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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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Oh good, lots of people feel the same way. Spectacular.


Actually came back to forum thinking about revitalizing old abandoned diary nobody remembers... then saw 2016 was several days from being in our grubby mitts, and rethought this plan. Granted it might be months before I can splash out on a new game, but it just feels a bit... self-defeating somehow. Time to go back and quickly blast the games I never got around to in 2013!


Pteroid: seconding the bamboo love. If your diary makes me laugh that hard even once every ten posts, it'll be a winner. :D

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Most tales of pain and hardship don't begin on a bright, sunny morning. Less begin with insurance fraud. Fewer still with an old autographed 8x10 of some broken-down wrestler you've likely never heard of. No - most stories start with a brutal shit-kicking and get worse from there. Happily, this one has all of the above.


And so it was that Josh Garner stepped out of the pristine offices of Lockwood and Howard into Auckland's glorious sunshine with a smile, a dream, a faded 8x10 glossy and a cheque for $10,000.


At 19 and 5'6”, pale and scrawny, Garner cut a determined figure. Flaking bedroom walls adorned with posters of American wrestlers and metal bands from the 90s were a life time ago. Everything had been building to this point - for today was the day that Gabe 'The Pitbull' Mitchell came home.


* * *


A hard-working journeyman the world over but as close to a national hero to the wrestling fans of New Zealand as it gets. Eisen in the early 90s. Furusawa. PGHW. And, as DAVE closed it's doors and switched off the lights, one of the last to leave. You'll find Gabe Mitchell's name scrawled on the wall with the rest of them. A living legend but with little to show for it, Gabe ached. Ached in his back, ached in his knees but most of all ached in his heart. At 46 The Pitbull was not yet ready to retire to the dog house.


The flight from Brisbane was uneventful. Cramped, stale and mercifully short. Uneventful until a small, thick-glassed kid met him at the baggage carousel. He stood holding his bags and an old, worn photo. Displaying it like a sign. He saw on it a face he barely recognised any more and the scrawl below it said 'Pitbull.'


* * *


This is a story of brutality. A tale of triumph and redemption. One man's opening gambit and the final chapter of another who has seen the world. This is the story of Fade 2 Black.


I really want to read more of this. A fantastic sounding intro. I like the setup and can't wait to see more.

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The Finger Poke of..........HOPE!


Ah just a few days ago I watched the Legends of Wrestling roundtable discussion that the WWE did on the nWo. Kevin Nash did a great job of rationalizing the Finger Poke and what it was supposed to lead to, which all sounded very promising until Goldberg punched a window. :')


Definitely a very interesting scenario if that's the route you take.

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Ah just a few days ago I watched the Legends of Wrestling roundtable discussion that the WWE did on the nWo. Kevin Nash did a great job of rationalizing the Finger Poke and what it was supposed to lead to, which all sounded very promising until Goldberg punched a window. :')


Definitely a very interesting scenario if that's the route you take.


Funny thing is that same roundtable is part of my inspiration! My idea is very similar but with enough changes to keep anyone who saw that roundtable guessing. FYI the first big change is dropping the Miss Elizabeth stalking angle and adding a mandatory 24 Hr rematch clause between Goldberg and Nash meaning if Goldberg isn't at Nitro he goes to the back of the line!

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Not sure if this is the right thread, but I'm looking at doing a real world split diary. Its slightly different then usual as I primarily want to be booking NXT and someone else book the main shows.


The other person could call up or send down to NXT whomever they like and could ask for a certain guy or group to test a push, or develop certain areas of a workers game.


Furthermore whomever they sign, they are also entitled to call them up. This allows me not to be over-reliant on name guys or book repetitively, focusing on my fave rl workers.


Message back on this thread or PM me if your interest is piqued



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  • 4 weeks later...
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dstephe4" data-cite="dstephe4" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I really want to read more of this. A fantastic sounding intro. I like the setup and can't wait to see more.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you. I'm still running through some tests and I think I've found the save that will be extended into the proper game. </p><p> </p><p> Can anyone offer some advice on diaries please? I think I've got what I'm gonna do writing wise but if anyone's got any tips that would be cool.</p><p> </p><p> Also, I see that a lot of diaries have like built in links to different events that they display in their first post - how does that work.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks.</p>
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  • 2 years later...
Hello People, I'm new here(but i have been reading some dynasties for like 2 months) and i was motivated to make a dynasty whit a random new promotion on a RW save from 2014, just wanna know if anybody got any advices for a newbie at making dynasties and if anybody would still care to read even if i'm not a ''professional'' booker - Thanks
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KazAlmas" data-cite="KazAlmas" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hello People, I'm new here(but i have been reading some dynasties for like 2 months) and i was motivated to make a dynasty whit a random new promotion on a RW save from 2014, just wanna know if anybody got any advices for a newbie at making dynasties and if anybody would still care to read even if i'm not a ''professional'' booker - Thanks</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sure, people would read it. I Will PM you about the details. Welcome here by the way.</p>
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