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Captain USA vs Shawn Gonzalez

There is no way that Captain USA wins this one.


Joanne Rodrigez vs Raven Robinson ©

*USPW Women's Title Match

A tough match but J-Ro gets the nod.


Andre Jones © vs The Force

*USPW TV Title Match*

Andre Jones won the title from The Force in December. I don't see him losing it again this soon.


T-Rex vs James Justice

Justice keeps strong for his fight with Shawn Gonzalez


The People's Team © vs The Towers of Power vs Savage Fury

*USPW Tag Team Title Match*

A record-setting victory.


Bruce The Giant vs Chris Caulfield

*#1 Contender's Match for the World Title*

Chris Caulfield wins and later reveals himself as a member of the Empire Eight


Nicky Champion vs Peter Valentine ©

*USPW National Title Match*

Peter Valentine doesn't lose the belt.


Enygma © vs Tyson Baine

*USPW World Title Match*

The masked man comes away with the victory and then is blindsided by Chris Caulfield


Thanks for the predictions, I actually wanted both Bruce and Peter Valentine to win, but Bruce used his creative control to block it, hence the double DQ and Champion got upset, so I just put the belt on him.

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Wednesday: February 3rd, 2010

Huntsville County Fairground

3591 West Highway 45; Huntsville, Alabama

Doors Open @ 7:00pm CST

Bell Time @ 8:00pm CST


The Card


Brandon Smith & Steve Flash vs Darryl Devine & Matthew Keith



Alicia Strong vs Belle Bryden



Andre Jones (c) vs Matt Hocking

*For the USPW Television Championship*



Chris Caulfield vs Peter Valentine



Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson

*Non-Title Match*



Shawn Gonzalez vs James Justice

*If Justice wins, Empire 8 will leave USPW, If Gonzalez wine, Eric Tyler gets Enygma alone for 5 minutes handcuffed to the ropes*




Also: All the fallout from Stars, Stripes & Slams!


Prediction Key:


Brandon Smith & Steve Flash vs Darryl Devine & Matthew Keith


Alicia Strong vs Belle Bryden


Andre Jones © vs Matt Hocking

*USPW TV Title Match*


Chris Caulfield vs Peter Valentine


Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson


Shawn Gonzalez vs James Justice



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Pro Wrestling Max review of United States Pro Wrestling's Stars, Stripes & Slams


A lot has happened in the weeks leading up to Stars, Stripes & Slams. On American Wrestling TV #208, World Champ Enygma came face to face with Eric Tyler and confronted him on the attack on Sam Strong. We later discovered that Shawn Gonzalez was the mystery man behind the attacks after he attacked James Justice after his match with Jumbo Jackson, and then later attacked Enygma after he ran to the ring to save Chris Caulfield from a 2 on 1 attack by Tyson Baine and Bruce The Giant. Darryl Devine became the first of three men to gain a shot at the new Soaring Eagle Title, with a win over Matthew Keith and James Hernandez. The Force accepted TV Champ Andre Jones' open challenge after Jones defeated PSW's Grandmaster Phunk, and Savage Fury earned a shot at the Tag Titles after they defeated The Towers of Power.


The following week, Enygma and James Justice called out Tyler and Gonzalez, only to be again denied a match, but Tyler did challenge Justice to face Gonzalez on American Wrestlng TV following the PPV, which he accepted. Nicky Champion became the next victim of the Empire Eight, after he was attacked by a new, unknown member at the end of the show. Brandon Smith became the second man to earn a shot at the Soaring Eagle Title, with a win over Samoan Machine and Greg Gauge and it was announced that Raven Robinson would defend her Women's Title against Joanne Rodriguez.


Review of Stars, Stripes & Slams!


It was a big night for United State Pro Wrestling, as the company held its first Pay-Per-View event, Live from Normal, Illinois on the campus of Illinois State University's, Illinois State Park facility. About 14,000 fans showed up for the historic night, and the buzz outside was over who the next member of the Empire Eight will be, and could Enygma retain his World Title against the monster, Tyson Baine. We were treated to a couple of Dark Matches, including a match that would decide who the third contender for the Soaring Eagle Title would be.

Dark Match #1 - Jumbo Jackson & Anger vs The Young Americans

Newcomers Joe Benning and Matt Hocking were facing two large, powerful men in Jackson and Anger. The team of the Young Americans does have some talent, but it looks like they are going to have to work their way up the card as Anger and Jackson prevailed. . GRADE = C


Dark Match #2 - James Prudence vs Steve Flash vs Davis Wayne Newton

Three more men making their USPW debuts to decide who would be the final man to challenge Darryl Devine and Brandon Smith for the Soaring Eagle Title. Most fans knew Steve Flash from his work in Canada, but Prudence was the star of the match. A match with some really solid action, and if the company can develop Newton and Prudence, they have some future stars on their hands. In the end, Steve Flash would get the win and challenge for some gold. GRADE = C+


The PPV began with a music video made specifically for this event, showing all the wrestlers in action and a video run through the card. The fans really got excited when Captain USA's music hit to open the show and he came down and challenged Shawn Gonzalez to a match. I did not think it was going to happen, until the lights went out and Bombtrack (love that song) started playing and he came out with Eric Tyler.

Opening Match - Shawn Gonzalez w/Eric Tyler vs Captain USA

I have said it many times, I love Captain USA, he has been one of my favorites since I was a little kid. Typical match for Captain USA, starts by leading a USA chant, then gets beat down by the better opponent. Gonzalez looked really good out there, and I cannot wait to see him wrestle Enygma or Justice. After the match, Tyler grabbed a mic and laid into the fans and Captain USA in a great promo. GRADE = C

Match #2 - Joanne Rodriguez vs Raven Robinson © for the USPW Women's Title.

I love nothing more than two women who are hot and know how to mix it up....and that is exactly what we got here. Both women brought it, but in the end Robinson was able to retain her title. I can tell we have not seen the end of these two in the ring together, and I heard that the company is looking to sign some new women wrestlers to expand their Womens Division.. GRADE = C-


Match #3- Andre Jones © vs The Force for the USPW Television Title.

A rematch for the title after The Force accepted the challenge a couple weeks ago. A very fast moving match, with both men with equal amounts of offense, but in the end, Jones would retain after using the ropes for leverage.. GRADE = C+


Match #4- James Justice vs T-Rex

A match that has been in the making for a few months, these two men have been at each other and finally they get to go one and one. A very good match that had the crowd going, cheering for Justice, who somehow got the big T-Rex up for a Liberation Slam and the win. GRADE = B-


Match #5 - The People's Team © vs The Towers of Power vs Savage Fury for the USPW Tag Team Titles.

Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore are looking for their 5th reign as Tag Champs, but they had to get through two very good teams, including the current champs. All three teams gave 100% and there were many times it looks like Davids and Datsun would retain, but Danny Rushmore would get the win and the gold for The Towers of Power. GRADE = C


Match #6- Chris Caulfield vs Bruce The Giant for the #1 Contender to the World Title

Bruce has been attacking the Hardcore Legend for weeks now, and finally Caulfield gets to see the giant coming. Bruce used his power and size to his advantage, but the veteran Caulfield used a lot of the tricks he perfected in DAVE. Both men end up on the outside and just keep battling until Baby Jamie is forced to count both men out, we still don't know who the #1 contender is. GRADE = B-


Match #7- Peter Valentine © vs Nicky Champion for the USPW National Title.

Personally I am not a big fan of either of these men, but if I had to choose one, I would go with Champion, at least he can wrestle. An average match that in a way was a little surprising that it was this late in the show. Valentine looked like he was going to retain by cheating, but Baby Jamie saw him using the ropes, which allowed Champion to go back on offense. Eric Tyler came out and missed Champion with a tire iron and hit Valentine, which allowed Champion to win and become National Champion GRADE = C-

Main Event - Enygma © vs Tyson Baine for the USPW World Title.

Another two men that have had some battles outside the ring finally go head to head. Enygma used his speed to stay ahead of the monster, but would eventually fall victim of a belly to belly slam that I felt in my seat. The crowd was really into the match, and keep looking to see if someone from Empire Eight would run in, but that never happened and Enygma get the win and retain the title. GRADE = B+


After the match, Eric Tyler and Shawn Gonzalez ran in and motioned Baine to join them in their beating of Enygma. James Justice ran down and saved the champ from a severe beating, clearing all three men from the ring.....then the lights went off...when they came on, Enygma was out cold with the Empire Eight flag over him....the lights went you again, and when they came on former DAVE star, Acid was standing behind Justice with an Empire Eight shirt on and then completely destroyed Justice as the show ended.


OVERALL THOUGHTS - Not a bad way to start on your first PPV. I was hoping that we would know who the #1 contender for the World Title would be, but I could see a three way with Bruce, Caulfield and Enygma. The Empire Eight is taking shape, and I am really looking forward to seeing who the next member is, so we can have Enygma, Justice and Champion take them on. On a side note, I was happy to hear that Al and Pete Hillbillies have been released by the company.


Stars of the Show - Enygma, Tyson Baine and Shawn Gonzalez

Moment of the Show - Acid's attack of Enygma and Justice


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Episode #210

Live Television Broadcast

Wednesday: February 3rd, 2010

Huntsville County Fairgrounds

Attendance - 5,000 (SELL OUT)

*Pre Show*

Dark Match #1: Greg Gauge vs Tribal Warrior

* Greg Gauge defeated Tribal Warrior @ 7:13 via pin after Gauge grabbed a handful of tights for the pin *


Dark Match #2: The Towers of Power © vs The People's Team

*For the USPW Tag Team Championship*

* Towers of Power defeated The People's Team @ 9:26 via pin when Danny Rushmore pinned Des Davids after an Atomic Boot*


*USPW American Wrestling TV Begins*

*Show opens with pyro and a voice recap of Stars, Stripes & Slams. Danny Jillefski and Mickey Starr are sitting ringside and run down the card for tonight and then talk about the appearance of Acid at the end of the PPV and the brutal beating he put on James Justice. They speculate some more about what exactly Eric Tyler's motive is for ordering these attacks owner Sam Strong, Enygma, James Justice and Nicky Champion.


Just as Starr finishes his comment, Enygma's

begins to play and the World Champion appears on the ramp with James Justice and new National Champion, Nicky Champion, they pause for a few seconds to play to the screaming fans and then make their way down to the ring....James Justice grabs a mic as they enter the ring and he speaks....




"Before we get down to business, let me be the first to introduce to you the NEW USPW National Champion.....Nicky Champion!


*Fans begin to cheer as Champion climbs the ropes and hoists the National Title belt over his head*


And not to be outdone, I give you YOUR USPW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.....Enygma!!!!


*Fans begin to chant "World Champ!"


Congrats boys on your big wins this past Sunday night.....and while these are reasons to celebrate, that is not the reason we came out here tonight.....No.....you see, the real reason we came out here in front of all these wonderful people in Huntsville....


*The fans cheer too loud for Justice to continue at the cheap plug*


...was to talk about you, Eric Tyler....you see, I always knew you were the type of man that needs someone else to do the dirty work for them...a man who claims to be all about tradition and the old ways, but you have to hide behind others and attack when the lights are out and their backs are turned....


*The fans begin chanting "You're a bitch"


Now, now...watch your language, this is still a family show....now, with that being said....Nicky, Enygma and I decided to give you the chance to prove you are a man and come face us like men.....here we are Empire Eight....show us you have the balls to come at us head on....

*The lights flicker and go out in the arena and the 'Empire Eight' logo displays on the jumbo-tron followed by

by Rage Against The Machine and from the back comes Eric Tyler, Shawn Gonzalez and new Empire Eight member, Acid.



"Seriously!?!? This is starting to sound like a broken record.....Jimmy Boy, you and that Green Lantern wanna be really need to get a hobby and STOP coming out here each and every week and call me out here and cry about how things are not fair and how we beat up an old man and how we keep beating you three up....it's really getting old. I have said many times that we will do things on OUR time...no one is going to dictate to us when and where we will get into the ring.....NO.....now, I have reminded you that I am retired....so my associates here will do my bidding how I see fit, and from the sounds of your crying, I'd say we are doing a pretty good job. BUT, since I am a generous man....tonight, James Justice....you will face the man to my right....Shawn Gonzalez.....now, I have asked Commissioner Doom to raise the stakes a little....you see, if you win...then we will pack up and leave you and the rest of the dinosaurs to play grab ass in the ring and bore these people to death.....but if the more likely scenario is to happen, Shawn beats you....then I get YOU, Enygma...next week in the ring, tied to the top rope for FIVE minutes to do whatever I want to you....and you know something....he accepted....so please, stop wasting all these people's time...go back to your locker room and get ready for your ass whooping! And on that note.....it's time we go....see you next week Champ....and remember to wear something old next week so we don't get any of your blood on it.....see you later boys!





Steve Flash & Brandon Smith vs Darryl Devine & Matthew Keith


* Three of the four men will face off in a couple weeks to determine who the first Soaring Eagle Champion will be. A pretty good match that had some solid heat and good action. Devine spent most of the time on the apron, making Keith do the fighting, while Smith and Flash worked together very well.


*WINNERS* - Steve Flash & Brandon Smith @ 8:41 via pinfall after Flash landed a Flash Bang on Keith.


*Miss Sara, a new face in the Women's Division comes down to the ring with a T-Shirt Cannon and shoots shirts into the crowd, much to the fans delight. She grabs a mic and introduces herself to the fans and says how happy she is to be here. She leaves smiling and waving to the fans.


*Micky Starr and Danny Jillefski talk a little about the Women's Division, they say they heard there are no less than four new women on their way to the USPW and that things are going to start to get hot in the division. They then preview the next match between Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden, after Bryden's attack on Strong at the PPV., they show the still pictures as we go to commercial.





Alicia Strong vs Belle Bryden


* Both women came out and did their best at showing their "goodies" to the crowd with Bryden getting more of a reaction. Bryden attacks Strong as she turned her back on her to put her shirt in her corner. A pretty even match-up, with both women getting the same amount of offense.


*WINNER* - Alicia Strong @ 7:22 via pinfall after Strong landed a DDT on Bryden.

*Post match, USPW Women's Champion comes out to the stage and says that Alicia Strong has been getting a raw deal as of late and since she is all about being fair, she offers Strong a shot at the Women's Title next week on American Wrestling TV. The fans cheer as Strong grabs a mic and says that while she has nothing but respect for Robinson, she accepts and hopes that Robinson will bring her 'A' game. Both women smile at each other and walk to the back.



*In the locker room, we see TV Champ, Andre Jones getting ready for his defense against one half of The Young Americans, Matt Hocking. Jones says that he proved at the PPV that he is the best young champion in the business and he hopes that Nicky Champion is paying attention because he thinks it's time to set his sights on the National Title. He continues to tape his wrists as we go to commercial.




Andre Jones (c) vs Matt Hocking

*For the USPW Television Championship*


* Hocking came down to the ring with his tag team partner, Joe Benning, but he was forced to the back when Jones came down and complained that Hocking has an unfair advantage. Jones controlled the match from the start, with Hocking making a slight comeback, but it was short lived.


*WINNER and STILL TV Champ* - Andre Jones @ 9:07 via pinfall after Jones hit the Blast From the Past on Hocking.


*Post match, Des Davids comes out from the back and challenges Andre Jones for the TV Title next week. He says that it's time for him to step out from behind the shadow of his tag partner, Freddie Datsun and prove that he has what it takes to be a winner. Jones laughs and takes a shot at Davids loss at the PPV which cost them the Tag Titles. They argue a bit before Jones accepts the challenge.





*We come back from commercial break and see Shawn Gonzalez and Acid talking in their locker room. They turn their attention to the camera and taunt James Justice and hint that the next member of the Empire Eight has been on the USPW roster and will be making himself known real soon.



Chris Caulfield vs Peter Valentine


* Peter Valentine comes out first and complains on the mic about his loss at the PPV to Nicky Champion. He says that it's all a conspiracy against him and that all Commissioner Doom cares about are people like his opponent, Chris Caulfield. Caulfield comes down to the ring with his chair and tells Valentine that the fans are sick of hearing him complain and slaps him across the face. Both men battle in a pretty good match with both men going back and forth. Acid comes in through the crowd and hits Caulfield with a beer bottle.


*WINNER* - Peter Valentine @ 11:32 via pinfall after Valentine hit the Heart Breaker on Caulfield after interference by Acid.

*Post match, Acid continues to assault Caulfield, using a chair, table and the guard rail. He is chased off by Nicky Champion and Road Agents, who check on a bloody and beaten Caulfield as we fade to commercial break.





Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson

*Non-Title Match*


* Jackson is already in the ring waiting the new National Champion, throwing taunts at the crowd who is chanting that he sucks. Champion comes down to the ring with the title around his waist and climbs into the ring and is immediately attacked by Jackson. Jackson keeps the upper hand for a good 6 minutes, but cannot get the pin. Champion retaliates and is able to gain control and get the win.


*WINNER* - Nicky Champion @ 16:39 via pinfall after Champion hit a Hawkeye Hammer on Jackson.


*Post match, Champion grabs a mic and addresses Acid's attack on Chris Cauilfield and says that he would do anything to get him in the ring, even put his National Championship on the line. He then says that there are a lot of people that want a shot at his title and that Andre Jones just needs to get to the back of the line, but when he is through with Acid, he will be more than happy to get into the ring with the TV Champ and put his title on the line. Peter Valentine's music hits and he comes out to the stage and tells Champion not to get ahead of himself when saying who will get a shot at the National Title. He says that he is going to invoke his rematch clause for the title next week on American Wrestling TV. Champion looks a little ticked off but agrees to defend the belt next week.



Shawn Gonzalez vs James Justice


* Justice is seen in the back getting pumped up by Enygma. Justice comes out first and waits for Gonzalez, who does no appear when his music hits. Eric Tyler comes out to the ramp and taunts Justice, the lights go out and when they come back on, Gonzalez is in the ring and attacks Justice from behind and takes control of the match as Tyler makes his way down to ringside. Justice is able to get control for a bit and it looks like he is going to get the win, but Eric Tyler hands something to Gonzalez who spits it into the face of Justice allowing him to lock on the Latino Crab and get the win.


*WINNER* - Shawn Gonzalez @ 21:26 via submission after locking the Latino Heat on Justice.


*The crowd is going nuts, screaming at referee Baby Jamie about the tactics used by Tyler and Gonzalez, but he did not see it and it is announced that next week, Eric Tyler will get World Champion Enygma tied to the top rope for 5 minutes. We are left with Starr and Jillefski saying goodbye and they will see us next week on American Wrestling TV as Tyler and Gonzalez celebrate in the ring while being pelted by things thrown by the fans.

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I've actually never been USPW before so I avoided reading this at first, glad I just gave it a chance though, really enjoyed it.


I've been trying to plan a good format for a diary for 2013 for a bit now and I know I wanted all the shows to be in kayfabe but there to be some sort of report that was more me talking about the grades and such, this hit the nail on the head! Strangely enough there are also some creative similarities with what i've got planned (even though for me it's with TCW) but hopefully mine will come out pretty different.


Good luck with it all, I'll start with predictions when you put them up :)

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Wednesday: February 10th, 2010

Huntsville County Fairground

3591 West Highway 45; Huntsville, Alabama

Doors Open @ 7:00pm CST

Bell Time @ 8:00pm CST


The Card

The Towers of Power © vs James Prudence & James Hernandez

*For the USPW Tag Team Championship*



Alicia Strong vs Raven Robinson ©

*For the USPW Women's Championship*



Andre Jones (c) vs Des Davids

*For the USPW Television Championship*



Freddy Datsun vs Tyson Baine



Nicky Champion © vs Peter Valentine

*For the USPW National Championship*



Chris Caulfield vs Bruce The Giant

*No DQ Match - Winner becomes #1 Contender for USPW World Championship*




Also: Eric Tyler gets Enygma tied to ropes for 5 minutes, an update on owner Sam Strong and a big match announcement for Red, White & Blue!


Prediction Key:


Towers of Power © vs James Prudence & James Hernandez

*USPW Tag Team Title Match*


Alicia Strong vs Raven Robinson ©

*USPW Women's Title Match*


Andre Jones © vs Des Davids

*USPW TV Title Match*


Freddy Datsun vs Tyson Baine


Nicky Champion © vs Peter Valentine

*USPW National Title Match*


Chris Caulfield vs Bruce The Giant

*No DQ Match*



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Towers of Power © vs James Prudence & James Hernandez

*USPW Tag Team Title Match*


Alicia Strong vs Raven Robinson ©

*USPW Women's Title Match*


Andre Jones © vs Des Davids

*USPW TV Title Match*


Freddy Datsun vs Tyson Baine

Nicky Champion © vs Peter Valentine

*USPW National Title Match*


Chris Caulfield vs Bruce The Giant

*No DQ Match*

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Towers of Power © vs James Prudence & James Hernandez

*USPW Tag Team Title Match*


Alicia Strong vs Raven Robinson©

*USPW Women's Title Match*


Andre Jones © vs Des Davids

*USPW TV Title Match*


Freddy Datsun vs Tyson Baine

Nicky Champion © vs Peter Valentine

*USPW National Title Match*


Chris Caulfield vs Bruce The Giant

*No DQ Match*

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