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This Engine Runs on Blood

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No Sane Man





Ryu Kajahara. The name isn't really one you hear too much outside of Japan and he is one of those stories where you aren't quite sure how he got as popular as he did. Even in his later years he has a following that come and watch the violent shows his promotion runs. Of course as years go on he is starting to realize he is overloaded with duties to keep things running. As an owner, booker and a top star of Warrior Engine he certainly has a full plate. To lighten this load he has started to look elsewhere to have someone take over as booker.


Of course he is a picky man that wants to see his promotion to continue to thrive, but there is also a bit of insanity that is needed to make sure the blood thirsty fans get what they want. Several veterans are in the roster, but he wanted new blood. Someone that had his ideals and was willing to put his body on the line in the ring as well. He didn't want some wannabe magazine writing mark who thinks he can write just because he watches hours upon hours of shows. The booker had to be someone that has felt what true pain is and is willing to spill his blood no matter how small the crowd.


Searching through the better part of 2009 he came to find someone that could possibly be a kindred soul. A man that was willing to do whatever it takes to please the fans and was not shy about putting himself in dangerous situations. A man that also was rumored to possibly be 'not right' in his head. An American worker known as Robert Lords, or by the nickname many of the talents that have come across him. They simply call him Madness.


He was still young and he had no real exposure anywhere. He was often used by independent promoters that needed someone to take a dangerous bump with no complaints. For weeks Ryu had watched this man and saw perhaps a younger version of himself. Finally the day came when he approached Robert and the two had a long discussion.


Ryu wanted to ease out of the role as booker and he made Robert watch behind the scenes and learn the ropes. THe talent was informed of the shift and at the start of 2010 Madness would take over the duties as the looked to start their Blackout tour. Will this change allow Warrior Engine to continue to survive or will it possibly lead to their ruin?

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">A Change of Direction</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ryu Kajahara and Robert Lords have a private meeting to decide on what direction to go. The latter is given control to hire new talent for the main roster and also extra talent for touring contracts. The list of names given seemed to please Ryu as it was smattered with younger, new talent as well as a few veterans. Three men were contacted about at least being around for the tour and were waiting for a response.</p><p> </p><p>

The rest of the roster has remained intact aside from Seishirou Hiraga. Robert himself informed the man of his release and overall had left on good terms. Brains McGee was kept around as a few ideas for him were being bounced about. With the money situation it was decided the tour itself would do one weekly show as well as a bigger show near the end of each month. It was also decided it was best to stick to two regions at best and focus building their fanbase there while not stretching themselves thin.</p><p> </p><p>

The Blackout Tour will be the first true test for Robert and it might say alot about what the future might hold for the company. Not only that it is the first time he shall be in the ring for Ryu. Can he prove that he can perform well there to where if he does fail as a booker he may at least remain on the roster? Very soon things will be found out.</p>

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There's never too many WEXXV diaries. My favourite promotion of all time, I'll be reading <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>The Staff</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img254/2507/robunyamazaki.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Robun Yamazaki: The voice of Warrior Engine. He has been around since day one and he won't be leaving anytime soon. His attitude isn't the greatest, but he does know how to call a good match. His position is rather secure and that might lead to his cocky attitude. Something he at least leaves behind when at the desk calling the action.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img90/628/eisakushigeki.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Eisaku Shigeki: The color commentator that works with Robun. He has been in that position since 2008 and that seems more than likely where he will remain. He does well and if Robun ever does somehow need to miss time he can do play by play well enough to serve as a good replacement.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img845/9074/motoichiarikida.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Motoichi Arikida: The man behind the scenes that helps keep the show running. He was rather popular when he wrestled and he does well to try and share his knowledge with younger talent and trying to keep everyone in line and working with one another. The injury he suffered that ended his career was a big loss, but it was also in the end a big gain for Warrior Engine to get such a man as their road agent.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img51/3640/isaotakemura.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Isao Takemura: The man insane enough to actually get in the ring with the madmen that populate Warrior Engine. He is a hard worker that looks to have a place in the company for however long he wants to stay. Not just because he is a pretty good referee, but Ryu would be hard pressed to find someone willing to replace him.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">The Talent</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Main Eventers</em></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img94/3835/garethwayne.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Gareth Wayne: The great leader of the S.O.B and a mainstay that has been around since 2006. He is always in the hunt for the title and he is willing to do anything to get it. Of course having several people backing him up helps. He has made the S.O.B so fearsome several talents formed Team WEXXV to try and stop them and fight back.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img211/8358/ryukajahara.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ryu Kajahara: The man that started the Warrior Engine promotion. He is aging and the injuries continue to rack up, yet he still continues to often find a way to stay on top and put on match after bloody match. The hiring of Robert Lord shows that he is starting to wind down a bit behind the scenes. Is his time in the ring far behind?</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img222/9136/kimitadaohishi.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Kimitada Ohishi: Another veteran talent and good friend of Ryu. Age and injuries are starting to slow him down as well, but one might be hard pressed to find someone that works harder than Kimitada. For that alone is why he still remains near the top.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img411/6536/munemitsusenmatsu.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Munemitsu Senmatsu: The future of the promotion. He is young and he is tough as nails. He has won several titles in a short time and once the likes of Ryu and Kimitada are done in the ring he will be the one that will more than likely be carrying a heavy load. He seems to have the determination and willing to do just that.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Upper Midcard</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img19/8109/dougpeak.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Doug Peak: Another key member to the S.O.B stable and a mainstay. While his brother has moved on and become a star, Doug seems more than fine to remain with Warrior Engine and is always in the hunt for gold. Be it a singles title or going after tag team gold along with his current partner, Henry Lee.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img600/5995/henrylee.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Henry Lee: The main talker for the S.O.B stable. While he is getting older and his ring work has never been good, he will probably never lose that gift of gab he has. Working with Doug Peak has also allowed him to hide inadequacies in the ring rather well too.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img834/3586/hiroshimorisue.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Hiroshi Morisue: The only triple crown winner of Warrior Engine to date. He will always remain near the top for years to come just for the fact he has been with the promotion since 2005 and he still relatively young compared to the others near the top.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img651/8748/mamorunagahama.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Mamoru Nagahama: One half of the best tag team to appear in Warrior Engine. He is a bit of an odd man out since he relies more on his skill and powerful suplex variations to get him through his matches over weapons and brawling. He could be considered the technical master of the company as it stands.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Midcarders</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img820/7256/battlesakata.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Battle Sakata: Another man that has stuck around the promotion for a long time. Since 2005 he has put on several bloody bouts. At his age he has probably hit the high point. While never a main eventer he will always have a spot in the midcard and given his tag partner a few more runs with the tag titles are never out of the question.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img33/8081/dallasmcwadealt1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Dallas McWade: His brother may be out of wrestling for now, but Dallas plods on and continues to put on good matches despite the fact he is nearing fourty. With it unlikely that his brother is coming back anytime soon he continues to carve out a name for himself as a singles star.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img839/787/koichikajiwara.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Koichi Kajiwara: A staple when it comes to death matches. Koichi has made a pretty good career out of those and his willingness to keep going into such dangerous matches means he is going to be around for as long as he wants to be. Given his age and not much demand for such a violent style it looks like that means he will be around until he breaks down or outright quits.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img16/7594/larrywoodalt.jpg</span><p>

</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Larry Wood: Another solid member of the roster and a member of the S.O.B stable. Larry has been in the promotion since 2005 and he continues to wow fans with his crazy antics. A return to Canada for him might happen, but for now he is more than fine remaining in Japan.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img7/5789/matsudairamorioka.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Matsudaira Morioka: By no means a great worker, but a man that is dedicated to his craft and has ended up becoming a good tag team wrestler and even a current tag champ. Age is starting to show on him now, but he continues to work hard and no disappoint the fans.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img607/3534/traviscentury.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Travis Century: Another brawler that has seen his better years pass him by. He is still a good worker and the team that he and Larry Wood formed has worked out well. He requests to remain on touring contracts as he contemplates just how long he wants to remain in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Lower Midcarder</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img341/1538/bullwrecker.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Bull Wrecker: The youngest member of the S.O.B stable and still relatively new face. He works hard and looks very willing to learn and improve himself. For now he is kept with touring contracts, but if he continues to show himself an asset that may change.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img41/7913/eguchitheamazing.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Eguchi the Amazing: Another odd man out when it comes to the promotion. He isn't much of a brawler, but he is an entertaining fellow that can get the crowd behind him. The fact his comedy routine is so different from what normally goes on in the ring might be why he has gained some popularity among the fans.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img411/5893/taheijikonoe.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Taheiji Konoe: A young talent that has already tasted gold. The downside was his partner went on to be a big name while he has sort of gone down the card. He still has plenty of time to work his way back up and will no doubt he a valuable member of the roster for years to come.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://imageshack.us/a/img89/944/zeshinmakioka.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Zeshin Makioka: The high flier of the promotion and often tag partner with Eguchi. He is willing to get more into brawls, but often he is kept out of the more dangerous matches. He is still young and trying to find himself. He may need a few more years before he ever sees himself rise up the ranks.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Opener</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://imageshack.us/a/img843/9944/m019p.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Madness: A solid brawler that is willing to take crazy bumps to the point one has to wonder how he isn't badly injured or dead yet. Still relatively young overall and not well known given he has done very small shows prior to being found by Ryu. For now it remains to see just how well he will be recieved by the fans.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>Managers</em></p><p> </p><p>


</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Brains McGhee: A rare sight in Japan indeed. The short statured man right now currently doesn't have any clients, but that all may change soon. Many are surprised he ended up leaving the S.O.B stable and are interested in what he may have planned.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">WEXXV: The Blackout Tour</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><em>Matsumoto Hall</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

<em>January, Week 1, Friday</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Card Subject to Change</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Warrior's Heart defense (Hardcore Rules)</span></p><p> </p><p>

Ryu Kajahara vs Munemitsu Senmatsu</p><p> </p><p>

Also on the card</p><p> </p><p>

Zeshin Makioka vs Madness</p><p> </p><p>

Eguchi the Amazing vs Mamoru Nagahama</p><p> </p><p>

Brothers in Vengence vs American Psychos (Hardcore Rules)</p><p> </p><p>

Dallas McWade vs Koichi Kajiwara (Hardcore Rules)</p><p> </p><p>

Gareth Wayne vs Taheiji Konoe (Hardcore Rules)</p><p> </p><p>

Travis Century vs Matsudaira Morioka</p><p> </p><p>

Bull Wrecker vs Kimitada Ohishi (Hardcore Rules)</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Side note for all. I had a rough few months where I wasn't able to keep up with Men Made of Steel and by the time I got around to having energy to do something I lost creative juices on that one. First time really trying something with Japan here so apologies in advance if things are a bit rough as I try to get used to things.
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<p>Warrior's Heart defense (Hardcore Rules)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ryu Kajahara</strong> vs Munemitsu Senmatsu</p><p> </p><p>

Also on the card</p><p> </p><p>

Zeshin Makioka vs <strong>Madness</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Eguchi the Amazing vs <strong>Mamoru Nagahama</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Brothers in Vengence vs <strong>American Psychos</strong> (Hardcore Rules)</p><p> </p><p>

Dallas McWade vs <strong>Koichi Kajiwara</strong> (Hardcore Rules)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gareth Wayne</strong> vs Taheiji Konoe (Hardcore Rules)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Travis Century</strong> vs Matsudaira Morioka</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bull Wrecker</strong> vs Kimitada Ohishi (Hardcore Rules)</p>

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<p><strong>Ryu Kajahara</strong> vs Munemitsu Senmatsu</p><p>

It's Kajahara's title and he will hold onto it till the day he dies <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I think it'll be 12-20 defences before he lets it go, unless you get someone who matches his popularity.</p><p> </p><p>

Zeshin Makioka vs <strong>Madness</strong></p><p>

Makioka is a an enhancement talent. No need for him to win.</p><p> </p><p>

Eguchi the Amazing vs <strong>Mamoru Nagahama</strong></p><p>

Probably the hardest pick. I dislike both of them equally. Both have good entertainment skills though.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brothers in Vengence</strong> vs American Psychos (Hardcore Rules)</p><p>

BiV ftw. Psychos aren't bad but Brothers In Vengeance just simply owns. I'd say they are the most undervalued, underappreciated tag team in the game.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dallas McWade</strong> vs Koichi Kajiwara (Hardcore Rules)</p><p>

Kajiwara is very average, Dallas ain't. Altough he won't agree to do any higher content matches -.-'</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gareth Wayne</strong> vs Taheiji Konoe (Hardcore Rules)</p><p>

Not yet the time for Taheiji I believe. No need to lower Wayne's popularity since he can still rack up good matches against other main eventers.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Travis Century</strong> vs Matsudaira Morioka</p><p>

^ Same as Wayne vs. Konoe</p><p> </p><p>

Bull Wrecker vs <strong>Kimitada Ohishi</strong> (Hardcore Rules)</p><p>

^^ Same as Wayne vs. Konoe</p><p> </p><p>

PS. A simple trick I do in every Hardcore promotion I book: Create a Deathmatch II (Copy of Deathmatch) with lowered Injury and Content risk to High, untick the Light Tubes and Bed Of Nails to get this. There are four original members of WEXXV that actually agree to do a deathmatch: Doug Peak, Hiroshi Morisue and two others that I can't remember anymore. <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> The higher the Content factor is in a match, the better + rating it will get. A simple Hardcore match will barely make you escape the penalty of not having enough hardcore in the match.</p>

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<p>The Hardcore rules is actually a revised Hardcore match with upped content risk. Basically it adds weapons, ladders and tables to the mix and can be won either via pinfall or ref stoppage. Similar to what I did with my MOSC dynasty that allows the hardcore types to actually get decent matches. I'll probably create a few others matches as well with various levels of medium to high content risk for all the sissies.</p><p> </p><p>

The other side note will be explained storyline wise to fix my first messup that occurred already. Thought I edited the length of the show and messed up on the first tour show so more than likely this is a card more often seen for their 'big' shows and not a regular tour show.</p>

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Madness starts off on the wrong foot by accidentally booking the show for longer than he was supposed to. The crowd was already filing in and it was too late to make the change. The roster itself was willing to bail him out and show some unity by agreeing to work longer matches to fill up the time properly. Not a good way for the new booker to start things off at all. He will certainly not being making such mistakes again if he wishes to keep this job for long.





The Blackout Tour


Matsumoto Hall


Attendance: 300 (Sold out!)


The fans are ready for a bloodbath and the mostly male audience is packed in behind the guardrail to make sure they don't get too close to the action and end up bloodied themselves. Trashcans filled with all sorts of weapons are on each corner outside the ring and there are tables propped up along with ladders for those that wish to use them. The first match of the evening seems to be a rare one that doesn't involve the usual hardcore rules that Warrior Engine uses. That alone draws some boos.



Zenshin comes out all smiles and gets a mild reaction from the fanbase that still seems disappointed by the fact that this won't be as violent as some of the matches that shall come later tonight. Even so there is some clapping as he poses in the ring as he awaits his opponent. An opponent that never comes out from the entrance. Instead the lights dim and a heart pumping noise echos through the hall. Smoke begins to come out from under the ring and a fighter slowly slips out and rises to his full height.


Both Zenshin and the crowd don't seem to know what to make of the tall, bald man with painted face known as Madness makes his first appearance. His movements are slow and he lurches forward into the ring. At about six and a half feet tall he easily has the size advantage on Zenshin and the high flier must be relieved that this is not a match contested under the normal rules. How long he feels relieved is about as long as it takes for the bell to ring and for Madness to get ahold of him.


The large American is silent as he takes a few shorts and is barely bothered by the offense that Zenshin tries. The smaller fighter bounces off the ropes for momentum and is met with a large boot that almost takes his head clean off. The face of Madness shows no emotion as he reaches down to pick back up Zenshin and he gets to work. He is slow and methodic in his own offense. Big forearms and several chops in the corner light up the smaller Zenshin, the young Japanese fighter easily being overwhelmed.


Zenshin's chance to turn the tide is when the large man misses a corner charge and the speedy fighter goes for several kicks and strikes while Madness regains his wits. It does little to Madness in the end and a large headbutt puts Zenshin down once more. Surprisingly Madness starts to climb up top, but Zenshin recovers before Madness can leap down upon him. The speedy fighter leaps to land on the top rope and balance enough to jump off it and land on the shoulders of Madness and rana the large man out of the ring and onto the floor. Zenshin manages to land on the apron, but Madness ends up head first on the hard concrete and his head is busted open from the impact.


He isn't down for long and Zenshin just stares wide eyed as Madness gets up and somehow remains expressionless to it all. When Zenshin goes to leap onto the larger man he is caught and bodyslammed onto the ground. Madness rolls Zenshin back into the ring and nails something resembling a spike piledriver and getting the three count. Zenshin remains motionless as Madness finally seems to realize he is bleeding. He just sniffs a bit at the blood that covers his hand after touching the wound and does nothing more but simply slip out of the ring and lumber off into the back.


Winner: Madness via pinfall


Rating: 34






The fans were somewhat warmed up from the first bout, but when the tag match is announced as a hardcore rules match they start to get more excited. The lust for violence will be satiated as they look to see the American Psychos take on Brothers in Vengeance. Both teams are looking for a title shot at the champs who are both in singles action later. Doug especially would like to have himself a second title given he still holds the King of the Deathmatch title.


The Brothers are out first and the crowd is solidly behind them as they are set to take on the hated foreigners that are part of the vile S.O.B stable. American Psychos get items thrown at them and they seem unbothered by the trash that is tossed their way. They look ready to unleash some pain on their opponents and they don't even fully get into the ring before the Brothers start to attack. The bell rings and it looks like any chance to keep one member of each team in the ring is thrown right out the door the way all four men are going.


Lee and Sakata soon end up on the outside and both are quick to find something to attack once another with. A board wrapped in barbed wire becomes Lee's weapon of choice while Sakata ends up with a gold club. The club may hurt, but the barbed wire tears at Sakata's flesh and leaves him bleeding early on in the match. People are solidly behind him as he fights through the pain and manages to get the upperhand.


Morisue and Peak surprisingly remain in the ring at the start of the match while the other two fight outside. The two men are trading powerful punches and chops as they try to gain the upperhand over the other. Morisue shows he is the stronger of the two as he manages to get Peak over his head and tosses him right outside the ring and onto Lee before climbing out of the ring itself.


The next few moments show the Brothers are in complete control over the Psychos. Morisue is soon the only one that is left unbloodied as Lee was busted open from one of Sakata's shots with the club and Peak gets a cheese grater across his forehead via Morisue.


A low blow by Lee finally allows him to get to his feet and take out Sakata so he can help out his partner. A chair is retrieved and he slams it hard over Morisue's head to finall bust him open and the dazed fighter is rolled into the ring. Lee continues his assault as Peak tries to recover and wipe the blood from his face which only smears it even more. Sakata himself starts to recover only to be met with a few punches from Peak.


The ref has given up trying to keep any sort of control of this match and he just remains to make sure he doesn't have to stop the bout due to one of the wrestlers being too injured to continued. Soon all four men are in the ring and trading blows with one another. Sakata charges and spears Peak back outside leaving Morisue and Lee in the ring once more. Morisue eventually dodges a punch aimed his way and headbutts Lee hard enough to daze him. Picking him up, he nails Lee with a running powerslam and he gets the three count as Sakata manages to keep Peak from getting in to make the save.


Winners: Brothers in Vengeance via Pinfall


Rating: 44


After the match the Brothers celebrate while Peak and Lee attempt to recover. Peak slides a chair into the ring and comes in with one of his own and the two start to beat down the winners. Winded and bloodied the American Psychos stand tall over their opponents and spit upon the unconcious men. The battle may be over, but it seems the war between these two teams is far from over.







After such a violent battle the ring is cleared and another match that does not fall under the hardcore rules is set to happen. Eguchi the Amazing plays to the crowd and in a way it almost seems a bit sadistic to have such a happy guy come out and be all smiles after the crowd just watched four men beat the mortal hell out of one another. His opponent for the night is one half of the tag team champions, Mamoru Nagahama.


This is a very different match compared to the last one. It is rather different even than the first one for the matter Eguchi isn't a total rag doll in this fight. He tries to use his speed to try and get in his strikes where Nagahama does well to try and keep the other man grounded and use his technical skills to control the match.


The pace is much slower in this case and both men manage to put up a good offense against the other until Eguchi finds himself finally caught by the crafty Nagahama who begins to wear him down with submission holds, the final one being his trademark Nagahama Guillotine that chokes out Eguchi and gives the champ a victory.


Winner: Mamoru Nagahama via Submission


Rating: 37






It seems there is a bit of balance on the regular matches verses the bloodier contests. This one is set for hardcore rules once more and Dallas McWade looks to defeat Koichi Kajiwara to make up for the defeat that is fellow S.O.B stablemates suffered. Koichi has the crowd solidly behind him when he comes out and his name is chanted once the bell rings and the two men lock up.


It starts off rather mild as the pair change headlocks and punches for the first bit, but once Dallas makes a tumble to the outside the weapons soon come into play in the form of a stopsign that nails Koichi with when he tries to get out of the ring and go for the Canadian. The trashcan the sign was pulled out of is dumped out all over the floor and Dallas grabs whatever he can to slam it against Koichi. At one point he even tugs the trashcan over his opponent and beats it with a ball bat a few times.


He perhaps gets too cocky in this case because when he rolls Koichi into the ring Dallas decides not to bring any plunder in with him. He boasts a bit and angers the crowd and once his attention finally turns back to Koichi he gets nailed hard with a powerful tackle from the ex rugby player. Koichi starts to gain control and when it looks like he is about to end this match a member of the S.O.B stable runs out to distract. Bull Wrecker tries to climb into the ring, but Koichi cuts him off and knocks him off the apron. It is enough of a distraction that Dallas nails Koichi from behind then hits him with Murder on the Mountain. Three slaps to the mat later and Dallas McWade wins as Bull Wrecker comes in to celebrate with him.


Winner: Dallas McWade via Pinfall


Rating: 36






As Dallas and Bull Wrecker leave they walk past the leader of the S.O.B, Gareth Wayne who is on his way out for his own match. This match is announced to be hardcore rules as well as men outside at least try to put items back in the trashcan that was spilled. Gareth's opponent ends up being the young brawler, Taheiji Konoe.


Konoe is ambushed as soon as he gets in the ring and Wayne looks like he is ready to show no mercy on the younger wrestler tonight. He drives hard fists and kicks into Konoe and follows up with some a t-bone suplex that looks to already put the young man out. Wayne is hardly done as he slips out of the ring and starts gathering various weapons to bring into the ring. Konoe never really gets any chance to fight back as he is brutally assaulted and left a bloodied mess.


Given Konoe shows no signs of being able to fight back after several minutes the ref calls for the bell, but Wayne steps out of the ring and snags the bell before it can be rung. Instead he sets Konoe up in the corner and then gets a big charge forward and drives the bell right into the young wrestler before tossing said bell out of the ring. The bell is recovered and rung, but Konoe is a unconcious heap as Wayne steps out to grab a microphone.


Winner: Gareth Wayne via ref stoppage


Rating: 42


Wayne drags Konoe into the center of the ring and he sets a chair down on top of him. The deranged leader of the S.O.B takes a seat and gets nice and comfy as he looks at the booing crowd.


"I didn't have to do this. This isn't the match I wanted. What I wanted was something more. I wanted Ryu Kajahara to myself. I wanted a title shot. I wanted something I deserved!"


His brow twitches and he looks ready to just snap again and lay into Konoe some more as he stands up and kicks the chair away. He points a finger at the fallen fighter and spittle spews from his mouth as he shouts.


"This is on your hands, Kajahara! If you won't give me a shot I will continue to do this! Soon I will leave you no choice because me and the boys will leave you with no one else to fight. Then I will take that wrinkled, worthless body of yours and I will make it to where you will never step into the ring again. YOU WILL NEVER WALK AGAIN!"


That anger seems to almost subside immediately and a strange calm seems to come over Gareth Wayne. Even so that smile he gives is an unsettling one as he lets out a soft laugh.


"You have until the end of the month to agree. If I don't get my shot there will be hell to pay."


He turns about and spikes the microphone off Konoe before leaving the ring. There are three hundred people in the building and right now every single one of them is booing at the leader of the S.O.B






The ring is cleared after Konoe is carted out by medical staff and the next match seems to take a break from the hardcore rules and offers a more tame match between Travis Century and Matsudaira Morioka. Travis along with Larry Wood are also looking for a shot at the tag belts and if he can win against one of the current champs that can only mean good things.


These two men look evenly matched at the start and they trade various holds for the first few minutes. It is probably one of the more technical matches one might see in the ring when Warrior Engine is involved. Surprisingly the fans were into it and Morioka got the crowd behind him as he started to fluster Travis and gain momentum. He can't keep the upperhand for long as a reversed DDT turns into a northern lights suplex that tosses Morioka out of the ring and allows Century time to recover.


For an aging wrestler, Century shows no fear as he bounces off the ropes then launches himself outside to land on the dazed Morioka, but in the process seems to take alot out of himself as well. The pair eventually end up back in the ring and they being to reverse several moves from the other as they try to get the upperhand. It ends up being Century that is able to do so and he catches Morioka with his Salvation maneuver and pick up the win.


Winner: Travis Century via Pinfall


Rating: 37






It is back to hardcore action as the newest and youngest member of the S.O.B, Bull Wrecker, takes on the wiley veteran Kimitada Ohishi. While Bull Wrecker may have age on his side he may soon realize why Ohishi is still considered dangerous.


The match starts out with Bull Wrecker gaining control early through his sheer strength. He easily can overpower Ohishi and use his size to his advantage. It leads to overconfidence and he misses a big legdrop off the top rope which allows Ohishi to roll out of the ring and retrieve himself a kendo stick. He starts to beat on Bull Wrecker and busts his forehead wide open with a punishing shot that sends the big man staggering backwards and tumbling out of the ring.


Ohishi follows and continues his assault with a few stomps and eventually he sets up a table and rolls Wrecker onto it. Climbing up onto the top rope he goes to dive and drive Wrecker through the table, but the younger wrestler rolls out of the way and leaves Ohishi to go through it by himself. The dazed American looks to roll Ohishi in and capitalize on the change of momentum. He is caught by surprise in the middle of the ring by Ohishi who seems to spring to life with a second wind and applies his trademark Stomach Claw on Bull Wrecker who is forced to tap out.


Winner: Kimitada Ohishi via submission


Rating: 38









It finally looks to be time for the main event as the Warrior's Heart champion, Ryu Kajahara makes his way to the ring as the crowd cheers him on. He has a solemn expression on his face as he takes the microphone on his way into the ring and he waits for the fans to quiet down before he speaks.


"Taheiji Konoe did not deserve what happened to him, but he is a man that knows the risks of being in this ring. He knows the risks when it comes to taking on the likes of Gareth Wayne. He wanted that match and would not listen to anyone that would tell him differently."


There is a soft sigh as the old fighter bows his head for a few moments as if contemplating a few things.


"Gareth Wayne, you are a brutal man, but you do not have a title shot because you look to try and bully your way into it. You must earn it. Beating a young man like you did then demanding a shot isn't the honorable way to do it. Of course you know little about honor. Watch me tonight, Gareth. Watch as me and Munemitsu show you what it is to be a real warrior."


He sets the mic aside and holds his belt up high as Munemitsu Senmatsu comes out. The crowd goes wild as this one is announced to be hardcore rules as well. Can Munemitsu regain the title or will the tenacity of Ryu Kajahara allow him to retain?


The bell sounds and both men go charging in and start laying into one another. Hard, heavy hits are delivered by both and for several minutes it seems the two are left at a standstill as they back away and size one another up again. The clash again, but the youth of Munemitsu seems to finally allow him to start getting momentum and overtake Ryu as he wears him down with a powerful bearhug.


With a mighty slam Ryu is laid out in the ring as Munemitsu slips out and goes to get a table to bring back into the ring with him. He slugs Ryu a few times to keep him down and then looks to set up the table in a corner. He shoves Ryu into the opposite corner and chops him a few times. With amighty heave he slings Ryu out of the corner and against the table that does no break. With a mighty cry Munemitsu charges forward and looks to spear Ryu right through the table only to find Ryu not there when he crashes into it.


The missed spear allows Ryu to recover as he goes on the offensive, but even so he often looks towards the ramp as if expecting someone to come out despite the fact no one has yet. Several moves are used to wear down Munemitsu but each pinfall is met with the younger brawler kicking out. There is actually frustration on Ryu's face when even several chair shots can't keep the big man down. It causes him to screw up and get nailed by a powerful lariat that takes him down.


Munemitsu starts to gain momentum once more and he starts using various slams to batter Ryu further. He has the elder fighter on his shoulders as he looks to deliver what may be a Death Valley Driver, but Ryu somehow manages to slip out and catch Munemitsu in the Kajahara Claw. Munemitsu tries to make it to the ropes, but fails to do so and is forced to tap out.


Winner and Still Champion: Ryu Kajahara via submission


Rating: 58


After the match Ryu Kajahara helps Munemitsu to his feet and they both nod to one another in respect before Munemitsu rolls out of the ring. Ryu celebrates with the crowd and eventually goes to join them as the show ends. Perhaps much to the surprise of everything it seems the S.O.B remained silent and perhaps they are plotting for their next move.

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The first show ended up being set up to be longer than expected as said, but in the end things worked out. Everyone stepped up and worked matches that ended up being longer than expected. The mistake has been remedied at this point and in the week leading up to the next show on the tour allowed a few new faces to be signed. It is a mixture of younger talent as well as a few more veterans and two new foreigners coming in on touring contracts. Robert and Ryu work closely together to keep things in motion. Brains McGee finally gets something new to do soon with the signing of new talent and even the factions will grow as the man ones, S.O.B and Team WEXXV, each will get a new member.




Blackout Tour Week 2


King of the Deathmatch Title Bout


Doug Peak vs Battle Sakata


Main Event


Munemitsu Senmatsu vs TBA


Also Appearing


Gareth Wayne


Brains McGee reveals his new client against Taheji Konoe


Ryu Kajaha talks about his next defense.


Eguchi and Zenshin face off against Bull Wrecker and the newest member of S.O.B

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There's never too many WEXXV diaries. My favourite promotion of all time, I'll be reading :)


I couldn't agree more. Always up for a Warrior Engine diary :)



Doug Peak vs Battle Sakata


Munemitsu Senmatsu vs TBA


Brains McGee reveals his new client against Taheji Konoe


Eguchi and Zenshin face off against Bull Wrecker and the newest member of S.O.B

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The Blackout Tour


Week 2


Matsumoto Hall: 257 Attending


A smaller crowd than last week shows up to see what is in store for Gareth Wayne. Will Ryu Kajahara finally do something about him and give the leader of the S.O.B a title shot? Or will he allow the foreigners continue to run rampant and destroy his allies?




The Church of Pain are out first as they look to continue their winning ways to prove they are ready for a tag title shot at the upcoming Trial by Fire show that is a little over two weeks away. They seem rather confident in the fact that Koichi Kajiwara comes out on his own and stops just outside the ring. He remains there with an intense look on his face as people wait to see who his partner is. Once the music hits a few fans that used to watch INSPIRE start to cheer. They recognize who it belongs to and soon Kimitada Yanagita emerges to stand next to Koichi. Travis Century looks more concerned now, but Larry Wood is just giving his usual insane smile as he motions for the two to come at him and his partner.




It seems both Koichi and Kimitada are more than fine in accepting the invite and they dive into the ring and start to beat on the Church of Pain. The match is under hardcore rules, but the first weapons don't come into play until Larry Wood gets tossed outside. The madman soon finds himself a barbwire ballbat and he slides in to start going to town on Koichi. The tag experience of the S.O.B stablemates starts to help them get the upperhand and with Koichi downed it allows them to start double teaming Kimitada.


The stout bruiser does his best to defend himself, but trying to overpower both Century and Wood is no easy task. He is at their mercy by the time Koichi recovers enough to try and save his new partner. Koichi goes after Wood for revenge and nails him with a rather sick German suplex that plants the mountain man right on the top of his head. It isn't enough to get a three as Century manages to break it up. Of course that means he takes his eyes off Kimitada which capitalizes on his chance by knocking Century out of the ring.


The two battle on the outside while Koichi works on the dazed Wood inside the ring. Powerful strikes by each man as they look to down the other, but a wild swing allows Larry to duck and he charges past Koichi to bounce off the ropes and nail Koichi hard with a Running Big Foot. Kimitada can not make it in time to break up the pin as Wood gets the three count.


Winner: Church of Pain via Pinfall


Rating: 46




Several barbwire boards are being set about around the ring and put in each corner as Doug Peak is scheduled to defend his King of the Deathmatch title against Battle Sakata. Sakata is the first to come out, but he doesn't even get halfway to the ring before Peak, Gareth Wayne and Henry Lee come charging out and start to beat down Sakata. The three high five one another and both Wayne and Lee head to the back while Peak drags Sakata to the ring.







The match itself is called Barbwire Mayhem by the announcer and despite the beating he took Sakata is ready to fight. Peak drags him near the ring before Sakata gets a second wind and he picks up the champ and suplexes him onto one of the barbwire covered boards. The bell finally rings once Sakata rolls Peak in and holds up the title much to the fans delight. He then slams the title into Peak's head before tossing it aside.


He pounds on the champ and then tosses him into a corner where the impact actually snaps the board that was set up there. A foward charge and Sakata sacrafices his own body as he cannonballs right into the barbwire to further tangle Peak up. Peak is yelling in pain as he tries to untangle himself while also throwing wild punches with one arm at Sakata. The two finally get out from the corner and start to exchange blows once more.


Peak manages to get a rare grapple on Sakata and he slings him to the ropes. He follows his opponent and delivers a clothesline that takes Sakata out of the ring and onto one of the boards outside where he rolls about in pain. The bloodied Peak looks about and just grins as he goes to bounce off the ropes and dives right between the second and third one right onto Sakata.


The fans are cheering as both men seem to not care about their own well being as they struggle back to their feet on the outside. Sakata manages to grab Peak by the hair and a wild swing allows Sakata to duck and grab Peak about the waist and he is hefted up and suplexed onto the barbwire. Both men have been torn up by the barbwire as Sakata rolls Peak back into the ring. He slips in and pulls one of the boards down and lays it in the middle of the ring before making a neck cutting motion to the crowd. It looks like he is ready to end this.


Peak looks to have been playing possum. When Sakata goes to pick him up, he delivers a low blow to the challenger and quickly hits the House of Horrors, dropping Sakata right on the barbwire before jumping onto him to get the pin. Peak keeps the title!


Winner and still Champion: Doug Peak via Pinfall


Rating: 47


A bloodied Peak manages to get back to his feet and get his title. The crowd boos as he holds it up high and then rolls out of the ring. The ref helps Sakata out of the barbwire mess and he helps him to the back while staff work at cleaning away the barbwire and blood.




A regular tag match is scheduled next to allow for staff to make sure everything on the outside is properly cleaned up and they can have things readied for the next hardcore rules match that will happen. Eguchi the Amazing and Zeshin Makioka come out. They will be taking on Bull Wrecker along with the newest member of the S.O.B. It looks like Gareth continues to find new monsters to bring in and help try and overtake the promotion. In this case Eguchi and Zeshin have a problem. A BIG PROBLEM. The hulking monster comes out with Wrecker and the men in the ring almost turn white with fear as they see what they have to deal with.




Eguchi and Zeshin try to use their speed to combat the sheer power that both Bull and The Big Problem have. It just doesn't work because eventually both are caught and manhandled by the much larger men. The ref fights to get some order and eventually Wrecker and Eguchi go to their corners. Zeshin isn't so lucky and he is stuck in t he ring with The Big Problem where he is tossed about like a ragdoll. It is absolute domination by the big men as they do a few quick tags and keep Zeshin in the corner.


Eguchi tries to help his partner, but is met with a powerful right hand by The Big Problem. Bull throws Eguchi out of the ring and he cheers on his new tag partner as The Big Problem picks up Zeshin and chokeslams him onto the mat with authority. A large foot rests on Zeshin's chest and a three count soon follows.


Winners: The Big Bulls via pinfall


Rating: 27




Ryu Kajahara is out next while the trashcans of weapons are set about the ring once more. He has a microphone in hand and he looks to be ready to address the fans about where he stands with Gareth Wayne.


"I see you still aren't willing to play by what few rules I have around here, Gareth. You want a title shot so bad, then you better start learning to play by them. I'll give you a match at Trial by Fire, but you will have two challenges that you must complete in order to get it."


The old fighter just grimaces some as if he isn't sure he really wants to reward the S.O.B leader with a title shot, even if there seems to be a catch to it. Just what does Ryu have in mind?


"You will wrestle tonight and next week. You must win without help from your stablemates in any form or fashion. You want to ambush your opponents like you did with Sakata earlier? Then you will not get the title shot you want so bad. Come out here while I find you a challenger."


Gareth Wayne soon emerges and as Ryu passes by they both stop and stare one another down. Gareth points to the title and then motions around his waist before stepping into the ring. He looks prepared and focused as he waits to see what his first opponent is. The music that soon starts is unfamiliar to some, but once again the smattering of the crowd that were fans of INSPIRE start to cheer when Hitomaru Suzuki comes out.




Big Suzuki chant breaks out as the two men get ready to do battle. Wayne looks to strike first, but Suzuki is too fast and he gets in several shots scores a large dropkick that sends Wayne out of the ring. Suzuki quickly climbs to the top of the ropes and leaps off onto Wayne. It takes a bit out of Suzuki as well. He is slow to get up, but still maintains the upperhand as he dumps out a trashcan then bounces it off Wayne's head.


Some big forearms are delivered and then an irish whip is reversed and Suzuki ends up getting rammed into one of the ring posts. Big T-Bone suplex by Wayne on the outside that drops Suzuki on the trashcan he used earlier. Various weapons that were dumped out ranging from a kendo stick to a stop sign are used on Suzuki over the next few minutes. Wayne finally brings the action back into the ring and he slips on a pair of brass knuckles.


A powerful shot to Suzuki's face bloodies him, but also seems to enrage him as well. A surge of adrenaline hits and he just starts tearing into Gareth with several punches and kicks. A huge flying forearm downs Wayne and Suzuki pops back up with a mighty shout. He regains control of his match and beats Wayne senseless, but each pin attempt never ends up being successful no matter how much punishment he dishes out.


Suzuki starts to go to the top rope, but Wayne gets up in time and clips a leg. Wayne climbs up as well and superplexes Suzuki into the ring then quickly follows up with his running shoulder breaker that allows him to get the three count and pass the first challenge.


Winner: Gareth Wayne via Pinfall


Rating: 48




Taheji Konoe comes out after the ring has been cleaned up once more and the trashcan refilled. He has a few bandages on him from the beating he took from Gareth last week and perhaps shouldn't even be in the ring. Brains McGhee soon emerges and he has a microphone in hand.


"Ladies and Gentlemen. Scouring through Europe I have found the man that is ready to take this promotion by storm! This man will take me to the top and you will be the first to witness his prowess! I give you....PUNISHER PAUL HUGHES!"




Konoe and the fans seem less than impressed by Paul. Of course when the bell rings the mind of Konoe might soon change. The injuries from last week are targeted by the powerhouse Hughes and he easily starts tossing Konoe about. He seems to have things easily in control and McGhee might have finally found the bully he has been seeking since leaving the S.O.B.


Paul gets perhaps a bit too cocky and despite keeping Konoe from getting any offense in through the majority of the match it is a single reversal that costs him. With Konoe picked up on his shoulders he parades about the ring while bragging. That is when Konoe delivers a few elbows and then slips around enough to hit Hughes with the Savage Cradle DDT and get a three count on the stunned Hughes.


Both Brains and Paul are livid as Konoe quickly rolls out of the ring and gets away. The fans just seem to laugh at the big man that let himself get too cocky. The ref is shoved down by Paul and Brains follows up with several profanities before the frustrated pair leave.


Winner: Taheiji Konoe via Pinfall


Rating: 35




It is now main event time as Munemitsu Senmatsu looks to take on an unnamed opponent. The big man is obviously looking to get back on track after failing to capture the Warrior's Heart title last week. He waits in the ring and soon he comes to find out that it is yet another new addition to the roster, Hirokumi Saito!




The veteran gets in the ring and doesn't return the bow of respect that Munemitsu gives him. He really shows no emotion as he waits for the bell to ring and he starts to circle his opponent. Both men lock up and Munemitsu seems to have the power advantage as he backs Saito into the corner. A clean break is given, but Saito capitalizes with a powerful kick to the stomach.


His kicks are quick and vicious and he follows up with a body slam and a few elbow drops to keep Munemitsu down. Experience is on his side and he works over Munemitsu at a methodic pace. He concentrates on the legs especially in hopes of keeping the bigger man slowed down. He fakes going for weapons several times, but then he turns away to get back in the ring. It seems he only does it in a way to mock the crowd and deny them from seeing the bloodlust. It certainly works at getting the crowd behind Munemitsu who keeps trying to fight back only get grounded again by Saito.


Munemitsu starts to get a second wind as he starts to punch at Saito and throw him off balance, the big man is limping, but he manages to even pick up Saito and nail him with a Samoan Drop. All he gets is a two count and Saito manages to come off the ropes and hit Munemitsu with a low dropkick that takes his legs out from under him. Saito ends up back in control and he gets Munemitsu picked up and locks him up. He just spits at the crowd and hefts Munemitsu up and nails him with a cross-armed suplex. He covers Munemitsu and he counts to three with the ref.


The fans boo and trash is thrown at Saito as he poses on the top turnbuckle. He kicks at Munemitsu a few times as well before he rolls out of the ring and mocks a few fans in passing on the way to the back. With Saito gone the crowd starts to applaud Munemitsu as he starts to get up. The big man obviously looks upset, but he bows to the crowd, thanking them for the cheering.


Winner: Hirokumi Saito via Pinfall


Rating: 51





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While the crowd was smaller than the last show in Matsumoto Hall there was a feeling that the fans certainly got behind some of the new talent that showed up. All but one of the new signings appeared that night and most had a good reception. The last signing debutes the last tour show before the Trial By Fire event where all titles will be on the line. While most matches are set it seems to be a waiting game to see if Wayne will get his title shot at Kajahara or not.


The night of the upcoming third show of the tour showed that while bitter enemies in front of the crowd, most of the members of Warrior Engine XXV get along. The fact that Doug Peak showed up with Ryu Kajahara in the locker room to do a karaoke duet to get the performers in high spirits was proof of that.



The Blackout Tour


Week 3


Punisher Paul Hughes with Brains McGhee vs Madness


Lion Genji vs Zeshin Makioka


Matsudaira Morioka vs Larry Wood


Main Event


Gareth Wayne takes on his second challenge.

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The Blackout Tour


Week 3


Matsumoto Hall: 256 Attending


The crowd is hot and looks to be close to the total from last week's show as they are set for another night of blood and violence. Already coming out to the ring Brains McGhee leads out his new client that was revealed last week to the ring. They still don't look too happy about the fluke loss when Punisher Paul Hughes easily had control of Konoe the entire bout. Both get in the ring and soon after the lights dim and smoke begins to seep out from under the ring. Once again the strange, bald man with a painted face known as Madness emerges from under the ring and climbs in to stare down Punisher Paul Hughes.




The crowd still seems uncertain about Madness and Punisher certainly doesn't have many people, if any, behind him at the moment. The two large men circle one another for a short bit before charging at one another only to both be stopped in their tracks on impact. It is power on power as they both look to prove to be the stronger bull in this contest as the crowd seems to be against the lack of action starting out.


They start to finally get a bit more into things when a frustrated Hughes gets ahold of a bat that McGhee slides into the ring for him and he nails Madness with it right in the stomach. He hits Madness across the back a few times then goes to choke him using the foreign object. Even so it doesn't seem to be enough to wear Madness down too much and he manages to power out of the choke and start to deliver huge lefts followed up by a big boot right to Hughes to take him out of the ring where he tries to get a breather.


Madness follows and the two brawl near the crowd, Hughes actually gets lifted and tossed into the first row and uses one of the chairs he manages to get ahold of when getting up to slam it across the head of Madness and bust him open. It stuns him at first, but it seems to just enrage Madness and he drags Hughes back over the railing and DDTs him onto the concrete. Madness rolls Hughes into the ring afterwards and nails him with a Tiger Driver to get the three count. He doesn't stay around long and a frustrated McGhee yells at his fallen client as the winner slowly lurches off up the ramp.


Winner: Madness via Pinfall


Rating: 28




After Hughes is helped off Ryu Kajahara starts to come out to the ring. He only makes it a few steps before Gareth Wayne jumps him and starts beating on the owner of Warrior Engine with no remorse. The entire time he can be heard shouting. "I can't jump who I face, but I can jump you!" as well as several derogatory remarks. Eventually he drags Kajahara to the ring and leaves him in the middle of it while getting the microphone.


"Let this be a lesson. Try to contain me all you want with these rules. I won the first and I sure as hell will win the second 'trial' that you give me. Then I will take you-"


He is cut off when Ryu suddenly snaps a hand upwards to grab Gareth by the throat and the older competitor begins to fight back against his attacker. The two brawl for a few moments and eventually Gareth decides to slip out of the ring when Kajahara looked to be getting the upper hand. The hurt Kajahara motions for Gareth to come at him, but it seems the S.O.B leader starts to back away as he just shouts. "My time will come!"






Lion Genji comes out to a decent reception despite not being well known. The young wrestler seems to slap a few high fives with the crowd, but he looks to keep a rather focused expression. Even more so once he gets in the ring he looks like he is in the zone and ready to compete. Zeshin Makioka comes out with his usual antics to try and get a few laughs from the crowd and generally act quite the opposite that Genji did on his way to the ring. There are general boos when it is announced this is not under hardcore rules.


The bell rings and Genji surprises some with a few takedowns and rest holds to keep Zeshin from using his speed and high flying to get the upperhand. Zeshin ends up being more than a handful, though, and he is able to start reversing and getting out of the holds which forces Genji to take a different approach.


A few strikes are delivered, but a missed lariat allows Zeshin to get a few quick kicks in to daze his opponent. He starts to chain together several impressively quick and agile moves to throw Genji completely off his game. He looks ready to try and capitalize with a 450 splash, but Genji gets his knees up to stall the momentum that Zeshin was gaining.


Genji gets to his feet first and regains control. A few stiff shots keep Zeshin dazed and he is tossed into the corner before being hit with a mighty Yakuza Kick that almost takes his head off and is then picked up and slammed hard into the ground. Genji soon gets his first win in the Warrior Engine promotion.


Winner: Lion Genji via Pinfall


Rating: 32







It seems that The Church of Pain are continuing to try and impress to get their shot at the Blood Brothers titles that are currently held by Morioka and his partner. Travis Century already holds a win over Nagahama a few weeks back. Can Larry Wood manage to meet the same success?


The match is under hardcore rules and Larry is one to capitalize early. He waits outside the ring for a moment and then goes to pick up a trashcan and toss it right into the ring and towards Morioka. The distraction allows Wood to slip in and take down Morioka as he begins to pummel him. Morioka is busted open early and he has little offense during the opening minutes of the fight. It isn't until he manages to grasp a bag filled with something and slap it across Larry's face that allows him to get a moment to try and recover and gain some sort of advantage.


He flogs Larry with the sack a few times and then the crowd is laughing when he upends the sack to reveal it was filled with door knobs of all things. Morioka tries to make it more of a wrestling match as he uses several holds to keep Wood from getting a chance to get the upper hand once again. Several suplexes followed by submission maneuvers seem to be leading him to victory before Travis Century shows up among the crowd. It is a distraction for Morioka despite Century making no move to get involved.


The presence of his partner seems to help because Wood finally reverses a hold and picks up Morioka and backdrops him hard onto the trashcan. Morioka attempts to fight back, but he takes a jarring hit to the jaw from a powerful punch that wood follows up with his big boot. Three seconds later it seems once again the Church of Pain has the champ's number.


Winner: Larry Wood via Pinfall


Rating: 46




It looks like Gareth Wayne is out next and ready for his second test to see if he will get his title shot at Trial by Fire in a few days time. Henry Lee walks out with him seeming to try and psyche up his stablemate and get him into the game. He isn't allowed to stay around for long as the ref tells him to leave. If he doesn't it would cost Gareth his chance at the title. Gareth doesn't seem pleased and he reluctantly sends Henry away as he waits to see who he is to face.




Henry Lee doesn't even get to the back. He is run over by Hiroshi Morisue as he charges the ring full speed. Gareth Wayne wasn't even full prepared to meet the fury of the large, Japanese man that starts to tear into him as the crowd goes wild. A big corner charge followed by him lifting Gareth up and dumping over the top rope to the outside leads to Morisue getting fired up enough to actually climb up to the top rope and jump outside after Gareth.


The S.O.B Leader manages to recover just enough to avoid that splash and Morisue lands hard on the concrete. From there he starts to try and take advantage of the big man's mistake and begins to work him over on the outside. Rummaging through the trashcans he makes use of a steel pipe on Morisue to keep him downed. Further rummaging brings up a bag. With a grin Gareth opens it up and reaches inside to pull out a few tacks before dropping them back in.


He kicks Morisue in the head to make sure he stays down and he starts to pour the tacks onto the concrete. Lifting the big man up he looks to suplex him right onto them all only for Morisue to start to power out of it. He ends up lifting Gareth up instead, but a low blow from the S.O.B leader causes him to drop Gareth who manages to avoid the tacks. He grabs Morisue and soon does a Russian Leg Sweep which hurts himself in the process, but Morisue lands hard on the tacks and sends him rolling to try to get out of them. Several are buried in his back and along his shoulders as the move seemed to serve as a wake up call.


With a large shout he gets to his feet and he looks wild eyed at Gareth Wayne who looks rather pale at the fact that the move didn't put the man away, but instead pissed him off. A rather prolonged beating ensues that soon leads to Wayne getting DDT'd right on the tacks. When he is hefted back up to be rolled into the ring there are several of them buried in his forehead and crown.


Morisue looks to put this one away as he slams Gareth on the mat and then nails him with a big splash. Gareth somehow kicks out and Morisue starts to look a bit frustrated as a few more big moves still don't put Gareth away. He eventually misses a corner charge and staggers back to where Gareth manages to find the strength to actually nail Morisue with his running Shoulder Breaker. He falls on top of Morisue and the ref counts to three.


Winner: Gareth Wayne via Pinfall


Rating: 46


Afterwards all the members of the S.O.B come out looking happy as can be. Wayne is still not moving, but they start to heft him to his feet as they celebrate in the ring and attempt to get Wayne to regain conciousness as Morisue is dumped out of the ring. The fans boo and throw trash into the ring as it seems Kajahara now has his opponent for Trial By Fire.


Final Rating: 46

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The final show before the big one was satisfactory. The main focus was of course the main event, but the inevitable clash for the tag titles was highlighted as well. Now Ryu and Madness look for the momentum to carry on into the Trial By Fire show and onwards through the rest of the show. There will be a bigger crowd than normal coming up so now is the time for them to hook some more fans to their product and gain popularity.


Warrior Engin XXV presents: Trial By Fire


Tuesday, Week 4, January


Iwata Hall


Main Event: Warrior's Heart (Barbwire Mayhem)


Gareth Wayne vs Ryu Kajahara


Blood Brothers Match


Naga-Mori vs The Church of Pain


King of the Deathmatch


Doug Peak vs Koichi Kajiwara


Many Others in Action. Card Subject to Change

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Iwata Hall


466 in Attendance









Looks like the chaos is getting started very early as light tubes are resting about among the other weaponry that is kept around the ring this time. Doug is the first one out and he is holding his title high while yammering away at several fans that boo him. He stops by to get himself a tube and he holds it in his hand as he waits for Koichi to come out.


While he waits for Koichi to come down from the entrance ramp, the challenger instead comes in from the crowd with a light tube of his own that he smashes over Doug's head before the bell even rings. Doug rolls about in pain as the ref calls for the action to start and Koichi tries to get a quick pinfall to no avail.


Koichi has control for the better part of the first few minutes of the bout as he suplexes Doug onto the tube that he had dropped in the ring. Looks like Koichi landed on it as well as bits of glass are poking out from his back when he gets back to his feet. Doug begins to fight back and the pair brawl about the ring before falling outside.


Outside the ring it ends up being the champ that starts to gain some control of the match when Koichi misses a charge and rams hard into a ring post. He finds a leather strap and starts whipping at Koichi's back, causing welts to rise up as well as lacerating him in a few places before attempting to choke out the man. He looks to have Koichi for the most part down and out and rolls him into the ring, but only manages a two count.


Big back body drop from the champ followed up by several powerful knee drops. He goes for the House of Horrors, but Koichi starts fighting back. He powers out of it and bounces off the ropes only to meet a huge elbow to the neck that stops any forward momentum he had. Doug capitalizes quickly and hits the House of Horrors without a problem this time and gets the pin.


Winner and still Champion: Doug Peak via Pinfall


Rating: 46




Doug gets his title and heads towards the back as Kajahara comes out to check on his fallen ally. He grabs a microphone once his friend is on his feet and he looks about at the gathered crowd.


"Gareth Wayne played by my rules, but he failed to see what I was trying to teach him. He has his shot because I am a man of my word. Tonight I will teach Gareth that he made a grave mistake in assaulting me thinking it would help him. I have experienced far worse beatings and I am unafraid of whatever you have to offer. Tonight you will see you cannot beat me because I do have a Warrior's Heart and you do not."


A simple little thing said by the champ, but the crowd seems to be eating it up. He helps Koichi to the back after handing the microphone away and the next match looks ready to start.




The newest member of the S.O.B looks to get a feather in his cap by beating one of Ryu Kajahara's closest allies. The Big Problem has youth and strength on his side, but Ohishi certainly has too much tenacity to be a pushover. The Big Problem soon finds that out as Ohishi jumps right over the top rope and onto the much bigger American before he can even get into the ring.


Ohishi does well to keep his distance and use the weapons around him to keep The Big Problem down, but in the midst of trying to pick the big man up to roll him into the ring he is caught and chokeslammed hard onto the floor. The Big Problem begins to dominate Ohishi with several punishing moves to show his sheer power. He carries Ohishi into the ring and drops him into the center of the mat. He bounces off the ropes and looks to go for a splash, but Ohishi rolls out of the way. He strikes fast and he starts kicking at his downed foe. He then manages to lock on the Stomach Claw and despite all his strength, The Big Problem is forced to tap out.


Winner: Kimitada Ohishi via submission


Rating: 42






Two of the newest members of Warrior Engine face off against one another in a hardcore rules bout. Yanagita has a power advantage, but Suzuki is a bit faster and he is also the younger of the pair as they start of staring one another down before the bell. When the bell rings they both start punching away on one another.


It seems that the speed and youth of Suzuki end up being an early deciding factor as he is able to keep from being grappled by Yanagita. A good thing because the powerful throws the man is known for could end this match quickly. The fans do seem a bit annoyed by the fact the two keep it more in the ring and for the better part of the match they don't even go for any weapons. That changes when Yanagita brings a ladder into play and starts to prop it up in the corner to throw Suzuki into it.


A charge is missed and Yanagita goes head first into the ladder, busting himself open before getting suplexed over onto the mat. Suzuki sets the ladder up and climbs up it and motions to the crowd. With a shout he jumps off the ladder and hits a senton on the fallen Yanagita. That ends up being enough to put the grappler away.


Winner: Hitomaru Suzuki via Pinfall


Rating: 48




While the ring is being cleaned up Gareth Wayne comes out to mock the crowd. He takes the microphone and gets in the ring while chasing off the people that were trying to set up for the next bout.


"Listen here you ramen munchers. We already saw Doug Peak and his dominance as he kept his title. Soon my boys Larry Wood and Travis Century will capture the Blood Brother titles as well. Then Ryu Kajahara will fall to me! The S.O.B will reign surpreme by the end of tonight and Kajahara will be left a shell of himself. Ryu, I will be a merciful man tonight. When I finish taking that title you adore so much I will be sure to break you in such a way you will never return to the ring."


He tosses the mic away while laughing and he mocks the crowd some more, before stopping to high five The Church of Pain as they start towards the ring.






Naga-mori have not had much luck in the previous weeks against the men they took the titles from. The fact this hardcore rules match is also tornado tag does not bode well for them given the rather hectic and fast paced style does seem to be right up The Church of Pain's alley.


Naga-Mori never get to the ring because both Larry and Travis climb out and go right after the champs. The four men brawl all around and even into the crowd as all the referee can do is watch from the ring. Morioka and Wood end up at the concession area and Morioka is unfortunant enough that he ends up being put through one of the tables there and left in a heep while Wood looks to help his partner who is having some problems with Nagahama.


Wood hits Nagahama from behind and Travis joins in putting the boots to the downed champ. The action surprisingly spills into the ring as Travis drags Nagahama in with him. Wood finds himself some barbwire and actually starts wrapping it around his taped hand, seeming not to care that it still cuts him up a bit. Travis holds Nagahama as Wood delivers a few strong punches. The last one goes right for Nagahama's face, but he manages to slip out and Century takes the barbwire right to the face which sends him rolling out of the ring in pain.


Nagahama tries to make some sort of comeback, but Wood is still looking to be the fresher of the two and keeps control. He hits Nagahama with the big boot and goes to pin. The ref is coming down for a three count when Morioka dives in at the last moment and breaks this up. Century gets back into the ring and once more the four men start to do battle. Morioka and Wood end up outside once more and the pair and going at it while Century is beaten on by Nagahama. With Wood distracted and a brief moment of having the upper hand, Nagahama locks Century into a guillotine choke. Morioka is able to keep Wood from getting in to make the save and Century is forced to tap.


Winner and still Champions: Naga-Mori via submission


Rating: 54


Naga-Mori have little time to celebrate because Henry Lee and Doug Peak hit the ring and start wiping the floor with the tired duo. Wood joins in while Century still tries to recover. Naga-Mori are left a mess while the S.O.B members take turns posing with the titles before tossing them on the fallen champs and leaving the ring.






Hirokumi Saito had an impressive win over Munemitsu Senmatsu and now he looks to keep his momentum going by defeating the young Bull Wrecker who would like a win to lessen the sting of his fellow S.O.B members who failed to capture the tag titles.


Bull Wrecker soon finds perhaps he is in over his head. His power is really nothing when he is being taken to the ground by Saito. Saito easily controls the match and whenever Bull Wrecker looks like he might be able to get himself to power out of a hold, Saito lets go and quickly takes him down with a totally different one. It ends up being a frustrating affair which only causes Bull Wrecker to make mistakes. Saito never really has a problem with his opponent the entire match and after a few moments a Cross-Arm Suplex puts the young Bull away.


Winner: Hirokumi Saito via Pinfall


Rating: 53




Madness emerges out from under the ring after Saito leaves. Bull Wrecker is still recovering when Madness grabs a bat and enters the ring. Bull gets up and readies to defend himself, but Madness instead just starts hitting his own head with the bat. He busts himself open and the usually emotionless man just smiles as he stares at Bull Wrecker. The S.O.B member decides to slip out of the ring as he just backs away and up the ramp. Madness just laughs a bit more and starts stalking after him, though there is no scuffle heard once they both end up in back.




The S.O.B are not doing so good this night and it might just get worse before it gets better. Dallas McWade tries to change the luck of the invaders, but he has the tall order of trying to take down the mighty Munemitsu Senmatsu who probably isn't too happy about losing to Hirokumi Saito not long ago.


It very much seems to be the case because McWade takes a large beating from Senmatsu to start to match. He is tossed about and press slammed right out of the ring as the crowd gets behind the mighty Japanese warrior. McWade tries to even the odds by bringing in a kendo stick and using it on his opponent, but it isn't having too much effect. He ends up dumped back outside the ring and his moment to try and take control of the match is when he manages to roll and avoid Senmatsu when he dives out to try and land on the Canadian.


If there was a kitchen sink around, McWade would have probably used it. Everything else he could get his hands on were used to beat on Senmatsu and keep the big man down and bloody him. In the end it might just enrage Senmatsu who gets a suddenly rush of adrenaline and he headbutts McWade as hard as he can. He sends McWade into the railing and starts laying into him with kicks and punches before whipping him against the ring apron and then rolling him in. Senmatsu follows in and waits for McWade to stand up. When he does he is nailed with a Super Smash Lariat that allows Senmatsu to get the win.


Winner: Munemitsu Senmatsu via Pinfall


Rating: 53







Taheiji Konoe has taken a few good beatings over the weeks and he somehow at least pulled out a surprise win over Punisher Paul Hughes. Battle Sakata failed to beat Doug Peak his last time out for the Deathmatch title, but seems to be in better shape than his opponent.


It looks like Konoe perhaps could use more time to rest up from his injuries because Sakata easily takes control of this fight. He is intense as he administers a beating to his opponent and Konoe looks overwhelmed to t he point he can barely cover himself up. A chair is brought into play and Sakata continues to brutalize Konoe and busts his head open with a shot so sickening that the referee calls for the fight to end right then and there while claiming Konoe is too bad off he can't defend himself.


Winner: Battle Sakata via Referee Stoppage


Rating: 48








And now comes the match everyone has been waiting for. Ryu Kajahara is the first one out and he is slapping hands with the fans until Gareth Wayne charges out and attacks from behind. He takes the belt and slams it right into Kajahara's face and quickly rolls him into the ring to try and get the win quick.


Ryu is able to kick out at two and he tries to fight back against Gareth's flurry of punches that looks to keep Ryu on his guard and gives him little chance to strike back. Gareth stomps on Ryu in the corner and he then makes a motion as Henry Lee comes running out along with Doug Peak. The three men beat on Ryu Kajahara for a good two minutes before the Brothers in Vengance hit the ring and look to help Ryu out.


Things just get more wild as McWade, Bull Wrecker and Big Problem soon join in. The back just continues to seem to empty as all members of the S.O.B and Team Warrior Engine are soon battling all over the place. The ref can't keep any sort of control and he is even taken out by a lariat from Koichi Kajiwara. Kimitada Ohishi takes out McWade and himself by driving the pair through a table and soon each member of the various sides start to fall one by one.


Soon it is Ryu Kajahara in the ring with Henry Lee and Gareth Wayne who have him in the corner and are beating him senseless. He looks like he isn't even concious at this point as Wayne moves around the ring to gloat and he lets Henry beat on Ryu some more. Kajahara may have been playing possum to an extent, because he soon leaps up and starts to attack Lee and dump him out of the ring. Gareth turns about with a look of surprise on his face as Ryu tears into him. The ref starts to recover and lets the match continue as Ryu and Gareth go at it. The S.O.B are soon kept away from the ring and unable to help their leader as Team Warrior Engine stands around the ring.


Even so Wayne still seems to be the one that has taken less of a beating overall. He hits Ryu with a suplex and a powerslam back to back and still only gets a two count. As he starts to pick Kajahara up, Ryu surprises him with the Kajahara Claw. Wayne flailes and tries to break free, but Ryu keeps hold tight. The S.O.B charge the ring, but can't get to their leader in time as he soon has to tap out.


Winner and still Champion: Ryu Kajahara via Submission


Rating: 68


The S.O.B carry their fallen leader off and are cursing at the ring while Team Warrior Engine climb in to celebrate with their leader as the crowd goes wild.





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Trial By Fire was a great success for the company and it got the fans talking. In the long run both Ryu Kajahara and Madness hope that it will get more people to come see their upcoming shows. Already they plan to see where the feud with the two factions will go as they work on a name for their next big show while also preparing for the last tour show of the month of January.


Already there are some questions that might be answered over the coming weeks. Who will be the next challenger for the Warrior's Heart title? Will the S.O.B be able to recover and even if so will Gareth Wayne get another title shot soon? Not only that who might be the next opponents for Doug Peak and Naga-Mori? Did Madness have plans for Bull Wrecker and if so what were they?


The Blackout Tour


Week 4


Matsumoto Hall


Main Event


Munemitsu Senmatsu vs Larry Wood


Also in Action


Eguchi the Amazing vs Punisher Paul Hughes with Brains McGhee


American Psychos vs Opponents of Ryu Kajahara's choosing.


Brothers in Vengence vs Ground and Pound (Kimitada Yanagita and Koichi Kajiwara)

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Matsumoto Hall


269 in Attendence






The crowd is hot for this one as both teams get a warm reception from those gathered around to watch. Nagahama might want to keep an eye on this one because one of these two teams might be their next challenge. The American Psychos also made a rather strong case at Trial By Fire after they attacked the tag champs post match. A show of respect from both teams as they shake hands and bow to one another before the bell is rung.


Of course once the bell has sounded all pleasantries are thrown out the window and the four big men start to go at it. Yanagita goes after Morisue while Sakata and Kajiwara start to do battle with one another as the latter pair ends up on the outside and fighting into the crowd. Yanagita does get quite a reaction when he manages to heft up the large Morisue and suplex him outside the ring with relative ease.


Sakata excuses a fan from his seat so he can pick it up and he starts to lay into Kajiwara with it in an attempt to get the man down for the sake of wanting to go help his partner. Kajiwara ends up getting one of his own and the two exchange headshots before Kajiwara gets a second one in and takes down Sakata. The chair is tossed aside and he goes to help his partner against Morisue.


Yanagita has had control over Morisue for the most part after that big suplex, but him and Kajiwara decide to do more damage as the latter starts setting up a table. Yanagita continues to pummel and then goes to heft Morisue up and put him through said table. Morisue ends up fighting back and slips off the shoulders of Yanagita and begins elbowing him in the face. Sakata also didn't seem to stay down for long as he blind sides Kajiwara and hefts him up to powerslam him through the table.


Sakata and Morisue then take shots on Yanagita and roll the stout fighter into the ring. Sakata starts stomping on Kajiwara to keep him occupied as Morisue slides a chair into the ring. He hefts Yanagita up and delivers a running powerslam onto that chair which ends up being enough for the three count.


Winner: Brothers In Vengeance via Pinfall


Rating: 44




Doug Peak and Henry Lee emerge as the four competitors are looking to leave. They seem rather smug and Peak seems to love showing off his title, especially to Sakata and Kajiwara since he has beaten them recently to retain it. There are no fists thrown surprisingly as Lee and Peak wait for Ryu Kajahara to come out and talk to them about their attack on the tag champs at Trial By Fire.


Ryu soon steps out to cheers with mic in hand and he stays on the entrance ramp as he looks at the ring and the two men. He waits for the cheers to finally die down before he begins to speak to the two men.


"It was a tough tag match that everyone enjoyed. A tag match you two decided to ruin at the end when the winners deserved a moment to celebrate. This is still my company and I am tired of you all thinking your attacks will get you title shots. Peak, if I were you I would be more worried about the title you already have. Now if the two of you want a chance to get the tag titles once again then it can start tonight. Stay in that ring and I think you will find your first two opponents suitable ones."


Ryu disappears into the back as the fans wait to see who comes out.




It is no surprise that Kimitada Ohishi is one of the men out. He always seems to be willing to help out his best friend and there is certainly no love lost between him and the S.O.B. The fans are behind him, but seem more perplexed than anything when Hirokumi Saito emerges. That cold gaze of his is fixated on the American Psychos and he just nods when Ohishi motions to charge the ring.


They both do so, but Saito stops after two or three steps and lets Ohishi slide in alone to get attacked by the American Psychos. Saito instead just stays near the entrance watching as Ohishi has the tall task of fighting both men on his own as the fans boo Saito for not helping his partner.


As much as Ohishi tries to mount some sort of offense he is easily overwhelmed by both Lee and Peak who are battering him with punches and kicks. Lee holds up Ohishi as Peak gets a nice running charge and busts Ohishi open when he smashes his title against the veteran's face. The American Psychos seem intent on not even looking Saito's way and keep themselves concentrating on Ohishi. Ohishi is helpless as Peak and Lee take turns hitting their finishers respectively when Peak hits him first with the House of Horrors followed by Lee using the Asylum Buster. Three slaps to the mat later and the American Psychos are celebrating their win.


Winner: American Psychos via Pinfall


Rating: 42


The two motion for Saito to come in, but he just stalks around the ring instead and waits for them to leave. The two do get bored eventually and they leave without going after Saito. A microphone is soon grabbed and Saito climbs into the ring and he just looks down at the fallen Ohishi. He seems to show no regret for his actions as he begins to speak to the crowd.


"I did not come here to be used to fight someone else's battles. Ryu Kajahara's problems with the S.O.B are not my own. You may have others fooled into helping you, Ryu, but I am not one of them."


The fans booing grows a bit louder as Saito kicks at Ohishi a bit to roll the semi concious man out of the ring so he can have it to himself.


"I came here for my own reasons. I came here to finish what I started in INSPIRE before it shut down. I came here to be at the top and to stay there. Kajahara, I won't jump you like the cowards like the S.O.B. I will destroy all you send my way and in the end you will have no choice but to face me yourself. That is when your era will end and my dominance will peak."


It seems Saito has made his intent clear and in doing so has made several enemies. The S.O.B won't like being called cowards and Kajahara cannot be happy to see one of his best friends left to the wolves like Ohishi was. Saito may have just dug his own grave tonight.







MgGhee and Hughes are not looking like happy campers and with good reason. The cockiness has cost Hughes his first match and his second was against the strange man simply known as Madness. Tonight he looks to turn things around as he finds himself facing off with Eguchi the Amazing who is wrestling in a hardcore rules match for the first time in awhile.


Things do not bode well for him at all as he is easily overpowered by Hughes. He is beaten on and tossed about while McGhee yells at his client from ringside. Eguchi is given little room to breath as he is tossed about and smothered by the offense of the large European. It looks like quite an easy win for Hughes once more as he motions for McGhee to slide in a chair for him to finish off Eguchi. McGhee slides the chair too far and Eguchi ends up getting it instead! Hughes turns around looking shocked as he is nailed right on the head by the chair and then hit a few more times for extra measure.


The large man is downed and Eguchi covers! McGhee just looks horrified as Eguchi gets the win. The crowd is in shock as Eguchi leaps out of the ring and starts to run about among the crowd shouting about getting his win. Once again a match that was dominated by the big European ends in frustration as he and McGhee begin to argue once Hughes regains conciousness.


Winner: Eguchi the Amazing via Pinfall


Rating: 26






After some cleanup it is now time for the main event. Munemitsu comes out to quite the loud ovation and he bows to the crowd while waiting for his opponent to come out. Larry Wood gets a much less warm reception and he looks already a bit more unhinged than normal. It doesn't seem like he is taking his loss from Trial By Fire very well.


Wood doesn't wait for the bell to ring and he just pulls Senmatsu outside to meet him and the two men start going at it. There certainly seems no love lost between the two and they look to try and maim one another quickly as they battle into and through the crowd. Wood ends up ramming the Senmatsu head first into the side of a vending machine a few times and then looks to try and tip it over onto the other man. Senmatsu manages to roll away before it can ever happen and he gets back to his feet. The top of his head has been busted open and he looks rather dazed as he tries to trade more punches with Wood.


Wood starts dragging Senmatsu towards the merchant's table and it ends up being a bad idea in his case. Senmatsu ends up getting enough of an adrenaline surge to be able to pick up Wood and tosses him right through the table before falling over himself. THe ref runs out to check on both men and almost looks ready to stop the match when Senmatsu manages to start getting back up.


Senmatsu drags Wood back towards the ring and then tosses him hard into the ring post. He empties out a trash can and slams it on top of Wood's head and then actually puts it over the upper half of his opponent before getting a chair. He slams the chair a few times against the side of the trashcan and Wood staggers about before falling over on the outside. Senmatsu then drags him out and tosses him back into the ring. He waits to pounce as Wood takes some time to get up. When he finally does he turns about and is nailed with a Super Smash Lariat. The groggy Senmatsu then pins Wood and gets the three count.


Winner: Munemitsu Senmatsu via Pinfall


Rating: 46


Munemitsu slips out of the ring as Travis Century comes charging out to check on his fallen partner. He shouts a few curses in the direction of Senmatsu who raises his arms in victory from the outside and heads back up the ramp.




Final Rating: 43

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The first month with Madness on the book has ended and while there were many positives for the company there was a big negative in the fact that they lost money overall. The main reason was an arguement that Ryu pays himself too much for a company that has too small of a fanbase. The result is the tour shows have kept having to be shortened and talent used reduced just to see if they can manage some form of profit. The fact that it seems the economy is in a slump combined with people seem to be having a hard time to choose what promotion they want to see out of the various options have made Warrior Engine have to reconsider things. A reduction of talent used overall as well as perhaps a purge of foreign talent might be on the way if things do not improve.




The Blackout Tour Week 5


Matsumoto Hall




Naga-Mori in action


Travis Century vs Hitomaro Suzuki


Kimitada Yaganita vs Gareth Wayne


Ryu Kajahara's response to Hirokumi Saito's actions last week


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