA.


Steiners, i have nothing to say to you. Enjoy your short title reign. Freebirds Unite!


The Steiners are one of my all-time favorite tag teams. That being said, they are headed toward their destiny. Who is in their destiny? Stay tuned and find out.


Norman, i knew it was coming. I'm sure help is on the way.


I haven't decided one hundred percent on what to do with Norman now. Though we will find out in the future.


Road Warriors i never had any doubt. Good brawl


Great write up


Road Warriors are fun to write up because they have great interviews and that hard-hitting style. Thank you for your words on the write-up. It was definitely fun to write up for Fall Brawl.


Buzz Sawyer vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert

Comment: I just started watching some Gilbert stuff online and the man was good on the mic and in the ring.


Eddie Gilbert was amazing back in the day. I was always a huge fan of his. 'Hotstuff International' was a very good stable that may be coming in to the NWA here.


Mighty fine showing for Fall Brawl, I'm really thinking Ole will end up alongside JJ, Luger, and Windham. The brand split is a solid idea, I'd noticed how stacked your roster was getting, and now it makes sense as to why. Interested to see which - if any - tag teams get split up in this.


Glad you enjoyed Fall Brawl. I know that there are a lot of thoughts about where Ole might end up. However, you will simply have to tune in and find out what happens. The brand split will be coming at World Championship Wrestling. It will be a draft like the one that the WWF/E did for their very first brand split draft where both sides will make their choices on who they want.


Thank you to everyone for the predictions and comments! Am enjoying reading them all. Feel free to keep them coming!

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Sunday Week 4 September 1989

All Star Coliseum (Puerto Rico)

Attendance: 1,000

Show Rating: C


Canadian Power House defeated Power & Glory...C-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Haku...C+

Bushwacker Butch defeated The Brooklyn Brawler...C-

Haku defeated Ronnie Garvin...C+

Marty Jannetty and Tugboat went to a double count out with Hacksaw Jim Duggan and The Red Rooster...C



Monday Week 1 October 1989

Missouri State Armoury (Mid West)

Attendance: 5,000

Show Rating: B-


Greg Gagne and Buck Zumhofe defeated Del Wilkes and Jerry Lynn...C-

Kevin Kelly and Col. DeBeers defeated Curtis Hughes and Mike George...C-

The Lumberjacks went to a double count out with The Olympians...C+

The Top Guns defeated Red Alert...C-

Destruction Crew defeated Badd Company...C

Larry Zbyszko defeated Jerry Blackwell...B-



Monday Week 1 October 1989

The American Coliseum (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 99

Show Rating: C


Rip Morgan defeated Van Hammer to retain the MACW Wrestling Spirit title...E+

Death From Above (Ranger Ross and Jason Knight) defeated Ron Harris and Gary Young to retain the MACW National Tag titles...D-

Brad Armstrong defeated Jack Victory...D+

Cactus Jack and Johnny Ace defeated 'Cowboy' Bob Orton and Junkyard Dog...B

Al Perez defeated Shane Douglas...C-



Wednesday Week 1 October 1989

Frankfort High School (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 100

Show Rating: C+


Van Hammer defeated Chris Candido...F+

Cactus Jack defeated Bill Irwin...C+

Rip Morgan defeated Shane Douglas to retain the MACW Wrestling Spirit title...D

'Cowboy' Bob Orton defeated Junkyard Dog...B

Al Perez defeated Ranger Ross...C+



Taped Thursday Week 1 October 1989

Larks Park (Mid South)

Attendance: 2,000

Show Rating: B


ANGLE: Show Opening...B+

The Samoan Swat Team defeated The Fantastics...C+

ANGLE: NWA Fall Brawl Recap Video...B+

The Iron Sheik defeated Steve Austin...C+

ANGLE: Ole Anderson Music Video...A

ANGLE: NWA Draft Hype Video...A*

Flyin' Brian defeated Dean Malenko...C-

ANGLE: The Steiners Music Video...A*

Scott Hall defeated Ronnie Garvin...B

ANGLE: Scott Hall Celebrates...B-



Thursday Week 1 October 1989

Atkins Fire Department(Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 110

Show Rating: D+


Chris Candido, 'Cowboy' Bob Orton and Big John Studd defeated Al Snow, Tommy Dreamer and Brad Armstrong...C

Shane Douglas, Sam Houston and Cactus Jack defeated Don Harris, Ron Harris and Bill Irwin...C-

Rip Morgan defeated Van Hammer to retain the MACW Wrestling Spirit title...E+

Death From Above defeated The Dragonmaster and Jack Victory...D+

Johnny Ace defeated Al Perez...C-

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Friday Week 1 October 1989

Location: Round Rock Athletic Complex (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.94




[The show begins outside in the parking lot of the Round Rock Athletic Complex. The crowd can be heard stirring in the background as a black limousine pulls up. The man who comes out of the limousine definitely doesn't look like he belongs in a limo. He has the rubber bands on his beard and a very loud and garish outfit on. He is Captain Lou Albano! He gives a handshake and a pat on the back to the limo driver, smiles toward the camera and then disappears into the building.]


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/buddylandell.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/RipRogers.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/bobbyeaton.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/stanlane.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/jimcornette3.jpg

Buddy Landell and Rip Rogers vs. Midnight Express


[Our opening contest features a rejuvenated Midnight Express as they take on the team of 'Nature Boy' Buddy Landell and 'The Hustler' Rip Rogers. The match is easily dominated by Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton. James E. Cornette stands outside looking on proudly as Landell suffers from the Veg-O-Matic. A fan holds up a sign reading: 'I came for the Rocket Launcher!' Bobby Eaton heads to the top turnbuckle -- Alabama Jam! Eaton covers Landell and gets the three count for the Midnight Express. But will they still be together as a team after the draft?]


Winner: Midnight Express (Via Pinfall @ 5:18)

Match Rating: C+




[We move from the ringside area to a pre-recorded interview. This one took place following NWA Fall Brawl in the parking lot. Paul Ellering and Road Warriors look angry despite their victory. Animal and Hawk each have sledgehammers and they are bashing up vehicles in the parking lot with those sledgehammers. After a moment, Paul Ellering walks toward the camera and looks up.]


Paul Ellering

"Skyscrapers! You made the biggest mistakes of your careers! You decided to mess with the Road Warriors' business. Anyone who stands on that track is going to get run over by the train known as the Legion of Doom. That includes you, Teddy Long. Consider these cars a metaphor for what is going to happen to you this Saturday night! Sanctioned or not, the Road Warriors are coming after you!"


[After a few more hits with the sledgehammers, the Road Warriors drop those tools and begin walking off with Paul Ellering. A random man comes up yelling about his car, only to be clotheslined down by Animal. The Road Warriors stand over this stranger and we fade back to the ring.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/buzzsawyer.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/eddiegilbert.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/missyhyatt.jpg

Buzz Sawyer vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert


[Our second match of the night features two very good brawlers in action as Buzz Sawyer, along with Gary Hart, faces off with Eddie Gilbert, along with Missy Hyatt. Gilbert seems definitely distracted throughout the match, apologizing to Missy Hyatt for accusing her of being with Lex Luger. This leads to Buzz Sawyer gaining more and more of an advantage. A distraction by Gary Hart and a shoe shot to Gilbert later and Buzz Sawyer makes the cover, gaining the three count.]


Winner: Buzz Sawyer (Via Pinfall @ 5:23)

Match Rating: C-




[Buzz Sawyer grabs the official and tosses him over the top rope. That's going to get him a large fine! He goes after Eddie Gilbert but gets assaulted from behind! Tommy Rich is here! 'Wildfire' hits forearm shots on the back of Buzz! Gary Hart tries to get involved but he is thrown to the mat by Tommy. Tommy tosses Buzz out of the ring and the two men brawl along the aisle with Tommy Rich having the advantage throughout much of the fight. Wrestlers finally pop out from the back and break things up before anyone gets injured.]




[We are taken, once again, to a pre-recorded interview. The 'NWA' logo rests in the background and in the foreground, all dressed in suits, are J.J. Dillon, Lex Luger and Barry Windham! The crowd boos in the background.]


J.J. Dillon

"Ladies and gentlemen, take a good long look at two of the toughest men, the best wrestlers in the business today. We have a second generation wrestler with all the promise in the world and the man with the best body in the world today. I know that seeing Barry Windham was a shock to most people but it really shouldn't be a surprise. I have managed both of these men and brought them to greatness before. I will do it again with Barry. Lex already has greatness. I just have to keep him on track. Will there be more? Maybe just two."


[All three men hold up two fingers for the camera. The sign is eerily reminiscent of another sign that some people hold up to this day.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/oleanderson.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/steveaustin89.jpg

Ole Anderson vs. Steve Austin


[Our third match of the night features the man with the most shocking turn in a very long time at Fall Brawl. Steve Austin was waiting in the ring for him to begin this match. Ole shows an arsenal of moves that surprises some of the wrestlers in the back and shows that Ole still has some gas left in the tank. Steve barely gets in any offense during this match and eventually succumbs to a Spinebuster and then a three count.]


Winner: Ole Anderson (Via Pinfall @ 4:51)

Match Rating: B


[The official, Nick Patrick, runs from the ring when Ole Anderson threatens him. Guess he was watching the show from earlier with Buzz Sawyer? In any event, Ole tosses Steve Austin from the ring and then is given a microphone.]


Ole Anderson

"Everybody wants to know. Why Ole why? Why turn on the man that you once called your best friend? Why turn on Ric Flair? The answer is simple. It is time that an Anderson won the NWA World Heavyweight title. It is time that the Anderson family no longer played second fiddle to a man who needs our help to keep the title around his waist. At Fall Brawl I saw an opportunity to step into the title picture and I took it. I did what each and every single wrestler backstage would do. Now, Ric Flair, I want you at Halloween Havoc. I want to prove that an Anderson should have run the Four Horsemen all along and not simply been the Enforcer. I want to prove my birthrite as an Anderson. You have until Saturday night to make your answer known."


[Ole tosses the microphone down, unleashing feedback on the crowd here. He exits the ring and pauses in front of a fan who is holding a sign that reads: 'I came to see the other Anderson!' He shakes his head and then grabs the sign forcefully. Security steps in to break things up but not before Ole rips up the sign and rains the confetti down on this poor fan. He sneers and then walks off.]




[We are taken to another pre-recorded interview set in front of the 'NWA' logo. This one features two men who lost at Fall Brawl: The Fabulous Freebirds. The two men do not look happy but, then, who would in their shoes?]


Michael 'P.S.' Hayes

"Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, the two of you got so very lucky last Sunday night at Fall Brawl. You beat the Freebirds in the center of the ring for the tag team titles. Well, we are guaranteed a rematch in our contracts and we are taking that rematch this Saturday night on World Championship Wrestling. We're gonna take you down Badstreet and leave you high and dry when the Freebirds ride with the tag team titles, daddy!"


['Badstreet' begins playing in the background for a few moments while Michael and Jimmy pose. Then we head back to the ring.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA%20Goal/SteveWilliams2.jpg

NWA Television Title Match

The Great Muta defends vs. Steve Williams


[Our main event contest is a good one, in fact the bout features great action and a good crowd as the speed and high flying of The Great Muta goes against the power and technical skill of 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams. Gary Hart looks with disdain at a sign at ringside: 'Muta fears the Stinger!' Muta shows his agility when he catches Williams with a handspring elbow in the corner. This leads to a snap mare and a one count by the new NWA Television champion. Muta uses a nerve pinch to try and wear down Dr. Death but the crowd claps, trying to bring Williams back into the match. The clapping works as Williams works his way to his feet and catches Muta with a couple of elbow shots to the gut. Williams brings down Muta with clotheslines and then signals for the Oklahoma Stampede! Gary Hart jumps on the apron and gets knocked down by Dr. Death! Williams turns back to Muta -- roundhouse kick sends Williams into the referee! Referee Tommy Young is not down but he is staggered. Muta sprays the asian mist into the eyes of Williams! Williams is blinded and Muta heads to the top turnbuckle -- Moonsault Press! Muta hooks the legs and gets the three count and a successful title defense! As Muta scores the victory, a sign is raised in the audience that reads: 'Sting how cold you?']


Winner: The Great Muta (Via Pinfall @ 6:35; The Great Muta retains the NWA Television title)

Match Rating: A




[As soon as the ring was cleared, the theme music for the Super Mario Brother's Super Show begins to play. Out from the back comes the happy-go-lucky Captain Lou Albano! Captain Lou high fives the fans on his way down to the ring. He steps inside and he has a wireless microphone in hand.]


Captain Lou Albano

"Welcome to Captain Lou's Corner! I am Captain Lou and I am now the man who runs the NWA Power Hour and the NWA Worldwide television shows. I am out here to make some promises and commitments to you, the NWA fans. My main promise is to bring you the best wrestling action in the NWA and in the world today. Anyone who is on my roster better believe that we are going to run things fair and square around here so long as Captain Lou is in charge! If you deserve a title shot then you'll get a title shot. If you deserve to wrestle then you're gonna wrestle. If you deserve a slap in the face then I am willing to give you that as well! Why? Because I'm Captain Lou Albano and the Power Hour has become Captain's Time!"


[Captain Lou sets down the microphone and slides out of the ring, tosses rubber bands into the crowd. He high fives the fans who are close enough that he can reach them. Then the credits come up and the show fades to black.]

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Saturday Week 1 October 1989


Chicago Street Fight

The Skyscrapers vs. Road Warriors



Rip Rogers vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert



NWA Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiners defend vs. The Fabulous Freebirds



Captain Lou Albano's First Draft Choice vs. Nick Bockwinkel's First Draft Choice



NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Ric Flair defends vs. Terry Funk



Fun Fan Signs:


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Chicago Street Fight

The Skyscrapers vs. Road Warriors



Rip Rogers vs. 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert



NWA Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiners defend vs. The Fabulous Freebirds



Captain Lou Albano's First Draft Choice vs. Nick Bockwinkel's First Draft Choice DQ/No contest



NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Ric Flair defends vs. Terry Funk



Fun Fan Signs:

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After much consideration and thought on my part, I have decided to bring my TEW 2010 diary writing to a close. I know that this may seem sudden. However, I really need to get focused on my college schoolwork as deadlines are rapidly approaching. I plan to return with the new TEW 2013 game recharged and refreshed and ready to write. Thank you all for understanding and reading.
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