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MAW: How to not succeed in business without really trying

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Finally the next day. The day we head back to the locker room and I get to yell at a bunch of people. But first, a list of people from trades who are fatigued:


  1. Don Henderson
  2. Steven Parker
  3. Pete the Hillbilly
  4. Vin Tanner
  5. JD Morgan
  6. KAZ
  7. Air Attack Weasel
  8. Darryl Devine
  9. Snap Dragon
  10. Atlantis Jr.
  11. Dazzling Dave Diamond
  12. Ash Campbell
  13. Nichiren Amagawa




Right, so I walked into the room. Amber Allen was a bit less than her usual bubbly self, slightly fatigued as she was. This was not the "locker room" in the sense of "changing room," as I rather dislike lawsuits. Just for the record. Along with her, Cameron Vessey, Davis Wayne Newton, and Nigel Svensson showed the effects of last night.


The Blue Eyes Dragon and the Pirate were a bit worse for wear. But that paled in comparison to Oleg Dorosklov, "84.0% fatigued."




No answer. Ah, right.


Hugh, you can speak Oleg's language, right? "Central European which means nothing whatsoever"?


Yar that be true. Also, for the vague 4th-wall joke, what be the color of this text?


Tell him-dammit, you're not a pirate.


But that my family be.






Tell him this then sit down before I punch you in the face:

Oleg, you're abbout halfway to dead right now. I can see it, and there's no shame or mockery on you; you've been traded to some of the roughest companies out of all of thesee guys, and it's clear you've worked a ridiculously packed schedule. Take this voice receiver-


Hugh cannot catch things thrown half a foot to my right (his left) of his head. I lobbed the second one.


-and head to the infirmary. I want to be absolutely certain that there aren't any major injuries or festering microtears that would cause you to be heavily injured. That receiver that Hugh should give to you-


Hugh did not realize that as he was relaying that to Oleg, I meant for him to give it to Oleg. And not say "Hugh should give to you," as that makes no sense if he's the one talking to Oleg.


Given, however, that I needed him conscious-and that he also was a bit fatigued-I threw a rubber ball-yes, I found it finally-at Keith Vegas, who was nearby.


The receiver that you, Hugh, have, give it to Oleg. NO DAMMIT DON'T SAY THAT YOU IDIOT! This thing that you-that "I'm" giving you, it will keep you in the conversation. If you have any questions, Oleg, some of the staff speak "Central European" or something and they'll take down anything that is amiss in your mind. You can speak to me later. I'll have a translator that isn't an idiot.


Dammit, Hugh, don't call yourself an idiot to Oleg. He doesn't get the joke.


Hell, Oleg doesn't get jokes, period. He gets even.


And by even I mean broken bones of his opponents.


Though, curiously, he is a remarkably safe wrestler. His psychology is absolutely horrid, and his selling is kind of meh, but otherwise, judo is apparently how the real wrestlers learn their craft.


Oleg seemed to be a bit unhappy-again, "seemed" is...he's hard to read. He eventually left, though, so I waited a few minutes until I thought he was getting attended to.


In the interim I got my ball back. Big mistake, boys.


I want to apologize first for my recent actions.


Poor, sweet little Vegas, thinking I care.


That show was excellent for our size, excellent for a regional company. It could have been better, of course, but that is not by any of your faults. It is mine. Had I booked the Invitational for two shows, as we will for the next years, we would have had enough time to give everyone's matches a real story. Mind you, the opening bouts need not have been complicated, but a quick six-minute routine is far superior to one minute.


The room was in agreement, particularly Mean Jean Cattley. He wasn't smirking at me, which was good; while I respect him, I will so bury his ass if I need to do so.


I think the show could have scored 10 points higher had the matches been properly timed and our angles sewn a bit closer to the seam. But, again, it was successful nonetheless, so I congratulate you.


Ever wonder what the sound of a cheer being cut off by the instigator getting hit in the eye with a rubber ball is? I don't anymore. And Curtis is going to keep his mouth shut. Have a problem losing first round...I'm so close to canning him.


We had ourselves the greatest tournament in the history of the business; no one, for obvious reasons, has ever attempted to do what we just did. I feel that it was booked quite well in terms of the progression of the matches-ignoring the lengths, I mean. What I want to know is what you thought. I want to understand how your minds think. Booking a show, a tournament, is a more macroscopic task than calling a match in the ring, but there is some crossover to the talent. So let's see...Vegas, sure, who should have won?




Who should have won the tournament?


I, er...


Not only did I explicitly encourage all of you to make your own brackets-even though there was no prize, and still isn't-I'm pretty sure that you had to have thought about this between, say, when I announced this thing and this very moment. So who is it?


I don't know.


Wrong: you don't speak anymore.




Two times in one meeting. A record! I hit him in the chest, so it was more of a shock than pain, but...


Moving on, I forgot a caveat: don't vote for yourself. Seriously, if you do you're fired. As in, this woudl be your last day with us. While the atmosphere is light and airy, I'm quite serious. There are really only four people I'd expect in this room to have qualified, but even they can't vote for themselves. Pick your second in that case.


Curtis did not want to talk, namely due to eye troubles. Keith's an idiot, Hugh's a moron, so...


Valentine. Who should have won?


Well, since I can't say me, because I like my job, I might as well pick my brother here, Cameron Vessey.


Cameron smirked. While a good heel gesture, when I have the power and ability to almost literally knock the smirk off his face, probably not a good idea.


Interesting. Picking loyalty or friendship isn't a bad idea. Like father like son in that department. And before you interrupt, you're far more talented than your father. Hell, Vegas there is far more talented than your father.




Back of the net! Well, front of the forehead. And that wasn't a rubber ball. Unfortunate. He'll be fine. Maybe.


Friendship and loyalty is a great way to attach oneself to the more popular and powerful. That can more easily get you a job and, as with pappy there, get you a job you should not have in the first place. Good choice, Casey.




Altogether stupid, though. Sure, Cameron could easily move to another company; he's got the talent of some of the guys on tv right now, albeit the undercard. Only thing he doesn't have is whatever they're looking for, which is the most important part.


More importantly, though, this isn't a real company. I've said that far too much for it to not be in the front of your minds. This is a developmental territory. We exist for the world. So loyalty, respect, whatever, doesn't matter. Being my best friend, my best friend, gets you nowhere. I'm altogether unimportant in any scheme of things. Strong? Cornell? Eisen? Or whoever books the shows, those guys you buddy to. But friendship here, aside from naturally arising from any social interaction, is pointless.


Why couldn't I have won, though? If I am that talented, why pick Tanner over me?


Really, Vessey? You over Vin Tanner? Tell me, Cameron, for whom do you work?


Mid Atlantic Wrestling.


And Tanner?




And surely he, like you, is paid on appearance, yes?


No. He's got a written deal.


Precisely. He has achieved success. Had he won no titles for the rest of his life, never shown up on TV or Pay-Per-View, he got guaranteed money. Guaranteed money equals success. It means that someone sees something in you enough to pay you even if you do nothing. So tell me, Cam, why push you, the guy who's proven nothing, over the guy that's proven everything?


He's young.




He's young.


I heard you: elaborate.


He's young, I'm young; hell, I imagine about half the guys you had on the show were under thirty. You give one of us a win, that shows we got talent.


Talent shows talent. Try again.




It's not talent, it's trust. You give one of us the title, like Cameron or one of the good guys, like you think, it shows the world we're ready. At least you think we are.


Interesting, Huey. So you're saying that if I give Cameron, or Casey, or...Findlay, there, the title, they're going to be more attractive to bookers?


I'd hope so.


True. And ordinarily, you'd be right. I want to show you guys off, I want to put you in the best matches and interviews I can. Flaunt your stuff. Howeever, what did I say about the Invitational?


Shut up or by god I'm going to defenestrate your family?


Well, he was right.


No, no, the other thing. About how the Invitational was the only legitimate event we have, the only show that matters, showcasing talent across the globe, remember that?




Well, Jeff, Huey, Cameron whoever you are, everybody, pushing the new guy with something over established talent is a terrible idea for a real show. Real show, you end it hot with proven talent that can put on an excellent match. And Dragon versus Tanner happened to be match of the night.


Any other show, tag titles could jump to any other team. Put over some new guys, let them time in the spotlight.


But we're the tag champions...


Hey, you're the ones telling me to put over new people. If you didn't want me to listen to you, shut up. And, before I get a cavalcade of commentary, I probably don't want to listen to you, so shut up.


We got a show ahead of us, but for now, nurse your wounds, make sure you're healthy, and get ready to perform in actual matches. Thank you.


I left the room to a chorus of relative silence. Excellent.

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I would like it if you threw stuff at Oleg or Morgan and DWN is awesome in every way possible.


Oleg: I hate you Ricky he'd kill me.

Morgan: JD? He's no longer with the company :D:D:D

DWN: I keep forgetting about him when I'm trading in Canada; admittedly, he's not-oh wait, he is popular there. Heh.


And while I'm here, not in-character, I do want to said that I enjoyed the sparse predictions-not the sparsity, of course. I had already decided to give the match to the most popular guy, which was obviously Tanner. I did put over a few people due to comments, and I didn't put over certain people due to anger/CC, but overall, my goal was popularity = victory.


While I-character claimed that it was stupid etc. to push Hugh or CamVes or whatever, it's definitely not a bad thing if you're not being insane and holding a bajillion man tournament. CamVes in particular about as ready for the main event as AmPat is, anyway.


As for those four people who I (briefly) considered?


Mean Jean Cattley

Citizen X (who has 99 momentum now)


^The three original main eventers, all fairly popular and pretty dang talented.

Jay Chord

^Freakishly talented; not as over


In the few MAW games I've had, I typically give it to AmPat or Rip Chord (for the lulz) the first/only year I play.


Once we move to the next show, continue to predict, though it will be less confusing/awesome and much more realistic to the company.



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The most important question is if you dare put your hands on Jay Chord?


And did you try to use J-Ro for Alicia Strong or Belle Bryden?


I actually redid the day three times to get an event. I was hoping for something worth firing or a Chord malfunction, but oh well. I'll keep him at 71 momentum when the time comes, but I am so ready to fire him if need-be.


Don't have her, as she's hella expensive. I'd love to, though, for numerous reasons.


Wrestling-related, not storyline-doing-her-all-night-related.



FUUUUUUUUU also we only got knocked for...$27,494 once the month was over. We can easily make money if I don't pull stupid crap all the time. Also, I was going to make the Invitational paid by an outside party (/Rip himself, without knowing >_>) if it cost hundreds of thousands. But we'll see on that.

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After last month's fiasco, I was pleased to learn we lost just under $30,000 from the Invitational. Given the number of competitors and amount of written contracts, I expected much higher.


While Rip was a bit concerned, I told Mr. Parachute that he had only told me not to go into debt. We were not in debt. Relax.


Once I had left his office, I did realize that we needed to make back at least that $30,000 to allow next year's double Invitational, probably another ten thousand or so to provide for the second show. Solvency was going to be a problem for us long-term.


With a new month came new debuts, meaning we had some work to do:

  • Richie Riggins entered wrestling. By law, we have to hire him; the fact that he's an inconsistent wreck of a Peter Valentine with a slightly better attitude does not matter. I hope to can him soon.
  • Fuyuko Higa signed for 5SSW. She's a female Jay Chord in almost every way. In fact, Rip might have had a fling overseas, so it's possible in every way.
    Way, Jay's not a woman. Ah. Well, Fuyuko Chord Jr. would be incredibly talented and entirely unbearable, so I hope that goes well for them.
  • Donte Dunn did not get signed by CGC, so we'll pick him up. He's certainly much more positive, but terrible.
  • Pearl Moore debuted. The Irish wrestler is a distant cousin of the Italian manager. They look very similar. Except Pearl is a (terrible) menacing hoss of a lady.


Everyone but Hugh and Oleg are recovered; it seems as though they either work other shows, slowing progress, or they can't recover quickly. Unfortunate, and unlikely.


Currently we have quite a bit better backstage atmosphere, but I imagine grumbling will still be heard until at least...June, or July. Once all that tension dies out.


And no, I'm not giving them nor paying for their massages.


No, not Amber Allen and company; again, I don't like lawsuits.

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Unfortunate; I could have traded her to 5SSW for someone like Higa.




Finally the two workers with whom I had sent negotiations returned to me. The first walked into my office.


I respect your personality and appreciate your efforts at our Invitational.


I was pleased to be invited.


Though my roster is already a bit larger than necessary, I feel that having someone with your skill and personality would help the backstage atmosphere and in teaching some of our rookies.


If that's a contract offer, I am certainly open to negotiating. I think we can start at around $700. Is that entirely out of your price range?


That would make you at least an upper-midcarder. While you could easily tangle with our main event and produce excellence, the fact is that I want you to focus on the undercard.


Which means?


There is a high chance you are going to lose a lot.


That's what MAW is about; the past helping the future.


Precisely, though you're hardly the "past".


True. What is your offer?


Start at $700, you said, so where do we stand on that?


For 16 months I'd need a little more, I think.


How about...18 months, so 1.5 years, and $800-essentially the main event upon entry to our roster?




We had a few men for whom I had traded-or rather, sent my guys to USPW for, as that place builds popularity like crazy-thus he actually was an Upper-Midcarder. At least Jay Chord was as well. And the next man?


Let's get to the point: you were willing to put over people not in your league at all. That's better than I can ask of my roster!


To be fair, you did kill my popularity in the Mid-Atlantic.


True, and sorry for that.


Not an issue where I work, though.


So you're really squeezing me for that $1,000?


I'd be coming in pretty hot to your company, so, unfortunately, yes. I'm more popular than the five lowest guys you have combined, I think.


Maybe another time; or, maybe, I can trade for you. Much respect, but much regret.






Actually, I immediately, and amusingly, traded American Patriot for him. Only cost $800, so I got him for three months. Effectively.

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When applicable, Champion vs. Challenger(s)



MAW Wrestling Classic


Burning EXILE vs. as many people as I can manage to fill up time including Citizen X.


Oleg Dorosklov vs. that guy for whom I traded


Mid Atlantic Tag Team

Huey Cannonball/Jefferson Stardust vs. Curtis Jenkins/Riley McManus


Mid Atlantic Championship

American Patriot vs. Mean Jean Cattley

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~In my Office~


Come in, Xavier. Sit.


He sat. The fool.


I hear you've been creating some political alliances. Trying to get pushed or something.




Listen you ****ing piece of ****, I didn't ask whether or not it was true. I said I hear this has been happening. And know what, moron? I don't care whether or not it's true. I took a huge-as-hell chance hiring any one of you dip-**** XDW Quest crackheads, and the one guy, the one guy anyone appeared to care about, you're doing what I expressly said would be entirely pointless. Remember that?






I said that this company was nothing, a place where nobodies like you got to play around until maybe, maybe someone actually noticed that you had talent. Obviously, though, you're some sort of deaf ****ing idiot that can't listen. YOUR POLITICS ARE ****ING USELESS. I push who I want. Buddy up to me, and maybe that will work for you. Except trick question, boy, I DON'T PUSH MY FRIENDS! I push the guys who work. It's talent over everything here, ****-wad. Listen up while I break it down for your crack-adder ass: you ain't no Obama. Quit hoping for change. Now get your ****ing ass out of here. One more thing, one more event, one more insignificant miniscule mistake, and you're going to be the first guy cut. Understood OH WAIT LET ME BE A LITTLE MORE RACIST BECAUSE I DON'T CARE ABOUT SCUM LIKE YOU: I'm the pimp, and you're my *****. Today, you came home with no money telling me how you gave it for free up near the AIDs clinic. GUESS WHAT THAT DOES FOR ME, MOTHER****ER? Get. Out.

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When applicable, Champion vs. Challenger(s)



MAW Wrestling Classic


Burning EXILE vs. as many people as I can manage to fill up time including Citizen X.


Oleg Dorosklov vs. that guy for whom I traded


Mid Atlantic Tag Team

Huey Cannonball/Jefferson Stardust vs. Curtis Jenkins/Riley McManus


Mid Atlantic Championship

American Patriot vs. Mean Jean Cattley


There ya go.

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When applicable, Champion vs. Challenger(s)



MAW Wrestling Classic


Burning EXILE vs. as many people as I can manage to fill up time including Citizen X.


Oleg Dorosklov vs. that guy for whom I traded


Mid Atlantic Tag Team

Huey Cannonball/Jefferson Stardust vs. Curtis Jenkins/Riley McManus


Mid Atlantic Championship

American Patriot vs. Mean Jean Cattley



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You're fired.


WHAT? You can't fire me; my dad said so.


You're right, unfortunately. And after you held me up for a lot of money in you contract negotiations-which, by the way, I did not resign you-I'd have loved to get rid of you.


You realize if you piss me off here, that "simmering tension" is going to get a hell of a lot worse.




You wanna go old man?


This is your last chance. THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE, THIS IS OURSELVES...


Under pressure?


Your ass was.


I don't like you.




Yep. Strongly dislike, in fact. I hope Rip doesn't re-sign him.

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Live from Stanley Hall Arena, 223 fans, MAW WRESTLING CLAAAAAAAASSIIIIIIIIIIC!!!!


Remember how I couldn't fire Jay Chord? I could, pre-show, bury him and have Richie Riggins get a dominant win off a Body Bag pinfall.


Our second match of the evening, sans actual billing on the card, featured Burning EXILE getting dominated-but not buried-by Davis Wayne Newton, DeCipher, and Mark Smart. Interesting to note that though Mark was off his game, DeCipher was the weak link on his team.




The show opens with the Oriental glitz and glamor of Burning EXILE's theme music. But not the man himself; that'd be offensive, apparently.


He's followed by the heart-pounding bump-a-thump of the grandiose Keith Vegas! Yeah, not really much. Everyone hates him, and the fact that he absolutely dominates EXILE in route to a win is quite surprising.


Oh, but wait, it's not over! DONTE DUNN HITS THE RING! HE GOES FOR A PIN AND NO! EXILE kicks out, and we have ourselves another match. Though fatigued, EXILE attempts for a comeback, but Dunn bats him from the air and pins him in an absolutely dominating fashion.


The real stuff starts next; The Awesomeness make their way to the ring, Stardust dancing all the way with Lisa Bowen who looks...well, not enthused, but not unappreciative. They got them some chemistries, what what.


The Atlantic Connection, not to be confused with Rainbows, slowly make their way to challenge for the most prestigious tag team championships in the company. McManus glares at Cannonball, and they seem to agree to face each other to start the match.


It's a quick all out contest that sees all four men unable to really capitalize on the pace, unfortunately. Jenkins hits Cannonball with a top rope tope con girado and nets the pin for his team. Yes that is totally a real move.


Now it actually gets serious. A brazen Ukranian power ballad hits the speakers as the inimitable Oleg Dorosklov scowls his way to the ring. He's a gold medalist, y'know. A gold medalist in PAIN FROM UKRAINE! He is followed by Bulls on Parade by Raeg Against teh Machina. Bradford "Hands of Stone" Peverell from the great non-state of Puerto Rico eyes his challenger before raising his left fist to the heavens. It's hook versus crook in the...penpenultimate main event!


Vicious heavy-handed boxing against the technical masterwork of judo-kan. Remind me to punch Earnest in the face for trying to sound smart.


It's a quick-paced bout that honestly could do with a bit more time. The fact that Oleg catches about 3 hooks to the face is badass as hell, but catching a left hook and getting a submission with an Elbow Lock Twist? Choreographed.


Note to self: MAW is not high-spot matches. Even though Citizen X and Burning EXILE freaking tore the house down-Hall down-the fans were all, but wait, man, I don't understand teh flippiez.


Remind me to hire all of The Quest.




Mean Jean Cattley slowly, effortlessly, stalks the ring, entering and glaring like an evil fox demon thing that's taken over some teenage or something ninja guy who then has to kill his best friend or something that kills people to fuel his steroid induced mecha ninjitsu powers at the stage.


American Patriot, the grand beautiful champion, bursts forth in all the stars and stripes FOREVER HELL YEAH! BA DA DA DA BA DA DA DA DA-wait wrong song. Crap.


The two tussle about like two tigers trying to make one submit or get backdropped like a golfer. Inevitably, the champion finds his advantage and truly slams Cattley on his head with a BACKDROPPPPPPPUUUUUUU DRIVERAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNN god dammit Marvin.


I would like to thank everyone for their patronage. Your money, I hope you agree, is being well-spent. Ha ha, but seriously fans, if you will afford me just a moment of your time, allow me to show you exactly who we can afford with your money and our working agreements?


Little Nose by The Redneck Manifesto hits the speakers, and HENRY ****ING LEE IS IN THE HOUSE! The crowd erupt like if Mount Vesuvius was full of baking soda and charcoal. And napalm. And...er...shut the hell up Marvin.


NOW I BE 'ERE FOR THE MONEY! I'm here to kill and maim all yer lazy nothing champions! Let me hear you scream!!!


Pardon, Mr. Lee, I hate to interrupt your little chaotic rant-and truly, yes-but I would like to make it clear, Mr. Chord, that if this is an attempt to mock the truth and ability I hold, then this Citizen is going to have a few words.


Hey I'm a second generation bona fide champion in the making! The Hollywood ain't gonna stop here, and my daddy ain't gonna let me come home unless the Starr burns the hell out of all of you.


Rip, Henry, Citizen X, and Brett Starr brawl to end the show. Woo. Early data shows the fans didn't much like Rip being on there as much.

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Some notes for myself:


Until Burning EXILE leaves, I don't think I'm going to follow the matches very well. I'm burying him for half the show. He knows it, I know it, the fans know it.


What's amusing about that is currently he has a PPA deal with Hinote Dojo (I think). So I should be able to trade for him. This is awesome.


MAW does not like high spot matches. That is stupid; given all the talented and/or young cruiserweights in the world, for a developmental company to give them the finger is ridiculous. I'm changing the product.


And MAW is now Mainstream, slightly. Medium-ly. So we are not affected by industry changes and people care about our gimmicks. Sort of. Fans are weird.


I want to give a huge thanks to Ryu Kajahara, the god on the microphone. Not only is he only surpassed by Emma Chase, a dedicated manager, he allowed me to have a working agreement with Wrestling Engine 25. I give him...The Insane Heat, he gives me Henry Lee. Lee is ridiculously over in the States; with more Mainstream, his angles shouldn't bomb. Heat is a consistent, capable brawler, who has some strong technical skills as well. I hope he helps Kajahara's company, as I know Lee will help ours.


Furthermore, I appreciate very much Mr. Peverell for doing the job to Oleg Dorosklov. Given Bradford's lack of strong psychology, I'll instead move him into some high-profile matches to both help my company, give some workers exposure, and as thanks for his willingness to help others.


This is a good day. But was it a good month?

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Gaining a little over $5,000 is certainly nice, as is the fact that Jared Johnson should be joining us, along with Mighty Mo for a stint. American Elemental will also be hired; while he does not fit the status of a "rookie," the fact is that he is absurdly good and young, so he works as a trainer.


Furthermore, with PGHW touring, we can finally do some trades with them. Perfect.




Ah. We received Totoya Munakata for Oleg Dorosklov. I might have been able to manage a higher trade, but Totoya was the cheapest at $833 for three appearances.


I will not actually be using him. Oops?




I just obtained Steve Smith, who had resigned non-exclusively with 21CW. As I tried to fire Marvin, somehow everyone knew about my plans. Tsuki Kawamata, whom I keep for AAA/5SSW trades, said he was her friend. Dammit.






At $500 for 18 months, I can't be mad at Rip.




I signed Nurse Hope Daye because Calamity Joan, while in BSC on loan, made a team with her. So...sure, why not?




EXILE refuses to begin negotiations. Okay. Can I make him quit before he walks?




We did not get AmEl. Makes sense.




It appears through both TCW and SWF's rises in size that our roster is not yet good enough for the big time.


MAW Super Showdown


Brett Starr vs. Al the Hillbilly vs. DeCipher vs. Ricky Douglas


Henry Lee vs. Ace Youngblood, Nigel Svensson, Amber Allen, and Calamity Joan


Curtis Jenkins, Riley McManus, and Connie Morris vs. Richie Riggins, Jefferson Stardust, and Huey Cannonball


Citizen X vs. Burning EXILE


Mid Atlantic Championship

American Patriot vs. Jay Chord vs. Mean Jean Cattley

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MAW Super Showdown


Brett Starr vs. Al the Hillbilly vs. DeCipher vs. Ricky Douglas


Henry Lee vs. Ace Youngblood, Nigel Svensson, Amber Allen, and Calamity Joan

Curtis Jenkins, Riley McManus, and Connie Morris vs. Richie Riggins, Jefferson Stardust, and Huey Cannonball

Citizen X vs. Burning EXILE


Mid Atlantic Championship

American Patriot vs. Jay Chord vs. Mean Jean Cattley

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With someone of Jay's caliber, admittedly, a road agent is less necessary. Forget the fact that IT'S HIS DAD; he could capably put together a match in the ring.


Now the fact that he doesn't know the ending...I think I'll fix that.


You already know this "Last Chance" bull-**** is fake, since I can't fire you. And fining you is but a minor inconvenience, admittedly, as it's only, what...$125? I would burn it in front of you, but economically-speaking that actually makes the rest of your money slightly more valuable.


So instead, Jay, I'm giving it to a special charity called "my ass." The goals of the charity are to later give you said money for your paycheck. So, y'know, you'll have my **** in your hands.




Oh, and by the way, you take the pinfall in your match. Make them both look good, but you're being pinned. In fact, to not give away the ending-because you obviously don't ****ing care-for every time you kick out of a pinfall, I'm punching you in the crotch.


And when I reference punching I mean shooting with a bean bag gun.


And when I reference your crotch, I mean where your vagina is. Because you have a vagina.



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Brett Starr vs. Al the Hillbilly vs. DeCipher vs. Ricky Douglas


Henry Lee vs. Ace Youngblood, Nigel Svensson, Amber Allen, and Calamity Joan- Creative control


Curtis Jenkins, Riley McManus, and Connie Morris vs. Richie Riggins, Jefferson Stardust, and Huey Cannonball - Awesomeness is awesome ;)


Citizen X vs. Burning EXILE


Mid Atlantic Championship

American Patriot vs. Jay Chord vs. Mean Jean Cattley - 'Dozer is likely leaving sooner than later

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Brett Starr vs. Al the Hillbilly vs. DeCipher vs. Ricky Douglas

SWF always picks him up after 6 or so months in my games.


Henry Lee vs. Ace Youngblood, Nigel Svensson, Amber Allen, and Calamity Joan

Henry Lee doesn't need that popularity of his.


Curtis Jenkins, Riley McManus, and Connie Morris vs. Richie Riggins, Jefferson Stardust, and Huey Cannonball

I like McManus


Citizen X vs. Burning EXILE

EXILE ain't winning shit unless you throw it at him.


Mid Atlantic Championship

American Patriot vs. Jay Chord vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Patriot should be picked up by TCW soon.

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Brett Starr vs. Al the Hillbilly vs. DeCipher vs. Ricky Douglas

Henry Lee vs. Ace Youngblood, Nigel Svensson, Amber Allen, and Calamity Joan


Curtis Jenkins, Riley McManus, and Connie Morris vs. Richie Riggins, Jefferson Stardust, and Huey Cannonball

Citizen X vs. Burning EXILE


Mid Atlantic Championship

American Patriot vs.Jay Chord vs. Mean Jean Cattley

I demand you push Jay Chord. As the best wrestler who ever lived, he deserves every title at the same time.

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MAW Super Showdown at Stanley Hall for 226 live fans.


The show opens, in a dark sense, with the new hire Nurse Hope Daye facing off against Burning EXILE. It is a slightly less intense match than seen recently, though the slightly different crowd appreciates that.


Not a few fans in attendance would have preferred the Nurse to hook them up to an intravenous drip...thing than watch the match, and I'm sure that was meant to be sexual somehow but that's not how MAW rolls. The match was terrible.


However, a dominant Daye hits EXILE with the Defibrillator, a devastatingly not poor looking Heart Punch, in about 6 minutes to win.


Like last month, EXILE has no time to rest. In this case it's Dragon del Arco Iris Jr., with a weird accent on the 'o' in dragon. No, Marvin, please be more racist.


While EXILE does kick out of the initial fall, he never has a chance to fight back, eating a Dragon Driver '07 at six minutes to lose terribly.


But now Rip Chord and Henry Lee enter the ring, after the match, to have a little chat:


Henry Lee, one of the great hardcore icons of the industry, here in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. Give my regards to Kajahara.


I'll be giving him a pint of your flesh you give me the chance, Chordy. But I'm not here for that, now, I'm here for some title blood. 'Merican Patrot! You get your ass in the ring and prepare to lose your teeth!


Flanked by Citizen X, AmPat does come to the stage. But Rip interrupts him before the Patriot can speak.


Boys, I think you should look behind you. You see-


Jay Chord and Mean Jean Cattley jump the duo, before focusing their efforts on their main event opponent tonight.


Lee taught my boy a thing or two about fighting. Once you go hardcore, everything else is pretty much a bore, right Henry?


Yer ****ing right, Ripshod. You want a little patriot stain on the announcing chairs?


No, I think this will do enough.




Continuing what could be seen as a bit of a feud, The Mid Atlantic Connection team with Connie Morris to take on the old champs and newcomer Richie Riggins. The crowd hated just about everybody, but the action was fast and the hits hard. A Missouri Plough on Stardust sent the man's head into the lights, and a quick tag to Curtis Jenkins allotted him the win.



Henry Lee has a weird relationship with the fans. They love him, absolutely adore him; he's not that far off of Rip Chord in popularity. Give him the mike, he's going to hit it hard (when not dropped by other, normal people). Put him in the ring? Eh...he sucks.


It was a hot match due to popularity, but no one in the ring could really pull it together. Lee's background mean he wasn't as much on the disadvantage as we would otherwise expect, and Svensson in particular didn't quite seem up to the task of laying out the foe.


It took him time, but Henry Lee eventually had injured the men enough for Calamity Joan to be tagged in. And when she was, let it not be said that Lee is unfair to the ladies: the Asylum Buster he hit was no harder, no softer, than he would hit anybody else in the business.



Next match was a four-man free-for-all between, apparently, four men the crowd "loves" to hate. Starr was off to a rocky start, missing an easy clothesline on DeCipher and getting knocked out of the ring by a Hillbilly clothesline. With Ricky Douglas the strongest in the ring-and he isn't that much-the question was always who Al was going to pin. Mind you, get got hit hard by everyone, dominated, really, but a Southern Legdrop eventually fell on DeCipher for the win.



Apparently Henry Lee did not like being unable to take part in the pre-show brawl, as he took it up with Rip in a civilized manner. So the fact that officials, Hugh de Aske, Max Mayhem, Regular Joe, Xavier Reckless, Tsuki Kawamata, and Seiko Nanami broke them up was quite rude.


Rude like a chair to the face.



As much as I wanted EXILE/X to deliver, they didn't. Not to the standards that I wanted them to, anyway. They barely topped Lee's match, and these two are much more talented than him.


At the very least, the crowd wasn't hating on the gimmick, which was nothing. We still had a ****-ton of high flying, but so long as there isn't a ladder with "Jump off here" explicitly written on it, I don't get it. Whatever, fans.


EXILE, though fatigued, catches a break as Citizen X curiously is unable to dominate him like the previous challengers. A Flaming Anarchy does take it in the end, but X had to work for every point.



Contrary to popular my belief, this was an elimination bout in the finale. Chord and Cattley patiently waited in the ring for the champion, but they were dismayed when he appeared to not be hindered by his earlier beating.


What followed was an absolutely stunnign match, each man trying to pin the other after an early "betrayal" of Cattley on Chord. The pin froma Mood Swing was stopped by a low dropkick from the groggy champion, and from that minute forward, all competitors foudn the bullseye on their back.


Try as he might, Jay was outclassed here, a Backdrop Driver coming after a Mood Swing to eliminate the rookie. Attempting to capitalize, Cattley appeared behind the rising champion, but a swift turning back kick/thrust kick gave AmPat some breathing room.


Still hurt from before, but not showing it, Patriot looked out of it on an armbar, but he powered out and reversed into a Backdrop Driver for the final elimination.



Post-match, Chord-the papa-and Lee appeared to have made peace with each other. With Citizen X and Davis Wayne Newton, however, they did not. The affair was largely a shouting match, as the older men were wise enough and tired enough to recognize that fighting today would have been foolish. But next month?


Early data says the show was comparable to last month, with Rip featured still too often.

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