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Wrestling With Added Dinosaurs [ThunderVerse]

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Doctor Euan Reeka and his pet sharkman FinEATo are stood outside The Simmons Centre with a sort of science road show.


DER: Welcome fans of Wrestlesaurus X! My pet sharkman and I are here to show you the wonders of science! Gaze at our intricate equipment! Be in awe at the powers I hold!


At this moment something starts to bubble out of a test tube and begins to leak over the equipment. The gathered crowd laugh at Euan Reeka's failures. FinEATo stares blankly at the crowd.


DER: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo! This will take hours to fix! Stupid cheap rental equipment.


FinEATo just stares at the crowd with a look of hunger. Doctor Reeka notices this and leads him away.


Author's Note: This is my way of saying the show will be late tonight as I'll be going out and I'll be back a couple of hours after the deadline I set yesterday.

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Author's Note: This is my way of saying the show will be late tonight as I'll be going out and I'll be back a couple of hours after the deadline I set yesterday.


Suits me, I forgot to predict :rolleyes:


Brady Taylor vs Tony Pearce

Weird Science vs Sophisticated Fear

Jake Boone vs Famous C

Duke Dynamite vs Juande Hernandez

Daniel James vs Kris Bryant

American DISCO vs The Dark Army

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The Sweet Scent of Extinct Species

The Simmons Centre

Attendance : 242


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/BradyTaylor.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/TonyPearce.jpg


Brady Taylor vs Tony Pearce


Both Tony Pearce and Brady Taylor entered this match with the intention to win. Pearce grabbed the upper hand, using his extensive knowledge of wrestling in order to cut off Taylor's attempts at gaining an advantage. Taylor pushed for a comeback towards the end of the match as he hit Pearce with Buddhist Bash (Michinoku Driver) for a very close two count. Pearce took the win however after rolling up Taylor with the Pin Attempt #7 (Roll Up).


Winner: Tony Pearce

Rating: 36


A DVD exclusive awaits the fans as we go back to Weird Science (They have recovered from the failed science roadshow earlier). Doctor Euan Reeka is now tampering with what appears to be a shark's fin. FinEATo is staring blankly into space.




DER: “Just a few minor modifications and your new fin shall be ready humble sharkman. This should increase your dexerity by 50 points as well as make you spiffingly quick. Now, just a little tinker with this annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd AHA! I've got it. I have the solution for beating Nocturn and Crowley tonight! Come sharkman, we MUST put this in practice.”


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DreadNocturn.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/PaulCrowley_alt2.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/JeffStarfield.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/FinEATo.jpg


Sophisticated Fear vs Weird Science


FinEATo proudly displays his new fin on the way down to the match, smiling at the assembled audience as Doctor Reeka leads him down to the ring. Dread Nocturn and Paul Crowley look all business, knowing that a defeat here will lead to anger from the leader of The Dark Army. This shows in the match as Weird Science never really get out of the starting blocks here due to the high intensity of Nocturn and Crowley. Nocturn displays some of the skills he has learnt from his time in Hiro Suzuki's COBRA Grappling League over in Japan and ends the match with a new submission on Doctor Reeka, one he calls The Enternal Suffering (Koji Clutch)


Winners: Sophisticated Fear

Rating: 38


Famous C and Kris Bryant greet us backstage after the previous match. Kris appears to be dressed like a bad imitation of a rapper whilst Famous C is looking on, trying his hardest not to break character due to just how badly Bryant is dressed.




KB: Word up homeboy. Got me an audition to play street thug #2 and figured I'd get me some experience fo' sho'. Got me some gangsters and everything.


FC: You are completely out of your mind. We are SERIOUS stars. Not some bit part extra. WE should in the starring roles. I mean look at me, I've got some chump from Seattle next. You've got some English guy who probably still thinks it is the 50's. Meanwhile chumps who dress like bad D-List movie actors are getting all the good matches. We need to get real Kris. It's time to step it up a gear.


Famous C walks away at this point, leaving a conflicted Kris Bryant behind. And behind Kris Bryant are his “gangstas” - a bunch of backstage staff members who are dressed as ridiculously as Kris.


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/FamousC.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/JakeBoone.jpg


Famous C vs Jake Boone


Jake Boone is all smiles here as the Seattle native tries to prove he can make it elsewhere in the world of wrestling. Famous C is intent on proving his statement right however and pushes Boone to his limits. The action is very back and forth with a series of near falls keeping the audience guessing as to who would win the match. A well timed distraction from Kris Bryant tips the match in Famous C's favour and a Paparazzi Attack (Codebreaker) sealed the win.


Winner: Famous C

Rating: 30

Duke Dynamite greets the fans as he comes out to prepare for his match with Juande Hernandez. Before Juande comes out, Duke takes a microphone off of the announcers' desk.




DD: I'm not going to bore you people, I only want a few minutes of your time. My opponent tonight, a former TV contestant, is a formidable opponent who no doubt will put me through the ringer. I respect him for that. I'm out here for another reason though. Christian Prophet. You and the so-called “Dark Army” cheated last month pure and simple. And I won't stand for that. Be a man next month and face me and Derek for those titles. We are the spirit of the American people and it is my duty to defend that. Say goodbye to those belts because they are coming home with me and Derek next month.”


Duke puts down the microphone and gets ready for Juande to make his way out.


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/JoseAngelGarces.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DukeDynamite.jpg


Juande Hernandez vs Duke Dynamite


What Duke said before the match was true, Juande pushed Duke in this match. To be fair to Duke, he managed to keep up with most of Juande's holds during the match, even gaining the upper hand on him at one point. After a clean break and a minute interval both men went at it again, this time with Duke controlling the tempo and the match changed from technical wrestling to an all out brawl. Duke could have had the match won after a Dynamite Drop but got carried away with audience, allowing Juande enough time to grab his leg and lock on a vicious kneebar. Duke tried to fight it but Juande kept increasing the pressure until it got too much and Duke was forced to tap out,


Winner: Juande Hernandez

Rating: 41


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/KrisBryant.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DanielJames.jpg


Kris Bryant vs Daniel James


Kris Bryant was still in his “gangster” gear and Daniel James looked on bemused as he made his way out to the ring. Once inside, James punished Bryant for Famous C's comments earlier and took him to school, showing why British wrestling was feared back in the olden days. Bryant tried to mount a comeback but James had him well scouted, eventually putting him out of his misery with the Quadrophonic Leglock.


Winner: Daniel James

Rating: 38


We go backstage to the dark corner of The Simmons Centre where The Dark Army seem to have set up camp. Christian Prophet looks directly into the camera, his face one of calmness and serenity.




CP: “So the fool Dynamite wishes to challenge me? So be it, I've dealt with people like him before. Poor deluded fools who think they can stop me from reaching my goals. Things have already been set in motion. Ashmedai and I are already on top of this promotion. My views are being spread in Japan with my associate Mr. Nocturn. I am the reckoning of professional wrestling. This business cast me out when I was younger. I came back stronger and with a collection of people who felt the same. You people are to blame for what I will do to your heroes. Nothing can stop us. There is not a soul I cannot take.”


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/ChristianProphet.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Ashmedai.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/SuperKenshi.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/AdamManchester.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DerekGrace.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DISCOFox.jpg


The Dark Army vs American DISCO


Everyone is serious in this match. Even DISCO Fox, although he still has enough time to dare ask The Prophet to partake in a dance off, a challenge that is met with a swift right hand. After that, the match switches to the most fast paced match seen in Wrestlesaurus X's short history as American DISCO become akin to red, white and blue blurs because of the speed in which they move across the ring. No matter how hard they tried though, they couldn't topple Prophet or Ashmedai. After a paticularly stunning triple team plancha that only really hurt Super Kenshi, the match was in the hands of Prophet and he quickly ended the match with a Prophylaxis on Manchester.


Winners: The Dark Army

Rating: 50


Final Show Rating: 42

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Good show, like it :D Shame I only got 3/6


Considering this is the first time I've seen my boy Derek in a ThunderVerse diary, you know I'm following =)


I was actually planning to bring Derek in to Golden Age Wrestling rather than American Standard (to team with Jack America as The American Blondes), but by the time that tour came around he had been (as usual) signed & moonpushed by DRAGON, meaning he was actually out of GAW's league, even for a touring contract!

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I'm not going to start any predicition contests until the start of the first tour (It's called The Tour That Launched Many Tours Tour :p) and that's only one show away!


I love Derek Grace, although the only reason I have him is because I set up the roster before I started. DRAGON already have him so I'll leech off of their inevitable moonpushing. Also if anyone is familiar with the Londonverse managerial contest, you might like the next post. (It'll be up at like four or five in the afternoon my time because I've got work to do.)

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The opening credits finish and we see Earl Ray Travis sitting at a table, pencil and paper in hand. He seems to be having some degree of difficulty with whatever he is trying to do. A man in a white suit walks up to him.




WS: "COUSIN EARL! Fry mah hide! Whut in tarnation does yo' reckon yer doin'? ah told yo' I'd be hyar an' yer cousin Joshua is jest behind me, ah can hear his houn'dogs. Stop wif all of this hyar fancy ejoocayshun fiddlesticks. Mah twin brother Floyd nevah bothard wif it an' look whar he is! Th' one day he started t'larn he disappeared through some black hole thin'."


ERT: "Cousin Joshua? I don't have a cousin Joshua?"


WS: "Of course yo' does. He's fum th' Lancaster line of th' fambly. They're Amish. He's hyar on one of them weird holiday thin's they have."


With that, the horses draw up and we see just who the white suited man was talking about.




The video ends as the two new men get into an arguing match about which family is better. The white suited man says it is the Boomshines, Cousin Joshua is proclaiming for the Lancasters and Earl Ray is in the middle

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Wrestlesaurus X Free Entry to All Time Travellers!


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/ChristianProphet.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Ashmedai.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DukeDynamite.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DerekGrace.jpg




The Unforgiving Darkness vs Uber-Americana


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/PaulCrowley_alt2.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DISCOFox.jpg




Paul Crowley vs DISCO Fox


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/SuperKenshi.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/AdamManchester.jpg




Super Kenshi vs Adam Manchester


And much more on tap!


Quick Picks


Daniel James vs Brady Taylor vs Juande Hernandez vs Kris Bryant

Famous C vs Scott Seal

Boomshine's Boys (Earl Ray Travis and Joshua Lancaster) vs Weird Science

Dread Nocturn vs Jake Boone vs Lord Simon Darcy vs Tony Pearce

Adam Manchester vs Super Kenshi

DISCO Fox vs Paul Crowley

The Unforgiving Darkness © vs Uber-Americana

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Daniel James vs Brady Taylor vs Juande Hernandez vs Kris Bryant

Famous C vs Scott Seal

Boomshine's Boys (Earl Ray Travis and Joshua Lancaster) vs Weird Science

Dread Nocturn vs Jake Boone vs Lord Simon Darcy vs Tony Pearce

Adam Manchester vs Super Kenshi

DISCO Fox vs Paul Crowley

The Unforgiving Darkness © vs Uber-Americana

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Daniel James vs Brady Taylor vs Juande Hernandez vs Kris Bryant

Famous C vs Scott Seal

Boomshine's Boys (Earl Ray Travis and Joshua Lancaster) vs Weird Science

Dread Nocturn vs Jake Boone vs Lord Simon Darcy vs Tony Pearce

Adam Manchester vs Super Kenshi

DISCO Fox vs Paul Crowley

The Unforgiving Darkness © vs Uber-Americana

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Here is the customary "Show will be upon within 6 hours" post.


Phew, just caught it again


Daniel James vs Brady Taylor vs Juande Hernandez vs Kris Bryant

Famous C vs Scott Seal

Boomshine's Boys (Earl Ray Travis and Joshua Lancaster) vs Weird Science

Dread Nocturn vs Jake Boone vs Lord Simon Darcy vs Tony Pearce

Adam Manchester vs Super Kenshi

DISCO Fox vs Paul Crowley

The Unforgiving Darkness © vs Uber-Americana

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Sorry For The Delay. On With The Show!




Wrestlesaurus X Free Entry For All Time Travellers


Location: The Simmons Centre

Attendance: 213


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DanielJames.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/BradyTaylor.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/JoseAngelGarces.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/KrisBryant.jpg


Daniel James vs Brady Taylor vs Juande Hernandez vs Kris Bryant


A ferocious four way match that saw the rudo duo of Hernandez and Bryant team up for the majority of the match, working together to wear down James and Taylor. The tactic was effective until they each decided to try and get the win. From here, Hernandez and Bryant went after each other and this caused the end of the match where Bryant ran away from Hernandez on the outside and into Brady Taylor and the Buddhist Bash, which won Brady the match.


Winner: Brady Taylor

Rating: 41


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/FamousC.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/ScottSeal.jpg


Famous C vs Scott Seal


Scott Seal came into this match desperate to shut up Famous C. He went after Famous C from the opening bell, clamping down on him with numerous submission holds and stiff strike. C got back into the match with some crafty cheating which Referee Mark Rydale never saw. A Paparazzi Attack saw Seal lose the match, and get a little frustrated in the process.


Winner: Famous C

Rating: 40


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/EarlRayTravis.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/JoshuaLancaster.jpg w/ http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/CleverTracy.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/JeffStarfield.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/FinEATo.jpg


Boomshine's Boys (Earl Ray Travis and Joshua Lancaster) vs Weird Science


Boomshine's Boys came out with banjos and preceeded to play their own entrance music to the ring. Joshua Lancaster had a look of disgust when he seen Doctor Euan Reeka and FinEATo come out. The match itself was a slow paced encounter as Joshua Lancaster dominated the majority of the match with his Amish style of wrestling. Once he tagged in Earl Ray the match sped up and Reeka managed to get the win with the Warp Factor: Destroy (Dudley Drop).


Winners: Weird Science

Rating: 22


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DreadNocturn.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/JakeBoone.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/LordSimonDarcy.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/TonyPearce.jpg


Dread Nocturn vs Jake Boone vs Lord Simon Darcy vs Tony Pearce


The mood in this match was a weird mix as the debuting Lord Simon Darcy and Jake Boone engaged in a dance off before the match started whilst Tony Pearce and Dread Nocturn were deadly serious. The dance off ended when Pearce dumped Darcy over the top rope and Nocturn nailed Boone with a punch to the face. Nightmare style. Nocturn dictated the pace of the match and finished it off with The Eternal Suffering on Jake Boone.


Winner: Dread Nocturn

Rating: 41


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/AdamManchester.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/SuperKenshi.jpg


Adam Manchester vs Super Kenshi


A good showing here from both workers as they each fought to prove why they were better than the other. Manchester showed off his under-rated technical skills as he looked for an advantage of the enigma that is Super Kenshi. Kenshi tried to use The Ways of The Darkness against Manchester but Adam had him scouted and trapped Kenshi in New England's Finest Submission Move for the win.


Winner: Adam Manchester

Rating: 49


We go backstage to where Paul Crowley is standing. He is wearing his customary suit and looks very at ease in front of the camera.




PC: “I should be speaking about my match with DISCO Fox. I don't see the need to. It's a forgone conclusion that I'll walk out the victor. Instead it's time you people got to know why I am here. Christian Prophet saved me when I was at my lowest. My tag team partner and so-called friend had abandoned me to go play prince in the Middle East. I was lost, confused and hurt. Wrestling in local shows for a pittance of a pay. And then Christian came along. He showed me The Ways of The Darkness. I owe my life to The Prophet. You should too. He's showing you filthy cretins that professional wrestling is sick and needs to be healed. Accept him into your hearts. I promise you, it'll be the best thing you'll ever do.”


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DISCOFox.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/PaulCrowley_alt2.jpg


DISCO Fox vs Paul Crowley


Paul Crowley backed up his earlier words in the beginning of the match as he smothered DISCO Fox's attack and used The Ways of The Darkness more effectively than Super Kenshi earlier on. Just as Crowley was setting up the Prince's Lock, he froze in terror as he saw a red masked man at the entrance way.




He got up to argue with the man, allowing DISCO to get up and spin him round for The Last Dance and the win.


Winner: DISCO Fox

Rating: 39


We return to Christian Prophet's dark corner of the Simmons Centre as The Unforgiving Darkness prepare for the main event of the show.



CP: “The time has come. Once I have disposed of YOUR working class heroes YOU will have no option other than to proclaim The Dark Army as YOUR new saviours. WE exist to cleanse professional wrestling. So much sickness is all around. Mr Nocturn already purified three souls earlier. WE are the people who will rip out the corruption from the still beating heart of professional wrestling and replace it with darkness.”




http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/ChristianProphet.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Ashmedai.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DukeDynamite.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/DerekGrace.jpg


The Unforgiving Darkness © vs Uber-Americana


Duke Dynamite rushed Ashemadai and Prophet as they made their way out, eager to stop them in their tracks. Derek Grace tutted and then flew out to join his comrade in the assualt. Referee Mark Rydale refused to start the match until a man from each team was in the ring. This proved to be a benefit to The Unforgiving Darkness as once they recovered from the surprise rushing, they tore into both members of Uber-Americana and threw them around The Simmons Centre. Eventually Prophet rolled Grace into the ring to begin the match.


Once the match started, Prophet methodically attack Grace, targeting his knees in order to take away his high flying ability. Grace managed to tag out to Dynamite who charged into the rind like a house on fire, but this advantage was momentary as Prophet snuck up behind him and slapped on the Prophylaxis for the win.


Winners and STILL Wrestlesaurus X Twin Terror Champions: The Unforgiving Darkness

Rating: 50


Final Show Rating: 45

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So that's the three show period over. All storylines have been set up. The Tour That Launched Many Tours Tour starts now. Which means a prediction contest will start up.


And I'm going to reveal the prize now. Because I'm such a nice guy.


In Tour Two (The Unnamed Difficult Second Tour), there will be a Young Lions Cup esque tournament. I've kept four spaces open for prediction winners. So first place picks two entrants whilst second and third also gain one pick. The only rules I have are that they are available to work within the US or work for ILL (I edited Alfredo Cruz to be nice) and that they are under 28 years of age. If you win you may pick off of the Wrestlesaurus X roster if you wish, but if you choose to do so PM me the name of the worker as they may already be in the tournament.


If that didn't make any sense, let me know and I'll explain it slightly better. :)

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Wrestlesaurus X Pre-Tour Report #1




PC: I don't know how you got here Ebi. I don't know why you are here, or why you are covering your face. I don't know why you costed me my match with the fox. But I know this. I'm coming for you Ebi. You see, YOU left ME. YOU went home to play good little son for your father. I was left alone. UPJ didn't want me back. DIASPORA wouldn't even look at me without you. The Prophet gave me purpose. He gave me power. You're going to regret coming here Ebi. You destroyed my old life. Now it is time I destroyed you once and for all.


OOC Note: The tour starts next Sunday but in order to help show storylines and new characters I'll be doing Pre-Tour Reports each day. This way new readers can jump in and take part in the tour as well as refreshing and confirming any points from the beginning three shows.

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