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BHOTWG: Walking The Burning Path [8RoW]

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If I win a prediction contest, can I force you to take one of my guys and push him?


White Samurai segment was my favourite. Not least because it was concise. Also, ninjas are cool.


Hah, the White Samurai segment was a late addition to cover for me sending him to development, inspired by your own awesomeness at doing so much with so little. :)


As for the other matter... I think I'd probably only be able to push people on my actual roster, I think I'd have to rule out folks on talent trades since they're not going to be around long enough to do anything. But folks on PPA or touring deals? I could probably work something out... you thinking of sending Gargantuan over my way? :D

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If I win a prediction contest, can I force you to take one of my guys and push him?


White Samurai segment was my favourite. Not least because it was concise. Also, ninjas are cool.


I don't like predicting in other 8RoW's contests due to potential insider information, but I might need to make an exception if I can give someone a push!


And I really liked the White Samurai segment as well. I'm a sucker for soundbite style promos. :o

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Pffft. "Wrestled all over Japan"? Couldn't bring yourself to give us a little rub on national TV? ;) Look after mah boys, I want 'em back in the same condition they were in when they left. :p


Hehe, great show. I'm liking the more concise format because I can almost get through a whole show in one go now! ¬_¬

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Kazutoshi Imoo – Mitsuhide Muro – Toru Minamoto – Hidetada Kozu – Danjuro Komatsu

The Sportscasters of BHOTWG


(The show begins in the Burning Hammer studio where we are once again met by the welcoming face of the Voice of Burning Hammer, the one and only Toru Minamoto. He is on his own once again but the rest of the Burning Hammer sportscasters will be on the show tonight and I like that opening graphic, confabblit!)


Toru: “Good evening, wrestling fans, and welcome to another edition of Burning Hammer Lords Of The Rings, where we take a look at all things Burning Hammer related. There has been a lot of tag team related news as many wrestlers look to take advantage not only of the chance to create new alliances but also for the opportunity to pick up some tag team gold if they are successful. We don’t have time to show all of the new combinations tonight as we will also be bringing the King of Fighters championship into the limelight with an interview with the reigning champion Tasuku Iesada tonight. Up first, I hand you over to Mitsuhide Muro to give you more information about our new signings.”




Mitsuhide Muro


Mitsuhide: “Greetings, wrestling fans. I’ve been inundated with questions about the identity of the fourth man training with the INSPIRE Group, but as of this time I have been unable to find out who it is. The INSPIRE Group are playing this one close to their chests, but from what little they have revealed it seems that whoever they have picked is a technically proficient grappler that they have crossed paths with in the past. But while I can’t confirm his identity, there are three new signings that Burning Hammer have made that I can reveal more information about.”



Mashashi Urogataya


Mitsuhide: “Mashashi is a young Heavyweight who is joining Burning Hammer on a trial basis. With only a couple of years of wrestling behind him he isn’t expected to achieve great things straight away, but if he shows enough fire and potential then he might be able to attract the attention of a mentor or even earn himself a contract with Burning Hammer as part of the youth system. What is known about him is that he can mat wrestle and trade hard hitting strikes too, so he definitely has some potential.”



The Red Devils (Viktor Beskov and Yuri Iliakov)


Mitsuhide: “The Russian duo have been catching eyes and turning heads over in Europe with their impactful wrestling style and their impressive teamwork. The two men are best friends and have a natural understanding of each other that Burning Hammer scouts report as being far beyond their years. I’ve managed to sneak a look at their scouting tape review and I have to say that the Heavyweight pair have a physicality and a work ethic about them that should see them fit in well to the Burning Hammer roster, and some successes on their debut tour at this early stage of their career could see them invited back in future. That’s all from me tonight in terms of new signings, I hand you over now to Kazutoshi Imoo for his feature of the night.”




Kazutoshi Imoo


Kazutoshi: “Welcome, wrestling fans. Most of you have been long term fans of Burning Hammer and already know all about the different divisions and championships within the company, but whether you are taking a refresher course or learning for the first time, here is a quick rundown of the different rules for each division and championship, with a graphical aid for each provided.”


The Heavyweight Division




Heavyweight Title matches have a 60 minute time limit and are scheduled for one fall (singles and tag)

Heavyweight division matches have a 30 minute time limit and are scheduled for one fall (singles and tag)

There are no weight limits on competing in the Heavyweight division

*NEW* Openweight bouts between Juniors and Heavyweights are treated as Heavyweight division contests


The Junior Division





Junior Title matches have a 30 minute time limit and are scheduled for one fall (singles and tag)

Junior division matches have a 20 minute time limit and are scheduled for one fall (singles and tag)

The weight limit to qualify as a Junior wrestler is 225lbs.


The King Of Fighters Championship



The King Of Fighters Championship has no weight limits

The King Of Fighters Championship has no time limits

“It doesn’t matter about the size of the man in the fight, what matters is the size of the fight in the man”


Kazutoshi: “One of the major, divisive issues in Burning Hammer stems from the quote about the King of Fighters championship. The title was created by The INSPIRE Group when they walked out of Burning Hammer and was the only championship in INSPIRE, a battleground where singles matches ruled the roost and competitors kept going until there was a winner. They truly believed that it didn’t matter about weight limits, only that a competitor had the will to compete. When Tadiyuki Kikkawa and his INSPIRE rebels returned to Burning Hammer, they brought the championship with them and in a political move guaranteed to them by President Kaneko as part of the deal to bring them in, the championship has been sanctioned as an official title in Burning Hammer ever since. The champion has the right to refuse challengers if he wishes, but ultimately chooses who they will face as long as the belt is defended at least once per tour.”


“The Heavyweights have dominated the championship’s history, from the giant Marat Khoklov to Tadiyuki Kikkawa up to Tasuku Iesada today and the championship has undoubtedly been held by and challenged for by the highest calibre competitors in the world. But while the Heavyweights have dominated, there exists the chance for Junior wrestlers to challenge for the belt, something that looks increasingly likely now due to the INSPIRE Group regaining the championship from Yasunobu Masuno during the last tour. There are many within the Junior division who feel that they can compete competitively with the Heavyweights and if a Junior wrestler were to win the King Of Fighters championship that cause would be strengthened and may have significant ramifications within Burning Hammer.”


“One potential change that could be significant is a change to the time limits imposed on Junior division matches. With the emergence of the Heavenly Kings has come a lot of drawn matches, with twenty minutes rarely being enough for any of them to be able to put each other away, leading to a lot of frustration within the division. Even the thirty minute time limits of championship matches have proven to be challenging, with Sensational Dragon in particular being frustrated by the time limit often, leading to him failing to reclaim the championship. One of the many things that some members of the Junior division, and even some advocates from the Heavyweight division, have been pushing for is longer time limits for more decisive finishes. But the counter to that is that Burning Hammer has a tradition, a set of rules that have always defined the company and that if things were good enough for legends such as Elemental and Optimus in their day, then it points more to a lack of killer instinct among the Junior division than a problem with the rules of the organisation. They say that, inevitably, there will come an evolutionary leap in the Junior division and that when one of the Heavenly Kings learns to finish off his rivals that the problem will solve itself.”


“Another change that the Junior division has been lobbying for, but that Burning President Kaneko seems unwilling to co-operate with, is the ability to compete in both the Junior and Heavyweight divisions at the same time. No-one has ever been allowed to do that at the same time, but Junior wrestlers are always allowed to compete in the Heavyweight division instead of the Junior division if they choose to do so. Kansuke Konda has made his name by doing just that, though success has been limited, particularly against the larger heavyweights in the division who hold significant numbers of victories over him. The recent move for Kaneko to allow workers to compete in two tag teams at once has been viewed by some as a concession to this rule, perhaps a trial to see if Junior wrestlers are truly capable of competing in the Heavyweight division. But with none of the Heavenly Kings actively teaming together to form an alliance, it seems that the peak of the division isn’t going to capitalise on this opportunity being presented to them, at least at this time.”


“Ultimately, Burning Hammer’s weight classes have been in place for a long time and both sides of the argument present interesting cases for why things should change or stay the same. Personally, I feel that the tradition of Burning Hammer is long established and should remain untouched, as it has always been more than capable of creating new warriors who can walk the Burning Path. But at the same time, the potential for dream matches among the roster makes for some tantalising opportunties. In particular, the Heavenly Kings taking on any of the elite Heavyweight grapplers could provide dozens of fascinating, new matches and while I can’t see the Juniors actually winning them, if there were ever a group of wrestlers capable of doing so, the Heavenly Kings would be the men I’d put money on being able to do so.”





Do you think you have what it takes to walk the Burning Path?


The Burning Dojo is open to elite level competitors of all disciplines who believe they have the heart to one day challenge at the highest level of Burning Hammer. Many will fall to the toughest training regime on the planet, ground to dust and ashes by the fire of Burning Hammer’s world class competitors. For the few who graduate, the first steps on the Burning Path will be taken, the beginnings of a journey into history and legacy.


To apply for training, see the Burning Hammer website for details.




http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Burning%20Hammer/TasukuIesada.jpg with http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/Burning%20Hammer/HidetadaKozu.jpg

Tasuku Iesada © (HW#6) with Hidetada Kozu


(Standing outside the doors of the Burning Dojo, Burning Hammer’s new elite level dojo, is the reigning King Of Fighters alongside sycophantic supporter and former INSPIRE employee, Hidetada Kozu. The rest of the INSPIRE Group can’t be seen, but they can be heard in the background as the sounds of some intensive sparring go on behind the closed doors emblazoned with the Burning Hammer logo, with Iesada standing proudly in front of them with his championship gold.)


Hidetada: “Iesada-san, it is a honour to be here once again to spend some time with the INSPIRE Group so close to the start of a new tour. Clearly you are all training extremely hard to get in fighting shape for some big contests in future as Tadiyuki Kikkawa prepares to take on Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri and his own friend, Masaaki Okazaki. But the question that everyone wants to know the answer to is… who do you plan to defend the King of Fighters championship against next?”


Iesada: “There are many men who deserve the honour of challenging for this belt, many who have fought hard and fought valiantly in order to get where they are today. Men of all shapes and sizes. But not all may get the chance to challenge. You’ve named a group of men who would all be worthy challengers, but they have championship matches in their future and I am looking for a contest at February’s PPV, Sword Of Destiny. With that in mind I would like to issue a challenge to a man who came so close to earning a chance to challenge for the Burning World Championship, a man who is ready to breakout as a star this year if given the opportunity. And that man is Tadakuni Toshusai.”


(Hidetada looks surprised that someone who has been on the wrong end of a few critical defeats in recent months is being offered a championship match but Iesada cuts him off before he says anything.)


Iesada: “Tadakuni, you have proven yourself time and again in Burning Hammer as someone who can get close. The fans love you for your ability to take punishment, for your fire and your heart. You are young, talented and you’ve got wins over almost everyone on the Burning Hammer roster, including a win over me six months ago that I’ve yet to win back. So in order to cement my position as champion, I must challenge you to a match and I must win.”


Hidetada: “But don’t you think that is going to upset former champion Yasunobu Masuno? I’m sure he was expecting a rematch for the championship that you won from him back at Night Of The Burning Hammer.”


Iesada: “I’m sure that both Tadakuni and myself would be happy to offer him a rematch once we have had our match. The time is not right yet though. Tadakuni, I’m sure you will accept my challenge. I look forward to facing you on the field of battle at Sword Of Destiny.”




Kansuke Konda (HW-U) & Hyosuke Kokan (J#9) (Size Of The Fight)


(Surrounded by a sea of journalists at a publicity event for Burning Hammer are the tag team of Kokan and Konda, known by some as Size Of The Fight. For many years they have been known for taking the fight to men far bigger than them, with Kokan being one of the smallest competitors in the Junior division and Konda being a Junior that competes in the Heavyweight division. The fans love their never say die attitude, which is why it seems odd that they are being ignored in favour of someone else, though both men seem excited about something as Kokan energetically bounces from one foot to the other.)


Kokan: “So what are you going to do? Cos y’know, after last time her was here I think you might need some help. You think he’d appreciate it if you snuck up on him and headbutted him?”


Konda: “No.”


Kokan: “You want me to throw myself at him with reckless abandon? I could stack some tables up and jump from on top of them?”


Konda: “No.”


Kokan: “I mean, we’re a tag team. How about we double team him to the floor and we hold him down and make him listen to what you have to say?”


Konda: “No. Look… I’m just going to play it cool and ask him straight up. We don’t need to fight him, he’ll listen to reason.”


Kokan: “Awwwww…..”


(Kokan stops bouncing on the balls of his feet and looks a little downhearted for a moment before a commotion signal that whoever they are waiting on has finished whatever they have been doing. Konda looks worried for a moment but takes a few deep breaths as a man who was dressed in a sharp suit until a few minues ago makes his way towards them, being followed and harassed by lots of journalists. Being bold, Konda steps in front of the familiar face.)



Eisaku Hoshino


Hoshino: “Oh, hey th….”


Konda: “I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy!”


(Before Hoshino can even get a full sentence out Konda is on the floor hero-worshipping at the feet of Hoshino, who looks a bit bemused for a moment before regaining his composure as he tries to stop Konda getting too carried away by helping him to his feet.)


Hoshino: “You’re worthy, you’re worthy. Kansuke Konda right, and your friend there is Hyosuke Kokan.”


Kokan: (stage whisper) “Dude, he knows our names!”


Konda: “We’re not worthy! We’re not wo…”


Hoshino: “Of course you are, you’re a pioneering Junior wrestler who competes in the Heavweight division. You are a star who does things that others dare not do. In fact, not only are you worthy but while I’ve got you here I’d like to ask you a personal favour.”


(If it were possible for someone to explode from joy and shock, Kansukle Konda would probably be doing that right now as the various press watch on at the strange show going on in front of them.)


Hoshino: “It seems that I’m going to need a tag team partner soon in order to take on the Black Magic team of Yasunobu Masuno and Yasuhiko Taira. I think you’d be the perfect partner for that match since you’ve got experience against them and more heart than most of the roster combined. Would that interest you at all?”


Konda: “I’m not w…. I… I mean, um… yes?”


Hoshino: “Great! I’ll get in touch with you about the details later. But for now, I’ve got some interviews to conduct with these fine gentlemen. I’m looking forward to teaming with you, it’s been great meeting you both.”


(Hoshino shakes the hands of both Kokan and Konda before plaing Pied Piper to the horde of sports journalists following him around, leaving just the team behind on their own.)


Kokan: “Yup, that was pretty smooth.”


Konda: “Shut up.”




Tadakuni Toshusai (HW#8) – Natsu Miyame (HW#9) & Shimedzu (J-U) (The Rebellion)


(The Rebellion are in a ring together, training hard against some youngsters in order to fine tune their already almost perfect tag team skills in preparation for their upcoming shot at the Burning World Tag Team championships. After smoothly taking down four youngsters with some quick tags and fast paced offense, the man who’s shoulder we’re watching all of this over steps forward with a round of genuine applause that seems to surprise all of them men in the ring. With a theatric bounce in his step and a smile on his face, Tadakuni makes his move.)


Tadakuni: “Bravo, sirs, bravo. What you guys do together isn’t just combat, it’s art. The art of war, as it were.”


Shimedzu: “Why are you here and what do you want?”


Tadakuni: “Straight to business, I like that. Okay, I’ll be serious for a moment.” (He puts on his most serious face) “I’m looking for a tag team partner in the heavyweight ranks and you two are the best team in the world.” (He drops to one knee, almost as if proposing) “Natsu Miyamae, would you do me the honour of being my tag team partner?”


(The young wrestlers watch on as the men they are training with exchange a few puzzled looks while Toshusai waits for an answer while still down to one knee. We can’t hear what Miyamae and Shimedzu are saying but the whispers and the facial expressions clearly show that Shimedzu doesn’t approve while Miyamae himself seems to be seriously considering the question.)


Miyamae: “Tadakuni, this isn’t the best time to talk about this and perhaps not the best place either. I can’t give you an answer just now as I will have to talk it over with my tag team partner here before I could possibly accept or recject your offer. Could we arrange to talk another time?”


Tadakuni: (with an exaggerated look of delight on his face) “Of course! I half expected you to reject my offer immediately, so for you to even take the time to consider it is more than I ever expected. I won’t intrude on your training session any further but I had to today as you two are always hard to find. Happy hunting, friends.”


(Tadakuni rises to his feet only to give a deep bow to the Rebellion before turning on his heel in over the top fashion to walk out, leaving Miyamae and Shimedzu with a somewhat bemused look on their faces as they get back to training)




Eisaku Hoshino


(We join Eisaku Hoshino in a room with a handful of journalists, a few of Japan’s most important followers of wrestling. They seem to be having a good time together and Hoshino is answering a few questions following him bumping into Kokan and Konda earlier, though the topic seems to at least have moved on from them)


Hoshino: “And so I say to the Prime Minister, if I had your job I’d have dropped the governor with a Gozilla Plunge right through that godawful table of his and saved everyone all kinds of trouble!”


(The mood seems light within the room but that changes when the door opens and some more familiar faces of Burning Hammer walk in)


Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2) – Atsumori Takemura (HW-U)


Nakasawa: “Just one question, Hoshino-san. My protégé and I are looking for two men to team with us against the INSPIRE Group on the first night of the tour. You want to be on our side?”


Hoshino: “Direct, I like your style. Count me in, it’ll be fun to step in against Kikkawa, even if it is in a big tag match.”


(Nakasawa doesn’t even stay long enough to hear the end of Hoshino’s sentence as he leaves, taking his slightly starstuck protégé with him. Hoshino smiles and shrugs his shoulders as the journalists begin a new wave of questions, asking him all about his thoughts on the INSPIRE Group, on teaming with Nakasawa and something about NPH having puppet dreams…)




Golden Scorpion (J#8) – VENOM (J-U)


(Keeping things as simple as they can be, the very distinctive Junior wrestlers Golden Scorpion and VENOM stand shoulder to shoulder, instead of face to face as we usually see them. They have had many battles in singles and tag team action with their regular partners The Awesome Kiyaru and Yoshii Shiomi respectively. This time something is different. As they address the camera in front of them.)


Scorpion: “Standing apart, VENOM and I have fought many battles against each other and had many successes. Our respect for each other is so high that in this time of change we have decided to stand together as a tag team from now on, taking advantge of Burning President Kaneko’s opportunity to do so with the hope that Burning Junior Tag Team gold can be ours in short order.”[/color]


VENOM: “Whether it be with Golden Scorpion or Yoshii Shiomi, I will be a champion by the time the Fire Tour has concluded. And from there I will do all I can to break the stranglehold that the Heavenly Kings have on the Burning Junior championship, using everything I learn from my enemies to dethrone them.”


(Short, sharp and to the point, the lack of formalities from the new team and their mercenary attitudes towards success aren’t the most endearing traits to have in a tag team partner. But then, the Burning Path can lead down some strange looking roads and these two enemies have always marched to the beat of their own drums, being more alike than they may ever wish to admit to themselves despite their many battles)



Match held on Friday, Week 3, October 2012 in front of 30,000 fans in the Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto, Japan

BHOTWG: Night Of The Burning Hammer 2012




Tasuku Iesada vs Yasunobu Masuno ©


• Going into this match Masuno had been champion for 1 year and 4 months, having dethroned Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the title, who in turn had become Burning World Champion since that defeat. To say that Masuno had built up a lot of credibility for himself and truly established himself as a top tier heavyweight would be to understate how well he had been performing. Full of confidence to the point of arrogance, Masuno looked to show off his physical superiority against an INSPIRE original in Tasuku Iesada, who himself was also looking to prove that he was capable of performing at the highest level.

• The two contrasting styles made this an interesting contest, with Masuno sticking to his ocassionally dirty brawling tactics, roughing up his far more technicaly sound opponent who would seek to take the big man off his feet and punish him with submission attempts focussed on the head and neck. As has become commonplace for Iesada since his days in INSPIRE, he would try to work in a lot of knee strikes on the big man, chopping him down by working on the knee to get his head into position for the devastating strikes and then the inevitable submission attempts that follow. Masuno would counter with power, manhandling Iesada around the ring to lay in some heavy duty offense, particularly targetting Iesada’s head and neck area too, weakening him for what would follow.

• What transpired was a 37 minute contest that saw both men stretched to their limits, with blood spilled on both sides due to the physicality of the match. Iesada was almost forced into unconsciousness through a combination of bleeding and the Deep Sleep (sleeper hold) from Masuno but managed to summon previously unknown reserves of fire to counter out of it and almost drop Masuno on his head with a back suplex. Iesada himself almost forced a knockout with a series of North-South knees that Masuno could barely protect himself against and only escaped through sheer power, eventually managing to block a muay thai style knee and hoist Iesada up into a Day of Rackening (Torture Rack submission) that Masuno was forced to break through sheer exhaustion and bloodloss.

• With fatigue taking it’s toll on the larger man, Iesada used his superior conditioning to ground Masuno. Iesada tried to lock in the Iesada Special II (scissored Dragon Sleeper) but Masuno was able to twist his way out of it, only to fall prey to the Iesada Special (seated guillotine choke) as Iesada’s superior technique enabled him to grapple the weary warrior into position. Masuno was simply too beaten up to resist for long, as Iesada forced a submission out of him to become the new King Of Fighters on the grandest stage in Burning Hammer.


RESULT: Tasuku Iesada defeated Yasunobu Masuno by submission via Iesada Special at 37:12 to become the NEW King Of Fighters




Toru Minamoto


(We head back to the studio to wrap up the show, with the ever present host of all things Burning Hammer, Toru Minamoto.)


Toru: “It sure has been an action packed show folks, with lots of new alliances made and matches filled in. The Junior and Heavyweight divisions are hotting up as we get closer to the start of the Fire Tour, with just one more show to come from us before the tour kicks off. Next week we’ll look at all the latest news and there will be a feature piece on the most devastating moves in Burning Hammer as well as all the details of where and when you can go to Burning Hammer events for yourself to see the greatest show in professional wrestling live and in person. Until then and on behalf of all the crew here at Burning Hammer, have a good night!”



BHOTWG Fire TourMonday, Week 1, February

8 Man Tag: The INSPIRE Group [Tadiyuki Kikkawa (HW#3) / Masaaki Okazaki (HW#4) / Tasuku Iesada (HW#6) / ???] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2) / Eisaku Hoshino / Atsumori Takemura / ???


BHOTWG Fire TourWednesday, Week 1, February

Tag Match: Black Magic [Yasuhiko Taira (HW#5) / Yasunobu Masuno (HW#7)] vs Eisaku Hoshino / Kansuke Konda


BHOTWG Sword Of Destiny CardFriday, Week 3, February

MAIN EVENT: Burning World Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa (HW#3) © vs Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2)

King Of Fighters: Tasuku Iesada (HW#6) © vs Tadakuni Toshusai (HW#8)

Burning Junior Championship: Elemental III (J#1) © vs Mystic Dragon (J#3)

Buring World Tag Team: Toshiki Shibanumo / Nissho Yuasa © vs Eiji Hamacho (HW#10) / Chuichi Sanda

Burning Junior Tag Team: Haru Kurofuji / Hachigoro Maeda © vs Yoshii Shiomi / VENOM


BHOTWG Fire Dream Of The Immortals CardFriday, Week 3, March

MAIN EVENT: Burning World Championship Challenger: Kinnojo Horri (HW#1)

Burning Junior Championship Challenger: Sensational Dragon (J#2)

Buring World Tag Team Challengers: The Rebellion (Natsu Miyamae (HW#9) / Shimedzu)

Burning Junior Tag Team Challengers: American Panther (American Optimus (J#6) / Red Panther (J#7))


BHOTWG Test Of Prophecies CardFriday, Week 4, April

MAIN EVENT: Burning World Championship Challenger: Masaaki Okazaki (HW#4)

Burning Junior Championship Challenger: Marihito Masuko (J#4)


*All cards subject to change




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I'm really enjoying this so far, you flesh out your characters very well.

Also, as a sidenote, I was playing TEW2013 and noticed that Sensational Dragon beat Kikkawa in my game, heh, looks like Danjuro got his wish.


Thanks for the kind words, I definitely feel like i'm doing something right. :) And with each show getting shorter too, I'm managing to curb my own problems with overwriting and hopefully getting better writing too. :)


Since I've been writing this I've also been playing my own RtG game and I wince every time I see BHOTWG in that save booking Juniors and Heavyweights together all over the place. Sensational and Kikkawa would be an awesome match given their completely opposing styles and status as pretty much the top of the Junior and Heavyweight divisions.... but I bet the AI booked it as a throwaway match on a touring show just to make me sad. :p


I can't wait to actually get to book some matches. I'm hoping to get the next show done pretty quickly so that I can get predictions up ahead of my booking the show in-game, that way my fellow 8RoWers can get in on the predictions too. :)

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OOC: Darn it, this got long again... but the uber-finishers bit was important for future storylines so it had to be done. Sorry to my loyal masochistic audience for forcing you to read so much, future shows should be more compact again and show focussed now that the board is set. :)



Airing January, Week 1, February


Toru Minamoto


(We join the familiar Burning Hammer studio with Toru Minamoto welcoming us to the show. Something doesn’t seem right though, as instead of his usual open posture he seems to be a little more serious and is wringing his hands somewhat.)


Toru: “Good evening wrestling fans and welcome to another edition of Burning Hammer’s signature show, Lords Of The Ring, where we provide all the latest news and information on all things Burning Hammer related. But tonight, before we get on with the news we at Burning Hammer wish to offer an apology for the actions of one of our roster, Nissho Yuasa, who has been causing trouble in downtown Tokyo. Many fans will have already seen the following footage, but for those who haven’t we have permission to show this clip.”


Wednesday, Week 4, January…




Nissho Yuasa (HW-U) © - Toshiki Shibanumo (HW-U) ©


(Being taken shakily on a phone camera is a video of the largest man on the Burning Hammer roster, Nissho Yuasa as he demonstrates exactly how he became that way. Sitting on two chairs side by side that creak ominously beneath his girth he is clearing a plate of a huge amount of food, spraying mess everywhere as he shouts at his tag team partner to bring more food to him. Unfortunately for him Toshiki is being talked to by what appears to be the restauraunt manager and when Toshiki turns back to Nissho, the monster bellows loudly, which then causes the chairs he is sitting on to almost crumble beneath him. There’s a collective intake of breath from those nearby as Toshiki moves over to Nissho and is shoved with great force away from him and into the manager with a roar of displeasure)


Yuasa: “I am a champion, champion of all of you! And this is the treatment I get?!”


(Yuasa upturns the table his food was on, scattering businessmen in sharp suits in all directions and causing some very pretty girls to flee in all directions as Toshiki tries to recover enough to do something about it.)


Toshiki: “Nissho-san, I think….”


Yuasa: “I don’t care what you think, I’m a star! I’m an attraction! I honoured this place by bringing my custom here and they expect us to pay? I’m not even finished eating yet! And these chairs are badly made!”


Toshiki: “Nissho-san, if we…”


Yuasa: “You can pay if you want, I’m leaving. And if anyone tries to get in my way I’ll crush them! How about you, little man? Do you think you can take on the “Baby Elephant”? I didn’t think so!”


(A waiter look as scared as a rabbit in the headlights as Yuasa lumbers towards him but he gets out of the way just in time, narrowly avoiding being crushed. Yuasa looks like he’s about to disappear but he turns around before he leaves to pick up both of the Burning World Tag Team championships, linking them both together so that he can strap them around his massive waist.)


Yuasa: “These belts look better on me, so I’m wearing them both. And there’s no-one else in the world who could do that! Out of my way, everyone, “Baby Elephant” coming through!”


Toshiki: “I… *sigh*…”


(The clip ends with Yuasa stomping off into the distance, barging past patrons of the restauraunt on the way and upsetting dozens of people who are trying to have their food in peace. There have been rumours for days afterwards that parts of downtown Tokyo were demolished, even some rumours of sightings of Godzilla.)


(Back in the studio with Toru, he winces at the thought of having to have been there for that incident, knowing that a monstrous man like Nissho can be very difficult to deal with even when he’s in a good mood.)


Toru: “On behalf of everyone at Burning Hammer, we apologise for the events that transpired at Hamada-san’s restaurant a couple of days ago. Nissho Yuasa has been spoken to internally by Burning Hammer management, issued a fine and ordered to contribute towards the cost of the damages he caused while he was there. We take incidents like this very seriously here at Burning Hammer and outbursts like this, particularly from one of our champions, are not taken lightly. Once again, on behalf of everyone at Burning Hammer, we apologise for this entire incident.”


“And now, on with the show!”



Wednesday, Week 4, January…



Natsu Miyamae (HW#9) & Shimedzu (J-U) (The Rebellion)


(We cut from the studio to the dojo where The Rebellion are once again in training for the new tour. Groups of hopeful youngsters are looking to try out some of their tag team combinations against one of the finest teams in the world but they are getting very little success, with The Rebellion parrying and countering every attempted double team with relative ease. Wearing the warpaint as they always do when they are together, it is hard to imagine what they could possibly improve on with yet more practise of tag team wrestling, something that is not lost on the new onlooker who joins them in the dojo, complete with his mask and matching coloured robe, the Burning Junior champion…)




Elemental III © (J#1)


(Even behind several young students the Junior champion catches the eye of the tag team legends in the ring and after quickly dispatching two energetic students they call a halt to proceedings to address Elemental III at ringside as the youngsters fall respectfully silent)


Miyamae: “Elemental III, what brings you to our dojo? You have your mentors, you have your championship and you have your contenders lined up, I can’t see any reason for you to be here.”


Elemental III: “What you say is true, Miyamae-san, and I didn’t mean to interupt your training today, I apologise for drawing attention to myself in such a way. I don’t come to look for trouble, I believe I am here for the same reason that all of these youngsters are, to learn something from the greatest tag team in the world.”


Shimedzu: “I am an unranked Junior wrestler while you are champion. And Miyamae competes in the Heavyweight division. You don’t even compete in the tag team ranks. I don’t think there is anything of value that you would be able to learn from us.”


Elemental III: “On the surface that would appear to be the case and my masters agree with you… but I feel differently. I feel that in order to become the best I possibly can be, that I must master the art of tag team wrestling as well as all the disciplines being taught to me by the Elementals. For that, I can imagine no better tutors than yourselves. And in exchange, I offer you my experiences as a singles wrestler and an insight into the teachings of the Elementals themselves, something that perhaps could interest you, Shimedzu. An alliance between the two of us could be mutually beneficial.”


Shimedzu: “Are you suggesting that we team together in the Junior Tag Team ranks?”


(Elemental III nods his head as Shimedzu eyes him up before turning to his tag team partner who seems surprised with the offer. Following on from the offer of Tadakuni Toshusai to team with Miyamae just a week ago, The Rebellion seem to be trying to measure up their options. After a brief discussion Shimedzu turns back to Elemental III.)


Shimedzu: “Last year I would’ve accepted your offer with little thought. A month ago I would’ve rejected it out of hand as The Rebellion reunited. A week ago we had thought to dismiss an offer from Tadakuni Toshusai. And now… here you are, making an offer that shows just how smart you are. We’ll need time to think about it. So close to a new tour, with a championship opportunity on the line for us in less than two months, this bears a lot of thought. Can you give us time?”


Elemental III: “Of course, Shimedzu-san. I believe you know how to find me, please inform me about your decision no matter what choice you make.”


(Elemental III gives a respectful bow to each member of the Rebellion before he makes an exit, his robe flowing behind him. In the ring The Rebellion are being watched by about a dozen pairs of eyes, each looking to their dojo masters for instruction on what to do next. But the Rebellion are in the midst of a quiet conversation with each other, seeming to take things very seriously in light of recent events.)



Wednesday, Week 4, January…



Yoshii Shiomi (J-U) – VENOM (J-U) – Golden Scorpion (J#8) – The Awesome Kiyaru (J#5)


(A locker-room somewhere in Japan has descended into almost anarchy as four men try to work out their differences the only way they know how. It isn’t quite fists flying and weapons based carnage as you might see behind the scenes in a North American company, but civility has definitely been left behind as the four men exchange some wild blows across the increasingly blurry lines of their respective tag teams. Shiomi seems to be trying to land blows on Scorpion and Kiyaru, a team he has had many matches against while Kiyaru seems furious and is intent on getting VENOM And Shiomi… in the past Scorpion and VENOM would be attacking each other but after announcing their intentions to become a regular tag team despite their differences, they seem sto be trying to placate their regular tag team partners and spare their new ones, something that is far easier said than done.)


Shiomi: “I don’t get it, why would you want to team with him? You don’t even like him!”


Kiyaru: “We’ve been allies for years, Scorpion! Why would you side with a team who have gone out of their way to be a thorn in our sides?”


(Those two statements seem to be the basis of most of the things being shouted across the battle lines, with neither of the men doing the shouting seemingly listening to the men holding them apart. Eventually the two in the middle reach a breaking point and they stand to one side to allow Shiomi and Kiyaru to get to each other. It isn’t a pretty fight, with technique and aerial offense being non-existent and after a minute of rolling around on the cold, concrete floor Kiyaru and Shiomi seem to noticed that their regular partners are simply standing back and watching them, instead of going to war like they generally have in the past when things have gotten down and dirty between the two teams.)


VENOM: “Are you two quite done yet? It’s good to get things out of your system but this exactly what we’ve been trying to tell you.”


Scorpion: “We can either work together or we can get in each other’s way. In case you haven’t noticed, The Heavenly Kings have been dominating the Junior division for the last few years and we’ve been so busy fighting each other that we’ve lost sight of our goals.”


VENOM: “Scorpion and I… we want championship gold.”


Shiomi: “We have the Junior Tag Team title shot, it’s just a few weeks away! I know he’s higher ranked than I am but I’m your partner!”


VENOM: “I know. And I’m confident that we’re going to win that match and become champion.”


Scorpion: “But just in case you don’t, it’s good to have a fallback plan, right? And with the new rules on tag team wrestling we’ve been handed a unique opportunity. We’ve fought each other so many times that we know what we’re going to do before anyone else does.”


(Scorpion and VENOM seem to be doing a good job at cooling down their respective partners, at least to the point of no-one fighting any more. But the tension is still there and all it takes is a sharp word from Kiyaru to spark things once again, who starts to grab his things again so that he can leave)


Kiyaru: “My knee will never be the same because of them. And you expect me to trust them? NO WAY!”


Scorpion: “I know, I know… but…”


Shiomi: “I was in hospital for weeks because of a vicious attack by those two AFTER they’d beaten us already. There’s no way I’m working with them, not today, not tomorrow, not ever.”


(As Kiyaru storms off in one direction, Shiomi storms off in the other. Doors slam behind them and despite the masks you can see VENOM and Scorpion practically rolling their eyes at their partners.)


VENOM: “They don’t have to get along you know…”


Scorpion: “I know. But if they fight, then we may have to fight too. And that isn’t good for us.”


VENOM: “They’ll come round to our way of thinking. We just need to find the right leverage…”


Scorpion: “Cameramen, you can stop filming now, this didn’t go as planned…”


Danjuro: “I didn’t even get to ask any questions...”


(Poor Danjuro, he had so little impact on things here that he didn’t even get a picture either.)



Thursday, Week 4, January…



Kinnojo Horri (HW#1) – Kazutoshi Imoo


(In a Burning Hammer studio we are met with the faces of Kinnojo Horri, the number one ranked Heavyweight in Burning Hammer, and the loyal Kazutoshi Imoo for a sit-down interview. Kazutoshi wastes no time getting down to business.)


Kazutoshi: “Horri-san, it has been almost ten months since you lost the Burning World Championship to Tadiyuki Kikkawa in April of last year but you find yourself on top of the Heavyweight Rankings just now. You chose to challenge for the Burning World Championship in our March event, Fire Dream Of The Immortals so I have to ask you… after failing to defeat Kikkawa to regain the champion in your last two attempts, would you rather face Kikkawa or Nakasawa in your championship match?”


Horri: “I’m happy facing either of them. I’ve ended both of Nakasawa-san’s championship reigns and the whole world knows that when Kikkawa and I cross paths again, he has a date with a Destiny Bomb. I know that both men are going to fight hard for the right to call themselves champion when they face each other, but at Fire Dream Of The Immortals I will become Burning World Champion for the third time.”


Kazutoshi: “I’m sure there are a lot of fans pulling for that to be the case, which would make you only the fourth man to have done so, putting you in the elite company of Hooded Kudo, Tadiyuki Kikkawa, “The Japanese Defender” Motoichi Arakida and the legendary Master Kitozon.”


Horri: “Just to be mentioned in the same breath as those men is an honour. They have each walked the Burning Path and I do my best to try to outshine them all each and every time I step into that ring. Whether I stand across the ring from giants, from submission specialists, bruising international stars or masters of the martial arts, I always bring everything I have to every match. That’s why I made it my goal to beat Kikkawa so long ago as a young star. That’s why I became Burning World Champion aged just 25 years old. That’s why I can stand toe to toe with the likes of Marat Khoklov and win. And it’s why I know I’m going to be champion again at Fire Dream Of The Immortals…”



Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2) – Atsumori Takemura (HW-U)


(A sense of tension fills the studio as Hiroaki Nakasawa walks into the studio, clearly ignoring the wishes of the producers of the segment who try to convince him to turn away, only to themselves be ushered out of the way by Takemura as he tries to quietly reassure them that nothing bad is about to happen. Probably.)


Nakasawa: “Not far down the line, we’ve got a date with destiny. But before we get there, let’s start this year right. You know Tadiyuki Kikkawa in that ring as well as anyone and you know what he is like as a human being. Team with me against The INSPIRE Group and let’s put them in their place.”


(Horri doesn’t waste much time, leaning in to Nakasawa with his hand outstretched for a handshake which is respectfully met.)


Horri: “I was beginning to wonder if you were going to ask. We’ll face the INSPIRE Group and we’ll win. But make no mistake… the next time we meet in the ring in singles competition, I’ll be victorious and I’ll be holding the Burning World Championship above my head.”


Nakasawa: “You’ve got heart, Kinnojo, but brains will never be your strong suit. I’ll see you in the ring.”


(And with that Nakasawa turns on his heel and leaves, taking his protégé with him. Horri has a bit of a smile on his face, something he always seems to get when he knows he’s going to be in the ring with his nemesis Tadiyuki Kikkawa. The interview runs on for a bit longer but nothing else of note is said, so we cut elsewhere…)





Mitsuhide Muro


(We join Mitsuhide Muro in the studio as he prepares to deliver us another great feature piece with his signature professionalism.)


Mitsuhide: “Welcome sportsfans, and I am here tonight to bring you a rundown of the most dangerous and devastating finishers in Burning Hammer. There are some moves that are only brought out on the biggest occasions to put away the toughest opponents, and yet they are generally so rarely seen as to be almost mythical in their own right. Within Burning Hammer there are six such moves. At number six, a move that has never been exectued in a Burning Hammer ring…”



Eisaku Hoshino

Nuclear Death Bomb


• While the Nuclear Death Bomb (aka the Burning Hammer) has never been used in Burning Hammer, it has been an influential move in the success of Hoshino’s career, having brought him some big victories and championships each of the six times it has been used. Will he ever break out the Nuclear Death Bomb in Burning Hammer or has his nuclear arsenal been disarmed forever?



The Incredible Koyama (J-U)

Incredible Deathstrike


• The lowest ranked of the uber finishers, the Incredible Deathstrike (aka the Canadian Destroyer) has been used three times in Burning Hammer, leading to a victory each time for The Incredible Koyama.

• The first time he broke out the move was shortly after his debut in a match against The Awesome Kiyaru in April 2009, leading to a big win that would also put Kiyaru on the shelf for almost two months. The danger of the move saw it immediately rise to prominence as perhaps one of the most deadly moves in Burning Hammer, putting Koyama on the radar in the Junior division.

• The second time the move was used was in August 2009 against Super Joshuya, giving Koyama a spectacular win that would later see him challenge for the Junior championship against then champion The Awesome Kiyaru. Koyama tried again to hit the Incredible Deathstrike but he was unable to connect with the move, a problem that has plagued him ever since due to the hype and circumstance of the move.

• The third and final time has he broken out the move was against Golden Scorpion in April 2012. The match was an exciting back and forth affair that saw both men determined to come out on top in a battle filled with intensity and fire. Both men broke out everything they had but it was the Incredible Deathstrike that proved to be the difference maker, with Koyama seeming to accidentally catch Scorpion with a strike that might’ve been low to then capitalise with an Incredible Deathstrike and the victory. Koyama’s success rate with the move is an absolute 100% but unfortunately for him he has found it difficult to actually connect with the move, often letting the frustration of failing to do so cost him the victory. With such a devastating and visually spectacular weapon in his arsenal, if he could learn to channel it then he could go far.



American Optimus (J#6) – Optimus

Atomic O-Bomb


• Created by the legendary Optimus as a weapon to use against his archnemesis Elemental (and later Elemental II), the Atomic O-Bomb (Super Fisherman's Buster) is an upgrade from the regular O-Bomb, a move that in it’s own right was among the most devastating in the Junior division for more than 20 years putting down the Elementals, The Awesome Kiyaru, Super Joshuya, Sensational Dragon and countless other Junior stars.

• The Atomic O-Bomb has been used a total of eight times by Optimus. A highlight reel of it’s use shows Elemental being beaten by it twice, Elemental II being put down by it a total of four times and one use each against Black Cobra and The Awesome Kiyaru. Interestingly, almost every incidence of the move has also been accompanied by a White Mist attack prior to hitting the move, with the White Mist itself having an almost 100% success rate when it comes to getting the win following it’s use.

• Back to the Atomic O-Bomb, American Optimus has only once used the move since his debut with Burning Hammer in 2008, breaking it out in the finals of the 2011 Best Of Super Junior Tournament to put away Sensational Dragon and solidify himself as one of the best Super Juniors in the world today. Perhaps in part due the training the Heavenly Kings have received from the likes of the Elementals the move has yet to be successfully used again, but knowing that American Optimus has such a deadly move in his arsenal will always plague the Junior division with fears of being caught in it’s devastation.



Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2)

Super Nakasawa H-Bomb


• Nakasawa has been using the H-Bomb (Twisting Chokeslam) to win matches since he made his debut in the 1998 but when it comes to winning some of the very biggest matches against the best of the best, and with the right circumstances, he has been known to break out the Super Nakasawa H-Bomb (top rope Twisting Chokeslam). Taking no nonsense from his opponents, the sheer impact of this powerful move is enough to wow the fans while simultaneously driving all the wind out of whoever is on the wrong end of it. And Kinnojo Horri has been involved in every match where the move has been used.

• Due to the nature of the positioning of the move it has only been used three times, each one resulting in a direct victory for Nakasawa. The first was against Kinnojo Horri in a brutal title defense of the Buring World Championship in November 2006 that saw both men bleed and pull out everything in their arsenals. In a rare move for Horri, he had Nakasawa on the top rope and seemingly in trouble after blocking a superplex attempt, he seemed like he might be about to try for something huge from the top himself, only to then be countered into the Super Nakasawa H-Bomb and an immediate pinfall that it didn’t look like anyone in the world would have been capable of kicking out of.

• The second time the move was used was in a tag team encounter in June 2010, with Tadiyuki Kikkawa falling victim to the move. It says something of how much Nakasawa hates Kikkawa that he would break out the move on a relatively unimportant show and in a tag team bout, but it also speaks of how hard it is to hit the move that he would opportunistically hit it in a tag team match. At the time Nakasawa was Buring World Champion and Kikkawa was the King Of Fighters, so the impact of the move was a clear statement that Nakasawa wasn’t going to let Kikkawa have his way in Buring Hammer. Kinnojo Horri was again involved in the move, being on Nakasawa’s side while Tasuku Iesada teamed with Kikkawa on the losing end of this match.

• Finally, the third time the move has been used was once again on Kinnojo Horri back in July 2012 in a match that was arguably the most wild match of 2012 in the Heavyweight division. It was clear that the winner of the match was going to be the top contender for the Burning World Championship match at Night Of The Burning Hammer and both men fought valiantly for the honour of challenging for the championship that night. But only one man could emerge victorious. After almost fifty minutes of back and forth action that saw both men exhaust their arsenals of every big move they had ever been known for and a few new ones, Nakasawa managed to get an exhausted Kinnojo Horri to the top and with a gargantuan effort he executed the Super Nakasawa H-Bomb to finally get the victory.



Marihito Masuko

Masuko Cradle Shock


• Marihito Masuko’s diminutive size and striking look may not make him look particularly dangerous but he has in his arsenal a move that has never failed to put his opponent away when he has connected with it. While the Masuko Cradle (Fishermen’s Suplex) has brought him many victories and accolades, there is a weapon he can turn to that will guarantee him a victory at great risk to his opponent’s health. The devastating Masuko Cradle Shock (Ki Krusher) has been his move, and is one of the most feared moves in the Junior division due to the bone crunching impact it has on it’s victims.

• Perhaps unsurprisingly it’s usage has been limited to only the elite of the Junior division, being used a total of six times in his career to gain him victories. The first two uses were in the 2006 Best Of Super Junior Tournament, earning him victories in the semi-final over the legendary Optimus and the finals against his greatest rival, Sensational Dragon. This was the night that the world really stood up and took notice of Marihito Masuko, with the final match being the turning point of the Junior division’s new guard as two new stars stole the show, in part thanks to the Masuko Cradle Shock.

• The move wasn’t seen again until April 2008 when Sensational Dragon once again fell victim to it’s devastating impact, being driven into the canvas as the Burning Junior championship changed hands between Dragon and Masuko for the third time in two years. Little did the two men know that a new rival was on the horizon, one who would soon join their ranks in the grouping known collectively as The Heavenly Kings.

• The fourth use of the move was in the 2009 Best Of Super Juniors Tournament, with Masuko breaking it out on the stage at which it was debuted. This time the victim was Elemental III, who had already kicked out of the Masuko Cradle twice and who had forced the hand of Masuko into delivering his most deadly blow, a move that truly highlighted out tough and ruthless the Junior division could be. Elemental III, like Optimus and Sensational Dragon before him, fell victim to the Cradle Shock.

• Marihito Masuko has only used the highly dangerous move twice more since then, with three years passing before he would use it again and yet again saving it for the Best Of Super Juniors Tournament. The 2012 tournament was hotly contested and with the emergence of Mystic Dragon as a new force in the Junior division it seemed that his time had come to join the elite ranks of men who would bear the brunt of the move, falling prey to it in the semi-final match up against a highly fired up Masuko. The finals would once again see Masuko and his greatest rival compete for glory, and while Sensational Dragon fought hard he fell victim to his third Cradle Shock, giving Masuko his second victory in the prestigious tournament.



Tadiyuki Kikkawa (HW#3) ©

The Burning Lariat


• For some, the Burning Lariat seems to just be a running lariat into the corner… but each of the ten times it has been executed it has resulted in a pinfall win for Tadiyuki Kikkawa moments later. In a highlight reel of bone crunching, jaw jarring impacts you can see that it isn’t simply a lariat as we usually know it with the impactful move taking people off their feet, it’s the concentration of every fibre of Kikkawa’s existence being channelled into one spot. His arm being launched at the jaw of his enemy with murderous force and his bodyweight being used in such a way as to prevent any movement of his opponent’s body from cushioning the blow in any way. With the victim’s body trapped against the corner, the full force of the move connects with the jaw and snaps the neck back viciously to make for the most deadly move in professional wrestling.

• #1: The debut of the Burning Lariat came in July 1998 against Hooded Kudo to begin Kikkawa’s second Burning World Championship reign. In the midst of his heated rivalry with the legendary Kudo, himself in his third reign as champion, the two men had exchanged wins in a series of matches that are still ranked among the most brutal and bloody in Burning Hammer history. With Kudo determinedly kicking out of the Kikkawa Lariat and the Kikkawa Driver, it looked for all the world like the young Kikkawa wouldn’t be able to beat the legend but in the end Kikkawa connected with the Lariat in the corner, leading to the victory. It wasn’t known at the time how devastating the move was until it was used again later.

• #2. It was almost five years later when Kikkawa brought out the Burning Lariat for the second time, using it to end the three year championship reign of Bruce The Giant in February 2003. The giant had been absolutely dominant for years, fending off the very best challengers from Burning Hammer’s elite wrestlers with his overwhelming power and size. Try as he might, Kikkawa had been unable to defeat the giant in his previous attempts but had worked hard to perfect a move capable of taking out the giant. After a bruising encounter that left both men with bloody welts on their chests, it was a perfected Burning Lariat that proved to be the difference maker as Kikkawa claimed his record equalling third Burning World Championship reign.

• #3 and #4: Kikkawa’s third championship reign would prove to be an eventful one as he broke out the Burning Lariat on two more occasions throughout the reign in title defenses. The first was against Hooded Kudo again, ending yet another classic bout in October 2004 with a Burning Lariat while showing incredible levels of toughness himself to kick out of a move that was once known as an elite finisher in it’s own right, the Super Kudo Kutter. The second was in a title defense against the rising star Kinnojo Horri, who had set himself the task of beating Kikkawa one on one. Horri gave it his all and looked like he might be able to pick up the win, but a Burning Lariat that almost decapitated Horri once again proved to be the difference maker, sending the challenger home empty handed once again while also welcoming him to a very elite group of men that Kikkawa had felt the need to use his ultimate weapon against.

• #5 and #6: In 2006 Kikkawa left Burning Hammer to found INSPIRE and the next two Burning Lariats would take place in an INSPIRE ring. Another giant would find himself on the losing end of the Burning Lariat as Marat Khoklov fell prey to it in February 2007 as Kikkawa avenged his loss in the initial tournament to crown a champion of INSPIRE, the King Of Fighters. The lesson being… when the Kikkawa Driver isn’t an option and the Kikkawa Lariat doesn’t get the job done, the Burning Lariat can take down any foe. The second and final use of the Burning Lariat in INSPIRE was in the final match of the company’s history (April 2009) as Kikkawa successfully defended the King Of Fighters championship against Mike Watson. The two men had brutally engaged in a striking battle in front of a rabid crowd, with the men doing their utmost to get the knockout victory. In the end it would be Kikkawa who picked up the win, battering Watson with more strikes than he could handle before almost decapitating him with the Burning Lariat in a memorable bout.

• #7: In recent years Kikkawa has been using the move more often to put people away, highlight just how high the standards of competition in Burning Hammer have become, particularly considering Kikkawa’s status as the greatest champion in professional wrestling of the last thirty years. In April 2010 Kinnojo Horri fell victim to the Burning Lariat for the second time as Kikkawa successfully defended the King of Fighters against him in their first one on one encounter since Kikkawa’s return to Burning Hammer. As with their previous singles bouts the two men were highly physical and filled with fire but it would once again be the Burning Lariat from Tadiyuki Kikkawa that proved to be the difference maker as the move continued to make it’s legacy.

• #8: Almost a year since the previous usage of the move, this time at Fire Dream Of The Immortals, Kikkawa would once again bring out the Burning Hammer amidst his rivaly with the Black Magic tag team, using it to put away the colossal Yasuhiko Taira, one of Japan’s biggest native wrestlers. This full match will be shown shortly, with Kikkawa winning a hard fought battle to win the championship.

• #9: In April of 2012 Tadiyuki Kikkawa would make history by becoming a four time Burning World Champion, once again defeating his long time rival Kinnojo Horri in an epic encounter. He had lost his previous two bouts with the young champion and knew that if he was going to be able to once again become champion that he would have to bring out the big guns as Horri never quits and never says die, no matter what. Horri would show incredible heart to kick out of everything Kikkawa could throw at him, including three Kikkawa Drivers to counter each of the Destiny Bombs being thrown by Horri. In the end, with Horri pulling himself to his feet in the corner Kikkawa would let out a feral roar and charge in for a wild Burning Lariat that a wild eyed Horri simply couldn’t get out of the way of fast enough and fell victim to the move for the third time. The champion crumbled to the canvas and the pinfall was academic as Kikkawa began another reign as Burning World champion.

• #10: The last time the move was used was at Night of the Burning Hammer 2012 against Hiroaki Nakasawa, the premiere event for the company against a man who has become the figurehead of the company in recent years and has been on the opposite side of almost every issue that Kikkawa has been involved in. There has been no hiding the mutual dislike, perhaps even hatred, that the two men have for each other and this match highlighted that in great detail. Nakasawa may have the superior technique and he tried to use it to his advantage but Kikkawa has neer submitted in his life and fought through the pain and suffering being inflicted on him, countering with painful strikes and devastating offense that would wear his challenger down. Much like in the match with Horri, Kikkawa would use all of his big moves and be unable to secure the win, forcing him to break out the Burning Lariat one more time as Nakasawa pulled himself to his feet in the corner only to be brutally crushed and then pinned.


Mitsuhide: “And so ends the history of some of the most visually devastating and potentially career ending moves in Burning Hammer. Some of them may not endure the test of time and may fall by the wayside as men work out how to endure them or they go into permanent retirement. But as things stands, these are the six most effective moves in Burning Hammer with each one never failing to end a match. When will we see them again? Who will fall victim to them if we see them again? Will they remain as perfect moves? Only time will tell, but to find out the answers as they happen, make sure to keep following Burning Hammer so that you can find them out.”



Match held on Friday, Week 3, March 2011 in front of 30,000 fans in the Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto, Japan

BHOTWG: Fire Dream Of The Immortals




Yasuhiko Taira vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa ©


• Having celebrated two years with the King Of Fighters championship and in the midst of a heated and often bloody rivalry with both members of the Black Magic tag team, Kikkawa’s championship reign seemed like it may be about to come to an end as Yasuhiko Taira stepped up to challenge. With two of the most physically imposing and dangerously powerful men in professional wrestling squaring off in a heated bout, this one was certainly one for the ages and both men brought their A-game.

• Taira came into this match with a strategy that was clearly designed to remove some of the danger of Kikkawa’s biggest and most dangerous moves, and after standing toe to toe with the champion in a bruising striking battle that left welts on the chests of both men, Taira switched the focus to Kikkawa’s knee, using brute force more than any refined technical skills to wear Kikkawa’s legs down. The champion, versed in technical wrestling himself thanks to his training with The INSPIRE Group did what he could to fight back and when he had Taira on the mat seemed intent to try and smash his challenger’s face into the canvas from the mount position. But the damage was clearly done to Kikkawa’s legs as the match wore on he would find himself hobbling around the ring and when it came to crunch time, he was unable to execute the Kikkawa Driver, a move that had been able to put Taira away in the past.

• Sensing weakness, Taira would go for the kill, using all of his power moves to attempt to obliterate the champion and pick up championship gold once more but Kikkawa showed his resilence to kick out of the Wrecking Ball (Capture Suplex position running crush into the corner) and then to even kick out of the Flattener (Pedigree) on top of that. Taira would be shocked by Kikkawa’s toughness but not flustered as he followed up by torturing Kikkawa’s body by hitting the Wrecking Ball into each corner, but even after that Kikkawa managed to summon up reserves that few men in the world could ever hope to get near, his seemingly lifeless body kicking out of the pin attempt even after all that.

• With Taira needing a moment to try to work out how he could hope to put Kikkawa away and realising that his lack of knowledge about submission wrestling would mean he couldn’t capitalise on the damage he’d done to the knees, he allowed Kikkawa just enough time to get back into things, summoning all of his warrior spirit to let loose with a vicious flurry of offense that would back Taira into the corner as Kikkawa rained in brutal forearm blow after brutal forearm blow. With the referee getting between them for just a moment Taira would shove Kikkwa away using all his strength, but Kikkawa would roll back to his feet and then ignore the pain in his legs for long enough to unleash a Burning Lariat on the challenger in the corner, dropping him like a stone and picking up the cover as Taira started to bleed profusely from the nose.


RESULT: Tadiyuki Kikkawa defeated Yasuhiko Taira by pinfall via Burning Lariat at 37:12 to retain the King Of Fighters championship



Sunday, Week 4, January…



Tadakuni Toshusai (HW#8) – Natsu Miyamae (HW#9) – Shimedzu (J-U) – Elemental III © (J#1)


Back in the dojo where The Rebellion have spent a lot of time training hard for the upcoming tour, we join them once again. This time there are no students around, it’s just the four men sat around a table looking businesslike. The Rebellion wear matching ring gear and robes, Elemental III wears the Elemental colours on a long robe while Tadakuni Toshusai is dressed in some fairly expensive looking jeans and T-shirt with a brightly coloured likeness of himself emblazoned on it, showing a very different kind of personality than the others in the room.)


Miyamae: “Gentlemen, thank you for coming here so close to the start of a new tour. We’ve both thought about the offers you’ve made to us over the last couple of weeks and called you here to give you our decision. Shimedzu and I have been a tag team for almost twenty years, though recent years in Burning Hammer have strained the team a little. We’ve been highly successful and everyone knows our accolades within the tag team ranks.”


Shimedzu: “And we intend to continue to be a successful as we can be going forward too. We may now compete in different weight classes but we are allowed to be a tag team together again, one that we know will work. Which is why we have decided to accept your offers.”


(Elemental III respectfully bows his head to the legendary tag team while Tadakuni jumps to his feet with a grandiose gesture and a delighted expression on his face.)


Tadakuni: “For a moment there I didn’t think you were going to accept the offer! It sounded like you were trying to work out how to deliver bad news.”


Shimedzu: “Before you get too excited, it’s only going to be on a trial basis. The Rebellion team will always come first as a unit but if we want to prove to ourselves just how good we are then we need to branch out further. Between us, we could win everything, hold every championship in Burning Hammer that it’s possible to hold. We could prove to the world that The Rebellion, whether united or apart, are the greatest tag team in the history of wrestling. But no matter how great we are together, we will always need others. And it was something that Elemental III said that made us decide to team with you guys.”


Miyamae: “Don’t look surprised, Elemental, you’ve learned well from your predecessors and yet you stand on your own as your own man. We would love to stretch this conversation out longer, but we have a match to prepare for tomorrow night against Sessue Kawate and Sanetomo Shiraishi, themselves many time former tag team champions.”


Elemental III: “Thank you for your kind words, I also have a tag team match to prepare for. The first show of the year always has a lot of exciting matches on it and I will be teaming with Marihito Masuko to take on Sensational Dragon and Mystic Dragon.


Tadakuni: “I must also go and train, for I must get back to the path of the Burning World Championship. Thank you gentlemen for the wonderful news, I will be sure to come here regularly for instruction in the art of tag team wrestling. Until then, I bid you a good day and many fortunes as you walk the Burning Path.”


(And with that Tadakuni delivers a deep bow to all of the men at the table before he almost bounces out of the room and onwards. The Rebellion share a telling glance as if to say “what have we gotten ourselves into?” and without anything morr of note happening, we wander over to the live feed as Burning Hammer prepare for their first show of the new year.)



Monday, Week 1, January: LIVE!



Tsurayuki Kamachi – Hidetada Kozu – Tanyu Toshusai


(In a very generic interview area at the venue for tonight’s show we join Burning Hammer Sportcaster and INSPIRE loyalist, Hidetada Kozu, as he does something that for isn’t related to supporting INSPIRE.)


Hidetada: “Good evening, wrestling fans. With the new tour kicking off tonight I am delighted to introduce to you two youngster who will both me making their Burning Hammer debuts tonight against each other. Big things are expected from both of these men within the heavyweight division. First, let me speak to a young man I know from my days in INSPIRE, a youngster who many consider to have already paid his dues, Tsurayuki Kamachi. Tsurayuki, how do you feel as you go into your debut Burning Hammer match tonight?”


Tsurayuki: “I’ve been wrestling for eight years and this is my Burning Hammer debut. Management felt that I’ve honed my skills enough already so I’ve not spent any time training in the Hinote Dojo. I’m being thrown in at the deep end and as you know, I’m a very capable wrestler. I’ve wrestled in front of big crowds like we’ll see tonight while I was with INSPIRE so I’ve not got any nerves. I’m excited, I’m ready and I’m about to hand Tanyu Toshusai his first defeat here in Burning Hammer.”


(The youngster doesn’t look at all nervous, just as he says, with an air of cool confidence seeming to wash over him. He’s got a good few years of experience behind him and as has been pointed out, he’s competed in front of big crowds during his time with INSPIRE. Standing opposite him is the young Tanyu Toshusai, who doesn’t look quite as confident as Hidetada turns to him)


Hidetada: “Tanyu Toshusai, you are one of the youngest men on the Burning Hammer roster and you only have one year of wrestling experience to your name. While you have been very impressive thus far, coming through all of your challenges with victories, you’ve never yet faced anyone with as much experience or talent as your opponent tonight. How are you feeling as you head into your big Burning Hammer debut match?”


Tanyu: “It’s like coming home, Hidetada. This ring is where my father fought. This ring is where I’ve spent my entire life waiting to be. Wrestling is in my blood, it’s my life. I may not have wrestled in front of a crowd like this before, but I’ve been sat in that front row, feeling the electricity as my father won major matches and championships. He is a great man and I will not only follow in his footsteps but I hope achieve even more than he did. In my first year of professional wrestling I showed that I deserved to be here by winning every match I’ve had. And tonight, I’ll prove it once again by picking up another win.”


Hidetada: “Well, you heard it here first folks. Two young stars are about to butt heads in their Burning Hammer debut matches. They have very different experience levels, they’ve taken very different paths to be here and they are both very talented. But only one man can go home with the victory. And now, on with the show. I’ll see you next week with all the results and news from the live Burning Hammer events. Until then, I’ve been Hidetada Kozu and this has been Lords Of The Ring. Goodnight!”




BHOTWG Fire TourMonday, Week 1, February

The INSPIRE Group [Tadiyuki Kikkawa (HW#3) / Masaaki Okazaki (HW#4) / Tasuku Iesada (HW#6) / ???] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2) / Eisaku Hoshino / Atsumori Takemura / Kinnojo Horri (HW#1)

Sensational Dragon (J#2) / Mystic Dragon (J#4) vs Elemental III (J#1) / Marihito Masuko (J#3)

The Rebellion: Natsu Miyamae (HW#9) / Shimedzu vs Sessue Kawate / Sanetomo Shiraishi

Tanyu Toshusai vs Tsurayuki Kamachi




BHOTWG Fire TourWednesday, Week 1, February

Black Magic: Yasuhiko Taira (HW#5) / Yasunobu Masuno (HW#7) vs Eisaku Hoshino / Kansuke Konda

Eiji Hamacho (HW#10) / Chuichi Sanda vs Mitsunari Fugunaga / Heihachiro Sakai

Golden Scorpion (J#8) / VENOM vs Hyosuke Kokan (J#9) / Kansuke Konda




BHOTWG Sword Of Destiny CardFriday, Week 3, February

MAIN EVENT: Burning World Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa (HW#3) © vs Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2)

King Of Fighters: Tasuku Iesada (HW#6) © vs Tadakuni Toshusai (HW#8)

Burning Junior Championship: Elemental III (J#1) © vs Mystic Dragon (J#3)

Buring World Tag Team: Toshiki Shibanumo / Nissho Yuasa © vs Eiji Hamacho (HW#10) / Chuichi Sanda

Burning Junior Tag Team: Haru Kurofuji / Hachigoro Maeda © vs Yoshii Shiomi / VENOM


BHOTWG Fire Dream Of The Immortals CardFriday, Week 3, March

MAIN EVENT: Burning World Championship Challenger: Kinnojo Horri (HW#1)

Burning Junior Championship Challenger: Sensational Dragon (J#2)

Buring World Tag Team Challengers: The Rebellion (Natsu Miyamae (HW#9) / Shimedzu)

Burning Junior Tag Team Challengers: American Panther (American Optimus (J#6) / Red Panther (J#7))


BHOTWG Test Of Prophecies CardFriday, Week 4, April

MAIN EVENT: Burning World Championship Challenger: Masaaki Okazaki (HW#4)

Burning Junior Championship Challenger: Marihito Masuko (J#4)


*All cards subject to change





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The INSPIRE Group [Tadiyuki Kikkawa (HW#3) / Masaaki Okazaki (HW#4) / Tasuku Iesada (HW#6) / ???] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2) / Eisaku Hoshino / Atsumori Takemura / Kinnojo Horri (HW#1)

Sensational Dragon (J#2) / Mystic Dragon (J#4) vs Elemental III (J#1) / Marihito Masuko (J#3)

The Rebellion: Natsu Miyamae (HW#9) / Shimedzu vs Sessue Kawate / Sanetomo Shiraishi

Tanyu Toshusai vs Tsurayuki Kamachi



BHOTWG Fire Tour – Wednesday, Week 1, February

Black Magic: Yasuhiko Taira (HW#5) / Yasunobu Masuno (HW#7) vs Eisaku Hoshino / Kansuke Konda

Eiji Hamacho (HW#10) / Chuichi Sanda vs Mitsunari Fugunaga / Heihachiro Sakai

Golden Scorpion (J#8) / VENOM vs Hyosuke Kokan (J#9) / Kansuke Konda

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Hey there Midnight Freaking Nick, great to see you around. :) And it's great to finally have some shows to actually predict on at last. These obviously aren't all of the matches that there will be on the shows, but they shouldbe the closest matches and therefore the hardest ones to predict. I'm aiming for the touring shows to have at least 3 matches to predict on per show, with the entirety of a PPV being available to predict on. The winners of the monthly predictions contests will get to pick someone on the roster to push, which should in practise mean that the worker will be put into a pay per view level match with someone. There may be other rewards too and I may end up pushing some people further if they seem to do well... so the more you predict, the more of an effect you can have on the game. And if someone gets really successul, someone else in 8RoW might try to steal them away, which I'd consider to be a fairly big honour. :)


So yeah, hopefully some of my regulars start to make predictions and I hope I've not bored anyone to death with the setup so far. I do worry that I'm writing far too much but I've got lots of plans and they need words to help them get out of my head. :)

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Good Show yet again Derek. Really shocked by what some of the 'Uber-Moves" are.... One or two feel a tad bit.. tame. All in all though, I'm looking forward to the real shows getting started! Here's my predictions!


BHOTWG Fire Tour – Monday, Week 1, February

The INSPIRE Group [Tadiyuki Kikkawa (HW#3) / Masaaki Okazaki (HW#4) / Tasuku Iesada (HW#6) / ???] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2) / Eisaku Hoshino / Atsumori Takemura / Kinnojo Horri (HW#1)


Sensational Dragon (J#2) / Mystic Dragon (J#4) vs Elemental III (J#1) / Marihito Masuko (J#3)


The Rebellion: Natsu Miyamae (HW#9) / Shimedzu vs Sessue Kawate / Sanetomo Shiraishi


Tanyu Toshusai vs Tsurayuki Kamachi



BHOTWG Fire Tour – Wednesday, Week 1, February

Black Magic: Yasuhiko Taira (HW#5) / Yasunobu Masuno (HW#7) vs Eisaku Hoshino / Kansuke Konda


Eiji Hamacho (HW#10) / Chuichi Sanda vs Mitsunari Fugunaga / Heihachiro Sakai


Golden Scorpion (J#8) / VENOM vs Hyosuke Kokan (J#9) / Kansuke Konda

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Good Show yet again Derek. Really shocked by what some of the 'Uber-Moves" are.... One or two feel a tad bit.. tame. All in all though, I'm looking forward to the real shows getting started! Here's my predictions!


Yeah, some of them were less than ideal from my standpoint too but they were defined by WreSpi2/TEW as uber moves.... which I've probably tweaked the definition of a little bit to be moves that never fail. But there will be stories for them, which is the important bit and my shows should be more results driven instead of history driven from now on, which should make for better shows. Chessboard laid out, time to move some pieces around. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems 8RoW has run into it's first real snag as one of our players has disappeared unexpectedly and no progress is being made. In the meantime, if there are any readers looking for things to do I suggest...


a) Give Comradebot's mafia game a try

b) Give my recently released Cornellverse 1997 / CV97 data a try!

c) Make predictions on my shows... the least likely option, but potentially a lot of fun in the long run. :)

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BHOTWG Fire Tour – Monday, Week 1, February

The INSPIRE Group [Tadiyuki Kikkawa (HW#3) / Masaaki Okazaki (HW#4) / Tasuku Iesada (HW#6) / ???] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa (HW#2) / Eisaku Hoshino / Atsumori Takemura / Kinnojo Horri (HW#1)

Sensational Dragon (J#2) / Mystic Dragon (J#4) vs Elemental III (J#1) / Marihito Masuko (J#3)

The Rebellion: Natsu Miyamae (HW#9) / Shimedzu vs Sessue Kawate / Sanetomo Shiraishi

Tanyu Toshusai vs Tsurayuki Kamachi



BHOTWG Fire Tour – Wednesday, Week 1, February

Black Magic: Yasuhiko Taira (HW#5) / Yasunobu Masuno (HW#7) vs Eisaku Hoshino / Kansuke Konda

Eiji Hamacho (HW#10) / Chuichi Sanda vs Mitsunari Fugunaga / Heihachiro Sakai

Golden Scorpion (J#8) / VENOM vs Hyosuke Kokan (J#9) / Kansuke Konda

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