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WOLF and the revenge of Emma Evans (RTG)

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“No matter what they promise, they never leave their wives.”


Those prophetic words of Phoebe Plumridge kept running through Emma’s mind as she recalled the events of 2010. Heady days as 21st Century broke its two main rivals to become the only major promotion in the UK and the big plans Jeff Nova shared with her as they spent nights together while touring the land.


All the big names had chatted her up at various points: the egomaniacal Thompson, the surprisingly insecure Faust, even Matravers before he hooked up with Plumridge. She flirted with most of them and even spent a regrettable night with Thompson (“total lack of package” she called him privately), but the only man big enough for her was the boss himself.


Where did it all go wrong, she wondered? In early 2011 Nova outlined his masterplan to her. Emma had quietly picked up a law degree over the years and so Jeff wanted her to head off to Switzerland to see if she could acquire VWA. It would be rebranded 21st Century Europe as a development company in preparation for 21CW expanding into Europe. While she was doing that Nova would be divorcing his wife.


Throughout 2011 Emma picked her way through the minefield that is EU business law, as well as finding out some very handy tricks that would stand her well in the corporate jungle. The takeover was on the verge of completion in early 2012 when Nova walked away from the deal, citing the adverse economic climate.


Evans was furious, so she wasn’t too surprised that Nova stayed clear of her. She was surprised however by the birth of little Stella Nova in May 2012, and when she returned to touring her role was a fraction of its former prominence.


Jeff by now kept trying to placate her, saying Stella was an accident following a boozy party, so Emma thought they would soon be back together. What she didn’t expect was her contract renegotiation. Previously that had been done by Jeff and Emma between the sheets, this time it was in the company HQ where the head of HR took great delight in informing her that as her overness was a fraction of its 2010 levels, her new salary would reflect that.


Emma resigned in a fit of pique and promptly sued for constructive dismissal. An out of court settlement was reached, but crucially Evans resisted efforts to have restraint of trade clauses added to the deal.


Emma wanted revenge, but how to do it? It may be 2012 but professional wrestling is still a man’s world: no credible workers would take her seriously and she realised she would have to stump up the seed cash herself.


At a fan party she met a young man who impressed her no end: despite having very limited in ring skills he had a solid grasp of psychology and some radical ideas for a credible alternative to 21CW. He had just become a freshman at Oxford so to avoid potential embarrassment he was looking to start his career as a masked grappler. She knew it was a huge gamble, but you weren’t going to take down 21CW by playing safe. He would be her head booker.


So they had the finance (barely) and the concept for a new company, but how to recruit the workers necessary for the new venture: Nobody would sign for a bimbo and a rookie without a single pro bout to his name.


An old tv show called “Remington Steele” came to her aid. In Kayfabe she was a secretary so she would play the secretary/representative to a mysterious but credible owner. An old actor friend of hers was wheeled in to play the part of wealthy retired businessman Charles Townsend and the World of Lethal Fighters or WOLF was born!


Thanks to her newly acquired legal skills a holding company was setup somewhere in central Europe to “own” the WOLF and Emma hoped that it would take a very good lawyer to uncover that she was in fact the majority owner of the promotion.

Vengeance is a dish best served cold.....

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Forming the WOLF product




Two figures meet in a quiet pub just outside Oxford. Emma Evans has dressed down but even so she still draws glances from most of the clientele. She walks across to meet a large nervous looking student in an alcove. Emma and her booker settle down to thrash out the product details for the newly formed WOLF.


“What we need is a product that is clearly different from 21CW but still gets a decent amount of sponsorship” said Emma. “So we will make Traditional wrestling a key feature. Mainstream is too popular to ignore but we will set it to medium. But how do we keep the sponsors happy?”


“Lucha libre!” replied the student.


“Are they any luchadors on the job market even?” Emma wondered.


“It doesn’t matter. It gives me and some of the lads excuse to wear masks and go high risk and flashy. Plus it gives us our principal sponsors, Rodito’s Nachos!”


“How did you secure their backing?”


“By agreeing to become......the Rodito Kid! We also have to flog their nachos and fire out branded merchandise each event”


“Ok, great plan. But what about other features?”


“Hardcore for the old MOSC fans and Modern for the ROF boys. Plus ramp up the daredevil level, there are lots of high flying cruiserweights looking for work”.


“No Cult, Pure and Real?”


“Cult is great if the wrestlers are good enough but we need every penny of sponsorship cash at the local level. And we haven’t got the wrestlers for a Pure/Real/Hyperreal product. This will give us a very intense and dangerous product which will hopefully distract from the inexperience of many of our workers”


“Ok, but aren’t we likely to be picking up a lot of injuries?”


“So? We are the world of LETHAL fighters. There are plenty of unemployed workers available. Plus we will adapt the product as and when needed”


“Good. Let’s run with it! Now who should we recruit?”



Summary of product

Key Features: Traditional and Lucha Libre

Heavy: Modern

Medium: Mainstream, Daredevil

Low: Comedy, Hardcore (edited)

Intensity: 60%


Women’s Division with low T&A


This results in a balanced performance/popularity product that still is very favourable for sponsorship. [At last minute Emma decided that the Rodito dollars were worth more than a couple of rabid MOSC diehards]

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Starting WOLF Roster



Starting WOLF Roster



Star Faces

Keith Adams – Icon and guaranteed Main Eventer. Policeman gimmick (Wholesome Face clone of Law Enforcement)

Nigel Svensson – Backbone of company and guaranteed Upper Mid. MMA Bad ass (legitimate)

Rodito Kid – Lackey (comedy) of either Emma or Keith. Awestruck kid

Emma Evans – secretary (realistic). She will start by managing Nigel but will also manage these others at some point



Jobber Faces

Bali Daljit- Old School Face (wholesome)

Michael Gregory – Teen Idol (cool)

Leighton Buzzard- Fan Favourite (wholesome)



Star Heels

Trance- guaranteed ME. Clubber (realistic)

Rave – guaranteed UM. Clubber (realistic)

Glen Ward – backbone of company and guaranteed UM. Straight edge (legitimate)



Jobber Heels

Alton Vicious (Masked up). Bad Ass (realistic)

Riddick Jordan (Masked up). Servant of Alton Vicious (gimmicky)

Neville Jones. Disgruntled employee (realistic)



Referee- Humphrey Woolsey

Road Agent- Mike Peterson

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thanks for the feedback guys. Rodito will have a comedy gimmick and so i will keep him down at midcard level to start with. Bali will get the push he deserves :)


One general point, with both Traditional and Lucha Libre as key features Kayfabe will be king in this federation :)

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WOLF Winter Hunt 2013 Card


WOLF Winter Hunt 2013 Card





Best of three falls


Keith Adams vs Trance


Submission Match


Nigel Svensson vs Glen Ward



Rave vs Rodito Kid





Medicine Ball vs Northern Lights



Leighton Buzzard vs Neville Jones


Quick Picks

Leighton Buzzard vs Neville Jones

Medicine Ball vs Northern Lights

Rave vs Rodito Kid

Nigel Svensson vs Glen Ward

Keith Adams vs Trance


to be resolved probably on tuesday evening GMT

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Quick Picks

Leighton Buzzard vs Neville Jones


I know neither of these guys.


Medicine Ball vs Northern Lights


They seem more like a real team.


Rave vs Rodito Kid

Guaranteed UM = he probably wins this time.


Nigel Svensson vs Glen Ward


A tough choice, but Svensson was better in 2010 and is probably better now.


Keith Adams vs Trance


Adams is more of a gatekeeper than a guy who can excite the fans.

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WOLF Winter Hunt 2013 Report


From: Rodito Kid & Mike Peterson

To: Charles Townsend

Cc: Emma Evans


Dear Charles

Below is the confidential report of the WOLF’s first event, held last Sunday. I have included both the grades from the highly respected website TEW.com, and Mike Peterson’s technical report on each bout


WOLF Winter Hunt 2013

From the Norman Blue Athletic Centre (Att:17)




Leighton Buzzard defeated Neville Jones F


An opening match between two rookies that was frankly pretty dire, and the crowd were fairly unimpressed as well with the skills of both wrestlers. Hopefully they will improve with time.

[MP: Both of these guys need to work on their basics and psychology. Neville also needs to wotk on his selling and stamina, but he has charisma and star quality]



Emma introduced the Rodito kid E-



Northern Lights defeats Medicine Ball to become WOLF tag champs E-



Northern lights were clearly the better team but Mike Gregory looked like he was going to power his way to victory in the early minutes of this bout. However once Northern Lights managed to isolate Daljit in the ring the tide turned. Gregory inadvertently distracted the ref and Jordan promptly cheapshotted Daljit leaving Alton with a simple pin and the belts.

[MP: Alton has good star quality but poor basics, psychology, selling and consistency. Jordan has poor consistency. Gregory has good charisma but poor consistency. Daljit has poor basics, psychology and stamina.]


Emma introduced Nigel Svensson E


Rave defeats the Rodito Kid E-


This was the pro debut of Rodito and to start with the kid held his own against the more experienced Rave. The kid produced one or two crowd pleasing moments, not least pouring Nachos down Rave’ s shorts, but ironically his best move lead to his downfall.

Rodito threw Rave out of the ring and followed by a beautiful axe handle blow delivered from the apron. Rave laid sprawled on the floor and at Rodito’s mercy, so at that point Trance came out to save his tag team partner. The tiring Rodito got distracted and drawn into a brawl with Trance while Rave rolled back into the ring. Before he realised his dilemma Rodito was counted out. A rookie mistake there.

[MP: Rave has poor stamina]


Emma introduced Keith Adams E+


Nigel Svensson beats Glen Ward in a submission match E-


Two good technical wrestlers but the bout failed to catch light. Our fanbase want a riskier product than this it would seem. These two were a good match a few years ago but Svensson has the better all round game now and used his feared hyperextension armlock to pick up the win.

[MP: Svensson poor consistency. Ward has poor basics, psychology, consistency and stamina]


Emma fires out Rodito brand t-shirts to all and sundry C-

Our best feature and we get paid to do it. Some of the hardcore fans may prefer to get refreshments and/or use the toilet but before the last two shows seems the natural time to fulfil our sponsor’s wishes.



Keith Adams defeats Trance to become the WOLF Champion D-



A great match for such a small company. Adams seems to love being the face of the company and Trance must be relishing the chance to be a main eventer. Adams won 2-1 in a solid 20 minute bout that the fans loved. However Mike raised a few concerns which i include below:

“Keith still has wonderful skills but his physical condition could become an issue, especially as our fanbase want more dangerous matches than this. And there was something not quite right about Trance....”


Overall rating: D- (37)

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After Event Review:




Emma and the Rodito kid meet in a quiet cafe in the M40 services. Emma starts off the meeting:

“Well, how did we do?”


The kid is in student mode and looks the part with his laptop and reports.

“Not bad. We made $815 and gained an estimated 0.9 popularity in the central England region according to TEW.com”


“A decent start, any negatives?”


“No chemistry of any kind found, and our fans expect riskier shows. Can we put more danger into our shows by say removing the padding from the ring?”


“Are you mad? We would be wide open to lawsuits from injured workers! We will have to reduce the daredevil element of our product down to low. We will still keep the intensity and danger elements but hopefully the fans will tolerate standard matches."


"OK. Any sign of a reaction from 21st Century?"


"Nothing as yet. Hopefully we can keep it that way for quite a while"


“Sure thing boss. Roll on Fertility Rites!”

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WOLF Fertility Rites 2013 Card








Keith Adams vs Rave for the WOLF Championship

Can the champ get payback after Rave’s interference last month?




Nigel Svensson vs Trance

Effectively the number one contender’s match for a crack at the title




Northern Lights vs Buzzkills for the WOLF Tag

Another event, another rookie tag team for the northern lights to beat up?




Michael Gregory vs Glen Ward

Young up and coming muscleman versus maladjusted torturer




Bali Daljit vs Neville Jones

Two men who need to improve their performance skills



Quick picks

Bali Daljit vs Neville Jones

Michael Gregory vs Glen Ward

Northern Lights vs Buzzkills

Nigel Svensson vs Trance

Keith Adams vs Rave

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Really good first show - I like your write-up style, short but informative.


Bali Daljit vs Neville Jones - Bali may be better served concentrating on the tag ranks.

Michael Gregory vs Glen Ward - Same for Gregory.

Northern Lights vs Buzzkills - I get the feeling R Kid is going to be jobbing a lot to start off with.

Nigel Svensson vs Trance - Nigel rocks!

Keith Adams vs Rave - Via nefarious means, probably Trance interference.

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WOLF Fertility Rites 2013 Report


From: Rodito kid and Mike Peterson

To: Charles Townsend

Cc: Emma Evans




WOLF Fertility Rites 2013 (att:9)


Adams and Rave Argue E+

Adams is livid with Rave’s intervention last month and invites him to face him in the main event. Rave agrees but only if the title is on the line.


Bali Daljit defeats Neville Jones F+


A good win for Daljit but perhaps one day they might produce an E rated match.



Glen Ward beat Michael Gregory E-


Gregory looked good when he got a chance to brawl but the wily veteran didn’t give him much opportunity, taking the rookie to the ground whenever he got in trouble. At one point Ward was stunned by a power bomb but it was a sham: When Gregory went for the pin Ward rolled through and used Michael’s trunks to aid in the pin.



Emma Evans and Keith Adams form an alliance D-



Northern Lights defeats Buzzkills for the WOLF Tag titles E-


A pretty insipid match between four rookies. The northern lights superior teamwork just saw them through in their first defence.


Trance asked Emma Evans out and is rejected E+



Trance defeats Nigel Svensson E+


A decent match between two main eventers. 20 minutes of back and forth action between highflying heel and technical face. Svensson looked like he had the armlock synched in before the almost inevitable interference occurred. Rave ran in and broke up the move and that was all the help Trance needed.


Emma Evans fires out Rodito branded T-shirts C




Keith Adams defeats Rave E

A shocking main event. Adams and Rave have AWFUL chemistry between them and this is reflected in a very poor match. Adams superior skills tell in the end but this should not have been the main event.



Overall Rating: E+ (32)



“We made $183 and gained another 0.9 popularity”

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