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WCW 1994: Bischoff's Brain Child

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WCW Saturday Night

Salem Civic Center 5,000




Eric Bischoff: Welcome to WCW Saturday Night thankyou for joining us as we get closer to the biggest event in WCW history, Bash at the Beach 1994.


Tony Schiavone: That will be a historic night Eric, but tonight will be historic too, WCW World Champion Ric Flair faces former Four Horseman member Arn Anderson in the main event and i can't wait for this battle.


Bobby Heenan: One thing i want to know guys is what the hell happend last week with Vader jumping Sting in the back, I've heard Harley Race will be here later and i want answers!




A better than expected match from these two good performers, despite Guerrero's amazing in ring talent many expected less of the match due to him not being well known in the South East but the crowd quickly took to him and he carried and dominated most of the match. Armstrong got in some offence but spent most the time attempting to get more heat from the crowd, this match was really to show off Eddie's skills and introduce him to the WCW fans which it did well, he picked up the win with a frog splash after eleven minutes of action.


Jake Roberts is in the interview area with Gene Okerlund, the fans give him a great reaction as he comes on screen, Gene asks him what it was like to come to WCW last week and why is he back. Jake goes to reply but before he can he falls to the ground after being ht from behind, the camera doesn't show the attacker but it shows Roberts being beaten down with a barbed wire bat. At the end of the attack the camera zooms up to show Terry Funk as the attacker.




These two put on a great contest which was easily match of the night and added to the prestige off the Television title. Also rumors have been flying about that Bischoff didn't approve of Johnny B Bold's flamboyant character and felt it did not connect with crowd but this match proved him wrong and has done the world of good for Bold. Regal looks to be a big favorite of WCW management with him putting on another great display, they are really pushing his hard hitting character and it worked well in this match, Regal picked up the win with an exploder suplex after ten minutes.


Harley Race is asked backstage where Vader is and he declares Vader decided to take the night off and if anyone has a problem with that gone tell him and see what he does to them. He says Vader was embarrassed after losing to the so called face of WCW, Sting several months ago and that's why Race decided to become business partners with the man. Race says he promised to turn Vader into the biggest monster wrestling has ever seen and that started with the attack last week, the next step will be Vader destroying the franchise player Sting and it end with him becoming WCW world champion.




This tag team match was very predictable and an obvious victory for Harlem Heat, they had to face Stars and Stripes as they were the only other face tag team besides the champion, this shows the definite lack of depth in the tag team division currently. Booker T had a strong showing in this match and is apparently a favorite of Bischoff who has big plans in his future if he can live up to them. Booker T picked up the win with the Harlem Hangover.




This match was a great opportunity for two wrestlers who are stuck in the midcard of WCW to shine, the match was fairly basic but was a good showing for both who really should be higher up in the card they just need to advance in character. DDP ducked a flyin' Brian dropkick and hit him with the Diamond Cutter for the win.


Ric Flair is backstage with Mean Gene, he declares when it's all said and done and his career is over Ric Flair will be remembered as many things but the most important thing is that he is the greatest wrestler not of this generation but of all time, Wooo. He says in the next few weeks he will do two things that will add to him being the best of all time. Tonight he faces off against Arn Anderson, they used to be limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing sons of guns together in the greatest faction of all time, The Four Horseman. Arn Anderson was always considered the most underrated but in fact he just wasn't good enough to hang with Ric Flair. Flair declares that Anderson was carrying his bags in the Horseman because Flair was the man back then and still is the man now, Flair says watch me in the ring later and try and argue that.




A tough battle between two great wrestlers with a lot of history, unfortunately they work better together than when facing each other as it wasn't up to the level expected when these two are in the ring. Still despite this it was a great match to see and shown Arn Anderson in a different light as he has struggled since turning face but in this match his dominance and 'enforcer style' was used. Flair being the amazing competitor he is was able to help bring out the best from Arn using this style by playing it off very well. Various points throughout the match Arn looked like winning by landing a double A Spinebuster but Flair kept on battling. Flair looked to have the match own when he had Arn in the center of the ring in the Figure Four but Arn refused to tap out, getting the crowd behind him in the process. In the end the damage done to the legs of Anderson allowed Flair to get a quick small package victory.



Mitsunari: 5/5

#Bestintheworld: 4/5

Harmor: 4/5

Tooney: 3/5

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WCW Saturday Night Preview


. Young German star Alex Wright is back on WCW television with a match against veteran Paul Roma.


. Johnny B Bold came so close to winning the Television title last week and put on an impressive performance which led to Nick Bockwinckel granting him a second chance at the title this week.


. Jake Roberts has been medically cleared and will be at WCW Saturday night, he announced that he has some words for Funk but before that he needs to worry about facing hardcore legend and one half of the tag team champions Mick Foley.


. Steve Austin takes on Ricky Steamboat in the second match in the best of seven series.


. In the main event Hulk Hogan makes his WCW debut against tough man Meng in what promises to be a brutal brawl.



Alex Wright vs Paul Roma

Lord Steven Regal vs Johnny B Bold

Cactus Jack vs Jake Roberts

Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin

Hulk Hogan vs Meng

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Alex Wright vs Paul Roma


Lord Steven Regal vs Johnny B Bold

Same as last week, got to go with my fellow country man


Cactus Jack vs Jake Roberts

Robert to pick up the victory here before moving onto Terry Funk at the next PPV.


Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin

I was originally going to go with Steve Austin to win but I kinda like the idea of Austin coming back from 3-0 to take it to a 7th round tiebreak with some kinda stipulation involved.


Hulk Hogan vs Meng

First match in the company, should get past Meng without any problems.

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WCW Saturday Night

Brownwood Coliseum 5,000




Eric Bischoff: Welcome to WCW Saturday Night, the best entertainment on Saturday television and tonight we are all looking forward to the debut of Hulk Hogan.


Tony Schiavone: That will be a groundbreaking moment when Hogan walks through the curtain but aside from that we have a stacked card including Steamboat vs Austin round 2 out of 7.


Bobby Heenan: Everyone is talking Hogan this, Hogan that in my opinion there will be one star standing at the end of the night and that will be the baddest man in the business, Meng, you'll see.




Despite these two being good in ring workers the fact that they were both not over with the crowd tarnished this match and alot of the show, the less said about this the better, the only positive was that Alex Wright managed to pull off a victory over the veteran.




These two squared off for the second week running which may have been a reason for the less quality match but it was mostly due to the fact that the crowd were dead after sitting through the first match. These two still managed to put on a good in ring display and started to bring back the audiences attention towards the end, Regal managed to pick up a solid win with the Regal Stretch after eleven minutes.


Jake Roberts is being asked about the attack last week, he declares he doesn't know why Funk did it, but he also doesn't care as there is no turning back now, Roberts says if he wants a fight all he's gotta do i ask.




This match seemed to be the turning point in the night and the fans seemed into it, they didn't put on a spectacle in the ring by any means but they gave the fans what they wanted which was a fight. Both men left it all in the ring, Cactus gave a solid performance but it was Jake Roberts standing tall after twelve minutes after finishing it with a DDT.


Post match Roberts shakes hands with Jack and leaves the ring, Cactus watches the replay and goes around to the fans during the commercial break. After the break Cactus is back in the ring and this prompts Stevie Ray and Booker T to run down and start an attack, soon after Jack's tag team partner Kevin Sullivan hits the ring and makes the save scaring off Harlem Heat.




The second match in the best of seven series wasn't much of an improvement on the first, again both men showed great chemistry and structured the match well but there seems to be something missing when these two compete against each other. Fans thought they were going to see a repeat finish when Steamboat dodged a Stun Gun and wen for a flying cross body but this time Austin caught him mid air with a cutter for the win and to level the series one a piece.




This match was electric and made the night a success after the horrible start, one of the best matches so far under the new WCW management. Hulk started off well with a routing of moves ad his trademark poses for the crowd. During the slow parts of the match and commercials Meng took control using a brawler style to ground the Hulkster before applying power submissions. In the end Hulkamania was always going to run wild and the crowd brought him back into the match and sealed it with a big boot followed up with the leg drop.


Post match Ric Flair interrupts Hulk Hogan's celebration and makes a slow, elaborate entrance before getting into the ring. The two stare down before mouthing words to each other, this kicks starts pushing and shoving from the two which cues officials to break them up. WCW goes off the air with the two biggest icons in the industry having an intense stare-down.



Mitsunari: 4/5

#Bestintheworld: 4/5

Tooney: 2/5

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WCW Saturday Night Preview


. In the final episode of WCW Saturday night Flair and Hogan will be in action but it has yet be announced who against.


. 2 Cold Scorpio kicks off the night taking on Brian Pillman.


. Mick Foley and Booker T face off just days before the tag titles are on the line at Bash at the Beach.


. Terry Funk has promised to answer Jake Roberts on WCW Television this week and he will also take on Dustin Rhodes in a street fight.


. After Harley Race challenged him on behalf of Vader, Sting is back on WCW Saturday night to respond.



2 Cold Scorpio vs Brian Pillman

Booker T vs Cactus Jack

Dustin Rhodes vs Terry Funk

Hulk Hogan vs ???

Ric Flair vs ???

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**Just a quick thing, wondering if you are going to do an overall predictions table for a certain amount of shows?**


Yes i will be doing one for every three/four months and will do the current standings after the next write up


I have released my 1994 mod for TEW 2013 now:



Good news and out earlier than i expected, i'll give it a download asap

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2 Cold Scorpio vs Brian Pillman


Booker T vs Cactus Jack


Dustin Rhodes vs Terry Funk

Terry Funk to win


Hulk Hogan vs ???

Hogan picks up the win doesn't matter who he faces in the match


Ric Flair vs ???

Again opponent doesn't matter, Flair win to keep up the momentum going into their match

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WCW Saturday Night

Mid-South Coliseum 10,000




Eric Bischoff: The hottest show on Saturday Nights is here and thank you for tuning in, boy do we have the show for all you fans tonight.


Tony Schiavone: The two biggest stars in the history of wrestling are both in action tonight, you only get these sort of quality matches in WCW.


Bobby Heenan: But we are yet to find out who they will be facing, were hoping to have an interview with Nick Bockwinckle later and he will announce the opponents.




These two opened the show well and proved that if giving the right amount of time to build, that a cruiser weight division could be a great addition to WCW. They excited the crowd for over ten minutes before 2 Cold picked up the win with the Diss That Don't Miss.


Nick Bockwinckel is asked about the opponents for Flair and Hogan in tonight's matches and he announces that he's let them decide each others opponents and it can be anyone on the roster who is medically cleared to compete.




This match certainly helped add spice to the tag team rivalry, and the match was of a high quality showing that these two competitors are the standouts in there respective tag teams. Booker T attempted a new finisher which Bischoff called the Book End but Foley escaped and managed to hit a Double Arm DDT for the victory.


Terry Funk is asked about Jake Roberts declaring he wants to fight last week, Funk laughs and says if Roberts is really looking for a fight to go and find all the weapons he can and bring them to Bash at the Beach and face the hardcore legend, then we'll see how much Roberts likes fighting.




Dustin Rhodes so far has had a pretty easy ride in WCW only defeating old timers and quickly progressing up the card, not tonight. He faced a brutal punishment from Funk who beat him all over the arena in this street fight. Dustin inspired fans to get behind him while he was laying in the corner in a pool of blood, the comeback was short lived and Funk finished him with barbed wire bat shot to the sternum for the win.


Sting returns to WCW Saturday Night after the brutal attack two weeks ago by Vader, he says he heard Vader challenged him to a match at Bash at the Beach, and although he would love to kick Vader's ass he's going to have to wait a while to do that as he is not medically cleared to compete. However he says he will find someone to step in for him and beat Vader this Sunday!




After Hogan made hi way to the ring, Flair came out and declared he knows how to beat Hulk Hogan and he's found someone else who knows how to do that as well...Steve Austin. This match was the best of the night and proved that Austin can hang with the best in WCW despite him struggling in his current feud with Steamboat. After 12 minutes of back and forth action Austin made a big mistake missing a elbow drop from the top, Hulk began fighting back and connected with the signature Big Boot sending Austin to the outside. Austin refused to fight on and walked away being counted out and Hogan was declared the winner.


Seconds after Austin was counted out Flair jumped Hogan from behind with a steel chair and began smashing over Hulk who was helpless. Flair then grabbed brass knuckles and began punching away on Hogan's skull. Flair was restrained by medics and WCW staff but Hogan was needed to be carried out in a stretcher leaving Sunday's match in serious doubt.




Nick Bockwinckel was furious with Flair and declared that he was still going to be competing tonight and since Hogan can't pick his opponent he will, after the break Bockwinckel came out and introduced The Guardian Angel. This match was solid and predictable match, Guardian dominated the early going but the coward and cheap antics of Flair got him back into it, Flair consistently worked on the legs of Guardian and it payed off when he forced him to tap out to the Figure Four Leg-Lock after 14 minutes.



christmas_ape: 4/5

#Bestintheworld: 4/5

Mitsunari: 4/5

BHK1978: 4/5

Tooney: 3/5

EddieFnG: 3/5

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WCW Bash at the Beach Preview


2 Cold Scorpio vs Eddie Guerrero

Vader vs ???

Jake Roberts vs Terry Funk (Hardcore Last Man Standing Match)

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan vs Harlem Heat (Tag Team Titles)

Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin (3/7 match in best of seven series, United States Title)

Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair (World Heavyweight Title)


Prediction Standings After 4 shows:

#Bestintheworld: 14/18

Mitsunari: 13/15

Tooney: 12/19

BHK1987: 8/9

Harmor: 7/9

christmas_ape: 4/5

JayR666: 3/4

Sco xY2Jx: 3/4

EddieFnG: 3/5

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2 Cold Scorpio vs Eddie Guerrero

Vader vs ???

Jake Roberts vs Terry Funk (Hardcore Last Man Standing Match)

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan vs Harlem Heat (Tag Team Titles)

Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin (3/7 match in best of seven series, United States Title)

Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair (World Heavyweight Title)

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2 Cold Scorpio vs Eddie Guerrero

Vader vs ???

Jake Roberts vs Terry Funk (Hardcore Last Man Standing Match)

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan vs Harlem Heat (Tag Team Titles)

Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin (3/7 match in best of seven series, United States Title)

Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair (World Heavyweight Title)

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2 Cold Scorpio vs Eddie Guerrero

Vader vs ???

Jake Roberts vs Terry Funk (Hardcore Last Man Standing Match)

Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan vs Harlem Heat (Tag Team Titles)

Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin (3/7 match in best of seven series, United States Title)

Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair (World Heavyweight Title)

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WCW Bash at the Beach

Nashville Municipal Auditorium 15,000




Eric Bischoff: Hello everyone, welcome and thank you for joining us live on pay per view for what promises to be the biggest night in WCW history.


Tony Schiavone: I've got goosebumps just thinking about tonight Eric, it will indeed make history, it will indeed take WCW to new heights.


Bobby Heenan: A night where we have three championships on the line including the match wrestling fans have been dreaming about for years, Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair.




A good opening battle between to great cruiser weight wrestlers, these two have battled all over the world against each other and have decent chemistry in the ring. Guerrero was slow getting up and attempting the frog splash which allowed 2 Cold to move out the way and connect with Diss That Don't Miss for the win.


Sting is backstage telling Nick Bockwinckle that his partner who will fill in for him tonight is The Guardian Angel, Sting stays backstage to watch the match on the monitor.




The reveal seemed to let a few fans down, but Guardian still got a good reaction on the way out. Vader came out pumped and showed a very aggressive display from the opening bell. The match was a short as expected from two big guys but the quality was a little under what was expected, Vader picked up the win after 7 minutes.


Jake Roberts is backstage being asked about competing in the upcoming hardcore last man standing match, he says he's no hardcore legend but he is one tough s.o.b and he will not back down from any fight, especially one from a gutless punk like Terry Funk.




These two didn't live up to expectations probably due to having to cram in several spots into a 11 minute match. Jake Roberts didn't take much abuse and the match was mainly Roberts destroying Funk with bats, chairs and kindle sticks. Funk took a crazy bump at the finish of the match, where the two climbed the side of the titantron and battle thirty feet in the the air until Roberts shoved Funk off. Funk couldn't answer the ten count and Roberts was declared the winner.




At this point the show hadn't exceeded any expectations and had been average at best, this match helped turn the show around and the two teams had great chemistry fighting each other. This match looked to be only the start of this rivalry as they did a slow build throughout the match, not giving away to much but keeping the fans entertained throughout. Mick Foley got the win after Double Arm DDT on Stevie Ray.




Steve Austin was in good momentum going into this match after a great clash with Hulk Hogan on WCW Saturday Night, this was the first match of this series that these two put on a match that was up to the level the fans expected. They wrestled for near 17 minutes and went back and forth, switching gears and momentum many times, Austin escaped with the win, his title and the third match of the series when he caught Steamboat in a tight school boy pin. Best of seven series, 2-1 to Steve Austin.


Ric Flair is backstage taunting Gene Okerlund and the fans saying Hulk Hogan is not medically cleared to compete so the match is off. Flair says it doesn't matter because no matter what he was going to easily defeat Hogan, Nick Bockwinckle interrupts him with a smile on his face, he says not only is Hulk Hogan medically cleared but he is ready to destroy Flair. Bockwinckle makes the match no disqualification an states now Hogan can do whatever he wants to Flair, Bockwinckle sarcastically says good luck to Flair before telling the producers to play Flair's music.




The crowd went crazy when Hulk came out, the Hulkamaniacs nearly blew the rough off the arena. Hogan came out and instantly began dominating the under prepared Ric Flair, Hogan quickly bloodied Flair after multiple punches and an early signature big boot. Flair using the no disqualification rules to his advantage managed to get back into the match and he controlled them middle to later parts, constantly keeping Hogan grounded and even coming close to winning when he had Hogan in the Figure Four Leg Lock for nearly four minutes. Hogan 'hulked up' and began fighting back at the 18 minute mark and quickly got in control, he landed a second big boot and then connected with the trademark leg drop.... almost instantly after he was attacked from behind by three men, the announcers took a while to explain what was going on as they continued beating Hogan. They soon identified the three as "Roddy Piper from the WWF, Former WCW talent Sid Vicious and Meng". They placed Ric Flair over Hulk Hogan as the referee counted the three count.


After the match the three continue beating down Hogan as Fair slowly comes too and realizes what has happened. Flair leaves the ring celebrating as the three stand over Hogan with each others arms raised.



christmas_ape: 2/6

#Bestintheworld: 2/6

Tooney: 1/6


Prediction Standings After 5 shows:

#Bestintheworld: 16/24

Mitsunari: 13/15

Tooney: 13/25

BHK1987: 8/9

Harmor: 7/9

christmas_ape: 6/11

JayR666: 3/4

Sco xY2Jx: 3/4

EddieFnG: 3/5

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WCW Saturday Night Preview


. WCW Saturday Night returns this week with Hulk Hogan live kicking of the show, sharing his thoughts on what went down at Bash at the Beach.


. Exciting Japanese star Ultimo Dragon debuts in WCW taking on Steve Keirn.


. Sting will be at The Sun Dome center to update the fans on his return.


. Bobby Eaton faces Brian Pillman.


. After Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan defended the title at Bash at the Beach, Stevie Ray gets a one on one shot against Sullivan.


. Jim Duggan challenges Lord Steven Regal for the Television title.


. We are going to find a new #1 contender for the world title when Steve Austin, Arn Anderson and Jake Roberts face off in an triple threat match.



Steve Keirn vs Ultimo Dragon

Bobby Eaton vs Brian Pillman

Kevin Sullivan vs Stevie Ray

Lord Steven Regal vs Jim Duggan

Arn Anderson vs Jake Roberts vs Steve Austin #1 contenders match

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