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SWF: The World's Greatest Tape Trader [8RoW]

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Issak Road Arena

12,600 fans

January Week 3, 2013

Michaels: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Supreme TV!

Fry: We are just a weekend removed from the event known as When Hell Freezes Over and boy did the SWF change!

Garcia: Change? Marat's still immortal, Frehley's still the champ and Money is still Money! As great of an event that Thursday was, nothing is settled yet!

Michaels: That's the way things go in the SWF fans. The story keeps turning like nothing else in the world.

We go backstage where Money and Bruce are about to come to blows. It is uncertain what started this, but it looks like it will escalate fast.

Money: Leave, Bruce. Only winners allowed over here..

Bruce: Ah yes, Richard, I forgot the time you defeated Marat Khoklov.

Money: Seriously Jack. Get the hell out of here. I've had more than enough of you for the rest of my life.

Bruce: No, it's not over. It's never over baby! JACK BRUCE FOREVER! In fact as representative-

Hannah: Gentlemen? You may know me for my manaferial work, and I am hapy to announce that the SWF Competition Committee has placed ME as the SWF Supreme TV General Manager! Now, for my first match, I'll place Rich Money and his friend Remo against Jack Bruce and Remo's opponent at Nothing To Lose Steve Frehley. Now seperate.

Fry: She's in charge?

Michaels: She's a great manager Daune-

Garcia: And I'm a great announcer, doesn't mean I'm qualified to be GM of the #1 wrestling show on the planent!



Enforcer Roberts vs. Lobster Warrior

A classic match between the children's own Lobster Warrior and a man from there parent's SWF Enforcer Roberts. Roberts attempted to use all of his strength and veteran wiles to outsmart Lobby, but the Clawed Crusader has been around the bloc and deflected the Enforcer's attempts at every turn. In the end Roberts went for the R.C.T. In frustration only to have it turned into a Lobster Trap and a submission victory for Lobby.

Lobster Warrior wins

Fry: Peter, Anna, I was able to sit down with both Valiant and Rogue for exclusive interviews about the amazing Hell in a Cell match. Let's have a look at the interview with Valiant.

The tron shows Valiant on screen to which the crowd pops. Off screen Fry is asking a question.

Fry: Only five days removed from the most difficult loss of your career, the SWF fans want to know...how are you feeling.

Valiant: Hurt. Dissapointed. More dissapointed than hurt. I wanted to be the man that shut Rogue up. I wanted to be the man that got revegene for Hannah, and for all the victems of Rogue's. I wanted to avenge all the fan's of Jack Giedroyc, to venge Jack Giedroyc himself, because I feel that man still exists somewhere deep down inside Rogue. I think the greatest con this conman is pulling is on himself.

Fry: Are you injured. Can you fight?

Valiant: I am cleared to compete next week. I've already put in a request to the SWF Compition Commitee.

Fry: Oh? To fight who?

Valiant: Brandon James. I want to get back in the swing of things, and what Valiant does best is best bullies and clobber cowards. Brandon is the biggest cowardly bully the SWF has to offer so I figure why not.

The tron cuts out with Fry thanking Valiant for his time.


Brandon James vs. Robbie Retro

This match was never really in question as the happy-go-lucky Retro faced the wrath of an angry Bradon James. Fueled on by the words he just heard, James finished Retro off in mere minutes before posing defiantly at the tron where the interview had been recorded. Eventually Emma Chase was able to calm him down and lead him backstage.

Branon James wins

Garcia: Unwise move by Valiant, to {censored} off Big Money like that.

Michaels: James started this off by attacking Valiant. I don't expect Valiant to be the type of man to simply let that go.

Fry: I wasa just as shocked as you, but the interview with Rogue shocked me even more.

Once again we cut to the interview room. Rogue has an easy smile to him and Emma Chase is in the picture, but seems uniterested. It is clear Rogue can handle interviews for himself in Chase's eye.

Fry: Is that the biggest win in your career?

Rogue: My career is far from over, and I have plans to win the SWF World Heavyweight title, so no it is not. If you mean 'to date'...yes. It is.

Fry: Do you feel like you've beaten Valiant enough.

Rogue: Ask him that. *Chuckles* I've been done for over a year, he's kept it going .

Fry: He says he's going to go after Brandon James.

Rogue: Well then. Good luck to both of them. Two great fighters. The real winners are the fans.

Rogue flashes his trademark smile.

Fry: Anyone you are going after.

Rogue: Well, yes actually. I've asked for a one on one match with Lobster Warrior at Nothing to Lose. I want to beat the man who beat Rich Money. I feel like that will put me in consideration for a title shot. Now, I do apologize but Emma and I have business to attentd to. Good interview Daune. Bye

Michaels: What a fake, insincere {censored}

Fry: He seemed nice to me...


Angry Gilmore & Jefferson Stardust vs. Eric Eisen and Spencer Spade

A simple tag team matchup of masters and apprentices with dueling valets. This match had a bt of everything, including plucky underdog comebacks, vintage Angry Gilmore moves, Eric Eisen breaking every rule and a complete distrust between Eisen and Spade. In the end it was Spencer who nailed the Supreme Stunner on Jefferson Stardust to collect the win and a touch of momentum for the North American challenger.

Eric Eisen and Spencer Spade win

Garcia: Gilmore's days may be up!

Michaels: Let's wait until they go one on one. Last time that happened Gilmore was the winner.

Backstage, Big Smack Scott is lifting. In dances Joe Sexy.

Scott: The {censored} you doing Joe?

Sexy: Just celebrating Party Sexy's win on Thursday. It was the best tag team win of the show!

Scott: Bull{censored} needle {sensored} {censored}. Pain Alliance winning the number one contender was way more impressive than what you and your {censored} did.

Sexy: Yeah? Prove it.

Scott: The {censored} you on man?

Sexy: Put your number one contendership on the line versus me and DuBois.

Scott: Yeah? Sure. We'll gladly kick your {censored} too! Kurt! Kurt!

Big Smack Scott wanders off screen as the scene fades focusing on Sexy smirking.


The Pain Alliance vs. Party Sexy

The match started with Scott and Laramee arguing amonst themselves about what Scott just did and who would start the match. So heated where they that they did not hear the bell ring to start the match. Party Sexy took advantage of this hitting stereo dropkicks that cused both members of the Pain Alliance to spill out of the ring. Joe Sexy began fist pumping as Marc DuBois springboarded out of the ring and into a crossbody splash on Laramee. Ric Stones did his best to get everyone back in the ring (exceot Sexy, who was still dancing around without a care). Finally it ended up being Scott and DuBois battling for five minutes of back and forth action. Each man attempted to “out heel” the other, to the point that they got into a strutting contest. Scott won the contest by far, but was low blowed by DuBois who tagged in Sexy. Sexy dropped Scott with a new finisher, the Party Up (European Uppercut) and rolled him him for the win. Laramee verbally eviserated Big Smack up the ramp, upset he never even got in the ring.

Party Sexy wins

Garcia: What a coup for Party Sexy and Joe Sexy!

Michaels: What a loss for the Pain Alliance! Look how upset Laramee is!

Fry: All Americans vs. Party Sexy then...

Michaels: Looks like it, and now it'll be a battle of those who lost on Thursday night, Faith and Atomic versus McClean and Vengeance!


Captain Atomic & Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean & Vengeance

Christian Faith and Squeeky McClean started this match off, McClean eager to avenge his loss to Steve Frehley with a good showing against Faith. The two battered each other for the better part of ten minutes with neither being able to get the better of it. Finally, after nearly being hit with the Leap, Squeeks went to tag in Vengeance,... who hopped off the apron and walked up the ramp. Realizing that his only shot was to isolate Christan Faith, McClean began using all his underhanded tricks to keep Faith from Atomic. It ended up in vain as Faith knocked McClean silly with a series of Faith Hammers and raced to Atomic for the tag. The good Captain went to batter McClean with his high energy attack...but the lights cut. The red number eleven stayed on screen for a few minutes and when the lghts came back to Atomic resumed his assualt. What Atomic missed was the return of Vengeance, who Skull Krushered Christian Faith on the ramp just a Atomic hit the Mushroom Cloud for the win.

Captain Atomic and Christian Faith win

Fry: Huge comeback win for Captain Atomic!

Michaels: Guys, Faith needs help here...

Garcia: This isn't good.

Atomic, Jungle Lord and Lobster Warrior all help Faith to the back.

Remo and Jack Bruce started the match off, Bruce still showing signs of soreness from his battle with Marat Khoklov. Remo took advantage of this, not only targeting the head area that was pulverized by the Moscow Lariat but also using good tag team strategy and keeping Bruce in his corner. Finally he tagged in Money to have a turn. Money made sure every kick counted, including a spot of Muy Thai knees againts the ropes that he continued until reaching a four count. With Bruce sufficently beaten he rolled to the outside and grabbed a microphone, but before he could speak Bruce kipped up and tagged in Frehley. Frehley dropped off the apron and gave chase to Money, only to be met by Remo an a brutal clothesline. Money rolled the champ into the middle of the ring, and once again went to speak, only for Frehley to power up and hoist Money up for the Comet. A few knees to the temple changed Frehley's plans, but Money missed the follow up hich kick and Frehley caught him again … Frehley's Comet! Frehley points to Bruce, asking if Bruce wants to pin him. The crowd is loving it as Bruce comes in. Bruce hangs his leg over Money's neck, dragging out the New York Minute for the crowd, but Money hits the Dragon Screw Leg Whip to get out! Lobster Trap! Money is using Lobster Warriors submission move and Bruce is forced to tap!

Remo and Rich Money win!

Michaels: Message sent, big time by Rich Money!

Fry: Tune in next week, that's all the time we have!

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