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The Road to Glory begins in Sweden! [C-verse RtG]

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January, 2010: Hello World!


My name is Magnus Johansson. I am 19 years old and am about to take my first steps as a professional wrestler. My dream and professional goal is to be in an epic main event at a PPV in a huge wrestling promotion.

The first step on that journey was taken earlier this month when Roberto Milano, one of the guys who trained me, asked me to join the promotion he was setting up in my home country Sweden. I was of course extremely happy to accept, and things did not get any worse when he asked me to make some calls to other workers around Europe and help him set our first show up.

The product Pro Wrestling Sweden, PWS, want to promote is one where Pure wrestling should be the key feature, with a heavy influence of the modern style while keep the realism level high as well.


I think our budget will be rather tight the first year or so, so you will not be seeing a lot of high profile stars early on. Coming to think of it, it is not even likely that we will have the highest paid stars of PWS at every show.


Anyhow, our inaugural show, PWS Live Wrestling, will be held at the Synthesis Mall later this month. And for this first show only, the tickets are completely FREE OF CHARGE!



The matches that will be held are:


Giancarlo Giabroni vs Roberto Milano - Our first main event sees two Italians battling for position. Will the rowdy Giancarlo or arrogant fashionista Milano earn the early bragging rights?

Magnus Johansson vs Wolfgang Klose (w/Minion) - Will the rookie sensation (Yours Truly!) move past the silent German and his disturbing servant?

Stardust Phil Cox vs Armand Hardwicke - Will Phil Cox finally find success after failed stints with different companies in the UK? Or will we see a new star rise in Armand Hardwicke?

Nigel Svensson vs Vic Walker - Who is stronger, Swedish submission specialist or Liverpool lounge lizard? Come to the Synthesis Mall and find out!


Also promised: An appearance from PWS commissioner Vita.

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Results from PWS Live Wrestling in January 2010



Lead announcer Vic Thurgood along with commissioner Vita, who is doing color commentary tonight, starts the event by welcoming everyone to the Synthesis Mall. The live audience is only 8 people even though admission is free tonight. Maybe a little less than we were hoping for. I am confident though that once word about us reaches more potential fans, a lot more people will come to our shows.


Without further ado, the first match of the night begins:

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/NigelSvensson.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/VicWalker.jpg

Nigel Svensson vs Vic Walker

To a rather indifferent crowd (using that description rather loosely here), both men make their simple entrances. Referee Dwayne Hewitt quickly checks both men for illegal items and starts the match.

The match itself is far from spectacular, but it is more entertaining than most would expect. Nigel and Vic fight an even fight early on in the match, both struggling to find an opening and gain the upper hand. This changes when Vic blocks a suplex attempt and deliveres a low blow followed by an eye rake. He is completely deaf to the referee's objections, and lands a succession of lefts and rights to his opponent. A dropkick gives him a two count, but Nigel comes back with two stiff forearms to the head of Vic and grounds him with a double-leg takedown and keeps him down, working methodically on his arms. After 10:07, Vic Walker is finally forced to submit to the Hyper Extension Arm Lock.

Winner: Nigel Svensson

Rating: 34


Directly after the first match is over, some fireworks go off and "Stardust" Phil Cox makes his way to the ring. Then, "Rusty Cage" by Soundgarden starts playing and young Armand Hardwicke comes to the ring.

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/StardustPhilCox_alt1.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/ArmandHardwicke.jpg

Stardust Phil Cox vs Armand Hardwicke

Oh dear, this match does not begin very good. The crowd loses interest early on, both men botch several moves and to make things even worse, the referee Hewitt is too much in focus all of the time. It feels good when Cox hits his Star Burst finisher and gets the three count after 9:17.

Winner: Stardust Phil Cox

Rating: 19


"Mindfields" by Prodigy starts flowing thorugh the speakers, and that is my cue. I am nervous but more than anything very excited to make my professional debut. I walk the few meters from backstage to the ring and actually experience som support from the crowd! That could of course be because I know 75% of on a first name basis... Then my music stops, and "Bestrafe Mich" by Rammstein begins playing. Stone-faced, Wolfgang Klose walks out to the ring with his manager (or possibly slave?) Minion, who worshippingly pays full attention to his master only interrupting briefly to shoot hateful glances toward the audience and me.

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/MagnusJohansson.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/WolfgangKlose.jpg with http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/Minion.jpg

Magnus Johansson vs Wolfgang Klose(w/ Minion)

We have a very open match with most of the action going on on the mat inside the ring. Wolfgang and myself both feel most comfortable that way, and give the crowd our full array of suplexes, submission attempts and occasional wild punches. After quite some time, I gain the upper hand and am about to set my opponent up for my finisher when suddenly I get tripped by Minion! And before anyone, least of all Dwayne Hewitt, knows what has happened, Wolfgang has drilled me into the mat with his violent Back Suplex. One, Two, Three and the match is over after 11:39!

Winner: Wolfgang Klose

Rating: 19


Tonight, there is hardly a quiet moment between the matches (at least not quieter than during them...). We move directly to tonight's main event, which is lead into by the most elaborate entrances of the night. Wearing dark sunglassesand a black leather jacket, Giancarlo Giabroni comes out to the sound of Trivium's "Into The Mouth Of Hell We March". He does a good job showing what a super cool bad ass he is, and actually manages to get a positive reaction from a crowd who have never heard of him before tonight. After that, the contrast could hardly be greater when Luciano Pavarotti's voice comes from the speakers with "Nessun Dorma". To the ring walks a very stylish Roberto Milano. He seems completely unaffected by the loud boos from the crowd, and blows kisses to them. In his head, they all love him! He stops outside the ring and slowly removes his fancy suit, folding every piece neatly and placing them on a ringside table. When he is removing his cufflinks though, his opponent cannot wait any longer. Giancarlo towers behind the much smaller Roberto Milano, grabs the expensive looking white shirt by the collar and rips it from his opponent's body! The referee calls for the bell, and the match is finally started.

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/GiancarloGiabroni.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/RobertoMilano.jpg

Giancarlo Giabroni vs Roberto Milano

The match initially is a wild brawl outside the ring, which is completely dominated by Giancarlo. The referee is close to counting both men out before they even have set foot inside the ring, but fortunately Milano is pushed under the ropes and followed by his opponent just in time. Gradually, Roberto Milano works his way into the fight. For the rest of the match, both men are very evenly matched. In the end, it comes down to physical conditioning. Roberto Milano simply wears his opponent down, and manages to win by pinfall with a small package after 14:44.

Winner: Roberto Milano

Rating: 35



Roberto Milano is in the ring, celebrating, when Vita leaves the announcer's table with a microphone in hand. She congratulates him to his victory, and asks if he feels good about himself right now. He just smirks back att her. She goees on to ask him how he would feel about a shot at the Swedish Championship title, which will be introduced very soon.


Roberto's response is that she might as well give him the belt right away, as there is no one in PWS that can match his skill and finesse.

Vita pauses for a moment, seemingly pondering the possibility of doing it that way, before saying that she had something else in mind. Milano is offered a chance to take on Swedish veteran grappler Griffin at the next show!

Milano accepts and says that he will beat Griffin just like that (snaps his fingers) and walk away the champion.

Vita reminds him that she never promised a title match against Griffin. In fact, that match will only be a qualifying match. Another qualifying bout has already been decided as well. It will see Nigel Svensson take on American second generation shooting star Greg Gauge.

Roberto shrugs and says that it does not matter. He will take on and move past any opponent put in his path, but feels it is a waste of time. She might as well put the gold around his waist right here and now!

Vita laughs at that notion, and says that it is settled then. Roberto Milano versus Griffin at next PWS Live Wrestling event.

Rating: 30


Show Rating: 31

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Card preview for PWS Live Wrestling 2, to be held in March 2010


Griffin vs Roberto Milano

For a spot in the title match


Nigel Svensson vs Greg Gauge

For a spot in the title match


Ultra Fly vs "Six Feet Of Anger" Glen Ward

Which of these debuting British workers will prove stronger?


Magnus Johansson vs Minion

Will I have revenge for his interference?

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Card preview for PWS Live Wrestling 2, to be held in March 2010


Griffin vs Roberto Milano

For a spot in the title match


Nigel Svensson vs Greg Gauge

For a spot in the title match


Ultra Fly vs "Six Feet Of Anger" Glen Ward

Which of these debuting British workers will prove stronger?

Magnus Johansson vs Minion

Will I have revenge for his interference?

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Griffin vs Roberto Milano

no contest


Nigel Svensson vs Greg Gauge

two good young stars but GG has the edge


Ultra Fly vs "Six Feet Of Anger" Glen Ward

I love the angry man gimmick


Magnus Johansson vs Minion

Any one who loses to Minion should quit in shame...

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Results from PWS Live Wrestling 2 in March 2010


Held at the Synthesis Mall in front of 6 people



Commentators Vic THurgood and Vita welcomes everyone to the show, and quickly recap the events leading up to the first match. At our first event, I was about to finish Wolfgang Klose off when his valet, Minion, interfered and cost me the match. So now I will have a change to get some revenge.

I enter the ring to the sound of the Prodigy song "Mindfields" and play a bit to the crowd. Then "Bestrafe Mich" begins to play and Minion comes out alone. It is hard to tell what he feels about being here. One moment, you get the impression that he just wants to run away from the ring. The next, he seems to look forward to the pain that can be expected once the match starts.

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/MagnusJohansson.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/Minion.jpg

Magnus Johansson vs Minion

When the bell rings, Minion just stands there waiting. I dance around briefly anf then charge, flooring him with a running clothesline. I then manage to lock on my Crucifix Armbar finisher. Minion squeals in pain, but does not tap out. Oddly enough, he seems to enjoy the situation. A different tactic needs to be employed, and the match turns into a sluggish brawl, which unfortunately does not give the audience much enjoyment. The end comes when I drop Minion to the canvas with a spear and go for the cover. Suddenly-


Wolfgang Klose appears at ringside, and slides into the ring. He attacks me from behind and the referee immediately calls for the dq after 5:52.

Winner: Magnus Johansson

Rating: 14



Klose and Minion proceed to give me a beating inside the ring, and referee Dwayne Hewitt does nothing to stop them. Seeing the assault, Nigel Svensson comes running in and fights them both off, saving me from a serious beating.

Rating: 1


To the sound of "Heroes Of Our Time" by DragonForce, Ultra Fly dashes to the ring. Then Corroded's "Six Feet Of Anger" begins playing, and Glen Ward comes out. On his way to the ring, he manages to pick a fight with a fan so Dwayne Hewitt has to rush out and separate them. Glen does not look pleased with that, and puts his index finger in the face of the referee, seemingly telling him exactly what he thinks of it.

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/UltraFly.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/GlenWard.jpg

Ultra Fly vs Glen Ward

The match allows both men to showcase their strenghts. There are several highflying spots from Ultra Fly that leaves the crowd gasping. Glen Ward, on the other hand, does his best to keep the match on the mat. In the end, it is the latter that proves more succesful, and after 9:16, Ultra Fly is forced to give in to the Judo Choke-Sleeper.

Winner: Glen Ward

Rating: 20



"Step Up" by Drowning Pool starts playing, and Greg Gauge comes out to the ring. He has a microphone in his hand, and tells everyone how he has come all the way from the US of A to show us Swedes what wrestling is all about. And he is about to start here and now by beating Nigel Svensson!

Rating: 7


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/NigelSvensson.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/GregGauge.jpg

Nigel Svensson vs Greg Gauge

There is some mild cheering as Nigel makes his way to the ring. The match immediately begins. And what a match it is! Easily the best action PWS ha showcased so far and a very exciting bout where both youngsters have plenty of offense. In the end, after several near-falls and submission attempts, Greg Gauge gets his Proton Lock in, and Nigel has no choice but to tap out. The match lasts exactly 15:40.

Winner: Greg Gauge

Rating: 45


The music coming from the speakers is "Ensam Gud" by Swedish band LOK. And the man marching to the ring to a huge ovation (if 6 persons really can give a huge ovation) is Swedish veteran wrestler Griffin. Ater him, cued by Luciano Pavarotti's singning, comes Roberto Milano, looking as confident and full of himself as always.

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/Griffin.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/RobertoMilano.jpg

Griffin vs Roberto Milano

This match is rather different from our earlier pairings in that that the crowd actually cares about both participants. They almost love the hometown hero Griffin as much as they hate the arrogant Roberto Milano. And the action inside the ring has good flow and is appealing to the crowd. Griffin starts well, but as the match progresses, Roberto gradually takes over. Griffin makes several short comebacks, but Roberto Milano seems to be on top of things until it is time to wrap everything up. Then Griffin suddenly reverses a figure-four leglock and his opponent has to submit after 14:58.

Winner: Griffin

Rating: 43


Vita and Vic Thurgood then take a moment to put over the fact that in the main event of next show, we'll be seeing Griffin take on Greg Gauge for the Swedish Championship.

Rating: 8


Show Rating: 38

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Prediction results:


Portlius 4/4

Timber 1/4


Thanks for predicting guys, and well done Portlius!



Next Show (May 2010):


Griffin vs Greg Gauge - Swedish Championship

Who will be our inaugural champ?


Giancarlo Giabroni vs Armand Hardwicke

Both guys are still looking to score there first win.


Team Sweden (Magnus Johansson and Nigel Svensson) vs Klose & Minion

The first tag match in PWS history


Stardust Phil Cox vs Vic Walker

Will "Stardust" outshine Vic?

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Griffin vs Greg Gauge - Swedish Championship

Gauge is the future but i guess the home good hero will triumph here


Giancarlo Giabroni vs Armand Hardwicke

Giabroni has the edge


Team Sweden (Magnus Johansson and Nigel Svensson) vs Klose & Minion

No contest


Stardust Phil Cox vs Vic Walker

When i played a similar promo Vic delivered very well for a low budget heel


If i can be cheeky, two suggestions:

1) tag matches are expensive luxuries until you hit small level

2) use Vita in sex-appeal rated angles. that should drive your rating up

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Doing this in a shorter form to be ablr to post the results today. I think the future format will be much up to how much time I have at my hands. I will try to get results from one show up every 24 to 48 hours.





Results from PWS Live Wrestling 3 in May 2010


Held at the Synthesis Mall in front of 9 people



Vita opens the show by coming out with a microphone in her hand and hypes the upcoming title match between Griffin and Greg Gauge.

Rating: 15


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/StardustPhilCox_alt1.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/VicWalker.jpg

Stardust Phil Cox vs Vic Walker

In an absolutely wretched bout that is devoid of action or heat, Stardust Phil Cox defeats Vic Walker in 10:14 by pinfall with a Star Burst.

Rating: 17


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/MagnusJohansson.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/NigelSvensson.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/WolfgangKlose.jpghttp://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/Minion.jpg

Team Sweden vs Klose & Minion

In an awful match that is completely devoid of heat, Team Sweden defeats Klose & Minion in 7:31 when Magnus Johansson defeats Minion by submission with a Crucifix Armbar.

Team Sweden have excellent chemistry.

Rating: 34


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/GiancarloGiabroni.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/ArmandHardwicke.jpg

Giancarlo Giabroni vs Armand Hardwicke

In an absolutely wretched bout that is devoid of action or heat, Giancarlo Giabroni defeats Armand Hardwicke in 11:50 by pinfall with a Milan Arrow.

Giancarlo Giabroni is visibly tiring toward the end. The match falls apart after a bit, with no rhyme or reason to the moves.

Rating: 10


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/Griffin.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/GregGauge.jpg

Griffin vs Greg Gauge


For the vacant Swedish Championship

Even though the matches earlier did not have much in the way of quality, this one instead isexactly what you would have expected. It has solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, and both guys get to showcase their abilities. From the second "Step Up" stops playing until the end of the match, it is impossible to say who the winner is going to be. The competitors are very evenly matched, and there are numerous near-falls and close escapes before Griffin finally defeats Greg Gauge in 15:52 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

After the match, as "Ensam Gud" is blaring from the arena speakers, Vita enters the ring and puts the championship belt around Griffin's waist. Both members of Team Sweden also enter the ring to celebrate together with our mentor.

Rating: 48


Show Rating: 36

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Griffin vs Greg Gauge - Swedish Championship

Giancarlo Giabroni vs Armand Hardwicke

Team Sweden (Magnus Johansson and Nigel Svensson) vs Klose & Minion

Stardust Phil Cox vs Vic Walker


If i can be cheeky, two suggestions:

1) tag matches are expensive luxuries until you hit small level

2) use Vita in sex-appeal rated angles. that should drive your rating up


Good predicting again! Congrats.


Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. Have been fiddling around with several 0/0/0/0 promotions in the US earlier, but they have always had good sponsor money. A bit harder with the product I chose this time... Plus the available cheap workers in Europe are rather scarce as well.

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Next Show:


PWS Live Wrestling 4, July 2010


Griffin vs Roberto Milano - Swedish Championship

Will Griffin hang on to the gold in his first match as champ?


Magnus Johansson vs "Six Feet Of Anger" Glen Ward

Both guys have won their last matches. Which streak will remain unbroken after this match?


Nigel Svensson vs Armand Hardwicke

Armand is looking for his first win in PWS. Will it be against Nigel?


Ultra Fly vs Woflgang Klose (w/ Minion)

Easygoing high flyer or ice man technician with annoying minion?

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PWS Live Wrestling 4, July 2010


Griffin vs Roberto Milano - Swedish Championship

Will Griffin hang on to the gold in his first match as champ?


Magnus Johansson vs "Six Feet Of Anger" Glen Ward

Both guys have won their last matches. Which streak will remain unbroken after this match?


Nigel Svensson vs Armand Hardwicke

Armand is looking for his first win in PWS. Will it be against Nigel?


Ultra Fly vs Woflgang Klose (w/ Minion)

Easygoing high flyer or ice man technician with annoying minion?

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Enjoying this ticking along. Any diary with Minion in it is great. What it really needs is to get to where The Damned debuts. He'd be great here.


In case you're interested here's a quick logo I knocked up for you...



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  • 1 month later...

It's been a little bit more than 48 hours. Please don't shoot me...




Results from PWS Live Wrestling 4 in July 2010


In a tag match before the main show started, Griffin and Johansson defeated Wolfgang Klose and Glen Ward in 12:10.

Rating: 36


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/NigelSvensson.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/ArmandHardwicke.jpg

Nigel Svensson vs Armand Hardwicke

In an awful match that is completely devoid of heat, Nigel Svensson defeats Armand Hardwicke in 9:58 by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock.

Rating: 38 (not THAT awful after all, is it?)



Fashionista Roberto Milano enters the ring and starts to talk about his upcoming title match against Griffin. Before he has ad the opportunity to say much at all, the Swedish Champion comes out and enters the ring. There is clearly a lot of tension between the two, who start pushing and shoving. Just as it seems like a big brawl is about to break out, the ring gets flooded by numerous other wrestlers and staff, and the two are pulled away before they can make contact.

Rating: 11


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/UltraFly.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/WolfgangKlose.jpg

Ultra Fly vs Wolfgang Klose

In an even more awful match that is completely devoid of heat, Wolfgang Klose defeats Ultra Fly in 9:19 by pinfall with a Back Suplex.

The bout drags in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable.

Rating: 16


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/MagnusJohansson.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/GlenWard.jpg

Magnus Johansson vs Gen Ward

In yet another awful match that is completely devoid of heat, Glen Ward defeats Magnus Johansson in 11:03 by submission with a Judo Choke-Sleeper.

For the third match in a row tonight, Dwayne Hewitt is far too much in focus, and for all the wrong reasons. He is a nice guy who is great at many things, but being a wrestling referee is not one of them.

Rating: 23


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/Griffin.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/RobertoMilano.jpg

Griffin © vs Roberto Milano


for the Swedish Championship

The very familiar, and in this context hated, sound of Luciano Pavarotti's voice is heard in the arena, and Roberto Milano makes his flamboyant entrance. The 8 people in the crowd then erupt when the rock song "Ensam Gud" begins playing, and the sole god himself enters with the Swedish Championship belt around his waist.

From the ring of the bell that starts the match, it is clear that the main event once again outshines every other bout tonight. The crowd is really into this one, and every succesful move by Griffin is cheered almost as wildly as Milano's sneaky tactics are booed. In the end, the hero prevails and Griffin catches Milano in his Figure Four Leglock, causing him to submit after 15:39.

This is Griffin's first defence of his Swedish Championship title.

Rating: 44


Show Rating: 37

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PWS News - August


One of our stars - Greg Gauge, who many believed would be our top guy for years to come - unfortunately has decided that he wants to focus on wrestling in Japan. This means he has left PWS. Good luck in your future endeavours, Greg!


This makes it very likely that a fresh young star will be signed at our next show in September.




Card for PWS Live Wrestling 5:


Giancarlo Giabroni vs Wolfgang Klose (w/ Minion)


Ultra Fly vs Vic Walker


Stardust Phil Cox vs Roberto Milano


Magnus Johansson vs (new signing)

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Results from PWS Live Wrestling 5 in September 2010

Held at the Synthesis Mall in front of 9 people


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/GiancarloGiabroni.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/WolfgangKlose.jpg w/ http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/Minion.jpg

Giancarlo Giabroni vs Wolfgang Klose (w/ Minion)

In an extremely poor match, Wolfgang Klose defeats Giancarlo Giabroni in 8:07 by pinfall with a Back Suplex when Minion interferes.

The bout drags in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable.

Rating: 17



PWS Commissioner Vita comes out and announces that she has signed a replacement for Greg Gauge, who wants to focus on becoming big in Japan. She says that she has very high hopes for the young man who is about to make his debut tonight. "All the way from South Africa - Landon Mallory!"


"I Knock You Down" with Rivethead start playing. Out Mallory comes and gives a speech to make sure everyone knows that he has his sights set on Griffin and the Swedish Championship, but that no one who gets in his way will be left standing!

Rating: 32


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/UltraFly.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/VicWalker.jpg

Ultra Fly vs Vic Walker

What a train wreck! In an absolutely wretched bout that is devoid of action or heat, Vic Walker defeats Ultra Fly in 7:37 by pinfall.

Rating: 7


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/StardustPhilCox_alt1.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/RobertoMilano.jpg

"Stardust" Phil Cox vs Roberto Milano

In an extremely poor match, which still is much better than anything we have seen so far tonight, Roberto Milano defeats Stardust Phil Cox in 15:12 by pinfall.

Rating: 34


http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/MagnusJohansson.jpg vs http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/LandonMallory.jpg

Magnus Johansson vs Landon Mallory

The crowd unfortnately seem more or less dead from the first notes of Mindfields until the match is over. The quality of the in ring action is not that bad by PWS standards, and Mallory looks really strong in his debut match. I try my best to work his arms and legs, to keep him from hitting power moves, but eventually he knocks me to the ground with his awesome spear variation, which he calls the Springbok Ram, and gets an easy 1-2-3 after 14:58.

Rating: 26


Show Rating: 26

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Next show:


Griffin © vs "Six Feet Of Anger" Glen Ward - for the Swedish Championship

New champion?


Nigel Svensson vs Wolfgang Klose (w/ Minion)

Will the silent German and his creepy manager keep causing trouble for Team Sweden?


Magnus Johansson vs Armand Hardwicke

I have had a bit of a losing streak lately. Will the dutch wonder make things worse?


Ultra Fly vs Landon Mallory

Will Mallory be able to ground his high flying opponent?

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Before the show even starts, there is trouble backstage. Glen Ward provokes and attacks Wolfgang Klose, which leads to a legitimate fight in the locker room. I give Glen the riot act, and he responds that he will try not to let it happen again.




Results from PWS Live Wrestling 6 in October 2010

Held at the Synthesis Mall in front of 6 people


Magnus Johansson vs Armand Hardwicke

In an absolutely wretched bout that is devoid of action or heat, I defeat Armand Hardwicke in 10:23 by submission with a Crucifix Armbar. Not much more to say about this match.

Rating: 16


Ultra Fly vs Landon Mallory

In an awful match that is completely devoid of heat, Landon Mallory controls the match almost completely and defeats Ultra Fly in 9:58 by pinfall with a powerful Springbok Ram.

Rating: 30


Nigel Svensson vs Wolfgang Klose (w/ Minion)

In an evenly matched bout that has solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Svensson and Klose both have spots where they look strong. Ultimately, Svensson takes over and sets his finisher up, only to get a low blow from ringside Minion. Dwayne Hewitt of course does not notice anything, and Wolfgang Klose defeats Nigel Svensson in 12:09 by pinfall with a Back Suplex.

Rating: 40


Griffin © vs Glen Ward


Swedish Championship

To the sounds of "Six Feet Of Anger", Glen Ward makes his entrance, and he is angry! We are not sure what the casue of his anger is, but everyone and everything is the target of it. "Ensam Gud"- cue Griffin who is quite the opposite from Ward. He coolly enters the ring and stares the raging Englishman down. The match starts, and after the initial test of strength it swings back and forth. Just as Griffin begins to take control, Landon Mallory comes running to ringside. Griffin spots him and turns to make sure he does not intend to enter the ring. Ward takes the opportunity and pins Griffin with a roll-up for 1-2- NO! Griffin kicks out! And immediately manages to slap on the Figure Four. In a bout that has solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Griffin defeats Glen Ward in 14:12 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock.

This is Griffin's second defence of his Swedish Championship title.

Rating: 37


Griffin raises his arms in victory, but as he turns around - WHAM! - he is hit by the freight train that is Landon Mallory and his Springbok Ram. Griffin is nearly unconscious from the spear, but Mallory takes the opporunity to kick him around and beat on him for a bit. Team Sweden (Nigel and myself) then come rushing to the ring to aid our mentor, and Mallory sees it fit to leave.

Rating: 18


Show Rating: 35

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http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh148/pistoljocke/PWS/GunnarAndersson.jpg(the artist that made this render is ViperVenom)

We hired young, unproven Swedish referee Gunnar Andersson to replace Dwayne Hewitt. Dwayne's contract is about to expire, and he has not been improving as well as I would have hoped for.

Gunnar seems like a very nice guy and from his try-out, I think he has great potential as a wrestling referee.


Next show, PWS Live Wrestling 7:


Magnus Johansson vs Vic Walker


Giancarlo Giabroni vs "Six Feet Of Anger" Glen Ward


Stardust Phil Cox vs Landon Mallory


Nigel Svensson vs Roberto Milano

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Magnus Johansson vs Vic Walker

Vic i found to be a surprisingly useful worker, but you have to go with the muscles here


Giancarlo Giabroni vs "Six Feet Of Anger" Glen Ward

Always bet on Anger


Stardust Phil Cox vs Landon Mallory

Not sure here


Nigel Svensson vs Roberto Milano

Nigel will be a mainstay for years to come with luck

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<p><strong>Magnus Johansson</strong> vs Vic Walker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Giancarlo Giabroni</strong> vs "Six Feet Of Anger" Glen Ward</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Stardust Phil Cox </strong>vs Landon Mallory</p><p> </p><p>

Nigel Svensson vs <strong>Roberto Milano</strong></p>

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