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USPW American Wrestling Episode 2013.3




In an extremely short match, Natural Storm defeated Long Beach Crew and The Rock City Stars in 5:08 when D.C. Rayne defeated Rockin' Ryan Turner by pinfall with a Storm Damage. - D


Datsun and Griffith cut a promo hyping their previous match with The Towers Of Power and decide that they should become a permanent tag team. - C-


In an extremely short match, Grandmaster Phunk defeated Chris Flynn in 4:52 by pinfall with a Phunkensteiner. - D


Shane Sneer, Jumbo Jackson, Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore cut a backstage promo. Sneer instructs Jackson to show the rest of the locker room why he is a former USPW World champion, Danny to try and talk to Cherry Bomb about preparing for their upcoming match, and Mick Muscles to enjoy his well deserved day off. - C-


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jumbo Jackson won a battle royal in 9:48. The other members of the 'final four' were The Force, Andre Jones and Freddie Datsun, with The Force being the final elimination. Jumbo Jackson got the most eliminations over the course of the match. - C-

Battle Royal Participants: Andre Jones, Brandon Smith, Charlie Thatcher, Darryl Devine, Freddie Datsun, Giant Redwood, Hugh de Aske, Jack Griffith, Hugh de Aske, Jack Griffith, Jumbo Jackson, The Force


A video plays showing the events of the previous week, giving special focus to the main event match up of James Justice and Nicky Champion victory over The Titans and its aftermath. - C+




USPW American Wrestling: Episode 2013.3

Wednesday, Week 3, January 2013

10,000 people at Connecticut Symphony Hall




Danny Jillefski | Emily McQueen



In-Ring Segment


Nicky Champion comes down to the ring with microphone in hand to open the show. While he is definitely feeling the psychical effects of Baine's previous assaults, it seems like the USPW World Champion is in a far better mood than he has been the last couple of weeks. Nicky indirectly explains why by answering the question everyone has been asking: Why did you accept a match with Tyson Baine for the USPW World title? "Well the truth is that I didn't. I was the one that requested the match."


Champion then explains that as the USPW World champion he is the face the company and will not ruin the company's good name by backing down from a challenge, no matter how tough the odds. Nicky then turns to the camera and tell Tyson Baine to prepare himself because at Stars, Stripes, and Slams! Tyson won't be able to blindside him anymore. "..on Saturday, I will be the one doling out the punishment."


Nicky Champion ending the promo by switches gears and talking about his match tonight. With his trademark squeaky-clean charm, Nicky gushes over his Camp Strong stablemate and good friend, Alicia Strong, and says it will be a pleasure to team with her against Cherry Bomb and Danny Rushmore.


Rating: B





Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Winner Qualifies for USPW Women's Title Shot


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Belle Bryden defeated Raven Robinson in 9:27 by pinfall with a Dish Of The Day.


Rating: C


Match Notes: Belle Bryden's becomes the final member of the USPW Women's title match this Saturday after out wrestling Raven Robinson in a solid opener. After the match, the ever arrogant Bryden added proverbial salt to the wounds by "accidently" tripping Robinson into one of the turnbuckles as Raven was trying to get back up.





Backstage Segment


After the match, we cut to the back where Shane Sneer and T-Rex are dragging a cameraman into the Camp Strong dressing room. As the door opens we find Nicky Champion and Alicia Strong in the middle of a training session with Alicia on the receiving end of a hammerlock. Before the startled duo can object to the interruption, Shane Sneer berates Nicky about defending his title against the monster Tyson Baine. A very serious Nicky Champion tells Shane to settle down and listen. With one eye on T-Rex, Champion tells Sneer that “…for a successful business man, you really don't read a contract well enough.”


Nicky continues by saying that he knows Baine is a monster, however that monster is going to have to play by the rules or he's not winning the USPW World title. Sneer looks like he's about to object before Nicky cuts him off, "And before you tell me that Baine could attack me before the match, Sam and me made sure that there was a no contact clause put into the contract that lasts enough till the bell rings. Happy?"


Sneer looks satisfied and starts to leave, but T-Rex, out of nowhere, grabs Champion and shoves him to the wall. With a snarl, the super heavyweight tells Nicky "You better win. For all our sakes."


Rating: B-





The Cold Warriors vs. Savage Fury

#1 Contender's Match for the USPW World Tag Team Titles


In an extremely short match, The Cold Warriors defeated Savage Fury in 5:24 when Petr Novak defeated Tribal Warrior by pinfall with a Choke Slam after Krusher Karloff hit Tribal Warrior with a pair of brass knuckles.


Rating: D+


Match Notes: The Cold Warriors were able to salvage their disappointing start to 2013 by stealing a victory over Savage Fury via a pair of brass knuckles. Considering the way they won the match, it looks like Commissioner Doom made the right call banning anyone from being at ringside for the USPW TV and National title matches these past two weeks.





In-Ring Segment


Peter Valentine comes down to the ring with a scowl on his face. Valentine says that before last week's show he put out a challenge to anyone in the back for a match and that no one answered the call. He starts to run down the locker room when Sam Strong interrupts. Sam tells his long time friend to stop his whining. He knows that Valentine is lying about no one answering his challenge with Valentine responding that those new "pups" don't count.


Peter wants a real challenge: one involving a championship. Sam Strong looks like he wants to verbally destroy Peter, but takes a deep breath before caving in to Peter Valentine's demands. Sam tells Valentine that since Savage Fury will not be challenging for the USPW World Tag Team titles this Saturday that both the National and TV will be on the line at Stars, Stripes, and Slams! He tells Peter that he can be in either one of those matches. A smug Valentine tells Sam that he'll let him know which title he'll challenge for tomorrow over lunch.


Rating: C+





Alicia Strong & Nicky Champion vs. Cherry Bomb & Danny Rushmore


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Alicia Strong and Nicky Champion defeated Cherry Bomb and Danny Rushmore in 12:06 when Nicky Champion defeated Danny Rushmore by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.


Rating: B-


Match Notes: For the first time since receiving a fireball to the face, Nicky Champion looked like himself in this mixed tag exhibition. The young face of USPW was clearly having fun in the ring, playing to the crowd whenever possible. That's not to say he wasn't focused on winning the match, though. It was just clear to everyone in attendance that he was a lot less stressed knowing that Tyson Baine wasn't going to be coming out to attack him this night.





Pre-Taped Segment


A video package starts to play chronicling the Tyson Baine's total assault on Nicky Champion: from the fireball to the in-ring beatdown to last week's Hades Bomb outside the arena. The promo ends with Baine in his "church" holding the USPW World title like it is a sacrifice to his dark gods. Turning to the camera Baine tells everyone that in just three short days USPW will never be the same again.


Rating: B





Chris Caulfield vs. John Bunyan


In an extremely short match, Chris Caulfield defeated John Bunyan in 4:54 by disqualification.


Rating: C


Match Notes: This match was brutal in all of the right ways. Jumping Caulfield as the bell rung, the debuting Bunyan hit move after move on the ever resilient Caulfield. Caulfield was able to take control of the match mid-way, but Bunyan surprised everyone by keeping up with the more experienced Caulfield.


The end of the match came after Bunyan refused to stop on a referee's count of five. Whether this act was due to youthful exuberance or something more sinister remains to be seen. After the match, a beaten and bloody Caulfield sits up and rests along the bottom rope with a giant smile on his face. He might have came up worse for wear this night, but Caulfield knows that he is getting actually want he wanted, Bruce The Giant.





Backstage Segment


Before tonight's main event, we cut to the back where James Justice and The Force are trying to hype up Enygma for his match against Tyson Baine (mostly The Force). They tell Emgyma that Baine is a bad dude, but he's going to come out on top because "the laws of commerce demands it! *Skronk*"


James Justice follows up Force's regressive comment by telling Enygma that tonight is just like every other night and that they have his back. Engyma stops James before he can continue and says in his own cryptic fashion that tonight isn't like any other night because he will be going up against one of his toughest and most respected rivals. The former world champion tells Justice and Force to "Stay out of this fight, this is a puzzle that only I may put together."


Rating: C+





Enygma vs. Tyson Baine


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Tyson Baine defeated Enygma in 17:58 by pinfall with a Hades Bomb.


Rating: B-


Match Notes: The biggest note about this match has be the lack of anything "interesting". The match itself was full of great action and would have been worthy to main event a PPV, but unlike the past couple of weeks, there were no shenanigans like we've seen in matches involving either Tyson Baine and/or a member of The Watch. While we knew Nicky Champion would not be interfering in this match, some people might have wondered going in if the Snear Corporation would get involved. If Snear’s actions earlier in the night wasn’t enough, it’s clear that he wants nothing to do with Baine as this match would have been a perfect opportunity to attack a very vulnerable Enygma.





Video Package


Capping off the night, Danny Jillefski and Emily McQueen review the top stories of USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams! The two quickly go over all of the secondary title matches and speculate on the match(s) The Watch and Sneer Corporation might have before going over the two top matches of the night: Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield and Nicky Champion vs. Tyson Baine for the USPW World title.


The show ends with a special hype video for Stars, Stripes, and Slams! Set to the song



Rating: B-

Overall Rating: B-

Rating: 3.14

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Foolish Commentary (Lite Edition)


Well this show was sure a nice surprise. I didn't know what to expect from a lot of the matches, but I can't complain seeing as how I have not one but two matches in the B range. There is no chance in hell that I'm going to be able to keep myself from falling to Cult at the end of the month, but at least I can start seeing the path that will lead USPW back to National.


Speaking of surprises, how about the debut of John Bunyan/Findlay O'Farraday? I didn't really have any expectations for this match, so getting a C out of the pair with Bunyan's current overness was awesome. After seeing that I think Shane Sneer is going to have to think long and hard about making Bunyan an official member of the Sneer Corporation.


Prediction Table (January 2013)


Jingo: 5/6 (15/17)

Midnightnick: 5/6 (13/17)

3rdStringPG: 5/6 (9/17)

Occasional_Z: -/6 (9/17)

Jaded: -/6 (8/17)

smwilliams: 3/6 (8/17)

Self: 2/6 (6/17)

Tiberious4: -/6 (6/17)

Kainlock: -/6 (5/17)

MichiganHero: 5/6 (5/17)

Apupunchau@optonline: -/6 (4/17)

BYU 14: -/6 (4/17)

d_w_w: -/6 (4/17)

Timber: -/6 (3/17)


Jingo still leads the way in the contest with one show to go (nice job getting the Interactive question right!). But the last show is the PPV that will have at least eight prediction points in play so it's anyone's game!


P.S. The top predictor will be able to select a wrestler or tag team that will receive a push of some kind. Whether or not that means championship gold or just some much needed TV time will be up to the worker and my imagination.

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USPW Stars, Stripes And Slams! PPV Preivew


OOC: Trying something a bit different with the PPV previews. Let me know what you think! :D

USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams! Preview

(PPV 2013.1: January 20th, 2013)



*Instrumental Intro*


The video starts with a wheel of rotating black and white USPW wrestler profile photos. Fans of fighting games might compare it to a fighter selection screen. As the intro begins to transition into the first verse, the wheel stops on the picture of Chris Caulfield.


Everyone wants to call it all around our life with a better name,


Video of Chris Caulfield winning the number one contendership in 2009 starts to play.


Everyone falls and spins and gets up again with a friend, who does the same.


After winning the match, Chris Caulfield is joined by his friend, Bruce The Giant.


Everyone lies and cheats, their wants and needs and still believes their heart

Bruce raises Chris' hand, before shocking the crowd by hitting Caulfield with a massive chokeslam.


Everyone gets the chills, the kind that kills when pain begins to start.


Flash forward to early 2010 with Bruce's hand held in the air as the undisputed number one contender.


Lets get this straight.

Do you want me here?

As I struggle through

Each and every year.


As the chorus begins, we are shown clips of Chris Caulfield coming up short in all of the number one contender matches he’s had before being shown…


And all these demons,


..a menacing shot of Bruce The Giant.


They keep me up all night

They keep me up all night

They keep me up all night


The first chorus ends with a small clip of Caulfield’s bout with John Bunyan, concluding with a battered and bloody Caulfield grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he rests along the bottom rope.


*Instrumental Section*


During the middle instrumental section, the “player select” picture wheel comes back out and begins to turn, falling onto the USPW World champion, Nicky Champion.


Everyone's cross to bears the crown they wear on, endless holiday


During the chorus we are given a quick history of Nicky Champion’s in his role as the face of USPW. Starting from his championship victory…


Everyone waves as kids in a world that changes, life to a bitter game


…to his work that he does representing USPW at “Make-A-Wish” and other charity events…


Everyone works and fights, stays up all night to sell the break of day


...to his title defenses, before finally being shown…


Everyone lives to tell the tale of how he died alone some day.


...Tyson Baine throwing a fireball at Nicky Champion’s face.


Lets get this straight.

Do you want me here?

As I struggle through

Each and every year.


As the chorus start, the video continues showing us Baine’s path of destruction as he attacks Nicky Champion week upon week.


And all these demons,


We are then shown a shot of Tyson Baine with Nicky Champion’s USPW World title before transitioning to…


They keep me up all night

They keep me up all night

They keep me up all night

They keep me up all night

They keep me up all


...video of Nicky Champion training for his with Tyson Baine with the rest of Camp Strong.


*Instrumental Outro*


While the last part of the song plays, the rest of the PPV card is shown (see link below).

*USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams! Prediction Survey*

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Grandmaster Phunk and Andre Jones defeated The Rock City Stars in 6:04 when Andre Jones defeated Rockin' Ryan Turner by pinfall with a Blast From The Past. - C-


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Freddie Datsun and Jack Griffith defeated Chris Flynn and Darryl Devine and The Cali Dragons. in 7:48 when Jack Griffith defeated Chris Flynn by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. - C-





USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams!

Saturday, Week 3, January 2013

30,000 people at The Kettley Arena




Danny Jillefski | Emily McQueen



In-Ring Segment


Much like most USPW PPVs, Sam Strong comes down to the ring to kick off the show. Unlike most nights, Sam Strong doesn't seem like the confident man that has proverbially slayed giants in and outside of the wrestling ring. Instead he looks like a man who's dog just died. Taking the microphone, he tells the audience that earlier tonight Alicia Strong was attacked. He doesn't know who did it, but will damn sure find out this Wednesday. Tonight however, he has a show to run. He ends the segment by announcing that Raven Robinson will be replacing Alicia Strong in tonight's Womens title match, with starts right now.


Rating: B+







Belle Bryden vs. Gorgon vs. Melody © vs. Raven Robinson

USPW Women's Title Match


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Belle Bryden defeated Gorgon, Melody and Raven Robinson in 11:43 when Belle Bryden defeated Raven Robinson by pinfall with a Dish Of The Day. Belle Bryden wins the USPW Womens title.


Rating: C


Match Notes: Belle Bryden turns Melody into a transitional champion after pinning Alicia Strong's replacement, Raven Robinson. As Belle celebrates her 3rd Women's championship win, an enraged Gorgon takes her frustrations out on the former champion, Meoldy, before being restrained by USPW management.





Pre-taped Segment


Back at what is now known as the Cathedral of Baine, Tyson Baine once again preaches to the USPW Universe about the end of the world. He tells the fans that last month “the wheels of fate began to turn” and that tonight "…is the first designation on the path to USPW's total oblivion".


Rating: B







Peter Valentine vs. Tribal Warrior ©

USPW Television Title Match


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Peter Valentine defeated Tribal Warrior in 6:30 by pinfall after using using the ropes for leverage. Peter Valentine wins the USPW Television title.


Rating: D


Match Notes: The USPW Telelvision title reign of Java was cut short thanks to Peter Valentine's "cunning". Valentine has a reputation in the wrestling world as being one of the dirtiest wrestlers in the business and tonight was no exception. The former bodybuilder picked up a win with a well timed low blow before using the ropes to assist him during the pin.





Backstage Segment


We switch to the back where the USPW World champion, Nicky Champion, is ready to give his thoughts on his upcoming title defense. He starts to go what veteran wrestling fans would consider a standard babyface promo. However, midway through telling Tyson Baine that he better bring his A-game, the young world champion stops. Shaking his head he apologizes to the fans before saying that "I...I can't do this right now...I have a title match to prepare for."


Rating: B-







Natural Storm © vs. The Cold Warriors

USPW World Tag Team Title Match


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Natural Storm defeated The Cold Warriors in 5:40 when D.C. Rayne defeated Petr Novak by pinfall with a Storm Damage. Natural Storm make defence number 2 of their USPW World Tag Team titles.


Rating: C-


Match Notes: This was the first time the tag team champions have been seen on TV this year and they did not disappoint. The duo of Eddie Howard and D.C. Rayne made short work of The Cold Warriors using a mix of technical grappling, hard hitting shots, and well timed switches.





Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Enygma defeated Jumbo Jackson in 20:24 by submission with an Enygma Variation after botched interference by T-Rex.


Rating: C+


Match Notes: After the match, Jumbo Jackson went ballistic, knocking over whatever he could get his hands on at ringside. He got in the face of T-Rex and just when it seemed like the two were about to come to blows, Shane Sneer steps and defuses the situation, for now at least.





Backstage Segment


Our resident interviewer, Brock Cornish, is backstage with Bruce The Giant. Brock starts the interview by asking Bruce why he joined up with the Sneer Corporation. Before Bruce can answer, Shane Sneer swoops in and takes the microphone. Shane tells Brock that Bruce has joined the Corporation so he "doesn't have to answer stupid questions from stupid people."


Sneer then turns to the big man and apologizes for this "little interruption" and tells him that he wants Bruce to come with him to meet and greet the newest member of the Sneer Corporation. "She'll be really happy to see you."


Rating: B







American Patriot vs. Andre Jones vs. Java © vs. John Bunyan

USPW National Title Match


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Java defeated American Patriot, Andre Jones and John Bunyan in 7:28 when Java defeated John Bunyan by pinfall with a Greetings From The Island. Java makes defence number 3 of his USPW National title.


Rating: D


Match Notes: Using his experience, Java was able to retain his USPW National title. Early in the match the 22 year veteran waited in the wings, letting the younger competitors beat up on each other. As Andre and the American Patriot fought on the outside, Java hit a brutal Greeting From The Island on a weakened John Bunyan for the victory.





The Towers Of Power vs. James Justice & The Force


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Towers Of Power defeated James Justice and The Force in 15:59 when Mick Muscles defeated The Force by pinfall with a Bulldozer Powerbomb.


Rating: C+


Match Notes: The Sneer Corporation were able to even up the score with The Watch as The Towers Of Power were able to knock off the team of James Justice & The Force. Thanks to some fantastic teamwork, the duo was able to successfully isolated James Justice for much of the match. Even when The Force was able to get in the match, The Towers Of Power was able to keep control thanks to some well timed bending of the rules.





Video Package


A video plays before Bruce The Giant and Chris Caulfield's match. Based around Chris Caulfield's promo at the start of the year, the video recapped the two's history over the past couple of years.


Rating: B-





Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Bruce The Giant defeated Chris Caulfield in 11:46 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam after Shane Sneer interfered.


Rating: C


Match Notes: Chris Caulfield put up a valiant effort but was not able to overcome the strength of Bruce The Giant in the ring and the guile of Shane Sneer outside of it. As Chris Caulfield left the ring he shouted into the camera that this is far from over.





Video Package


Before our main event, a video is played recapping the recent feud between Nicky Champion and Tyson Baine.


Rating: B







Nicky Champion © vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Title Match


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Nicky Champion drew with Tyson Baine in 17:33 following a double count out.


Rating: C+


Match Notes: This match might have ended in a draw, but it looked like Tyson Baine got the exact result he wanted out of the match. Throughout the contest Baine did everything he could to get under the skin of Nicky: from stalling to taunting (something a little out of character for Baine) to even spitting in the Champion's face. The tactic seemed to work as an unready unsettled Champion was too focused on Baine to hear the referee count to ten during his attack on Tyson outside of the ring.





In-Ring Segment


As the bell rings the two men continue to beat the ever loving crap out of each other. Unlike the 10th, it's Nicky that gains the upper hand with a distraction. Taking Emily MCQueen's trademark tea cup, Nicky Champion temporary blinds Tyson Baine with some piping hot Earl Grey tea. Seizing the opportunity, Champion rams Baine into the steel steps before picking up a steel chair. With hatred in his eyes, Champion brings the chair down on Baine, again and again and again until it becomes a little hard to watch.


Exhausted, Champion drops the chair and picks up the item he hasn't had in his possession since the beginning of the year, his USPW World title.


Rating: B-

Overall Rating: C+

Buy Rate: 1.22

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Nicky Champion should be stripped of the title for potentially endangering Tyson Baine with the tea. Also, he should be stripped for using tea as a weapon. :p


You would be the person to call out the tea, not the repeated chair shots, but Emily McQueen's tea! :p

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Gureisu Pro needs a certain type of mindset. ;)


It's a mindset that I am very familiar with and am trying to keep from popping up too much in this diary, at least at the beginning. :D



The Cathedral of Baine? I like it.


Thanks. Much like a lot of things that happen to go over well, calling the set that Baine's been using the "Cathedral of Baine" was a last minute addition to the write-up.



This is the point where I usually go into the Foolish Commentary, but since I things I want to mention might be considered spoilers for the upcoming TV show I'll saved my thoughts on the PPV until then. Now for the final standings of the first prediction contest:


Prediction Table (January 2013)

Jingo: -/7 (15/24)

Midnightnick: -/7 (13/24)

smwilliams: 4/7 (12/24)

Self: 4/7 (10/24)

3rdStringPG: -/7 (9/24)

Occasional_Z: -/7 (9/24)

Jaded: -/7 (8/24)

MichiganHero: 3/7 (8/24)

Tiberious4: -/7 (6/24)

Shadowsong: 6/7 (6/24)

Kainlock: -/7 (5/24)

Apupunchau@optonline: -/7 (4/24)

BYU 14: -/7 (4/24)

d_w_w: -/7 (4/24)

Psycho Sam: 4/7 (4/24)

Timber: -/7 (3/24)

remoot: 2/7 (2/24)


I looks like this PPV was pretty hard to predict as the best score was a 4 out of 7 (I threw out any predictions made for the Womens match since there was a "last minute" replacement and because no one predicted Belle to be the victor). I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing. :o


Congrats to Jingo for taking first! I'm not sure how it was possible for you to remain in first even after skipping the PPV predictions, but congrats anyway. For your prize you will be able to push any wrestler on the roster. What that push will be is up to me and my imagination, but I will take suggestions! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

OOC: Has it really been over two weeks since I've last updated this diary!? :o

USPW American Wrestling Preview

(Episode 2013.4: January 24th, 2013)


Fallout from Stars, Stripes, and Slams!


Moments after the USPW World title match's indecisive conclusion, USPW management, Nicky Champion, and a representative of Tyson Baine worked out, and signed, a contract for our next PPV, Red, White, and Blue! The contract has not been officially released, but word is that the match will be for the USPW World title and will have rules in place to make sure that there is a winner.


Noticeably absent from these talks was Sam Strong. After the PPV ended, the primary owner of USPW took a limo straight to the local hospital to be by his daughter's side. The injuries of USPW's first daughter of wrestling have been kept close to the vest, but Sam Strong has assured us that once his investigation is over that Alicia's injuries will be fully disclosed. Hopefully we will know more this Wednesday night.


With Sam Strong focusing on his daughter's attack, it's no surprise to see two members of Camp Strong, Nicky Champion and Peter Valentine, facing off against each other in this week's main event. While it is well known that Nicky and Peter don't get along, knowing how much both men respect the Strong family, there is no question that Nicky and Peter will do their best to support Strong any way possible.


USPW "Quick Hits"


- We have received notice that Tyson Baine has requested and been given time at the end of the show to speak his mind. Due to injuries received at the PPV, Baine will be coming live from the Cathedral of Baine.


- With Natural Storm successfully defending their USPW World Tag Team titles at Stars, Stripes, and Slams!, USPW management is on the lookout for new number one contenders. Commissioner Doom has set up a 4 team tournament to decide who will face Natural Storm at Red, White, and Blue! This week the newly formed duo of Freddie Datsun & Jack Griffith will take on the debuting tag team of Frankie Perez and Mikey James, better known to some fans as The Cali Dragons. Next week Andres Jones will team up with a mystery partner to face the veteran team of Savage Fury.


- Speaking of the USPW World Tag Team titles, this week the USPW National champion, Java, will be teaming with them to face off against the Sneer Corporation in 6-man tag team action.




USPW American Wrestling Episode 2013.4 Card


Non-Title: Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine

#1 Contenders Semi-Finals: The Cali Dragons vs. Freddie Datsun & Jack Griffith

Java & Natural Storm vs. The Sneer Corporation (Jackson, Muscles, & Rushmore)

American Patriot vs. Andre Jones

John Bunyan vs. The Force


#USPWInteractive: Who attacked Alicia Strong?

#USPWInteractive: What will the stipulation be for the upcoming re-match between Nicky Champion and Tyson Baine?

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Non-Title: Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine

#1 Contenders Semi-Finals: The Cali Dragons vs. Freddie Datsun & Jack Griffith

Java & Natural Storm vs. The Sneer Corporation (Jackson, Muscles, & Rushmore)

American Patriot vs. Andre Jones

John Bunyan vs. The Force


#USPWInteractive: Who attacked Alicia Strong?

Belle Bryden?

#USPWInteractive: What will the stipulation be for the upcoming re-match between Nicky Champion and Tyson Baine?

No Holds Barred, No DQ, No Count-outs, THERE MUST BE A WINNER!

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Non-Title: Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine

#1 Contenders Semi-Finals: The Cali Dragons vs. Freddie Datsun & Jack Griffith

Java & Natural Storm vs. The Sneer Corporation (Jackson, Muscles, & Rushmore)

American Patriot vs. Andre Jones

John Bunyan vs. The Force


#USPWInteractive: Who attacked Alicia Strong? Cherry Bomb

#USPWInteractive: What will the stipulation be for the upcoming re-match between Nicky Champion and Tyson Baine? No Holds Barred

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