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War to Settle the Score

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What the hell did Vince do to me? One he fired my ass the day before Christmas last year. So say I want to destroy the WWF is understatement. I want to crush his very soul and ruin his plans to go national.


It was New Year's Eve 1982 when I sat down with Verne Gagne and Greg Gagne. I told them I had deal that would make them rich beyond their dreams. I would give them 5 million dollars to buy the AWA. I sat their waiting for their reaction.


Verne looked over at Greg nodded his head and look at me and said you got deal as long as we stay on with the company. Their was no problem considering Greg held AWA World Tag Team Championship with Jim Brunzell.

My name is John Cornell I am the owner of the AWA and this is the story of my war to settle the score.




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<p>My first order of business was to clean house of some old guys I didn't need on the roster and was being paid way to much. Gone are Baron Von Raschke, Mad Dog Vachon, Rod Trongard, Billy Robinson, and Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey. Past their prime and would be no help in my plans of rebuilding the AWA.</p><p>

I have offered several contracts to several wrestlers trying to bring them here to new AWA. Hopefully I will hear back from them soon.</p>

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<p>I am sitting in my office it's cold as hell outside when my phone rings it's my assisant Gabrielle. </p><p>

Gabrielle: Your not going to like what I just got off the news wires boss.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: What would that be?</p><p> </p><p>

Gabrielle: Where to start Mid-Atlantic, Mid-South, and Central States has declared all out war on us. Oh... Southwest has also declared war on us.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: This sure as hell put damper on our current situation. Well hell I was never well liked in this business in the first place.</p><p>

I reached in my desk pulled out a bottle of Jack and two glasses. Poured myself one and gave Gabrielle the other glass. Here to one hell of war.</p><p> </p><p>

Gabrielle: Oh other news we have rival bids I have been told on some the offers you made. </p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: If Vince or any others that we are at war with bidding against then up the offers make them pay dearly to go up against us.</p>

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<p>Well our first show under me came and went I am sadden by the results. I thought the matches would be good was I ever wrong. </p><p> </p><p>

Wahoo: Well kid that was horrible huh? Best thing that came out of tonight was you know you, Jesse, and Gordon on the mic. You guys saved alot of the matches.</p><p> </p><p>

JC: Well hell who thought Hogan and Patera match bomb like it did a 42 for God sakes? Nick Bockwinkel getting a 65 with Rick Martel in the main event. </p><p> </p><p>

Wahoo: Bundy debuted good I think him and Heenan have a bright future together.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: Here this is what you asked for the roster.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Main Eventers</p><p>

Nick Bockwinkel HEEL AWA World Champion</p><p>

Hulk Hogan FACE</p><p>

Wahoo McDaniel FACE</p><p>

Bruiser Brody HEEL</p><p>

Ken Patera HEEL</p><p>

Rick Martel FACE</p><p>

The Sheik HEEL</p><p> </p><p>

Upper Midcarders</p><p>

Jim Brunzell FACE Co-Holds AWA World Tag Team Titles</p><p>

Bobby Duncum HEEL</p><p>

Butch Reed HEEL</p><p>

Curt Hennig FACE AWA Television Champion</p><p>

Jerry Lawler HEEL</p><p>

Dennis Condrey HEEL</p><p> </p><p>


Arn Anderson HEEL</p><p>

Barry Windham FACE</p><p>

Bobby Eaton HEEL</p><p>

Brad Armstrong FACE</p><p>

Bret Hart HEEL</p><p>

Davey Boy Smith FACE</p><p>

David Schultz HEEL</p><p>

Greg Gagne FACE</p><p>

Jerry Blackwell HEEL</p><p>

Jim Neidhart HEEL</p><p>

King Kong Bundy HEEL</p><p>

Masa Saito HEEL</p><p>

Mike Rotundo FACE</p><p>

Ricky Morton FACE</p><p>

Robert Gibson Face</p><p>

Stan Lane FACE</p><p>

Steve Keirn FACE</p><p> </p><p>

Lower Midcarders</p><p>

Brad Rheighans FACE</p><p>

Buck Zumhofe FACE</p><p>

Rene Goulet HEEL</p><p> </p><p>


Jake Millman FACE</p><p>

Steve O FACE</p><p> </p><p>

Enhancement Talent</p><p>

Tom Stone HEEL</p><p>

Kenny Jay FACE</p><p> </p><p>

Road Agents</p><p>

Dick the Brusier</p><p>

The Crusher</p><p>

Blackjack Lanza </p><p>

Verne Gagne</p><p> </p><p>


Bobby Heenan HEEL</p><p>

Jim Cornette HEEL </p><p>

Captain Lou Albano HEEL</p><p>

Paul Ellering HEEL</p><p> </p><p>

Annoucers </p><p>

John Cornell</p><p>

Gordon Solie</p><p>

Jesse Ventura</p><p> </p><p>

Wahoo: Good roster til you get to the bottom . You might want to bring in other guys to fix that. Brad Rheighans would be my only keeper to be honest.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: Well I do have other wrestlers coming in Wahoo. Plus you got to think I am changing what these fans have grown to like. So that might be a problem too?</p><p> </p><p>

Wahoo: Well they never called Gagne's pet dinosaur for no reason. It's going to take time kid. You pissed off alot people in the first week of taking over. Crockett is going nuts down in Charlotte because you wanted break away. Just remember this war with Vince doesn't make enemies out of anybody else. </p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: Alright Wahoo I see you Minneapolis next week.</p>

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<p>Ideally you make a photobucket account and upload the pics you're gonna use for your diary - like this: (example taken from fatallylost's WWE album):</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e203/fatallylost/TEW%20Cuts/Steesh%20Cuts/PPV%20Events/WWE/WWEMoneyintheBank-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

So all you need is the img commands and links to your pictures on photobucket.</p>

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<p>I was sitting in my office when Gabrielle came in strolling in.</p><p> </p><p>

Gabrielle: Well boss I have good news. </p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: What would that be Gabrielle?</p><p> </p><p>

Gabrielle: Tully Blanchard, Buzz Sawyer, Kerry Von Erich, Big John Studd, and the Road Warriors have all agreed to sign on with the AWA.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: Great news. I got a list names I want you to contact. This might help us feel out the bottom of the card.</p><p> </p><p>

Gabrielle: Alright boss. Oh by the way Ken Patera is here to see you.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: Great, send him in please.</p><p> </p><p>

Few minutes later walks in the world's strongest man Ken Patera. Already knew this wasn't going to be pretty.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: What can I do for you Patera?</p><p> </p><p>

Patera: How the hell you book me to lose to that freak Hulk Hogan. I hate him and sure hell I am learning to hate you.</p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: I just got your drug test back.Your postive for steriods. </p><p> </p><p>

Patera: I don't need this shit. </p><p> </p><p>

John Cornell: I know about the WWF offer have fun in New York your fired.</p><p> </p><p>

He looks at me and storms the hell out of the room.</p>

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Gabrielle: Well boss I got some bad news.


John Cornell: What would that be?


Gabrielle: Rick Martel, Jesse Ventura, and Bobby Duncum are leaving the company.


John Cornell: Jesse was a pain in the ass. Martel I saw as future world champion. Duncum he is pass his prime but would of gotten some of our guys over.


Gabrielle: You did make the Hulkster very happy. With the firing of Ken Patera. I think you might want to fire your road agents I don't think their very good.


John Cornell: Well I got big plans for him. I see him as the flag bearer of the new AWA. Long with the Von Erichs, Henning, Blanchard, Windham, Dusty, and Magnum.


Gabrielle: I do have to say you have one of the best rosters in the business. What about the bottom. Mid South is trying to take couple of them I have been told.


John Cornell: I quickly wrote down a couple of names and handed to her. That should fix that problem. Couple of days before our second show hopefully every thing works out.

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Two days before our second show I am already drinking not a good sign. I am sitting in my office listening to Hank Jr. on the radio. When Jim Brunzell walks in to the office.


John Cornell: Can I help you Brunzell?


Brunzell: I wanted to be a man and do the right thing and tell you I signed with the WWF.


John Cornell: I looked at my glass and took and deep swig of whiskey.Let out of deep breath of frustrastion. Well hell I knew they offer you contract but I would think you would of refused. I knew I could of made him offer but I didn't so I really can't blame the son of a bitch.


Brunzell: I need to think of me sometimes.


John Cornell: You tell Greg your leaving yet?


Brunzell: I did. He told me Crockett offered him a job.


I grabbed the edge of my chair pissed that Brunzell just told me his partner had been offered contract. His partner hasn't told me shit yet about it.

John Cornell: Alright you can leave now. He got up we shook hands and as he was about to close the door and poked his head back in.


Jim Brunzell: Oh by the way Jerry Blackwell is leaving for the WWF with me.


I dailed Gabrielle desk after few rings she picked up.

John Cornell: Call Mister Toombs see if he wants to work for the AWA.


Gabrielle: You sure I thought we were going to let him sit down their?


John Cornell: No not anymore.

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<p><strong>Brad Armstrong</strong> vs Rene Goulet - Goulet is a stepping stone for young</p><p>

wrestlers</p><p> </p><p>

The Hart Foundation vs The <strong>Fabulous Ones</strong> - Tough one here, the Fabs were just more experienced at this time</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan</strong> vs Bobby Duncum - The future</p><p> </p><p>

The High Flyers© vs <strong>Midnight Express</strong> - Thinking it may be too early, but I see them having a stronger run than Gagne/Brunzell</p><p> </p><p>

Wahoo McDaniel vs <strong>Nick Bockwinkel©</strong> -He is the face of the company right now.</p>

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Gordon Solie: Welcome to AWA All-Star Wrestling we are live from Joe Louis Arena. We have alot great action going on tonight. An one important update.


John Cornell: Yes, Gordon Solie we do have a update. Brad Armstrong will not be facing Rene Goulet tonight. Mister Goulet has been released from his contract for poor judgement on his part.


Gordon: Well lets get this show rolling shall we John?


John Cornell: Sure are first match will be the Devil's Duo Jeff Sword and Doug Vines vs Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson. The Rock "n" Roll Express.




The boys from Tennessee was too much in match with solid action but really no crowd heat. Ricky Morton pinned Jeff Sword after a missle dropkick. Rating: 40


John: Your thoughts on the match Gordon?


Gordon: It was good match but you got to remember the Rock "n" Roll Express has just started here in the AWA. So it will take time for the fans to warm up to these fine young men. Let's get to our next match.


Road Warriors vs Kenny Jay & Brad Rheingans


Well the awesome sight of the Road Warriors was too much for the throw together tag team of Jay and Rheingans. Hawk took the the pinfall after the doomsday device. Rating:42


Gordon: Road Warriors looked pretty good out their.


John: Yes they did very impressive win.


Gordon: Our next match is the debut of the British Bulldogs. Fine young team I might say.


John: Our they the british cousins of the moondogs? Their facing the redneck team of David Schultz and Tracy Smothers. I am going with Doctor D on this one.


Gordon: Well I think you might be wrong on all accounts John.


British Bulldogs vs David Schultz and Tracy Smothers


British Bulldogs won this match impressively. Dynamite Kid won with superplex on the young Tracy Smothers. Rating: 42


John: I am offended by the results of that match Gordon. They are in no way like the Moondogs. Were is the bones and the whistle.


Gordon just shakes his head Gordon: British Bulldogs are here trying to cement their reputation in United States as well in the AWA huge tag team division. Their nothing like the Moondogs John.


John: You can say that again.


Gordon: Well next up we have a six man tag match with Barry Windham, Magnum T.A. and the young Brad Armstrong. Going up against Jerry Blackwell, Masa Saito, and my old friend Micheal Hayes. I think pier six brawl might occur.




In another match with no crowd heat Micheal Hayes pinned Barry Windham at the 15:o4 mark for the win. Rating: 54


John; Micheal Hayes looked good out there.


Gordon: Yes, he did I am wondering how long do we have to wait before Hayes friends show up in the AWA.


John: Well the Freebirds are great team it would be honor to have them in this company.


Gordon: Next up is the young future World Champion Rick Martel against King Kong Bundy.


John: I agree Martel seems to have all the talent to be World Champion in the AWA, but I see Bundy crushing him.




King Kong just goes out and dominates Martel in very short match. After a big splash Bundy pinned Martel at 3:31 mark. Rating: 38


Well that ends the pre show

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HULKSTER walks out and the fans are cheering.


Hulk: Well brother let me talk about Bobby Duncum for a moment. One of the tragic things in his life is about to happen to him. When I get my hands on him tonight. Where I come from there is a bad junkyard dog. He is beating on all the little dogs and biting on their ears. All of sudden a little bit bigger dog came along. Tonight brother when I get of hold you. I am going take your head bury it right in the mat and I am teach you have respect for the people around here. When I drop the legdrop on you what gonna do Brother when the HULKSTER RUNS WILD ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 80


Gordon: It seems Bobby Duncum is going be in some trouble tonight.


John: Hulk Hogan is all talk Bobby Duncum has beaten bigger men than Hogan and I doubt Hogan will even be a challenge for him.


Gordon: Well the Road Warriors are tear right now in the AWA. Will anyone be able to stop them?

Rating: 50




In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Fabulous Ones defeated The Hart Foundation in 9:37 when Steve Keirn defeated Jim Neidhart by pinfall after using a foreign object. Rating 32


Gordon: Well I think that was good match.


John: Yes I think it could of been better to be honest with you.


Arn Anderson has came out to podium.


Arn: Curt Henning I might be new to this company but I want shot at your T.V. title cause I think I am the better man. Rating: 40


Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express come out to the podium.


Jim Cornette: Everybody knows who I am. Big news the Midnight Express will win World tag team titles tonight. I don't like people talking about the Midnight Express and I don't like my daddy owns the company Greg Gagne and two bit loser Jumping Jim Bumbzell. Certain types of people in this world my moth mother told me not to associate with losers. An after tonight High Flyers youe going to be beltless and out on the streets. Rating 38


Gordon: Well we got the Television champion in the ring right now.


Curt Henning: Arn Anderson why don't you come out here and will show you how good I am. Just like I did to Jerry Lawler. Rating: 39




In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Curt Hennig defeated Arn Anderson in 10:06 by pinfall with a Hennig Plex. Curt Hennig makes defence number 1 of his AWA Television title. Rating: 48


Gordon: What a great match it flowed perfectly.


John: I think will be seeing this two against each other again.


Gordon: Well let's go to the back where Bobby Heenan and Nick Bockwinkel are awaiting to do a interview.


Nick Bockwinkel: So many men have tried to take this title from me. They have utterly failed. Wahoo the great war chief tonight we meet again. Here in Detroit for a battle that will be epic. Two men shall enter that ring and I shall walk out as still the World Champion. Rating: 80




In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Hulk Hogan defeated Bobby Duncum in 9:39 by pinfall with a Big Leg Drop. Rating: 59


Gordon: Hulk Hogan with another impressive win tonight.


John: Yes it was Gordon. I think Hogan is almost ready to take that title from Bockwinkel


Gordon: Next up is the AWA World Tag Team Championship match.


John: I think Jim Cornette got Bobby and Dennis ready to take the gold tonight.


Gordon: I think the High Flyers will have something to say about that.





In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Midnight Express defeated The High Flyers in 15:23 when Dennis Condrey defeated Jim Brunzell by pinfall with a Piledriver. Midnight Express win the AWA World Tag Team titles. Rating: 52


John: The boys from the darkside have claimed the belts.


Gordon: In great fashion as that.





In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Nick Bockwinkel defeated Wahoo McDaniel in 15:13 by pinfall with a Piledriver following interference from Bruiser Brody. Nick Bockwinkel makes defence number 60 of his AWA World Heavyweight title.


Gordon: Thats it from Joe Louis Arena join us next week for another great night of action.

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Sitting in the locker room holding my head in my hands. when the door opens up and walks in Wahoo.


Wahoo: I heard PWI bashing the show on the radio. They called it a decent show rating it C- overall. Not bad considering what your trying to do.


John: Yeah a kid from West Virginia in Minnesota trying to take a company national to go against man who would destroy this business.


Wahoo: I wasn't talking about that part. I was talking about bringing in a bunch young guys and pushing them to be focal points of the promotion. While pushing out a bunch of old timers like me. Thats brave kid.


Gordon: Your vision is different then what Verne's is and its going to take time for fans to back you.


I didn't even realized he was even in the room.


John: Thanks guys have a great night. I see you guys later.

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Monday Week 3


Sitting in my office holding a piece of paper in my hand from the doctors. Looking at Butch Reed and wondering how I should approach him.


John: Butch your steriod user I don't take kindly to that. This isn't the WWF it's the AWA. We frown upon that here do you understand me this last and only warning.


Butch Reed: Yes, mister Cornell I will get clean.


Well that went better than when Ken Patera was busted. That man can't stand me now.


Gabrielle walks in the door. Smiling as always.


Gabrielle: Tully Blanchard, Big John Studd, and Buzz Sawyer are ready to come to work for us.


John: Good have you heard anything from mister Toombs?


Gabrielle: Nothing yet. David and Kerry Von Erich will start work tomorrow as well sir.

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awa All- Star Wrestling Matches For Week 3 Friday


Andre The Giant Vs Masa Saito

The Midnight Express© Vs British Bulldogs

Tully Blanchard Vs Mike Rotundo

Hulk Hogan Vs Jerry Lawler

Rock'n'roll Express Vs Hart Foundation

Ted Dibiase Vs Brad Armstrong

Plus Much More Great Action From The Awa

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