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USPW: A Long Ride To The Top

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RE: My Diaries


It's hard to believe that TEW 2013 is right around the corner. In somewhere around 2 months or so, we will mostly be making the jump from TEW 2010 to TEW 2013. That gives me around that amount of time to work on and focus on these diaries that I have going here on TEW 2010.


I have made the decision to end the prediction contests/24 hour warnings on my diaries. The final one being the one on the NWA 1989 diary. It ends at the end of Fall Brawl. The reason being is that when I or anyone else does the prediction contests it limits the amount ahead that one can go in the game itself. I have to be ready to award a prize to the winner so I can't jump too far ahead. Therefore, the prediction contests/24 hour warnings will be removed from my diaries.


But that is not to say that I am pulling away from reader interaction. I absolutely love the interaction I have with my readers in every single one of my diaries. If I didn't crave that fan response, then I would just play the game itself and not write a diary. They say to write diaries for yourself and I agree to an extent. However, diaries are written to elicit a response. So I welcome any and all responses to the shows that I receive. From time to time, I will have reader interaction polls and ask questions of my 'viewers.' Not to mention that I would enjoy each and every response to how a show goes when I post it, both the positive and negative.


Now, I will be technically running three diaries at once. And there is a reason for that. I have thought about why I jump around so much when it comes to diaries. Some of that reason is that sometimes I enjoy writing old-school, which is where the NWA 1989 diary comes in. Sometimes I enjoy writing current day, which is where the WWE Smackdown vs. Raw diary comes in. Sometimes I enjoy writing creatively in a different and creative universe, which is where this USPW diary comes in. So, therefore, instead of limiting myself to one section, one mod, I'm gonna live in all three and write for each one when I feel that in my heart. Thank you all for reading thus far and I hope that I can continue to count on your support.

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[The scene is backstage within a locker room of a local high school in Aiken, South Carolina. I just finished my run-in on the main event and then headed back here to get a shower and maybe head out to get something to eat. These little independent shows sure don't pay much money but they are something, right? They are something to keep my mind fresh and ready for when a big company comes calling. Oh, who am I kidding? Definitely not myself. Though sometimes I wish I could. I wish I could believe that one day I will get my opportunity for greatness. I stepped into that locker room, expecting it to be empty when I was surprised to see an old friend sitting on one of the benches. Perhaps surprised is an understatement, considering how long it's been since I've seen this particular old friend.]




[shane Sneer. I had worked with Shane back in the days of SCCW. He was the owner of the company down there but when his business went bankrupt he went to work for Danny and Sam at USPW. It is sort of odd to see him down here and my right hand went out and gave him a handshake. It is downright scary to see such a prominent man at an independent show. Maybe he came to scout some local talent?]


The Masked Avatar

"What are you doing down here in the slums? Shouldn't you be collecting your big paycheck up there with Sam and Danny?"


Shane Sneer

"Oh, I'm still collecting that paycheck. Don't worry about that. But I thought I would give the less influential people a look down here."


The Masked Avatar

"Sometimes you do need to see what you're stepping on, right?"


[The two of us had a good laugh at that. It was definitely good to see Shane but again I am left to wonder: why?]


Shane Sneer

"Listen, I've got a business proposal I need to run by you. Can I buy you dinner?"


[i thought about that for about the equivalant of a second and then nodded.]


The Masked Avatar

"If you're buying, you better make it a big dinner. After all, I need to get you to spend some of that money you're making up in the big leagues, right? How about steak?"


Shane Sneer

"Sounds good but you need a shower first, Avatar. I'm not taking anyone that smells as bad as you anywhere with me."


The Masked Avatar

"Make fun of me all you want, Shane. I'll be the one spending your money. I'll meet you outside when I'm done."


[shane nodded and then walked off. A business proposal, huh? I wonder exactly what Shane is up to. I headed into the shower and started to get cleaned up with those old aspirations in mind. Maybe he needs someone for one last solid run? Nah, that only happens in the movies or in anything else that is scripted, right?]

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[i had gotten a shower and gotten changed within the locker room into a more fitting black suit that went with half my mask. Now, you wouldn't think that a guy wearing a wrestling mask and a suit would attract much attention on the street, right? Well, you would be wrong. There are some new-timers and some old-timers who know who I am from this promotion or that promotion that I've worked for. I have been working for promotions since 1992, trained at 15 years old for the ring. I have been moving in and out of territories ever since, wrestling on some of the grandest stages of them all and wrestling in high school gyms as I did tonight. But enough about my past. We need to get focused on the present and the future.]


[i headed out to the nice towncar that Shane had rented and we road toward Prime Steakhouse in downtown Aiken. We mostly shot the **** along the road but I did notice that he avoided talking about wrestling. This struck me as odd since Shane has always been one to brag and right now he has a lot to brag about. USPW may be the number three promotion still but they are quickly gaining on both TCW and SWF. They have some hot storylines going such as the one with Bruce and Chris or the one with Enygma and Tyson. With Shane as the Head Booker, he had a lot to brag about. I made sure to make a point within my mind to bring it up during dinner.]


[We got to the steakhouse and were seated. He ordered a bottle of wine and that really made me raise a brow. Most high brow people drink wine and I'm fine with that. However, I've never been a high brow guy. I'm a wrestler and not one of those wrestlers that lives the 'high life.' I fight for every single thing that I have earned. I play to every single fan in the building night after night. I want each and every one of them to be entertained.]


The Masked Avatar

"Shane, you know I'm more of a beer and chips type of guy. Now, you've been avoiding talking about wrestling. What's going on?"


Shane Sneer

"Well, I was gonna wait until after dinner to talk with you about this..."


The Masked Avatar

"Come on now, Shane, shoot me straight here. You know I'm more of a straight talker than anything else. So tell me what's going on."


Shane Sneer

"As I know you have been watching, USPW has taken fire. We have continued to elevate our wrestlers and it is looking like we are going to catch TCW soon and then SWF. To be perfectly frank, I'm personally stretched too thin, my friend. I am working behind the scenes, doing the booking, doing the managing thing, doing the colour commentating. It's all become far too much for me and I am starting to suffer from some serious health issues. I feel like I might have a breakdown sometime very soon."


The Masked Avatar

"I'm sorry to hear that, my old friend. Is there anything that I can do?"


Shane Sneer

"I am glad you asked that, Avatar. There is. I am looking to drop some of my behind the scenes duties. I would like to speak with Sam about you becoming my successor to the booking duties in USPW."


[My eyes just about lit out of my head. Booking duties for one of the hottest companies in the world? He's got to be ribbing me, right? Right? There is simply no way that any of this could be true. Why would he give up booking duties out of everything that he could give up? But the thing is, Shane has never lied to me. He's not about to start now, especially not about something that both of us are so passionate about.]

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Now, I will be technically running three diaries at once.




Sneer looks snazzy, but the fact that he thinks USPW is anywhere close to TCW, much less SWF, makes me laugh at him.


Also, prolly needed to just wash the mask. I mean, come on, guys shower what, once a week?




Annnnnnnnnd all the ladies hate me.

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Yeah, that's never been done before, right? ;)


*Sneer looks snazzy, but the fact that he thinks USPW is anywhere close to TCW, much less SWF, makes me laugh at him.


I do like the re-render for Sneer. A lot of the re-renders are amazing and people definitely deserve the credit for that. As far as thinking USPW is close to TCW or SWF? It's a slight arrogant attitude that makes Sneer run the Sneer Corporation so well.


*Also, prolly needed to just wash the mask. I mean, come on, guys shower what, once a week?




Annnnnnnnnd all the ladies hate me.


Once a week? I thought it was once a month. Guess I need more showers. lol.

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[That was actually the first words that I heard through the door coming from the man who I was hoping would be my future employer. Of course I had accepted Shane's offer to take over the booking duties with USPW. I would be a fool not to. They have some of the hottest storylines around. A main event storyline between the mysterious Enygma and Tyson Baine, both slight newcomers to USPW. They have a storyline running between two long-running USPW wrestlers in James Justice and 'The Jurassic Power' T-Rex. They also have a major storyline running between Bruce The Giant and 'The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield to determine the next challenger for the World Heavyweight Title currently held by Enygma. As I stood outside the door, I put my ear slightly up against it so I could listen in on the conversation between Shane Sneer and Sam Strong.]


Shane Sneer

"Look, Sam, you know better than anyone that I have been thinking about this for awhile. I have put it off and put it off because of how well the company has been doing. However, I cannot put it off any longer. My well of stories is starting to run dry. And I feel like I am starting to lose my hair. If I don't stop soon, who knows what might happen."


[i could almost hear Sam pacing back and forth on the carpeted floor as I leaned against the door. There was definitely a nervous pit in my stomach. I could feel almost nauseated as I waited to hear what Sam had to say. Just because Shane wants me to get the job, doesn't mean I will have the job automatically.]


Sam Strong

"What am I supposed to do while you cool your heels and get recharged? There isn't a single person in this company that I'd truly trust with my book except for you. Micky is a great guy. So are Peter and Bruce and Danny. However, I know Micky doesn't want the book and neither does Danny. Peter and Bruce, while they are great friends of mine, I'm not entirely sure how much I could trust them with the book not to use it to put themselves over. That doesn't leave me with a whole lot of options, Shane."


Shane Sneer

"I know it doesn't, Sam. But I wouldn't leave you out in the cold with no one to book your shows so I went out and found a replacement."


Sam Strong

"You went out and found a replacement without asking me first? That sounds promising."


[i tried to ignore the sarcasm in Sam's voice. Yeah, that pit in my stomach is growing bigger and bigger.]


Shane Sneer

"This guy is the genuine article and someone who has been around the business for a very long time. 17 years to be exact. He knows how to run things and I am thinking he will command some respect from the boys even though he's never been World Champion before. He's waiting outside right now."


Sam Strong

"So not only do you go out and find a replacement behind my back but you also bring him here to my home? Shane, that's not good. You know better than that, brother."


Shane Sneer

"Just trust me, Sam. Let me introduce him to you."


[shane made it to the door before Sam could talk him out of it. He opened the door and I stepped inside, looking right toward Sam Strong. The look on his face was absolutely priceless. His big eyes bulging out, his jaw dropped. For once the usually talkative Sam Strong was speechless and I was smiling behind my mask.]


The Masked Avatar

"Good afternoon, Sam. It's been a long time..."

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[seeing Sam again reminded me of the last time that I saw him. It was shortly after he retired from in-ring competition back in 2005. I was working an indy show and somehow they had gotten enough money to pay for him to make an appearance. He thought he was just going to be there to get the crowd fired up. Backstage, the promoter at the time had offered me a large sum of money to go out there and injure him for real. Some type of grudge or something that he has against Sam. I came walking out to the ring and I attacked Sam from behind, whispering in his ear to lay down and sell the attack and we'd both get some money from it. He sold it and we were both able to get over on the promoter and split the sum of money that I was paid.]


[i was brought back to reality when Sam cleared his throat and I looked to him out of the eyeholes of my mask. The smile was still there behind my mask. Though so was the nervous pit in my stomach.]


The Masked Avatar

"I am sure that you never thought you'd see me again."


Sam Strong

"After that night back in Greenville? I'm surprised you were able to still find jobs in the southeast after word got out that my legs weren't broken."


The Masked Avatar

"Well, it's nice to have some connections still around after all these years, Sam."


Sam Strong

"But, you know, right now I am in the position of the guy who got the wool pulled over his eyes. I'll be honest with you, I don't like it, brother."


The Masked Avatar

"I know you don't, Sam. I never figured you would. But you and I, we go way back. One of my very first matches was against you though I am sure you don't remember it."


Sam Strong

"No, I am afraid I don't. But, then, I've taken a lot of blows to the head over the years."


The Masked Avatar

"That's true. But so have I. One thing between the two of us, Sam, we're both warriors in the ring. We both always have what is most important for the business and for our company in mind. Whether I've worked for the highest of the highs or the lowest of the lows I've always come out to get the job done."


Shane Sneer

"I knew you two would get along. Sam, Avatar here has pitched me some ideas over the years. Some of them I have even used and taken the credit for. That is one of the reasons that I couldn't think of anyone better to take my place in this chair, in this seat at the booker's table."


Sam Strong

"Getting Shane's glowing recommendation is big for you, Avatar. He is someone who has owned a company and who I have a lot of respect for. Right now we are in a bit of a situation here without a booker. So here's the bottom line for you: I am going to trust Shane's judgement and give you that seat at the booker's table. However, I am going to be giving you guidelines that you have to follow or live up to. If you do not follow or live up to them then I will have the right to fire you. Now, come here at 10 AM sharp tomorrow morning and we will have a contract lined up for you to sign. I can't pay you much but the better you do the more money you will make. Do you agree, brother?"


The Masked Avatar

"Yes, I agree, boss. Thank you for this opportunity Sam, Shane. I won't disappoint you. I can promise you that. This company is heading straight to the top."


[i extended a hand and shook both Sam's and Shane's hand, glad that I wear a mask. If I didn't, they would be able to see the shock and happiness but that is definitely hidden. Lucky for me, right? I assumed it was time for me to go and started to turn to leave when someone else entered the living room...]




[i was taken by a definite surprise when Sam Strong's blonde haired, blue eyed young daughter Alicia came in wearing a light t-shirt and a pair of shorts. She was sweating and showing that she had obviously been working out. Throughout the years, she had been accompanying her father to various shows so I had gotten to meet her before but now she seems so grown up. I felt like a dirty old man looking at the woman who is around 9 years my junior. After all, I've babysat her in the back before! She was wiping her face with a towel so I thought about slipping out...]


Alicia Strong



[Her happy squeal got my attention and I turned around just in time to get mauled into a hug. I laughed and returned the hug, trying not to linger too much in it. But she ended up being the first one to pull back. My arms slid back from around her waist and down by my sides. I looked into her eyes from where I was standing, drawing in a slow, deep breath.]


Alicia Strong

"What are you doing here? Has my Dad finally wisened up and hired you?"


Sam Strong

"Something like that. He is definitely on the payroll now. Avatar is now the new Head Booker of USPW."


[Alicia stood there in shock for a moment and then flashed a business smile to Shane. She definitely has some of the business sense of her father. Will she be the new boss when Sam ultimately retires?]


Alicia Strong

"Sorry to hear you're giving up the duties, Shane. You have really done a great job."


[shane nodded modestly before Alicia turned back to me. I looked in her eyes and could see an almost glowing there. Maybe it's just me. It could possibly just be me seeing what I want to see. But she definitely seems happy about me coming on in this position.]


Alicia Strong

"Welcome aboard, Avatar. So when do I get to see you book yourself to lose your mask?"


[i had to laugh at that. She'd been trying to get a peek underneath my mask ever since she was little. But she's not the only one who wants to see me without my mask. No one ever has. Maybe that's why I've never had a long-term relationship?]


The Masked Avatar

"Not any time soon I'm afraid Alicia. Look, it's been great seeing you and I know we are going to catch up soon but I need to get all ready for my move here. I'll be back at 10 AM tomorrow morning sharp."


[i nodded to all three of them before turning to make my exit and head out to the beat up old rental car that I used to drive here in. Working Indy Shows doesn't afford you much money to buy anything decent. Hopefully this job will allow me to buy a new car since I totalled my last one. As I walked out the door and got into my car, I saw Alicia step to the window and wave at me. I waved back and then started up my car and headed to the hotel. I would be getting an apartment soon and all would be well with the world, right? Well, one thing is for sure, Alicia Strong has definitely grown up.]

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[After what had been an eventful day, it was time for me to come to the motel I was staying in here in Huntsville, Alabama. After wrestling for so long, you get used to staying within a motel room because you mostly do that as you move from town to town. Of course there was always odd looks from people because I am a large man who wears a mask. Several hundred people have thought I was there to rob the joint from time to time. But for the most part I show that I am like every other person staying within the motel. I am just looking for a place to sleep. I had just gotten into bed when I got a phone call. That was odd. I had only given Shane this room number and all. Obviously he had given it to Sam but what kind of phone call could I be getting? I groaned and leaned over to pick up the phone, turning it around the right way and bringing it to my ear.]


The Masked Avatar





Alicia Strong

[Crying.] "Avatar? Is that you? I didn't know where else to go. Everyone else is out of town tonight wrestling. I stayed home because I wasn't on the card and my boyfriend and I just got into this big fight and...and...and..."


[i raised both brows against the mask for a moment. Alicia had broken down and she was crying so hard she couldn't even talk anymore. It both broke my heart and angered me to hear her in this type of a mood.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alright, Alicia. Calm down. Calm down now. Where are you?"


[Alicia tried to talk again and deep breaths could be heard being taken on the other phone. I wondered if she was going to hyperventilate. But then the deep breaths started to help her and she finally managed to talk again in a high-pitched squeaky tone.]


Alicia Strong

"I'm at Sammy T's Place on Washington. He just left me here without so much as a ride back home!"


[Luckily I had been through Huntsville enough times to know exactly where that is at. It's not necessarily in the best part of town but I could get there without an issue.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alright, Alicia, I am coming to get you. You just sit tight."


[Alicia made a few noises that I assume meant 'goodbye' since she hung up the phone. I sighed for a moment and then threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and some boots. This was looking like the beginnings of a long night and I really needed sleep for the meeting tomorrow.]


Half An Hour Later...


[i arrived at the Music Hall around half an hour after the phone call and I didn't see Alicia around outside so I had to park and go in to find her. I was stopped only for a moment by security but luckily they know me here so I was allowed to go inside with minimal talk and invasion of privacy. I stepped in and listened to the music playing in the background as my eyes swept around looking for Alicia. I found her at the bar, laughing and leaning against it. Her crying jag from earlier was obvious on her face but now it was obvious she had had more than a few drinks since the phone call. I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder.]


Alicia Strong

"Oh, Avatar! Joo made it! Thash great! My boyfriend thinks I'm a shtick in the mud because I don't drink normally. I'm gonna show him tonight! Bartender, get me another one!"


[i just sighed and shook my head. It was so very hard for me to see her this way. After having watched her grow up over the years. Now to see her drunk at a bar? Yeah, it's hard for me to wrap my masked head around.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alicia, I think you've had enough. It's time for you to go home now."


Alicia Strong

"Home? Home ish where the heart ish! And my heart is in thish bo''le of lick...lick...lick...alcohol!"


[i shook my head again. She was getting slightly frustrating. But that is what happens when someone gets drunk.]


The Masked Avatar

"No, now, Alicia. Come on. Here we go."


[i took her by the hand and tugged her off the stool she was sitting on and she started twirling around and trying to dance with me. I glanced at the bartender and he shrugged. He wasn't gonna be of any help tonight. Alicia suddenly stopped in her twirling and hiccuped as she looked at me for a moment. Then she passed out in my arms. Great. But it was time to get her home anyway.]

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[if I was to be honest, I'd say that I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. After picking up Alicia at the bar and taking her home and putting her to bed with her clothes still on I might add I headed to the motel I was staying at and managed about 2-4 hours worth of actual sleep time before I needed to get up. There is one single time during the day where I generally take my mask off. That time is when I need to get a shower. I have my head shaved so it's not the hair I'm worried about but it's my face. I want to make sure to have a good, clean-cut face. I don't ever intend on losing my mask but I don't want to look like Santa Claus underneath it either. I had taken my old beat-up car back to Sam's place and I stared at the home for a moment. So this is it? I give up the Indy scene and the local gyms and schools and I head for the big time. It's been a long journey on the road to go to a place like this but I trust Sam and Shane. I know that they will do what's right for me and what's right for this company. I rose from my car and walked to the house. I looked at the door for a few moments before I was able to ring the doorbell. It took only a few moments before the door opened.]


Sam Strong

"Avatar! You're right on time. Come on in. Can I get you something to drink?"


[i thought for a moment and then nodded.]


The Masked Avatar

"A coke would be good."


[i stepped inside the house and it was a luxurious mansion. Sam had spared no expense when it came to his place to live. But I cannot say that I wouldn't do the same if I had his type of money. I headed into the living room where Shane was and shook hands with him. After a few minutes of shooting the bull, Sam returned with the plastic bottle of Coca Cola and I received it, taking a sip.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alright, where's my contract?"


[shane pulled it out of a folder and set it on the table in front of me. I reached down and began to read it, between sips of my Coca Cola. This is my first big contract in a very long time. I want to make sure that I haeve everything I need.]


Shane Sneer

"It's a standard contract. It says you will be taking over my booking duties at the beginning of 2010. You will also be contracted as a wrestler. I am sure that you understand that and can teach the next generation something in the ring."


[i continued to read over it though. Always read what you are signing. That is one tip that I learned back in the day and something that I keep close to my heart.]


The Masked Avatar

"It says here that I will also have control over hirings and firings."


Sam Strong

"Within reason, of course. I will have some set rules for you as the Booker because this is still my company."


[i nodded to that and continued to read the contract. Everything seemed to be in order and I would be making a nice chunk of change. It would be enough to get settled in and buy a new car. It is definitely more money than I was making on the independent scene.]


The Masked Avatar

"Got a pen, Sam?"


[When he handed me one, I clicked the Bic and then signed up for the job. I drew in a deep breath and handed the contract back to Shane and he put it in the folder for safe-keeping.]


Sam Strong

"Welcome to the team, Avatar. Now that the business is done, I want to thank you for going and getting my daughter last night. She has promised me that she is finished with alcohol. I am just lucky that you were around since we were off running a show."


[i nodded to that. I was definitely in agreement with his words. I was lucky to be here for more than one reason.]


The Masked Avatar

"Alicia is a sweet girl, Sam. I have known her since she was knee high to a grasshopper. There's no way that I'd let her stay in some trouble if I could help it."


[sam nodded his approval and then Shane cleared his throat.]


Shane Sneer

"Avatar, I have taken the liberty of writing up a few pages on our roster and all. I was thinking about bringing in some wrestlers to help shore things up but that will be your job now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."


[i nodded and took the folder from Shane that he handed me. It looked like I had a lot to do in order to get ready for my first card as the Head Booker. I shook hands with Sam and then with Shane. As I got ready to go, something caught my eyesight...]




[Alicia was peeking out of her bedroom and gave me a wave. I could barely see the fact that she was dressed in just a light tank top and some pajama bottoms. Obviously she's gonna have her first hangover. I waved back to her with a curl of my fingers and then headed for the exit. It's time to get to work.]

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When can we expect the next part of the diary?


Right here. :D




[i left Sam's home within my beat up old rental car and headed back to the motel since I didn't have anywhere else to go at the moment. I would need to wait until I actually made some money from the deal to go and get an apartment or buy a new car. It wasn't long before I arrived at my motel and I moved into the room, sitting on the bed and spreading out the folder in front of me.]


[There were quite a few lists within this folder that Shane had given me. The first list showed exactly what everyone's strengths are within the roster. It came to no surprise to me that most of the wrestlers graded out better in things that showed off their scary sides. USPW is filled with wrestlers with that menacing look, right? I had been about to look at the next sheet when there came a knock at my door. I raised a brow since I wasn't expecting anyone and then closed the folder, putting it inside a drawer. I went over to the door and checked out the peephole to see...]




[James Justice? He was one of the last people that I expected at my door. Like my relationship with Sam and Shane, I knew James from the past when he played roles like The Outlaw II down in Texas at the Texas Wrestling League. We had gotten on alright within the past so I opened the door and cracked a smile through the mask. James looked back at me with an almost quizzical look. He obviously knew something that he shouldn't know yet.]


The Masked Avatar

"James. How's it going my old friend?"


James Justice

"Avatar, you old dog. I heard through the grapevine that you were in town. Did you think you were gonna be able to blow through here without stopping in to see me?"


The Masked Avatar

[Laughing.] "Nah. I figured I'd see you sooner or later. Either that or you'd come and find me. Come on in."


[James walked in and took a look around the motel before sitting on the only chair within the room so I went back to the bed. So he'd heard I was in town, huh? Telephone, telegraph, tellawrestler. It's kind of sad but in our business word can spread like wildfire. You have to be very careful who knows what.]


The Masked Avatar

"I saw that you lost your title awhile back, James. Must have been rough."


James Justice

"No rougher than you working all these indy shows. Why don't you let me go put in a good word for you with Sam?"


[i had to think on my feet for a moment. Sam and Shane had never mentioned that I needed to keep things quiet but at the same time they never told me I could just go out and say something about my being hired. It was a difficult decision that I had to make in the span of a second or two. I decided to err on the side of caution.]


The Masked Avatar

"I'd appreciate that, James. Thanks. I've got a couple of things on the back burner as always though. I have to make sure that I have some work lined up somewhere. Gotta pay my bills, right?"


[i hated not telling him about this but at the same time I'd much rather keep my job. Though technically I can say that I wasn't told to keep things quiet. But my guess is that Sam wants to be able to tell everyone in his own time. And I owe Shane that much. After all, he's the one giving up his job to bring me on board.]


James Justice

"Alright, my old friend, I can't stay too long today. You know how it is in this business. There's always something to do or someone to talk to. But I did want to come by and say hello."


[i nodded as James stood up. We shook hands and he moved to the door. It seemed that so far the locker room would be a good, motivated place. Like everyone else, I'd heard rumors about it being a poor locker room. But I hope I can keep everyone motivated in the right direction. After James left, I moved back to the folder and started reading some more. It was going to be a long afternoon and into the night.]

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Hopefully my diary, in the works, will have half as good a start.

You a fan of Hallowarped? #spoilers


I'll definitely have a look when you get yours started. :)


I haven't really done anything on the Australian wrestling scene. I have really only focused on NA, with diaries ranging from USPW to SWF to TCW. Though USPW has always been and will always be my favorite.

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