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MAW: How to not succeed in business without really trying

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Eh. He's an announcer in SAISHO. Might affect his ability to go there on development, but I'm not sure whether or not PGHW is actually head of that decision. Still, not the best idea. My fault, I know, but how did he do?


Miyazaki beat him. 82. Woo!


Also, by the way, AmPat finally pulled one over Al the Hillbilly in USPW same day that Lauren Easter's contract is up for grabs. Given that she works for NOTBPW, I'm not going for the steal. But I'm tempted.


A lot.


And in tomorrow's news-or today, of course, but keeping with my pacing-Burning EXILE beat Oleg in Hinote Dojo by count-out. 72. Uh...what? How the hell does he manage an 82 against Shingen and a 72 against EXILE?


Regardless, as we're weeks from Fan Factor or whatever-and I should note that I've had soooo much fan input-Fan Festival! Yeah, that thing. Few weeks out, so he's back to the Dojo.


And hell, I sent AmPat to PSW, might as well throw Oleg in there as well. They got Braun, Martin, and...****, that other guy, that are good there, so hopefully he gets some psych training. Martin and...Braun. Who the hell is he?


Morgan! JD Morgan! That guy! Heh, didn't I get him for the Invitational? Mind's going. Oops.


With all the fan input, I'm not sure if I can-or should-fit these guys on the card. Actually...one of them will. And hopefully he'll fit nicely...I'm being mysterious and foreshadowing something. This is why psychology is important in wrestling. You show everyone you're going to punch the guy, you punch the guy, you show everyone you punched the guy. LEARN. TO. PSYCHOLOGY!


RDJ turned us down today. I don't recall approaching him; I must have done it for laughs. Although if he did come here...he'd replace Rip Chord as our go-to guy for everything aside from Road Agentry.


Given that Rip's on written contract, that's not a good thing.


Oh, and R.K. Hayes turned us down too. Why did I do this?


If you're confused reading my notes as to when one day ends and the next begins, STOP READING MY NOTES!


Land Mass retired. Also, AmPat lost to Mick Muscles at USPW Americana. Perfect. More popularity for him.


It has just occurred to me that TCW (for example) cannot approach the Patriot with a contract while he's traded to them. Given that I'm trading him again next...month or whenever, I'm slightly screwing him over.


He's a bit of a jerk, so I don't care. Also I don't care without justification.


CGC made a pass at Jay. TAKE HIM DEAR GOD TAKE HIM also he'd do fantastically well in an entertainment-based promotion. Hell, he could replace Deeley in The Elite or whatever the **** it is, face off against Ricky DeColt, and do great. Deeley...


Well, I'd love him to wrestle for us, (read that as he's the best young technician in the world) but he doesn't fit the mold of what we need. He's already established.


I'd still steal him, though. No problem.


Okay, yes, there's a problem, but I'd do it anyway.


Isn't there a song about that? Huh na huh na huh, huh na huh na huh, huh na huh na huh, HUH NA HUH NA HUH, I'D DOOOO IT ANYWAYYYYYYYYYY


Speaking of, there goes AmPat from TCW. Rick Law beat him in a match I expected to be better.


Slots in at the Lower Midcard, btw. Good for him.


USPW, who recently lost AmPat, have told me to stop trading for awhile. Oh well; they sacked his overness a touch on exit, so not a huge loss.




In case you were wondering who the **** hangs out-sorry, hung out-with Jay Chord, that is your answer. Was your answer. Oh god, I'm burying him. I'm totally burying him.


Chord, I mean.


And yes, Joss makes almost twice as much as Jay.




Commence mission: JC walkout.






Who was that guy I hired? Lee Bennett. That guy.


Henry Lee. Lee Bennett is the man with the best driver's license picture in the world.


And so I made the trade. Woo!






Somehow I made Keith Vegas more popular. I mean, hey! I almost doubled Keith Vegas's Mid-Atlantic popularity!


fffff Garcia would cost one thousand dollars. He's incredible, but...**** I can't do it right now.


WHAT THE **** ALEX BRAUN RETIRED WE TRADED FOR HIM and he opened a dojo. That's actually excellent; he'll be a great teacher.




And that'd be stupid, anyway.


Holy ****! How did Duke Hazzard get almost as over as American Patriot?


Well, pending another brilliant fan suggestion, I'll make the card myself.

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So Jay doesn't want to work for CGC because he likes it in MAW? Oh, I think I have something to say about that.


Opening, casually, the locker room door, I put the card up on the whiteboard in the room. I then circled a particular match.


Hello everyone. Little change to the card, see. Jay? Yeah, I think Brother Yoshitaka should go over you.




Bury the **** out of you.


I know I can get 6 matches in the pre-show, and I think I can manage a full dozen if I utilize the post-show.


So for lack of mag-light in your ass metaphors that actually have a mag-light with "Jay Chord's ass" taped on it due to the fact-the lack of, I mean-that sometimes what I write down doesn't get saved.

It was a beautiful post ._.

Here's the deal, Jay. And everyone:


Eh, sure, I pulled out a huge ****ing mag-light with "Jay Chord's ass" taped on it. Written on tape, on the light. It's the police baton with hidden light blinding powers kind. Yeah, the like 2- or 3- foot one.


Let's forget the cursing, Jay. It's unprofessional of me, after all. This light, the one I'm tapping in my hand, obviously, is a metaphor for my booking of you. And your ass, where this is metaphorically going to be shoved repeatedly, is representative of your employee-ship. You still want to work with us? Drop the pants and bend over. You don't want to work for us? Then leave. It's that simple, Jay. And to everyone, yes, here, let me explain:


I turned and pointed at the whiteboard. With the light. The board has a hole in it now.


Huh. Wel, CGC is a company with both Pay-Per-View and television access Profitable, successful, CGC is an example of a company for which work is considered legitimate. Not here. Not the indies. It's the real deal. It's the exact thing for which I've been training all of you. Hypothetically. But Jay here-


Luckily was not the target of my accidental throw of the light. I was pulling it out from the board, and it slipped. Into the wall.


**** no it didn't hit anyone that would kill a *****.


I have another one. Don't worry.


Point is, Jay here decided to turn them down. Said that MAW was the place to be. Fact is, and listen guys: that's ****ing false in every way. Jay's too good for us. I've said that plenty of times. Far too much talent to waste a day here. A ****ing day. A DAY YOU MOTHER****ER!


Professional. Professional.


You think that being the big fish in a ****ing puddle I made by liquifying the **** from my ass is cool, Jay? Fine. As I said, your choice. I can't fire you due to your father. You won't leave due to loyalty or fear or I don't give any ****s. Zero ****s I give. Not one. I do not give a single ****. But I can, however, give you a ****. In the ass. Remember the metaphor?


I pulled out the other light.


You stay here, this goes in your ass. Metaphorically. You stay here, I will bury you to Brother Yoshitaka and every other cheap nobody we got here. You leave, like you should-again, LIKE YOU ****ING SHOULD LIKE I TOLD EVERYONE DAY ****ING ONE!-I don't do anything. ****, I'll congratulate you, shake your hand, wish you well on your journey. You're a success, your career is taking off...why would I feel bad?


Was not entirely hypothetical, but no response nonetheless.


Since I don't see you leaving, Jay, allow me to give you one more tidbit of information. This light? The one going in your ass?


Wait for it...


I forgot the lube.



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MAW "Fan Festival:


Jay Chord vs. Brother Yoshitaka

If you want to predict, guess how many matches he'll have. At least six, btw.


Tables Match

Keith Vegas vs. Xavier Reckless


Giant Redwood vs. Citizen X


Submissions Match

Oleg Dorosklov vs. Nigel Svensson


Mid Atlantic Turnbuckle Title

Joss Thompson vs. American Elemental


Mid Atlantic Championship Title

American Patriot vs. Henry Lee

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*pokes audience*




I got backstage, and I heard some commotion in the locker room. Upon entering, what a sight I saw:


Giant Redwood and Richie Riggins were at opposite ends of the room. Richie was yelling about some goddamn piece of **** Redwood was, prank me and see what happens, you're lucky they're hoding me back, etc.


The fact that no one was holding him back...eh.


Upon asking Cattley what had happened, I learned that a, quote, "mean spirited prank on Richie nearly led to a fight breaking out." Okay...


I took Redwood aside.


Now Richie, yeah, just calm down man, I got this, I got this...Okay, Redwood, what did you do?


I put photoshopped pictures of his mom on the Internet.




Nude photoshopped pictures.


O...kay. Yeah, um...well, see the thing is, I really wish I didn't know that. So how about I say, hey Redwood, don't do that again. That's disappointing. You can't do that.


I literally slapped him on the wrist, but very, very lightly. He got the point.


Okay. Whatever you say.


Woo. And now...


Huh. No developments backstage from that. Yes!


Oh right, there's a show tonight...




Live in front of 300 fans at Stanley Hall, MAW FAN FESTIVAL 2010!!!!!










First on the show was Xavier Reckless and Keith Vegas. Neither are men prone to noticing the crowd during their routines, and thus their attempts to work the crowd into getting hotter sucked hard. Numerous times a whip into a corner table was teased, but...well, these guys suck and no one cares about them. Vegas won in around 6 minutes, and...might as well have squashed Chord on the official show.



Now you want to talk action, put in the judo champion against the Wigan school. ****, even with Oleg's terrible psychology-even with the match scripted-and thereby poor reception from the crowd, this match still equalled the Invitational finals half a year ago.


Fittingly made a submission match, the two crashed hard in the attempt to chain into a dominant position, trading headlocks like it weren't no thang at all. Oleg's got the Elbow Lock Twist in his skillset, and Svensson's looking for the Wigan Wrench, I believe. As they hit the ground, still countering in fury, both men's arms got taught and twisted as neither combatant could tear away with an advantage.


Finally, a blistering ten minutes late in the match, a hammerlock sequence ends with Nigel in the Elbow Lock Twist. A counter-no, a pause...and the submission!





So yeah. Giant Redwood really should have just been in a segment. And this "match," this TEN MINUTE MATCH WHERE HE WAS EXHAUSTED, played more like an angle.


A double DQ called as Henry Lee attacked Giant Redwood and Citizen X, with Joss Thompson also hopping the ropes to drop a leg on the back of X's head. This should have opened.



If you joined us late, you missed a submission match. But Thompson and American Elemental shot that match dead with a 2/3 falls special. Creating thus far the best match in MAW from non-loaned workers, I believe, you have two charismatic stars, the champion just a bit more looking in top form than the challenger. But again, I don't think the belt would look odd around Elemental's waist.


It's a crucial fall, the first one. Thompson looking for a Clean Cutter to put things away quickly, AmEl realized that he might be able to get a flash pinfall from over-eagerness. Alas, the backslide was slid out of, and Joss hit a beautiful, cracking low dropkick to Elemental's face. Recovering quickly, AmEl was dropped by a Clean Cutter, and the champion had the lead.


True, the second fall had to be won by Elemental, but Joss was in little hurry to finish things. Taking a much slower pace, he preferred to wear out his opponent slowly, an armlock there, some turnbuckle strikes here, the pace hitting a valley as the masked superstar sought the advantage.


A corner spear dodge, Elemental found his opening. Well past 10 minutes, a hurricanrana on the turning Thompson left the champion out for a trademark Elemental top rope finale. Alas, this is the United States, and the American Elemental met canvas instead. His limp form was brought up for a Clean Cutter, and appropriately, the champion cleanly swept the match.



Lee and Patriot are quite popular. Both, however, have some body damage, and Lee is terrible in the ring-including stamina. This match was propped up by the recognition of the fighters, but the in-ring product was far worse than the previous match.


Indeed, the match itself faltered a step from the previous, with an odd count out win for Lee when he Asylum Bustered AmPat on the ramp, then made his way to the ring and sat down, watching his fallen adversary make it to his feet once the count hit 10.



With Lee in the ring, Rip Chord joined him.


You won, Henry, and glad to have you back. But why the count out?


If'm here for a loan, don't seem to sense that I be taking a title, do it Rip? No, leave him down, break his back, that's what I can do.


While I don't wish to argue, he did make it to his feet.


No, Rip, I believe I have this. See, Lee, I appreciate what you've done for the business. The "Icon of Insanity" is a legend in the United States, and if there's one thing I love, it's this blessed country.


/cheap pop


Lee, I would like to face you again, but I think you have some other guys you want to face while you're with us, right?


I beat yer ass so bad you couldn't stand, so hell yes, I don't think I want anything with you. Give me X, give me Cattley, hell, give me-


You want a match with me?


Mean Jean Cattley appeared on the ramp, behind Patriot, who turned to look at him.


Henry Lee, this hardcore brawler, wants a match with the Mean Machine? I suppose I should be honored, but like Mr. Patriot here said,


Cattley had approached American Patriot, and they stood face to face.


I would think there were bigger problems you could address. Lee, you don't want his belt? Well I'll take it.


Grabbing the belt, Cattley slammed it into Patriot's face. Though AmPat held onto the strap, whether fist or gold hit his nose, down and bloodied he fell.


As Cattley put the boots to Patriot, Henry slid out of the ring and went to the fight, shoving Cattley and getting in his face. Before an outright brawl developed, Rip called down some officials to separate the three men, potential matches clear in the audience's mind as the show officially closed.




Yay post-show! Jay Chord buried in a ten-man battle royal featuring as well Hugh de Aske-who won the thing-Amber Allen, DeCipher, Mark Smart, Huey Cannonball, Ricky Douglas, Riley McManus, Calamity Joan, Richie Riggins, and Jay Chord, listing in reverse elimination. Heh.





Lisa Bowen in the ring with a referee's shirt on. It's got the front tied in that stupid thing girls do but **** I see midriff.


We're done officially, everyone, but stick around if you want to see two women in bikinis.


Biggest pop of the night (not really). Amber Allen enters first wearing a RoyalBlue bikini, apparently, with about half of her gluteal muscles able to be seen, I suppose. And cleavage. That's nice. Then Nurse Hope Daye in a classic nurse bikini, the kind they always wear when playing doctor.


After going through the motions, THE BEST PART OF THE CONTEST I MIGHT ADD, Lisa Bowen does some physics.


I think you know what kind of physics I mean, btw.


Amber Allen wins, which causes Nurse Hope Daye to go on a rampage, ripping off her top and


Rip Chord and, unsurprisingly, Brother Yoshitaka used too much. Still, the best non-Holmes/Maverick show thus far.

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For those wondering, by the way, Cameron Jones did sign with us, and we made over $4,000 last month. Only February has beaten that, and American Patriot doubled his price, remember? I am very, very happy. Recall also that this show was excellent as well. This is a working formula.


And yes, Thompson Elemental barely edges into our second-best match of all time. Invitational finals is now eighth.




DAMMIT JAY! No, wait, PSW's fine. I guess. But who the **** writes this ****?


Oh, and we couldn't sign Devastating Don, not even for his massive overness.


Stealth pun...

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Waking up today, we have ourselves the grand opening of MAW Heatwave. Heh, opening. Not really.


MAW Heatwave:


Jay Chord vs. Amazing Fire Fly


Oleg Dorosklov vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Double J Jarn Janderson vs. ???


Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Cameron Vessey


Jay Chord vs. American Elemental


Citizen X and American Patriot vs. Mean Jean Cattley and Brett Starr

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MAW Heatwave:


Jay Chord vs. Amazing Fire Fly


Oleg Dorosklov vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Double J Jarn Janderson vs. ???


Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Cameron Vessey


Jay Chord vs. American Elemental


Citizen X and American Patriot vs. Mean Jean Cattley and Brett Starr

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Remind me to make a note of when he dies.


American Patriot is coming along nicely; his psychology has been steadily growing about half a point each month. Trades, guys. All about the trades.


And Dorosklov, for that matter, is going quite well. It's a point per month for him, but he's still absolutely terrible in that respect.


In noting that JD Morgan and American Patriot might have poor chemistry due to a solid, but unspectacular, loss at PSW, I checked my notes. Namely, the only one: Maverick/Holmes at Americana.


Maverick and Holmes are Canadian.

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Walk into my office and






Admittedly, 2 days before the show, so...eh, whatever. I'll take it.




Well, my hands are tied. Apparently.


I could offload a bunch of money to him so that he leaves happy, though.




Only would take around $20,000.


Oh. Crap. Now I need two more matches.


And The Succession suck now.


And Brett Starr has no tag partner.





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MAW Heatwave:


Jay Chord Kirk Jameson vs. Amazing Fire Fly


Oleg Dorosklov vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Double J Jarn Janderson vs. ???


Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Cameron Vessey


Jay Chord Acid vs. American Elemental


Citizen X and American Patriot vs. Mean Jean Cattley and Brett Starr

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MAW Heatwave:


Jay Chord Kirk Jameson vs. Amazing Fire Fly


Oleg Dorosklov vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Double J Jarn Janderson vs. ???


Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Cameron Vessey

Jay Chord Acid vs. American Elemental


Citizen X and American Patriot vs. Mean Jean Cattley and Brett Starr

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Saturday's worse, and Sunday makes me lose Fire Fly and Patriot. Give me a minute...


Jay Chord Kirk Jameson vs. Amazing Fire Fly Dragon del Arco Iris Jr.


Oleg Dorosklov vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Double J Jarn Janderson vs. ???


Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Cameron Vessey


Jay Chord Acid vs. American Elemental


Citizen X and American Patriot Alex Braun vs. Mean Jean Cattley and Brett Starr

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Card subject to change, kids. Subject to stupid idiotic not paying attention change.




For once, all was more or less quiet as the show began. No incidents, no games, no smashing people in the face. Good.




Another sellout at Stanley Hall, this time for MAW Summer Heatwave


Kashmir Singh and Casey Valentine started the pre-show. They're both solid workers, and they put on a solid performance. Nothing more to ask. Singh over Valentine with the Bombay Duck.



Acid is introduced to the crowd by Rip Chord. I don't make note of the exact words, as...eh, who cares?



Wait, did I seriously do this? Amazingly Awesome vs. The Awesomeness?


Well...Jefferson could do with a gimmick change, and while Darla Knight (the other Nurse) helped out Nurse Hope Daye, she's still terrible. Crowd hates her. And not Calamity Joan. I am so very, very confused.


Oh, right. Joan beats Cannonball.




Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Cameron Vessey to start the show. They did about as well as our opener-yes, this is the opener, I get it. It's solid action, a solid step below the RCI finals, (my benchmark for "good") but nonetheless solid. Interestingly, Mushashibo has some problems going all out; it doesn't seem like she has dynamic enough a moveset. To that end, Vessey hits a VESSEY DRIVERRRRRRRR to win it. Yay second-generation stars!



Kirk Jameson, not Jay Chord, took on Dragon del Arco Iris Jr., not Amazing Fire Fly, in the next match. Heh. I'm happy Jay's gone, and I hope Fire Fly does well down South. Neither Jameson nor Dragon should be able to carry a match performing, but I don't recall scripting this match, either. I note that here because I didn't see any flow problems from them.


I'm surprised they did about as well as the match before; it's possible Kirk's that popular, or it's the case that Dragon's crazy high-flying really pushes the match forward. I dunno. Cool that the fans like flying now, I guess. Kirk-Hold for the traded superstar's victory. And I just realized this could be a match in FCW. Might already have been, actually...



Rip Chord comes out and brings DWN to the ring.


Kid, you've got a ridiculous amount of talent. Hell, I'm surprised somebody up North hasn't already stolen you twelve times over.


Hey, I'll stay here if they can't see greatness. Maybe I haven't beaten the right people. Or beaten them badly enough.


I like your spirit, Newton. Tell you what; show up next month, and I'll give you a match that's sure to make you stand out.


I'm confused as to why you think I won't be able to do that next, Rip, but I'll take what I can get. Thanks.


Rip, a touch offended, exited the ring to the announcer's desk as the Triple Threat scowled and walked backstage.



Regarding the next match-it's the submission quad-threat-I want to make a note that I vascillated between scripting and calling the match-rather, having the workers call it on the fly. I expected our mystery guest and Newton to get a slight bump from their expertise, then Jarn-god, it's Jared Johnson. Who came up with his name? Jarn and Oleg would be penalized.


As I check Rip's notes, it appears Jarn-I'm going to kill someone-and Oleg were penalized, with no bonuses from the other two. Now then:


Jarn made his way to the ring, yay, he's the new guy. DWN made his way the the ring; nobody likes you because you seem to be a bit of a jerk. Oleg came to the ring; nobody said a work because he'd kill them. Then...




Spoilers, since I don't care about the match, but eliminations were DWN, Jarn, then Oleg. Of course Kunomasu won. Why?


Not only is he ridiculously popular in the USA-fourth to Rip, Holmes (who left, btw), and Henry Lee in that order. So not only is he ridiculously popular, and not only is he ridiculously talented, it's how he's talented that matters.


He's a fantastic technician, a better all-around worker than Oleg in that respect. But, but wait, he's THE LORD OF STRONG STYLE.






The Lord is not a good brawler in general-he's competent about like a rookie specializing in brawling. But ****, you tell him to play puroresu, he's magnificent. You want hard hits? **** you. You want some stiff-as-hell strikes, painful chops, elbows to the ****ing face? He is freaking peerless. It's magical.


But wait, no no no, not done. Not done at all.


How many guys have an arm submission? Of the "technicians" in the world, I'd say...maybe 10, 15%. Head's an easy target what with all the sleepers etc. in the world, and the torso...well, as a finishing move, not as common, but everyone does an abdominal stretch. Combine torso and legs with all the crabs and locks and cloverleaves and Minestrone Drivers (that last one is fake), legs and torso get really popular. But arms? Hell of a lot of armbars and locks, true, but Kunomasu's unique.




Kunomasu Armbar Takedown. His "Special" Takedown. Knee Drives. Arm Wrecker. Heat Seeker. THE KUNOMASU DIVE BOMBER IS A TOP ROPE MOVE ON THE ARM. TOP ROPE. TO THE ARM. WHAT THE HELL!


And he's got two variant finishers, a rolling and regular vice, ON THE ARM.


God. It's...it's not just puro stuff, which is cool as hell, but it's a totally different worldview to wrestling. It's crazy. Stone doesn't do that much leg damage, even with his submissions. Sure, there's the Ankle Barrage and Stomps, but NO TOP ROPE MOVE HELL NO!


Oh, yeah, he won. I said that already, right? Uh...submissions etc. Who cares anymore?



We follow with the tag match, and it fell a bit flat. Switch the order, we're fine. Granted, we're fine anyway, yet here I digress. Which I totally didn't do just a second ago :rolleyes:


Starr and Cattley do not work well together; I don't mean they fought, as they both play pretty jerky guys, but the tags were off. It's something so simple to tag teaming, yet it's fundamental. Entirely fundamental. And simplicity isn't always easy, as they showed. Hit the guy's hand, there you go. Mistime it, misjudge the distance...it looks stupider than missing a dropkick. You can cover for that saying the opponent moved, the guy's been rattled, whatever, but a tag? Come on, man.


So I don't blame them, and the match was still stellar regardless. Braun's still in fine form, regardless of his retirement, so I let him really work out the guys out there.


Yet again, nobody received a bonus from their psychology. Starr dragged it down. O...kay? Whatever. Braun over Starr, as I want the retiree to have a fine sendoff without screwing over Cattley.


Big question is where X goes from here. That DWN match teased earlier? Possibly...



Oh. Heh. Post-match Citizen X challenged Joss Thompson for the title at BATTLE FOR THE MID ATLANTIC or whatever the closest named thing to that is. I checked before we started :D Again, with the simplicity of the thing (Give me match blargh), no need to write the words.



****. How the **** did I forget Acid/American Elemental was on last? I kept expecting the post-show battle royal, and then **** YOU BRAIN STEAL THE ****ING SHOW LIKE YOU BOOKED IT HAHAHAHAHAHA!


It doesn't really count, as Acid's hella popular-not sure if he's Kunomasu-level or a step down-and thus skews things upward. But **** counting, they...




Okay, Kunomasu is this arm technician strong style guy, right? Acid is the eminent name on indy aerial wrestling. PERIOD. He deserves to be somewhere other than WLW, or WLW better hit National. He is ****ing ridiculous as a performer and he's excellent in the air. AmEl's also talented in performing and aerial work, just...he's lesser than Acid. Younger, too, and...


**** it, who cares? Watch the match!


Both knew the others' abilities from the brief time AmEl toured in WLW, so they circled initially before a crazy legsweep from Elemental caught a feinting Acid. And then things took off.


Cruisers (general term, not that style; I think both are Japanese Juniors, actually) are weird to "slow build". The style is, by its nature, fast-paced. If you slow it down, it's splash, rest, splash, rest, springboard, etc. These two pulled it off because they don't have to rest. So it's constant motion, slowly building in difficulty and craziness.


You want that Elemental Wind Sprint whatever the **** that thing he does is? Took him about 8 minutes to bust it out, and Acid dodged it. Springboard moonsault, Elemental rolls, Acid lands on his feet. GERMAN SUPLEEEEEXXXXXXXXX but no! Rolled through and a dropkick!


Acid goes up top, hits a move, no pinfall. Elemental grounds him, goes for a magistral, no dice. Movement and movement, faster and stronger, until a Tiger Bomb-what the hell, man!- plants American Elemental, and Acid hits an Acid Rain Bomb to finally, and I do mean breathlessly finally, end the match. He won, but hell, I'm pretty **** sure AmEl's going to get accolades on that one too.




Who's in the Battle Royal?

Curtis Jenkins, Donte Dunn, Findlay O'Farraday, Hugh de Aske, Jana Marie Bowen, Keith Vegas, Max Mayhem, Nurse Darla Knight, Nurse Hope Daye (oops?), and Riley McManus.



Use people that hadn't been seen in awhile so they don't get mad.


Intended winner?

I didn't tell this to Rip, but I had intended Findlay to win.


Final four?

McManus, Vegas, Findlay, and Hugh.



Hugh, over Findlay. Eh...oops?


Ouch. Rip and Davis used too much, and our angles were worse than the main event.


Wait, main event was...oh.



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Now this is a fun way to start the day...


TCW have finally hit Global status. This cements them as the second-most important and influential company in the world. I see them gaining influence on SWF in a few months, which means that workers-like mine-will soon prefer Cornell to Eisen.


With that in mind, from a business perspective I don't see Supreme dropping off for years. They have such a huge lead in popularity worldwide over TCW that...well, it would take years to change that.


What else...ah! Acid might be taken by TCW or GCG (touring, though) soon. Since he's not part of the roster officially, I don't care about that. And I get the trade regardless of where he works, so two more shows of Mr. Cheapshot.


Okay, I do care, inasmuch that Acid in TCW isn't going to trade cheap. WLW? Cheap as candy.


Speaking of lies, apparently, we lost a little bit more than we made last month. Er...well, forget that it's August right now, and that sentence makes sense. I need to not use AmPat again, if I can manage. Well...put him on vacation. YAY PROBLEM SOLVED!



New guys:

-Remmy Honeyman: YES. Never a star, and he's old for a rookie, but YES. He'll be a midcarder that I'll love. He's here to replace C-V-2. And he'll be with Janderson I imagine.


-Buzz Reid: ****, I have to hire him because Rip won't let me not hire him. He has literally nothing going for him. Remmy's got some popularity on him; Buzz has meh. Buzz's consistency, his standout performance ability, sucks. That score, sub-70, makes me cry about Newton. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON! And his menace is about the same level...it's...god.


-Morgan Malone: I like him. He's 17, which is the youngest people bust into the business nowadays, and he's got some all-round potential. He sucks right now, a lot, but-okay, he's better than Buzz Aldrin up there. So...yeah.


Rumored to have the catchphrase "The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be," btw.




Rafael Crespo is a talented 19-year-old Mexican wrestler. What the **** guys?




The Masked Mauler (among others the past few days) is retiring. Not good psychology, but otherwise the perfect jobber.


For those playing at home, by the way, no, TCW has not dropped any of its stars to us. Like RDJ and Bryan Vessey, for example. Nor has Squeeky McClean et. al. made the jump.



Ah. I can't give AmPat time off. Oops. He needs it; him and Dorosklov are fatigued at the moment. Oops?



Malone's with us. Honeyman is, though he's a bit overpaid. Popularity puts him at midcard, but...eh, whatever, right? Silver Shark (leaving WLW, allegedly) wanted a downside, so **** you. Reid, sigh, is onboard. And I believe that's everyone. I've switched AmPat and Oleg temporarily to the other brand so they don't get pissed at my giving them a month off.


Yes, the champion has a month off.


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EX2010 is going under; they're dropping some people. Okay, it's a stretch, but...


TCW hired Acid to a PPA agreement? Uh...






Shunsuke Asuhara is by far EX2010's biggest loss, as the guy is magic on the microphone. He's...he's almost at the level of Ryu Kajahara.




So he "changed his status" to a wrestler, or a commentator, or a manager. Hopefully WLW or someone pick him up.






Into the annals of time I walked, to the grand stage of the locker room once more.


To be honest, it hadn't been that bad for months now. Jay was a jerk, sure, but he didn't cause so much trouble as to outweigh the cacophony of influences I had hired to keep an eye over things.


Yes, that was why I traded people. For locker room etiquette.


Upon entry, everyone sat in rapt attention, fearing the brick that I held in my pocket. I did nothing to dispel the rumor, even though it was only a sandwich.


Apparently I was wrong about Jay. After showing a bit of interest in him, Canadian Golden Combat no longer wants to hire Mr. Chord. Either they don't like being shot down, or they realize Jay's a jerk. Or they hate me. Which one is it, Fire Fly?


I barely es understand you, esse.


**** you you're a dog, Lassie!


Insolence is not tolerated in my house, nor in my locker room. Were it not for his mask, Fire Fly would be BLINDED BY THE LIIIIIIIIIGHT...


I threw a model car at him. Stealth puuuuuuuunnnnnn.


We've had a ton of people come and go, but no one's stepped up to the challenge of getting on the big stage. Some of that is my fault; by parading around those already successful, I don't allow you nothings to showcase yourselves. Like you...Morgan.


Me, sir?


Yeah, you. When's the last time you were on the show?


I just got hired here, sir, so-


He did not have a mask. I'm assuming he blinked, but once he fell backward, I couldn't see his face. Eh. Maybe someone will trip on the cars now. Way to be ****ing cognizant, guys.


"No," was the answer. Not blah blah something.


Now then, I've adjusted the last show to accomodate people being on trades and such things, but this month, that ain't happening. No more trades for awhile, and American Patriot? Oleg?




Dammit, Hugh, tell Oleg that he's off for a month.


But we be paid by the hour, yar.


I'ma pay you by the shoving this sandwich up your ass, Hugh. I don't care; I've switched them to the "Touring" brand, so they aren't required to be on the show. Tell him.


Ye can't be thinkin' o' a better way to say that?




Oh for fu



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MAW The Battle Of The Mid Atlantic Bulge In My Pants


Amazing Fire Fly/Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. vs. Buzz Reid/Jarn Janderson vs. Riley McManus/Curtis Jenkins vs. Amber Allen/Xavier Reckless


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles

C-V-2 vs. Hello Nurse! vs. The Awesomeness vs. Syd Collier/Cameron Jones


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Remmy Honeyman


Mean Jean Cattley vs. ??? vs. ???


Mid Atlantic Turnbuckle Title

Joss Thompson vs. Citizen X

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OOC: Assuming he signs, I'll edit his contract with me to run out in a day, then make his TCW contract written. And maybe bump it up a thousand to make it somewhat realistic, I guess.






Told you.


OOC again: I could make AmPat not have his trade contracts, but I'll let those run out as normal, then make him TCW written.

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Well, if nobody likes this diary enough to post anything, the only answer is to CHARGE AHEAD YEAHHHHHH






*waves him off*


And not just because I can't talk to him DOHOHOHO




MAW The Battle Of The Mid Atlantic sells out Stanley Hall!


Ace Youngblood and Regular Joe start us off against Richie Riggins and Morgan Malone. Mainly this was a match to get some guys that no one had seen in awhile some practice, and also Morgan. Heh. Such a great debut...


Notes from this forgetful match are that Riggins sucks and the managers did well.



Our three most charismatic stars talked a bit about their conquests; Thompson and X focused on their match tonight, and Starr focused on...






Davis Wayne Newton and Remmy Honeyman start the show official with a match just barely off the Invitational finals. Honeyman's already got some solid popularity, and Newton's been waiting for a chance to prove himself for...months, now.


And I don't think he did.


Was it a great performance? Sure. And it's possible this should have gone second-last. But Newton's supposed to be the Next Big Thing. He's got all the stylistic talent you could want-and it showed, as combination strikes dropped the debutant, opening up a springboard moonsault that, when not netting the pin, opened Remmy to an armbar.


Newton's got the style down, he's got the pipes, but...I dunno. It wasn't consistency, though that has plagued him curiously in the past. They went all out, fast as hell, rushing to slam the other out for three. And yet...


Honeyman's job has been, and will be, to be the base of a match. Follow the opponent, keep the flow, let them be as good or terrible as they can be. And this was the case; Newton's offense hit hard, and at times Remmy seemed completely out of it. When he launched an offense, it was clearly sub-Davis's standard, but showed efficacy. No problems there.


But Newton...part of it's my fault, in that his gimmick is terrible. I don't remember what it is, but it's detracting from him. Part of it might be his own lack of popularity, that he's a Next Big Thing, not The Big Thing. But I'd expect Honeyman's popularity to make up for that, and the fact that Davis couldn't seize the opportunity to best the Invitational finals-where, I add, multiple matches for both participants had already drained them-it troubles me. His future...troubles me.


Nevertheless, a Fisherman's Suplex ends an excellent opening bout.



Okay, here's my point: Amazing Fire Fly and Dragon del Arco Iris Jr. have flying down to an art. Great skill in jumping, but not performing. Buzz Reid sucks, but Jarn Janderson's a capable technician (again, not a performer; no one was). The Atlantic Connection is kinda meh, and Xavier Reckless/Amber Allen actually provided a nice contrast (albeit, one without any notable chemistry.


This should have, and was, been a decent match, something to let everyone run around and show off a bit.


But why was it only a step below the opener? A step is significant, sure, but most of these guys didn't have the raw skill to go all out, so...shouldn't those penalties have killed them? Rather, shouldn't that have implied that Newton would have scored significantly better? I didn't tell him and Remmy to go all out, but still...


Wait, what? Buzz Reid and Janderson won? What the hell was I thinking?



There we go! Next match, another four-way tag, sucked like hell, but I am much more excited. C-V-2 got some more experience in the road to another defense-as I'm sure everyone expected. The Nurse duo, while having an utter lack of talent, do have excellent chemistry. ****. Yes.


Stardust dropped from "Rock God" or whatever to "Teen Idol," and that went well. Awesomeness are also devoid of talent (Huey was mistiming some things tonight, as well), but their experience will keep them as hopefully cheap undercarders. (until if/when they improve, hopefully...) So it's a solid match from them.


Syd Collier and Cameron Jones have poor gimmicks, apparently, but otherwise did nothing of note. Given that they're both rookies...not an issue.


So yes, the match was terrible, predictable, the champs retained and no one was happy, but I see a lot of promise. Most pleased.



Citizen X challenges Joss Thompson for the title. Perhaps my standards are a bit too high, but this did outdo the finals; I dunno what to think.


Thompson plays a weird sort of heel, especially contrasting X's face. Citizen X is an anarchist, or is supposed to be, but he's more emphasizing free thought at the moment. Good job, hippies. So Thompson, with his "Clean Cutter" finisher, plays a to-the-point, duty-based ethicist.


Or, since this is wrestling and not philosophy, he's there to get paid, to do well, and to succeed. Could be a face, but he's not acting like he wants to be liked (and thus isn't).


X has questionable stamina, a fact that continues to bother me, but otherwise he kept the champion off-center for much of the match by coming from a higher angle than what Joss expected. For his effort, counters did succeed on occasion, with Joss stopping a crossbody with a brillaint neckbreaker. Love those moves.


As X tired, Joss saw the opportunity to take things up a notch, and the Clean Cutter was preceded with a soaring enziguri for the defense.





The triple threat match was for the vacated title. I wanted something better than the semi-main. Eh.


Des Davids and Erik Strong (hey, you) got a rare use on their trades, taking on the resident Machine, The Jean Cattley. It's a match of-well, actually, we got the fun triangle here. Des is a brawler, Erik a flyer, and Cattley the technician. That also was the order of precedence; the brawler catches the flyer, who floors the technician, who neutralizes the brawler.


It was a fun, if lackluster (in my thoughts) affair, with Cattley keeping an eye on Strong throughout. This did mean that Davids showed more dominance than he probably should have, but eventually the big man (so to speak) got overwhelmed by the relative two-on-one assault.


Oh, and it's a ladder match. Spoilers! So when I say, "overwhelmed," I mean, "Got hit with a russian legsweep from Cattley (not the Mood Swing, yet) and then splashed by Erik."


From there, with his power base gone, Des was slowly eliminated from being a part of the finish. This left the flyer-the man with an advantage, recall-against Cattley.


You'd think that Erik would win, right? Not like he's unfamiliar to MAW, and thus Jean, right? WRONG!


Well, right, but he didn't win. Not because he's on a loan (well that too), but because Cattley was less damaged. By biding his time, even eating some big moves, Jean had allowed Erik to crash and burn-or even hit-a hell of a lot. And that style hurts the practioner more than any other. So with a few locks, some stretches, and a Mood Swing, Mean Jean Cattley is champion once more.



With Cattley holding the title, Citizen X made his way to the ring. They argued, and we had a simple challenge and staredown. Nothing worth writing about. Or I'm bored. Eh.


Wait, crap, I have to schedule this match for next time!


Wait. Cattley won. X lost. **** you loser.


And no, I won't accidentally forget and book the match later.






Post-show I slammed apparently some heels and faces together on the same team. Didn't mean to.


Ace Youngblood, Amazing Fire Fly, Amber Allen, Curtis Jenkins, Calamity Joan vs. Buzz Reid, Cameron Jones, DeCipher, Ricky Douglas, Syd Collier.


A match to give the new ones exposure and the old ones more experience (and to keep costs down). Ace over Reid to win. Yay.


Fly, Reid, Jones, and Syd used too much; poor angles; decent show.

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Woo! Made back last month!


KC MOTHER****ING GLENN YESSSSSSSSSS I hope he goes to TCW with his mentor.




Skip Beau signed with CGC, so no need to hire him.


Frankie-Boy Fernandes has...potential. Not great, but he's not Buzz ****ing Reid, so w/e.


By the way, emails tell me that Giant Redwood and Charlie Thatcher have entered the last month of their trade period.



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Can I suggest a formatting thing? Things would be MUCH easier to read if there were a form of division between each individual segment. It comes across as a bit of wall of text right now and it makes it hard to read the show.


I've been putting this:



between segments, but I hear you. What would work better? Tildes ~ ?




i.e. like that per segment? I think I've done that before, and I liked it, so assuming that works for you, I'll do it. And I think I don't like my default Dark Olive Green, either.

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More divide than a paragraph, I mean. xD.


Honestly my preference for reading tends to be y'know, a list of what the match is, but a ~ would at least break the text up better. The main issue is that you kind've segue straight from the preamble straight into the show, and without clear break-ups it gets a bit confusing.

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I never got my notification:(:(:(


I have to agree that while fun it is very hard to read the actual text since it looks very random. If you're going for random it is a little too much and if you aren't then if feels weird since the font color and large amount of text makes it look too long even with the ~.

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Duly noted.








I GOT PLANS. Just gotta wait on two potential hires...




Greg Gauge is now with BHOTWG proper. Doesn't have the psychology of his brother, still, and he didn't improve much, a couple points everywhere or so, but that's due to his already being amazing. High hopes for him.


And Shingen Miyazaki, btw, who is now the World Champ of GCG and turned down Hinote Dojo due to size. I almost want him to remain touring/PPA in Japan, because that guy is killing it every time he gets in the ring.


And Air Attack Weasel doesn't like getting pushed. Which is...not important to me, really.


Oh, right. Art Reed turned us down due to size; Kirk Jameson might be joining full-time (dropped by FCW); Laramee turned us down due to size (amazing entertainer); Marcos Flores out of OLLIE (great worker); UEW did not want to hire me as booker (Don Henderson got the job).







If there was a door to the locker room, there was not after about two seconds.


Reckless. This locker room is for people that work here.


But I do wo-


Golf ball to the face. His nose might have bled.


How about you shut the **** up and think about what I said. This locker room is for people that work here. Now think about why I don't want you in the locker room.






He was still whining about his nose or some ****, so I took his bags and threw them out of the room.


I then took his bags and threw them out of the room, allowing Cameron Jones the opportunity to collect his bags from out of the room and re-enter.




No response from Xavier, but I took his silence as a tacit agreement to allowing me to kick him, literally, out of the room. Unfortunately, it took me quite some effort to get him out of there.


Rule 1: You ****ing do the things I say not to do, I will do one of two things: fire you or make your life hell.


As an aside, for some reason I had to change his name to Xavier Reckless, with an extra space, to be able to save his head damage. Ideally I wanted to just give him an injury, but TOO BAD MUAHAHAHAHAHA also his head is now at like 40%. I concussed him. LEGALLY.


I wrote that rule on the board.




I wrote that as well. Then I re-read it.


Rule 2.5 is no talking about rule 2 or I stab you. Rule 3: Do your work, and get hired somewhere. It worked for American Patriot; it will either work for you or you will be eternally useless.


On the board.


No more ****ing hijinkery here. I've had enough of you guys running around like you own the place. I OWN THIS PLACE!


But Rip-



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I just noticed that we have no contracted main event faces. Huh. At some point I should do something about that.




Acid vs. Nigel Svensson


American Elemental vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Mid Atlantic Turnbuckle

Joss Thompson© vs. KC Glenn


Mid Atlantic Championship

Mean Jean Cattley© vs. Kashmir Singh

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