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MAW: How to not succeed in business without really trying

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Before I do a quarterly roster update in-character, let me address the recent predictions without actually reading them again because they're on a separate page/I don't care about any of you/*cough*:


Brett Starr vs. Al the Hillbilly vs. DeCipher vs. Ricky Douglas


I don't much like Brett, as he's a speaker, not a wrestler. Without pairing him with Chord (as I curiously have yet to use him), he's not good. No.


DeCipher is there for the Mexican trades, mainly, so pushing him in the USA does nothing.


Douglas is kinda meh.


Al is on a trade agreement, so I kinda have to let him go over the much-less-popular. Put him against my main event, hey, then he'll lose. AND LIKE IT DAMMIT **** YOU AND YOUR BROTHER AT THE INVITATIONAL!



Henry Lee vs. Ace Youngblood, Nigel Svensson, Amber Allen, and Calamity Joan


You guys do realize Lee's at 70 popularity in the USA, right? And he's on a trade. The only person he would lose to would be Rip himself. That said, with those opponents, I had hoped it would be clear I was wanting to rub off some of his overness. And I don't like Ace.


Curtis Jenkins, Riley McManus, and Connie Morris vs. Richie Riggins, Jefferson Stardust, and Huey Cannonball


I had the faces win, right? Since no one in here is particularly good/popular, it was more a throw-away match. I'm laughing at burying the tag champs after their in-character-and-not-represented-by-the-game slip up, but otherwise I really don't like Riggins.


Citizen X vs. Burning EXILE


I HAVE OVERTLY SAID I'M BURYING EXILE ADMITTEDLY THIS WAS OPEN BUT FUFUFUFUFUFU YOU WILL WALK actually I think that was effectively his last appearance with us, so...he will.


Mid Atlantic Championship

American Patriot vs.Jay Chord vs. Mean Jean Cattley


I like AmPat. He's got the bum knee, but otherwise I find little reason to dislike him. In my why-did-I-take-over-EX2010 MAW game, he was a reliable main eventer with 64 psychology. Cattley's the logical choice to dethrone, unless I trips up with X, but I can't blame anyone who picked him.


For those who said Jay, *glare @ Qwertykid* heh heh **** him. Hate his attitude, he keeps acting up, screw him. Sure, pushing him gets him stolen more quickly, buuuuuut I'm a vindictive jerk in-character. And in this case, OOC as well.




I'm not succeeding in what I wanted, btw; Lee has rubbed off (I hope) some overness on the lower guys, but I haven't set up the rookies in many training matches these past two [legitimate] months. i hope to change that, as plenty of guys are really near main event level. Like C-V-2. I need to use those guys.


That said, once I do change focus, we'll grow more slowly. In-character, that's fine. Out-of-charcter, that has to be fine.

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Darrell Griffin is unsafe enough that Rip said I didn't have to hire him. I am greatly pleased, as he was not only unsafe but also ungood in any way. Okay, he was consistent and sold quite well, a decent non-flyer, and some strong athleticism. But crap.


Then there's Amazing Fire Fly. Great charisma, a safe seller, a future star, absolutely ridiculously flashy aerial skills-which, by the way, are solid themselves. But, of course, he's terrible. We have to hire him, and him & Dragon will create the low-level aerial training team. Hopefully he's cheap.


Oh, right, and then there was


Syd Collier, sir.


Dave Coulier?




Like the dog?


I suppose...so, yes.


So you think you're more of a dog than Lassie?




Lassie. Oh come on, you know who Lassie is.


Yeah, the dog.




Collie, right.


So are you?


Am I what?






You're **** is what you are. Now get your ass in the locker room; we're about to have ourselves a review. And by "we" I mean the whole roster.


So I'm hired?


Do you hear the sound of GET INTO THE ****ING LOCKER ROOM!






A little over $2,000, so about $7.5 thousand so far, of the $28 or so thousand we're down. It's solvency per month, though not by much; I imagine we'll persist through the year. Growth might be difficult, and growth is good both for the stages on which these guys are seen and the people I can hire/for which to trade. Otherwise, we're in business.


But this isn't about me; this is about the quarterly review. I strode into the doorless room and stood in front of the unwashed masses. I hoped they were washed.


Old and new again we come to this day, a day for which I review our status over the past quarter. As you will come to learn, the first quarter of the year will always be offset a bit in actual knowledge due to the Rip Chord Invitational in January. Regardless, let us first talk of financials.


I pulled out a slice of paper from a pocket or something I had. Maybe one of them manilla folders. Like those wafer cookies.


We are down some twenty thousand dollars due primarily to said Invitational event, but we have since learned how to make more money. Our change to a bit more mainstream of product has of yet done little to affect our sponsorship money, so if and/or when I scale back the traded participants who are overly expensive, we will obtain a vast fortune.


It appeared I had their attention, and had yet to insult anybody.




Those are notes that largely do not concern you, however. So long as we have money, we will run shows. That concerns you. And for those whom I have brought into the company since January, the goal of this company is to get as many people onto TV as possible. I want Jay Chord out of here, Ace Youngblood, Huey Cannonball, all of you out of here. And especially you, Jay. What, you think I'm not that petty? No, you get in trouble with me you get in trouble with everyone. Maybe I'm making up this story about you hitting on your 16-year-old cousin for your prom. Maybe I'm not. Maybe you do sleep with a night light on in your squirrel pajamas. Maybe you sleep nude. Maybe your dingaling prefers to be in a male ass. Maybe I know these things; maybe they are baseless rumors. Perhaps the rest of the wrestlers will think nothing of what I've said; perhaps they will tan you. Literally. All you need is a ****-ton of Ultraviolet radiation, guys. Surely you can tie him down easily enough. Once people move onward, I bring in more rookies. This company is, in effect, a developmental territory to the world.


Yes, I am that smooth. And vindictive. Little **** thinks he's bigger than the company. MY GRANDMOTHER'S BUNIONS ARE BIGGER THAN THE COMPANY!


Some of you are not here to leave-though you can at any time. To everyone, I say take the better pay and better opportunity, no questions asked. But some of you are not here to learn, but to teach. Cattley, you're the obvious one. But Kashmir Singh, I brought you in as a teacher in two ways: you have solid skills everywhere but the camera, and you are a consummate professional. If everyone modelled themselves after you, they would be far more attractive to any large company. Make note of how he presents himself in and out of the ring; he does not offend me as a booker-nor as a person. But the booking thing is important: don't piss off the booker, don't get buried. Jay. EXILE. That's you two. And EXILE, why the hell haven't you left yet? I'm sorry, I don't speak lying ****ing traitor.


Some would call my management style "excessive." I say, yeah, probably.


In terms of show quality, we've been hitting mid-50s our last two outings. That easily sees us grow in size, and growth will afford all of you more opportunity to be popular. However, I have noticed a lack of "training matches;" Cattley's only played with the top of the card, for example. I will seek to rectify that in the next quarter. This means you ****ers on the bottom of the card are going to see some real action. This isn't junior prom, though, kids; safe practices, however, are still encouraged. Necessary, even. Because you can always abort a baby and been seen either neutrally or as a murderer; abort your arm, and you just ****ed over about 75% of your moveset. Think about it.


Speaking of abortion, I was of the opinion that


To end this meeting, I have yet to see much growth statistically for all of you, but given only three months, that is largely expected. As popularity is concerned, those that I have traded have seen the most gains. Again, as expected. If you work hard, I promise you that I will allow you to grow. Thank you for your time. And remember: Jay Chord has yet to deny that alcohol is in his bloodstream. He's 19. That's illegal. I will give any of you...well, Jay, I took $150 of your cut, and let's say that it doesn't get to the charity I referenced earlier. Say it goes to the charity "Someone can prove you drink, and you're going to jail you ****ing idiot. Here's a buck-fifty, informant."

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That's the thing. Your current in-game character and Jay Chord are perfect together. Combine Fuyoshi Higa and BURNING Exile and you have pretty much the ultimate locker room cancer society. :rolleyes:


I could trade for Giant Redwood and Peter Valentine. >_> <_<


._. Actually I think they're too popular. Valentine most likely is.


btw, a hint for the main event of Americana:


  1. Both men are on trades.
  2. Both men are Canadian.
  3. Both are over 30.
  4. They are from different companies.
  5. One is who I consider he second-most important person in my NOTBPW save; he is the rock around which I built the company.
  6. Hint: Steve DeColt is *the* most important guy, so it's not him. But omg I would go liek crazeee.
  7. The other guy is who I feel is the most under-rated top guy in default NOTBPW spoilerz.
  8. Hint: It's not R.K. Hayes, even though he hit 80 psychology for me. Also, he hit his pop cap in the 70s. So freaking pissed.
  9. What does the winner get to do? Uh...
  10. Uh...

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All I need is for him to drop the All-Japan title and he's mine. Either Willie York or Oleg Dorosklov to trade for him. Maybe they'll "have less value," but it's still a chance. And with Henry Bennett and UK Dragon in the works for a trading contract for me, they might just be able to pull it.




Granted, I'll have to bury him in a match he wins, but do I care? No.

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Does Burning EXILE even speak english? Or is he just sitting there looking at a crazed madman throwing painful items to a bunch of young man of various ethnicities in a locker room while simultaneously yelling loudly to randomly different targets?




I however really like the idea of running a fed with the sole purpose being to get guys signed by major companies. Making a list of the original roster and declaring victory once every single one has signed to a National or higher company sounds very fun.

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What the heck.


Westy and Erik Strong.



Nope and definitely not nope. Er, definitely nope. Erik Strong? Psh.


Oh, right. The second-most important guy doesn't start with NOTBPW. My bad. Westybrook's close, I guess, but think higher.


@Burning EXILE: Not even Basic English. But he understands getting buried. Oh, he understands. HE UNDERSTANDS!


Edit: Guess who I left out of the Rip Chord Invitational and who was supposed to be that second Findlay O'Farraday? Cameron Vessey. By the way, he's had 10 losses to date, and no matches with us. Oops? I think I've used him in an angle, at least. I hope.

Edit: Nope. Oops. He'll be somewhere on the show I'm totally going to forget to book him.



MAW Americana


Pre-Show I think?

Masakazu Kaima vs. Calamity Joan vs. Syd Collier vs. Jana Marie Bowen vs. Findlay O'Farraday vs. Jared Johnson (Double J Jarn Janderson, btw)


Bradford Peverell and Amazing Fire Fly vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Hugh de Aske


Henry Lee's last match

Citizen X vs. Henry Lee


Jay Chord and Brett Starr vs. American Patriot and Kashmir Singh


Premier Secret Main Event:

NOTBPW vs. Different Company guy

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Well, Five Star refused to give me Higa for anyone. Gals either didn't fit the promotion or didn't have enough value. Oh well; not like I was trying to encourage Satan to spawn the demonic child of wrestling's anti-christ or something.


I got both Bennett and Dragon; both are not as expensive as I expected, so I could end up using them. But I won't, probably.


And, finally, the roster has either Bowen or Hume assigned as a manager. Or Dharma Gregg, but she's on loan so I'll need to recitfy that at some point.


And Burning EXILE resigned to a short term contract, so he's gone for good. Or a few years.

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Oh ****.




Wait, he and I don't speak the same language. I want him to recognize that this isn't right, but I can't speak to him...


Firing him would be collosally stupid, given the immense trade value he has. Can't suspend, and can't "tell" him anything. Fining him-OH YEAH HERE'S YOUR MONEY AND I'M GOING TO FUND MY BROKEN ARM FUND.


Aha! I'll read him the riot act! It's perfect because it'll help him learn the language, and because fighting people is a bad idea!








MAW Americana 2010 in front of a SOLD OUT CROWD AT STANLEY HALL!


A scintillating opener as Bradford Peverell and Amazing Fire Fly team up to take on Davis Wayne Newton and Hugh de Aske. Notably, Lisa Bowen appeared especially capable of coaching the Triple Threat, allowing him to dodge an early Fire Fly crossbody to take control of the match.


Action flew as fists connected, bodies soared through the sky, and eventually Davis took a Dream Left Hook for a solid win.



The next match was a relative letdown, with many wrestlers the fans don't much care about. Kaima tried to keep things in order, but Findlay floored him with a powerbomb and shoved the Japanese man out of the ring.


"Double J" Jarn Janderson tried to stop the lumbering relative-giant, but an Atomic Spinebuster stopped that, and the match.




Opening the show, American Patriot andd Jay Chord brawled with Rip Chord and Henry Lee for twenty minutes. In an entertaining manner. SO ANGER! And no, the transcriptor isn't lazy.



Things heat up fast with the next tag match, the first of the official show. Brett Starr and Jay Chord already were fairly like-minded, but they prove in this outing that they also have a keen understanding of how to work a tag match. On the other side, American Patriot has already proven his stability in keeping to a fistfight, and Kashmir Singh, though rarely seen in MAW, uses this match to show the fans he is capable no matter with what he is faced.


One might expect Starr to be the weak point in the match, but Singh hits Chord with the Cal-Cutter out of nowhere. Brett's stunned at the impct, and Patriot flies off with a clothesline to prevent him from breaking the pin.



Even with a slow pace, Henry Lee is unable to fully capitalize over around 10 minutes. A bit unfortunate for the "Icon of Insanity," but the fact that this is an "Aussie Rules" match permits the use of weapons.




X might have the upper hand in between the chair shots, but that's in between the chair shots. An Asylum Buster onto a chair allows Lee, tired and bedraggled, to have a victorious sendoff from the company.



In the ring, Rip Chord joins Henry Lee to introduce the next combatants for the main event.


Well, Lee, that was a fine match. Excellent work, here, and you will be missed.


If I could spill me some more blood, love to come back sometime Rip.


Now we have ourselves a differnt kind of contest, Henry. You're a hardcore kind of guy; this is just some lowdown matwork. A grinding contest for the last half-hour, a matchup that honestly wouldn't have been out of place in DaVE, I imagine.


Not my style, but yeah, people broke some bones. So who is it, Rippy baby?


Our first man to enter comes to us from North of the Border Professional Wrestling. He's their resident silent assassin, the man they call JOHN MAVERICK!


John Maverick receives a decent response; better than our full-time cadre of merry men, to be sure. He checks his wrists, neck, his joints as he makes his way to the ring.


And now, his challenger, a man from Pride Glory Honor Wrestling, a man we have not seen in the United States for quite a few years, but you all remember him. He is, BRYAN HOLMES!


The third-most-popular man to enter a Mid Atlantic ring receives a huge uproar, and he aknowledges by nodding his head and raising a fist to the sky. He too checks his mark on the way to the ring, making sure that for this full half hour, he's not giving up any matches easily.


You said they could break some bones, Henry, so how about I hit the announcer's desk and you head backstage before things get too nasty. We're both a bit more than 40; we don't need any of this.


Agreed. Holmes...make me proud.


Lee shakes his hand before leaving the ring-and the company. Holmes nods to Maverick, who returns the look, and they hit their stances as the bell rings.



Bryan Holmes has a ****-ton of experience and style from which to pull; though more limited, John Maverick is a ****ing badass technician. He got pulled from CGC to NOTBPW specifically because of his talent, and that's with Jimmy Stone up there.


When the match hits the floor, Maverick's got an edge. And boy, Boston never looked so pretty. Or maddeningly painful Were it not for the ropes, Bryan would have dropped some half-dozen points to normal moves.


As noted on commentary, when you're this good, and the match this long, it's not the crazy moves that can pull the win. It's a snapmare into a seated sleeper, a dragon screw followed by a piledriver. Holmes lands a small package, but John kicks out. Angered, Maverick attempts a grounded roundhouse, and were it not for reaction times that somehow haven't died with age, we could have seen something like 20-0 on the match.


But Holmes grabs the leg, hits a rear takedown, and John finds himself pulled back into a brutal camel clutch. But this isn't any normal "evil foreigner" variety; Holmes steps on both of John's hands, adding to the ridiculous pain some crazy torque can pull. The Maverick has to tap, but it's at twenty minutes in so that shows some chops.


John's unable to capture the lead; though he's a silent killer, he's also a hungry assassin. He gets caught in a powerslam transitioned to an armbar, and in the final few minutes, Holmes puts an exclamation mark on his debut via a brutal STF.




Post-show C-V-2 win the tag titles from The Atlantic Connection while also facing The Awesomeness and The Aces of Mayhem.


dammit Rip. Why the crowd no like?


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Sure, the month I mention we've hit the mid-50s we hit a 68. And, of course, that's without a main event featuring any MAW wrestlers. Some would call that hypocritical. I say that we lost a little under a thousand dollars, so **** off.


And no Bobbie Dylan/Bonnie Clyde tag team for us. Lack of safety (and utter lack of talent).


Richie Fox has not been hired by a company yet. If the Australian would move to the states, he'd be an easy hire.


Also, EXODUS2010 opened, by Kuemon Hotta. I'll see if they'll play ball. I could also get them to go under. :D

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Right, lemme explain Holmes/Maverick:


I consider the Can-Am Blondes to be an upper-midcard tag team, though excellent at that. Were it not for the stupid Stone Siblings, they'd be an easy bid for the titles at any time. But I don't really see them as misused for me, so much. I'm a fan, but...they're where they should be.


Maverick seems to get lost in the shuffle as I've read people's diaries and conversations. Maybe I'm forgetting stuff, of course, but it's all Stones, DeColt (**** all of you he's the best ever), Bloodstone, and a little bit of Angel. True, Darky's also underappreciated, sort of, given his ridiculous performance skills, but in my thoughts, I still say he's the flier of the company. Cool.


Then there's John. I put him with Angel to make a nice Dark Maverick team, and he's a beautiful technician. But he's...lost in the shuffle. No entertainment's part of it, but he really deserves more, I feel. Dunno.



As for Holmes? Give me a second; I wanna see if what I'm about to say is accurate.


He's won the Canadian Title, the All Action Title, the Ed Henson Memorial (with Dread), and the Young Lion (shut up) title. Only thing he hasn't won that he could win is the regular tag titles.


Holmes was the guy to whom I gave a title when I needed credibility. All Action title wasn't holding itself up, the undercard sucked, so I stuck it on him. Young Lion the same way; I wanted to get it to start moving up now so that I could let the El Leons and Axxis Jr.s to really run with it. Again, ignore their age.


In the early game, before I got Jack Avatar over, Holmes really cemented the midcard; I was quite happy PGHW had to reneg so early. I appreciate the man's work everywhere I've put him; he's simply tremendous.


That said, Steve DeColt is more influential, and one could argue that Shingen Miyazaki and Hidekazu, by making the tag titles main event, also are more influential to the actual makeup of the company. Still, Holmes was the first big success new hire, I think.

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1. Oh, I haven't posted the card. That's why no one's said anything. I'm saved day of the show, so...heh.


2. I cannot navigate to Google on this computer. So...yeah, no gmail >_>


3. Uh...eh, w/e, character that ****.




MAW Old School Rules:


Shingen Miyazaki vs. Oleg Dorosklov


Curtis Jenkins vs. Jay Chord


Dragon Americano and Dragon del Arco Iris Jr. vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Mean Jean Cattley


Mid Atlantic Tag Team

C-V-2© vs. The Awesomeness vs. Citizen X and Findlay O'Farraday


Kashmir Singh vs. Kinuye Mushashibo vs. ???


Mid Atlantic Championship

Al the Hillbilly vs. American Patriot©


My thoughts, so that I can remember these things:


Miyazaki/Dorosklov, as Rip will no doubt talk about during the show, is a continuing feud, it seems, at Pro Wrestling SAISHO. They've pulled off some low 80s/upper 70s main events for the last...I think three times they've faced. Yeah. I want to see if they got chemistry or if it's all popularity. Because seriously, how can you carry Oleg to that?


Jenkins/Chord are both displeased backstage. So...eh, see if someone dies or something. I'm teaching people and vindictive. Yeah.


Double Dragon vs. DWN/Cattley is a match that should have the former team officially named that. Americano's on loan, but I'm hoping for sizeable results here. Triple Threat's talented as hell, Cattley's over, and Iris can fly. Americano sucks.


Tag team championship is about the champions and not The Awesomeness team. I think I'll keep it on C-V-2, but then again, Citizen X has been solid as hell lately. Awesomeness suck.


Heh heh...I broke a rule a little bit I think in the mystery challenge, but that match is going to steal the show I think. Full-time all around, though.


**** YEAR AL THE HILLBILLY MAW CHAMP ON HIS WAY OUT **** YEAR! What makes this not forgone is the fact that Patriot's just resigned for $1,500/appearance. If I bury him to Al, not only could I renegotiate for less money potentially, but the title is vacated. That allows for a tournament or something, which means lots of homegrown matches. Btw, I really don't want everyone to start asking for a thousand a match. That would make not having trades on the show the costlier endeavor. Costlier? More costly? Kevin Costnerer.

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Shingen Miyazaki vs. Oleg Dorosklov


Curtis Jenkins vs. Jay Chord

Cause I can:D

Dragon Americano and Dragon del Arco Iris Jr. vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Mean Jean Cattley


Mid Atlantic Tag Team

C-V-2© vs. The Awesomeness vs. Citizen X and Findlay O'Farraday


Kashmir Singh vs. Kinuye Mushashibo vs. ???


Mid Atlantic Championship

Al the Hillbilly vs. American Patriot©

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Shingen Miyazaki vs. Oleg Dorosklov


Curtis Jenkins vs. Jay Chord


Dragon Americano and Dragon del Arco Iris Jr. vs. Davis Wayne Newton and Mean Jean Cattley


Mid Atlantic Tag Team

C-V-2© vs. The Awesomeness vs. Citizen X and Findlay O'Farraday


Kashmir Singh vs. Kinuye Mushashibo vs. ???


Mid Atlantic Championship

Al the Hillbilly vs. American Patriot©

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Obligatory "vote in the DOTM stuff even though I'm not nominated and I hate everybody dude seriously I was running 4 FREAKING DIARIES and everyone hated me but wait wasn't that because you sucked no it's because my work was being dilluted due to FOUR FREAKING DIARIES well then what's your excuse for this one ellipsis **** you" post.


Oh right, Edd and Freddy being idiots and the Can-Am Blondes being Maverick's manager. Heh. I HATED THAT DIARY I HATE EDD STONE. ALWAYS.






Everybody likes Ingrid Bergman.




He's British, so I kept hearing pip pip cheerio during the stories. Did he ever work with Emma Evans...




MAW Old School Rules. Sellout Stanley Hall. 300 people. PLACE IS BANGING!


The pre-show opens with a long match between The Awesomeness, C-V-2, and Citizen X/Findlay O'Farraday.


Some of the guys here are pretty over with the crowd, and some of them can wrestle fairly well. Had Awesomeness not been involved at all, we could have had something stellar. They got eliminated early, clearly outmatched by everyone in the ring.


The yet-to-be-experienced tag team faces a monster and a monstrous momentum. Solid affair, with technical skills being the only thing lacking between the X/Findlay duo, but that explains how Findlay got caught late into 15 minutes in a Vessey submission. Valentine runs interference on X, and the submission ends the surprisingly good slow-built pre-show opener.




How do you, hopefully, screw over the careers of both Curtis Jenkins and Jay Chord without having them object to the match ending? Jenkins goes over Chord, but gets buried in the process. I'M A COMEDIAN!



No chemistry in the next tag match, sadly, which means I'm not going to invest in Double Dragon. Mind you, Dragon Americano pretty much sucks anyway, so it was a long shot. Yes, sure, prop up the new guys, blah blah blah.


In our first legitimate training match of...ever, the all-round threat of Davis Wayne Newton teamed with the technician Cattley to beat, hopefully, the high-flying Arco Iris and...that other guy.


Given the lack of ability on one side of the ring, quite surprising that they about measured up to the opener (not the Chord one). I didn't script the match-or had it scripted, I mean-but no one was calling shots on the fly. What amounted was solid wrestling, with the hot tag to Blue Eyes-I should call him...Sinatra, right?-being for naught. Mood Swing ends it.



Oh dear god. Um...so, Donte Dunn and Dharma Gregg fight Nurse Hope Daye and Regular Joe who fight Syd Collier and Xavier Reckless, who fight The Aces of Mayhem. Three notes:


Never run this again.

Aces of Mayhem won.

Donte Dunn was the only person who legitimately went all out and did not crumble under the pressure of doing that. I think five guys couldn't handle it, and about...five or six, I'm not looking, shouldn't have been trying.



In a lackluster title defense, American Patriot dominates Al the Hillbilly out of the promotion. Given Patriot's two losses, I believe, in Al's company, I feel this is justified. And, y'know, Al sucks. Though Patriot's a bit of a jerk backstage. Oh well...





Not only did Oleg/Shingen score exactly the same as the previous match-which is disappointing-there were a few revelations:


The crowd hates Oleg. I know, psychology, but still...

No chemistry between the two. Apparently Japan loves these men like Americans love breasts. Or something. Wait, BSC isn't that popular...

Both were heels. Oops.

Cross Armlock to give Oleg a measure of retribution in their feud. Which, by the way, I hope does not end any time soon; if Oleg can tear it up in Japan, I'm all for facilitating that.





I wanted the next match to debut hot. Not only do we now have a midcard title, the "Mid Atlantic Turnbuckle" title, but I was also debuting Joss Thompson to the promotion. Maybe less mainstream and their work would have been better...


As it was, same as last and before match, but with Singh, Mushashibo, and Thompson absolutely killing everything in their way. They called on the fly, slowly testing each other, each with a measure of dominance, until a Clean Cutter from Joss onto Kinuye manages him a pinfall to win the belt. Dammit.



Hm. What is our next event. Uh...well this is bad. I wanted Citizen X and American Patriot to have a little talk with Mean Jean Cattley and Brett Starr to set up a match for the next show. Which is...






Let's see.


Well, we got ourselves the main event of Summer Heatwave.




After the show, Rip Chord and the not-quite-debuting Joss Thompson have a talk backstage.




Chord and Dharma used too much, but the show was about as good as the Invitational.

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American Patriot has shot to 42 popularity in the Mid Atlantic due to extensive trades with USPW and TCW. He lost in the opener of Total Mayhem 14. HE WAS ON TOTAL MAYHEM 14! I am less and less dissatisfied with renewing his contract every day. Granted, now he'll be the champion forever, but...


Kamikaze Christian Vars is, surprisingly, too unsafe to hire. Granted, all he'd do every show is his moonsault from the top of the arena to the pavement, but it would have been cool.


I'd hire Mark Griffin if NOTBPW had passed on him. As it is, he's in a company with television and pay-per-view. He's fine. He's also not quite good enough to be considered a trainer.


We made a little under $2,000 last month. I think we can jump to the next arena size before we go under. I hope.


I have to think of some crazy hook to reel in the fans for "Fan Festival," so...yeah. They'll book the card or something. Wooo.

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I would make this in-character, but eh. Questions to answer:


  1. Who should Giant Redwood (heel) face at Fan Festival?
  2. Who should face American Patriot (face) at Fan Festival for the title?
  3. Who should face Joss Thompson (heel) at Fan Festival for the title?
  4. Oleg Dorosklov against: Silver Shark, Darryl Devine, or British Samurai?
  5. Keith Vegas vs. Xavier Reckless in what type of match?
  6. Should Jaime Quine and Amber Allen have a bikini contest?
  7. Should I use the other guy I traded AmPat to TCW for (i.e. not Mighty Mo)?

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