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VWA- The Road to Victory

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What happens when a Swiss kajillionaire gets bored and opens a European wrestling promotion? Frankly, I'd never found myself wondering that till my old trainer- Randy Haute- gave me a call one cold Sunday morning.


"Hiya, kid. Sorry for the collect call, but you understand."


"Randy, you have any idea how much this is gonna cost me?"


"Heh. Don't worry, kid. Albert Thorp'll pay for it. He told me to call you. Seems you're getting a good reputation in your PR field."


"I guess. I get the feeling you're not offering me a PR gig, though."


"Nah. That'd be a waste of your talent. Albert might want you as his mouthpiece, but I can't work full-time and focus on the book. And that's where you come in, kid. You've got a much better mind for the business than anyone ever gave you credit for, and you're a hell of a worker. Also you have European blood. Consider it kinda a homecoming...because retirement and a real job don't suit you, kid."


Damn. He knew I'd been waffling on my 'retirement'. By this point, I was fully awake. My girl was too, but her tired scowl had been replaced by something that looked like, "Okay asshole, if you don't move us to Europe, I'm going to smother you with a pillow." And now that I'm on a plane about to land in Switzerland, I see her point. More of that modelling money for shopping instead of plane tickets.


Not really where I thought I'd be at 25, but here I am. Going from monotonous filing and data entry...to this. Being paid lots of money by a bored Swiss kajillionaire to book his new wrestling promotion and generally make sure that his shitty attitude doesn't drive away fans.


Should be fun. At least writing about it'll keep me sane.

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Came into the office today, found a list of names on my desk with the heading 'Prospects'. Seems Randy was proactive enough in making my first couple days easy enough.


This is the list entirely:












Seems Gunther Kinski, Jason Dempsey, and Xavi are the odd men out. Or at least the ones that'll end up jobbing themselves out to get the other ones over. I was a little surprised at seeing Acheron as a prospect, but everyone and their mother needs a good monster heel, and that's what Acheron is. Crap in the ring, pretty damn good in a brawl.


Moonsault Master was another odd sight, since while he DOES have a good moonsault, I'd hardly call him a master of anything. Randy thinks he just needs time to develop, along with the rest of the prospects on the undercard.


On the back, he wrote 'Hidden Gems':







Beauchamp and Byron might be a little pricey, but Thorp's given me a million dollar budget. This isn't hyperbole. I have one million dollars to sign whoever the hell I want. I suppose Beauchamp and Byron might be well within reach. Jase would be a good signing, if only to get Sebastian over enough to make a feud with Byron or Beauchamp more profitable.


The other two would make good additions to the roster, I think.



Renamed the European title. Sebastian is now our World Champion. Much, much more impressive on his resume. The European title has been kept on, this time as an undercard belt.

Got an 8 man tourney for the European title booked. Should be good.

Saw Griffin work out in the ring. He's about three or four years past his prime, but still can go at the age of 39. Should make for an excellent gatekeeper and trainer.


First show Saturday. Should be a good one. The three big matches of the night are below, and I'm leaving the tournament draw a secret until the night of. Feel free to predict your winners.





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  • 3 weeks later...

It's showtime, ladies and gentlemen! Live, from Bremen Stadium, the first show of the New Era in Victory Wrestling. Attendance was high for a VWA show, as just over a hundred people showed up for the first show in the new booker's regime.


First up, we had Albert Thorp come out and reveal himself as the commissioner. The move was well received and it seems that big things are afoot with the millionaire in charge. (28, E)


Second, our first match of the New Era. Landon Mallory took on Night Spyder in what was booked as the opening match for a tournament to crown the inaugural VWA European champion, as the formerly-named title became the World Championship a couple weeks ago. Landon Mallory took the victory in an eight minute match with the Springbok Ram. The crowd seemed to hate everything Spyder did, and the fact he was getting gassed early didn't help. Landon impressed, though. (20, E-)


Third came a short interview. Jasmine Perlot hyped the Wild Child's match against the new booker. It fell a little flat, but it did its job. (15, F+)


Fourth, the match. It was a short six minute affair that saw Wild Child take the win after a massive bump to the outside left the booker unable to beat the ten count. The best match so far, but the crowd hated Wild Child, and he was definitely off his game tonight. The booker looked great, and I guess all those rumors about him being a decent worker were true. (28, E)


Fifth, we saw Acheron take on Matthew Macks in an eight minute match. The crowd HATES the big Romanian, but he ended up with the win anyway. Seems VWA has something in mind for the big guy, but the crowd despises him. (18, E-)


Sixth, Randy Haute showed up and challenged Sebastian Koller to a title match tonight. Decent promo, emphasizing his contracted rematch clause. (24, E)


Next, Sebastian Koller came out to interrupt him. He claimed to be a fighting champion, and agreed to the match. (30, E+)


The next match was another quick bout, as Xavi and Jasper January tangled in another short 8 minute match. I like the fact that the new booker is giving time to as many workers as possible, since much of VWA's roster is still very, very raw. Jasper took the win in a match that showed both workers being protected, and the crowd's vocal hatred for Xavi. (19 E-)


Next came the advertised matches. We saw Griffin and the Modern Day Warlord lock up in the first semi-main event of the evening, and Warlord took the win over the veteran, which should solidify him as a threat for a while. The crowd doesn't like Warlord either, which seems to be a trend for a roster that's pretty raw and green. It was a fifteen minute match, surprisingly good despite Warlord's plodding style. A lot of that can be attributed to Griffin carrying him through the match. (33, E+)


The second semi-main event showed Cub Balowicz losing to Walker van Cleer in a fifteen minute match. The crowd, again, was full of contempt for Balowicz, who seems to be one of the top prospects for the roster. It wasn't as good as the Griffin/Warlord fight, and Cub's inexperience showed. Van Cleer did his best to carry him, but in the end, it wasn't as good. (21, E-)


Finally, we had the main event of the evening. Randy Haute lost to Sebastian Koller in twenty minutes, and they don't seem to mesh well in the ring, which could make for an awkward feud if this is where things are going to go. (32, E+)


The show's final rating came out as a 28, E. It's a decent start to the new era, and their popularity should increase. They are still working out the kinks, so the first few months may be a little shaky. Word is that Albert Thorp has complete confidence in his new hire, and is willing to patiently wait things out.



Word has come that VWA has signed a major new star, but are keeping it under wraps for the time being.

Ring of Fire have released Nigel Svensson and Jon Michael Sharp. Word is that Nigel might get a short term contract at the beginning of the month, and Sharp might get a look as well. Both men will fit in with that roster, it's believed.

Albert Thorp and Cub Balowicz came to blows, with Thorp the instigator. It's being reported that the new booker fined Albert for his part in the brawl, and it's more impressive that the booker didn't lose his job over it. Word is that Albert accepted the punishment gracefully. Whether it stifles his legendarily bad attitude remains to be seen though.


(OOC: God, VWA is hard to book. So much of the roster is just bad. Oh well, I'm gonna keep soldiering on for you, the readers. Because I'm that nice of a guy! Also, any advice you veteran types can give me on booking this unholy roster would be appreciated.)

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It's showtime, ladies and gentlemen! Live, from Bremen Stadium, the first show of the New Era in Victory Wrestling. Attendance was high for a VWA show, as just over a hundred people showed up for the first show in the new booker's regime.


First up, we had Albert Thorp come out and reveal himself as the commissioner. The move was well received and it seems that big things are afoot with the millionaire in charge. (28, E)


Second, our first match of the New Era. Landon Mallory took on Night Spyder in what was booked as the opening match for a tournament to crown the inaugural VWA European champion, as the formerly-named title became the World Championship a couple weeks ago. Landon Mallory took the victory in an eight minute match with the Springbok Ram. The crowd seemed to hate everything Spyder did, and the fact he was getting gassed early didn't help. Landon impressed, though. (20, E-)


Third came a short interview. Jasmine Perlot hyped the Wild Child's match against the new booker. It fell a little flat, but it did its job. (15, F+)


Fourth, the match. It was a short six minute affair that saw Wild Child take the win after a massive bump to the outside left the booker unable to beat the ten count. The best match so far, but the crowd hated Wild Child, and he was definitely off his game tonight. The booker looked great, and I guess all those rumors about him being a decent worker were true. (28, E)


Fifth, we saw Acheron take on Matthew Macks in an eight minute match. The crowd HATES the big Romanian, but he ended up with the win anyway. Seems VWA has something in mind for the big guy, but the crowd despises him. (18, E-)


Sixth, Randy Haute showed up and challenged Sebastian Koller to a title match tonight. Decent promo, emphasizing his contracted rematch clause. (24, E)


Next, Sebastian Koller came out to interrupt him. He claimed to be a fighting champion, and agreed to the match. (30, E+)


The next match was another quick bout, as Xavi and Jasper January tangled in another short 8 minute match. I like the fact that the new booker is giving time to as many workers as possible, since much of VWA's roster is still very, very raw. Jasper took the win in a match that showed both workers being protected, and the crowd's vocal hatred for Xavi. (19 E-)


Next came the advertised matches. We saw Griffin and the Modern Day Warlord lock up in the first semi-main event of the evening, and Warlord took the win over the veteran, which should solidify him as a threat for a while. The crowd doesn't like Warlord either, which seems to be a trend for a roster that's pretty raw and green. It was a fifteen minute match, surprisingly good despite Warlord's plodding style. A lot of that can be attributed to Griffin carrying him through the match. (33, E+)


The second semi-main event showed Cub Balowicz losing to Walker van Cleer in a fifteen minute match. The crowd, again, was full of contempt for Balowicz, who seems to be one of the top prospects for the roster. It wasn't as good as the Griffin/Warlord fight, and Cub's inexperience showed. Van Cleer did his best to carry him, but in the end, it wasn't as good. (21, E-)


Finally, we had the main event of the evening. Randy Haute lost to Sebastian Koller in twenty minutes, and they don't seem to mesh well in the ring, which could make for an awkward feud if this is where things are going to go. (32, E+)


The show's final rating came out as a 28, E. It's a decent start to the new era, and their popularity should increase. They are still working out the kinks, so the first few months may be a little shaky. Word is that Albert Thorp has complete confidence in his new hire, and is willing to patiently wait things out.



Word has come that VWA has signed a major new star, but are keeping it under wraps for the time being.

Ring of Fire have released Nigel Svensson and Jon Michael Sharp. Word is that Nigel might get a short term contract at the beginning of the month, and Sharp might get a look as well. Both men will fit in with that roster, it's believed.

Albert Thorp and Cub Balowicz came to blows, with Thorp the instigator. It's being reported that the new booker fined Albert for his part in the brawl, and it's more impressive that the booker didn't lose his job over it. Word is that Albert accepted the punishment gracefully. Whether it stifles his legendarily bad attitude remains to be seen though.


(OOC: God, VWA is hard to book. So much of the roster is just bad. Oh well, I'm gonna keep soldiering on for you, the readers. Because I'm that nice of a guy! Also, any advice you veteran types can give me on booking this unholy roster would be appreciated.)


Dude, you think this roster is "unholy", try playing one of my training games and let me make up a roster for you. The opening rosters I play with make VWA look like the European wrestling hall of fame. Well aside from Acheron. That guy is dreck. He is to talent what Thorp and Night Spyder are to sociability.

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Dude, you think this roster is "unholy", try playing one of my training games and let me make up a roster for you. The opening rosters I play with make VWA look like the European wrestling hall of fame. Well aside from Acheron. That guy is dreck. He is to talent what Thorp and Night Spyder are to sociability.


I know, I know. It's gonna be a tough road, but it should be a good ride. I was considering an ACPW or RoF diary but I saw that no one had done a VWA diary yet. At least Acheron's a useful monster heel...but that's about all he's good for at this point.


ANYWAY, next show sooner than earlier. Work was a pain in the ass last month. Oh yeah, and BIG NEW SIGNING. Feel free to guess.


Winner gets a cookie.

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