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OK.. I am a DUMMY!

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Make sure they have all the right files, like the save game folder and such. When you open up the game make sure its in admin mode and go into database options and it should show up there.


If that doesn't work go into the editor do the create database option and name it whatever you want then copy the files of the mod into the new folder again do this in admin mode

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1. Go into TEW2010.


2. Click the editor button.


3. Click "Create Database" and give it any name you want.


4. Download the mod, you should have a folder named after the mod in your downloads section or whatever. Open the folder and you will notice a bunch of Files with names like "Angles" and "Workers".


5. Select all of the files and the "Save Games" folder located inside the mod folder and copy them.


6. Close the mod folder.


7. Go to your TEW Directory, then Databases and finally, go into the folder with the name that matches the Database you created in step 3.


8. You will notice that there are once again, a bunch of Files named "Angles" and such. Right click somewhere inside the folder and click paste.


9. The data from the mod will now be transferred over to your database. When you go back into TEW, go to Database Options and click on the Database that you named, then select.


10. Go to the editor and then edit database to see if this has worked, if the mod is a properly working mod and you have done all steps correctly, the mod data will be there.


Note: Some mods are zipped and require programs such as WinRar to be unlocked.


Where to get some good mods: http://www.ewwarehouse.info/


Default TEW Directory for Windows: Go to your windows menu and type in the bar "C:", some folders will appear, you want the one named "Program Files (86x)". After your in Program Files (86x), there will be even more folders, locate the one named "GDS". Go into that one and you will find a folder named TEW2010, go into there and congrats, you are in your TEW Directory.

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